THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAXt TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1910. 17 KWL KKTATB. For Sale Arrfnge, SI ACRES. BOTTOM USD. On paved high way -, 20 mttos from Portland, about 20 at-res in bearinff fruit trees, balance cleared; A I Boil, suitable for any, building old, but can lie put In livuMe condition at small ex PMiiwtt. about 500 feet fruiuage on high way and only one-fourth mite to electric mm t ion. Cuu be divided and sold in ft in a il tracts at handsome profit. Now being offered a t sacrifice ow lug to de pariure from state. AlETZGER-PARK KR-FERGUSON CO. o02 Oak Street. DOWN ON THIS COLUMBIA. $5mjo cash buys a splendid 40-acre ranch. 4 in t tew from St. Helens, mile to Yankton. 2i acres In cultivation, IS acre Hlaslied and needed, all fenced and crois-fenced, running creek and good, epring. 7 -room plastered house in good condition, good barn, chicken house, toot liout-o and smoke liouse, on good rock road. Thi is a splendid little homo ranch, t red V I'icriiian Co., 7ii- Cham, of 'oni. Open Hun. and eve. rOWKLL VALLEY ROAD TRACT. 5 aero.-, facing thin paved road. Just no minutes' auto drive from heart of city; front 2 acres cleared, i acre timber and balance brush land; tine locality and a dandy proposition for suburban home. Price only $3500; terms $500 down, bal ance Pasv. LUKDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. -Main 6357, 5 AC II US NEAR EKAVERTON. 4 acre cleared, good 6 -room house, barn, chicken house for five hundred chicken. This place la nicely Improved, clothe to Pacific highway;, owner called, away and tnuMt tell thitt wfk. It ia vorth $5000; will take $4000 if sold this week. Somfl trms. . UNiOM SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., 284 Oa liS t . . BUY this highly Improved Tv4 acres, on electric, for $2750: buildings cost over $-'itiuo. 5-room houe, bath, hot and cold water, Milk In kitchen,, windmill, fipe well, water tank, barn, vood house, 2 chicken houses; fine oil; all in culti vation ; fenced with woven w ire. Take $750 cash, balance 6 per cent. See ain Hwey at .1. L. Hartman Co., 7 rtiamher of Commerce bldg. N KAR OR E G O N C I T Y $ 2 00. JlovO cash, bal. 5 yeara at 0 per cent, buys this bp lend id level 40-acre tract, lit of which it in cultivation, bal. timber and brufsli ; u 11 fenced ; bliack buildings, good ppring. 5 miles of town, juet off A berueT hy rd., a very decided snap. Fred V. Oemian Co.. 732 Cham, of f'om. Open Hun. and even. NKWBKRd 10 ACRES. New home, cement basement, water and sink tn kitchen, bapn and outbuiid inu', lamily orchard and 3 acres prunes; chibo to NewberB, on fine auto road. Price $450u; terms. C LEV ELAN D-H ANDERSON CO., Railway K-xch. bide;, Main 0 52. J2i,3 ACRES, NKAR TUA LATIN. 1 1 acre in cult i vat ion finest of soil, family orchard, gara e, barn and small houH i, on main read, M uat be Been to be appreciated. Price only $4750, $2000 ' tush. I. UK DOE MANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. 5000 ACREd in southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy lerms. low price, 5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accented at par. Write for map allow ing location, terms, etc. WEYEKH AEt'SBR TIMBER COMPANY, Taconia bldg., Taconia, Wash. LOGGED-OFB" LANDS. Tracta. 5 acres up, located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; cood soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby ; buy on your own terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 813 CHAM BKR OF COMMERCE. $60 AN ACRE, 80 acres unimproved bot tom land on Wil.ainette river, 40 mtlea from Portland. $3700, 5 acres. miles east of Portland; 3 a-es improved; house; fruit trees and garden. AH 645. Oregon inn. . SACRIFICE ten acres of river-bottom land near city and pavement, in crop, worth $7500; will lake f 4500 for quick bale, part terms. U. A. Cobb, owner, 605 Raieigh. 6-ACRE Oregon City line home; 4-room house, bam, chickens; house mile from station. l'rice 3500, terms. See John. Brown, 324 Ry. Exchange bldg. 10 ACRE3, xnree-tourth cleared, running stream; U mile to station, fine soil, no gravel; 15 miles to Portland; $2500. 20U Oregon bldg. Broadway 1058. Homesteads, Relinquishments. O. A C. RELINQUISHMENT, $.".0; HOUSE, CHEEK ON PLACE; 2-3 TILL A BLE ; 1 tJO ACRES; 35 MILKS FROM PORTLAND. CALL AT 4:U JEFFERSON ST. For Sale Fruit Lands. GOOD HOMES. 60 small farms, near Corvallls, with bearing orchards, some have buildings; prices range from $75 to $150 per acre. In 5, 1 0, 20-acre tracts ; only one mile railroad and town and paved highway; $100 cash down or more gets lovely tract; no better soil in Oregon; will show any time. Call at office. McFar land. 602 Yeon bldg. Main 372. 10-ACRE orange grove. 3 years old; small crop this year; u-room house, tank houe, garage, barn, electric pumping plant, abundance of water; family or chard, telephone ; near h ighway and all worth while. Price $12,500. Addres J, route 1, box :i07. Porterville. Cal. WANTED Practical berry growers to plant and cultivate tracta near Elma and Montenano, Wash., suited for all kinds of small fruit. Good markets. C. W. Mil ler, 721 No. K st.. Aberdeen, Wash. For Sale Farms. 80 ACRES MARION COUNTY FARM SO. 20 miles south of Salem. 7 miles north of Albany. 1 mile from electric railroad station ; 'i mile from school on good gravel road. 2 miles from Pacific high- j cultivation; family orchard; all kinds of berries ; a good 6-room house with hot and cold water, bath, tank, wind mill, good barn, stanchions for 20 cows, stalls for 0 horses. So-ton silo, granary, blacksmith shop, chicken house, garage, 2 straw sheds, full of straw, 35 tons of hay in barn, $200 worth of grain, 3 mares. 6 Jersey cows, 1 Holstein bull, 3 yearling heifers, Poland China boar, 1 brood sow and 8 pigs. 12 dozen chickens, Incubator, brooder, and all farming im plements. Price 12,oOu. easy terms. Take city property up to S3o0o. MITCHELL & RIPPEY, Henry Building. Main 2534. 25 ACRES. 9 MILES OUT FOR $5000. We guarantee you cannot duplicate this buy in any of the good districts near Portland; just 9 miles from the city limits, corners on two good rocked roads and right at school, churches and stores, and In one of the very best farming sec tions near the city; 25 acres, all in cul tivation, perfect laying land, rich, mel low soil, and no rock or gravel ; good 0-room pleat-ant house, outbuildings, bearing orchard. Including many choice Bing and Lambert cherries. Price $5O00, half cash. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North tJth bt. Broadway 4381. 11 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 6 acres of rich shot soil, all under cut II vation, lies perfectly level, on good rocked road. 1 mile off Capitol high way, $i mile to Southern Pacific Elec tric and 1 mile to Oregon Electric road station. 1 4c fare from Portland, commu tation tickets; 1 mile to school; good woven wire fence, few fruit trees and berries, 6-rooin house, small barn, chicken house, 1 cow, 25 chickens, 1 tons of hay, 8 cords of wood; price $2500, $1500 caeh, balance long time at 6 per cent ini erest. MITCHELL & RIPPEY. 328-20 Henry Building. Main 2534. GOOD FARM. $60 PER ACRE. On Lewis river, 3 miles Woodland, Wash.. 30 miles Portland: 87.30 acres, 30 cleared, balance good timber and pas tut; all good land; small house, good large barn, outbuildings; 400 bearing prunes, lartre Nort hern Spy apple or chard; closing estate; price $60 per acre. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North Cth st. Broadway 43Sl. HOME BUY. 280 acres. " u acres in cult.. 200 acres ready f ir plow, yo acres timber, good 4 -room house, cood barn, woodshed and chicken iiuuieu, spring water piped to houe. family orchard and assorted ber ries, sooOo takes all; thm is some buv believe us. Nord Hampton Co., 401 biocK exenange. IDEAL HOME FOR SALE Will sell my pou 1 try 1 arm, x .3 miles north from city 1 1111 us, on m ttivtr roau to iinlcDen dnre. consisting of 10 acres, well im proved, fertile bottom land, young or chard. Also will sell about loou chick ens, only reason ror eeilme. poor health. J. W. Newman. Rt. 4. box 14. Albany. Or. Cl-ACKES, all cleared, no buildings, about one -nan in young onnaro prunes and pples; located a short distance beyond tho city limits ot corvallis. Owner tion-iesident. will give a great bargain for cash. Place also adapted for small fruits or rhiiken runcii. Apply to 5'J4 . .Morrison et. FA KM at auction. Nov. 6, 74 acre. 25 in cultivation at Pa tt teground. Wash.. Fed eral loan on place to run for 35 years fit 6 i per cent. No reasonable offer re f used ; best of terms. A. I Whitten. 47 ACRES for Fale on Pacific highway 4- minutes ride from town. for par ticulars prior e Marshall nwit.i evenings, 6:30 to. 8 o'clock and Sundays. Owner Ida K. Clark. REAL ESTATE. For hade-Farm. PACIFIC HIGHWAY FARM. Con Klaiing of bo acres the very best of black loam soil, no rock or gravel, watered by excellent spring. 05 acres tn hiffh state of cultivation, 13 acre of 2d growth red fir timber, 10 acres slashed for pasture, fenced and crone-fenced, family orchard in full bearing, good farm buildings con Misting of ti-roum house, large barn and all necessary outbuild ing Including aome improvementH, only 8V miles from Ridgefield, 2 miles from LaCenier. on good auto road; price $12,t 6o0, $0000 caah. balance 6 per cent. DIVERSIFIED PTOCK AND DAIRY FARM. Consisting of 125 acres, all tillable, the very best of loam soil, 100 acrea In high state of cultivation, soring creek through place, fenced and croas-fenced, 2 acres of bearing Italian prune treeg. large family orchard in full bearing. 8-room house, new barn, also old barn, including dairy cows, 10 head of young cattle, horses, harness, boll tractor, wagon, plows, harrow a, binder, mower, rake, cream- separator and all small tools,, about 70 tons of hay, seed grain and chickens, located in center of bet farm ing district in Clarke county, adjoining small town, auto stage to the place, on good macadamized road, only 10 miles from Vancouver, with all rural advan tages, l'rice $20,C00, $11,000 cash. Thompson & Swan, 3d and Main sta., Vancouver. Washington. O0-ACRE FARM AT AUCTION. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 1, 1019, AT 11 A. M., AT THE FARM. Will sell our farm, known as the Max well place, located 3 miles south of Woodland, 4 miles north of Ridgefield, Washington, at Davis Landing on the Lewis river. POSITIVELY NO RESERVATIONS. HIGHEST BIDDER GETS THE FARM. TERMS- 10 per cent cash down at sale. 10 per cent each year, with interest at 6 per cent; purchaser gels abstract and warranty deed. This ia one of the best small dairy fa rms In the state of Washington ; fiO acres of bottom land, all under cultiva tion, 8-room house, large barn, silo, 'hog, milk and chicken houses. Will also offer at auction 1 team. wt. 3000 lbs., heavy harness, farm wagon, plow, harrow, potato planter, 30 tons oat and vetch hay, 80 bu. wheat. 80 bu. oats and 40 bu. barley, also small tools and other articles too numerous to men tion. Lunch served free at noon. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., OWNERS. W. S. WOOD. Auctioneer. A WONDERFUL BARGAIN. SO -j acres of tne very richest of shot soil, lies rolling enough to drain well, IS miles from Portland. 2 miles from riherwood, 1 mile from Middleton station. mile off Capitol highway. H tnile from school. 7 acres under cultivation, 2 acres stumps aud pasture, 4 acres young prune trees, bea ring this year, 2 acres old. prune trees, 1 sere apple trees, some berries, - good wells, fair barn; 7-room house, built on a high knoll and has one of the most wonderful views in the Willamette valley, overlooking Sherwood, Middleton, Capitol highway. Southern Pacific electric railroad and the beautiful valley below; with this great bargain goes 1 extra good Jersey cow, 1 2-year-old heifer, 1 "brood sow. tt pigs, 18 tons of hay in barn. 1 acre of potatoes. 2 acres of corn, furniture and all farm implements. Price S."iO0. $:000 cash, balance long time at tt per cent. ' , MITCHELL & RIPPEY. 1 TJS-gP Henry Building. Main 120 ACRES STOCKED AND EQUIPPED, S'JUOO. Located 5 miles aouth of Portland rear good town and right at station ; 120 acres, 40 acres in cultivation, bal ance timber and pasture, all bottom land and on large fishing stream; 6-room house, large red barn, numerous out buildings, all kinds bearing fruit- Per sonal: Good team, harness, 5 cows, 2 large heifers, 2 heijer calves, large brood sow, 6 large shoats, 80 chickens and ducks, 10 tons hay, 300 bu. oats, 50 bu. wheat, 13 bu. rye, 2 wagons, cream separator, plow, 2 cultivators, 2 harrows, mower, disc, drill, 2 stoves, growing crop of corn and potatoes. Everything goes for $75 per acre; $.1000 cash, balance assume federal loan of $4000. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North 6th sL Broadway 43S1. STOCK RANCH. 2SS acres, about 100 acres under cultl vation and the best of land, at least juo acres more tillable when cleared, balance good pasture, part of land has good timber, plenty water In pasture and by buildings, both creeks and springs, large barn, good 7-room plas tered house, family orchard, main route of Pvorth Hank highway; phone. K. r . U. daily. 2 miles store, railway station, boat landing ; this land contains some of finest view points on the Columbia river and will sell at greatly advanced price in very near future ; this is the best of grass land. In good district, con siderable farm machinery goes with the place ; pla is eix miles from Wash ougal; price SIS. 000; lialf cash, balance long time. GEO. Y. MOODY CO., Washougal. Wash OLD LADY Ml 'ST PELL 160 ACRES AND STOCK. 5 good hordes, 42 cattle. Including 16 good mucn cows, 13 nogs, cmcKens, around 75 tons hay, 800 bu. grain, lots beets, potatoes, carrots, corn, etc., cream separator and full set machinery; 160 acres and ail of above persona. 1 prop erty for $13100; 100 acres in cultivation; splendid soil: well watered; 8-room plas tered house ; hot and cold water, fine large barn and numerous outbuildings S3 miles from Portland. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North ttth st. Broadway 4381. 60 ACRES on - Tidewater 12 miles from Waldpcrt, small house and bam, float and boat house, tj H. I . launch and row boat. hay for 2 or 3 cows, good garden, S4000 takes It; half down, balance on time at 7Vc Come and see. it s a bargain. Also 560-acre place on same terms at $25 an acre; 17 miles from Tidewater and 10 miles from Alsea; dairy and stock farm. OSCAR TOM. Tidewater, Or. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM. 140-acres of rich shot soil, 13 miles from Portland. 10 miles from Hillsboro, 7 miles from Bea vert on. 6 miles from Sherwood, H mile from school; 17 acre under cultivation, 0 acres of timber and brush, some saw timber, 10 acres of scattering timber, balance slashed; 65 iruit trees, 4-room house, aranary. barn, small' outbuildings, good well and spring. A great buy at GO per acre; $2000 cash, oalance long time at o per cent. MITCHELL A RIPPEY, 328-29 Henry Building.. Main 2534. ON Pacific highway, 3 miles to Toledo. wasn.. aires; -w acres in cuitiva tion. 2 barns, water system. 9- room hcuse, rranary, outbullolngs, & complete lanch, finest soil in state of Washing ten; team, implements, etc.; to closo an estate, $20,000. Main 2439. 212 Abjng- l."U L'lUg. YAKIMA VALLEY. 37 acres, in fine alfalfa; erovern ment irrigation; river front; 3 miles to town; fine road; $5000; easy terms; part Uitur. CENTRAL YAKIMA RANCHES CO. 512 Selling bldg. Main 49u3. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE BY OWNER. Sheep and goat ranch In Willamette vallev : over boo acres, rood location. plenty of water. Take part in income property or small place. For particulars auuresa owner, au 010, uregonmn. TILLAMOOK dairy or stock ranch of 240 acres, price 10.oo; 140 acres lies In fine bottom, good roads, cheese factory and school: will consider part trade for small income property. Address owner for par tit ulars. E. B. O'Nei!. Hemlock. Oregon. KENNEW1CK SACRIFICE THIS WEEK. 10 acres close to town, school, station; fnllv paid water right; now being adver tised b.h Thrre River. Price $1250; $500 cash, bal. 5 years. Hover, &12 Selling bldg. Main 4903. 40 ACRES M ml. Willamette river. 20 ml. south Portland ; highly improved. All clover sod ; running water; grove of 5 acres, balance in cultivation; fine or chard. Widow in California will ell at $115 per acre. Wdln 5889. IMPROVED ranch on highway Clackamas county, fine sou, nee wen, lots living water; $500& will handle; must sell; If you want a bargain see owner. Phone Main 4990 after 6 P. M. for appoint ment. 1294 acres. ioo down; Good dark soil, no rock, on maio county road, close to electric car sta tion; price $1275, $100 down. Draper. 526 Cham, of Com. 80-ACRE FARM 45 acres cleared, balance in pasture and timber; 2 wells and run ning creek; good buildings; would trade for home In city or part pay and balance on easy terms. AV 803, Oregonian. FOR SALE Farms, ranches and livestock. If vou want land or livestock see us. CAMPBELL PHELAN LAND & CATTLE CO.. Roi-2 Couch bldg.. Portland, HAVE fine laying 40 acres close te White Salmon. Wash. Sell cheap or trade for house In suburbs. Main 4906 after 6 P. M . lor appointment. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to $200 per acre, ea terms; best soil. Farms for sals, aii sizes, MeFarland. 6i2 Yeon bldg. LCGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water: good soil, tillable: employment; easy terms. J- R- Sharp. 83 'A 3d st. (3000 I M P ROV E D 50O-acre stock ranch and implements. E. D. Manning, Willits, UaL REAL ESTATE. Eor Sale Farms. FAR SIS NEAR CANBY. OR. A bauttful home of 5 acres In city limits of one of the most prosperous valley towns in Ore gon. 24 mile from Portland, on Pacific highway; dandy 7-room house, lias burn, garage, chicken, houses, etc.; city uatr-r In house and for irrigi.ion. This Is not an ordinary ranch, but a real modern home. Can be had for ' only 94000, and very easy terms, 20 acres sandy loam, near Pa cific highway. 2 ini'.es from Portland. mile from good town; ideal for truck, or cnickens; has fruit, bcrri.JB. ome buildings, large stream joins one side; can. all be irrigated : 8 acres culti vated; only (20O0; terms. 5 acres best sell." H mile to good town and Pacific highwey; 5 room house, good barn and out buildings; 214 acre cultivated; 11200; $500 fich. Prune and garden ranch join ing Pacific highway; large, sin-am with irrigating plant- This Is a deep sandy loam ; good prune crier end outbuildings; this Is a real money ma;r and will stand close investigation ; price $40oo; easy terms. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO, 527 Corbett Bldg. Main 714L DIVERSIFIED FARM. 161 acre located in one of tho verv best farming district of the country With 141 acres in high state of cultiva tion, balance in pasture and very easi ly cleared, 8-room house with hot and cold water, furnished by pressure water svs tem. Barn 62x80, good granary, potato house, concrete root cellar, new chicken house and garage and fine new silo; personal property consists, of 9 head of cows. 4 head of 2-yt-ar-old heifers. 4 head or long yearling heifers. 3 fine hornes, 1 vpan colta 4 years, old in the spring. brood sows, -new binder, mower, rake, .-horse cultivator, good wagon, hack 2 harrows 1 disc, 3 walking plows, new DeLaval cream separator. 1 stump puller, pulley and cables, 1 platform scales and feed and seed for place and stock. This place must be seen to be pppreciated. It lies ideal for drainage and la all the very best soil. Price, -including all personal property. 32,000, $10,000 cash, balance 0 interest. THOMPSON & SWAN. Tnird and Main Sta., Vancouver, Wash. b ACRES all in cultivation, one acre fruit good house and well, close to station oii electric line; 17 miles to Portland. sr.KOo some term. Bdy. 1658. 20U Oregon bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. ROSE CITY PARK AND DISTRICTS. WANTED-WHOUSE3 AND LOTS. List them at our Branch Office 45th and Sandy. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANT, 7 Cham Per of Commerce bldg. Main 0. WANTED. Will accept a Westover Terrace lot as part payment on a fine west side home. write L 110, Oregonian. NOTICE WESTOVER LOT OWNERS. W'ill accept large site en Westover Terrace as part payment on large east siue home. Write L Jltj, Oregonian. LOOK HERE! WHAT WE .NEED Id BUNGALOWS. Liat yours with us now as we are hav ing calls every day for good, modern or 0-room bungalow. Try us and see bow long we wilt be In selling It. STEWART A BUCK. 315 N. W. BANK BLDG. WANTED BUNGALOWS. HAVE CLIENTS FOR BUNGALOWS ALL OVER PORTLAND. LIT WITH feoXXS. WIL- SPECIALIZE YOU K PROPERTY IF PRICE IS RIGHT. DOBNER A DOBNEK. BONDED REALTY DEALERS. SOS HENRY BLDG. MAIN 8474. SIX-ROOM" modern home In Irvlngton or uiiiuiuLi inusi ue in good condition and priced right for cash. Please give full description and phone or no at tention will be given to your reply. Own ers or agent. X 177, Oregonian. IRVINGTON HDMR W A VTV r- , A first-class bungalow with 6 rooms downstairs, at leust 2 on second floor; must have the latest conveniences and be in good location; will pay up to !i000 for the right place; give complete description and house number; no ni8. 1 au. oregonian. WE have 6 competent experienced sales men with autos and are able to get you quick action, should you desire to sell your home. We need more houses to sell Have scores of prospects waiting. Phone us, we wiil call. J. A. WICK MAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094. I CLEARED $354.40 IN SEPTEMBER VWorkingmen's rooming and boarding i , " ,ic'ni Jttueu; racrmce lor $l.o cash, or trade for small farm to f y n uin ere nee. OTIS C. BECK. 525 HENRY BLDG. WANTED LAURKLHTTRST From owner, no agents. 7-room bun galow or two-story square house with one 'bedroom downstairs; must bo first class and very attractive, with some view. rnce not over $ 10,000, T 311 Oregonian. :0 TO 40 ACRES, not le than -0 in tlvatlon. wijh fair buildings; must have eoou water, gooa Joiumtia river view, either on North Bank or Columbia. hi-h. way; not over SO miles from Portland. x. a. oE.urctt.i, oa tienry bldg. AM IN market for 5 to 7-rnnm hnnV.iA must have hardwood floors, furnace and garage, Rose. City or Laurelhurst pre- n iiwuu a own, oai. term. WANTED -A real buy In a real home, not over $10,000; about down; lrvington or Laurelhurst. Unless you have an ex ceptional home at an exceptional price don't answer. AG 869, Oreconian. WAIN 1 fc-U A O or tt-room hnnimlnor In a good district; can pay $500 down; will ivb y j v ei o.uu , hi reel improve ments must be in; agents save stamna. WE HAVE-THE RL'YKRS Phone us) the location of your house LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Cham, of Commerce. Main 6967. WANTED Almost new and modern bun- sttiuw in nawmornf or Laurelhurst .Must oe snap, uive full details. Have $1000 cash. Owners only. N 101, Ore- Buu1a.11. I U ANT a modern home up to $5500; have $800 caah, but can make big monthly payment. Prefer lrvington. Give par- rw v j-l 1 pariy witn SoOU cash want modern bungalow in Alberta or Rose J J Muav suou any. Etlfe(.e lull p&r av c special client ror bungalow in Hawthorne district with $800 cash. Call EQUITY in 1 or 2 Union avenue lots or small house as first payment on modern CASH paid for fractional and undivided Interests in real orooertv and .tu. Frank T. Berry. 215 Railway Exchange WANT a 10-acre tract with good build ings; give full description in fisat let ter. A V 772, Oregonian. A STUCCO or brick house, with at least four bedrooms, under $16,000. John I Payne Co. Main 012. J WANT a 5 or 6-room bungalow on the east side; $2500 to $3000; no agents. G 820, Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 6-room houe. have part cash, balance city property. 1105 E, 30th Ht. N. WANT modern 5-room bungalow, eloe in prefer Lad.d' addition, w ill pay cash! Tabor 2710. TO SELL YOUR HOME SEE JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. :t2-H33-634 N. W. Bank Bldg. HAVE ch customers for modern bunga lows. Main 3787. 10 ACRES on paved road: Improved. 4447. Owner, 550 Williams ave. WANTED Lot for rash: laurelhurst or lrvington. 1215 E. Fianders st. Farms Wanted. IMPROVED FARMS WANTTD. Witn or without stock and equipment We are selling them, when priced right W pay over $500 per month for a dve-t ly ing and tr pleijd to advertise and show yu property. John Ferguson, Gar Hnger bldg Wanted to Rent Farms. SMALL ranch from 4 to 10 acres, with house and barn; lense for no less than year; guar-tntea good care of place bulla ood. ulbi. TIMBER LANDS. CONTRACT8 WANTED. Lumber or wood hauling contracts, suitable for truck wanted. State par ticuiar by letter. DAVE CRAWFORD. 71 N. Park st. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A tract of first-class timber, good log ging, a miles from R. R-, W mile from county road; close to Portland. C 2 a 4, Oregonlan. WANTED Tract of hemlock timber for immediate logging to Columbia river. T 302. Qregonian. PILING wanted; give scale, puce and when cut. C. V. Gamble. Couch bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WALNUT ORCHARD. 6 miles from New berg, in Chebatem hills, we have 550 acres of land, close to 200 acres cleared and very fine soil, none better for walnuts and prune: 50 acres are set out to walnuts 8 years old. a few less than 25.000 trees. 2 fine springs on place giving plenty of water for all purposes; running water In house and barn: party would exchange and assume Port land property and if you are Interested come in and see us: we will explain more about this fine farm. Price $150 per acre. WAKE FT ELD. FRIES & CO., 60 Fourth St. FOR. SALE OR EXCHANGE. One-fourth interest in 2O0 lots in town of Otter Rock; bathing bach In front of property; all land practically level; mountain wateV gravity system; sawmill, hotel: dally auto and mall; railroad and logging operating In mile of town; eight mi lea north Newport In famous &iletx timber. Address box 604. N aw port. Or. 11 ACRES. TEN MILES PORTLAND. Paved road to Portland. 7-room house, barn and chicken house; horso. cow anil chickens; price $5000; will trade for home in Portland. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exrh. Hldg. Main 6752. l'? ACRE, high slate cultivation; fruit, berrlfi; 10 minutes' walk to car; large 7-room house, gau and electric ity ; ga rage, chicken house; $3200; want small home near car. SCANDINAVIAN -AMERICAN TtLTY. CO. MarK iM. Mam .-n-iv WILL TRADE my equity In Sl-acre farm near huttene, (Jr.; wen improvea; scnooi on place; slocked and equipped ready to move on to, for a 5 or 6-room residence In Portland. See photo and owner, room 210. Willard hotel. ACRE, K2d st., fruit, chicken house, gar age, electric nnis. lull sei puimouig, city water all through place, nice -room house, will take good machine in on place, owner. Tabor 123S. HAVE 4 clear lots In valley town will ex change for lease and furniture 01 email apartment, or small furnished house. What have you ? B. D. Peairs, 3U2 Vi Belmont St., phone East 3418. OWNER of modern 7-room west Mount Tabor home, value soooo; win laae aa part payment lots or small home up to 20110. w 122, oregonian. GEARHART cottage. $1300, for sale or trade; 7 rooms, all ceuar. rurmanea. oest 1 oca t ion. Y 81, Oregonian. 7-ROOM modern house In good district; street work in: to traie lor smaller house. Owner, Tabor 220. SMALL APT. HOUSE, well paying. for farm, about loouu. j-iaii. xii wasn. TAKE lot or auto on neat 5-rin. horn $2.OQ. Main 4HQ3. ACCEPT auto or lot in on 7-room modern house, 20 min. out. Main 73U. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. STLDEBAKER 6; excellent running condi tion; trade for clear lot, house equity or small acreage. 0tf Ablngton bldg. Mar 4Li8. HORSE, buggy and harness; price $60. ill t:oiumDia biva. wooaiawn io. FOR SALE. Horse, Vehicles, Livestock. MARES AND HORSES. 15 head of mares and horses, weight 13n to 1800 lbs; 4 to 6 years old. AH low down, blocky built chunks. Bonn well Matched teams. Each and every horse sold with a guarantee, trial al lowed. S nltary Stables, 365 Union ave. Corner of Stephens. L. Glass. WILL sacrifice 'J fresh cows and one to freshen soon, and 2 portable rabbit hutches, 8 registered Flemish Giant rab bits, also Plymouth Rock hens and portable chicken house. Come and aee them and make me an offer. One block south of S. P. depot, Milwaukle. Or. 11. Smith. TEAM young brown horses, weil-broken. weighing 25UO jus. witn oreecning Har ness and 1 -inch 3-spring covered wagon, nearly new ; price $275 for out fit. Tak Woodstock car to E. 36th and Gladstone and waik two blocks north to 1087 Francis ave. LIGHT farming outfit, good team of bays. about 2 3 50 lbs.; Harness ana zvs-m. larm wagon. Also soiue cables for pulling stumps; $123 for all; nice chunky 1000-lb. horse, gentle, ride or drive. $35. 3'J2 Knott st U. S. STABLES. 243 FRONT. If you want to buy a good young horse or mare or a well-matched team -of horses, call and look this stock over; also a good span of mules, 4 and 5 year old. G. D. Williamson. 4 FRESH, cows, $85 each; 2 Jerseys, 1 Durham, 1 half Durham and jersey; an large cows; also several other fresh cows on sale. G. K. llowitt. Portland Union Stockyards. A.m :22m-LB. TEAM and harness, guaran teed good workers; can oe seen naming w ood every aay. Aiiai vv oouyara, o. 1 Front st. BLACK team, weight 2600, sound and best 01 workers, narness anu --men wason ; will sell cheap. Woodstock car to 34th Bt., 5 blocks south to square red barn. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goat See us if you want to Duy or sen. tamp-bell-Phelan Land & Cattle Co.. 801-J Couch bldg. 5 FRESH cows, 3 to 5 gals.; sell or trade for beef cattle. rake Vancouver car to Columbia boulevard; 1 block north. AK 6hO, Oregonian. $65 WILL buy good honest bay mare; 1400 IDS., a IOW u 1 01. n . H uuu ink u. uuu"'o i ness $35. Must sell at once. Phone East btoi. t w vott want any fresh dairy cows of any breed at any time, see Mr. Bruce, at the -stockyards, rvortn rortiana, uregon. ni," a n stock removed aulckly. Cash paid for dead cows ana crippiea corses, rnoa Milwaukee 69-J for results. WANTED Horse for Its care; good feed and pasture. E. Tanner, Oregon City, Or. Route 0, box ldB. FOR SALE 2-- DELIVERY CALL EAST 644. WAGONS. DEAD horses, animals hauled away, free. f ortiana nenaering to. w ooaia wn u. DEAD horses taken quickly. Cash for dead cows. Tabor 4QJ. FOR SALE 15 fuil-blood Shropshire March rams, noiman Fuel Co., 14 5th FOR SALE, brood sows, or trade. 8438. Pianos, Organ and Musical Instrument. $15 TO S25 CASH. $ or 110 monthly, buys good new or discontinued model; $113 to 5i in savings on pianos ounni xsc ' tory clearance sal at Sen wan Plana Co., Ill Fourth st. SCHIEDMEYER fsmall) S150 Davenport A Trcey (large, modern) 200 U. s. Jonnson, manogany . . . a-i Decker Bros., ebony 2S HAROLD GILBERT. S84 YamhllL PIANO BARGAINS. Prices from $100 and up; all In ftn condition: see them and be convinced terms given. Sieberling-Lucas Musio Co., 12a tn st TRADED YOUR PIANO nr nrean on a new Victrola and records: our proposition will please you. Selber nng-iuca Aiusio 1.0 a-a tta u iaia 586. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used pianos and player piano; get our price, Seiberling- Lucas Piano Co.. 12l 4tn eu iiaio 8k ORGANS. ORGANS. See our stock of good, used organs from $20 ana up; terms givn. siebr- ling-Lucas Music Co., 126 4th t. SINGER piano, plain mahogany case. about half price. Sieberhng-Luca Uu eiu Co., 125 4tn st. $100 TO $150 CASH paid for your upright piano by Security Storage Co., 100 4ta st.. at Washington st. Call Main 5323, fclOO CASH buys $550 large Wheelock up right piano at Security Storage Co., lo 4th st., at wasoingion. piakos tunea and repaired; talking ma chine repairing. Foley St Van Dyke, 10 Fifth streeu vis; m kr niano: small, neat case, walnut fine con di lion. Sieberling-Lucas Musi 4 Co., 125 4th st. PLAY E R ROLLS you are ued of ex changed at lOo per roll. Haro.d S, Gilbert' 354 vamniu su KPTKY 6-octiv organ. Just . like new. some bargain. Sieberling-Lucas Musio Co., 125 4 th st. 1 PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill 8U KNABE piano for sale, beautiful tone reasonable. 513 E. Ash. WANTED to buy. piano at once, if rea sonable; no dealers. Marshall rjnn. 13 AN JO fur .alo, $10. Et. 4072. roil BALE. Piano. Organs aud Musical Instrument. Security Storage Co., closing out: $750 Stelnway & Sons upright piano $25 $375 Brings small upright 1135 $;150 J. p. Hal A Co., upright -,.-10 $.50 Weber, French model 210 $075 Stegur, i;u8 modl $H15 $730 Stark player piano f-tS $.o0 Thompson, large upright $20 2 uprights, small $rt and $75 Parlor organs $2S. $35 and $43 Pianos bought and sold fur cash on. J. Pianos stored for 50 cent monthly. 109 4th St.. st Washington. TWO GOOD PIANO BARGAINS. New II a ven, mahogany .case, excep tionally fine tone, $175. Swick upright, ebony case. $123. If you'll pay $15 down wo il send one of these to your home. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO., 427 Wellington st. $475 HIGH-GRADE piano used 2 months. M ust sell as my husband and I have separated. Am going eat, do not want to go to expense of shipping. Must sell this week ; no reasonable offer refuued. BD 60it, Oregonian. 2 HIGH-GRADE piano cheap. Do not want the expense of shipping south ; will take liberty bonds; easy terms, or what have you to trade? Mut sell them t h i a week. X 170, Oregonian. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR PIANO. We pay $100 to $5o0 for good-toned pianos; we have many country orders waiting; get eur bid. Brokerage Co., 12 Worcester bldg. Main 364. BLINDFOLDED you'll chose the Cremona plu nogiaph for it tone. Come la and vo" il : rove it. WAKEFIELD MUSIO CO., 427 Washington tit. PHONOGRAPHS OR RECORDS WANTED. 128 First. Main 4405. Tabor 7ts. FOR SALE One good Hard ma nn piano, $110. 58 Ford ham apta.. Marshall ISM. WANT to rent Victrola, best of care. Phone Marshall 3204. Furniture for Sale. 11 14x12 BRUSSELS RUG 3. Tn small allover design and all woo! nap; it is new but has a small hoI rtar the edge; we have reduced it from $60 to $4J.5i; easy terms ii desired. Mish Furniture Co., 1S8-190 1st C I HAVE a handsome mahogany dining room suite, consisting of dining table, Nervine table, sideboard, china closet. and seven chairs, which I will sell for $850. This is much less than cost, and it could not be bought now for any thing like the original cost. It w aa made to order in New York and the workmanship Is the best. Telephone East 1815 for appointment to see it. PRIVATE SALE. 110 MIrmar Place, near Gllsan. Mon ta villa car- My beautiful furniture, in cluding mahogany dining room set. Cir cassian w alnut bed room set, rugs, ma hogany clock, and Kirrmanshah. 0x12; also library furniture, gaa stove and hot water heater. FURNITURE of 6-room modern house with frarage, nearly all oak, and good rus, ots .of canned frutt, jams and Jellies; house renta for $20; good reason for sell ing; will sell all together or by the piece. This In no Junk. 671A 44th ave, S. K. Mt. Scott car to Kern Park. 4 blocks north. DON'T sacrifice your furniture It rolni east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our througn cars. Flreproo Storage. CL M. Olse Transfer A Storage Co.. 248 Pine sL HANDSOME new fumed oak library table. oronze bedstead, springs, hair mattress, rugs, blrdweyo maple chairs, oak rock ers, oak dresser, kitchen table, etc 204 E. 1-th st. TWO STOVES. 1 kitchen end 1 dining room, for sale. Al condition. Call Sell- wood 25a morning. or atter 6 o clock evenings. GOOD BUY Furniture, good condition, 6- rocm Dungaiow ior rent iq party buying furniture. 146 1st st. A BARGAIN Beautiful oak dresser. Call at apt. 406 Tudor Arms. 18th and Couch. No dealers. FOR SALE 12 dozen new wooden folding chairs. Address P. O. Bo 61 8. FURNITURE of 6-room house or sale. Phone for appointment. Tabor 507. A NO. 1 wood and coal heater, $20; ga range. $8. 164 E. 26th st S. T WO tables and chairs, cooking range heating stove. Pijne East 5271. Poultry. PU .LETS W offer you Barred Rocks, White Wyandotte, Black Orpington and Rhode Island Red pullets, $1.25 to $2. 50, according to age and strain. Northwest Poultry Corp., b2d L, ad to 74th ave. Southeast. FOR SALE 20 O. A. C. White Leghorn hens, IS months old, first-class layers ; and a cockerel; also Belgian hares. J33 K. 6!th st. N. WE WILL pay you highest 'cash price for April, May natcnea puuets, any oreeo. Northwest Poultry Corp., Lents, Or. Dogs, Rabbit. Bird, Pet fcjtock. FOR SALE 1000 heal of the best An gora goat tn be found; If you want goat you had better put your order in at once. CAMPBELL PHELAN LAND & CATTLE CO., 201-2 Couch bldg, Portland Phone Main 80h. FLEMISH GIANTS, pedigreed; none bet ter; also utility stock. Mrs. HeecUlng, 1578 W. 46th st., Lo Angeles. Cal. ST. ANDREASBERK rollers, superb singers. lins in grand condition; prices moderate. 420 U Stanton. Phone East 4520. THOROUGHBRED black rocker spaniel puppies, iteasonaoie. 212 L. both, labor 8887. THE PADERESWSKI CATTERY. Orange Persian kittens of Quality. East 3067- FI RST-CLASS Boston Terrier, male pup, $50. 141 11th. cor. Alder. Bdwy. 256i. A I It ED ALES- Select maie puppies. S40 up. 1 11c uuau 1 ai 111a. uut oil, IV. o, rorllina. Machinery. SALE OF $573,000 STEEL SHIPYARD OP THE ALBINA ENGINE & MACHINE WORKS CONSISTING OF Lathe. Punches. Boring machines. Hammers. , Planers and shapers. Roll. suspension scale. Bending rolls. Pip machines. Bending slsb and b Lock a. Torches. Bolt and nut machine. Riveting; machine. Pumps, Pyrometer. Compressors. Motor. Tool steel. Leather belting. Belting. Pipe and fitting. v Shelf hardware. Wire cope. Copper wire and conduit pipe. Pulley and shafting. 6tam boiler and engine, etc. Plant new being dismantled. All material now for sale. No reservation. ALBINA ENGINE A MACHINE WORKS AUt-S CO., Robert G. Blake. Manager of Bale. Lewi and Loring eta. East Slou. MACHINERY for complete brick plant for sale at ls than . the market prl-e today - Capacity from 20,000 to 40.0(H) brick per day; 50 h. p. G. E. motor; ArnoM-Creger brick machine. Arnold- CreaKer rlay crusher, hoisting drum. 2-belt conveyors. 3-lron dump car, cable I'onteyor for of f -bearing brick, brick mou I'', wiifeiwrrowi, onrn irucK. 1 el ling, shafting, pulleys, railroad iron, i l eel cable. 2-mou id sanding machine. L. K. KERN BRICK COMPANY. E. B4th and Tillamook St. SPECIAL. We make a specialty of rebuilt second-band sawmill machinery, boiler, engine, etc.; aluo do welding. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 83 First st.. Portland, Or. 10x 12 SEATTLE half-breed donkey. Writ -07. AiLQr u ASWUU Urtiuu. FOR SALE. Laum-hca and Boat. BOATS and barges built and repaired, es timates and expert advice freely fur nished. Yard and ways at A 1 bin a eve. Phono East 2162. Marine Repair & Const. Co. TROLLING and towing boat. 28x84 ft.. 12 H. P. H. D. engine. worked outside Columbia bar all season, cheap. Phone E. 68, room 9. HOUSEBOAT NO. 2. OREGON YACHT CLUB; MODERN. F1R?T-CLASS CON DITION. SELLWOOD 354A WORK or towing for 18-h. P- hevy-duty t roller. Win. El is worth. Phone Sell wood 3100. " Pa rb wood. Or. MODERN houseboat, completely furnished. $35(i. cll Seiiwood 2205 or inquire Motor Boat club. Typewriters. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. A LI. MA K ES. sold on mon thly pay ments; send for price list. The Whole sale Typewriter Co.. 321 Washington st. RENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now, immediate delivery, reasonable terms. Remington Tpewriter Company. NO. 5 ROYAL typewriter, first-class con dition. 2 color ribbon, save dealer's prof It. 72S Pittock block., bet. U and 5, or phone Bdwy 1. UNDERWOODS. REMINGTONS AND L. SMITHS FROM U. S. GOVERNMENT. D. C. WAX. 1U'. 2D ST. MAIN 4631. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 34 Fifth. Main 366i NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut Jtca:P.D.. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W. Peae Co., 110 Sixth St. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregor. Typewriter Co.. 14 5th. Main iirtfiS. Miscellaneous. officb furniture single anti double flat-top and type writer styles: bookkeeper's desk, tables and chairs; sup PLIES OF ALL KINDS FROM HPRl'i'K DIVISION. D. C. WAX, 109 2D ST. MAIN 4631. MUST sell at once, Vulcan gas range, per fect condition, $30; cost $58.50; Ruud water heater, $12; 75 ft. garden hope, $lo; lawn mower, $7; garbage can. $2.50. ' articles like new. Used only two months. Hub e. Lincoln t., cor 37th, EITHER WAY If you have a diamond and want the cash, or if you have the , ,v a aiamono. can in ana tai k it over. MILLER S CLEARTVn HOUSE FOR r, . w DIAMONDS. 9o5 Wash. St.. next door Majestic theater. PREPARE FOR THM u atv ycrtw And buy your raincoat, leather coat or motorcoat direct from manufacturer; it wvm you :i5 to JiK-, of retail price. UNITED RI'BUER CO.. 726 Morgan bldg. FEE OUR PHICEStBEFOKE YOU BUY. ai-VVINL. machine, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agent employed; com plete line of parts for all unkes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9431. bEWLXO MACHINE EMPORIUM 100 3d. near Tavlor St. FOR SA LE At sacrifice, one penny cash register, small register, floor cases, counter cases, cigar wall big res taurant ice box, table and chairs, sew ing machine, desk, tent; other lixturea. 248, second te. Main 842. bAFEsHre and burglar-proof afea, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and ixchanged. NORRLS SAFE & LOCK CO., 1M SecondHl. !one M1" 2045. LEAKY roof, h? Very aggrvatfngrin deed. Why not a permanent and com fortable roof ? We repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 7776. WATCH for sal by private party: WuT- "m in-jet et rti versiue movement ; olid gold cave. Thia watch was never worn; cost $152; sell for $100. AK 6S7, Oregonian. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 set; bring or mall. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 4"6 Spaulding Bldg.. 4rh floor. w ; buv Wer Stamps Liberty Bond. Spot Casit Any Amount. A M E RICA N HkO K E RAG E. 4QQ Spaulding Bldg.. 4th Loor. HONEY. ' WARRANTED UNADULTERATED. Strained, light, mild, 23c pound in 5 gal. cans; la than 5 gals., 26c East 1416. CONCORD grapes for sale, make your Juice now a-nd Jelly later; 3d ave.. 3d house north of Hooper station. Oregon City Hue. Oak Grove. 5c per lb. Bring baskets- or boxes. W. J. Webber. ROBINSON & WELLS bath cabinet. $7.50: tapeatry couch cover, $7.50; Ansco camera. No. with leather case. $la. East 4672 SAFES New and second-hand; some witn burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC S'ALE & SLPLY CO., Broadway lUtPL 48 Front st. KEGS Hard and soft wood kegs and bar- re., new ana second-hand: no country order less than three. Panama Cooper- BKe t.o., r ronu HOT-WATER tanks, new nd second-hand. 1 - 10 t-o inbtaueu: expert Doner re pairing, plumbing suppiie cheap. 203 Adams st. East 8516. PRINTING FOR LESS Smith, non-trust printer, moved tu commonwealth bidg., 6th and Ankeny. Good printing at reasonable prices. Phone Bdwy. 28S6. FOR SALE Sectional oak sectional book- rase. 4 sections ; curtains, si retch eta. A. B. 6-hoIe gas range with large and small ovens and refrigerator. Mar. 424;t. MUST eacrifice today, cash registers, ac count register, s no weaves, wall cape, wire chairs, cheese cutter, compuliug sea lew. 2"o Washington et. J E USE Y suit, dresn, hat, sweater, $15; small 16-Kize ; cut-glaas water set, bow 1, hand-pair, ted plates. sherbet glasses cheap. -AK SS. Oregonian. 125 QUARTS pears, peaches, cherries, con serves, jetties, no quarts vegetables. Wil son. 2143 Hal?ey st., at fctith. FOR SALE 30-3O carbine. Springfield model, practically now, $25. Call 802 Lewis bldg. GREEN sport suit, sire 36. new; broad cloth, fur-trimmed suit, late model, six 42, cheap. Marshall 3356. MR. SUOLES office furniture for sale at once, constating of desks, chairs, tables, etc. Call today at room 626 court house. GENTLEMAN'S whit serge suit, 40 or 42, never neeu worn, ior eaie cneap. wooa- lawn 876. $10O. WORTH $300. store front In the sash for sale, about MxiO toot, panes range from 30 to 44x48. Columbia 075. LADIES' purses and hand begs repaired, also made to order; traveling bags, $5.85 up. Portland Leather Co.. 226 Wash. st. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tablea show cases, wall cases, fixture; terrna W. J. Quigley. 227 Firt, Main 63U. PIANO lamp, made to order and sold di rect ftom factory to the trade; whole sale prices. 63 1st st. Main 1429. FOR SALE One auto tire pump and one Yankee vise; a bargain. AO 623. Ore gonian. LADY'S blue velour suit, Hudson oollar. aixe u. ounaay or evenings, juarsball 5295. APPAREL EXCHANGE Ladles' coal. sutts. drewes, evening gowns, furs, slight ly used; distinctive styles. Tabor 2823 NEW Ruud double-coil water heater. $17.50; low porcelain toilet, $25; nice basin. $15; good value. Tabor 4706. TWO roll-top desks, 1 T. W. dek, 1 table, 1 flat-top desk. 8 chairs, 3 filing cabi nets. Bushong A Co., 91 Park st. FOR SALE Heating stove, coal or wood. 333 E. 45th st. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaner. 24-hour da? $1. delivered anywhere. Woodlam n 12. SLIGHTLY used U. S. irmy raincoat and pon c h o at salva ge P rices. 24 7 Davis st. LADIES tuit and gown, slightly worn. Main PMU CLEON blue ostrich plums, cheap. Call B 1511. EABY'S" bed on wheel and mattress; like new; $5. Esst 82S. VKLOL'R coat, 36 bust; three pairs of ohoes. outgrown. Tabor 8o45. SHOWCASES AND CASH REGISTER Wanted. Main 4495. 128 1st., near Wash. FOR SALE Otter coat, sUe Bdwy. 2;5-V as. Call FOR SALE Pool table at a bargain; al most new. CI! Woodlawn 1946. VACUUM cleaners old, repaired, rented, exchanged, bought. Bentley Co. Mn. n7: PR ACTIO ALLY new .22 long Winchester repeating rifle. Call 555 K. Main t. APPLES. $1 per box. Spltsenberg and Baldwins; free delivery. 267 Bps st. FOR FALR-"-Cash register, safe, adding machine; howce. 43 lt st.. near Ah. FOR SALE Practleelly new 45 raincoat. $1S. Marshall S'.6t. FOR SA LE A good w ood or mm I range. Cull 1Q9 Royal Court. Tel. Tabor 5041. FOR SALE l small trunk, $7. Call after 9 A. M. Marshall 2Q"3. SANITARY couch, $10; 6 fumed oak din ing room chlr. $15. Tabor 2t:i7. BABY'S brown reed sulky with reed top Tbor a 55 2. FoR SALE Electric rnge. 5 TL'O iu'Jiuins. Phone Wdln. FOB SALE. M I ere 1 1 u n chki 9 . SALE OF SOMMARSTROM SHIPBUILDING, CORPORATION. COLUMBIA CITY. OR. near St. Helens) To be sold In parcel a wanted, including Locomotive crane. Air compressors and tanks. Complete wood-working plant. Complete Iron -working plant. Boilers, engines and pumps. Dynamo, motors, etc.. Derrick, hoists, etc.. Donkey engines, hoisting engine, Ralls, pipe. Air tools of all kinds. and all equipment of a complete Shipbuilding plant. Nothing reserved. Plant must be vacated within 2 weeka Act now, JOHN GEOGHEGAN, manager of aalea SOMMARSTROM SHIPBUILDING CORP. SALES CO., COLUMBIA CITY. OR, Long distance phone connection. RESTAURANT AND CAFETERIA MAN AGERS. ATTENTION. We have taken over the Albina En gine and Northwest Steel Co. cafeteria equipments, which we HI dispose of In any Mze lots. This stock consists oi It kinds of crockery and silverware, cefeteria trays, electric dish w ashing machine, electric potato peeler, kettles and pots, tit earn cookers, 5 steam tables, all kinds of chairs and tables, Nailonul cash registers, meat sltcer. elect ric meat grinding machinery. large ste 1 range and other articles for restaurant equipment. HOCHFKLD BROS.. 41 lf,t st.. near Alder. Broadway P. PF.ERLFS PLUMBTNG FIXTURFS, PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS. PLUM RING SUP PI. IKS. HOUSE-UEATINO MATERIALS. IRON PIPE. WM. POWELL VALVE AND STEAM SPECIALTIES. BOSTON BELTINQ COMPANY'S MECHANICAL UUBtfUR GOODS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO 68-70-72 Front St.. Portland. WE BUT DIAMONDS. Get what your dia , motto's are worth: we pay full market value n rash. old jewelrv, pawn tickets, old gold, silver and platinum bought. Full valu paid War Stamps, Liberty Bonds Bought. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 40i Spalding bid.. Fourth Floor. Corner Washington and Third Ms- DIAMONDS WANTED. 'PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. Sell your diamonds to diamond ex pert W positively pay the highest cash market values for diamond?., platinum, gold, silver, mate lies, old Jewelry, oxowns, bridges and false teeiH. See us before seiung ee where. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 4-17 Morgan bidg., 4th floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. Hour A. AI. to P. M. CAMP RANGES CAM P RANGES. We bought these ranges from the Spruce' Division and have cleaned nd repaired them in first-class shape. Cook ing top Is 51x:;6 inches. hfiL'ht 30 In. and 30-lnch oven with tl run door. Ktront and heavy, big value; priced to sell quick MAY HARDWARE CO.. 124 Front L ONE fur coat. $:i0. Call A 47WR. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. STUDEBAKER FOUR 1017. in very best of condition, good tires and paint, owner leaving town, must sell, a bantam at $tiH). some terstis. 30 orand aveuue N. near Burnside. STUDEBAKER BUG. A dandy bug, bright green and lot of speed; your own term. 404 DAVIS. NKAR TENTH. $450 CASH buys 1918 Ford. Demountable rims. Yale lock, speedometer, shock eb sorbcrs. extra tire and carrier, electric tail light. Tabor 31'Jl. IL F. MILLER. See him first. He has a new Dixie Flyer for you. Term can't be beat. Trade In your old car. Mar shall 1428. t-5 North 23d t. C 55 BU1CK 6 touring: price $850 for quick sale ; terms; guarantee aad free service: enough said. Portland Car Sales Co.. ;th ana lay ior. CHEVROLET TOURING. Good mechanical shape; good tires; terms. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. 1019 CHEVROLET. 5-pas.. new in May look and runs like new, new tires all around, many extras; $050. Phone Tabor 454 or call 4204 27th ave. 3. E. LIGHT 6 Chandler, must sell at once; car looks and runs like new: will demon strate. Call at ii'JO E. C rut hers L Sell. 1309. FoR SAUK New Oakland Six: run less than 1000 miles; lots of extras; give phone or eddres. Will call for dem onstration. At 648 Oregonian. CLASSY little six-cylinder roadstsr. In oerfect condition. Look at the price, only $500. terms if desired. King Street garage. Main 18-t. N. KW FRAN KLIN touring car at cost, $2700. This car has never been run or demonstrated. Eastern Oregon Auto Co, Vale. Or. FOR SALE CHEAP CASH. 1915 Ford touring, good condition. B. Friedman. 60S 2d St.. nat c FORD a-nd Chevrolet repairing, satisfac tion guaranteed. Pacific Garage. 283 11th st.. near Jefferson. hrakd NEW Maxwell sedan, never been used. $1700; easy terms. Portland Car hales Co.. 5th and Taylor. I. ATE 1017 Grant 0. used very little: $ down, guarantee and free service. Port' land Car Sales Co., uth and Taylor. lOlft CHEVROLET touring, 260 down ruarantee and free service; enough said. Portland Car Sales Co., ftth and Taylor. 1916 MAXWELL. A good car, very reasonable; 404 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH. ONE new closed delivery body, cheap. See Mr. Rodmacher. 431 Bumside u Auto Top Co.. 2d floor. 1918 MAXWELL roadrter. $520 down; guarantee and free service; enough said. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. FOR D DELIVERY, in good condition, will sell cheap on term if wanted. &0 Grand avenue North, near Burnable. trade 2 In t a 1hm Ton close In. for Chevrolet or Maxwell. AL 5W5. Oregonian, SPECIAL! 1917 Ford touring; must b sold by tomorrow. $400 Portland Car Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. BARGAIN IN 1916 CHALM ER3 SIX; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NilW. CALL TABOR 630. FORD BUG. New bug. Tooks great; good term. 404 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH. FORD touring ear, A -1 condition, reason able. Wood la wo 5888. FORD light delivery, 1918. a snap for cash. 1144 Francis ave. Owner. OVHRLAND roadster bug, Vaughn St.. after 6 P. M. $200. 1918 CHEVROLET must sell. 170 B. :heap, fine condition, 7th St. East 6234. GOOD Studebaker 6-cy Under truck for quick sale, $4'M. Main 9052 (owner). 1916 DORT, 5-pasa., a dandy car. 3 puw tires. $ o0 Phone Wood lawn 5ft 0 7. DANDY Hudson six. fine condition, terms. 124 Dlv lalon st. Tabor 1231. $685 CASH. 1918 Brisco. fully equipped. Al condition. Phone 766 Vncou er. CLASSY Elgin lx. practically new. 11150. terms. 1204 Division at. Tbor 1231. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to 15 each; vul- canlzed. 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. 1917 FORD touring car, V.'afh. st. $365. Call 211 FORD sedan. $S00 cash; every extra po Bible. Call Gray. 220 Oregon hotel. PRIVATE partv will sell Ford with bak ery body, $C50 cash. Tabor 24o5. CASH for late model Ford touring body. 101 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. FOR PALE AITOMOHILLS. WINTER TS HERB AND . REAL BARGAINS ARK HER IS. 1517 Maxwell, overhauled and re painted; fine little car in fine shape. $523 1013 Maxwell, all rone over, over hauled and repainted; like new. ...$650 Mitchell six, good running condi tion and good tire $4jH Hudson, model 87, fine car, good condition . $42 J 1916 Cbalraera light six $S50 11T Chalmera light aix. fine me chanical condition; repainted $1075 HUDSON SUPER SIX. 1917 Hudson ruper six one that we guarantee the same as a factory guarantee; all in fine coudition. . $1350 1918-Hudson super six; out only ene year in private hands; all m xt no condition and guaranteed bi u the name as a factory guarantee. Buy a fine used car when you can rel on what o are getting ....$ 1650 -:,V,.BOsf AUTOMOBILR CO. blo-617 Washington St. Portland- FOR PLU by owner, model S5 Overland, - ---ciii t-onomnn ; ures shap' with extra 2 ,ni!t new; cawh or term f.Tv" ,r- Airoad ay 24th and Broadway. garage. CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES. TOU BUT OR FELT, A CAR. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. ADl T I? PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SKLLINC, BUILDING. (SECOND FLOOR. 1916 MODEL -N- HUPMORILE. Cord tires. 8 of them nearly now: car In very good order throughout, wn.-r Im leaving city tn a few days and will therefore ell thia car below the market. hone Broadway 217 or Tabor 5702 even ings, Ak for Air. Billingsloy. TO HIGHEST BIDDER. .To o4 n tin b 1 -. v. 1 1 ... t Xelf'ive'1 until noon 'Monday, Nov. ;t. jo-iu. ior toe purchase of a BUS Chevro let touring car. Car can be im-pected at Atin SU Garage, cor. 2d and Main st.. and is J" wood ahape. with k'M tire. SAM L EL BOSS MAFFET. FORI SEDAN. Whit mire wherls, 5 Jumbo Goodrich Dies. Al ; speedometer. Yale lock, elec tric horu. electric st.trter, ttpnt light and tuinper. Knock absorbers, motormeter und runmug-board aupporu Car can be seen RUSHLIGHT A PKN'NET'S, K. 8d a nd Broadway. Phones. K. BOH. E. Soj. C 1561. FORD BUYERS. Fee us for bargains in ued Fords, touring, roadsters, trucks, light deliver ies. . RORTNSON SMITH CO . AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER. 6th and Madison, Main 1100. LIGHT TOURING. LATE MODEL Has setf-atarter. demountable rims, extra tires and runs fine; full et too Ik. and will go 20 miles on gallon gas; do all the hills on high; we can prove all thia to you and price is $150 down, bal ance monthly on long easy termf. Port land Eelecric Gar gt 11th at llovt M. FORD SEDAN. I-ate model, w Ire wheels. Fhork ab sorber, extra tire, $750. Can arrange terms. Call Mr. Adams. Tabor 7104. k SNAP A Willys-Knight. This is a late model and is really better than new ; -beautiful paint, guod tires and in first class condition mechanically. You may have thia car at your own price and term within reason. Call Main 8143 or Wood law n 2925. LEXINGTON MINUTE MAN SIX CHUM M Y. Leaving city and must sell. Five al most new tires, spotlight, power tire pump and bumper. First-clahs mechan ical condition. W 6S0, Oregonian. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. Reo V, excellent tires, including spare and tire covers, many special features and extras including potiighi; mechan ically perfect: small payment down and balance easy payments; price $525. 58 N. 2:id st.. Main 78'. AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ATTENTION. We are prepared to handle your finan cial mat t ers and give you excellent ser vice; al kinds lire Insurance written. NORTHWESTERN SECURITIES CO., Lumbermens Building. Telephone Broadway 100. HUDSON. 191", super tlx. In mlshty good mechanical condition, looking almost UK new, with extra tire; a real automokl 1 for than the price of an rdinary one; be sure to see this car before jou buy; price $ 154)0. C. J. Mcpherson. 19lu and Wi;on tt. FORD touring car, late 1917. fine tiren, hocks and ot her extras : $375. This is a bargain; $100 each, $25 per month. Either phone C-1302 or 3fa2 E. 45th, N. PAIGE ROADSTER. This one will not last long as it goes for $450. 4o4 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. WIN TON SIX, bug body. bet of con dition, must sell, a snap at $250. with terms If desired. 30 Grand avenue N.. near Burnside. 1918 OLDS ROADSTER. Mechanically perfect; good Urea; terms to autt. 4 04 DAVIS. NEAR TENT H. MAXWELL 1919 touring, almost like new. good tires, used very little, will sac rifice at $975 and give terms. 30 tirand avenue N., near RurnMde. MAXWELL touring, must be sold by to morrow, good condition; $575 for quick sale. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. CHEVROLET TOURING 1918, in fine condition, all good tires, will sell at $675 and give term. 30 Grand avenue N.. near Burnside. AUTO TOWING. Day and night. Reliable Auto Shop. 267 16th st. Main 259 days, Marshall 321 nights. FORD DELIVERY, In good condition, good tires, open body, will sell at 13 75 and give terms. SO Grand avenue N.. near Burnytde. " GET YOUR CAR PAINTED. If you want a good Job at a reasona ble price, drive around to the auto Enameling works. 351 E. Oak at. HUDSON SUPER SIX, ued privately, in very best of condition, mutt e ;1. a bargain at $1550. terms. 30 Grand avenue N.. near Burnside. COLE TOURING. Late model Cole 8 touring; fir&t-class condition throughout: term. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. 1917 DoD"5 E touring, fine cond itlon, :.od down, guarantee, free service, enoug h said. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. MAXWELL, 1918. touring. uhed privately. In very best of condition, will eil at $S25 and give terms. So Grand avenue North, sjear Burnside. 1117 HUDSON SUPER-SIX. Cord tires, $6O0 down, guarantee snd full service; enough said. Portland Car Saies Co., 5th and Taylor. - 118 DODGE touring, cord tires, car newly painted. This car is In firat-class me chanical condition. A demontttratioa wlil convince you. East 8747 1917 CHEVROLET sedan, look like new, a good car for winter driving, a bargain. ood terms. 4Q4 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. MOTORS, gea rs, bearings, wheel. n ; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. ' David Mode Co , North Broadway and F.anders. J DODGB TOURING. Late model DodR. look and runs like new. A bargain with long terms. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. 19D BUICK roadster, cord tlrs, fine con dition, $Llo, terms: guara n tee and free service. Enough said. Portland Car Pales Co., 5th and Taylor. FOR SALE or trade for uniiier car. a ti-t' pierce Arrow; Just overhauled, in good condition Phone M-tin 6.;v aH buys' 1917 Maxwell touring car in good condition 1962. Term. Phone a-f-t 1916 CHALM ERS; first-clara condition . a dandv ear at a real bargain: with term, "44 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH. BIG SN A P M u-Mt hell at once, 0-cvlindr I cr, fine condition. bee Mr. Peterson. 374 Union axe. N.