i 25 IJN10 VOL. LiVIII. NO. 18,:J88 Entered at Portland (Oregon) tr.ffir-e af Second-Clas Matter. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENTS taHJOOBUUD m STRIKE CALL . Miners Disregard Court X Injunction. TROOPS ARE CALLED FOR DUTY AT MINES EVERY RESOURCE OF U. S. GIVEN WILSON CONGRESS PLEDGES FULLEST POWER OF-GOVERNMENT. 2 ,C'E sMn!PERSHiNG SEES WO ML TABOR ELECTRIC STATION IS DAMAGED T COCK BLOCKS WAGE RISE GIVEN. TO ELECTRICIANS Conciliation Board Fixe Portland Scale. uuivir. iu ruiviunuu NEED OF BIG ARMY COLORADO, PEXXSYL.VAXIA AND OTHER STATES ACT. LATE E. L. ALLEN AND LEON ARD BAYLIS RECOGNISED.' EXPLOSION OF TRANSFORM ERS ENDANGERS LIVES. TOTAL TO REACH nions Leave Sufficient Workers in Mines to Keep Pumps Working. ABOR AND PALMER COKFER far Orders Dealing With Pri ority of Shipments Re stored by President. CHICAGO, Get. 31. Bituminous al fields of the nation tonight 'ee in the grip of a strike ef- V ective at midnight which leaders of union miners declared alreadv I -d seen more than 394,000 of their t embers out of the works to re- lin out until the strike should be y ' tied. Thousands more of the f' ners, whose whole number is i roughly placed at 500,000, would be : it tomorrow, they said, mi i j a -l ai ft me -men aireauy on striKe, me 'tiers reported, - were those who d left the mines today, taking ir tools with them. Reports from soft coal fields were incomplete night and even the union leaders 1 .1. . 1 1 J i-eea tney wouia await tomorrow , ;' ore being able to definitely know y number of men who had obeyed strike call. But in almost every . ' -t.ance, the miners' spokesmen as- , ted that the tieup of the mines lid oe virtually complete, al- ough the unions will leave a suf- ont miniKor rtf moil in tha 'minoe f man the pumps and keep the ' --perty in shape for resumption of k when the strike shall be ended, le union leaders refused to talk account of the restraining order tecf at Indianapolis. Bulk of Men Out. "eports to the union leaders to ht indicated that the bulk of the "ers in the great producing re ns of Pennsylvania, West Vir la, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, jrado, Kansas, Montana and Wy ng had left the mines at the s of the day shift to remain on i. ' ike- ' "he following table by states of n who left the mines today and l1 ght to obey the strike call is .J J !. .-!. -nates, received by union leaders ughout, the country: Arkansas, Colorado, 5000; Illinois, 80, , Indiani, 25,000; Iowa, 14,000; v .. sas, lZ.UUU; Kentucky, 20,000; j ; yland, 1800; Michigan, 2400; jhi''. .issippi, 1000; Montana, 4000; I ,' Mexico, 4000; Ohio, 40,000; N. ,homa, 6000; Pennsylvania, 100,- lennessee, zuuu; uian, iuvv; ,hington, 6000; West Virginia, V : '00, and Wyoming, 8000. Jj- Southern Reports Missing. I "hile no reports were available 1 n Alabama and Virginia, union . 'ers said there were numbers of on strike. !' . hat tomorrow's reports would yv v, the union chiefs said, they C , ' unable to predict, except that l' ; itrike would be of so vast an ex- s y A- as to parajyze production of . ninous coal. Utah miners were quitting -k today in spite of a notice ;ling off the strike as issued by an H. McLennan, Utah represent- i ! of the United Mine Workers of v lorica. JUr. JYlcLennan announced - '; he had received from John L. s, acting president of the or- I ization,, at Indianapolis, a mes ! - . informing i im that the strike Id be called off. Mr. Lewis, ver; repudiated the message . no further explanation of the tery was found. "S- sewhere union leaders went I id with their plans for the f, , some of them defiant of the ction issued in the Indianapolis II al court restraining the nation ficers and presidents and secre s of districts from issuing fur messages or instructions to r members to strike. Circulars Are Issued. v' resident William Stevenson of f :ct No. 4 (Michigan), declared . .dn't believe there was a judge (.Concluded on .Fase 2. Coiiuun 3, Every Effort to Be Made for Pro tection of Miners Who Desire to Continue Operations. CHICAGO, Oct. 31. With federal troops in West Virginia, requested by Governor Cornwell. the central de partment of the army, commanded by General Leonard Wood, anticipated no further troop movements tonight in cennection with the strike of coal miners, it was said at headquarters. The department was prepared for any emergency. Between 25,000 and 30,000 troops are within the jurisdiction of the central department, and in addition. General Wood was given authority by the war department to command any other needed troops in states where there Ere no coal mines. , DENVER, Colo.. Oct. 31. Three companies of state troops mobilized at Gollen tonight were ordered to proceed immediately to the coal fields at Frederick, Colo. They are to en train at 11 o'clock. Troops mobilized at Trinidad will proceed to the south ern coal fields tomorrow, it was an nounced at the capitol. H.ARRISBURG. Pa., Oct. 31. Gov ernor William C. Sproul, in a state ment tonicrht, gave formal notice that "the full power of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, through all its agen cies, will be used to protect those who desire to continue to work" during the mine workers" strike. Miners' marches and "any other demonstra tions which might lead to disorders" will not bo allowed, the statement said. K.VOXVILLE. Tenn.. Oct. 31. Major-General E. M. Lewis, it was an nounced here tonight, has ordered three companies of federal troops to Kncxville to be ready to enter the coal fields of east Tennessee or east ern Kentucky, in event trouble arises following the strike of miners called for Friday midnight. The men are to be sent from Camp Gordon. HU.NTIXGTON, W. Va.. Oct. SI. Four hundred soldiers arrived from Camp Taylor, Ky., at 6 o'clock P. M. for strike duty in the West Virginia coal fields. The men were not per mitted to leave the cars. The second troop train and a sup Ply train arrived at 7:25 o'clock. Ma jor Charles L. Coulter, Intelligence officer, said the troops would remain in Huntington pending further orders fiorn Major-General . Leonard Wood, commanding the central department. The men, it was said, would remain in the cars until such orders had been received. MORGANS DENY INTEREST Report or Financing Development Work in Far East Is Denied. NEW YORK. Oct. 31. A member of the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co. de nied today the report from San Fran cisco that a group of American financiers, led by the Morgan com pany, had combined with Japanese in terests for the development of the resources of China, Siberia, Man churia and Mongolia. "The Morgan company," he said, "is in no way, connected with any private enterprise in the development of China or Siberian resources." The San Francisco announcement was made last night by Tatsuya Kato, director of the Manchurlan railway and the South Manchurian Mining company. WETS FILE INJUNCTION Distillers Seek to Block Enforce ment of Prohibition. CHICAGO. Oct. 31. Suit to enjoin the government from enforcing the war-time prohibition act and attack ing it as unconstitutional was filed in the United States district court late today by Levy Mayer, counsel for the distillers. The suit alleges that war-time pro hibition violates the fifth and tenth amendments to the constitution, which respectively prohibit confisca tion of property without just com pensation, and affirms that power not delegated to the United States not prohibited to the states shall be pre served to the states or to the people. PHOTOS REPLACE TYPE Engravings Used to Issue Paper Despite Printers' Strike. NASHVILLE, Tenn., Oct. 31. Photo-engravings of the editorial col umns and some advertisements will be used in the Saturday morning Is sue of the Tennesseean, In order to get out the paper despite a printers' walkout. Three newspapers of Nash ville are affected by a "vacation" in the composing rooms. The walkout followed a demand for a fourth bonus of $1 a day. Three bonusses totaling $1.25 were already being paid by the publishers. SUGAR SHORTAGE MISSED Cottage Grove Is One of Few Places Where Stocks Are Ample. COTTAGE GROVE, Or., Oct. 31. (Special.) The sugar shortage has not greatly inconvenienced people here. There has not been a time when users could not get at least a dollar's worth at a time and only a short time ago it was to be had in sack lots. Now that the canning season is about over there seeros little . proba bility that there will be any trouble iu getting plenty for ordinary need ACTION OfJ TREATY Democratic Senate Whip Prevents Early Vote. COURSE CALLED SUBTERFUGE Stand of Wilson's Spokesman Astounds Lawmakers. M'NARY EXPOSES MOVE Labor Leaders . at Capital Charge President ts Mentally Irrespon sible to Discharge Duties. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Washington. Oct.' 31. Objection by Senator Hitchcock, administration leader In the senate today to Senator Fall's motion for unanimous consent for a final vote on the peace treaty. November 10, Is interpreted as an ad mission that the administration forces wish to stave off action until Presi dent Wilson ib able to be consulted. Hitchcock's objection was Unexpect ed and amounted to a sensation. The treaty reservatlonists could not be lieve their ears and declared that it indicated that the administration cause is rudderless with Mr. Wilson in bed and impossible of access. Im mediately after this development in the senate proceedings . there was a scurrying about to" gain Interviews with Hitchcock and hear his excuse tor such unexpected action after hav ing from day to day in public state ments told the country that the re publicans and two or three demo crats were delaying the treaty by filibustering tactics. . Count rr-Proiofil Is Eiront. His excuse was that he had a counter-proposal, which was revealed late tonight when he submitted his plan to limit the debate to 15 minutes to each senator on each amendment and reservation without setting any date for a vote. While he contended that such an agreement would in the nat ural course hasten the' treaty to a Vote, the ressrvationists accused bim of playing for time.' Senator McNary, for example, point ed out that there are approximately 60 amendments and reservations and that to allow each senator 15 minutes would consume 882 hours or approx imately three months, taking eight hours debate as the average day, and allowing for no other business of the senate. Blame for DrlaT Placed. Those who wish an early ratifica tion of the treaty said that it must be assumed that Hitchcock spoke for the administration and that for all delay henceforth the administration must take the blame. The plan submitted by Senator Long late today, however, (Concluded on Page 3, Column 1.) ................ . ! THE MAN BEHIND THE MAN BEHIND THE GUN THAT DOES THE WORK. I t : .- JLr .-- l JJ, J. ajjjl A JJJJ. P JL ,-- A .- JL A - SJL A eeeeagejee.e.e . 4 Xot One Vote . Opposes Resolution to Place Every Resource Behind President In Situation. WASHINGTON, Oct. 31. By an overwhelming vote, the house today adopted the senate resolution pledg ing support to the "national admin istration and all others In authority," In their efforts to meet "the present industrial emergency.". On the rollcall not one of the 266 members present cast a negative vote. As the senate has adopted the resolu tion, the house action completed its enactment, as the measure does not have to receive presidential approval. Representative Kitchin. democrat. North Carolina, said such a resolu tion should have been adopted before Industrial conditions became acute. "Then people of this country would have learned not to follow bolshe vistic leaders, which the miners in their Ignorance have done," said he. Representative Wood, republican. Indiana, declared "that if there ever was a time the people must stand in solid phalanx behind constitutional government it is now," adding that 300 strikes were prevalent in the country. JAPAN RATIFIES TREATY Emperor Signs Following Approval by Privy Council. TOKIO, Oct. 31. The emperor today ratified the Versailles peace treaty. Tokio advices received yesterday announced the ratification of the Ger man peace treaty by Japan. It is clear from the foregoing that the rat ification was by virtue of imperial ac tion. It was not preceded by any action by the parliament, the consti tution of Japan not requiring the as sent of the legislative body. Previous advices had shown that the treaty had been examined by the privy council and that at a meeting on Monday last it was approved by the council without reservation and submitted to the emperor. Japan's favorable action on the treaty leaves the pact unratified only by the United States. The terms of the treaty stipulated that the ratification by three of the principal powers puts it into effect as to those powers and Germany. SEAPLANE TO COME HERE Naval Airmen to Start Flight From San Diego to Portland. SAN DIEGO, Cal., Oct. 31. Author ity has been received by the naval air station at North Island for a sea plane flight from this port to Port land, Or., and return, it was -announced today. The flight, which it is intended to make in a few days, will probably be made by two or three of the F-6-L type of seaplane, the largest naval aircraft in the Pa cific. It is planned to make only two stops between here and Portland; one will bo at San Francisco and the other near the California-Oregon border. The flight will be the longest yet attempted by naval airmen on this coast. Rescne of "Willa C. Woodfin From River at Park Place Brings Re ward; 4 9 Others, Honored. PITTSBURG, Oct. 31. Fifty-one acts of heroism were recognised and re warded by the Carnegie hero fund commission at a meeting held today. In five cases silver medals were awarded; in 46 cases bronze medals. Thirteen of the heroes lost their Uvea and to the dependents of three of these pensions aggregating $2160 a j ear were granted; to the dependents of six of the others who lost their lives the sum of $3750 was granted to be. applied as the commission may decide. One of the heroes sustained injuries and ha received disability benefits In the sum of $400. In seven cases $10,000 was appro priated for educational purposes and in 27 cases awards aggregating $23, 500 were made for other worthy pur poses. Among the awards are the fol lowing: Silver medal Kate Dekker, Cres ton. Wash., saved William W. Jr.. and Ethel M. Coman. children, from burn ing at Creston, June 9, 1917. Glenn W. McClure, deceased. New Plymouth. Idaho, died attempting' to save Raymond W. Hooker from drown ing at Fruitland. Idaho, July 9, 1917. Eminett L. Allen, deceased, Port land, Or., died attempting to save Willa C. Woodfin from drowning at Park Place. Or.. June 9, 1918. Leonard Baylis, Portland, Or., saved Willa C. Woodfin from drowning at park Place, Or., June 9. 1918. Cyrus C Milam, deceased, Lewlston, Idaho, died saving Shelona M. Witter, from drowning at Silcott, Wash., June 23. 1918. Timothy L. Emerson, deceased, Pull man. Wash., died attempting to help save Shelona M. Witter from drown ing at Silcott. Wash., June 23, 1918. Fern Faulkner, deceased, Everett Wash., died attempting to save Harry G. Larson from drowning at Lake Stevens, Wash.. January 1. 1919. KEEP FOOD ACT, IS PLEA Palmer Asks Congress to Extend Control a Months After Peace. WASHINGTON. Oct. 31. Extension of the Lever food control act six months after confirmation of peace, was T,-quested of congress today by Attorney-General Palmer. In his lettet o Speaker Gillett, Mr. Palmer did ft., , go into the reasons for his request, but said he would be glad to explain It before any con gressional committee. BOMBER HAS STOWAWAY Private From Knnls, Texas, Car ried by Colonel Uartz. EL PASO, Tex-. Oct. 31. Lieutenant-Colonel R. S. Hartz' Martin bomb ing airplane, leaving El Paso today for Dallas in continuance of Its "round-the-rim" trip, carried a stow away. Private Alvin Breeland.of En nis, Tex., a recruit in the 11th aero squadron stationed at Fort Bliss. War Department Esti mates Are Cut Down. 300,000 THOUGHT SUFFICIENT Modified Form of Universal Military Training Favored. BENEFITS POINTED OUT Interference by Start Into Work of Officers of Line Is Re- scntcd by Commander. WASHINGTON, Oct. 31. In many important respects dissenting from the programme recommended by the war department and the general staff. General Pershing told the military committees of congress today that 300,000 men, raised entirely by volun tary enlistment, should be the out side figure considered for a standing army. He favored universal military training to provide an emergency' re serve, but thought general educational work should be combined with it and military discipline "somewhat re laxed." so that the system would be in complete harmony with democratic institutions. He fixed six months as the training period. The department had recommended an army of more than 600,000, with a system of universal training not em bracing the educational feature. It's recommendation for a training period was three months. Staff Officers Kirrulvc. Departing again from the expressed views of the department, the general declared army purchasing should be reorganized in a new bureau apart from the quartermaster corps and that a separate dtiartment of the government should be organized to co-ordinate and supervise military, naval , and commercial, aeronautics. He considered the departments re quebt . for .331 generaWstaff officers excessive, and made clear his oppo sition to any effort by the staff to extend its authority into the detail; of the department bureaus and of the line. General Pershing expressed severaJ times his unfamiliarity with the pres ent makeup and policy of the gen eral staff and emphasized that he was speaking directly from his exper iences in the field. Interference la Resented. When one representative asked whether he approved an apparent tendency of the staff to project its control into details of the line, he brought hjs fist down upon the table and snapped'. "I certainly do not." He was equally emphatic when a senator asked whether the staff ought not to take the military com mittees into its confidence about the general situation in the army. "I am quite sure of it." he quickly replied. Only once or twice did the ques tioning lead him into discussion of the activities of the American armies in France, though that is expected to come in for more detailed considera tion before he completes his testi mony. He will appear 'again tomor row and his statenint may run into next week. No Combat Planes in Field. Asked for the facts about the num ber of airplanes and artillery pieces which reached the American army, the general said no American com bat planes at all had been received up to the .beginning of this year, though on January 1 a total of 1443 American machines of the observa tion type were on hand, together With 5181 of various types made in Europe. The only American guns which got into action, he said, were some eight-inch pieces. About 170 American made 75-mm guns reached France, but they were never used. He did not have the exact figures on guns and planes at the time of the armistice. The witness also touched on his experience in France in discussing the size of the general staff, eaying that his staff at the time of the armistice, when more than 2.000.000 men were under his command, con sisted of less than 350 officers. While he thought that proportion might not obtain exactly for the new peace time army, he expressed an opinion that the department's estimate of 231 could be cut down considerably. Rank Favored for Ngraea, General Pershing also recommend ed that rank up to and including sec ond lieutenant be given army nurses, that etudents at West Point be re quired to serve a year In the army or go to a training camp; that the pay of officers and enlisted men be increased: that reserve officers be classified and assigned on paper to definite units; that the scope of army service schools be broadened, and that the duties of bureau chiefs be prescribed by law and the president empowered to remove them. Suggesting "275.000 to 300.000 and possibly les3." as the "outside figure" for the peace army, he said the cost of maintaining a larger establish ment was' a consideration which could not be overlooked. He did not make a detailed statement of the .ICouuiudsd su I'age Culiuua i.i. All Windows Blown Out of Build ing and Much of East Side Left in Darkness. Explosion of two transformers in the Mount Tabor sub-station of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. at 7:30 o'clock last night dam aged the building, endangered the lives of workmen in the plant and cut niuh of the east side off without light and power for a considerable period. The explosion also caused a big electrical display and the fire department sent an engine to pre vent the spread of flames, which were confined within a brick-lined room. Residents many blocks away heard the explosion, which blew out most of the windows of the sub-station, located on East Sixtieth street, be tween" Stark and Oak streets. Only the fact that no employe was in the room at the time saved the workmen from serious injury. Power on certain lines downtown was affected by the explosion, which is the second to have occurred at the Mount Tabor sub-station in recent months. One of the freaks of the break in current was that it disrupted the happy tenor of a wedding on the east side in which a prominent Portland man was ono of the principals. The minister was only half through the ceremony when the lights snuffed out. It was not until a hurried search had brought forth some candles that the service could be completed. HARDING NOT IN RACE Ohio Senator Aks Party Support for Re-election. COLUMBUS. O., Oct. 31. In a letter to the Ohio republican state advisory committee in session here today. United States Senator Warren G. Harding announced that he is not a candidate for the republican nomina tion for the presidency, and asked for the committee's support for re-elec-lion to the senate. The committee adopted a resolu tion indorsing him for re-election. 3 BOLSHEVIK SHIPS SUNK British Fleet Bombards Vessels Near Petrograd. . ' LONDON- Oct. 81. An unconfirmed teport hav reached the Globe that three bolshevik vessels were sunk when the bolshevik attempted to land on the coast in the neighborhood of Petrograd. The vessels were bombarded by a British- fleet. SHELLS HIT 78 IN RIGA (iornian Bombardment Claims Live? of 26 Men, Women and Children. LONDON. Oct. 31. The Lettish press bureau reports that up to October '2$ the number of victims tken to hos pitals as a result of the Oerman bom bardment of Icifra was 78 men, women and children, of whom 26 had died. These figures do not include any killed or wounded by poisonous shell?. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weathrr. TEfTKR DAY'S Maximum temperature. oO df urees; minimum, -41 degrees. TODAY'S Kain ; moderate southerly Coal St--ikr. W flson signs eatut fixing coal prices. PHgC 'J, Washington miners quit work quietly. I'ase . Every ret-ource of government put behind president by conyrets. Page 1. Troops are called for protection of miners remaining on duty. Page 1. Leaders of coal miners silenced by re straining order. Page i. 394,000 coal miners strike. Page 1. Gompers predicts tpread of strike. Page 3. Foreign. Von Bethmann-Hollweg on stand. Page 6. National. Senator Txnige asks .for vote on treaty November 12. Page 5. Pershing sees no need of big army. Page 1. Hitchcock blocks early final vote on peace treaty. Page 1. Domestic. King Albert of Belgium -pays tribute to American people and resources. Page 6. Don lan says Carey edged out of $5uu,00u profit spruce deal. Page 5. Portland heroes win Carnegie medals. Page 1. Dissension sweeps ranks of fair-prict com mittee. Page 8. S ports. Franklin high school eleven beats Benson Tech, 10 to 0. Page 14. Washington football coach sends out "bear" story on O.-W. game. Page 14. Midwest big ten football teams face se vere test- Page 15. Harry Paul, Denver bantam, arrives for coming battle. Page 15. Pacific orthwetit. Colonel Tucker, retired army officer, dies at Hood River. Page .4. Harold Howell calm on witness stand. Page 4. Wounded veteran of 91st, jilted, shoots seif in head. Page 9. Commercial and Marine. Higher prices on top grade apples are looked for. Page 1M. Wet weather strengthens corn market at Chicago. Page '21. Stocks advance sharply despite threatened miners strike. Page 21. Grand Jury report charges shipbuilders with criminal neglect. Page 16. Portland and Vicinity. Reports on city zoning plan heard by realty board. Page 13. Canvassing teams to continue livestock ehow drive. Page 7. Conciliation board grants electricians' In creases. Page 1. Mount Tabor electric station damaged by explosion. Page 1. Government employment agency clones. Page 1'2. Attack on Dr. Boyd attributed to age-old controversy. Page 12. "We're all slaves," says Dr. Equi, sen tenced to serve two years. Page D. Transcontinental air race ends; eight fin iau. Pa; d NEARLY ALL DEMANDS KEF Rate Increase by Power Com pany Held Not Necessary, DECISION TO BE BINDING Earnings of Portland Railway, Light & Power Regarded as Showing Sufficient Margin, In the-main, conceding' demands ol the employes, ana at the earns time expressing the opinion that the wage increases allowed will not make an increase in rates by the company Jus tifiable, the state board of concilia tion, composed of J. K. Flynn, Otto Hartwig. and W. F. Woodward, yes terday handed down its decision in the case of the local electrical union workers versus the Portland Railway, Light and Power company, in which a higher wage had been demanded by the union. The decision of the board, under the agreement entered into by both parties when the arbitration pro ceedings were begun, will be binding and retroactive to October 1. Under the awards as handed down by the board of conciliation, the min imum wage for men engagetl in elec trical work for the Portland Railway. Light and Power company will be $5, instead of J3.60 as heretofore. The minimum asked by the unin was $5.90. The highest paid employes will henceforth receive $9 a day Instead of $7.15. The union In its proposed wage scale demanded $9.15 for these men. Demands PTartl-al1y Met. Taking into consideration the haz ardous nature of the work, the fact that the men are not considered insurable- risks, the skill, vigor, train ing and accuracy demanded, the con ciliation board determined upon a new wage scale which practically meets the demands made by the union for all classes of more experienced work ers and for those engaged in th most hazardous work. Apprentices and less skilled workers and also those engaged In the safer occupa tions were granted increases in wages of SO per cent of the demands. The decision as rendered will mean an increase in dally wages paid by the company of about $350. members of the conciliation board stated yes terday. The original demands of the union would have called for an in crease of $440 a da-. In all. there an 231 members of local union No. 125. International Brotherhood of Elec trical Workers, affected by the decis ion. The total amount of back pay which the company will be called upon to pay. to make up the differ ence in wages since October 1, wU exceed $9000. linte Kie Held luiiMMiuiry, In spite of the additional expense) which the decision will place upon the company in the way of wages, the conciliation board held in its decision that no Increase in rates will be Justi fiable on the part of the company, it being stated that investigation showed that the power and light branch of the business, in which these electrical workers are engaged, has been prof itable. Net earnings of the company In dicate," the report states, "that tha light and power service is now and has been relatively profitable and that these Increases will not appreci ably affect them. The board does not regard, based upon the company's own showing, titet rates for either light or power should necessarily bo increased in order to meet the ad vances imposed herein, either in whola or in part." The decision was reached after two weeks consideration of the problem by the conciliation board, during which time a number of public hear ings were held, testimony taken from representatives of both employer and employes and statistics obtained from other- cities as far distant as San Diego and Denver regarding tha wages paid. Joint Appeal Answered. The conciliation board undertook: the arbitration of the wage dispute when appealed to jointly by the Port land Railway, Light & Power com pany and the local union. When it came time for the drawing up of a new working agreement a few weeks ago the company and the men reached an understanding as to hours and working conditions, but were unable to get together on the matter of wages. The men asked an in crease of $2.00 a ' day, while the company offered 50 cents per day additional. The award of the concili ation board gives the men $2.00 a. day additional in a number of in stances and strikes an average which, exceeds $1.00 a day increase for alL The decision of the conciliation board is given in part as follows: "Electrical energy in the form of power and light, its production and distribution, call for more than ordi nary skill, and all who have to do with it must of necessity measure up to inflexible standards of training, skill, strength and health. In a public service so intimately related to the I economic and industrial life of the , iCuiitludcu on i e i, Column 1.) f 105.5v