v , --Y- r - . 0. ' . THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1919. CHECK FMUD ADMITTED JOHX H. HILBCRX, EX-SO! DIKR, PLEADS GUILTY. Judge Delays Sentence Until Case Is Better Known; Escape From Army Prison Suspected. John H. Hllburn, ex-soldier, bub prcted by federal authorities of hav ing escaped from the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., -pleaded guilty to passing a dozen worthless checks before Presiding Judge Gatens yesterday, but sentence was post poned one week. The Jurist said he disliked to sentence a man until he knew more about the case, particu larly, he commented, as the law seeks reformation, not vindictive justice. "That's all bunk." Hilburn was heard to remark as h was led1 from the courtroom. Hilburn said he was discharged at the Presidio, San Francisco, on Au gust 19. All of the .bad checks he passed were for small amounts. The latest received at the district attor ney's office was In a complaint yes terday from a cigar stand In the Plt tock block which had cashed a check for $5 for Hilburn. Albert Blttner, a tailor at 415 Stark afreet, was one of Hilburn's victims. Hilburn took a woman's skirt there to be cleaned and offered a $5 check In payment. He received change of J3 and a little later came In the shop to ask Bittner to cash a check for $10. Hilburn represented to James E. Graham, automobile man, that he was in the market for a new machine, said he was not known in the city and re quested that Graham indorse his per sonal check for $10. With a view of a possible sale, Graham indorsed the worthless elip, which was cashed sear by. STORY REUNITES CHUMS lifelong Friends Meet Again After Fiv Tears' Separation. As a result of a little story printed tn The Oregonian two Sundays ago. two life-long friends have been re united after having failed to heat from one another for the past five years. Mrs. Anna Davis-Kasch Winters, 105 East Twentieth street, in this city, and Miss Grace Crosby, 2814 Ellis avenue, Chicago, are the two friends thus brought together. "Will someone please tell me the whereabouts of Mrs. Anna Winters, read a communication from Miss Crosby which was received by The Oregonian. "She lived in Tacoma up until five years ago when she moved in or about Portland. The communication was printed in The Oregonian and yesterday the pa per was informed of the whereabouts of Mrs. Winters. Mrs. Winters and Miss Crosby were friends when girls. OFFICIAL STUCK IN MUD Lane County Commissioner Aban dons Auto on Detour Road. COTTAGE GROVE. Or., Oct. - 31. (Special.) Oregon mud is no re specter of persons, as County Com missioner Spencer learned this week when he came down from the county seat to inspect roads. He found the Delight valley detour, over which the county court now is directing traffic, so nearly impassable that he aban doned his car at Saginaw and walked two miles into the city. Physicians from here who have calls north from the city have found the easiest and quickest way to be to walk to Saginaw and have cars meet them from the other side. Resi dents of that section make most of their trips to the city on foot. Con tractor Corson is laying rock steadily despite the wet weather and says that If Contractor Ryan completes the grading he will have a road ready lor traffic by November 10. WOMAN VIOLINIST PASSES Mrs. Myrtle Stumpf, Formerly of The Dalles, Dies in South. Mrs. Myrtle Stone Stumpf, former resident of The Dalles, and an accom plished violinist and musician, died in Los Angeles, Cal., following an operation Tuesday, according to ad vices received in this city by Mrs. H. D. Parkins, Westminster apart ments. Mrs. Stumpf was a visitor in this city about three months ago. Her illneso began shortly after returning to Los Angeles. lira. Stumpf, besides other activi ties, had written and arranged many works for the guitar. She recently made a trjp to the Hawaiian islands, where she arranged for the steel gui tar a. large number of native songs. She is survived by her husband and two sisters: Mrs. J. McFadden of Britten N. D., and Mrs. Hazel Stone Pickens of Roseburg. She was 39 years of age. EMANUEL FUND IS TOPIC Women's Committee Meets and Hears Talk on Hospital Needs. Tha Women's committee of the Emanuel hospital fund attended a luncheon at Portland hotel yesterday. Dr. Robert H. Ellis and Dr. A. M. Webster spoke as to hospital needs In Portland and gave many reasons as to why Portland should contribute generously to the fund. Contributions are increasing daily and pledges to the enterprise are. being easily ob tained. Among, those present were: Mrs. Philip, chairman, Mrs. Lee Davenport, secretary; Miss Vella Winner. Mrs, G. i Frankel, Mrs. F. S. Hilsinger, Mrs. J. W. Joly. Mrs. Charles E. Run yan, Mrs. R. H. Sawyer, Mrs. W. I. Swank. Mrs. H. B. Torrey, Mrs. B. F. Weaver, Mrs. Tenger, Mrs. George snoemaKer, jxirs. a. is. r.uaeninai, ivirs. A. Tilzer, Mrs. Bertha Davis and Mrs. J. C. Costello. Dormitory Men. Form Club. TJNIVERSITT OF OREGON, Eugene Oct. 31. (Special.) Another residence club has just been formed ori the campus. Twelve men residing in Friendly hall (the men's dormitory) annex are tha charter members of S-Meralda club, which will maintain a residence at 1284 Thirteenth avenue East, Just off the campus. Later a national Greek letter organization will be petitioned for a charter. George F. Shirley of McMinnville is president; Edgar M. Harris, Portland, manager; Harold Lee, Newberg, secretary-treasurer. The other members are Byron Foster and Howard Wines of Eugene, Malcolm Hawke of For est Grove, Percy Lasselle, Elton Las selle, Ralph L. Taylor and Allen Oden, all of Albany; Harold Michelson and Fred Michelson, both of Lebanon. Masons at Oregon Organize. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu jrene, Oct. 31. (Special.) Members of tha Masonic order in the univer sity have organized a club called the Craftsmen. Newton C. Bader of Aromas, Cal., is president; E. P. Cox of Salem, vice-president, and L. W. Latimer of Amity, secretary-treas urer. A call has been issued to all men of the third degree or higher in the order to affiliate with the new club. Hunter Missing Two Days. ROSEBURG . Or.. Oct. 31. (Sve- cial.) Charles Cantile, a resident of Perdue has been lost for two days in the Coffee Creek district, a short dis tance from his home. He started out alone on a hunting trip and no word has since been heard of him. He is an experienced woodsman and was well acquainted with the country. Searching parties are scouring the woods in an effort to locate him. AMUSEMENTS. OCR LAST OPPORTUNITY TODAY 2: 1 5, TONIGHT 8:15 I I rJTTTTT T ( Broadway at Taylor ItilLyl VJ Main 1 and A 1122. -SPECIAL PRICE- Mat. Today, 2:15 me TONIGHT, 8:15 POWERFUL DRAMA John Ferguson EXCELLENT CAST OF PLAYERS TODAY'S MAT Floor $1.50; Bal cony, 9 rows $1, 13 rows 50c. TONIGHT Floor, $2; Balcony. 5 rows $1.50, 17 rows $1; Gallery, 50c. THE BESTS IN V A UDEVILI ONLY S Nights Sun., Moo., Toes. 15c-l 4 Mats. Sun.. Moil., Tues., Wed. I5c-75c HARRY "GREEN LILLIAN CICCOLLNI SHAW Ren X- Has! Mann, VI o ft Ollle Walters. Two Eugene Bros., The I'irkfords. Kino gr ranis (exclusive). Topics of the Day. This Show doom with the Matinee Wedoesday. Nov. 6. ALCAZAR MUSICAL, PLATERS. Tonight, all week. Mats. Wed.. Sat. The Musical Comedy Delight, "LEAVE IT TO JANE." New bargain evening prices BOO eats floor. 75c; all balcony. 50c Next "Belle of New York." BAKER STOCK COMPANY. Matinee 2:20. Last Time Tonight. Most Sensational Drama of the Day. 4 "EYES OF YOUTH" Introducing the great revolving stage. Next Week, Starting Tomorrow Matinee "llobson's Choice. A N T A C E MAT. DAILY 2:30 Pepple i Greenwald Present s THE REVUE DE VOGUE The 1919 Musical Comedy Huoceos With a ueuuine Af lorn cast and cnorus. 6 OTHER BIG ACTS 8 Three Performances Daily, Night Curtalc at i ana w. AUDITORIUM Merle ALCOCK Contralto Lambert MURPHY Tenor AND THE APOLLO CLUB Monday, Nov. 3 2.O0, 1.50, l.OO. 7.-K-, 50c. o War 'lax Charged. Now Selling at Sherman, Clay & Co. Open Until 9 P. M. Tonight. LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY Mat. Daily Evenings at 7 and 9. This Week Mike and Ike. The Lawmakers With Dillon ft Pranks and the Rosebud Chorus. A travesty In a divorce court Next Week Sherman Was Right. CIRCLE FOURTH AT WASHINGTON Wm. Farnum IN "For Freedom" Also Sunshine Craedy, "Money Talks,1 and Pathe News. Open from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4 o clocK oz tne zollowing morning. Dent Mowrey PIANO RECITAL TONIGHT, 8:30 O'CLOCK MULTNOMAH HOTEL BALLROOM Tickets for Sale at All Music Stores). DANCE at RLNGLER'S COTILLION HALL Portland's Lartcest and Fin. eat Ballroom. PUBLIC IJlTOHMALS EVERY EVK.1 IMG. BEST MUSIC BEST E VERYTHLTIG. MOST WUFlUKHFlL BALL-BEARING SFU1NU FLOOR. Dancing School Private and Claaa Lessons Dally. Professional Instructors Only. CHILOEEIV'S CLASSES SATURDAY, fcuux treat Street, Oft NY ashlulun. Bdwy. S3S0k M. MEETING NOTICES. MT. TABOR LODGE NO. 42. A. P. AND A. M. Members contemplating visiting Ever green lodge No. 137. Seaside. Or., Nov. 1. are requested to North Bank depot Saturday morning. 8:30 o clocK. THE COMMITTEE. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 46. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this Saturday afternoon and evening, begin ning at 2 o"clock. East Eighth and RllrniHa ntnrtd.- a. A M. degree. Visit W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary. OREGON LODGE NO. lOt. A. K. AND A. M. Stated com munication this (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. Work In M M d.r.n rv order of the W. M. LESLIE S. PARKER, Secretary. SUNNTSIDB LODGE NO. 163. A F. AND A. M. Special communication Saturday. 7 P. M. Work In the M. M. de gree. Visiting brothers wel come. Bv order of W. M. JOHN RINKER. Secretary. OREGON SHRINE NO. 1. O. W. S. OF J. Stated communication this (Saturday) evening, Nov. 1, at 6 P. M. Social. By order of the W. H. P. CLARA B. GRAHAM, W. S. SERVICE CIRCLE. NO. SIM), will give a anclng party Monday evening. November rd. Woodcraft headquarters. 10th and Taylor sts. Vowker's orchestra. Danciug 8:30. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms. Bias. new designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 6th st. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems. ass pins and medals. 810 Washington st. DIED. HENSHAW The remains of Vernon L. nemnaw, late or 304 H Bast Morrison St., will be shipped to Dallas, Or., to day (Saturday) at 7:35 A. M. by R. W. Gable & Co., 1873 East Gllsan st. DELANO In this city at the residence of nis daughter. Mrs. Helen D. Fluman. 1844 E. Yamhill, Harvey Hale Delano, aged 74 years. Remains are at R. W. Gable & Co., 1973 E. Gllsan st. STEWART In this city. Oct. 30. 191". Nondy Stewart of Keiso. Wash., aged 18 years. Remains at Holman's funeral par lors. Third and Salmon sts. Funeral no tice later. CONNOR In this city. October 30. Richard Connor, aged 76 years. Remains are at MtEntee & Eiler's parlors. lHth and Everett streets. Funeral notice later. TRAMBITIS In this city. Oct. 30. 1919. John Trambitis. aged 7 years. Remains at noiman s xuneral parlors. Third and Salmon sts. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. WALLIS In this city. Oct. 29. William Allen Wallls. aed 52 years: beloved husoand of Ida K. Wallls. father of Mrs JKertha Brown. Charles Wallls. Claude wains, an or tnis city; son ol Mary E wallis of Rufue, Or., brother of Ida May Carroll of Yakima, Wash., and H. a. wallls or Portland; Charles Wallis or kuius. ur. ; Harvey Wallls of Oregon City, and Mrs. Paul M. French of link., British Columbia. Remains are at the conservatory cnapel of K. S. Dunning, Inc., 414 E. Alder st The funeral serv- !5e wl " " he'd at th. Knights of i-yimas temple, 4 Alder st.. today (Saturday), November 1, at 2 P. M, under the, auspices of Ivanhoe lodge. No. 1. K. of P., of which the deceased was chancellor commander. Members of the above order and friends invited to .menu. interment Hose City Park D1ENER At San Jose. Oal rw-f va ima CaJ"1e Di'ner. aged 3 years, beloved' ui joscpn uiener. daughter of Mrs. Samuel Lowengart. 55 Heights Terrace; sister of Mrs. Sara Iilsheimer. Mrs. F m. rteineman, Mrs. Fred Langerman. ous and Harry Lowengart of this city, ?, . Mia- C- w- Jacobs of San Francisco. Cal. Friends n ru 1 1 .. h . .. . . . .. funeral services at Holman's funeral par lors. Third and Salmon sts., at 11 A M Sunday. Nov. 2, 1919. Interment Beth KEITH At the residence at Kendall sta tion, ucioDer au. liertrude L. Keith, age 35 years, beloved wife of Bruce Keith daughter of Oellah Parrlsh. sister of Mrs fliiniue uray of this city. Mrs. Rose murium oi Alice, rex.; Mrs. K. A. Baz- zeii oi JKia.; Marion Long of Horton Kan. Funeral services will be held Sat urday. .-November I; at 1 P. M. at the chapel of Miller ft Tracey. Interment at .uuujii ocoii rarK cemetery. Ht.NSLEY In this city. October 30. 1919 James Harrison Henslev. ae-eri 7Q vurB father of William Hensley of Toledo, Or Funeral services will be held at the Dun ning & McEntee parlors at Broadway and wii.ny street, isovemoer l. laiu at '2 P. M. Friends invited. Interment at aiouai aeon cemetery. I.KAHAM The funeral of the late Joseph uranam oi auu Heights Terrace, who died in this city October 30. 1919, will be held today (Saturday, Nov. 1) at 2 P. M., from the chapel of the -Skewes underletting to., cor. 3d and Clay. Serv ices private, interment Klverview ceme tery. KAHL Friends are invited to attend the funeral services of the late Katherlne iani. agea (a years, mother of Mrs. J. M. Lddy, from McEntee ft fillers parlors, xotn ana Hiverett sts.. today a 10 A. M. Interment Multnomah ceme tery. PETERS The funeral services of the late niiRn t-eters will De held this (Saturday) morning at 10 o'clock at Finley's. Mont gomery at otn. f riends invited. In clneration at the Portland Crematorium. ROBINSON The funeral services of the late jyiary tu. KODinson will be held Sat' uraay, tsovember 1, at 2:30 P. M. at the chapel of Millar & Tracey. Interment at Aiuitnoman ram cemetery. HANSEN The funeral services of the late Kris Hansen will be held Saturday November 1, at 3:30 P. M. at the chaoel of Miller & Tracey. Interment at Kose City cemetery. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral service. JONES AUTOMOBILE LIVKRT. Marshall 114. FLORISTS. LUBLINER, FLORIST. 828 Morrison st., Portland hotel. Mar. 758. 84s Morrison, bet. Bdy and Park. Mar. 247. Portland's Leading Flower Saopa. MARTIN or FORBES CO.. florists. SM Washington. Main 269. A 1209. r lowsrs tor all occasions -artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison st Main 7709. Fine flowers and Lorai d signs. No branch stores. PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP. 24S Alder St. Flowers, designs, reasonable. Mar. 5922. LHV1NUTON PARK FLORAL CO.. 4th and Yamhill. Funeral designers; lowest prioes. MAX M. SMITH, Main 7215. A 812L Sell ing bldg., Sixth and Alder ata. TONSETH FLORAL CO., 287 Washington ( w. uoi. viu uu Bio. H.ia B1V4 A J.1Q1, VAULTS AXD CREMATION. Vault Burials Disinterments for either. Sen. 67. UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS A 59. B 848, 887. C 28. 334. 333. 310. 243, 339, 328. D 7r.2, 846, 311, 843. . E 633, 5UU, 578. F 648, 765, 355, 650, 873, 324. O 321, 604, 591, 603, 585, 137, 60T, 629. J 347. K 750, 656, 655, 639. 733, 746. L 139, 316, 177, 136, 111, 117, 134, 135, 137. -476, 116. 110. M 772, 746. 771, 755. N 136. 112, 91, 81, 42. O 53. 659. P 738, 730, 334. R 00. 8 S07, 322. 308, 311. 302, 318, 728. 270. 280, 312. 325. T 302. 310. 321. 32S. 307. S34. 273, 345, 240. 162. 202. 287-, 134, 285, 331. V 647. 653. 676. 654. W 718, 723,. 673. 670. 667. 725. 675. 630, 695. 674. 722. 687. 700, 693. X 165, 234. 167, 156, 179, 208, 160. 172. 180. 233. 201. 175, 877, 1S1, 299, 211, 210. 188. XX. 169. Y 149. 155. 319. 125. 103. 168, 55. 142, 136. 148. 607, 106, 124, 641, 81, 134, 148, 82, 102. AB 852, 18. 642. 824. AC 1S9. 383. 183. 208, 132, 174, 142, 132. 153, 369. 283. BJ 169. 57. 47. 51, 72, 100, 46. 97. AE 283. 553. 641. 480. 243. 480, 544. 514 549, 308, 383, 509, 514, 556, 3S0. IF 105 152, 350, AG 185. 302, 337, 363, 378. 380, AH 640, 682, 655. 632, 697, 649, 644. AJ 76S, 750. 754, 796, 749. 752. AK 693. 671, 696, 682. 699. AL 615. 617, 602. 606. 605, 261, 605. 621. 626. 675. 631. 701, 20; 377. 660, .183. 656, 618, 627, 870, 871, 629. AM 530. 540. 541. 584. 585. 506. 601, 593, 546. 746. 603. jS5. o45. AN 907. 910. 908. 914, 879, 859, 870, 866, 896, 869. AO 615, 617. 618, 622, 645. 662, 665, 664. AP 424. 426. Ait 858. 711. 715. 719. 850, 852, 43, 710, 831. 716. 837, 836, 835, 821. 221 614,-1 856, 827, 682, 832. 716, SoZ. BC 235, 236. 201. 205. 234. 16T. 174. BP 631. 652. 635. 722, 629, 658, 649. 650, 621. 640. 656. BF 200. 196, 152. 166, 196, ISO, 187. 201, 152, 198. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates information, telephone The Oregonian. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. Black, accountant, auditor, specialist on involved accounts. Modern systems installed, maintained. 728-9 Pit tock block. Telephone Broadway 1. ASSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, sliver and platinum- bought. CARftT WEAVING. PJJRCThe kind that wear the best are HUwOmade from your worn-out carpets oy tne Aortnwest Rug Co. dormer ad dress 153 Union ave.). Rag rugs woven all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mall orders solicited. 188 E. 8th st. Phone EAST 3580. B 1280. LUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Rugs, all sizes Mail orders prompt. Send for Booklet. 9x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned, II. SO. FLUFF RUG CO.. 54-56 Union ave. N. Elst 6516. B 1475. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 3S7 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. CHIROPRACTOR. 300.000 KNOW McMahon, 100 Chiroprac tor, inrongs pronounce treatments easi est, best, permanent. 31 "treats" J15. Tel. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM, Estelle and Floretta De Veny. the only scientific chiropodist and arch specialist in the city. Parlors 302 Oer linger bldg., S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 131. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist; corn, bun ions, foot arches made to order. 311 Fwetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. Main KM. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO., 1510-11-12 Royal bldg. Marshall 5822. Multigraphtns. mimeographing and mail advertising. COLLECTIONS, t NETH ft CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17116. No collections, no charge. Estab. TJdO. DANCING. BERKELEY Dancing Academy. 129 4th St.. 3d floor. First-class Instructors: Irssons day and eve. Main 331S. Classes Tues days and Thursdays; class tickets, ladles 'A, gentlemen J5. LEARN TO DANCE where lessons are private; 12 lessons. $."i; 4 lessons. f2. twi Eilers bldg., bet. 4th and 5th on Wash. st. MRS. BATH'S DANCING ACADEMY. 3d floor Dekum bldg.. private lessons day and eve.; class Tues. eve. Main l:4.V ELNORA FLECK Ballet, technique, toe; nature, oriental dancing; baoies a spe cialty. 129 4th st. Main 3318. DANCE Saturday evening. W. O. W. hall No. 3. 12H Eleventh street. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY veterinary hospital. rth. East 1S47, B EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. DR. F. F. CASSEDAY. Specialist. Glasses fitted. 70O E. Burnside. cor, utn. n.. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO.. 31 N. 1st St.. Portland, Or. Rewinding and electrical repairing a specialty. See us about new or used motors. Bdwy. 104". A 1041. HARDWOOD KI.OORING. GET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co., 1.87 w. Park st. HAULING CONTRACTS. WB HAUL freight, baggage, express, also contract hauling, anywhere, any time, day or night. E. 1251. Fletcher & Fisher. WHOLESALERS AND ALTO TOPS. PUSRL'ILLB TOP CO.. 9th and Oak sts. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO.. 53-!io Front st. HOIKS. WOOL AMI CASC'ARA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 195 Front St. MILL SUPPLIES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY, 68-70-7:2 Front St., Portland. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. P. FULLER & ISMUSSKN C' CO., Front and Morrison. CO.. Second and Taylor. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Holman Undertaking Cq. Funeral Directors Established 1877. . Third and Salmf.o streets. Main 607. A 1S1L Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Wash, st., bee a0th-"ilst, west side. Uain 26U1. Lady Assistant. A 7889. J.P.FINLEY&SON PROGRESSIVE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Main 9 Montgomery at 6th. A 1599. McENTEE & EILERS Kuneral parlor, with a.11 the pri ;acy of a. homo, ltith and Everett ata. Phone Broadway -133; Home A 2133. F. a DUNNING, INC. 414 E Alder. Phone East 82. Pertect .serv.oe, personal direction, free use of tloral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR . Successor to Wilfon Ac Rosa, Multno mah at E. 7t.. Eaut 54. Irvlngton diat. LUNN1NQ & McENTEE, luneral dlrectora, Broadway and Pine sta. Phone Broadway 430, A 455b. Lady attendant. P. L. LERCH East 11th and Clay sts East 781. B 1833. mTl T Twellth and Morrison ata. Broadway 2534. A. D. KEN WORTHY CO.. 6802-04 2d St., Lents. Tabor 5287. BREEZE & SNOOK MTi1, A. R. ZELLAR CO. 692 Williams Ave. East 1088. C 1088. SKEWE3 UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. M. 4152. A 2221. Lady assistant MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 16 4th Set.. Opp. City Hall. Km Broa. IrT-a BLAESING GRANITE CO. I ft? THIRPAT MADISON STREET Vattt far Classified Advertisements la The Oregonian. 11 ally and bun day Per Una, One Una 1 Two consecutive times. . ..... ..... . Three consecutive time. ........... 0e bis or seven consecutive tlraea. . . . ..63s The following classifications excepted, l be rau ot wbica is 1c u.r Una per tlayt situations Wanted Male. Situations XI anted enisle. No ai taiceu for lese than two lines. .Count six wonts to tne line. Advertisements (except "Per souals") will be taken over tbe tele puone if tbe advertiser ia a subscriber to either phone. No prices' will be uuotel over tbe phone, but atatemeat will be rendered tbe following day. Ad. vertisemeute are talren tor Tbe Daily Oreguniau until 7:30 P. H.i for Tbe bunday Oresoulan until a P. M. Saturday. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Of f-c9a Rom 153 Courthouse, fith St. Kn trance. Phone from 8 to 5, Main 378. Homo VVoodlawn lt4. . . - Report all case of -cruelty to tbe above addrett. Wectriral lethal chamber tor rail animals. Hone ambulance for nick ami riif-.aii.ed anima.M at a moment's not'ee. Ai'vone tier i ring a dog or other pet, com municate with us. Call lor ail .oet or hi raved stock, an we look after the Ini- 1 iMiundinr. There it no more city pound. Pi... . ..-uvnn II intmnaa (wwl'tv. Phon your want ads to th Ore- eonian. Main 7070. A 6095. by the month, or year, or other Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. HEMSTITCHING. K. STBPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pleat, buttons covered; man orders. 219 Pittock blk. Broadway 109U. MUSIC. EXCELLENT 3-P1ECE ORCHESTRA. Private dance engagements. AM 532. Oregonian. VIOLIN, taught. Piano. Harmony: all strings I Kol Ken beck, 4119 Yamhill. MUSICAL. VIOLIN, piano harmony, all string infetru- ments taught. Kol Kenbeck, 40u amniil. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou sands of satisfied customers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good man, optometrist. 2O0 Morrison. M. 2124 PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S and foreign patents. out uekum oiag GOLDBERG, 020 Worcester bldg. M 2.V25. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway building. RheumatiHm. stomach, bowel, lung. liver. kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic female disorders, skin affe lions, blood pressure. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES prices. Starke-Davis Co., at wholesale 212 3d. M. 797. PRINTING. KBY3TONB PRESS. J. E. Gantenbeln, mgr. Printing and linotyping. lOOM. Front St., corner Stark. .Main or A 1418. DDIUT1U" F. W.BAIVTES & COMPANY r fill! I IHU 1st and Oak sts. M. Irt.Y All' SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE ft FURNITURE CO.. 221 J" ront st. We buv and sell everything In the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main 9H70. A 7174.- OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. DR. W. ARNOLD I.1NDSEY. specialist on goitre. Main Bl'60. Morgan bldg. PAINTING. PAINTING, ninir hanging and tinting; work auaranleed. Charles Gorman. Phone Tabor 5304. r tt Terrill house, slirn painting, pa- perln. tinting. Tabor 2H11. 31H E. 44th. JOHN C7NLISK. painting and paper- hanging. 133 loth. Phone Bdwy. -M.. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Th. servicA With -a Re tu tat Ion . MOVINO-PACK'G-ST" iKAU E-B AGO AGE 13th and Kearney Branch lis', Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glis.m St., mi-nee 1 n i h Phone Broadway 1 - M 11Q We own and operate two larg class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates i n the city. FIREPROOF. STORAGE C M. OI.PEN TRANSFER CO.. 24 Pine. Plfk T(. MOVING. SrUKAl.il!.. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO.. 105 PARK ST. MAIN 51 IIS. A 1051 WILLAMETTE VALI.EX TRANS. CO General transfer and forwarding agents 124 North Fifth st. Hroadway 4o4. CLA Y MORSE. In.-. TRACKAGE. STORAGE, TRANSFER. 44H-4.M OLISAN ST. WATCH REPAIRING. MitrhMt Trlres oaid. old watches and jew elry; condition no objoct; repairs special ty. Rainier Jewelry Co., 44U wasii. IMANUFACTURERS PIPE. PIPE EITTING8 AND VALVES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 8H-70-72 Front St.. Portland. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. PI.VMBIN'O AND STEAM SUPPLIES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 6S-70-72 Front St.. Portland. M. L. KLINE, 84-81 Front st rRODCCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVBRDINQ & FARRELL, 140 Front St. KOPE AND RIMIKK TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH, DOORS A NO OLASS. W. P. Ft'T.LK R & CO.. Front and Morrlfon. NEW TOD AT. WEST SIDE INVESTMENT OX JACKSON, NEAR SIXTH. LOT 55 lOO, 1I-KOOM IIOCSE, with five rooms, toilet and bath on first floor, six rooms and toilet on second floor: furnace, fireplace, ca- rage space for four autos. Purchaser can rent sufficient rooms and Barrage space to pay for property. Lot alone reasonably worth $6000. Terms can be arranged. Price $5500 Henry W. Goddard 243 STAKK ST. MODERN CONSTRUCTION CO. GARAGE BUILDERS 315 E. 11th St, East 5114 Portland Rug Company MASiXJFACTXIlERS OW FLUFF RUGS "THERE'S A DIFFERENCE." WE WEAVE ALL. 8I7.ES tX BOTH FLUFF A.0 HAG RIGS. L.e X'a Call for Your Old Carpet. Work Will Be Returned "Promptly." Mall Orders Given Prompt Attention. ' WE CLEAN CARPETS. Portland Rug Company 1872 Eaat Seventeenth Street. Phone B 1324. Either Pacific or Home. WE CALL FOR YOUR OLD CAHI'ETS. R n tzu and Woolen Cloth In a-. We Make Beautiful Hand-Woren FLUFF RUGS All Worlc Turned Out Promptly. Raff Rosra Woven AH Slxea Mail Orders. Send for Booklet. . Carpet Cleaned, Laid and Re fitted. NORTHWEST RUG CO-, 188 Eaat 8tn St. Phone Eaat 35M $5000 FIRST MORTGAGE On West Side, In business circle, 3 blks. from Washington St.; income bearing. broaaway o.ui. C1 ' ftf Mortgage Loans U 72. 0 Edward L Gondey Co. II. 3. Bank B-aAldJa NEW TODAY. A Pick-Up at $700 2 lots, 50x100 ft. each, on the cor ner of Commercial and Going streets. Cement sidewalks, sew er, water and paved streets in and paid for. Good location, only a few blocks from Walnut,, park and Piedmont. Near four car lines, fine dwellings on all sides of these lots. Suitable for apart ment house or dwelling. Must raise money so will sell the in side lot for $700 or the corner for $750, or both for $1450. See own er at 527 Corbett building. HERE IS A SNAP I'OR S4I.K, EIGHT - ROOM. TWO- STORY MODERN" HOI SE. Very attractive. All kinds fine shruohery, with large garage. run concrete basement; cement Iloors in basement, laundry trays; gas and electricity; fine brass chandeliers all over the house, ah Kinds oi assorted fruit trees, apples, pears, prunes, neaches. cherries: firle chicken house: barn;all kiudsof berries;three full lots. laUxlOO corner; nam - suriace street with sewer in and all paid. Only two blocks to carline. Very fine home. Fifteen minutes' ride from Broadway ind Washington, east side. Price 14750. Terms if desired. ROSE CITY INVESTMENT CO. Phone Mala 7K06. 324 FROM ST. SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS Old Ron and Wooleta Clot alum;. We Make Reversible. Hand - Wo Tern FLUFF RUGS They Wear 1.1 ke Iron. 11 Orders. Send for Booklet. Ran Huara Woven. All Slaca. Carpet Gleaning xl2 Ruga, Steam Cleaned. l..0. WESTER r'LtFK KIG CO. 4 TL talon Ave. N. East 5I. U I47S MORTGAGE LOANS Improved city and farm property. InfttiUlmeiit repayment privilege If preferred! prompt, reliable service A. II. BIRRELL CO. XI 7-2 1 9 Northwest era Bank Build las. Mars anil 4114. A 4118. REAL ESTATE. . $475 ROSE CITY PARK LOT. 50x100 eaBt front lot: lota of fir tre-rs: 2 blocks to car line: sidewalks and curba In and paid; lot about 2 feet above grade mil ia a an p. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. , 7 Chamber Of Commerce BJdfr. ' Branch office.' 45th and iSandy. (Also Open Sunday.) IRV1NOTON LOT BARGAIN. All street Improvements In and Daid cost owner $17.0; must raise money at -once and will sell at 10..D. Nellan & Parkhill. -.'la Lumberman's bldg.. Sth ana biam. Jor.OO BUYS an El.EOANT APARTMENT site 1U.IX12I1 ft., between llllh and Otli soutn or wnahinKton st. Natural condl tions aflord excavation inexpensive. Every apartment can have a charmlna extended outlook. B. S. Cook, oOl Stock r. x c n a n Ke pin jr. urn (SALE Lots 1 and 2. block 14. EI ioar: cost sikuu; need tne money best offer takes them. Gus Kallas, iiu mrwyn ave.. ducago, ill. CORNER lot for sale, block .1. lot 85. T oaaco add. to Ea.st Portland on E. Lin com st. Sam Marlnelli, Linnton. Or. box 204. FOR SALE Three lota in Florence and lo: on Siltcooa lake, luoxioo. Box 1M woodourn, or. Flat and Apartment Property. 4-FLAT building adjoining Piedmont modern; 1 flat furnished; all for IhoOO income t"; terms; must sell. UUBNSU A DOii.VEK. BON'IWU KKALTY DEALERS. 308 HENKV BLDG. . MAIN 8474. f.-t.YOnn IRVINUTON APT. l.. apartments; all day light; room beautiful; court entrance. Incom l(l,oou. Terms. Kast 41U. For Sale -Houses. $;ir UNUSUAL HOME BARGAIN. S-room modern home; furnace anil nrepiace; many Duiit-in conveniences best plum Dinar fixtures; upstairs rente for ... per month. Can arrange terms. iiawtnoniP-KK nmond oistrict. We hav over ito photographs of Inspected homei In our oriico lor sa.e. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. bee FRANK L. MpGUIRE. TO BUV YOUR HU.MK. Ablntrton Bids;. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. 39th ST. ROSE CITY CAR. 5 -room bungalow now vacant: hard wood floors in main rooms ; lot 6(JxlO0 ana on srrade with street: full basement paved street assessments paid in full. i-cK win handle iu J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldjr Brancli Office. 45 th and Sandy. (Also Open Sunday.) $jSO0 BUNGALOW HOME. Unusually attract ive 5-room modern Dunnaiow; large living; room with fire place: built-in bookcases, paneled din mi? room; Dutch kitchen, white poroe lain piumoinjr; run lot. Kssy term ve have over 600 photographs of in spectea nomes in our office for sale. experienced salesmen with autos at you; KKANTC L. McGtTTRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablng-ton Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. WESTOVER TERRACE. A REAL BIG BUV. To settle art estate, we are authorize to sll a fine 8-room house with hard wood xioors, llreplace. fine furnace, etc. for 4.)0; the lot la worth 30u0. Kin view os tne east side; no shoppers wanted as this is a genuine good bu and will be sold quickly. Call L. M. Lawrence. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 303 Oak st. Bdwy. 4133. WESTMORELAND SNAP. Choice building lot OoxlOo; east fron paved street, sewer, water, everythln in; tine nomes an around; V, block curline. Price only fO'a. Owner. F 7' ureonian. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS 5-rooro bungalow, hardwood floors, ail Dullt-ln conveniences, full cement base ment, lot 411x114 Ieet, on paved street restricted locality. Owner. Sellwood n HAWTHORNE CLOSE IN VACANT. J25O0 Nice 4-room buniralow; a lsr rooms: large lot with cherry treei nun r.. Lincoln. iaoor 5-ROOM modern bungalow, Rose, City Park; hardwood floors, parage, nice lawn ana Knruboery. h . H. Deshon Co.. 61.. Chamber of Commerce b Ids;. HALF ACRE, smalt house, orchard, oh ink en nousc, ai Aiapiewooa, on urefton Kiec trie; price JIZOO, terms. A. Drake, M plewood. Or. 7-ROOM house and nice 50x100 lot for only $2RO0: or HHixloO for $3."V0; $1000 cash. F. H. Deshon & Co., 615 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. PARTLY finished 4-room house for sale. uapitoi niii ; locatea on ueroo st. ; take Oregon electric car; 6c fare. Y 121, Ore gonian. 6-ROOM modern house a snap at $2500. $500 down, balance easy payments Owner. 4217 65th S. E. BUNGALOW Irvington district; a real buy; bioctc to car. Owner, X 248, Ore gonlan. NOW VACANT. $2900. 6-room house, . newly painted. In fine shape. E. 30th and Burnside. East 2S71. FOR IRVINGTON HOMES. McDONELL, EAST 419. IRVINGTON HOUSES. EAST 894. R, T. STREET. IRV. AGT. BARGAIN -room house: $3on cash, ba.1- ance $l month. Main 1-lM. MODERN ft-room bungalow for sale by owner. Tabor 847. REAL ESTATE. 1-or Sa -House. 1RVIXGTOV. A most attractive res. donee of 8 rooms, modern in all its appointments and nearly new; hardwood floors, tiled fire places in living room and front bed room, tiled bath, with shower; also bath for maid's room; conservatory, extra largo BiepinT poreh. which can be heated if desired; complete burglar alarm - tern nnH Hauki autri. lii'hfinc and heattnK system; located in the very ' best district of Irvineton. on 100x100 l corner, surrounded by beautiful homes 1 his house has cost the owner be tween $18.lHU and $O,0H. but an at tractive price will bo made in selling, or would accept desirable vacant or im proved Portland property for the equity. SAM UK Li R. NORTON, tilO Iienry Bide;. $1S00 NEW PENINSULA BUNGALOW. More is just t he home you have been looking lor. Typical bungalow with vr artistic 1 ines : large living room ; con venient Dutch kitchen with breakfast alcove; light airy bedroom; best whit porcelain plum bins fixtures, shower bath, electric lights and gas: block to Peninsula school and car; vacant ; immediate possession ; easy terms. We have over Goo photographs of inspected homes in our office fur sale. 1 ex perienced salesmen with autos at your service. See FRANK L. McGL'lRE. TO BUY YOUR HUM E. Anington Bidg. .Main lor.s. Of lit e Open Kveningsand Sundays. THE MCGUI RE SYSTEM makes home buying easy. You can come to this ofiice and see over lit to photographs of homes for sale. ar ranged in their respective districts with fuil description. Everv home has been appraised by an expert appraiser, some remarnabte bfergainn. That it whv w sold over 75( homes since Januarv 1. this year. 12 experienced salesmen With autos at your ervire. SEE F K A X K McG UI RE .TO BUY YOU R HOME. Ablngton Mug. Main 10fiS. Office open evenings and .Sundays. WALKING DISTANCE TO TOWN. B-room modern, with exception of Hre place and hardwood floors, on E. Burn sido, wem of 17th st.; full cement base ment, furnace, cement wash trays, white enamel kiu hen. hat h. 2 toilets ; lot ;. Ht. This is valuable c!ose-in pr.tpenv and cheap at Hsmi; term if needed. I.l EDOEMAXN COMPANY, PIS Chamber of Commerce. Mai yrt7. OR SALE JtOOO. cash and con tract $1. per month including interest ai S per cent. S-room plastered houwe na lot .VlxliK), newly painted and tinted, bath and kitchen enameled. 1 block to Errol Heights car. Tke Sellwood cat to Hybee ave. car and Errol Height.- cor ner of Lane ave. and Curtis sts. Address Curtis st. Phone Sellwood 3or7. $;.L'0( S-room bungalow with full base ment and attic; also full porch, front and rear: house 26x4. not Including porches; lot lOOxl4; nice fYult trees on place This is a snap; tTtiHt down, balance like rent. Call C 170; also will be at house all day Sunday. lS E. i7th st. N . take Montavllia car, 1 Va blocks north of car line. FOR SALE 7-room home, on fractional lot, favorably situated in Sunnyside dis trict. This is a splendid home with iun provemer.is all In and patd; garage: 1 block to SS and Tabor cars. Only JJ."ilM. snd vasy terms. You can't be disappoint ed on this. B. S. Cook, 601 Slock Kx c han gv A SNAP Owner left town on nccount of moth er's illness ; your own terms. W ill take car or what have you for payment down ? B-room modeVn, dandy burnsa low. Owner will be at house Saturdav and Sunday. Walk right in and see it. Ttr.7 E. 27th st. X. it's emptv. $ ;,,-(Oo A 2-KA MI LY hour- of 4 rooms each, both ground floor and much alike; cost for each home only $17."tO; on East 21nt st.. lOO feet from :i car lines. One third cash, bai. nnv time. B. S Cook 6Q1 Stock Exchange bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 5-room house, 2 blocks to car, nice neighborhood, lovely outlook, attractive living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, 2 bedrooms : hard -eurface street ; l.'ttt.iO F. H. DESHON, 615 Cham, of Com. bldg f I 7S)l S3 D a V EX UE $ 1 7S0. Dandy S-ronm house, block im proved; fruits and berries: 2 Mocks from W. S. car. The best home buy in the city. 404 MpKAT BLDG. $lSto 5-room doubUvconi rut ted cottage ith oath and full cement ha iemn t all improvements in and paid ; $."o0 cash, one block to car and school. MARSTERS, 202 Wilcox bldg.. th and Wash. ROSE ClVY PARK. 7 ROOMS. BARGAIN. EASY TERMS. Splendid location, fine home, moder.i. nice grounds, garage, sleeping porches," Owner leaving city. Tabor ."i03. 41S ROSKLAWN AVE. Modern 5-room home, furnace, fire place, garage, paved st.. improvements all paid, a bargain, from owner. Wdln .ViO.V BARGAINS. Several 6. 7. S rooms. Irvington. offer ing below cost, tine locations. These are from $6.uo down. Don't fait to see them. East 27;i. Herdman. BARGAIN. $22 SO 5-room house, semi-modern, lot 40x1041; East 7 th St.. near Alberta: a snap for someone: very eay terms. Own er. Wood lawn 1333. WEST SIDE HOME. Owner will sell 5-room house at a sacrifice, terms if desired: lO minutes from 5th and Morrison. 3-30 Grant at., between 6th and Broadway. IRVINGTON. Home. I have to aell, all finished in oak and mahogany, upstairs in ivory ; all floors oak, 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, gar age. AO 654, Oregonian. ROOM residence, full lot. 346 Wasco st., central a nd good location ; price I50-U0; terms may bo had. PAKRISH. VVATKINS A CO.. ' 106 Second Street. 6-RoOM modern house: 2 lots on paved st. Houses for 250 chickens: garage and some fruit. Price $2."00; $75o rash. bal. $20 month, including int. at 6',i. 641S Kjd lit. S. E. Tabor 26S0. A FINK 5-room modern bungalow, with attic, 41 xl35 lot with fruit and chad a trees; $2750, $600. $25 per month. K. H. Deshoti A Co., 61S Chamber of Com merce bldg. " ROSE CITY PARK! 4St h st. modern 6-room house : hard wood floors; garage; sleeping porch, .like new. Tabor 7-S44. No agents. BUY A NEW 7-ROOM LAURELHURST BUNGALOW FOR LESS THAN HALF WHAT IT COULD BE BUILT TODAY. PHONE TABOR 3SJW. SMALL, well-built bungalow, $10O0; small payment down. bal. like rent: will sell furnifhed. Home all day Sunday. 61 East 77th st. N.; R. C. car. BARGAIN See this at once, 6-room mod ern house, garage, lots of room. $:!ito0, terms, close in. 7!0 Brooklyn st., near 25th at. Woodstock car. FOR SAI-K or rent, 4-room cottage. 4 lots with 15 bearing fruit trees. Lenta sta tion; house number 9104. Mr. I. . Davis. Sell. 715. , GOING to build or repair? Get my ideas and estimates. B. T. Allyn, 243 Stark st. Office hours 8 to 5 P. M. Phone Main 831. Res, phone. Tabor 194. $230u NEW 4-room bungalow, just fin ished: garage. 1620 Williams ave. cor ner Baldwin, $500, or 1 vl S auto as first payment. By owner; Woodlawn 6387. MY BEAUTIFUL 5-room house cheap. - newly painted inside and out. modern. Ivory bath, kitchen and pantry, terms. 7021 52 d ave. S. E. Mt. Scott car. IrvInGTON $4400. 14 Tillamook street, near 25th; modern house, 6 rooms and sleeping porch ; a buy! R. T. Street, agent. East 804. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $3250. 5 rooms, modern, paved street. MUTUAL REALTY CO., 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. 5-ROOM bungalow, modern. 50x85 lot. south front. Niagara grape, cherry tree, currants and raspberries. 445 Sumner at. N. E.. by owner. FOR SALE Five-room cottage In good condition in heart of Sunnyside, good business location, $2750. Call Tabor 421 (no dealers). 66 2-3x100 Close in, east side, old house rented lor $25, price 7500. Address R 80. Oregonian. RtVIEftA HOME. $20,000. Perfect; 2 acres. Terms. EAST 419. FIVE -ROOM house, bath, full basement, $2500; six-room. bath. $1500; close in. AL 60S. Oregonian. IRVINGTON HOME. DELAHUNT. EAST 1347. NEW, 6-room house, just completed. $3800, 1 block from St. Johns carline. 1235 Bur rage st. FOR IRVINGTON HOMES, McDONELL, EAST 419. A REAL HOME for sale in Rose City Park. Owner, East 1763. 5-ROOM modern hotije; sleeping poreh. furnace; on East Broadway. Main 1 0:15. FOR. SALE Six -room modern house, block from car. East 7209. Owner. 5-ROOM bungalow, vacant; $2o5o; terms. 1001-3 Fourth. Main 1293. REAL ESTATE. I'or Sale -Houses. $r00 HOSK CITY BUNGALOW Very modern unusually well built 7 room very attractive bungalow; very fet pleasing lines; extra large living room with flrepiace; bulltin leaded glasa bookcases; pretty solid paneled dining room ; massive leaded glass buffet ; very convenient Dutch kitchen: 4 light airy bedrooms, full cement basement, fur nace and laundry trays. Terms. W e have over 6O0 photographs of Inspected homes in our office for sale. 1- experi enced salesmen with autoa at your service. FRANK L. McGUI RE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abinrton bldg. Main 1068. Office open evenings and Sundays. tO HAWTHORNE BL'NO.AUW. on E. 4oth street, close to iiawthornft avenue, is an unusually attractive ,-rooni typical bungaiow; iarge living room with fireplace: built-in boo-kcasrs. hardwood floors, very prettv dining room; ronveni- -ent Dutch kitchen ; 2 light airy bed rooms; good cement basement; laund ry trays; can arrange easy terms. We have over 6H photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 1 experienced salesmen with autos at your service, t-ee FRANK L. McGUIRF:. TO BUY YOUR HO.Mi;. Ahtnjrton Bidg. Main 10. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. MODERN 5-room bungaiow, near 45th and Hawthorne, J.mhi cali $3200 5- room modern bungalow, fire place, etc., Aiberta district; J100O cash $39o0 Brand new 6-room bungalow and sleeping porch; hardwood floors, fctrictiy up-to-date; fine locality . .$4000 6- room house, th and Clinton. on car line; modern; $.O0 cash . . . . $3500 -room bungalow, Sunnyside, emi-mndern. J.V0 cash $2600 SER DOENER A DORNER BONDED REALTY DEALERS. oOS H EXKY BLDG. 1A1N S474. $2200 E. MORRISON STREET. On E. Morrison .street, near 31st. is a very substantial 7-room modern home ; good white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; very easy terms. This is an exceptional bargain and should sell for $;.iOO. e have over tt-Oo photo graphs of fnspected homes in our of:ie for sale. 1 experienced salesmen wit h autos at your service See FRANK L. McGUIRE, TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington BUig. Main 10rtS. llf fir enEveningg and Sundays HALF ACRE AND BUNGALOW IN TOWN. Fine half acre lm proved wit h good .'-room bungalow; ba-ement. gas, e!ec- iritify. natli and white enamel finish throughout house; grounds completely arranged for chicken and duck raising, om buildings, etc. Only blocks to car and in a fine locality. Price S4o0u; tcrmn, $l.".no down, balance easv. LUEUDEMANN COMPANY. Pirt Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. ao0O, ADJOINING LAURELHURST. on Oregon street, near 3tth. on a fuil lot, is a very substantial fi-rooni modern home. This house could not be built today for 4to. Can be handled on e:i sy terms. We have over 600 photo graphs of inspected homes in our office for sa.e. experienced salesmen with autos at your service. See FRANK L. McG I 'IRK. TO BUV YOUR HOME. Abington hldg. Main ifiS. Off re open Evenings and Sundays. -RoOM ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. This modern bungaiow is located be low the hill and has fireplace. Fox fur nace. bul.t-ln bookcases. Dutch kitchen, luili. cement basement, laundry travs; faces east and in fine repair; garage b4xlto lot. all kinds of berries and shrubbery; hard-surfaced slreat; i w blocks .'rum m reetcar. This is t he best buy in ros city for $42."o. $Khm cash RALPH Ai'KUV LAND CO. 527 Corbett hldg Main 7141. FK'R SALE One of Piedmont's best lo cated homes, on paved street, east front, full lot. 6 rooms, sleeping porch and den; attic finished; full cement base ment, cement fioorf wash trays. Fox lur nace. fireplace, obk Moors, built-in buf let. beamed ceiling, plate rail, good fix tures. 2 toilets; gas and electricity, ga rage. Third house north of library a nd Jefierson. high. Price 70(K. By own er. 1173 Commercial st. ROSE CITY PARK Strictly modern T room story -anti-half bungaiow; one bed room downstairs, hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace, but fet. French doors. Dutch kitchen, cement basement anu laundry ; located on 41st st., not far off Sandy. This is a real house. Prie Jouuu. terms if needed. LUEUDEMANN COMPANY, Chamber of Commerce. Main 6.H7. NEW LAURELHURST HOME. One of the choicest in this section: built by owner at a cost of $l2.Ot0. everything complete; will sacrifice for much let- including large lot ; winter fuel In basement, elegant drapes, etc. ; terms. Call Tabor 7 3 60. FINE new English cottage, 6 rooms, din ing and sleeping porches, hardwood floors, open fireplace, ail modern con veniences, with large wooded lot. at Mount Zion. the most beautiful view suburb of Portland. Price $6ruo, easy terms. John Bain (owner), 507 Spalding bidg. Telephone A 744 Z. FOR SALE Good modern 10-room houe, barn and outbuildings on fc acre ground. Would sell house with two corner lots, bouse arranged for small apartments, if desired; located on Pacific highway in town of Canby, Or. Widow must sell, cash or terms, no trade. Address box fe-, Canby. or. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, gar ages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We oner SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFAC TION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., contract ing architects, 24 N. W. Bank bldg. NEAR S. P. CAR SHOPS. $1750. 150 cash, $2v monthly, buys this old-fashioned, well-built 6-room, plastered house, bath and toi let. electric lights, small basement, lot 40x100, street ork all In and included in once. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Opea Sun. and even. SEE THIS TODAY 46..0. One of t he most attractive bunga lows In Rose City Park; 6 rooms, hard wood floors. 2 fireplaces, buffet, fui; cement basement ; Fox furnace; cash $12u, balance monthly. No. 3u0 E. 52d North., just south of Sandy blvd. East 2671, HAWTHORNE, $2950. If you really want a snap In a 6-room modern bungalow, with fireplace, built ins, full basement, enamel plumbing, elegant construction, 50x112 lot, block car, on terms, see us at once. Main 4K03. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Abington Bldg. "35 Yearn in Portland." FOR SALE 7-room house and garage on full lot, in walking distance, at 567 E. Taylor. This place haa full cement base ment. Fox furnace, fireplace. 4 bedrooms and attic; street paved. Place needs coat of paint outside, but good condition in side. Price $6500. B. S. Cook, 601 Stock Exchange bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. If you have looked In vain for a home to suit you in Irvington. let me show you the Bradshaw residence, 4b3 23d st. N-; shown by appointment. M. E. THOMPSON. Sole Agent. Phone Woodiawn 1733. 848 Mis-a. ave. A LB IN A. " EXECUTOR S SALE. No. 270 Graham ave., 50x100 and good seven-room house, close to Williams ave.. In the Aibina business district; can be bought cheap for cash. See Geo. M. S t ro n g. executor, at Hotel Clifford. BUNGALOW 5 rooms, bath, attic, cement basement. hardwood floors. fireplace, "built-ins," Dutch kitchen, exceptionally fine plumbing; in fact a splendid home on a fine corner lot, 1 block to car. Woodlawn: price only $2$50, $500 cash will do. Tabor ti54forenoons. ' IRVINGTON BUNGALOW ' One on 19th. $S500; two baths, perfect throughout ; another on 21st st. near Stanton; large living room, -2 fireplaces. $7500. Terms. McDONELL, East 419. GOOD 7-room house, 50 by 50-foot lot, 472 Kenilworth ave. East 29th st., next to corner of Division st; price $3250, easy terms. PARRISH. WATKIN3 & CO., 106 Second St, MODERN 7-room dwelling with two Iota, exclusive excellent view in Laurelhurst, many built-in conveniences: heavy sacri fice below cost and consider lot or acre age part payment; terms. Owner Ta bor 1038. A FINE old place; good 6-room house, modern, full basement, beautiful grounds, garage, splendid shade and fruit: lot lOOx lOO. on corner; cheap and on easy terms. See owner at house and save commission. 24 Tillamook. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS, $.'.250. 77 Tibbetts. near E. 2Sth, five rooms, modern, clean, fine chape, hard surface, street improvements in and paid, $1000 cash. E. 2S71. NOB HILL DISTRICT Modern S-room house and 3 attic rooms : full lot ; steam heat ; fire pi act ; hardwood floors ; vacant. 890 Savier st. Puone Sellwood 178. Owner. NEW 4-room house, chicken house and barn, bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries, 1 acre in cultivation, all fenced. 1 block from carline. $2500. some terms. 91 Richardson at. North. $3200 TEFvM S. " West s-ide, close-in bungalow, 5 large rooms, modern. 5ix T!0. G. C. GOLOSNDCRO, Ablngton Bldg- Main 4803. J