Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 24, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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Selection Is Made, at Closed
Session of Board.
Albert Cowperthwait Resigns as
President and Jj. D. IS'orris, Hu
mane Officer, Will Quit.
At a closed session of the board of
directors of the Oregon Humane so
ciety, held yesterday. Otto J. Kraemer.
prominent Portland attorney, member
of the organization for more than
20 years, was chosen president to
succeed Albert Cowperthwait. re
signed. The election of another president
followed the charges recently pre
ferred against Mr. Cowperthwait, as
president and manager, and L- D.
Norris, human officer, alleging
cruelty in the disposition of injured
pets. Two instances were cited. A
dog, with a broken leg, was shot in
the presence of children, it was al
leged. A prized cat suffered the same
tate. Protests from the owners, it
was charged, met with abusive lan
guage from Mr. Cowperthwait.
As the result of the investigation
Mr. Cowperthwait severed his connec
tions with the humane society, ef
fective October 15. Mr. Norris, whose
resignation was demanded by the
complainants, tendered that document
to the directors at yesterday's ses
sion. Throughout the discussion of
the case and the nomination of suc
cessors the board has met in closed
session, declining to admit the press.
Mr. Kraemer will actively super
vise the affairs of the organization,
it was stated yesterday, though the
office of manager will be filled at a
later date. Candidates for this posi
tion, as well as possible successors
to Mr. Norris, have not been dis
closed. The resignation of the latter
as humane officer was accepted and
is to take effect November 1.
"We will make no ' more radical
changes than we are compelled to
by necessity," said Mr. Kraemer yes
terday. "The personnel of the present
board is excellent, and every one of
these active workers has promised
to serve as an assistant to the presi
dent. We will carry out the object
of the society as best we know how."
That the sessions of the society,
during the recent controversy, were
of necessity closed to general at
tendance and the press, and that all
future meetings of the board will
welcome visitors, was the declaration
of Mr. Kraemer at the close of the
Instant relief from nerve tor
ture and misery with old
"St. Jacobs Liniment"
SOLICIT FOR $3 0 0 0.
Working Girls at Meeting Pledge
$2 82; Money to Be Applied on
Operating Expenses.
Rub this soothing, penetratinar lini
ment right into the sore, inflamed
nerves, and like magic neuralgia dis
appears. "St. Jacob's Liniment" con
quers pain. It is a harmless "neuralgia,
relief" which doesn't burn or discolor
the skin.
Don't suffer! It's so needless. Get
a small trial bottle from any drug
store and gently rub the "aching
nerves'." and in just a moment you
will be absolutely free from pain and
No difference whether your pain or
neuralgia is in the face, head or any
part of the body, you get instant re
lief with this old-time, honest pain
destroyer it cannot injure. Adv.
Portland, representing the Portland
Woolen Mills company in this terri
tory. The wool will be sent east.
The wool was handled by the Gran
gers bugene warehouse and brought
the growers from 35 to 49 cents a
pound. , . .
Sugar Shortage at The Dalles As
sumes Serious Aspect.
THE DALLES, Or., Oct. 23. (Spe
cial.) The sugar shortage prevailing
here is hourly growing worse. Several
grocery stores have exhausted their
supplies and date of further shipments
is not known here.
Many homes are almost without any
sugar. It is declared certain that no
additional supply will arrive here un
til after the first of next month.
Grocers are strictly following the
custom of selling the small supplies
periodically to regular customers only.
Many persons have scoured the stores
of The Dalles in a vain attempt to
secure sugar from grocers other than
those with whom they have been ac
customed to trade.
There Is but one grocer in the city
who said he had any appreciable stock
of sugar on the way here. About 40
sacks are coming. Even this amount
is said to be sold.
Lack of adequate transportation is
assigned by local grocers as the cause
for the sugar shortage. Strikes which
have recently paralyzed steamship
travel and to some extent rail trans
portation are held largely responsible.
Eugcne-Oakrldge Branch of South
ern Pacific Investigated.
EUGENE, Or., Oct. 23. (Special.)
J. C. Roth, assistant district director
of the United States railway adminis
tration, was here yesterday and left
on a trip over the Oakridge branch
of the Southern Pacific to. investi
gate the merits of the claims of the
people of Eugene and those living
along the branch for better rail serv
ice. Mr. Roth met the committee, from
the chamber of commerce, consisting;
of L. E. Bean, "W. P. Fell and D. E.
Voran. For a year or more Oakridge
service has been limited to a train
every other day. This is a mixed
freight and passenger train.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. 23. (Spe
cial.) A total of $3000 is needed by
the Young W omen s Christian -Asso
ciation of Vancouver to pay operat
ing expenses for the remainder of this
year and all of 1920. A campaign to
raise this amount was started today
and 50 women captains began to so
licit every part of the city. The cam
paign will end Saturday night.
Vancouver working girls have
pledged S2S2. Mrs. Charles W. Hall
is president of the local Y. W. C. A.
and Mrs. R. H. Back, wife of Judge
R. H. Back of the superior court of
Clarke county, is chairman of the
finance committee. Miss Gertrude
Burns, secretary, outlined the work
at a meeting held yesterday. Miss
Lois Deihl, field secretary of this
district, comprising Washington, Ore
gon, Montana and Idaho, who la here
for the campaign, told how other
cities are supporting Y. W. C. A. or
ganizations. The Y. XV. C. A. has leased com
modious quarters on. the second floor
of a brick building at the southeast
corner of Main and Seventh streets.
Rest rooms and reading matter have,
been provided and a tasty luncheon is
served at cost daily to girls.
The budget shows how the money is
to be spent: Headquarters' expense,
$7S9; office and publicity, $175; salary
of secretary, $1200; national support,
$300; conferences, $75; equipment,
$213; insurance, $15, and club work,
Man Arrested at Seatle on Arrival
From Cordova, Alaska.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Oct. 23. On a
warrant from Cordova, Alaska,
charging him with grand larceny,
Seattle police today arrested Freder
ick R. Gutierrez on bis arrival on
the steamer Northwestern.
No information was obtainable
here tonight as to the details of the
charge against Gutierrez, who -will be
held pending further advices from
the northern town.
Coos and Curry County Society
Will Seek to Prevent Recurrence.
NORTH BEND, Or., Oct. 23. (Spe
cial.) The Coos and Curry county
medical society has arranged to hold
a special meeting at Marshfleld next
Saturday night to discuss informally
problems of members of the profes
sion. Means of preventing a recur
rence of the Spanish influenza and its
attendant dangerous complications
will be especially considered by the
meeting. Dr. Deimer. X-ray special
ist of Portland, and Dr. George F.
Cathey, a specialist in brain diseases
and bacteriology, also of Portland,
will deliver the principal addresses of
the occasion. -
As most of the physicians of the
two counties have signified their in
tention of attending a large attend
ance is expected.
Number of Conventions Are Com'
lng During Xext Year.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Oct. 23.
(Special.) Vancouver will be a con
vention city next year. More conven
tions will be held here in 1920 than
in any three years before.
The Elks will hold their etate con
Washington. State Senator Passes
Away at Tacoma.
TACOMA, Wash., Oct. 23. State
Senator Wilburn Fairchtld died here
today after a short illness. He had
been a member of the state senate
since 1912 and was prominent In rail
way union ranks.
Mr. Fairchild had been a resident
tt W'nsiiiiiirtnn inoA IflJJS an.4 n -
cne of the oldest conductors on the
iortnern pacific system in this state.
Creswell Cattle Shipped South.
EUGENE. Or.. Oct. 23. (Special.)
L. H. Linharger, well-known cattle
buyer of Orland, Cal., who has been
operating in this section of the state
for a number of years past, yester
day shipped zoo head or cattle from
Creswell to Ukiah, Cal., where they
will be fed and sold later to buyers
in that state.
Eugene-Goshcn Paving Done.
EUGENE, Or., Oct- 23. (Special.)
The pavement on the Pacific high
way between Eugene and Goshen, a
distance of five miles, was completed
yesterday by Guy Pyle, the contractor.
Get instant relief with
Tape's Cold Compound'
Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blow
ing and snuffling! A dose of "Pape's
Cold Compound" taken every two
hours until three doses are taken
usually breaks up a cold and ends all
grippe misery.
ine very nrsi aose opens your
cloggod-up nostrils and the air pas
sages oi your neaa; stops nose run
ring; relieves the headache, dullness.
feverishness, sneezing, soreness, stiff
rapes Cold Compound is the
quickest, surest relief known and
costs only a few cents at drug stores.
It acts without assistance. Tastes
nice. Contains no quinine. Insist on
rape s: aov.
Car of Lane County Wool Sold.
EUGENE. Or., Oct. 23. (Special.)
A carload of Lane county wool was
sold yesterday to T. Allen Clark of
U Wmthrop Hammond Co.
I St
In Men's
55 to $25
$5 to $10
Inventory Yourself!-
Do you impress your personality upon the people you meet,
or are you one of those nonentities who blend so beauti
fully into the crowd?
Good clothes are one of your greatest procurable assets. The man who
is well dressed always makes a favorable impression.
It is the business of this live store to help you make a favorable im
pression by always being ready to serve you with The Finest of Cloth
ing, Ready to Wear. . ,
Hirsh, Wickwire Clothes are. tailored by hand, giving results in fit and
wear that can never be equalled by machine-made productions.
Regardless of your preference as to style, fabric, pattern or color, we
can serve you economically and satisfactorily because our showing of
these fine clothes is unusually complete.
Winthrop Hammond Co.
s" 4 p.nji.tOT Correct Apparel for Men. 127 sixth st
Established 1S84 Between Washington and Alder Streets
I J 1 m
286 Morrison St., Between Fourth and Fifth Sts.
Next to the Corbett Building
are of imitators and imitation J
sample shops. Ixok for Big Sipw r
With the Hand Pointing at 2S(
Morrison St. Factory Sample Shop
. 4
ventlon here and it is expected that
at least 10,000 visitors will be in the
city on the third day, many coming
from Portland, Salem, Astoria, Eu
gene. Albany and Oregon City.
The Kagles also have chosen Van
couver as their annual meeting place
and promise an attendance of several
The druBrleww physicians .who met
In Seattle this year, will meet in Van
couver next year.
Then, of course, many Shrlners who
attend the national shrine conven
tion In Portland will drift over the
Columbia riv"er during the week while
they are in Portland.
Also there are several smaller con
ventions scheduled for this city in
Fraternity Elects Members.
Oct. 23. (Special.) Alpha Kappa Psi.
honorary commerce fraternity, has
elected to membership Keith Leslie
of Coqtillle. Edwin Strowbridse of
Portland and Basil Williams of Eu
gene. William Steers of The Dalles,
'ected to membership two years afro.
before leaving to enter the service,
also will be initiated with the three
Just elected. Alpha Kappa Psi In
itiations provide the campus with a
pood bit of comedy each year.
Neophytes are usually in costume.
Phone your want ads to The Ore
fronian. Main 7070. A 8095.
Off with the old style
on with the new!
The Fine Fashions Are Here There are more .
new hats to try on at the Wonder Millinery than
any other millinery department on the Coast.
Wonderful new hats have just come from our
workrooms made of silver and eold brocade
worked on silk velvet and panne, trimmed with ostrich and beautiful
fancies. Priced for Friday and Saturday only
7 Y -i
Wonderful New Beavers
Misses' and Children's Hats which have just arrived and we are
going to sell at $5.95. They are hats that you cannot buy for less
than $7.50. And styles! Nearly a dozen some small, some large,
some with straight brims and some rolled up saucy as can be.
Make it a point to see these' Misses' and Children's Hats in our
windows today.
When a Child Haa Croup.
Thousands of mothers say Folev'
Honey and Tar Compound is the bes
remedy for croup they know. It cuts
the thick choking mucus, clears away
the phlegm, opens air passages and
eases hoarseness. The gasping,
strangling: fight for breath gives way
to quiet breathing and peaceful sleep.
T. J. McCall, Athens. O., writes: "We
have used Koley's Honey and Tar In
our home for years and find It In
valuable for coughs and colds espe
cially for croup for our children. We
are never without it and cannot too
highly recommend it." Sold every
where. Adv.
You can keep warm with one of our Fur Coats
Friday and Saturday specially priced
French Coney Coats, 30-inch, $ 70.00
French Coney Coats, 36-inch, $100.00
These have large roll collar, deep cuffs and
belted back.
at Alder
Remember our reputation. We exchange
all sale garments and refund money if not
satisfied within three days of purchase.
Women's Suits
Serges and Poplins. Greatest Saving. To be
closed out at once. Values to $45.00 at
m ra We Sel1
OyrS-- for Less
Women's Coals
Fur trimmed-the greatest
values this season
all sizes
Fine Coats
In black only. All sizes.
Plush Coats!
Sample and Stock Plush Coats,
fur trimmed, values to $65,
939.95 to
e"ri er 1 t a a
'. :
' 1
I t
W aists Waists
Crepe de Chine and Georgette Waists values
to $9.50 at only
S and
Wool Slipover Sweaters, $1.95
Samples and Stock
Novelty Suits
Novelty Coats
Novelty Dresses
Many fur trimmed, to
be closed out. Values to
$85 at only S46.95 and
Serge and
Silk Dresses
Serge and Silk Dresses.
Values to $23,
Children's Coats HALF PRICE!
i j