THE MORMXG REG ONI AX, TUESDAY, XOVE3IBER IS, 1919. 22 FOR REST. Furnished Rooms ia Private Family. IjEtihBLE room for gentleman in bache lor ot-anera in Trinity Place apartment; privilege- of large living room, tub ana shower bath; references. Mar. HOP. 2vEAT, comfortable room for gentleman, also bedroom and private sitting, suitable for 2 gentlemen, 243 13th sU. near Main. Marshall 356;. . FURNISHED rooms, private residence, ex change for part housekeeping and cook ing one meal for 3. Woodlawn 11-2, after 6. . NEWLY furnished strictly modern sleep ing rooms; 5 minutes' walk, from P. O.; $8 month up. 346 College, near Broad way. FOR RENT To gentlemen, large upstairs room and bath in bungalow home. 0 minutes from 6th and Morrison. Tabor 5804. NICE, large front room, heat, lights, run ning water, near bath; pleasant sur roundings; for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Phone East 6510. ELEGANTLY furnished roo.n In swell pri vate home, suitable for 2 young men. 71 Trinity Place. . LARGE, airy, light room for gentleman, heat, phone, bath, waiKing aisiante. in family, $3.50. 509 Kast juain. 1360. FURNISHED room walking distance. in private East 0211. family: ONE sleeping room with use of kitchen. 940 Ma.llory ave., upstairs Rooms With Board. NORTOMA HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class lamily hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, lor families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. BOOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $4.50 per week. East 4732. JE-' that. LARGER pleasant room with board for couple or 2 men ; reasonable; close in. 201 33th. . THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 38 10th st. For business girls ana students; reasonable rates. Mar. 1251. " Rooms W ith Board In Private Family. PLEASANT room and good board in priv ate famiiv, suitable for one or two gen tlemen, close in. 290 E. 32d, phone Tabor 4888. NICELY FURNISHED room with board. suitable for 1 or 2. furnace beat, shower baths, good home cooking. 741 Gllsan. NICE clean room for two men or married couple. Lunch put up. Tabor 8995. Garage close. . Dfint nnil hoard for two gentlemen in modern bungalow. Woodlawn 4987. LARGE room, twin beds, 2 gentlemen; blk. car. 717 Rodney. KastS68-. WILL board little girl, school age, home, near school. Tabor 2743. good ROOM, board, home cooking, reasonable rates, walking distance. 207 Sherman St. FAMILY room and board. East 5693 ; good location. one or two. ROOM with board suitable for preferred. Phone East 2110. FurniMhd Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern and 3-room furnished apts.; all outside with French doors and balcony. CAMBRIAN Apts., 433 Columbia, cor. lth. 3 rooms, furnished, 2 built-in beds, two dressing rooms, top floor, southern ex posure, vacant Nov. 20; rent $2.50. Ref erences. BACHELOR SUITE. Elegant suite and single room in high class apt. house for gentleman or lady employed; reference required. Tel. Mar. 2830. , WANTED Two young ladies to share a large, beautifully furnished apartment; piano. Call Main 8041 after b r. BELKNAP Apts.. eluding light. 1' two-room apt. $3o, in r 17th St.. near Yamhill. COMPLETE apartment, $19; concrete Diag. Union ave. and KilUngsworth. Unfurnished Apartments. TWO, three and 5-room apartments. Phone Tabor 7S25. BEAUTIFUL 3-room unfurnished flat to man and wife. 506 E. 3oth st. S., Rich mond car. FOR RENT 4-room flat, close in, Williams ave. car. 315 Cherry st. Furnished Flats. NEW and. well furnished 6-room flat mn.ATn anH clou m hfntpd ! Olie apart Yvfiit Tava rent: Drice $700. X 225, Oregonian. HouseKeeplng Rooms. n-u t v: u i j v . ; . : a . V lit-livfrpd in down town district for 25c; checks called for. Auto Service. Phone EAST 6434. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall, $15 up t,er month; clean n. k. rooms, including e i ec t r ic lights, hot water, Eaa.ransg; nvv uniia.l.-ai1nir mom a.nd kitchenette, i hWk from Washington. 509 Davis street. fiw'vvitfVT ViAiiiol.-pinlnff suite hnsement ant. suitable for bachelor. 507 Ctay Et. Main 4823. FOR rent, large unfurnished room with kitchen privileges. Bdvvy. 3893. FURNISHED housekeeping and up. t-fUwood ear. 8; room, $2 week 2 Mllwaukie st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $3.50 per week. 253 N ash., cor. 3d. 2-ROOM, also one-room furnished house keeping. 246 Montgomery st. WARM room and kitchenette, modern, suitable for two. East 5396. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Russell st. East 1562. 292 VS Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. TWO furnished light H. K. rooms, up stairs, private family, light, heat, gas range, use of bath and telephone: adults. $35. 862 Mississippi ave. Wdln. 1672; block from 2 carlines. J UST what you have been looking for. 3 clean, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms in desirable residence district at 1020 E. Main, cor. 34th; Hawthorne car. $19 2D FLOOR, 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, & minutes from shipyards; clean and nice. 134 Porters FOUR furnished housekeeping adults otilv. Inquire between ! ana 5 P. M. 647 Weidler st. rooms; P. M. TWO nice, clean, H. K. rooms with alcove, also basement room for 1 or 2 men. 405 West Park st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $11 a month, gas tree, electricity, phone bath. 392 Fourth. $15 3 FURNISHED housekeeping roori Mill street, smaii lamiiy. v-an mon. NICE, light housekeeping rooms and one bedroom ; price reasonable. 2i5 10th st. H. K. AND sleeping loom. Close in. 98 Knott st. THREE furnished housekeeping. She nil :m. Main 4529. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. :;po Broadway. Marshall 5912. It out. e ONE-HALF ACRE. $10 a month for this 2-room cottage, good condition, chicken house and run. just outside of city limits. Lents dis trict. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. WHEN YOl' MOVE U.-e NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light tervlce. Broadway 580, A 6747. FOR RENT or will lease one year, 6-room new house with stoves connected: Sun-uys-ide. McReynolds & Daring. 214 Ab incton bldg. MODERN 5-room bungalow, 867 st. North ; some furniture Phone Woodlawn !:.0. East Oth for sale. LOCAL and long distance moving and haul ing; first-class equipment. Green Trans. Co.. 202 S -Aider st Main 1261, A 7261 MOVING Piano, furniture and long-dis tance uLuung a specialty. j. w . 1 rues c .rvice ;o.. 40 2-1 st. Phrne Bdwy. 5121 4-ROOM partly furnished modern house, with att-c. fruit, garden; $IS rent. Phone East 2235. Ask for Mr. Whitley. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, large c rounds : a beautiful home, on carline, $3"00. MO Tacoma a ve. 6-K0OM house, $25. 508 Emerson St.. near loth. Call 318 Board of Trade bldg.. Main 7452. ' MODERN U-room house on corner In Irv ing ton; rent $80 month; garage. East -ROOM furnished house for rent; located at Lents. See owner, 402 E. Washington st., ant. 1. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, fur nished; east side. Sellwood 3724. 7-ROOM house at 710 Kings court; $55. Phone Main 2242. J.ROOM cottage for rent to party buying rang". 191 tailing st. 5-ROOM house, west side, rent $20. 761 S. Close in. FurnNhea Hqnseg. t-i u rvvt for 4 months. S-room modern furnished house In desirable neighbor hood. $73 ; references required. 784 Wagco. East 2406. FOUR furnished rooms, modern, down Eiuin -to in. $35 per mo. See Nord or Nord Hampton Co., 401 Stock Exch. l.ldg. MMn 8245. FOR KENT. FurnlsDed House. WEST SIDE private home, 8 rooms, con venient and attractively furnished; splendid furnace; grate in living room: long lease to responsible party; $100. - Main 1680. FURNITURE of 8-room house in 2-room apartments, extra nice and clean. Al furniture. Nob Hill district, all fuel in for winter: all for $1275 cash. Owner, D 877, Oregonlan. FOR RENT 7-room house, St. Johns dis-tri-t narrlv furnUhed or Without. 5 816 E. corns wooa must etL LU rente. Oswego st. Phone Col. 323. l'OUNG couple willing to share house wtn middle-aged woman who can if so de slredkeep boarders. E. 3099. 4-ROOM house furnished. 520 Market, cor. 16th st. BUILDING. Grand ave., suitable for car penter and repair shop; $10. Tabor 1114. FURNISHED front office adjoining attor ney, $15; arrange telephone, etc. Stock Exchange bldg. DESIRABLE offices, modern conveniences. Stark treat, between da ana lb. room 312 Railway Exchange. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR IMMEDIATE RESULTS LIST WITH THE OREGON l ti.N t-ba b . , , .0-,-CIAL AGENCY. WE HAVE A LONG WAITING LIST OF BUYERS ANX IOUS TO GET IN BUSINESS. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SELL lOLK BUSINESS. BUYERS WANTING ' Grocery stores from $1000 to $10,000. Drygoods stores from $4000 to $2o,000. Shoe stores from $5000 to $25,000. Clothing stores from $5000 to $2o,000. Confectionery stores from $1000 to $10,000. Garages from $500 to $10,000. mnnnn Hotels and rooming houses from $-000 to $20,000. Read our ads, "We give prompt re- "oREGON BUSINESS A FINANCIAL AGENCY. 443 Morgan Bldg. rON'FF.n'ION KRY AND LUNCH. Rnrs nnp dandv confectionery and lunch room, carrying large stock of goods, elegant fixtures. T.ocatftil in heart, of city, doing $1500 per month business. This store is a snap ai Get busy on this. OREGON BUSINESS A FINANCIAL AGENCY. 443 MORGAN BLDG. MR AT MARKET. One of the best in the city, sales ira. S7Srt monthly, excellent out fit, $2500; stock $500 or $600; $1500 will handle. , CARL E. TUGGLE, 212-213 Henry bldg. Main 8892. rOKTRACTS WANTED. Lumber or wood hauling contracts suitable for trucks wanted. State par ticulars by letter. DAVE CRAWFORD, 71 N. Park St. VULCANISING OUTFIT. Can move any place; this is a fine out- fith, with a state agency for the Ander son machine; all for $350. Reliable Investment Co.. 305 Oak St. APARTMENT house and store, corner lot, paved street, income id.i per raonm orlce with furniture $6500. This prop erty is sacrificed account owner must change climate. Phone East 7813. VULCANIZING AND FILLING STATION eas ranks, outside, carries oiia. na: fine location; profits average $175 per month: rent only tu, witn gooa lease. Reliable Investment Co., 305 Oak St. fiRflPF.RY STORE. 2 living rooms, has a fine stock and cheap rent, gooa lease; every ining first-class, iri fine district: price $2000, Reliable Investment Co., 3Uo uas at. GARAGE FOR SALE. Fireproof bldg., 48 cars steady storage and plenty repair work for 3 men; sell gas. oils, tires, etc.; profits $500 month. Cnll room 401 Dekum bldg. PARTNER wanted in old established gar age to look alter customers, etc.. inu and your services will handle this; can make $200 month. jCall 511 Railway Exchange. CHILI, oyster and tarn ate business, in good location, low rent, aomg gooa business; compelled to sell account ill ness; a bargain for cash. Phone Broad way 331 FILLING STATION. Best corner in the city, has full equip ment for vulcanizing, sells tires, acces sories, etc., a bargain. Call 511 Railway Exchange. p GARAGE located on Grays Harbor (Wash ington); good business and paying; first class shop equipment; best on the Har bor. Good location. AV 853, Oregonia.n. WE BUY WAR STAMPS. Spot Cash. Liberty Bonds Bought. American Brokerage.205 Morgan bldg. WILL sell an interest In a large eating place. Buyer must be well qualified to take management of same. Would pre fer a cook. S 380, Oregonian. WASHINGTON ST. Busy restaurant in choice location, has tables and lunch counter, very low price. Tuesday call 511 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE By owner. hardware and furniture business In best new town on the coast; lot and building Included, $13,000. $7000 cash. AO 637. Oregonian. GENERAL STORE Fine county location: $4500 will handle; doing $21,600 an nually; terms cash; reason, other busi ness. AV 843. Oregonian. CIGAR FACTORY for sale in Medford, Or., doing good business but sickness com pels me to seil. Address Rogue River Valley Cigar works, Medford, Or. GARAGE. One of the best in the city, brick building. 48 cars storage, good lease and low rent; can on rcauway xenange. ONE of the best propositions in Portland 1-story building, consisting of 2 stores and living rooms ; can lease for $ 20 year. 1092 Albina ave. WILL sacrifice for quick sale furniture store and repair shop; $ouu will handle. Call or phone room 205 Morris hotel. 3-CHAIR barber shop, sell $155; sacrifice on account of sickness. 2)1 Washington, Barber Supply. GROCERY STORE for sale. $4500; doing about $4000 per, months rent. $25. AH 6S3. Oregonian. DINING room for rent, 2 blocks from courthouse, good trade; on easy terms. Main 1393. PARTNER wanted in safe little cash b'usiness; can make good wages; only $375 required. Call 511 Railway Exch. FOR SALE Laundry m good town; coun ty seat; part cash, balance saleable real testate. AV 844, Oregonian. RESTAURANT in workingman's district, good steady trade, profits $225 per mo., price $700. 462 Glisan st. MERCHANDISE store for sale fice; good country around it; from town. Inquire 413 Stark s' it sacrl 30 miles RESTAURANT $1350; $SO0 cash; best lo cation on Oth st. AM 630, Oregonian. WILL sell active interest in high-class go ing business for $3000. S 365, Oregonian. CAN PUT 2 or 5-ton truck on good bona fide hauling job. Call Tabor 8 706. ONE little restaurant outfit stools, coffee urn. gas plate. Apply 230 Washington. SAWDUST free If called for. Kautz Mfg. Co., 26th and Nicolai sts. j Owe 9jmpTe 'Raaio. uhuJl) )rOPi TwerytL "t? I Sk-X ' "1 , a 1 A 'BAD 4cToR., 'vl fB BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BEST BUSINESS BLOCK in Hood River at great sacrifice; good income, all rent ed, central location; owner leaving state, must sell Quickly. Can be bought for $13,000 less than actual value. For full particulars write to C. N. Ravlin, Hood River, or. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. PAWN TICKETS. Sell your diamonds direct to Diamond Importers and receive The highest cash market value. Without any disappointment. We pay from $100 to $S00 Per karat. We purchase pawn Tickets. Gold. Silver. Platinum, Any valuables, any amount We buy War Stamps. Liberty Bonds, Victory Bonds. If you want money, see us. Private offices. Business confidential. TWIT A XT TTTJTr A V BROTTFRAGE. , 205 Morgan bldg., 2d floor, corner Wash ington at and Bdwy. Phone M. 4340. COUNTRY GROCERY STORE. Xa.-ifHI U i v-o b. c-niri DflVinK KrOCCry nnn mil from OretfOQ City. The old folks that own it want to retire, this business can be made a growing success, if in willing hands. Is doing $1500 per month. One acre of good lanrl n n,1 finis orchard; 5-room house, one horse, lieht delivery I wagon and buggy. AH goes for I $3500. Terms made to suit you. Here Is your chance to get good start In life. OREGON BUSINESS & FINANCIAL AGENCY. 448 MORGAN BLDG. A. J DEFOREST & CO., 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. POOL Al) SOFT DRINKS. A snap at $150O, fiae stock and fix- j tures, about 20 miles from Portland; better investigate this. "Mftvine TiW-ture theater, has 2 ma chines and fine fixtures; profits $350 I monthly ; price only $1800. fiROPKRY. $1150 buys this with fine stock and fixtures, rent $15 with living room. ASK MR. FISH. r.RlrF.RY STORE. $11,000 Buys one of the best paying erocerv stores In Portiana. Tliis is a cilt edcre proposition. and if you see it you will say the same. It is an old estab lished store and is doing close to $5000 Der month business. Rent $35. Mr. Grocery Man here Is your opportunity. OREGON BUSINESS & FINANCIAL AGENCY. 443 MORGAN BUILDING. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS. SEE US Grocery stores. Confectionery and cigar stores. Hotels and rooming houses. Garaces and shoos. Anything in the business line, large oi urn a 1 1 ATLAS BUSINESS AOCY. A RLTY. CO., 725-727 Board of Trade bldg. Main 5315 PARTNER WANTED. Partner wanted for busy auto busi ness (now working 3 men), do radiator. fender and auto top work; also acetylene welding, bug bodies, etc.. extra good profits, partner wanted to keep accounts ana ne generally neipiui in the busi- ness; $12u0 required. Dekum bldg. Call room 401 FALSE TEETH FALSE TEETH. We oav hiehest cash nrices for old false teeth and ail dental gold, platinum silver, watches and sll valuables or every description; $200 to $1000 per carat for diamonds. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 447 .Morgon Bldg.. 4th floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. GROCERY 95c ON DOLLAR. Owner eoes east, orders stock and flx- riirH sold in a well-located suburban store; stock and fixtures will Invoice about $1900; rent $25; includes large living room. CARL E. TUGGLE. 212-213 Henry bldg. Main S83C WOULD like to get in touch with someone who would be interested in a mil or pure sand 75 feet high above the car track and road, 2 miles east of Golf Junction on Gresham line; can furnish building. Inquire first house to left of WichitJ station. G 684, Oregonian. rnp T? VVT PODl . HAT.I.. I want a barber to rent 2 pool tables and put in a barber shop in a good little town, 20 minutes ride f rom Portland, on a paved road; can carry cigars, confec tionery, etc.; rent only $25; good lease. Reliable Investment Co.. 305 Oak fat. Cl A R A arc PARTNER WANTED. Partner wanted with machine in city garage, well located with 27 cars steady storage and plenty of repair work; part ner to sell easoline. oils and tires and help in shop; $1050 required. Call room 4Ul ueKum Diag. FOR SALE Groceiy store and oil station. located in good town on Pacific highway. railroad and ColumDia river; tnicaiy set tled farming district: $2500 stock. 2- story building, living rooms upstairs: 50x . ltK) lot; part 'cash, balance easy terras. Address W m. Parsons, uarrous, wasn. A SNAP in restaurant: a going place, do ing good business; owner leaving for the east, must be sold at once ; $500 cash takes it: worth much more: 6 unfur nished living rooms; a money-maker. Nord Hampton Co., 401 Stock Exchange. Main S245. LEAVING city, will sell my restaurant; it's a nice, clean, uo-to-date place, cen trally located, low rent, fine fixtures and a money-mager. ee my agent at J. CULL1SON CO., 205 & Morrison st. " POOL HALL AND ETC. "Rack and front bar. soft drinks: pool tables; fine location on corner; good lease; rent 5ou; aoing a gooa onsiness; all for si-no. terms. Reliable Investment Co.. 305 Oak St. THREE trucks working every day in the city on steady, all-year work, for sale. The hauling job goes with the trucks: an Al proposition and chance for a live wire to make eood money. Call McWil- Hama at C 1943 or Marshall 2494. POOL HALL andronfectionery In town of 1500. near Portiana. 4 tables in r 111 shape and the best of fixtures; this place must be sold on account of death In family; full line of stock. All for $150O ca?h. AV 6, Oregonian. GROCERY STORE INVOICE. 4-room flat, store room, fresh stock, on paved road. Invoice between $15O0 and $2O0O; has a fine business; rent only, for all. $2S; good lease. Reliable Investment Co.. 305 Oak St. FOR SALE. $350. Cleaning, pressing and tailoring estab lishment; onlv shop in town. Liberty bonds accepted at face value for same. For particulars address Frank The Tail or. Mt. Angel Or. OLD established shocard business, do ing $125 to $150 weekly: modern shop equipment : good stock paints and brushes. $600; answer quick. L 162, Oregonian. BUSIXESS OPPORTUNITIES. $50U FOR CASH GROCERY. $1300 buys cash grocery with three living rooms, west side. y $1720 buys cash grocery, 4 living rooma. $750 buys west side restaurant, $550 buys west side restaurant, 5 liv ing rooms. $750 buys hotel and restaurant. $2000 buys new and second-hand fur niture store, west side. SEE JOHN BROWN. 324 Railway Exchange bldg. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called inter est in established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. J. W. CROSSLEY. Secretary: JB ustnesa Opportunities Wanted. ATTENTION. Merchandise Brokers and Mfg. Agents. Grocery specialty salesman wishes to purchase an interest in an established brraerage business. Address P. O. Box 167, City. HAVE small car and cash to trade for lunch room or some small Dusmess. jm 7!8. Oregonian. HAVE $500 to JIOOO and service to Invest some small business, iiu -o. Jt..Jrt' WANTED To buy small lunch counter; state price; no agents, p o-. urcsum. WANTED To rent small blacksmith snoo in the country. AL 674.oregonian. WANT Small grocery, about $1000; own ers only. G 689, Oregonian. l Motels and Rooming Houses TO LEASE -WEST .SIDE. r. TTFITRISHED ROOMS. 25 rooms unfurnished, -close In. ..west side, corner; give 3-year lease; good brick building: will cost about $4000 to furnish it; don't bother us unless you mean business. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St Broadway 4133. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business, Hotel, Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere; see F. RIKKUU.N. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOW E & UO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade- bldg. MRS- M. E. LENT. HOTEL AND APA RTMENT HOUSS KSOKbn. Tf von wish to buy or sell, come in end talk it over; 12 years in this buslne in Portland, enables ms to give you sat isfactory service. 723-24 Northwestern uana oias. WANTED To buy modern workingman'B hotel, close in on west stae. wnn ieaw. good furniture, no Junk; will pay $15u0 cash; some on time; deal with owner only. Call Woodlawn 5006 or address 240 r argo St.. city. FINE HOME WITH INCOME. Hich-class apt. proposition ; not a place you will be ashamed of; not so large, BUT GOOD. $130t Mr. Nelson. Main 5199. ' FOR SALE Rooming and apartment house in Salem; 3i rooms, wen iur nished. fine location, full of tenants, good income; stand Investigation. Owner 1S1 17th st. Marshall 2589. - a rHAkTE TO GET A START. $650 cash will give you possession of is r h- k ant.l bal. terms. Clears over $125 a month. E. Nelson, Main 5191 FOR ' best bargains In rooming or apart ment nouses see memoera oi me ivchii. Board. Yates Realty Co., 249 4th st FOR SALE 14-room hotel, modern; doing good business. .airs. Jiae r ox, calla. Or. i on 23 HOUSEKEEPING rooms and 2 garages clearing 173; siauo. iwo-iniras aown. balance $60 montti. aa aiain il ROOMING house, steam heat, all f ull ; will tatce small car on ueai. a-m. oou, Oregonian HOTEL for rent, furniture for sale. 23 rooms, all turntsnea; every room ratten. Call Columbia 931. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Light-colored overcoat with belt; $5 reward. Phone owner. Main tan. LOST White Fox Ternor; one black ear, wearing harness witn street numoer, 1o:ti E Kith at. N. Finder return tc same address or call Wdln. IC70. Re ceive reward. LOST Lady's gold rimmed glasses in case, between Peoples tneaier, east, on Washington, north on Fifth to S. E. coit Alder. Leave at 227 E. 3d N. Phone E. 6448. Reward. LOST Shnnolne bae on Barnes road Beaverton Saturday. Please communi cate with P. O. box 233, Fors Grove, Or. Reward. LOST Pearl bead Necklace in Olds. Wort- man & King's or J. W rt. k. ocuce Sat urday IasU Please rcTurn R. C. Slocum, 331 Going st. LOST Package containing white silk in fants bonnet Saturday evening on Ai der near Broadway. Finder call Colum bia 40 - LOST A .typewriter manuscript of poems and other papers in niaca iin uux.. Finder will receive reward by leaving same at office of Portland hotel. LOST Ladies gold watch with initials F. G. S. in brown leather wrist case, on 65th street North, between Stanton and Sandy blvd. Reward. Tel. Tabor 7919. LOST Llewellyn setter by Dr. Huth- man, from 4io JEast an st., aionaay oe tween 4 and 5 P. M. Phone East 1847 Reward. Answers to name Smqke. LOST Small alligator purse, containing Call Tabor 6687. money ana 3 keys. Reward. FOUND Something valuable n P. O. - Wednesday eve. Call labor i473 after 6 :30 P. M. ana mentiiy. LOST SwIbs wrist watch, keepsake, Fri day between 2lst. -a. near ygant. Vernon school. Reward. Wdln. 220. . LOST Hudson Bay seal collar Olds & King and Ella st. Mar. 256S. ' between Reward LOST 1 pig in rack on Foster road. Please call Bob Low. Berkeley and Fos ter road. Tabor 5636. LOST In dressing room of Portland Hotel. Saturday afternoon, cameo brooch; re ward for return. Call Tabor 2739. STRAYED Darlt brown cow, no horns, one front hoof broken. hid halter tied with rope under Jaw. Tabor 123 . PA RTY who exchanged hat In Broadway Hazelwood feunnay evening please return to Hazelwood oiilce ana get yours. LOST Nov. 11-12. "-small silver rosary In black leather casv. Patton road or down town district. Mar. 1635. LOST A gray brlndle dog with harness, Mt. Scott district. Reward. Call Wood. 5307. LOST In Woodlawn. Bosch magneto, val- ued as souvenir of battlefield; reward. Broad w LOST Purse containing currency and chooks iward for return to owner. 129S E. 19th st. N. LOST Sunday between Portland and For est Grove. 2 automobile chain. Finder please call Main 6452. LOST Brown English bull, weight t 80 pounds. Return 260 Flanders, ward. ' .bout Re- LOST Brooch p!n, daisy diamond center, reward. dettign. small East 2740. LOST Shepherd pup. Dtack and white. Call Wdln. 2630. Reward. POLLY AND HER PALS Copyright, 1919. hy Newipper Feature Serxilnc. Great Britmirf RigKia KumiTfcd. Stegistered b U. S. Ptent Qgice PA HAS A LITTLE DAXCE OF HIS OW.V, BY CLIFF STERRETT. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Co., Nov. 15 : 3 purses, fountain pen. 1 shoe, 2 piirs gloves, 2 gloves, blueprints, canceled checks. 5 packages, book, hat, rain cape. 2 coats, 2 lunch boxes, 2 suitcases, overalls, carburetor. 18 umbrellas. Nov. 16: Purse, pair glasses, knife. 2 books, music roll, belt, pair gloves. 3 gloves, thermos bottle, fishing pole. 2 baskets. 4 packages, hat. overalls, lunch box. hand grip. 2 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder sts. LOST Alaskan dog. seven months old, white and gray face and back : also English setter, brown and white; on Milwaukie highway near Rot he station. Reward for return of dogs or informa tion. Call Julius Sax, .Broadway 4U58. Princess theater. 27 N. 6tn st.. Portland. LOST In downtown district, large sise reversible macklnaw, gray and black plaid, with book of car tickets and tJ in silver and currency; return to Ore gonian: no questions asked. Liberal re ward. . PARTY who took money from purse and left same In lady's rest room on second floor. Imperial hotel, is known. If mon ey is returned no questions will be asked. 301 Oregonian bldg. or Tabor 5795. FOUND Brooch. E. 5S20. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If you must sell your liberty or victory bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more liberty or victory bonds, buy from" us. We buy and sell liberty and victory bonds at the market, you CANNOT DO HJil T E R YOU MAY DO WORSE. On Monday, November 17. 1919, we paid the following prices for United States government liberty and victory bonds, which were the closing New York market prices, plus the accrued interest! N. Y. Market, Int. Total 3MiS 1st 4s 2d 4s 1st 4s .. 2d 44s 3d 4 Us ... 4th 44i .. .$100.20 $1.40 $101.69 . 94.70 . 92.60 . 14.70 1.70 .03 1.81 .04 .74 .39 1.85 2.35 96.40 92.63 96.51 93. 06 93.10 05.24 93.43 94 50 93. n4 19.32 99.28 Victory 3is Victory 4s 101.17 1O1.03 In purchasing liberty and victory bonds we deduct, from, the above prices 3 on a $50 bond and $2.50 on a $1000 bond. In selling liberty and victory bonds we charge the New York market price plus the accrued interest. ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS' PLAN. Burglar and fireproof safe deposit "boxes for rent. Open until b P. M. on Saturdays. MORRIS BROTHERS. INC., , The Premier Municipal Bond Houf e. CAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS Morris Building. 309-31 1 Stark St. Bet. 5th and 6th. Telephone Broadway 2151. Established over 2 years. BE YOUR OWN FINANCIER. Join this association and get your mortgage loan on tne co-operative plan. Loans for any amount to run from 3 to 10 years, repayable in smart monthly Installments. Part or alt of loan may V Tim 1H nff st anv time. Evitv hnr. I rower participates in full profits of the " association. Only purely co-operativo savings and loan association in Portland UNION SAVINGS A LOAN -ASSOCIATION. 284 Oak Street. LIBERTY BONDS. AH Issues Bought and Sold. Before Buying or Selling Get Our Quotations. K. L. DEVERBAUX & COMPANY. Government and Municipal Bonds 87 Sixth Street. Between atark and Oak. ARE YOU IN DEBTT THE INDUSTRIAL LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. 267 H OAK ST.. LEWIS BLDG.. OFFICERED AND MANAGED BY PORTLAND'S LEADING BUSINESS MEN AND' LABOR REPRE SENTATIVES. LOANS MADE TO WAGE EARNERS ON THEIR CHARACTER AND EARNING CAPACITY IN SUMS OF $10 TO $500.00 AT be PER ANNUM. PAYMENTS MAY BE MADE WEEKLY OR MONTHLY. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS, FULL MARKET PRICE. LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS AND SAVING STAMPS. SEE E. BURKITT. PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELLING BLDG. C2D FLOOR. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. TITLE AND TRUST BLDG. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH MARKET PRICE. CASH ior RECEIPTS. We LOAN money On BONDS, SAVINGS STAMPS, 7 int. 725 Gasco fcnag., otn ana Aiaer. CELLARS-MURTON CO. SMITH motor stock for sale, $40 a share. Am sick and. need money. Frank Bough ton. 447 Sherlock bldg.. Portland, Or. . WANTED Liberty bonds for Investment: pay cash. 206 Stock Exchange. 3d and Yamhill. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate in Washington, Ore gon. H. E Noble. 316 Lumbermen bldg. Money to Loan on Real Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS. OUR OWN MONEY, LOWEST RATES. WESTERN BOND Jk MORTGAGE CO.. bu Fourth st., Portland. Or. $500, $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate; favorable terms, no delay; no brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. $300. $400. $500. $650, $750, $1000 AND UP: lowest rates ; quick action. Gordon Mort gage Co., 631 Cham, of Com. Main 1370. MONEY on farm and Improved city prop erty. K. K. Baxter. 7Q4 Spalding bldg. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7. SalomoM & Co.. 408 Selling bldg. MORTGAGE loans, lowest rates. Harding, 312 Railway Exchange. $1000 AND UP; no commission or delay. F. H. DESHON. 615 Cham, of Com, bldg. FINANCIAL. Money lmib on Real Estate. WE CHARGE NO BROKERAGE ON RESIDENCE LOANS. and positively tha lowest rates of inter est; also make business property and farm loans, liberal repayment privileges. Brokers and borrowers pi ace your loans where you can secure the best, terms. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES UUirAJNI. 1 Tnlrd streeC Phone Main 3067. Ground Floor Chamber of Luuiuierce Building. OUR Installment plan Is the best and urest method of paying a loan. $32.36 pev montu tor 36 months, or $21.24 per month for oo months, or $15.17 for 96 months pays a $louu loan and in terest. Other amounts In proportion. W loa.i on Improved city property. No commission charged, EQUITABLE SAVINGS Ac LOAN ASSN.. 22 fatark mt.. Portland, Or. RESIDENCE LOANS. -From tiV to 7 per cent lor five years. TOU MAY PAY $1U0 or any amount on principal and reduce inturest- ABSULUTEL1' NO CHARGE TO APPLICANT. Also see us for lowest interest rates on business property. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Phone Main 254L 1524-29 Icon bldg. MON E Y to loan on Improved Willamette valley tarms lor sucn pe nous ana on such terms as to repayment as wlil suit the requirements of borrowers. My long connection with and thorough know edge of the valley enables me to give prompt service. No commission charged. Audress w m. jaaciaster, 6oi u. a. ttonal Bank bldg.. Portland. Or. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan tut lowest current ratt-s on v niamette val lev larms. No commission. No delavti LEVEREAUX. MORTGAGE COMPANY, bt 6th st., portiaua. or. $60,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city. suuuroan ana xarin. xsunuiug iom.ii a pec laity. WILLIAM G. BECK, 215-216 FAILING BLDG., THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low raten, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. , A. H. B1KHELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS. Loans made on Unproved city property. Prompt service, no delay. Call and see us for terms. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. Northwestern Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security at going rate Of interest. OTTO HARKSON REALTY CO- 413 Chamber of Commerce. r MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY REAL ESTATE. Homes, apartments, business proper ties, quick service, low rates, repayment privileges. H. P. Barn hart. Mar. 61T0. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city property and also Im proved tarm property. Current rates. WM. MacMASTER. 831 U. S. National Hank Bldg. PRIVATE MONEY. $14,000 for immediate loans; will divide. City. Acreage or Farms. OTIS C. BECK. 525 Henry Bldg. Marshall 5S 5 3 . SEE US TODAY. We loan money on real estate. 6 ana 7. long time, snort time monthly payments or as you can; sums to suit. i . Oasco bldg.. oth and Alder, CELLAKa-ML'KTON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6H PRR CENT, 6 PER CENT, 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Corbett Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 5U6 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. $15,000 TO LOAN on improved real estats At 7. Will divide from $1000 up. F. E. BOWMAN A CO.. 213 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. $300, $400, $500. $7ftu, $1000 AND UP; low rates ; quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QU'.CK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE, PIANOS V1CTROLAS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pav them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans, and leave the se curity in your possession, and you can repay us In small monthly payments. ALSO WE MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried oeoule. on their own note Rates reasonable. Private offices, all business strictly confidential. WE ALSO BUY DIAMONDS. PORTLAND LOAN-COMPANY.. (LICENSED). 306-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 3286. 8. W. Cor. Third and Washington. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phone Broadway 910. 394 jStark Street, Near Tenth. , Loans on diamonds, watches, vlctrolas.. pianos, kodaks. shotguns, furniture, musical instruments, and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BOR ROWER. City and county warrants cashed for face value. CARRIE MYERS-HERRMAN. Manager. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE. LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, piano, etc... without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. 21S Failing bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; le gal rates; all article held a year; esfab lished since lt8S. Daa Marx. 23 Wiasb, H ATH A WAY Loans on pianos and furni ture; leg: i rates. 208 Washington bldg. GEO HARVEY loans money on household goods. Leal rates. Tabor 3800. ixiann Wanted. FIRST MORTGAGES ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY FOR SALE. F. H. DESHON, 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. WANT $700 improvement loan. 2 4 acres in city; 10'' interest, no commission. Room 12, Broadway 1642. WANTED $3000. 7 per cent, on fine Ala meda Park residence. D 878. Oregonian. $2000 ON bungalow worth $5000, 3 years. 7-vc. no commission. N 75. Oregoman. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO. 222 Cham, of Commerce. 4th and Stark PERSONAL. PILES CAN BE CURED without opera tion. Free booklet. P. Q. box 1105. PERSONAL. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. PAWN TICKETS. ' Sell your diamonds direct to Diamond importers and receive The highest cash market value. Without any disappointment. We pay from $100 to $800 Per karat. We purchase pawn Tickets. Gold. Silver. Platinum, Any valuables, any amount We buy War Stamps, Liberty Bonds. Victory Bonds. If van want mnnev. ie ul Prlate offices. uinesa confidential. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan bMg.. 2d tioor. corner Wash- I liigton su and Bdwy. Phone M. 4340. TROUBLE? S. You may arise some morning And in a way complain; You imagine you have troubles That you nourish to attain. You should have a surplus energy To back you in each fight. And win by proper thinking. As strength comes from the right. Temptation comes from weakness. Without the nerve reserve; Then create surplus energy. The matter you should serve. We have all kinds of energy. And we will save you more On each new SUIT, COAT, DRESS and HAT At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE. 2d Floor Pittock Block. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. WE pay up to $25 per set. - THE OLDER THE BETTER. Crowns. Bridge Work. Dental Gold Bought. Bring or Mail. PRIVATE OFFICES FOR LADIES. AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 205 Morgan Building, Second Floor. Cor. Washington a:id Broadway. Mam 434U. FALSE TEETH FALSE TEETH. We pay highest cash prices for old false teeth and all dental gold, platinum, silver, watches and all valuables of every description; $200 to $luo0 per carat lor diamonds. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 447 Morgan Bldg., 4th Floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. RHEUMATISM cured by electro-magneto massage. This is no chance proposition. I do the work. A small outlay will prove this to your cnmulete satisfaction. Andrew Nelson. room 9, State Bank building. Milwaukie, Oregon. AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH Followed by a shower and a scientific massage will rejuvenate and revivify you. Dr. lronsiae, 3Ub-ll uroaawty Diag. Nurse in attendance. Phone Alain oo. TaK ARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER 1 cleansing, healing, germicidal and Invig oratinc douche. A great aid in lucor- rhea and female disorders. 50c and $L per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. ARE your natural eeth beyond repair? iieiter nave mem oui ana re pi ace a oy artificial teeth oi tne netter Kind. Lr. E. C. Ross man. plate specialist. 307 Journal bldg. MISS E. ADAMS Treatments for dandruff I nrt filliniir hair, manicuring. 40 Morri son St., Til ford bldg. Office 305. Hrs. 11 to 8. & uii Jays xi to J. INVESTIGATIONS Accidents promptly and thoroughly investigated for attor ney's, insurance com pames ana otners. Eight years' experience. Last 62u8. FEBVET A HANNEBUT, leading wig and toupe makers, tinest stock human hair goods, hairdresslng, manicuring, tace and scaln treatment. 349 Alder. Main 546. . ' WE BUY WAR STAMPS. Spot Cash. Liberty Bona Bought. A m erlcan Brokerage. 205 Morgan bldg. i will eet both feet fixed un good at Dr. Eaton 8 tne t-mnuruLnai, 110 uoesn 1 hurt you; 5 yrs. here; exam. free. Gtobe theater bldg., 11th & Wali. Bdwy. 2S24. ! DR. RUTH OLSON, MEDICAL -GYMNAST. swedisu grauuaie, niaui, massage, ex ercises, electricity. oo2 Washington! bidg- Main consultation iree. LADY leaving for San Francisco Friday evening would be willing to take care of invalid or child for her fare. Call East 6469. ALASKA FURS. Finest quality, ready-to-wear and to order at upstairs prices. The Fur Shop, 606 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. DR. MATHXLDE ARNESEN. naturopath, medical gymnast; graduated irom Nor way. 305 Columbia bidg.. Main 2839. DK. ELNA SORENSON, 508 Panama bldg" Drugless methods. Stomach. kidneys, rheumatism, constipation, etc M. 5ue6. BESjr steam bath, chiropractic, vibration and electric in city. Dr. Margaret Hay me, 215 Swetland bldg. Main 1765. CORA YALE BELL. CHIROPODIST. Chicago, 506-507 Swetland bldg., cor. Washington and 5th. Main 1445. PARTY going to Chicago, shipping house hold gobds, would like someone to share car with. AH 721. Oregonian. HAIR cutting 35c; children a specialty. Washington St., joining Wool worth's 15c store. Room 315Macleay bldg. LADIES purses and handbags repaired, also made to order; traveling bags. $5.85 up- Portland Leather Co.. 226 Wash, st. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10 needles method; trial free. Josie Finley. 614 xtusn ot Lane bldg. Main 6368. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc Hours - 10 or ajjuiuimeuu raoui Main 1049 Office 30&-C Third st. MRS CORA SEYMOUR Will you send vour address to the gentleman who gave CANCERS successfully -treated and cured without pain. Write or call at 437 Lar- rabee st.. Portland. Or. MRS LARK INS, private manicuring. Horn's Hotel, 5th and Morrison, Apt. 3. Main 647! LEARN beauty culture work; we give you practical experience. Sanitary Parlors, 400-412 Dekum bldg. NERVOUSNESS, lumbago treated, mani curing, 10 to 9. 415 Buchanan bldg. Main 8366. DANCING Lady ballroom instructor is prepared to give private lessons at her home, very reasonaole rates. Tabor 6004. NISHBETHS Swedish Electro-Hydro In- atitute 533-535 Pittock blk. Bdwy. 518. GOITRE enlarged glands; cure yourself. A. R- Strachan. route 5. HlUsboro, Or. W tKTED To hear 616 Upshur st. N. from E. B. McNair. PR 1 MED A BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. b44 E. 33d. Sell. 2213. mornings GERTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair, manicuring, face, scalp. 322 Flledner bldg. DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay you 7 See Vlereck, collections. Dekum bldg. RUPTURE CAN BE CU R ED without an operation. Free booklet. P. O. box 1105. DR WILKINSON removes corns in 3 mln. Limp In. 315 Flanders St.. near 6th. SPECIAL NOTICES. SUNNTSIDE Modern 6-room house, Al fCirirtition: 4 blocks Lnurelhurst park on Belmont car line: $35iu, terms; discount for caf h. Owner. IO&O Belmont. Tabor 1399. or Main 615. Miscellaneous. NOTICE TO HUNTERS, prinv nil vour aame to us and we dress It for you. Sanitary Poultry Mar kft. 528M: Washington st- SPECIAL NOIU KS. M iscella n euun . X'OTli-K to the voters of school district No, 1. Mujtnom.h county, Oregon: are nerer- notUied that the Joard " directors af trhnM A iclrlt I Multnomah cnuntv, Oregon, has called a public meeting to be held at the office ui imr ooaro, room 3U4 courthouse, on the i mo ursi oay or December, 1919, nour or 10 A. M which time the board will adopt i budget of estimated receipts and disbursements of the dis irict lor the ensuing calendar year. Such sums of money as are deemed necessary ior tne purposes of the district are set forth In the copy of the proposed budget. w men Is armended h.Trn Anv school elector of the district may attend me inetrmig ana wiii be accorded a hear ing on any item of the budget. KLOUKT FOR 1920. Estimated disbursements; OUTLAYS. Betterments $ I7t;sn Ituiidincs. new and ariAitinn. :;n iuu Portables 5o!ok) Improvement of crounds l:: TiM Ground purchases 30,000 Total outlaws $141,350 EQUIPMENT. Cooking $ 5, s.v treneral "i ,on j annors :ahh Manual training ............ Physical training ........... Sewing Cafeterias . ... 1S.750 . ... 1.9.V . . . . 8it . . . . 800 . . . . 300 . ... 10,000 $68,150 Biind Unpaid claims Total equipment 1 -X KLt Titl.N. Picture? and moving expenses.. $ 350 POO 1.75 S.!50 tree textttooKs ana cUDDiies.. . . Graduating exercises Library and reference hooks.... Salaries, principals, teachers 1 'a $ !O0 $ 1 ti poo 2 ft P'rt 2 -r looo 5 Mi! 12O0 1 r 1250 123 r 13io. 4 r 1350 6? 13 75 4y -i' 1400 in & 1450 -. 75 yt 15O0 11 'tf 1550 297 it 16O0 1 2 ir 1 650 383 17O0 9i 1750 69 1 00. '. 6 -r lPort 2- IPSO 129 2000 1 f t 21 "0 40 a' 22i HI 10' 240 13 ct 2-.O0. . .". 20 it 2oO 2 e jioo 4'4 3 4O0 P"0 1.920 2.0OO 66.0O0 1.250 159.900 5.4UO 8. 2. 4.4H 26.100 112.5H 17.O50 473,200 19.8iH 651. 10O 15.750 124,200 11.4UO 3,900 25S.0OO 2.1O0 SS.OOU 24.OO0 33.SOO 56.000 5.8V 13.Ot 15.600 7.930 8.415 5,560 35.010 700 26.000 4y? 39O0 Elementary principals Principa.s' secretaries Librarians Evening ............ Citfzenshlp Substitutes Total salaries ...$2,348,355 ur- . ..$2,355,205 $ 3.650 ...... 700 29.1 50 vnm 12.750 1.450 1.750 1.3-rt 50 M 5.OV0 Total for instruction poses "supplies." " Cooking Garden supplies General day Evening Manual training day Evening Physical training Sewing day Evening Tow eis Maps and charts Total for supplies $57,200 MAINTENANCE. Upkeep of grounds $ S .TOO Fire insurance - l.OtMi Moving portables c4'-1 Repairs to buildings 86. o0 Repairs to equipment Ij.050 Total fo- maintenance $115,860 OPERATION. Freight and drayage Fuel Fumigation Liability insurance Light and power Janitors' salaries Janitors supplies Rent Telephones . .$ 6.750 . . 10N. 650 1.100 750 . . 20.350 . . 205. 000 . . ll. JOO 3.100 S. 300 12.15U Water . Civic centers 1 Total for operation ....... .$383,350 ADM1IS lt I KA 1 lw.-o. Attorneys' fees and litigation... 'Census - Elections Rent Repairs and equipment Salaries 1 superintendent 1 assistant superintendent 1 assistant superintendent 1 truant officer 1 assistant truant officer 1 assistant truant- of fleer .. 1 clerk and business manager., - 1 assistant clerk 1 superintendent of construction. 1 purchasing agent --. 1 cashier 1 storekeeper Other employes 1 at M620 4 at $1500 1 at $1320 7 at $12O0 1 at $1140 1 at $1100 5 at $100 1 at $ 900 1 Shops Emergency help $ 5.000 4.000 2.4O0 , 2.100 3.050 .$ 6.750 4.125 3.875 . 2.200 1.700 1.300 4.625 2.100 . 3.000 . 2. 400 . 1 !so . 1.500 . 1.620 . 6.000 , . 1.320 . . S.400 . . 1.140 .. 1.100 . . 5.4O0 900 . . 3.100 . . 5.5O0 . .$70,633 . .$ 7. 750 . . 11.550 . . 1.350 900 . . 4.500 Total salaries Automobiles. . . . Supplies Telephones Annual report . Interest Total for administration.. MISCELLANEOUS $113,235 $ 2.50O Lectures. exhibits. conventions and traveling expenses school representatives Teachers retirement fund... Insurance fund of 3.000 17.1 50 15.000 Total for miscellaneous items. .$37,650 Amount required to operate, support and maintain schools Ui-iusive of debt account $3,272,000 DEBT ACCOUNT. Interest and commission $ 32.R23 Sinking fund Bills payable Interest - Streets and sewers . . . 51,IHM 100,0011 1.541(1 12.500 . .$196,523 esttm 1TED RECEIPTS. stnte school fund $ 117,000 County school fund Tuition Delinquent taxes Interest on bank balances Special levy, authorized May 10. 1010 --- Probable cash balance on hand at close of year....... .. To be raised by special levy to - 570. 0OO ln.ooti 40.0im 4.00O 531.000 25.000 operate, support aim mi schools 1 .975,000 Total estimated revenue $3,272,000 ' To be raised by special levy for sinking fund and interest on bonds in addition to the levy to operate, support and main- tain schools . - - - . . . . .$16.53 Published by order of the board or di rectors, district No. 1. Multnomah coun t v O re con. E. A. SOMMER, Chairman. Attest. R. H. THOMAS, Clerk and Business Manager. Dated November 8. 1019. NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY BE LONGING TO THE ASTORIA PAPER COMPANY Notice is hereby given that under authority of and pursuant to a vote of the stockholders of the Astoria Paper Company, approved and confirmed bv the board of directors of said com pany the following described personal property and assets of said Astoria Pa per Company will T)e sold upon the premises where the same Is situate or located. In the city of Portland. Oregon, at public sale to the highest and best bidder for cat.ii in hand, on Wednesday, the 3d day of December. 1919. commen cing at lu o'clock A. M. Group 1 All the property and assets r , k a rnrt ind Pauer Package Corn- wlL - panv a division of the Astoria Paper Companv, located Holladay avenue at Fat "5th street, consisting of machinery and equipment of said plant and busi news, the raw and manulactured stock, accounts and billB receivable, including ail monevs due said Portland Paper . Package Company division, and all other propertv and absets that there may be connected with or belonging to said di- ilTh'ip property will be offered for sale In separate and convenient parcels, and If the aggregate of the bids ottered is not tatifciactory, ten the entire property and a-ssets above described will be of fered as a whole and as a going concern, subject to the payment of the debts and obligations of said division, th amount of which will be shown at lha time and place of sale. Group 2 Sixty 60 shares of the capital stock of the Portland Paper Stock Company, a corporation. Groups 1 and 2 will be sold at tna Portland Paper Package Company at Holladay avenue at Eatst 25th street. Group 3 Three (3) barges belonging to the Astoria Paper Company, in the Willamette river at the foot of Virginia street. Group 4 One 150-H. P. Babcock A Wilcox boiler, water tube, with all reg ular fittings, Dutch oven setting, grates, fronts, bar and 90 feet 40-incli stack, stored at 24th and Nicolai streets. Group 3 will be sold immediately after the sale of groups 1 and 2. Group 4 will be sold immediately after the sate of group H. ASTORIA PAPER COMPANY. By C. D. Bruun, president. Dated. Po.tland, Or., isov. 10, 1919.