TIIE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1910. I PHONES: East 7272. Bdwy. 515. B-1216. A-331J. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. Hudson speedster bought last March, 1n finest condition, in Tact can hardly be told from new. Equipped with bumper, Gabriel snubbers, spotlight, mir ror, clock, ice box for picnics, 2 extra tubes, cord tires all around, with two extras with rims and covers complete. Tou can save $650 on this car. Terms If desired and would consider light car iu trade. Ford sedan preferred. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. E. 3770. East 13th and Hawthorne. MAXWELL touring, must be sold by to morrow. Rood condition: $375 for quick sale. Portland Car bales Co., 5th and Taylor. fHANDLER chummy. 191S, fine condition. $1350; terms; guarantee and free service; enough said. Portland. Car Sales Co, 5th and Taylor. CHALMERS 5-pass. touring car, light 6. This car has been overhauled and re painted. A big sacrifice. Phone Mar- shall 1150. apt. 42. 1917 DODGE touring, fine condition, $300 down, guarantee, free service, enough aid. Portland Car Sales Co.. 5th anil Taylor. CHEVROLET TOURING. " Great mechanical shape, good tires; tCrmS404 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH. H- F. MILLER is Belling the Dixie Flyer ftnrl be has the new 1920 model in now: do yourself justice and don't fail to see It. jviaranaii i '-; irriRD snecials. 1017 touring and two de liveries, all in fine condition at very low prices for quick sales and easy FORD touring, 1917, overhauled, new top, good tires; a bargain at $395; easy terms. Kither pnone ijj. x-ti-w vv.r.iR 5iv A SNAP. Run less than 2000 miles. $10u0 cash TaKes- it; must sen tjuii-tv. maoi. . SlUDSON 6-40, 1016 5 good tires, new bat tery, motor just overhauled; must Bell; $650 cash. 400 Hawthorne. FORD tourlnsr car. must sell today, best offer takes it. 53118 40th avenue S. E.. Mount Scott car. AvvTJV in first-class mechanical condition; will sell at a bargain if taken at once. Main 2143. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $15 each; vul canized. 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. FOR SALE Bug at a bargain. Call and McCoy sts., S. E. 71st BTUDEBAKER 6, 1917, by private party. cheap. laoor ouu-, o jo sou u i?t. " Automobiles. Wanted. . r.ARnK.M HOME ACREAGE FOR AUTO. One fine cultivated acre at Garden Home, on the Oregon electric; nas gas, electricity and city water in the street; acre cost $1200; will take any good 5 puss. car In exchange if in good condi tinn and will cive or take cash differ ence, or will give terms to suit. Phone AicCormlc, Main 8220, or call at 242 Washington st. LONG A SILVA. auto wreckers. We wreck cars ana Ptvi you 50 per cent on parts. Send In ths parts you need and we wilt duplicate them. Autos bought regardless of condi tion. East CS4Q. 4tz nawtnorne ave. HERE IS a chance to come out even. Will exchange my Overland for your car with unpaid payments up to $300 finish navinc your contract. Mr. Baldwin. Bake Kite Bakery, 25 Yam- hill st. WANTED AUTOMOBILE I have a house ana iracuonai iui jh luwu ui ju i ' i. Idaho, have been renting for $6 per i month, and I want to exchange for an auto; what have you; j, ju, tnuen- den. Hubbard. Or. CASH FOR CARS. I will pay cash for any light late model touring car or roadster. Bring your car to Portland Electric Garage, 11th at Hoyt st. HAVE choice lot, 60x100. at Portsmouth station. St. Johns carline. which I will trade for light late model car. cash dif- ference it any, ir-none cast oio. vtirt black team of Rood horses and har ness; will exchange for late model light car. Main 17tu. t corneii bi. RHiPPIXCi Pierce-Arrow to San Francisco; need two large cars to complete carload. Mr. Holer, Clyde hotel. CASH FOR FORDS. W pay cash for Fords and "want touring only. Garage, 11th at Hoyt "WANT used Dodge car; must be in good order; give cash price. L 146, Orego- WANTED Buick roadster, will pay cosh, '17 moaei. rruau v ay -mj. Motorcycles. WILL sacrifice 191ft Cleveland at a bar gain, fine condition ; cash or terms. l'S9 Halleck St.; take St. Johns car to Peninsula ave., 8 blocks nortn. 1018 ELECTRIC Powerplus Indian, motor first-class shape, extras, new tires and paint, a bargain, must sell ; $225 cash. Call Tabor 7602 after 4 l'. id. FOR SALE H. D. motorcycle and side car, $160. 702 Vancouver ave. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6139. Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT. WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH, THIRD AND GLldAN STS. A 2620. BROADWAY 2629. " JNEW AUTOS WITHOUT D R 1 V E R S. OVERLANDS HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BDWY. 2408 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Ga rage, 66 10th st. Broadway 40. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. I. 1. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 1132 10TH AND 1AA1HILL. A 12a. A.LTHOF & BENNETT, CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARBAGE, iiU AINU 1 A 1 l. m J, ill X no I . 6-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling. hopping, highway. Uroadway o47. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. CHAS. C. FAGAN COH INC. Distributors Plerce-Arrow Motor Cars and Motor Trucks. Ninth at Burnside St. Broadway 4693. One used 2-ton truck, equipped with ! hoist and 220 cu. ft. capacity, stove wood, sawdust or garbage body. First- class material and workmanship. Priced very low. Price complete $050. PACKARD 2-TON. Soeclal wood truck guarantee with this truck. Terms if desired. This is a dandv low-b lilt chassis with small wheels; See it at 421 Burnside. See Jones. CONTRACTS WANTED. Lumber or wood hauling contracts suitable for trucks wanted. State par ticulars by letter. DAVE CRAWFORD, 71 N. Park sU FEDERALS 2-TON FEDERALS. . Two of them. The best buy In town. Don't overlook them as they must go et bargain prices, see them at 4-1 uurn- eide fit. TRUCKS AT WHOLESALE PRICE. One 2-ton and one lj-ton Internation al trucks, never been used, at factory cost price. Genuine snaps on high-grade stuff, eastern uregon auio lo., vale. Or. fli-TOX REPUBLIC. New body and top, pneumatic tires. Btwch mag., completely overhauled. juBt right lor express or proauce, tou; con sider traae. w iv, uregonian. FOR SALE Moline tractor with 2 14- inch plows and carrier truck com Diet a All in first-cir-s condition; will con sider trade for stock; terms if desired. Robert JacKson. iastie nocn. wash " REPUBLIC ONE-TON- " Top and platform body. This truck 5s ready to go to work. Terms. See it at 421 Burnsiae L FOR SALE 1-son Republic truck, as good as new; will exchange Tor horses or I cattle. Phil Suetter, zn Front St., Crown Stables. 1 WILL exchange my -ton Studebaker covered truck for any kind of small pai senger car, -a Aicier bi. FOR SALE or trade. 2-ton truck, good condition; also Ford touring car for sale. 595 Gideon street. 111 CClx S. .til pi for general hauling. FOR SALE ACTOMOBILKS. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. 1019 Mitchell, 5-pass. 6-cyl. 1118 Mitchell, 7-pass. 6-cyl. 191H Mitchell. 5-pass. O-cyl. 191 S Buick, 5-pass, O-cyL llflS Studebaker, 7-pass. 6-cyl. 191S Jordan, 7-pass. 6-cyl. 3117 Velie, 5-pass. 6-cyl. 1917 Chevrolet, 5-pa.-a. 6-cyl. 1017 Maxwell. 5-pa.ss. 4-cyl. lit 17 Saxon, o-pass. 6-cyl. lfl 7 Overland. 5-pass. 4-cyl. 3918 Overland, 5-pass. 6-cyl. 1112 Cadiliac, 5-pass. 4-cyl. Used. Car Department. MITCHELL LEWIS & STAYER CO., East First at Morrison sts. West Side Sales Room: Broadway at Oak sts. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. REPUBLIC TRUCKS. SEE OUR STOCK OF USED REPUB LIC TRUCKS. TAKEN IN ON LARGER SIZES. OVERHAULED AND GUARAN TEED AT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT. WI L.L FURNISH JOBS FOR SOME OJf THEM. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. INC. PaKK & EVERETT ST 6, BDWY, 1369. FOR SALE One 1-ton and one 2 wheel trailers. Call Bdwy 454. GARAGES. GARAGE FOR SALE. 50x70, concrete, two stories, good lease. repair, accessories, oils, gas storage; deal with owner; 754 E. Morrison. Phone East bti53. PARTIES who wish to rent garage space. can iurnisu goou lease. a. ure gonian. WANTED To lease site for garage, 50x100. .Art o, oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. PAWN TICKETS. Sell your diamonds direct to dia mond importers and receive the highest cash market value with out any disappointment. We pay from $100 to $S00 per karat. We purchase pawn tickets, gold, silver, platinum, any valu ables, any amount. We buy war stamps, liberty bonds, victory bonds. If you want money see us. Private offices. Business confidential. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 406 Spalding Bldg.. Fourth Floor. Corner Washington and Third Streets. Phone Main 4340. DIAMONDS WANTED. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. Sell your diamonds to diamond ex pert. We positively pay the highest casn market values for diamonds, plat inum, gold, silver, watches, old jewelry, crowns, bridges and false teeth. See us peiore selling eisewnere. nAi 1U.NAL JlSWliLKX CO., 447 Morgan Bldg., 4th Floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. Hours 9 A. M. to b P. M. $12.50 UP TO $25. MEYER, THE TAILOR PAYS HIGHEST PRICE FOR SUITS. OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. MADISON CLEANING & TAILORING, CALL MARSHALL 1220. OR 253 MADISON. NEAR 3D ST. Call any place in city, day or evening. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. THE OLDER THE BETTER. Crowns. Bridge Work. Dental Gold Bought. 5ring or Mail. PRIVATE OFFICES FOR LADIES. American Brokerage, 400 Spalding Bldg., 4th tloor., cor. Wash. -3d. .Main 434th $8.50 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN THE TAILOR PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES "FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES, ETC. BROADWAY 3932. 245 BURNSIDE. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off clothing ; highest casn price paid; will call day or night. PEOPLE S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 200 Madison. TP TO $25. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price for men s clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 3d St., N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344. FURS ! FURS! FURS! I make them look like new. cleaning and alterations of any description at reasoname prices. bee tne LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. Main 1043. 3724 Morrison. I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up lor men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price lor your goods. 167 1st St., near Morrison. Main WE BUY WAR STAMPS. Spot Cash. . Liberty Bonds Bought. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 40G Spalding Bldg., 4th Floor. CALL East 3088 when you wish the Sal vation Army trucK or wagon to call for your . cast-off clothing or magazines. newspapers, furniture, etc. Address 4- !6 Union avenue. DIAMOND wanted, first-class stone, be tween 2 and 3 karats. In exchange for 3918 Studebaker Six, all cord tires. Mr. Miner. Main JoiV. Residence. Tabor 7401. JUNK WANTED. " Full value paid for all kinds of rags and old olothes. furniture, tools, machin- ery. etc. Call Main 734. 20r 1st st. WANTED to buy a pool or combination pool and billiard table, must be in first class condition and reasonable in price. Phone Mr. O'Brien, Main 2363, 235 Stark. WE PAY highest cash prices for old fur coats, scans and muffs. La t ranee Fur Mfg. Co., 103 West Park .between Morrison and Yamhill. Main 1043. GET my prices of collarettes, coatees and scans. Alain i04t. J-.a ranee rir Mfg. Co.. 3 63 W. Park. ' FURNACE wanted. 2 bath tubs. 2 toilets. 2 lavatories, sink, laundry tubs. 505 Swetland bldg. M. 7164. WANTED A second-hand mangle and used ictrola, all in good condition. Broad way 4314. WANTED A platform scale. 250 lb. ca pacity, must te cneap. w 757, Ore gonian. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dla- monds. Lan aiarx, Washington. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon .typewriter Co., 04 5th. , WANTED A cider press; must be In good conaition. n. jviornson. J. salm. WANT shotgun or rifle, tent, electric fan. lypewniBr. io r irui bi. jiain 44 IM. I WANTED Budd wire wheel for Overland model 00 country club. Tel. East 7440. JUNK, rags, metals, old clothing, tools. bottles, carpets; good prices. East 6171. PIANO for storage or reasonable charge. Mar. 2923, eve. l-'urni t u re Wan ted. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO Marshall 5981, ' OLDEST RELIABLE HOUSE IN PORTLAND BUYS HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SPOT CASH NOTHING TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL, FROM A BIG HOTEL. TO ONE PIECE PHONE US. Marshall 59SL GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. 185 First st.. near Yamhill. BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR FURNIXURfl 8EH II a. We are in need of all kinds of used furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges; all kinds of gas stoves and office furniture, and we will pay absolutely tne top prices tor same. air MARSHALL 58T. and our buyer will call at once with the casn. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORK. '205 and 207 First St., Between Taylor and Salmon eta. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. ' WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR MAIN 309. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 20s r irst st. Aiain t za. WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges ana all kinds o: household goods. Call us for one article or a houseful!, and a competent, court ous buyer will call. Marshall -693. Crown. CALL MAIN 8S78. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. &ee us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE MAIN SS7S. 2 DRESSERS, large mirror, small buffet mattress, &xiu or xu rug, .Brussels or Axminster. must oe good; no dealers. Mrs. Marsnaa, ou- uoucn Didg. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; nave the ready cash. Phone today. Main 467 or 106 First st. I WANT used furniture; will pay as much as any dealer can pay. East 6417. M. H. Calef. dealer. 540 Williams ave. I HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL FA x CAfitl. MA1W S-Sa. SECOND-HAND furniture wanted to ship to eastern Oregon; xo aeaiers. Main o403. WANTED Stoves, tables, dressers, bed ding. Phone East 3923 for best prices. WANTED Ued furniture. Will paybest prices. AUuu 00 A. HELP WANTED MALE. 600 INEXPERIENCED men wanted to qualify as automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, actylene weld ers and tire vulcanlzers; only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by XI. S. government war department for train ing soldiers auto mechanics; don't en roll in anv nthpr rhnni until vou have Inspected this one; railroad fare re funded if after personal inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the school; biggest, best equipped and largest system of schools in the world; four large schools. Write nearest branch. MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TRAC TOR SCHOOLS. Third and Elm st.. Spokane, Wash.; 700 Mercer st-. Seattle. Wash. T. M C. A. ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Is not an employment agency, but a de partment of the Y. M. C. A., which aids ambitious young men in prying open the doors of opportunity. In the past ten years we have assisted 17.530 men in finding positions and at the present time the demand for men exceeds the supply. The standing this department has with employers is due to the discriminating service rendered them over a period of 15 years and they turn to the Y. M. C. A. for men to fill the better sort of Jobs. All men seeking employment are cor diaily Invited to consult with oneol the employment secretaries, room 307. A BTG JOB. Physical efficiency is the stepping stone to getting and holding down a big job; systematic, scientific exercise develops vitality, nerve force, will power, ambition, prolongs life and help mens succeed; we are experts in physical cul ture; most central and finest equipment In the city; gymnasiums, swimming pool, concave running track, handball courts, steam and shower baths, boxing and wrestling rooms; setting up and recre ative work directed by staff of physi cians and expert instructors; dues rea sonable. Y. M. C. A., Sixth and Taylor. Call any evening excepting Sunday be tween 7 and 8. ask for Mr. Trlckey. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO STREET. THE SCHOOL THAT'S DIFFERENT ONE WEEK FREE. To investigate our system of teaching autos, tractors, gas engines, auto elec trical and battery work. State allows discharged soldiers and Bailors $25 per month while attending school. SPECIAL ELECTRICAL COURSE FOR AUTO ME CHANICS. DAY' AND NIGHT CLASSES. CALL OR WRITE FOR 10O-PAGE CATALOG FREE. ASK FOR BOOK No. 1-B. CARRIER for Portland Heights route; must have capital; profit $60. Inquire room 2u3 Oregonian bldg. WANT two men with 84 -ton trucks and dump bodies to go on winter gravel haul in eastern Oregon; good camp, meals 40 cents; double shift work; should pay $70 day. Trucks for sale, terms reasonable. Phone Purdy, Tabor 1344, 8 P. M to 10 P. M. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL. HAWTHORNE AT ' 20TH ST. Learn to be an expert in the gas en gine field, where the demand ever ex ceeds the supply and wages are high. Our new system of instruction fits the man not only for a Job in automobile, gas tractor, trucks, stationary, marine or airplane engineering, but makes him an expert In them; both day and night classes. Take M t. Scott or Hawthorne car at 2d and Alder to E. 20th st. TWO well dressed, refined gentlemen to work with me. If you are active and willing to start at $30 a week write for appointment to box 314, Clyde Hotel, lenta and stark. WANTED A first-class laundry man one who Is capable of taking full charge of plant; would lease or sell but would prefer to have a partner; necessary to have good recommendations and a little money. AV HOi, Oregonian. CORRESPONDENT Excellent opportun ity for an ambitious young man who Ii willing to begin with big corporation state qualifications1, business experience. education, age and salary expected. E d i j, uregonian. AUi'OMOBlLB and tractor school; new building; modern equipment; best In struction: practical work laboratories and shop repair. For Information ad dress or inquire at room 416 Y. M. C. A. bldg. Phone Main 8700. branch 2. WANTED, TIE MAKERS New camp on Green river, stage from Opal, Wyoming, -t miles irom granger. uooa timber, steady work. For Information write Standard Timber company, Kvanston, vv yo union facinc xx. . contractors. WEAVERS WANTED. Oregon City Woolen Mills. Oregon City, EXPERT stove repair man for second hand stove department: must be ex perienced and have references. Apply uevunz rurniture o., isu first st near x amnui. WANTED Man for news work and adv. soliciting, one with enough knowledge of mechanical end to help on rush days preferred; weekly, good Washington city. AV 792, Oregonian. BOY to work in shipping room, excellent opportunities lor advancement, one with some electrical experience preferred. Stubbs Electric Co., 6th and Pine. HUNDREDS railway mall clerks wanted; average n montn; list positions Tree; write lmmedlstely. Franklin Institute, Dept. 876 T. Rochester. N. T. WANTED Names men, 18-45. wishing be come government man carriers. $iooo $1500 year. Answer immediately. AV 715. Oregonian. ONE more capable solicitor, hous-to-work. In Portland; strong proposition, quick money. Call before 9 A. M.. 208 Stock Exchange bidg., 3d and Yamhill. MEN to take orders for Duzz-All Wot or sets; demonstrate by appointment only ; commission. Oil Chamber Commerce bldg. A-l BOOKKEEPER, wholesale grain business. Give experience, age, refer ences, salary. Communications confi dential. AK 719. Oregonian. BLACKSMITH and auto repair man want ed to buy, trade or rent blacksmith shop; country town. Lovegren, 614 e kum bldg. FOREMAN. WOODEN WARE PLANT. Experienced man on bublathe and hooping machine. Apply E. H. Col lis, phone East 8600. for interview. EXPERIENCED packer, one having had experience in packing general merchan dise preferred. Apply Jones Cash Store, SO 1st st. CYLINDER pressman wanted for night shift. Columbia Paper Box Co., E. 25tb and Holladay ave. WANTED At once, 2 men to learn au tomobile repairing and gas engineering. Call at 432 Haw thorne ave. WANTED Married man for .lanitor work in apartment house. Wo children. BC 221, Oregonian. WANTED 2 young men. experienced In soliciting: permanent positions; 9 to 11 A. M. 915 Wilcox bldg. GOOD young boy over 16 years for light farm worn; $-au per montn and board ; no schoolboy. Call 228 Alder st. STENOGRAPHER familiar with lumber invoicing, etc., good opportunity right party. R 102. Oregonian. YOUNG man over 18 years of age, for page ana leiepnono exenange operator private club. V 647, Oregonian. WANTED Boy with wheel for delivery; must oe id years oia. Apply unnon s Store, 309 Morrison. JANITOR or night watchman or house painter for hotel office bldg. wants po sition. Call East 3S5S. WANTED To rent for two months, one ton truck with driver for delivery. Si mon's Store, First and Alder. WANT ixperienced shoe clerk. Simon's Store, 2d and Aider sts. See Mr. Gold stein. WANTED First-class coatmaker at once. J. O. Koskl, Marshfield, Or. FIRST-CLAS finish carpenter wanted at 2Hth and Dunckley. WANTED First-class ladies good pay. 390 Morrison st. coatmaker; JUNIOR of each high school can earn extra money. Y" 124, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced hall man. Camp bell hotel, 23d and Hoyt streets. WANTED, at once, first-class plumber, $S day. Write box 236, Sheridan. Or. WANTED Agent, man with Ford car. Call 42 Union ave. North, Portland, Or. WANT solicitor for dye works; food posi tion. 516 Williams ave. ERRAND boy wanted. J. R. printer, 02 First st. Ups ta I rs. Rogers, WANTED Laborer in factory, and Pacific sts. East 27th JAM TO R wanted, building. Apply 2U4 Sevens HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Thoroughly Jive young roan of gooa appearance and personality; knowl edge of advertising advantage. Call Main 3248, between hours of 3 and 4 to day and tomorrow. WANTED $3 a day guaranteed boys with bicycles knowing city well ; paid every Saturday; furnish bicvcles If necessary. Broadway 4S0H, A 2464. 15 N. 12th st. BANK TELLER. One with savings experienced pre ferred. BC 223, Oregonian. BOY wanted; chance to learn trade; rapid advancement, Kleist & Co., printers, 125 North Second t- PRESSER wanted. Mil waukie st. Brooklyn Cleaners, 575 WANTED gonian. -(Steamship Cook). E 673. Ore- WANTED Delivery boy with bicycle. Hanson Blue Print Co., 207 Concord bldg. FIRST-CLASS machine Spalding bldg. designer. 30: Help Wan fed Salesmen. WANTED Experienced outside salesman, established trade for office supplies, sal ary and commission ; give name and references. O 150, Oregonian. WANTED two live-wire land and oil lease salesmen. Call between 10 and 12 at 1Wj2 Northwest Bank bldg. WANTED Live agents with car. big money for hustlers. See Mr. Lee, 30 Grand ave. North. UNLIMITED possibilities for live sales man. See Violet Ray demonstration now at Armory. Algrat Co., Uasco bldg. WANTED AGENTS. PORTRAIT MEN. Our large new studio with 50 of the best portrait artists in the country are now ready for business: if you are wor ried about your portraits for fail deliv eries your troubles are over. Rush in your photos. Best portraits, lowest prices ana quick service. Leacn Art company, 2109 Grand ave., Kansas City, Mo. CANDY Earn $25 to $50 weekly; ADVER i lot., ivi t . , w ume;.n; start one oi our specialty Candy Factories in your home, s m ail room, anywhere ; grand opportun ity; we tell how and furnish everything. CANDYMAKERS' HOUSE, 1610 Ran Btead st., Philadelphia. Pa. CANVASSERS wanted for several counties in Oregon and Washington; steady work, good commission ; some of our men are selling over $00 weekly; we want work ers who desire to make money. Oregon rwursery jo.. orenco, or. ARE you making $20 a day? If not let us start you in the automobile accessory business; this is good and 200 per cent prom; no experience necessary. iUo Vs rounn st. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos pital tickets. 06 Corbet t bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GOOD PRICES PAID. LIBERAL BONUS IN ADDITION. Half holidav vrv Saturday. Learn a business that gives you steady employment. Experienced operators on pants, over alls, coats, play-suits, etc.- We will teach a limited number of bright girls and will pay you while learning. Call at office of Mount Hood factory, 2311 Couch street, and we will explain our oonus system to you. GIRLS between the ages of 16 and 18 lor work in marking room. Experienced needlework saleswomen. one experienced saleswoman for no tion department. Apply superintendent's office between 0 and 10 :3 Tuesdav morning. L1PMA-N WOLFE & CO. WE have positions for ft girls, 16 to years of age, to operate power sewing macnine. The work is easy to learn. pleasant; good wages paid. My girls also secure a large bonus in addition. Apply Ames, Harris, Neville Bag Co., 15th and jtioyt. MME. PATTEN EAUDE, hair and skin specialist, mez. floor Benson hotel, wl! accept a limited number of pupils to learn the profession, enabling them to ei.ter business for themselves; unlimited opportunities in this line. WEAVERS WANTED. Oregon City Woolen Mills, Oregon City. AT STANDARD Factory No. 2, Grand ave and East Taylor, '20 experienced powe machine operators, to work on overalii and shirts. 44-hour week, half holiday Saturday; good operators are making $18 to $::4 weekly. GIRL for general housework : 3 In fam Ily; small house; no washing; no heavy cleaning ; good wages. 114 Franklin t. Main 708. WANTED Experienced operators on union special two-needle felting machines highest mages and piece-work prices In the city. Apply Hlrsch-V eiss Mfg. Co., ua iiumside st. IF YOU are interested In pleasant outsid work, full or part time, which will m terially add. to your income, call after noon. 50 Corbett bldg. WANTED Housekeeper for general nousewora; no objections to one v boy 14 to 16; good wage. Call 765 Va itawxnorne ave., corner -ju. RELIABLE lady to take care of hom for widower with 2 children ; best home : lady not over 35 preferred. AV 730, Oregonian. BABY'S NURSE, undergraduate or prac tical; permanent position; reference de sired ; state experience and salary. 756. Oregonian. W A NTED Girls to work in woodworkln factory; wages $2.25, with advancemen after first two weeks; give age and phone numDer. a fc. .tvfr, uregonian. , BURSELL BUSINESS SCHOOL. Individual instruction, enroll any t!m Day-nigh c school. Lum bermens bldg. nun ana star, uroaaway 404. WANTED A cook for out of town, pri vale family, all modern helps, good wages, foono r.ust zvv-k. can Oj4 Kciiuy ier st. WANTED Names women. 18 to 50. wish ing government office positions; $1140 $1260 first year. Answer. AV 716, Orego nian. WANT housekeeper, no washing, adults; one with one or two children. Apply Linn ton. Joe Lenny's store, ask for E. D. Holland, afternoons. WANTED Good and reliable woman with one child to keep houe for gentleman at North Beach, Wash.; good home. F. E. C. Mam i30. F. K. Dumnnt. AN Y GIRL In need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, ftitj - K. 15th st. N.. or phone East 123. THE Florence Crittenton Home is ready te help any girl In distress. 955 E. G Lisa a. "MV" car. East 316. WANTED Woman to help in kitchen, boarding house, for board and room for self and husband. Wdln. 3727. Kenton. EXPERIENCED laundry help, no strike conditions. Laundry department, Port land hotel. STENOGRAPHER familiar with lumber invoicing, etc., good opportunity to right party. R 103, Oregonian. , SCHOOL GIRL to assist with housework for room and board and some wages, in small family. E. 5441. BOOKKEEPER and cashier, $100; stenog rapher, $100 to $1 25 ; 'J stenographers, $0. 301 N. W. Ban k bid g. GIRLS wanted to make window shades and awnings. Columbia Awning & Shade Co., 88 2d t. HOUSEKEEPER wanted; full charge chil dren; good home; lady with no incum brance. G 630. Oregonian. WANTED Woman to wash kitchen uten sils and do general cleaning. Marshall Delicatessen, 623 Washington st. MOVIES GIRLS, here is your chance ; many needed. Apply 615 Eilers bldg. Highway Film Co. WOMEN for morning and evening jani tor work. Apply Oregon bldg., 5rh and Oak. - PRIVATE lessons in Gregg shorthand. Main 6641, apt. 203. Business college teacher. WANTED Girl to help In studio. Fifth. 11 N. TELEPHONE exchange operator. Powers Furniture Co. Inquire WANTED Lady jani tress or chamber maid. Princess Hotel. Call In person. COMPETENT GIRL for general housework. Apply at 721 Johnson st. WOMAN for relief chamberwork; 3 half days a week. aj oregonian. KlTUHKW neip wancea ; experience not necessary. I4 Union ave. X. JUNIOR of each high school can earn extra money. Y 124. Oregonian. WANTED Waitresses: must be experi enced. Mallory hotel. 171 Lownsdale. RELIABLE girl to take care of children; references necessary. Bdwy. 2942. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be obtained by calling Main 102. A 26s7. 4Lic j-i A KVTTM'S slinrthanil uud euiu. -30 Tillamouk su lasi' 3Stitf. HELP WANTED FEMALE. PERMANENT v POSITIONS FOR TOUNO WOMEN. ADDITIONAL TELEPHONES OPER ATORS ARE NEEDED DUE TO CON STANTLY INCREASING REQUIRE MENTS OF SERVICE. PREVIOUS NECESSARY. EXPERIENCE! NOT FIRST YEAR'S EARNINGS APPROX IMATELY $600.00. $52.00 EARNED DURING FIRST MONTH WHILE LEARNING TO OPER ATE AND FROM $03.00 TO $72.00 PER MONTH AT THE END OF SEVEN MONTHS. rURTHTT Tvr-on a cm r.TVKN UN TIL OPERATORS EARN FROM. $85.50 aw V4.oO PER MONTH. SUPERVISING OPERATORS EARN FROM ISS oo rn mnn PF.R MONTH. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT TO STILL HIGHER CAi.AKltD POSITIONS. APPLY AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM 601. 6TH FLOOR. TELEPHONE BUILDING. PARK AND OAK STREETS, MEIER & FRANK COMPANY Requires the services of girls be tween the ages of 16 and 13 as wrappers and inspectors. Apply employment manager, 6th floor. MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. WANTED A steady, honest woman to Keep books in a garage; double-entry bookkeeping, age 114 to 30, a married woman or one staying at home with her people; nours 8 to o. salary .0 a month. Give phone and reiereuce. F 7u9, Ore gonian. EFFICIENT stenocraDher wanted at once. one who has had exuerience in lumber office preferred ; good chance for ad vancement. Nicolai Door Mfg. Co. Woodlawn 736. A-N educated woman wanted for a per manent position; one with teaching ex perlence preferred ; excellent salary and opportunity lor advancement. Jv i:uu, Oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO LEARN SINGLE-NEE DLE MACHINES; PAID WHILE LEARNING. WATERPROOF GARMENT CO., NORTH FIFTH ST. WANTED Woman for light housekeeping and care or invalid lady; must make her home here; easy work and moderate wages. Phone Woodlawn 4633. GI RLS wanted for dining-room work in notei in central Oregon ; experience not necessary. 245 Front. WANTED Cook for fraternity, helper fur- nisnea ; aiiso ooara ana room. J. vv. Medley, io2 N. loth St., Corvallls. Or. WANTED C. S. lady to slay with con valescent lady. Phone Marshall 1U50. apartment 44, after 6. P. M. WANTED A woman for cooking and housework, every afternoon. Phone East 3207. SINGLE girl for bakery counter, some ex perience, reierences. J ones juarket Bakery Dept.. after 0:30 WANTED Y'oung lady for clerical work; Faiary yj a week. Apply 40b Oregonian bldg., bet. 2 and 3 o'clock. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Hotel Aiorris, loth ana stark. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand, Typewrit ing School, 96 mo. 260 14th. Main WANTED Five women for pitting cher ries. Star Fruit Products Co. WANTED Relief cashier in theater. O 160, Oregonian. prominent WANTED Experienced chambermaid, $16 w eek. Ockley Hotel, 3i0 hh Morrison st. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by widower. 664, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced stenographer. Ap ply Scott Electric Co., 81 Fifth st. TWO waitresses wanted at once. Restaurant, 64 6th Ht. WA NTED A housekeeper, best of wages. W 732, Oregonian. GIRL to work in dining room, experience unnecessary. Campbell Hotel. GIRLS son. YOUNG ' once. 209 Fifth, near Madi- girl, experienced 106 North 6th st. waitress. WANTED Tailoresa for repair work. The Lincoln Tailor Shop. 413 Morrison. EXPERIENCED candy girl wanted. Swet land' s, 269 Morrison. WANTED A dining room girl, lawn 2115. WANTED A chambermaid. Phone Wood lawn 1!115. Wanted Domestic. VV AN TED Experienced girl or young woman, who can sleep at home, for general housework ; family of 3 adults. Call 027 Eat Ankcny. near 30th st. phone Kat 83 SO. WANTED Experienced Kirl for rcneral housework, must be good cooty family 3 adults; good wages. Call mornings. Main 2957, 581 Jackson st., Portland Heights. WANTED Competent woman for general housework, small family ; no washing; comfortable room ; $40. Call Main 5306. 775 Flanders, between 11 and 1. WANTED Honest, competent woman for cooking and downstairs work; anyone too stylish to do a small washing need not answer. East 4502. Mrs. Smith. WANTED All around girl for general housework, table linen and bedding sent out ; good wages ; 4 in family. 456 L 24 th N. Broadway car. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and downstairs work; no washing or furnace; good wages. Inquire 699 West- over road. WANTED Girl or woman to assist with care of child and make herself gener ally useful; good wages. b21 Johnson st. Phone Main 260. WANTED Good woman for general housework in small family; must lumit-H references. Phone East 21 or call 21:8 Union avenue North. WANTED Young girl to care for two school children and assist w ith house work. 776 Kearney st. ELDERLY lady wanted, light housework. and stay with sick lady; go home nights. l-none niast apt. iu. WANTED Competent girl for 2d work ; good wages. 429 Vista ave., corner Car tT Lane, Portland Heights. CAPABLE for cooking and general house work, 2 adults, no furnace, good wages, mornings. .Main COMPETENT girl for cooking and down stairs work, small family, good wages. .Main 4JH7. YOUNG GIRL to assist with housework and care of 2 children, no washing. 794 Irving st.. both phones a 118 J. GOOD plain cook to assist with house work, no fires, pleasant room In quiet home. os i ttn et. WOMAN for general housework ; small family, good home and good wages. East 407. WANTED i-Girl for light housework; no washing, 2 in family ; good wages. In quire 221 1st st. WANTED Middle-aged woman w-lth good references for light housework. Phone Tabor 5ii.l. GIRL for general housework, treated as one of family ; small house, small lam ily, J30. East 363L WANTED Competent girl for housewor and to assist with care of 4-year-old child. E. 4118. WANTED Experienced girl for second work. Phone Mrs. Hunt-Lewis. M shall 24S3! w a vtfh A Eirl for srenei al housewor in family of 2; no furnace. Phone Sell wood 11 SO. WANTED Maid for general housework, small family, no washing, o0. tl Buena Vista Drive or call Mar. 1584 SCHOOL girl, to assist with housework. Or UIJ1 llf It l I. fell i. .- auui a o Tabor 3938. WANTED Girl to do cooking; no wash ing. Call Main 8473. 809 Pettygrove st. WANTE D Worn an home, good pay. for housework: good Phone Main 3065. WANTED Maid to assist with housework no washing or cooking. iain GIRL or woman wanted to assist in ligh house worn ; gooa nome. oil s. om GOOD wages to 2 girts for general house work. Mar. 3054. ' rTRI. n .auiut with hniiy-wnrk. t'ull ill lti j Thurniau between, 10 and 12 A, AL HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Middle-aged lady or widow. Swedish or Norwegian, as nouseaeerr on ranch for widower with 2 boys, 13 and lti; state wages expected in first letter. Address J. IL Vedvig, Troy, Idaho, route No. 2. COMPETENT girl or middle-aged woman for cooking ana general nousewor. m modern home, small family, good wages. Phone B la53. Call 655 E. Madison, cor. 1Mb st. HOUSEKEEPER Middle-aged man and wife, Protestant, to maaa home with father and son. lady to take care of house and get meats; will make a good proposition. AG 3t0, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl, general housework, family 3, 50 month. Phone Main 3U25. COMPETENT girl for general housework. small family. Main 5i.l. tOf CATIONAL, HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL, HAWTHORNE AT 20TU ST. Learn to be an expert in the gas en gine field, where the demand ever ex ceeds the supply and wages are high. Our new system of instruction fits the man not only lor a Job in automobile, gas tractor, trucks, stationary, marine or airplane engineering, but makes him an expert in them; both day and night classes. Take Mt. Scott or Hawthorne car at 2d and Alder to E. 20th st. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, 462 Hawthorne Ave, Automobiles, trucks, tractors. Ignition and starter work. Vulcanizing aud re treading. Special summer rates. Day and evening classes. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU TO BOSS THE JOB. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Will teach you the trade in 8 was. : rive you a set of tools and some pay while learning ; positions secured, ; scholarship and transfer cards issued; 32 schools in U. S. and Canada, feend tor cauuogua, Z34 burnside st. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BE HNKE-WALKER Business college, Portland. Enroll any time. T.eiegraphy. stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial, r ree catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in S weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; -tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuitiou reduced t nis term, .j .Maaison. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGCY. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. State Supt., mgr.. N. w. i-ianK niug. leacners placed PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you set of tools free, position secured. to in. Jq bz. PECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE COMPLETE BUSINESS COURSE. Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Wash, at 10th. b.nter now. aay. evening, an com mercial branches. Broadway 1S21. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Bucket's private school; individ ual Instruction. 1-1! Grand ave. E. 47 LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute, 434 Railway Exchange bunding. r ree Dooaiei. PRIVATE kindergarten reopens November 3. 1.U3 ivon, i. aoor YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main tJ i4. Jtsroad way bldg. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Allsky bldg., 3d and Mor. v . t;. iticnarason, ec. .Mainuif THE International Correspondence Schools in raise your salary, ivi roadway Vis K Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Ma. 4H35. Teaching positions; tree registration SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. OUNG man 23, desiring to attend night school wishes inside position with local firm, 3 years experience in retail hard ware; references; must have good pay. W 729, Oregonian. REGISTERED pharmacist wishes position. 12 years' experience, single, age years, will go out of town; A-l references. AV 770, uregonian. EXPERIENCED union Japanese shoemak er wanted to work lor snoe store or shoe repairing shop, nian. AR b64, Orego- ALL-AROUND handy man. married, steam. electric, some plumbing experience, un derstands firing. What have you? Bdwy. "044. room 1 GENTLEMAN will assume management of a desirable apartment house in return for one 3 or 4-room apartment. B 000, Oregonian. i AM open for position as watchman, door man, loreman or warenous.e man; nauuy with tools; good reterence. S 330, ore gonian. ALL-AROUND baker wants steady em of city; 20 years' Wolf. East 49&0. ploy men t in or out experience. J. 11. 201 h-z Cherry st. ELI ABLE man with family desires steady employ ment in w holesale house at anything that will pay ; am handy at almost anything. K 70Q. Oregonian. YOCNG Japanese chauffeur wants posi tion Willi private lamny ; nas m.ny years' experience. Roy Shldo, Phone A isiie. 43 N. 9th st.. city. ax cn.i) retired lawyer, ex-probate Judge, graduate, widower, desires position as assistant law clerk or private secretary. AP 454. Oregonian. YOUNG man (20 wants work; can give best of references, handy witn ioois. willing and trustworthy. W 40, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED careful driver is open for engagements ; can f urnishwn machine. brand new 1920 Max el V F 711. Ore gonian. YOUNG man with best of references wishes job in vulcanizing shop; ovr 3 ears experience. Call Tabor 2443. CARPENTER Any kind of repairs; house- raising, concrete; get my tig urea. a. auj evenings. CA U RENTER Good mechanic. wants work, alterations, re pa Irs. hotel or lac lory, city or country. F 731, Oregonian, EXPERIENCED MAN wants position as chauffeur, 10 years experience. Phone A 105. John Mathews, 103V Sixth st. HUSKY, 22-ycar-oId young man. wishes permanent work inside; handy with fig ures, k 09. oregonian. PAINTING, all branches. f int-class me chanic, reasonable price. KM0. Manught, Main HAVE 3M.-ton 1919 model truck with 3 W -yard body and- hoist; want winter job. Phone Columbia 931. CARPENTER wants work, day or by con tract, good finisher. J. T. fcpencer, gen. del., cliy. ELDERLY man wants position as janitor or houseman; wages reason a Die. aO .uo, Oregonian. TRUCKS FOR HIRE. 1 to 5-ton capacity will contract by the month or day. Bdwy. l.w. TRUCK driver wishes position in or out of city; experience, reierences. C Visharge. E 07O. Oregonian. M. T. TRUCK DRIVE L seven years' experience, wants job dn . or work for own two ton White truck. Phone Main 7007. KHKKT metal worker desires inside job, would work reasoniioie ana invest some money if wanted. K t'S. oregonian. LOGO I Nil camp timekeeper, experienced in distribution payroll and commissary Local references. G bo, Oregonian. SA LESM AN Salary or coin mission, best references; desire to make a change. K 743, Oregonian. SECOND baker or helper wants steady em piayment; country prelerred. R. 45, Oregonian. WANT hauline contract with 34. ton new truck; either dump uoay or flat body. Call Marshall iujo. SITUATION as Janitor; can do any kind repairing: can furnish references. BD 0:i0. Oregonian. SAWMILL Position wanted by expert enced mill or yard foreman. 540 Web ster st. Wdln. 5774. WANTED Situation, brick contractor; es timates given on all kinds of brick work. Phone East 3.t.i. JANITOR experienced, references, Bdwy 1112. . PAINTER wants steady iob; SO yrs.' iex. perience. AN 930. Oregonian. MAN and wife want position taking charge of rooming house. P 709, oregonian. MILKER, experienced, open for position; 25 to 30 cows. 204 Columbia St. N. PAINTING, tinting, plaster patched; sat isfaction guaranteed. A 1079 evenings. P-YINTING. paperbanging and tinting. Ta bor 1110. WANTED Carpentering, painting and kalsomining. I'hone Main 4300. GRADUATE male nurse, overseas veter an, desires work. AN 904, Oregonian. CARPENTER work and repairing. Tabor 1S5S. Phone WANTED 10-inch wood to cut with drsg Faw. 424 Allegheny st. Phone Col. 7MJ. FOR short Job man, call East 3702, night or day; reliable man. MAN w ith auto, conscientious, reliable, wants outside work. N 123, Oregonian. MARRIED MAN with Ford touring car desires position. W 735. Oregonian. A GOOD Janitor, single, wants work. E 671, Oregonian. I YOUNG man with light delivery car wants - work by day or hour. Woodlawn 2387. I unT'SK nn ntlite and ka somi mile : moder. J ale price, w urk guaranteed, ilaiu 333. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MAN. aged 34. reliable, intelligent and in dustrious, wishes position in warehouse, shop or factory, at anytihng in the line or labor, hancy and mechariicany in clined. Add i ess room 48. 548 Wash ington st. A. L. B. . LUMBERMAN of 17 years experience as yard foreman, sidetrack foreman, inspec tor, tallyman, either car or cargo. What to offer? References. Tabor 7223. Box 54. A rieta. Or. RELIABLE, clean, economical couple wish cook position for camp; preier es tablished camp, but would consider one Junt opening up. For appointment, AH 710. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by man and wiie to cook lor 15 to 20 men, or win iav ranch job; good milker and teamster. Phone Columbia 44 and ask for Brauau HIS N. Ivanhoe St., St. Johns, Or. Al AUTO elect, wants position; have had wide exp. in Pest equipped snops, over hauling all mattes of starters, generators and ignition systems. C:ill Col. 9S4. EN PERIENCED counter and table man desires position in first-class cafeteria. Call August Levi, Bdwy. 10S. room -1 5. Bookkeepers, Stenographer. Office. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly competent. extensive experience in arlous lines, to years' lumber business. A-l references, desires position. Write C. A. C. Hansen. Falls City. Or. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and account ant will straighten, simplify and syste matize your books evenings; charges rea sonable; satisfaction guaranteed. Phone C 17M. WORK by young man as assistant book keeper or of t ice work. inone laour 4449, or write 1086 E. Yamhill st. Sold ier t mill Sailors. YOUNG American soldier who has teen three years and two weeks service with Canadian forces and from October, 101S. to February, 1919. with the U. S. army, w Ishes an opportunity to obtain em ployment where he may have chance to endanger his life for living for his wife and slf; anyone who has a job of this sort will be doing a service man a favor for good services. AM 558, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED farmer, young married man. wishes permanent position; can handle your ranch, large or small ; can operate all farm machinery, handle mea with results; no children. State par ticulars and salary. Call between : and 6 o'clock tomorrow or writ"' C. tiargent, New Scott hotel. Portland. Or. YOUNG Canadian soldier, four years' serv ice in France, discharged now and not able to land a good job, w ishes to risk life for good pay in order to feed w iie and child : someone that nas a risky job to perform and willing to pay the dough, please write me. AM 557, Ore gonian. EX-LIEUTENANT. two years overseas. intr. 20. experienced in logging and construction camp timekeeping, distri bution payroll, camp supplies and com missary ; some dook keeping; win go any place. If Interested, in a loyal. hard worker, write for full Information and references. P tti. Oregonian YOUNG man. well educated. 10 years' clerical experience, commissioned officer In the army, now discharged, married, and a willing worker, would accept a position with a reliable firm or invest a few hundred with services In a paying busness proposition. Br Oreiror.an EX-SOLDIER, age 31, wishes position with some w holesale house ; excellent character and references. I f you want a man who is willing to start at the bottom and learn your business ana stay with you. give me an interview. W 734, Oregonian. CLERK, correspondent, rapid typiet. de sires Dosltion: have R. R. exoerienc some saK-s experience and knowledge of Bohemian: see 2 : trood reference; dis charged soldier. What have you to of fer? B. F. Pletka, 010 Quimby. Bdwy 1301. AGRICULTURAL expert. O. A. C. gradu ate, six years practical experience : ex- overseas officer. Management special ized agriculture or co-operative associa tion. Sucessful selling and publicity ex perience. Exceptional references. R 97. Oregonian. YOUNG man with college education and 7 years business experience, wants posi tion rffferinir a future: salary immaterial nrnvil.d onnortunltv be good one ; can furnish good references and bond if necessary. E. 5559; P 757. Oregonian. YOUNG ex-oldier. married, desires posi tion of any kind; can nanoie macjimer. automobiles, or what nave you nei- erences. Call East 8159, 9 A. M. 2 P. M., Sunday. EX-OVERSEAS sergeant-major, now em- n nvpd. who has had consuieraoie cut ical experience, desires a position in that ne ot work, salary oi '. per weca; good references. W 743, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants light inside work, pre fer modern grocery : win consiaer i week: was in first year In state uni versity when w ar interfered. W 742, Oregonian. W A NTED Position, experienced auto and tractor mechm ie. If you are in net a of a man give me a trial. Can give references AF uS.i, Oregonian. WANTED A position In garage or auto factory. Am ex-so idler ; nave nau exp. rience in repair w crlc aud driving. ti give city ref .-;nce. AE 54. Oregonian. RETURNED soldier desires position stenographer and typist. Is experienced; good references. S 333. Oregonian. CoLLE ; E student wishes work even! nps 1 and Sundays; can drive car ana repair car. W 744, Oregonian. EX-SAILOR wants position cutting abates. rhone Last 7 ix .Market. DENTAL student wishes work evening and Sundays. i'hone ia st i . DISCHARGED soldier desires stenographic! position ; experienced. Marshall 1 - SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WIN DOW cleaning, floor waxing, build ings and general housecleanin g. wash ing and putting in wood by first-class I workers. I'hone Marshall 3J90. or rail at room 200 Goodnough bldg.. office hours 9 to 10 A. M., 12:30 to 2 and 4 to fi P. M. REFINED, intelligent young woman wi.-hes position as companion to an mvanu or elderly lady during afternoons; excel lent reader; best references. East 0"34. WOULD like employment as mothe helper several al ter noons weekly : very successful with email children. K Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young married woma wishes housework or care for children i by the day. S 33 H, Oregonian. WANTED A place to tak care of chil dren evenings while mother is away; references. oodlawn 1 1 1. WASHING and ironing done at my ho or day work done. Mrs. Clara Englc, 11030 K. Madison St. WAITRESS. experienced. wants work. straight shift. Phone .Marshall 445. mom 7. LACK curtains laundered by expert. Tabor 5933. Mrs. Scott, or bring to 43U9 Ctith st reet. RETURNED army nurse wishes position in doctor s office: some experience in A. -ray. Call Main Q.K'. WILL care for chi.d few weeks in my home or in own home by the hour. East S597. EX PERIENCED woman wants chamber maid work. Call all week Broadway 1' 9 1 . SITUATION w anted, light housework. plain refined family, good plain cook. O b3. oregonian. BUSINESS girl wishes to assist lady in her home mornings and evenings for a home. O 62, Oregonian. IRONING or cleaning, washing. Wdln. 037.S. good work; no YOUNG lady as companion to elderly lady or earinir for invalid. HJ i .. Oregonian. WOMAN would like family washing Lo do at home. W 31, Oregonian. WOMAN wants ironing and mending; phone number. AP 450. Oregonian. DESIRABLE working girl wants plae to work in grocery store. Marshall 3hl9. LACE, scrim, marquisette- curtains hand laundered. Called for. East 0190. Bookkeepers, frtr nogr.i pliers. Office. YOUNG lady, neat and refined, wishes position in doctors or dentists otfic stenoKrapher or clerical and typing posi tion in some other office; reierences. Phone East M59 Tuesday. STENOGRAPHER with two years' experi ence in law work desires position with attorney or bank; can furnish best of I reierences; gooa salary expected. A v fell, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY with high school education and experienced in general office work. desires position as clerical worker; rei- erences. Marshall 243, after 0 P. M. SMALL sets of boks to keep; also steno- j graphic work; expert work; rates rea- I finable. Phone Main 671H. GIRL wants position as stenographer a reliable business firm. Miss Richard- ; son. Main 4119. COMPETENT stenographer, bookkeeper. desires w ork half-day. BD 03o. Ore gonian. " YOUNG business woman, capable and ener getic, wishes position; experienced along several lines. O o9. Oregonian. EX PERIENCED comptometer operator wants permanent posit ion. bast js.4. Al STENOGRAPHER and dictaphone op erator would like position. .fc-ast m'i. ' HI NO la V. good J tiUuu iu oilice. caii ALuiu 42A1. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers, Monographers. Office. BOOKKEEPER, thoroutrtily experienced in all lines, would like work afternoons; have also had experience as sale&.atly; would accept position afternoons in high class specialty houe. Phone Main. 40U3. mornings. EFFICIENT bookkeeper and stenographer; best of references. Main 217. Prrssmolrrs, A practical dressmaker, good at alterations and tailoring, also fond of children, would like a steady home in a refined family w here she couid do the family dressmaking ; would not object to as sisiing at light housekeeping; references. K 7 53. Ongonian. DRESSMAKING, pTaln sewing, alterations. Louse aprons, dresses, children's clothes, rt-asonable prices, 310 Fremont. ICut 7307. IF VOU ad mire work well done, try Mrs Bates, llu Division St.. for alternations, remodeling and making of ladies' gar ments, reasonable prices; work guran- toed. Phone Tabor M'12. ALTERATIONS. RELINING. REMODEL ING. 1ST-CLASS WORK. REASONABLE PRICKS. SP1C ' N SP AN CI.KANF.KS 4c DYERS. 171 11TH ST. MAIN 7103. FOR best results in dress making, remed ying, relining and alterations see Mrs. Kinder at Emporium Dye Works, 545 Morrison Pt. Broadway 4259. DRESSMAKING and alteration, all work gtiarar.lt-ed. 923 Belmon t. Tabor blO 4 . COATS and suits remodeled; work by day or tiour. ttl Uiisan, upstairs. BEST dressmaking at the most reasonable prices. 311 Central bldg. Main 340S. FIRST -CLASS; dressmaking, makeovers. isonable. Marshall 207s. DRESSMAKING, remodeling or plain sew- "iK. ko oul oy aay. i.ast i;yi, room WILL take adjustable form in exchange for seeing, t none t,u.st -it'o. Nurses. CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST NURSE will go out by day or wct-k to do housework or practical nursing. Phone Broadway 2019. 94 N 10th. GRADUATE nurse will lake patients Tabor 299. at her pri vat e residence. WOMAN, experienced, desires housework; wages. vs iJo, Oresoman. EXPERIENCED practical nurse wants 12- hotir shirt nursing. Tabor ,4. N L RSE will t are for menial or other ase in her home. Tabor 54 5. Housekeepers. YOUNG woman with child would like a sition as housekeeper in single man's home, country preferred. S4 Vs Russell st. I'hone East 0u7. CA PA B LE woman wants position a housekeeper, had girl 11 years. Phone Sellwood 94fi. Address 407 E. 12th st. WANTED Housekeeping for widower with w j th out children. call or address 352 2d St., Portland, Or. HOUSEKEEPING for a widower by K re- rio. fined widow; no incumbrances. Oregonian. Domestics. EXPERIENCED woman with daughter 15, d'siris place as housekeeper in city. 320 E. 44th st., or phone Tabor 6722. VERY t-xpt-rienced woman wants all-round day work; expert laundress. Call after H o'clock. East 19S7. DRESSMAKER, experienced. tailoring, $3 per clay. s-e.iwood .t;..sj. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. WAN'Tr.D "t or 6-room house, partly fur niched, by Nov. i.i. 1'arty will turnish linen, bedding, china, silver and kitchen u it ns i Is. Address 705 E. Salmon st. MIDDLE-AGED couple want 5 or O-room house or nat. south or Belmont, best of references. W 737, Oregonian. WA NTED to rent, 5 or 6-room modern house, unfurnished; baby 9 months old; best of reference. Caii East 53S5. WANT 5 or 0-room house, furnished ; 2 bedrooms preferred; will pay up to $45; ciose in. Main 5972. WANTED TO RENT Young couple want small lurnished iionre. Hat or apartment. 1'h on e Wood hi wn 590. HATS MADE at your home with nw or oia material. I'hone Monday, fc.. ;'... Apartments. i EXPERIENCED laundress wishes to take work home : fancy laundry especially. Sellwood 3iM. W A N TED 2 or 3 -room f urnish ed apart ment, close to St. Johns car. R 105, ore- ponlaii. Koomtt. GENTLEMAN wants furnished room with out board In Woodiawn, Walnut Park, Piedmont or district east of Union ave. and north of Alberta st. Phone Wood lawn 1474. Rooms With Board. BUSINESS girl would like room and board. walking distance; private family or boarding house. Bdwy." J3"5. RoOM with two meals by lady emp'.oed. Must be reason tIe. Call be I ore 2 or after 7 P. M. Tabor U3T9. Housekeeping Rooms. W A NTED By couple, em ployed. 3-room housekeeping suite in private family, w est side. O 1 5s. Oregon inn. FOR RENT. Furnished Room. THE NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington bts. ROOMS JJ2.50 A MONTH UP. Washington st. suites with bath. $50 a month up. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 llth su; take depot car to 11th snd Morrison, w aik half block south ; clean, modern, respectable; transient. $1 50. with private bath. $2. " HOTEL CL1 FFOKD Enst Morrison st. at East Sixth. The principal east-side hotel; digni fied and refined; 1.25 per day, double $ 1.75 ; i5 P'-r we-k ; S2-.50 per month. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison at. at Tenth- Rates 1 per day up; weekly. ?4 up; run ning water, free phone and bath. PH'tNE Bdwy. Terminal B.igeage Transfer "o.. .tn and h landers. Haggag stored 5 days tree. Cheeks called for. PALACE HOTEL, 440 Wash. St.; down town location, respectable ana strictly modern rooms large, clean. THE l.EN DO RE apt 9., one sleeping room for rent; ft team heat ana pnone; na per mo. 2-1-s luth st. HOTEL NOKKIS, lith and Wash. ; mod. rn outride rooms. 4 week up ; pri vat e bath, come and see. Broadway 2M4. PI RN 1 SHED bedroom for lady, with kitchen privileges; tast side.. Jk. -1. iregontan. 75c. $1 DAY; $2.50 week up; outside rooms. Hotel t adillac, 3d ne-r jetierson. SARGENT HOTEL. 271 S Grand ave.. h. k. apt. and sleeping rooms. bast -J L HI LLC REST HOTEL Bath, phone. $25 mo. up; without hath. i up. t3& wasn. LARGE, light sleeping rooms, walking dis tance. 51 1 Col umola. 31a.iu J Wo. Furnished Rooms in Private 1-amily. COMFORTABLE room, to respectable Pt r- son, employed during day ; lv; reier ences required. I'hone D 1472. ELEGANTLY furnished room In a se.l private home suitable for J gtnucnicn. 71 Trinity PI a ce. FoR RENT Nicely furnished front room in private fanu.y to some one emp.oyeu. 77 1 Wasco Ht.. cor. IM'-h. East 7111. LARGE, nicely furnished room, single or double, wIMi or without Doura: in r ington. 709 E. Broad wa v. i FOR gentleman, sunny room with good u.uiet home of lurniturc, m modern, adults. 3G2'-j Park st. FURNISHED room, modern conveniences. on Hawthorne ave. near o.m; reierences exchanged. Call Tabor 1735. DESI RABLE, clean room. $S a month. In nice homo, wuiKing uiaiauce. i-v . lin St. Bdwy. 3025. TWO front steeping rooms, heat, light. phone. 1 4 ; gentlemen preierrea. oo Montgomery. BRIGHT sunny front room, refined musi cal family, gentleman. 557 Taylor. Mar. JCJ95. NICE comfortable sleeping room. 59 Triu i ; y pla ce. Marshall 554 S. FURNISHEL room with or without board. S ; ; .". E. Cm rut hers. Sdl wood 1 93. SLEEPING room in private family, gen tleman only. Mar. 105. A ROOM in Paik nt. a niuuern homo. ONE nice furnished room for lady only. Wdln. 53S9. NEATLY furnished rooms, good heat, rca sonable rent. 741 Hoyt. Main 7Q1. 209 14TH, NEAR Jefferson Choice rooms. walkfm distance. Main 3S93. SUN NY, desirable room for gentleman In private family. 30J'- Park st. I NICELY furnished front room, suitable for J, all conveniences. i'hone Main SI 45. ONE large front able for 2. $20. furnished room, suit Main 1131. for 3 t