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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1919)
11 PORTLAND TO HEED CULL FROM SOOTI Our Store Opens at 9:15 A. M. and Closes at 5:45 P. M. Daily Women's Suits at Off HlEr Dept. 2d Floor All Charge Purchases Made Today and Remainder of Month Go on November Accounts Payable Dec. 1 We Give Sl& H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Filled Stamp Books Redeemed in Cash at "S. & II" Office on 3d Floor Chamber Hears Delegates' Report on Trade Trip. TITK MORXIXO OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1910. CO-OPERATION IS SLOGAN All Points Visited Friendly to City and Anxious for Unity In In terests of the State. Declarations that Portland must back the projects- and aspirations of all Oregon, and that the members of the Portland Chamber of Commerce became thoroughly convinced of this necessity for wider community devel opment during the recent trade excur sion, were voiced by several speakers yesterday noon at members' forum, specially convened to review the trip. The noon-day luncheon, in testimony to its character, .was announced aa that of "Southern Oregon day." Nathan Strauss, who led the trade delegation to southern Oregon, pre sided at the luncheon. In a brief ad dress he touched upon the purpose of the recent visit to other Oregon com munities and the lessons derived. Mr. Strauss told his hearers that Port land must take for its own the prob lems of the smaller communities, building in this fashion the greater general prosperity of the state. The role In which Portland must appear henceforth, said Mr. Strauss, is that of big: brother to all Oregon. Klamath Is Championed. W. L. Thompson, assigned to the discussion of Klamath Falls, declared that that city is the capital of an em pire fertile in soil and possibilities for development. The sub-dividing: of the large acreages to 40-acre Individ ual tracts, said the speaker, was a policy that would hasten the progress of the district. Mr. Thompson recalled the pledge of the chamber, made at the close of the tour, that Portland business men will lend their aid to the construction of the Strahorn railroad, projected from Klamath Falls to Bend. From a tonnage standpoint, he assured his hearers, the road cannot help but be a success. A. L,. Mjlls is chairman of the loual committee in charge of de termining what course Portland's aid will take. Ashland was championed by Arthur H. Devers, who portrayed the South ern city as one of vision and fore sight, rich in material resources and cultural ambition. He paid tribute to the beautiful park, the camping sites for tourists, to the Chautauqua, and to similar evidences that Ashland is alive to its own future. And he urged his Portiajid audience to remember the validity of Ashland's claim for a state normal school. Request Should Be Heeded. "At the next election," said Mr. Devers, "if a request for the location of such a normal school comes from Ashland, we must do everything pos sible to see that their desire is brought to fruition." - H. V. Mitchell spoke of Grants Pass, of the splendid hospitality ac corded the visitors from Portland, of its vinyards of Tokay grapes, its wealth of fertile valleys and its huge undeveloped territory. For the cele brated marble caves of Josephine county, which at present are reached only by an arduous horseback trip, Mr. Mitchell bespoke an adequate roadway, in order that tourists may visit the mighty caverns, which are as large as the Mammoth caves of Kentucky. "We must do everything that" we can," declared the speaker, "to per' suade the state highway commission to construct an adequate road to the marble halls of Josephine county." Med ford's ttrovrth Told. William MacMaster held a brief for Medford, capital of the lower Kogue river valley. With the arrival of irri gation, said Mr MacMaster, the agri cultural future of the district la as sured, and already extensive farming improvements are to be noted. De spite the mutual advantage,- declared the speaker, Portland at present re ceives but one-fourth of Medford's trade, a situation that should be re versed and that is plainly confronting local wholesalers for solution. lloseburg was the theme of A. J. Bale, who said that the wonderful valleys of that district were a sur prise to most of the excursionists'. All that Itoseburg and the tributary ter ritory lack, said Mr. Bale, Is greater settlement. Abundant resources are there for the support of much larger population. "One thing that impressed me on this trip," said Mr. Bale, "is the fal lacy that southern Oregon Is hostile to Portland. Wherever we went we were met with sincere fellowship and fine courtesy, and it was plainly ap parent that the outer-state counties await but the opportunity to co operate with us in the fullest degree." Southern Market Is Hijr. H. C. Huntington, of the Associated Industries of Oregon department, de clared that Portland manufacturers' have a big market in southern Ore gon and that all they have to do to secure it is to bid for the business. As the closing address of the lunch eon C C. Chapman gave a spirited summing-up of the purpose of the trip and the duty of Portland. "These communities are all ready to join hands with Portland in any thing that benefits the state," said Mr. Chapman. "Each of us came back imbued with the idea that Pdrtlahd'S duty is to aid In their community problems for the welfare of the state at large." Marsnall N. Dana, at the request of the chairman, pafd a brief tribute to the late Theodore Roosevelt on the occasion of the anniversary of his birth. ROAD ROUTE TO BE SEEN Federal and County Officials to Go Over Mount Hood Loop. Federal and county officials of Multnomah and Clackamas counties will leave at 8 o'clock today from the local courthouse on a two-day In spection trip over the proposed Mount Hood loop roadway with the Idea, of selecting the best route where two or more are feasible and to familiar ize themselves with the construction problems to be met in laying the highway. Luncheon will be served at Rhodo dendron inn and dinner at Govern ment camp. The officials will walk to Barlow Pass either over the Mount Hood loop survey or by Bar low trial, a four-hour trip, today and will make a side-trip to Tokum Falls tomorrow morning. They will return to Portland tomorrow. Those who are planning to make the trip are: County Commissioners Hoyt, Holman and Muck of Multno mah county. County Judge It. &. An derson and Commissioners Proctor and Harris of . Clackamas county, Herbert NTunn, state highway en gineer; George H. Cecil, district for- Know The Joy Of A Beautiful Complexion Hair And Hands. They may. b yours if you make the Cuticura Trio your every -day toilet preparations. The Soap cleanses, purines and beautifies, the Ointment softens, soothes and heals redness, roughness, pimples, dandruff, etc., the Talcum powders and perfumes. Samtt 25. Otntasant 2C and BOe. Talesna 25c. Sold throughout the world. For sample each tree address: "Cntiemra Las oratoriM, Dept. 9F. MaMaa, Mm." giMVCatUur 8oa wit m. THE NAME Td REMEMBER DENVER MUD aea III i a ) ! at j ii a rrsarn For AH Inflammation From Pneumonia to Burns ester; T. H. Sherrard, assistant dis trict forester; C. H. Purcell and Phillip H. Datcr of the United States department of public roads and rural engineering, and Koadmaster W. A. Katchel. HOOD HAS FLOUR MILL . M i Hers Buy All Available Wheat Grown, la Valley. HOOD RIVER, Or., Oct. 27. (Spe cial,) The Highland Milling- company, established here" year before last by J. C. Aplin and eon. It. B, Aplin, for mer millers of Beliingham, Wash., have just completed the installation of rollers and are now turning out full patent flour. The millers, who are buying- all the available wheat grown in Hood River valley, report receipts of approximately 6000 bushels to date. The bags bear a. representation Of Lost Lake, a swan swimming on the surface of the water. This Is the first time the mountain lake's name has ever been used in a commercial way Ccntralia Educator to Speak. CKNTRALlA, Wash., Oct. 27. (Spe cial.) Edgar Reed, superintendent of Centralia schools, will address the 33d annual convention of the Washington Educational association td be held in Seattle the last four days of this week. Professor Reed will gpeak on "Taxation and Teachers' Salaries." Miss Z. May Melghen. Lewis county superintendent, also has a place on the programing. IiOgger5 Killed Xear Centralia. CENTRALIA, Wash., Oct. 27. (Spe cial.) Edward Matney, 22 years, was fatally hurt today when he was struck by a log while working In the Snow logging camp near Littell. His skull was crushed. Matney died within an hour after being brought to a Centralia hospital. The body was removed to the Flssel parlors in Che halls. Mattiey's parents reside at Curtis. Culinary Alliance Elects Delegates. nl1 - B" t- rl n 1, Slliinai1a findn.ihl n n z retary of .Culinary alliance No. 318, recently organized by cooks and wait era in Centralia and Chchalis, Krl- the union to the state labor confer ence to ne neiajn neattie inursaay. Sirs. Hannon at Lew is loft. LHWISTON, Idaho. Oct. 27.-Spe-cial.) Mrs. Lottie Hannon of Port land, Or., northwestern lecturer and organizer for the W. C. T. U.. has been meeting with the women of Lew iston in the interests of the organisa tion for several days. Guy King Gets Six Months. ECGENE, Or., Oct. 21. (Special.) Six months in the county jail is the punishment meted out by Judge Jesse G. Wells of the Eugene court to Guy King of junction City yesterday for the theff of a pump and some Iron pipe from a building owned by A. J. Kaiser at Junction City. King plead- Trunks and Bags Third Floor The Luggage Section is splen didly prepared to supply your traveling needs at lowest prices. Visit this department today. PORTLAND AGENCY FOR GOSSARD LACE FRONT CORSETS " MODELS FOR ALL TYPES OF FIGURES The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS ARE THE EASIEST OF ALL PATTERNS TO USE TRY THEM! Quality Hair Goods Discriminating women who seek the best in Hair Goods will find here a splendid showing of Switches and Transformations. Women's Dresses in a Feature Showing Today Pre-Holiday Sale of Laces With the holiday -season fast ap proaching and many gift articles to make and finish, thrifty women will take advantage of this good oppor tunity to save on needed laces. Fine Crochet Laces 25c Yard Main Floor Crochet Laces, Imita tion Cluny Laces and Wide Fancy Laces in a large assortment of dainty patterns for camisoles, lin gerie and general sewing. Hundreds of yards in this great lot. OF Priced very special, the yard &J' New Venise Laces 65c Yard Main Floor Beautiful New Venise Laces suitable for collars, camisoles, centerpieces, etc. Many dif lftf ferent patterns. Special, yard vJtJU New "Han-made" Venise Laces, imitation of Real Venise exquisite patterns $1.25 to $2.95 a yard. Margot Laces Main Floor- Margot Lace Flounc ing, 36 inches wide. White, cream, turquoise and copen. Ex- (30 QJ? tra quality. Priced, yard !VO New Net Top Laces for trimming purposes? 35, 65, $1.00 a yard. Cedar Chests All Sizes ' Third Fldor Of Tennessee red cedar or California cedar many beautiful styles, with or without trays. Also a new shipment of Cretonne-covered Utility Boxes. POPULAR PRICES. Garment Salons, Second Floor Women's Dresses $35.00 Second Floor Attractive new Dresses of Wool Serge of Tricotine in many smart models for street Wear. Some in panel effects with patch pockets and fancy vests, also the popular loose styles, trimmed with braid and blouse effects with tricolette vests. Good' range of the wanted col- GJQP. Oft ors. Extra values at DOOJJ Women's Dresses $39.75 Second Floor Smart new Dresses of good quality Wool Jersey. Made up in blouse effect, embroidered and trimmed with buttons. .Dresses of. Georgette crepe and messaline made up in draped models. Also attractive Dresses of messaline in straight-line effects with. narrow belts CJOQ HT and lace collars. Priced at J O Women's Dresses $45.00 Second FloorExceptional values in this lot of dresses and the styles are uncommonly smart. Blouse, straight line and novelty Models. Dresses of Wool Jersey, Serge, Satin, Tricolette and Georgette Crepe materials. Some are trimmed with braid (JMK Oft and buttons. Priced at 5VJUU We give S. & H. Trading Stamps. Women's Dresses $55.00 Second Floor Charming Dresses of satin fashioned with tunic skirts and trimmed with clusters of tucks Vel vet Dresses in smart coat effects Gabardine Dresses and Serge Dresses in many handsome models, also Trico tine Dresses. Very latest in collars, and trimmings. Good Drr AA range of colors. Priced at dOOJJ Coverall Aprons Priced "f Special MJL Center Circle, First Floor Women's Coverall Aprons specially priced for today's selling. Large full styles easy to put on and take off. Made up in ginghams, percales and cham brays. Plain colors, checks, stripes and figured effects. Front or side fastening styles with round, square or V necks. These are of Q- ff excellent quality. Priced 5-LUU Hoover Electric Cleaners -You will be eternally regretful if you purchase an Electric Cleaner without first having a demonstration of the famous Hoover. We have a good stock of these Clea n ers order vniir. of nni'O if vmi r " would have imme rar diate delivery. SOLD ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN, IF DESIRED. Carter Underwear Week For Men, Women and Children A 6-Day Event of importance to every buyer of Underwear Who is looking for the best value to be had at the price. We are encluslve Portland agents for Carter's Knit Underwear and during this week will feature a special showing of garments for men, women and children. Visit the various departments and let the salesperson tell you more about this famous underwear. Carter's Underwear For Women Carter's Union Suits of good grade cotton. All styles, including band tops, $2.25, $2.50 Carter's Wool and Cotton Mixed Union Suits with real crochet edge, all styles, $;t.50, $4 Carter's Extra Quality Australian Lamb's Wool Union Suits, also mixed silk and wool and mixed cotton and silk $(.50 and $7.00 Carter's Union Suits for children medium weight, high or Dutch necks $1.45 to $1.75 Cotton and Wool Mixed Union Suits at prices ranging from $2.10 on up to $2.00 Carter's Underwear For Men Carter's Wool and Silk Union Suits $10.50 Carter's Heavy Wool Union Suits $5, $5.50 Carter's Cotton Union Suits $2.50 to $.I.OO Carter's Heavy Ribbed Cotton Suits $:t.OO Carter's Light Weight Suits $2.00, $2.50 Carter's Wool Union Suits, boys, $2.75, $4 Carter's Wool Mixed Suits, boys, $2. .", $:l Carter's Heavy Cotton Suits, boys, to $2.50 Carter's Medium Cotton Suits, boys; to $2 Carter's Underwear is noted for its beauti ful finish and perfect fit. Look to your needs. 27x54-In. Velvet Rugs Special $2.98 Bargain Circle, Main Floor These Rugs are of splendid quality and are just the right 6ize for hall, in front of fire place or library. Shown in attractive patterns QO QQ and colorings. Limited number specially priced )dUO Axminster Rugs Special S2.98 Bargain Circle, Main Floor Mottled Axminster Rugs of good quality. These are also marked at a special low price. Assorted colors. Size 27x54 inches. Spe- QQ cially priced fof today's selling, at low price of D-JO Carpet Hassocks, Several Styles, $1.25 Cocoa Fiber Door Mats 98c $1.19 Bargain Circle, First Floor 500 of these Mats in a great one-dny sale! DEPENDABLE QUALITY. Fiber Door Mats; size OQ 14x24 inches; special at fOL Fiber Door Mats; Q- - Q size 16x27 inches: at wl.ll NO PHONE ORDERS TAKEN. Sale of Boys' Overcoats at $8.95 and $10.95 Dept. Main Floor ed guilty to trie charg.. He admitted In court that he seldom worked. Lane lied Cross Organized. EUGENE. Or., Oct. 27. (Special.) - Organisation of the campaign for fled Cross membership In-Eugene has been completed, according to an nouncement of E. O. Irrtmel, county chairman. Women will have entire charge of the drive this year and one In each of the 70 districts has been named as chairman. Combs presented a pair of white kid gloves to Judge It. U. Campbell Of Oregon vCity, who presided over the October term of Circuit court here, at the clone of the term Thursday night. Crook county's record for thin term GIotcs Presented to Judge. PRINEVILLE, Or.. Ort. 27. (Spe cial.) In accordance with an old cus tom followed when there are no crim inal cases nii the dorket, Sheriff u 'l (ElliilSl 3 For Infanta and Children. k ALCOHOL-3PERCBliir3 :h AVfeefahfcrVcpafationStfAs-J K . .-r- hr Papilla' M - tingllieStomaclis and Bcwetstfj Thi'reliv'PromotiriDitCSliQn 1 ChcGcfulftessandlkstCtuffi !l oithprOni(im.MorpbJnen 1 Mneral. Not Naucotic r.'onn S hfrj n)wi fUtr X WnfiilffemedT fee II U J . t a mm Mothers Know That . Genuine Castoria Alwayo Bears tho Signature of IF In Use For Over Thirty Year s Exact Copy of Wrapper. mm tHt 6ttrruft oftMrtr mm ten emr. We Have Them In Stock Price $11.00 Delivered ELECTRIC CO marks a great contrast in the' circuit court lerms of a decade or more ago. CcntPalia Children Invest 91154. CKNTRALlA. Wash., Oct. 27. (Spe cial.) A total of 14.154. 23 has been Invested In war savings etamps by Centralia school children since the first of the year. Miss Kate McNeil's room at the Kdison school leads the other rooms, while Charlotte Lease, an Kdison pupil, has the best Indi vidual record. IfflP' 1' " " '' '''' "' 4 Cold Days Wet Days The New Improved "Majestic" Electric Heater No. 7 transform tnr electric socket ia your office atore, factory or noma into a ourco of Kealthiul, aunlika heat. "Majestic" No. 7 caa bm carried f rem room to room and placed wher ever heat i Beaded. "Majestic' No. 7 U stronf and compact it U tbo KanJsomsst. handiest, most practical, most durable of all electric heaters it will produce mora heat tnaa any electric heater consuming only 6 1 5 watte. ajestie" Electric Heater U always eooli therefore. the parabolic reflector is made of pure, burnished peel the base and standard are nickel-oUted' the ovabla and permits easy cleaning. 7 ia sold by all op-to-dato dealers. Prise, with plot and eight feet of cord $11. With eatnd-efr switch attached to cord, 75o extra. Thare are etcht other "MslMOe Elactrfc Heaters, rsasiaf la arios tten $1 1 to 6. A'h mmr etselsr efcoef (Asm. MAJESTIC ELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT CO. The back of aM I absolutely safe copper and cannot B wire atuard ia rem I aeUe I ELECTRIC HEATER I AN rftANCISCO Failadslaaia Kaatas Cit 1 11 am t A : - " " jL - V J ZiiWonderful Acousticon With Ihe Smaller Kar Ptere WILL MAKE YOU HEAR Thre If no longer any nAri ff yon In hoar ImpprffiHly, for frtraininic to bar or hHnr eonnplcunun in any wa.r. Ovr 350.0IM daf people mr now harin clearly with the Acousticon Since th perfect I nff of our new Acousticon It Is nteiller. batter and Juft mft ntrttg an ever, ThnuMnds of enthusiastic Acousti con lifter, wear tlia am happy mlle a ls apparent in the photo above anil we feel nafft in nrjrfnir everv pr. eon who 1 hard of heatrinft to accept, without a penny of expense, and en tirely at our risk. the. FAMOUS ACOUSTICON Foe 10 lv." Free TRIAL No IrMMit No Kxprnsr. All we ask Is that you (rive it f-i-trlal In jrour own home, amid ramiiiip surroundinfrs. If It tioen not make you hrmr w want It back without a crnt of fx I'tnie to you for the trial. bcriuM wa know It la sood bunnfm poiipr to have none but satisfied and enthu fia.tic customers. Writs for rout FHEB TRIAL today. nrmniiia mnurn ornAfation SucoeiMtor to General Anousticon ( n o .k i lorlamd. Or, SAVE YOURSELF THE DREADED FLUE One bottle may be the means of not only savin you from having; a dis eased and wrecked body, but of saving- your life as well. Rheumachol quickly and thoroughly removes this dancer by cleansing' your system. It works directly upon the kidneys, quickly fremovingr all poisonous sub stances that cause rheumatism, gout, lumbago, and kindred Ills. Get a bottle at once at your druggist's or send 1.00 and a bottle and free book let will be sent to you by H. E. Ma chol, Idaho Springs, Colorado. Adv. 'fvaT BIG EATERS GET KIDNEY TROUBLE Take Salts at First Sign of Bladder Irritation or Backache. The American men and women must Ruard constantly airainst kliiney trou ble, because we eat too much and all our food Is rich. Our blood la filled with uric acid which the kidneys strive to filter out. they weaken from overwork, become slusKish; the elim inative tissues clog- and the result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a jreneral decline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts or Ihe urine Is olotidy, full of sediment or you are collared to seek relief two or three times during tha night; if you suffer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheumatism when tha weather is had. get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Halts; take a tahle spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This fa mous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys: to neutralise tha acids In tha urine so it no longer Is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive: cannot in jure, makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water beverage, and belongs In every home, because nobody ran make a mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time. Adv. Simple Home Method Easily Erases Wrinkles Thousands have reported great suc cess with the famous saxolits wrinkle-removing formula. Ona ounce of furs powdered saxolite is dissolved n a half pint of witch hasel and the solution used as a face waeh. The effect Is almost magical. The deepest wrinkles and crow a feet, as well as the finest lines whether due to aae. Illness, weather or worry are immedi ately affected. No one need hesitate to try this simple lotion, as it will not harm any skin. Any druggist of course can supply the ingredients. When you have that tired, care worn look and you want to freshen up for the : fternoon or the evening, bathing the face in the saxolite lotion will produce a wonderful transfor mation. You will find this more re freshing? than an hour's rest. Adv. D:l 103.2 i