THE --MORNING OREGONI-VX, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28. 19 10. STRIKE RIOTS COST T MAYOR Ohio Governor Makes Charge of Inefficiency. SUSPENSION IS PENALTY Indiana Steel Company's Kali Mill at Gary Reported to, Be in Op cralion With 300 Men. . COLUMBUS, O., Oct. 2". Governor Cox today suspended Charles K. Poor man, mayor of Canton, because of al leged inefficient handling of steel strike riots in that city. He appealed, to Canton citizens to support Vice. Mayor Sc-hrantz. CHICAGO, Oct. 2S. The Indiana Steel company's rail mill at Gary. Jnd.. which is said to be the largest in the world, resumed operations to flay for the first time since the strike of steel workers started. Plant offl cials reported that 300 men were operating the mill as against a nor mal force of 700. Bixty women pickets were on duty about the Gary plantr. Colonel Jlapes, who is In immediate command of the troops there, issued an order for the arrest of the leader of the women, who, he said, "are try ing to stir up trouble following the incendiary speech made by 'Mother' Jones last week." News that the radicals are plan ning to hold a series of meetings in Gary on November 6. 7, 8 and 9, the anniversary of the formation of the Jtussian soviet republic, caused Colo nel Mapes to state that he had. 800 soldiers waiting to Buppress the gatherings at the least sign of trou ble. Three companies of Indiana nation al guardsmen who have been in con trol of the situation" at East Chica go and Indiana Harbor, Ind., have been ordered demobilized. TAKEN TO SALEM MEN' ARRESTED FOR ASTORIA CRIME ARE RETURNED. Frank Wagner Determined to Stand Trial on Charge of Dynamiting Kallunki Store Safe. ASTORIA, Or., Oct. 27. (Special.) Albert Meadors and James Clergy, alias James Tait, who were arrested with Frank Wagner in connection with safe-blowing at the Kallunki store, left for Salem tonight to serve unfinished terms in the penitentiary. Meadors has about ten years to serve under a 13-year sentence from Umatilla county in 1914 for train rob bery, and that is about three years more than could be given him under the charge that is pending against him here. Clergy is thought not to have been directly implicated in tha safe-blowing and was simply an ac cessory after the fact. He has broken his parole, however, and is being sent back to the penitentiary to serve about one year remaining of his sen tence from Multnomah county on a charge of burglary. Wagner still persists In Ma deter- j , friination to stand trial on the indict ment charging him with larceny by the use of explosives, an offense that carries with it a penalty of 40 years' imprisonment. He has admitted in open court that he blew the Kallunki safe and has offered to plead guilty to a lesser charge. His trial Is set for December 1 and the authorities believe he will plead guilty to the indictment before the date for the hearing arrives. This afternoon the circuit court grand jury returned indictments against Meadors charging him with being accessory after the fact to lar ceny from a store and larceny by the use of explosives. A not true bill was returned in the case against James Clergy. SALEM, Or., Oct. 27. (.Special.) Pleading of Attorney James Mott of Astoria that Al Meadors, held for in vestigation in" connection with the theft of liberty bonds and money ag gregating $12,000 from a store there some time ago, be detained " at the Columbia river city until "he has been given an apportunity to establish his guilt or innocence in the courts, proved unavailing, and Governor Olcott has ordered his return to the state penitentiary to serve out his unexpired term. Meadors' parole was revoked on the grounds that while out of the state he made his reports to the parole officer through a woman residing in Portland and tried to make it appear that he was still in the state. CITY MAY SELL WOOD Seattle Proposes Woodyard if Coal Strike Is Called. SEATTLE. Wash.. Oct. 27. Seattle may operate a municipal woodyard if the coal strike is called. Today John E Carroll, councilman, suggested the woodyard scheme and Mayor r ltz gerald approved it. The yard would be established, Councilman Carroll said, to cut the price of wood whiqh at present runs from $19 to $23. bo a load. MAN, 72, NABS INTRUDER A. G. Dayton Catches Youth in Room, but Nothing Is Missing. A. G. Dayton, aged 72. father of District Judge Arthur C. Dayton, was HOW SOOTHING POSLAM FEELS ON FIERY SKIN Nothing that you can apply to ail ing, itching, irritated skin can be more welcome than Poslam, for its re lief Is immediate. Angry surfaces are soothed, cooled, pacified. These quick indications of benefit, showing that Poslam is taking hold, have made many sirfferers glad. And this direct ness this getting right at the trouble is a quality noieworiny in fosiam Try for those pimples, that rash, itch ins ecaema. scalp-scale, any disordered conciiuon. foia everywnere. r or free sampl write to Emergency Laboratories, 24 West 47th St.. New York City. Urge your skin to become clearer. fairer, healthier by the use of Poslam iwp. the tonic soap for the akin.- finishing his Sunday morning shave when he heard a noise In the room adjoining his bathroom in the White hall hotel. Opening the door, he dis covered a stranger of about 22 years, who, after a startled glance in Mr. Dayton's direction, started swiftly for the hall. But the stranger ffgured-not on the older man's agility, for Mr. Dayton, after brief pursuit, grabbed him by the collar and hustled him back into the room. "What were you doing here?" he demanded. "Why, I was Just looking for a roomr" explained the young man, glibly. . And Mr. Dayton could not disprove the stranger's word, for nothing had been, taken from the room. If the intruder was a sneak-thief he had been discovered before ha could get Into action. "Ho I had to let the young scamp go," regretted Mr. Dayton, In telling the incident yesterday. MURDER , TIL OPENS FOUH JURYMEN" CHOSEN" IN" CX.ARK CASE AT EUGENE. Killing of Road Supervisor Taylor While Hunting in McKenziq on July 2 5 Is Charged. EUGENE. Or., Oct. 27. (Special.) Only four Jurymen were accepted to day in the trial of Martin Clark, charged with the murder of Charles Charln Taylor, road supervisor,, whose death last July Is basis of murder trial now on at En gene. Taylor, McKenzie bridge road super visor. The original panel of 31 men was exhausted by noon and 25 tales men drawn, but the attorneys believe that an additional panel will have to be . selected. The men accepted as Jurymen today are: Fred Bangs of Eimira, J. A. Holcomb of Alvador, William P. Hall of Creswell and Her man Beaumister of Crow, all farmers. Taylor was shot while hunting near the summit of the Cascade mountains, and when his body was found August 2 the carcass of a deer was strapped on his Bhoulders. A bullet had entered his body from the rear. As Clark was Taylor's hunting companion, suspicion pointed to him, and upon the discov ery of the body he was arrested. He has been in Jail since. The grand Jury: In session a few days ago, indicted Clark on the charge of murder in the second degree. District Attorney L. L. Ray will be assisted in the prosecution by Judge O. H. Foster of this city, and the ac cused will be defended by Howard M. Browneil and John S. Mudley. SHORTHORN BIDDING HIGH W. G. Cordiner's Herd Sire Sold at Walla Walla for $25,000. WALLA WALLA. Wash., Oct. 27. (Special.) Northwest breeders and tockmen from the inland empire at tended, the auction sale today of W. G, Cordiner's herd of pure-bred short horns and many took part in the bid ding. Thirty animals of the herd brought approximately $20,000. The top price was . $2500 for Hercules Duke, Cordiner's herd sire. Grant Lowe of Dayton getting this animal after spirited bidding. Lowe in' all bought ten of Cordiner's herd and two calves owned' by members- of the boys' calf club, paying in all about 110,000 Eighteen calves belonging to boys of the valley sold for from $280 to $725, the top price being paid by Lea ter Robinson for a calf owned by George Marshall, son of H. H. Mar shall, a banker. Most of the animals will remain in the valley. STOP CROSSING DECREED Railroad Administration Must Put TTp Signs in Ashland. SALEM. Or.. Oct. 27. (Special.) Helman street, in the city of Ashland has been designated a stop crossing. and the United States railroad admin- stration has been ordered within the next 30 days to Install the required warning signs, according to an order issued by the Oregon public service commission today. The petition for the establishment of an agency station at Swisshome, Lane county, has been dismissed by the commission upon showing of the attorneys that the matter had been satisfactorily adjusted. MAN BELIEVED DROWNED Clothing Is Found on Bank of Yamhill Near LaFayette. SALEM. Or., Oct. 27. (Special.) Finding of a man's wearing apparel on the bank of the Tamhill river, near Lafayette, resulted in a hurry-up call being received at the office of the local water company today asking that a grappling outfit be hurried to the scene of the supposed drowning. Papers found in the man's clothes indicatq that his name was Grimer, and that he had been a resident of the vicinity but a short time. Whether he committed suicide or "planted" his clothes on the bank for some purpose has not been determined by the of. ficers. MADRID PRESSMEN STRIKE Publication Stops When Paper Re fuses to RecpgnUe L'nion. MADRID. Oct. 27. La Jornada ha refused' to recognise the new general union of workman, composed of th editorial nd meehanioal ataffs of the Spanish newspapers, and the entire staff of this paper went on strike last night. The newspaper was not published tuday. x i ' I 4 Si S XI I mr f?- ' I I ' - Jv . ' if ' :$ v'v ; x Y ft X ' - 1 y ' ' J JURY SECURED FOR LiOTED MURDER CASE Trial of Harold Howell Begun at Coquille. KILLING SENSATIONAL ONE Circumstantial Evidence Connects Defendant With Death or Girl on lonely Trail. MARSHFIELD, Or., Oct. 27.-(Spe-cial.) The Jury in the Harold Howell case in the circuit court was com pleted late in the afternoon at Co quille, where it was called this morn ing at 9 o'clock. Some surprise was occasioned that a jury was obtained so quickly, for the murder young Howell is accused of has been the sensation of the country for months and the public has read and reread accounts of new evidence and theo ries. The murder occurred while Lillian Leuthold, the victim, was returning home one Sunday afternoon In day light, on a trail frequented by many people in the eastern part of Bandon, The girl was waylaid by somebody and slain, being shot twice, once in the head, and it was the bullet re moved from her head and held as evi dence' that imputed the killing to young Howell, since it fitted a 25-cal-iber rifle he was using on the dux o( the tragedy. Many circumstantial pieces pf testi mony are claimed by the state, such as the sequestering or burning of the lad's clothing following the tragic af fair, the probability that he returned over the trail where the girl was killed, his general character and the fact that he was or could have been at the scone when the shooting-took place. " There is a slight discrepancy In the testimony produced at the pre. liminary hearing as to the time Howell was said to have gone home and the time given as the departure of the girl from the Jennings home. Howell's boy friend said he went home earlier than the time Miss Leuthold is declared to have left the Jennings home and this may be a vital factor in favor f Howell, for nobody saw him between the friend's home and his own, which is several hundred yards distant. The Jurymen selected to try the case are: Walter Laird, Falrview rancher; P, W. Laird, Myrtle- Point bank clerk; Max H. Dement,' rancher; Carl L. Da vis, Marshfield timber expert;-George Brownson, farmer; Henry Bryant, rancher-; Joseph Olin, clerk. North Bend; E. G. Hampton, rancher of Ar ago; Ray Dement, Myrtle Point stock man; Lloyd Spires, Myrtle Point far mer; E. C. Mather, business man. North Bend; George S. Davis, Co quille, capitalist. The opening statements in the case probably will be given tomorrow. END TO TANGLE SOUGHT HIGH COURT'S OPINION" IV ANT ED OX OLCOTT'S STATUS. Political Friends of Governor Hope Outsider Will Start Suit to Settle Question. SALEM, Or., Oct. 27. (Special. Regardless of any opinion that may be given by Attorney-General Brown with reference to the legal status of Governor Olcott, political friends of the latter official declared today, that In- Justice to the present execu tive and other persons who may con template entering the contest for the state's highest office, the matter should be taken to the supreme .court for final determination. Because of the recent advice ol counsel that It would be Impossible for Governor Olcott, also serving in the capacity of secretary of state, to bring mandamus proceedings against himself to have- his name placed on the ballott for governor, his friends say it is now up to some person other than the executive to start pro ceedings which will tend to clarify the muddle. In a recent opii.ion, or group of opinions, the supreme court held that Mr. Olcott was governor in fact but all were not agreed as to whether he holds the office for the unexpired term of the late Gov ernor Wlthycombe, or retires follow ing the 1920 elections. It is openly declared here that there is but one source left in which to determine the status of Governor Olcott. This lies in the hope that some person will come along and file his petition, for governor. The sec retary of state then could recuse to accept the petition, with the result that the disappointed candidate would resort to mandamus proceedings in the supreme court to have his name placed on th" ballot. - Although this action would be of a friendly nature. It would have the desired effect and place the matter squarely before the supreme court REED HONORS ROOSEVELT Memorial Services Are Held In . 'College Chapel. Roosevelt memorial services were held yesterday at noon in the chapel at Reed college. Norman F. Coleman, professor of English, read an appre elation of Roosevelt commended and accepted, by the Boy Scouts of Amer ica. William C. Morgan, professor of chemistry, who was acquainted with Roosevelt in New York prior to his presidency and afterwards, delivered the memorial address. Dr. Morgan gave a brief historical sketch of Roosevelt's life and pic tured his traits of character. Dr. Mor gan's interpretation of the man with the "big stick" was intimate and ap preciative. At a meeting of the Reed student council yesterday Marry Kenln was appointed debate manager for the coming year. Contracts have been sent to the University of Oregon and the Oregon Agricultural college for the tri-college debates. President Foster returned yester day from the east, where he spoke at sevoral educational institutions. Obituary. No funeral arrangements have yet been made for Mrs. Mary Ella Terwil liger, whose death Bunday at her home at 1128 Macadam street, les sened the numbers of the early pio neers of Oregon. Mrs. Terwilliger was the widow of Hiram Woods Ter williger, who gave Terwilliger boule vard to the city. Mrs. Terwilliger, born in Iowa, crossed the plains with her parents in 1863. as Mary Ella Edwards, Her tarcuts settled in Tillamook. After f her marriage, she came with bar hus- i'ihiu iu ruriianu nearly iv )caia n(s". She is survived by two sons. James R. and Joseph H. Terwilliger. and two daughters. Mrs. Carlotta Butz of Portland and Mrs. E. Rogers of Hood River. MOLALLA", Or., Oct. 27. (Special.) The funeral of P. O. Chindgren, a prominent farmer of Meadow Brook, will be held at Colton on Tuesday aft ernoon. ' Mr. Chindgren' death last Saturday was caused by apoplexy. He was a, native of Sweden, 6t years of age. a resident of Meadow Brook for ten years. He is survived by his widow, four sons. Milton B.. H. H., A, B- and U. S. Chindgren, aU of Meadow Brook, and one daughter. Miss Kuth Chindgren. William Bell, who met death in a fall from a, ladder at his residence at Buckley avenue and Base Line road, on October 22, was for six years a resident of Mount. Tabor. He was 60 years of age. Mr. Bell lived for 23 years in Des Moines, la. With his wife, Angelina Bell, he left that city to come to Portland. Both were prominent mem bers of Mount Tabor Methodist Epis copal church. Mr. Bell is survived by his widow. . KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Oct. 27. (Special.) News has been received of the death last week at Monrovia, Csl., of Mrs. J. F. Maguire, a resident of Klamath Falls and wife of a well known merchant. She leaves five children. The burial took place at Los Angeles. DEFICIENCY ITEMS CUT CONFEREES AGREE ON" MEAS CRE AS REDUCED. Army Air Service and Alaska. Rail road Are Principal Items That l'ecl Effects of Pruning. WASHINGTON. Oct. 27. After eliminating the senate provision of f 15,000-,000 -for the army air service and reducing the appropriation for the Alaskan railroad from 117.000.000 to ft, 000,000, house and senate con ferees reached an agreement today on the first general deficiency bill of this session. The conferees also reduced . from 173,312 to $64,000 the appropriation for the expenses of the international labor conference to be held here and eliminated the appropriation of S5. C00 for the national Industrial confer ence, expenses of that meeting hav ing been paid out of the contingent fund. The senate appropriation of $5,000, 000 for the vocational education board was retained. PAIR FIGHTS REMOVAL Alleged Defrauders Contest Extra dition to N"ew York. SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 27. George P, Rowe and Christian TJoaevlg, recently Indicted In New York on a charge of using the mails to defraud by the sale of alleged worthless Alaska min ing stock, appeared before United States Commissioner McClelland here today and presented arguments sup porting their contention that they should not be returned to New York to etand trial. Commissioner McClel land declared he thought the Indict ment was conclusive and that the men should stand trial before the proper tribunal. Arguments on the claims of the two men probably will occupy several days. Game Warden in Salem. SALEM. Or.. Oct. 27. (Special) Carl D. Shoemaker, state game 'war den, and Denton Burdlck, representa tive in the state legislature from Deschutes county, were in Salem this afternoon on their way to Sheridan and other Yamhill county cities. They held a brief conference with the gov ernor this afternoon and visited with other officials. $200 Judgment Is Sought. THE DALLES, Or., Oct. 27. (Spe cial.) Carlton L. Pepper.- attorney of thia city, asks a Judgment for $200 with Interest since November. X911, from W. E. Saunders. The judgment is asked on a promissory note given by Saundera to E. E. Ferguson and J. A. Rntr.- iiumniimuuniiTiJsiinntiiim "instant" to make a de lightf ul cup of jRostuni -a teaspbonful in the cup with hot water added, sugar and cream to taste. INS S- is a snappy dririk, healthful and economical. Good for every member of the fam ily. 1 j nere$ & Jhceason 7l y take TTiUrooe Liquid Shampoo WiUraoc Shampoo Cake WiUroot Hair Tonic If thce Wildroot pro ducts do not help your hair more thsn mny other SimiUr products, we will pay Tour money back. Ak your druggist, barber or hairdresser. We eould not guarantee satisfaction or moocy back if we did not use alcohol in Wtldroot, as alcohol adds ea indis- isble snttseptlc qusJ- kv tolhc wonderful tonic Vaiua WUdiooc itself. THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC HEM'S THEORY UPSET LAW OP GRAVITATION IXADE. QCATE,. DECLARES ITALIAN. Deductions, It Is Asserted, Will Bring About Revolution in , Astro-Physical -Science. ROME, Oct. 26, Newton's theory of trravitation was attacked by Profes sor Maiorana today before a meeting of prominent scientists here. He de clared experiments he had performed had upset the hitherto accepted laws governing the motions of celestial bodies. Newton's theory, while hitherto considered absolute, is only an ap proximate hypothesis, according to Professor Maiorana. who supports this assertion by showing that a ball of lead floating in mercury becomes Bllghtly lighter. . From thia the professor deducts four things: First, that bodies have both a true and an apparent mass, the true mass of the sun' being double the apparent mass. Second, that the stars attract other bodies with forces entirely different from those thus far admitted to exist. Third, that the solar heat pt stars is generated by the force of gravita tion emanating from interior strata. From thia he argues that ihe solar system has had an Immensely longer life than has been believedr Fourth, that the evolution of the world has been closely linked to the phenomenon which he has discovered. Profepfr Maiorana explains by this . . . c s It takes just about an TAMT TUM Made by the ' POSTUM CEREAL CO, Battle Creek. Michigan ' qu yawe your nair fit care o "You have beautiful hair, Madam "But if you want it to remain so. you simply must keep your scalp free from dandruff."' The best hair insurance is the regular use of Wildroot, because Wildoot is guaranteed to remove dandruff. Try this treatment: Moisten a cloth with Wildroot and wipe your hair, one strand at a time, from the roots clear to the ends. See how this brings out all "the natural beauty of the hair how soft, fluffy and lustrous it becomes. If, you don't get results, you get your money back. WILDROOT CO., Inc buffalo. N.Y. Wildroot Liquid Shampoo or Wildroot Shampoo Soap, when used in coancdtiaa wufc Wtldrooc Hav Tonic, will hauco. Che treatment. means the fact that all stars are more or less luminous, and claims that Ms theory will bring about a revolution in astro-physical science. H. H. TWISS DIES AT BAKER Civil War Veteran Resident of City for 42 Years. BAKER. Or.. Oct. 27. (Special.) Hilary H. Twiss, 77, for 42 years a resident of this city, died at the fam ily home in this city yesterday after noon following a loug illness. He was born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1843; enlisted in lSl in the 32d Ohio infantry under Captain Ben Potts, and with his reartment marched with Sher man through the south. Mr. and Mrs. Twiss were married In 1872. and in 1877 moved to Oregon. For many years he engaged in the contracting and building business In this city, and later entered the hard ware business. He was a member of the Odd Fellows lodge for 52 years. Besides his widow there survives a sister, Mrs. Sade Campbell of Sallne ville, Ohio. The funeral will be held in this city Wednesday afternoon under the aus pices of Baker lodge No. 25, I. O. O. F. RED CROSS FIRED UPON Berlin Says Letts Use Shrapnel on Colonel Ryan at Riga. BERLIN. Oct. 17. (By the Asso ciated Pres.) Colonel Ryan, chief of the American Baltic Red Cross relief, was fired on by the Letts while cross ing the Riga bridge, according to a special dispatch from Mitau, this de spite an understanding which had been arrived at between him. the Rus- lHSTAHT C A BrVEstACC ml eWtMffl 4-41 porM. 1 iMtsMsilMMl Y ; ISstan Can. GatsptV ' 4Wsm tmt. mxl L J LSn ( OaVaW SeaVsaV J L ' k -,; Exclusive Agents for "Sarapeck" Clothes Washington at Sixth siana and the Letts. Colonel Ryan displayed a huge white flag, accord ing to the agreement. An American automobile, which went to get him, was also attacked by the Letts with shrapnel. MARSHFIELD GETS CHILL Temperatures Far . Below Normal for This Time of Year. MARSHFIELD, Or.. Oct. 27. (Spe cial) Thia section is experiencing much colder weather than usual at this time of the year. Temperatures of 27 degrees have oeen reported by several ranchera-aoout here, but the city bureau reports 28 as the correct figure for several mornings. The early chill is taken to indicate a return of snow, and logarintr camps SEE SEE the ocean liner dashed on the rocks; thrilling rescue scenes, the big London fire women and men fighting for life. PEOPLES Direction Jensen - TTKEB'JrXppir - :lrSi Sir May We Tempt You to wear the best? DON'T think that this is bla tant for us to come right out here with the statement that our clothes are far beyond any made in this country. TRUTH is never out of place. For Young Hen and Their Fathers, Too in the higher places will be aeriously affected should it come. COST OF ARMY1S GROWING Britain's Revised Statement foi Year Shows Huge Total. LONDON, Oct. 27. A revised state ment of army expenditures issued to day shows a gross total for the finan cial year 1919-20 of 500,000,000 in stead of 440,000,000. as originally es timated. The receipts front the sale of materials and from payments by Germany for th army of occupation amount to 95,000.000, making the net expenditure 405,000.000. The increase Is explained as due to delays in demobilization, the raising of soldiers' pay and deferment of pay ments by Germany. NOW PLAYING V "The Life 1 Line 9 The Big Drury Lane Success Thrilling! Exciting! & Von Herberg . L ku..l jk.j-3"n". i for lhe S heamino Cup Roast Beef. . Roast Veal . --c .So? Soups Stewed Beef Hamburger Steak.. Chicken Pie . . ..100 Veal Stew, , . Raked Beans Kish 200 Pastries 50-100 Coffee, Tea ."0 No Charge for Bread ixing Places