TIIE MORNING OREGO NI AN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1919. 13 ACTIVITIES IN PARKS DEPEND OH ELECTION Commissioner Pier Says More Money Is Essential. STATISTICS ARE GIVEN Tax Limitation Law Prevents Rais ins of Funds in Regular Man ner, Says Bureau Head. Unless the 2-mlll increased tax levy is approved by the voters at the spe cial city election on November 12, park and playground activities will be among: the services materially cur tailed by the city next year, accord ing to City Commissioner Pier, in charge of the park bureau. This sum mer the usual summer band concerts were dispensed with because of the lack of money in the city treasury, and Commissioner Pier says that un less the 2-mill proposal is carried other branches of the park and play ground activities must be reduced. "To be sure," said Mr. Pier, "it Is not a desirable thing- to look forward to, but there is nothing else to do. If the. money is not in the city treas ury to conduct the city affairs we must get along the best we know how. And it is an easy matter to see that we can do nothing more than give a greatly curtailed service when there is ot money enough to carry on oper ations next year, and we are provided by a tax limitation law from getting more money. Concerts Are Eliminated. "The city's park system suffered curtailment during the past season because of shortage of funds. With less money next year we must have even less park activities. We were forced to eliminate the usual summer band concerts, and In addition elimi nated the greater part of Washington park zoo, which records show is the delight of grown-ups and youngsters alike. 'The voters at the last city election adopted a 500,000 bond issue for park purposes. This was adopted because people believe in parks and play grounds and want them. But have these people stopped to think that money must be provided to operate them when they are established? It behooves every believer in these parts of our city life to go to the polls on November 12 and vote to give the city money enough to properly conduct its parks, along with its other activi ties." Commissioner Pier quotes figures which show that the parks and play grounds in Portland have grown rap idly during recent years. When the park activities were less than half the proportion of the present system it naturally cost far less to operate them, he said. In addition with the increase park and playground facili ties, comes the increased cost of sup plies, which hits this department per haps a bit harder than other depart ments because of the large amount of supplies necessary. Figures Are Given. "In 1912 the bureau of parks main tained seven -playgrounds at a main tenance cost of $11,207," said Mr. Pier, "in 1918 the number of playgrounds had increased to 18, with three year around community houses, at a main tenance cost of $34,987.82. During the summer of 1918 more than 242,000 chil dren were cared for by specially , trained supervisors and 43,000 took advantage of the privileges offered by our two municipal swimming tanks, where cults, towels, etc., are furnished without cost." REED TO ENTER LEAGUE JJcbatcs Will Be Arranged With University and O. A. C. Reed college students voted hear tily at assembly yesterday morning to enter into a triangular debate league this year with the University of Oregon and the Oregon Agricul tural college. The student council was authorized to take up immediate ly the terms of the contract sub mitted by Oregon last week to sug gest changes and to appoint a com mittee to handle actual details of the first debate which is scheduled for December 12. Kenneth Irle, president of the Reed student body, submitted also a com munication from the College of Tuget Sound asking for a triangular meet between the freshmen of Reed, University of Washington and Puget Sound next April or May. This was favorably received by the students. In a - report of the interest felt at Reed concerning inter-collegiate debating, Harry Kenln, a member of the team which met the University of Washington two years ago, stated that 25 had signed for tryouts and added that this number nearly equaled tho Reed football squad now training for outside games. Comedy was introduced in the meeting by Glen Qulett, who bur lesqued an opposition speech to inter- I collegiate debate, based on a recent talk by President Foster against out side sports. WOMEN, SAVE $10 BY DRY CLEANING Save five to ten dollars quickly by dry cleaning everything in the home. You can dry clean, brighten and re new children's coats, suits, caps, wool ens, Swiss, lawns, organdie and chif fon dresses, ribbons, satins, lace, silk, waists, draperies, rugs everything that would, be ruined by soap and water. Place a, gallon or more o,f gasoline in a dishpan or wash boiler, put in the things to be cleaned, then wash them with Solvlte soap. Short ly, everything comes out looking like new. Nothing fades, shrinks or wrinkles. No pressing needed. Do not attempt to dry clean without Solvlte soap. This gasoline soap is the secret of all dry cleaning.. A package of Solvite soap with directions for home dry cleaning costs little at any drug, grocery or department store. Dry clean outdoors or away from flame. Adv.- FOOLING WITH HEALTH SERIOUS I have frequently asked druggists: "What do you push in a blood medi cine?" The answer usually came, "The kind I can make the most money on. My answer has always been. "Not me." I have succeeded pretty well and I have always recommended the one that I had found by experi ence to be the best and the one I would be willing to take myself or give to members of my own family. I have never offered the public a medicine that we do not use at home. This is why I can offer "Number 40 For the Blood" with a clear con science; we have not only tried it on thousands of others, but on ourselves. We take it in all cases where a blood medicine is neded, no matter in what form it shows itself, and we get splen did results in constipation, kidney. stomach and liver troubles. I firmly believe if every one would begin in the spring and take "Number 40" they would escape malaria and fevers in all forms. J. C. Mendenhall, 40 years a druggist, Evansvllle, Ind. Sold by Laue-Davis Drug Co., Third and Yamhill streets. Adv. of Inspection over the district and will soon take steps to eliminate some of the elements of dancer. In the past few months a great number of derailments have occurred in the canyon, one yesterday near Hugo, when ten cars were derailed and about 14 rail lengths of track destroyed. BRIDGE "BUCK" TD STOP MAYOR CALLS OX LAROCHE FOR LIDGAL OPLXIOX. Mr. Baker Says City Is Willing to Assume All Proper Responsi bility in Policing. "Buck passing" in connection with the authority for - the regulation of traffic over bridges crossing the Wil lamette river will stop and either the county or the city will assume the authority, promulgate regulations and enforce them. This decision was reached yesterday by Mayor Baker when he instructed City Attorney LaRoche to confer with District Attorney Evans, come to some understanding, and if the city is responsible for the regulation of traf fic, immediately to. form regulations and turn such rules over to the police bureau for enforcement. Under an opinion given out by Dep uty City Attorney Latourette, the city has no legal authority to regu late traffic over the bridges, but in this opinion City Attorney LaRoche refuses to concur. This opinion, on which Police Lieutenant Lewis in formed the county commissioners that he was without authority to take any, steps toward regulating traffic, has been called in and a new opinion will be given out by City Attorney La-Roche. "Somebody must have the authority to regulate traffic on tho bridges. said Mayor Baker. "If this authority rests with the city, we will assume the responsibility. There is no feeling on my part to attempt to evade any responsibility and) it is for this reason that I have instructed City Attorney LaRoche to begin work on the ques tion and not cease until it has been settled. Buck passing will never ac complish anything." The bridge question has been tossed about for more than a week, but 1t is probable that the question will be finally settled today. REED HAS SERVICE CLUB Organization Is Formed and Armi stice Celebration Planned. Ex-service men at Reed college met yesterday morning and formed a nucleus for a Reed service club to take an active part in the social and serious activities of the college. Membership in the club Is limited to American legion men. of whom there are more than a hundred eligible at Reed. An executive committee was ap pointed the first of the college year and the meeting yesterday was a step further toward permanent organiza tion. Arthur House and Tom Brock way were appointed temporary pres ident and secretary, and a constitu tion accepting the principles of the American legion with additions per taining to the work of the club at Reed was adopted. Armistice day plans at Reed will be entirely under the direction of the Reed service club. The celebration may entail memorial services, sports and an evening of entertainment, or an outing off the campus. John Van Etten was chosen to take charge, and will be assisted by Ted Eliot and Wayne Houston. 120 PASS FIREMEN TEST Civil Service Examination Results Are Announced. Results of three . civil service ex aminations held in August and Sep tember under the direction of the civil service board of the city were announced at the meeting of the board in the council chambers, city hall, yesterday. Of 137 men who took the examina tion for hoseman, fire bureau, in Au gust it was stated that 120 or-more had passed. Of the 20 men who took the examination in September for labor in the engineering, sewer and water bureau service all passed. Nine men took the examination for Jani tor in the service of the city in Sep tember and four of them passed. Examinations for inspector of pub lic works and laborer-teamster in the bureauof street cleaning will be held next week and in November examina tions for chainman, instrument man and telephone operator are scheduled. DERAILING PROBE BEGUN t Southern Pacific Inspector Is In Cow Creek Canyon District. ROSEBURG, Or., Oct. 23. (Special.) Because of the great number of minor accidents in Cow creek canyon A. T. Mercier, superintendent of the Southern Pacific division in this state, has been passing several days In Roscburg making a personal inves tigation. He has. made several trips CORN EXHIBIT TO OPEN Douglas County Show Will Be Held Today and Tomorrow. ROSEBURG, Or., Oct. 23. (Special.) A great deal of interest is being shown in the Douglas county corn show, which Is to be held in this city Friday and Saturday. Farmers from all communities in the Umpqua val ley are competing and some fine ex hibits already have made their ap pearance. The corn will be. judged by Pro fessor CI. R. Hyslop, head of the farm crops department of the agricultural college, and the awards will be made Friday afternoon. A team of high. school boys, members of the class in agriculture, will Judge the ex hibits previous to the decision by professor riysiop. - Ashland Calls Price Meeting. ASHLAND, Or., Oct. 23. (Special.) A meeting has been called for farm ers, members of organized labor and consumers for next Wednesday night in this city to discuss means of msec ing the high cost of living. Th man ager of the State Exchange of Port land will attend. Cash Sales Checks Must Be Presented at "Stamp" Booth on Day Purchases Are Made in Order to Get Trading Stamps. We Give Si & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to JO'c or More Filled Stamp Boooks Redeemed in Cash at S. & H. Office on 3d Floor Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors 2d Floor Model Grocery and Bakery on the 4th Floor Demonstration of Sweeper-Vac Cleaners on the 3d Floor Double Trading Stamps AH Over the Store Hair Bow Ribbons 50c a Yard Main Floor Excellent quality All Silk and Satin Stripe Rib bons especially adapted for hair bows. Shown in the fZ(n wanted colore the yard J"C PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR ENGRAVED GREETING CARDS SAMPLES AT STATIONERY COUNTER The Standard Store of the Northwest .Olds, Wortman & Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods King PORTLAND AGENCY FOR GOSSARD FRONT-LACE CORSETS MODELS FOR ALL TYPES OF FIGURES Women's Suits In a Special Sale at $44.95 j Model Grocery 4th Floor STAR N APT HA Washing Powder regular 30c OK size on sale today at Sunny Monday Soap, CP special, 10 cakes for GERMEA, the package, 20c Marabou Scarfs $12.95 Main Floor Warm, comfy and stylish. These are of splendid full stock and are lined with fine satin. Black, natural and brown. At this price these Scarfs are most remark able values. On sale to- O Qr day only your choice D-L7D Hudson Seal Plush Throws $19.95 Main Floor Hudson Seal Plush Throws in latest styles. These are beautifully finished and are well made in every particular. Smart for wear with your new CM Q QPI suit. On sale today at oJ-70 New Neckwear at $1.95 Main Floor Dainty New Collars, Sets, Vestees and Gilets in the sea son's most favored styles. A special assortment selected from our regu lar stodk offered at a low price for . today's selling. Dozens of chic ef fects to choose from for personal use or for gift giving. -l nr On sale today, at only D-L0 Georgette Waists Special at $5 Second Floor Today, in the Garment Store, we shall feature another special showing of Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine Waists at five dollars. Women who have seen these tell us there is nothing in the city to com pare with them at the price. Many beautiful models In the assortment. Waists with dainty embroidered design's in colors, others in bead ed effects or trimmed with tucks and plaits. Also a few tailored styles and a number of exceedingly pretty Lace Waists. C?PT ff EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES AT tBO-UU f Women's Bath Robes $5, $6.50, $7.50 Second Floor This is to tell you that our stock of Blanket Bath Robes is now complete, offering a wide range of pretty styles at the above prices. Floral de signs in dainty colorings, also the popular Indian and Oriental effects. Many different models with round or square collars and trimmed with satin. One style has full back with fancy button trimmed pockets and cord girdle. Now is the time to supply your needs. Extraordinary values at So.OO, $6.50 and $7.50 Golfine Robes at $5 Second Floor - These are shown in the new short styles with sleeves and without collar. Splendid garments for wear about the house. Colors include wisteria, rose and blue. Moderately priced at $5.00 if Garment Salons Second Floor Beautiful Suits of Silvertone, Velour, Broad cloth and Novelty Mixtures in a splendid range of the most desirable colors such as brown, taupe, navy, copen, plum, gray, red, green, oxford and black. Styles to please every fancy from the neat semi-tailored models to the more dressy styles with novelty belts, fancy collars and cuffs. Some are trimmed with folds of self material and buttons. The woman who has a new suit to buy will save considerable by taking advantage of this sale. All are from our own regular A QFt tock. On Bale today; special at D'A'A.Utl Stylish Stout Suits For Large Women Women who have difficulty in finding suits that fit properly are invited to see the many attractive models in Stylish Stout at this store. Tailored in correct proportion. Prices start at $C5.00 and range up to $87.50 Sale of Val Laces 10c Grade 7c Yard Aisle Tables, Lace Department Round, Dia mond and Filet Mesh Val Laces in a large as sortment of dainty patterns for holiday sew ing. Edges and Insertions. Regular 10c values. Priced special at, the yard 7c m f jr Infants' Wear Specials All items advertised below will be on sale today and Satur day, providing quantities hold out. Mothers should take ad vantage of these great savings. Knit Leggings at $2.19 Second F 1 o o r Infants' Knit Wool Leggings in closed or open styles. Special lot on JJO "I Q sale at low price of O-J.AI Odd Lot Infants' Shoes, 79 Infants' Blankets at $1.09 Infants' Blankets, blue or pink with figure designs. Q" flQ Priced very special at 3A.JI Infants' Wrappers, only 79 Infants' Gowns at $1.19 These are 'of good quality out ing flannel and well J" " Q made. Night Gowns 3A.A7 Infants' Knitted Night Gowns, special lot offered at only 890 Infants' Shirts Arnold, Reuben and Zimmerli Shirts in broken range of sizes on sale at special low prices. Infants' Short Dresses and Skirts slightly soiled price. Sturdy Suits for Active Boys Blue Serge $10 to $17.50 Mixtures $8.50 to $35.00 The Boys' Store, Main Floor, is splen didly prepared to outfit the youngsters from head to foot with clothes of de pendable quality, at a reasonable price. Blue Serge Suits We specialize on Blue Serge Suits and offer absolutely the best values the mar ket affords. . Latest models are hye belted and waist-seam styles. Ages 8 to 18 years. Priced at $10.00 to $17.50 Novelty Suits all the smart new mixtures in browns, blues, grays, etc. Best of tailoring throughout. Many styles with two pairs of pants. Prices range $8.50 to $35.00 -Boys' Overcoats- 1 When it comes to Overcoats this store is at the head of the list for variety and value giving. With stocks now at their best we suggest buying the boy s Overcoat at once. S Boys' Overcoats $8.95 Main Floor Good warm Over coats for winter wear. Novelty tweeds and plain materials in grays and greens. Some have quilted linings, others lined with cloth. Military collars. flQ QF Sizes 3 to 8 years; at DOUD Boys' Overcoats $15 to $18.50 Main Floor Within the above prices we show an excellent range of styles in good practical coats for school and dress wear. Made up in Fancy Mixtures. Sizes for boys from 6 to 18 years. We give S. & II. Green Stamps. & H. Stamps with purchases. Boys' Overcoats $10.95 Main Floor This lot of Over coats is somewhat limited, so shop early. Made up in Tweeds and Mixtures." Belted back styles with convertible military collars; cloth lined. Sizes from 9 fl1 fi OCT to 12 Priced years. Wool Jerseys Main Floor Boys' Wool Jerseys, just the thing to wear under the coat. Shown in plain colors and breast stripes $3.50 to $5.00 Wool Caps Main Floor Boys' Woolen Muf fler Caps in brown, blue, gray and heather. Priced at only $2.00 Fresh Shipment of Men's Ties In Neat Persian Effects r A former shipment of these ties sold out in short order and we are glad to announce the arrival of another big lot. Men are par ticularly fond of the smart patterns and appreciate the excellent quality of the silk. Very newest designs principally small, neat Persian ef fects. Wide end styles with slip easy bands. Moderately C?"t FA priced, your choice, only 'OXuU Interwoven Hosiery Main Floor Interwoven, the Hose of Quality. Shown in black and natural colors in the medium weights. Full range of sizes now in stock. Priced 75 and $1 a pair. - Wxl Great Showing of New Shirts $2.50 to $15 Main Floor Men's Silk Shirts from famous makers. Distinctive, classy patterns in best colors. Prices range $0.50 to $15. OO Men's Shirts of Madras and Percales in Savoy, Bates Street, Metric, and many other well known makes. Choice selection of newest patterns. $2.50 to $7.50 Men's Blue Flannel Shirts wool and wool mixed. Prices range from $3.50 up to $(5.50 Men's Outing Flannel Pajamas and Gowns Vassar and Carter Union Suits Main Floor Men's Pajamas of heavy quality Outing Flannel. Neat striped patterns in pink or blue stripes. Cut in full generous sizes. Now is the time to sup ply your needs. Priced CJO OK at $3.oO, $3.00 and OiS.itJ Vassar Union Suits for men of critical taste. Wool garments are priced to sell at $((.50 to $11 Carter's Wool Union Suits in all sizes at $5, $5.50 to $10.50 Patrick's Heavy Knit Wool Hose heather or oxford. $1.50 Women's Boots Special $7 Formerly Priced to $12 Main Floor Here is a Shoe Sale that should be of interest to every woman in Portland, regard less of whether she needs new footwear or not, for the values are nothing short of sensational. 8 Distinct Styles in the Sale Women's Patent Colt Boots in Buttoned style with pearl gray fabric tops, plain pointed toe and half Louis heels. Very smart and Orj ff dressy. Specially priced at the pair Women's Laced Boots with mahogany calf vamps and tops of champagne kid. High heels and imitation wing . tips. Excellent f( range of sizes. Priced special; a pair D Women's Laced Boots of dark brown calfskin with cloth tops. Made on popu lar military heeled last with ftf mock wing tips. Special, pair ' .vJLr Women's Buttoned Boots of black kid with cravenette tops, low heels, medium round toe without tip. Specially ff priced for today's sale & Ul Women's Laced Boots of dark brown vici kid with high heels, cloth tops S7.00 Women's Boots of dark gray kid with military heel and round toe with stitched top. Qrj rr Fabric tops the pair D UU Women's Boots of patent colt with soft dull kid tops, &rj ff narrow toe, high heel 3l UU Ask for your S. & H. Stamps. 500 Drapery Remnants At HALF PRICE Bargain Circle, First Floor Remnants of Cretonnes, Curtain Scrims, Swisses and Fancy Cur tain Nets also Silkolines. Good useful lengths, 1V Off to 5 yards; today at 2 vll Bargain Circle New Table Scarfs in the reversible style. Fiber Silk and Repp materials. Size 16x46 inches. CJO A( Regular $3.00 Scarfs i.'VJ Art Cretonnes in beautiful new patterns for fancy work and window draperies. Floral and bird designs in most artistic color effects. Regular 4Q 65c values; special, yard Bargain Circle Fancy Colored Curtain Madras in rich floral designs with novelty border. Regular $1.35 quality. Qrt On sale today at yard fUL Just Received Sit Tricotine Suitings HI n$le7s $6.50 to $10 Yd. 50 ON CONVICT'S HEAD REWARD IS OFFERED FOR CAPTURE OP TRUSTY. Johnson, Sentenced In Portland for Murder, Assigned to Cell. Forger Also Begins Term. SALEM, Or., October 23. (Special.) Penitentiary officials, today offered a reward of $50 for the capture of Denton Truax, trusty, who escaped yesterday while digging- potatoes in the vicinity of Lake Labish. The guards sent In pursu-it of the fugitive believe he is hiding in the nearby timbered districts, pending a more opportune time to travel. Truax was committed to the penitentiary from. Baker. Clarence Johnson, who was yester day sentenced in Portland to a life term In the state penitentiary for the murder of Mrs. Eunice Freeman, arrived at the prison shortly before noon today In custody of Deputy Sheriff Sherman. Johnson talked freely to the officer on his way to Salem. After being formally received at the prison Johnson was assigned to a cell and tomorrow will be placed at work. W. C. Carter, alias W. H. Crawford, recently convicted of forging and cashing a $5000 check drawn on the Wakef ield-Fries company of Port land, also arrived at the penitentiary today. Carter cashed the check in Arizona and was convicted In the Multnomah county courts. Penitentiary officials have been asked by the Portland officers to furnish. Tthe description of several men recently paroled from the prison, in connection with the robbery of the M. L. Smith Jewelry store In the Heilig Theater building In Portland yesterday. Deputy Warden Talley said today that he had no knowledge as to whom the Portland officers suspected. BEND HAS FIRST SNOW Storm Puts Damper on Legion's Reveille Week Celebration. BEND. Or., Oct. 23. (Special.) Bend's first snowstorm came last night following a brisk rain, and put an effectual damper on the reveille week celebration being conducted here tfy the American Legion. This morning the flakes had melted, Tut more descended at Inter- Phone your want ads to Tha Ore gonian. Main 7070, A 6095. I ASTHMA SUFFERERS FREE 25-cent bottle of our wonder ful Ai-No-Mor, for Asthma, sent abso lutely free. Gives Instant relief. Has cured thousands. Will cure you. Guar anteed. Four months' treatment. As-No-Mor handled by all' leading druggists. Send today. AS-XO-3IOR CO- ' Dept. 49 Pes Moines. Iowa, Waltham Watches "7"OU know that every Waltham watch is a good watch we know that you will be more than pleased to own a Waltham. Our stock is complete now. If you anticipate carrying a Walth am or presenting one for Christ mas make your selection at once. Here you will find the largest stock in the city reasonably priced. Vf- B STAPHES The Jeweler-Optician 266 MORRISON STREET, Between Third and Fourth vals during the day. The mountains have been covered with fresh snow for the past three weeks, but the storm here is considered unusually early tor this altitude. Yakima Sugar Shortage) Relieved. YAKIMA. Wash., Oct. 23. (Sp-scla-, ) Two carloads of rugar received here and promise of two others within th next few days have relieved the suga. shortasr In this city and vicinity. Dealers, however, do not expect per manent relief until after tho Yiklnia plants at Toppenish begin to produu. Vagrant Bees et Small Fortune. YAKIMA. "Wash., Oct. 23. (Spe cial.) Nine years ago Roy Gilbert of the Tieton, while cutting wood in the foothills above Tieton, captured and hived a vagrant swarm of be?s. This year, from 150 fine nrms. all -ro-duced by the single original swarm, h sold $2600 worth of hi tlfy. NATIVE HERBS in Tablet Form A RUN-DOWN SYSTEM is like a rup-down clock. Unless tuned up It is of little use. If you are run-down from over-work, don't neglect your condition. Get a box of Bliss Native Herb Tablets, take one or two at bedtime, and you will note an Immediate improvement. For over thirty years they have proved a wonderful aid to men. women and children In maintaining health and vigor. . George Grindstaff, Doeville, Tenn., writes: "I was all run-down In health and It seemed nothing would help me. I was induced to try Bliss Native Herb Tab lets. I am thankful for this wonderful remedy, because I am enjoying good health." Don't delay taking Bliss Native Herb Tablets. There is nothing to equal them for removing the cause of CONSTIPATION, LIVER and KIDNEY TROUBLE, SICK HEADACHE, RHEUMATISM or DISORDERED STOMACH. They stimulate the liver, purify the blod and tone up the system; also Improve the appetite. Get the genuine. Look for the trade mark and money back guarantee on every box. The original Bliss Native Herb Tablets have photograph f Alo'nzo O. Bliss and picture of National t-apitol on every box, which also shows blue seal containing signature of Alonzo O. Bliss. Two sizes, 60c and Sl.00. Sold by leading drusrgists and local agents everywhere. Mado by Alonzo O. Bliss Co., Washington, D. C. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do the work. People afflicted with bad breath find quick relief through taking them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a vegetable compound mixed with olive oiL They act gently but firmly on the bowels and lirer. stimulating them to natural action, clearing the blood, and purifying the entire system. They do that which calomel does, without any of the bad after effects. Take one or two every night for a week and note the pleasing effect. 10c and 25c a box. FLU AND RHEUMATIC POISONING REMOVED Rheumatism poisoning and .poison ins from the effects of Flu are simi lar. They both leave thi body In a diseased and weakened condition. Rheumacol will quickly remove either poison from the system by its diuretic effect upon the kidneys. Don't wait until your system is clopged with flu poison, take Rheumachol and it will keep your body free from this infec tion. Get Rheumachol from your drug Brlst or send $1.00 for bottle and free booklet to H. E. Machol, Idaho Springs, Colorado. Adv. rhono your want ads to The Oro gonian. Main 7070, A 6095.