THE MORNING OREGONTAN, ' THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1919. EPUBUS win 16 BEATS IN NEW YORK Control in Both Houses Legislature Is Assured. of RETURNS PLEASE WILSON .'resident Congratulates Coolidge on Victory for Law and Order Element Against Radicals. NEW YORK, Nov. 5. Complete re urns of the vote for state assembly how that the republicans elected 108 ut of 150 members, a gain of 16 seats iver their plurality last year. Demo- rats elected 39 members, as corn ered with 64 last year, while the socialists again sent two members to he lower branch of the state epislature. The republicans also pained . one Jvote in the upper house and now have majority of nine members in the foody. Complete returns of the vote for President of the board of aldermen how that Representative F. H. La- truardia. republican, defeated Robert P. Moran, democratic incumbent, by 1363 votes. An official recount will uc asked for in Mr. Moran's behalf. Tammany lost all contests for seats Ion the supreme court bench in the jfirst and second judicial districts. James A. Foley, son-in-law of Lead er Murphy, scored a moderately easy .victory over James O'Malley, his re publican opponent, for surrogate of New York county. This was about the only solace Tammany found in the result, for Henry 1L Curran, repub lican, was elected president of the borough of Manhattan. Wet Elected Judgr. Reuben L. Haskell, republican, was elected a county judge in Brooklyn on a "wet" platform. The socialists failed to make g-ood their claim that they would poll a larger vote than they did in 1917, and apparently gained no seats in the assembly. BOSTON, Nov. 5. Governor Calvin I Coolidge. republican, who made sup port of law and order the sole issue of his campaign, was re-elected yes terday by a plurality of 124,173 over Richard H. Longr, democrat. The re vised vote of the state complete: Coolidge, 317,847; Long, 193,674. The vote given Governor Coolidge was the largest ever cast for governor in this state, although his plurality has been exceeded. The total vote was unusually heavy. Long also opposed Governor Cool idge last year and was defeated by a plurality of 17,033. Yesterday the Coolidge vote was more than 100,000 ahead of that of 1918 and the Long vote 4000 behind. Long's lead of 19,- 909 in Boston last year was cut to 6149 yesterday. JLoos Appeals to Labor. In his campaign. Long appealed particularly to the labor vote on the ground that Governor Coolidge had shown hostility to organized labor in denouncing the striking Boston po licemen as deserters. Outside of Boston, Long carried only four cities of 37, and in all but one of these his plurality was much smaller than a year ago. Nine cities which returned pluralities for Long In 1918 swung over to Coolidge yes terday. The entire republican state ticket was elected by large margins. The republicans control both houses of. the legislature. WASHINGTON, Nov. B. President Wilson from his sick bed today tele graphed Governor Calvin Coolidge of Massachusetts, congratulating him on his re-election, which the president eaid was " a. victory for law and order." The telegram follows: 'Hon. Calvin Coolidge, Boston, Mass. I congratulate you upon your election as a. victory for law and or der. When that is the issue all Amer icans stand together. "WOOD ROW WILSON" Message First of Kind. White House attaches said this probably was the first time in history that a president had congratulated a candidate of the opposite political party on his election to office. Administration officers shared the president's view. They said Governor Coolidge's sweeping- victory should go far to encourage officials generally over the country who are combating radical propaganda, disorder and gen eral social unrest. TRENTON, N. J, Nov. 5. Edward X. Edwards, democratic candidate for governor of New Jersey, was elected yesterday by a plurality of approxi mately 12,000. With returns missing early today from only 31 of the 2011 districts in the state, he had 209,371 votes, as compared with 197,147 for Newton A. K. Bugbee, his republican opponent. The victor staked his political future upon the "wets" and won. The republican nominee had the backing of the Anti-faaloon league. Edwards is pledged to oppose rati fication of the prohibition amendment and to fight "by all lawful means' enforcement of nti-liquor laws. He promised his support to woman eufXi age. LCKlsIat-ire Is Itepnhlican. The democratic governor-elect will liave a republican legislature against him. BALTIMORE. Nov. E. Indications tonight, with practically all counties accounted for, are that Albert C. Ritchie, democrat, has been elected governor of Maryland over Harry W. Nice, republican, by 327 votes. With tjarrett county only estimated, the to tal unofficial vote follows: Ritchie 111.145; Nice. 110,818. G. L. Tait. chairman of the republi can state central committee, tonight refused to admit Mr. Ritchie's elec tion. The legislature appears to be. dem ocratic. Chairman Talt said republicans in every county and city would have representatives at the meetings of the boards of canvassers tomorrow and that they would insist on a "full and open canvass of all the returns.' LOUISVlLLE.Ky., Nov. 5. Complete unofficial returns from 119 out of the 120 counties of the state tonight gave Ldwin p. Morrow, republican, a ma jority of 29,992 votes over Governor J. D. Black, democrat, in yesterday's Dalloting tor governor of Kentucky, Unofficial returns received from 36 counties tonight indicated a majority of lfi.'JbJ against the state-wide pro hibition amendment. Dry Measure In Doubt. Kentucky Anti-Saloon league of ficers said it had been impossible thu far to say whether the prohibition measure had been defeated or rati lied. DALLAS, Tex., Nov. 5. Return from yesterday's constitutional amendments election in Texas appar ently assured ratification of proposal authorizing expenditure of $5,000, 000 tor prospective harbor works bz the city and county of Galveston and in creasing the Confederate veterans pension tax from S to 7 cents on the $100 valuation. Defeat of proposals for a $ 75,000.000 good roads bond issue and to permit taxes for certain county and town improvements was emphasized in lat est returns. LINCOLN, Neb, Nov. 5. While election returns from Nebraska were still incomplete, reports indicated, ac cording to the Lincoln Daily Star, that about a dozen candidates alleged to be in sympathy with the Nonparti san League had been selected as dele gates to the state's constitutional convention which meets here next month to revise the Nebraska legisla tion. The convention will be made up of 100 delegates. In Lincoln the voters overwhelm ingly defeated a proposition by which the city proposed to take over the local street railway system. KLECTIOX OFFICERS ACCUSED 120 Will Be Called On to Explain Alleged Error in Records. NEWARK, N. J., Nov. 5. County Judge Martin today issued orders that warrants be sworn out tomorrow for 120 election officers in virtually every election district in Essex county, summoning them to explain why th.ey PROHIBITION ISSUE B T Votes From Dry Strongholds Not Yet Compiled. BOTH SIDES CONFIDENT Wets Assert Three of Four Meas ures Carried; Drys Insist Vic tory Won in All Issues. COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 5. With com plete and incomplete returns received from 34 out of the 88 counties and representing more than one-third of the precincts in the state figures at the office of Secretary of State Smith MASSACHUSETTS AND KENTUCKY REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES FOR GOVERNOR WHO WERE ELECTED TUESDAY. : 0T V V f V -; 1 - Men's Shirt Special Neat stripes in well-made soisettes, offered below regular price. $3 Shirts Only $2.15 Three for $6.00 Men's Wool Army Hose Pair 35c; Three Pairs 1.00 These are sub-standards; the perfects sell regularly at $1 the pair. Take advantage, men! Men's Furnishings Dept. Main Floor rwtj ar w i r i rw i j f,MorriscmStreetMfburo of rhetoric takes the attitude that their work carries them along this line every week. "I approve of the movement," said W. F. G. Thacher, professor of rhetoric, "and would like to see the number of weeks of its application multiplied by 52." Sus tained effort, he points out, is essen tial if any considerable improvement is to be made in the quality of English used. Calvin Coolldgpe, governor of Massachusetts. Edwin P. Morrow, irovernor-elect of Kentucky. failed to. place names of registered voters on the polling books. In each district from 1 to 25 names of persons who had voted at the pri maries were not carried on the polling books, it is allepred. OYSTER BAY REJOICES ROOSEVELT'S VICTORY AND SOX'S BIRTII TALKED ABOUT. Colonel's New Heir Will Be Named After Brother Quentin Killed In Aerial Combat in France. OYSTER BAT, N. T., Nov. 5. Oyster Bay gloated today over the election of Lieutenant-Colonel Theo dore Roosevelt to trie state assembly and shared with him his happiness at the birth of an "election day son. The one topic of discussion in this little town, where trie name of Roose velt is worshipped, was "young Teddy's" remarkable run in yester day's election, his majority over his democratic opponent, Klias Raff, be ne- estimated at between 3000 and 3500. This was declared to be the biggest republican majority ever rolled up in the second assembly dis trict in Nassau county. When the returns last night in dicated a sweeping victory. Colonel Roosevelt went to republican head quarters at the Oyster Bay inn and was greeted with cheers. "Hello, everybody, its perfectly fine," he exclaimed as his friends crowded about him and grasped his hand. "And I've got a seven-pound boy, too," he added with a broad grin. The boy has been named Quentin. after the ex-president's son, who was killed in France in aerial combat. Lawyers to Hear Dean Hope. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene, Nov. 5.- (Special.) Dr. Edward W. Hope, dean of the school of law of the university, will give an address before the State Bar association meeting at Portland, November 18. on "Legal Education and Admission to the Bar." Dean Hope jlans to go east during the Christmas vacation to attend the meeting at Chicago of the Association of American Law School He expects to apply for membership for the Oregon School of Law. BEND REVERSES ACTION Chamber Is for Inclusion of Dia mond Lake In Crater Park. BEND, Or., Nov. 5. (Special.) The Bend Commercial club voted today in favor of proposed legislation which has as its object the inclusion of Dia mond lake in the Crater Lake na tional park. Action taken two days ago was reversed. A negative vote was taken in 1918 on the bill intro duced by Senator McNary, for the reason that the withdrawal of range for 2000 eheep would have been con trary to the policy of wartime pro auction. The enlargement of the national park to take in Diamond lake would provide a camp ground for tourists wishing to make a protracted stay at Crater lake. tonight showed the four prohibition proposals giving wet majorities of from 39,000 to 63,000. Officials at the secretary's said practically all wet strongholds were represented by complete votes, while the rural counties, the dry strongholds, were to be heard from. Chief Statistician Johnson con tinued tonight to predict that all four proposals had been carried by the drys, some of them by from 50,000 to 75,000. He admitted, however, that later returns showed that the dry ma jority for the Crabbe prohibition en forcement bill referendum might not be as large as he had anticipated. Crabbe Majority Largreat. On available returns at the State- house the wet majority on the Crabbe act referendum was larger than the majorities on either of the other pro posals, being 63,539. Tnr ratification referendum gave a wet majority on the same figures of 60,010; the 2.75 per cent amendment gave a wet ma jority of 52,253 and the repeal pro posal gave a wet majority of 39,248. On the strength of available re turns at noon, L. H. Gibson, campaign manager for, the Ohio Home Rule as sociation, issued a statement at Cin cinnati saying the wets conceded the drys had voted against the repeal of state-wide prohibition by from 35,000 to 50,000, but insisting that the wets had carried the other three pro posals. James A. White, manager for the Ohio dry federation, however, con tinued to predict that the drys had carried all four proposals by major ities ranging from 50,000 to 75,000. Wets Gain 10,000) Votes. The returns from 39 counties gave a majority of 12,468 for the classifi cation amendment, while backers of the proposal continued to concede its defeat by 100,000 or more. The figures in the secretary of state's office from the 39 counties in-: elude complete returns from Cincin nati and Hamilton county, Cleveland and Cuyahoga county, Columbus and Frar.klin county and practically com plete returns from Canton and Stark county and Dayton and Montgomery county. They do not include returns" from Toledo and Lucas county. Complete returns from Cleveland show that the wets made a gain of 16.000 votes as compared with last year's wet majority of 18,000. The drys made a small gain of more than 2000 in Cincinnati and Hamilton county and a small loss in Mahoning county. Officials of 'he secretary of state's office and state dry headquarters were basing their predictions of dry majorities of 50,009 to 75,000 on enor mous gains said to have been made in many of the rural communities. i aia.ijJiJ ii Better English Year Favored. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Nov. 5. (Special.) Better English week i3 not creating a ripple on the educational surface in the university. The teaching staff in the department 3oth performance of "The Miracle M,, an IC begins today at the IAJEST Every performance of this wonderful Geo. Cohan success sends 1000 boosters out "to send their friends. Today Friday ALL OF 1 LAND CL THIS TO B GREAT THRILL SEEN IN A ING PICTURE ORT- Jzhl I THE jWil' i) gst ir. ver brHvX, MOV- Jfr 9 n H0UDINI IX 'THE GRIM GAME' AND Mack Sennett'a Super-Comedy "SALOME VS. SHENANDOAH" With An All-Star Cast of Funsters Y 4 COMING SATURDAY "Back to God's Country" What Will You Do About Your Catarrh? Improper Treatment Leads to a Serious Stage. Because you have doubtless been fairly comfortable through the mild summer months, and free from the soreness and irritation of the mem branes, do not make the mistake of thinking that you are rid of your Catarrh. For if you suffered with this disease last winter it will again be with you in all its severity unless you have eliminated entirely from the blood the germs which cause the disease. This of course you have not done if you have relied upon the usual local methods of treatment with sprays, ointments, jellies, atomizers, lotions, etc., the only possible effect of which treatment is to afford but temporary relief. For nothing but temporary relief can be expected from treatment which reaches only the symptoms of the disease. Are you going to further temporize with a disease that leads to such a serious condition? Don't you know that you can use gallons upon gal lons of local treatment without the slightest permanent benefit? Just give the matter a little careful thought, and you will realize that it is but a waste of time and money, besides seriously jeopardizing your health, to continue a method of treat ment that has proven of so little value in making any real progress toward genuine benefit? First of all find out just what causes your Catarrh. If it was mere ly a local irritation and inflammation of the delicate. Linings pi tae nose. throat and air passages, then you might reasonably expect to be cured by the use of local remedies. But have you ever known of one single person to be freed from the slavery of Catarrh by any kind of local treatment? Why? Simply because you have overlooked the cause of these symp toms, and all of your treatment has been misdirected. Remove the cause of the clogged up accumulations that choke up your air passages, and they will naturally disappear for good. But no matter ho'w many local ap plications you use to temporarily clear them away, they promptly re appear and will continue to do so until their cause is removed. But if you will take a treatment that goes right down to the very source of the .disease and attacks it at its starting point, then you are on the right track, and can expect results. S. S. S., the fine old 50-year-old blood remedy Js an antidote to the millions of tiny Catarrh germs with which your blood is infested. A thorough course of this remedy will cleanse and purify your blood and re move the disease germs which cause Catarrh, and at the. same time build up and strengthen the entire system. Don't waste further time by continu ing a treatment that can make no progress toward permanent relief, but begin to take S. S. S. today, and you will receive the same benefit that others have. S. S. S. is sold by all drug stores. write for free medical advice about your own case to Chief Medical Ad viser, 155 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, GaAdV. VIVIAN MARTIN IN His Official Fiancee Being a Merry Mess of Unmarried Mixups TODAY AND FRIDAY ONLY PEOPLES Direction of Jensen & Von Herbers Coming Saturday Bryant Washburn in WHY SMITH LEFT HOME" Today and Friday Only The whirley-girley filrausical comedy SIX BIG ACTS A LIVE CHORUS COLUMBIA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (Evenings Only) -the Bent Shovr In Portland ! Saturday Marguerite Clark. WOOD'S LUNCH Bigger Better Busier THAN EVER TABLES FOR LADIES Noon Lunch 25c Up Steaks, Chops and All Ftsh Served at Honrs WOOD'S LUNCH SIXTH AXD STARK Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070, A, 6035. . . The Cold Hand and the Warm Heart May Be All Right BUT . Why Have Cold . Hands? IZPiJJIJIIIIIIIIIIIIII II GEORGE LOAUE TUCKERS ,f7iL P""! - i i GEOM3X M.COHAH mBoerf o tt Story W yi cPammountj'Jrtcraft picture The motion picture with aa arnaxing soul Be Sure and Follow These Tracks Only 3 More Days of Our Dollar Sale of Tires &k & Tubes Nov. 6th,. 7th, 8th THIS sale has not only been an over whelming success but has smashed a. .1) t ? j , 4t.: U1 UiC U1C NUCS ICtUIUS 111 11113 IVUH" try. It brings tire prices right down to rock bottom. Can you imagine getting two high-grade guaranteed tires practically for the price of one? That is what we offer. To every customer buying one tire and one tube at the regular list prices dur ing the next four days we will give an additional tire of any make in our store for $1.00 and an additional tube for $1.00, the only condition being that both a tire and a tube are purchased because this is a combination offer. $ Literally thousands of car owners have taken advantage of this sale during the four days it has already run. The sale has set a pace for value-giving that no ordinary tire store could hope to approach and it is only because we are one of the great Key stone Chain Stores and benefit by their enormous pur chasing power that we can conduct such a sale. NO C. O. D. ORDERS FILLED ONLY SPOT CASH. NO TIRES MOUNTED DURING SALE. NATIONAL SPEEDWAY (firsts) BOOO Miles 30x3 List price $18.04. Two for 30x3 .i List price $23.32. Two for 3Sx3s List price 26.M. Two for 31x4 List price $35.82. Two for 32x4 List price $36.52. Two for 33x4 List price $38.28. Two for $19.04 $24.32 $27.84 $36.82 $37.52 $39.28 34x4 List price $39.34. Kn 01 Two for vtu.ut 34x4 'i List price $51.74. 74 35x43 List price '$53.42.' Jg 36x4', List price YoV.ij.' C C C I 0 Two for V J Ji I L 35x5 List price $61.69. Jg2 69 37x3 List price "$6"4.69."jgrj gg BATAVIA (firsts) , 4000 Miles 30x3 30x3H 31x3Vi 32x3 Va 31x4 32x4 33x4 List Two List Two List Two List Two List Two List Two List Two price U7.65.$,8i65 price ".7O.$23i70 ?or"r-525.50 rorc!':6.2?-.$27.20 price ,35.00. $36iQ0 ?C. '.35 6!.$36.65 rorr!!.3.7."-.$38.40 34x4 List price $38.40. ffOQ f1 Two for vwunu 34x4',i List price $51.10. JQ2 Q 35x4! i List price $53.40. JgQ 36x4', 4 List price $54.15. CCC I C Two for 9dJil vl 33x5 List price $60.95. Jg Qg 37x3 List price $64.40. Jgjj KEYSTONE (firsts) 34x4Vi List price $51.13. CO I O Two for pJii I O i r t : -. i r - i jc . .A Two for W J'tiHO 3x4Vi List price $54.21. CCC O I Two for Oww.A I OOO Miles 35x5 List price $60.98. Jg J 37x3 5f!St.Foir!!.,.V:.S65.46 FISK TUBES (Gray)0s SEC- .us S6x2U 51- C. List price $2.25. Two for. . 28x2V M. C. List price $2.50. Two for. . 28x3 M. C. List price $2.90. Two for. .. 30x3 List price $2.95. Two for 30x3 Vi List price $3.65. Two for 32x3 List price $3.95. Two for 31x4 List price $4.50. Two for 32x4 List price $4.80. Two for 3.25 3.50 3.90 3.95 4.65 4.95 5.50 5.80 33x4 List price $4. SO. Two for 34x4 . List price $5.10. Two for. . . . 32x4 'i List price $6.25. Two for. . . . 33x4 List price $6.25. Two for. . . . 34x4'i List price $6.60. Two for . 35x4 Vr List price $6.60. Two for. . . . 36x4 "i List price $6.95. Two for. . . . 35x5 List price $7.70. C Two for 0 37x5 List price $8.00. Two for .$ :$ .$ :$ $ $ $ 5.80 6.10 7.25 7.25 7.60 7.60 7.95 8.70 9.00 SECONDS 30x3 30x3 32x3 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 34x4 35x4 36x4 WARCO List price $14.75. f IC 7C Two for JU.I J wto1orc.!,.18.:-.$l9.70 List price $21.85. 85 ?wof-or!!v6-$30!20 Kto?orr!!.,.3.!:??-.$30.70 List price $31.20. COO On Two for QQtttKJ List price $31.85. COO DC Two for iPi3X.U3 List price $42.75. tM 1 7C Two for dtO.I 3 List price $44.70. ME 7f) Two for tj.l U 1Twtoforr:!.'.?.?r.$46.35 GRVPITOV Guaranteed 4000 Miles. 30x3 List price $17.68. J Q gQ 30x3 List price $22.79. COO 70 Two for AiJil 3 32x3 List price $26.27. C07 07 Two for Wl itl 32x4 List price $35.73. 73 33x4 List price $37.49. JJ8 49 34x4 " price "$'3'8".56." COO Cfl . . . .VMWIOt 2Sx3 30x3 30x3 32x4 33x4 34x4 35x4 33x5 35x5 37x5 35x5 35x3 Two for. FISK M. C. Red Top. list price $16.75. Two for List price $18.15 RpH Tnnl 2 fnr. LlKt nrii- K t H Top) $25.70. 2 for list i-rico xiu.ia. Two for List price $42.05. Two for List price $43.35. Two for List price $45.35. Two for List price $50.20. Two for List price. $53. 25. Two for List price $56.40. Two for $17.75 $19.15 $26.70 $41.75 $43.05 $44.35 $46.35 $51.20 $54.25 $57.40 kisk conns ITwtoI;r:!,.6.6.!0-.$67.00 No n -skirl, list C7n IK $69.15. Two for. U. I FOR EXAMPLE The rrrnlar rrtail prfc fnr a lire 30x3 is 1S. 04 and the rrirular rrtail price for a tube Mi 303 is If j-ou buy one of each at thre prirea, tvft give you additional tire for and an additional tube fnr fl.oo. Tbe to&me appliea to other makes and all bizes of any tire or tube we carry in .Ux-k. MAIIj ORDKRS In order to accommodate our hot of out-of-town friend who may not be able to attend the Biir lollar Tire hale, we have arranged to accept mail order. In ordering peclfy t.lie, rive first, neennd and tiiird choice an to make of tire and im-lote at leat $5.00 deposit, balance to be hind C O. I. Money will be refunded if jou are not entirely satisfied on receipt of goods. OVI.Y TWO TIRKS AND TWO TTBFS TVIl.T. RR bOLl) TO A tLSIO.MLB l.NUtB THIS OilLft This sale is being conducted simultan eously in all the 171 stores belonging to the Great Keystone Chain Store System of which we are one. These stores market the entire product of several large fac tories and the overproduction of 21 others. Hence we are able to sell Tires and Tubes at prices other dealers have to pay. Northwestern Tire Corporation 444-446 Stark st, between Twelfth and Thirteenth sts. rhone Broadway 2841. Tortland, Or.