11 TIIE MORXIA'G OREGONIAX, TITURSDAT, XOVE3IRER 20. 1919. V CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor Vain 7070. A 6003 Sunday Kditor Main 7U70. A "93 Advertising IMp rtm?n t . .Main77. A Superintendent ot Build's. Main 7U7U. A BUU5 AMlHtMKMS. HF.II.Ki (Broadway at Taylor) "A Phince There Was." Tonight. ALCAZAH (lilpventh at Morrison) Alca zar Musical Plajera n "Her Regiment ' To n,-hi. B A K K R 'Broadway, near Morrison) -Haker Stock Company in "The Naughty Wife." Tonight. LYRIC (Fouith at Stark) Musical com edy, "The Millionaire." Three allows daily. 2. 7 and Vr M. PAXTAIllis (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three shows dally. 2:3(1. 7 and :U5. HIPPODKOMK (Broadway at Yamhill) Vaudeville and moving pictures, 2 to 5. 9:4o to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and holidays, continuous, 1:15 to 11 P. M. THRIFT STAMPS WAR SAVIXUS STAMPS On Sale at Business Office. Oregonlan. Joyriders Are Fined. O. S. lund I Man Hr-D on Check Charge. Ad mission in municipal court yesterday that Ivan McKibbins had forged a check, bought a 160 ring which he save to a married woman of his ac quaintance and had been last em ployed by a carnival company, caused .Tirie-e Rossman to hold him to answer ! to the erand jury on a charge of forgery. His bail was placed at J1000. "That sort of a combination is one which will get any man in wrong," declared the Judge. McKibbins was charged with forging a check for about 500 and purchasing jewelry from a Chinese Jeweler, John H. Long. He was arrested after a chase of sev eral blocks by Chinese who recognized him. An effort was made to free McKibbins on promise of making amends for all money involved in the transaction. One Wife. Six Husbands Sue. "With the charge that her husband, John F. Reardon, has a domineering disposition and has never allowed her to think or act for herself, Lenora Reardon filed suit for divorce yesterday in - circuit court. She further says that he has refused to her money to secure proper o.n.cn. ' , .J give her money to secure proper salesman, and Mrs. Bertha Lund both treatment Ior her eyes and when she paid fines of $10 in municipal court yesterday morning on charges of dis orderly conduct as the result of a little automobile ride early yester day morning in which Mrs. Lund was thrown out of the machine when a harp turn was made from the Linn lou" road onto Thurman street near the Forestry building. Three others in the party K. C. Gilden, fireman. Mm. E. C. "Gilden and G. E. Fifer, restaurant man, had been charged with being out after hours, but the charges against them were dismissed. The party of five was arrested at Good Samaritan hospital about 5 o'clock yesterday morning after they had taken Mrs. T.und there for treat ment following her fall. Motorcycle Officers Stiles and Wright, made the arrests. Defaclt Divorces Granted. De fault divorces granted by Presiding Judge Gatens yesterday were: Edwin from Ethel M. Kish, Sibyl from Thomas K. H ughes ; K.atherine H. from C. H. Ball. Pierce H. from Walter R. Stalker, Eva M. from James A. Ford, Margaret from George M. Gilbert, M. from Anna Fahnrich, l.lanche V. from 8. Krickson. E. T. from Joseph V. Modin. Hans R. from Ruby Knutson, Ida from S. A. Dear doff, May from Harry E. Staley, L. from Adam Schwartz, Blanche L. from James B. Davis, William from Anna Schwartz, Eva from Morris B. l.evin, C G. from Edith E. Krohg, Madeline from P. S. Mitchell, Iva from Richard Richmond, Harold P. from Marie Mullen, G. from C. S. Sorensen, Fannie from Irwin F. Bid well, Clara from Frank Ross, H. from M Mehrtens, Florence from A. Edman. Bird Lecture Is Tonight. Attend- 1 mice at the series of bird lectures that'W. A. Eliot has been giving under the auspices of the Audubon society, has been above expectations in all the branch libraries, .vith the xception of the North Portland branch at Killings worth and Com mercial streets, where his second lecture was given last night. A bird lecture will be given tonight at the East Portland branch and Friday night at the Albina branch. The Alblna branch Nature Study club will meet this afternoon. Another branch library meeting this week of a different nature will be the Red Cross meeting Friday at the Albina branch, where the head of the nurses division of the local Red Cros will give Instruction to the women's class in care of the sick. Conductor's Injury Serious. W. A. Leapold, 100 Humbolt street, con ductor for the Portland Railway, Light & Power company, who was injured by an automobile driven by S. H. Rout Jr.. 385 Halleck street, at the corner of Kilpatrick and Durby streets at 1 0:55 Tuesday night, was reported to be in a serious condition t the St. Vincent's hospital yester day. He is believed to have suffered a fracture of the skull although he had regained consciousness yester day morning. Mr. Rout made a report of the accident in which he said the injured man. who happened to be standing on the pavement by his street car, suddenly stepped back wards into the automobile as it was pausing The greatest aggregation of show horses ever exhibited in the north- wbet will be at the night horse show at the Livestock Exposition building this week; ten classes will be Judged each night, beginning at 8 o'clock. Monday. Thoroughbred livestock parade each night at 7:40. Besides the show classes there will be race drills by Portland Hunt club teams, "musical chairs" and other spectacular events. Hard-surfaced roads for autos. Kenton cars direct to door -without transfer? General admittance fcft cents; reserved seat tickets 1, on sale at Sherman, Clay & Co. and hotels. Adv. j-.una.AR jias Hard Luck. It was jt burglar who happened to be un fortunate who entered the house Carl G. Bruntsch, 79S Weldler street Tuesday night, according to repor made to Detective Captain Circle yes terday morning. The burglar entere a bedrfjm by breaking the glass in window. The bedroom, however, was locked and he was unable to make his way to the rest of the house. Nothing was missed. Mrs. J. Koch, 75 East ' Fifteenth street north, re ported that she lost a purse con taining, 6, three rings and a lava- lier. ' Chief Inspector Clark Recovers. Chief of Inspectors John Clark re ported for work at his office at the police bureau yesterday morning after having been home for some tm with a severe attack of grip. Chief Claik declared himself to be fit aain and ready to get on the trail of rob bers and hold-up men who have been Infesting the city. During his absence Captain of Detectives Circle was executive officer of the bureau of inspectors. Library May Gkt Big Map. The relief map of Oregon, about 12 by 16 feet which has been in the green room of the Chamber of Commerce for some years, has been offered to the central library by Henry Parks of the bureau of mines and the board of director has given Instructions to have the matter taken up with the chamber and the map transferred at once, if suitable arrangement can be made. Y. M. C. A. to Hear Lecture. W. A. Eliot will deliver the sixth of his .series of lectures on "Birds of the Portland District in the auditorium of the Y. M. C. A. at 8 o clock to night. Many beautiful illustrated views will be shown. The meeting Is open to the public. STEKL ORKEIl lS HURT. PftgCha Mauttcci. 375 East Eleventh street, employed at the Northwest Steel Works, was struck on the head by a block of wood and sustained bad scalp wound yesterday morning at !:15 o'clock. Ho was taken to the St. Vincent's hospital for treatment. Perhaps you need artificial teeth. Consult with Dr. E. C. Ross main, plate specialist, and learn of the bet ter kind. 307 Journal bids. Adv. Kkmmerer Coal, Carbon Coal Co, mine agents. 321 Hawthorne ava. East J 188. Adv. Women's hose in gray, black, brown and white, $1.15. Knight's steps to economy. Adv. Dr. J. D. Kenton, physician and sur geon. moved 411-412 Selling bid. -Adv. Fresh fall salmon by piece, 15c lb. Ocean Fish Market, 1S5 3d st. Adv. Safety Boxes, lc daily. g Oak. Adv. Dr. Calvin S. White has returned. Adv. Moors Eakitarxuu for the milk cur. Adv. Which Kind of Hat Do You Want? It's time you .were picking out that smart new hat you have in mind for the Thanksgiving: trip. did ask for $150 for such treatment, she alleges that he made false ac cusations against her. Mr. and Sirs. Reardon were married in Suscex. Mo., in October. 1858. Other divorce suits were begun yesterday by Frank J. asrainst Margaret Alfano; Samuel F against Gertrude S. Taylor, Henry against Florence Bruley, John against Catterlna Zuchelli, William R. against Nellie M. Martin and John against Etta Sutcllffe. Jail Preferred to Fating Bail. Although he had 202o in currency on his person when searched at the county Jail yesterday, George Lesenko. "41 Minnesota avenue, pre ferred to stay in jail on a non- support charge, rather than post ball of $500. Lesenko was arrested Dy Deputy Constable Watkinds upon complaint issued by Deputy District Attorney Dempsey. According to Mrs. Lesenko'B story. her husband, al though he received a good salary as a machinist, refused to contribute anything to her support during the past two years. Mrs. Lesenko said that she had been forced to work to support herself and three small chil dren. Porter's Kiss Causes Suit. Be cause she eays a negro Pullman por ter on a Northern Pacific train grasped her about the arms and kissed her, Mrs. F. M. Hazelhurst seeks to recover $10,000 from the United States railroad administration in a suit filed yesterday afternoon in the circuit court. Mrs. Hazelhurst was en route from Tacoma to Pasco, Wash., on February 27, the date of the alleged aesault, and asserts in her complaint that the porter wa: responsible to the railroad adminis tration and holds that for this re; son the administration is liable for the damages asked. Veterans ual'd Hardy. Recogni- lon of the militant patriotism ais-' played by the late Captain William Hardy, the last survivor of the Perry expedition, is given in resolutions passed by the Hal Hibbard post. United Spanish War Veterans, of Salem, Or. The resolution follows: 'Captain Hardy lived and died a splendid example of militant patriot- whose devotion to the flag he oved was a clarion call to others who were shamed by his ardent zeal. In these times when love of country too often is tainted by more ignoble motives, his patriotic life was a con stant inspiration." Livestock Books Available. Doing its bit for the success of the Pacific International Livestock show, the central library has set aside shelves of books dealing witl- livestock sub jects and prepared lists so that these 11 be immediately available for use and referenece by visiting stock fanciers or local people who are in terested 'in the stock show and desire to look up further the pedigrees of some of the celebrities among cattie that are being shown here this week. Besides the bookshelf the periodical room has all the most Important live stock periodicals and breeders' journals. Greeters Nominate Officers. Lw. O. Madison of the Nortonia was nomi nated for president of the Portland Greeters' association Tuesday night. Other officers nominated were: Al Holcombe, first vice-president; C. G. Tlngwald. of the Holland, Medford. second vice-president: S. Adams, of the Grand. Walla Walla, third vice president: Ray W. Clark of the Mult nomah, secretary: R. Z. Duke, of the Rainier, and F. Newman, of the Mal lory. are candidates for sergeant-at-arms. Nominations will remain open until the election next month. Member-Seekers to Meet. A spe cial meeting of members and others who are working in the campaign to gain 1000 new members for the Port land Y. M. C. A. will be held in the "Y" cafeteria tonight at 7:30 o'clock This has been called by the member ship committee and captains of the 14 competing teams. Business in con nection with the drive will be trans acted. AH members and others who may be interested are invited to be present. A. L. Long Trial Postponed. The case of A. L. Long, charged with representing himself as a federal of ficer, when he confiscated liquor which was being smuggled into the state, was to have started yesterday Is the stylish new derby your Choice, the serviceable felt, the nifty cloth, the clever velour? You may have any of them in such famous makes as Stetson Trimble Mallory Lion Quality $5 to13.50 S. & H. Express shipment of new VELOURS just in. SPECIAL VALUES AT $8 Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland Morrison and Fourth n . , Jew lusaf-scsssk -t jr j II . 1'."- "5 J Stamps II Tr-r 1 See Our Window Display it itf lEHI cc. 6 aoalM iTtCTfti II II s ' J-. X : 1 1 m r . JE I Don't Overlook Our Night as Well as Day Service. T EEP in your mind at all times that the store of "Dependable Drugs" is open every day ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT. Expert pre scriptionists are on duty every hour of the twenty four to supply your needs. Accept and Fill Prescription, br Mmll. Description URuGSisr PORTLAND ORt. PHONE. MAIN 72ll. iV, JirV VISITORS TO PORTLAND AND HOME HUNTERS should know that Portland is the best home town the Pacific slope. on If you are looking for a real home with extensive grounds, here is one for sale. Property represents investment of over $26,000 in house and grounds and covers over five city lots. Owner is home this week from California to sell this home at a low figure for cash because of business re moval. Call for inspection Wednesday or Thursday at 1150 East Flanders street, corner East 39th St. Phone Tabor 3342. il'li PIANOS THAT JKTE DO NOT SELL rhere are Pianos two classes of undesirable Pot Koast of Beef. . . 25 Roast Beef 20 Roast Veal 25 Soups 5 Stewed Beef 15(f Hamburger Steak ...150 ' Veal Stew .. 150 Baked Beans 10 FisS 20 Pastries 5-10 Coffee. Tea , . . . .."5? No Charge for Bread "Thr-ee Appetizing Places One is the kind that costs too little to be safe. The other is the kind that costs more than it is worth. In forty-six years of Piano-selling on the Pacific Coast we have never had anything to do with either kind. We protect our cus tomers as carefully against extravagance as against disappointment. THE WELLINGTON PIANO Among the truly good Pianos that are very moderately priced the Wellington is one that never disappoints. It is so carefully, so conscientiously made that is satisfies those whose ideas have held them to far more costly instruments. It is truly an economical Piano economical because of price and doubly so because of the great durability that it offers. Two Years to Pay 1MAN0S1 R PLAYERS Q J MUSIC? nua m MORRISON ST- AT BROADWAY iyilgy-B Allen -MASON AND MAMUN RAK0S- TALKING:' IMACHINESi 1 ASI rRANCItCO. OAKLAND, mtso, SAM DIK4M OFFICERS WILL E W AR VETERAN'S TO FORM SPK- CIAL CHAPTER. Officers or Every Branch of Army, "avy and1 Marine Corps to Be Admitted. All commissioned officers of the army, navy and marine corps who fought in the war against Germany are invited to attend a rare tins on Tuesday, December 2, at a place to be announced later, for the purpose of organizing a local chapter of the American Officers of the Great War. Local action was first taken at a ban quet at the Multnomah hotel, with Lieutenant-Commander Fred K.. Elder of the Portland naval recruiting sta tion aetinpf as chairman. TK "Amprican Officers," rr the so ciety is known, is the only national veterans' association which 'admits to membership officers of every branch of the army, navy and marine corps. A national membership drive has been quietly under way for some weeks and the present membership, numbering several thousand, is scattered through all states or the union. The jereneral staff of the organisa tion announces a plan to launch 140 local chapters on December 2. Ar rangements to launch the Portland chapter Include the naming of a com mittee on arrangements as follows: Roy C. McDaniel. chairman; Byron J. Beattie, F. K. Elder, Ivar Winding, Elmon G. Miller. T. Homer Coffin, Karl P. Moran. Robert H. Ellis. R. V. Hauler, K. D. Hauler, William Honegger, Peter J. Hansen, Frederick A. Kiehle, Harvey G. Porter, C, R. Seely. Piano MACKINAWSARE HERE. A new shipment of mackinaws has arrived at the Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, Third and Morrison. Splen did cotP t renponsble prices. Ad v. Highest cash price paid for used Upright Pianos Player Pianos Grand Pianos Pianos exchanged for Victrolas and Records Get our proposition. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co. 125-27 Fourth St. Main 8586 Umim im fifty mMU r r. V w ? UK ' A -... . . c" The Bungalow Orchestra Formerly at Ye Oregon Grill la son Klvlnic dellichtftll .erlr. ot ilanrlnsr prtl. fTfrj AVlnrrty and Maturtlay tirslns at Murlark ku41, 1 cat j -I bird and aahiag:lam btrerta. ' Dani-e lovers will he plensed to hear that the well-known Hnniralow Orvhr.tra. formerlv e Urrpos irill Oreheatra, under the leanerstiip of Karl T. (irav. assisted bv Mr. Kilfealher. Mr. Lixer and Mr. Homer, are to feature their delightfully entertaininir syncopated music at dancing parties of their own, commencing Snturday Kvenlnir, oom hrr a. If vou wish asraln to dance to the strains of this popular orchestra, then come to Mtirlark Hall on every Wednesday and Satur day evening and enjoy a different duncins: party. Dancing: parties are also given every Thursday evening at Busch Hall, Oregon City. 4 the federal court. His attorneys represented that he has been under an operation and is not well enough to appear In court. The trial has been postponed. ljong was formerly member of the police department. Usd Worth J50.000 Is Testimont. Witnesses testified in the federal court yesterday that toO.UOO or less was the value ot 2o00 acres which the Pacific Livestock company con tends is worth 1200.000. The case is condemnation suit brougrht by ranchers of Malheur county who are interested in the Warm Springs irri gation project, and it has been draw ing along in the federal cour,l tor Ihe past ten days. Razors, blades, etc, ground. Port land Cutlery Co., 86 6th St., near Stark. Adv. Dr. W. L. Bishop; 40S Stevens bldg. Adv. Loss'ig Train Wrecked. ABERDEEN. Wash.. Nov. 19. (Spe cial.) The brakes on five loaded log cars standing on the switchback of the Stimson logging road near the camp loosened and the cars started down the grade at a fast clip, tear ing up some of the track. The cars and logs piled up at a sharp curve in the road, the cars being completely wrecked. No one was on the cars the time and the only damage was to track and cars. Phone your want ads to The Orego- nian. Main 7070. A 609TJ. Tired Feet and blisters BAUME ANALGIAS I QUE BENGUE quickly gives ease and comfort. Geta tube of relief now Taas. Lals A Oa . t. csr V 8 1 T 1.6' T WJ ;a , Kow Much is Your Time Worth ? YOU can actually save from one to two hours time every day with a"Yand E" Efficiency Desk. Keeps all your often-referred-to papers and records at finger tips no in terruptions caused by going or sending to dis'snt filing cr' . -el Let us show you a de V riht for vour work, e- f -J with special systems. Vhat It Means to Have Good Teeth .oor teeth mki ;oo i.ooK!, coon DmwTioi sn coon HEALTH. HUD IS ATI K D TU THEM. OVH WOKK HAS HEKN SO S i KMA-ri.tel) THAT K IAS I.AS U I K lot PltO.Vll ICE. CLATKS WITH Kl.KXIBl.ii Bl'CTION. The verv best and latest in modern dentistry. No more railing plataa. W extract any number of teeth without causing the slightest pain I'artlrulur Attentlun I'ald to Plates and Briiltenutk. I'VORHHKA StrrESSFll.l.T TREATED. EXAMINATION KHEE. Hours: ta S P. M. Phone M. 2020. - S3 seara la I'orlland. WISE DENTAL GO. HEI.IAHI.K PAIM.ESS DEM'UIS. XII FAII.IN'i IILIH... THIKD A.IU WAHIMiTUX, S E. COItNKll. EV'I RA.NCE ON 1'HIHU S I'UKLT. i""M. Glass & Pradhonime Co. Printers Bookbinders 65-67 Broadway 'mm rr ' ; r t r 'i 1 (Bvill Broadway at Stark reson Reopening Anniversary JUST a year ago "Portland's favorite dining place" was reopened to its patrons. Today it is enjoying the finest patronage in its his tory. Come and make merry with us! Table d'Hote Dinner 5:30 to 9; $1.25 Service a la carte, 11 A. M. to 1 A. M. Dancing: Until Midnight Music Until 12:30 A. M. Mandarin Dinner $1.50 An Epicurean Delight TODAY ! Hear Billy Webb's Famous Dance Orchestra Hear Dodo Jones, the Southland Tenor roraM-A Matter cf ' c- Common Sense It is simple common sense that the more thoroughly your eyes are exam ined, the more certain you are of getting satis factory glasses Ortr most thorough ex amination assures you of getting correct lenses. . E.W.Wheeler, Optometrist WHEELER OPTICAL- CO. 2d Floor Oregonian Bldg. EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE in Furniture and Appliances. Filing Equipment and Supplies. Seals and Rubber Stamps, Enfineers' and Typewriter Supplies. Blank Books. Indexes and Cards. Loose-Leaf Forms. Printing, Engraving and Steel Die Embossine. Bookbinding dtV--r?4 r ' Fifth and Oak Sts. Portland. 0eso New Perkins Hotel Fifth and Washington 'in the Heart of the Retail and Financial District" S1.50 S1.00 ROOMS With Bath ROOMS With Detached Bath Special Raters Seven days' accommodation for Six days' compensation. Attractive Monthly Rates Wanted Chairs to Cane by School for Blind FOR PARTICULARS CALL Poll of Cold: Had the Grip. This haa been such a tryint year for sickness that many will be pleased to read how Lswls Newman. SOS Northrand street, Charleston, w. Va., was restored to health. He writes: "T was down elck and noth ing would do me any good. I was full of cold. Had the s;rli until I crot two bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar. Jt Is the het remedy for srip I and colds I ever used." Good for cr.lp. i cougha. croup, whoopinff cough and common coltis. Adv. M Tabor fr Mr. J.F.Myers v-.. I sr r ; i tc-i ' - - c. i: r". s I p. t Ci PALACE HOTEL 44S Washington Street Large rooms, elegantly furnished, near theater and shopping district. Strictly modern. Hates reasonable. Broadway 1251. A MiMleratelj-Frieed Hotel ef Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD si. East Mi.rriaoa BU and Enst Pino. 25 Per bar. 46 i'sr Vfc Tp. i a m - sj V ... ,.. , , J 1 : REPAIRED PIANOS. PT ATFR- OiAvr. nuiv.i " "mAJTi3 GRAPHS, " T Also refinihed hy nw tnd better pt-h9 'or lss money. Tunttuj -.:.P and action re gelatin. HAROLD . GI-BF:RT S8 Varohlll htrret. I'lanoa BoafbU Uent(l, Sold. Phone your want to The Oreo- i man, .Main. 7U0, A bUJ.