W THE MORXIXG OREGO.VlAX, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1910. ) I REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. f 2850 BABY CITY FARM I 4 blocks from the Woodlawn car. on Buffalo fit., near 17th, is a new, very , artistic bungalow,- just completed; combi- , nation living and dining room, very I convenient Dutch, -kitchen. 'J iisht airy ! bedrooms, white enamel piumbin. eiec- I trie lights and rhh, good cem- nt base- , ment. On a tract of land rSx3?0 of j dark. rich, sandy soil. o mortgage or street liens to assume. Small down pay ment, entire balance like rent, at t! per cent. This is an unusual bargain, es pecially when you take into considera tion that it has transportation fuciii tlea witn a side track on the rear of tMs property. SEE THIS TOUAV. We have over HJ0 photographH of inspected homes In our office for ale. 12 experi enced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE Fit AN K I. McGUIRE TO BUY TOU R nOME.. Abington bldg. Main 10tS. Office open evenings and Sundays. HOME FOR THE "NBWL.YWEPS. Do you know that for $4D down and $.10 monthly you can buy a brand new apartment house tvpe of bungalow, with living room Hx'JJ, splendid fireplace, built-in window seats. Murphy disappear ing bed. dressing room, extra bedroom, complete plumbing. Pullman buffet kitchen and breakfast room with built in table and seats ? Located right on the car line, right on a paved street ; splendid view; price $'jyr0. Why not apply that G0 or $70 per month you are throwing away on a little place of your own? Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham ber of Commerce. open Sunday asd evenings. iiiiD, NEAR KILLINGS WORTH, 7 4 ROOMS, LOT 37x100 CASH 0. J. C. Corbin Co., 300-0-7 Lewis bldg. Suburban Home. 2 - ACRE AT ERROL STATION. $3250. A good ti-room house, bath and toilet, hot and cold water, gas. electric, built-in bookcase. Dutch kitchen, house painted and in fine shape: chicken house for ltu chickens, 1 dozen fruit trees, tots of nil kinds berries, roses and other flowers, all fenced, on paved road, one block to station; 30-minute service. 7 cent car fare. A sure snap. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 303 Oak St. $11100 AT Mil wnukie park, good 4-room house, big living room, fireplace, bed rot in, closet. Dutch kitchen, gas. elec tric, good well, wood house, chicken house, front and rear porch; doz. fruit trees, berries, row bushes: lot lOOx loo, on corner, all fenced. 4 blocks to station; 8 i cents car fare. Hurry if you want this. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 3(13 Oak St. SMALL ACRE TRACTS. $1250- One acre, ideal suburban site; fine shrubbery, strong stream from cold spring above: high home site and garden land ; on Oregon City line. $i:0oii One acre, with 4-room house, near Oak Grove station. A nice little home, only 1 Vi biks. to car. Terms on above. B. S. COOK. W"l Stock Exchange bldg. BUY direct from owner and save commis sion, any part of 4i acres of most beau tiful river front between Portland and Oregon Cit on paved road; close to car line; some with fruit, springs, creek and natural trees; reasonable price, terms; aiso 6-room modern house, with shades, screens, gas range. Phone Oak Grove 1 W, for appointment. 7M, ACRES, 4 BLKS. OR KEN BURG. O. E.. 30 MINUTES OUT. NEAR CAPITAL HIGHWAY. GOOD ti-ROOM HOUSE, FRUIT. BARN. $40MI. J. C. Corbin Co.. 35-0-7-S Lewis bldg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1 S00 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." For Sale Business Property. STORE building, 20x40: 7 rooms upstairs in A-l condition : lot 00x100; all improved and paid. This property must be sold at once as a bargain; no agents. Sell wood 13o. G. H. Zeisler. For Sale Acreace. $(00 TUALATIN $000. 11 acres of fine land, some beaverdam. 7 acres clear, small house, good road. Price $2500. OREGON CITY LINE. 30 acres of the finest land on the line, a good subdivision property, big money to be made ; $7000 handles this. FOREST GROVE PROPERTY. 1 acre all improved, U-room modern house, barn, woodshed, cherries, prunes, apples, pears and loganberries; all for $3000; $1500 down. 4t4 McKAY BLDG. DOWN ON THE COLUMBIA. $5000 cash buys a splendid 40-acre ranch. 4 miles from St. Helens. mile to Yankton. 20 acres In cultivation, IS acres slashed and seeded, all fenced and cross-fenced, running creek and good spring, i-room plastered house in good condition, good barn, chicken house, tool house and smoke house, on good rock road. This is a splendid little, home ranch. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham. of Com. Open Sun. and eve. BASE LINE ROAD. ALL IN BEARING FRUIT. 21- acres, six blocks from car, 1R2 apple trees, 7 cherry trees, 18 rows red raspberries 300 feet long, 3 rows cur rants. 2 rows loganberries: all in good shape. Lights, gas and Bull Run wa ter; J88 paid water stock goes with the place; price $2025, $025 cash, very easy payments on balance at 6 per cent; per sonally inspected. John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. CRANBERRY LAND: MAKM MONEY. 5 acres of fine cranberry hog adjoining the railroad near Cranmoor, Wash. : im provements made and nice 10x20 house on place. A &nap for someone; $1000 bandies this. $150 LONG BEACH $130 DOWN. 2 acres line cranberry bog near Long Beach, the summer resort: you can get this for $450 ; worth double the price. 404 McKAY BLDG. 10 ACRES .near paved highway and 4 th st. electric, 21 miles from Portland; over- looking Newberg and the Chehalem val ley; shot soil all under cultivation, pret ty four-room bungalow. Just completed ; one of the finest tracts in Oregon. For quick sale, $35(0. IX D. COULSON & CO., 300 First St. Phone Black 195. Newberg, Or. NEAR OR EGO N C IT Y $ 3 200. $1000 cash, bal. 5 years at tl per cent, buys this splendid level 40-acre tract. 10 of which is in cultivation, bal. timber and brush; all fenced; shack buildings, good up ring, 5 miles east of town, just off A heme thy rd., a very decided snap. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of 'om. Open Sun. and even. WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONTAGE 4 acres, located 10 miles from court house, at electric depot, on Salem high way; all under cultivation, orchard of apples, pears, plums, peaches, ti-room house, barn, chicken house, fruit cellar; price $2(M)0, $500 down ; a fine piece of land, good, product ive soiL John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. SACRIFICE Beautiful 15 acres, near Van couver, electric and paved road; excel lent for prunes and walnuts ; cultivated except half acre standing timber ; plas tered house with' concrete basement; $40o0, mortgage $J3o0; terms. Accept house for equity. Owner, evenings, Ta bor 7055. 141 E. 6!th N. 161- ACRES. 13 acres in pears, just coming in bearing ; in fine condition ; also 150 cherry trees, etc. Good house, fully fur? ni shed ; good barn. This is a good bar gain, an I have other business propo sitions. Inquire from owner, Fred Pil ling. Dee. Or. 60OO ACRES In southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms. l,w price. $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map show ing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. racoma Diag.. 1 acoma, v asn. IN TIGARD. Sl-3 ACRES. ALL IN MEADOW. LIES FINE; ! .BLOCKS STATION. $3000; TERMS H MILES TO 4TH AND WASHINGTON. J. c. Corbin Co.. 3Q5-0-7-8 Lewis bldg. 0 ACRES of good land, some timber, run ning water, easy cleared, lies good for orchard and fruit, near Dallas, orecon $ looo. half cash, balance on time; good clear title. R 73. Oregoniaru 20 ACRES. $ 1 45f " 18 MILES TO PORTLAND. 4 - MILE BORING; 3 ACRES CLEARED. SMALL HOUSE. FENCES; TERMS. J. C. Corbin Co.. ;;u5-0-7-S Lewis bldg. 6-ACRE Oregon City line home; 4-room house, barn, chickens : house M mile from station. Price $35oo, terms. See John Brown, 324 Ry. Exchange bldg. FOR SALE Three-acre chicken ranch at North Pt iins. on United Electric 23 miles from Portland. Address Mrs. C. L. Cor win. 106 Bond St., Astoria. Or. . 5 OR 10 ACRES cheap for cash, by owner; good level land, easily cleared, on hard surfaced road, 10 m in. walk from Lenta Junction. Phone Tabor 6S10. 10 ACRES, good orchard, house, all out buildings. Bull Run water; located iust sou-th of Lents. 6131 02d st. S. E. Thomas Allen. . m $20 CASH, $5 MONTHLY. $350. Half acres at Bell, gas, water, light. MARSTERS, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. FOR Oregon City line acreage, improved or unimproved, see John Brown, 324 Railway Exch a nge bl d g. Ma r. 3331. HomeHteads, Relinquishments. 160-ACRE relinquishment, nine miles south east Sandy, 2 miles east of Dover. Well improved, good roads, stocked, equipped, hay, grain. 134 CotwoId ewes to lease. C C Pii rim. Uagle Creek, Ore. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. FOR SALE; Three of the best farm buys in the Willamette valley; 78 acres, 50 cultivated, rich soil, mile and a quarter to electric, just across road from fine school, R. p. D.. half mile town and boat landing; 8-room house, good barn. . 24 miles Portland, price $i500, good terms. 61 acres, 50 cultivated, very similar to above, only larger buildings; same price and same kind of soil. 25-aere farm of choice land, only half mile from Hubbard, in the very best farming section of Oregon; you can not beat the soil in this location; fair bufldlugs on this place; good orchard; only a few rods from paved Pacific high way. Priced at $55uu. Address CBiTTtNDEN & COURA.ND, Hubbard, Oregon. GOOD LITTLE FARMS. $4200 A lovely 25-acre farm very close to the paved highway near Sher wood ; fair buildings, plow land, acre onion land with mream through; just enough wood standing, balance pasture. Fine land, in splendid situation. $0000 io-acre farm, 3 miles south of Hi lis bo i-o ; 33 acres cultivated, some fruit ; buildings, fences and on good drive from the new paved highway. Good terms on both above farms. B. S. COOK, 601 Stock Exchange bldg. SMALL EQUIPPED FARM. 25 acres, located 2 V miles west of Molalla, Or. Good graveled road, half mile to school, all can be cultivated, 12 acres under cultivation, 8 acres pasture, good fences, 2 acres orchard, all kinds fruit and berries, 8-room house, large barn, chicken house and root cellar with cement floor; telephone and all rural conveniences. Price $4000, with team, 2 cows, chickens, cultivator, plows, har ness, disc harrow, buggy and some crops. $2500 cash, no trade. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 23 ACRES with fair house, good orchard, fruit and berries of all kinds; 7 acres now in hops, hop house, small barn. 22 acres in cul tivation, timber enougn for wood. 3 acres of fine bottom land, run ning water, about 2 miles from town and railroad station; mile to school. Price $4500. Call at 527 Corbett bldg. See Mr. Kennedy. LEBANON FARM FOR SALE. 11S acres, 62 acres in cultivation, 3H miles out on good graveled road, R. F. D., telephone, cream route, good 7-room house, barn 24x4(1, shed on- two sides, good young orchard and small fruit, well and spring. This is one of the good farms in the valley. If you want a good farm, get on the train and come. My office is No. 70 Sherman sf, Leb anon, Or. M. L. Southard. FOR SALE Dairy and grain ranch of 137 y a., 28 miles west of Portland. 2 mi .east of Banks In Wash, county on Tillamook R. R., iess than two miles to 2 R. R. stations, 10 minutes walk to school. 05 a. In cultivation, balance In good timber and pasture with running water, good house And dairy barn water piped to bath, good family or chard. Address owner, John Schlegel, box 132 W'oodburn, Or., or see Ed Schlegel on place. FO R SA LE by owner, 81 acres ; 50 acres in cultivation; 12 ac.tri standing timber; larw house, very good barn and out building, medium family orchard ; situ ated on gravel road, mile from school, 1 mile from church, 4 mites from R. R.t fine prune land or a good dairy ranch; good buy at $7000; $4000 down, bal. on terms. Box ft 8, R. 1, Vancouver, Wash. EAST OF OREGON CITY. 30 acres, ail good land, located on good graveled road, near school and church ; 2S acres under cultivation, five acres pasture and timber ; good 5 -room house, small shed barn, orchard, well priee $2025, $1 025 cash ; personally in spected ; no trades. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. CENTRAL OREGON LANDS. We have a few 40-acre tracts of fine irrigated land for sale at the cost of water right, with 10 years to pay; plenty of timber for fuel and fine soil. See II EN Km & HAINES, Log -Cabin bldg.. Bend. Or. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS, LEBANON. OREGON. If you want to buy a farm near the best little town in Oregon, large or small, write or come and see me. Office No. 70 Sherman st. M. L. SoiMhard, Lebanon. FA RM at auction. Nov. 6. 74 acre. 25 in cultivation at Battleground, Wash., Fed eral loan on piace to run for 35 years at fi1 per cent. No reasonable offer re fused; best of terms. A. L. Whitten. C20 ACRES wheat and, stock ranch, good spring of water, 200 in cultivation. 1 Vz miles of railroad $20 per acre, 10 per cent down, in eastern Oregon. Call Wood lawn 3703. MY HIGHLY improved 40-acre ranch at Pioneer, Clarke count, will appeal to farmer wanting the best at moderate cost; price $S500. See E. A. Peterson, owner. Manx hotel, afternoon. 47 ACRES for Fale on Pacific highway 45 minutes ride from town. For par ticulars phoi e Marshall 5805 evenings. 6:30 to 8 o'clock and Sundays. Owner Ida R. Clark. ONLY $100 DOWN. 11 ACRES. Good soil, 10 minutes' walk to electric car station, employment nearby; price $1 lOO; $100 down. DRAPER, 526 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to $200 per acre, easy terms; best Boil. Farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland, 6Q2 Yeon bldg. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water; good soil, tillable; employment; easy terms. J. R. Sharp. 83 3d st. Farmers Mutual Fire Relief Association. Insures at cost, $25,000 saved to farm ers yearly. Stock Exchange bldg., city. 80-ACRE ranch, new house, barn, bear ing orchard, running water; no rock or gravel; $4000. 324 Railway Exchange. $Sr00 IMPROVED 500-arre stock ranch and implements. E. D. Manning. Will its. Cal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LOOK HERE! WHAT WE NEED IS BUNGALOWS. List yours with us now as we are hav ing calls every day for good, modern 5 or K:rootn bungalows. Try us and see how long we will be in Belling it. STEWART & BUCK. 315 N W. BANK BLDG. IRVINGTON OWNERS NOTE. I desperately need Irvington homes, for buyers waiting. Have sold so many am about sold out. Have sold 22 of the last 25 1 is ted. I am in position to get you the top price, because all buyers come to R. T. Street. Irving ton headquarters. East 804. WANTED BUNGALOWS. HAVE CLIENTS FOR BUNGALOWS ALL OVER PORTLAND. LIST WITH US; AVE WILL SPECIALIZE YOUR PROPERTY IF PRICE IS RIGHT. DOBNER & DOBNER, BONDED REALTY DEALERS. 308 HENRY BLDG. MAIN 8474. SIX-ROOM modern "home In Irvington or Laurel hurst : must be in good condition and priced right for cash. Please give full description and 'phone or no at tention will be given to your reply. Own ers or agents, A. 177, Oregonian. WE have 5 competent experienced sales men with autos anl are able to get you quick action, should you desire to sell your home. We need more houses to sell Have scores of prospects waiting. Phone us, we will call. J. A. WICK MAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094. WE HAVE THE BUYERS. Phone us the location of your house ana we win ao me rest. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 913 Cham, of Commerce. Main 6067. WANTED IO to 20 acres, suitable for poultry, within 25 miles of Portland, on or near paved road; give description, price and terms. V 653, Oregonian. NOTICE. Wanted, small house or shack, easy payments; give painting, kalsumining, money. Phone Woodlawn 6209. BUILDER WANTS LOTS. Spot cash for desirable lots in Rose City. I.aurelhurst, Irvington or Alameda, Call Phillips. Main 5ljy. HAVE cash customer for west side house, close in, around $6000. O. W. Bryan 509 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. Res Marshall 805. WILL BUY before Tuesday, best bunga low offered under J2iSoo. easy terms; want full lot, paved. Evenings. Tabor HAVE special client for bungalow in Hawthorne district with $800 cash. Call ljooner, ai lin 8474. CASH paid for fractional and undivided interests in real property and estates Frank T. Berry. 215 Railway Exchange WANTED 5 or 6-room house, have part cash, balance city property. 1105 E. 30th st. N. WANTED Store building and lot on Union ave. bet. Skidmore and Broadway cash. Room lVfe. 245 Wash.- st. WANTED Two to five acres with build ings; good soil, no gravel; close in. Phone Woodlawn 14S2. BUNGALOW in Rose City Park, Irvington or Alameda; will pay cash; no agents. Y 125, Oregonian. WANTED Modern house on improved st.. In St. Johns district, must be cheap for c as h. A R 857, Oregonian. FROM 1 to 10 acres improved, near Port . land. Main 5175. WANTED REAL ESTATE. YOU WANT RESULTS. 751 Homes Sold Since January 1, 3019. 50 homes in January. 52 homes in February. 6: homes in March. "O homes in April. 3 04 homes in May. 72 homes in June. 84 homes in July. 114 homes in August. S7 Homes in September. You know that 12 real estate sales men with automobiles, working in a well-organized office, which spends thou sands and thousands of dollars annually advertising houses exclusively, must get results. We are in touch with the ma jority of buyers. This organization has sold 751 houses so far this year and can sell yours. Come In and list it with us. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. Abington bidg. Main 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. HAVE cash customer for apartment house up to $40,000. Owner telephone or see R. F. Byran. 509 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1163; res., Marshall 665. WANTED. Will accept a Westover Terra c lot as part payment on a fine west aide home. Write L 118, Oregonian, I WANT A HOME. I AM NOT AN AGENT. Modern 6-room house with garage, or room for one, in Irvington or Laurelhurst. must be a bargain; no attention will be paid to answers unless following infor mation la given: Age of house, complete description, exact location and price. W 7iy, Oregonian. NOTICE WESTOVER LOT OWNERS. Will accept large site on Westover Terrace as part payment on large east side home. Write L 118, Oregonian. OR 6-room bungalow in good condi tion, on paved street; with garage pre ferred. Price about $3Wto-$35l0; $HMIQ down ; balance in month iv rates with Interest T 332, Oregonian; Wdln. 130. Farms Wanted. IMPROVED FARMS WANTTD. Wltii or without stock and equipment We arc selling them, when priced right We pay over $500 per month for advertis ing and ere pleased to advertise and show you property. John Ferguson, Qer jinger bldg EQUITY in 7-room rouse, close In ; semi modern, for reasonable rent of small im proved farm a number of years. Call at 773 Alblna ave. or phone E. 1.N81. Wanted to Kent Farms. WANTED To rent, farm 80 or 40 a. Pay cash rent and buy personal property if you have any. J. Varney, 542 Umatilla ave., Portland, Or. FOR KENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT CLOSE IN. 45 acres, all in cultivation; half bot tom land; 5 acres beaverdam; on paved road, close to city. See this at once if want to rent Mr. Henry, Alder hotel. Main oJta. 40 ACRES FOR RENT. $75. Fenced, house, barn, 23 acres culti vated, stream in pasture, car 1 V miles. P. O. Box 245, Tel. 7!, Oregon City. TIMBER LANDS. CONTRACTS WANTED. Lumber or wood hauling contracts suitable for trucks wanted. State par ticulara by letter. DAVE CRAWFORD. 71 N. Park st. FOR SALE Sawmill. complete with planer, etc.; (30 M. capacity): now clearing over $100 daily; 10 million feet logs contracted for at $: in dam: 50 million feet more available: Illness com pels sacrifice. BC 235. Oregonian. WHO WANTS 800.000 ft. timber sawlogs or eordwood? 35 acres, 5 acres in culti vation; close to railroad. For quick sale $2000. terms. Also have NO acres good prune. loir an berry land. Owner. E. T. Davis, Estacada, Or. WE HAVE for sale small tracts of pine and fir timber land in Oregon. Would consider trade on some of them for Port land prnpertv. EMBODY & ALEXANDER. 1305 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main 2R00. 15-M. CAPACITY mill. complete with edger and planer; now running; timber near by can be bought cheap; price $3(K0, ' terms to responsible party. For particulars see Mr. Leigh of Dutton Lumber Co.. Lumber mens bldg. 160 ACRES, $7.50. One thousand piling, some saw timber, sawmill, planer carriage, etc. Box 245. Telephone 70, Oregon City. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A tract of first-class timber, good log ging. 3 miles from R. R., hit mile from county road; close to Portland. C 284. Oregonian. 44 ACRES TIMBER, $1000. Easy gravel road, 2 miles to car, half trade, balance pay as timber Is removed. P. O. box 245, Tel. 79, Oregon City. WANTED Tract of hemlock timber for immediate logging to Columbia river. T 302, Oregonian. WANTED A tract of second-growth fir timber, close to railroad, of not less than I.iummmhi rt. Ariflress AV 7HJ. Oregonian WANTED Rough fir lumber. 1 and 2-inch. random wiatn ana length. Wuote price. ii n i, oregonian. PILING timber wanted for winter work. O. V. Gamble, Couch bldg. WANTED to lease or buy a sawmill for Immediate operation. G fi j 2, Oregonian LOGGING contract to let. 50 million: have ample equipment. BD 652, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. MORRISON AND CHAPMAN STREET. Fine lot. 50x00. on Morrison street. west side, i.hi, .i.uo cash or will ex change for bungalow or small suburban acreage borne up . to 7J.1OO. Don t forget that we said Morrison street, west side. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce, open Sunday and evenings. SAN DIEGO PROPERTY WANTED. I have a business corner In small town buildings in first-class shape, on main line of S. P. railroad, paying good in teres t, which I will exchange for San Diego or southern California property price around $5000. Will pay some dif ference. W 761. Oregonian. MY SUBURBAN HOME. One of the most attractive places, with in easy access to ousiness a 1 strict, on Powell alley road, ten minutes' drive to city limits. The house is modem in every particular. Portland residence. xiat. Dusiness property considered. road way FOR SALE or trade, lot 105x175 at Los Gatos Cal., Santa Clara valley; beautiful homesite; set out in fruit, $150 income this year- will trade for something in or arounn r-ortiana. . ftti, Oregonian. EXCHANGE my equity 100-acre wheat ranch; all level; fenced; 5-room house barn: 2 springs. Trade for timber with buiiuing w nn anout to to 20 acres cleared, a.ti E. 5ith st. N. 200 ACRES White Salmon land. 3 to 5 M, nice timber; will sell or trade for bus ness or property near Portland. Value $MHP. A R 8fi. Oregonian. PORTLAND for Seattle or will sell im uroved ann unimproved lots. Write Graham. 404 Marion bldg.. Seattle, owner SPECI AL Owner offers improved foothil SO, worth $2.00, for residence; assume Evenings. Tabor 7055. 141 E. Oiuh N, 100x100, 3-room house In Montavilla to sell or trade, or what have you? X 2: Oregonian. HAVE view corner lot In Alameda; woul put in as first payment on bungalow 1 good district. X 239. Oregonian. GEARHAriT cottage. $iou. for sale or trade; 7 rooms, all cedar, furnished, best location. x 81. Oregonian. $1750 BUNGALOW for $2500 house, pay difference. Main 1203. 2 FLATS near car. Want lot as part pay ment. Eilzey. Main 123. SMALL farm. APT. HOUSE, well paying, for iDout oouu. tian, 211 wun. TO EXCHANGF MISCELLANEOUS. WILL EXCHANGE $40 white wicker baby buggy lor 2j wortn or painting. Ca Sellwood 3610 or 11 Oregon Yacht club, Oaks. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Livestock. FOR SALE 1 teams horses, 12 Watso dump wagons. Star Sand Co- 210 Boar 01 irade. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Livestock. WANTED Cows; large, well-boll t, heTT milkers, fresh or coming fresh soon. State age, quantity of milk per day; if regis tered, vhere can be seen and lowest cash price. Roy Wonacott, 107 North Broadway. 4 FINE COWS, 1 large Jersey giving five gallons, test 6, fresh 2 weeks; 1 Guern sey and 1 Jersey with calves by side; 1 Holstein will freshen in 5 days, at 3N Union ave., cor. Stephens st. East 8778. FOR SALE Team, 2350 lbs., 9 years old; light Mitchell wagon and harness ; price $120; 2 hogs, 125 lbs. ea-h, price $35. both. C. E. Apples' place, 5 blocks east of Glen Echo station, Oregon City car. 5 HEAD horses weighing 1200 to 1400 lbs.; 2 set harness, 2 wagons, 1 buggy and harness ; wilj sell reasonable, have no place to winter them. I0.S1 Frances ave., cor. Ey 36th st.; Woodstock car. - CARLOAD of fresh cows and havy spring ers just in, cows of all breeds which we would be pleased to show you. Portland Union Stockyards barn, G. K. Howitt. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats See us if you want to buy or sell. Cam p-bell-Phelan Land & Cattle Co.. 301-3 Couch bldg. IF YOU want any fresh dairy cows of any breed at any time, see Mr. Bruce, at tha stockyards. North Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE O. I. C. registered pigs, both sx, from 6 weeks to 0 months old. Ad dress Raphael Gresz, Washougal. Wash. TWO A-l COWS, 5 and gallons -nd calves by their side, for sale cheap. 6102 85th sL S. E. ; Mt Scott car. SIX double sets of work harness, first class condition, $35 a set. 3D 2 Knott St., near Union ave. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukee 69-J for results. FOR SALE 2 DELIVERY WAGONS. CALL EAST 644. DEAD horses, animals hauled away, free. Portland Rendering Co. Woodlawn 20. DEAD horses taken quickly. Cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. FOR SALE 15 full-blood Shropshire March rams. Hoi man Fuel Co., i4 5 th. $115 SM ALL team, wagon and harness, guaranteed. Wood yard. 327 Front. 8-WEEKS-OLD pigs for sale. Phone Tabor Pianos, Organs and Musical Instmments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $325 Arlington upright piano for.... $140 $4."o Haines Bros., mahogany 10 $350 Haliet & Davis, upright ebony.. 100 u beiuna, ohk upr.trnt J'r'i $475 new stored upright 2!0 $750 H nrte player piano 44 Small upright pianos -. .$05 and 7, Pianos stored. 50c month. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. 1H KOIKTH ST., at WASH. ST. 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH Vose & Sons properly repaired ) . . $1 h' Everett (ebonized ) 21 Kurtzman (like new) 300 Passed by the best repair shop in the rny, HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill. PIANOS. TUNED. REPAIRED. Guaranteed work at reasonable prices. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125-127 4th at. Main b06. PIANO BARGAINS. $100 and up, all in first-class condition ; see them and be convinced. Our one-year guarantee Or exchange pro posit ion will please you. Seiberllng- Luran Music Co.. 125 4th at. $050 KIMBALL player piano, latent style, with bench, also $35 music cabinet and $50 worth of music; perfect condition, like new; murst sell at once, cheap, own er left cltv; terms given. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. REDUCED Christmas terms: $12.50 cash, u.. next pay day and $10 month after January 1, 1020. buys new upright, im proved up-to-date pianos at the SCHVVAN PIANO CO.. Ill Fourth St. PLAYER PIANO WANTED. Prefer to deal with private parties having a bargain for cash. Marshall 1517. PIANO BARGAINS. Prices from $loo and up; all In fine condition; see them and be convinced; terms given. Sieberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. FORCED to sell my beautiful late model i.oiumoia graionoia in manogany case lor .; equipped with the wonderful individual record ejertor and 20 records; valued at $130.30. Tabor 8S50. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victroia and records: our propositions will please you. Selber-ltng-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. Main 856. PIANO WANTED. Hfghfcst cash paid for used pianos and player pianos; get our price. Seiberling- Lucas Piano Co.. 125 4th st. Main 8a& BEFORE you buy a phonograph see us. win save you money ; pnonograph re -pairing. Enke & Fields. 709 Couch bldg. Main 8273. ORGANS. ORGANS. bee our siock or gooa, useu organs from $20 ana up; terms given. Sieber-ling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. PHONOGRAPHS REPAIRED. Any make, guaranteed work. Seiner 1 1 rig-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Mala 85 HH. 225 BUiS fine $;.o Kurtzman piano, easy terms; also an almost-new W illiam Knabe. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bjdg. MAHOGANY finished Thompson piano cost $36 new; lightly used by child; $2.;o casn win taKc it. r;ast -'tiu. KSTE Y organ, fine mahogany case, 6 oc taves, best of condit ion, at a bargain. Seiberling-Lucas Co.. 125 Fourth st. SINGER piano., plain mahogany case, at about half price. Sieberliug-Lucas Mu sic Co., 120 tn st. ORGANS, ORGANS. $20 given. 4th s1 ind up, all in A-l condition, terms tteioerung-1-.ucas music Co.. 1 WANTED Good-sized grand piano, good condition; win exenange piayer. Kingler, Bdwy. 33S0. FISHER piano, small plain walnut case. terms given. oeiDeninR-L-ucaa Music Co., -tn si. FISHER piano; small, neat case, walnut; fine conui uon. oieutrimg-jjucas music Co.. 125 4tn st. ' WANT good VIctrola. Grafonola or Edi son pnonograpn wuri recorua. Cash. Main t n. ESTEY chapel organ, $50; $50 Victrola and records, ju. xiaroiu o. juuert, 3tS4 Yam hill st. KSTEY -octive organ, Jut like new, at SOme Darxaui. aiaucrtiuB-L.ucu JUUS10 Co., 125 4th st. 1 FAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3M4 Yamhill St. KNABE piano for sale, beautiful tone and reasonable- -' PHONOGRAPHS OR RECORDS WANTED. 128 First. Main 4405. Tabor 67QS. PLAYER-PIANO, the one you have wait ed for. cneap; casn. laoor o.ui. WANTED A piano to keep for storage. Excellent caro ana reierence. Aiain .004L WILLARD piano, just like new, at a snap. Seiberling-Lucas iiuaic io. i'.- 4t n st Vnrnitiir for K!e. ELECTRIC MOTORS. We have purchased all the O. E. mo tors from the Foundation company's shipyard. All in splendid condition, and we give you the same guarantee as though motors were new. See them. Five to 125 H. P. IOO additional motors to choose from. Ail LL AND FACTORY OPERATIVES. Rent or buy a generator and light your plant; short days are here. We have 20 to chouse from at surprising figures. CONTRACTORS. 65-ton Marion steam shovel, first class, immediate delivery. 10-ton American dinkey, 4-yard side car. ELECTRIC DRILLS. New full line of portable drills, just arrived. WIRE ROPE. We are agents for Williamsport wire rope. Carload due; to l-inch, 6-19 COAST STEEL & MACHINERY CO., 40 First Street. Phone Broadway 164. We buy, sell and rent machinery and Equipment. WHITE enamel dining room table and chairs, floor lamp, linoleum, oak library table, three-quarte size bed, chiffonier and dressing table, white enamel, plain blue velvet carpet, 28 yards. Phone Eaat 7M. OAK dining room set. quarter oak H brary set; rugs, 0x12; books and other furniture. biio 4tn ave. o. K., Mt. Scott car Kern Park. 4 biks. north. No dealers. SANITARY couch, oil heater, oak dresser. bookcase, beater cons, ngnt iron beds cylinder phonograph, 500 records. Tabor 3325. MAHOGANY bedroom suite, fumed oak . dining set. rugs, chairs, etc., with 4-room fiat to rent. AN 11, Oregonian. SECOND-HAND, economical wood and coal furnace, $100; steel range, 20. Main 35US. IVORY enamel chif f ionier. Whistler de sign, $25. Tabor 4970 ONE GAS plate and gas rane and water heater, cheap. 221 urnbide su FOR SALE. Furniture for (Sale. DON'T sacrifice your furniture It going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight In our through cars. Plreproo ' Storage. O. M. Olsea Transfer &. Storage Co.. 248 Pine at. KITCHEN range with hot-water coils. Call at 30O Graham avenue. Poultry. PULLETS We offer -you Barred Rocks. White Wyandottes, Black Orpington and Rhode Island Red puliets, $1.25 to $2.50. according to age and strain. Northwest Poultry Corp., b2d st, 73d to 74th ave. Southeas t. LEGHORNS. ROCK. REDS. 500 prfllets, must sell at once; large or small lots, hhc each and up; 50 yearling White Leghorn hens. $1.35 each. j. rt. .Maguire. . a 7 Oregon st. FOR SALE One pen 18 White Leghorn hens and pullets, one rooster. Call be fore 3 and after 7 P. M. Sumner Shaw, 662i Mnh ave. S. E. WE WILL pay you highest cash price for April, May natcnea pullets, any breed. Northwest Poultry Corp., Lents, Or. 15 YOUNG hens. $1.50 each; 6 pullets, 75c each; 0 pullets, 50c each; 7 young cocker els. 50c each. 4438 40th ave. S. E. 55 CHICKENS. Leghorn and Rhode Island Reds, l.ou apiece; young, good, layers. A. Maddock, Ore hard. Wash. WHITE leghorn hens for sale. Tabor 5151. Iogs. Rabbits. Bird. Pet Stock. POLICE dog puppies make a lasting ennatmas present; intelligent, loyal; a true one man dog. Come and see them. Speedway kennels. TaOor 50SS. FLEMISH GIANTS, pedigreed; none bet ter; alHO utility stock. Mrs. Beeching, 157M W. 40th St., Los Angeles. Cal. 3 FLEMISH GIANT does and 1 buck. cheap. Phone Columbia 421 or 1770 Courtney st. THE PADERESWSKI CATTERY. Orange Persian kittens of quality, East 3.ttf7. FoR SALIi puppies. Thoroughbred Boston Terrier i. Main. Tabor 2028. TOY Boston pups and 2-year-old male, $35 ana up. 111 j 1111, corner Aiuer. PEDIGREED white bull terrier pup. male, cheap. East 6342. CHILD'S small pet dog for sale. E. 10th North, Alberta car. PEDIGREED pit bulldog. Tabor 5704. Machinery. SALE OF $573,000 STEEL SHIPYARD OF THE ALBINA ENGINE & MACHINE WORKS CONSISTING OP Lathes. Punches. Boring machines. Hammers. Planers and shapers. Rolls. Shears. Compound suspension scales. Bending rolls. Pipe machines. Bending slabs and blocks. Torches. Bolt and nut machines. Riveting machine. Pumps. Pyrometers. Compressors. Motors. Tool steeL Leather belting. Belting. Pipe and fittings. Shelf hardware. Wire rope. Copper wire and conduit pipe. Pulleys and shafting. Steam boilers, and engines, etc Plant now being dismantled. All material now for sale. No reservations. ALBINA ENGINE & MACHINE WORKS SALES CO.. Robert G. Blake, Manager of Sales. Lewis and Lortng sta. East oluO. . PACIFIC MACHINERY REVIEW will fur nish cony of its mailing list, the most complete ever compiled of the machinery manufacturers, machine snops, foundries, steel plants, iron works and shipbuild ers for all Pacific territory. Including Hawaii, British Columbia, the western states. Philippines, Japan and China, free, with each paid-up subscription, $ 1 to January, 1!21. Address Pacific Ma chinery Review, box H2i, San Francisco. SPECIAL. We make a specialty of rebuilt second-hand sawmill machinery, boilers, engine?, etc.; also do welding. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 83 First st.. Portland. Or. 9-;xll COLUMBIA donkey engine with lines and blocks, very low price, terms to responsible parties. F. W. Martin. box 334. Clatskanie. Or. Launches and Boats. LAUNCH for sale More willing to sell without the engine; launch Is 47 ft. long and 10 ft. wide; can be used for a pas senger boat, for trolling or for stowing. Inquire Jack Paakkola, 25S Taylor st., Astoria, Or. BOATS and barges built and repaired, es timates and expert advice freely fur nished. Yard and ways at Alblna ave. Phone East 2102. Marine Repair & Const. Co. FoR SA LK Houswbrtat, modern 5-room. loeated No. 6 Oregon Yacht club. Call Frank B. Thompson. Broadway 1460. HOUSEBOAT NO. 2, OREGON YACHT CLUB; MODERN. FIRST-CLASS CON DITION. SELLWOOD 3546. Typewriters. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL makes, soid on monthly pay ments; send for price list. The Whole sale Typewriter Co.. 321 Washington st. RENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy our new Remington now, immediate delivery, reasonable terms. Remington Typewriter Company. UN DER WOODS. REMI NGTONS A N D L. C. SMITHS FROM U. S. GOVERNMENT. D. C. WAX. 100 2D ST. MAIN 4631. ALL mckes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 4 r uth. Main NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut ratea. P. D. Co., 231 Stark. Main 14U7. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 toixin sc. Miscellaneous. MATTRESS-MA KING, upholstering, crat ing, refinishlng and revarnishlng an j kind of furniture. Webster's repair shop, 11 05 4j Hawthorne. Tabor 3325. APPLES FOR SALE. 50c and up; bring boxes; 2 miles east of Sellwood, v4 mile south of Errol -station. Sellwood l0i5. J. Mason. PERAMBULATOR In good condition, new. j.to ; win sen inr -. also nana culti vator and garden tools, cheap. 32 East ltith st. N. 1 ROLL-TOP desk. 1 flat-top desk, swivel chairs, letter files, small table and card index. 626 Court House. ELECTRIC washing machine, $35 cash, 38 hj. 32d st.; .ml. iauor car. any aay ex cept Saturday. ALL WOOL man's black chinchilla over coat, only slightly worn ; worth $65; take $5 Call at 361 Yamhill. IVORY wicker baby carriage at reduced price; pertect condition; new type. Call East 3M. 4xS POOL TABLE, with Monarch cush ions, cheap, bob Lombard W. St. Johns car. LTRIOHT heater, wood or coal burner, cheap for quick sale. Phone Tabor 1462, mornings or evenings. WALNUTS for sale right from orchard .Bowman farm. Base Line and Fairview. OLD violin, good condition, very fine tone, cheap for cash. AN 000. Oregonian. SLIGHTLY used U. S. army raincoats and ponchos at salvage prices. 247 Davis st. LADIES' luits and gowns, slightly worn. Main 9567 SHOWCASES AND CASH REGISTER 'Wanted. Main 4405. 12S 1st., near Wash. GOOD heater for $S; nearly new sanitary couch and paa tor can Tabor 325. CASH REGISTER, show cases, scales, elec trie mixer, wall case. 230 Wash. st. HOT-POINT Hed'ite heater. J7.50. lawn 3S0O. 14."5 Mississippi ave. Wood- HOOIKK cabinet. $"20; Phone Tabor 8049. wardrobe, $6. Ml'LTIGRAFH for sale Broadway bldg. trade. SHINGLES, Star-A. 272 Sd U Main 6443. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. SALE OP SOMMARSTROM FHIPRUILDINO CORPORATION. COLUMBIA CITY. OR. (near St Helena) To be sold in parcels as wanted. includlnr Locomotive crane. Air compressors and tanks. Complete wood-working plant. Complete Iron -working plant. Boil era. engines and pumps. Dynamo, motors, etc Derricks, hoists, etc.. Donkey engines, hoisting engines, Ralls, pipe. Air tools of all kinds, and all equipment of a complete e Shipbuilding plant. Nothing reserved. Plant must be vacated within 2 weeks. Act now. JOHN GEOGHEGAN. manager of sale a SOMMARSTROM SHIPBUILDING CORP. SALES CO COLUMBIA CITY. OR. Lone distance phone connection. PEERLESS PLUMBTNO FIXTURE. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS, e PLUMBING SUPPLIES. HOUSE-HEATING MATERIALS. IRON PIPE. WM. POWELL VALVE AND STEAM SPECIALTIES. BOSTON BELTING COMPANY'S MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO.. t8-70-72 Front St.. Portland. WE BUY DIAMONDS. Get what your dia monds are worth; we pay full market value in cash. Oid Jewelry, pawn tickets, old gold, silver and platinum bought. Full value paid War Stamps, Liberty Bonds Bought. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 400 Spalding bidg.. Fourth Floor. Corner Washington and Third sts. DIAMONDS WANTED. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. Sell your diamonds to diamond ex perts. We positively pay the highest cash market vaiues for diamonds, platinum, gold, silver, watches, old Jewelry, crowns. bridges and taUe teeth. See us before veiling elsewhere. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 447 Morgan bldg., 4th floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. Hours 9 A. M. to tf P.' M. FOR SALE Apples, first-class Spltzen- bergs and Newtowns free Irom worms, . little too small for eastern shipment, ex t ra fine for family use. from $1.30 t. $1.50 a box delivered Portland. Send your orders, accompanied by money or der, q uick for your requirements. Thry will not last long at this price. Refer ence, Bank of Lyle. H. W. Daggett, Lyle. Wash. A FINE selection of new and slightly used machines at sacrifice prices ; 3 rotary Whites, like new in all respects; new National rotary : late New Homes; new and used Singers, other good makes In It.te drop-heads. Must sell. Machines renu-d and repaired. FOU RTH-ST. SINGER STORE. 103 4th st. - Main 33 EITHER WAY If you have a diamond and want the cash, or if you have th cash and want a diamond, call in and taiK it over. MILLER'S CLEAJUNO HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. 355 Wash, st., next door Majestic theater. PREPARE FOR THE RAIN NOW. And buy your raincoat, leather coat or motorcoat direct from manufacturer; it saves you .,.1 to 40 of retail prices. UNITED RUBBER CO.. 726 Morean bldar. SEE OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY, SEWINO machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line or parts for all makes: ma chines repaired and rented. Main 0431. bbi WING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 3d. near Taylor St. FOR SALE At sacrifice, one penny cash register, small register, floor cases. counter cases, cigar wall case, big res taurant ice box, anie and chairs, sew ing machine, desk, tent; other fixtures. J4h4j Second st. Main 342. SA FES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NORR1S SAFE LOCK CO., 105 Second st. Phone Main 2045. WE BUY War Stamps Liberty Bonds. Spot Cash Any Amount. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 406 Spalding Bldg.. 4th floor. HONEY. WARRANTED UNADULTERATED. Strained, light, mild, 23c pound In 5 gal. cans; less than 6 gala., 20c. East 1416. GEN in MS red fox, .lust brought from Alaska, make beautiful furs, had. 12. only 3 left, choice $40. Evenings. 141 East 00th North, - Tabor 7"55. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 set; bring or mall. AMERICAN B K O K E 1 1 A G E . 406 Spalding Bldg.. 4th floor. NEW hand-made baby layette, never worn, for price of material; also 2 lady's silk and wool union suits, size 38, for priee. Main 3476. WINCH ESTER repeater, 12 -gauge, lever action, case. 90 loads, full choke, ex cellent duck gun; $32.50. Evenings, Tabor 7055. LEAKY roof, eh? Very aggravating, indeed. W hy not a permanent and comfortable root ? We repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 7776. SAFES New and second-hand: some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPi LY CO., Broadway 1066. 48 Front st. HOT-WATER tanks, new and second-hand, $12 to $20 Installed ; expert boiler re pairing, plumbing supplies cheap. 2o3 Adams st. East 8516. PRINTING FOR LESS Smith, non-trust Erlnters. moved to 216 Commonwealth id., 6th and Ankeny. Good printing at reasonable prices. Phone Bdwy. 20S6. BILLIARD showcases. ind pocket billiard wall caaes, fixtures; table terra 53i. W. J. Quigley, 227 First. Main 15-HORSEPOWER new Foos engine at a reduced price. Pacific Scale ac Supply Co., 4M Front st. Broadway 1066. ONE blue Axmlnster rug. 0x12, new, $45; black tulle party dress, size 36, $25. W ood 1 a wn 5170. PIANO lamp, made to order and sold di rect fiora fam ry to the trade: whole sale prices. 63 1st St. Main 1 429. CASH Microscope. scales. cystoscope. m-dirai dooks; excellent, condition. V 65S, Oregonian. AI'PAREL EXCHANGE Ladies' coats, suits, dresses, evening gowns, furs. sii;ht lv used ; distinctive styles Tabor 2S23 TWO roll-top desks, 1 T. W. desk, 1 table 1 flat-top desk. 8 chairs. 3 filing cabi nets. Bushong &. Co., m Park st. CASH Microscope. scales. cryatoscope, medical books; excellent condition. V 65H, Oregonian. SEVERAL nice phonographs at a great reduction. Enke & Fields. 700 Couch bldg.. Main 8273. ART metal filing cabinet, all styles wood cabinets, desks, chairs. cables. from spruce division. Imp 2d st. Main 4631. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented. exchanged, bought. Bentiey Co. Mn. 4i07. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine: showcase. 43 1st tu, near Ash. FOR SALE About 10.O00 ft. lumber. liHi UxlO. 2x12, cheap. Phone East 110. BEAUTIFUL silk shade for floor lamp Ha. C 1194 LUMBER for sale. 1MI7. 364 Taylor st. East FANCY 12.-, n. r oak triple-plate ith st. hall mirror. FJR, SALE Short 38 sealskin coat, cash or diamond. Phone Tabor 4lr,!. $S5 BROWN silvertone Pollard suit, size 3S. will sell for :'..t. Tabor S41it. N F.W JOES heavy wheel for sale, cheap. Wood. 4071. SET WHITE FURS, cheap. Call after 4 P. M., 207 V2 Second St.. room 605. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. 24-hour day S 1. delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 12SS. FOR KALK 12.000 second-hand bricks, cheap. Phone East 110. FOR 8 A I.E. M iscel lan eons. EVERY WOMAN'S SHOP. Every woman should be intensely In terested in our little apparel shop for who among us does not want to sell or buy ? If you have mist it or used garments to dispose of, why not let this shop handle them for you. at the same time helping those who cannot af:ord the exorbitant prices downtown? We conduct this shop in our own home. In one of the popular residential districts and those who are interested are in vited to call Tabor 2S25 and learn more about this unique business. wis BALE AUTOMOBILES. OAKLAND. 'IS touring, owned by care ful driver. Car shows conscien tious care. We've marked it low to more quick! v. Better see it at once. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 514 Alder st. OAKLAND "SKNSI RLE SIX' $1250. HERE ARE THREE SNAPS. 1017 Oakland touring car $75 1117 Oakland touring car "725 111 Oakiand touring cur HuO WILLAMETTE-OAKLAND COMPANY. 344 Burnside st. 1H17 BUICK SIX ROADSTER. If you are in the market for this kind of a car. see this one and you will buy. A-l shape throughout with eood tires and priced to sell. R. H. SAL1GER, Oregon Hotel. WILLYS "G," 7-passenger. model 1017. used privately, good tires and in best of mechanical condition, will sacrifice If sold at once for $ 1 1 00. with terms. 30 Grand avenue N. near Burnside. Would consider Ford in trade, balance terms 111: COLE Aero S. 4-passenper sport mod- e.. This car has been run less than 2mio nines ; -an be bought at a sacri fice price, easy terms if desired : might consider good light car in exchange. Phone Marshall 2414. Pig USED CARS Prices Stock. Right. No misrepresentation. COVEY . . MOTOR . . CAR . . CO. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OF MY BRAND N K W 1 120 M I K L T URI NO CAR; WII.L TAKE YOUR FORD. CHEVRO LET OR MAXWELL AS PART PAY MENT. CALL ADAMS. TABOR 630. roR SALE 7-passenger Cadillac, newly overhauled and pai nted. new top. bat tery and bumper, cord tirex. everything In good condition; will sell at a barsain. Call at 34" Shaver street, one block wt of I'nion avenue. litis BUICK roadster, like new. first-class mechanical condition, good tires, one extra, tire cover, bumper, spot I is lit, tire lock, car run or.lv "mhi miles; will sacrifice. Call Frank Smith. Bdwy 1 130. 1&17 HUDSON SUPER-SIX. 7-PASS, GOOD CORD TIRES. REPAINTEIT REGULAR FACT iKY GUARANTEE FOR 00 DAYS. A REAL BARGAIN AT $1350. CASH OR TERMS. CALL TABOR 63 O. CADILLAC EIGHT. Mechanically perfect, cord tires: a rich man's car at r poor man's price; terms if you need them. 4M4 DAVIS. NEAR TKNTH. HAVE 1010 model Maxwell 5-naseenger tornobile for $mmi cash or terms; ofrerea J'.MMt in trade. This car is like new with go.d tires and extras. Call Broadway 12. Ask for room 424 or Mr. Smith. G OD 1 5 model Studcbaker. 5-pass.. fine condition, good tires. This car is cheap at 4.o ; lois or service left in t his car. Wrav Motor Car Co., 00 N. Broadway, Bdwy. ;;247. FoRD SEDAN, almost like new. good tiros. Fisher body, lots of extras and G. E. starter, win sen at o and give terms. 30 irand avenue N., near Burnside 1017 HUDSON SUPER-SIX. Cord tires. $too down, guarantee and f u.l service : enough said. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. FORD DELIVERY, in good mechanical condition, good tires, will sell at $35. with term. 30 Grand avenue N.. near Burnside. FORD TOURING. 1915. in very best of condition, owner must sell, a bargain at $275. some terms. 3t Grand avenue N.. near Hurnslde. MUST SEEl, 1020 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. It K AND NEW. CASH OR TEHMS AND IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. W .02, ORE G iNIAN. 1010 COLE 8 touring, bought in June; 5 new cord tires and othr extras; cost $:tj.0: will seil for $'0u0; terms. Port land Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. FORD TOURING. 1014. in good tires, must sel 1. a fine condition. snap at LUmi, with terms. 30 Grand avenue Rurnside. N.. near M I "ST sed 101S Hudson super-six touring car, thoroughly overhauled and repaint ed; a bargai n at ?1 ."io, cash or terms. Call Adams, Main ti3ti. AUTO TOWING. Day and night. Reliable Auto Shop, 2. 7 16th st. Alain 250 days. Marshall 321 nights. CHEVROLET. 1018. touring, in A-l condi tion, good tires, will sell at $650 and give some terms. 30 Grand avenue N. near Burnside. GET YOUR CAR PAINTED. If you want a good job at a reasons ble priee. drive abound to th auto Ena me ling works. 351 E. Oak st. MAXWELL. I'.HO. touring, used very little. looks and runs liKe new. will sell a $0 75, w ith terms. 30 Grand avenue N near Burnside. 1117 DODGE touring, fine condition. $.'iou down, guarantee, free service, enough said. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. 1 AM unable to keep my 5 -pass. Mitchell 4: runs and looks like new, good lireji, paint: forced to sell at once, Owner, 434 Mill st. Phone Main 401.1. M TORS. gears, bearings, wheels, axles ; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at ha'f price. David Hodes Co., North Broadway and Flanders. HUDSON SUPER. Practically new H udson super; good terms. . 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. C 55 BUICK 6 touring : price $ WO for quick sale: terms; guarantee und free service; enough aid. Part. and Car Saiea Co.. 5th and Tnylor. MAXWELL, lion, good give terms, . Burnside. 11 IS, touring in fine condi 1 1 res, will sell at 1725 and 30 Grand avenue N.. near MAXWELL touring, must be sold by to niorr jw, good condition ; $55 for quick .sale. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. fords all kinds. If it's a Ford you want, we have it at the right kind nf terms. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. OVER LA N D. model J3. looks like new. good tires, owner must f-eil. a real bar gain at $525. 30 Grand avenue N.. near Burnside. ' PAIGE ROADSTER. Thin one will not last long, as It goes for $450. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. FoR D TOURING, privately owned, A-l condition; seat back lolrts down, making a comfortable camp bed; many extras; terms. 655 E. 5!tn st. N.. Rose City Park. liUs r'l'HD roadster, excellent condition. run loss than ;lt0 nii.t-s; delivery box with our if tlesired. 1'hnne T t44t after H I'. M. or Sunday afternoon. FOKP j:tr0 cash: Rood harcain. See it at r!5 .M iltt auk te .t., Saturday. John lloak. Sellwood l.'.TS. STVPKHAKE1E fi Kquipped with Rood tire.; bij? v.ilue. C l'J4:;. either phone. ::.',4 K. Itroa'l way. CMtlVKi'I.ET, like new: private party: 5 lir,-s; must have money. loS K. Bel mont ,1. FOR SALE or trade for Mnalh-r car. a j-4N 1'ierre-Arrow ; juyt overhauled, in good condition. Phone Main ;:!. IKiin 1!1'J W1IXYS-KN HT. 7-as- sen per. run ,mhi miles, guaranteed like new. new cord tirea. Tahor 4170. lUl'. Mtll'KL Kord tourlnc. A-l condition: t.MHl cash. 24l Kat-t Kighth St., or phone Hast JIO. COLE 8; price J1600, complete. 7-paa-senKer. excellent condition. Phone Hast r.rcl. H I' i'Ml B1 I.E. 1917. perfect mechanically flOUO. 40 E. 17th North. Telephone East 14 1SI1X CHEVROLET with 4 good tires. J57S cash or terms. Owner. 210 Slock Ex change. Marshall 2310. Main S342. 117 VELIE six to trade for good busi ness lot on east side. Fred Lester, 346 East Alder. FoR SALE Bv owner, a Oeautiful lllys- KniKht tar, mechanically perfect. Call Wdln. 2'.J.",. DcIniE touring, cord tires, over-size rear, spare, good as new, by owner. Call Wood'awn 2tlS. 11116 FORD touring in good condition, ail new tires: a bargain at 320. Cad Lents b."22. Home phone. WINTON 0. A-l shape. $-73 loth or phone Main 2t's- Call at Wi IV 1 ." FORD chassis, good condition, good tires, cash. 2H terms. East 71.4. STl 1E BAKE it roadster, fine car. 220. terms. This is a real buy. I-, K. Hih. OAKLAND touring. JTon. -asy terms. r.04 B. Broadway. C i'J43. either phone. FOR PALE APTOMOBTLFS. CUT-RATE PRTfES ON GOOD TRADE-IN CARS. Don't wait till spring to buy yoxtr car. You can buv now. run the car until spring and make money. We are snowing rars in this sale at prices from $75 to $150 less than their market value in the spring and $75 to $15u less than we actually sold them for in Au ;ust and early September. Our trade-In used ears are sold at rock bottom, trade in cost prices. Look these over, the license for each car is shown, step in and take a look at the wonderful bargains; you'll be surprised. $50fJ '18 Chevrolet touring, ticense S249. extra good tires, dash light. $675 '19 Chevrolet roadster snubbere, license 61918. spare tire. $S00 MS Ford sedan. $200 In extras. license 794S5. $55fJ M8 Chevrolet roadster, spare tire. license 9U04. $350 '16 Ford touring, extra tire. Ucenae 814S. . $775 MS Baby Grand Chevrolet, bump. license 5S309. $000 '18 Baby Grand Chevrolet. Ulce new, license 775S4. $533 17 Chevrolet 25493. tourlnc. Bugs -HupmohllM choice, $225. and Bulcka Your 1-Ton Republic truck. real barrala. &00. 1-ton Packard track, almost new. $800 FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Chevrolet agents. I. C. WARREN MOTOR OAR CO. 5S N 23 D ST. MAIN 70. EASY TERMS: WILL ALSO TRADE. l'.MS Ve'tie, 7-paesnper $1005 litl Velte, latest model It It Velie, earlier model 14- 1MS Velie. latest model 1113 Velie. earlier model iao2 V.U7 Velie, latest model .. 1100 1!17 Velie, earlier model 15" 1117 Studebaker. 4-cy Under. 10 IS Overland. 6-cyllnder. 1!U7 Saxon Six J016 Saxon Six 1117 overland light four, lyl Velie, excellent buy. 700 tioo 450 325 EnK rdstr.. refinlshed tn dark blue, with new top. Car In first-class shape; offered at a particularly low TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO, 514 Alder St. COME IN and choose one of these al most new cars: 1 1120 Oakland six. 1 1019 Haby Grand Chevrolet. 1 191S 4i0 Chevrolet. 1 1017 41M) Chevrolet. 1 litis Mitchell light six. 1 1017 I'aige roadster. 1 1015 Winton six. These cars must be sold this wpck. come in and make us an oler on any or the above; terms to sun. Marshall 142sT &" 65 N. 23d st. CHANDLER 4-pass Dispatch, fin ished in old ivory, with Nile-green w ire wheels with nickeled wheel rims grav seat covers with green trimming; mechanically perfect. A splendid buy. The Chandler car is as standard In value as a $-0 gold TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO.. 514 Alder eL CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES. YOU BUY OR SELL A CAR. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BUILDING. (.SECOND FLOOR. 1916 MODEL "N" H UPM OBI LE. Cord tires. 3 of them nearly new; car In very good order throughout. Owner is leaving citv in a few days and will therefore sell this car betow the market. Phone Broadwav 217 or Tabor 5702 even ings. Ask for Mr. Biliingsiey. TO HIGHEST BIDDER. To close up an estate, scaled bids will be received until noon Monday. Nov. 3. 1V1. for the purchase of a l'.MH Chevro let touring car. Car can be inspected at Main St. Garage, cor. 2d and Main sta.. and is in good shape, with good tires. SAMUEL ROSS MAFFET. SOME GOOD ISED CARS. HH5 model 37 Bulck roadster. Chalmers bug. A 1 len roadster. 1017 Ford touring cr. We do not sell these cars to make a profit. Thev are traded in n new cars and we sell them to you at CO!,t DIAMOND T TRUCK SALES AOLNC1. K0-01 North Ninth Street. W4-; WILL put vou in direct connection with owner of any make or priced auto mobile or truck and assist you f man dally in the purchase of same. l.ist vour car with us and take advantage of our quick selling plan. Autos direct from owner to buyer. MuTOR CAR EXCHANGE. Room 335 Railway Exch. bldg. FORD SEDAN, model, w ire wheels, shck aH extra tir $75o. Can arrange Call Mr. Adams. Tabor 7494. Iate sorbers, terms. $725 TAKES mv 10 10 Chevrolet roadster. in extra good n. n n i n g cnd i t ion , i . 1 take horses, cattle, or trade. 8.6 Powe e!l Valley rd. Woodstock ear NEW FRANKLIN touring car at cost. S-TOO This car has never been run or demonstrated. Eastern Oregon 'Auto Co.. V a 1 e. Or. ' WINTON SIX. with bug body, a good knockabout car, will sell at terms. 30 Grand avenue N.. near Kurn-feide- - " 101a ni.TW ROADSTER. Mechanically perfect, good tires; terms CH responsible party. Call Main '6304, after T 1'. M. STCPERAKER HCO. A dandy bug. briRht green and lota ot speed: your own terms. 404 PAVIP. NKAR TF.NTB. 191S BUICK 5-r.s.enKer touring. nw painted. 6 Goodyear cords. D rt-sot- top. plate-gliss windows spotlight, clock. Broadway lo:-.1. East S.-.47. .aley. CHEVROLET TOURINC. Creat mechanical shape, gooa tires. terms. 404 PA VIS. NEAR TENTH. SAXON SIX touring, li'ls. in f'n dltlon. good paint and I res will sell at $soO and give terms. 30 Grand avenue N.. near Burnside. ' COLE TOUKINO. Ijite model eight touring, first-class condition throughout : ""''':, . 404 PA VIS. NEAR TENTH 1HS MITCHELL touring. o-Ps , go.wi t. .Tew for l'i!M; terms: guarantee and f?r service: enough said Portland Car JO.Kl Sales Co.. Mh and Tay HUrMOBILB HL'li. A going tirmnn cai. 1 - OToite them: terms if rtesiren. 404 PAV 1 S. NEAR TENTH. "i.,ii.:v: TOL'K 1 NO 1917 new ton. fine tires round, must COmui, . . trtTI tc-m sell. real wmtniN " fc, ., 30 1 irand nue .. near ouiusiwy. I..! OVERLAND chummy roadster, newly J refinlshed. must sell at '' 374 UNION AVE. N. .,-91. f'US CHEVROLET touring, guarantee and free service 20 oown; enough sai,i. Portland Car s.fsj .Vh and Taylor. ONE "new closed delivery body. Mr. Rodmarh-r. 431 Burmud cheap. See St. Auto Top Co.. 2d i.oor Ttn AND NEW Maxwell sedan. ner oeen BH.h i7no easv terms. Portland Car Sales Co.. 5th and Tay or. nRT;rfiE touring car for piano. phonograph or furniture. W .17. Ore- gonian. UU MAXWE1-L roaus.-, . Guarantee ana ' 1 . V. 7 0 " Portland Car Co.. rth and Taylor. 1016 MAXWKI.I A Rood car: verj reasonable terms. 404 TRAVIS. NKAR TKXTM. lyia CADILLAC, run.- very pood, has the anDoannre 01 . . 97i rMO A B. - EAST 52ft I. cprriAl ' 117 Ftru tounn?; must re aold by tomorrow. $40o Portland Car I Sialea Co.. 5th and Taylor. Mechanically perfect, gooa ures. itnni tQ '"'404 PA VI 9. NKAR TENTH. f HANDLER chummy. 1!1S; mechanically perfect, tpeelal top. 3 new cord tiers. V if