Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 31, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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Arrival of German and Aus
trian Members Awaited.
Motions to Admit Mexico and Fin
land Deferred ; Dutch Proposal
to Change Resolution Lost.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. With only
the French capital delegate opposing
the actiont the international labor
conference toaay decided to admit
representatives of Germany and Aus
tria, immediately upon their arrival
here, to full membership in the world
labor organization.
Louis Guerin. who cast the only
negative vote, holding up to view the
desolation wrought by the German
military machine in the invaded re
gions of his country, declared that a
distinction must be made between
-barbarian" nations that regard a
treaty as a "scrap of paper" and allied
peoples who had fought for the cause
of freedom. He insisted that Germany
and Austria, with whom, he said, the
allied nations are still at war. should
not be admitted until the close of the
conference and maintained that such
was the view of the French senate
and of Leon Bourgeois, French rep
resentative to the league of nations.
Labor Delegate Opposed.
Sharp opposition to this view was
expressed by Leon Jouhaux, French
labor delegate, who said that the war
was at an end, and that Germany
must be admitted in the "new regime."
The Belgian governmental and labor
delegates asked to be recorded as vot
ing favorably only because "economic
conditions forced" them to do so, and
Jules earlier, Belgian capital repre
sentative, abstained from voting'.
"I cannot vote against the resolu
tion because of imperative economic
reasons which are clear to all," said
Mr. earlier, "and I will not vote for it
because Germany has cruelly violated
all its obligations to Belgium, and be
cause the Germans have systemati
cally wrecked all our industrial life
during the four years of their occupa
tion." Motion to Chanxje Lout.
An effort was made by Dr. W. H.
Nolens, Dutoh government delegate, to
strike out of the resolution of admis
sion words stating that the action was
taken " in accordance with the decis
ions of the allied and associated pow
ers," but the motion was lost by a
vote of 40 to 4.
Dr. R. H. Elizalde, government dele
gate from Ecuador, asked why Mexico
had not been invited to the conference
and moved to admit that republic,
while Judge Johan Castberg, Nor
wegian government representative,
proposed that Finland be admitted.
Both motions were deferred, under
the rules, until tomorrow.
The resolution admitting German
and Austrian delegates as adopted by
a vote of 71 to 1, follows:-
"Whereas, in the course of the ne
gotiations concerning the treaty of
peace, the allied and associated pow
ers agreed with Germany and Aus
tria to accept the idea of their early
admission to the international labor
organization and decided to remit the
question to the- Washington confer
ence for its decision with a recom
mendation in favor of their admis
sion after the conclusion of the con
ference, and at a later date the allied
and associated powers remitted the
question of the immediate admission
of Germany and Austria to the labor
conference at Washington, to the de
cision of the conference itself.
Delay In Asked.
"Therefore the international labor
conference, acting in accordance with
the decisions of the allied and asso
ciated powers, -
"Resolved, that in anticipation of
their admission to the league of na
tions and in view of their expressed
willingness to co-operate in the work
of the labor organization, Germany
and Austria are hereby admitted to
membership in the international labor
organization with the same rights and
obligations possessed by the other
members of the labor organization,
according to the terms of the tveaties
of peace signed at Versailles on the
28th day of June, 1919, and at St.
Germain, on the 10th day of Septem
ber. 1919.'
On opposing the participation of
the Germans in the conference, Mr.
Guerin said that he left Paris with
the assurance that Germany and Aus
tria were to be admitted to the inter
national labor organization but not
until the end of the present . conference.
The French capital delegate said
that It was necessary to draw a line
of demarcation between an enemy
power who "violated the neutrality
of Belgium and Introduced barbarous
methods in warefare" and the nations
which respect international law.
Presence Held Necessary.
Replying to his colleague. Mr. Jou
haux asserted that it would be lm-
TOASibIe to impose the principles
adapted by the conference on Ger
TOfUiy and Austria unless those coun
tries were admitted in the delibera
While we are sitting and talking
here, we read daily in the newspapers
tljat German workmen are busy from
nine to tea hours a day, he said.
Alfonso Salas, Spanish employer
representative, and Baron des Plan
ches, representing the Italian govern
ment, also spoke in favor of the ad
mission of German and Austrian dele
Xt. Whn the result of the vete was
announced, Mr. Guerin cried dra
mat ically :
"it is splendid to be alone."
A citizen of Lille and a leading
linn manufacturer of Europe, Mr.
Guerin, during the war, was in charge
of the provisioning of the occupied
areas through American relief agen
cies, and was required by the Ger
mans to make five trips to Berlin
to explain the work. His family re
mained in Lille throughout the oc
cupation. WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. Demand
that women be represented equally
with men in all future international
labor conferences called under the
treaty of Versailles, was made today
at the international congress of work
ing women.
In the first formal motion to be
presented to the congress. Mile.
Jeanne Bouvier, a French delegate,
and also a technical adviser to the
present international labor conference,
asked that in the next world labor
meeting under the treaty six dele
gates be sent by each nation, two to
represent employes, two to act for
employers and two from the govern
ment, and that one of the two dele
Kates in each group be a woman.
Baker Delivers Address.
The executive committee of the
congress meeting to act on Mile.
Bouvier's motion, referred it to a
A report is expected tomorrow.
5Che executive committee also rec
ommended that the congress proceed
to organize tomorrow, electing offi
cers and a resolutions and credentials
Secretary of War Baker addressed
the congress today, and a series of re
ports were made by delegates from
Sweden, Norway, Italy, France and
Belgium on the status of eight-hour
day legislation in their particular
Friar's Club Proprietor Must Go to
Jail or Forfeit Bail.
SALEM, Or., Oct. 30. (Special.)
The appealed case against Julius
Wilbur, at one time proprietor of
the notorious Friars club at Mil
waukee, has been dismissed in the
United States supreme court, accord
ing to information received by Attorney-General
George M. Brown.
Wilbur was convicted in the Clacka
mas county courts on a charge of
violating the prohibition laws, but
later appealed the verdict to the Ore
gon supreme court. This tribunal
affirmed the decision of the lower
court, whereupon Mr. Wilbur appealed
to the United States supreme court.
Because Mr. Wilbur failed to file a f
Dnei in tne United states supreme
court, and has left the country, the
attorney-general urged dismissal of
the action. Wilbur now will have to
serve a six months' term in the
Clackamas county jail and pay a fine
of 300, or forfeit his bail bond.
Enough Men to Be Left on
Jobs to Care for Mines.
Short Course in Agriculture to Be
Opened Soon.
HOOD RIVER. Or., Oct. 30. (Spe
cial.) The Smith-Hughes agricul
tural department of the Hood River
high school, in charge of Professor
R. V. Wright, an Oregon Agricultural
college graduate, has announced the
early beginning of a short course in
agriculture for boys not in high
school and for adult ranchers. Mr.
Wright will be assisted by faculty
members of the state agricultural col
lege, as well as prominent valley
Mr. Wright, since he came here a
year ago, nas stimulated interest In
stock raising and other forms of
diversified farming. It was mainly
through his efforts and those of
Gordon G. Brown, horticulturist of
the Hood River experiment station,
that the county fair materialized suc
cessfully last September.
Eastern Lowis Farmers' Organiza
tion Extends Business,
MORTON, Wash.. Nov. 1. (Special.)
The Eastern Lewis County Farmers'
exchange is now preparing to install
a general grocery line in connection
with its present business. J. A. Ulsh,
president, and E. G. Bennett, manager,
are arranging so that a much greater
proportion of farm products in eastern
Lewis county can be marketed
through the exchange, and are mak
ing larger wholesale buying connections.
According to Manager Bennett, the
exchange's business is increasing very
rapidly. He says that he will have to
engage more help at once, as new
members are being secured at the rate
of about one a day. The membership
is now over 90.
The new exchange grocery depart
ment will be opened about November
Appropriation May Not Be. '"Suffi
cient for. State Hospital. -SALEM.
Or., Oct. 30. (Special.)
That difficulty will be encountered by
officials in keeping the population
of the state hospital for the insane be
low the 17S0 mark, as estimated at
the time the legislature made its ap
propriation for the conduct of the
Institution during the current term, is
the opinion of Dr. Griffith, who is in
"The influx of patients has been
greater than we expected," said Dr.
Griffith today, "and a population in
excess of 1750 within the next few
months is probable. In this event I
fear that the appropriation based on
the estimated per capita will not be
sufficient to meet the demands of the
G. E. Norrls, Publisher, Dies.
NANAIMO. B. C, Oct. 30. George
E. Norris, for many years publisher
of the Nanaimo Free Press, died here
Leaders Point Out 6-Hour Day
Will Create More Jobs and
Increase Production.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Oct, 30. After
dispatching to Washington a telegram
to Secretary of Labor Wilson in which
the president's position on the coal
strike was characterized as that of
an usurper, the executive board of the
United Mine Workers of America to
day turned to routine business.
Although the actual strike wa less
than 36 hours away, the governing
body of the. union devoted the after
noon to adjusting disputes between
locals and Individual members and
at the end of their session said there
was "nothing of public interest" in
the proceedings.
Union headquarters were frankly
interested in the arrival here tomor
row of C B. Ames, assistant to the
attorney-general in charge of suits
brought under the anti-trust and fuel
and food control laws.
Union Leaders Confident.
The union leaders learned, with ap
parent equanimity, that there had
been unusual activity among local
agents of the department of Justice
and professed faith that their every
act had been under warrant of con
stitutional rights which no statute
could abrogate.
At the office of the United States
district attorney there was no an
nouncement as to what proceedings
might be instituted in regard to the
The union officials said the mine
owners and public could rest assured
that no act of the organization would
be allowed to work physical damage
to the coal-diggings.
Mine Protection Promised.
They pointed "out that the strike
order provided that local unions must
allow sufficient "men to remain at
work to insure the proper care and
protection of all mining properties in
conformity with the provisions of the
district agreements in the several
In reply to charges that the demand
for a six-hour working day was cal
culated to produce production, the
statisticians of the union assembled
figures which they said proved that
even the country's peak production ol
685,000,000 tons of bituminous coal in
1918 was not the limit of the Indus
try. They said this was dug with the
mines averaging only about 70 per
cent of capacity and with the skilled
working force reduced by 80,000 min
ers in the army and navy.
Out of a possible 312 working days
in the year, they said, western Penn
sylvania miners averaged 260. Indi
ana 249, Illinois 228, and Ohio 224.
The bulk .of the bituminous tonnage
came from those states.
Prod action la Discussed.
Against this record they set figures
for 1919, which they said showed
that the miners had operated at not
to exceed 50 per cent of the time.
Despite this reduction In time, they
said the 1919 production of the coun
try up to October 18 was 379.000,000
tons, only 103,000,000 tons less than in
the same period of 1918. They esti
mated that the mineworkers will not
average more than 180 working days
in 1919 and claimed that a full work
ing force working steadily through
out the year can produce 800,000000
tons if nei(l be. They said the esti
mated needs of the country for 1920
were 550,000,000 tons.
"These figures show." said Ellis
Searles. editor of the union's maga
zine, "that there are too many miners
in the coal business for an eight-hour
day. The shorter day would distribute
the work evenly throughout the year
and it would take only a short time
to educate consumers to buy on the
basis of steady, rather than seasonal
Shorter Day Held Necessary.
"Furthermore, eight hours may be
short enough for men to work in the
Clothes for the Young College Man
and the High-School Youth
These young men's suits and overcoats bearing my label are the
best that American looms and craftsmen can produce. From
fabric to finish they meet a young man's ideals touching proper
Suits and Overcoats $25 to $60
Young Men, Second Floor
'Morrison S treet at FoLrrth
fresh air and sunlight, but It Is too
long a period for continuous labor
in the dark under forced ventilation
Men work themselves out quickly in
Increased wages are necessary, he
said, because in 1918 Illinois mine
workers of all classes averaged earn
ings of 81390.38. The first six months
of 1919 showed average earnings of
8572.08, he said; indicating decreased
earning powers in the face of con
stantly mounting Hying costs. From
January 1. 1913, to July 1, 1919. he
said, the mineworkers of the central
competitive field had averaged yearly
earnings of 8873.85.
Websterlan Literary Society at Wil
lamette Gives First Degree.
Or., Oct. 30. (Special.) Fifteen new
pledges of the Websterian Literary
society were sent through their first
degree initiation ceremonies last
night. The finishing touches will be
added next week, when the other
men's societies also will initiate. The
new members of the society are:
Verne Ferguson, Bremerton, Wash.;
Elmer Strevey. Spokane; Harland Al
lington. Tacoma; John Moody, Ta
coma: Kingston Lister, Tacoma; Hugh
Walker, Salem; Luther Cook, Salem;
Truman Collins, Portland; William
Mlckleson, Camas, Wash.; Edwin Ran
dall, Salem: Elton von Eschen, Salem;
Orlo Gillet, Tangent: Ray Todhunter,
Salem; Dewey Probst, Eugene, and
Vtrnor Sackett, Sheridan.
Syndicate Said to Havo Chosen
City as Suitable Site.
ROSEBURG, Or.. Oct. 30. (Special.)
According to information reaching
here today, Roseburg is Jn line for an
other fine hotel building next year.
It is said a syndicate proposing to
build a chain of hotels along the Pa
cific highway route has selected this
city as one of the points.
It was shown that the immense
tourist travel assured with the com
pletion of the highway necessitates
such hotels in order to accommodate
the visitors to this western coast.
Tourist travel during 1919, although
the incompleted state of Pacific high
way was a great drawback, exceeded
all expectations often crowding hotel
capacity to the limit.
Mayor Says Members Liable for In
creasing Police Force.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. 30. (Special.)
That the city council violated the
municipal ordinances in authorizing
the employment of two additional
police officers and that the council
men voting for the increased patrol
service are liable to a fine of 8500
each under the state laws, were
charges made here today by Otto
Wilson, mayor.
Mayor Wilson alleges that the city
budget does not provide for more
police officers and that the overdraft
attendant to the Increased expense is
clearly a violation of the state laws
and municipal ordinances.
The matter probably will come up
for consideration at a meeting of the
council next Monday.
Representative Haw ley Asks Post
ponement Until Spring.
ROSEBURG, Or.. Oct 80. (Special.)
According to information direct
from Representative W. C. Hawley it
has been decided by the department
of. the interior not to open the re
vested Oregon and California railroad
grant lands and the Coos Bay Wa;on
company lands to entry until some
time next spring.
If opened at this time, Representa
tive Hawley points out, the filing and
entry of these lands would occur in
the dead of winter, working a hard
ship on intending settlers. By do
laying the matter until ppi-ing, in the
meantime making careful preparation
the interests of the public will be
better served.
Women Are Asking
This Question Today
Van I Buy a Stylish Trimmed or Tailored Hat for $5.00?
Here Is Our Answer: "Yes, at the Wonder Millinery"
&F3 00 Hats
and Saturday
et Alder
293 Morrison St
Near Corner of Fifth Street
Next to Gunst's Cigar Store
The Advance Apparel Shop, which is known
to the public as the High-Grade Exclusive and
Most Up-to-Date Apparel Shop of Portland,
will throw their entire stock of Women's
Garments on sale.
A Saving of $10 to $25
On Coats, Dresses, Suits, Waists, Sweaters,
Skirts and Silk Petticoats. ABOUT HALF
No matter what you buy at the Advance
Apparel Shop it is good, but very low
priced. If you are not satisfied, your
money back.
Odds and Ends
In Suits, Coats. Dresses, Novelty Coats and
Sample Suits, to be the feature of this sale.
Values to 65.00 at only
Suits and N
Coats M23V
Values to $45.00 at
23.95 and
Plush Coats
Novelty Fur
The greatest values in Port
land. Values to $95.00 at
$48.95 and
Tricolette and
Tricotine Dresses
Mostly samples in this lot.
Values to $92.00 at only
$38.95 and
Coats and
Values to $25.00 at
Silk Waists and
Slipover Sweaters
Values to $8.50 at
DTI 1 03.2r