THE MORXING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, XOVE3IRER 20, 1919. KF.AL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. ONLY $69.50 PER ACRhi. WELL STOCKEM AND EQUIPPED. 1 acres, located 16 miles west of Southern Pacific, on pood graveled road; 1 K) acres under cultivation and tiled. 94 acres pasture, some . timber, good fences, 4 acres orchard. S-room house, ham 36x50. silo; buildings all in fine fhape; with this place go a horses. H -ow, 1 calf, 4 hogs, 12 pigs. 1 1 head Shropshire sheep. 36 goats, 70 chickens. 5 turkeys and crops; also 2 wak'ons, 2 Clows. 3 sets harness, mower, rake, disc harrow, peg-tooth harrow, cream sep arator, potato planter and digger, grain drill and lots of tools; $30'H cash. The ranch can be sold without the stock and equipment for about $50 per acre. Lo rated In Lane county, close to school. All rural conveniences and near Eugene, Or. J ohn Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Washington county dairy, live stock. BREEDING FARM. 55 miles from Portland, paved road al most all the way. I am here to dispose of this place In sale or exchange for Income property ; contains -40 acres. 120 beau tiful bottom land, with three spring creeks through the place, Ry. and sid ing close by; splendid onion and beaver dam land, fine set of bldg. Farm la Quipped wit h implements; 30 head old and young dairy herd, 0 horses; slope land la good and about 100 acres of cedar and fir saw timber, with two ' eawmills on adjacent properties; this place Is offered for considerable less than ever before for quick deal ; price $40,000. Apply 605 Corbett bldg., Port land. WELL. STOCK ED AND IMPROVED. 67 acres, located on good road. - V m ilea from electric line, near Oregon City; all good land, black shot soil, no waste ; good fences and all rural con veniences, telephone and V mile to achool ; 36 acres under cultivation. 31 acres In pasture : watered by 2 springs and well; 7 acres commercial orchard, good 6-reftin house, ba rn 30x68. hog houses ana other buildings; price $150 per acre, with 4 cows, 2 heifers, good learn. 5 hog. 100 chickens, crops and large and complete line of machinery and cream separator. This place is only 15 miles from the courthouse in Portland. Terms on part. Photos at of fice. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. WELL STOCKED AND IMPROVED. 67 acres, located on good road. 2 '2 Tnlles from electric line .near Oregon City ; ail good land, black shot soil, no waste; good fences and all rural con veniences, telephone and mile to school ; 30 acres under cultivation. 31 acres in pasture: watered by 2 springs and well; 7 acres commercial orchard, icood 6-room house, barn 36x88. hog houses and other buildings ; price $150 per acre, with 4 cows, 2 heifers, good team, ft hogs. 100 chickens, crop and large and complete line of machinery and cream separator. This place Is only 15 miles from the courthouse in Portland. Terms on part. Photos at of f ice. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. MR. STOCKMAN. "We are authorised to offer for sale 320 acres close to Portland, consisting of 250 acres of bottom land, cultivated, balance is pasture and Home timber ; has large house and other buildings; stream runs through property; close, to Columbia river; only 12 miles from Vancouver, Wash. We are pleased to how this place by appointment. At present ra nch is stocked and fully equipped, the sale of which could be arranged for if interested; terms given. $30,000. MR. COR BIN, COB A. McKENNA & CO.. 2 Fourth st. Main 6S71. 61-LEND1D 323-ACRE FARM WITH $4000 STOCK. CROP. AND EQUIPMENT FUR $100 AN ACRE. Paved highway and hard-surfaced road from Portland to the ranch, only 27 miles southwest, about 1-i in cultiva 4 ion ; fine sol), lies well, no rock : some seeded to fall grain, balance good pas ture and timber. Abundance of fine water from a never-failing spring, piped to 6-room house and big barn ; other out-build Ings, big silo. You can look "the valley over" and you cannot dupli cate this ranch for less than $50,000. Pes Sam Hewey at J. L. Hartman Co., No. 7 'hamber of Commerce bldg. 40 ACRES-$225o! $500 cash, $100 semi-annually, buya a splendid 40-acre ranch, nearly level. 5 acres fairly cleared. 5 acres more cleared and seeded to clover between the stumps; irrigating ditch right through the place, water from same costing $2.50 per acre per year; well-built large 2-room house, good barn, log storehouse and other buildings; good plow, stump-puller, table and block and other tools; located 0 miles north of Carson Springs, up the Columbia river. Photograph at office of Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays. SMALL EQUIPPED FARM. 25 acres, located 21 miles from Mo lalla. Or., on good graveled road; i mile to school: all can be cultivated: 12 acres under cultivation, 8 acres pasture that can easily be plowed; no waste land ; good fences, 2 acres orchard, alt kinds of fruit, 8-room house, barn, chicken house and root cellar, with ce ment floor; telephone and ail rural con v enienccH. Price $4000, with team. 2 cows, chickens, crop, cultivator, plows, harness, disc harrow, buggy, etc. ; $2500 .IQj'lN FERGUSON, Gerlln g erB 1 dg. 3i50 ACRES. 80 In cultivation, rest pas ture, bet. 4000 and 5000 cords of wood and will cover half purchase price; spring water piped to building. 8-room house, plastered, with bath, barn 30x00; 1 i miles to town and electric line, in Wash ington county, 20 miles from Portland; 40 acres now seeded In grain. 1 f vou are look In cr for a unnn don't hesitate. This won't last long at $s6 per acre with, good terms. Mr. G. tU Johnson. Main 5199. with SKOTHEIM-B RO W N COM PA X T, 330-1-2-3 Railway Exchange Bldg. l'OU CAN BUY THIS GOOD 70-ACK3 FARM ON EASY TERMS. 40 acres of splendid soil, no rock, of gravel, in cultivation ; about 20 acres more can be put in cultivation at small cost, balance pasture and timber; fine spring water piped into i - room house and i big barn: hog house, chicken house, ma- j chine shed, good family orchard ; one t mile to school, on county road. 42 miles to Portland. Price $5000, take $15o0 i cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. See -am Hewey at j. i-iakiman CO., ISO. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SOUTHERN OREGON DAIRY RANCH. 90 acres, located 36 miles from rail road town; 30 acres under cultivation. 10 acres pasture, 5 acres alfalfa : watered by creek and well; county road and rural conveniences; 5-room house. , barn and other building?, good fences; I 3 acres orchard; price $5500 with lots 1 of feed, 10 milch cows, horses, hogs. i c-hickens, turkeys and complete line of j machinery. Small payment down, will handle this place. John Ferguson. Ger linger bldg. 80 A. FINE FARM. 80 acres, all in cultivation : 6-room good house, new barn 56x75, full of hay; full silo, windmill, 2 good wells, 4 horses. 11 cows, 7 hogs; complete set of Implements and tools; nothing missing to make an up-to-date farm ; on cream route, right at R. R. station; in Llna county. Price $14,000. half cash. GRUSSl & BENNETT, 313 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. AKIMA VALLEY BARGAIN Irrigated 80 acres, 3 miles from town, mile from station, government canal, 8-room house, big red barn, chicken house and other outbuildings, cellar, 6-acre bearing or chard, grapes, nuts, berries, 20 acres fine alfalfa; $0000, terms. Central Yak ima Ranches Co., 512 Selling bldg. Main 4993. Write for photos. NEAR COTTAGE GROVE. $2700; $1000 cash, buys a 1 40-acre ranch. 100 acres tillable. 40 under cul tivation. 2.000.000 feet of saw timber, family orchard, 6-room house, 2 large barns, chicken house, smoke house, hog house, all fenced, 7 miles to Yoncalla Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Coral Open Sundays. IMPROVED 20-aere farm? near Gresham located on good road, close to school: good orchard, berries, grapes, good 5 room house, barn and outbuildings, cow, farm tools, chickens, vegetables and po tatoes for winter; only $5300 many other good buys for your inspection. Auto at your service. Krider & Elking ton. Gresham, Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE. My farm of 160 acres in Sask., Can ada.; 6 miles from town and railroad, 40 rds. from postofflce: schoolhouse on farm, plenty of wood for fuel, splendid water. Will trade for small farm near Portland. Address W. W. Beattie, 082 Hawthorne ave. MR. CORBIN. our farm specialist, will be most pleased to give advice as to where the good land buya of Oregon can be found. COE "A. McKENNA. 82 Fourth St. 40 ACRES, 16 cleared, besides garden and orchard: fine timber, near large sawmill, school and store: house 8 rooms, large barn, cnicKen ana pig nouses and yards weil located, good soil; bargain. $3000. Address t o. dox -h... fortiand. 10 ACRES ON S. P. ELECTRIC. Good soil, part in cultivation, close to electric station and highway, work nearby; price iuuu, jiut aown. Draper, 526 Chamber of Commerce. $S000 YEARLY INCOME. This is conservative. SO acres, corners In city limits; oerries ana general farm ing; very complete; get C-e tails. 1. j? Swart noui. sumntr. wasn. S.IO TO $100 PER ACRE Dairy, roultrv stock ranches, near paved Pacific high, way. Call or write Hugh E. Bran, pres ident Toicao estate j-tariK, ioiedo (Win lock R. R. station), Washington. 40 ACRES 23 IN CROP. 5-room house, good barn, horses, rows ehlrkens. hog and implements; '-i mile from electric depot; only $2.o; 4 cash., rv voan at B'b. Call Tabor 3S4 REAL ESTATE. For Wale -Farms. WHEAT FARMING. Is far the easiest of farm work: some of our largest Spokane financial Institu tions are contralled by men who made their money raising wheat. Your op portunity today is as great. This is one of our best offerings. Hoo acres, 100 miles from Spokane, good wheat producing section, seven miles from small town, near state road, all in cultivation, has all been farmed with a tractor, 4oo acres good clean summer-fallow In fall wheat, ordinary set of buildings, good well, all crop, combined harvester and some other ma chinery go at $4 2,0M), on easv terms. Owner will contract 1020 crop at $12,000. If you are not interested in this you don't want to buv land. J. F. DEALT & CO.. 417-418 Hyde bldg. Spokane. Wash. IDEAL HOG RANCH. 80 acres, located east of Oregon City, close in. on good graveled road. 75 acres can be cultivated, 3 acres under cultiva tion, 2 acres orchard, good creek and spring, water piped to buildings; 9 room house, new, large bam and hog house; with this place goes 3 horses. 3 cows. 22 hogs, 2 pigs. 170 chickens. 2 wagons, 1 mower. 2 cultivators. S plows, 2 sets harness, hay rake, spring tooth harrow, peg tooth harrow, cream separator and crop in ground and in barn. Offered away below value. Large cash pavment. JOHN" FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. $7000 OX TERMS will put you In posses sion of unquestionably one of the best 40-acre farms in Willamette valley : on graveled county road, about to be mac adamized, all in cultivation and im proved wit good buildings; one hour's ride from Portland, 3 miles from rail road. MR. CORBIN. COE A. McKENNA. 82 Fourth St. ONLY FIVE MILES FROM CITY. 30 acres, 27 acres under cultivation, balance in shade trees, all can be culti vated; good soil ; located east of K2d street: county road; good orchard and lots of berries: new 7-room house, with plumbing, bath room, sleeping porch, other buildings ; this is close to electric transportation ; only 30 minutes out by auto: this attractive place is clear, will consider some trade In clear city prop erty. Personally Inspected. Marstera at 314 Gerlinger bldg.. Main 8520. FANCY If you will one of those comfort able, well -constructed houses, with 26 highly cultivated acres. 10 acres in com mercial prunes, quantities of small fruits. This land will grow most anything and give big returns on the investment of $8000. MR, CORBTN. COE A. McKENNA. 82 Fourth Si. CHOICE SMALL FARM. 20 acres of fine land, nearly all In cultivation. 2 miles from electric line, Canby district; very neat 5-room house, plenty fruit and berries, storehouse with double walls, garage, chicken houses, barn and silo, on county road, $3750, $2000 cash, balance 0 per cent Interest. D. McChesney, 304 Oak street, Broad way 206. j 7 ACRES, about 60 acres bottom land, balance slightly rolling : fair buildings, H mile from R. R. station, 1 miles from town ; price $6500, including farm implements, team of draft horses and tools ; $2500 cash, balance terms at 6 per cent. Owner, AO 762, Oregon ian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. $2,173,000 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 1, 1019. S00 HOUSES. This organization can sell houses. Every house listed Is inspected, photo graphed and appraised by Frank L. Ale Gulre personally and report made on your house without charge. You know that 12 real estate salesmen with auto mobiles working in a well-organized of fice, which spends thousands and thou sands of dollars annually advertising homes exclusively, must get results. We are in touch with the majority of buyers. List your home with us for re sults. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Sell Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. NOT ICS TO " PROPERTY OWNERS. An opportunity to have your home In spected, appraised and photographed by an expert appraiser, who will tell you what it is worth, and what It can be sold for, all this Is free service which goes with our business. List your home with us to sell, we are doing special high-class advertising, which will in sure results. For prompt attention, call E. M. Padden, Sales Manager. Bdwy. 3644. METZGER-PA RKER-FERGUSON CO.' 302 Oak. St. OWNERS ONLY. WANTED A HOME. IRVING TON ROSE CITY A LAMBDA LA URELHURST. YOUR LOWEST PRICE AND TERMS ON A NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, WITH GARAGE, IN PRICE $4500 TO $.1000. MUST HAVE 6 ROOMS AND WITHIN 3 BLOCKS OF CAR. WRITE ME DESCRIPTION. LOCATION, PRICE. TERMS. I WILL PAY AT LEAST $15ilO DOWN. THERE WILL BE NO COMMISSION TO PAY ON THIS DEAL SPECIFY SIZE AND FINISH OF ROOMS. WTSH TO OCCUPY DECEM BER! ST. BD 675, OREGON I AN. SELL WHILE SELLING IS GOOD. Have Immediate sale for bungalows In Hawthorne, Rose City and Alberta; some ca?h buyers and others with $1000 cash. Quick results if price is right. DOBNER & DOBNER, BONDED REALTY DEALERS, 308 HENRY BLDG., MAIN 8474. WE HAVE more cash buyers for housei from $2500 to $4000 than we have places to show. Also have several clients with ictis ana automouues with cash to trade for houses. If you want to dispose of your place quick, call us up or drop in and see us. Reliable Investment Co., 305 Oak st. Bdwy. 4133. WANTED, FROM OWNER. A real, homey home, something out of the ordinary, colonial or Japanese bun galow style with French doors preferred, hardwood floors, breakfast room, etc. Don't answer this ad unless you have a real artistic home at a reasonable price; not over $10,000. AO 763, Oregonian. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. 621 Morgan bldg. Main 2035 or Main 4477. HAVE a client for a nifty bungalow: xaureinurst preierrea; not to exceed $10,000. MR. DERR, COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. Price must be right and very easy terms. We have sold over 400 homes in the last year. If you want action list with us. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays. WANTED 20 to 40 acres of well drained upland, suitable for the raising and cultivating of potatoes, near good road and transportation. Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co. 21 Rr 19-20-21 -22 Cham' ber of Commerce. Marshall 205. HAVE client who will pay $4000 cash for modern bungalow in Rose City, Haw thorne or Piedmont; must be strict! modern and attractive-looking. Luedde mann Co., 813 Chamber of Commerce Main 6067. WANTED To purchase six or seven-room iiivuci i nun.. "iiiui 1 11 i. principal and interest will not exceed $500 an nually: insurance and taxes not includ ed. Address H 349. Oregonian. WANT 5 or 6-room bungalow in R. C. Parle, Irvinfrton or Murrymead up to $6000' party can make good cash payment. HENRY W. UODDARD, 24a Stark St. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO SELL? WE SELL THEM TRY US MaclNNES & PRATT. Main 3R88. 413 Hoard or Trade Bldr WANT improved farm or acreage on good road, will give 1-3 in first-class unin cumbered lots and balance cash. Addrem t 1 1 Krt-c 1 1.TJ WANTED 6-room house or bungalow $1800 to $3000: state terms; no agents' Piedmont district preferred. G 086, Ore gonian. CASH paid for fractional and undivided interests in real property and estates. Frank T. Berry. 215 Railway Exchange WANT good home, will give one or more unincumueieu iuib. w-u locaiea and bal a nee cash. Owner. Tabor jtiir. WANTED A neat 5 or 6-room house, not too iar uui. iiiubi uv: uiiuer 331)00 and worm tne price, l, on, oregonian. WANTED From owner, good house on aoout t acre pi grouna. near car line. WOULD like to consult with party that has idle land on Columbia highway west of Crown Point. BD 671. Oregonian. WANTED Modern bungalow, not over $:!750. half cash. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg Main 3 643. WANTED Modern house in restricted dis trict, or good building lot. G 6S7, Ore gonian. 10 ACRES not further than Tigard; own ers only. A S26, Oregonian. Farms Wanted. HAVE YOU A FARM TO SELL? WE SEI-L THEM TRY US. MacINNESS & PRATT. 413 Board o Trade, Portland. Or, WANTED REAL ESTATE. Farms Wanted. MR. FARMER Do you want to sell that farm of yours? If so, give me a chance. I can sell it If the price and location are right. I .have two men wanting tarms; they are from Canada and the east; farm must be near the following description as possible: 100 acres or so, and 180 acres up, about two-thirds or so under plow, Al soil, creek or spring, good fences; buildings must be good ; on good graveled road, with or without equipment. Prefer Willamette valley. If you have such a farm, list it with us at once. I am selling many farms; yours can be sold, too A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad,e Bi d g. PAY cash for small farm; must be sacri fice: owners only. N 118. Oregonian. Wanted to Rent Farms. 1 WAXT to rnt H to 30-acre farm near Portland ; must have house, barn and water and I will clear it for the rent. A 820. Oregonian. WANTED By experienced farmer, farm to rent on shares; dairy preferred; best of references. K 707, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. 1ARM of SO acres, 27 miles from Port land, on highway and river, with daily boat landing at farm; 24 acres in cul tivation including 7 . acres commercial orchard, mostly Bartlett pears; good buildings, spring water piped to all build ings; cash or share rent; cow and herd of pigs on place; renter wjll have to furnish his own team: give references and experience. Q 7oi, Oregonian. FOR RENT 40 acres, 15 cultivated, bal" ance good pasture, water running through place, modern 8-room house, partly furnished, range, hot water con nections, orchard choice fruit. Thompson-Swan Office, Vancouver, Wash. TIMBER LANDS. FINE CORDWOOD PROPOSITION. 250 acres. i mile from R. R. siding, several thousand cords of wood and some saw timber, 15 acres in cultivation, big team, wood wagon, drag saw and all farm implements and tools; price for personal property $2000. including two year lease to place and timber. AO 761. Oregonian. CONTRACTS WANTED. Lumber or wood-hauling contracts suitable for trucks wanted; state par ticulars by letter. DAVE CRAWFORD, 71 N. Park St, FOR SALE OH TP i nc Twenty million feet of good red fir timber in Clarke county. Wash., together wini complete logging outfit for $35,oon. Logging equipment alone worth 13,000. "ill sell on terms or trade for cltv prop erty. An excellent tie-mill proposition. A N 888. Oregonian. i-Oft SALE ..O-h. p. mill. 15,000 to 20.000 -rt,,ii. , w -j x i u Seattle , tionkev; aw equipment complete; plenty of timber; less than $1 per M. ; located on S. P.R. R oO miles fmm PnTflanH COOOO- e'tr.oo .im handle. Lumber cost $13 t. o. b. car under i--nt conamons. AM 611. Oregonian. TEN MILLION TIMBER. Good timber, good mill site. 3 mile from R. R.. nlank rnoH tn n-ithin l mile; for quick sale. $1 per thousand will take it. Gerhauser. 403-4 Stock cM-nange oing, call lor Williams. WANTED For immediate operation, old growth fir stumpage. close to Portland, on good road, for wood. 322 Yeon bldg. PILING timber wanted for winter work, Q- V. Gamble, Couch bids;. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. fKuvtD 540-scre farm, close io cugene. on good auto road; 400 in crop; good buildings. Owner receives of crop from tenant. Price $50.00. .,o.ut property to $2O.00O, cash or mtg. to $15,000, bal. 64 per cent Would be interested In taking some va cant property suitable for buildings L. K. MOORE. 317 Board of Trade 10 ACRES, 7-YEAR-OLD APPLE yj 11. V, M.AKU. 4 sianrtnrf? varli.iiaB- Ani t galow. barn and outbuildings; beautiful location, good view. An exclusive place alue $4000. cost more; exchange for CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO -'- Hallway Ex. bldg. Main 675: CLOSE-IN ACREAGE FOR CITY HOME. 20 acres, .iust east of the city; house oh rn. out du dines and orrhnnl r,,.-. of fir trees; will exchange for 'modern CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO 212 Railway Ex. bldg. Main 6752. ROSE CITY PARK HOME FOR 1 t PHO VtTi T.- u x. "Want an improved Willamette valley "P " nave modern 7-room home worth $5500 to trade in on good CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO 212 Railway Ex. bldg. Main 6752 r-14 a t ii,-dc i r: ' .v uau.ncr in urst-class running condition, looks like new 5 new tires and lot of extras; will sell or trade 111 tiiiuac iul or anvin nr st . . 9U0 Powell Valley road. Sellwood 717". 2ll Al'RB all U , r cation. JVi miles to good town and rail road, 011 county road: old set buildings will take city property for equltv o $3500. mtg. $1500. Tabor 1238. Q w ri er. NICE LEVEL LAND close to cheese fac 3 i.iiMKtu, mnes out 40 a.. J40OO. Take house and assume or Bood building lots. 34 Railway Ex- ICO ACRES near Swift k..i. improved wheat land: creek through one corner: to trade for vmall farm, -acre-a-ie. stump land or unimproved unliable .-Mm m n.n. mi -. uregunlan. tM HAXOt, 40 acres land, .".oo nnn ft. standing timber, sitiiumrl 1 miu deep water. J S, miles from Qulncy value f lDO; would trade for auto if T-.i.m. .rtiur. .i -.-., uregonian. FOR EXOH AXfiR 20',4 acres loganberry or prune land 1 mile of R. R. station, in Poilc will exchange for rooming house or auto- MT. TABOR lot; exchange for eastern lumhridM Vf ti . . 1PCTDT -. . . - . . 7 .. . " " " ' mi or small nouse as i w T- V. . juouern o-room noun. WILL exchange $.10O0 equity in 4 busines ... --i. vniio or larm or sma house. Mr. Archba d. 127 Flr .1 DANDY li-acre tract with bonus 20 . ...... . . . im. i hi Portland yy--- m imgp true. Plain 3380 TO EXCHANGE MISCELLAXEOC8. WILL exchange Sl'jr.O eoiittv in i. thif neit,"t of St- Johns for good aec- il,""r ""to'nuDiie. Mr. Axchbald, FOR SALE. Homes. Vehicles. Livestock. MOO-LB. team, mare and gelding. ith Miduin;iiv new narness: also 2-sec ion ..Nun, ,iii: oiacK norse. lloO lbs. blocky built. $4.-.; all good workers sound: nearly new kitchen range 391! Knott St.. near Union ' low. and $J0. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goata. r ii ... . , . . - or sen. ua mn ..r.i-r iicinu A-aiia & cattle Co Couch bldg. 30-2 LARGE young Holsteln cow. very heav milker: must be sold at once. Wood- villa car Burnalde, Monta PURE-BRED Ayreshlre bull, dropped June ? ,18-- Jl8-"!? blue ribbon heifer state N 95. Oregonian, DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid ior u?o.u uuws aim crippiea horses. Phon Mflwaukle 60-J for result -fnone I-OH SALE Nearly new wagon, used but .a short time. Baker & Kinney, 701 Wash ington t., Vancouver. Wash. FIVE good dairy cows, just fresh, giving from 4 to . gallons daily. Woodstock car to 6M2 E. 24 th st. DEAD horses, animals hauled away frvtL Portland Rendering Co. Wooulawn 20 DEAD horses taken quickly. Cash Iw dead cows. Tabor 4203. FOR SALE 15 full-blood Shropshire March rams. Holman Fuel Co., 94 5th. 1135 TEAM mares. 2500 lbs.. hamesaTand wagon. Atlas Woodyard, 327 Front. 1 HEIFER calf. 2 week, old: full-blooded Jersey. II East 60th et. X. FOR SALE Brood sows. Wdln. S43S" will farrow soon. Piano, Organs and Musical Instrument. FOR SALE A new phonograph for S2 eoual to any ioo talking machine. s Morton. 215 12th st. Marshall 3 0 81 . PLAYER piano almost new, no reasonable offer refused. Tabor 5704. aDi" ESTEY chapel organ, $50; $50 Victrola out. fit, $80. Harold S. filbert. 38 ft YamhUJ, NEW $100 mahogany grafonola, used on week. $00. 254',-, Market St.. upstair" SNAP Almost-new Hobart M. Cable ni ano. 312 Worcester bldg. pi $175 EDISON diamond disc, golden oak good condition: $130. 328 Main st. I WANT a piano in good tone, can be old Main 3804 before 5. Cash. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS HAROLD S. GILBERT, 384 Yamhill St. WANTED To rent a good piano by jUUUH MUjt liufll UUJi, FOB RALE. Pianos. Organ and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. Arlington upright piano ror....n $4."0 Hainea Bros., mahogany . IDS $:i.-0 Hallet 4 Davis, upright ebony.. 16 $350 Leland, oak upright.... IS' $475 new stored upright 29 $750 Harte player pia&o. ......- 44$ Small upright pianoa $65 and 71 Pianos stored. 50c month. Pianos bought and sold for cash only 1U FOURTH ST.. at WASH. ST. . REAL PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. $125 Pathe. $85. $110 Victrola. $90 $175 Cremona. $125. All of these are as good as new; pay $10 and we'll send you one. We are open evenings. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. B 492. 427 Washington St; ORGAN. VOCALION. Suitable for church or moving picture, house; two manual bass pedals, foot swell, five foot stop levers, with elec motor and blower complete: guaranteed in first-class condition: bargain at half price, terms given. SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th at., bet. Wash, and Alder sta. GOING to buy a phonograph for Christ- mas7 join our unnsimas pnonum tin club, pay $2.50 cash and $2.50 weekly. We are open every evening. Come in and we'll demonstrate for you. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. B 493. 427 Washington St. USED PIANO We have a large assort ment of used pianos, player pianos miu baby grand pianos. Standard makes and everyone guaranteed. Our prices are low, our terms will please you. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co.. 435 Washing tor. St., cor. 12th. Bdwy. 750. 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT FOB CASH. EVERETT (ebonlzed) ' VOSE A SONS (properly repaired).. 218 Kurtxman (like new) 3O0 Passed by the best repair shop In tha city. HAROLD S. UILBBK T. an minimi. SECOND-HAND PHONOGRAPH Several t.Dinei s'i3 " ' " ard make, only slightly used, at very low prices. Our terms will please you. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co., 435 Wash i . . , i , v. uiiuv 7 ".n BLINDFOLDED you'll choose the Cremona .,lw...nora r.ri for its tone. Allow us to demonstrate and we'll prove this state ment. Open evenings. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. B 492. 427 Washlngton St. m A REAL 1 1A.MI OAriOAio. Concert sise.' mahogany case. Bailey piano: the price la only $265. pay $10 m WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. B 402. J . U. -V. In ,r,,n Kt IN the Cremona we have the sweetest- tonea pnonograpn; we u iv - ment It ou'll allow us to demonstrate. We are open evenings. Wakefield Music Co., 427 Washington at. isroad way 492. REDUCED Christmas terms: $12.50 cash. $12.50 next pay day ana iu ' January 1, 1920, buys new upright, im proved up-to-date pianos at the SCHWAN PIANO CO., Ill Fourth St. PIANO BARGAIN. $100 and up; each one a bargain and our one-year exchange proposition guar antees them; step in and see for your self; terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Mu- sic (jo., ia t.n oet. GOING to buy a phonograph for Chrlst- masr join our uwhw.i.i. - $2 50 weekly. We are open evenings. Come In and we'll demonstrate for you. Wakefield Music Co.. 427 Washington st. PIANOS. TUNED. REPAIRED. Guaranteed work at reasonable prices. Seiberllng-I.ucas Music Co., 12o-12i 4th st. iain oocto I A 11 r. in. .. ,1 . or organ on new . . . - a our propositions will please you. Selber- : . . , ii 4tVi al Main ung-Lucas Jiusit -- "STRADIVARA PHONOGRAPHS play all records perfectly; will take old machines In trade; expert phonograph repairing. Enke & Fields, 7o Couch bld. Main t273. WANTED Mahogany case, baby fand ' piano from private owner; must be in good condition, with best cash price. Phone .ast --ui. ... i;,v, 11 1 I.1JU nP.PHRKD Any make, guaranteed work. Selber-ling-Lucaa Music Co., 125 4th st. Main O.IOO. . ORGANS. JRGAS 25 and up: Packard. A. B. Chue. Es tey and others; term given. Selberung, Lucas Music Co.. 15 4th. - PLAYEK PIANO WANTED. Pay cash If barsaln from private par ties. Call Marshall 1M7 before 10 A. M. or after 6 P. M. and Sunday. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used pianos and player-piano; lei ow pnue Diemnins Lucas Piano Co., 1-5 4th at. Main bOtf. ncitvawinK mahosranv cabinet phono graph, automatic slop; filing sstem for records; guarameea m peiitn:, tuiiuiuuu, $110; terms. woomawn tu.o. DANDY cabinet Columbia talking ma chine, cheap. Room 1, 1424 First L cor. Alder. fiRAFONOLAS with records for rent. Km- 1 55. CASH PAID FOR USED RECORDS AND PHONOGRAPHS. 1S First. Main 4405. Tabor 6798. FO R HA LE Trap drums and a ccessories, cost V-J-i montn ago, sen xor .u. -uj rs. ltfth. Bdwy. rSM. IF YOUR favorite phonograph records have lost their charm, phone us at once, ve can surprise you. Main MUST SELL good piano; make best offer. Call forenoons only, 5320 T44th ave. .s. Furniture for Hale. NICKEL-TRIMMED Universal combina tion steel wood, coal and gas range with coil, practically new. $S0; massive over stuffed genuine leather rocking chair, 4."; massive golden oak library table, $2.V fumed oak cabinet phonograph, some records, ."0; oak leather rocker. $15; fine large Ice box, $20. 554 Tilla- mook st., Irvlngton. " FURNITURE HOSPITAL. Corner 2d and Market. If your furniture Is broken down or discolored, call A 1028; we will call and get it repair and return to your home. Vpholstering and refinishlng a specialty. DON'T sacrifice your furniture If going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight In our through cars. Fireproof Storage. C. M. , Olsen Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pin es t . DON'T miss our cleanup sale of rebuilt ranges and gaa ranges, special prices all this week. Guaranteed for service; easy terms. H. Jennlng & Sons, 6th and Washington sta. JEWEL range, heater, dining table, kitch en table, led and springs, couch, chairs, all in good condition. 4109 66th st. 3. E. SOLID oak library table with magazine rack, as good a new; $'20. Apt. 15, 915 Thurman st. FOR SALE Large size New Idea gas stove, four burner, high oven, hot cake griddle; good condition; $15. Tabor 2S FURNITURE for eale. Inquire room 7 Morrison apartments, Morrison and 17th streets. 6-ROOM modern houseboat, furnished; $1400. terms. 1P5V Broadway. ROLL-TOP desk and swivel chair, cheap 454 Going St., mornings. Poultry. PULLETS We offer you Barred Rocks, White Wyandottes, Black Orpington and Rhode Island Red pullets, $1.25 to $2.50, according to age and strain. Northwest Poultry Corp., 82d St., 78d to 74th ave Southeast. FOR SALE White Leghorn pullets, extra good laying strain. $2; Rhode Island pullets, $2. Will deliver on approval. Route A, box 367, Portland. 10 BARRED ROCK pullets, ready to Jay, $2 each: yearling White Leghorn hens, $1.50 each. J. R. Magulre, 787 Oregon St., near East 24th. WE WILL pay you highest cash price for April. May-hatched pullets, any breed. Northwest Poultry Corp., Lents, Or. Dogs. Rabbits. Birds. Pet Stock. THE FADE RE W SKI CATTERY. Orange Persian kittens of quality. East 396T. CANARY birds for sale. Phone Bdwy. 3656 Machinery. SPECIAL. We have In - stock lath machinery, planers and upright shingle machines. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 83 First StreeL Portland. Or. 35-HORSEPOWER new Foos engine at a reduced price. Pacific Scale A Supply Co.. 48 Front st. Broadway 1966. Lsvuneh es said Boat s. IF you want a cozy little home with every convenience of an --appointment, see our all-modern houseboat, foot Har ney ave.. Sell wood moorage, afternoons and evenings. ian .-Nippon, BOATS and barges built and repaired, es timates and expert advice freely fur nished. Yard and ways at Albina ave. Phone East 2162. Marine Repair & Const. Co. Typewriters. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 5th. Main 3668. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at rut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona i dealers, . W. Pcaae Co., 110 Sixth su FOR SALE. T v pew ri t rpi. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, ALL MAKES, sold on monthly pay ments: send for price list. The .Whole sale Typewriter Co.. 321 Washington at. RENT a Re mington ; upecial rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now, immediate delivery: reasonable terms. Remington Typewriter Co. U X D ERWOODS AND REMINGTONS FROM GOVERNMENT. D. C. WAX. 109 2D ST. MAIN 4K31. FOR SALE 1 new typewriter, reasonable. Phone 7K7-Y. 303 W. 0th St., Vancou ver. Wash. MiMcellaneou. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. PAWN TICKETS. Sell your diamonds direct to Diamond importers and receive The highest cash market value. Without any disappointment. We pay from $100 te $800 Per karat. We purchase pawn Tickets, Crold. Silver, Platinum. Any valuables, any amount. We buy War Stamps. Liberty Bonds. Victory Bonds. If you want money, see us. Private offices. Business confidential. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 205 Morgan bldg.. 2d Floor. Corner Washington and Bdwy. Phone M. 4340. DIAMONDS WANTED. $200 TO HMM PEK KAKAT. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. Sell your diamonds to diamond ex ports. We positively pay highest cash market values lor diamonds, platinum, gold, tl ver, old Jewelry and all valua bles of every description. We buy old false teeth and all dental gold. Ste us before selling elsewhere. Private offices, business strictly confidential. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 447 iMorsan Bldg., Fourth Floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. SECOND ANNUAL AUCTION SALE. Twenty-five single stone diamond rings, 21 gold watches, nuKget jewelry. la vol I teres, typewriters, silverware, er mine Mole and muff. Elliot - Fisher ex ptnse machine. Remington Wahl. liberty bonds, musical instruments, drawing in btruments. surveyors' instruments and kodaks will be sold at the office of the Portland Homed ial Loan association, Stark street. December 2. SELLING OUT. Unable to obtain merchandise for our wholesale orders, we are forced to sell out our entire stock of sample rain coats, motorcoati and leather coats at actual wholesale prices direct to the PUDllC. UNITED RUBBER CO., 726 Morgan Bldg LADIES Brinir me all your crochet, knit ttna and embroidery work done. I will buy It, or sell for you all work you are able to do: It will bring you good ex tra money and I can sell it all year round. 37 iSi mpson St.. first white house from Union ave., take Wood lawn car to A ins worth ave., walk one abort block back to Simpson. FOR SALE $15. Gentleman's dark -colored overcoat, splendid material and late style; size oS to 4U. Call iast ui4. SEWING machines, new and second-hand. sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main U441. ttUWlNU MACIiLXK K.MIUKILM, 110 3d, near Taylor st. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NORR1S SAFE & LOCK CO., 165 Second st. Phone Main 2045. LEAKY roof, eh? Very aggravating, in deed. Why not a permanent comfortable roof ? We repair and Rubber Bond all Kin as or leaky rooiu; w orK guaranteed. Main 7776. 2 T. W. DESKS. 1 table. 1 mahogany roll top desk. 2 oak roll-too desks. 1 arch filing cabinet, 1 t.afe, 1 bookkeeper's desk and stool, 6 chairs. .Husnong A Co., wi park st- dLALTIp LL brown Aiollvia tout, pussy willow silk lined, almost new. silver brown Baronet satin skirt, new; brown tweed coat, pneumatic dress form and used trunk. C l.n4. HOT-WATER tanks, new and second-hand. . 912 to $20 Installed; expert boiler re pairing, plumbing supplies cheap. 203 Auama st. t-ast odio. SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES. FOR RENT. TRADE OR SALE. Newman's Exchange, 128 First. Main 44 Uo. SPECIAL sample dresses, suits and coats alvo slightly used: take elevator to 4th rioor anu save 5-'U. Jadiea Dreaa Ex change. 456 Pittock block. HONEY. WARRANTED UNADULTERATED.. Strained and comb, light, mild, best In city, under market. Last 1416. LOOK good and get that job. Patronize Rhodes, ex-service ; pressing 50c, w htle you wait. Downtown, 421 Washington st. rrices on cleaning uest in town ONE cluster dinner ring, 21 diamonds; also one gentleman's horseshoe stick pin, 15 Diamonds; one uiamona anu pearl ring Call East 522. WRINGER AND I RON E R Docs Tuesday ironing in one nour on .Monday. Oemon st ration Liberty Market, 5th and Yam hill sts. OFFICE equipment, T. W. desks, filing ca oin eta, lauies, cnain, supplies rrow government. D. C. Wax, l0i Second at. .Main 43i. FERTILIZER. Rotted cow and horse manure dell ered In truck loads. Main 44b5, 8 A. M. to o P. M. FOR SALE $.10. Complete set of airplane planes of a straignt-wing o:piane tractor. Cull Las 6S74. SECOND annual auction sale at the office of the Portland Itemed ial Loan assocla tion. 394 Stark St., Tuesday. Dec. 2, ONE Hoover vacuum sweeper, .iumbo size, for hotel or rooming house: perfect con dition, cheap for cash. Broadway 3954. i j.i a. ntn. SAFES New and second-hand; some with ourgiar cues it, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE fc SUPPLY CO., "Broadway 1!W. 48 Front st WE BUY WAR STAMPS. Spot Cash. Liberty Bonds Bought. American Brokerage. 25 Morgan bldg. HEATING STOVES FOR SALE OR TRADE. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 128 r IHST. MAI N 441.. ONE Tuxedo dinner coat and vest. alo blk broadcloth t ro users, good as new. cheap Tor casn. proaaway '.!, or io N. 17th FOR SALE Hood River apples, dlrec from grower, l..iO to $3 a box. Cal cor. rjaat j.ut n ana bast Mill st. 2 P LIT M -COLORED plumes. 18 in. lone s: Hand-made nightgown, largo size, $lo. ao oi, oregonian. UNCALLED-FOR OVERCOATS for sale, cneap ; large stock to c noose from. Or pneum uieaners. stark. EXCLUSIVE styles in hand-made mid winter hats; take elevator, save $5 to tu. ine pannpox. .'iiu wasn. WHY not get those rooms tinted n. $3 and up per room; all work guaran teea. lei, c. .u:u. TOOLS for sale, machinist and on rnn ters'. fine set for $:.5: also Hnm-lh n l u r form scales, good as new. 458 B. 26th st. uiajiu.m;. i4 -Karat, rree from nawa o carbon; a beautiful stone; private owner. iv am, uregonian. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, showcases, wall cases, fixtures; terms. w. j. vjuigiey, i rirsi. Alain 53lti. FOR SALE Ladies' suit, fur coat. r,T.. coat and other wearing apparel. Call K aat puun; u a-tin st. a . FOR SALE Carbon heating stove and ga Willamette Heights. Marshall 31H7. FOR SALE l-burner gas range, price $20. l.'KI UIV1BIUII LICENSED electrician will save you money on your wiring. Wdln. 371. DRY SLABWOOD delivered direct from the country in vcora lots. Broadway llf. LADIES All kinds of wearing apparel; smart, bijicd, b.isuiijt uneu. laoor 2825, YOUR 3-room house wired complete for $15; work guaranteed. Wdln. 3791. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, 24-hour da $1. delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 12 5. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented exchanged, bought. Bentley Co. Mn. 4907," FOR SALE Good gas stove. C. M Olson warehouse or East 11 72. FOR SALE Cash register. afe, adding machine, showcahe. 43 1st st.. near Ash. FOR SALE Fireproof safe. For particu lars, F 665. Oregonian. EXCLUSIVE coats. gowns and suits. slightly worn. Main 0567. MAJESTIC electric heater, js.50 each' these are new. Wdln. 3791. ' NEW coney seal fur sport coat, price $11' will sell $"5.lalfi3463. or Main 4058."' BIG load dry wood, sawed 16-inch; f5&b per load. Phone East 110. REMINGTON. No. 10. late, new; sell $60 Room 12. Bdwy. 164 2. FINE house palm for sale. Tabor 207. GOOD bicycle cheap- HrQadwav2i4 FOB SALE. M isreltaneoufl. SPECIAL LOT SHOES 1700 PAIRS WOMEN'S TURN AND WELT SHOES. MILITARY AND LOUIS HEELS; BURTS. WRIGHT PETERS. REEDS. ALL BETTER GRADE MAKES. AT A SPECIAL, ALL JOB PRICE. CALL ON G. C. M APES. ROOM C24, HOTEL OREGON. PF7ERLESS PLUM BT NO FIXTURES. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS, PLUMBING SUPPLIES. HOUSE-HEATING MATERIALS. IRON PIPE. . WM. POWELL VALVE AND STEAM SPErm.Tirra Tt r. s -r o M BELTING COMPANY'S MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO.. 68-70-72 Front SL. Portland. FOR SALE PEACOCK BLUE FRILLED TAILED SWEATER. S1ZK ::4 lO oU GOOD AS NEW. CALL EAST 6874. KOK SALE .WTO MO BILKS. ONE-PRK'K CARS. 1919 Nash, coft $2o00. $1600. Ul oliismobtie. 5 -pass, $1550. 1'tlS Maxwell, $685. 1118 Velle, 5 passenger $110O. 1 ! 1 7 Mitchell, 7-passenger, $685. lit 13 Cadillac, 5-passenger. $650. UM3 Studebaker. HAMILTON LEATHER MAN MOTOR COMPANY. 374 Union Avenue N. East 5201. WE HAVE 5 1918 Chevrolet touring car all overhauled and renovated to look like new ; depend on these because you a rf tm vinir t hem from the Chevrolet agents; to reduce our large stock of used cart we will let you taKe your pick at $600, terms. Fields Motor Car Co., 14th and Alder. 1IVF DDK'P ri HH7 Maxwell, $200 down, easy terms. 1917 HupmoMle. $11SO. 1918 Overland chummy roadster, $685 1916 Saxon roads t er, $ 2 R.Y 374 UNION AVE N. EAST 5291. 1918 OLDS MO BILE. 6-cyl., In good con dition and all good tires; has only run imo miles; new spare tire, bumper, spot light and tool box: a reasonable pay ment down and easy terms on the bal ance to responsible parties. i none Broadway li:;o and call for Mr. Knox 1118 FORD touring car. equipped with bumper, shock, absorbers, speeaomeier. c lee trie lights and Stewart Vacuum gaso line feed, also has a Kelsey body with one man top, body alone cost $250: will sell equipped for $550. terms. Fields Motor Car Co., ntn ana Aiaer. 191S OLDSMOBILE. 6-cyl.. in good con dition and ail good tires; has only run :nnto miUs: new snare tire, bumper, spot light and tool box; a reasonable pay ment down and easy terms on tne us ance to res pons i hie parties. rnon Brondway Il;t and call for Mr. Knox. MUST BE SOLD. DODGE SEDAN. T-ate model, mechanically perfect, wire wheels, good tires. $1200; can arrange good terms witn oanx. .Mr. rteea. ia nor 7494. 428 Fast 42d North. FORD bug. torpedo body. $350; Overland fi-passenger. starter, lights, 1 1 rat -class tires, a gift at $275. D. C- WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 5S N. 23d St. Main 780. 1918 FORD bug, torpedo body, top and w indshield, four speed transmission, r . F. oiler. Atwater-Kent Ignition. hub brakes, shock absorbers, spotlight, etc. 757 Division. Sell wood 3755. 1919 BUICK 6 touring car, like new. driven only 31UO mites; Dumper, extra lire, tube and tire cover; terms If wanted. Price $1600. with extras. Call Frank Smith. tsroaaway lidu. CHALMERS six roadster In first-class running condition, looks like new. 5 new tires and lot of extras; will sel or trade for house, lot or anything I can use. 990 Powell alley roau. &eiiwooa 71 1 FORD TOURING 1915. in fine running enndltion. good tires, a real nargain at $3O0. with terms. 30 Cirand avenue North, near Burnslde. HUDSON SUPER SIX 1918. In best of condition, good tires, owner must sacri fice, some terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. 1918 BUICK roadster, cord tires, fine con lit ton : X520 down; guarantee and rre service. Enough said. Portland Car Sales Co., .th and 'layior. CHEVKOF-ET roadster 1919, in very best of condition, gooa tires, must sen. a bargain a t $675, with terms. 30 Grand a venue isortn. near purmuae. FOR D TOURING 1915, in fine condition, cood tires, a real bargain at som terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. FORD ROADSTER 1917. In very best condition, used privately, good tires will sacrifice at $425 and terms given, 3 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. MAXWELL 1917, In best of condition, fsr.a tires, good nalnt. will sell al $625 and give terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnsiue. OVERLAND model 83 touring, in best o condition, rood tires, will .sacrifice a $525 and give terms. 30 Grand avenue Nor th, near 5urnsiue. LATE model Saxon touring car; good tires, good performer and good mechan ical condition; snap buy for $450. Call Frank Smith. Broadway FORD delivery, panel bqdy. first-claws shape; tires, almost new, extras nr., $375; terms, $125 down, $25 month, Phone afternoon. East 764. STUTZ BEAR CAT Owner will sell 191 stuts for ;1000: can be seen at Nob Hli garage, 22d between Johnson and Kear ney. D 35 BUICK touring car, tires almost new, perfect mechanical con ait ion, sudo. ual (1U raiion ave., num. oi.o. aucr o'clock. YOUR GAIN. MY LOSS, I must sacrifice my new o-pass prl vate car. See this before you buy. East 7476. LATE 191S Buiek roads tec. new Good ye; and V. S. cord rubber: mileage homo leaving city; a sacrifice. Woodlawn 2797, CHEVROLET coupe, looks like new. on run 50 m) miles; $750, cash or terms. Tabor 411... TOURING car, new top and seat covers. 5 cord tires; price $550. Waggner, 375 East Third st. North. MODEL h:i OVERLAND, good tires all around, 1 extra, cheap; cash or terms. Tabor 4115 BRAND NEW MAXWELL sedan, never been used ; easy terms. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. 1920 CHEVROLET, bought two weeks ago never run; immediate delivery. Tabor 4 1 1 5. SPEEDWELL chassis, 50 H. p. motor, would make fine truck, $300. Phone Tabor 5tM9. BUICK 4. 1917 model, guaranteed In first class shape, $7uO, by owner. 1264 Divis ion. Tabor 1231. 1916 FORD ROADSTER. A-l conditton $350, terms. Fields Motor Car Co.. 14th and Alder. MAXWELL TOURING 1920. only run a few days, will sacrifice and give terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. $425 WHITE light delivery, good tires and in fine mechanical condition. J. Richmond. 328 6th st. Marshal) i8S. 1916 HUPMOBILE In good shape; $7tm; would consider light car as part pay ment. Call Main 521 1. UNION AVE. TIRE & BATTERY SHOP, 488 Union ave. N., cor. Sacramento. Phone East 1393. 1916 HUDSON roadster, in fine condition. $773 for quick sale ; terms. Portland Car Sales Co.. 5th and TaJor. REO. perfect condition. $900. L. K. Moore. Main 8667. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $15 each; vul ranlsed. 25c; tire repairing. iQ7 Madison. 1916 DODGE touring in good shape, $700. Call Main 5211. FORD bug, in good shape; good tires. Call Marshall 5719. DoDG E car in good condition, for quick sale. $075 rash. 508 Buchanan bldg. 1916 FORD TOURING car. $325. terms F i c 1 d s M oto r C a r C o . . 14th a nd Alder, lyitj FORD, chcaj. Tabor -ilia. FOR SALE ArTOMOBII.ES. TRAILER BARGAINS. TRAILER BARGAINS. ONE-TON TRAILER. TWO-TON TRAILER. THREE-TON TRAILER. FOUR-TON TRAILER. FIVE-TON TRAILER. With dual wheels, slightly used, but s s good as new. Our price is on ly :i fraction of what new ones would cost. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. 3d and Ulisan sts. STOCK SHOW WEEK SPECIALS. Come in and look over the best lin of used cars in town. Every car is guaranteed this week. PACK ARD TOU R I NO. NASH SEDAN. COLE 8 TOURING. NASH TOURING. REO ROADSTER. CHEVROLET. 2. FORD. 5-PASSENOER. OVERLAND SIX. OVERLAND 85-4. Best of terms. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 421 Burnside St. Sec Jones. USET. AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN. Here are a few late models we offei for your approval: Jordan, 7 pass.. 6 cv. Mitchell, 7 pass.. 6 cvl. Mitchell. 5 pass., 6 v. Mitchell. 2 pass.. 6 c I. studebaker, 7 pass., 6 cyl. Saxon. 5 pass., 6c j 1. Chevrolet, 5 pass.. 4 c 1. Overland, 5 pass., 6 cl. Wc have in the older models: Cadillac. 5 pass.. 4 rvl. M itchell. 5 pass.. 6 1. Chandler. 5 paf.. 6 c I. Overland. 5 p.hs., 5 c 1. Used Car Department MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAYER CO., K. 1st and Morrison. West Side Sales Room Broadway at Oak. PHONES: East 7272, B 1216; Broadway 515. A 334a USED CARS. EASY TERMS. Motto: Everything purchased ETA OI Motto: Every purchaser a booster. Ovt- rland 5-pas--., A-l tires, electric equipment, car in good running order, Velie S-paasenger, gaod condition, $325. Saxon six. excellent tires. $700. 1917 Studebaker, 4-cy Under, 5-pass., $650. 4-passenger Velie. repainted. $950. 191 Velie, thoroughly pverhauled anu repainted, first-class tires. $ 1;;imi. 1119 Velie, almost like new. M50. 1919 Velie. factory guarantee. $1650. 1918 Oldsmobile sedan, perfect run ning order, re-varnished, new rugs, good tires. $1800. VELIE. PEERLESS. ALLEN. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. s N. 23d st. Main 7SO. JUST THE ROADSTER YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR. 1917 Biiiik, new paint, new top, 3 tires; good condition throughout; silOuV cash or terms. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO.. 514 Alder st. A NEW FORD louring ca r with elect rir starter. lights, shock absorbers. foot throttle. Yale lock, w ell braced, clock, speedometer and Instrument board ; also front seat cut so it will fold down and make a bed In the car. would cost vou over $:00; however, wo have one that has been used two years and it Is me chanically an good as new and with some retouching can be made to look like new; we will sell it as is for $425. You can use this a year and get more than what you paid, terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder. BETTER HURRY FOR THIS OX E. 1V1S Dodge roadster, in very good con dition, for the very low price of $925,' our own terms within reason. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 014 Alder st. CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES. YOU BUY OR SELL A CAR, WE FURNISH THE MONEY. IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG., t SECOND FLOOR.) 1917 FORD TOURING. This Is fine Ford and runs first-class. Low price. 41 with 15 down, balance long, easy terms. A Iso Saxon six. has oeen reoullt and is reany for anv work, Low price. $490 with $175 down, balance easy. Portland Electric Garage, 1 1 th at Hoyt st. 1918 CHEVROLET roadster, lias the ap pearance or a new one anu could not run better; the former owner was a mechanic and kept it In the best of condition; $575. terms. Fields Motor ar lo., ntn ana Aiaer. STUDEBAKER 4. 5-passenger car; nice looking car with good power plant guard, 1 extra tire. A good family car and a real buy at $35o Call Main 7559 i -VI ti.Cu. inn. . . UU iian. air - l III. J 1 7 Vj U.5C bldg. A CHEVROLET 490 touring that could not be in netter snape; good upholstery and top. shines like a new one. elec tric starter, lights, etc.; $435. terms. hieiqs .Motor t ar to.. 14th and Aider. Big USED CARS Prices Stock. Right. No misrepresentation. CQVEY . . MOTOR . . CA R . . CO. 1919 BUICK ROADSTER. In excellent mechanical condition, has received best of care and is as good as new. Phone Marshall 6080. Mr Brooks. A SPEEDSTER. $350. with top. windshield, non-skid tires and ready to go any place. $150 down, balance 1 year, lets you own H. Call 219 North 11th at. Ask for La velle. NEW FRANKLIN touring car at cost. $2700. This car has never been run or demonstrated. Eastern Oregon Auto Co., Vale. Or. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays. Goodyear cord tires for Fords. $24.55. Authorized w iliard sales station, MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axies ; we wreck all makes of cam nd sell their, parts at half price. David Hodcs Co., Nort h Broad way and Flanders. M 2. BLItK .-passenger touring ; good condition: good tires: $260 down; guar antee and free service. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. BUICK 1 8. excellent mecha n ica 1 1 y ; over Sized cord tires; also spare; price right ; will demonstrate. For particulars. Wdln. 4764. PARTY leaving city will sell 1917 Chevro let cheap, fine condition every way; no dealers. 179 Columbia st, Vancouver. Wash., after 5 P. M. 1917 FORD cheap, lots of extras; shock ab sorbers, spotlight. Tabor 4115. 191 FORD: runs and looks like new; $450. Call Mala &211 FOR SATE AUTOMOBILES. PRICES AND TERMS TO MAKE SALES. Winter prices for those that will buy now. It will pay you. Model 37 Hudson 5-pnss. automohMe, fine family car, all in good condition. $375. 1017 Chevrolet, model 90. all In good condition. overhauled and repainted, $450. 1917 Maxwell, all gone over, also over hn uled auU .repainted, fine little car. $475. ISIS Maxwell, overhauled and re painted, great buy, $650. 1919 Maxwell. like new, original fin ish, shows not much use and car all first class, $845. Vat est Maxwell, a demonstrator, a bargain. Chalmers light six. overhauled and repainted, great buy, $S50. 1917 Chalmers, looks almost new and In first-class condition, $1075. 1919 Chalmers, latest model, your -hnnce for one of these higbrade cars, $1250. HUDSON BARGAINS. Hudson super roadster, all in first class condition so that we will guaran tee it. $1250. 1917 Hudson super-six touring, a snap; car overhauled and repainted, also guar anteed by us for 90 davj, the sajne as ' a factory guarantee. $1350. Hudson apeotf er. overhauled, line condit.ou and guaranteed. $1550. 1118 Hudson super six touring, lik tier.-. oerhauled. rt-pa in ted and guar anteed for 90 days, and bargain, $1650. ESSEX. Latest Essex, traded in on an Essex sedan, like new; save $500. C. L. BOSS A UTOMOB1LK CO.. 61a-61 Washington St. FortJand. THIS IS THE PLACE TO COME after the Stock show and get one of our high-grade used trucks, such as PACK A RDS. WHITE ll; -TON. PAN II ARD. REPUBLIC 1-TON. FORD DELIVERY. Terms on any of them. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 421 Burnside St. Ask for Jones. WE SELL FOR LESS. Late model bjced.iter, 6 cord tires. HHS Hudson Super, ame as new. 191S Chalmers, mechanically perfect. I91S Dodge touring, lots of extras. 191 S Chevrolet se.ian, good winter car 19 lb Na.-h, completely overhauled : like new. 191 s olds roadster; a good car chean. 1917 Ford, all new parts; guaranteed. 1917 Cole 8. fine stage car. l'.tlft Maxwell, new paint and top. 1 116 Chevrolet touring : a real bargain, litl 5 Palxe roadster. $450. Cadillac 6, best on the market. Hup bug. fine condition, cheap. Metz, good f hape; good hill cltfnber. Huick Big 6; lots of power. Overland, new top and scat covers. 411 DAVIS. NEAR 10T11 ST. LOCOMOBILE, 1911 M. 7-passenger: good car for Ftage run. Woodlawn 2413. USED CAR BARUAINS. I Oakland sedan $900 1 Maxwell ;hI 1 Cadillac, new cord tires ftoo 1 Chevrolet roadster 450 1 Ford 45H 1 Ford roadster 2S. 1 Ford deiivery 275 1 Buiek 4 20 autos all run $125 to $300. I Buiek truck. 1-ton $6h0 1 O. M. C. truck. 1-ton 6oO 1 Stewart truck. 1-ton 3hi 1 Denby truck, 2-ton, with job .....1OO0 LONG & SILVA, 4 62 Hawthorne. BUICK. 1918 7 -passenger Buiek touring car, run 4100 miles; has has excellent care and Is same as new. A wonderful bar gnin at $1750. CHAS. C. FA5AN CO., Inc.. Distributors. I'ierce-Arrow Motor Cars and Trucks, Broadway 4693. 9th at BuriiMde. HERE is a car. Baby Oraml Chevrolet touring, that sells for $ 1 450 new and we are behind on delivery ; this is in best of condition with bumper and extras, leather upholtererl, looks lje new; $775. terms. Fields Motor Car Co. 14th and Alder. N E W Overland car. model. 90. new ex t ra tire, tube and casing cover. co;t $1190 last May. only run 270 miles; will sell for $9iiu; get this bargain. If. W. Cooley. owner. Ore sham. Or. Phone iresham 5S. MAXWELL touring 1919. used very little, almost new. ovs nor leaving town, must t-ejl. a snap at $9a. might consider smaller car in trade. trnih. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. STUDEBAKER four touring 1918. in fine condition, good tires, wiil sell at $SOU and give terms, consider Ford in trade, balance terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. AS I have to close up an account and have one 6-clyinder car, 7-passenger, with 5 new tires, new top and newly painted ; car must be sold at once. 1 can arrange tprms. Phone Broadway 4S40. SAXON 1918 touring .overhauled and re painted, looks just like new. will sell at tbOti or consider Ford touring In trade, balance terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. MAXWELL roadster 1917. in fine condi tion, good tires, repainted, looks like new, will sacrifice at $4!l0 with terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burn side. - 1916 MAXWELL, for sale very cheap; new ly upholstered, battery and a lot of ex tras; six tires and inner tubes and spot light, $300. Inquire at the Crystal bar bershop, 128 Broadway. LATE 1917 Big Four Hup, newly painted, cord '.ires all around, one spare ; spot light and extras; private owner; best i-ondition, and-a real bargain: $500, bal ance easy terms. Phone Broadway 3475. 191 8 CH E VROLET touring car. has been completely put In best of condition by our mechanics; $575. terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. Chevrolet Agents. 14th and Alder. LATE 1917 Mitchell touring, fine condi tion, $1090 for quick sale, terms; guar antee and free service: a snap. Port land Car Sales Co., Fifth and Taylor. LATE 1917 Dodge touring. $790 for quick sale, terms; fine condition, guarantee, free service. Portland Car Sales Co., Fifth and Taylor. SPoRT model Paige. overhauled. In excellent condition, model 1918. can he seen 307 Gllsan st- Bdwy. 464. E. Goebles. 1918 CHEVROLET. This car has been used for pleasure onlv and looks and runs like new. Deal direct with owner. Tabor 5. FOR SA LE 1918 Bulrk 6, 5-passenger. cord tires, fully equipped. Edwards Tire Shop, 84 N. Broadway. Phone Broad way 1034. VELIE 1917 touring, just overhauled and repainted, god tires, will sell cheap or f-onsider trade on smaller car. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. W1 NTON SIX with bug body, good me chanical condition, mut sell, a bargain at $275, some terms. 30 Grand avcuue Nrth. near Burnside. FORD DELIVERY 1915. light delivery, in good mechanical condition, will sacrifice at ,$375 and give terms. 30 Grand avenue N orth. near Burnside. BA RO A I N Hudson bug. A-l condition; en pine re bored ; 4 good tire ; tires run s'l. rt time ; cash $ 150. Phone Main 7518. WHERE can ou beat this five-passenger Re? Good condit ion ; $400 and drive it away. 741 E. 17th S. 1917 FORD DELIVERY car. $325. t'r!i. Fields Motor "ar Co.. 14th and Alder. PRIVATE garage for dead btorage, $2.50 A month. . auaiu st.