Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 31, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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w ..... Amedican Legion indo
Pity Editor.
N8T Fakers.
sertion that the
Legion indorses any book
or masrazine must be shown by soli-
. Main TOTO. A 605 1 eitors in writing." warned John A.
Sunday Editor Main o. a , Beckwith, secretary of Portland post
AHvrtls(n. I . . . Main TIlTO. A wK'j , - .
Superintendent of Build' g. Main 7070. A 60H3
HBILIG (Broadway at Taylor) "John
Ferguson." Tonight.
ALCAZAR (Eleventh at Morrison) lc"
zar Mu.-lcal Players In "Leave It to
Jane. Tonight.
BAKER (Broadway, near Morrison)
Baker Stock company In "Eyes oi
Youth." Tonight.
LYRIC (Fourth at Stark) Musical com
edy. "The Lawmakers." Three enow
dally. 2, 7 and 9 P. M.
PANTAGBS (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Three shows daily, 2:30, T and
HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill)
Vaudeville and moving pictures. 2 to 5.
6:45 to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays ana
holidays, continuous, 1:15 to 11 P M-
On Sale at
Business Office, Oregonlan.
Colored Woman Has Jail Habit.
Jail is gettins to be a habit with Miss
Laureta Mander, colored, who lived
at Kleventh and Hoyt streets, and
after she paid a fine of $10 yester
day and succeeded in getting out she
broke in again by starting a fight
with Mrs. L B. Vessel, Eleventh and
Irving streets, whom she accused oi
having been instrumental in secur
ing her arrest the previous time. "I
did hit her with my umbrella and I
broke a window after she took my
hat," said Miss Mander to Judge Ross
man In municipal court. Mrs. Vessel
said that the girl struck her and
after she shut the door, broke four
windows. Judge Rossman had pre
viously given the girl a 15-day sus
pended sentence on another charge
and so he sent her to jail for the la
Cigarette is Court Costs $10. H.
J. McKinley, who appeared in munic
ipal court yesterday on a charge of
operating his machine without a muf
fler, learned that it Is an expensive
habit to smoke cigarettes at times,
especially In municipal' court. Munic
ipal Judge Rossman was getting
ready to dismiss the case against Mc
Kinley when the man put a cigarette
to his mouth. "I don't believe you
have any more respect for other peo
ple and for regulations than you have
for this court." said the judge. "You
-will pay a fine of $10."
" Patton Home Inmate Sought. J.
"W. Murray. 75, an inmate of the Pat
inn home, is being sought by the
nniii-n as the result of his having
nanHoroH awav from the home on
Wednesday. The man is said to be
in a demented condition and left the
place when he thought he had some
sort of a grievance. A sister by the
name of Mrs. Stevens. 957 Mississippi
avenue. Is fearful that he may be
suffering some place. The man walks
with a stoop. He Is quite aged.
weighs 140 pounds and has a dark
complexion and gray nair.
icmsu Sebvices Tonight. Port
land Lodge. No. 65. B nai B'rith. will
.attend Temple Beth Israel services
tonight at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Wise
will speak. Tomorrow morning serv
ice will he held at the temple at 10:30.
The subject of the Sabbath lesson
will be "Abraham's Journey." Free
religious school meets at 10 o'clock
WnuEi. Mat Meet Mrs. Catt
Women who wish to attend the lunch
eon and conference to be held next
tVorinesriav in the Multnomah hotel,
with Carrie Chapman Catt and others
nrnminent in suffrage and cluo cir
cles" as speakers, may telephone Mrs
r ff Ttunvon. East 2124: Mrs. J. W,
Tifft Marshall 4215. or Mrs. N. U.
Carpenter. East" 1322.
Workman Cuts Off Thumb. J. M
TCelson. 4320 Sixty-second street, an
emplove of the Hawthorne Fuel com
pany, cut a thumb off with a saw yes
terday. He was taken to Good Samari
ton hospital where his hand was
dressed. Mrs. A. O. Barber. 32, of 722
Salmon street, cut her hand with
saw. She, too, was treated at Good
Samaritan hospital.
r Company Employe Hurt. J. H
N-nrwood. 1024'i Killings-worth ave
nue, a die cutter in the employ of the
American Can company, was struck
hv a belt yesterday and received
riislncated shoulder. He was taken
to Good Samaritan hospital for treat
Thre Citizens Held TJp.
Pedestrians hand over valuables to
rnhbsrs. Insure against such losses,
Carrv hurelarv and hold-up insur
anee. For rates and particulars phon
W. R. McDonald & Co.. Yeon bldg.
Marshall 2391. All claims paid direc
from our office. Adv.
Artillerymen Plan Banquet. Th
first reunion and annual banquet
the Veterans' society, 148th field
artillery, will be held at 6 P. M. on
armistice day at the Benson hotel.
Members are urged to obtain tickets
in advance from Andy Barr at the
Lumbermen's Trust company.
Chinese Opium Seller Fined $100.
Charles Chinn. Chinese, was fined
$100 by District Judge Bell yester
day for selling opium in his shop at
31 North Fourth street. George Ed
wards, arrested at the Barr hotel for
having drugs in his possession. Is In
the county jail In lieu of bail.
Shipyard Employe Hurt. Matthew
Miller. 789 East Eleventh street north,
employed at the Columbia shipyards,
sustained a bruised foot yesterday
when a piece of steel fell. He was
treated at the Sellwood hospital.
Grand Halloween Mask Ball.
Swiss hall. 3d and Jefferson,-Friday,
Oct. 31. Hoch's famous union music,
20 good prizes; adm. only 35 cts. Come
for jolly good time, liiven oy j.irn
Patrick council. Adv.
While awaiting shipments of sure
fit snap fasteners I will make a few
suits and coats at pre-war prices. For
annointment Phone East 3445. E.
Gurney, the ladies' tailor. Adv.
Nurses Wanted for homes of the
sick poor; must be willing to help
with housework. Care St. Theresa
Sanatorium, or P. O. box 67, city.
Latest methods of fitting artificial
teeth will improve your appearance
and insure satisfactory service. . lit.
E. C. Rossman, 307 Journal bldg.r
Let Washington Hnd Laundry do
your silks and woolens; under new
management. 575 Washington St.
Broadway 1239. Adv.
Kemmerer Coal, Carbon Coal Co.,
mine agents. 321 Hawthorne ave. East
1188. Adv.
Razors, blades, etc., ground. Port
land Cutlery Co., 86 6th St.. near Stark.
Double S. & H. Stamps on hosiery
and children's shoes. Staiger Shoe
Co. Adv.
Dr. J. E. Anderson, osteopathic
physician. 815 Selling bldg. Main 1113.
Large furnished room for two. with
board; Irvington. 769 E. Broadway,
Annual Halloween Dance.
Ringler's Cotillion Hall.
Tonight; Special Attractions Adv.
Dr. De Lory, French lessons. Tabor
1617. Adv.
Dr. Arthur S. Rosenfeld has re
turned; Selling bldg. Adv.
Moore Sanitarium for the milk cure.
Nut Brown Calf Boot. Cuban heel,
$11. Knight's downstairs dept. Adv.
Front 3-r. Apt., furnished, modern
494 Market St. Main 2686. $40. Adv.
Safett Boxes, lc dally. 284 Oak.
of the Legion, yesterday as the result
of numerous complaints received at
the Liberty temple from persons who
had been victimized. "So-called 'his
tories' of the world war being sold
by some persons as indorsed by the
Legion have nothing to do with the
American Legion. So far as I know,
the American Legion In the north
west recognizes only two publica
tions, the American Legion Weekly
published In New York, and the Pa
cific Legion published in Portland."
Hikers Pi?an Short Ramble. In
stead of the trip scheduled for Beacon
Rock Sunday, the Multnomah club
hikers will have another of those
pleasant short walks which interest
so many members of the club and
their friends. These walks of four
or five miles have proven very bene
ficial and the hiking committee has
been requested to have more of them.
All are welcome to come and bring
friends. The hiking party will leave
from Twenty-third and Washington
streets at 1:30 P. M., Council Crest
car, to Zion station. From Zion the
tramp will be made over some of the
lovely walks overlooking the Tualatin
valley. The hike will be about four
miles. Emily Otis will be the leader.
Police Asked to Escort Girl. It
takes an all-around man to be a
policeman, in the opinion of Police
Captain Inskeep, for It was brought
o light yesterday that squire o
dames" Is another job which they
must be able to fill. The police
fficer on duty at the Union Station
has been asked to escort the tele
phone operator at the depot home
when her work is over at 12:30 A. M.
There are wood piles and shade trees
nd dark corners along the way to
the girl's home, and there have been
numerous robberies of late, hence the
request. Captain Inskeep says he has
already had several applications for
ransfer to the Union Station beat.
Otto Hartwig to Address Club.
Changed Industrial Conditions" will
be the general topic for discussion at
he noon luncheon tomorrow of tne
Oregon Civic club to be held at the
Benson hotel. Otto Hartwig will dis
cuss present conditions from the
standpoint of the wage earner. O.
Laurgaard, former city engineer, will
speak on behalf of the employers, and
Professor Hudson D. Hastings win
represent the public in the discussion.
Those who wish to make reserva
tions are asked to telephone Main 327
or A. 3340.
G. W. Talbot to Go Under Knife.
Advices were received in Portland
yesterday that Guy W. Talbot, presi
dent of the Portland Gas & tjoke
company and of the Pacific Power &
Light company, would undergo a third
surgical operation at Chicago lues
day. Mr. Talbot left here early in
September and is making an extended
trip through the east. He had just
left New York City for Chicago when
it became advisable for him to under
go the operation. He is expected to
return to Portland by December i,
according to yesterday s wire.
Roasts of Farm Veal, 15c.
At Frank L. Smith's, 228 Alder street:
Breasts of fine, fresh veal, 124c.
Bib veal cutlets of farm veal, 20c'
Loin veal cutlets of farm veal, 25c.
Veal stew and boiling beef, 12,,ic.
Real spring lamb shoulders, laic.
Choose any kind nice fresh liver, 10c.
Legs lamb and legs mutton. 20c.
Roast mutton, 10c. Loin chops, 20c.
Pot roasts, 1 5c. Roast beef, 1 8c.
T-bone steak. 25c. Sirloin steak, 20c.
Roast pork, 25c. Light bacon, 30c.
Frank L. Smith s is 228 Alder st. Adv.
Mazamas Change Date. The Maza-
mas' trip to Eagle creek will be made
on Sunday, leaving Portland from
First and Alder streets at 6:45 A. M.,
instead of Saturday evening, as had
been planned. Under the leadership
of Don F. Mattson and M. R. Heinze
the party will detrain at Cedarbrook
and tramp a circuitous route leading
up to Eagle creek and terminating at
Estacada. making the walk about 13
miles. Trains returning to Portland
will leave at 4:52 P. M. and 6:35 P. M
Webfoot Smoker Is Tonight.
Webfoot Camp, No. 65, Woodmen of
the World, will hold a smoker in its
hall at the Woodmen of the World
hall, 128 Eleventh street, tonight for
members and their friends. The fea
tures of the programme are boxing,
wrestling and vaudeville stunts
There will also be pillow fights be
tween several members. The com
mittee have provided cider and
pumpkin pie for refreshments.
Musicians' Forum Meets. Mrs
Jean Park -McCracken will preside
over the open forum for musicians in
the central library at 7:lo o clock to
night. The topic will be "An Ap
proach to Polyphonic Playing." The
forum discussions relate principally
to music study for outside credit in
schools. The forum will be followed
bv Dr. John Landsbury's class in
For Sale. 2-3 value aouDie nouse
rent $50. east face, full corner lot,
Couch addition. Dr. Davis, dentist
Mohawk bldg. Adv.
Get More for
Your Money
Wear Kuppenheimer and
Lion Quality Clothes.
They give you the utmost
in value for your money.
An exceptional clothes
display awaits men and
young men at this store.
The finest ready-to-put-on
garments made in
America. And there's a
big advantage to you in
their price, because they
are priced lower than
their present market
price would' justify.
Suits and Overcoats
from' the
House of Kuppenheimer
$40 $45 $50
Lion Quality
$30 to $35
RAINCOATS Excellent Lion Quality coats of gabardines,
cravenetted and rubberized fabrics $15 to $45.
advertise for work as a house
keeper and had her select the offer
made by Watson.
Woman Held Slaver's Aide.
Government officers arrested Mrs..
R. L. Tavlor. 110 Alberta street, ye
terdav in connection with the whit
slave case of James Elmer Watson
Watson was tried some time ago. Ac
cording to the testimony of the gir
in the case. Mrs. Taylor induced ne
.Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland
Safe Deposit Box Burglary
and Robbery Policy
issued to the bank or safe de
posit company, or the LESSEE
of the safe deposit box. RESI
BANK Burglary and Robbery,
HOLDUP Insurance issued by
TY COMPANY of Hartford,
Pettis-Grossmayer Co.
General Agents
Sixth Floor Wilcox Building
Main 702
Gladys Morgan Farmer to Play at
Municipal Concert.
Gladvs Morsan Farmer is the
organist chosen for the fifth Sunday
popular concert to be held next Sun
day afternoon at the public audito
rium. Mrs. Farmer appeared in the
first recital of the present series.
The programme which she will pre
sent is composed of selections well
known to music lovers, featuring
Gordan Balch Nevin s "Sketcnes oi
the City."
Walter J. Stevenson, taientea nan-
tone, is the soloist for tne concert.
Mr. Stevenson will sing-at least two
numbers, both of which will be oi
the popular .variety, 'i ne tunaa
afternoon concerts are held under the
auspices of the city and a small ad
mission fee 13 charged to cover ine
incidental expenses of staging tne
c '
State May Purchase uci supply
In Open Market.
SALEM, Or., Oct. 30. (Special.) In
response to an advertisement, for bids
for 16,000 cords of wood .to be deliv
ered to the state institutions, the state
board of control today received pro
posals for less than 1500 cords.
None of tne mas was arcepieu, mm
ft is probable that the wood will be
bought in the open market.
Large crowds of thrifty and satis
fied patrons are daily thronging the
annual woolen goods sale at the
Brownsville Woolen Mill Store,- Third
and Morrison. There's a reason.
4 f Vtttisf
1 i 11
ts. lit a r
Are you
Red Rock
Cheese ?
It's a healthful food and an
appetizing delicacy in one.
Say "Red Rock" to your gro
cer or market man. INewIy
made every morning.
Ctary Street, futt off Union Squire
Famous for good service, comfort and excellent
cuisine at reasonable prices.
Rates from $1.75 a Day
Breakfast 40c and 7Bc Lunch 60 Sundays
75c Dinner $1.26; Sundays $1.60.
Municipal Car lino direct to door.
Motor bus meets trains and steamers. ,
in honor of
Robert S. Lovett
Harry M. Adams
of the
Union Pacific Railroad
and party
Chamber of Commerce
Reservations for 400 Broadway 440
Seventh Floor Apply early
Tilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Ill 1 1
B Wool
ds Sale!
n Goo
A Real Money-Saving Opportunity
Now on at the
Brownsville Woolen Mills
Cut Prices on
Men's Underwear
Men's Mackinaws
Men's Flannel Shirts
Women's Sweaters
Boys' Hose
Boys' Mackinaws
Indian Robes
Men's Socks N
Men's Sweaters
Women's Coats
Boys' Underwear
Boys' Sweaters
Indian Blankets
Sold "Mill-to-Man" the Consumer Saves
Contralto -LAMBERT
in concert with
The Apollo Cluh
Monday, Nov. 3.
Prices $2, $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c
Seats Now Selling
Brownsville Woolen Mill Store
Mill-to-Man Clothiers
Third and Morrison
for winter, $2.75 per 100
lb. sack delivered to your
4 lbs. mild boiling
Onions 15
Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs. 252
Oranges, doz. 15c, 25c, 30c
Apples Kings, Spys,
Spitzenberg, 7 lbs. 25
S1.25 and S1.50
box delivered.
Phone Main 7735
171 Fourth Street
"Art Metal"
Glass & Prudhomme Co.
65-67 Broadway
Two Classes
in Every
the savers and the non
savers. The savers are
sacrificing now, perhaps.
The non-savers are going
on in their happy-go-lucky way, spending
every cent they earn.
It does not take much of a prophet to tell
which class of people will be in the more
comfortable circumstances ten or twenty
years from now.
,You may be enjoying yourself now, but sup
pose that you were sick for several months.
Would your family be able to live and pay
the bills without charity, or getting hope
lessly into debt? What if you lost your
job, and couldn't find another for some
The unexpected does happen, and such a
home bank as the one illustrated will enable
you to meet it without anxiety. Drop into
it as much money as possible each week, and
make it the basis of a bank account.
Ladd & Tilton Bank
Oldest in the Northwest
Washington and Third
5 IMhrcrics
A Few Timely Suggestions
from the Store of a Thousand
Appetizing Delicacies.
Vrrmomt Sice Cheese
Full cream, rich, spicy
and appctiaing pr
pound "
Clnater Raliilna
New Malaga packed
in tin boxes, just ar
rived from Spain
per box 91.10
Eastern. Try it for
hot cakes these cool
mornings. Sack fl.40
Hood River Apples
are now at their best.
We have them in all
varieties: Northern
Spy. Winter Bananas,
Golden Ortley. Spit
jsenberRS. Delicious,
Newtown Fippins, etc.
From, per box..1.70
The express company
makes a special low
rate on apples. We
will be pi ad to tell
you about it.
Jones Dairy Firm
Sanaa are
Another shipment due
this morninpr. The
product of this fa
mous farm is increas
ing in popularity ev
ery year.
Salmon Tips 55c
Salmon Bellies 6c
Cut from finest Co
lumbia River Royal
Chinook. They are
luxuries, but the price
is not high.
r3. Main 7 ZOO
I 1 ""iv
rt' 1 m. . - J I A
r riCK it out toaay ana r
I we will deliver Xmas eve. I
! Five standard lines to
I Xmas 3fe Coming
Wliat About
That Piano?
One Small Investment
that gives larger returns than al
most any other is a good watch.
Invest part of your savings in
one of these necessities today.i
We have the largest stock in yE--v
Portland for you to select from JP J
our prices are reasonable and . y
our store is a cheerful place lor
you to shop.
May we serve you?
ST APLES The Jeweler-Optician
266 MORRISON STREET, Between Third and Fourth
choose from.
ApmaxxKotic c& (?o.
cT'Merchandise of cJ Merit Only'
Phone Your Want Ads to
Main 7070 A 6093
in Furniture and Appliances, Filing
Equipment and Supplies, Seals
and Rubber Stamps. Engineers
and Typewriter Supplies.
Blank Books, Indexes and Cards.
Loose-Leaf Forms.
Printing, Engraving and Steel
Die Embossing, Bookbinding
Firm amo Oak Sts.
porruuiD. Oueo
Automobile and Tractor School
Day or Night
Enter thin vreelt and be ready for aprlnE opening.
1'tala araool ku been ratabllahed 13 yeara.
New building and new equipment. HiKh-prade Instruction, personal
attention. School operated on practical laboratory and ehop method.
This school eo-operatea Trlth tne atate In providing
financial aid to returned service men.
For detailed Information, address
Division C, Department of Education. Y. M. C. A.
Building, Portland, Oregon.
Man wants to pay for a good shoot
at ducks. Ham S320. Aov.