Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 21, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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Colorful Costumes of March
ers Attract AH Eyes.
589 . Novices Fearsomely
Tread Sands at Al Kader.
Real Llons. Clowns,' Hottentots,
Dancing Girls, Old Stage Coaches
and Red Fezzes in Pageant.
Governor Olcott First 'to Appear.
Imperial Potentate Kendrick
Indorses Performance.
1 1
of the y
The world-renowned Ring"lins broth
ers. who started their sawdust and t
tinsel career with a bottle of home
i-en'iered anglewotm oil, never as- !
sembled a circus parade, a peerless. J
perambulating pageant, to vie with
tnat which -Al Kader temple 01 Tne
Mystic Shrine sent shimmering and
laughing through Portland's streets
yesterday afternoon, an a preliminary
to the real circus in the armory,
where divers candidates, notable and
not so notable, underwent initiation.
As a. cirrus parade it was a bur
lesque, of course, but such a bur
lesque as only the funniest sort of
real jrood fellowship is capable of
evoking from greasepaint, "' bright
silks orlintinir scimitars, and merry
mimicry. And the presence of a I
sure-er.ouarh eircus, somewhere' near I
the city, furnished the spectacle with
some very, real lions and ponies and
Al Kader patrol band led the bril- j
liant spectacle, a long line of bright I
hued array, with detachments ana
bands irom Aim nempie, hh-whi., 4
ana r-l ivani lempie, punanc, uu
with Imperial Potentate W. Freeland
Kendrick of Lulu temple. Philadel
phia, smiling his greeting to the city
which is to play host to all shrine
dom in 1920.
Portland Like Pairaat.
Portland liked it. The pageant, on
its way from the courthouse to the
armory, where stretched the justly
celebrated burning sands, brought al-
moHt as many pedestrians to the edge
of the pavement and parked fully as
many autos as would the genuine ap
pearance of the most celebrated three
ring aggregation in tbe known world.
When the parade left its starting
point the lions, ladies all. and there
fore lionesses which is a mouthful
were placidly switching their tails in
the barred seclusion of their private
apartments. Three or four daring i
Shriners occupied the neat room I
with a comfortable partition between 1
trying to look as though they en-Joyed-the
Down the I:ne of march capered a
white donkey, throwing off clowns.
He frisked past the ambling cage.
Whereupon every lioness heard the
call of the wild, and arose with alac
rity. Half crouched they pressed
their shaggy muzzles to the bars and :
with delighted amber eyes watched
that potential afternoon luncheon go
pranking by. "One fe'lt sorry for the
prisoned queens of the African
jungle. One also felt that the don
key, clownish aa his would-be riders,
was playing in great luck. But the
preponderance of reflection rested
upon the questionable stability of
those bars. 1
Perfect Ladr Smoke Cigars
The lady lions shouldn't be fea
tured to the exclusion of the rest of
the pageant, however. For there was
a perfect lady, of the Laura Jean
Libby vogue, who rode by the side
of the imperial potentate and flipped :
kisses to her admirers. She was
reminiscent, perhaps, of Al Kader's
joyous dancing girls. She seemed
more to resemble Zubelda than she
did Fatlma. But at Broadway and
Alder, this is the fact, she accepted
and kindled a very black cigar and
puffed away with every evidence of
. gratification. j
Eight Bedouin horsemen rode along,
scimitars swinging at the pommels '
. very like a page from some Saharan i
: story, where the caravan is beleag- j
urea. They looked quite amiable a
: great deal more so than did the cage
. of howling Hottentots, or whatever 1
they were, who thrust their blackened j
. faces, nose ring, ear rings- and white I
teeth, forth to the delight of all be- i
. holders. When Nemo went into slum- ;
berland he had a wicked pal, maybe '
you recall him, who was a dead
"ringer" for these "birds." His name
was Flip. And these chaps were just
as flip as he was.
The crowds roared with laug-hter
you know very well that crowds al
ways do when in a genial mood at
the two old-style gamblers, sporting
- men beyond doubt, who carried game.
cocks. Ever and anon they bet huge
wads of stage money on the scrapping
- proclivities of tne birds and cast them
'.to the street. The -birds '"hopped to
-If with great abandon, feathers fly
ing and spurs striking fiercely. But
their owners retrieved them before
bloodshed befell and passed on with
the pageant.
' Frolic Is Oriental.
A Mexican bravo, with an enormous
" papier mache gamecock, a Kentuckv
planter or a Mississippi river card
sharp, any number of new wrinkles
' in clowns, ancient two-wheel hansom
cab bearing Shine royalty, an in
imitable country pair, more question
able beauties and other sprightly folk
from funnyland. were In the line of
laughter. And back of the frolic, a
perspective of color truly oriental,
were the uniformed patrols of the
three temples and hundreds of red
ressed marchers.
Imperial Potentate Kendrick rode
in a stage coach that could tell its
own tale of holdups and wild dashes
over the pass if its creaking old
tongue could apeak and that bore
04 Its weathered sides the legend
f noted express company, which
used to trust its gold and currency
to the mercies of the road agent with
a sawed-off shotgun aa a. corrective.
Anyway, from this point or that,
it was by far the most singular,
"plura, ne plus ulster" parade that
every graced the streets of Port
land with its progress. They say
that tbe 1920 convention will dim the
luster of yesterday's frolic, as the
rising sun sends the last pale star
scampering into infinitude. By gosh,
it'll have to go some!
Potentate Visits Tacoma. . 1
TACOM A. Wash.. Nov. SO. (Special.)
W. Freeland Kendrick, imperial po
tentate of the Ancient Order Nobles of
the Mystic Shrine, with his imperial
divan, left for Portland early today
after presiding at the ceremonial ses
sion In which 372 novices were initi
ated into Afifl temple. Tacoma. With
tbe divan to Portland went Ellis
Lewis Garretson, deputy imperial po
tentate, whose borne ia In Tacoma: E.
B. King, potentate of Afifi temple and
the Tacoma Shrine patrol and band.
The novices came not only from Ta
coma, but from all over southwest
Washington and the Taklma valley.
Mr. King, In behalf of Afifl temple,
presented Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick with
a tiger-skin-rug.- Kntertainment con
sisted of trips to""4nany interesting
places and a banquet attended by 750
Shriners. Mrs. King entertained Mrs
Kendrick and other wives of the vls
; iters at her home
y&L. "v jsiri f ' j- rr ry In
Mrs. W. F. Kendrick, Wife of Im
perial Potentate, Specially Hon
ored Guest at Festivities.
Among: all the many festivities,
ceremonials and diversions planned
for the visiting1 Shriners, none were
more attractively appointed. Impres
sive or interesting than the events
arranged for the pleasure of the
charming: women of the imperial
part v.
The Multnomah hotel's artistic hol
lvhoek room wn.i t h RfTin nf a
luncheon at which Mrs. W. J. Hof- !
mann was presiding hostess at noon,
with Mrs. W. F. Kendrick, wife of the 1
imperial potentate, as the especially
honored guest. The room, which is
decorated in the various shades of
hollyhock blooms with foft grays and
just a touch of black, afforded an ideal
setting for the luncheon. The tables
were adorned 'with chrysanthemums
and autumn leaves in yellows, bronze
and brown, while at the place of each
distinguished guest was a corsage in
harmonizing tints. The hostess is the
wife of W. J. Hofmann, illustrious
potentate of Al Kader temple. The
especially honored guest. Mrs. Ken
drick. through her husband's office-
represented Lulu temple, Philadel
phia, as well as the Imperial divan.
Mrs. Hofmann in a gracious little
address welcomed the visitors cor
dially, extending to them the hospi
tality of the city and the west. She
then introduced Mrs. Kendrick,- who
replied courteously, saying she was
delighted with Oregon and the resi
dents of Portland. Arthur C. Callan
was called upon to express the wel
come of Al Kader and did so briefly
but sincerely and announced the sev
eral functions at which the women of
the party were to be entertained.
Covers were laid for about 60, in
cluding the wives of all the promi
nent officials and distinguished men
of the Shrine.
In the afternoon, after the women
had witnessed the parade in which
their husbands and friends marched
so gayly and with such dignity and
pomp, there was a reception in the
rose room of the Multnomah hotel at
which a large gathering of represen
tative women enjoyed the hospitality
of the local hostesses. An orchestra
played throughout the afternoon. Mrs.
Jx: " ckAH. 'J.- -h'y,. - ,fVr;
y-y i'i
"41 ". T
I StaKtoarb uned as equipage for
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2 . Frreland Kendrick, Imperial pat rotate. 3 "Dadily" Silver-wood, Illustrious potentate, Al Maltaika temple,
Lo VBicelen, in hannora cab. 4 Vlw iT the pa rude in process of tormina. IV Lad lea of harem. 6 One of the
many clonal who enlivened the proceaaioa. 7 The moving cage of man-eatem-'
Hofmann and her assistants had a
busy day and a happy one because All
the social affairs were voted, decided
For the evening there was a ban
quet at the Benson hotel with the
crystal dining: room as the scene of
the affair. The quests were seated at
small tables in groups of six with the
exception of the table at which the
hostess and honored guest were sta
tioned. Mrs. Kendrick sat at Mrs.
Hofmann's right. Next to her was
Mrs Ben W. Olcott, wife of the gov
ernor of Oregon; next to her, Frank
Branch Riley, who was the speaker
of the occasion and who delighted the gomery and Mrs. Evans of Phlladel-
visitors and the entire company by phia.
his address on the northwest and by ;
showing the famous views of this OiriMmas Trees In Demand,
land of scenic beauty. At Mrs. Hof- i
mann's left waa Mrs. Ellis Lewis Oar- j Strange as. It may seeVi to the kid
retson of Tacoma, wife of the deputy dies in Oregon, there are less favored
Imperial potentate, and next to her
?r'-m2 i3x
v t
. -
potentate darlntp hi stay.
was Mrs. George I Baker, wife of the
mayor of Portland, and at her left
wa Mr. Callan of Al Kader. Again
beautiful flowers artistically ar
ranged afforded an attractive deco
ration. Among those who attended the din
ner were:
Mrs- Hofmann, Mrs.'w. K. .Kendrick,
Mrs. W. S. Brown of Pittsburg Mrs.
Harry ro4flnger of Philadelphia, Mrs.'
James E.' Chandler, Kansas City; Mrs.
Ellis Lewis Garretson, Tacoma; Mra.
John .McGilvary, San. Francisco; Mrs..
C. Welsh, British Columbia; Mra
L- E. Adams. Philadelphia; Mrs. Mont
I states where the Christmas tree and
; . ft . .
' -
. , 'sW "
3 -
i -
5 1
Mayor Baker oecupylna; ' front seat.)
the holly do not flourish, to deck the
mid-winter festival. And along
about this time of year Oregon ships
away carloads of Christmas greenery
to supply the lamentable deficit else
where. The Portland Chamber of
Commerce, through . Inquiries from
distant leaders, has received num
erous requests for the addresses of
persons who wish to enter the Christ
mas tree business on a ' wholesale
basis and whack down the young firs
for thousands of firesides elsewhere.
E. N. Weinbaum of the trades depart
ment will furnish the information to
those who are interested.
Riga Open to Shipping.
LONDON". Nov. 20. Riga again
open to shipping, according to an
nouncement by the Letvian legation
. gatlon.
llB?ffl SENDS OUT S. 0. S.
Radio Reports Steamer Slowly Re
tracing Was to New York and
Partly Under Control.
NEW YORK, Nov. 20. "S O S'
calls were received here by the coast
gruard office today from the steam
ship Roman, bound from New York
for Marseilles. Her position is
about 350 miies east of Sandy Hook.
The Roman lett New York for Mar
seilles November 17 with a gen
eral cargo. She is owned by the
United States Shipping: Board, and
registers 1S7& tons.
later information received through
radio and by the naval communica
tions service was that the steering
gear of the Roman has broken down
and that the ship was being buffeted
by rough seas.
NEWPORT, R. I., Not. 20. The
radio from the. steamer Horn an to the
transport America, picked up at the
naval radio station tonight, indicated
that the Ho. an mirht be able to
reach port without assitance. The
message read
"Steamingr elowly o New York,
partly under control. Rudder head
damaged, steering with engine. If
weather fine tomorrow hope to fix
steering and to be able - proceed
Will you kindly stand by?"
California and Honolulu Take Scv
eral Cars for Christmas.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Nov. 20. (Spe
claL) W. H. Bair. a commission mer
chant of Canby. is again preparing to
ship Christmas trees for the holiday
season, and will leave today for the
south. There- -will be six carloads.
five of which will go to Ban Fran
Cisco and one to Honolulu. T. U
where there has been a large demand
for several years.
Potatoes also have commenced to
move south. A carload from Liberal
and one from Molalla already hav
been sent to San Francisco, and four
carloads are awaiting the arrival of
(Continued From First Page.
California "that they might get
glimpse of the city that proposes to
entertain the imperial council session
of 1922."
Olcott Speaks Briefly.
Speakers at the table Included
Kills Lewis GarrHson. deputy im
perial potentate; AV. S. Brown, im
perial treasurer, and Governor Olcott
spoke briefly as a representative of
he Initiates of the class. Mayor Baiter
told of his first meeting with the im
perial potentate when he visited Phil
adelphia in the interest of the cam
paign for Al Kader to secure the 1920
session, and related some intimate
ouches with the membership of Lu-
L.U temple that gave an insight into
the character and qualities of the
noble who for so long was at Us head,
and called from that duty to lead the
Shrfners of America.
Imperial Potentate Kendrick- com
plimented the Pacific coast member
ship on the splendid spirit of Ameri
canism that he found everywhere in
evidence and told, of the unity with
which the fraternal societies of Phila
delphia joined in patriotic service
during the war.. So fruitful of effi
ciency in meeting- requirements of the
government during the war did the
orsrsriiatton throve that it is contin
ued to pursue the course in peace
He heartllv commended the spirit
of co-operative effort for the general
good of the community, state ana na
tion through puch an organization,
and Relieves that great good can come
to all of the societies that participate
in such endeavor.
Staglns Highly Effective.
Rarelv have pilgrims seeking ad
mission to the oasis of the shieks of
the Arabian desert, or sought audi
ence with the potentates who rule
over manv tribes, beheld scenes of
oriental splendor so alluring as that
which greeted the novices at the put)
lie auditorium last night. The first
section of the ceremonial was put on
with artistic and mechanical effects
that made it a triumph of the stage
director's art and visiting potentates
declared it to have been one of the
finest portrayals of the part they
ever beheld.
The members of the class saw the
twinkling stars above their desert
camp fade into the softening light
of the early morning, the touch of
pink that soon gave way to brighter
hues and finally the flood of brilliant
sunshine of full day sweeping over
the plain.
In it were enacted all the scenes
of the gradual awakening of the
Bedouin band, the arousing of man
and beast to the realities of another
day. the milking of the camels and
bringing skins of water from the well.
And in the spectacle they found tne
lesson of the desert, for as 'one day
breaks 1n the soft beauty of the morn
ing, changes to the sultriness of noon-
ime and the whole earth swelters un 1
der the heat of the descending sun
that drops into cool, refreshing night.
so are all the days of time.
Beeens Degree Starts.
The conferring of the second sec
tion began at 8 P. M.. but with so
large a number to receive instruction
in the lessons of the koran, it was
after midnight before the final cur
tain fell. The attendance of nobles
of the mystic Bhrine, like the class,
was the largest in the history of Al
Kader. Tbe seating capacity or tne
main floor and first balconies was
taxed, while at all times there were
several hundred In the corridors and
Houris of the harem held the center
of the stage and Interest of the throng
n the intermissions and preceding the
ceremonies. Clever interpretations or
the oriental dances that have charmed
the occidental from the earliest times
were tripped.
Enthusiastic reception was accorded
the visiting officials of the imperial
council when they were escorted to
the stage and warmly welcomed by
Illustrious Potentate Hofmann. Im
perial Potentate Kendrick, Ellis Lewis
Garretson, deputy imperial potentate.
and Imperial Treasurer Brown, each
received & token of the esteem in
hich they are held personally and
to express the pleasure of Al Kader
to have them as guests for this cere
monial occasion.
Tokens Are Presented.
After the distinguished guests had
been received a party of Indian braves
ed by their chief marched down the
main aisle to the stage. The chief
introduced himself as the successor
to Chief Multnomah and desired to
present to "Chief" Kendrick a suit-
Mrs. Wells of Petersburg
Tells How.
Petersburg, Va. "For two years
ray daughter suffered from a weakness
ana psrni in her
right side , at times
he was so bad she
couid sot do ar.y
work- For two
years she waa at
tended by the best
physician! here, and
both agreed that
she would have to
be operated on. I
suggested Lydia E.
Pi sham's Vegeta
ble Corasound. and
at first aae refused
to take it. but finally consented. Front
the very beginning it helped her, and
sow ahe ia entirely wei'., -and telling
everybody how much good it has dona
her' Mrs. W. D. Weixs, 225 North
Adams Street, Petersburg, Va.
If every girl who suffers as Miss
Wells did. or from irregularities, painful
periods, backache, siueache, dragging
cown pains, inflammation or ulceration
would only give this famous root and
herb remedy a trial they would soon
find relief from such suffering.
For special advice women are asked to
.write the Lydia . Pinkham Medicine
Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of forty
years experience is at your service.
!y?jpl : l!
' '-v-V-. -
They all say about
the same thing:
"Wouldn't give up
mine at any price if I
couldn't get another."
J. P. Pohonaoa. 101O E. Xid "V.
Ray A. Purdy. 104 W. Buffalo
M. ;roahonR. 717 K. 37th X.
J. K. Hnffakrr, IW4 Emerson
K. i. Allen. 10-J.. K. Sth !ti.
U. J. W inker, 204 E. Gltaan -C.
Havens, J5l E. Kverett
R. Burt, 1455 Mississippi
Cb. A. Wilson, 722 Borth-
wlek street
C. A. W atson. 3KO-4 60th S. E.
J. A, Mean, 73 E. 40th
Ask for Illustrated literature
and see It demonstrated at
First and Washington streets
Portland, Oregon
able token, a beautiful bearskin rug,
and at the same time the other im
perial council officers were given In
dian blankets.
At the conclusion of the ceremonial
session refreshments were served in
the wings of the auditorium, and the
participants discovered that there was
truth in the advance announcement
of the committee on arrangements
that there would be small need for
sleeping accommodations while in
Portland for the ceremonial. .
Turkeys Sent to Alaska.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Nov. 20. Tur
keys. 15 tons of them, for Alaska's
Thanksgiving dinners, left here last
ripht on the steamer Jefferson.
Cranberries and other dinner essen
tials were in tho Jefferson's carero.
There is only one thins; to Jo that
will help you retain your youthful ap
pearance brins back the original
color and luster of every s;ray hair
Co-Lo Hair Restorer
A scientific orocess. discovered bv
Prof. John H. Austin, bacteriologist,
hair and scalp specialist of Chicago,
for developing: the natural color of the
hair In a similar manner to that of de
veloping: the photographic negative.
It is positively the only satisfactory
and lasting treatment for restoring
color to the hair in a mild, healthful
Co-Lo Hair Restorer is absolutely
harmless and will not injure either
the hair or scalp: is not a dye; con
tains no lead or sulphur; will not
wash or rub off; has no sediment, and
Is as clear as water a pleasing and
simple remedy to apply.
Co-Lo Hair Restorer comes In
For Black and All Dark Shades
Of Bronn.
A 7 Extra 8 fronts, for -let Black
Hair Only.
AH For All Medium Browi Shades.
A& For All Very Llicht Brown
Drab and Auburn Sbadea,
Co-Lo Hair Restorer on sale at all
Owl Drusr Stores. Adv.
Get Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets
That is the joyful cry of thousands
since Dr. Edwards produced Olive
Tablets, the substitute for calomel. No
griping results from these pleasant
little tablets. They cause the liver
and bowels to act normally. They
never force them to unnatural action.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a
soothing, healing, vegetable compound
mixed with olive MI.
If you have a bad taste, bad breath,
feel dull, tired, are constipated or
bilious, youH and quick and sure re
sults from Dr. Edwards' -little Olive
Tablets at bedtime. 10c and 23c a box.