r 13. TI1E MORXTXG OF.EGOXIAX, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1919. ESTABLISHED BY HENRY 1 1'ITTOITL ; at that price. FubllBhed by The Oregon Ian Publishing Co.. ; --. .ivh Ktrept PnnUnd. OrejEon. C. A. MORI) EN. E.B. PIPER. Manager. Euitor. The Oresonian is a member of the Asso rated press. The Associated Press is xcluslveiy entitled to the ufce tor publica tion of all news dispatches credited to It r not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. All sisbts of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. senate, Rome was transformed from likes to bring his native dishes with : a republic Into a monarchy. The him, though our own food resources i American people want peace, but not are much more varied than his. Our Subscription Bale Invariably In Advance. (By Mail.l Pally. Sunday Included, one year Da ily, Sunday tncl uded. six months .... tai'y. Sunday included, three months. . 2..' liHily. Sunday included, one month .... 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De troit, Mich. San Francisco representative, R. J. Bidwell, IT IS IP TO THE PRESIDENT. The American people find their Interests as a nation in danger and themselves in an unenviable position In" the eyes of the world through re fusal of the senate to ratify the Ger man treaty. The primary cause is President Wilson's refusal to com promise with those senators who were anxious to ratify, provided cer tain conditions were accepted. He is responsible for the deadlock, for he created it, and the people look to him to break it. Nor should there be any long delay in ratification, .for the condition of the world and of this country's international relations is too critical to permit it. The presi dent must bend his stubborn will and admit that some wisdom and patriotism is to be found in the ma jority of the senate as well as In him self. In view of the president's "no com promise" letter to Senator Hitchcock on the very day of the decisive votes. It is impossible for him to evade re sponsibility. If any doubt remained It would be removed by the admis sion of Senator Hitchcock that "only fifteen senators voted against ratifi cation in any form" and that "eighty senators voted for ratification in some form." He then says: In my opinion, if the president Bends tha treaty back to the senate in Decem ber, It will be possible, out of the eighty senators who voted for ratification In some form, to find sixty-four senators who will agree upon a compromise. It should have been just as pos sible on November 19 as It will be in December. Mr. Hitchcock goes on to say: It is unfortunate that In the past the eighty senators who believe in the treaty in some form have not been able to nego tiate among themselves on reservations in some form. Those two camps must now oome together and must be freed from tlie dictation and influence of senators who are opposed" -to the treaty In any form. Those senators have had entirely too much voice in formulating the reser vations. Who prevented the eighty senators who believe in the treaty in some form from negotiating among them selves? Mr. Wilson- The democrats among the eighty obeyed him like schoolboys under the compelling eye of the professor; The two camps must now be "freed from the dicta tion and influence" not only "of sena tors who are opposed to the treaty in any form" but of the president v,ho Is opposed to reservations in any form, ffot only have "those sena tors hal entirely too much voice in formulating the reservations" but the president has had entirely too much voice in rejecting any reservation. The outcome is that the United States is deprived by a political row of the undoubted benefits to be de rived from being a party to the treaty and from definite restoration of peace, and is prevented from doing its part in establishing world peace. Whatever blame may attach to the republican senators is much less in degree than that to the president in setting at naught the constitutional functions of the senate at the outset. It was almost wiped out by his re fusal to let his obedient followers fconsider any compromise until the moderate reservationists had been driven into the camp of the strict reservationists. Finding the demo crats practically united, the repub licans closed ranks, and the two par ties stood opposed to each other. though five-sixths of their members Wished to ratify the treaty. Since the president got them into this position, it devolves on him to get them out of it. The only way out Is compromise, and the concessions must come from him. It has been proved that the treaty cannot be ratified without reservations. The president and eighty senators want to ratify it. It is up to Mr. Wilson to find reservations which will enlist support of sixty-four of those eighty senators. They must be such as will satisfy fully half of the republican senators, for the president has learned that " anything which com mends itself to his judgment alone and is accepted without question by democratic senators cannot be forced on the republicans. He must be pre pared to yield far more than would have sufficed a few days ago. The moderates had offered to accept the very least which would satisfy their scruples. This having been rejected they have joined the strict reserva tionists. being determined to be fully satisfied. Some democratic senators indulge in tall talk about making the treaty the chief issue of the presidential election if it should not be ratified sooner. They would find it a poor issue to win on, for ratification can fail only through arbitrary refusal of Mr. Wilson to recognize the sen ate as the equal, co-ordinate and treaty-making power with the presi dent, as the constitution provides. He has acknowledged that he found compromise with the allies -necessary in order to reach agreement on the treaty, thus recognizing them as equals. The senate also is his equal In ratification. If the treaty shall not have been ratified when the presidential campaign opens, it will be closely connected as a political issue with that of arbitrary extension of executive power to" the point where the senate would cease to have any effective voice in treaty making. The people will then be re minded how by gradual encroach ment on the powers of the Roman ALL FOOI.S DAY. Reformers generally will unques tionably be helped by this painstakr ing compilation of the causes of the present social unrest. Sam Gompers says prohibition is doing it. A speaker at the Social Unit con ference puts the blame on loneliness. A prominent churchman declares it is church inefficiency. Numerous educators accuse the schools of failing to teach Ameri canism. The Carnegie Foundation finds one cause in the high cost of court pro ceedings. An army captain says the failure of the government to give bonuses to soldiers is cause of a lot of it. - Certain economists point to the di minishing food supply. Other economists point to the in flation of money. Still other economists say deser tion of the farms and congregation in urban communities is a primary cause. Some statesmen designate lax im migration laws and the admission of radicals and ignorant foreigners. Some individuals proclaim German propaganda to be at the bottom of it. Doubtless a few of the contributing causes have been herein overlooked. But before the list is closed let not the New York restaurant man be forgotten who says that social unrest is due to the high cost of pie pie and nothing else. The American la boring maji, says he, will do without meat sandwiches, cake, pudding, cof fee, doughnuts, cream puffs, cinna mon rolls, or eggs, but let him be deprived of his pie and he becomes a raving bolshevist. So a great many reforms must be accomplished before we can get back to a sane basis. There is even reason to fear that this is quite impossible The man who would overthrow the government for some of the griev ances enumerated is far from being stable citizen. Perhaps it would help to give him a little formal recog nition, say by making April 1 a na tional holiday. own residents abroad are likely to find a strange regimen wholly un satisfying. Whale meat will need a better pub licity man than the exceptional arc tic explorer before it attains wide use in the United States, because our food preferences have a deeper basis than mere finical taste. Undoubt edly we could subsist on it for a time, under pressure of necessity, but we would be all the readier for a beefsteak, a mutton chop or a rasher of bacon after a season of the strange meat that is neither flesh, fish nor fowl. At best, whale'would be unlikely to become more than a side dish on our national table in a good many generations. We are al ready abandoning the substitutes to which we turned during the war, though the chemists have shown us that they were theoretically as satis fying as the old dishes. To meet satisfactorily the problem of a diminishing supply of food, it will be necessary for us to produce more of the old-time staples. Neither the whale, nor the reindeer, nor the musk ox, nor any of the many queer offerings- of the explorers offer much prospect of permanent relief. As to meat, we are a beef, mutton and pork-eating people, and our farmers need have no fear that they will bo forced out of business by the com petition of strange animals from for eign lands and seas. THE DAIRY COW'S HEAVEN. The Pacific International Livestock show will no longer be looked upon as "a may can happen" yearly gath ering, but as an event fixed to occur at the corresponding time in the same spacious building every year. When one recalls the past one can now better realize the need there was for a great stock show on the Pa cific coast. And that need was ac centuated year by year. Now it has MW YORK A"D PROHIBITION. Holding a rather detached opinion of the causes which have led to the reported difficulties which New York hotelkeepers are experiencing in preserving their revenues now that they can no longer sell liquor, the rest of the country is unlikely to waste much sympathy. There long has been a somewhat widespread be lief that New York was getting more of our money than was strictly Jus tified on the basis of service ren dered. Can it be possible that the attractions of the metropolis are go ing to fail as money-getters only be cause alcohol and the night life and the other things that go with it have been made impossible? It is a humiliating confession to be called on to make. Gotham has been widely advertised as a place where could be found every appurtenance of a well-rounded, complete exist ence. If we have sometimes been a little vexed by the insular air of self- sufficiency assumed by the perma nent dwellers in Manhattan, it was because we believed deep down in our hearts that their boast of hav ing everything and needing nothing was justified by facts. Visitors to New York are seldom scientific in vestigators. Being busy sampling been established on a permanent basis with its own great pavilion built that which the city had to offer, they on modern lines. In particular it 1 have taken a great deal for granted promises to take the lead of all shows But it now appears that with the' in the land for the assembling of single item of liquor stricken from dairy stock. I the list, the city is losing its drawing A breeder of fine dairy stock who power. For example, this from the has consistently, in previous years, I statement of a former president of in depth and width of channel with out at the same time discussing in crease of shipping. The willingness of congress to vote money for rivers and harbors is measured more each year by the use of improvements al ready made, by the prospective use of proposed improvements, by the economy by such work, effected - in the past and by that to be expected the future. This will be more than ever true in these days of heavy direct taxes and a budget sys tem. Portland must have its own teamship lines, first to develop it commerce, then to earn adequate re- urn on its heavy investment in chan nel and harbor facilities and finally to secure federal aid in making these mprovements. There has been too much disposition in the past to wait until some project has been com pleted before starting lines of ships, when the right course would have been to make the most of what we had. Other ports far less favored have risen to the first rank through the enterprise of their citizens, and their example is worthy of emulation. By voting a fund of $1,000,000 for development of ocean traffic and for aid to shipping. companies, the peo ple have offered a very substantial inducement to engage in the busi ness, and the port commission has expressed its readiness to carry out the popular will. Now is the time to establish lines, w-hen the field is open, when the shipping board is about to allocate ships and is offer ing them for sale, and when ocean traffic is heavy and lucrative. De lay may permit ships to be tied to other ports, and with them the com merce which they stimulate. If we seize the present opportunity to use the good channel and docks which now exist, congress will be more will ing to help in improving the former to open the way for the greatest liners. If this opportunity should be neglected, the claims of Portland may receive scant consideration. BV-PROOrCTS OF THE TIMES Choros Girls Deviae Scaeme for Cam sulsory Savins. Considering all that has been said about the helplessness and improvi dence of chorus girls, here is a mat ter which is Illuminating-, says the Cincinnati Times-Star. Every Satur day night three chorus girls in the Ziegfeld Follies receive $140 -each. Ordinarify they get only their sal aries of $40 each, but once in every 11 weeks it Is their turn to receive an extra $100 made up by 10 other girls who pay $10 each into the fund. The chorus girls devised this arrange ment themselves as an easy and sure means of saving. Eleven, girls con stitute a "set." They agree among themselves to carry out the arrange ment, and then draw lots to decide who shall be the first beneficiary Then, on each pay night. 10 girls fork over $10 each and one girl gets the extra - hundred. This arrange ment continues untiT each girl of the 1 has received the extra hundred. Then they draw lots again and start the arrangement once more. There is a certain element of excitement in the plan, because the girl who last received the extra hundred may be the first girl to receive it after the new drawing. However, the sane and sensible principle involved is that of enforced saving. I can promise myself that I'll save 10 a week," said one of the girls. explaining the scheme, "but I know 11 never keep the promise. But if promise that I'll hand over $10 a week to someone else, it's different." Thoa Who Come and Go. After much effort, they succeeded in getting a bottle of real champagne to christen the new super-dread- naught California at her launching. Wherepon the 'California ran away. coasted for half a mile despite the brakes designed to hold her, and crashed into a pier. Oh, the curse of drink! The British government has sense of humor. On news that the United States senate had rejected the treaty, it released from war-time restrictions thirty-six quarts of spirits for every man, woman and child in the country. One hundred and fifteen million .rations of whiskey and a quantity ot "ether spirits'" have been released from war-time restrictions by Great Britain. Is this to be construed an official slap at "Pussyfoot" John son ? attended the leading livestock shows of the country and has visited those already held this fall, remarked the other day that the display" of dairy stock now on exhibition at North Portland was the best he had ever seen at any show. How does it hap pen that Oregon, with a compara tively scant population, a state still r a manner new, has attained this distinction? One must go back half a century for the answer. About fifty years ago some of the foremost citi zens began importing the best dairy stock that could be bought. At least one of these herds, that of M. S. Ladd, has been kept up and improved year by year. These breeders found that if there is sucb a place as a dairy cow's heaven it exists in Ore gon and Washington. Here the cli matic' and natural feed conditions are ideal. The original fine herds and later importations, under the favorable conditions mentioned, have developed the best dairy blood in the world. There are world champions I take stock of its attractions for vis- the New lork Hotel association: It may be only a coincidence, but never- tneless it is a fact that since October 28, when the enforcement law went Into effect, the rooming account in every first-class hotel In New York has shown a decline. It has been going down, down, down in way to cause genuine concern. Mind you, 1 don't say that prohibition has done this, but I think it is at -least a strange co incidence that the slump should hav occurred just at the moment that the city went dry. , . . It is safe to say that from 15 to 20 per cent of a New York hotel's former income came from liquor saieV The cutting off of this source of revenue was bad enough, but now comes the failing off in room patrons, transients, out-of-town visitors, and others, who never missed staying at a New York hotel from a few days to a week ry two. These people are drifting a.way. They are cutting out their little trips to New York. Some time ago it was suggested that to make prohibition effective it would be necessary to find some sub stitute for the saloon. The New York problem seems to be to find a substitute for the saloon because pro- habition is effective. Perhaps it is not unkind to suggest that Gotham At the present rate of progress in recapturing Walter Carlisle, escaped train robber who celebrated his free dom by holding up another train, i can hardly be said that he is rail roading himself back to prison. Literary genius and marital trou bles seem to go together. There is no reason for it, except that perhap the wife is inclined to do too much "worshiping" of the exalted head of the family until it falls. Renewal of the work of four-min ute men is needed to stir up patriot ism against the reds as much as, it was needed to arouse the peopl against Germany; more so, for th enemy is among us. in the leading breeds of the north west and perhaps no other section equals it In the average standing of its dairy stock. According to the 1910 census there were 20.625,432 dairy cattle in the United States. This total was -an in crease of 20.4 per cent over the pre ceding decade; but the increase east of the Mississippi was but 15 per cent, while west of that river it was 26.9 per cent. Northwest breeders estimate that the increase in this lo cality over 1910 will be shown by the 1920 census to be at least 80 per cent. It is commonly known that many of the best breeders of the east, have recently built up large herds in the northwest. Notably among them is the Carnation company with its great herd near Seattle. That herd Includes what is said to be the high est priced bull in the world. Carna tion King Sylvia. This animal was bought for 'the Carnation herd when six months old for $106,000. The present owners would not likely con sider an offer of $150,000. Yes, it appears that most of the noted breeders in the country will look in the future for their new dairy blood stock to the sales to be held annually at the Pacific Inter national exposition in Portland. ltors. Surely the barroom cannot have been the only, or even the chief, cause of its prosperity. If it has been so we can rest content. The "outside money" that kept up the camp" for New Yorkers will not be wasted if it is kept at home. By and by, when surface traffi has been regulated to a finish an the air is full of dodging planes, th aerial traffic "cop" will think his predecessor down here had a veri table snap. More Truth Than Poetry. By Jaaaea J. MoBissse- Carl D. Shoemaker, state game warden, gained ten pounds in three weeks by swearing off smoking. It's barely possible the brand of ci gars he smokes had something to do with this. In many demobilization camps in the east and south, where accurate checks have been made, the figures show that between 95 and 98 per cent of the men who were farm own ers, .who worked on farms owned by relatives, or who worked as farm hands, 'have gone back to their old occupation. Curiously enough, the camps in the heart of the farming region in the west are not sending back to the farms as high a proportion of men as those in the east. At Camp Funs- ton, Kansas, which is in the heart ot the great wheat belt of the United States, the estimates show that only about 85 per cent of the farmers who entered military service intend to take up farming as an oceupatlon again. Of the farmers who were de mobilized at Camp Dodge, Iowa, which is also in the farming region. about 90 per cent of them expect to return to the land. As a result of the wax training and experience there is one class of men who will probably add perma nent strength to the farming force of the country. This is nade up of men who became familiar with gas engines, or ran tractors or trucks in the army, and who now wish to make use of their skill and training in this line. Robert Louis Stevenson's money troubles were often the subject of his letters to his most intimate friend. In one, he writes: "You talk about lending me coin; you don't understand; this is a test; I must support myself; at what rate I still have to see. . . . This Is one of the drawbacks of being a fool; and we are a pair, real bad ones." In another letter in which he pro claims himself "sans le sou," he says: "You must remember that not only was I in very great misery and be sieged with apprehensions, but I may say I was dying of starvation. I sup pose if I ate two ounces of food l day for nearly two months it must have been the extreme outside.' It is a curious fate that these let ters now have a substantial value in themselves. A collection of 125 writ ten by Stevenson to Sir Sidney Col vin and Mrs. Sitwell mow Lady Col vin) has been purchased from an Edinburgh bookseller by an unnamed American. The price paid was around $11,000, or nearly $90 a letter. Among the natural wonders In Ore gon, not generally known, is the Mal heur cave. The country where the cave located is covered with sage brush and sand. There is a declivity and down thi one travels to get into the cave. Inside tnere is a lake about a quarter of a mile in extent on the surface of which there used to be. and may be still, a boat for explorers. The stalactites produce a wonderful effect and the cave is more attractive than some of the better known cav erns throughout the Cntted States. Duncan C. MacRae of Riverside, who is at the Imperial, has been telling about the Malheur cave, which is lo cated near Riverside. The queer thing is that most people who think they know central Oregon never heard of this cave and do not believe that it exists. "For 32 years I. B. Bowen and I were partners and in all that time we were closer than brothers and never had a quarrel, for brothers will have disputes." says George Small of Baker. "We ran a newspaper all that time and I consider our long friendship somewhat remarkable. I told I. B. that the grim reaper would be coming along soon and would take one of us he couldn't stand two like us at once and that I wanted to se!l out my end of the paper, but would not sell to anyone who was not perfectly satisfactory to I. B. That's how we came to dissolve partnership. I still retain my interest in the bank and In a few other things and have no intention of leaving Baker." "I thought there would be a fair attendance the first three days and then the crowd would dwindle away to nothing, but that isn't the case." reports L. J. Simpson at the Hotel Portland. "The attendance at the stock show is increasing every day and Friday all the reservations were sold out by 2 P. M. It is evident that there will have to be some wings added to the building for next year. When the idea of an exhibition build ing was projected no one imagined that it would ever develop into such a big affair. The Bhow is a revela tion to the people of Portland as well as to the stockmen who have come here to see the exhibit." HARD LICK. Man will soon be so secure against all forms of disease that he should soon be able to set death at defiance. A magazine. I've been Immunised against pneumo- coccus: I've been filled with bugs that bat tle with the flu; Coughs and colds no more affright me, for their microbes seldom bite me. And are harried from my system If thev do. But I dare not cross the street for fear a motor Will approach me from behind and knock me flat. So despite mv best endeavor I don't think I'll live forever. For the doctors don't inoculate for that. the evil of "Best town In Oregon." asserts E. P. Mahaffey, banker of Bend, in mod estly telling the world what a fine place the central Oregon metropolis is. "And cay." he heard someone men tion the Malheur cave, "when it comes to caves, we've got one 12 miles from Bend that beats anything , you ever saw. You get in it and walk and pretty soon you are under Lava Butte. It's some cave." But Bend s not de pending on the cave as its sole at traction. Mr. Mahaffey declares that the town is booming, prosperous and filled with people: there is a big pay roll and more energy and industry visible in Bend than rival towns can boast of. There are five or six natural wells on the ranch of Jam'es Small, in the Summer lake country. One of these is mineral and another, 20 feet away. is fresh. A third well has water that looks, tastes and smells like the water of Hot lake, in Union county. Mr. Small uses the water from these wells to flush the alkali from the soil, with the result that the soil, thus treated, becomes exceptionally pro ductive. There is an abundance of al kali in that section, for Christmas lake, about 20 miles away, is practi cally all alkali deposit- Mr. Small is at the Hotel Oregon attending the livestock show. In Other Days. Twenty-five Tran Afro. Prom The Oregonlan of Kovember 23. 1W4. There is an elaborate display at the first annual chrysanthemum show of the floral section of the state horti cultural society in the A. O. U. W. temple and large crowds attended the opening day. The Pacific Coast Young Women's Christian association will hold its convention for Oregon at Albany. starting tomorrow. Judge O. N. Denny, newly appointed receiver of the Portland savings hank. has arrived in Portland and will as sume his duties today. . A woman writes from Des Moines. la-, to ask the names of three or four of Portland's kindest and most chari table millionaires. Saying she had read that there are 100 of them here. I've been proofed against germs of typhoid, - By a shot or two of arsenate lead; Chills and fevers do not rack me, for as soon as they attack me They are met with savage drugs that kill them dead. But & railroad train may dump me in a culvert And a light, a mass of ruins on my neck ; And, when once it has descended, my existence will be ended, For the doctors have no serum for a wreck. 1 have taken all the vaccines yet in vented. I'm secured against the tetanus and. PiPP. Gout, catarrh, appendicitis, earache, ague, laryngitis. Housemaid's knee and ninety-seven forms of grip. But if I should tumble off the Wool- -' worth buildinR, It is likely I should not survive the fall. ' So in spite of my reliance on the miracles-of science I'm afraid lV.on't live always, after all! The Sole Exrrptiess. The Boston policb didn't vote for Governor Coolidge, but they seem to be the only people in Massachusetts who didn't. m m m Today Yesterdny and Forever. When Ben Franklin had to pay five cents for a porterhouse steak he went home and told his wife that at last prices had reached their peak. nnslnesl Opportunity. The country banker who builds safety deposit vaults for farmers' cows will be the successful country banker of the future. (Copyright. 1919. by The Bell Syn- cate. Inc.) Fifty Years Asm. From The Orcconian of November 22, 1S69. New York. An unprecedented gale blew a Harlem train from the track on Boston corners, but there was only one casualty. The brig Brewster is unloading iron at East Portland and will then load cargo for San Francisco. Thomas Frazer"s report on income taxes in Oregon for 1SSS shows that 25 persons paid $500 or more: 1S8 paid between $100 and $500: 289 paid be tween $50 and $100; 478 paid between $20 and $50 and 552 paid $20 or less. The secretary of the state agricul tural society has just sent 500 copies of "Statistics of Oregon" to be dis tributed through eastern state. To Those Betrothed. By Grace K. Hall. A WIDE, DEEP CHANNEL. The pledge of the Port of Port land to dredge and maintain a chan nel 35 feet deep and 500 feet wide from Portland to the mouth of the Willamette river provided the gov ernment will establish and maintain the same width and depth down the Columbia to the sea, as recom mended by Colonel Slattery, is an earnest of this port's determination to place itself on an equality with the greatest ports in the world. That pledge will go far to insure favorable recommendation to congress by the board of engineers, and - will have great weight with congress when it passes the next river and harbor bill. To an increasing degree congress is disposed to help those ports which help themselves, and its judgment of the merit of a project is much in fluenced by the readiness of a com munity to spend its own money on improvements. The proposed work would give the Columbia river channel greater depth om conservative FOOD tastes than any other river port in the Vilhjamur Stefansson, the arctic United States or Europe, greater explorer, speaking before a conven- width than any of those ports except tion of hotel men on the palatability Hamburg and Galveston and equal of whale meat, put his finger on the width with Philadelphia. It would difficulty of introducing a radically have ample width for any ship to new food into our diet when he said navigate with safety, giving a safe that "we. have certain standards of margin to come and go on. The food and we hate to go outside those channel would be both deep enough standards." The question is always and wide enough for any dread asked when whale meat is under dis- naught or for the largest liner, the cussion: "In what way does it re- Imperator. which draws 32.8 feet. semble beef, or mutton, or pork?" It is superior to the Elbe below Ham- These three are our national meat I burg or the Mississippi below New The administration newspapers now echo the cry of the one juror who denounced the eleven other ob stinate jurors. The sole achievement of the one-juror is to prevent a verdict- More than likely the- democratic national convention will be the first held. That party is the defendant next year. It will be funny to miss the usual "deplore" in each plank. A dispatch from the front says the Letts are steadily driving their enemies back and intend to continue the offensive. In other words, there is to be no Lett up in the hostilities. Government is said to have made three millions profit in railroading in September. Mere bookkeeping! Government cannot make a profit in anything not this government. It was not exactly a red letter day for the twenty-two reds who were indicted for criminal syndicalism, with the possibility of ten-year sen tences In the penitentiary. One of the absurdities of the times is the jump in prices of ammunition since the armistice was signed. The makers cannot base it on shortage and consumption. standards, except that we have similar btisis of comparison for fowls, the chicken, the turkey and the duck' serving the purpose here. Venison is compared with mutton, bear with pork and buffalo with beef. We eat game sparingly.. when we can get it, but any hunter will tell you how soon it begins to cloy when it becames a steady diet. It has taken a good many genera- Orleans in the fact, as shown by a map published with an article by W. H. Crawford in the Pacific Ma rine Review, that it already has eleven anchorage grounds more than 35 feeT deep and ranging in width from 1300 to 2650 feet nd in length from 1 Vz to- 7 miles. These wrde, deep stretches of water aggregate 40 of the 100 miles of channel be tween Portland and the sett, and they tions so to fix our conservatism as greatly diminish the risks of naviga- to food, and it is a fact that a scien- tion. tist could write volumes about how we have adapted ourselves to the process ot deriving especial nourish ment from the foods to which we have long been accustomed by ages of selection. The alimentary proc ess of the American is not that of the Chinese, nor Is that of the dweller in the temperate zone the same as that of the Eskimo. It is useless to try to construct a dietetic theory for Americans on the basis of a bill of fare on Nevertheless, It is to be desired that a minimum width of 500 feet should be gained as soon as possible. both to give leeway against acci dents, to gratify the preference of ship captains for ample water on each side of as well as beneath their ships and. to mollify their prejudice against river channels. The present depth is sufficient for any ships that are likely to come up the river in the next year or two, and both the port and the government might well Insurance figures show that thin persons live longer than fat ones. But is this really compensation enough for being thin? The difficulty about a truce be tween capital and labor is that the anti-labor in some trades controls labor and will permit no truce. A driver has his car in perfect control or he should not be driving. This applies also to woolen, who are not above petty offending. The alleged shortage In sugar can be overcome by increasing the price to the consumer. Now, isn't that strictly democratic? which Mongolians have prospered concentrate their immediate efforts for ten thousand years. The Mongo- on Increase of width lian on coming to this country gtUll It is impossible to discuss Increase A St. Louis judge declares 2.75 beer Is not intoxicating, and to a St. Louis man perhaps it is not. In Scotland undertakers' charges are so high the death list has fallen remarkably. There's no beating the Scot for thrift. This is children's day at the big show and all who can go should be taken. More filial accidents by careless drivers! The following philosophy on life without work and marriage for money is contained in a letter to the New York Evening Sun from a Jap anese, Omura Yogi It -is incorrect to desire labor of coal miner or milk gentleman, which consist of work one day and strike three weeks. Russia are correct place for people wishing good time and no work. When travel is wanted, money are not required. Bolshevik shall insert himself on train with pistol, and when fare is requested shooting is immediate. For which reason con ductor shall make report thusly: 'Re ceived one bullet in stomach. Size No. 45. Permit Hon. Bolshevik - free ride to destination. "Special car can be secmred by using gun of automatic ability. But United States require man of ambition for success by work route, and to be so feet must be removed from sticky road of laziness. "Hon. Gentleman which secure old lady wife for bank book reason are in same department as lap dog and other ornament that is secured by buying, and travel and motor ride are done under turnup nose of friends and service help. "Yogi advise that foot walk on summer evening with sweetish chick en girl are more desirable than ride on motor ship with lady of age No. 44, which has hair complexion as sisted by hon tea leaves, and re quires detachable teeth and back scratching." H. G. Moody of the Redding (Cal.) Searchlight, is cross. He has been heralded abroad as a companion won der to Bosco. who masticated ser pents in a flrcus sideshow by some irreverent and anonymous scribe in Shasta county, who is "scooping" the Searuhlight on Its own ground. These scoops are made up out of whole cloth. .he says. Latest among them is the romance of Dora McCants, which appeared in certain eastern papers under a Shasta dateline. It recited that Mrs. Mc Cants was the mother of 27 children, an eye-opener in itself. "But the most remarkable thing about Mrs. McCants," said the article, "is that she Is 72 years old and gave birth to twins September 26. Jerry McCants, her fourth husband, is 39 years old." Warning his fellow editors to be ware the mountain Ananias who sent out the McCants item. Moody ends his warning with this melancholy wail in his own behalf: "He has spun hundreds of others like it: Not long ago he 'featured' me In the Chicago Blade as a Redding newspaper man who had lived to the age of 129 by the eating of rattle snakes, despite the fact that I am a young man and have never eaten a , snake in my life." Two years after, the Indian war in eastern Oresron Will Thompson went into Ijmatilla county and began farm ing. He is said to know more about the wheat game in that section than any other grower, and as a result he gets walloped each year by the come tax. He . is known as Will Thompson, to distinguish him from Bill Thompson, the banker, who re cently left Pendleton to become vice- president of the First National. Will Thompson is at the Imperial. Will Block of Independence, who is at the Imperial, was formerly a mea salesman in Portland, but when the war came on he thought it might be a good idea to become a producer, so he began raising sheep and wheat on his farm In the Willamette valley. with such satisfactory results that he is likely to remain in the country for a long, long time. Two crops of wild hay a year is ex ceptional, but it is a common occur rence on the meadows owned by W. M. Kittridge of Summer lake, who is registered at the Hotel Oregon. Mr. Kittridge has about 4000 head of cat tle and approximately 8000 acres of meadow, so he should worry. For the past 26 years Mr. Kittridge has been living on the place. Melville, in Clatsop county, has about 80 people. It is located on the Lewis and Clark river and has as its postmaster George E. Hartlett. who is also -a cheese manufacturer when the postal business is not heavy, which it usually isn't. The postmaster is among the arrivals at the Perkins. GENERAL WOOD IS MAN tF IDEAS Writer Praises Him as Normal Ameri can. Fit for Any Office. EUGENE, Or., Nov. 21. (To 'the Editor.) The address, or interview with General Wood, as published in The Oregonian. deservesj.he attention of all Americans. Here is evidently a man of ideas, not a cold business man, or soldier, as some make him living, thinking live-blooded Ameri can, not a crank or dreamer; neither a blase materialist; a good, normal American citizen with a good educa tion and sufficient experieuce in public affairs to make him acceptable to fill any office in the gift of -the people. We could not do better under the circumstances than to make him chief of the nation. He comes of the best stock in the country the Puritan or old New England, and represents generations of Inheritance and train ing all that is best in national life. Here s to him, one and all, with tiger if necessary. A. ML WESTFALL. Take not as being lightly meant The vows you make at Hymen's altar; The world has crying need of folk Who sacredly regard their vow: With minds of serious turn and bent. Assume the pledge and do not falter. If meditation should be given. Be wise and haste to give it now. The social fabric runs to flaws Too many threads are roughly bro ken ; Too many helpless children plead For homes that nature meant should be; And those who plan should sanery pause. Review each vow before 'tis spoken: Then if too strict the bondage seems Each still may honorably be free. Oh. life is such a sirrple thing. Made up of trifles small indeed. Just here and there real victors wrest Great trophies from the tides of time: And marriage mitigates no sting. Jiife still makes known each human need ; Alas, that maid and man should dream Of changes wrought" by wedding chime! Judas Iscariot as Statue. London Telegraph. Out in the Ul-aine, where the bol sheviki seem always to be trying to commit some new act to astound the world, they have erected a statue to Judas Iscarlot in the city of Tambof. In many parts of Europe there are societies founded upon the cult of Judas, but until now none has had the temerity to erect a statue. The plea of the followers of this society is that if it had not been for Judas Christ would not have been betrayed and therefore not crucified, and if not crucified the wor(ld would not have bef-n redeemed. Abstracts of Title. BROWNSVILLE, Or., Nov. 20. (To the Editor.) Does an abstract in any manner affect the title to property T An abstract is found to be defec tive in that a certain transfer proper ly recorded on the county records, had been omitted. Can not the holder of the abstract make the necessary correction and the instrument be just as valid as though the correction had been made by an abstractor? H. C. An abstract is but a condensation of official records and Is essentially nothing more than a letter of infor mation. The title is not affected by omissions from the abstract and these omissions may be supplied from the official records by anyone. Question of Title. PORTLAND. Nov. 21. (To the Edi tor.) The sheriff of Multnomah county issued a deed to real estate over 21 years ago. There has been no protest from any one. Have had peaceable possession for 16 years. Is the title clear? A SUBSCRIBER. It may be that to acquire a readily negotiable title you would have to institute proceedings to quiet title by adverse possession. Better consult a lawyer. l Clyde McKay of Bend Is at the Hotel Portland, having been shrining for a couple of days. At home Clyde is the treasurer of Deschutes county. owns part of a newspaper, dabbles in real estate and keeps himseir gener ally occupied. Mrs. Ben Olcott was locked in her room at tne Aiuiinoinan yesteruay. Her hasband, the governor, while thinking of his adventures in being I initiated into the shrine, absent- I mindedly locked his wife in and , walked off with the key. H Jay H. Upton of Prineville, who ' has designs on a seat in the state senate in the 1921 session, is regis tered at the Hotel Portland. Years ago he was a representative xrom Multnomah, out later ne moved over to Crook county. Will Lane, whose father was a county commissioner in pioneer days. is at the Hotel Oregon from Silver Lake. He is in -the city to look at the livestock exhibit, for he ls a stockman, as was his father before him. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Warren of Astoria and Warrenton, are at the Hotel Portland. Mr. Warren 1s one of the men announced as interested in launching an independent packing plant in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Baker of Ta coma, and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Keyes of the city of destiny, are at the Benson.. Mr. Baker is a relative of J. C. Ainsworth, Portland banker. Coach Welch and Dr. Bohler brought the Washington State college football players to the Multnomah yesterday. The band is registered at the Hotel Oregon. S. Brense. from the village of "Viola, i on Clear creek, Clackamas county, is at the Perkins, taking In the stock show. Otis B. Butler. M. D., of Independ ence, is at the Multnomah, coming to Portland to attend the livestock show. E. L- Schobee of Hood River, ac companied by his wife, is at the Multnomah. He Is a dentist. Frank Gardinier, a lumberman of Baker, is registered at the Hotel Portland. Unmasking the Real Trotzky Arch Hypocrite and Sybarite What manner of man is Leon Trotzky, the Bolshevik leader of Russia? Is he humble as peasants are, dressed in rougfr garb and content with simple food and quarters? Not on your radical life, he isn't! In The Sunday Oregonian, with illustrations, is a special article written about the real Trotzky, posseur, by one who has just returned from Russia. Diamond-studded paper cutters, golden ink wells and other appurtenances of great wealth, surround this simple proletarian, whose table manners are as dainty as those of a hippo potamus. Bead this. . WHY I SOLD MY BABY There isn't a mother, a genuine, yearning soft-eyed mother, who would part with her baby for any consid eration. Arises a chorus of agreement. Yet one girl widow, facing life alone, sold her baby for $10,000. The pathetic story of this bargain, and the drama tnafc led to it, is told by Barbara Craydon, special staff writer, in the Sunday issue. Before the world condemns this pitiful little mother it ought to read her story. WHERE DID YOU THROW YOUR $20? Americans are princes of extravagance and waste, says DeWitt Harry in a feature article appearing in tomorrow's issue, with illustrations. For example, every person in Portland tosses away $20 each year. That's what the junkmen say, who reap this crop of folly and become wealthy in the harvest. The estimated annual junk crop of the city is $8,000,000 annually, Mr.- Harry discovered when he poked around the dingy salvage areas of First and Front streets. THE PRINCE OF WALES AS A LANDLORD When your favorite dramatist a score of years ago sought to depict the depth of titled usury in landlordism, the duke, the earl, and all the rest of the noble brood were invariably referred to as "grinding." Times change. They say that the Prince of Wales is the most consid erate of landlords, and that he collects rents on the basis of fair ness rather than on the extent to which the tenant can be gouged. White blackbirds are plentiful by comparison with this peculiar case. In the Sunday issue, with pictures. THE "ROCKER," NEW DANCE OF THE SEASON This latest word in waltzes, likened to a breath of fresh air after the some what hectic dances of the past few years, is described in the magazine section of the Sunday issue, with illustrations showing the steps, by Arthur Murray. The rocker waltz is a combination of pivots, twinkling steps and hesitation steps. It is some dance, cay those who have tested it, and the special story in tomorrow's paper will lend light to those who haven't. CHAMPION STOCK FROM THE BIG SHOW Space in the Sunday issue will be devoted to photographs of champion livestock, prize winners in the various classes at the Pacific International Live stock exposition, held this week. The blue ribbon animals, whose blood tells in the bank account, will all be there; as regal as royalty. WOMEN'S FEATURES, SCHOOLS, CHURCHES AND BOOKS Here is a newly assembled feature section of The Sunday Ore gonian, combining all the news of women's activities with the gossip of church and school, and with a page devoted to book reviews. Its appearance is in response to the steady growth of these departments and the section is replete with informative value. All the News of All the World THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN