THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, . OCTOBER 24, 1919. 15 . S. Government Hospi EQUIPPED WITH 6W'BBiw - Ever tais 99 LJ i !i Ik-' r . . ..V - . .-r; "Wear-Ever" Steam X Kettles Debarkation Hospital No. 3 New York City Aluminum Cooking Utensils The Walter Reed (U.S. A.) Hospital at Washington, D. C; The Letterman (U. S. A.) Hospital at San Francisco, Cal., and the U. S. Debarkation Hospitals at New York City, where our wounded heroes are being nursed back to health, are furnished in the most modern and sanitary way. Indicative of this is the presence of bright, silver-like, thoroughly eanitary "Wear-Ever" aluminum cooking utensils in the kitchens utensils made of the same material and in the same way as those which rendered 6uch depend able service during the war on battlefields, battleships and transports and in ' cantonments and hospitals. "Wear-Ever" Equipment in the Walter Reed Hospital 2 No. 508 Saucepan 6 No. 510 " 17 No. 612 Deep Saucepans 5 No. 814 Stock Pots 2 No. 818 " " 3 No. 853 16 No. 854 6 No. 856 10 No. 858 with spigots 19 No. 860 Stock Pots with spigots 80 No. 956 Pitchers 12 No. 5S2 Coffee Boilers 1200 No. 214 Cups 1200 No. 215 Saucers 1200 No. 290 Plates 1200 No. 292 Bowls 5-t 40 Gal. Steam Jacketed Kettles 3 100 " ' ' " 2 60 " " " " 'Wear-Ever" Equipment in the Letterman General Hospital 12 Special Food Carriers 1 50 Gal Steam Jacketed Urn "Wear-Ever" Liberty Coffee and Tea Ura V. S. Debarkation Hospital No. 3 New York City )..;.' . , i 1 n 3 25 " " ' KetUe 3 50 " " " 90 No. 32 Coffee Pota 60 No. 214 Cups 60 No.-215 Saucers 60 No. 290 Plates 60 No. 292 Bowls 30 No. 507 Sauce Pass 1 No. 836 " " with sp!ot 30 No. 508 " 30 No. 587 Corera ' 30 No. 588 "Wear-Ever" Equipment in the Debarkation Hospital No, 3 35 No. 578 Coffee Boilers 20 No. 579 " " 10 No. 580 ' " 70 No. 706 Sauee Pots 25 No. 707 Stock Pota 8S No. 708 " 40 No. 710 " 40 No. 712 " 3 No. 713 -1 No. 836 " 4 No. 856 " No. 956 Water Pitchers 40 No. 964 Sauee Pots S 80 GU type 3 Steam Jacketed Kettles 260 . I 4jQ 4 $$ f a 4 60 " Liberty Urns 20 No. 820 25 Gal. Stock Pota with Covers 20 No. 86025 " " ' " and spigot 24 No. 500 20' Round Brazier 25 No. 534 26 qt. Sauee Pans 25 No. 694 Covers 20 Nc?." 780 40 qt. Cruller Pens 20 Covers for Cruller Peas 20 No. 4077" try Paos 'Wea.Ever,' Steam Jacketed Kettles Walter Reed (U. S. A.) General Hospital Washington, D. C. 6 No. 67219 Gal. Mixing Bowls vVear-Ever" aluminum cooking utensils are made in one piece from thick," hard sheet aluminum without joints or seams. They have no coating to crack or chip are pure and safe. , We thank those women who were patient during the war preferring to wait until it again became possible to secure the shapes and sizes of "Wear-Ever", then unobtainable as a result of Government requirements, rather than accept substitutes for genuine, beautiful "Wear-Ever. The complete line o "Wear-Ever" utensils soon can be secured from your dealer. VEAIHVU wt 1 mm- mh Renlace utensils that wear out with utensils that "Wear-Ever" TRAJtMAB") The Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co., New Kensington, Pa. UlUfrKHC 1MDCMASN J," fl.. V, f W 1 " . r, y . s. ; v- -; -. ; ' t - - - ' r 1 i : s t ;c , s iipi:ii i. t ill '!!! !l ill ! i 1 i II 'Hi! !i ' lililili! ! ilm,mtmm.mwmm,w., ,,u , ,WJM,, ... ,,....., , w,l,,t, , .. , mj.,.,., , - ..,,,.. ' : I I H; . . s-,..- , . ,, . , .. .... - ...... I- " ' - - "I " hi 1 1 , . . - :- . '-. ",--. . . . v ' - - I ill , ...... a a. '. ' . i- i ... .. .. . v -. . .- . n INI .. .. ,.- : . .. . . 'L 1 - - . t 'r - r it'' i - - ' I I 1 I ml ' ' ' - ' I -X - ": - W-T6fl.- , , ... I I ; ' jj ! r,T ftr1- ' Fit J "Wear-Ever" Equipment Letterman (U. S. A.) General Hospital Vl . San Francisco, CaL . , jA 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I