TIIE 3IOKNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, XOVE3IBER 20, 1919. WELCOME, EXPOSITION VISITORS LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING 7q O TH& QUALITY" STO OF- PORTLAND r if tK -SixxHt "Morrisoiy ALdcr 313. -A Merry Skirt Dance Is Scheduled for Today MERCHANDISING MASTERY BRINGS THEM AT LESS. THAN PRESENT COST Everv Skirt in Our Stock Is Price-Lowered MM n SALE A V J w Lf A j o 1 I No exceptions of any kind have been made all the newest, all the distinguished dress models, all the sports styles, all skirts for "strictly business" are included. Chiffon velvet and velveteen skirts. Handsome tricolette and satin skirts in individual models. Fine tricotine and serge skirts. Plaid skirts, plain, pleated, pocketed, in black and wnite or smart golf colors. $ 7.50 Skirts Now $ 5.65 $10.00 Skirts Now $ 7.50 $12.50 Skirts Now $ 9.35 $15.00 Skirts Now $11.25 Taffeta, crepe de chine and silk-mixed poplin skirts which can be completed with tunic blouses into charming costui.ies. Sport skirts of tweed and wool jersey. Long-wearing skirts of panama. The variety is of the broadest. $17.50 Skirts Now $13.15 $19.50 Skirts Now $14.65 $25.00 Skirts Now $18.75 $35.00 Skirts Now $26.25 Hundreds from which to choose. All regular sizes for misses and women also extra sizes from 31 to 40 inch waist measure. i There are many women who would like to have a skirt for Christmas, too. Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) 8 LACES for Holiday Fancy Work 25c 1 to 12-inch laces out of which to make or trim camisoles, bras sieres, night gown tops, lingerie pillows. Among them are edges and bands of Plat Valenciennes, Filet, Venise and Cluny all washable. Laces 49 to 98? 4 to 18-inch net top and shadow laces, Filet and Venise edges and bands. White and ecru. Laces suitable for collars, petticoats and negligees. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Dresden and Plaid Ribbons 59c Lovely all silk taffeta ribbons including beautiful Dresden ef fects, plaids and satin striped moire ribbons. Splendidly adaptable for the making of Christmas novelties bags, camisoles, caps, coat-hangers, etc. Hundreds of patterns to select from. Widths up to 6 inches. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Curtsying Come the New Dresses for Little Girls which fond aunts and cousins will give this Christmas, it is such a relief for mother to open packages of READY-TO-WEAR DRESSES. The children love them, too, be cause the dresses can be tried on that very day which doubles the delight of the present. Hundreds of pretty frocks for 1 to 6-year girls are here at any price one cares to pay. Featured Thursday are models at $2.95 to $12. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Continuing Sales- and other news of especial interest to people shopping for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Christmas Sale of Silk Hose enters on its second day today. A large assortment of finest quality silk hose is offered at very special "2 pair prices" there are also three unusual single pair specials. Buy for self and gifts. Main Floor. Box Sale of Handkerchiefs for men, women and children offers almost unlimited selec tion in new, desirable, up-to-standard handkerchiefs at sav ings of the most substantial kind. Some prices are LESS THAN PRESENT WHOLESALE Main Floor. Thanksgiving Dinnerware Sale in which we offer five of our most popular "open stock", patterns in semi-porcelain ware continues today Amer ican, English and Japanese dinnerware at substantial reductions. Basement. , Furniture, Silverware, Linens for Thanksgiving selection ready in great variety some "specials" of great interest. The furniture is on the Eighth Floor. The silverware is on the Main. Floor.. The linens, are on the Second Floor. New Columbia . Records for December go on sale tomor row. The list is of broad ap peal. Some of the new numbers: Al Jolson sings "I've Got My Captain Working for Me Now" and on the same record Billy Murray "Wait Till You Get Them Up in the Air, Boys" 10-inch, 85c. "Broken Blossoms,'' sung by Charles Harrison, and "while Others Are Building Castles in the Air I'll Build a Cottage for Two," sung by Campbell and Burr 10-inch. Soc New dance records include "The First Rose of Summer." medley fox trot, and "Somebody's Heart." fox trot 10-inch. 85a "And He'd Say Oo-La La! Wee-Wee.-" one step, and "A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody," fox trot 12 - inch. $1.25. Meier & Frank. Sixth Floor. IMail Orders Filled.) A Sale of Gift Neckfixings 65c Pretty white and cream colored collars and fichus culled from our overflow ing stocks each one was higher priced. Net fichus with lace, Swiss and organdie collars, Georgette crepe collars with Valenciennes and imitation filet roll collars of Georgette embroidered or with Venise or filet lace. There are also collar lengths of organdie, net, pleated Georgette crepes at this same special price. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) If ties could speak these would tell you that they have been, humiliated beyond measure at the prices put upon them. We admit it is a big come-down. For silk ties of this sort belong in a much more aristo cratic price-class. But merchandising mastery is a great leveller. It works only for our pati'ons. And so we offer these ties of high lineage at the price of the most plebeian kinds. 65c 6 FOR $3.75 1 FOR $3.50 95c jf..'i:: I? ,45 3 FOR $1,00 We've had many sales of neckwear, some of them acclaimed far and wide as marvelous. This sale, everything considered, is fit to rank with the best we've ever held. The Merchandise Is Super-Standard The ties are all new this season, many have been admitted to our stocks within the past few weeks! They are from makers we know can-be trusted to put the right silks in their products and to make them the right way (of course they've slip-easy bands). What Gifts They'll Make! F or the rest the assortment of weaves and patterns is too big for us to tackle in print. Just think of all the different varieties of ties you've seen and then come and pick out their counterpart in new ties. And pick out as many as you please, for the whole sale buyer has no advantage over you today. l USA" -J N - - Qfl, 's t rOa? f, , -7 V- st "i ' Meier & Frank's: The Store for Men. M.iin l'l"nr. 'Mail Orders Killed.-) m TP rwf,'r: ' 1 MVwd Grocery Supplement jllg?4 4 i This Is a Reproduction of the Front Cover of Our New Catalog Just Off the Press SEND US YOUR NAME FOR FREE COPY TODAY PORTLAND, OREGON !