THE MORNING OEEG ONI AN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1910. 21 APPLES ARE STEADY III EASTERN MARKET Sales of Oregon Fruit at Latest Auctions. SHIPMENTS ARE LIBERAL Cood Demand in Local Trade for Moderate-Priced Stock,' but Best Grades Are Slow. There was a good demand for ordinary grade apples on the local market, but tew sales of extra fancy or 'ancy fruit were reported. Supplies were liberal, recent ar rivals Including two cars of Oregon and six cars of Washington apples. Prices had a wide range of from 91.25 for cook ins stock up to 33.50 1 for extra fancy of the better varie'ties. Shipments of Oregon apples in the first days of the week totaled 102 cars. Re sults at eastern auctions were telegraphed as follows: At New York, Oregon Spitsenbergs. some full ripe, extra fancy, all sizes, best, $2.75 (S3.25, few higher; poorer, 2.503; fancy best. J2.75fr3.00; poorer, 2.402.60; 750 boxes Spitzeubergs, extra fancy, $2.85 8.10; average, J2.93. At New Orleans. Oregon Delicious, ex tra fancy, 4 50; fancy. $4.25; choice. $3.75; Bananas, extra fancy, $4.50; fancy, $4.25; "vV'inesaps, extra fancy. $4.50; fancy, $4.25; Jonathans, extra fancy. $3.50; fancy, $3.23. Market conditions at shipping points were wired as follows: Spokane, Wash. Very few sales, prac tically all sales reported are on rollers. Carloads f. o. b., usual terms. Other districts Homes, extra fancy, $2.25: fancy, $2, medium t'j large siie. Rochester. N. T. Light wire inquiry, de mand and movement light, practically no haullngs account car shortage. Too few sales to establish market, account acuta car shortage. MORE POTATOES ARE ON MARKET Receipts 'Are Larger, Bat Price Are Firm on All Grades. Potatoes were firm in the local mar ket with supplies liberal, receipts Includ ing three cars each of Oregons and W'ash ingtons. There was no change In prices. Digging was light on account of wet ground. At shipping points, market conditions were wirod as follows: Idaho Falls. Ida. Haaling moderate. CJais insufficient to handle today's offer ings. Demand good, movement moderate. Market firm, little change in prices. .All stock quoted Is U. 8., No. 1 grade. Wagonloads cash to growers. Rurals, I2.40-2.45; Hussets. S2.80-S2.63. Car loads, f. o. h. cash tiack, very few sales, Russets, $2.7D. Takima, Wash. Demand active, move ment slow on account of car shortage; wide range In quality and condition. No V. 8. No. 1 stock. Wagonloads, cash to growers. Netted Gems, best mostly $2.35 $2.70, few $2."0-$2.80; poorly graded low as $2 25. Greeley, Colo. Hauling very light on account of condition of roads. Moderate wire Inquiry. Demand moderate, move ment slow on account of some growers holding for higher prices. Market steady, little chanje In prices. Wagonloads cash to growers at country loading points. Ku ril) and Pearls. U. S. No. 1, $2.50-$2.0S, mostly $2. 50-2.U. - MINNEAPOLIS. Light wire Inquiry. Demand moderate, movement limited. Market steady, little change In prices. Carloads f.- o. b. usual terms. White varieties, partly graded, $2.70-$2.80, most ly $2.76; Klliga. $2.70-275; Red River valley, Moorhead rate, field run. Red River Ohios, mostly $2.80. OOS LOWER IN LOCAL MARKET With Consumption Reduced Prices Decline Two Cent. The demand for eggs has fallen oft and local buying and selling prices have been teduced. Dealers yesterday quoted 70 72c cash to shippers and generally low ered their Jobbing quotations 2 cents, with 81 cents the extreme price on selects. There was a good movement in Oregon storage eggs at 130 cents. Cube butter was firm for the best grades, with sellers asking 61 and 61 Is cents foi extras, but ordinary quality was weak and. hard to sell at any price. There were fair receipts of poultry which moved at unchanged prices. Dressed tur keys were quoted at 46 cents. Farm dressed. meats sold at the previous day's quotations. MILLRl'N IS IN STRONG DEMAND Coarse Grains Steady at Merchants' Ex change Session. Tnere 5s a strong demand for mill feed and the mills could easily sell more mill run than they are making. Coarse grains were generally steady at the Exchange. New corn bids were slight ly lower and eastern barley a quarter higher. Other offers were unchanged. The Idaho state crop report says: US90 aires .of corn were cut for silos this year. Corn for grain averaged 35 bushels per acre, which is well above the United States average, but lower by five bushels . than the state -yield of last year; 89 per cent of the crop matured without fi-ost damage and the quality is placed at 00 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 19. Barley ex ports in October were 163,229 centals, flour exports, 45.752 barrels. Terminal receipts. In cars, were reported . Vy the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Bar. Fir. Oats. Hay. Fcrtlann, Wed 27 S 1 B Year ago . ... 18 IT 84 6 -27 Season to date... 4578 115 188s S10 7 Your ago .... 0I1 471) 776 5u8 lol! Tacoma, Tuesdny 21 31 Yenr ago ... . 12 6 Svpron to date.. 3113 55 107 464 ea- ago . ... 3UO0 19 .... 108 678 Seattle, Tuesday. . 41 .... 6 1 : Year aso 40 17 18 13 Season to date.. 2729 120 337 332 645 leer iigo . . 3165 43 601 380 13S1 More Tonnage for Argentine Grain. Sabllng on the Argentine grain situation, Brcomhall says: "Unaetfled weather, which has ' been prevailing. Is hindering cutting operations. The weaher has now turned clear,, but field wo.-k continues to be retarded by alternating 'periods of rainy and fine wtatter. The market ts very erratic. Ex porters continue to quietly absorb fair quantities'. There appears to be relief to the tonnage scarcity. Steamers Buenos Ayres to New York. December-January shipment, are now at $30 per ton. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday, were as follows: Clearings. Balances. ronitfiu ....tu.oiu,dF $1.4M5,lul Seattle f 7. "43.0 16 1,244,864 Tacoma . . ....... 64.823 2.269.830 814.804 bpokane Coffee Futures Irregular. rrew YORK. Nov. 19. Coffee futures opened unchanged to 5 points higher and sold about 10 points above last night's closing figures during the morning. There was scattered covering after yesterday's break and a little buying on the an nouncement that there would be no gen eral freipht embargo for the present. Sen timent was nervous over the uncertain ties of the peace treaty and money situa tion and prices eased off. following re ports of a decline In futures at Santos. After selling at 15.fOc. March closed at 15.81c, with the general list closing net points lower to 9 points higher. Decem ber. 15.4Sc; January. 15..v.c; March;" 15. Sic; May, 15.83c; July, 15.85c; September, 15.66c. Spot coffee quiet; Rio 7s, 16Uc; Santos 4s, 26iic. PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session: Bid Oats Nov. Dec, Jan. No. 3 white feed ....$54.50 $55.00 $55.50 Barley Standard feed flfl.SO 07.00 67.00 No. 3 blue 66.60 67.00 67.00 Corn No. 3 yellow 63.00 59.00 68.00 Eastern oats and corn, bulk: Oats 3-lb. clipped 52.25 52.75 53.00 38-lb. clipped 53.75 54.00 54.50 Corn No. 3 yellow ..: 60.50 58.25 66.00 Barley No. 2 65.25 65.50 65.50 WHEAT Government basis. $2.30 per bushel. FLOUR Patents. $11.75; bakers' hard wheat. $11.75012.35; whole wheat, $10.73; graham. $10.45; straights. -$1070. , MILLFEED Mill run, f. o. b. mill, car lots, ton lots or mixed cars. $31; ton rolled barley, $70; rolled oats. $60; ground barley, $70; scratch feed, $80. CORN Whole, $72; cracked, $74. HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa, $28; cheat. $18: clover. $22: oats and vetch. $23; valley Umothy, $26028. . Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extra. 6161Hc pound; prime firsts, 6060tc; prints, parchment wrappers, box lots, 66c; cartons, 67c: jalf boxes, more; less than half boxes, lc more; butterfat. No. 1. 6o&67c per pound. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook: Triplets, 32c; Young Americas, 33c; long horns, 33c; Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtl Point: Triplet. 31c; Young Americas. 32iic. EtiGS Oregon ranch candled. 80c; selects. 81c; storage. No. 1, 60c; east ern. 65 rttic. POULTRY Hens. 2330c; broilers, 22 80c: ducks, 3U4i.3Sc; geese, 25c; turkeys, live. 35c; dressed, 45c. If'EAL Fancy, 21c per pound. . FOR iv Fancy. 22 c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges, $5.757.25; lemons, $8t8.75 box: grapefruit, $747. 50 box; bananas, lucllc per pound; apples, $1.25 i4 per box; grapes, $2.50 4p2.75 per box, 10yl5c per pound; casabas, 4c per pound; pears. $2.503.25 per box; cranberries. $4.75(3.75 per box: $13.5u&15 per barrel; huckleberries. ISfc. 20c per pound VEGETABLES Cabbage. 242ic per pound; lettuce, $4.25 per crate; beets, $2.25 per sack; cucumbers, $2.5o per-dos.; tomatoes, $2.50&2.75 per box; eggplant, 18p20c per pound; carrots, $1.50 per sack; squash,- 2c per pound; pumpkins, 2o per pound: celery, $L1501.25 per dozen; peppers, 16200 per pound; borseradlsli. 15c per pound: garlic, 40c per pound; cauli flower. $3.253.50 per dozen; turnips, $2.506 3 per sack. POTATOES Oregon. $2.75 3.25 per sack: sweet, 5tt6c per pound ONIONS Oregon, 4 Vic per pound. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SUUAR Sack basis: Fruit ' oi berry. $9.77; beet. $9.95; golden C. $9.27; pow dered. in barrels, $10.37; cubs. In .barrels, $10.62. NUTS Walnuts, 284fc; Brazil nuts, 30c; filberts, 33c; almonds, 37fii.38c; pea nuts. 15r16c; chestnuts, 25c ' SALT Half ground, loos, $17 per ton; 30s, $18.70 per ton; dairy, .$26.50128 pel ton. ' I RICE Blue Rose, 14 Vic per pound. BEANS White. 9"4c;,pink. 8e: lima, 17MC per pound; bayous. 8e; Mexican red. 74c . , COFFKE Roasted. In drums. 39 ft 50c. Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS -Choice, 35c pound;' standard. 34c; skinned, 2730c; picnic, 2526c- cot tage roll. 28c. LARD Tierce basis, 83c; compound. 27 Uo per pound. DRV SALT Short, clear backs, 2630c; plates, 24 27c; exports, 25 28c. 38c?ACON stlindar1, 4B'2c; choice, 360 . Hops, Wool. Etc. HOPS 1019 crop. 8283c per pound- 8 year contracts, 45c, 40c, 35c. MOHAIR Long staple, 4045c: short staple, 25-3 Sue. TALLOW No. 1. 12iS13c per pound. CASCARA BARK New. 11c; old 13c per pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon, fine. 33 55c: medium, 4uto00c; coarse. 33a40c; valley medium, 4oa00c; coarse. SOwOc. Hides and Pelts. HIDES Salt hides, under 45 pounds. 33 ,. ....... ...un, uvCI to tounus. 2Sfti 30c: green hides, under 50 pounds, 28!o,30c: green hides, over 30 pounds. 23ffl 25c- salt hnllM nnrl sH.. tf-. !... .. ' . ..... ' r""' aieen duiis ana stags. 16-3: 18c; salt or green kip, la to 3(1 pounds. 5065c; salt or green calf, under 15 pounds. 75 Sic; hairsllp hides and skins, half pi-Ice; dry flint hides. 4045c dry flint calf, under 1 pounds. ttOtoil; dry salt hides. 3u35c; culls and gluts half price; horse hides, green or salted' . T-50'10; colt kln- ch, $l.Bo 50c lessy ,ach' ai; headless hides. PELTS Green salt, October, each. $2.51 3.60; green salt shearlings, each, 75c0 Ain0. ry. vZllB- fu", wo1' P Pound. 33 -6 40c; dry short wool, per pound. 15 25c: at goats. $1.503.50, according to miie alt goat shearlings, 25c60c; dry goats' long hair, per pound, 26c. Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels. $2 06- raw caseS $?"l8 S b0iled' brrelB- - 08; boiled'. TURPENTINE Tanks. $i.9l; cases, COAL OIL Iron barrels. 13H&1GC: tank wsgons, 13M,c: cases, 24'gSlc. GASOLINE Iron barrels. 2314c; tank wagon. 23fac; cases. 34c. SAN FRANCISCO PRODI CE MARKETS Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO., Nov. 19. Butter 6 '.sc. Eggs Fresh extras, 82c; extra pullets 6u . c. ' Chees Firsts, SOc; Toung Americas 38c. Poultry Hens, 30 36c, according to quality; young roosters, 3031c; old 180 20c; fryers. 33 SOc; broilers. 42 43c aquabs, 65&70c; pigeons, $2.302.75 dozen : turkeys, live, 333&o pound; dressed. 4uie 4ac. Vegetables Eggplant, $1.251.75; pep pers, bell, $1.50 1.75 lug box; chile $1 1.50 lug; Hummer squash, $2 2 50 lug cream squash. $11.25; tomatoes $la 1.50 lug box; potatoes, rivers, white $" 5U 6 3 cental: sweets, 3i4c pound; onions yellow and white. $3.253.50 cental- Aus tralian brown. 4.254.30; cucumbers oOo l.oO, according to size and quality gar lic. 20l(j.2oc pound: beans, string, lifel'c pound: iimas. 151i 17c; celery, $3 5u4 artichokes. $11.50 dozen; turnips' $L50 Wl. 65 sack; peas, 1520c pound. ' I'"nilt f I -i .-... d it r. i - -' - ' uox ; lemons, $4 (ao.,,0: granefruit. S4i&5- h...... ct ,.. im pound; pineapples. $3 'i 4 dozeni -.,. ... cooking, $11.50 lug; apples. King 31 tier. $1.75; Spttzenberg, 4-tler. $ ' "' Bellefleur, $1.25 1.75 box; quince Toe $1.25; melons, nominal; figs, black. '$1 25a - ' ' ' cuesi, rasp. ' LI..". 1 ic, 1 0 s(I 1 N ' huckleberries. 1820: grapes. $1.60( 2.25 lug: Pomegranates. $1.754i2 per half or ange box: persimmons, $1,504? 2 box; cran- h.rrloa .1 -.iky.. -. i Receipts Flour. 10OO quarters;' barley, 474i centals; beans, sor, sacks: potatoes. lfi.006 sacks; onions. 1048 sacks: hav, 115 ...ucb, v inc. -.uuu gallons. Naval Stores. -: SAVANNAH. Ga.. Nov. 10. Turpentine, firm, l.oi H io 1.58; sales. 120 barrels; re ceipts, 1!8 barrels; shipments. 153 bar-' rels: stock, 13,752 barrels.' . . Rosin, steady: Sales. 1459 barrels'; re ceipts, 774 -barrels: shipments. 1701 bar rels: stock. 54.365 barrels. Quote: B $l..-.0; D, $10.60; E. $10.83: F. $16 55 ICS.".; G. $16.60 1H.S3; H. $10.7516fl5; I, $17.75(filS; K. $1!( ff 19.15 : M. $19,50 N. $21)S20.75; WG. $21&21.50; WW, '$"2 22.25. Seattle Feed and Hay, SEATTLE, Nov. 19. City delivery: Mill fe.ed. $44 per ton: scratch reed, $so; feed wheat. $83; all-grain chop. $72: oats $64; sprouting oats. $08: rolled oats. $0; whole corn,' $72; cracked corn. $74; rolled barley. $75; clipped barley. $.so. Hay Eastern - Washington . timothy mixed, $36 'd 37; double comprsssed, $40: alfalfa, $30 31: straw, $15 16; Puget sound. $31. v Hops. Etc., at sr York. NEW YORK. Nov. 19. Hops firm; state, medium to choice, '1019, 7583c- Pa cific coast. 1019, 84 a 00c. Other articles unchanged.' '' Dried Fruit at New York.' NEW YORK." Nov. 19. Evaporated ap ples, quiet and firm; prunes, firm; peaches firm. New York Slgar Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 19. Raw sugar steady. Centrifugal $7.28; fine granulated $9. Duluth Linseed Market. DULUTH, Nov. 19. Linseed $4.7T3 4.90. BEARS ARE 111 CONTROL STOCKS FALL, SHARPLY WITH CONTINUED LIQUIDATION. Extreme Losses of I'lve to Thirty Tbree Points Are Recorded. Moderate Rally Before Close. NEW YORK, Nov. 19. The forces of re action again controlled the stock market today. Recurrent liquidation in large volume caused iurther severe depreciation of quoted values, speculative shares show ing losses of 5 to 33 points. Little In the day's developments offered hope or comfort to the bull element, apart from the local federal reserve bank's de cision to no change in rates of re discount. Call loans were "pegged" at 12 per cent till the last half hour, when they dropped to 10. With this indication of money ease came the first material rally of the ses sion, a few stocks showing marked strength, while others made variable re coveries. Exchange on London and continental Europe continued to break with the ap proach of a vote on the peace treaty. Conservative interests at this and other financial centers aVe evidently In accord In the belief that recovery from the pres ent upheaval is likely to be of slow growth. American Tobacco was weakest of to- day s issues, losing 20 points. Recessions of 3 to 13 points in motors and their sub sidiaries, oils, steels, equipments and shippings and 5 to 10 points in unclassi fied specialties measured the extent of the extreme decline elsewhere. Sales amount ed to 1.70l.o0( shares. Total bond sales, par value, aggregated $17,650,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Last Sales. High. Low. Sale. Am Beet Sug. 400 1)1 01 01 '4 Am Can 10.5OO 53 '4 51 5114 Am fr & Fdrv 3.7(10 1344 130 1:I2' Am H & L pfd 5.2110 122 120V4 120'i Am Loco 12. two 03 89 91 Am Sm & Rfg 6.5H0 88 vs 67?4 08-U Am Sugar Rfg 1.3K0 137 135 IBOVs Am Sum Tobac 6. (too 87 85 7 Am Tel & Tel. l.TOrt 10OH 100 Am Z L & Sm. 7O0 17V, 17 17V4 Anaconda Cop 12. 0OO 65 63 64 Atchison 6.5IIO 00 8814 8.8'i A O si W I S S 0.21111 lHSVj 159 16:Ui Baldwin Loco. 72.3(10 li4i !'. 102 Bait St Cilo.. 1.3110 39l 38 j 3 Beth Steel B . . 42.IMIO 04 00 92 V B a S Copper. 1.2H0 21 21 i 21 Calif Petrol .. 3.3UO 43 43 43 Canadian Pac. 7UU 147V4 146', 1471,. Cent Leather. 21.4ixi lirti, U2'i 0.".',2 "hes & Ohio.. I.700 5H 37 57 " Chi M & St P 5. Hon 42'- 42 42 14 Chi & N W .. I.6111) 92Vs 01i 92' Chi R I Pac 3.IM10 29 27 V. 27 '4 Chino Copper. 1,300 40V4 30 :a Colo Fu & iron IMI0 42 4 Hi 41 Corn Products 26, OOO 83 '4 7i S2 Crucible Steel. 37.4fX) 187 175! ISO Cuba Carte Sug 15.6U0 45 44 44 1' S Fd Prods. 6.7io 76 73 Vi 74 Erie 1.OO0 15 15 15V4 Gen Electric. I.loo 169 106 167 Uen Motors .. 24. '.Mm 312 2118 Ut No pfd .... 2.4'M) 85 84 84Vi Ot No Ore ctfs 2,iOO 39 38 39 Illinois Central 3oO 91 01 91 lnspir Copper. 4.."tO 56 55 " 56 Int M M pfd.. 9.5HO 105 x 1"2 1044 Inter Nickel... 6.S00 25V 25 ln 25 Inter Paper .. 13. loo H 65'- 6X Kennecott Cop 4.500 31 BOVi 30 Louis & Nash. 700 110 li:;Vi 113Vx Mexican Pet.. 37,700 ls- 189 104 Miami Copper. 800 25 25 25 Mldvale Steel. I6.O11O 51 50 51 Missouri Pac 7. ""Ml 28 25 27 Montana Pow. 4110 61 61 61 Vs Nevada Cop .. l.OOO 16 18 16 N Y Central.. 2.8no 73 73 73 N Y N H & H 5.000 33 31 ',4 32 Norf & West 99 Northern Pac. 3,3im 85 84 84 Pac Tel & Tel. 2nd 30 36 36 Pun-Am Pet.. 33.2HO 100 101 103 Vi Pennsylvania.. 4.800 42 42 42 Pitts & W Va 30 Pittsburg Coal 2.400 61 61 61 Ray Con Cop.. 600 22 21 21 Reading 6110 81 78. 79 Rep Ir & Steel 39.800 104 09 102 Shat Ariz Cop. OHO 13 12 12 Sin Oil & Rfg.137.500 40'fe 46 47 Southern Pac 72.3H0 100 96 97 Southern Ry . . 4, 5110 24 24 24 Studebaker Co 6:;. noil 113 lo 112 Texas Co 8.4HO 21)6 284 2sa Tobac Prods.. 8.700 83 81 82 t'nlon Pacific. J4.2O0 128 125 126 Unit Ret Sis.. 53.1100 88 83 86'i U S Ind Alco.. 13,2(10 ln 100 102 U S Steel 141.8110 104 101 103 do pfd .700 114 113 113 Utah Copper.. C'JOO 78 77 77 Western Union. 900 88 . 88 88 "Westing Elect 7.400 ' 347. " 53 54 "Wlljys-Overlnd 14.000 30 30 30 National Lead 2.400 81 79 80 Ohio Cits Gas. 10.800 50 4K 49 Royal Dutch.. 30.800 101 Va 100 101 BONDS. U 8 Lib 8s. .100.201 A T & T cv 6s. ! do 1st 4s 04.401 Atoh gen 4s . , . 78 do 2d 4s 92.30! D ORG ref 5s.t54 do 1st 4V4s. . .94.B0IN Y C deb 6s... 93 do 2d 4 s. . .92.90 N P 4s 78 do 3d 4 Vis. ..94.32 Pac T T Bs.. 88 do 4th 4 s. .92 4Pa con 4s.... 92 Victory 3s .99.621 S P cv 5s. . . . .101 . . 86 . . 85 . . 99 - 96 do 4s ....99.30 So Ry 5s. U P 4s IT 8 Steel 5s. Anglo-Fr 5s U S ref 2s reg.100 do coupon ..loo U S cv 3h reg.-88 do coupon . N. 88 U S 4s reg. . .in do coupon. .10ft Bid: toffered. Boston Mining Stocks. BOSTON. Nov. 19. Closingq uotatlnns: Alloucz 34 I North Butte 16 Ariz Com 14 Osceola .53 Cal & Ariz 5(Qulncy .,...,". .62 Centennial 38,Superlor V. 5 Cop R Con Co..46!Sup & Bos mln.. 5 E Butte Cop M.15 IShannon ........ 2 Franklin 4 l tah Con Isle Roy (cop).. 33 IWinona 1 Lake Copper. 4 I Green Cananea. .39 Mohawk 61 Money, Exchange,. Ete. NEW. YORK. Nov. 19. Mercantile pa per 5 per cent. Sterling, demand $4.03: cables $4.03. Francs, demand 9.27; cables 9.70: guilders. demand 37; cables 37 7-16; lire, demand 12.52: cables 12.40; marks, demand 2.25; cables 2.17. Time loans strong, unchanged. Call money easy. High 12 per cent; low 10 per cent: ruling rate 12 per cent: closing bid 10 per cent; offered at 11 per cent; last loan iu per cent. Bar silver $1.27. Mexlman dollars $1.01. LONDON, Nov. 19. Bar silver 70;d per ounce. Aioney per cent. Discount rates, short bills 6 per cent; tnree-montn Dills o per cent. Slump in Exchange Rates. change again dropped to new low levels today. The EnsHsh pound sterling brought only $4.03. which is of a cent lower than the lowest rate reported yesterday. Franc checks dropped to 9.70 for the dol lar, one centime below yesterday's quota tion, the previous low record. Lire cables were ' reported at 12.40 for the dollar, 85 centimes below yesterday's closing prices, and the Oerman mark brought only 2 2-5 cents as compared with 23 and 24 cents before the war. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 19. Copper dull Electrolyte, spot and last quarter 19 20c. ' Iron steady and unchanged. Antinomy 9.25c. Lead easy. East St. ' Louis delivery. spot 7.75c bid. 7.DOc asked PASCO HAS RABBIT DRIVE 500 Persons Take Part and 1500 J to 1800 Jacks Slain. PASCO. "Wash., Nov. 19. (Special.) Probably one of the biggest rabbit drives ever pulled off In the United States was participated in Sunday by something like 500 persons from half a dozen counties in this section of the state. Automobiles took the hunters to the Riverview section, where a corrall had been built. Captains ap pointed by the county farm bureau properly stationed the hunters. Rep resentatives of moving picture cor porations reeled off the operations. It Is estimated that between 1500 and 1S00 jacks and cottontails were slaughtered in the drive. Of these many were left on the field of con flict," others being taken home by members of the party, while some 850 were hauled to town to be shipped to Spokane for the markets. After the drive the ladles of the Riverview section served a big: feed at the community house. SECRETARIES END MEET Methods lor Handling: Land In quiries Discussed at Salem. SALEM, Or.. Nov. 13. (Special.) An address, Effective Methods of Han- dlingr Inquiries for Land In Oregon." by George Quayle, 8creta.ry of th state chajnber of commerce, was the feature of the closing- day's pro gramme of the Oregron Association of Commercial Club Secretaries here Tuesday. A. W. Nelson of La Grande talked on "How to Obtain and Held Mem bers." while T. K. McCroskey of Salem discussed "Overcoming Interna tional Jealousies." "Your Community's interest In For eign Trade," was the topic of P. Hetherton of Portland. "Commercial Club Committeea" was discussed by C. K. Cranston of Pendleton. The convention closed with the exhibit of Oregon products under the direction of Winnie Braden of Portland. The chief entertainment feature of the day was the noon luncheon, held at the Marion hotel, with E. F. Fries of Corvallis acting as chairman. The next meeting of the association will be held at Pendleton on May 5. WEAK AT CLOSE SELLING DUE LARGELY STOCK DEPRESSION. TO Final Losses Range Up to Over Two CelUs; Early Upturns Caused by Adjusting of Trades. CHICAGO, Nov. 19. Weakness prevailed in the corn market today, largely as a re sult of depression in stocks, cotton and foreign exchange. The close was unset tled at 1j2c net decline, with De cember $1.32 1.32 and May $1.24 1.24. Oats finished (ec off and pro visions unchanged to a setback of 52c. Demoralization of European exchange. together with acute weakness of stocks and cotton, brought about persistent sell ing. The greater part of the upturns from the bottom level appeared to be due only to adjusting of open trades. Oats were weak and bearlshly affected by the liberal amount on hand in Chicago elevators. Assertions that there had been foreign repudiation of purchases of lard counted as a special weight on the provision mar ket. Leading futures ranged as follows: CORN. Open HiKh. Low. flose. Dec $1.32 $1.35 $1.31 $1.32 Ian 1.26 I.2N 1.24 1.25 Slay 1.25 1.26 1.23 1.24 OATS. Dec 72 .73 .71 .72 May 75 .75 .74 .74 MESS PORK. Jon .... .... 3.1.50 May $2.00 31.50 32.00 LARD. Nov 25.10 25.O0 25.00 Jan 23.50 23.75 22.05 53.32 SHORT RIBS. Jan 19.0O 18.45 18.45 Sly 18.50 18.55 18.15 18.15 1 asn prices were: Corn No. 2 mixed. $1.5011.54: No. 2 yellow. $1.54 6 155. Oats No. 2 white. i4Vs3jiic; o. 3 white. 7". fj.76c. Rye No. 2. $1.30. Barley. $1.4.1 fr 1.54. Timothy seed. 8S 11.50. Clover seed, nominal. Pork, nominal. - Ijtrd. S25.10. Ribs. $l.2520..1O. (train at 8an Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 19. Flour, S-Ss. $12.10. Grain Wheat. $2.20: oats, ren ieea. su 9 3.110: barley feed. $3.35u 3.37 ; corn. California white, $3.35 h 3.87 . Hay Wheat or wheat and oats. $20f 22: tame oats, $2124: barley, $17ifi2i: alfalfa, $19lSjf24; barley straw, SO&SOc bale. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 19. Barley $1.18 t.42. Flax $4.00 4.0.1. BUSINESS SECTION GROWS Klamath Falls lo Have Two Large Office and Store Buildings. KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Nov. 19. (Special.) Two new three-story buildings are planned for the busi ness district with the coming of spring, is announced in connection with recent realty transfers. D. O. Williams is one of the owners who Is having plans drawn for a three-story store and office building. Mr. Williams has just purchased a lot 120 by ISO feet at the corner of Pine and Eighth on he also plans to begin improvement at once. The other building will be erected by W. F. Hopka on land purchased from the estate of the late E. H. Harriman. So keen Is the demand for suitable business locations that it is said Hopka has already leased the ground floor of 4he building. HpMES AND FUEL SHORT Hood River Families Are Out In Cold Looking for Homes. HOOD RIVER, Or.. Xov. 19. (Spe cial.) Shortage of fuel for those who have homes, and shortage of both for. local families In search of living quarters, form . an ever-increasing worry in Hood River. Rev. E. Her bert Hayden. formerly Marshfield pastor, who came here to accept the pastorate of the First Baptist church, may, he says, be unable to remain because there are no available living quarters. Many other families are daily searching for homex. No new buildings are in prospect. As a result of the coal strike. Hood River is" on a fuel allowance. This will be relieved, however. when ranchers, busy in apple harvest, find time to haul surplus supplies. CHEHALIS MEN STAY OUT Coal Miners Reconsider Decision to Return to Work. CHEHALIS. Wash., Nov. 19. (Spe cial.) Chehalis coal miners have re corsidered their original decision to go back to work Monday and are remaining out on strike. The under standing la that the vote by which they decided to stay out was close, the majority deciding they would not resume mining until miners in other Waihington mines went back to work. It is said there are several men who desire to return to work, but that the privilege is denied by men leading he organization, who seem to have control. 20 MORE WOULD TEACH Monmouth Xormal Now Has 30O Who Shortly Will Head Classes. MONMOUTH. Or.. Nov. 19. (Spe cial.) The second quarter of the first semester at the Oregon normal school opened Monday with an increased enrollment of 20 students, among whom were several boys. This in sures an enrollment for the year of more than 300 students. Under the conditions existing In the state this is encouraging, for it means the supplying of teachers needed In the state. .c "fn nr sm 4 Hie Wall Street Journal & j, SIEEP RECEIVED DIRECT ALL LIXES ARE STEADY AT XOnTH PORTLAND. Hogs in Good Demand With $16.50 Prevailing Market and Pre mium Paid for Choice. Nine loads of stock were received at the yards yesterday, mostly sheep, which came direct to packers. The market was moderately active, particularly in the hoK division, where the former $16.50 top prevailed, though a few lots brouRht 15c more. Cattle were steady and the few eheepi and lamb sales were at unchanged prices. Receipts were 83 cattle, 179 bocs and 1270 sheep. The day's sales were as follows: WeiKfct. Prlce.l Weight. Price. 18 steers .. loilfl $ 8.751 2 lambs. .. 10.t$10.00 1 cow tiito B.001 1 ewe 150 7.00 1 cow 9110 6.001 1 steer ...1090 8.50 1 cow 700 4 801 B steers... 014 7.50 4 cows.... 705 4.50! 9 steers... 878 8.00 Scows 076 4.5o; 1 steer 1033 10.50 low Ro 7.001 1 cow 750 3.50 1 cow 85) 7.00 27 hosrs 230 16 50 5 calves... 500 8.50 Ihoia 196 16.50 1 bull ....1280 6.251 S hoKS 216 16.50 1 bull 1490 7.001 4 hogs 295 16.511 10 bulls ...11)18 10O! Shorn 22l 16.511 20 hoas 185 15.001 2 ho 28U 16.50 3 hoKS 810 IS. 50 24 hoas 253 16.50 24 hoas 153 15.00 10 hogs 247 16.50 80hoKS.... 276 16.50 12 hoas 203 10.50 2 hoas 190 16.501 4 hoas 2U7 16.50 ShoKS.... 245 14.50! 4 holts 2112 16.50 2 hoKS 240 16.501 2 hoas 405 14.50 4 hogs 160 16.50 2 hoas 8i3 15.00 7 hoas 1A0 18 51)11 hoas 103 16.50 8 hoKS 190 16.501 5 hoKS. 218 16.50 88 hoKS 210 16.50 Shoes 230 16.50 3 hoas 156 19.181 4hos..:.. 212 16.50 MhoKS 220 16.001 4 hoas 182 16.50 lOhoas.... 190 16.501 2 hoas 313 16.00 10 hoKS 306 16.50112 hors 213 16.50 22 hons 220 16.651 8 hosji 272 16.50 8 hoas 220 16 63 2 hoas 355 14.50 lOhoas 189 16.63 4 huts 192 18.50 27hoRs.... 190 16.651 Shoes 2116 16.50 n noas 255 16.501 a noes 226 19.50 ShoKS.... 195 16.501 A hoes 216 16.00 S.lhoK...: 2(5 16.501 3 lambs. . . 80 11.50 13 hoKS 206 I6 OO1 12 lambs. . . 65 12.00 9hoKS.... 281 16.001 7 ewes 98 6.50 11 lambs... lli-J 12 on 23 ewes. . . . 140 7.00 5 lambs. . . 86 1 1.501 Livestock prices at the local yards follov: Cattle Price Beef steers ukuiaka Oood to choice steers u.'ooi?' 950 rair to good steers 7.0iei 8.00 common to ci . ri . ...... Choice cows and heifers.. !.'" 7 ftOtt 8 00 Vi00!! to cho1c' cows, heifers.. 7.005 7.50 ..v.u... iV Kumi cows, neirers. H.OO'a) 7 OO rair to medium i-n a H u ( r.. k . .... Canners .7in .575 J?"1'"' BOO -ir 7.00 calves 7nAfflinM Stockers and feeders 504f 8 75 Hogs r,rlme mixed.. 16.00116.50 Medium mixed 13.0)r lrt.00 Rough heavies M.Ooa 14.50 P'he;p-14.50, 15.50 Eastern lambs 1 1 on 1" "5 Valley lamb ; 10 So 1L2.-, Feeder lambs 8.0o Yearlings 7.50r O.oo 7.30j) 8.50 1!'ewe S.OOW 7.00 Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Nov. 19 (V. S. Bureau of Markets. ) Hogs Receipts 7500, steadv to strong. Top. $14.05: bulk. $14. 30414. 55: heavyweight. $14.404i 14.K5; medium weight. $14.50r( 14.65, lightweight. $14.3514 60' heavy packing sows, smooth. $14.25814 40 msolu'so"' roUBh' 14.10B 14.25; pigs'. Cattle Receipts steadv all classes. Beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime, $10.25 ii 18 25: medium and good. $118 16.25; common. J.?-.1 '- . "Ehtweight, good and choice. JJ5.iAfrflS.,i(l; common and medium. s 73 415.75: butcher cattle, heifers, $7U13 2.V cows. $6.50M 12.25; canners and cutters. $5&).i0; veal calves, light and handv weight. $134 14. SO; feeder steers $7 "Jo 13: stocker steers, $7 11. Sheep Receipts 11. OOO. killers strong feeders steady. Lambs, R4 pounds down ftnp 14.50; culls and common. $8.50G 12.o0; yearling weth,ers. Stufe 11.40: ewes, medium and choice. $76 7.75: culls and common. $3&7. , Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAOO, Nov. 19. Hogs Receipts 24,000, early trade fully steadv. but mar ket weakening. Top early. $14.75; bulk. $14.2u(n 14.115: heavy, $ 1 4.256 14.65 : medi um, $14.3514.6.-: light. $14. 25'a 14.611 light light. $14ji 14.411; heavy packing sows. smooth, $13. 0014. 10: packing ows, rough, $13d 13.50; piks. $13.754u Cattle Receltps 10.000. weak. Beef steers, medium and heavvwelght. choice and prime, $18i2(: medium and Kood $10.50fc 18: common, $.s.5o& 1 0.50 : light weight, good and choice. $13. 5u6 -19.60; common and medium, $7.73'&. 13.50; butch er cattle, heifers. $0.65 -if 14.75; cows. $6.40 613.25: canners and cutters. $5.506 40 veal calves, $ 1 7.25 18.125: feeder steers. $7jil3: stocker steers, t'l'n 1: western range steers, $7.28fjl5. cows and hellers. $6.50tl 12.50. Sheep Receipts 22, 000. slow. Lambs. $12,50414.85; culls' and common. $N.7.i$i 11.75: ewes, medium, good and choice, $7'ii8.S5; culls and common. $36 75: breeding, $0.50 11.50. Kansus City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY-. Nov. 19. Sheep Re ceipts. 4OO0: market steady to 25c higher. Lambs, $12.73ffi 15; culls and common. $8.50 W12.D0: yearling wethers, 104 11.75; ewe, $;fi s '.-: culls snd common. $3fr Are You Superstitious about making your will ? It should be viewed as an important duty you owe to those dependent on you. A will would enable you to give them the benefit of your judgment in handling the property you leave. It would also enable you to give them the benefit of the knowledge, experience and financial responsibility of a trust company in the care and management of the estate by appointing such com pany as executor. You may change the provisions of a will when ever you wish. You may confer with us without obligation. Jum5 ermers Bokds - Trusts .Capital c durplua soee.oo Sr FremciSCO ' tumbrmn Bldej. Porlarxd, Orqor. GOVERNMENT, CORPORATION AND MUNICIPAL BONDS TO NET FROM 5 TO 7 PREFERRED STOCKS LOCAL SECURITIES ROBERTSON & E WING 207-8 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. FRENCH CITIES Bordeaux EXTERNAL LOAN Price $92.50 To AMERICAN GOLD E I. Devereaux Rffimqany 87 Sixth Street Broadway 1042 v Ground Floor Wells-Fargo Building 5.7.1; breeding ewes. 7.5012; feeder iambs. 11&13;25; Semttl Livestock Market. SEATTLH. Nov. 19. Hogs Receipts 62. Stronir. Prime 116.50617: medium to rhntce I1.V250 16.23: rough heavies $14.50, 615: pigs $14615 50. I Cattle Receipts 166: steady. Best j steers $9.50 10.50; medium to choice $80 ! 9: common to good $5 600 7.50; best cows j and heifers 7 SO Q8.75; common to gooa $5&7: bulls 567; calves $7gl4- Eastrrn Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. Nov. 19. Butter firm. Cream ery. 57 71c. Eggs Higher; receipts. 2089 cases: firsts. 60S 67c: ordinary firsts. 58 Oc: st mark, cases Included, 58&66C-. storage packed firsts, 6Stj68Vic Poultry Alive. lower: springs, 21c; fowls, 14 U 21c; turkeys. 32c. NEW YORK. Nov. 19. Butter, firm: creamery higher than extras. 72,-4)73c; creamery extras, 72c; firsts. 02,,4t'71c. Eggs Firm: fresh gathered extras. 78 eSOc: extra firsts, 73li77c: firsts,. 70& 74c. DM TAKES OVER MILL HOLDIXGS OF GOLD HILL COM PANY ARE ACQUIRED. Financial Troubles of Concern Lead to Step, but Suit Is Still Pending in Court. . GOLD HILL. Or.. Nov. 20. (Special.) The old Gold Hill Lumber & Rail way company's holdings on Sardine creek, six miles north of Gold Hill, recently under lease to the defunct Rocrue River Lumber & Box company and owned by R. K. Hackett of Grants Pass and C. C. Presley of Salem have apain changed hands. The First National bank of South ern Orefton of Grants Pass, Or., which was holder of several liabilities against the property, has satisfied other liabilities against the property, including' a foreclosure suit, and taken the whole property over from the owners. Besides the sawmill and logging; railway into the timber there is a large body of standing timber pass ing with the property. It is reported that as soon as the court proceedings are ended new owners will take she property over from the bank and op erate it to full capac'ity the coming season. The suit of 39 lien holders against the defunct company's personal prop erty attached to the mill property is still pending in the circuit court. LANE BRIDGES MISSING Structures on Maple and Fiddle Creek Are WasJicd Away. EUGENE, Or., Nov. 19. (Special.) Word has just been received by the Lane county court that several small bridges on Maple creek and a long span on Fiddle creek, in the western end of the county, were washed out by the recent high water. The small bridges across Maple creek have been rebuilt by the local road supervisors, but the long bridge will receive the attention of the court. There was other damage of considerable extent to bridges and roads in that part of the county, according to word received by members of the court. APPLE LOADING HELD UP - Wreck Near Troutdale Halts Busi ness at Hood River. HOOD RIVER. Or.. Nov. 19. (Spe cial.) Loading crews of all local apple-shipping concerns were Idle yes terday, both at racks in the city and along the ML Hood railroad line, as a result of the O.-W. R. & Nt. freight wreck near Troutdale Monday night. Deliveries of refrigerator and box cars for apple loading were delayed throughout the day by the wreck. Overseas Marine at Home. HOOD RIVER. Or.. Nov. 19. (Spe cial.) Ernest Samuels, who was over seas with company B. 11th regiment. United States marines, has returned home. Following his discharge at an eastern cantonment, Mr. Samuels vis ited relatives in Pennsylvania. Roy Samuels, a brother, also has received his discharge from the Devil Dogs with whom he served. rusr ho. - Acceptances Marseille Net 6.80 Exempt from all 5y2 ROAD BONDS Clarke County, Wash. 6.000 Clarke County, 5.000 Clarke County. N.000 Clarke County, 6.000 Clarke County, 21,000 Clarke County. 25.0OO Clarke Countv, 27.000 Clarke Cou-ntv, PRICE: TO NET 5 LIBERTY and VICTORY BONDS !t J Mot f lELI, Your Liberty or Vletorr Bonds. Sell to I'S. IT Ton Van HVY More Liberty or Victory Bonds. Buy From IS. . , on eoneadny. November IK. l<t. the cIositik mitrket prli-ee were ss given They are the governing prices tor United States government liberty and victory bonus all over the wor.d, and the highest. We advertise these prices orJt"r that 'ou may always know the New York market and the ex set value ot your liberty and victory bonds. 1st 2d 1st 2d 3d 4th Victory Victory .. , . . 'Hs s s 4Hs 4U Um 'is is 4s Market ..(100.04 $4.40 fO.1.40 S94.ot tu.!0 y4.3fl ;lj.02 (!! L'S t BH.-.'S Interest . I. in 1.72 . 13 .06 .71 .41 l.SS 2.3N ,0, ;15 :.! i :.4 J06.33 t2 I0.YI3 $!3.S3 ll.lfi tlnl.M . " hn buyinir. we deduct 87c on a 130 bond and $2.50 on a S1000 bond. w eell at tn Now York market plus the accrnen Interest. Burglar and Fireproof Baft Iepoelt Boxes for Kent. Open rntil P. M. en Saturdays. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. Tne Premier Mnatrlpal Bond Ronae Capltnl One Million nollsn Morris Building. 3l-311 bLark Street, Between 5th and (n. Telephone Broadway flit. fcstabtisbed Over S3 Years. Bonds of Good BOTH the small and the large investor will find in the list below the securities which fit his purse and his purpose. MUNICIPAL BONDS. Amount Security $ 31,000x State of Idaho Highway Bonds . 4 M r,'e 1937 97.68 4.70 30,813xPortlartd, Or., Improvement 6 "0 1925 106.06 1.90 1,000 Port of Umpqua, Douglas Co 5 re 1943 100.00 5.00 . 4,000 Port of Umpqua, Dounlas Co 5 " 1944 100.00 5.00 4,000 Clear Water Co., Ida.,N. F. H. D. 5c 1936 106.16 5.20 4,000 Clear Water Co., Ida. N. F. H. D..5?47c 1937 106.38 5.20 9,000 Clear Water Co., Ida. N. F. H. D..54c 1938 106.58 5.20 4,000 Clear Water Co., Ida. N. F. H.D..5?4To 1939 106.78 5.20 40,000 City of Medford, Or., Refunding 6 0 1933-34 107.28 5.25 1,200 City of Pocatellc, Ida., Imp 64 To 1922 101.70 5.S75 34,000 Ochoco Irrigation Dist., Or 6 1931-38 101.00 5.88-91 169,000 Warm Springs Irri. Dist., Or 6 rc 1938-47 101.00 5.91-92F All above bonds entirely exempt from Federal Income Taxes. RAILROAD BONDS. $10,500 Cleveland, Cincinnati , Chicago & St. Louis Ry. Co. (NT. Y. Central) 8 ', SHORT TERM $ 2,000 Maytag Co. Gold Notes 3,000 Maytag Co. Gold Notes . . 3,000 Maytag Co. Gold Notes . . 5,000 Brazil Traction L. & P. Co. PREFERRED STOCKS. $20,300 Pacific Power & Lt. Co 7 c CORPORATION BONDS. $10,000 Kentucky Utilities 1st Mtg 6 Indicates legal for Postal Savings Funds. Indicates legal for deposits State, County, City Funds In Oregon. CLARK.KENDAH 6 CO. Short Term Gold Bonds of City of Vancouver, B. C. Four years due December 15. 12S. Principal and semi-annual Interest payable In (told In New York City wlthou-t any deductlon for Canadian taxes. Direct a-eneral obligation. Full details on request. Call or phone 4Vao bonds at discount price to yield GVo Mir orders "collect.' Freeman EASTERN MANUFACTURING CO. OF MASSACHUSETTS First 7 Cumulative Preferred Stock Price 98 and accrued This company is one of the largest manufacturers of bleached sulphite pulp and writing paper in the United States. Exempt from normal income tax. FRENCH CITIES EXTERNAL LOAN Price 922, Yield 6.80 Full information on request. E. H. ROLLINS & SONS 411 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone Broadway 1274 PORTLAND, OREGON O Government Municipal Corporation G. E. Miller & Company Investment Securities Phone Main 4195 205-6 Northwestern Bank Building Federal Income Tsi Me Own and Offers Rate. Maturity. Wftshtnpton. Rond-.S1, AeiO 1933 Washington. Road..5a A&O 1934 Washington. Road. .5'i A&O 1S35 Washington. Road . .5 A&O li36 Washington, Rotd. .-i A4cO lalT Washington, Road . .5 's A&O 193$ Washington, Road. .5 A&O 1939 Trice. 104.99 105.23 105.4 10.V6S 105.89 106.0H 106. US Diversification Due Price Yield 1929 96.00 G.55 GOLD NOTES. 6 6 . . . .6 6 ri 1923 98.00 6.60 rc 1928 95.05 6.75 1929 94.65 6.75 1922 97.50 6.94 100.00 7.00 o 1924 95.84 7.00 INC. Smith & Camp Co. accoND ruoon NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILDINO Maim 648 Interest Yield 7.14 cj. N D