16 TTIE MORNING OKEGOMAX, MONDAY, OCTOI1EK 1919. USED AUTOMOBILKS. terms y:;ivEN. Large stock to select from. Here are a few we offer for your Approval : 1013 Mitchell, 5-pass. 6-cyl. 1018 Mitchell, 5-pass. 6-cyl.. 19J8 Mitchell. 7-pas. 6-cyI. 1917 Mitchell, 5-pass. 6-cyl. lwis Jordan, 4-pass. 6-cyl. 1918 Jordan. 7-pass. 6-cyl. 1919 DougJas. 7-pass. 8-cyl. 191S Studebaker, 7-pass. 6-cyl. 1917 Velie, 5-pass. 6-cyl. 1917 Maxwell, 5-pass. 4-cyI. Several Others to Select From Used Car Department. MITCHELL, LEWIS & ST AVER CO.. East First and Morrison sts. West Side Sales Room: Broadway at Oak PHONES: East 7272. Bdwy. 515. A -31143 B-1216. FOR. PALE by owner, model S," Overland, excellent condition; tires A-l shape, with extra 2 just new; cash or terms. Inquire Mr. Pike. Broad way garage, 24th and Broadway. SPECIAL STITZ, CUSTOM BUILT, ihc most elegant car ever displayed in the city; special French crowned hand -made fenders, no run n ins boards'; royally finished; absolutely the Tast word in class and appointment; moderately priced. AUTORKST MOTOR SALES CO.. "Home of Better Cars." Tenth at Salmon. Stutz Agents. 1916 MODEL HUPMOB1LB. Cord tires, 3 of thm nearly new ; ca r In very good order throughout. Owner Is leaving city jn a few days and will therefore sell this car below the market. Phone Broadway 217 or Tabor 5702 even ings. Aik for Mr. Billingslcy. i'UlilKS OVERLAND FORDS. 1914 Overland touring, $163. 1917 P'ord Roadster. 1917 P'ord Coupe. 1 !1 S p'ord Touring. 1917 P'ord Touring. Terms If desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. K. 3770. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. BEST BUY IN PORTLA ND. Rco V, excellent tires, including spare and tire to vers, many special features and extras including spotlight; mechan ically perfect; smail payment down and balance easy payments; price $525. 58 X. 23d gt., .Main 780. AUTOMOBILE DBALERS ATTENTION. We are prepared to handle your finan cial matters and give you excellent ser vice: all kinds tire Insurance written. NORTH WHSTERN SECUKITIES CO., Lum bermens Building. Telephone Broadway loSO. HUDSON. 1917, super six. in mighty good mechanical condition, looking almost like new, with extra tire; a real automobile for less than the price of an ordinary one; be sure to see this car before vou buy; price J1500. C. J. McPherson, 19th and Wilson sts. TIRE ANDBATTERY SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays. Goodyear cord tires for Fords, $24.55. Authorized Willard sales station. UNION AVE. TIRE & BATTERY SHOP, 4SS Union ave. N., cor. Sacramento. Phone East 139a. HUDSON SPEEDSTER I.ate model speedster. 6 wire wheels and all cord tires; perfect condition; terms if desired. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. AN ESPECIALLY good buy in a 101 S Buick light 6 touring car with nearly new tires. $120. See D. M. Smith at Howard Auto Co.. 14th and Davis. Bdwy. 1 130. 1017 DODGE touring, fine condition, $300 down, guarantee, free service, enough said. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. MAXWELL, 1918. touring, used privately, in very best of condition, will sell at $S25 and give terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. Ui9. OAKLAND SIX. almost new, many extras, a Durgain on easy terms. C. H. S. CO., 65 N. 23d St. Marshall 1428. SAXON TOURING. 1018. in very best of condition, goon tires, will consider Ford touring in trade and give terms. 30 Orand avenue North, near Burnside. OVERLAND model S3, touring, used privately, in fine condition, good tires. will sell at $525 and give terms. 30 (irantl avenue isorth, near Burnside. MAXWELL. 1917. touring, in best of con dition, new tires, owner wiil well at $625 and give terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. FORD TOURING. 1914. in best of rnnd 1 tion. good tires, a real bargain at $30O. with terms. 30 Grand avenue North. near Murnstue. FORD TOURING, in fine condition, ennd tires, must sell, a snap at $325, terms if wanted. 30 Grand avenue .North, near Burnsiae. $150 DOWN, balance to suit. wUl buy a line caainac touring car. - u ui C. H. S. CO.. Marshall 1428. 65 X. 23d St. 1917 HUDSON SUPER-SIX Cord tires, $000 down, guarantee and f u!t service : enough said. Portland Car Sales Co., otn and Jaylor. CHEVROLET ROADSTER. 1918 model. In fine condition, good tires and paint, must sell, a bargain at $650, with terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside, CHEVROLET, 1918, $600; look it over good tires, and terms If you wish. 421 Burnside, Mr. Jones. DODGE. 191S. . In perfect condition, all new tires and 1 spare tire. Dumper in rront and rear. Phone Tabor Dbou. 101 S DODGE touring, cord tires, .car newly painted. i nis car is in zirst-ciass me t hanical condition. A demonstration will convince you. iast e 1 4 1 , 1917 CHEVROLET sedan, looks like new a good car for winter driving, a bargain. good terms. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. ONE new closed delivery body, cheap. See Mr. Rod mac her, 431 Burnside st. Auto Top Co., 2d floor. 191 K M AX W ELL roadster, $30 down; guarantee and free service; enough said. P'ortland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. FORD DELIVERY, in good condition, will sell cheap on terms if wanted. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. CHALMERS late touring; a family car for people who appreciate comfort and ease in motoring; priced low, terms. 215 10th. LATE Oakland roadster, one of those "light on gas' cars so hard to buy; six good tires. Terms. 215 Tenth. WANTED To trade 2 lots, value $700 close In. for Chevrolet or Maxwell. AL 505. Oregonian. v PE C I A L I 1 017 Ford touring; must bd sold by tomorrow. $4(M Portland Car Hales Co.. 5th and Taylor. SNAPPY wire wheels. 11S roadster. Con tinental niuiui, nc-w nrva, epiennia con d i tion; private owner. Tabor a 1 4.'i. B A KG A IN IN li 1 CH A LM K RS SIX ; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR 030. FOR SALE lOlrt Maxwell, A-l condition; price $475. Phone East 4647 or call 707 Belmont- FORD BUG. ' New bug, looks great; good terms. 404 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH. GOOD Studebaker 6-cylinder truck for quick sale. $40Q. Main iK)52 (owner). 11116 FORD, -eleg mt shape, private party, leaving town. $.5 cash. Main !451. 1018 DOP.T, 5-pass.. a dandy car. 3 new tires, $7Q0 Phone Woodlawn 51(07. $650 DANDY Hudson six, fine condition, terms. 1264 Division st. Tabor 1231. $6S5 CASH. 1918 Brisco. fuily equipped, Al condition. Phone 766 Vancouver. CLASSY Elgin six. practically new. 1 1150, terms. 1204 Division st. Tabor 1231. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $13 eachTvul canlzed, 25c, tire repairing. 207 Mad'son, IOK SALE AITOMOBILKS. NOW IS THE TIME to buy a used car. You can buy them for much less than in the spring. 1917 Chevrolet touring; new tires $400 1918 Chevrolet touring; seat covers, $500 1918 Chevrolet roadster; Al me chanically $550 1918 P'ord sedan ; many extras $700 1916 Chevrolet touring; good buy. ..$425 1918 Chevrolet touring; reduced to $525 1918 Chevrolet touring; special $550 1917 Chevrolet touring; all new tires, $375 1916 Oakland touring; runs like new $600 J91 8 babv grand Chevrolet tour ing .- $S0O-$9O0 Buick bug; new tires $225 Hupmobile bug; runs fine $250 Republic 1-ton truck; body ad cab, $850 1918 Panhard truck; chassis and cab. $850 1917 Overland; panel delivery $40fl FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. Our new cars pay our profit. Our new car sell at cost! Chevrolet Agents. 14th and Alder. Open Sundays. MOTOR CARS AND TRUCKS. PACKARD NASH. Burnside Street at Tenth. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY, BEFORE YOU BUY A USED CAR LOOK OVER THE BEStJlINE OF USED CARS IN TOWN. PRICED RIGHT. TERMS IF DESIRED. OPEN SUNDAY 10 TO 2 421 BURN ST DE. ASK FOR JONES. P. M. THE OLDSMOB1LE COMPANY OF OREGON. We ha ve several good used cars In stock. We want you to see them and de cide for yourself. 1917 Oldsmobllc touring $1250 1913 Scripps-Booth 6, touring 1250 1918 Oldsmobile touring 1250 1916 Maxwell touring 550 1917 Hupmobile touring 1050 1917 Grant 6. touring 600 1916 Saxon 6, touring 600 1919 Oldsmobile roadster 1100 OLDSMOBILE COMPANY OF OREGON, Broadway and Couch sts. SOME GOOD USED CARS. 1910 Cadillac roadster, lit 15 model 37 Buick roadster. Chalmers bug. Allen roadster. 1017 Ford tourlnz far. We do not sell these cars to make a profit. They are traded in on new cars ana we sen tnem to you at cost. DIAMOND T TRUCK SALES AGENCY, h0-91 North Ninth Street. FORD SEDAN". White wire wheels. 5 J umbo . Goodrich til es, Al; speedometer, Yale lock, elec trie horn, lectric starter, spotlight and bumper, shock absorbers, motormeter und running-board support. Car can be seen at RUSHLIGHT & PBNNET'8, E. 3d and Broadway. Phones. E. 3U3, E. 302, C-1561. FORD BUYERS. See us for bargains in used Fords, touring, roadsters, trucks, light deliver ies. ROBINSON SMITH CO., AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER. 6th and Madison. Main 1100. 1917 HUDSON SUPER-SIX. 7-PASS., GOOD CORD TIRES. REPAINTED REGULAR FACTORY , GUARANTEE I FOR 90 DAYS, A REAL BARGAIN AT $1400, CASH OR TERMS. CALL TABOR 630. FORD CHUMMY ROADSTER. Late model Ford ; 4-passengcr; Bris coe body, one-man top. all available ex tras ; cost over $700 to build; going for $450 with terms. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. LATE model Winton Six, elegant condi tion, 7 good tires. Will saciirice this car on easy payments or will consider a smaller car as part payment. C. H. S. CO.. 65 N. 23d St. Marshall 142S, 1910 PIERCE-ARROW touring car and JI3 Cadillac touring car; will sell or trade on any reasonable, proposition. Call Broadway i3 and ask for Smith.' 400 Burnside. REO TRUCK, 2-ton, in good shape, good tires, owner must seil. will consider touring car in trade, terms If desired. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burn side. OVERLAND CHUMMY BUG. Electric lights and starter, top and good mechanical condition; terms to re sponsible people. 404 DAVIS,' NEAR TENTH. 1918 GRANT SIX touring car. only run 2750 miles, the best of condition ; bar gain for cash. Call evenings after 6:30. Do East 12th st. North. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co., North Broadway and Fianders. DODGE TOURING. Late model Dodge, looks and runs like new. A bargain with long terms. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. 1918 BUICK roadster, cord tires, fine con dition, $1300, terms; guarantee and free service. Enough said. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. CHANDLER chummy, 1918. fine condition, $1350; terms; guarantee and free service; enough said. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. STUDEBAKER BUG, A dandy bug, bright green and lots of speed; your own terms. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. OVERLAND TOURING in good condition, good tires will sacrifice at $300, some terms. 30 Grand ate. north, near Burn side. 450 CASH buys i91S Ford. Demountable rims, Yale lock, speedometer, shock ab sorbers, extra tire and carrier, electric tail light. Tabor 3191. C 55 BUICK 6 touring; price $S50 for quick sale ; terms; guarantee and free service-; enough said. -Portland Car Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. CHEVROLET TOURING. Good mechanical shape; good tires; terms. 404 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH. FORD a-nd Chevrolet repairing, satisfac tion guaranteed. Pacific Garage. 2S8 1 It hst.,n ear Jefferson. BRAND NEW Maxwell sedan, never been used, $1700; easy terms. Portland Car Sales Cot, 5th and Taylor. LATE 1917 Grant 6, used very little; $320 down, guarantee and free service. Port land Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. 1916 BIG HUP., elegant shape, cord tires, run on pavement, private owner, leaving town. $950 cash. Main 8451. FORD light delivery, 1918, a snap for cash. 1144 Francis ave. Owner. 1919 OLDSMOBILE"! Ior sale. ATl con ditlon. Can be seen at Simonizing sta tion and auto laundry, today. 175 lst st. 1914 FRANKLIN touring car, In Al con dition, price very reasonable. For in formation call Main 2143. REO 5 pass., good condition mechanically"; looks good; must sell. $425. 920 Simpson st. Wdm. 1378. 191 S CHEVROLET touring, $260 down; . guarantee 'and free service: enough said. PortlandCar Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. CHALMERS bug with top andndshield. This car is in good condition: a bargain for $225. Call 797 V East Pine. 1916 MAXWELL. A good car, very reasonable: terms. 404 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH. 1919 CHEVROLET, looks and runs like new. Tabor 5778. FORD sedan. $S00 cash ; every extra pos sible. Call Gray. 220 Oregon hotel. PRIVATE party will sell Ford with bak ery body. $350 cash. Tabor 2435. CASH for late model. Ford touring, body. 401 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH. FOR SALK AUTOMOBILES. WINTER IS HERE AND REAL BARGAINS ARE HERE. 191 7 Maxwell, overhauled and re painted; fine little car in fine shape. $525 1918 Maxwell, all gone over, over hauled and repainted; like new. ...$650 Mitchell six, good running condi tion and good tires $450 Hudson, model 37, fine car. good condition $423 1916 Chalmers light six ..$850 1917 Chalmers light six. fine me chanical condition; repainted $1075 HUDSON' SUPER SIX. 1917 Hudson ruper six; one that we guarantee the same as a factory guarantee; a'l in fine condition. .. $1350 1918 Hudson super six: out only one year in private hands; all in fine condition and guaranteed by us the same as a factory guarantee. Buy a fine used car when you can rely on what you are getting. . . . $1650 C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., 615-617 Washington St. Portland. P. H. ( PAT) DUNN OFFERS BABY GRAND CHEVROLET $700. $250 cash, $45 per month. FORD TOURING $365. $125 cash, $30 per month. FORD ROADSTER $365 $125 cash, $30 per month. NEW OVERLA NDs ON BETTER TERMS AND BETTER SERVICE MONEY AT 8 per cent. If you want to sell your car I will advance you money on- It at S per cent interest while you leave it here for sale. 1652 EAST 13TH ST. . Sellwood 1393. CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES. YOU BUY OR SELL A CAR, WE FURNISH THE MONEY. IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.,v 208 SELLING BUILDING. (SECOND FLOOR.) TO HIGHEST BIDDER. To close up an estate, sealed bids will be received until noon Mondav. Nov 3, 1919. for the purchase of a" 1918 Chevro let touring car. Car can be inspected at w$" St. Garage, cor. 2d and Main sts., and is in good shape, with good tires. SAMUEL ROSS MAP'FET. a h.NAP A Lillys-Knight. This is a late moaei ana is really better than new: beautiful paint, good tlrs and in first class condition mechanically. You may have this car at your own price and terms within reason. Call Main 8143 or y oou taw n READ THIS 191 8 Velie, Continental Red Seal mo tor, pantasote top. leather upholstering, new tires and tubes, re varnished, looks ami runs like new. Small pavmcnt down, balajice one year $I3U0. 58 North 23d st. Velie-AlIen-PeerlesH. Main 780. MARMON TOURING. This car is in fine shape and the low price will surprise you, especially when you see our terms. Would consider trade. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. BUICK. 1917. light 6, 5-paasenger touring car that has been extremely well cared for. S10O0 cash or terms. See D. M. Smith at Howard Auto Co., 14th and Dav 1 s. Broa d way 1 130. 1918 BUICK SIX, 7-pass., .5 good tires, many extras, easy terms to responsible party. C. H. S. CO.. 65 N. 23d St. Marshall 1428. Big USED CARS Prices Stock. Right. No misrepresentation. COVEY . . MOTOR . . CAR . . CO. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OF MY BRAND NEW 1920 MODEL TOURING CAR; WILL TAKE YOUR FORD, CHEVHO . LET OR MAXWELL AS PART PAY MP3NT. CALL ADAMS. TABOR 630. FOR SALE CHEAP CASH" ' 191 5 Ford touring, good condition. B. Friedman, 60S 2d St., flat C. Automobiles Wanted. LONG A. SILVA. auto wreckers. We wreck cars and you 50 pr cent on parts. Send In the parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought regardless of condi tion. East 6840. 462 Hawthorne ave. WANTED A good used Ford or Dodge as part payment on my 1918 Light Mitchell Six. Gall Mar. 1428 for -demonstration. ' WANTED 8 or 12-cytinder car or chassis. No very late model or new cars consid ered. Cash if price is right. AG 67, Oregonian. WANTED Willys-Knight: no very late or new cars considered. Cash if price is right. AG 368, Oregonian. WILL trade V-block In a good town 100 mil en trom i'orliana ior car. Call ttbl Rodney, after 5 o'clock. GOLD MINK, free milling, wide edge for truck. White. Columbia 860. evenings. WILL pay cash for Dodge, Ford or light car. Main 6517. 211 Washington st. Motorcycle's. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICTCLKS TRY US. 204-2Q6 3D ST. MAIN 613. Aitto Tires and Accessories. 6-CELL STORAGE battery for Dodge of other car. Very near new. $15. 411 Gitsan. cor. 10th. TWO 37x5 non-skid tires; one-34x4; cheap. Woodlawn 4766. Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT. WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH, TH 1RD AND GLlSAN STS. A 2629. BROADWAY 2629. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLA NDS HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BDWY. 2408 15TH AN D WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rat.es, City Ga rage, 86 10th st. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. ALTHOF & BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, 'touring calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. CONTRACTS WANTED. Lumber or wood hauling contracts suitable for trucks wanted. State par ticulars by letter. DAVE CRAWFORD 71 N. Park st. FORD ONE-TON TRUCK WORM DRIVE. Ford one-ton truck, worm drive, pneu matic tires all around, finest condition. Price $525; terms if desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. E. 3770. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. TRUCKS AT WHOLESALE PRICE. One 2-ton and one 1-ton Internation al trucks, never been used, at factory cost price. Genuine snaps on high-grade stuff. Eastern Oregon Auto Co.. Vaie. Or. PACKARD 4-ton dump body. $1000 to handle this; local contract goes with this truck. See it at 421 Burnside at. Jones. ' $650 FORD truck, worm drive, 1918 model, cab, windshield and a good body, good tires; $200 cash, baL. terms. Sea this at 421 Burnside. WE hrtVE two good usw trucks left, a Reo and an Atterbury.. If you are look ing for a sood buy see these. Diamond T Truck Co.. &9-91 9th st. North. I HAVE Just purchased a new Chevrolet ton truck ant would like to connect my self with a good firm with hauling to do. Call Main 6U25. WANT hauling contracts from one to three ton truck, will contract your hauling any place. Phone or write Mr. Haner. Arthur hotel. I WILL exchange my 4-ton Studebaker covered truck for any kind of small pas senger car. 22S Alder st. THREE-QUARTER-TON Studebaker truck with panel body. Just overhauled. 490 Burnside. Broadway 93. FORD truck with delivery body and top; a real snap. 490 Burnside. Bdwy. 93. TRUCKS, all sizes, for general hauling. Call Broadway 454. FOR SALE One 1-ton and one j wheel trailers. Cail Bdwy 454, -ton 9 FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Motor Cars and Trucks. PACKARD NASH. Burnside St. at 10th. Portland, Or. YOUR HAULING COST SOLVED WITH ONE OF OUR USED TRUCKS PACKARDS. STANDARDS. WHITES. FEDERALS. FORDS. Sold on Terms Easy Payments. 421 BURNSIDE. TRUCKS. Several good used trucks on hand. 1917 Ford 1-ton truck $450 Buick 1-ton truck . 495 . 350 . 4O0 . 475 . 70 375 P'ederal 1-ton trucks White delivery .................. Ford 1-ton truck Studebaker, panel body delivery.. P'ord lignt delivery- Buick delivery 750 THE OLDSMOBILE COMPANY OF ' , OREGON. Broadway and Couch St. REPUBLIC TRUCKS. SEE OUR STOCK OF USED REPUB LIC TRUCKS. TAKEN IN ON LARGER SIZES, OVERHAULED AND GUARAN TEED AT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT. WILL FURNISH JOBS FOR SOME OF THEM. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO., INC. PaRK EVERETT STS. BDWY. 1369. REPUBLIC Dandy 1-ton special motor. $1100. Phone 62L Box 255. Gresham. Or. AUTO REPAIRING. DIVISION - - - OARAGE. 1872 Division St. Phone Tabor 6919. We call for and deliver. EXPERT - - AUTO - - REPAIRING. ALL kinds of blacksmithlng and machine work, general auto and truck repair ing. Portland Blacksmith & Machine works. 22d and Reed sts. Bdwy. 3805. GARAGES. WANTED Party to build a garage 50x100, brick, hollow tile or concrete. Party wants lease, but must be in good loca tion. 807 Spalding bldg. Main SOS. GA RAG E for rent; fireproof building ; a pumps and tank all Installed, tools, ac cessories and oils for sale; $40O, takes the bargain. 845 Alberta st. OWNER of lot, splendid location, close in, west side, will build garage for tenant. S a3, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. Get what your diamonds are worth. Don't sell for any old price. We pay full market value, any amount; business con fidential. This Is the' place where you can dis pose of any jewelry, pawn tickets, old jewelry, watches, platinum silverware, anything of value. We buy your war stamps, liberty bonds at a basis of latest quotations; bring or mall; private office for ladles. American Brokerage, 406 Spalding Bldg.. 4th Floor. Corner Washington and Third Sts. DIAMONDS WANTED. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. Sell your diamonds to diamond ex pert. We positively pay the highest casn market values ior aiamonos, plat inum, gold, silver, watches, old jewelry crowns, bridges and false teeth. See us oeiore selling eisewnere. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 447 Morgan Bldg., 4th Floor. Hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M, 6 GOLD R. R. UTILITY BONDS. FOR CITY OR IMPROVED FARM PROPERTY OR STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE OR OPERATING SAW MILL. WOULD ASSUME SMALL MORTGAGE). MIGHT PAY A LITTLE CASH. STATE FULLY WHAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER. AM READY FOR QUICK DEAL. (ANY WHERE FROM $:j(M0 TO $20.0001. ADDRESS PRIN CIPAL." Y 137. OREGONIAN. $12.50 UP TO $25. MEYER THE TAILOR PAYS HIGH EST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. THE MADISON CLEANERS & TAILORS 253 MADISON ST.. NEAR THIRD. CALL MARSHALL 1229. DAY OK EVENING. SS.ftO UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN THE TAILOR PAYS HIGHEST CASH PKICHIS FOR M EN'S SLITS AND OVp;RCOATS, SHOES. KTC. BROADWAY 3932, 2454 BURNSIDE, BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. WE CALL ANYWHERE IN THE CITY, DAY OR EVENING. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest cash price paid ; will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. UP TO $25. FOR MENS SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS, 117 3d st.. N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344. EXCLUSIVE HAT STYLES. Buckram, net and wire frames made to order; all the latest styles to select from. Ladies and gents' felt and beaver hats cleaned and blocked. LA FRANCE HATTERS. Main 1043. 372 Morrison. FURS! FURS! FURS! I make them look like new. cleaning and alterations of any description at reasonable prices. See the LA FRANCE FUR MFU. CO.. Main 1043. 372 Morrison. I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up tor men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price for your goods. 167 1st st.. near Morrison. Main 738. WANTED 1 A. C. 1 to 5 H. P. Induction motor, one bench lathe, one bench drill and 1 set reduction pulleys, best lathe chuck attachment. Call E. 8068. Hemp- nine i raae ccnooi, iu Mawtnorne . ave. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set; very old sets are most valuable; crowns, bridges bought; bring or mail. The American Brokerage. 406 Spalding bldg., 4th floor. WE BUY War Stamps Liberty Bonds. Spot Cash Any Amount. AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 406 Spalding bldg., 4th floor.' CARLOADS of surfaced lumber around Portland; prefer on O. &. W. ; must be below market. Advise what you have, price, and dry or green. A V 762. Ore gonian. WANTED Bear and cat dogs; must be good cold trailer and tree dog. Fred Holt. Maple Valley. Wash., care of ts. tk f. to. JUNK WANTED. Full value paid for all kinds of rags and old clothes, furniture, tools, machin ery. etc. Call Main 734. L'Oi 1st st. I WANT to buy billiard table in first-class condition, suitaoie ior resiaence; will pay cash. Phone Main 2313. 235 Stark st. GENTILE clothes buyers, pay cash for gents usea suns, overcoats, trunks, hand b ags. etc. 115 Grand ave. Eaat 1676. WANTED 300 or 400 pairs roller skates: must be in good shape. Address Otto Klett. Salem, Or. WANTEDUsed typewriter desk ; must be up-to-date and reasonable In price. BF 1Q9. Oregonian. WI LL pay you spot cash for your dia monds. anyiizeI UOIiver, 122 2d st. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia monds. Dan Marx. 283 Washington. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 5 1 h. WINCHESTER. Remington automatic and pump shotguns. Hochfeld. 85 3d st. J UN K, ragsi metals old clothing, tool's, rubber, carpets; good prices. East 6171. WANTED Used invalid chair; must be In good condition. Call East 2250 mornin gs. WANTED triplicate mirror. Phone Broadway 3976. GOOD high chair wanted. Call Main 6473. Furniture Wanted. WE SEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE or any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4iJ7 or 166 P'lrst st. W A NT ED Used furniture, prices. Main 5064. Will pay best HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3 W ANTE O MIKIXIANKOIS. Furniture Wanted. HOH US E HOLD GOODS. We want your used stoves, furniture, carpets and all household goods and will pay highest cash prices. Our three la rye stores enable us to dis pose of these goods at once and there fore we can pay the top market prices. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, tents, bicycles. sporting goods, type writers, adding machines aud all 'oil ice furniture. CALL MAIN 9072. LEVIN HDWE. & FURNITURE CO., 221-3-5 Front St. GEVCRTZ FURNITURE CO.. Marshall 698L OLDEST RELIABLE PORTLAND BUYS HOUSE IN HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SPOT CASH. NOTHING TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL. FROM A BIG HOIUL TO ONE PIECE. PHONE US. Marshall 59SL GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. 185 First st.. near Yamhill. BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR FURNITURE We are In need of all kinds of used furniture, rugs. cerpets, stoves and ranges; all kinds of gas stoves and ofiice rurniture. and we will pay absolutely the lop prices for same. Call MARSHALL 587. and oar buyer will cail at once with the cash. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205 and 207 First BL, Between Taylor and Salmon sts. WANT two men with 3i-ton trucks, dump bodies, to ko on good gravel haul in raitern Oregon during winter months; work double shift ; good camp; trucks for sale, terms reasonable. Phone Furu Tabor 1344, tt P. M. to 10 P. M. CALL MAIN 301 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY Til P: HIGH KST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN tup; city for furniture, car PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY KR WITH THE MONEY. KI.INK FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 3i9. BE SURE AND LET US SEE von r furniture and household goods he- fore you sell. We are in the market for same ana win pay mgnest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE, 208 P'irst st. Main 7 728. CALL MAIN S57S. We pay the highest prices for -used furniture. Pee us be Tore you sen. CALL UNITED "FURNITURE STORE, MAIN SS7S. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a housefull. and a competent, court- ous buyer will call. Marshall 2;3. Crown. I WANT used furniture; will pay as mu'-h as any dealer can pay, p:awt 6417. M. H Calef, dealer, 540 Williams ave. HELP WANTED MALK. CARRIERS wanted for routes In Laurel hurst and Ladd's addition; large routes, rood nroflt ; will reouire some capital, Apply city circulation dept., room 203 Oregonian bldg. LUVOMOBILE and tractor school; new building; modern equipment; best In struction; practical woik laboratories and shop repair. For information ad dress or Inquire at room 416 Y. M C A. bldg. Fhone Main fa7oo. branch 2. WANTED, TIE MAKERS New camp on Green river, stage from Opal, Wyoming, 24 miles from Granger. Good timber, steady work. For information write Standard Timber company. Evans ton, Wyo.. Union P'acific it. It. contractors. WEAVERS WANTED. Oregon City Woolen Mills, Oregon City. WANTED Man to take over my course In higher accountancy with high-class school. Owing to change In plans I am unable to take the course and will trans fer at great reduction. H. W. Lyman, news dept., Oregonian. CARPENTERS for out of town, rough work. $4.76. $4.94. $5.24. S hours. Free fare from Port land ; must have tools; good hotel to live in; steady work for good men. 610 Oregon bldg. SHIP 'and marine engine draughtsmen wanted by large eastern steel yard. Ad dress confidential pontot nee box 61 H. Newark, N. .1., stating qualifications and salary expected. MAN to tak charge of fish smokery; must thoroughly understand mnoking fish. Write or call, state wages aud ref erences. Alaska Herring Ac Importing Co.. 225 Yamhill st. WANTED Tenor singer for quartette; one who understands harmony. In quire of William Young, Rctnick Song Shop. ' WANTED Young man for porter and de livery work; must give good references. Apply between 9:30 and 10:30. A. C. P'eldenhcimer, Park and Washington sts. W ANT ED A SASH AND DOOR MA CHINE OPERATOR FOR DETAIL MILL WORK, TACOMA MILLWOKK SUPPLY CO.. TACOMA. CONCESSIONS wanted for independent benefit, company K, N. G. O.. Oct. Nov. I. Apply Arnold A muse ment Co., 926 Chamber of Commerce.' P A I N T E R O n e who can re f i n i s h sa f es, and one familiar with afe locks pre ferred. 105 Second st. Norris Safe and Lock Co. WANTED A competent bookkeeper; mui-t furnish references, one who wit lies steady employment. Apply at L Mayer & Co., 166 Fifth sL HUNDREDS railway mail clerks wanted; average $117 month; list positions free: write immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. 376 T. Rochester. N. Y. WANT driver for Chevrolet or VorA car; must know groceries and have references. Apply Peoples Market and Grocery, First and Taylor. WANTED Sash and door machine men ; sash and door cutter. State experience and wages expected. Steady work. A V 769, Oregonian WANTED Names men, 18-45, wishing be come government mall carriers. $1000 $1500 year: Answer immediately. AV 715. Oregonian. DRIVER for auto, experienced In minor repair work, for out of city; unmarried, young man preferred. Cail room 433, .Hotel Portland WANTED Office boy. between 16 and 13 years of age, for railroad general office; salary $37.50 per month. G 629, Ore gonian. WANTED Office boy; opportunity for ad vancement to bright boy: small salary to start. Apply 552 Sherlock bldg. WANTED At once, 2 men to learn auto mobile repairing and gas engineering. Call 432 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Al short-order and pastry cook ; $25 per week to start. Plckw ick Cafe. Phone 12. Rainier. Oregon. WANTED For night work, men over 18 for light work in wood-Working plant. Phone Tabor 1995. WANTED Millwright man, but must he a millwright man. 321 N. 14th st.. cor. of Quimby. Chier mill. WANTED Two good f ui nace men to in stall iurnace.. at onr-e, 85c. 8 hours B rl zee Metal Works. Twin Fallw. Idnho. WAN TED New pa per artist for layouts, lettering, etc. Answer, giving phote ad dress. A V U'6, Oregonian. MEN wanted to work on river boats; $70. room and board. Apply at Washlugton- st. dork ' WANTED EMerly man to assist on farxix. rJ. 1. box ST. Htllsboro. Or. . WANTED Barbar. $20; sixty Lemon O Shop. Eugene. Or. ovar $30. WANTED Laborer for work In city; good wages. Apply 510 Oregon bldg. WANT office boy about 14. stract. 92 First. Record Ab- EXPERIENCED drivers wanted. Front st. Apply 49 WANTED A Christian man to drive Ford delivery. Phone East 3'.'67. WANTED A cylinder press m a n ; w ork in city. For details apply 5lo Oregon bldg. WANT solicitor for dye works: cood man. for good proposition. VI 6 WflTiams ave. V ANTED A pple pickers. packers and sorters. Call at 10 o'clock. 008 Beck bldg. HELP WANTEl MALE- Y. M. C. A. ADVISORY AND EMPLOY M ENT DEPART M EN T Is not an employment agency, but a de partment of the Y. M. C. A., which aids ambitious young men In prying open the doors of opportunity. In the past ten years we Imve assisted 1 7.530 men in Hading positions and at the present time the demand for men exceeds the supply. The standing this department has with pmployeib is due to the discriminating service rendered t hem over a period of 15 years and they turn to the Y. M. C, A. for men to fill the better sort of job. All men seeking employment are cor dially invited to consult with one ol the employment secretaries, room 37 WANTED Large corporation has- opening for ledger clerk : want young man wno will apply himself and work forward for advancement ; unless experienced and capable of handling ledgers in good fashion do not apply; fair starting salary and excellent future for right party. Ad dress BF 152. Oregonian. f ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO STREET. THE SCHDUL THAT'S PIKFEKENT ONE WEEK FREE. To hive ti Kate our system of teaching ant os, tractor., gas en sines, auto elec trlcal and battery Work. State allows discharged Koidlers and sailors $-5 per month while attending school. SPECIAL ELECTRICAL COURSE FOR A I TO ME CHANICS. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. CALL OR WRITE FOR 1 uu - P A G E CATALOG FREE. ASK FOR BOOK No. 1-B. CARRIERS wanted In all parts of the rity. Apply city circulation dept., room 2U3 Oregon ian bldg. WANTED Live. wid-awSke salesmen for fast-elllng article, good territory, corn pan y putting on extensive ad vert ising campaign. leads furnished : experience not necessary; good salary and liberal commission. See Mr. Stewart. Multno mah, hotel. Monday morning. . Help Wanted falemen. WANTED SalMiien working territory tributary to Portland regularly to nan die fruit account for reliable Portland firm on commission. AK Oregon inn. WANTED; Traveling salesman to handle sideline; big seller; cash sales; Investi gate. Johnson, 217 Hy. PJxch. ,Y A N T l -D 3 salesmen to handle Texas oil lands on leases; liberal commission. Applv IMH Stock P:ch. bldg.. today. WANTED Specialty salesman; cash da big earnings; investigate. Johnson, Railway Exehange. STOCK talesmen wanted: representing large Oregon cot norat ion. 401 W ilcox bldg. WANT EI -AGENTS. PORTRAIT MEN. ARE YOU TIPiD UP? DELIVERIES PEH1NU ? LPJT IS a PI T Y O U OUT OP1 THE HOLE. WE KNoW UoW AND WE DO IT WUICK Ui VEAUij. P: X -1M1ESS ORIGINALS TOD A Y. DON'T WORRY ABOUT PKJCISS. WPV I.L SENO 'KM HACK ' T 0 T -S W p: P-T " LEACIf ART COMPANY. '1"9 GLAND AVENUE, KANSAS CITY. MO. CANDY -TTarn $20 to $".0 weekly; ADVER TISE, MEN. WOMEN; start one of our Specialty Cindy Pa"tories your nome, binail room, anywhere; grand opportun ity; we tell ho and furnish everything. CA NUY M A K ICRS' MOUSE, lall Kan stead St.. Philadelphia. Pa. LET US start you in the automobile nui ness. representatives wanted in all parts of the U. S. A. Heat reiling article ever made ; no experience necessary to make $lo a day. Demonstrations. 20JV 4th st. ' AG PINTS at once. Sell ."''- per month hos pital tickets. 200 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED. Y'oung lady to answer telephone and wiap puuuugi apu lei-uiuB, aj rtffieo work Cnml iitnmn nreferi'ed If, under 16, bring permit. Best working conditions A pp.y in person. Manager's office. Hush At Lane Piano Co.. Broad way and Alder sts. WANTED Saleswomen for fast-selling ar ticle, ood territory, company putting on extensive advert f--ing campaign. leads furnished : experience not necessary ; good saiary and liberal commission. See M r. Stewart, Multnomah hotel. Monday morning. ELEVATOR operators, window cleaners, janitors. cha m uermaids, porters and w a ten men. Come to union headq u.irters, rooms 2u',-7 Gooduouuli bld,. 5th and Yamhill. Emplo ment bureau for mem bers. WANTED Housekeeper for farm in Sher man county; modern conveniences. In cluding eiectricity. M u.st be neat and clean; good wages. Call Mrs. Cooper at Imperial hotels Sunday. 4 to 6 P. M., oi Monday before lo A. M. 8TENOGRA P H p: RS AND T YPISTS, learn to operate the dictaphone. We havo positions open for competent operators; inai'htncH for practice and instructions given at The Dictaphone. 42U Spalding bldg- No fee. 1 WANTED An elderly lady as housekeeper by a working man, widower, with 2 chil dren, girl 1 2. boy 9 ; come in person Monday at 2'J9 Gibbs st. Take North and South Portland car. WHOLESALE concern desires the services of a competji:t and experienced yoking lady bookkeeper; permanent position. AddrcsM Y 1 41. Oregonian. BC'SI N ESS man with 2 children 2 ind 8 years wishes home by ropectabie good woman who will give children pcriect care. Apply 4U6 Spalding bids. W A NTE D Pxperienced girl for 1h kery ; must be neat a nd industrious; $ 15 per week; will furnish linen and laundry; reference requiren. Y 155. Oregonian. STRONG girl to help in diet kitchen for a short time. A uily Mist Simpson, 619 Love.toy st. EX PP;RIENCP;D fountain girls and uait re.ses. Scol tins' Cnocolate all op, 314 Washington st. WANTED Address lady cond cotik. log camp, experience. Write hotel, for "Info." room 55, Hood W A NT ED Girls for factory work. Apply broom factory. North 21st and York sts. an Bros. WANTED- P'irst-dass waitress, good pay with room and board. Alexandra Court, J ' 53 Ella st. GJRLS wanted at once, light work, good pay. Columbia P'aper Box Co., East 25th and HoKaday ave. W A NTED Woman for housework, plain cookiTig. light work; wages 50. T 347. Oregon ian. WANTED Reliable person to mind little girl few afternoons and evenings a w.ek. X 1 SO. Oregonian. A WOMAN to keep house, family of two. 801 East 7tn or tii. rake Montaviila car. GIRL for confectionery More at ship yards, no Sunday work, $16 week; refer ences required. Apply C3l Hood st. ANY GIRL In need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. 393 E. 15th st. N., or phone East 123. WEST COAST INSTITUTE OF MUSIC &th floor Eiiers Music bldg. We teach from melody; no drudgery. Hi a, Florence Criuenton Home is ready to help any girl In distress. 955 E. Gasaa. "MV" car. East 316. WANTED A chambermaid; references re quired. Apply St. Henry's hall 13th and ! 1 ;i il StS. V ANTED Experienced chambermaid; wages $16 per week. Palace liotei. 446 Washington st. WOM AN wanted home. A pply Yamhill tt. to wash aprons at Bake-Rite bakery. her 251 WANTED Chambermaid. See housekeeper Rainier hotel. ex per i p:n The Dallei 'ED cook w an ted at hospital. . Or. tXPEHIEN't'El) telephone operators may be obtained by cal ling Slain 102 A 26N7. WOMAN to help with cooking from 5:30 A. M. to 1:3U P. M. Campbell Hill hotel. WANTED Short-hour girL Sho p, 305 A 1 d er st Kebe's Swt MISS MATTING LY'S ing school. $6 mo. -horthaiid, Tvpewrit 269 14th. Main3Slta REFINED girl as nurse maid, some sec ond work. East 3!MMK MRS. HAN NUM S s h orthand school, day and evening. 23 Tillamook st. East 3StJ0. G I RLS wan ted 9 Pront st. Portland tHAMBERMAlD wanted. 1 :i t h and Washington. Hotel Franklin. WOMAN and girl for factories and laun dry work. Apply Ml, Oregon bldg. GIRL to work in dining room at Campbell hotel. VuUNU woman for manicuring and treatment. Apply 91 Corbett bldg. EXHElilEN't'ED chambermaid wanted New Perkins hotel. tailoring, good wages. ."15 Abmn 11 EX pp: RIKNi'E help wanted for tailoring t, hoy. 132 Aider su HELP WANTED FEMALE. PERMANENT POSITONS FOR T O UN O WOMEN. . ADDITIONAL TELEPHONE OPER ATORS ARE NEEDED DUE TO CON STANTLY INCH K A S IN ti R E W U 1 R E -MEN TS OF SERVICE. PREVIOUS NECESSARY. EXPERIENCE NOT FIRST YEAR'S EARNINGS APPROX IMATELY X&U0.O0. $52.00 EARNED DURINQ FIRST Month while learning to opcpv- A 1 h AND PRO M JG3.O0 TO $72.00 PER ."HE END OF SEVEN MONTH AT MONTHS. FURTHER INCREASE GIVEN UN TIL OPERATORS EARN FROM $Si.OO TO $'J4.0O PER MONTH. SUPERVISING OPERATORS EARN FROM JN.S.OO TO $106 00 PER MONTH. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT TO STILL HIGHER SALARIED POSITIONS. APPLY AT TELEPHONE COMPANY, . ROOM 60L 6TH FLOOR, TELEPHONE BUILDING. PARK! AND OAK STREETS. M EI ER & FRANK CO. Reui-e the services cf girls between the a st-f of 16 and 20 lor wrapping and marking departments, for dairy lunch and us apprentices in selling depart ment?. Apply to Employment Manager, sixth floor. MEIER & FRANK CO. GOOD PRICES PAID. LIBERAL BONUS IN ADDITION. Half Holiday Every Saturday. Learn a business that gives you steady employment. Experienced opera tors on pants, over alls, coat?. p'.ay-suiis, etc. We will teach a limited number of bright girls and will pay you while learning. Call at office of Mt. Hood factory, 2:::t Couch st., and we will explain our bonus sys tem to you. MEIER & FRANK CO. Require t he services; of girls bct ween the ages of 16 and 2 for wrapping and iiih rk ing depart m-nts and as appren tices in selling departments. Apply to Employment Manager, sixth floor. . MEIER & FRANK CO. CHOCOLATE DIPPER. M EI ER & FRANK CO. require the services of an experienced chocolate dip per for tne Ninth Floor Day hgh t Candy Kitchen. Permanent work a&bured or the one who can qualify. Apply PJmploymcni Bureau. Sixth Floor, Meier Ac Frank Co. WE have positions for 5 girls, 16 tok 25 years of ae, to operate power sowing machine. 1 he work is easy to learn, pleasant; good wages paid. My girls also secure a large bonus in addition. Apply Ames, Harris, Nevilie Bag Co., 15th and Hoyt. . v. " A i 1 fc. ;ur?e to take over my six-bed hospital, is naving aood. Will rent very reasonable to capable nurse. S. D. A. nurse or one able to give hydrotherapy preferred. Give full particulars as to age, experience, etc f none uuoiDer Dr. Wendt. Cottage Grove, or. AT STANDARD Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and PI aw t Taylor, 20 experienced power machine operators, to work on overalls and tihirUi. 44-hour week, half holiday Saturday; good operators are making $l& to weekly. WEAVERS WANTED. Oregon City Woolen Mills. Oregon City. WANT stenographer ; must be accurate and r;i pid ; prefer one f ami liar w ith Teal est a te business. Call after 5 P. M, HITTER, LOWE As CO.. 2U1-3-5-7 Board of Trade Hldg. STENOGRAPHERS and secretaries, $100. Il'5 ; bookkeeper and stenographers, $125; lumber t-tenographer, $Mt; tvpist and clerical. S5. 3U N. W. Bank btdg. ST HAD Y work, good pay and advancement for a few aiJivw girls ; light factory work. Apply IrVh and Front ats. Ameri can Can Co. W A NTElt iirls to work in woodworking factory; wages $2. '.. with advancement alter flrit two weekx; gi v e a ne and phone i m her. A K 3, Oregonian. P.UKSELL BUSINESS SCHOOL Individual instruction, en rid 1 any time. Day-niht school. Lum bermens bldg., P it t h and Stark. Broad way 3464. WANTED Stenographer for bank in east ern Oregon tow it. Call Mrs. Cooper at Imperla. hotei. Sun dav, 4 to 6 P. M.. or Monday before lO A. M. WA NTED Woman for w ashing. Ironing and cleaning. 2 days a -week; steady work If satisfactory. Call at 291 San Rafael St. a WANTED A competent bookkeeper; mu.t lurnlsh references, one w ho w thea steady employment. Apply L. Mayer & Co., 166 P'h th Ft. WANTED ldy demonstrator for pure food show at Armory from Oct. 2u to Nov. 8. Apply Log Cabin Baking Co., 265 Ivy st. Ask for Mr. Smith. Yol'NG lady for window, demonstrate and take orders: experience unnecessary, good aiary. steady work. Apply 105 Broad way, evenings. WANTED Experienced girl for marking and sorting, $25 per week, also exper ienced wash man. $5 per week. Dayton Steam I-aundry, Dayton. Wash. Box 18j. tXPERIENCED power machine operators wanted; steady work, good wages. Ap ply Jacobs Hat & Cap Works, 4U3 Phoe nix hldK-. 5th and Oak sts. WANTED Names women. IS to 50. wish ing government office positions; $1140- $U60 first year. Answer. AV 716, Orego nia n. " PHONOGRAPH DEPT. SALESLADY. Must have had experience in Victor goods, good appearance ; give full par ticulars jn writing. AR S-4, Oregonian. WANTED Stenographer who can operate the dictaphone and assist with books; permanent position. Apply 420 Spald ing bldg. WANTED A first-class lady barber at the Bannock Lady Barbers, 8u8 Ban nock t?t., Boise. Idaho. WANTED Chambermaid at the Charles hotel. P'ront and Morrison. Wanted Domestics. W A N T E D Co m ue t e n t girl to ass i -s t with housework and care of 4-year-old child. East 4118. WANTED Young girl or school girl to as sist with light housework ; good home. Phone East 7614. WANTED An experienced second good wages; references required, land Heights. Mar. 213. maid ; Port- WANTED Girl to assist with genera, housework, family of 3; small house. Main :;io. WANTED Girl for cooking and down stairs work, no laundry. no furnace; wages $50 to $60. 783 P'landers st. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and downstairs work; good wagea no lurnace or washing. AO 649, Oregonian. W A N TED Experienced girl tor general housework; no washing. Mar. 5o:;u. 3tiu Pilizabet b St.. Portland Heights. Gi RL for general housework ; must be neat and k'ooJ, plain cook; no iaundry. Scilwood 212. NPJA1'. capable woman, general house work : S hours or less. Ladd's Addition. Sell wood li'Jl2. WANT' immediately, middle-aged woman for light housekeeping. Apply East 8(20. GIRL to ssslwt with general housework. 810 Overton. Main 3517. CoM PET ENT girl for general liousework, small family. Main 3051. GIRL for general housework, family of 3; good wages. Phone Main 3125. WANTED at my res lady to take care of a baby nce. AE 552. Oregonian. Gl RL for cooking and first-floor work, 147S. family 4; wages $50. Phone Main sninil place, fine kitchen h e I p. t W l A N for general imimtwora in steam heated apt j. Main 612 L l HELP WANTED I L MALE. Wafttrd DoineM ten. COMPETENT girl for general housework; muit be good cook. Mrs. C. C Hindman. T.is UliMfcu bireeu Phoue mornings Aiaua 82. i AM in need of a woman who is a good piain family cook, one who can do the ordering, can take full charge of my kitchen ; w ill pay w hatever wages a necessary to get first-class lidp. Mrs. Bowman. 643 Knott st. Phone E. 431 RE LI A RLE girl lor light cook ing ar.d downstairs work, will have room wttU private hath ; vacuum c.taner ; no chu- drxm; good wages. Main CURL, about 17. to help with general housew ork; 3 in family ; small modern house on Portland Heights. 2 after noons a week off. Phor.e Main t46. WANTED Experienced giri for general housework, must be good cook, family 4 adults; good wages. Cull morning!). Main -1 7 . 581 J ax k o u st.. Port. and ileignis- W A NT ED Competent woman for general housework, email famliy ; no washing; comfortable room ; S4U. Call Main a3o6. 7T." PTanders, between 11 and 1. WANTED Competent maid for cookiug and downstairs work, kikci $tS. Api1 to Al rs. D. n. ijtann, iiJj Cornell road. Main 3057. WANTED Good cook and housekeeper or young womau willing and able to learn: . good wages. 4o6 Last 24th N. Broad way car. WANTED School giri to assist with gen eral house work. Must be over 16 years. Good home for right party. Phono Ta bor .4s. VS ANTED Competent giri for general housework; no lurnace; no wahing; muHt like children; wages $55. Ca.l East 5031- COMPETENT girl for cooking and down stairs work; no laundry, no lurnace: good wages. Cal 1 Eat 7 O.V.. HELP WANTED-MALE OR FEMALE. EX Pp;rIp:NCP;d man and w ife for apt. house janitor work; good position for right parties; ref. required. PHioue Bdwy. 4 si; l . WANTED Man and wife on a good ranch. who understand itlock and farm work. 1MO Board of Trade. C. MinMnger. WANTED Experienced sundries .talesman. Adores with references, AK 62, Orego nian. EDUCATIONAL. ARB) YOU MECHANICALLY INCLINED T If so, learn the auto and tractor business and earn $10( to $;I00 a month. Southern California offers exceptional opportuni ties whilo and after learning, high sal aries, ideal working conditions. fine year 'round ciimate; no previous experi ence necessary. Learn In hort time the , National Way. Expert int ructors. new. complete mechanical and electrical equipment including Packard Twin 6. Cadiilac 8. Willys-Knight, etc. No aga limit. Earn board and room while learn ing. 6oiM successful graduates GUARAN TEE YOUR success. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL, IS Years in Los Angeles at 81 i S. Figuerca, Write today Ior FREE catalog. YOU WANT MORE MONEY. Just into the bigg-si business poms; rich, pays the most money and get in ri k h t by t ra i n in g you rsc If for 2 in . in licmphiii's Trade School. Tho greatesi workshop cm the coast for piactica. trading. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL, ' 7u7 Hawthorne ave. HAWTHORN E AC TO SCHOOL, 462 Hawthorne Ac. Automobiles, t rucks, tradors, isn it ion and starter work. Vulcanizing aud re treading. Special summer rates. La and evening classes. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU TO BOSS tup: JOB. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Will teach you the tiade in 8 wks.; give you -a. set of tools and some pay while learning, positions secure a; scholarship and transfer cards iued, 32 schuoia in U. 8. and Canada. Send for caiatogue 234 Burnside st. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY-GRADUATE OF B E H N K E- W A LK E R Business College, Portland. Enroll un) time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue LEARN TEL EG R A f H i Young men and women v anted. Cai i 43:t-4 Kail way Kx. bldg. Opportunity i. learn a well-paid profession. P'lee book let. Railway Telegraph Institute. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE wiil leaci you the trade in 8 weeks, scalp and face mahsae specialty; tools free, positions guaranteed ; pay while learning ; tuition red uced this term. ZH'l Madison. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGCY. Frank K. Welles, ex -asst. State Su pt.. mgr.. N. W. Bank bid g. Teac h ers placeff PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you w hlle learning, gives you set ot tools free, position cured. N. 2d st. 1 HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE, Wash, at 10th. Enter now. day, evening, all com mercial branches. Broad way 12L EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Bucket's pri ate school ; individ ual instruction. 122 S Grand ave. E. 427 WAN! EI Spanish teacher, by Nov em ber 1. Can arrange hours. S 3U2, ore j. on in n. L El'KER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. COMPLETE BUSINESS COURSE. Alisky bldg., 3d and Morn.-oii. VATES-FISHEH Teachers' registration. Main i-74. Bi Aenc oad i ay OHP.GON LVW SHOOL. Alisky bldg.. and Mor. W. p;. Richardson. Sec. Main 1 TH K international can raise your s Correspondence Schools alary. 11 I Broad w ay. FISK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Mn. 4 h:5. Teaching positions; free registration "THE Ovens method In Vancouver Busi ness college. Wash., assures ou succes.' SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MIDDLE-AGfcZD man would like to do choi es for a midd le-aged widow on a farm ; w ork cheap if good home. AC 1 Oregonian. MEAT ri'TTKK. experienced 12 years, good references. 4 925 Powell Yaliey road. PRINTER-EDITOR wants position, coun try or city; Al references. S 321, Orego nian. ALL-AROUND furniture and stove man wants position, country or city; Al ref erences. S 231. oregonian. HIGH SCHOOL boy wants work after school and Saturdays. AE 572. Ore gonian. MAKKIEI) couple, experienced hotel pco pl, wish position in or out of town. BF 1 85, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wants po sition, first-class. Robert MitcheL. Phone Main 161. SITUATION as janitor in apartment house; can furnish references. BF li4. Orego- nian. I PAINTING TINTING. Reasonable estimates, reliable. Main 5S51. SITUATION wanted by good Japanese cook in restaurant or hotel, in city or country. E 614. Oregonian. WANTED Steady employment for m self and -ton truck. v Wholesale house preferred. Box 272 Newport. Or. EXPERIENCED fireman, job for winter; oil, wood or coal. Manhali 5213, or 1 850, oregonian. ' TR UCKS FOR HIRE. t to 5-ton capacity will contract by the month or day. Bdwy. 133. A POSITION by a competent camp or mill blacksmith. Tabor 4732. BF 11L Ore gon ian. WANT paprhanging. Painter. Mar. 3510. iintiug and signs JAPAN ESE wants posit ion as janitor or porter. AP 466. Oregonian. I N P3 K D work for m v 4 -1 o n truck. W he. t have you ? A. Kimarl. 3"! Fremont st. ELDP-RLY man wants position aT jani tor or houseman. BJ 50, Oregonian. WANTED Carpenter repair work by day or contract. Phone T-bor oS'U). YOUNG man 23 years old wants work of ti n y kind. BP 61S. Oregonian. HANDY .MAN wants position. houeclcan ing. etc. Address W 65. Oregonian. sTtUATION as engineer: can furnish ref erences. AR 830. Oregonian. BR ICK contractor, estimates given on all kinds of brick work. Phone East 3357. RELIABLE right clerk wishes position in or out of city. 4M6 Clayton hotel. M 1 LK P:R. experienced, open for position ; 25 to 3d cows. N. 214 Columbia st- SINGLE man wants work on PI. !th st. N. MEAT CUTTER wants position, suburban market preferred. X 31. Oregonian. EX-SERVICE man would like position with wholesale houe . T a b o r 54 5 5 . CARPENTER. A-l mechanic, remodeling cr new work. Ptune Tabor irt4i. rp:shinglin. in or out city. patching, house repairing. Call Main 6M 7. room 7. WANTED Day job or contract for tori p'ord truck. Broadway 477. ALUAROUND baker want st. country town. J. H. Woif. 2 work in Cherr . BOY, 16. wants hoii cail so to tjeUuoL e on r; Y, iol. i (ich w here he 'Jrc.uuua. i