Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 20, 1919, Image 2

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Defeat of Lodge Resolution
Is Strongly Urged.
Lodge Resolution Is Twice
Turned Down, 55 to 39.
Oo Ymt firbtMii
Shopping In Mitrfa
lla ill Tina- laila
In the Pittock Block West Park and Washington
( (Portend)
President Hopes Door Will Open
rresently for "Genuine Resolu-
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1'. Defeat of
.Jbe Lodge resolution for ratification
of the peace treaty was urged by
President Wilson in a letter to Ad
ministration Leader Hitchcock which
was laid today before a conference of
democratic senators. The president
said the resolution did not provide for
ratfication, "but rather for the nulli
fication of the treaty."
Immediately the president's letter
became public. Republican Leader
Lodge declared he did not believe ttje
senate would "obey the orders" of the
president, "who undertakes to com
mand the senate to ratify the treaty
without the reservations which Amer
icanize it and make it safe for the
United States." ,
After the president's letter was read
there were indications that unless a
compromise could be effected the ad
ministration senators would line up
almost solidly against ratification.
Kolllflcatloa Held Aim.
The president's letter, addressed to
Sen.tor Hitchcock and dated yester
day follows:
"yy Dear Senator You were good
enou&h to brine me word - that the
democratic senators supporting the
rV-y exPetel to hold a conference
vJf'r" the final votes on the Lodge
Tn4lution of ratification, and that
. they would be glad to receive a word
of counsel from me.
"I should hesitate to offer It in any
detail. ut I assume that the senators
only desire my Judgment upon the all
important question of the final vote
on the resolution containing the many
reservations of Senator Lodge. On
that I cannot hesitate, for. in my
opinion, the resolution in that form
cioes not provide for ratification, but
rather for the nullification of the
treaty. I sincerely hope that the
frl rds and supporters of the treaty
will vote against the Lodge resolution
of ratification.
"1 understand that the door will
probablM then be open for a genuine
reeolutlon of ratification.
"I trust that all true friends of the
treaty will refuse to support the
Lodge resolution.
"Cordially and sincerely yours.
Democrats Plaa Action.
The president's reference to an op
portunity to vote on a "genuine rat
ification resolution" refers to the
plans of the democrats to get action
on an unreserved resolution after
they had voted down the Lodge pro
posal. The plan apparently had been
blocked, however, by the decision of
the mild reservation republicans to
stand with Republican Leader Lodge
against providing- such an oppor
tunity. The democratic leaders, however,
say they have been promised a chance
to vote on an unreserved resolution
before the committee resolution comes
to a roll call and should the latter
fall they expect the mild group to
bring the committee draft back be
fore the senate on a motion to re
consider. In the latter . eventuality
their plan is to present amendments
which will make the reservations acceptable.
It is known to be the purpose of
senator Lodge, on the other hand, to
force the administration leaders to
make their compromise proposals be
fore the committee resolution is voted
on. Today's conference took up that
situation with the leaders hopeful
that they might obtain such modifica
tion of the resolution as would en
able them to vote for it.
Herdsmen Find Body of Man With
Throat Cut; Widow Called.
SPOKANE. Wh Km. 1a fC...
rial.) Evidence of a foul murder,
Nprooaoiy committed two years ago,
va uncovered at St. Maries, Idaho.
. te Tuesday when herdsmen found
nose mroat lud been cut from ear
ear and his body weighted down
'ith two heavy stones. Apparently
he slayer attempted to cover his
rime by sinking the body In the St
.Maries river, near which the corpse
was discovered.
, vuitinis vi .ne losno city Deueve
the murdered man was a rancher
from the vicinity of Fernwood, who
nysteriously disappeared with $400 in
money two years ago. The rancher's
name was said to have been Morris.
His widow, who has been working
near Fernwood. has been summoned
to identify the body.
1 A;.X i:i
- P-V"'- . St A J ii
i . v-. ' X r i
i;p IflHi; ; f : ,? if
Iff M
M 1 ' ' ' x S, t j i
j s pi-zf ' i
Kf forts at Compromise Fail and
Mild Reservations Join Those
Who Oppose Pact.
Continued From Firm,. Pa.)
Photo from Underwood.
Lady Irt- Capell, lovely 70 una: daatzhter of the earl and eonnttM of Kx-fx, fV
frequently mentioned 1 Britinh court circle nn the nrlrl the prince off
Walen will ehoone for hU hride. The counte of Kimex wait formerly Adele
Grant of New York.
find any trail and the belief is that
he escaped in a high-powered auto
mobile which had been held in readi
ness by- a confederate.
It was announced tonight by union
Pacific officiate that the robber, be
lieved to be William Carlisle, escaped
convict, was expected to stage? an
other train robbery tonight at some
point between Cheyenne and Laramie,
Viglnance along this route was redoubled.
Tax Commission Asked to Fix Taa
Ratio for Co-operation.
SALEM, Or., Nor. 19. (Special.)
Rumors were current here today that
unless the state tax commission fixes
a tax ratio involving corporation hold
ings in Oregon acceptable to the as
sessors they will appeal from the de
cision of the commission to the cir
cuit court or initiate a bill at the
next general election abolishing the
Following yesterday's meeting of
western Oregon assessors with the
state tax commission, the assessors
from the eastern and central part of
the state convened here today. The
chief business today was the presen
tation of argument Intended to refute
the contention of the corporations
that their assessments are higher
than in cases involving private property.
Every Xceil of Every Branch for
Five Years to Be Investigated
by Survey Board.
Another Holdup Along Railroad Is
Expected by Officials.
CHEYENNE. Wyo., Nov. 19. Offi
cers, citizens and United States caval
ry who spent the day around Medi
cine Bow, Wyo., searching for the
man who held up the Union Pacifio
train near there last night abandoned
the search late today and tonight
were en route for this city.
The abandonment of the man-hunt
resluted from the posse's failure to
Japanese Emperor Has Envoy Here
to Make Purchase.
SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 19. (Spe
cial.) The emperor of Japan is a
lover of horses, especially trotters.
For this reason Dr. Issa Tanimura,
commissioner of livestock of the im
perial Japanese government, has come
all the way to America in a search
for' good "horse flesh."
"Our emperor is an ardent admirer
of horses, said Dr. Tanimura soon
after landing in Seattle this afternoon
on the Nippon Yusen Kaisha liner
Katori Mara. "He likes to see them
step. He would miss a meal to see
a good race. The coachmen in his
service are kept busy driving him
about, but the chauffeurs loaf on
the job.
"The purpose of my mission," Dr.
Tanimura continued, "is to provide
the emperor's stable with - the best
specimen of the hore family In ex
istence. 1 am instructed to pay as high
as 150,000 for any one high grade
This is turning- an old phr face about.
but modern methods of reducing- fat hav
made this revision possible. r
It you are ovorfat and also avers to
physical exartion; if you are llkawtao fond
of th tubl and still want to reduce, your
excess flash several pounds, do thtai Oo
to your druggist (or write tha. Marmot a
Co., 864 woodward avanua, Detroit, Mich.)
and glva him (or send them) on dollar.
For this modest amount of money the
druggist will put you ia th way of satis
fying your ambition tor a nice, trim, allra
ftffura. He will hand you a largo case
ev Marmola .Prescription Tablets, (com
poundeti In with the famous
Marmola Prescription), one or which you
must take after each meal and at bed
time until you begin to lose your fat at
the rata of two. three or four pounds
a wkt. Then continue the treatment un
til your weight is what you desire. Mar
mola Prescription Tablets are not only
harmless but really beneficial to the gen
eral neaitn. iou a on neea starvation
diet or weakening exercises. Juat go on
eating what you like, leave exerulWg
to -the at hie tea, but take your little tab
let faithfully and without a doubt that
flabby flesh wilt quickly take unto it
self wings, leaving behind It your natural
a tt. neatly clot rted in firm flesh and
truu muscles. Adv.
Hlggins ' Brothers Out 92000
Thrown In River.
MARSH FIE LiD, Or., Nov. 19. (Sp
cial.) The J2000 contained in an old
hoe and thrown into Coos river by
James Higgin by accident has not
been recovered by t)lver" Mast, who
was brought here from Bandon on i
1200 fee. Diver Mast ha been en
geged for five days on the search.
Some of the liberty and vtctory loan
canvassers who visited the Higrgrlns
Bros, soliciting subscription without
success relate their experience in try
ing to persuade the brothers to Invest
and point out that had they bought
bonds with a portion or ail the money
they might have avoided the losa
Spalato and Montenegro Are to Be
Attacked, Say Reports.'
BELGRADE. Xov. 19. Gabriels
d'Annunato is preparing for a raid on
Spalato. according to reports.
He also plans an attack from Zara
on Monteneegro.
NEW YORK. With the motto "A
square deal for every part and portion
of the church," the survey depart
ment of the new world movement,
under the , direction of Rev. C. C.
French, is sending out thousands of
questionnaires to pastors and church
committees of every United Presby
terian church m the United States
and -to every mission station in the
foreign field in Egypt, India and
the Sudan.
Every church, whether it's the lit
tle Indian or Italian mission with 15
or 20 members, or a great city church
w-ith several hundred names on Its
list of communicants, will be asked
to catalogue its needs for the next
five years to come.
In order to have all this informa
tion in the most accessible form the
pastor or committee is asked to write
out the answers to the questions on
the-blanks sent out by the ourvey department.
There is one pape of questions on
the congrreKation asking the number
of members, the number of adherents,
the number of members from non-
Christian homes, the number of spe
cial evangelistic meetings held during
the last five years, how many mem
bers are college graduates, the aver
age attendance at the mid-week
prayer meeting, and so on through a
list of 21 queries. The questions have
been so carefully prepared that when
the answers are turned in the survey
committee will have quite as good an
idea of the particular church as if
they had personally investigated it.
The questionnaire on the congrega
tion is but one of the forms that will
be answered by each church. The
young people have a page to them
selves. The survey department wants
to knefw. too, among other things, the
number of young people in each con
gregation between the ages of 16 and
how many of these are away from
home the greater part of the year,
how many entered home or foreign
mission work from this congregation
during the past five years, how many
entered college this fall, how many
regularly attend the mid-week prayer
Questions on the home occupy an
other blank how many homes are
represented in the membership of the
congregation, in how many of these
are there children. In how manv is
there daily family worship, in how
many homes are the parents not
members of any church but the chil
dren attend Sunday school. The 12
questions to be answered on this
blank give an excellent Idea of home
conditions in each congregation.
Then the survey wants to know
about the office bearvrs how often
does the session regularly meet, how
many elders attend Sabbath school,
how many visit the people, looking
after the spiritual interests in co-operation
with the pastor, do the trus
tees open or close the prayer meet
ing, are definite districts and respon
sibilities assigned to them personally.
Another page requires full informa
tion concerning the financial affairs
of the church and another asks in de
tail about the equipment of the con
gregation the size of its buildings,
its furnishings, the space devoted to
the Sabbath school classes and the
special equipment used for them.
back before the senate so they could
reaffirm their stand behind the re
publican leaders.
For the second time the senate
tonight voted down the treaty rati
fication resolution containing reser
vations to -which President Wilson
had objected.
As on the previous rollcall, the
democratic senators lined up almost
without ' defection against ratifica
A democratic move to have the
treaty referred to a conciliation
committee of democrats and repub
licans was defeated, the mild reser
vationists again lining up solidly
with other republicans.
Compromise Effort Beaten.
The motion was made by Senator
Pomerene, democrat, Ohio, and would
have provided that a committee of
six, including Senators Lodge and
Hitchock, be appointed by the vice
president to draft a compromise.
The senate voted, 48 ' to 42, in
tabling Senator Pomerene's motion.
All republicans except Senator Mc
Cumber, who did not vote, voted the
motion down, and were joined by
Senators Reed and Shields, demo
crats. The vote on the Hitchcock motion
was 50 to 41.
Senator Hitchcock's motion to re
commit was voted down with the
usual lineup.
A new effort to secure considera
tion of substitute reservations was
made by Senator Hitchcock, who pre
sented a motion to recommit the
treaty to the committee of the whole,
with instructions to report his pro
posed reservations.
Several Mvea Feasible.
The parliamentary situation, ex
plained privately by leaders on both
sides, was that with - prospective re
jection again of the Lodge resolution
Mr. Hitchcock again would seek to
offer subsitute resolutions, be sus
tained by the vice-president and have
a majority overrule the vice-president.
shutting out the substitute resolu
tions. This, they explained, would
leave the senate in the position of
refusing to ratify the treaty, but
but without rejecting it.
Several courses would be open,
leaders stated. The president could
withdraw the treaty If he desired and
resubmit it in present or amended
form, or the treaty could be left
pending or recommitted to the for
eign relations committee.
Senator Smith, democrat, Georgia,
who had voted for ratification with
the reservations, made a plea for a
comocomise .and moved that the sen
ate JAjourn until tomorrow to permit
negotiations between the two sides.
The motion was voted down, 48 to 42.
As Influenza
I &n xaffrerated form of lirlo. LAVative
BHOMO WUINI.NK Tablets should b taken
In larger doses man la prescribed lor urdi
i.,rv irio. A good plan la not to wait untl
vou are sick, but PREVENT IT by taklnx
LAXATIVE) BKOilO yUl.M.Nli Tablets ia
time. Adv.
& eV a- ineu stamps to.- cash.
Holman fuel Co. Mala A Seal
11 vember
Tisn't the prices so much as it is what you GET for them that
makes every sale at Peterson's of exceptional importance. On Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday drastic reductions bid for your patronage in
the hats and suits offerings you might find imitated elsewhere, but
150 Fashionable Hats at
Mark you. these are ideal models from Fisk, Ronel &
Bloomfelt, tastefully trimmed and worth $10 to $29.50,
inclusive. No two are alike. Don't be late.
100 High Grade
Very Special Now
New as morning!
Coats in Bolivias, velours, kerseys,
sparkles and tweeds. Some are trimmed
with fur
$49.50 and $39.50
A Brisk Sale
Ninety-seven of these dresses, in trico
tine, serge and velour. No two are alike.
All sizes from 16s to 42s, at
Choice of All Peterson's
No reservations!
At all prices the lines in suits afford
good choosing, and you may go through
the racks as you wish to make your
selections assured that the. sale price to
you will be one-half the usual low
Peterson price.
This offer is especially important
when you consider that in this upstairs
store the prices are always LOWER
than elsewhere. . Correct modes reli
able qualities.
Results Of Sunday's Election Offi
cially Announced.
BRUSSELS. Nov. 19. The Catholio
party will have 73 seats In the cham
ber of deputies and the loc-lallnts 70
as a result of Sunday's elections, it
was announced officially tonifrht.
The liberals won 54 seats, the front
party five, the national regeneration
party one. the ex-oidiers' party two
and the middle-class party two.
Read The Oresonian classified ads
Public's for Peace. Is View.
Blame for the present situation in
the senate was placed upon the re
publicans by Senator Underwood,
democrat. Alabama, who called upon
them to fro to the country with the
"assimilated issue," and said there
would be no question of the people's
verdict. During the speech ..Senator
Swanson. democrat, of Virginia, was
conferring on the floor with Senators
t.ndg-e and Watson in an apparent
llth-hour attempt to effect a com
promise. .
Senator underwood said mat tne
American people demand peace at the
hands of the senate.
Senator Underwood said the Lodgre
resolution in the vote taken upon it
toniuht received only a little more
than one-third of the membership. It
beln?. he said, a repudiation of the
exercise of power by the republicans.
He criticised the parliamentary li
cense" by which they were able to
brin? a "repudiated resolution" be
fore the senate and .charged an at
tempt to "drive an unwilling major
ity to accept the dictates of a small
majority "
At :4S o'clock tonight, the senate
voted the second time on the Lodge
ratification resolution.
The vote on the second rejection
of the lxdire resolution was 41. for
adoption and 51 against, less than a
13 Republicans Help.
Thirty-four republicans and seven
democrats Gore. Myers. Owen. Pom
erene, Shields, Smith of Georgia and
Walsh of Massachusetts voted for
The onoosing democrats were Joined
by 13 republicans Borah, Brandegee,
Fernals. France. Gronna. Johnson of
California. Knox. La Follette. McCor-
mick. Moses, Nugent, Poindexter and
As soon as the Lodge resolution was
voted down the second time the senate
he iran voting on an unreservea rati
ticatlon resolution presented by Sena
tor Underwood, democrat of Alabama.
Unreserved ratification also was de
feated, the mild reservation republi
cans voting against n.
The vote rejecting unqualified rati
fication was 38 for adoption and 53
against. Advocates of unqualified
ratification lnciuoea to aemocrats ana
one republican. Senator Mccumber.
Senator Underwood urged all sen
ators who had voted against the
Lodge resolution to "repudiate it." He
then explained what future procedure
could be had.--
Other Resolutions Promised.
"We shall maintain that we are en
titled to effer other resolutions of
ratification," he declared.
"The rice-president haa ruled cor
rectly that we have that right, but
majority of the senate destroyed his
ruling. When this resolution (of Sen.
ator Lodge) is voted down again we
must face the fact whether a partisan
majority, which Intend to destroy
this treaty, can be controlled and by
Indirect measures aay to the senate,
'You shall ratify as we present it or
not at all.
That is the issue and I am pre
pared to meet it and the American
people will know who is to ratify
this treaty and who is to destroy it.
If further resolutions are kept out
by a majority vote after the Lodge
resolution is again defeated. Senator
Underwood said Senator Lodge either
would have to adjourn the senate or
! notify the president by a resolution
that the senSte would take no fur
ther action on the. treaty.
Borah Aenln Objects. '
Senator Borah, republican, Idaho,
reiterated hts objections to the
league, saying he believed it would
be his laat chance as ne expectea
prompt ratification with the reservations.
"1 believe," he said, "that sooner or
later entirely too soon this treaty
will be ratified with the league in it
and with the reservations as they are
written, although there might be
some possible changes in order that
there may be common sharing of
parentage. My objection to the
league are not met by the reserva
tions. "You who are quarreling over res
ervations. Tell me which of your
reservations preserves the doctrines
of the fathers against entanglement!
in the affairs of Europe? Not one.
The essential thing of all remains ia
the covenant unaffected."
serious one for General Yudenitch'a
army, which has been cut in half.
It must either surrender, the mes
sage says, or cross the frontier into
Ksthonla. in which direction it Is
being pursued.
Lettish Forces Capture Town.
COPENHAGEN. Nov. 19. Lettish
forces have captured the town of
Bauske, with a large amount of
booty, according to Riga advices to
the Lett bureau. Bauske lies south
east of Mitau.
Intoxicating Cider Found.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Nov. IS.
Special. ) Krnest Hlnck. charged
Hood River County Reports Gain of
2 61 Over Last Year.
HOOD RIVER. Or., Nov. 19. Spe
cial.) The school census in Hood
River county, just completed, shows
total of 2352, an increase of 261
over last year. Losses are reported
In three districts along the Columbia
river highway west of the city. Cas
cade Locks lost 33, Viento 5 and
Wyetta 6.
This decrease was due to removal or
families of men who had been en
gaged at these points In highway and
railroad work.
Bolshevik! Report General Murt
Give Up or Cross Into EMhonla.
LONDON. Nov. 19. The position on
the Petrograd front, according to a
bolshevik! wireless 'message, is a
A Little "Danderine" Checks
Ugly Dandruff and Stops
Hair Falling.
Dandruff Heads
Become Hairless
with-having intoxicating cider in his was ffned 399 and costs of $3
possession, today pleaded guilty and 1 Cedric Miller, justice of the peace.
If you want plenty of thick, beau
tiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all
means get rid of dandruff, for it will
starve your hair and ruin It if you
It doesn't do much good to try to
brush or wash it out. The only sure
way to get rid of dandruff ia to dis
solve It. then you destroy it entirely.
To do this, get about four ounces of
ordinary liquid arvon: apply It at
night when retiring; use enough to
moisten the scalp and rub it in gently
with the finger tips.
By morning, most If not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or
four more applications will completely
dissolve and entirely destroy every
ingle sign and trace of it.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the acalp will stop,
and your hair will look and feel a
hundred times better. You can get
liquid arvon at any drug store. It
ia inexpensive and four ounces is all
you will need, no matter how much
dandruff you have. This simple rem
edy never falls. Adv.
fi k GaS S s
n . A Oeeo-Corve Leases
hi Are Better A
(Trademark Registered)
T h o roughly experienced
Optometrists for the examina
tion and adjustments, skilled
workmen to construct the
lenses s concentrated serv
ice that guarantees depend
able glasses at reasonable
New and Eff ective
Lamp Socket
In Your
Less Than
One Cent
Per Hour to,
The "Majestic" Electric
Radiator Heater for
Prevents freezing of the water in your
radiator even in the coldest weather
Makes it easy to start your motor on a cold
Made by the makers of the popular "Ma
jestic" Electric Heaters for home, office,
store or factory
Price complete with adjustable chain
hanger, 8-ft. cord and plug $70
For Sale by All Dealers
Complete LeaS fSrtaalBK
Factory om the Premises
Get s small bottle of "Danderlne"
at any drug store for a few cents,
pour a little into your hand and rub
well into the scalp
tips. By morning
of this awful scurf will hsve disap
peared. Two or three appllcatio
often remove every bit of dandru
and stops falling hair. Every hair
on scalp shortly shows more life,
vigor, brightness, thickness and color.
Jth the finger i jl
out, if not all. j g
Maaufaetvrere and Patentees,
Fraaelaco, Philadelphia. Kansas City.
Portland's Largest. Moat Mod
era. Heat CjlpeS, Eaelaalve
Oatloal Juatabltakaseait.
Slaer 1908.
2?-3? '25? ?5?
;''''.' xi t ) 'i i