Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 28, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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Amazing Theories Bared
, Emissaries' Guidebook.
Destruction of Religion and All
Initiative Power In Minds of
People Is Stepping-Stone.
ICopyrleht by the Public Ledger Company.
Published by Arrangement.)
NEW YORK, Oct. 27. A prominent
American diplomat has placed at
my disposal a Russian document
which bears every evidence of being
the guidebook of the world revolu
tionists. It ia a booklet of 24 protocols, writ
ten by one of "he leaders of the bol
shevist movement for the guidance of
the secret council of the soviet, and
was brought to the United States re
cently by an American intelligence
officer who has been in Moscow and
These protocols, excerpts of which
here are published for the first time,
show the diabolical methods of the
world's master anarchists in planning
the destruction of all government and
the substitution of proletariat dicta
torships under the supreme control
of a man like Lenine. In the third
paragraph of protocol 1 this state
ment is made:
Violence la Advocated.
"It must be noted that the people
with bad instincts are more numerous
than those with good ones, so the best
result in governing them Is obtained
by intimidation and violence and not
by academic arguments.
"Every man aims for power, every
one wants to be dictator if possible,
and at the jami time few would not
sacrifice the good of others for the
attainment of their own ends. Right
is might.
"Political freedom is an idea and
not m. fact," the article read. "It is
necessary to know how to apply this
Idea when there is need of intellec
tual bait to gain the support of the
people for a party. I' such is under
taken to break another party already
in power.
Theory Ia Expounded.
"This aim is made easier if the op
ponent himself is carried away by
the principle of freedom or so
called liberalism, and for the sake of
the idea will give up some of his
power. It is here that the success of
our theory becomes apparent.
The weakened reins of authority
re immediately grasped, according
to the laws of existence, by a new
hand because the blind force of the
people cannot be tolerated to remain
without a leader for even a day,, and
the new authority simply steps into
the position of the old, already weak'
, oned by liberalism."
In speaking of the methods of Intro
ducing anarchy, the superman of bol
shevism confesses there cannot be
"healthy, logical hope of guiding the
masses successfully by thoughtful ar
guments or by statements when there
Ls a, possibility of contradiction.
Party Dlvlxlon Feared.
"Guided by exceptionally shallow
passions, beliefs, customs, traditions
and sentimental theories, the people in
the crowd are inclined to party di
At such a time as this, after gov
ernments have been weakened, by
"liberalism," the protocol states, an
irchy may be introduced into govern
ment and "our right lies in force."
The word "right" is an abstract
thought and there are no proofs of it.
The word means nothing more than
give me that which I want, that I
may have proof of my super strength
over you. In a government wh poor
ly organized authority, where the laws
tnd ruler are powerless, I find a new
right that of attack following the
right of strongest and the destruc
tion of all existing regulations and
statutes, of grasping the laws and
changing all the institutions and be
coming the ruler of those who give us
the right to their own rower by abdi
cating it voluntarily and liberally.
Taking up the unrest which today
la world-wide, the Russian document
states that: "With the present insta
bility of all authority our power will
be more unassailable than any other
because it will be invisible until it is
well rooted that no cunning can
undermine it."
In view of the radical agitation in
the United States and the success with
which William Z. Foster and other
extremists have "bored" into the
American Federation of Labor and the
astounding number of unauthorized
strikes in this country, the protocol
of Russia might be also the protocol
of the boishevists here.
"Our password is power and hypoc
risy, for only power can conquer in
politics, especially if it Is hidden in
talents necessary to govern people."
Xo Method Too Evil to Use.
This excerpt from protocol 2:
"Violence must be the principle;
hypocrisy and cunning the rule of
the government which does not wish
to lay down its crown at the feet
of the agents of any new power.
Evil is the sole means of reaching
the goal of good. For this reason
we must not hesitate at bribery,
cheating and treason when these can
enable us to reach our end. In poli
tics it is necessary to take the prop
erty of others without hesitation if
by that we obtain submission and
"Our government, following the
lino of peaceful conquest, his the
right to substitute for the horrors
of war the less noticeable and more
efficient executions.
"A Just but inexorable strictness
is the greatest factor of the govern
ment. We must follow a programme
of violence and hypocrisy, not only
for the sake of profit, but also as a
duty and for the sake of victory."
The cold-blooded manner in which
Tells How to Darken Gray Hair With
a Home-Made Mixture.
Joicey Williams, the well-known
actress, who was recently playing at
the Imperial Th'atre in St. Louis,
made the following statement about
gray hair and how to darken it:
"Anyone can prepare a simple mix
ture at home that will darken gray,
streaked or faded hair, and make it
soft and glossy. To a half-pint of
water add 1 ounce of bay rum. a
small box of Barbo Compound, and
4 ounce of glycerine.
These ingredients can be bought at
any drug store at very little cost.
Apply to the hair twice a week until
the desired shade is obtained. This
will make a gray-haired person look
twenty years younger. It does not
color the scalp, is not sticky or
the Bolshevist leaders set out to !
gain control of masses of men and
women is indicated by the follow
ing sentence: "We always played
upon the most sensitive chords of
the human mind greed and the In
satiable material desires of men.
Each of these human weaknesses,
taken separately, is capable of kill
ing initiative and of placing the will
of the people at the disposal of the
buyer of their activities."
"Abstract liberty," the testament
reads, "offered us the opportunity of
convincing the masses that govern
ment is only the management of the
country and that it can be changed
like a pair of gloves."
Protocol . 2 deals with the substi
tution of internationalism for nation
alism. It says at the beginning:
World Determination Ia Goal.
"It is necessary for us that war,
whenever possible, should bring no
territorial advantage. This will shift
war to an economic basis and force
nationals to see the strength of our
great power with their aid. Such a
condition will place both sides in the
grip of our international agency, with
its millions of eyes, its watchfulness
unhampered by any frontiers. Then
our international rights will eliminate
national rights in a narrow sense and
they will govern the people in the
same way that the civil power of the
governments govern the- relationship
of its subjects among themselves."
In discussing the attitude of the
press, one of the articles observes
that "The triumph of free speech is
concentrated in the press. But gov
ernments are unable to profit by this
power because it is falling into our
hands." And then turning to religion
and religious liberty.
Church to Be Destroyed.
Protocol 4 maintains that "liberty
could be harmless and remain on the
programme of governments without
loss to the well-being of the people
if it were to retain the principle of
the belief in God, the brotherhood of
man. exclusive of the thought of
equality, contradicted by the laws of
existence which establish servitude.
With such a belief the people would
be governed by the guardians of the
parish and would thrive quietly and
obediently under the guidance of
their spiritual leaders, accepting
God's ways of this earth.
"It is for this reason that we must
undermine faith, extract from the
minds of the people the very prin
ciple of God and soul and replace
these conceptions by arithmetical
calculations and material demands."
This fits in well with the bolshevist
programme in Russia of destroying
the influence of the church and of
substituting the materialism of prop
erty forcefully taken from one and
given to another. In relating the
methods used to destroy faith in the
czar, this protocol states:
"At the time when people consid
ered that the rulers expressed the
will of God, they subjected them
selves, without murmur, to the autoc
racy of the czars, but as soon as we
inspired them with the thought of
their personal rights, they began to
regard the rulers as plain human be
ings. The anointment of God fell
from the heads of the czars in the
regard of the people. Then we de- i
prived them of this belief in God,
whereupon authority was thrown into
the street, where it became public
property and was grasped by us."
Plan la to Perplex Public
In recent years the soapbox orator
has been considered the chief spokes
man of radicalism, and the doctrines
which they have expounded have al
ways seemed absurd In the minds of
intelligent human beings. But accord
ing to the document which I am quot
ing, "it is necessary to perplex pub
lic opinion f.n order to conquer it. We
will appropriate to ourselves the
physiognomy of all parties of all
opinions, and provide them with ora
tors who will talk so much that they
will exhaust the people by their
speeches," and then the "failings of
people, their habits, passions, laws of
living." will be so "intensified that
nobody will be able to disentangle
himself in the chaos. Consequently,
people will cease to understand each
other." This will help us to create
disagreement among all parties, to
disintegrate all those collective forces
which still do not wish to subjugate
themselves to us. There is nothing
n-oro dangerous than private initia
tive. If it has a touch of genius it
car. accomplish more than a million
people among whom we have sown
dissension. We must so direct the
education of society that its arms
will drop hopelessly In the face of in
itiative. The intensity resulting from
freedom of action diffuses power
when it is brought face to face with
another person's liberty. This results
in heavy moral blows, disappoint
ments and failures.
"We will so tire the people by all
this that we will force them to offer
us international power, which, by its
position, will be enabled to absorb all
the governmental forces of the world,
and then form a super-government.
Its arms will stretch on all sides like
nippers and will form so colossal an
organization as cannot but subjugate
all the nations."
Dissension Is Entering; Wedge.
The ideal of the boishevists, ac
cording to protocol 7, is to be con
sidered "the aviators of mankind."
This article, which is the briefest of
the 24, and which is the last one I
shall quote in this telegram, reads as
"The concentration of armament and
the growth of the political state are
essential to the realization of the
above-mentioned plans. It is essential
in our governments that there should
be only a mass of proletariats, a few
millionaires devoted to us, politicians
and soldiers."
This statement applies as well to
this country as Russia. The bolshe
vist sympathizers who testified be
fore the senate committee investigat
ing bolshevism acknowledged that
they were aided invthis work in this
country by "rich women."
"We must foment dissension and
animosities through Europe and with
their help in other continents," con
tinues protocol 7.
Duplicity Also Advocated.
"There is double usefulness In this:
First, we will retain the respect of all
countries by this method for they will
realize we have the power to create
disorders, or to bring order whenever
we wish. All these countries have be
come accustomed to regarding us as
a necessary pressure. Second, we will
entangle by intrigues all the threads
stretched by us into the government
cabinets with the aid of politics, eco
nomic treaties and indebtednesses.
To attain this we will come to
parleys and negotiations armed with
cunning and evasiveness, but in so-
called 'official language we will sus
tain the opposite tactics of seeming
honesty. In this way the people and
governments will be taught by us to
regard only the surface of that which
we show them and will look upon us
as the benefactors and aviators of
"We must be able to counteract all
opinion of war by the neighbors of
that country which would dare to con
tradict us, but even should these
neighbors decide to stand collectively
against us, we must protect ourselves
by a. world war."
Actress Condemns Corsets.
NEW YORK. Mrs. Beatrice Forbes
Robertson, the niece of the famous
English actor, addressed a conference
of physicians in this city the other
night. She condemns tight corsets,
high heels and hobble skirts. . She
maintains that the freakish attire af
fected by women of the United States
is the cause of most of the nervous
A. Jj. Haley of Port of Vancouver
Tells of Possibilities for Us
ing Mountain Streams.
-Establishment of an Interstate
hydro-electric system by Portland
and Vancouver as a means of build
ing up these cities and adjoining
communities is proposed by A. L.
Haley, an engineer retained by the
Port of Vancouver, after a careful
study of power development in tha
middle western and eastern states.
Mr. Haley was formerly connected
with the United States shipping
board and the emergency fleet cor
poration. His study in the east cov
ered a period of six weeks. While
made primarily for his employers it
was, in a broader sense, for the bene
fit of this entire district he said yes
terday, on his arrival in this city.
Within a radius of 100 miles from
Portland, Mr. Haley said. 500,000
horse-power of electric energy can
be developed and this would mean
wonders in the way of encouraging
and building up industrial life of the
two cities.
"To get down to the real situa
tion," said Mr. Haley, "the two elec
tric companies of Portland have de
veloped 111,000 horse-power. There
is at this time, according to figures,
a demand for 200,000 horse-power.
Now there is an everlasting supply
of power in the water falls tributary
to Portland and Vancouver and this
energy will not decrease or falter in
its service once it Is brought into
There is in the Cowlitz 120,000
horse-power, only 60 miles distant,
and 300,000 . horse-power in the
Deschutes, less than 100 miles away,
said Mr. Haley. In addition there
are valuable falls on the Santiam.
not to speak of the enormous strength
in the falls of the Columbia at Celilo,
where government figures show a
mean annual average of 300,000 horse
power available.
"If it could properly be brought'
before the people of Portland and
Vancouver," he continued, "so they
would understand the benefits they
would receive from utilization of the
waterfalls there would be no trouble
in getting 'a bond issue of $25,000,
000. "I am told it costs Portland $12,000
a day for its fuel and electric cur
rent, or $4,980,000 per annum. Much
of this could be saved by supplying
ourselves with electricity for all
purposes. Water power developed on
public grounds ty private individuals
or private corporations must pay a
government tax for the use of the
water, gauged at 10 cents per horse
power per year at the beginning and
increased to $1 per horse-power per
year in ten years.
"Water power developed by munic
ipalities pays no tax at all. bo if
Portland and Vancouver districts
should issue bonds and develop, say
500,000 horse-power, the city weuld
be saving $500,000 a year In govern
ment taxes, in addition to its citi
zens getting their electricity at cost,
precisely as you do your water from
Bull Run and all kinds of factories
would seek locations here. Tou
would establish a mighty payroll
which would continually increase and
always force prosperity upon your
communities. Tou have all the in
gredients which go to make up a
great and busy city. Tou have but
to utilize them. There is almost
everything in its raw state, and na
ture has made provision for easy and
cheap conversion of these gifts into
the finished article.
"I swwe-est that Portland people
unite with the citizens of Vancouver
and build an Interstate power plant
of sufficient magnitude to serve the
requirements of both cities. Van
couver, as Portland must know, has
an extremely friendly feeling toward
Portland, and I feel sure no diffi
culty would be experienced in mak
ing a connection of this kind. This
brotherly feeling was cemented by
the union of the interest of the two
municipalities in the construction of
the interstate bridge which has been
of tremendous benefit to both."
Pedestrian Robbed of 90 Cents and
Residence of ReT. J. H. Black
Ransacked During Absence.
Seven burglaries and one holdup
were reported to the police Sunday
night. The man held up was William
Osborn, 25 West Church street, who
was etopped by one highwayman at
.Denver avenue and Willamette boule
vard and robbed of 90 cents. The rob
ber was described as 5 feet 9 inches
tall, about 35 years old and weighed
about 165 pounds.
While Father J. H. Black, paator
of St. Francis church, was officiating
at services faunoay night burglars en
tered nis home at 54 Eleventh street
and ransacked the house. Father
Black was unable to tell Sunday night
wnat articles were missing. H. A.
Green, 902 East Twenty-fourth, street
north, returned home late Sunday
nignt to una Durgiars ransacking the
house. The men fled without obtain
ing anything of value.
Miss Bess Hefty, 298 East Twenty
fifth street North, was robbed of $15
cash and some Jewelry by burglars.
T. Winship, 354 East Fifty-first street
North, reported the loss of blankets
and Jewelry from his home. The
home of Mrs. Hattle Townsend, 456
tiaisey street, was robbed of a dia
reend ring and a $50 check.
Burglars in the home of A. Shulz,
168 East Fifteenth street North.
stopped to eat a dish of gelatin be
fore stealing some Jewelry and a
Cbke. The family was away only 15
mirutes. Jewelry worth $100 was
stolen from the home of I. Perkins,
34& East Fifty-first street North. In
spectors Coleman, La Salle, Moloney.
Swennes and Tlchenor are working
on the burglaries. Inspectors Cahill
and Morris are hunting the robber.
T. R.
Members of Roosevelt's Harvard
Class of 1880 Will Gather
at Club Tomorrow.
NEW YORK, Oct. 27. The anniver
sary of the birth of Theodore Roose
velt will be observed throughout the
country today.
Observance waa begun here Sunday
when the Roosevelt memorial flag
was raised at the New York public
library and lowered at sundown with
the call "to the colors." Today
the "Roosevelt flag," which has been
carried across New York state, will
fjirk! Have a mass of long,
thick, gleamy'hair
if -i
Let "Danderine" save your hair and
double its beauty. Tou can have lots
of long, thick, strong, lustrous hair.
Don't let it stay lifeless, thin, scraggly
or fading. Bring back its color, vigor
and vitality.
Get a 35-cent bottle of delightful
"Danderine" at any drug or toilet
counter to freshen your scalp f check
dandruff and falling hair. Tour .hair
needs this stimulating tonic, then its
life, color, brightness and abundance
will return Hurry! Adv4
Oyster Bay, where the 48th star will
be sewed on before it is raised over
the colonel's grave. At night there
will be a dinner of the Rocky Moun
tain club, at which the guests will in
clude Herbert Hoover. John Hays
Hammond, Alton B. Parker and Eiihu
At the same time members of
Roosevelt's Harvard class of 1880 will
gather at the Harvard club "to honor
the memory of Harvard's most illus
trious graduate."
News Concerning Official Held for
$150,000 Ransom Is Received
by His Relatives.
HANFORD, Cal.. Oct. 27. William
O. Jenkins, American consular agent
at Puebla. Mexico, who was kidnaped
by Mexicans last Sunday and held for
$150,000 ransom, was released by the
bandits yesterday, according to infor
mation received last night by rela
tives here.
The telegram was from Jenkins'
sister, who was visiting at the ranch
from which ho was kidnaped. It
read :
'Oscar was rescued this afternoon.
Advise relatives. ANN."
As the telegram was telephoned
here from Fresno, the family did not
learn the date it bore.
The telegram was received by the
consular agent's father, John W.
Jenkins, from his daughter. Miss
Annie Jenkins, shortly before mid
night tonight.
Mr. Jenkins said no ransom money
had been put up for the release of
his son as far as he knew, and that
he had no idea how the rescue was
"All I know Is what the telegram
stated," he said.
Jenkins was kidnaped one week
ago tonight, but news of his deten
tion did not reach his family here
until last Wednesday, when a tele
gram was received from his sister.
Miss Annie Jenkins. Later word
came from her that besides kidnaping
Mr. Jenkins, the bandits, who held
him for ransom, had plundered his
ranch home, securing $60,000. Mr.
Jenkins did not consider he was in
any personal danger from bandit
bands, which he knew were in the
vicinity of his ranch, according to his
letters to his relatives here.
Mr. Jenkins' father, in a statement
given out here last Wednesday,, said
the' ransom demanded by the bandits
would be paid. However, he appealed
to national and California officials
for assistance in securing his son's re
lease. This is the second time the
American consul has been held for
ransom, his relatives having been
forced to pay $25,000 to a band of
bandits about five years ago under
somewhat similar circumstances. He
Is said to be worth several million
Whether his relatives In Puebla, his
wife, two daughters and one sister,
had paid the sum demanded on this
occasion the sister's telegram today
did not state. Another daughter is
attending school in Los Angeles. -
Mr. Jenkins is 41 years old and has
been in Mexico 18 years. He is a
prominent merchant and manufacturer
of Puebla. Besides his consular post
at that point he is connected with the
American embassy in Mexico City in
a capacity not exactly known here.
Mr. Jenkins' relatives here did not
consider his life in danger at any time
during his detention by the bandits..
Mr. Jenkins' abductors were masked
at the time they appeared at his ranch
home. According to his family they
were three in number.
Stringent representations were made
to the Mexican government by the
American government, looking toward
Mr. Jenkins' release and it was said
that measures to this end were taken
on the personal direction of Presi
dent Carranza.
Tacoma Snipping Broker Will Be
Burled Today.
SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 27. (Spe
cial.) Francis P. Mclntyre, a grand
son of F. W. Pettygrove, one of Port
land's earliest citizens and who platted
the townsite of Portland, died in Ta
coma Saturday night. Mr. Mclntyre
was born in Port Townsend and
moved toTacoma nine years ago after
living in Seattle three years. He was
a shipping broker. He is survived by
his wife, Mrs. Olive F. Mvlntyre; one
daughter. Miss Enola F. Mclntyre; two
brothers, Charles E. Mclntyre of Port
land and Calvin P. Mclntyre, a sea
faring man of Seattle, and one sister,
Mrs. Maxwell Levy, who lives at the
Terry hotel here.
Funeral services for Mr. Mclntyre,
attended only by the family and a
few Immediate friends will be held
from his home at 3 o'clock Monday
afternoon. Interment at the Tacoma
Mining Engineers and Operators
of Alaska Make Report.
FAIRBANKS. Alaska Gold-bearing
ground in the Fairbanks district
suitable for dredging purposes shows
a total of 218.900,000 cubic yards with
gold content estimated at $100,200,000.
This is the gist of a report made by
a committee composed of mining en
gineers and practical mine operators
to the Alaska chapter of the Amerl-
fir r r
What kind of shave did you
get this morning?
YOUR shave this morning was
it quick and smooth, or slow
and irritating?
When your razor blade is fresh,
you get a smooth, comfortable
shave. But very soon your beard
begins to dull the edge the blade
begins to "pull" and scrape. It grows
progressively worse at last you throw
the blade away.
Why endure this annoyance?
With the AutoStrop Razor you can
renew the fine, smooth edge of your
blade for every shave.
A remarkable stropping device,
simple and efficient, ia h""'r into the
frame of the AutoStrop J
sharpens itsclj
Austro-Hnngarlan Leaders Asked
Reason for Rumor Which Per
mitted Capture by Italians.
VIENNA. Oct. 27. (By the Associ
ated Press.) Major-General Arz von
Slraussenberg, chief of staff of the
Austro-Hungarian army in the final
stages of the war, and Field Marshal
Von Waldstaten. chief of the division
of operations, appeared Friday before
the commission appointed to investi
gate delinquencies of military officers
during the war. They were examined
particularly regarding the circum
stances under which a premature
armistice report was circulated 36
hours before the armistice was actual
ly signed.
This false report resulted In the cap-
lure by the Italians of several hun
dred thousand Austrian prisoners.
General Arz refused to testify on
the ground that he was a Hungarian
subject. The court overruled his ob
Sporadic Disturbances Continue at
Plant of United Alloy Steel
Corporation at Canton.
CANTON, O., Oct. 27. Sporadic dis
turbances continued Sunday at the
plant of the United Alloy Steel cor
poration. Sunday morning a mill
guard was shot in the hip when the
shifts were being changed, according
to Sheriff Cathon.
Should trouble develop today
when the Stark Polling Mills com
pany attempts to resume operations,
it is expected that Governor Cox will
order the state troops being held at
Akron to proceed here at once and
take charge.
A special train loaded with all nec
essary equipment, including machine
guns and ammunition, is beirfg held
in the railroad yards at Akron only
a block from the armory, where the
troops are stationed.
Albany to Greet Endeavorers.
ALBANY, Or., Oct. 27. (Special.)
Preliminary plans are being made for
the Oregon Christian Endeavor eon-
is the root of nearly all
digestive evils. If your
digestion is weak or out
of kilter, better eat less
and use
the new aid to better
digestion. Pleasant to
take effective. Let Kir
moids help straighten out
your digestive troubles.
You don't have to take the razor apart
or remove the blade. You simply slip
the strop through the razor head.
A few passes of the razor back and
forth, and the blade is quickly, easily
and perfectly sharpened.
You are guaranteed 500 clean,
quick shaves from every dozen
Begin tomorrow to get all the com
fort of a fresh, keen edge for every
shave. Ask your dealer today about
the AutoStrop Razor free trial plan.
New Trk Toroat Loadoa Fans
vention which will be held in Albany,
February 20. 21 and 22. Miss Faye
Steinmets of Portland, state president,
was in Albany Saturday conferring
with officers and committeemen re
garding plans for the convention.
Army Officers and Governors Send
Assurances to. President.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 27. The Mexi
can embassy last night issued the fol
lowing statement:
"The Mexican embassy at Washing-
ILeg Soire
A Bsc ama Terr deep full of fool
Haehanra. Acoar all day: no rest at
ala-ht. Thea Jaat a few drops of the cea
tle. eooitnr liquid. D. D. Dl Irritatioa
Bad pala iom. Sweet, refreahinc sleep
at Dtfht. la doa time, complete heel
Inc. We iwum the ttrst bottl. Uc,
See mmdU-CO. Ask for O. D. D. today.
ML lotion ibr Shin Disease
Sold by The Owl Drug Co. and Skid
more Drug Co.
See Tomorrow's Paper for Details
Reliable Power
SOLIDLY, strongly built. Novo Triplex
Pumping Outfit stands up to the atiffest
job of long-distance, high-pressure pumping,
and keepa the water coming. Twenty-four
hours a day if need be, and seven days a week.
Ouritrs for Hoisting, Pumping, Air
Comprtng, Sowing. 1 to 15 H.P.
Writm urn fog coapJt infaz mmtion-
Claxencw E-Btmerit. Vlce-Pres. L Gen-Kgn
Factory and Main Office, Lansing, Michigan
IffTabfnlMaliUit Oiom Old Calaar BaUuc
- '- - --.
ton has received official advices to the
elfect that in view of the opposition
which President Carranza has met in
congress he has received numerous
messages and assurances from the
leading army officers in command of
troops, from the governors of states
and from the municipal authorities of
the republic, renewing their fidelity
nnd support to the executive."
We Sell
See Them
In Our Display
Re - decorating
XV7"E moved
I? into on
new house thit
fall and I'v
had a wonder
ful time fixing
it up. It wai
just like being
a bride again. Hnt I couldn't seem to
make the living room right, although
most of the things in it were new.
I would spend half the day getting
the room to look comfortable and
inviting. Then, when my husband
came home, we would light np and
it would look like a rummage sale.
This went on for a week, until at
last I went downtown and told my
troubles to Mr. Bibber, the mer
chant from whom I bad brought our
"Yon say it looks all right in the
day time and all wrong at night," he
said. "What kind of lighting fixtures
have you?"
"Just one," 1 said, very striking
chandelier." i
"Probably too striking," he said
"We used to have just your trouble
here in the store. fe had handsome '
fixtures graceful bowls hung from or
namental chains. And every one of
them seemed lo bit you rigbt in the
eve. I used to say that lots of cus
tomers didn't buy our goods because
they were admiring our fixtures. But
the real truth was that the light was
glary and gloomy at the same time
glare on the ceiling and on the pol
ished furniture, and gloom on the
floor and in the
"So we
changed and
put in these."
And he ointd
down the ai!e.
I looked and
mw here and
there hand.-ome,
softly lighted
silk shades in
various colors.
I stepped be
neath the near
est one and
found myself
looking dirertlv
np, without blinking.
at a glowing
due of glass.
"This," said Mr. Bihbrr. "is a
combination of direct and indirect
light. The curved metal deflector
throws most of the rays upward and
floods the whole room with a mel
low, diffused light, while through this
glass disc other rays go directly down
ward, giving an added intensity be
neath but filtered so that there is no
glare. It can be used with a silk, cre
tonne or parchment shade in any
color. 'Without the shade it makes a
perfect light for the kitchen or bath
room. It is used in many offices and
drafting rooms where a brilliant but
well diffused light is needed, and it
affords the first practical means of
using in the home the Mazda C the
most powerful and efficient lamp ever
I went straight from the store to
the electrical dealer, and when I found
that Duplexalites, including the beau
tiful shades, cost no more than ordi
nary lighting fixtures and that they
could be put up in a few minutes, I
ordered one on the spot. The elec
trician came right up and in less than
half an hour the old chandelier was
gone and Duplexalite was in its place.
W hen my husband came borne he
went, as usual, to the living room and
snapped on the switch, lie took one
look at the room and exclaimed.
"Clever little woman. You've got it
at last how did joo do it?"
I pointed to the light. "Why," be
said, "I never noticed that."
"You're not supposed to," I said,
"not until you've taken in the rest of
the room. A light isn't there to be
looked at itself. It's there to make the
other things in the room look more
"Well," be said, "it certainly does
make everything in the room look
more beautiful including you."
Which was only his foolish way of
complimenting me when he thinks I
have done welL
Write today for attractive free booh
let giving facts about good lighting,
and showing many styles of decorative
shades, entitled, "Light Where You
Want It."
of General Electric Company
6 West 48th Street, New York City
Please send me free copy j your
illustrated booklet, "Light Where You
Want It." 1-B
Name 2
r i i .ii ii i ii ii i i t f i
greiiij- and docs not rub off. Adv.
J breakdowns.