Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 21, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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giWiWigj Winthrop Hammond Co. teiWij
Imttiiuinin ri'mif j
Brakes Fail to Hold Super
, Dreadnaught California.
!Tugs Endeavor to Pull Giant War
rior Back Into Stream -Mar
Island Affair la Gal.
r 1.
iini iilf"1"" .!" 1 ' 1 1
VALLEJO. Cal., Nov. 20. The su
per - dreadnaught California waa
launched from the navy's shipbuild
ing plant at Mare Island at 11:4a A.
M. today.
The brakes ripped up to stop the
California in the narrow channel
failed to hold and she crashed into
a pier of the Mare Island-Vallejo
ferry, tearing away 10 feet of the slip )
and endangering a number of spec- I
tators. She finally came to a stop j
in shallow water.
Workmen on the California, seeing :
that the brakes were not going to
hold, warned all spectators away from
the slip as the vessel was about to
crash. The California coasted for
half a mile despite the brakes. Tugs
were soon engaged In endeavoring to
pull her out into the stream.
Damage Estimate Is Small.
It was estimated that $50 would
cover the damage to the vessel.
The launching was a gala event,
with Governor and Mrs. Stephens and
thousands of spectators on and around
the gaily decorated platform. Mrs.
Bandolph T. Zane, the governor's
daughter, sponsored at the launching
of the vessel with a bottle of Cali
fornia champagne. j
Admiral Hugh Rodman, comman- '
der-in-chief of the Pacific fleet, and
most of the ranking officers of the
3 2th naval district headquarters In
San Francisco were present.
With the launching of the Califor
nia the third electrically-driven su
per-dreadnaught for the United States
navy was put in service.
In the use of electricity as a means of
propulsion, the new fighting ship
follows the example set in the build
ing of the New Mexico and Tennessee.
The California is expected to cost
more than 915,000,000 and will carry
3 2 14-inch guns. Besides being elec
trically driven, the new warship will
be electrically operated from her
guns to her potato-peeling machine.
Ultimate In Fighting Fitneva.
Designed by master minds sharp
ned by the urge of war, the Califor
nia represents the ultimate in fight
ing fitness. Bulked alongside the fret
work of the ways where she had been
pulled by tugs after the launching, the
great vessel showed herself to be the
embattled floating city that she is.
All that has been learned in the war
in regard to the fitting up of dread
noughts has been put in this latest
addition to the American navy.
The California's keel was laid Octo
ber 16. 1916, but during the war the
men who fabricated her turned their
tools to the knocking together of
other and smaller warcraft designed
to fight the submarine. For two.
years not a rivet was driven, but upon
the signing of the armistice the great
hull again swarmed, clanked and rang
with life and it was heated, beaten
and turned into the mighty craft that
was launched today.
Speed 21 Knots an Hour.
In commission, the California will
have a crew of 1022 men and 58 offi
cers, full complement. She has
length over all of 624 feet, a breadth
of 96 feet and a depth of 47.2 feet.
He-' displacement at her mean draught
of 30.5 feet would be 32,000 tons. She
has an estimated speed of 21 knots
an hour and a normal fuel capacity
of 1900 tons.
It is estimated that she is fully 30
per. cent better protected than any
other vessel in the United Staes navy.
not excluding the New Mexico.
Her great turbines of 28,000 horse
power are the principal unit of the
California's electric system. The guns
win oe rirea by electricity. Her ven
tilation, steering, supplying of power
to the drive shaft, laundering, print
ing, ice cream freezing, cake making
and dishwashing all will be electrical
ly operated. Although this has
brought her total cost to something
in excess of 5 lo, 000,000, a saving
fuel is expeced quickly to offset this
cost- Her hull alone cost 17.800,000.
Armament Ranks High.
In armament the California will
rank high. Besides her 12 14-inch
guns, she will carry four submerged
torpedo tubes. 25 two-inch rapid fire
guns, four six-pounders, two one
pounders, four three-inch anti-air
craft guns, one three-inch landing
gun and two 30-caliber machine guns
he will be a fitting example of the
"last word" in battleship designing
and fitting, and will be the first ship
of her class to be turned- out in
Pacific coast shipyard.
The award for the California was
made at the same time the Tennessee
was contracted for. The Tennessee,
built in an eastern shipyard, was to
tte a sister ship of the California, but
she was launched before many of the
improvements going into the Califor
nia were reduced to the efficiency
that they hold today.
Senator Coining Home Soon.
SALEM. Or-, Nov. 20. (Special.)
Senator McNary will leave Washing
ton for Oregon Sunday and will reach
here Wednesday night, according to
a telegram received here today by
his brother, John McNary. Senator
McNary will pass two weeks in Ore
gon before returning to the capital.
Special !
Light Weight
Wool Hose in
Only $1 a Pair
A Genuine
. vwcKwmEoy I I
' 1 '
Another Im
portation of
Borsalino Hats
From Italy
Has Just
Maybe You Have Heard
the story about Abe Lincoln's list of assets: "2 chairs, a $3 table and a rat
hole in the corner of the office that will bear looking into."
And we suggest that the superior quality of our clothing, together with
the marked saving from the made-to-measure charges are well worth
"looking into."
While it is true that we sell the highest class of ready-for-service cloth
ing made in America the Hirsh, Wickwire productions you will find
the prices very reasonable for dependable, shape-retaining garments.
It will be a pleasure to show you whether or not you are ready to buy.
New Winter Suits and Overcoats
$40 to $125
Winthrop Hammond Co.
Buffum & Pendleton
Established 1884
Correct Apparel for Men 127 sixth st
Between Washington and Alder Streets
tw. v
Don t suffer! Instant relief
follows a rubbing with old
"St. Jacobs Liniment"
Resolutions Also Advocate Prefer
ence for Americans in En
Easing Workmen.
In strongly reaffirming its original
position that aliens who evaded serv
ice during the war on account of na
tionality should not be members of
the organization, the board of direc
tors of the Loyal Legion of Loggers
and Lumbermen also adopted a reso
lution yesterday favoring drastic leg
islation for the deportation of such
aliens. It was also voted that Amer
icans receive preference in employ
ment. Chief among Items of importance at
yesterday's session was the action or
dering immediate incorporation of the
association. Articles under the laws
of Oregon will be filed at once.
Closer cohesion in the organization
was the object of a resolution to pro
vide each local with a formal char
ter. The day's deliberations were fur
ther taken up with matters of ap
peal from the district conventions
and from the various district boards.
The entire matter of the wage sched
ule was laid over until today, there
being a score or more of recommenda
tions on this subject.
It is expected that Chairman A. C.
Dixon of the committee on the nomi
nation of a president for the organi
zation will report some time today.
If possible the sessions will be
broueht to a close tonight. The mem
bers will be the guests of A. s- lierry
at lunch today at the Portland.
Those present at yesterdays ses
sions were: R. H. Burnside. C. T.
Earlv. A. C TMxon, E. S. Grammer. J.
P. McGoldrick, A. S. Kerry, J. P. Hen
nessy. Huntington Taylor. J. C. Buch
anan. A. V. Callow and George Ger-
linger, representing the employers
and W. H. Harrison, C. R. Gregory,
C. A. Hughes, W. H. Ferguson. A. A.
Brown. C. A. Thomas. W. A. Pratt, w,
P. Doyle. A. D. Chieholm. W. D. Smith,
W. A. Ryan and J. D. Cessnun. repre
senting the employes.
Conquers -pain never fails.
Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Ja
cob's Liniment" right on the ache or
pain and out comes the neuralgia
Here a a joyful experiment! Try it!
Get a small iriai not tie from your
druggist; pour a little in your hand
and rub it gently on the sore, aching
nerves, and before you realize it in
Just a moment all pain and neural
gia disappear. It's almost magical
but the joy is that the misery doesn't
come back. No! The nerves are
eoothed and congestion is relieved and
your neuralgia is overcome.
Mop suriering: it s. needless neu
ralgia and pain of all kinds, either in
the face, head, limbs or any part of
the body, is instantly banished. "St.
Jacob's Liniment" is perfectly harm
less and doesn't burn or discolor the
skin. In use for half a century. -Adv.
(Continued From Firrt Pw.)
happened. She could not recall tell
ing the deputy county attorney at
the police station that she tntended
to shoot between Mr. Beauregard and
some furniture. She said she did not
know the gun was loaded.
This afternoon Lee McCurdy. for
mer chief of police, was the first
witness called.
Mr. Crass attempted to get an al
leged death statement of Mr. Beaure
gard admitted as evidence, but Mr.
Tates opposed it very strongly. The
statement was made in conversation
between Mr. McCurdy and Mr. Beau
regard when they were in the surgery
at St- Joseph's hospital. Present at
the tints were Sheriff Johnson. Sr.
Ralph Lieser, W. L. Vest and E. H.
Wright, deputy sheriff.
Mr. McCurdy said: "As I entered
the surgery I addressed Mr. Beaure
gard as. "Hello, Bo!" and he answered,
Hello, Mack.'
"I asked him to make a statement
and he said' "Let her go, Mack.
"I said: Tell us, if you can, about
Wife Objects to Trip.
"He said: 1 was going on a hunt
ing trip tomorrow and she objected
and she grabbed the gun and shot
me. Can't think she meant to shoot
me; just done it to scarce me. Gun
jumped from her hand when she shot.'
"I asked if they were having trouble
and he said: 'She was Jangling at
me about the trip.'
1 asked where was the gun lying
and he said: 'It was lying on the
desk. I asked: "Was the gun loaded
before she took it." He said: 'Yes;
it was loaded: had been for a long
time; always loaded. Don't do any
thing with her, Mack: let her go.
Mack.' Two or three times he men
tioned that he was going to die.
After Mr. McCurdy had testmea tne
d-'ense called to the witness stand
Mrs. Ethel Conner. Mrs. Beauregard's
daughter; her husband. Mr. Conner;
Dr. Ross or Washougai. a orotner;
Mrs. Powell, a sister: Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Avann. next-door neighbors,
and H. J. Erdman, a neighbor, as to
Mrs. Beauregard's good character.
There, was practically no cross-ex
amination and attorneys for the de
fense announced that their evidence
was all in.
Judge Chapman read his instruc
tions to the Jury. and summed up the
evidence of the case. Argument of
the case will begin at 9 o'clock to
The case probably v.-ill go to the
Jury some tine tomorrow afternoon.
When Mrs. Beauregard was on the
stand, she was very calm, and her
face looked somewhat wan. She did
not show emotion, though a few times
she seemed to have a little difficulty
in speaking momentarily. Her story
does not correspond at vital points
with what has been testified to by
W. L. Vest, the only eye-witness, and
several others who were permitted to
enter the store toon after the shoot
A large number of witnesses have
been subpenaed bythe defense and as
the defense aide of the case is just
beginning, it cannot be told how long
It wlH last, but if it progresses as
well as it haa since the taking of evi
dence began, it will probably go to
the jury by the end of the week.
The courtroom was filled with
women mostly, many of them brought
thetr crocheting or knitting and their
lurches and camped in their seats
when court was at recess during the
noon hour. All seats were taken be
fore court began, and late comers had
to stand around the walls and in the
lobby looking into the room.
One-Time Austrian Army Officer
Acts on Ad-vice of Mayor After
Protest Is Made.
LOUISVILLE, Ky, Nov. 20. Fritz
Kreisler. violinist and one-time Aus
trian army officer, officially advised
of widespread hostility to his pro
posed appearance here tonight in re
cital, canceled his' engagement on
advice of "Mayor G. W. Smith, and left
for Lawrence, Mass., his next sched
uled stop.
The attitude - of Louisville citizens,
as indicated in resolutions of criti
cism passed by several organizations,
was communicated to C. J. Foley,
Kr'eisler's manager, by the mayor, who
followed it with a written communi
cation requesting Foley to indefinite
ly postpone the concert.
The mayor s letter said he had con-
Klamath Teachers Get Rise.
(Special. ) A salary increase of 15
month was- granted by the board of
school directors at its last meeting to
teachers of this city. The majority o
directors were of the opinion that the
increase should have been greater.
but lack of funda prevented a larger
rue at present.
Constipation, Headache,
Colds, Biliousness, Sur
!. render to "Cascarets"
sldered the "unusual circumstances'
and had concluded that a postpone
ment would be "the part of wisdom,"
although admitting Kreisler's right to
give a performance.
After a brief interval Foley wrote
a reply acceding to the mayor
wishes. Kreisler himself did not put
In an appearance.
The firat move against Kreisler'i
appearance was made several days
ago. when Jefferson post, American
Legion, adopted resolutions condemn
ing it-
' V II -
KViib Warmth
at an 8-rib Price
"TOTJ may have to hunt for Mayo Underwear there la only so mm' ft
of it knit and not every dealer can get it- .
But it'i worth htmting for it's worth finding. For Mayo Underwear
la the only, medium priced underwear knit with 10 ribs to the inch
instead of 8. x
People change, they pro grew not all underwear has kept pace with
Today is the day of reckoning people are changing their buying
habits. The dollar baa shrunk to a fifty-cent size. Underwear is very
high priced. Enlightened folks are looking around for new and better
things that will cost less.
At the progressive dealer's store, Mayo Underwear for Men and
Boys will be found. It is the only Medium-Priced underwear knit in
the high priced way.
10 ribs to the inch instead of 8 means 2 extra ribs in each 'inch of
the garment. It makes the soft fleecy Mayo Underwear wonderfully
warm a regular Palm Beach glow in the midst of winter weather.
Along with the added warmth there comes added comfort in 10-rib
Mayo Underwear. 2 extra ribs per inch give Mayo greater elasticity
and consequently greater freedom of movement to the wearer.
You buy Mayo because you get high-priced warmth and comfort
at medium-priced cost; and then, on top of all, you get more wear. It's
the 2 extra ribs per inch that give you extra wear for your money.
The mercury is preparing to flirt with low temperatures. So we
advise that you look up the Mayo dealer. See him today if possible
and make sure of getting your Mayo.
Mac& Axtm Afgyo Yarn J
Union. Suits
Oil Company Bays Land.
ASTORIA, Nov. 20. (Special.)
The Union Oil company today closed
the deal for the purchase of the first
piece of property in the tract which
it is seeking to acquire on the water
front between Second and Third
streets, where the company plans to
erect a large distributing plant.
At Fulton,. Mo., Mrs. Blankenship
put a ben and her brood of chicks in
the kitchen to keep warm. In the
night there was a terrific squawking. feet across the back. Between the!
tips or the huge tins tne turtle meas-
The kitchen was on fire and without
the squawking the bouse would have
burned down.
Giant Turtle Sells for $50.
PORTLAND, Me. A "sea turtle of
the loggerhead species, said to be the
largest brought to this port In SO
years, was landed from the fishing
schooner Fannie Belle. The turtle
weighed more than 1600 pounds, meas
ured nearly seven feet in length and
had an ""extreme beam" of about four
Bring back peace! Enjoy life! Tour
system is filled with liver and bowel
poison which keeps your skin sallow,
your stomach upset, your head dull
and aching. Tour meals are turning
into poison, gases and acids. Tou can
not feel right. Don't stay bilious or
constipated. Feel splendid always by
taking Cascarets occasionally. They
act without griping or inconvenience.
They never sicken you like Calomel,
Salts, Oil or nasty, harsh Pills. They
cost so little too Cascarets work
while you sleep. Adv.
Doctors Recommend
Bon-Cpto tor the Eyes
Fhjsiciaos and eye specialists pre-
rmha Ron-Orjto aa a sale Dome remeay
hi the treatment of eye trouble and to
strengthen eyesight. SoW ondermoney
refund graaranJbyjadruggiata.
ri cr in
Vf'noIesome-aeansig -Refreshing
Vita Your Eyes Ksed Cart
How Am I To Know?
The experience of
the other woman
b the cheapest
you get
Office of M. J. CDotmeB
Coa tractor tt Bwileer
Hmrm'm m tmttmrm
titcere tribnto.
It tm onfy mnm mf
Charter Oak Steve k Range Co..
t. Leula. lie.
It vaa bought by
" Kira?-T aa Bslnff
Oak Cook Stove, manufactured
In 18S2.
rather la
66 Years Service.
UALITY Survives,
im thm vmr
mf Ckartar Oa 3ro, Ha
and haa been la
eonatant use ever einea. It
Is In perfeet condition, hav
ing the aaae top. baok and
doors; all are good. The top
le ae level aa any new stove
aver made, me la the lining In
the back, and not even cracked.
Kespeetf ully .
Vra. U. J. O'Donnall.
Avon. Ills.. Bex 233.
For Coal, Wood or Gas
Or Combination of AIL
3,500 Dealers in United Statea
135 Dealer in St. Louis
Sell Them-
ured 12 feet. It was sold to a whole
sale fish riftiVr for $50.
Billy Webb's
Dance Orchestra
Dodo Jones,
Southland Tenor
of Reopening
'Ye Oregon Grill
Broadway at Stark
Portland's Favorite
Dining Place."
Come and enjoy the pre
Thanksgiving j ollity and
good cheer.
Table d'Hote Dinner
Served 5:30 to 9
Service a la Carte
11 A. M. to 1 A. INI.
Portland's Finest Noon
Served 11 to 2; 50c
Dancing Until Midnight
If your dealer tries o talk yom Into trayinf another kind, write to aa.
We Al MmMm Wmwrn-Air F
I HEXTER & CO., Portland, Sales Agent I
Among the Latest Arrivals
Two very large ship
ments of Umbrellas and
La Tousca Perles. Look
then items over now
while the assortments.
are complete- and don
. 1. 1 . 4. Al A-
l : i i. u j; 1 t -
U1U11U 4VVV.
Let us show you these
desirable Christmas
A. J 1
it Vvi
STAPLES The Jeweler-Optician
266 MORRISON STREET, Between Third and Fourth