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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1919)
13 Creme Oil Soap, 4 Cakes for 25c Drug Dept., Main Floor EIGHT-CENT BREAD Double Stamps Today pSLSftie Basement Underprice Store! All Charge Purchases made Today and the Remainder of this Month Will Go on November Accounts, Payable on December 1. Filled Trading Stamp Books Redeemed in Cash on the Third Floor. Enforcement of Wholesale Women's Umbrellas Special $1.39 Basement Special lot of Women's Umbrel las underpriced for quick clearaway. Rain proof cover and good strong frame. Two at tractive styles in handles. Take advantage of thia opportunity to buy a good fijl QQ Umbrelha, Basement 3 Days' Sale 5i-07 Glenwood Butter .2 Lbs. for S1.45 Model Grocery, Fourth Floor No delivery of butter except with other purchases made in the Grocery Department. 4 fT Glenwood Butter, 2 pounds for Oi.fxO SWIFT'S NUT MARGARINE for no cooking purposes. Today, 2 pounds ' Fair Price Requested. The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Wortmah & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods BAKERS GIVE REASONS Women, However, Are Not Con vinced and After 2 Hours' Ar gument Adopt Resolution. 3 Days THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20. 1910. HOUSEWIVES URGE fin SALE Bread and its latest Increase in price received the attention 01 m Housewives' council yesterday. Alter two hours of badinage and argument on the part of representatives of the bakers and housewives, the organiza tion gave its indorsement to a reso lution prepared by Mrs. George L. Wil liams asking the fair-price commit tee to enforce the present eight-cent wholesale figure on pound loaves. The women, highly incensed be cause Mayor Baker did not place a woman on the municipal bread in vestigation committee, adopted a mo tion asking that a member of the housewives' council be appointed to serve in this capacity. Kred Vincent was the principal epeaker in behalf of the Master Bak ers association, presenting figures chowlng that on the Pacific coast bakery labor is higher than anywhere else and maintaining that small bak eries that can afford to sell bread at less than nine cents are not ab solutely clean places. This last as sertion was challenged by btanley Wright, deputy city attorney, who eaid city hall officials are constantly receiving complaints of over-inspec tion. Law Enforcement Promised. "The city is interested in this bread," he said, "and intends to en force its ordinance relating to com bines if it is found that the responsi bility for raising the price can be laid to one. We are going to find out just to what extent the bakers are being squeezed, as they say they are. The United States attorney also is interested in knowing this, as it would affect interstate shipments." Housewives who called up a num ber of bakers yesterday in an effort to find out how general the price in crease is, said there is apparently much brotherly love among the bak ers, as only two out of about every 15 were not raising. One woman was told by the proprietor of a bake shop, "Why, yes, of course we're adding a cent on the loaf. All the others are doing it, so why shouldn't we?" One Raker Not Ralxlnic. A baker sent in a written notice saying that he had not raised his price and does not consider it neces sary. He maintains that all of the bakers stocked up on flour for two months in advance. Mr. Vincent based his argument on the recent boost in flour and said bakers are not stocked up for more than three to five weeks. J. O. Wright, superintendent at the Log Cabin bakery, answered all ques tions put to him. "You don't want the bakeries to sacrifice quality for a little matter of 1 cent." he said. "We could buy cheaper flour and deliver bread un wrapped if you want us to, but you demand the highest quality. This increase would have come re gardless of the flour rise and yet wheat foods continue the cheapest foods on the market today." Bakera Alao Have Cnmplnl.t. Bakers, as well as housewives, had complaint to make concerning the mayor's selection of his investigating committee. "We would feel much more satisfied if one of the members were a certified accountant who would look into the books of each concern and yet not publish these findings among the bakers," said Mr. Wright. , Mrs. Williams produced two loaves of bread, both wrapped in waxed paper, one a bakery product and the other from her own kitchen. She had figures to show that the home-made loaf cost 6 2-3 cents. "Maybe it was not put out under scientific enough conditions to suit Mr. Vincent, she remarked, "but it's good broad. I have worked It out myself and I be lieve the bakers will be getting J1.35 barrel more than the cost of their Xlour with the increased price." Argument Is Answered. Vincent pointed out that the home made loaf did not represent one cent invested in equipment, delivery or labor.' "If you could produce bread whole sale at 7 or 8 cents," he said, "I could get you a job managing most any bakery in town." "No thanks, Mrs. Williams snapped, "'I don't care to mix in with the bakers." When inquiry was made as to how much profit the local bakeries are ex tracting from the business their rep resentative declared they are losing money. "That is a curious situation, chal lenged Mrs. F. O. Northrup. "Is it the custom of banks to loan money to business firms that are losing propo sitions? And yet you say you have no difficulty in obtaining funds from them for factory additions. I'm not convinced yet and neither are these other women. If you can show us you're justified, we're willing to pay the price, but we ve got to Know more about it." The only other matter taken up was the election of Mrs. C. L. Barber as recording secretary to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mrs. F. P. Gillmore. FOREST PATROLS CONFER State, Federal, Indian, Private In terests to Co-operate. SALEM, Or., Oct. 28. (Special.) Implication of energy and expense in patroling the Oregon forests is to be eliminated through the co-operation of state, federal, Indian and private agencies, according to F. A. Klliott, state forester, who returned today from Klamath Falls, where he at- ttnded a conference of the fire patrol interests. Under the new plan of operation. the several agencies will be kept ad vised of what the other is doing along rire patrol lines, thereby reducing the expense and increasing the efficiency of the several departments engaged In the work. It is Mr. Klliott's opinion that next summer will witness the extension of the airplane forest fire patrol to all sections of the Pacific coast, as well as to some of the most heavily tim bered districts of the middle west. Bishop Charles liurcli Installed. NEW YORK, Oct. 28. The Rev. Charles Burch was today Installed as bishop of the Protestant Episcopal I diocese of New York at impressive ceremonies at the Cathedral of St. Odd Lines Tub Waists At 95c Basement Many pretty styles in the offering. Odd lines sell ing formerly at much higher prices. Voiles, organdies QfT, and other materials; at Ol Petticoats $1.69 Basement Good quality Sateen Petticoats in black and figured effects. Neat styles. On sale in the Basement Under- ?Q price Store at, special DA07 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in the Basement Underprice Store To Prepare You for a Hard Winter To Prepare Us for the Holidays Looking forward to the Holidays we find we will need every inch of space to properly display our enormous stock of gift goods.. Looking forward to a hard winter we realize your need of just such merchandise as will be placed on sale. Let's get together you help us unload the counters and we will help you in providing your winter needs. This advertisement is but a hint of what's going to take place you must come to our Basement Underprice Store in order to fully appreciate what we are undertaking to do. All items advertised will be on sale 3 Days if quantities hold out,' but take our advice and SHOP EARLY, as first choice is always to one's advantage. Experienced salespeople on hand to serve you promptly. Double Trading Stamps Tomorrow With All Cash Purchases in the Basement Store Sale of Women's Coats, Suits and Dresses In the Basement Store Thousands of dollars' worth of Women's Winter Wearables are included in the Great 3-Day Preparation Sale at prices not to be equaled in Portland. Look to your needs! Women's Coats $16.95, $25 Basement Model as illustrated is of splen did quality Kersey. Many other smart styles also at this price $ 16.95. Illustra tion shows one popular style in the sale at $25. OO, and there are many others equally as smart in the assortment at same price Women's Suits At $21.50 Basement Suit as illustrated is of excellent quality wool poplin and is specially priced at $21.50. Many other styles also in this great lot. If you have need for a suit, don't miss this great 3 - Day Preparation Sale! Women's Dresses At $9.95 Basement Evening and Party Dresses in dainty styles. Taffeta, messaline, laces and nets. Good range of the wanted fl?Q OCT pastel shades. Values to $25, at tOi.lO Black or Brown Velvet Dresses, as illus trated Basem'ent special at only $23.75 K mm ' Toilet Paper Special t -t 10 Rolls J-L Basement Extra good quality Tissue Paper pjjt up 1000 sheets to the roll. Not more than 10 rolls to a customer and positively no telephone or.C. O. D. orders accepted. On sale today only at this special price, in Q" ff Basement, 10 rolls for wl.UU Women's Handbags At 98c Basement Women's Handbags and Purses in several good styjes, with or without vanity mirrors. Extra good for QQ service. Priced special "Ov Shopping Bags 25c Basemen t Twine Shopping Bags with good strong handle. Just the thing for small parcels. 500 on sale in the Base- OFIrt ment Store today at only tlLr Sale of Aprons Basement WOMEN'S Coverall Aprons in large full styles. Made op in figured percales of excellent quality. On ?" QQ sale in the Basement OJ-.O TEA APRONS in neat square styles with pocket. Vari ous materials. Special at 98c BUNGALOW APRONS made with belt and pocket. Front- fastening style. Good se lection of patterns; only WHITE Bungalow Aprons of good quality material. Square neck style, fastening 1 Q in front. Special at oA.-L Women's House Dresses, Special $2.49 Women's Hose 23 c a Pair Basement Sale Women's Black Cotton Hose of good durable quality several hun dred pairs in a rousing sale at a very low price. Double heel and toe. Full range of sizes. OQ, Priced special at, the pair UnionSuits$1.49 Basement Women's White Ribbed Cotton Union Suits. High neck, long sleeves, ankle length. Sizes from 36 to 44. Specially C- . JQ priced in the Basement tD-a-.Tx Bloomers 59c Basement Women's Jersey Bloom ers in white or pink. As- PQ sorted sizes. Special, a pair it 4 Housekeepers' Supplies BATH TOWELS hundreds of them odds and ends from our regular stock at big savings. TABLE CLOTHS, size 63x64 inches. Beautiful satin- flJO ?Q finish. Basement Sale WOt Basement, 3-Day Sale DRESS GINGHAMS, 3500 yards in a new shipment just received, go into the Basement Sale at a special low price. Dark plaids in various colors for women's and OQ children's dresses a yard White Outing Flannel 25c Yard Basement Plain White Outing Flannel of good quality with soft fleecy nap very desirable for night gowns, pajamas and skirts. No Off telephone or mail orders- will be accepted. Priced special, yard Large Size Blankets $4.75 Basement Basement Large size Blankets for double bed. Wool finish and splendid heavy weight. Limited number of pairs on !! r7fr sale in the Basement at D rt I J Comforters $3.00 Basement Size 72x90 inches and well made. Covered with good grade material in at- PO ff tractive rattcrns! at DO.UU 3-lb. Feather Pillows, Special $1.39 Bleached Sheets, Special $1.29 Children's Winter Needs Priced Lower In Our Basement Basement Bed Pillows filled with sanitary mixed feathers and cov ered with strong ticking. Size 19x26 inches. Weight 3 OQ pounds. On sale at, each D J-Ot7 Basement Bleached Sheets, size 72x90 irtches. These are reinforced with seam down the center. No telephone or mail orders (JJI OQ accepted. Basement sale wlfc Pillow Cases 39c Basement These Pillow Cases are made of good grade bleached muslin and they come in the most wanted size (45x36 inches). No telephone or C. O. D. orders will be accepted, and we reserve the right to OQ limit purchases of any one customer. While they last at, each CHILDREN'S DRESSES of pretty plaid ginghams in assorted colors trimmed with contrasting plain shades. Neat styles. Sizes for girls 6 to 12 years. I" - Q On special sale at only DJ--i-5 PLAY SUITS for children 1 to 8 years. One-piece style. Made up in blue denim trimmed with red. Very serviceable. Spe cially priced, the suit $1.19 CHILDREN'S SWEATERS an odd lot sharply underpriced for this sale. Styled with roll collars, belts, pockets. Several Q" " Q colors. Sizes 2 to 6; at CHILDREN'S BLOOMERS of good quality jersey in pink or white. Fine for school wear. AQr Assorted sizes. Snecial at DOUBLE S. & II. Green Stamps with all Basement cash purchases. CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HOSE of elastic ribbed cotton; brown OQ only. "Seconds," slightly imperfect. Priced special, the pair Royal Worcester Corsets Odd Lines m the Basement Sale (U A Several good styles in tnis oiiering, including models for misses and one nursing style. Royal Worcester Cor sets are noted for style and quality. All sizes Sl.(H) WOMEN'S CAMISOLES in dainty styles trimmed with laces and ribbons all sizes in the assortment. Special at $1.00 WOMEN'S BOUDOIR CAr"S or silk and crepe ma- Ofr I I terials trimmed with ribbons. Various colors. Special OC J Jf ercoiators 40-Inch Wool Dress Goods $2.19 Yd. Basement 40-Inch Wool Epingle a popular fabric for dresses and skirts. Navy, gray, maroon, plum, copen and black. Great (JJO - Q 3 Days' Sale, the yard 5JLi 36-Inch Fancy Poplin $1.69 Yd. Basement Especially adapted for dresses and skirts. Beautiful rich finish. Black, navy, cream, copen, gray, pink and CJ1 JQ French blue the yard 3J-.) Boxed Stationery Special 29c Basement Trenton Lawn Sta tionery put up 24 sheets and 24 envelopes to the box. 3 OQrt shades. Special, the box "Dollar Day" In the Basement Millinery Double S. H. Trading Stamps' GIRLS' TAMS in black and colors just what the children need for school. Latest styles. Shown in black and the most wanted colors. Limited number on sale at the low price of WOMEN'S AND MISSES' Outing and Street Hats of vel vet, felt, velour and corduroy. Mostly banded styles. Special WOMEN'S UNTRIMMED HATS in many attractive styles. Large or small black and leading, colors. Priced special at Dinner Plates 10c Each Basement Only 500 of these, so shop early! American Semi-Porcelain Dinner Plates in plain white. Slightly defective. While 1 fl they last special at only -LUU THIN BLOWN Glass Water fT . Tumblers, priced, special, each 300 Pairs Women's Shoes $1.98 Basement Underprice Store A phenomenally low price and no doubt every pair of these shoes will be 6old the first day of the sale. Broken assortment of sizes mostly medium and small. Black Shoes Tan Shoes Gray Shoes Patent, Vici Kid and Gun metal leathers. Some have cloth tops. High or medium heels. But- QO toned or laced styles. Priced special for Clean-up Sale, the pair wlatO Basement Sale of Men's Shoes At $3.95 LOT 1 MEN'S SHOES in smart styles for dress wear. Patent Leather, ViciTCid and Gunmetal leathers. Laced or buttoned. Not all sizes in each style, but a good selection to choose from. Tan or black. Spe- CJO QT cially priced in this sale, at DO.J At $3.95 LOT 2 MEN'S SHOES in the heavy weights for winter wear. Splen did solid leather soles that will keep the feet warm and dry. Men who work out-of-doors should take advan tage of this sale. Broken ?Q QK sizes. Priced special, pair 30IJ Double Trading Stamps Today With Basement Cash Purchases $3.48 Basement Coffee Percolators in the 7-cup size. We secured these at a great bargain on account of their having slight defects. Good as first quality as far as service is concerned. On sale to- J0 day in the Basement, at DO.O Garbage Pails At $2.48 Basement Extra Heavy Galvan ized Garbage Pails with deep cov ers and reinforced bails. 6t 8 and 9-gallon sizes. On sale in the Basement, $2.48, $2.98, $3.48 Basement House Wares Save On Home Needs! Strainers 34c Basement Fine or coarse Mesh Wire Strainers, 6-inch size with reinforced bottoms. House Brooms at 98c Rug Beaters of braided rattan. Very effective for small rugs. QQ $1 $1 $1 Basement Good quality Brooms, medium weight, plain handles, on QO sale today, only 'O' Extra values at Clothes Boilers $2.95 Basement Heavy Tin Wash Boilers with metallic bottom and stationery wood handles. If you need new Boiler this is an opportunity to get one at a bargain. Specially priced at Witch Sot Destroyer, Priced 15c Package $2.95 163 Pairs Men'sPants Priced QQ Special .O Basement Men's Work Pants in me dium gray mixtures special lot of 163 pairs. Sizes from 32 QO QQ to 42. Basement Sale at 50 Men's Sweaters at S1.85 Basement Men's Heavy Knit Sweat ers in coat style with roll collar and two pockets. Light gray and Oxford colors. Sizes from 38 up to Or 44. Priced very special at wlOD Men's Underwear Special $1.00 Basem ent Men's Ribbed Cotton Un derwear shirts and drawers. Nat ural color. Medium weight, wool fin ish. All the regular sizes. Q1 ff Priced sDecial. the earment t3-LUU 300 Men's Shirts Special $1.00 Basement Men, don't neglect this chance to lay in a supply of good shirts at a special low price! Large assortment of smart patterns to select from. Soft or stiff cuff styles also J- Cf many Negligee Shirts with collars. Priced special at V BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS PRICED SPECIAL AT ONLY $.-5.83 BOYS' BELTED OVERCOATS PRICED SPECIAL AT SIO.OO ism ess Kmr Basement A wonderful preparation for cleaning soot from chimneys and flues. Easy to use. and most effective. Priced at the package, only 15 . Cedar Polish 10c Cedar Oil Polish for Mops and polishing furniture. 4-ounce size priced at only 10 Brillo and Soap a steel wool for cleaning aluminum and' Granite Ware. Priced at 100 Steri-Foam Outfit Basement Outfit consists of one can Steri-Foam Powder and one long handled brush for OP. cleaning toilef bowls; set Js Ask for your Trading Stamps. Toasters 29c " Gas Toasters in cone shaped style. Toasts crisp and brown at 290 i "Notion Day" Bargain Circle, Main Floor ELGIN MAID CROCHET COTTON for crocheting, tatting and embroidery work. White and colors. On special sale today, the dozen, only Economy Pin Holders at 50 Kid Curlers, special at 170 Wire Hair Pins, package 40 Linen Tape, priced, bolt 40 Itsoezi Trouser Hangers 120 Spool Silk for hand or ma chine use; priced, the spool 70 Hair Pin Cabinets, special 70 Defender Safety Pins at 30 Adamantine Pins put up in 1-lb. boxes, size 4 only, at 590 Lingerie Tape in light blue, pink or white. Priced, bolt 70 Cube Pins," jet only, now 170 Dove Toilet Pins, package 40 Bone Hair Pins in shell or amber colors-! special, box 100 -We give S. H. Stamps with all purchases ask for them. John the Divine.