THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1919. 17 TIMBER- NETS 52,000,089! CALIFORNIA TRACT INVOLVED IN PORTLAND TRANSACTION. One or Largest Deals of Year Con- ) Mimmalrri by Manistique and i TioneMa Companies. Ot:e o the largest timber deals of ti.e year was consummated in Port land last week, when the Manistique Lumber company and the Tionesta Timber company, both firms con trolled by eastern capital in which Portland men are interested, sold a body of 70,000 acres of timber in northern California to the Pickering Lhuu & Lumber company of Kansas City. The consideration was said to be (2,000,000. The territory involved in the deal was cratsed by the firm of Brown & Brown of Portland and an estimate of 1,000.000.000 feet of timber, mostly sugar pine and California white pine, was returned. The consideration thus averaged tl a thousand feet. V. A. Pickering, the executive head of the buying concern, spent some time in Portland last week investigat ing the property and closing the deal. The company operates extensively in Louisiana and Texas, but is obtain ing western holdings, in view of the rapid exhaustion of the middle west ern supply. A large body of the timber pur chased is adjacent to the Pitt river and probably will be milled from Klamath Kails, Or. A branch line of railroad will be constructed, it is statfd, when the new owners are ready to bosin active operations. A considerable slice of the stock of the company making the sale of tim ber is held by J. K. Wheelf-r and mem bers, of the Wheeler family in Port land, while the remainder of the stock is held by eastern capitalists. J. K. Wheeler was out of the city last nisht, and L. R. Wheeler declined to state the extent of the interests ot the Wheeler family in the transaction, although admitting that a block of stock of the company making the sale was owned bv them. Libraries Close Today. j The central library and all branch ! libraries will be closed all day today ! In observance of Armistice day. The j members of the library staff who were overseas in war work of vari- j ous kinds, of whom there are a num.- i ber. will participate in the parade i with their respective divisions and will take part in the other features of the day. AMUSEMENTS. (MATINEE 3 P. M. SHARP )- Auditorium Next Friday MATINEE Sl.SO, S1.00. 75o, BOe EVENING, JM-so,, arm add WAR TAX Seats on Sale Shermanipiay & Go. $iath and Morriion Sts. - BVKMSU COM KRT Mil SWIMMING AT PORTLAND'S NEW NATATORIUM AND BATHS Unsurpassed Bathinff Facilities. MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Special Steam Baths for Women. Private Swimming Les sons Daily by Prof. Clare Milo Godfrey. Open Daily 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. BROADWAY at MADISON 2V3 Blks. South of Heilig Theater LYRIC MCStCAL CO .vm v Matinee Daii.v at 3 Nishts at 1 and This Week, the I'proarioiis Mixup. Dillon & k ranks and the Kosebud Cborus. IN WRONG All the Late Song Hit. Country Store (Kvtru) Touimht. GRAND PRIZE MASQUERADE BALL COLT'.MMA HLL, Wednesday, Nov. 12th All Invited. Klve Ci5h Prliea. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. BATTLER In this city. Nov. 8. 1913. Cas pur Sattler. aged 77 yeans, beloved hus band of Catherean Sattler, father of W. A. yattlrr of Forest Grove, Theador Fat tier of Portland and Mrs. Da;. McCloud of Kelcio. Waiti. FuneraJ nervlce will be hold from thb Dunning A McUntee par lors, Bdwy. and Ankeny at., at 1:80 P. M. Thursday, Nov. 13. 1919. Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. SWIFT The funeral service of Mrs. Mary Dougrfihardy Swift, beloved wife of Will iam Swift, mother of James P. Smith. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James Doua;h hardy. will bp held at the St. Rose church, Alameda drive, today (Tuesday) at 0 : 3 ' A. M. Friends are invited. In terment Rose City cemetery. Remains at the residence, US3 E. S7th st. N. Kindly oniit flowers. OFFICER, returned from Pari and study at the Sarbonne, would exchange con versation with students of French. AO 71H. Oregonian. WANTED- Experienced corset maker and fitter: teicJy work, good pay. AO 71u, Oregonian. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Baker Auction House, TamnfM ftlid West Park streets. Sale at 10 A. M. ft AMI SEME NTS. I TICKET OFFICE SALE I x-:ov VjJJfcll HEhTT TCZ Broad wy at Tmylor Main 1 and A 1122. THIS HEKK KITS:?: NIGHTS, NOV. 13, 14,15 SPKCIAL I'RIOS MAT. SAT. RICHARD WAI.TOX TILLY PRKKT5 THE EMINENT ACTOR IX THE ROMANTIC DRAMA "THE MASQUERADER" EICELLEXT CA?T. Sl'tPEXDOtS PRODUCTION. EVE'S Floor. 11 rows S2.50. 7 rows $2; Balcony, 5 rows $1.50. 17 rows SI; Uillery, reserved 75c, admis sion 50c. SPECIAL SAT. MAT Floor, 11 rows $2. 7 rows J1.50; Balcony, 9 rows H. 13 rows 60c. -j CITY on'oYUs REC'O NOW ,, HEILIG NEXT WEEK 1 i." VU:..NIGHTS, NOV-. 20, 21, 22 SPECIAL Pttl' E M T. SAT. COHAN AND II A 11K1S PRESENT GEO. M. COHANS GREATEST 'HHACTER COMEDY, PRINCE THERE WAS W,TH JAMES' GLEASON n A NEW YORK 'AST AND I'ROOI t'TION. I Mow to Secure Ticket by MdlT Address letters, make checks and postofflce money orders pavable to V. T. Pantile, Mgr. Hei!iK thea ter. Add 10 war tax to price ticket desired. Inclose self - ad dressed stumped envelope to help insure safe return. E E'S Kntire lower floor. $2; Balcony, 5 rows $1.50. 17 rows $1; Jallery, res. and adm., 50c. SAT. MAT Floor. J1.f,0; Balcony. .7 mw. id rows i.uc. RPMPMRCD MAIL OBl)KKf UK I L It i:U Only 3 Niphts. Sun.-Mon.-Tuos 15c-l 4 Mata.. Sun.-Jlon.-Tuee.-'vVed. 13c-76c "The Man Eva Hunt' Shirley & Co. Kitner & Hpanpv Arthur West assisted by Lucille Smith Miss Venita Gould Mark Nelson; Klnogramp (Exclusive) Topics of the Day Princess Radjah This Show Closi-s with the Matinee Wednesday, Nov. 12. Tonight All Week W.d., Mat. Mats. ALCAZAR MIMICAL PLAYERS. In the London and New York Sucrrsa "THK CHOCOLATE SOLDIER." 600 Seal-. Moor. :v: All rinlcoay, 50c Ket "Mr Keginient." BAKER STOCK IDHI'ANv. Tonlcrht. All Meek. Mnts. Wed., Sat. Mav Marrin's Remarkable Drama "THE HOUSE OF GLASS" A Play nf Todav. t Week Tha NaiiKhty Wife. A N T A G E MAT. DAILY 2:30 s The Banner Show ef the Season. TARZAN Featuring The Twentieth Century Wonder Ape. With Kelix Intty. His Trainer. O T II f: It BIO ACT a 8 Three Performances Daily. Night Curtain at 7 and 9. f.f 35f THK RIRGF ;et valve KK (iAVE. mM THREE SHOWS DAILY PiCTUnES - YAUDEYILLE OFFICIAL MOTION PICTURES OF ACTUAL BATTLE SCENES NINETY-FIRST DIVISION IN ACTION AT ST. MIHIEL AND THE ARGONNE MANY PORTLAND BOYS SHOWN DITRGFF THK !ISTICR M AfilCIA !V. PRICES UNCHANGED 17c MATINEES, 25c EVENINGS CIRCLE Fourth at Armistice Day, Special Holiday A 4.4. A J Aiiriicuon "Every Mother's Son" Also a Big- Sunshine Comedy, "M lid Wom en and Tame Linns." and a Burton Holmes Travelogue. Open from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4 o clock of the following morning. nuu OlABAXTEED In eight lessona ladies $2.50, gentlemen $5.00 at De Honey's Beau tiful Academy, 23d and Washington. Niw datura (or Beginner! Btart Monday and Fri day evenings. Ad vanced classes Tues day and Thursdav e v e n i n gs. 8 to 11:30. Plenty of desirable partners and practice. No embarrassment. Private lessons all hours. Learn from profes sional dancers. Prize hard-time party Saturday evening, November 15. f bone Main ibav, GUY BATES POST MEETING NOTICES. A. AMD A. S. RITE. I A INS WORTH CHAPTER , OP ROSE CROIX NO. 1. j Special meeting in auditor- I ium. Scottish Rite cathedral. I this evening at 8 o'clock, j Work n 17rh derea. Bro. . S. Alartin. 32 degree, prpstrtinir. Bvorder j WISE MA5TBB. WASHINGTON COMMAN DERY. NO. 15. K. T. A j stated conclave will be he'.d thin (Tuesday) evening. 7:30 o'clock. East 8th and Burn- side. Business of importance. A large at tendance desired. GEO. P. ElfciMAN. Recorder. LODGK NO. 159. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication tbia (Tueeday) evening, November 11, mt 8 o'clock- Work in F. C. de cree. Visiting brethren cor dially welcomej A. C. JACKSON, Sec. PALEriTiNE LODGE. NO. j 41. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication Tuesday. Nov. 11. 7:30 P. M. F. C. degree. Visitors welcome. Arleta ata tion. Mount Scott car. By order of W. M. W. S. TOWNS END. Secretary. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. Ill, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Tuesday) evening at 7 o'clock. Work in : the M. M. degree. Visiting ) brethren welcome. i C. E. MILLER. Secretary. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER. NO o4, (j. E. S. Stated communi cation this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Degree,. Recog nition of Armistice day. Social hour. Visitors welcome. By order of the Worthy MVRA H. GLINE8. Secretary. ELLISON JS.NCAMPMENT. NO. 1. I. O. O. K.. will meet this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock, '" A'.ri- .t Fnlis Fncnmn- ifgfcMfcS ment. No. 4. f Ore.on City, w ill n:cf-i wit.) ue. The Koval Kurpie degree will lie conferred on a large class. Visiting patriarchs are welcome. J. .1. HAWKINS. C. P. CHAS. CHRISTIANSEN. Scribe. IVANHClB LODGE NO. 1. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, meets ....-. Tnir.v evenlrisr. Csstle fSfhall. Eleventh and Alder streets. i:ltors welcome. THAU I.. CRAVES. K. R. 3. On Tuesdav evenins. Nov. 11. the second moetins of the Udgue of Artisans will meet at W. O. W. hall. 11th si. ureson No. 1. P ram and . Liberty asaemblies will meet jointly. E. K. VAI AI.KT1NB. becretsry. ! PRIZE WALTZ. ! Tonight for the public of Portland, given i by Anchor Council No. 74fi. K. and L. ot i S. W. O. V. hall. 11th street. Given ; for member slik and In distress. Admis sion cents. run PARTY to be given by Scout Young', auxiliary. No. 3. I'niied Spanluh War vet erans at courthouse, room fj-6. this after noon. Prizes will be given. MOUNT HOOD I'lRCl.K. NO. 1M. XEHiHBORS OK WOODCRAFT No meet ing Nov. 11 on account of legal holiday. BAND rehearsal changed to Wednesday evening, Nov. 12. 7:4 P. M.. 128 4th St. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, plas. new designs. Jaeger Bros., 131-S att st. FRIEDLANDEK'S 1 eacs pins acd mea&is. jr lodffs emblsms. slO Wasbinstoa st. DIK1, B RUNDELI. Nov. JO. at 215 Morris St.. Mrs. Nellie T. Brundell, aged 111 years, beloved wife of William Brundell, father of Hazel and Harry Brundell, siHter of Miss Annie London. Mrs. J. N. Trlbou and Jame.-4 Condfin. Kuneral annount-e-ment later. Remains at A. H. Zelier Co. parlors, Williams ave. DeLAY In this rity at the family resi dence, 379 Cable street. November 0, Clarinda A. DeLay. afted '11 years, daughter of Mrs. N. B. l'eUay. sister of msm and imo IieL.ay. The remains are at Kinley's. Montgomery at Fifth. No tice of funeral hereafter. FCXtHAl. NOTICES. MILLER At the home of her daughter, Martha Lehnlield, 4'M Kast Fine street. Adeline Miller, aged 87 years, beloved wife of C. W. Miller, mother of Mrs. E. K. t'orrin. Martha Ihnr'ield and Mrs. A. S'hootrom and Sanisnn Cox of Portland: Mrs. L. B. Ureen of Ch erry vll le. Or., and Airs. Chris Col islenfen of Iowa, and grandmother of 10 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. Funeral services will tu held from St. Francis church. Twelfth and Wast Pine streets, Wednes day, November 1'J, at 9 A. M. Friends invited. Interment Mount Calvary cem etery. Funeral arrangements in charge of F. S. Uunning, inc. LEWIS In this city. .Nov. 9. 1SU9, Couch F'anders Lewis, aged years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. John Couch Lewis of the Mallory hotel. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at the Trinity chapel. Nineteenth and Everett ata.. at 2 P. M. today (Tuesday!. Nov. 11. Inter ment Rlverview cemetery. PBBUETTK In this city, November 9. t-.eorse Preuette, aged -4 years. Fu neral services will lie held today. Tu. s iay, November 11. at 1 1 :H0 A. M. from the residence funeral parlors of Walter C. Kenworthy. l."i:;' and ir;t-4 E. lUlh St., Sellwood. Friends invited. Interment Poriiand Crematorium. LLOyi' At the residence. 577 B. 10th St. N., Nov. 9. lf1!. Elisabeth Lloyd, aged 5:i years, beloved wife of William . Lioyd. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services at the residence, 577 E. 10th st. N., st '1 I. M. tomorrow (Wednesday), Nov. 12. Incineration at Portland crematorium. DAVIS At Bell station. Nov. 10, Charles O. Davis, ased 4 years. Funeral cor tege will leave the residence Wednesday, November at 1 o'clock, thence to tlid Wichita Evangelical church, where services will be held at 1:SU P. M. In terment Lone Fir cemetery. Care of Miiler Tracey. ECNERAL CABS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTOMOBILE LIVERY. Marshall 114 FLORISTS. LUB LINER. FLORIST. 82 Morrison St.. Portland hotel. Mar. 7M 4! Morrison, bet. Bdy and Park. Alar. '2j" Portland's Leading Flower .Shops. MARTIN & FORBES CO. florists. 8o4 Washington. Main 2tJD, A 120i. Flower fo' ill oucaaicns artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, 27 Morrison .. Main 770U. Fine flowsrs and floral de signs. No branch storea. 1RVINGTON PARK FLORAL CO.. 4lh and Yamhill. Funeral designers; lowest prices MAX M. SillTH, Main 7315. A 8UL Bell ing bldg.. Sixth and Alder ata. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington St.. bet. 4th and 6th. Main 61(12. A 118L FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Holraan Undertaking Funeral Directors Established 1S77. Third and Salmon Htreeta. Main 507. A 1511. Lady Assistant. Co. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funtrni Srviee for Icsa. Independent. Funeral -Director. Wash t., bet. JOth-Ulst., west -ld. Mam Liy AsaJstant. A 7b8i. J.P.FINLEY&SON pROOREenlVU t: l o n a ij u i xt iv i kj ti o. Vain H. JlO II ihU'Wci j wiu. A lifcENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 16th and Everett sta. Phone Broadway 2133; Home A 213. F S. DUNNING, INC. 414 fcJ. Alder. Phone East S3. Perfect servica, personal direction, free use ( floral chapal and auto equlpmanL DOWNING & McNEMAR Buccesaors to wnson ss noss, aiuitno mah at B. 7th. Kast JU.Irvlnston dist. k.-i.vivi: a. McKNTEE. funeral directors. Broadway and Pine sts. Phone Broadway 430. A tuna. P. L. LERCH m. uin ano i-iay ota. East 781. T 1833. ERICSON Twelfth and Morrison Broadway 2534. Sta. A. D. KENWORTHY CO. 580a-04 9id st., Lents. Tabor S297. BREEZE & SNOOK 1047 Belmont. T. I23S. B IS48 A, R. ZELLAR CO. 6MSH"S f0v8S: bWEWKS UNDERTAKING COMPANY, Sd and Ciay. M. A '1221. Uldy assistant VAI I.T8 AND CREMATION. Vault Hurinla Crema tion, Disinterments for either. Sell. 867. J. 1 I Matron. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, accountant, auditor, specialist on involved accounts. Modern systems installed, maintained. 728-9 Pit tock block. Telephone Broad wmy 1. ASS A VERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver and piatinum bought. CARPET WEAVING. PnC The kind that wear Lbe best are llUUO made from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. (former ad dress 15a Union ave. ). Rag rugs woven a) i sizes. Carpet cleaning, refining and resizing. Mail orders solicited. lbS E. 8th at. Phone EAST 3o8G, B 1280. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Has Run, all Mail orders prompt. Send for Booklet. wl- rugs .cam or dry cleaned. (1.50. rA . FLUFF RUCi CO.. 5-S8 Union ave. N. East 6.16. B 14T5. C'EruXUlU BITTU.V8. ...JHE WWl.N-HODSOX COMPANY. gi ashinglon. Broadwty 434. Al 254. CHIROrUACTOR. aoaooo KNOW McMahon. lOOri ChiroprTc" lorV Throngs pronounce treatments easl - 'JPermanent. Jl "treats" lj. Tel. HIOPO l 1ST ARCH SPEC1aT7isT. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florella Oe Veny. tne on y scientific chiropodist and arch specialists in the city. Parlors oOJ tier Mnger bldg.. s. W. corner 2i and Alder. Phone Main 131. CHIROPOIHsT. DR. GAHTNEK, fool specialist; corn, bun ions, foot arches made to order. frwetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. Mam 10S1. JHOI.VtV CLEANERS. mm worry with your furnace? Why soil your Illy-white hands? Why not have tnem cleaned by an expert chimney and ni2ace man? - D Junei- Phone Est CIWlL.tR I.BTTKH.S. LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Hoyal CKANE bldg. ... .. u , 0iiiitigrapn niimeogiaplilng and mall advertising iiiarsnan oHJ'. M 11 It I graphing. C-QI.1.KCT ION8. BALi H1SBTS collected everywhere. Stand V?. Mer.c.'i Agency. Bonded. Panama oidg.. Third and Alder. NETII A CO., Worcester hldg. Main 179. fvo collecllons. no charge. Eslab. 1900. DAMI.VS. ".A1MK.KINE M. ROWN guarantees to teac'i an balltoom dances in i'Z prl ceZ"on"i 12 '". 3; 4 lessons, tl. Wjtshmgion sr. BKRKBLKY Dancing Academy. 129 Fourth ii t"""" d.ay evening, ciass Tues. Main 5?ir5- .'J,di' tickets. 3: gents' $5. Main -Ml 8. Mrs. Kommers. prop. M ?,L,Bm V''s P,a"-vcing"academ T.8d Ih Deum b'dg.. private lessons, day c.a.s iues. eve. Main 1343 ELNORA FLECK Ballet, technique, toe; nature, oriental dancing: bshles a spe clalty. IL'9 4th st.. Main B318. DANCE w. O. W. hall No- 3. alt. eve. Everybody come. 50c and 25c. POO AND CAT HOSPITAL." ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, 415 East Seventh. East 1847, B 1962. IK ESS M A KINO. first-class dressmaking. 13.00 per day. East .tol."i. ky eka rnhf: Axn throat. DR. F F. CASSEDAYT ' Spe'cia list. Glasses fitted. .00 E. Burnslde, cor. 20th. E. 4734. KI.ECTR1CAI. REPAIRING. II.M.II.ELECTRICCO. 7" winninir .na iciricai repairing a .specialty. us abotit new or ueed motors. Bdwy. 1045. A 1040 WHOLESALERS AND GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC URAIX CO Board of Trade bldg. hats" ani CArs. THANH A USER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front at. HIDES. WOOL AND CASCAEA BAEK. KAHN BROS., 105 Front C PlI'K. lil'K FITTINGS AND VALVF.S. THB PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 68-70-72 Front et.. Portland. M. L. KLINE. K4-8Front t. P.INTS,"ollJ AND CiLASS. p. FULLER & CO., Front and Morrison. UASMLSSBN & CO., Second and Taylor. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 2BB 4th St., Opp City Hall. Neu Broa. : 7T.i cr T 1 U&UITF' CO 1-1 ? TIO AT MA1..5DM 3TRCET ( Classified Advertisements ta The Oregonian. HalL7 sail buwlajT Per Ha. HOC llM Tm consecutive times. . Three ceiuecutlls llmea VIM Ma or itieu cunseculiva ttmaa. . . . . Tb fsdiutvlng ciaaaifications aseepted. lbe rate which to P Hue per da. eiiUNiujiia auli Alale. aituatlooa tauieu-Auai. ad taken for Iras than two lines, .loiui. six wurua in tne (use. AdvcrliseineiiU (exrept "-r-louals"! will he taken over the te.e iihone l the ammiMr s a iuukiissi la either phone. No price, will no ..noted aer the phono, hut Uimiui ...II ho reourre.l Hie followlua da. Ad-.itm-ru'eif! are taAn 'or I'ho UmLr u,n. . tit liia M.; lor fba suuuay ! - aniurUaji. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cru elty to animals. Office room, 153 courthouse. Phone Main 3T8 from 8 A. IL to 6 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at Us home, 535 Columbia boulevard. Phone any time. Wood lawn 74. Dogs for sale. Horse am bulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted when necessary, and stray animals cared for. NEW TODAY. Portland Rug Company MAM'FAITl RF.RS OK FLUFF RUGS "TUKKKS A DIIFKRKVCI." WB WKAVK AIL SI.KS I BOTH j-Llir AND RAti RLtiS. Is Tall for Your Old Carpets. Work Will Be Returned Promptly." Mail Orilers tilven Prompt Attention. WK CLKAN CARPETS. Portland Rug Company 1672 East Seventeenth Street. Phone B 1324. Ijther I'atlflc or Home. SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS Old Rum and Woolen Clothlna". Ve Make Reversible. Hand - Wove FLUFF RUGS They Wear Like Iron. Mall Orders. Send for Booklet. Rax Ruira Woven. AH Slsea. Carpet Cleaning. it a Rosea. Steam ( lesn.-d, a 1.54, WEII'KltN FLUFF RIG CO, 4 I'nlon Ave. N. feast 5. B 147S ROSE CITY Will saeritii-c my corner lot. corner 431 and Tillamook streets, one block north of Sandy boulevard. Uood reason for selhne.. Apply 124 N. Hth street. Phone B 711J Phone your want ads to the Ore' gonlan. Main 7070. A 6095. 8. FIRMTIRE REPA1RLNO. HAVES your furniture repaired, cleaned, rewaxed or polished at your home or office, save cartage: I also take care of linoleum and hardwood flooia. A trial will convince. I'ersoiutl attention. W. J. Magison. Sellwood 1166. 6'12 Holgate st. HARDWOOD KLOOBINO. OET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co.. 1S7 W. Park st. H KM.sTITC'HLNfi. K. STEPMAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion aide pleat, buttons covered; mail orders. 219 Piltock blk. liroadway 1U-U. V. F. ROt-8 &. CO.. INC. M. MUSCOV1TZ, MANAGER. Manufuctunni, jewelers, ayate cutting, diamond aetUng, devigners. Wholesale only. tild Alohawk bld., 3d and :Mor rioa. ML SIC. lOLI N. Piano, Harmony ; all string:! tauglit. Kol Ken beck. 4U9 Tatnbill. ( O PTOM KT R IST3 AND OPTICIANS. (.I.aSSUTH at a SAVING. - T4V' I froiiciie your patrjuaac on the L3LJ baKiH ot caoable tcrvice riiou- sands of tiAiibiled customers. A trial m ill convince ou. Charles . Oood- mau, optometrist, Hoy Morrison. M Ul-4. PATENT ATTOKSEV8. R. C. WRIOHT 'JJ years' experience U. 8. and foreign patents. QUI Liekum blaa liULDBUBti, B0 Worcester bids;. L.5-5. rHVSlClAJiS. DR. R. A. FHILLlPa, Broadway buildmc. Kheumatlsm. Stoins.b. Uoel. luiilt. liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, pruMiattc. leinale disorders, skin affectious. blood pressure. PLIMBINU KlWUta FLt'MBtNi! SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. Starae-Davis Co., Ul- 3d. i. " I'Kl.MINO. J . KEYSTONE PRESS, J. E. Gantenbeln, mgr. Printing and linotyping '.'"'i Ir'iont St., corner &lark. killn or A 141o. TllfilffJKrwrBALXlis & CO.NH'AXf, I lllil i 111 J 1st ai I 1st and Oak bta. M. A Xlfto. LHVlaN HAKDWARE k FURNlTURiS CO., 1 Front fit. We buy and tell everything In the hardware and lurnituro lina. Fhone Main V'Jtu, a i. i . ' FAINTING. PLASTERING, cementing, painting, kal aomlning. country jobs attended. AI 4ft;., Oregonian. , C il. TKKrTlU house, sign paintlrig. pa pering, linting. a-uui v . - 'i, .ii v i ' j i v i I CiV" naintinv and DlMf- banging. 133 16th. fhune Bdwy. jvii. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH "The Service With a Reputation." JIOVlNTi.i'ACW-li-bTdRAl.ilS-B.WliAGB 13th and Kearney. Branch 6 Bdwy. rHCNt BOWY. 3303 OREHO.N TRANSFER CO.. 474 Olli-an St.. corner 13th. Phone Broadway lSl or 11U. We own and operate two large ciaeK 'A" warehoue on terminal tracWa. Lowest Insurance rates In the clt. hHtPfiOOf STORAGE C. M. OI.SEN TRANSFER CO.. 24Pine PACKING. MOVIN'!. PTORAllK. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 1(15 PARK ST. MAIN 51.". A 1051. WILLAMETTE V ALLEY TRANSFER CO.. general tianpfer and forwardnia agent. 114 North Fi.'th t. Broadway 4&4. CLAY S. MORSE. Inc.. TRACKAlJK. STOi'.AHE. TRANSFER. 448-4.14 (JLISAN ST. HATCH KFI'AIRIN'O. Highe.t priee. paid, old watches and Jew elry; condition no object; repairs ttpeuia ty. Rtlnier Jewelry Co.. 449 Wash. st. MANUFACTURERS MILL SITPI.IES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 18-70-72 Front St.. Portland. PLCMHINU AND fcTK.AM SlTI'lJES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. BK-70-72 Front St.. Portland. M. L. KLINE, 64-8B Front at. I'KODICE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEKOING FABRELL, 140 Front st. " ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14tl and Nortlirup. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. NEW TODAY., Build Your Own Garage We will deliver a Secfiunal (iarage to you anywhere in the northwest. Tou can set it up in a few hours. 'Send for circular REDIMADE BliiLDiNS CO. I5 K. llih St. Hhone Kant 5114. Fort land. Or. GARAGES For All Cars Prices on Application Ready-Cut and Portable Houses MSLLMADE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY J I0OI I'nlon Ave. W. Udls. 1413. WB CALL. FDR VOIR OLD CAKfKTS. Run mm A Woolen Clothlna;. We Make Beautiful Hand-Wovea FLUFF RUGS All Work "Turned Oat Promptly. Rr Ragi Wove a All Slsea Alail Orders. Send for Booklet Carpet Cleaned, Laid mad He fitted. NORTHWEST RIT. CO, HH Eaat bta t. Phone baat iiSHO MORTGAGE LOANS Marshall 4114. A 4118. Improved city and farm proprrlr. Inatnvjlraeot repayment privilege It yreferredi prompt, reliable aterviee A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-210 Northwestern Bank Building. FOR RENT AFTKR JAMARV 3 1 ST, 1020. STORK" Mi AO. WITH FIM, BASK MKT. suitable for automobile sales room, auto parts or acccshories. Lo cated on Broadway, between Wash ins ton and Burtiside streets. Apply AE S31. OI1j1j.U.MA-. SI NEW TODAY. WEST SIDE $5500 Jackson Street, near 6th, on lot 55x100, 11 -room house with bath, two toilets, furnace, fireplace and garage space for four autos. . Purchaser can rent sufficient rooms and garage space to pay for property; lot alone reasonably worth $6000. Henry W. Goddard 243 Stark Street Mortgage Loans 5 20 Edward L Goudej Co. . . ,1 s fee HUIiaiD2 REAL ESTATE. For Kale -Ivota. VIEW LOTS One lOOxinn. one T5xKo adjoining, on Alameda lrivc near Brondway ar Hue in Tntr of mof t exclusive residential district on ?ast hide; must cll at once and will sacrifice. A R. CORTOV. 120 HKNRY BLlKi. MAIN 778. PIC I.AUKKt.H L'KST SACK I PICK. Kult lot within n 1Vw fe4t of the nark This lrt a very HiEhtly nd commands a fif e view of the park, portions of the city and the mountains. The own.r needs money and is (coinp to ipU. Own er. .n9 Chamber of Commerce; Main 1ffi.1; residence. Marshall V Bl'TI. PER'S NOTICE Rt(l LAl'REI.HURST SNAP IOhxIOO overlooking l.aur-lhurl Park on ll'.llh st. Here Is a chance to make some easy money. Also some sinzle lots at a snap price. Phone me evenings. East 2'H. CORNER MIxlOl, 37th and Tlllamoo'-i. all assessments paid. $07.".. C. I. McCon ahy. 917 American Bunk bldg-. Seattle. Wash., Owner. F 1 1 Ft SALE Must sell this month: vacant corner, 'Jltd and Hawthorne; real bar gain. Address BC o-O, Oregonian. Ui.KH) bars-ain, lot IOOxTiO. close in town, cheap. I.eon N. I.eFebvre, 613 Corbett Miig. Mars-hall 2r5. ' For Sale H onset. J2R00 A HOMK IN At.BINA. PAYING Blii INTEREST Kecrptlon hall, lt'lng roim, H bedrooms on lirst floor; reception hall, living room, 2 bedrooms and bath on second . ."VOX l(M)-ft. lot; hard-surface street; cement sidewalk; sewer; garage: Kae and electricity. Vs block to car. Vou could live in one llat and rent the other. It will pay lro interest Oil the dollar. B1HR-CARKY CO., 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1 66, ROSE CI TV. MODERN BUNGALOW; LIVING ROn.M, MUSIC ROOM. DINING ROOM. MT'll KITCHEN. TWO HEDROO.MS. BATH. FIRST FLOOR. THREE BED ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH. TOILET. SECOND FLOOR: II A R D W O O D FLOORS. BU1I.T-INS. FULL-SIZE CON CRETE BASEMENT. FURNACE; $.K.0O. TERMS. POIN DEXTER. 20 SELLING BLDG.. OFFICE. MAIN 1SIIU; RES.. B 7120. MAUNIKIOKN'T -rofm hnm. Irvfn.eton. very eubptantial; fine locution: very ntort orn : will cost today $xou0; will tak $t;rio. (inrag; sleeping porch. Charm in ft U-room home. Irvine ton, bobt location : modern to the minute ; mahogany and oak finish ; oak foorj; extra sUed lot; gurape; epinfc porch. Fine 6-room home. lrvinston; oak f'oora up and down; stairs aiso; cholre location; furnace, Raragc. Owner, Kal V. H. Herd man. $27r.O ANOTHER GOOD ONE IN AI BKKTA ."i-room bungalow, recep tion hall. H v t n g room , dining room with built-in buffet. kitchen. 2 if!rpomn and bath; eleeplnjc porh ; KBrape: i!S blocks to Alberta car; 4 year.' old: A-l condition. HIHR-CARKY CO.. U1S Ry. Kx. Bldg. .Main 1CS6. mo BARGAIN. Owner leaving tow n and will sell hrs at tract! v 5 -room bungalow in Piedmont at a low figure; full cement hH-fment. furnace, fireplnce and all modern con veniences. Price for everything, inclurt ing furniture and winter's fuel, only $4.r'0; or will sell unfurnished at smaller figure. t-l KPDEMANN COMPANY. fUS Cham, of Coin. Main 4W87. IhOxlOO CORNER. Strictly modern en-room hi n nalow ; plenty of fruit : 2 hlnrkH trom car. J3UO. Term?. Se Peterson, THK KRKD A. JACOBS CO.. 104 ith Ht. Main 6861. RI'NT.ALOW ANT FOI'R l-OTS. 1 itx JiMi 4-orner, S-rooin attractive buncalow with good ment. pat, elec tric! t y, bath and white en me I finish ; srr minds completely arranged for hi-k-en and duck raLshir: icood outtuildtncf' In fine locality Just S blocks to car. Price $42r0: terms S1VM do n. halum e cany. MKIfcJMANN COMPANY. P13 Cham, of Com Main fi!7. AO CASH DOWN. That f'-rm.m bungalow with fire place, rood attic. bHjirment. nice plumb Ins:, electricity and sraa. on 4UxlOO lot. in a. brealn at SJ000; and you cannot beat JO down for easy terms. See thin. It must be sold immediately. A. H. R1RRBLL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank BldR. Marsliall 4114. $ ft :nn. NEW BL'NCI.OW JT'ST PKIN? FIMfHED: SKVKN ROOMS. HAH P- wonn F?Akks, ri.ATE-r.uss win dows. T 1 1 . K BATH. VI R KIM.ACM. KiitwcK, i;ra;i:; rORXIiR LOT 7T.XIOM- Rl.OC'K ROM)WAV CAR. ri'lVKKXTER, '-; SKM.I.Nf: BI.PO.. OT'Fl'K MAIN 1S(M; R KS.. B il.". Ifk'x 1 WITH choice fruit. Knpltsh wal nut, strawberries, raspberries and black berries: houR ha B rooms, full plumb ing, sras and electricity ; full cement basement. good tfamgf. Price J3L'."sO. easy terms if desired. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DOOSON CO.. 632, ft33, 34 N. W. Bank Bldg NEW. modern. 6 rooms and steeping porch, hardwood floors, white enamel finish, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, screened bark porch, full basement, double construct ed, price $3600. small payment, easy terms with per cent Interest on bal ance. O. W. Bryan. 50ft Cham, of Commerce. Marshall 865, Main 1103. SUNNY81DE BARGAIN. 7 rooms, den and bath, full cement basement and furnace; lot 65xl2.'. street paved and (aid for; property cost owner $4MiiO; price for quick sate, $4.00; terms. $14.H down. bMlane easy. l.UEUUKMANN COMPANY. f13 Cham, of Com. Main !67. tlSOO. $4UO CASH, BAL EASY. 4. room bun(T;ilow; rooms well ar ranged ; sras nnrt electricity; full plumb ing well located, convenient to two good car lines. Main 877. .lOHNSON-DOPHON CO.. 632. 633. 6:4 N. W. Bank Bldg. COMFORTABLE home at Creston. 1 block from Mt. Scott car, near Franklin hlRli. 7-rooms, enamel finish, two sleeping porches, fireplace, cement garage, fruit, nuts, grapes, 3MH. Tabor 4tio8. 4103 34th avenue, cor. 4Wth st FI RNISHEO, ftar0. 4 CASH. 5 rooms, bath, gas, water, electricity ; berries, good lot. all fenced; 4 blocks to car. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DOnSON CO.. 632. 633. 4134 N. W. Bank Bldg. BROOKLYN HOME 12750. 53 S bant Eighth street, corner Wood ward avenue, ti-room modern houe. newly painted and in fine shape, has new garage. -Look up today, good terms. East 2S71. lu6uu $1000 CA&H. balance like rent . beautiful Beaumont home; 8 rooms and large sleeping porch - hot-water furnac; hardwood floors. Immediate poFsesiion. See house and owner. 6-"t3 E. 38th st. N. BARGAIN Beautiful little bungalow. 3 rooms, breakfast nook. bath. Owner leaving. For quick sale. 1750; $3u0 down. Ea?t 74 (J, evenings. S3L.0 TERMS; LEAVING CITT. Jt-room modern bungalow. fireplace, laundry trays, paved street. Evenings. Main 1377. PENINSULA diPtrict Small house, full lot. alley, fruit, gas. water, chirken house. Sell cheap, terms. C o0.". Ore Ionian. g'lS50 V BLK S. R. C. PARK CAR" (Jood l-room bungalow; full basement; electricity, gas, etc.; nice 50x100 lot Tabor tir.M MODERN ho 5 lots. garag- fruitiT; sacr'f ice $:iui cash or v,. 4n-jx Eat lOtli -.. utif l-'uUnd. Tabor lull. For Sale Houitea. IRV1NGTOV. A most attractive refidenre of 8 reomi. mcdern in a If its appointments and ne irly new; hardwood floors, tiled fire places in living rom and front hrd-rroi-i; tild baih tth Fho.ver. a:so bHth for maid's room: conservatory; extra lar(rc leepinfc torch which can be heated if reireri nm nlofo Itmclar nlnrm "vp. tern and double electric lightlns and I neatinp s ntortis ; loc.ued in the vry be.-t dim un .f Irving ton. on .00 cornpr, surrois-ided ly beautiful home. This house hhs nst the owner be tween f lM.ono end 'JO.lii. but an at tractive price will he made in selling, or ouM ac.fpt iefirabie vacant tr .ni V roved Iortlind prorertv for the equity. SAM I Ft fL NOKTOX, tilu Henry bldff. $6."00 DISTINCTIVE ROSE CITT HOME. This is a real homo, unusually w 11 built: best material nd superior work manship, hardwood floors throughout, woodwork all in white enamel, iartce living room. 14x'JA; large cheery fire place, built-in bookcases, French doors lead to sun parlor: very attractive pan eled dinfnff room with ia.sive built-in butfet; fuH w hlte Dut. h kitchen, has every built-in convenience: breakfast room, 4 lifrht, airy bedrooms, sleeping porch, beat white porcelain plumbing fixtures, full cement ba.sexnent wtth fur nace and laundry travn; un sOxim. lot located on EhM 57 th Mt.. 1 bhock from Koe City r; ran arrange terms. We have over 4ft mi photographs of appraised homes in our for jle. 1J cx-p-i lenced salesmen with autos at your service. See FRANK L.. McOUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abingion Hldg. Main M0. Main rK6. Offue Open Kvcnittgs and Sundays UDD'S ADDITION. SWELL. HI- NO A LU V $ t loO. IT yuu want a 1 eJ bungalow of lots of clubs anl distinction, v o Uo want you to fe thiN one. living room, ex tenaing width of Hardwood floors in every rtMitu. Kiemh uoora between liv ina and tiini.ig ro-miH. Complete 1 Hitch Kitchen wim breaktit noun. Kuii ce ment Uufin-tit, furnace, etc Very reas onable toi-ms. ThiH la within walking uiHiaiiie ol the butmieas disirict. us kiiow you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. H4 ,telrk st- near Main 3ol. Main Eiaiich office, iOth and Sand. ATTRACT l" V K I K VI NJTON HOm ' Do you wjFh to buy a well -appointed .-room bungalow, with raraco, located in mst rxclufiv section near Knott and E. t-ta., on 7."xlttO site? Four 1 .ue bedrooms 4 2 downstairs, 2 bath rooms, hardwood floors throughout tirt lloor, Mleeping porch, new linoleum, car pen upiiairi. electric eto e, ln.stanta neous ga.v heater. Ix'huuiuI a h rubber v; h rare bargain at t.trO. $2."mhj casn. balan-H lue rent. R. H. Torrcy. Ta bor 4U. $o4JOJ UN .".3D AVE.NTG. IN MT. SCOTT .'i-room bun pa low l.argain ; living room, dining room. Hutch kitchen. - bedroom and bath; n, room, .W(irig porch; gnu, electricitv .creeiuH, shades and linoleum; full cement Lawment. Moored attic: ga iago. ery good condition. 1 w blocks to car HIHR-CAKfSr CO., Railwjtyfc;xchaiigc Hide Main 1GS4J. ROiE CI TV PA KK hTNUALUW- vuy ierms ,i,i.o. 1 o.'fer one o; the pre U it st homes rooms and aieeping pore ii in this Poriiand s most charming rcsidom-e dis tr: t. Paving, etc.. alt paid; fireplace, hard wood i loom. Dutch i.itchcn. laun dry ira.vy., nt basement; b.o-ks south toandy 47ti E. .4th TABOR 7777 -KM. NEARLY modern cottage on bard suriace st.. Improvement pid. lull lot L4i.o, t-ao cawii. per mo. 0-rm. imngdiuw. nu shape, big lot, $no0. $00 cash. per mo., includ ing int. b-rm. house, nearly tnodci 11. $jo 2im cash. 4." per mo. All near street car. Kood huvs. See A. N. dearie. 1U24 E. Glisten. "M-V" car. HUSE CITY PA RK. P.DO.US AND DEN $4."0(i. Here is a nifty bungalow , fl oated. 2 blo:ks from .Sand v. i-'ul I lot eut front. Hardwood floor, fireplace, i u u net. iuu cement, ua tie ment. furnace, eic. A1J aits. paid. Let us show you A. G. TEEPE CU.. 2G4 Stark st.. near 3d. .Main 3.M6. Main a3'JH2. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. liEAlTTIPUL EN 4? LIS H I'OLOMAl i .EST PART tK I.A URE l.H C itsT Choice corner. MxIimi, built 2 ears ago on a much lower market and will be s-oiu $2.ii under cost can show the bil.a ITice 1 l.r.oo. Very easy terms to re sponsib.e Prty. See Mit. DELAHUNTV. - ' 1 : Mara st.. of phone Main 17oo. Ev eiiitiKa East 2t6. S4SOO JEST THINK OK IT IN LA I ' K E I.HUH ST A I moist new ti-room bungalow. 2 blocks to, good garage. Improvements all p. lid. Th:s is just what you have been looking lor. See me quick. Phone Mam 1 .no. Evenings Easi 20sti. MR. DE FINE new English cottage. 6 rooms, din HiK and s.eepiiig porche. hardwooW iioorN. open ur place, all modern con veniences, with large wood, d lot, ai Mount ilion. t tie must beautiful lew suburb vf 1'ortland. Prhe J'i.Vin, fH.s terms. Jithn liain (owner. 0u7 Spalding bldg. Telephone A 7442. IRVIN't.TOX. STRICTLY MUOKKX. IIAUPWOOU FLOKS. 4 P.EDROnMS. Si.EEPINC PORCH. ATTIC, FLLL.SI2K CN CRETV; BASEMENT. HOT - WATER HEAT. fL RAOE; COR. LOT; $ In ..00 Poind kxt e r. 20s sellinu bld; OK KICK. MAIN 1 SOo : R KS.. B 7120 THAT VACANT LOT. Wh not turn a burden Into Income We deMgn and bui.d apartment?, garage.--, residence-, anything; turn. an plans and finance. E:-tablihcd ten v.-are We olftr SECURITY, SERVICE. SATISFAC TION. L. R. Railey Co.. Inc., contract ing architect!., H24 N. W. Bank bidg. FOR SALE 7-room houne, on fractional lot, tavorphly situated in SunnyMrie dis trict, 'i his is a uplendid home with im provements all in and paid ; garage ; 1 block to SS and Tabor earn. Onlv $2."0, ana eaf.v term.'. You can t be a isappoi n t ed on this. B. S. Cook, ttoi Stock Ex change. I H V I N TN DISTRICT. Six -room house, corner lot ; ."I bed rooms, sleeping porch. fine basement w,:li furnace. This ih a Rno.i bnv and will not last long. On y 420U. Terms. l-Uii l-HAT-ni'', e. 11. holmes co . 272 St.-irk si. Main SOM. 2.4t. 1K0 CASH. BAL MONTHLY. "-room bungalow wnh leepin pon-h. booWcae. buffet, fireplace. uJi base ment. &Oxluu lot, cloe to car. Main 37ft7. .IOIINSON-DODISON CO. 32. a.i. 034 N. W. Bank Bldg. RARE CHANCE. $4ridSEE TODAY. Spiend id home for your family, fine neighborhood, good schools, hard surface street in and paid, clean and In excellent repair; 8-rooms with 4 bed rooms. 1 1 replace, furnace. Takes J1000 cash. 734 E. Burnside. East 271. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. 5 ROOMS UARACE f ;t;.oo. I am offering for sale a beautiful 5 room bungalow , located H) feet from Sandy lacing eawt. Hardwood floors, flrep.ace. nuiret. etc. Must be sold at once. Phone me at Ta bur SlT-V $2.t."u. J.V tajsli. bal. $24 per month; S room arid bath, good b;;-:neiit. eat front lot with ih rubbery and fruit ; o blocks to car. 5 to M'hoo!. Main 37X7. J o I i N SO N - I )U U S N CO . i?.J. W.i, 34 N. V. liank Bidg $22(h FOR A fine 7-r- om. with 2 lot. all in flrt - class condition ; concrete base ment, tile bath, hot and cold water, ga rage and poultr" house; $.ruo ca.h. bal ance terms; a map. I'hone Mar F. L BLANCH A RD. 5R-2t Ra 1 1 way Excnan ge. $2ob. $sri0 cash. bal. at $20 per month; 6 rooms and bath, bookcase, buffet, fire place, good cement basement, GOxIOO lot 1 block to car. Main H7;7. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632. 633. 634 N. W. Hank Bldg MODERN 7-room dwelling with two lots, exclusive excellent view in Laurel hurst ; many bui:t-ln conveniences; heavy sacri fice below cost and consider lot or acre age pa rt pay incut ; tei ms. Owntr. Ta bor 14J38. LARUE lot, close In. east side, near R R bridge; no incumbrance; suitable for light manufacturing, garage, etc.. $75oo, terms. Also 160 acres. ;; miles north 01 Portland, unimproved; $UuG. terina. BC 301, Oregonian. LAURELHt'RST. Model home. 7 rooms, hot water heat, bard wood floors, garage, including small 4-room house, all for goOOO. East 1347. MODERN 8-room residence and furniture; im SOxlOO- earaee. ooultrv hnti - $7."(0; will aell for er.b0; fl"oo down; 7123 37th ave. S. E. ; by ow ner. Call Main 19a7 or at 42 'o Mohawk bidg. NEW 3 rooms, 13x12, large sleeping porch, parage, floored attic, absolutely modern plumbing cost $325: laie auto or $"oii as firt payment. 1520 Williams, corner Baldwin. S Lni; R B A N HOME" " Beautiful home for sale by owner. .For nlg.xnaiion write bo 70, auliic, ur. REAL F.STATE. 1-or Sale VARIETY TO SUIT. .... INSPECT YOl R CHOICE. Three-room home, water, gas. ale tnc lights. 3 blocks car, MJxlOO. -io look ! 1549 Wiiliaxua jvcqui. y75 75 caah. fl.aO r ive rooms, S plastered, patent, electricity and gas, Soxltki lot. 3 car lines, near 17tU and Irookln. S1300 Ki e room, full plumbing, elec tricity and gas, 5uvltu; near MT car; widow muM sell. $!UtO ca--h. -ll0 rooms, biock otf liaan on 7th st. J14K cash. 24o0 Five rooms, vacant ; elos In. pa ed streets. $HH cah. $2500 K've rooms, artistic, modern. fiOx loo. tust east ot Laurel hurst, ! . cafh. tiOO iJ-sinj cash; Suncyida bungalow, furniture and fireplHce. attic, fui'. cement basement, buiit-int, trac tion Jot. 12S00 $suO cash; Queen Anne bungalow, near Sherman and Ulih ts. iire p.ace, buiit-ins ; snap. $3150 7.'0 cash; Waverly bunsalow, vacant, modern. $3000 Five-room bungalow, like new. Near oiUh and Bfimont. ol5fJ Irv ington-Holladay t-nap, bun galow, m o d r n conveniences; lerma. 12950 Six-room Alberta bungalow, paved streets, 400 cash. $o700 Six rooms, a ream heat, well built, paved; c oe in; J.'.uO cash. $33K) West tide attractive home; oa car. close in, 5oo cah. $3tdO WiWamette irieiglits. 4-room S3 l-.ixluo. block car; ome terms. $4000 w avenigh. 7 rooms, fireplace. buiU-ins. 104ixl."; assorted fruits; convenient to S. P. shops; vacant; ea&y terms. S4750 M ode l house, al i conveniences, adjoining Irvington. $4500 N Piedmont, lurnacc, fireplace, hardwood floors, bui.t 6 motahb. 6 .a--j;e rooms; snap; terms. INTEREST IN M'l'K LAKE FOR SALE CHEAP; SEASON STILL JO O . t:K OWNER AT OFFICE. j00 Eiegant Irvington home, all con veniences ; vacant. $0250 New Coloniai; west aide; see pians." $00 00 Two flats, one apartment, income $7."; convenient Broad way bridge; like new; Slooo cah. 9 1200 Vacant. R. C. P. bungaiow, aii coneniences, like new. ii. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington BkIr. Main 4S03. "3." Years in Portland." $2ti50 ON EMERSON. IN ALRKRTA N 11 e. nea t o-room bungalow. Re ception hall, living room, dini.ig room with built-in buffet. Dutch k i 1 chen, 2 bed rooms and ba t h ; laundry trays, gas and electricity ; macadam tstr et: heating stove, dining table. A chairs, gas plate and cook ing utensils po wit h the place. All kinds 01 built -ins. Fine condition. $5U4 will handle, bal ance $2r per month and interest at 43 per cent. RlUK-i'ARKT CO.. 219 Ry. Ex. jBldff. Main 15 5. MODE RN 5-ROOM Bt'NGA lAW. On East SKth Ft., with Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch. 2 lrB bedroom?, full cement basement, laundry tra and all modem convenience.; roinpleteiy fur nished Uh solid oak dinmg tabic. 6 leather oak chain, I leather oak rocker. 1 ol id oak rocker, 2 beds complete, 2 brusiels carpets. 41 - piece d inner pet. gas range and heater; this bungalow Is completely f uriii.- bed with prai icallv new f urn f ture. all for the price of $.4.t0. ;oh ca-h. $25 per month. Call R. H. smith. Wood -awn a01 at 1121 E. 2 Uh st. N. NI KT Y MODERN BUNGALOW. Here ix ju.-t w hat you want and all you can aak for in a ft-room and S. 1. bungalow home; polished hardv. ood floors. hot water hcMtlng plant, fine fireplace, laundry trays, shower bath" choicest of plum bing. swell e t ric fix tures, Ruud heater. good basement everything 111 Al ahape; owner renuires laicer home; some choice beuriutc frur trees on lot; and in very good i. .iIhmi for $3.li0; $lOO0 cash handles, balance easy terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall -1111 2 750 A V E RJ PRETTY PLACE IN ALRERiA Brand new. n Ms ."Ox loo-it. corner lot; combination liv ing an d dining room, Dutch kit chen. 2 be a room; and bath : fire place; cms and el-fi 1 ricit ; cement "a.-fiiUTi; interior iiuisii uaK anil ivory. 4Mo down, io ii r month, pius Intiest at 6 pt r i tni. HI H 4-CA REV CO.. 2ly Ry. Ex. Bids. Main I6M1. ROSH CITY PARK. For sale by owner, m w modern S-room bungalow, with large living room. Uok s, bulfet, linen closet. al--e, iiard w ood floors, f I rt 1 c ai s electric fixtures and shades, beautiful tat.eitry. full e inei.t ment with stationary tubs, furnace; a garage with tutj cement uriveway, paved street; aii ior $;."4Mt This; is a barguin. Don't tail to ."e thl.. this, afternoon at 730 E. 4oth st. North B-aumont car. Phone Wood lawn Lilts $050 MT SCOTT READ THIS CA RE- Fl LL Y rooms, recept ion halt, living room. dining room w-ith buiit-in huftet, kitchen, one bed room and den on first 1 loor ; 3 berli-ooms on second; gas and elec tricity: SOxlOO-fu lot. 7oo flown, rest easv. 1 : 1 H H -CA R E Y CO. . 211) Ry. Ex. Blag. Main 16 m; A FINE HOLLADAY PARK HOME Like new, rooms, all large and Ian; hall ; strirtiy modern ; t urnacc. 1 1 n -place. tapestry paier. white enam-l. mahogany trimming. red beob ood floors: tine outlook; full lot and Karage. A $7o00 value for S60OO. term. SCHAFFEP. Broadway ol7 or Marsha 1 1 666. (2010 MT. SCOTT f. rooms, living room. dining room, kitchen, two itrd.nus. and bath; gas and electricity; nic t,tcr bui.dintc; shed that ati us-t-d for double gara-. Th. so luiiid ing.s are on an Sx HHt-f 1. lot The house is newly papered ano painted. Rl HR-CAREY CO.. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Main 16H ROSE CITY PARK. 6 Rooms nd Sleeping Porch $.V2Tt. We want you to see this spiemi.d home, 6 large room; and sleepin g pore h . hardwood fiors. fjreplace. huff-t. fall cement basement, furnace, etc. .Just re cently painted and In splendid condition Terms. Let us show vou. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st.. near 3d. Main 3.M6. Main 3n02. Branch office, .rttth and Sandy. HERE'S SOME MORE. $1750 MT. SCOTT 3 rooms, living ; Hi., combination dining room and kitchen, bedroom ; gas and elec tricity; garage; SoxlOu-ft. lot; 1 V5 blocks to car; fine condition. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 2 IS Ry. Ex. Bldg. Main 1684. FOR SALE One of Piedmonts best lo cated homes, on paved street, east front; f ul I lot ; tf rooms, sleeping porch and den ; attic finished ; full cement base ment, cement floor, wash trays. Fox fur nace, fireplace, oak floors. built-in huf tet, beamed ceiling, plate rail, good fix tures, 2 toilets; gas and electricitv; ga rac'j. Th ird house north of library and Jefferson high. Price $7000. By owner. 1117 iVimmT':al st. RoSB CITY PA R K. " J420O bungalow; o rooms attic, hard wood floor, hutlt-ins: turnuc: well buiU. look tiis up; us agents. 464 E. 44th st. N. Tabor 46IR. ll-KOOMS and den. strictly modern homfr ; hot-water hpatin system: ;i h:cKs to Beaumont car. below the hi!'.. Will rifice for 47o0; 12".4 cash. Call Tai-.r :;u'.m. WAVKRLY I1KIOHTS SNAP S3ami Five rooms, modern, fireplace, buffet, larce floored at t Lc, clean and in fine shape, hard surface in and paid : cah, $650. like rent. S77 Tibbetts t-t., E. 271, 4 ROOMS. 3 lots. 5 0 x i (k 'each. S2 imT: term.,. Plastered, water, ga-.. electric lights; 1 block to car; lots of fruit. Main 1 643. Mutual Realty Co.. 12IW N. W. Rank bldg. FOR SALE No reasonable oifer refused; 1 l-room house, old-fashioned, but com fortable; 1 Majestic stove. 1 Vulcan g-as runge; located at 5WO E. Madison st. Phone Main 12i. furn ish kd house." 1 ..r.o; Cosy H-room cottage with bath, Duurh kitchen and many other handv built-ins; electricity, gas : fruit and flowers; etmy terms. Tabor 4706. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow. strict Is modern. 3 rooms, on 46th st., nea Sandy Buy direct from owner and get rea' value. Call Tabor 941. NEW MODERN BUNGALOW. 3 large rooms, attic, choice lot. close In. I V Mocks to Sandy road. Rose City car. Owner. Tabor t2J2 or Tabor 54j;i GOING to build or repair? Get my ideas and estimates. R. T. Allvn. 24; Stark Ft. Office hours 3 to . P. M. Phone Mam fc3L Res. phone. Tabor lf.4. BY OWNER Strictly modern home.Irv"". in g ton. oak floor-, cement last-ment. iSO ft. lot; $4 2041. E. 2377 or 722 Selling bldg. :i0TH AND E. BURNS, D E ?TS. " Six-room house, newly painted, in fina shape, w eil-built garage. "' '-t 2671. IRVi NMTOS HOME DE-UOit'.NX, kAJS1 1317, i V 4