Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 31, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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Public Information Committee
Rooms Littered With Money.
Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars
Scattered Around "World Sum
of $300,000 Picked Up.
from film work, but which were er
ronously deposited to the general
fund, 302. 000; disbursing balance of
two former disbursing clerks which
'were never returned to the appro
priation. 168,000; recoveries made by
me. $297,000. Total 11. 531,000.
'To this will be added the Earns
above referred to by me as the funds
in the estate of the dead consul; in
the hands of the auctioneer in New
York;, money in transit-from France;
money In the hands of the consul In
Russia, and such other recoveries as
may later be brought to light, which
may total $50,000 or even more."
There was allotted to the commit
tee on public information by the pres
ident out of his appropriation for
national security and defense various
sums aggregating $5,650,000. In ad
dition to this congress provided
large sums.
On August 21 President "Wilson is
sued an executive order directing that
the chairman of the committee on
public information relinquish and
transfer to the council of national de
fense all papers, files, assets, liabili
ties, etc.
Mr. Ellsworth .is working for the
(Copyrisht bv the New Tork World.- Fub
liHnert bv Arrangement.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. (Special.)
K. K. Kllsworth. liquidating officer
of the committee on public informs
tion the Creel committee has found
funds provided for the committee
scattered in every country ensaRed
in the world war on the side of the
allies. Thousands of dollars, in checks
and other paper, were picked up from
the floors of the committee rooms or
duir out of desk drawers. Mr. Ells
worth found that, although the law
limited funds to meet expenses of
this committee to $1000, it used
eums up to hundreds of thousands.
The first deficiency bill, now ready
for the president's signature, asserts
that "authority is hereby granted the
director of the council of national
dpfense to expend during the fiscal
year 1920 the sum of $32,000 now to
the credit of the committee on public
information for necessary expenses
incurred therefor since July 1, 1919,
end for the expenses of auditing and
closing the accounts and affairs of
the said committee." The purpose of
this legislation is to wind up the odds
and ends of the publicity organiza
tion. A thorough investigation of the ex
penditures of the Creel committee is
bein made. Kvidence in the hands
of the senate committee on appropria
tions shows a carelessness and disre
gard for provisions of the law that
congressmen consider almost criminal,
(irrnt Sums Advanced.
Tn a report to Senator "Warren,
chairman of the senate committee. Mr.
Kllsworth, who is of the council of
rational defense, points out:
"The law making the appropriation
fcr the committee on public informa
tion had a provision for the advance
of funds to meet expenses in sums
not to exceed $1000. Notwithstanding
this limitation of amounts that could
be advanced from the regular govern
ment appropriation, advances were
made from the allotment"by the presi
dent of sums varying from $100 to
"These checks were made in vari
ous sums to some 300 or 400 people,
fcnd accounts are now being set up,
charging the men with the amounts
advanced and crediting them with
such payments as they show to have
been properly made. The determin
ing of just how much of this money
should be returned to the government
is badly complicated by the fact that
many of the men to whom large ad
vances were made in turn advanced
ireney to others."
Mr. Kllsworth declared that imme
diately after the signing of the ar
mistice a year ago. "practically all
ot the officials of the committee on
public information throw up their
jobs and returned to private life,
leaving but a few of the minor offi
cials in charge of the affairs of the
committee. - -
Businexa Chief Remains.
"When the affairs of the commit
tee." he added, "were transferred to
the council there were still employed
K. II. Hobbs, formerly disbursing
clerk and chief of the division of bus
iness management. Upon my demand
Mr. Hobbs turned over to me some
$76,000 in checks, money orders, etc,
which had been received as reim
bursements by' the committee on pub
lic information. All of these checks
were dated in February, March, April,
May and June of this year, and 'had
been permitted to accumulate in a
safe without any effort whatever for
"He also turned over to me his
check for $48. SSI. 54. the same being
a balance in the Higgs bank of this
city from the sale of pictures; checks
for $3610.62. being balance of an ac
count in the L'niou Trust company of
receipts from the division of films;
and $33,517.13, balance on account in
the American Security & Trust com
pany of funds received by subscrip
tions of the official bulletin.
"Later, in going through the files,
I found, several thousand dollars'
"worth of checks which had been
turned into committee In connection
with the final accounting of various
persons to whom advances of funds
had been made and which had been
thrown in various file cases without
any effort to realize on the checks.
.1- also found several thousand dol
lars' worth of checks and negotiable
papers in desk trays on his desk and
on the floor of his room,
"Upon investigation I later found
$18,154.58 in the Mutual bank of New
York city, being an account of the
division of foreign picture service;
$29,803.16 in the National Bank of
Commerce, being the balance of funds
which had been advanced to a Mr.
Sisson; $57,483.24 in the National City
bank of New York, to the credit of a
Mr. Bullard, who had been in charge
of propaganda work in Russia;
4o90.9 in the Guaranty Trust com
pany of New York, a balance of funds
of the division of films.
Recoveries Total S3O0.OOO.
ah ot tnese oeing round by me
after Mr. Hobbs had said that he had
turned over to me all of the asset
of the committee on public informa-
iiuu j . iic Aucn. a lie ainouni
recovered by me from all of these
various sources to date totals fully
"In addition to the above items
find that money had been left in some
banks in Russia which were later
taken over by the bolsheviks, from
which it has been impossible to with
draw the funds. The question whether
anything can ever be realized from
these banks is very doubtful.
"So far I have been able to realize
on all of the checks found in the files,
although it was necessary in two
cases to go to New York and look up
the person who had given the check,
one in the sum of $16,500 and the
ether $825.03, as the funds left in the
banks to meet these checks had been
withdrawn. Both men, however, made
. the checks good.
"From the above statement of facts.
the committee can readily see the
manner in which the financial affairs
of the committee were handled before
being transferred to the council, and
Understand what my efforts since my
appointment as liquidating officer
have been in endeavoring to' realize
c.n the assets of the committee rather
than toward making any effort to
eettle outstanding obligations.
"I find that the resources of the
committee so far as we are able to
determine at this time are as fol
" lows:
"Balance of the allotment of the
president still to the credit of 'the
committee in the treasury, $701,000;
balance of appropriation made by
congress, $163,000; deposits which
should have been credited to the ap
propriation on account of receipts
Former Staff Chief Takes England
to Task for Promiscuous Land
Grabbing in East.
(Copyright by the New Tor World. Pub
lished by Arrangement).
LONDON, Oct. 30. (Special Cable.)
Jn a strong plea- for the league of
t.ations. General Sir Frederick Mau
rice, formerly chief of operations of
the British general staff, contends in
the Daily News It is the only possible
means of getting a reduction of arm
aments and securir-g peace.
"During the latter part of the war,"
he says, "under the pretense that we
were beating the Germans in the west
by defeating- the Turks in the east,
we went In for a great deal of pro
miscuous land grabbing, without any
clear idea of what we were going to
do with the land grabbed. The result
we have got ourselves in a great
number of awkward problems and
have aroused the suspicions of our
friends, many of whom believe that
while using our adherence to the
eague' covenant to throw dust in
their eyes we sedulously engaged in
painting the map red.
The United States is hesitating to
come into the league" for this very
reason, such measures as the Anglo-
Persian agreement having aroused'
their profound distrust.
"I have been trying hard for a long
time to arrive at some practical meth
od of obtaining a real, permanent re
duction of armaments, but can find
none at all promising, other than the
establishment of an effective league
of nations. Our foreign policy must
be to back the league."
Inability to Obtain Sufficient Sugar
From Cuba to Warrant Further
Control Given as Reason.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 30. The Unit
ed States sugar equalization board to--ciay
telegraphed Senator McNary, re
publican, Oregon, in charge of the
senate sugar investigation, that it was
pieparlng to "wind up its activities"
in view of inability to obtain suffi
cient sugar from Cuba to warrant
further government control.
In spite of the board's advices. Sen
tor "McNary said the senate would
proceed to enact legislation designed
to aid the public in the sugar short
age, and also provide for continuation
of the board, even should the present
members resign. A meeting of the
senate agricultural committee was
called for Saturday to act on pending
Senator McNary said the sugar
board's plans evidently were due to
the committees refusal to enact'leg-
siation to provide for licensing of
sugar refiners ind dealers. The com
mittee now plans, he said, to present
a bill continuing the -board and au
thorizing It to purchase Cuban sugar.
The board,, in its telegram to Sen
ator McNary, said It was impossible
to acquire "any" great amount of the
new Cuban sugar crop at this time
at a reasonable price," and that the
board was planning to close its af
fairs except n a minor way, includ
ing supervision of equitable distri
bution of sugar left on its present
Cuban contract.
H. E. Byram Values Road at
Less Than $750,000.
Congressman's Charges Branded as
"Scandalous nd Outrageous" by
ex-Air Service Official.
NEW YORK, Oct. $0. Charges that
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
railroad la attempting to buy the
$6,000,000 government road in Wash
ington, built to carry spruce timber,
at a bargain were aeni-d today by
John D. Ryan, former director of the
air service, and "H. E. Byram, federal
manager of the Milwaukee". Both men
testified betore the congressional sub
committee holding hearings here into
air service expenditures.
Mr. Byram said the Milwaukee never
wanted the line built and did not
want to buy it now. If it were a go
ing concern, he said, it would be
worth much more than the listed
salvage value, but he would nof give
$750,000 for it now, as it would be
a long time baore any timber would
be coming out of it.
In this respect Mr. Byram cor
roborated testimony by Mr. Ryan, a
director of the Milwaukee.
Mr. Ryan engaged in a sharp col
loquy with Representative - Magee,
republican. New York, the result of
which was that the former air serv
ice director agreed to prepare for the
committee a statement showing why
he regarded as "scandalous and out
rageous" statements about him made
in a telegram by the committee to
Secretary Baker asking that the sale
be held up.
Magee Explains Telegram.
Magee said he and Representative
Frear of Wisconsin, the other ma
jority member of the committee, had
telegraphed Secretary Baker so that
the Milwaukee could not buy the gov
ernment road "for a song."
Explaining his revision of a spruce
contract with the Siema, Carey. Kef
baugh corporation, builder of the gov
ernment raih-oad connecting with the
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, Mr.
Ryan said the contract as originally
drawn did not sufficiently protect the
Stems told Ryan that all the cor
poration expected to get out of the
spruce-, contract was an opportunity
to take over the mills and other equip
ment when the government was
through with them.
Ryan Defends Plane.
Mr. Ryan gave the committee an
account of the accomplishments of the
United States in producing- aircraft
and praised the De Haviland Four as
a fighting machine. When the armi
stice was signed, he said, the United
States had produced 7,800.000 horse
power in airplane engines, equal to
the power of one-eighth of the 65,000
locomotives of the United States.
At the battle of St. Mihiel and in
r-the first day of the Argonne, he said.
he saw the firs. American fighting
planes in actSori 313 De Havilands.
The men . 'Whi)f tlewJ them had nothing
but praise for them, he added.
Rlckenbaeker Is Quoted.
Representative Magee interjected
that Eddie Rickenbacker, American
premier ace. had testified that the
De Havilands were awkward and in
efficient. "Call the "Flying Parson then."
answered Mr. Ryan, "he has just
flown 6000 miles in one."
Mr. Ryan informed the committee
that production of aircraft had been
so speeded up that three weeks be
fore the armistice was signed a let
up was ordered because of lack of
shipping. On the day the armistice
was signed. 686 machines were at
ports awaiting to be sent to France.
He said that the Martin bomber,
which was ready when the war ended.
would hae proved the best bomber
of the war.
Law Is Advocated to Obligate Em
ployment of Convicted on Equal
Terms With Other Persons.
HAMBURG, Oct. 30. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) A large number of
those persons in Hamburg who have
been punished for crime, especially
for . technical violations of law, have
banded together and formed a so
ciety termed the "Central Association
of Previously Convicted Persons."
It has established its own paper to
represent its views, and intends to
extend its membership all over Ger
many. Criminals guilty, of serious
crime will not be admitted.. The fol
lowing demands have been made on
the government:
Immediate issue of ari amnesty and
the abolition of the death sentence.
Rapid reorganization of the Ger
man legal code, with the advice of
legally trained ex-convicts and repre
sentatives of the proletariat.
Exhaustive reorganization of the
punishment of crime.
Abolition of military courts.
A law which obligates the state
the communes and the employers to
give employment to convicted per
sons on 'equal terms with innocent
South Bend Plans Free Grounds.
SOUTH BEND, Wash., Oct. 30.
(Special.) South Bend Is contemplat
ing a tourists" free camping ground to
be located near the city limits. Every
accommodation for the comfort of the
numerous auto tourists expected to
travel over the Ocean Beach highway
next year is to be provided for.
Continued From First Pujre. )
the president expressed a desire to
see Queen Elizabeth, who was hav
ing tea with Mrs. Wilson. Dr. Gray
son consented and her majesty went
eagerly to the executive's bedside.
where she remained five minutes.
She told Mr. Wilson ith one of her
charming smiles that she felt much
at home with persons who were 111.
One of her hobbies is hospitals.
Prince Also Admitted.
In his chat with the queen Mr. Wil
son said he wished he might see
Prince Leopold. Her majesty looked
inquiringly at Dr. Grayson, who said
he would not assume the responsi
bility. Then the president took the
decision into his own hands and the
prince was summoned.
The youthful Leopold entered the
room with all a boy's embarrassment
and seemed rather ill at ease in the
presence of the president, but he
was soon put at ease by questions
about his school life at Eton.
Tribute Paid to Kins.
Mr. Wilson told him how much he
looked like his father, adding:
"Your rather is every inch a man
and I hope you will follow in his
While the queen was with the presi
dent, Albert chatted with Miss Mar
garet W ilapn and Mrs. Francis B.
Sayre. He brought from the sick
room, tucked carefully under his arm.
in autograph set of Mr. Wilson's
"History of the American People,"
which the president had presented to
. Dr. Grayson said his patient had
been greatly cheered by his talk with
the Belgian monarchs, and that their
visit seemed to have done' him good.
Day Proves Bnay One.
For the Belgians, this probably was
the busiest day they have had in ,thls
country. Their activities began be
fore 8 o'clock, when the king went
to Annapolis to review the midship
men of the naval academy and the
queen went to Baltimore to inspect
two hospitals. Part of the afternoon
was devoted by both to receiving
honorary degrees. Albert was made
a doctor of laws both by George
Washington university and the Catho
lic university, while Elizabeth was
made a doctor of letters by Trinity
Both of the rulers were greeted by
Cardinal Gibbons, chancellor of the
Catholic university and president of
the trustees of Trinity. The venerable
prelate welcomed them affectionate
ly and hailed the king as "One of
the most inspiring heroes of ancient
or modern times." ,
The queen's only formally delivered
address in' America was her response
to the faculty of Trinity when the
degree was conferred upon her.
SOOO-MIIe Trip Finished.
Replying to Cardinal Gibbons,, who
presided, Queen Elisabeth said In
"This ceremony gives me the oppor
tunity of expressing to the sisters of
Notre Dame de Namur and their pu
pils my deep gratitude for the devo
tion and assistance they have shown
during our days of trial.
"I form the best wishes for the fur
ther success and prosperity of Trinity
college, which is so closely connected
with Belgium." -
The royal special train, which has
carried the Belgian party more than
9000 miles, will complete its services
at Old Point Comfort at 9 o'clock to
morrow. Before embarking on the
George Washington, the Belgians will
witness the flooding of two new
drydocks at the Norfolk navy yard. A
destroyer will carry the party toNor-folk.
Public Called On to Be Saving
Pending Legislation to Relieve
Shortage of Sweetening.
ington, Oct. 30. "The bill I have
introduced in the senate as a remedy
for the sugar snortage. 'differs from
my two previous bills in that It car
ries no license provision." said Sena
tor McNary. "By terms of the
measure the president is directed to
empower the sugar equalization board
to acquire raw sugar, if It can be
obtained at a reasonable price.
"In view of the parliamentary sit
uation which requires, a unanimous
consent to bring up new legislation
during the pendency of the treaty of
peace, I found it impracticable to
enact legislation Into law which per
mitted the licensing of those handling
sugar on account of considerable op
position in the senate. I hope the law
now proposed will speedily pass.
"Opinions may differ as to the rea
son of the present serious sugar sit
uation, but my judgment, based upon
the hearings had before 'the sub-committee
of the senate committee on
agriculture and fo.-estry, is that an
unusual demand for sugar is largely
responsible for the fthortage. This
arises from extravagant habits of
living and a greater Indulgence in
candies and soft drinks since pro
hibition has settled over the country.
"Our pre-war consumption was 80
pouqds per capita per annum and dur
ing the first nine months of this year,
sugar to the amount of our pre-war
consumption was either consumed or
taken out of the channels of trade
and at the present rate the consump
tion this year would reach 92 pounds
an individual.
"Unquestionably a portion of the
sugar supply has gone off the market
or on shelves for future consumption
in fear of a tremendous shortage dur
ing 1920 and it is my belief that it
the bill I have proposed is enacted
into law, this situation will be largely
remedied if the sugar equalization
board will purchase the Cuban crop
which is the great reservoir upon
which we usually draw for our supply
of sugar. If this board purchases the
Cuban crop, the Louisiana cane crop
and the sugar beet crop of the west,
it can control prices and compel the
equitable distribution by virtue of
having a monopoly on the raw
"I think we should all be as opti
mistic and as saving as possible."
After an X-Ray Examination
Was Told . Nothing Could
Help Her In Perfect
Health Now.
"My wife has gained twenty pounds
since she commenced taking Tanlac
and is enjoying better health in every
way than she has for over eight
years." said F. K. Martin, a . well
known employe at the Ames Ship
Yards, and who lives at 8410 Twenty
fourth street South. Seattle, Wash
ington, the other day.
"Yes, sir, Tanlac did the work for
her all right," continued Mr. Martin,
"and it is the only medicine that has
done her any good since her trouble
first started. My wife had a bad
case of stomach trouble and every
time she ate anything she would have
the worst sort of cramping spells.
Then gas would form and get up Into
her chest and cause her heart to pal
pitate something awful, and some
times this was so bad she could hard
ly get a good breath. She was very
nervous, too, and would lie awake
night after night and not sleep a
wink. She also suffered from head
aches and finally she got so weak
and run down she couldn't do her
housework, and spent a great part of
her time in bed. After having an
X-ray made of her stomach she was
told that nothing could be done for
her. and she just gradually got weak
er all the time.
"This was the condition she was in
when a friend of hers came to see her
one day and told her about Tanlac.
Well, sir. 1 went out and got a bottle
of this medicine and she commenced
taking It, and to my surprise she be
gan to pick up right away. She has
taken seven bottles so far, and 1
never saw such a change in anybody
in my life. She is as well and strong
now as she ever was in her life. She
has a fine appetite and eats just any
thing she wants and she never suf
fers from it afterwards. In fact her
stomach seems to be in perfect condi
tion again. These awful headaches
have left her, too, and her nerves
have steadied down so much that she
sleeps like a child every night. It is
wonderful the way she has gained In
weight and strength. She can do all
her housework with perfect ease
now, and just feels fine all the time.
She believes in Tanlac and so do I.
and we never expect' to be without
a bottle of it in the house. I am
more than glad to recommend Tan
lac to everybody."
Tanlac is sold in Portland by the
Owl Orug store. Adv.
Our Store Opens at 9 A. M.
Ey;.CT,""7.v.w.,i,,' v'.v,. - ::"""
United States Shipping Board are. to
be used in the repair of walks next
City Construction Postponed.
SOUTH BEND. Wash.. Oct, 39.
(Special.) At its weekly session Mon
day night the city council decided to
postpone all construction work until
next spring. Eighty-eight thousand
feet of planking purchased from the
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears.
Signature of
A Quinine Tfaat Does Mot Affect Head
Because of its tonic and laxative effect,
can be taken by anyone without causing
nervousness or 'ringing in the head. There
Is only one "Bromo Quinine." E. Vv.
GROVE'S signture on the box. 30c. Adv.
S. & R.. Green stamps for cash."
Holman Fuel Co. Main 3&3. A 3353.
KaHowa'en! Rosy cheeked girl ami
rosy cheeked apples from Oregon,
Washington, Idaho. Of coarse,
you'll want a box for that party.
Order now be sure they're labeled
from Oregon, Washington, Idaho.
Everybody'Il talk about
the party and those won
derful aDDles vou bad.
"Delight in every bile
Order a Box from your.retailer
HJH C vv v - i cur-
URINE. Niht nd Morning.
Eyes. If they Tire,
w- rr- C Itcn, omart or Kuril,
Till U rif.i 11 Sore. Irritated. In-
UUI al t-J fiamed orGranulated.
use Murine often. Soothes, Refreshes.
Safe for Infant or Adult. At all
Lruggist - Write for i'rea Eya Book.
Minstrel Organization Is Being
Formed at Penitentiary.
SALEM, Or., Oct. 30. (Special.)
A genuine old-time minstrel show,
featuring talent among the men in
the state penitentiary, will be given
in the auditorium of that institution
some time between November 1 and
10, according to announcement by
Lrfuis H. Compton. parole officer.
"Happy" Gordon, who has been
serving time in the prison for sev
eral years and who is said to be clever
as an entertainer, will organise the
minstrel forces and he promises an
excellent performance. Practically all
state officials, together with Salem's
newspaper colony, have received spe
cial invitations to attend, the show.
Installation at V. of O. to Bring
Bound of Festivities.
Oct. 30. (Special.) One of the big
events at the University of Oregon
will be the installation of the U-Avava
club chapter Into Sigma Alpha Epsl
lon fraternity November 7-8, from
which it received a charter at the
Buffalo convention held during the
About 150 members of Sigma Alpha
Epsllon from all parts of the country
will be present to take part in the
installation. Saturday afternoon will
be given over to the installation pro
ceedings, to be followed by a ban
quet In the evening.
Phone your want ads to the Ore
goninn. Main 7070. A 60S5.
t lllllllfiia lliim-iililrt
"hu i urn ii ii iii i iii
n "Hi
Jllayi lower
m Production
K UbIO F ti .ley Vy
The motion plc
ture with an
amazing soul
There are some
pictures that are ex
citing because ol the
wickedness they re
veal, and others thai
are exciting because
of the incredible vir
tue they depict
"TheMiracle Man
is both!
Imagine the worst
hark that exist in
Chinatown a daring
cracksman, a beautiful
girl as tough and wicked
as a snake, a faker who
could counterfeit anyoV
loimity you like. dope
fiend as sly as a weatel
Imagine ihese people
invading tke bves of
other human beings
every bit as good a these
are bad. the acid of sin
striving to bite into the
gold of pue hearts
Imagine all the com
plications thai couM arise
liom this Ml-jation and
even then ou hsve but
the (dirtiest idea of the there is in tteit.g
such conflict I
Ag-ents for the Butterick
Patterns and Delineator all
styles, sizes now showing.
"The Store That
Undersells Because
It Sells for Cash."
Our Store Opens at 9 A. M.
Mail Orders receive our
prompt and careful attention
same day as received.
We Have Arranged This Wonderful List of Special Offerings
for Our 990th
Bargain Friday
Values Extraordinary Even for This Store Are to Be Found at
Friday's Sale of
Stylish Stout Suits and
Dresses at Half-Price!
Yes That's It Just One-Half the Marked Regular Selling Price
Sizes 40Vz to S0Vz Only
$35 to $60
Suits and Dresses
One Day Only at
One-Half of These Prices
Today the woman of stout figure expects to be as smartly
dressed as her more slender sisters, and our fall and winter
stocks of fashionable stouh suits and dresses were assembled
with a realization of this fact.
Every fashionable model for street, home or better wear
is sure to be found here. Fact is, our enthusiasm to be espe
cially well prepared to supply your needs in this regard
caused us to purchase too liberally, and we find that we are
considerably overstocked with such garments.
Friday we will adjust this condition by giving you un
restricted choice from
50 Fashionably Stout Suits
This season's best models in Serges, Pop
lins, Broadcloths, Velours, etc. A perfect
fit guaranteed.
45 Stylishly Stout Dresses
In fine Serges, Jerseys and Satins,
ors and styles to suit all tastes.
At This Great Month-End Clean-Up Sale of Broken Lines and Odd
Garments In
Women's, Children's Wear
A one-day clearing of regular stock merchandise splendid
value in normal times but now really PHENOMENAL!
Below we list a few of the scores of items which we will
place on sale at a ridiculously low price.
Less Than Today's Mill Cost to Us
Read this list carefully and remember we advUe that you pay
this section a visit as early in the morning as possible.
Women's Koverall Aprons 59c
About 5 dozen fine Percale Koverall
Aprons in this assortment, all well made
and in good condition.
Infants' Rubber Pants 59c
A special lot of the celebrated Kleinert's
and O. M. O. Infants All Rubber Pants of
reliable quality.
Children's Slipon Play Suits 59c Gingham and Sateen Aprons 59c
A limited assortment of fine calatea and
linene Slip-on Play Suits, in sizes 2 to 6
White Skirt Aprons 59c
Various styles in heavy and medium
weight white aprons for waitresses; also
extra long skirt aprons.
Brassieres and Bandeaus 59c
Included are II. and W. model and Scott's
Ideal Brassieres and Bandeaus in many dif
ferent styles.
Children's Gingham Dresses 59c
Broken lines in children's good quality
Gingham Dresses in pretty plaid 6tyles.
All well made garments.
Women's Aprons in style with or with
out bib. They come in check ginghams and
heavy sateens.
Children's Colored Bloomers 59c
Well made Bloomers of generous size in
different colors and in sizes from 2 to 6
Infants' Flannel Skirts 59c
Broken lines in many different styles, all
to go at one price, while they last
Positively we cannot guarantee any of the
above assortments to last throughout the
entire day, but while they do last, you may
have unrestricted choice. None. will be sold
to dealers. None exchanged or sent C. O. D.
at $2.69 Suit
Well made, neat appearing
Pajamas of fine quality Flan
nelette. Styles in the V
shape neck and four-button
front. They come in good
full sizes and in desirable
patterns. "
On Sale Friday Only at
$2.69 a Suit.
. A Sale of
Women's Sample Neckwear
S r For Choice From the Best Styles in
C Guimps, Fichus, Berthas, Vestees, Col-
lars. Sets, Etc. Every Piece a Bargain
Good fortune has again favored us AND YOU. This time we
were fortunate in securing a prominent Manufacturer's Sample
Line of Neckwear at a surprisingly low figure. The entire lot will
be placed on sale FRIDAY AT A BARGAIN PRICE.
Included are dozens and dozens of popular styles in Collars,
Sets, Fichus, Berthas, Vestees, Guimps, etc., in laces, nets, Geor
gette, Organdies and manyother dainty materials.
Remember, there is only one of each style so don't delay your
coming. Some are slightly mussed from handling all are extraor
dinary values at 05f .
EXTRA! For Friday Only!
Women's Handkerchiefs at 25c
An exceptionally fine lot of Women's dainty pure Linen Hand
kerchiefs in full size. They come plain, lace trimmed or with em
broidered corner; also imported Irish Batiste and Shamrock Hand
kerchiefs with white or colored embroidered patterns. All on sale
Friday at 2o.
EXTRA! For Friday Only!
Veiling Remnants at 25c Each
One-Yard Remnants of popular Veilings to close at the above
low price. They come in black, white, brown, navy, purple, etc.,
and are shown in fine hexagon and hairline meshes. Plain or scroll,
chenille dot or bordered styles.
Our Store
Opens at
9 A. M.
Brooms at 59c
In Our Basement -At
this special price we
place on sale 300 household
Brooms of good quality.
They come in medium weight,
have, four rows of stitching
and smooth black handle
No phone orders filled at this
sale Come early!
Zg';. f u'" " ;- -a.
Store Closes at
5:30 P. M.
Saturday at
The Most in Value
The Best in Quality