Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 27, 1919, Image 1

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VOL. LiVII I. NO. 18,383
Bnterel at Portland (Oregon)
Pout of floe a Secontf-Clans Matter.
Status Quo" Prevails,
Says Workers' Head.
Refusal to Re-enter Negotia
tions Held Responsible.
Children Declared Under-Xour-
ibhed Because Fathers' Average
' "Wage Is Only $75 a Month-
, SPRINGFIELD, 111., Oct. 26. In re
ply to the statement of President
Wilson that the proposed strike of
boft coal miners, scheduled for No
vember 1, is "unjustifiable and un
lawful," John L. Lewis, acting presi
dent of the United Mine Workers of
America, on his arrival here tonight
from Washington, D. C. declared -the
status quo" prevailed.
Asked whether the president's
declaration would act to suspend the
strike call, Mr. Lewis said he had
nothing to say on this subject to
night. BLOOMINGTON, 111., Oct. 26. John
L. Lewis, acting president of the
United Iine Workers of America, to
night declined to state specifically
the attitude of the United Mine
Workers toward the statement of
President Wilson yesterday regard
ing the Dronose'd strike of the bitu-
limnous coal miners of the nation.
I In regard to this, Mr. Lewis would
nly say:
I 'I am an American, free born.
I with all the pride of my heritage.
I love my country with its institu
tions and traditions. With Abraham
Lincoln, I thank God that we have
country where men may strike.
May the power of my government
never be used to throttle and crush
the efforts of the toilers to improve
their material- welfare and elevate
the standard of their citizenship."
Miners Meeting Called.
Mr. Lewis said that he had not re
ceived any message from Washing
ten; that he had been traveling all
day. Ho left Washington at 6 o'clock
Saturday evening to return to his
home at Springfield, which he left
October 6. He added that he had
yesterday morning at 10 o'clock
called a meeting of the national ex
ecutive board of the United Mine
Workers to convene in Indianapolis
it 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. He
explained that the meeting was called
tefote President Wilson's statement
was made public. The gathering had
been called primarily to formulate
details of the strike.
When asked to make a. statement
n the right of miners to strike No
vember 1 in the face of the critical
fconditions, he said:
Operators Held Responsible.
'The coal operators have not of
fered a single constructive sugges
tion designed to avert this catas
trophe. All through the negotiations
it Buffalo, later at Philadelphia and
still later at Washington, the miners
waited in vain for any counter-pro
posal to be submitted by the oper
itors. During the conference with
Secretary Wilson at Washington we
said many times that we were willing
to re-enter negotiations with the coal
operators, without reservation, to coii-
lude the making of an agreement
forthwith. The proposal that we made
was repeatedly declined. The respon
iibility for the stoppage of work jn
he bituminous coal districts must
necessarily lie with the coal oper-
Mr. Lewis was asked what answer
le had to make to the contention of
Lhe operators that the contract has
not expired.
War la Declared Ended.
"Our contract read that it was to
continue in effect during the period
until the war ended and not to exceed
March 31, 1920," he replied.
'The war is over. Our soldiers have
returned. All the government war
agencies are disbanded. A German
easel of war is even now heading
or New York upon a peace mission
n substance, form and reality the war
s ended and our cAitract has ex
"What right have you to ask such a
arge increase in wages as 60 pe
:eut?" he was asked.
"Well, now, we are willing to stand
on tne merit or our proposal, he re
plied. "This 60 per cent increase is
subject to negotiations, as are all
demands of the United Mine Workers,
out they will not even negotiate.
Average Wage Held Low.
"During the last 12 months the
miners of the United States have
iveraged only $75 a month, or $800
(or the entire period. The men have
worked on an average of less than
three days a week since the armistice
was signed. Men with families cannot
ilve on this amount. Children in min
ing camps are under-nourished. This
is . a matter of life and death, to the
women ana children of the miners'
families, as well as it is to the public
Charity begins at home.
"Our aim is to make a shorter
working period and to distribute the
work over more aays during the year.
The miners in England have a seven-
Wireless Reports Vessel, 150 Miles
From Newport News,, Needs
Tow to Continue Journey.
XEW YORK, Oct. 2. Distress sig
nals from Ahe "American wooden
steamer, Lewiston were received here
tonight by wireless. The British
steamer Justin notified the Lewis
ton that she was hurrying to her
The position of the Lewiston, bound
from Rotterdam for Baltimore, was
given as latitude 37:29 N. and longi
tude 73:32 west, about 150. miles east
of Newport News. .
The distress signal came about 45
minutes after a call for assistance,
which declared that the Lewiston was
in need of a tow to. continue her
journey. The Lewiston, which has a
net tonnage of 152$. is owned by the
United States shipping board and op
erated by the Terminal Shipping com
pany in trade with The Netherlands.
$100,000 BONDS VOTED
Heppner Gravity Water System to
Be Installed by Summer.
HEPPNER, Or.. Oct.26. (Special.)
By a vote of 130 to 16 Heppner
terday authorized an issue of $100,000
water bonds for ihe construction of a
gravity water system from the head
waters of Willow creek to the city, a
distance of about 15 miles.
A contract for construction will be
let at an early date. If the weather
permits work on the line will be
undertaken this fall. It is expected
that the water will be ready for use
by summer.
Hundreds of Undesirable Aliens
Coming In From Mexico. "
EL PASO, Texas, Oct. "26. Urgent
representations regarding the men
ace to the health of the entire country
prising from the reported daily cross
ing of hundreds of alien immigrants,
'cf the most undesirable class at all
ports of entry along the border," have
been made to the United States pub
ic health service at Washington. XT.
John W. Tappan, medical officer in
charge of the El Paso station of the
public health service, it is officially
announced, is authority for the state
ment issued
Secret Service Men Hit Xew York
as Executive Makes Appeal.
NEW YORK. Oct. 26. Secret serv-
ce agents arrived hers Saturday from
Washington to examine all public and
private warehouses in the. New York
district in the search for hoarded
sugar. Federal Food Administrator
Williams anonunced today.
Governor Smith telephoned from
Albany to a friend here today that the
executive mansion was without sugar
and asked him to obtain ten pounds
for the use of his family.
Temperance Movement Is Gaining
Ground in British Isles.
NEW YORK, Oct. 26. Scotland is
going dry next year, according to Rev.
Dr. J. H. Jowett, who sailed on the
Adriatic for England yesterday after
preaching a month in his former pul
pit at the Fifth-avenue Presbyterian
"It will surprise many," he said,
"that I make the assertion, for I do
not believe that it is realized here
how far the temperance movement has
progressed in the British isles."
Council to Pass on Appointment of
C. C. Hindman by Major.
Whether. C. C. Hindman, deputy
city attorney, is to represent Mayor
Baker at the western conference of
state and municipal executives at
Sacramento, which will open Thurs
day, will be decided today by the
council. Mr. Hindman has accepted
the mayor's invitation to go in his
place, as Mr. Baker is unable to at
tend in person because 'of city affairs
which demand his attention.
Invitations to the conference have
been sent to the mayors of 140 -west
ern cities and towns.
Miss Gladys Sheridan of Xew York
Achieves Distinction.
NEW YORK, Oct. 26. The first
woman papal courier, who is also "he
first woman' received in an audience
at the Vatican without a mantilla or
veil, has arrived in New York with
medallions of the order of the Knighty
of St. Gregory for three supreme offi
ccrs of the Knights of Columbus, it
was announced today.
She is Miss Gladys Sheridan of New
Prosser Residents Recovering and
Third Victim Takes Treatment
PROSSER. Wash., Oct. 26. (Spe
cial.) E. S. Bennett, a well-known
farmer, residft g near Prosser, is the
third resident of Prosser to suffer a
severe attack of hiccoughs during the
past ten days.
F. E. Blair and Bert Mahan are just
recovering from similar attacks to
that which in the case of Air. Mahan
cauie near proving la!; ?
Brotherhood Notice Is
Served on Congress.
Measure If Passed Would Be
Ignored, Says Chief.
Legislation Suggested, Says Leader,
Would Please Agitators and
Precipitate Revolution.
WASHINGTON, Ct. 26. Timothy
Shea gave notice to congress tonight
that the Brotliernood of Locomotive
Firemen and Englnemen, of which
he is acting president, would not ob
serve pending anti-strike legislation
if enacted into law.
Such an attempt to single out rail
road employes and deprive them of
what he termed the economic right
of workers to strike to prevent in
justice, must be accepted, he said,
in connection with other information
which the railroad brotherhoods
have, as a foregone conclusion that
the railroads contemplate a general
reduction in wages when the govern"
ment surrenders control and desire
such a measure to forestall a strike.
"If these interests or the legis
lators believe railroad employes will
unresistingly submit to any such in
vasion of their rights as citizens."
Mr. Shea said, "they had better ex
pel that thought from their minds,
because I believe I speak for loco
motive firemen and hostlers at least,
when I say that any law which de
prives them of the rights of American
citizenship would not be observed,
not because this class of American
citizens are lawbreakers, but .be
cause such a law would be unwar
ranted, un-American and contrary to
American institutions."
Mr. Shea said such a law' was al
most certain to precipitate revolution
and was in fact just what extreme
radicals and revolutionary agitators
"Direct Action" Follows.
"This would give them logical argn.
ment for direct action.' he asserted,
"with the intention of displacing the
liberal and more conservative leaders
and thereby overthrowing the exist
ing social, political and industrial in
stitutions of the country.
"If an anti-strike law is enacted,
the responsibility for any upheaval
wtich might follow lies with con
gress." Railroad men are awaiting the out
come of the government's campaign
'Concluded on Page 2, Column 1.)
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Infantry and Machine-Gun Com
pany Mobilized at Armory; Gov
ernor May Call Cavalry. ; . -
KNOXVILLE, Tan n., Oct. 26 After
& day marked by frequent clashes
growing out of a resumption of street
car service with non-union crew two
battalions of the 4th Tennessee in
fantry tonight were ordered to
mobilize here immediately, to preserve
order in the event the situation gets
beyond the control of local -authorities.
Governor Roberts , at Nashville
also is prepared to call for United
States cavalry at Fort Oglethorpe,
Ga., if this becomes necessary."
One infantry company and the ma
chine gun company of the-state guard
which have headquarters here, are
sleeping on their arms in the Knox
ville armory tonight. Before daylight
they will have been reinforced . by
several infantry companies from the
nearby towns.
Four strike breakers, were injured
sufficiently to require medical atten
tion. Two citizens were injured in
traffic . accidents. ,
Cars started early today with non
union crews after eight days of idle
ness due to a strike- of union car
men and were operated until night
fall under difficulties. Cars were also
stopped at various points, trolley
ropes were cut, crews were -. heckled
and in some cases attacked.. "
Charges of inefficiency were lodged
with the city commission against
some members of the police depart
ment which is unionized. One patrol
man was suspended pending Investi
gation of a charge of encouraging
disorder by handing a dollar to a
strikebreaker who was persuaded to
desert his car.
There are only 60 uniformed -men
on the Knoxville police force and
many deputy sheriffs were sworn in.
This (is the second time state troops
have been called to suppress disorder
in Knoxville 'within 60 days, a regt
ment having been on guard several
days following the race riots of Au
gust- 30 and 31.
Friends of Mayor' E. W. Neal took
steps tonight to provide him with
a personal bodyguard owjng to threats
said to have been made against him
because of his activi.tes today. '
MEMPHIS, Tenn., Oct. 26. Head
quarters company and companies L
and M of the Tennessee national
guard at Memphis received orders to
night from Adjutant-General E. R.
Sweeney to be in readiness to ga to
that city at a moment's notice.
Hungary Volunteers to Aid Austria
If Communist Is Returned.
VIENNA, Oct. 25. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Newspapers state that
Hungary is wilting to aid Austria in
its present food and economic crisis
with supplies of foodstuffs and raw
Hungary requires in return, how
ever, as its price, it is said, the ex
tradition of Bela Kun and his assist
ants in the late communist govern
ment of Hunsrarv who took refuee in
I Austrian territory.
Washington , Senator Insists Got-
eminent Mast Be Made Sn
' preme to Capital and Labor.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2 . Senator
Miles Poindexter of Washington, in a
statement today to- the people of the
United States, announced his candi
dacy for the republican nomination
for president, and presented a plat
form of policies and principles which
he will advocate in his campaign.
The . Washington senator, in .his
statement of policy, denounce threats
of labor leaders to tie up the railroads
. "government by terror for a spe
cial class." and declarer, that the gov
ernment, must be mad supreme to
both capital and labor, though insist
ing: that -the Just claims of ' labor
should be recognised.
Communism, Senator Poindexter de
clared, is inconsistent with the vested
rights of ' the .'laborer to his wages.
Treating of international matters, the
'platform remarks that "the process
of making . a 'supreme sacrifice' of
America and of 'Joining our fortunes
with the-fortunes of men everywhere'
should be. stopped." "
In making his statement of princi
ples. Senator Poindexter. who is the
first publicly announced candidate fot
the ' republican nomination, asserted
that his announcement of policy
makes it necessary for the republican
national convention in 1920 to stand
by his platform should he be chosen
as the party's standard bearer.
Clinton Galaher, 1, Hit by Fly
ing Block When Line Breaks.
KELSO, Wash.. Oct. 2. (Special.)
Clinton 'Galaher. 19 years of age.
nstantly killed at the Inman-
Poulsen camp at Coal 'Creek, west
of, Kelso, late yesterday, when he was
struck on the back of the head by a
flying block after a line broke.
The youth had been employed as a
"chaser." The body was brought to
the Van Note undertaking parlors in
Kelso last night. Galaher'a mother
lives at Jefferson, Or., and his father,
Fred Galaher. also survives. . James
Downing of this city is his grand
father. and his grandmother. Mrs.
Galaher, resides, at Stella. The fu
neral will be held here.
Sinn KeMivers Bind; Warden
' Flee With Outside Aid.
LONDON, Oct. . Six lnn Feinera,
Including Commoners Stack and Beas-
ley, have escaped from Strangeway
Jail at Manchester. Being political
prisoners, they were allowed to con
gregate during the tea hour. One of
them sprang at the warden and felled
him. The others bound his hands
and feet. He wss gagged and thrown
into a cell. "
In the meantime a rope ladder was
thrown over the prison wall by some
cne standing in the street. The men
climbed the wall, descending to the
street by means of a wooden ladder on
the other side. .
Success or Ruin Lies in
Present Turmoil.
If America Weathers Storm,
Reconstruction Certain.
Officials and Business Men Both
Declare Battle of Ideas Will
End In Industrial Victory.
(Copyright by the Pirtllc Ledger Company.
Published by ArrangemfOt.)
NEW YORK. Oct. 26. (Special.)
"The United States is the storm cen
ter of the world today."
This statement by Edward M. House
is the keynote of many conversations
I have had during the last few days
with prominent personages in this
"Europe is in a state of quiescence."
was another remark Mr. House made
which 'is typical for the ideas which
men have expressed during conver
F.psrkal RraaUntnpat Begrna.
"Everything depends upon Amer
ica." For several days I have been
in this city absorbing opinions and
as I have listened to men like Mr.
House, the president's confidential
adviser. James W. Gerard, ex-am
bassador to Germany. Abram I. Elkus.
J. N. Guan. president of the United
States Rubber company, ex-President
Taft. Owen Johnson, bankers, busi
ness men. editors and publishers, I
have been impressed by the thought
which was common among all of
them, although I would not attribute
the statement to anyone, that this
country is today in the midst of a
period of epochal readjustments and
cnanges and that the whole world is
awaiting our decision.
The world center of interest is the
United fcftates. The world awaits the
decision, of the senate upon the peace
treaty. i ne woria awaits the atti
tude of American bankers and citi
zens toward the refinancing of Eu
rope. Leadership Also Awaited.
The world awaits America's leader
ship in solving the problem of capital
and labor. Our immigration and eco
nomic policy, our governmental re
organization problems, our n e
peace-time Industrial policy must b
decided upon before Europe will be
gin to return to normal.
In spite of the fact, however, that
this country is torn by internal un
re-si ana threatened by serious
strikes; In spite of the lack of pro
duction and in spite of universal ex-
1 travagance, I am Impressed rv all
the confidence of all these men in
the ability of this country to work
out its problems in a peaceful man
ner, although the storm center of
the world Is in the country.
I We are in the midst of the storm
f at th. nraM. I . - ,
. .. . . I -J uncu HClOUS-
, I ly gazing upon' Its many aspects as
i individuals without realizing that we
are all actors in the great drama of
J ' teconst ruction.
I New Ideas Eater Battle.
j "The United States today Is the
TrRttlegroucd of new Ideas." said ono
of the men I met. "It seems to me
as if all of the great and" freak notions
of the globe were being floated in
this country today. During the war
this country was the battlefield where
all of the belligerents fought to win
the support of our public, opinion. It
was a long contest, but right won.
"Today it seems as if the world
vere waiting to see what the decision
of American public opinion would be
with regard to the peace treaty, for
eign loans, international commerce,
immigration, industrial reorganiza
tion and governmental reforms. Ev
ery great and small nation is really
awaiting our leadership without being
conscious of it, while we in this coun
try are almost totally unconscious or
indifferent to the influence which
America's decision will have in the
IseUffereaee la Asteandlag.
It would be unfair to Judge this
country entirely by the news of the
day. While the indifference of the
public is astonishing, the men who
have been leaders in government and
Industry are by no means sitting Idly
by and watching developments. Thou
sands of men are spending more time
today studying the problems of this
country and Europe in a way they
have never done before.
Their work has not attracted atten
tion because they have not yet
reached conclusions.
For several months New York state
baa had a reconstruction commission
at work .under the guidance of Mr
Llkus. This commission was appoint
ed by Governor Smith, because there
was a general feeling among business
men that government as known today
is wasteful, inefficient and extrava
Reergaaiaatlon Is Pluses,
They recognized that government
today does not exactly represent the
best interests of the public: that gov
ernment Is burdened by office-holders
whose chief Interest is in their own
4 v,el
I com
welfare and not the public's. This
commission has already submitted a
.tJ.flaUuU4 cm fate S, CeiumA Li.
G. E. Sanderson, Driver of Other
Car, Held Fending Investi
gation of Accident.
Mrs. J. F. Jaeger, 60, of Everglade
avenue, east of Portland, was killed
In an automobile accident at East
Thirty-third street and Sandy boule
vard yesterday at S o'clock when the
light automobile in which she was
riding was crushed in a collision with
a machine driven by G. E. Sanderson,
proprietor of Sandy's Kodak Shop.
Mr. Sanderson was taken into cus
tody by Motorcycle Patrolmen Scott
and Ingle pending an investigation
of the accident.
The machine in which Mrs. Jaeger
was riding was driven by her son,
P. E. Jaeger. She was occupying the
rear seat of the car, which was going
south on Thirty-third street.
When the crash came the lighter 1
car was struck to the rear of the
center by the other machine, which
wa going. west on Sandy boulevard
according to the report of the acci
dent made by Mr. Jaeger.
Mrs. Jaeger was thrown out onto
the pavement and is believed to have
suffered a fracture of the skull. In
an unconscious condition she was
taken to the Old Peoples' Home.
where she died. The body was turned
over to Deputy Coroner Leo Goetsch.
Mrs. Jaeger is survived by her hus
band, J. F. Jaeger, who lives on Ever
glade avenue. ,
M. W. Cleveland, who sustained a
fracture of the skull Friday when
struck at the corner of Broadway and
Glisan streets by au automobile driven
by N. H. Newville of Carlton. Or., died
late yesterday at St. Vincent's hos
pital, where he was taken at the time
of the accident.
Mr. Cleveland, who was K0 years
eld. lived at 2T5 Margin street. He
was residing with friends and nls
only near relatives are said to be in
Pennsylvania. The body is in the
public morgue. As County Coroner
F.arl Smith had not been notified of
the death last night, no announce
ment relative to the possibility of an
inquest was made. ,
New York. Longshoremen Favor An
Immediate Strike.
NEW YORK. Oct. 26. Efforts to
end New York's unauthorised harbor
tie-up were given another setback to
night, when I. was announced that
longshoreman, said to be members of
24 locals of the International Long
shoremen's union, today voted in favor
of a general strike In the port of New
York, to become effective immedi
They declared tht 22.000 dock
workers employed on the terminals
in Manhattan. Brooklyn, Hoboken
Jersey City and Staten Island would
obey the new strike order.
Tractor Mashes Farmer's Toes.
COTTAGE GROVE, Or.. Oct. 26.
(Special.) With tne advent of the
tractor the former prosaic life of
the farmer in this section is becoming
ing a harardous one, as Clay Mosby
learned Saturday, when he loft two
toes of one foot. He was making a
turn and the foot, which was hanging
over the side of the tractor, was
caught bet.veen the Irons which con
necld one of the plows : d the trac
tor. The two toes were mashed to a
Hylan's Arbitration Plan Fails.
NEW YORK. Oct. 26. The concilia
tion committee, of which Mayor1 Hylan
is a member, tailed Saturday to break
the deadlock in the longshoremen's
strike, which has virtually . tied up
this port for two weeks.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 45
degrees; minimum. degrees.
TODAY'S Fair; sen tie northwesterly
Austrisn president signs peace treaty.
Psge 2.
Antl-boUhevik forces said to have ad
vanced. Page 4.
German children advised to prepare for
warfare. Psge 12.
Germany and Russia to sign trade agree
ment. Page 2.
Nation awaits miners' response to Wilson's
commsnd. Page 1.
Antl-strlke law would be ignored, says
brotherhood chief. Page 1.
Senstor Poindexter announces candidacy
(or president. Page 1.
Troops ordered to Knoxville to quell strike
rlou Page 1.
Miners are unmoved by Wilson's appeal.
Page 1.
American steamer In distress calls for
help. Page 1.
Lost TJ. S. aviators stabbed by Mexicans,
Page 1.
Pacific North wee.
Attorney for Bryan murder suspects to ask
(or release on bail. Page 2.
Exchange rate held menace to United
States trade. Page 13.
Apple pickers shovel snow in Hood Ktver
orchards Page 2.
Warden of Oregon prison says sentimental
rclorm la passing. Page 11.
"Wster dogs' turn eyes on Honolulu.
Page 10.
Coast magnates squelch ten-club proposal.
Page 11.
Coast Intercollegiate football race Is tri
angular. Page 11.
Baum defeated by votes from south.
Page 10.
Portland and Vicinity.
Mrs. J. P. Jaeger killed in auto collision.
Pago 1.
Crop and financial situation both good,
page 12.
Portland woman elected president of phy
sicians organization. Page 18.
Investigation of liquor ring turns to Cal
llornia. Page 18.
Roosevelt memorial leaders in final dash
today. Page 8.
Pastor suggests tax to Increase carmen's
pay. Page 11.
Oregon cities report on needs. Page 11.
Committee to make Armlstioe day cela
lusUuft lug event. ' i'ans. Ii,
Waterhouse Stabbad to
Death While Asleao.
Messages to Mothers Writ
ten on Wings of Plane,
Bodies of Fliers Slain in Lower
California Arrive in San Diego
on United States Destroyer.
SAN DIEGO, Cal., Oct. IS. Tha
United States torpedoboat destroyer
Aaron Ward arrived here today,
bringing the bodies of Lieutenants
Cecil H. Connolly of San riego ami
Frederick B. Waterhouse of Weiser.
Idaho, army aviators, who were killed
In Lower California, where they had
flown after losing their way from
Yuma. Aris., to San Diego on
August 21.
The Ward also brought the word,
given out officially, that the young
airmen were brutally murdered by
two Mexican fishermen from a Mexi
can sloop, that the identity of these '
men Is known by both the United
States and Mexican governments, and
that steps are being taken to cap
ture them and bring them to trial.
Notes were also brought of the piti
ful story of the sufferings endured
by the young aviators, that story
having been scrawled at least in part
on the wings and fuselage of tho
De Haviland airplane in which they -made
their last flight. Some of these
messages, evidently written when the
aviators had almost lost hope of being
found, were of such a tragic nature
that Major R. S. Bratton, head of the
United States military party which
went for the bodies, asked that the
newspaper reporters refrain from
using tliem. out of consideration for
the officers' families.
A Irmen Long Wilkmt Food.
Maior Bratton said that the two
aviators had gone 19 days without
food, or at least without much to sus
tain them. The unkind fate that drew
them far from their air path remained
with them until the last.
Major Theodore MacAuley, in one
of his flights to find them, flew with
in 60 milei of the spot where they
stcod guarding their plane. Later on
th'e afternoon of September S they
Mere landed from a canoe on the
shores of Bahia Los Angeles, on the
Gulf of California, by the same fish
erman who are accused of having
killed them five days later, and at
that time were only 12 miles from Los
Klorres silver mine, where they might
have obtained protection and food.
One of their messages, scratched on
the airplant fusilage with a knife or
nail, gave details of how the aviators
lost their way. This, a veritable mes
sage from the grave, said that tho
airmen r-miiTied in the air four hours
and five minutes: that tl-ey ran into
a rainstorm and lost their sense of
direction. When they sighted the
Gulf of California they thought they
were flyng up the coast instead of
southward along the east coast of the
Gulf of California.
Radiator Water Allay Thirst. '
Another message, traced on the
wings and fuselage, told how the
airmen attempted vainly for two days
to catch fish to appease their hun
ger. They then started walking
northward to the border, but re
turned to their airship in 36 hours
when their supply of water became
exhausted. The airmen drank the
water fromthe radiator of the air
plane. This proved sufficient to allay
their thirst up to the time they were
taken to Bahia Los Angeles from
Gaudelouoe bay. where the plane was
landed, by the fishermen.
Major R. S. Bratton. who is at
tached to the 2Sth United States in-,
fantry, stationed at Nogales, gave
the following account of the inci
dents connected with the recovery of
the bodies of Waterhouse and Con
nolly and their return aboard the de
stroyer Aaron Ward:
"We left San Diego for Bahia Los
Angeles on the Aaron Ward at S:lo
A. M., October 16. The San Diego
party comprised Major P. T. Farrar
of the 11th cavalry, stationed at Camp
Hearne: Lieutenant Virgil Hise of
Rockwell Field; W. F. Boyle. Amer
ican vice consul at Mexicall; and Joe
Allen Richards, the mining engineer
who reported discovering the bodies.
Mat Hated Bodies Krasl.
"At Ensenada we picked up Justn
Castillo, judge of the first instance
for the northern district of Baja
California: N. Robeits. prosecuting at
torney for the northern district; J.
Sonroman. an army medical officer;
R. Rocha, clerk of Judge Castillo's
court; O Blanco, interpreter; V. Tor
res, a fiscal agent: Lieutenant Jesus
Chaves and five Mexican soldiers.
-The Aaron Ward arrived at Bahia
Los Angeles at 3:15 P. M.. October 19.
We ' immeaiately -sent ashore with
Richards acting as guido and in a
fw nioments naa discovered tne
giave. The bodies had been disturbed,
the' skulls being found under some
biush about ten feet distant from the
The bodies wurn then disinterred
tContiuotd an fae Co.iuua l.