THE 3IORXIXG OREGONIAX, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1919. 17 Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year; or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, accountant, auditor, specialist on involved accounts. Modern systems Installed, maintained. 728-9 Flt tock block. IVIsphon. Broadway 1. ALTERATIONS. KBMOOELJN-g. refitting- and altering larlies garments; pricea reaaonable. work guaranteed. I. Reubliis. ladies' tail or, 4n Bush A Lane bid. ASSATERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second ''"Id. silver and platinum bought. CARPF.T WEAVING. RUGS The'klni that wear the best are IIUUWrnad from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rub Co. (former ad dress l.3 Union ave. ) Rag: ruga woven all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mall orders solicited. 188 E. fh st. Phone East B 1290. FLUFF RUGSTROFOLD CARPETS Rag; Ruga, all slues Mall orders prompt. Send for Booklet. 9x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned, 91.50. . FLUFF RUfJ CO. B4-BH Union ave. N. East 6516. "R 14TS. cELi.rT.orn buttons. THE ITtWIN-HOnSON COMPANY. '7 Washington. Broadway 4R4. A 12S4 CHIROPRACTOR. aoo.oou KXllW McMahon, 100 Chiroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment easi - et. best, permanent. SI "treats" 1X. Tel. CIIIROPOnlST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM, Estelle and Flou,eIlo D. Veny. the only scientific chirodopist and srch soecialist. In the citv. Parlors 302 Ger llnger bldt.. S w. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1801. Cfl IROPODIST. I'R. GARTNER, foot specialist: corn. bun Ions, foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland bid.. 6th and Wash. Main 10S1. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRAVE I. FITTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Roval hldr. Marshall KS22. Multicraphing, mimeographing and mall advertising. COLLEf'TTONS. KETH CO.. Worcester bid. Main 171fl. No collections, no charge. Estab. 1900. DANCINfi! MRS. SUMMERS BERKBl.KY'S dancing academy, 120 4th St.. Sd floor; lessons day and evening class Thursdav; ladies' tl-kcts 3. gents' 5. Main 331, MHS. BAYMS DANCING ACADEMY. 3d floor Dekum bldp., private lessons, dsy and eve.; class Tues. eve. Main 1345. rANi':iNG Lady ballroom Instructor will give private lessons at her home; very reasonable rales. Tabor '0O4. EI. NORA FLECK Ballet, technique, toe; nature, oriental daneinr: babies a spe- clalty. 129 4th St.. Main 331H. PANCE. W O. W. hall No. 3. Sat. eve. Everybody come. fioc and 21c. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, 415 East Seventh. East 1 047. P 1902. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. II.M.H.ELECTRIC CO. 81 N. 1st., Portland. Or. Re winding and electrical repairing b .i.ini..H. i - u limit new or J used motors. Bdwy. 1045. A 1046 FURNITURE REPAIRING. HAVB your furniture repaired, cleaned, re waxed or polished at your home or ef fice. save cartage; I also take care of linoleum and hardwood floors. A trial will convince. Personal attention. W. J. V-tgison. Sellwood 1160, 622 Holgate St. WHOLESALERS AND GRAIN MERCHANTS. TACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THAN HA USER HAT CO., 63-55 Front St. HIDES. WOOL AND CASCARA BARK. K A H N B ROS.. 105 Front St. PIPE. "PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-86-87-98 Front St. THE PEERLESS PACIFFIC COMPANY. 88-70-72 Front St., Portland. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN A CO.. Second and Taylor. NEW TODAT. GARAGES For All Cars Prices on Application Ready-Cut and Portable Houses MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1H01 Union Ave. If. Wdln. 2413. No. 1 Wheat srood for chicken or duck feed, $3.50 A HUNDRED $70 A TON SIMON'S STORE First and Alder Portland Rug Company MAM'FACTLKKRS OF THKRE'S A DirrtRENCl WE WKAli ALL hlKS IN BOTH rUTF AND RAO BUGS. It V (all for Your Old Carpets. Work Will Be ilettirned "Promptly." Mall Orders ;lven Prompt Attention. WE CLEAN CARPETS. Portland Rug Company 1671 East Seventeenth Street, rhone O l'iil, i-itber Pacific or Home. INCOME PROPERTY HALF VALUE 30 acres commercial orchard, 10 years old, 40 acres choice unimproved. Cord wood will pay for It. Near Lyle on Columbta river. Under peculiar cir cumstances I offer this at $17,500. Terms. Slight consider some city tx change. D. I.. McLEODi Principal, 204 Porter Street, City. WE CALL FOR YOUR OLD CARPETS, RnKa an rl Woolen Clothing. We Male. Beautiful Hand-Wuvra FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Ont Promptly. Km Huia Woven All Slaea Mall Order., send for Booklet, Carpet. Cleaned, Laid and He. fitted. KORTHWEST RTJO CO, IBS Eaat Stk St. Phone fc-aat SSbO Mortgage Loans Q Edward E. Gondey Co, illl S'..".- '!.' "V. 1 .'. .' n-vi.v.iTrti urn,-, y wi-v ir -i D727 HARDWOOD FLOOBIXG. GET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co., 187 W. ParK at. HEMSTITCHING. K. STEP1IAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pleat, buttons covered; man orders. 219 Plttock blk. Broadway 1U-U. MANCFACTfRINO JEWELERS. W. F. ROSS & CO., INC.. M. MUSCOV1TZ, MANAGER. Manufacturing Jewelers, agate cutting, diamond setting, designers. Wholesale. 619 Mohawk bldg.. 8d and Washington. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. . I solicit your patronage on .the basis of capable serv ce. Thou sands or satisLii" , ih trial will convince you. Charles W. Oood man. optometrist. 2 OB Morrison- M. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience V. 8. and foreign patents. 601 Uekum bldg. GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bldg. M. -1525. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver kidney, bladder, rectal. Prtat'Cresre disorders, skin -""" buod Pfeure- PLUMBING ivTFIJE PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT W " HOLE 13 ALB prices. Starke-Davis Co- -l- 3d- l- PRINTING. KBYSTONH PRESS, J- B. Gantenbeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 10 Front st.. corner Stark. Main or AJL418. Z" t-s A -K- -XT PRINIINU Island O.kSts. M. 165. A 1165. SECOND-HAND BTOBF.9 LBVJN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 21 Front St. We buy and sell everything n the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main 9070. A T174. TAINTING. I- II TERRILL. house, sign painting, pa pcrJs "V.nting: Tabor 2611. 310 E. 44th. JOHN CONLISK. painting and PaP' hanglng. 133 16th. Phone Bdwy. 2945. TKANSFFR AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH "The Service With a Reputation." MOVING-PACK'O-STOR AGE-BAGGAGE 13th and Kearney. Branch a,4 Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. , 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glieen St., corner 1 3th. Phone Broadway 1 281 or 1100. We own and operate two large class "A." warehouwi on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OI.SBN TRANSFER CO., 248 Pine. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO., 105 PARK ST. MAIN 6195, A 1051. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO., general transfer and forwarding agents. 124 North Fifth st. Broadway 454. CLAY S. MORSE, Inc.. TRACKAGE. STORAGE. TRANSFER. 448-454 G LI SAN ST. WATCH REPAIltrNO. HIGHEST prices paid, old watches and Jewelry; condition no object; repairs specialty. Rainier Jewelry Co., 449 Vs Washington mt. MANUFACTURERS MILL SUP LIES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 68-70-72 Front St.. Portland. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 68-70-72 Front St.. Portland,. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVER DING & FARRELL. 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER &. CO.. Front and Morrlso n. NEW TODAT. Build Year Own Garage We will deliver a. Sectional Garage to you anywhere In the northwest. You can set it up in a few hours. Send for circular. REDIMADE BUILDING CO. ' 315 C 11th St. Phone Eait 5114. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS Marshall 4114. A 4118. Improved eltr nd farm property. astsJIiuat repayment privilege II Preferred i prompt, reliable service A. H. BIRRELL CO. I7-21I Northwestern Bank Uuildla. REAL ESTATE. NOTICES TO THE PUBLIC. Thij la to inform th. publto that so railed real etate agents advertising- that tney sell real estate for less than 6 per rent commission (th. regular Realty Beard rate) are NOT MKMBERS OF THE PORTLAND REALTf BOARD nd we cannot vouch tor such agents as beinir reliable. PORTLAND REALTY BOARD, J. W. Crosaley. Secretary. Bl-.NGALOW HOME AT SACRIFICE. 7 rooms, modern, with all conven iences; shrtibbe-, shade trees, garage, paved street. excellent neighborhood, convenient to car and school; S4U00, erms, s;,e "er- 1310 E. 18th St. 3., or call Sellwood 2277. For Sale Lota. GARAGE RITIT an-irii Best vacant corner 1n the city for par aire and filling station; paved at , corner of Jersey and Richmond utm . In " J"" "'"" A Dig snap at 2000 half cah. GRTTSST X. PB-vvl-t 31S Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. ClHCUMSTANTSfl cho ue corner, B3d and Hawthorne. luOx 100. snap for cash or might trade for "" or ciose-in acreage. Address A 814, VI BLOCK on thTt .11 ..j Ing In good income; I am leaving city and wish to sell. A 800. Oregonlan. For Bale Flat and Apartment Pronertv. LIVE in your own homo and receive an Income; owner will sell modern 2-aoart-ment building. Nob Hill district, above 28d, practically new, heated, lots of ground; reasonable; half cash; no agents J 4o7, Oregonlan. $55.000 IRVINGTON. beautiful apt. house 15 apartments, hardwood floors; S P in each court entrance; Income $10 000. East410. '" For Sale Hotiaea. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Ineom we design and build apartments jra ratres, residences, anything: furnish plans and finance. Established ten vean We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFAC TION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., contract Ins; architects. X. W. Bank bldg. ONE-story, 4-room and bath, close to fine car service, newer, paved ptreet: place finished in cherry and oak: double constructed, completely finished: terms. Main 37H7. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-33-34 N. W. Ban k Bldg. A cNAP if taken quick, nous and lot. $600. Call Eaat 71 S3, REAL L8TATE. For 8ale Houses. BIHR-CAREY PO., REAL KSTATIS. 219 Ry Exch. Bldg. Main 1G86. The firm that will show you attrac tive homes, priced right. A FEW OF THE MAXY. $3100 $300 DOWN. Ivanhoe addition; an unusual pick up. Brand new, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, one bedroom downstairs; 2 bed rooms up; full cement basement, gas and electricity; hardwood floors in living room and dining room ; white enamel finish up stairs; T0x 100-foot afghtly ter raced lot. This is a real snap. $2500 ONLY $500 DOWN. 5-room bun galow In Alberta, on a full lot; reception hall, living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms with bath; gas and electricity; new roof just put cm house cost I."0: 'J cherry and 'J pear trees, raspberries; no incumbrances. $2500 HAWTHORNE. Reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms with bath ; laundry trays, gas and electricity; trees and shrubbery; briclc foundation ; sewer in; 4uxll0-f t. lot. $2150 A LITTLE DAXDY IN" MOVXT HCOTT. Living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, bedroom and bath; gas and electricity; interior finish white enamel; basement, roses snd shrubbery; x 100-ft. lot; 5 yesrs old ; 500 down; no incumbrance. This is pretty. $1250 MT. SCOTT. It rooms, combina tion living room and kitchen; I bedroom, concrete foundation, on a I00xl25-ft. lot; garage, ten hearing fruit trees, new chicken house, lots of berries. This little place in plastered snd papered, 3 biocks from pavement and a good little buy. $2650 A ROSE CITY BEAUTY Rranfl new. 4-room bungalow, on 7:d st. - block from Sandy. Large liv ing room. 12x20 feet; with hard wood floor, combination break fast nook snd kitchen; good-sized bedroom, bath. white enamel finish. very large windows. oOxlOO-ft. lot. Just got this taut night. Be quick about it. This la good; $1000 to handle. BIHR-CARZY CO.. 219 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1684. A RARE BARGAIN JN A B-ROOM BUNGALOW. Located at bautUul Mt Tabor, only 2 Si blocks from car. Wonderful view of mountains and surrounding country. All improvements in and paid. Good concrete basement, fin furnace, fire place, built-in buffet. Built by day la bor about J years ago. An abundance of roses and shrubbery. Property worth $6500 will tell furnished for $4T.M, (i000 cash will handle. If interested see J. A. McCARTY, 270S Stark st. Main 1700. Evenings and Sunday, Tabor 5057. TORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. $000 for a thoroughly modern house, two lots, on a corner, with plenty of shade trees. Can you bent this? It has six rooms and sleeping porch, right on Montgomery drive, near Patton road, and two blocks to the car; the rooms are good-sizsd with hardwood floors, fire place, full eemnt bailment, furnace,. Here ie something that you will bs proud to own. Call Main 6809. Mr, Ever son THE FRED A. JACOB3 COMPANY, 104 .It h street. Main H6I. LAfRELHURST. NEW HOME SACRIFICE. ' Bul!t by owner 3 years ago at a cost of $12,000; win sell for much less, in cluding big choice corner lot, best loca tion in Laureihurst; houee has every modern convenience; solid mahogany woodwork and fine hardwood floors, splendid hot water heating plant, garage to match house: winter supply o f uei In basement; terms. Tabor 7309. NEW HOME IX 1RVIXOTON. Modern, six rooms, breakfast room and sleeping porch, large- living room, fire- glace, furnace, hardwood floors and all uilt-ln conveniences. Th Is house is double constructed throughout. Take a look at. it. If vu like ir, we will put in the inside finish to suit ou. Can maks good terms. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 8,1 4th St. WE have a dandy 7-room house in Pied mont, 3 blocks from Killings worth, with sleeping porch and beautiful ballroom; hard wood floors, full cement basement, furnace and fireplace; best buy In town, so get butty, as it will not last long PRU'K $4r00. TERMS. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., 85 Fourth St. ROSE CITT. PTRTCTLT MODERN BUNGALOW, 3 ROOMS. WHITE ENAMEL. HARD WOOD FLOORS. LARGE ATTIC. FULL SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT- TWO BLOCKS SANDY: JS7O0; TERMS POINDKXTER. 20S SELLING Bl.OCJ. OFFICE. MAIN 1800; RES.. B 7120 LAL-RET.HURST. SNAPS oOtIOO lot, all assessments paid, fisna. 100x100, overlooking th. park, for $2500, clear. Sightly 30x100, sold for S2f00 8 years ago. Must hnvi rash: S1G00 takes lu ''all East 20S6. evenings. NEAR 8. P. CAR BHOPB. ' $1750. $1.10 cash. $25 monthly, buvs this old-fashioned. well-built 6-room plastered house, bath and toilet, elec tric lights, small basement, lot 43x100: street work all In ana Included In price. Fred w. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays. IRVING TON. STRICTLY MODERN. HARDWOOD FLOORS, 4 BKDROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH, ATTIC. FULL-SIZE CON CRETE BASEMENT, HOT-WATER HEAT. GARAGE: COR. LOT: $10,500. PO IN DEXTER. 20 SELLING BLDG. OFFICE. MAIN 1K00; RES.. B 7120. IRVINGTON PARK BUNGALOW. Attractive, new, six rooms, living room, fireplace, dining room, breakfast room 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors, furnace, ce. ment basement. 12-49 Glenn ave., near Alnsworth: canine 3 blocka. Key next nonr. 2non ROSE CITY BUNGALOW . 4 large rooms, hall, full cement base ment, uo-foot lot, fine lawn and flower.. everything in elegant condition: will sell all furniture Including bedding and piano for $4b0 more: close in; terma; dandy noma. kj. v. .rjaaiey. f-.. S4UT. BRAND NEW $1(100. $1RI cash, $20 monthly, buys this n.w 4-room plastered cottage, concrete foun datlon. complete modern plumbing: 1 diock rrom si. jonns car line; a splendid buy. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays. $2400 JS0O CASH BALANCE EAFT. Cosy four-rdVim bungalow, large living room, fireplace, gas, electricity, full plumbing, good basement. 50x100 lot. close to car and school. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. RS2-ti33-634 N. W. Bank Bldg. NEW 3-room modern bungalow, in Alberts district, electric light end .hades in; many butlt-ln features. If you are look ing for a nice home see this one. 1080 E. 2Uth st. N.. northwest corner of Bum ner st. " IRVINGTON. Modern seven-room residence, 4 bed rooms and attic. In excellent condition, immediate possession. 511 20th, corner Braaee. Donald Macleod. 1001-2 Spal ding bldg. GOOD 5-rm. house; lot 100x200; fruit, ber ries, garden, lawn and shade trees; 3 blocks to car. an ideal home; $4000. half cash. 1265 E. 40th St. EeL 408; no agenta. ' FOUR rooms, bath, electric lights, gas. ce ment basement, corner, 6uxl00. cement walks, nice roses, benring fruit, $2300, terms. Main 1643. Mutual Realty Co.. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. 0-ROOM SNA -83000. TERMS. Garage, paved street, clos. In. lare. enrner. dandy home, worth much mora. 1219 N. W. Bank, bldg. Main 1643. MOUNT TABOR CHOICE BUNGALOW. Hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, bullt-ins. $4250: terma. 12IV is'. W, Bank bldg. Main 1643. " B-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. $3150, terma; fireplace, built-ins, etc. 37th st.. near WW car. Main 1648, Mu- tual Realty Co.. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. FOUR nica rooms, pantry, bath, etc. Large corner, cement walk, $1400, terms. Ma'.n 1643. Mutual Realty Co., 1218 iS W. Bank bldgj t375"frl-MT. TABOR WESTSLOFE $3750. 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace, pavement, 50x146, view lot, fruit. Tabor 8S24. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, furnished. double constructed, corner lot. Alberta district. Terms. Wdln. 4S73. A REAL home, cement block building, 100x100. fine lawn, flowers. trees, garage: owner leaving city. Tabor 7H4:.. STRICTLY modern 5-room bungalow, ga rage and chicken house: deal with own er. Phone Tabor 396'J. 5TROOM""" modern bungalow, 6miles "eut. Oregon Electric to Ma pie wood. Ask. lor Lee's bouse; roust sell at pnee. REAL ESTATE. i or Sale House. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5.'.0. On 32d St.. best part of Rose City Park, we have a 7-room complete bungalow on full corner lot, street Improvements alt in. Extra large living room with fire place and built-in bookcases, hardwood floors, dining room with built-in buffet, full Dutch kitchen with breakfast room, S large airy bedrooms, large bath room with white enameled plumbing, full ce ment basement, laundry trays and fur nace. This house has never been occu- f'led, and you can move in today if you Ike. For particulars aa to location and terms on the abova or any other houses on our list, see . E. M. PADDEN. Sates Manager. M ETZGER-PA R KER-KE RGUSOX CO., Ground floor 302 Oak St. Bdwy. :t44. Formerly Stanley S. Thomson Co. HOME BUYERS. ATTENTION. $2200 for a 0-room home on 50x100 lot. with hard surface st. in and In cluded In price; now. you know that you cannt beat that for the money; wjiy, it would cost you much more to build the hoime. to say nothing of the lot and street Improvements. This ia the kind of bargains that we ran show you and we know that we do not have to apologise for ' the appearance of these home, either. No shacks, but rel homes. Would you like to see some of these downright snaps? Call Main 10K4. We will be giad to show you. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. S4 Railway Kxch. B:di. Main 10f4. PIEDMONT BARGAIN. FIND) LOCATION. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, atrictly modern and very nicely arranged, hard wood floors, all built-in conveniences, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace. 2 wood lifts and everything, full lot and a Uey, good garage, paved streets In and paid: only 'i block from car. This house could not be built todav for less than SftOOU. saying nothing of the beautiful lot with nice shrubbery. Immediate possession ran be had. Price $0500 Terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOW & CO.. 201-3-5-T Board of Trade Bldg. WOODI.AWN SACRIFICE. 8 ROOMS. 100x100. $2X60. Here's poMtlvely the biggest sacrifice snap in the city; large 8-room house, only years old. with IIKixlOO corner: nss all kinds of full besrlng fruit trees and berries; double constructed through out: full cement basement: 8-ft. porches around 3 sides; only 200 feet from Woodlawn car on East 15th st. You couldn't buy the material In the house for the price. Owner will sacrifice for $250: you must have $1H50 cash, liurry, this snap is really wnrih $4noo. ;. ;. mccormic co.. 242 Washington at., near Second. A HANDSOME 12-room house in an ex clusive residential section of the west side, thoroughly modern, ground 75x 10U feet; surrounded on three sides by a brick wall; 8 bath rooms and ft lava tories, decorated by New York deco rators: the owner Is alone, hence wants to sell; this Is a great opportunity for a suburban or country family to get In the city In a very refined part of the city, would trad, t or 1-3 Interest for a small house. Price $30,000 furnished, or unfurnished, $25,ono. NORP HAMPTON CO.. 401 Stock Exi-hansr. Main 824R. E. TAYLOR ST.. BIO SNAP. Fine rt-room house, furnare, fireplaee: lot 50x!0o. fine G-roorn house In first class condition Inside and out. on E. Taylor near 28th. a big snap at $3630, some terms ORUSSI PRNNCTT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. iooV 100 WITH choice fruit. English wal nuts, strawberries, raspberries and black berries, house ha. fi rooms, full plumb ing, gas and electricity, full cement base ment, good garage: price $;1250; easy terma if desired. Mwin 87S7. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 32, 33. 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. $2;;ri0 DON'T overlook this exceptional opportunity to secure, a 7-room nome with bath. gas. electric lights, hot and cold water, one bedroom and bathroom down. 8 rooms up. K0xlO0 corner lot Only 1 blk. to car. Terma. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1004. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. Classy G-roo'Ti bungalow with large attic and double garage, located on choice S0300 corner near 25th and Northrup sta. ; tiie kitchen and bath, hot wstor heat: coat 15.000 on low market. Prlue 1 1,000. Terms. R. H. Torrey. Tabor 40 1. ROSE CITY PARK. My 8-room bungalow has 4 rooms downstairs and 2 up: nicely furnished and modern In every way; price $3350, which includes winters' wood, gas stove and range, in full cement basement. Must have (1200 down. Phone Esst 2271. Jsek. SPECIAL Vacant, modern bungalow. Rose City district. Improvements paid: $2000, cash $900; also It-room cottage. tifi3 loth North; garage, fruit, basement. . screens, linoleum, water heater, $2700; cash $!CO; Immediate poasessiun. Owner, cenings. Tabor 7Q55. $3150 BUYS a dandy 6-room bungalow, fireplace. full cement basement, wash trays, garage, full 50x100 lot; 1 block to car and hard-s-urfaced at. Terma. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. LAl'RELHl'RST 6-room modern bunga low. 14 blocks to Rose City car line: Isrge attic, room for 2 extra rooms: ftoxtuo lot; for Immediate sale at $4750 and terms. Main 37M7. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 8.12-33-34 N. W. Bank Bldg. BY OWNER 7-room double constructed house, full basement, large attic, two toilets, bath, electric light, gas upstairs and down, small gartge or chicken house. Insured for $300U; price. Includ ing 6 cords of best fir wood. 82H60 it $1100 cash. 178 E. 74th st. N. Tabor 33H. ONLY $150 DOWN. 4-room house. Alberta district. 3 blocks from car. cement walks in and paid: nice lot 60xluo. lots of roses; price $'.tO0, $15 per month and Interest. Anderson at 314 Gerlinger bldg.. Main S.V2H. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. Main 2035 or Main 4477. 821 Morgan bldg. HOUSE BUYER! Read this. Our home must be sold this week. An almost new ft-room modern bungalow worth $26O0; price this weeek $lil."0; $300 down, bal ance monthly payments. 6230 57th ave S. E. FOR SALE Large H-room bungalow now vacant), large porches, baaament. ground 100x200, all kinda Irult, berries, garage; price $2500, terma Mrs. Maggie John son, Milwsukle. IRINGTON Real home; large living room in Ivory: dining room, mahosany; 4 large bedrooms; 2 tiled baths on second; fine grounds, double garage, $11,500. East 4i. No agents. BUNGALOWS A SPECIALTY HOME BUYERS. If you are looking for a bargain it will he to your interest to call up Mr. Etow.lL Tabor 0R81. SUNNY SIDE Modern 6-room house, Al condition; 4 blocks Laurelhurst park on Belmont ear line; $35oo. terms; dlsoount for cash. Owner, 1080 Belmont. Tabor 1309. er Main 815. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. On Dunckley ave.. near 26th; 6 rooms, new and strictly modern, garage and furnace; ready to occupy in a week. Owner. Woodlawn 5013. BY OWNER 6 rooms, sleeping nori-h r,..-. place, on car line, corner vl.w lot, newly irrmi. Alain Z4ti6, 7-ROOM modern house, old ivorv finish - - large living room, hardwood floor, fire place, furnace; street work in snd paid; GOING to build or repair? Get my Ideas ana estimates. a. t. Allyn. Z4.I Stsrk st. Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Main t-tes. pnone. Tabor 104. JUST completed. 8 large rooms, full con crete basement, garage, at cost, S500 or late auto first payment, 1820 Wil liams. GIVE me $300 cash and assuma my con tract; 91400 balance at I JO a month: a snap for party looking for a cozy home In Rose City district. Call Tabor 8610. PRETTY COTTAGE, price $1000. trade for larger house or acreage, assume differ ence, laOO Siskiyou st.. near 70th. R. C. car. IRVINGTON HOME. DEL A HUNT, E APT 1347. BY OWNER Strictly modern home. Irv. ington, oak floors, cement basement. 50 ft. lot; $4200. E. 2377 or 122 Selling bldg SNAPPY Irvington home, owner must sell; French doort, old Ivory, hardwood floors fireplace, large living room. East 801 B. FOR SALE 2-room house on hnrd-s irface street, lot 56x100; terms. Inquire at 5430 64th ave. S. E. Woodstock car. GOOD 7-room house and 50x100 ft. lot, 21 t and Marshall its., west side. Call Broadway ii-i.i. SNAP Very neat 3-room house, fruit trees, berries, lot 60x100; terms, $80; cash $750. Owner. 5012 84th at. H. . B. 12TH ST., near Jefferson. 12 rooma and garage, all modern conveniences. In quire owner. 2S6 12th. IRVINGTON Best homes MiDonelL k.ast 41 W. NEW 7-room house. $5500; will take lot up to $1000. Wdln. 120. REAL ESTATE. For Bale House.. ROSE CITY PARK. I-ROOM BUNGALOW LAROB GARAGE. BAST 41ST ST. $6250. You cant' find another bargain like thia one in Rose City Park. Six rooma. all on ground floor, and a large floored at tic with finished sleeping porch. Down stairs has large living room, dining room end mu.sic room with hardwood floors; two large, light bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, fine bathroom and screened-ln back porch with an extra toil-l. This home is strictly modern with fireplace, built-in bookcases. china closets, extra large buffet. Finished basement with fine furnace, laundry trays, etc. Large ga rage, located on E. 41st St.. onlv one block from Sandy! saoou cash will handle. Let us show you this today. lt'a too good to Jaat. Open Sunday. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. . 242 Washington St., near Second. $40no JEFFERSON-HIGH DISTRICT?- Just south of the Jefferson high school and i block from the car is tills very substantial unusually well-built 7-room modern home, practically naw: large, light, airy rooma, many built-in con veniences; full cement basement with wash trays; 3 sunny bedrooms, white porcelain plumbing, electric lights and gas: newly painted and tinted: on a full SoxIOO, on a paved street with liens all paid except-$70: no mortgage to assume: can arrange terms. We have over BOO photographs of In spected homes In our office for sale: 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McOUlRB To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1008. Off'ce Open Evenings and Sundavs. ALAMEDA DISTRICT. $;;-U0 ON TERMS. 5-room uunga low, newly painted, re ception hall with seat and attractive haJl tree. Jiving room wilh good fireplace and built-in bookcases, dining room conveni ent and well Mtchtfd. 2 bedrooms, win dows in clothe closet a. bath, white enameled plumbing, Dutch kltchn. 1 loo red attic, cement basement, laundry trays, .oxluo lot. small garden spot, fruit and walnut trees. For particulars as to location and terms on the above and any other houses on our Hat soe E. M PADDBX. Sal-s Manager, METZOER-FA RKER-FEROUHOX fO., Ground floor aoy Oak St. Bdwy. 3H44. Formerly StanTev 8. Thomson Co. BARGAIN. $5050 LATTRKLHCRST HOMR. rhone before 11 A. M. or after 7 P. M. Enameled finished throughout, beauti ful built-in mahogany buffet, maple floors in bathroom and kitchen, large rooms t Deo room), z ben room , size about 16x18 ft. Very lagre dining room (about 18xl8, large living room, 2 fire places (1 in bedroom), large clothes and linen clorcte. Dutch kitchen, linen and dust chutes, full and deep ce ment basement and a furnace that heats. Laundry trays and fruit room. Phone Tabor 5533. 1 2 000 MODERN BUNGALOW. $200 DOWN. On Leland st., near 18th. close to car. n attractive 5-room modern bunga low; white porcelain plumbing fixture, electric lights and gas. abundance of heart n st fruit trees; vacant, immediate poeainn. We have over 600 photographs of in -aperted homes in our office for ale: 12 experienced alcMnen with autoa at your service. SETB FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Of f ice Open Evenings and Sunday-. A LBKRTA RUNG A LOW. $275. On 26th st., near Alberta ave.. 5-room bungalow. living room, dining room. Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooma. bathroom, white enameled plumbing, cement foun dation; $r.oo wil! handle. For paxticutara as to location ndj on our list, se R. M. PADDEN. Falea Manager. M K T Z G IT, R - P A R K K R - F K H C S O N CO . , Ground floor T.02 Oak st. Bdwy. 3644. Formerly Stanley S. Thomson Co. WHY LOOK ANY FURTHER? YOU CAN'T BEAT IT. Here la a well-buflt house, completely furnished and all ready to take poepen sion of ; 6 rooms and sleeping porch ; good Fox furnace and built-in conven iences; only 1 i blks. from Sandy blvd.. In Rose City park; all for $4O00 and aay tersns. Clear of all incumbrances. C. A. WARRIXER. RTTTER. LOWE CO.. 201-8-5-7 Boerd of Trade Bldg. INDIVIDUALITY. CHARM. COMFORT Are eombl-ned In this HOT WATER heated LAI" RBLH (V RST bungalow. 7 d lightful ' rooms, every modern feature, old ivory finish; beautiful grounds and shrubbery, extra large lot. fine location. Garage in harmony, has concrete walls and floors. A delightful home, wort h far more than the price asked $7500, ith half catsh. MacINNES A- PRATT. Main 86S. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. LARGE GROUNDS AND HOUSE. PENINSULA EASY TERMS. 8 rooms and bath, electricity, gsn. basement, etc.; vacant, all ready for posesHion; ground 100x100 with about 20 good bearing fruit treea. Price $3000. $.hm cash will handle, balance easy monthly payments. C A. WARINNER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. STANTON ST. B-ROOM HOUSE. Nice lj-story house with 3 bedrooms, furnace, elect., gas. full cement base ment, nice bath, laundry traya; fine lot 4xl35; some bearing fruit treea. small f rulte ; good close-in location on Stan ton at., between Williams and Vancou ver aven. ; walking distance from west side. Price a snap at $3750. Pome terma. GRUSSI A BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. $4250 HAWTHORNE HOME $4250. NOW VACANT. 8 rooms, nicely arranged. strictly modern except hardwood floors, corner lot, nice location, paved ntreeta In and paid, room for garage. $1000 cah will talie possession. Move rlht in. C. A. WARRIXER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-a-5-T Board of Trade Bldg. SOUTH PORTLAND. ON MACCAQAM ROAD. CORNER. $3700. This is a very good house en an ex cellent commercial corner: $1(H0 cash. balance like rent; no mortgage. Improve- menta ail in and paid. Consult A. C. Gal bralth. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. Main T266. 624 Henry Bldg. CHOICE. HOME. IRVINGTON. Large living room with beautiful hall df nine; room mith French doors, den or oeo room, pass pantry. Dutch kitchen, 1 large aouoie nearoom, three others; eleeplns; porch, newly painted and dec orated, all old Ivory; something choice. Terms. J. RORRINS. 3Q1 Rallm'ay Exchange. Main 7931. NEAR TE RWILLIGER BOULEVARD, LEVEL LOT. 100x100. Too "-room nouse. rine fruit, ens of the best view lots In Portland; only $3SO0. SluOO cash, balance $25 and In terest, a per cent monthly; no mortgage. Improvements ail in and paid for. Con sult A. c. Galhralth. GEO. E. ENGLEH ART CO., ' Main 726. 624 Henry Bids BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH COLONIAL BEST PART OF LAURELHURST Choice corner lot hOxlnO; built two years ago on a much lower market and will be sold $2500 under cost. Can show the bills. Drive out to Laurelhurst of fice. East 30th and GHsan sts.. and look It over. Now vacant, immediate pos session. Phone Tabor 3133; evenings. East 206, CHOICE HOME, IRVINGTON. Large living room with beautiful hall dining room with French doors, den or bedroom, pans pantry, Dutch kitchen, one large double bedroom, three othera ; aleeping porch, newly painted and deco rated, all old Ivory, something; choice Terma. J. BOBBINS, 801 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. LAURELHURST BARGAIN. $M000. Must be aold at once, thia beautiful bungalow, modern In every renpeet; hard wood f loora. furnace and fireplace, good attic, full cement basement. See Ab- 'thE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 104 5th atreet. Main 6S0U. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Ow ner going on road wishes to mak4 quick sale of one of the prettiest 6-room Calif, bungalows on choice corner near Park; owl ivory finish with mahogany trim.; $3nn mahogany buffet, hardwood floors throughout, artistically papered; $8uoo for quick sa.e. Terms. K. H Torrey, Tabor 40T. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP. Beautiful view from a lovely large porch; hdw. f loora and finely-finished woodwork ; fine heating system ; five rooma and fine bathroom : paved street ; all for only $;i05o and terms at that. F. H. DES HON & CO.. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER. Bungalow, 5 rooma and sleeping porch, east front, full cement basement, fur nace. 50x100 lot with garage. 1 Mock from Sandy at 27th; price $250, terms. Owner. 304 Oak st. Bdwy. 206. KENTON BARGAIN. New, 4-room bungalow, ratntd plumbed and plastered. 1 1 75n. 245 Kirk pa trick. U1? blocka west of Kenton bank. Terms. Owner 011 ground. I.i.-.n 7-ROOM house, fruit trees, full ce ment bssement, 1 block to car lino and close to school. Will sell furniture with, place. Broadway 4133. Reliable In vestment Co., 305 Oak si. REAL ESTATE. For Bale House. PORTLAND'S INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. KENTON. $ 650 On West Terry . street. 8-room bouse: small pavment dom-n, bal ance $15 per month. 7 Interest. $2150 On West Schofield st. Neat 3 room furnished bungalow; full basement; lot 60x100; paved st. and cement aidewaik; all kinds of fruit and shrubbery; fine condi ditlon: $050 will handle, balance 125 per month, 7 interest. $2250 On West Watta st. Nice large 5-room house; tot 50x100: gas. electric lights and modern plumbing-; dirt basement: 3 blocks from car; cash will handle; wltl take mortgage back on balance. 12S0O On West Watts at. 5-room bun galow; lot 75x100; paved at.; ce ment sidewalk : large garage, modern plumbing: all kinds of fruit and shrubbery. $3350 On Burrage at. ft-room banga low; lot 7axloO; has nil the mod em conveniences; Al condition; S cash will handle. $4200 On Brandon iu 8-room modern bungalow; lot T5x75; Improve ments all In ar.d oaid for. This is the best buy In Kenton; one block from Kenton car. JOHN MA LONE. McCLURE 4k SCHMAUCH CO. 506 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1303. Lvenlnjis call 100m 26, View hotaU Kenton. JUST EAST OF LAURELHURST. $205i. "osy 5-room bungalow, newly painted outside and kalsomlp'-d inside ; living room has f:replace that doea not smoke; dining room has solid paneied wall, with plate rail, 2 large, airy bedrooms, ba t h between, convenient kiichon. floored at tic, cwment baaement. concrete .founda tion, laundry trays. 50xl0o corner lot. abundance of roses and shrubbery, chil dren s play house, garage. Improved sis.; some street improvements to assume. Can arrange easy terms. For particulars as to location and terms of the abova or any other houses on our list, see K M. PADDEN. Pales Manager. METZGER-PAIiKER-FKRCUSON CO., Ground floor ;io2 Oak at. Bdwy. 3644. Formerly Stanley S. Thomson Co :,grtO ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Very modern, unusually well -built ft room, verv attractive bungalow, very pleasing; line, extra large living room with rrleplaee. built-in leadd-gia-s bookcase, pretty olid paneled dinins room, manat ve lea ded- glass buffet, v-ry convenient Dutch kitchen. 4 light, airy bedrooms, full cement basement, furnace and laundrv trays: terms. We have over O0 photographs of in apctd homes In our office for rale: 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK I. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1069. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. CHARMING LAURELHURST HOME. This delightful 8-room home la cor rectly described by the words "simplicity, beauty and comfort." It has thai touch of Individuality In design thst gives it character and makes It distinct I y de sirable. It la located In the moat ex ciusive section, near car. and has never ben offered for ssle before. The rooms are all large, living and dining rooms across front, kitchen and library In rear, 4 bi g square bedrooms on HA floor, old Ivory finish, beautiful hardwood floors, best heating plant, garage, nice yard with trece and shrubbery. Owner mov ing to country will sacrifice for $:00. Don't misa seeing this. R. H. Torrey, 103 Floral ave. Tabor 407. LET US WRITE YOUR INSURANCE. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA HOME. If you are looking for a beautiful home in the Alameda district, listen to thia: rooms with beautiful hardwood floors and white enamel- throughout, all built in conveniences, nice htyh full cement basement, A-l furnace. Thia is an ex ceptionally well-constructed home; lot HOxlOO: nice lawn, shrubbery and gn rage: all paved streets In and paid. LM me show you thisi beauty. Price $70t0. Terms. r. A. WARRIXER. RTTTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. STORY AND HALF. ON CORNER. $2000. $500 cash, balance $20 monthly and interest ; no mortgage; near Interstate and Klllingsworth ave., very good porch, living room, dining room, fine kitchen, full baaement, fine back porch, good nlnmblni- and bathroom. 3 bedrooms. $500 cash, $::0 monthly; house la now rented ror $.u. t;onuit a. 1. .ormu. CEO. E. ENGLEH ART CO.. Main 7206. 624 Henry Bldg HAWTHORNE CORNER SACRIFICE. EXCELLENT BUILDING SITE. Ground 87x137. vermlt has been granted, good 7-room house could easily be moved In rear; clear of al I Incu ru bra m-es. Take u look at N. E. corner of 38th and Hawthorne and come in and make me an offer. This Is also a first class apartment house site C. A. WARRIXER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. 42 K. JESSl'P .STREET. $4000 TERMS. Six-room bungalow, adjoining Pied mont, atrictly modern, hardwood floors, aleeping porch, electric fixtures, built-in dresser, mirror doors, attic plastered, full basement, cemented ; plenty built ins ; open for Inspection 9 to 5 dally ; 1 block to carl 1 nes. near Union and Kll lingsworth ; take Woodlawn car to Jea sop street. Ow ner Main 8474. NEAR BROADWAY BRIDGE. $2200 NEAT AND COSY $2200. Here Is a 50x100 lot with neat cottags of S rooma and bath, electricity. ... basement, etc.; Just 1 block from Broad way, about 5 blocka east of bridge: can you beat ttT $1000 cash will handle, ba'ance easy. Watch our ads we get results. C. A. WAR R.I NER. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 5-room bungalow, modern, neat and clean, in first-class condlt ion, full base ment, fireplace, wash truys, nice built ins, bookcases, white enamel, linoieuni on floors; tins is a choice home in a good district; number of house 116 East Lincoln, at 30th iu; price $500; $1500 caah, bal. mortgage at 7v It. M. GATE WOOD A CO.. 105i 4th st. ltjOO PENINSULA III' N'G ALO W $2bu0. EASY TERMS. 5 rooms, fireplace, built-in bookcases. Dutch kitchen, full aerul-cement baae ment, full lot, nice garage, only I block from car and paved streets. Clesr of all Incumbrances. $50 cash wilt handle, bal ance reasonable monthly pnyments. A. WARRIXER. RITTER, LOWE tic CO.. 101-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW $4750. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow, floored attic and music room, hard- wood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet and bookcaaes. Dutch kitchen, full ce ment baaement. furnace, fine garage with cement floor: price $4150, terms $1600 down, balance like rent. LUEDDEM A N N COMPANY. J13 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 Rooms and Garage $3500. Ideally located bungalow of 5 rooms with hardwood f'oors. fireplace, buffet, bookcases, etc.. 100 feet from Sandy, east front, for $3500. Get busy now--let us how you. A. Q. TEEPE CO.. 261 Stark at., near 3d. May) 3516. Main 3 O02. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. RICHMOND -DISTRICT. This alx-room house and garage, on 30th atreet. near Division, with 100x100 ground and large number of good fruit tress on comer and paved street ; must ba aold at once. 1 will consider any reaaonable offer. Main 6869. Mr. Ever THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 104 5th street. Main 66-. THIS MUST BE SOLD. See this and make an offer. View property, fine location, large grounds with fruit. Double garage. The house has ten rooma, finished tn solid oak throughout and artistically decorated. Large living room : hot water heating system- Don't mlsa thia. . R. Stockton. Tabor 1040. 7-ROOM webt side home on Willamette Heights, finished In old ivory, hardwood floors, downstairs, fireplace, furnace and cement basement: located on a fine view lot and you don't have to climb steps to get to It. For the price we ask this is a dandy buy at $4600. WAKEFIELD. FRIES ft CO., 85 Fourth at. Main 14. B-ROOM bungaUw with bath and 50x1 n lot; two blocks to car; only $2100; $200 caah. bal. $20 per mo F. H. DE8HON ft CO.. 615 Chamber of Commerce 1 1 d g. $1850 l1 BLOCKS R. C. PARK CAR. Vacant, cosy, attractive- 4-room bun galow, bathroom, toilet, electricity, ga rage, good baaement. nice full lot. Ta bor 6550. $1800 FULTON DISTRICT. 5-room furnished house on carltne; $1000 down, balance terms. Owner. Mar sh ail 420 5. IRVI NGTQN Beautiful home. Ivory, ma hogany finish. French doors to living room and sun room, oak floors, garage ; $7500. Main 8078. IRVINGTON, beautiful 8-room home, all in Ivorv and mahogany; beautiful lot; ga rage; $0000. East 419. IRVINGTON Stunning little bungalow. 6 rooms, garage, oak floors. Ivory enamel, immediate occupancy, $7250. Main 8078. IRVINGTON HOMES. EAST 894. I'.. T. STREET. IRV. AGT. IRVINGTON 7-room home, near 17th and Braaee. $5500. Egst 419; snap. REAL ESTATE. For bale Houses. $3500. UNPARALLELED HOME BARGAIN. This is one of the biggest bargain we have had ;n the office for a Ions tlm". On a 77xli0 corner Jot. just cast of Pied mont, is a ft-room very distinctive mod ern home, built on massive line.; large porch extends full width of hotis. Tbre is a lull oement basement, with bot water heating system ; practically new carpets in the reception hail. living room and dining room, which could not be replaced for $5 00, but are Included in the price. This iarge lot is worth $1000 and you could not build the house for $4500. Ahundanre of fruit, berriea and brubs. Terms very eatriiy arranged. We have over OOti photographs of in spected homes In our office for sale; 12 experienced ralesmen with autos at J our service. S EE FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. Abington BMg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW, $5700. New" 6-room bungalow with sleeping porch. Ia rge living room, f ire p'ace. din ing room, built-in buffet, hard wood floors, good -sized kitchen, with all the built-in s. large bathroom, white enam eled plumbing, cement basement, furnace and laundry trays, gjitgr: street im provements all in and paid for; full lot. We can arrange terms to suit you. For pa rti u!a ra as to lora t ton and terms on the above or any other houses on our list, see K. M. PADDEN. Sales Manager. METZGEK-PARKER-FERUUSON "0., Ground t loor ;.H2 Oak St. Bdwy. 3044. Formerly Stanley S. Thornton Co. 2525 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW HOME Very homelike gray bungalow with low. rambling lines; attractive living room, dining room w ith maalve buf't-in buffet; Dutch kitchen. 2 lisht. airy bed rooms, electric lights and gas; best white enamel plumbing f l xturcs. good cement basement with laundry room. Tins Is an unuxual value, on Campbell street, near Aln worth. We have over 600 photographs of in spected homes In our office for aa!e: 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your serv lew. SEE FRANK Is. McGUTRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1063. Office Open Eveninps and Sundays. ROSE-CIT YPARK"DISTRICT A Rooms und Sleeping; Porch $4050. Her, folks, is a real wonderful buv a real home at a moat moderate price. All the rooma on the first floors have hardwood floors and the living room, dining room and den are finished In aolld oak. Thia house even has hot and cold running water In the bedrooms. You probablv couldn't build the house today for $050o or $7000. And to' think of getting such a house for $4050. on terms. Acs, the street assts. ate paid. Now hurry. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 24 Stark at., near 3d. Main 3516. Main 8i2. Branch office, 30th and Sandy. $3500 H A WTHORNE BUNGALOW. On E. 37th street, in the Hawthorne district, on a corner lot. on a paved street, is a neat ft-room gray bungalow cottage; white enamel piumbing. elec tric lights and gaa: $500 will handle; REAL BARGAIN. We have over 000 photographs of in spected homes in our office for sale; 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. MrflflRB To Buy Your Horn. Ablngton Bldg Main IOCS. Office Open Evenings and Sunda s. ROSE CITY PARK. K Rooms and Garage $4750. T am offering for aale an absolute! v new bungalow never been lived in at a price probably tOOO lower t lien you would expect to pay. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, full cement basement. wasvt trays, furnace, etc splendid garage, full cement runway. Thia house ia excep tlonally well built real enduring con struction. Absolutely double constructed. Street and sewer aswts. paid. Requires yiOQO cash. Phone me at Tbor 8255. VIEW PROPERTY. $ S5 00. No house on the heights ha a bet ter view-; rooma finished in solid ma hogany and eastern oak; sleeping porches ideal, verandas are wonderful. See Ab ra ham. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, ltl4 5th street. Main ftMH. 4SO0. IN LAURELHURST A real snap. Almost new 0-room bun galow with gX'd garage: only 2 blocks to car. This la same aa first cost 8 years ago. Can you beat It ? Key at Laurelhurst tract office. East Shin and Glisan. Phone f ir auto. Tabor 3433; exenl ng s. Fa s t 2 OS 6 . WEST BIDE BUNGALOW $2600. A well-built 6-room plastered bunga low, full concrete foundation and base ment, with cement floor, modern plumb ing. In a firrt-class condition, on paved street, at 1C04 First at.; street work all paid. Splendid view. $000 cash. $25 monthly. Fred W . German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays. "NEAR KENTON CAIiT $4on casn, oat a nee u mom my ana interest: no mortgage; nice 5-room bun galow, almost new. 5O100 lot; full base ment. Close to school. Consult A. C. tialbratth. GEO. E. ENGLEH A RT CO.. Main 720. 024 Henry Bldg-. cash, balance $20 monthly and I.OSK CITY PARK CAR 5 Rooms and Garage $35n0. I am ofering for saie a beautiful sub stantial bungalow, located near Sandy. With hardwood floors, firepiaca. buffet, etc.. for $35O0. on term. I will be glad to show you any time. Phone Ta bor !:.2I. FINE new English cottage. 6 rooma. din ing and aleeping porches. hardwood floors, open fireplace, all modern con veniences, with large wooded lot, at Mount Zlon, the most beautiful vlsw suburb of Portland. Price $f500. easy terms. John Lain (owner, 507 SpalUin; bldg. Telephone A 7442. HAWTHORNE 5-room bungalow. living room, fireplace, timing room. Dutch k Itch en. 2 bedrooms, bath, lavatories, full cement battnient. laumi ry -1 rays, corner lot: 3uuu, $ou cash anlf)t;rms. Main 37n7. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-H3-34 N. W. Bank Bids. MARION AVE.. IN SELLWOOD. $150. $500 cash and $20 monthly. 6 per cent Interest; no mortgage; fine lot and very good (J -room IW-story house. Consult A. C. tiainrattn. GEO. E. ENGLEH ART CO.. Main 7206. H24 Henry Bldg IRVINGTON HOME PICKUP. Attractive 7-room bunga low with two rath. 4 bedrooms. 2 downstairs, on 5x 100 lot. near E. 15th and Knott sts.; onlv $8500. including electric stove, new- linoleum, upstairs carpets and large gaa heater. Very easy terms. R. It. lorrey. Tabor 40,. BEAL'TI FUL NEW 6-ROOM ROM B 1 N ALAMEDA PARK. CALL OWNER. OOU1.A w . a 1 A. Suburban Homes. 4 I ACRES . acres cultivation; 1 epiennid ft-room house, coating $22(o, and 5-room goon box nouse. goon oa rn. m enicKen Virtus hIra . store and warehouse. Al t heae build ings are new. all fenced and on main highway. 18 miles from Port land. All store fixtures, roll-top desk showcases, good portion of store supplies ail for $:l70O: terms Mr. Millership Alder hotel. Main 527.". ACRE ONLY $3250. T-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. 7 -room modern bungalow and H acre of fine land in high atate of cultivation; lots of fruit and berries; fine large chicken house and yards. 1 block to car on 7-cent carfare, about 20 minutes' ride; the best buy anywhere around Portland. RELIABLE LNVWIMtM CU., 305 Oak St Broadway 41S3. FINE SUBURBAN GENTLEMAN'S HOME. 1 u AsTjrea. all In cultivation, berries. cherries, apples and a variety of fruits; 7-room modern house, hd w. floors, buf fet, etc.; electric lights, gas and water; hard-uirfaoed road and carltne to place; only somhi. lerme. F. H. DEHHON ft CO.. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg ALONG THE PAVED HIGHWAY. Not to exceed 20 to 40 niln. drtve 1 acre, improved; carline, $2000. 1 acre: spring water; on car; $1000. 3 acres; fronts pavement; $0u0. 40 acres ; 2 mile to pavement ; Imp. $1AIM1. 55 acres, at station: imp.: verv cheap. B. H, COOK, 601 Stock Exc. bldg. NE A R M ULTN OMA HS T ATI ON. A REAL SACRIFICE. 1H acres, all In cultivation, new, mod ern, 5-room bungalow, garage, on good auto road, near Capital highwaly and Multnomah atatlon; price on if $4500, $2000 cash, bain nee terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 3ft5 Oak st. Broadway 4133. LESS THAN HALF PRICE. 5 acres 8 blocks of Oak Grove. 1 blk. off paved highway; thia is an Ideal borne site, beautiful grove, makes a natural park or picnic ground. Sold 7 years ago for $''000. owner says sell it $2500, positively the greatest bargain I know of. M. S. Cobb, 40U Swetland bids;. """" CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME ' and acreage, well loca ted. near car line, from $180o up. Inquire 3d house north of Rlsley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Aider Brook." 4-ROOM BUNOALOW. ONLY $1500. With 2 acres of black loam soil, small barn, located 30 minutes out en Oregon Eiectrlc ; res sons ble payments. Call 600 Concord bldg.. 2u and Stark. $"o7,0 1 - ROOM house. ' J4 acre garden; term. McFarland. 003 Yeoo bldg. REAL TATE. Suburban Home. M L LTNOM A H 2-AC RE BARGAIN. WELL IMPROVED- , GOOD AUTO ROAD. 4.V)t. Here's the bi gpet b.irgain ever of fered in the fast-growing M u I mom ah district. Qurter acres surrounding t h's place are selling reaUiy at $700 and $1000 per quarter. LISTEN Two acres, all in cultivation and improved wit h 6-room bouse t aid but good and substantial 1, a fine barn, large. properly constructed chicken house, hog house, and other necessary outbuilding- There are also two kinds of fruit trees in full bearing and an abundance of small fruit. This p! a ef faces a good auto road soon to be paved and hna the finest view of any piece of property In this entire district- And listen ad.inintng this place is a 10-axr . tract which you have the use of for ho next five years a bsolutely free. Nei a h bors come right to your gate and bu v fruit and every thing else you raise m t his place. Present ow ner made $mi In the last six months. He is moving i' Montana and wiil sacrifice thia pVace r $45O0, $2500 cash. Hurrv. thia wont' last. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington at., near Second. Open Sunday. Main 822". STRICTLY .MODERN BUNGALOW. OARDEN HOME DISTRICT. Beautiful view acree Improved- with a sf-lctly modern 5-room bungalow, full cement basement, with furnace, laundrv trays. gas, electncit y and private w ater system ; overlooks Port land golf link ; also fine view of Council Crest and t h w est coast range ; only one block from Oregon Electric, station. Listen, folks this is Jut as modern and up-to-date as though it were locaf'l in Rose Citv Park. You couldn't bulbi this house today under $4Mm. the watet e stem would cost you another $Krw. and the acre itself in worth $15O0 of any one'a money. The owner has moved to southern Oregon and offers to sacrifice this fine auburban home for $45'M, and its rea 1 1 y w ort h $00o0. ve" II t a kf little aa $75 down from the right kind of buyer. Let us aliow you this, you can't beat It any place. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington st.. near Second. Open Sunday. Main 822tt. INCOME SUBURBAN HOME. Fine 5-room bungalow, f ui I cement basement, barn and chicken house, over 31 acres all hifsMy cultivated; fimfr orchard, berries of all kinds, bringing big returns; also full farming equipment, 2 cows, horse, 4oft chickens. Ford truck A 1 condition : only 2a ml Ice from clt v limits, on hard-surfaced rond near ca r line; price only $10,500, one-third caah, balance to suit. Lt'EDDEMAXX COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6r67. ON PAVED ROAD. ACRE 5-ROM BUNGALOW. $2VlO WORTH $H5on. At Aloha on t he Red electric line: U mraM, new, ft-room modern bungalow that would cost fully $3ion to build, with an acre all in cult i vat ion. Price $2500; half cash. A genuine sacrifice. G. G. McCORMIC CO. 242 Washington st. Main 822". A GOOD suburban home of otie acre, 7 room house, gars ge. chicken house, fu' 1 set plumbing, electric lights, city water, ail kinds fruit, on paved street. 20 mm uies" drive to business d 1 strict on w est side: terms. Tabor 12.;S Owner. For Sale- Acreage. FOR SALE 4f acres, only $1000 cnmii down, balance $500 at 6 percent Interest, no hurry about the $!Son. This place in 20 miles from Portland; bard surfaced road will be 1 U miles, also R. R. sta tion 1 1 miles; soil, beaveroam; rich bottom and good upland; creek through piece and good spring water; some tim ber and not all free from stumps; farm, building pretty fair; family orchard. Whv rnt land when you can get a prop osition lik thia if you can handle it? AV 80t. oregonlan. . CLOSE-IN FARM. 20 acres, located on Foster road. 16 miles from Portland. 8 miles from clt v llmifs; all gol land, no waste; 12 acres under cultivation, halanco in timber pas ture; large, or hard. Ko4 macaaamizeci road, rural conveniences, good tt-ronm house, w ater svstem. barn and chicken house; price $420O, $1500 cash: a fine attract iv place, in good location ; per sonally Inspected ; photo at office, John Ferguson, tierlinger bldg. ELEVEN MILES FROM COURTHOUSE 06 acres, over hair creek bottom ana beaver dam land: 30 acres under culti vation: creek through place; good mac adamised road ; larse barn. 30xM; stanchions for 18 cows: no-ton silo, ensilage cutter. gas engine. w non. mower, plow. team, harness and other machinery. Personally Inspected. Price $150 per acre. This is only 4 miles from the city limits. John Ferguson. Oerlinger bldg. CREEK BOTTOM LAND. 23 acree, located close to electric de pot at Eagle Creek, on road; all le e land; JO acres under cul tivation, baianc pasture, some timber for wood: creek through place; all of land can be irrigated from creek; 5-rm. bouse, barn, chicken houne. orchard and berries; price $HU0. $1 ton cah. Per sonally inspected. No trades. John Jr er gusoii. Gerlmger bldg. 5 ACRES near Beaverton. 3 room house. furnished, gaa "Bht, sman urn chickens. 20 geese. 1 cw. 1 heitee. pig. mule, all kinds of implements and small tools, toed, orchard, apples, iars. cher ries, plums, 8 walnut trees, lots of ber riea; price $3000. $HMlO down; must go at once, act quickly. Thomson, 02O-21 Henry building. FOUR-ACRE SUBURBAN HOME. 35 minutes' rine. god service, right at station, a very pretty homelike p. ace with first-class orchard, berries and walnuts: good plastered bungalow, eiec tric light ; store nouse. barn and chicken house. 3 acres in cultivation; 1 acre pas ture. $3l5o. $10'n cash. D. McCnesney, $04 S Oak st . Bdw y. 200. LOGC.KD-OFF LANDS. Tract". 5 acres up, located within T.O mls of Port'end, on railroad: good oi:. no rock, plenty of water; work nrarey. buv on vnur own Terms. I, U K DDE M A N N 1 OM PA N Y. 013 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. iiMHi acr ES in south western Washington for sale to settlers only: easy term', loe price $5 per acre and up. Liberty bon is accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc . v. v. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tai-oma bids.. TaconiH. Wash. ' ' AC KES. 4 houses, dal-y barn. acres "in raspberries and strawberries. 6 acres A-l orchard. 3 miles from Burnalde bridge. Prescott and Alberta, on 4Jd at. A. N. Stcigerwald.WoodlttW-n 157S OWNER'S SACRIFICE Beautiful 19 4 acres, soli unexcel'ed. 25 per cent culti vated, buildings, electric 2 miles; unin cumbered, $35fiii; accept -residence: evn ings. Tftpor 7'55 141 E a tHM I h North. 1. ACHES, near city limits; 4-room plas tered house, fine chicken houses and other buildings; bearing orchard: for sale cheap, your own terms. 6uH Buch anan hldg. . 40 ACRES $44t0; house, barn. 12 cult., some timber. 22 miles Portland, near Co lumbia highway loop. Mgfcarland. 'J- Yeo-n bldg. 10 ACRES good orchard, house, all out bu.ldings. Bull Run water; located jurt south of Lenta. 0151 92d st. S. tsi. 1 nomas Allf n. m . FOR Oregon City line acreage, improved or unimproved, see John Brown 3-4 It all way Exchange bldg- Mar. JJ31. " Homeetettds. Relinquishment. " O A N CPcTRE LIN QUIS1TMENT. $200 buvs this splendid 40-acre tract. 80 of which are nearly level, fine Mack soil 2 milea from Willhdt. 4 miles to Scott's Hills, about 4U0.00O fet of tim ber. Let this sink In. Fred W. Oerman Co 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays. Fruit and Nut Lands. APPLE ORCHARD SALE. The reorganization comn-.lttee of the Lewiston, Idaljo. orchard tracts are now offering 1000 acres irrigated full bear ing 10 and 12-year-old appl tree In tracts of 5 acres or more. The orchards are all platted, and in first-class condi tion, water is piped to each tract for irrigating and domestic purposes. The land will produce any crop adapted to the rlin.ate. All kinds of fruit and vegetables are raised for the markets Five to 20 acres w ill make an ideal home, average price $500 per acre, cash WEbTEXP ORCHARD LAND CO., 804 Gasco Bldg. Portland. Or., or Lewitaon, Idaho. BEARING WALNUT AND CHERRY OR CHARDS. CASH OR INSTALLMENT MATTHEWS PLANTING CO., 010 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. For ISali" Farms. 35-ACRE FARM 25 CULTIVATED. House 7 rooms, good barn, mostly river bottom, fine for loganberries, good da.iry or chicken ranch ; never will be dupli cated again for only $4750. Must be sold this weuk. Call Tabor U894. 120 ACRES Chehalis river bottom. 20 acres prairie, all in cultiva tion. fine buildings. 12 fine d ersey cow a. horses, tools and machinery, $22.0oo. terms, FRANK BEAM. Aberdeen. Wash. bO-ACRE ranch, new buildings, family or chard running water flue soil. $4tmn with terms. Might take residence. S24 Railwa y Exch a n ge. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to $200 per acre, easy terma; best soil. Farms for sale ail sises. McFarland. 002 Yeon b'dg. $.7S PER ACRE. Need money: 100 acres "at $$.75. Phone Woodlawn S245 or 501 Sumner at. 7 y. ACRES, Orenco: house, barn, orchard; a dandv fine home; near depot; $45uO. Mam 3072. McFarland. 002 Yeon Bidg. LuGGLD-oFF lands, $10 acre up; running water, good soil, tillable; emplmmeul; easy terms. J. K. Sharp, 65 Vi 3d at.