4' TITE MORNING OREGONTAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1919. RETAILERS WILL AID MEMORIAL PROJECT Campaign to Raise $5000 Is Outlined. CHARLES BERG CHAIRMAN individual Captains Samcd for Each of 150 Lines of Trade; Work to End Monday. RETAIL COMMITTEEMEN OK MEMORIAL CAMPAIGN SUMMONED TO BEPOET. Chairmen of the various re tail divisions in the Roosevelt memorial fund campaign are re quested to report this morning at campaign headquarters, sec ond floor of the Elks' building-, for detailed instructions and the assignment of quotas. The work of canvassing: must be complet ed by Monday night. CHARLES P. BERG, JOHN P. PLAGEMAN, Chairmen of Retail Committee. By a concerted drive all along: the line, retail firms and dealers of Port land are to be given the opportunity to participate In the Roosevelt me morial campaign fund, and to contrib ute 15000 of the community's $20,000 quota the gift of an American city to the memory of a great American. The organization of the retail sec tion of the city campaign came to a focus yesterday when the state exec utive committee requested E. B. Piper, t'r., and Emery Olmstead to select ex perienced campaigners to head the intricate organization necessary. Act In? upon the suggestion received the executive committee approved the appointment of Charles K. Berg, lead er in many patriotic drives, as chair man of the retail committee, with John P. Plageman as co-chairman. The province of their organization In cludes all retail concerns of the city with the exception of department stores. Captains Are Chosen. Chairman Berg plunged at once Into the task of organization, and in con ference with his chief aide, Mr. Plageman. and the executive commit tee outlined an inclusive regiment of campaigners, appointing individual c&ptaina for each of the 150 lines of relpil business. The captains select ed have been notified and will form their own committees for the solici tation of support from their own business colleagues. "Under this plan," said Chairman Berg last night, "the retail districts of the city will be completely can vassed, trade by trade, the solicitors being men who are associated in Iden tical lines of business with those whom they approach It is a system that bore abundant results in the pa triotic drives of the war period, and will not fail us now. "One important fact must be borne in mind. Men who have contributed as members of organizations cannot expect such contributions to count as individual or to render them im mune from further solicitation. The memorial to Theodore Roosevelt is iitting tribute to the services of a sterling statesman and soldier but it is more than that. At a time when Americanism, such as he championed is at the test, citizens should deem it a high privilege to stamp with no half-hearted approval this project to perpetuate his memory. The memorial to Roosevelt will stand as a symbol of Americanism for the generations to come." Instructions Are Issued. General instructions issued to the chairmen or captains of the retail sub-committees, whose appointments have been approved by the state ex ecutive committee, which took part in their selection, urge the necessity lor instant organization and action Captains of the retail subcommittees are expected to arrange with em pioyers in their divisions for the cir culation of donation lists .among em pioyes, to perfect their committees without delay, and to report for de tailed instructions this morning at the Press club, headquarters of the campaign, second floor of the Elks' building, when quotas will be as signed to them. The task of canvass ing the retail districts, and of rais ing the 15000 quota, must be com pleted by Monday night. The following are the chairmen ap- pointea ior tne retail trades, with distinct retail division assigned to eacn: A. H. workman, Thomas W. Gerber. C. 1. heller, I. Bruun, E. K. Wiggins. Charles 1 v eaver, N. E. Rosoway, J. J. Parker, J. I. Kilham. D. Cohen. J. liosenhere w Politz. A. H. Barendrick, G. Joyce, C. "lyde Van Gordon, J. Lane, H. XMtter. K. E. Kreglow, Sam Jagger, W. G. Smith, Max Smith. J. O. Wilson, J. P. Plageman, H. H. Slchel, John Casey, Lee Hong. J. C. Mann, S. S. Mayer, Shimoura, Otto Colistro, B. Metzger, J. C. Mauck, Felix Block, L. B. Barde, J. A. Zenhutbauer. Kelson G. Pike. F. W. Patt, K. C. Meyer. George L. Parker, H. J. Blaeslng, SI Wolf. A. B. Keynolds, E. B. Hyatt, Frank Case. Jesse B. Rich, J. D. Abbott, A. H. Johnson. J. Bader. E. C. Johnson, S. S. Bigel, W. A. Knight, Peter George, A. G. Ramsey. Frank Rosland. W. Nash, Arthur Norman, K. W, Pease, Irvlngton Drug company. LONDON AWAITS ALFONSO King of Spain to Arrive Tomorrow for Indefinite Visit. LONDON. Oct. 22. The king and queen of Spain are expected to arrive here Thursday for an indefinite visit. The king prefers to play the part of a private individual rather than of an official visitor during his London sojourn and will stay at the Ritz ho tel. The king will spend some time shooting with the Duke of West minster. King Alfonso likes English life and English sports. He goes about the streata shopping like any tourist and picks up a cab when he needs one. The former King TIanuel of Portugal and the Duke of Westminster. are his intimates in England. "SUPER MOST" IS FOUND Berkeley Student Decreed Superior . in Athletic Prowess. ' - SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 22. (Spe ctal.) The most super of the five supermen at the University of Cali fornla has been discovered. The per eon to be so decreed by Professor Frank Kleeberger, director of men's activities, is Alfred Bryan Sprott. junior in the college of law. Sprott is far superior in athletic prowess and physical build to any of the other su permen, and a gold medal has been awarded him by the college. The other supermen are N. L. Brewer. Sacra mento; Elwood S. Bryan. Isleton Jamea J. CXiae. Pomona, and John "William Merchant. 2541 Regent street, Berkeley. The five supermen have banded to gether for self-protection from the fair co-eds of the university and have disappeared from the campus. It is rumored they have gone into hiding. Four of the supermen are football stars and did not show up for prac tice yesterday. CREDIT MEN ENTERTAINED Campaign to Double Membership Is Announced. A well-attended and enthusiastic meeting of the Portland Association TALENTED ACTRESS TO AP PEAR IN COMEDY TO NIGHT AT TUB BEILIG. ""! ;'jV: j S S Mildred Rvans, In Tea for Three." "Tea fqr Three," which Is her alded as a delightful comedy, will open tonight at the Heilig theater with Norman Hackett and Mildred Evans Rlaylng the leading parts. The plot deals with a jealous husband, his friend, who formerly had been his rival for the hand of the wife, and the loving, bewitch ing yet always faithful wife, who in this cast is Miss Evans. "Tea for Three" will be served at the Heilig for three nights and a matinee performance, on Saturday. Miss Evans, leading woman. In addition to being an actress of acknowledged ability, Is known as one of those who made good during the war as a nurse overseas. of Credit Men was held at the Ben son hotel last night. President S. L. Eddy presiding. Announcement was made regarding a campaign for new members- which will take place at once in an effort to double the present membership. The principal speaker of the evening was Edgar Sensenich, vice-president of the Northwestern National bank, who was a member of the recent excursion of Portland business men into southern Oregon. Another interesting feature of the evening was the screen slides, presented by William L. Einley, show ing the wild life of Oregon birds. Wal ter Jenkins entertained with musical chatter. DEPOSITS SENT TO FARGO Other Banks to Hold Money Until Scandinavian-American Reopens FARGO. N. r., Oct. 22 Approxi mately $25,000 in "deposits In trust' were received yesterday by O. E. Loft hus, in charge of the Scandinavian- American bank, close! recently by or der of the state banking board, from farmer members of the National Non Partisan league who attended the ral ly here yesterday, according to fig ures given out tonight by William Lemke, vice-president of the league. Other such deposits are expected, he said, and the money will be placed in other banks until the reopening of the Scandinavian-American institution. STRIKE ENDED BY THREAT Hines Would Put Troops to Work If Expressmen Did 2i"ot Return. NEW YORK, Oct. 22. A threat by Director-General Hines to discharge 10,000 striking employes of the Ameri- ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL CAMPAIGN. Name Address Town or City. .......... ........ The Roosevelt Memorial association has bees organized to raise a tS MO 000 fund to b utilized a follows: t,sw,owu 1) To erect a monument to Theodore Roosevelt In Washington r o 2) to acquire and maintain a public park at Oyster Bay. N. Y.. ultimately ta Include Sacamore Hill, the Roosevelt home, to be preserved like the Washlnc toa estate at Mount Vernon and the home of Mr. Lincoln at Springfield' 3) to endow the Roosevelt Memorial association u a national society to per petuate Theodore Roosevelt's Ideals of American eltlsenahlp. Every donor to the fund will receive a certificate of membership bearing a small portrait of Theodore Roosevelt and will become a member of the Rooaevelt Memorial association. The names of all contributors wUi be deposited la the national memorial at Was hlnstoa, D. C. when erected. can Railway express company a.nd to send troops to drive the wagons, to day ended the strike which had ser iously hampered business and travel ers in New York City since October 11. Striking teamsters and chaurteurs voted to return to work tomorrow and await a decision by the wage board of the railroad administration to their demands, which is expected Novem ber 4. Obituary. OREGON CITY, Or., Oct. 22. The funeral services of the late Mrs. Viola E.. Engle, wife of W. H. Engle, prom inent resident of Clackamas county, whose home has been at Molalla for the past 60 years, were held from the Adams cemetery, Molalla, Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Her wishes were carried put regarding a simple funeral service. Interment was in the family lot. Rev. Henry Spees of Canby officiated. ... VANCOUVER, Oct. 22. (Special.) The funeral of Elmer J. Burdick who died at his home, 2B00 E street, after a three weeks' illness, was held at 2 o'clock today at the Knapp funeral chapel. Rev. W. L. Zabel. congrega tional pastpr, officiating. The body was taken to the Portland cremato rium. Knight3 of-Fythias, of which Mr. Burdick was a member, attended. A widow and four children- survive. Mr. Burdick had been a resident of Vancouver for the pas(. 13 yettiS. CITY LEADERS JOIN Iff ROOSEVELT DRIVE Intensive Campaign to Reach Every Nook of Portland. HIGH IDEALS ARE LAUDED Support to .Slemorial Movement Held Citizenship Lesson to New Generation. - The Roosevelt Memorial campaign took on a new impetus yesterday when Portland leaders enlisted In the small army that is determined that Portland shall go over the top and that thousands of members be secured for the Roosevelt Memorial associa tion, a national society to perpetuate Roosevelt's ideals of Americanism. As the result of a meeting of the state executive committee plans were laid for a vigorous and Intensive campaign, which will penetrate every nook and cranny or tne city ana give every man, woman and child the op portunity to join in the Americaniza tion movement and to bestow tneir dollars' to erect a memorial for the ex-president. Every Office to Be Visited. Every business house, every factory. every mercantile establishment, every industrial plant, every bank, every office building, professional men and women will be visited, the need or tne hour for an Americanization cam paign spread, and the patriotic spirit of the great leader- himself infused into the memorial movement. The campaign is well under way. the preliminary basis lias been laia in publicity and by public speakers. But inasmuch as the object is noi merely to raise Multnomah countjrs quota of 121,000 and the state's quota of $38,090, but also to secure as many members of the Roosevelt Memorial association as possible, men, women and children who will realize that the need of the hour Is a new devotion to American ideals of citizenship, the Portland leaders realized that a com plete organization was needed to get the message across, an organization almost as perfect as those for the liberty loan drives. This need the men and women who are most active in Portland's civic life have deter mined to supply, and at the meeting yesterday steps were inaugurated to secure and perfect the necessary or ganization. A. L. Mill Lands Roosevelt. A. L. Mills, president of the First National bank, is one of the Portland leaders who was quick to perceivn the importance of the Roosevelt memorial campaign. "Theodore Roosevelt stood for the highest type of American citizenship,' said Mr. Mills. "With him America was first, last and all the time. His whole life showed love of country, and if this were imbued in the rising generation there would need be no fear in the future of this country standing for what it stood for in the days of the fathers of the country: Life, liberty and the pursuit of hap piness. 1(o better lesson could be given to the school- child of today than to have placed before him the life story - of -Theodore Roosevelt be cause that story would offset, and more than offset, all the malign in fluence of the red and radical bolshe vlst element that today is striving to upset existing conditions and in the end destroy our government of the people, by the people and for the people. Plea Made to Citizens. "Every loyal American who loves his country and desires the Stars and Stripes to continue to float over free people should join in the great memorial proposed for Theodore Roosevelt, whose name will go down in history along with Washington's and Lincoln's, as the embodiment of true Americanism." Max H. Hcmser not only joined the association but expressed his willing ness to assist in the memorial cam paign. "I am in hearty sympathy with the movement to erect a memorial to the great American, but I believe there could be nothing better than to form a national association to promote the Americanization movement," said Mr. Houser. "There should be at least 30,000 members in the city of Port- Roosevelt Memorial Committee. Judge Jacob Kanzler, Multnomah county chairman. Press Club, Elks" Building. Portland Dollars I desire to give Cants which I enclose herewith to the .fond to erect a memorial to the memory of the late Theodore Roosevelt and to become a member of the Roosevelt Memorial association. land. The effort to secure them Is a worth-while effort. The people are in a receptive mood. They will join eagerly and voluntarily when the pur pose of the association to promote love of country a ad devotion to coun try is explained." Nathan Strauss Velaatem. Nathan Strauss, of. Flelschner Mayer & Co., said: "I am not only eager to become enrolled in the Roosevelt Memorial association, but I am in hearty sympathy with the ob jects. It is not only important that we erect a permanent memorial to the memory of a great American, whose life history is one of steady and un swerving patriotic endeavor, but it is more important that we secure thou sands of member in Portland who will be devoted to America, pledged to assist the Americanization move ment and consecrated to the highest ideals of American citizenship." Mr. Strauss volunteered to assist the executive committee in handling important details of the organization qf the campaign. U. S. Ideals Promoted. Dr. Andrew C. Smith, a member of the executive committee said: "The Roosevelt Memorial ' associa tion is an organization in which all patriotic Americans of every patriotic party can unite to promote the high est ideals of. citizenship. It will be devoted to inculcating love of coun try and to giving new force to the great AnterivanUation njovcmeaU Theodore Roosevelt stood for devo tion to America. In honoring him with a permanent memorial we give visible evidence of what is in all our hearts, love of America and a devo tion to our form of popular govern ment." Volunteer workers brought in cheer ful reports to headquarters showing that many small donations to the fund were only waiting for the com mittees to call. The details of arranging the big. public mass meeting at the auditor ium Monday night are under way under the direction of Chairman Kanzler. Misses Florence and Miss Harriet Leach have donated their services 'as soloists. Miss Harriet Leach Is a friend of the Roosevelt family and visited the ex-president at Sagamore Hill, singing for him there. She will sing some of the same songs at the auditorium meeting. among them some of Colonel Roose- velt s favorites. Vpstate ProRTMi Favorable. Reports of the activities of county chairmen throughout the state con tinue to be favorable and many coun ties are expected to report their quotas complete by Saturday. Among the men who volunteered their services to the executive com mittee was Phil ' Metscham Jr.. who said: 'There Is nothing better that we can do at the present time than to show that the people of America are appre ciative of the patriotism of Theodore Roosevelt and willing to erect a great memorial to him, and at the same time to join the Roosevelt Memorial asso ciation and to consecrate themselves anew to the highest ideals of Ameri can citizenship." AJTX I VERS ARTY SERVICE ASKED Ex-Presldent Taft Issues Roosevelt Birthday Appeal. NEW YORK, Oct. 21. Former Pres ident Taft today sent an appeal to the clergy throughout the country to hold exercises in churches and schools Sunday and Monday to commemorate the birthday of Theodore Roosevelt, which occurs Monday, it was an nounced by the Roosevelt Memorial association. A number of ministers have chosen as the text for their memorial ser mons the verse from the Bible quoted by Colonel Roosevelt in his message written for the New York Bible so ciety and placed in pocket testaments given to soldiers in the world war. The quotation was from the Prophet Micah: "What more doth the Lord require of thee than to do justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God." ARMISTICE FETE LOOMS COMMITTEE PLANS BIG DAY FOR NOVEMBER It. Parade, Community Sing, With Va rious Entertainments Planned to Celebrate Peace. Plans for the celebration of armis tice day, on November 11, were for mulated yesterday noon by the ex ecutive committee in charge, meeting at the Chamber of Commerce, with Mayor Baker acting as temporary chairman. The executive chairman is "Pat" Bacon, with Frank L Glenn as secretary. The tentative programme includes a public meeting at the auditorium, with addresses, organ recital and community sing, a mammoth parade of veterans and civic organizations, a dance at the Multnomah hotel by the American Legion, street danefna. decoration of the entire city, bell ringing and) whistle blowing, and many other features. It .is planned to make the first anniversary of the signing of the armistice a replica of the wildly enthusiastic scene that claimed Portland when the news of victory came. The various sub-committees, with their chairmen, are as follows: Auto mobiles, W. J. Roope; parade, John A. Beckwlth; bands, W. H. Effinger auditorium, A. Smith and Colonel Dosch; publicity, Frank I. Glenn; floats, R. W. Childs; athletics, Dow V. Walker; children's features,' Pro- xessor .rtoDert Jvrohn; women a com mlttee, Mrs. W. C. Alvord. The executive committee will hold another meeting next Wednesday noon, at the Chamber of Commerce, when committee reports of progress will De given. 7 SCHOOLS TEACHERLESS Lane County Buildings Closed Be cause Pay Is Too Small. EUGENE, Or., Sept. 22. (Special.) seven rural schools in Lane county. three of them Union high schools, are closed because the boards of directors are unable to obtain teachers, accord ing to E. J. Moore, county school su perintendent. Jobs with salaries ranging from $75 to $125 a month are awaiting teachers, he said today. The Union high school at Lorane, the Union high school at Florence and the Union high school at Crow are not yet open because no one seems to want to teach them. The grade schools yet without teachers are those at Goldson, in the coast moun tains, west of Eugene; at Landax, up the Willamette river, .southeast of Eugene; at Heceta, near the Pacific ocean; at Cushman. on the lower Siuslaw, and in district No. 125, near Eugene. Superintendent Moore declares that the teachers are not paid enough to attract them away from other em ployment. MONMOUTH VOTES WATER Charter Amendment Sleets With Approval of Resident. MONMOUTH, Or., Oct. 2. (Spe cial.) A special city election was held yesterday in the city of Mon mouth for the purpose of getting an expression from the people on tht question of amending the charter t permit the establishment ef a water system. The vote was 187 for the change and 6 against it. The plan in detail is to bring water from a mountain stream nine miles distant in the coast range of moun tains. The city has filed and obtained a water right on a stream known as Teal creek. It will be carried from thero in steel pipes and conducted to the reservoir which the city al ready owns. This water is ample in aburdar.ee. pure in its quality, and the source is sufficiently high to in sure ample fir protection by tht gravity system. Sunday Schools In Convention. CHEHALIS. Wash., Oct. 22. (Spe- day school convention held at Dryad six schools were represented- Mrs. Grace Jones and Mrs. J. L. Magoon did some interesting demonstration work. Greater efficiency in the Sunday schools was urged by J. L. Magoon, W. L. Reber and Mrs. Millie Wilson. Frank Luedinghaus assumed a pledge to get $2500 to be used as part of the Lewis county budget, $50 being pledged for Doty by Mr. Douglas, local agent fpr tbe Milwaukee at that PleVVflb , . ... . COMMITTEE PUSSES TEN RESERVATIONS Majority of Senate Supports Expressions on Treaty. ARTICLE 10 IS INCLUDED Reservation. Differs Little From That Which President Said Ho Would Consider Rejection. WASHINGTON. Oct. 22. Reopening its consideration of the peace treaty, the senate foreign relations commit tee today adopted ten revised reser vations, including a provision that the senate qualifications must be ac cepted by threo of the other great powers before the treaty ratification becomes effective. Among them was a new proposal which administration senators de Glared would break down the econom ic boycott features of the league of nations covenant, and a reservation on article 10 differing only in the transposition of one phase from that which President Wilson has an nounced he would treat as a rejection in the treaty. , Majority Behind Proposals. The ten reservations were part of list presented by Chairman Lodge and declared by the republican leaders to represent a compromise behind which a majority of the senate is pledged to stajid. The administration mem bers "Tit the committee, headed by Democratic Leader Hitchcock, tried in vain to obtain modification of the majority proposals and then voted solidly against all of them. Showing for the first time, how. ever, a willingness to include reser vations of an interpretative charac ter in the ratification resolution. Sen ator Hitchcock and his colleagues of fered substitutes for several of the reservations presented, but not a sin gle substitution or change was made at their suggestion. Article 10 Included. The ten subjects covered by the reservations were: Withdrawal from league member ship; article 10; the right of congress to authorize mandates; national su premacy over domestic questions; the Monroe doctrine; Shantung: limita tions on the reparations commission; the power of congress to determine contributions to league expenses; the right to increase armament in certain rcumstances: and the right to con tinue trade with a covenant-breaking state. In the vote on all of these reserva tions Senator McCumber. republican. North Dakota, who had stood with the mild reservationists" against all. pre- Lvious committee proposals, voted with the majority. In every case, too. Sen ator Shields, democrat. Tennessee. voted with the republicans, the count on all important rollcalls relating to the reservations standing 11 to S. On the provision requiring the as sent of other powers, however, which was contained In a preamble to the reservation group. Senator McCumber joined the six democrats In opposition. It was said that part of the pro gramme, together with some addition al reservations to be taken up later, had failed to secure the support-of all of the "mild" republicans. The lead ers, however, asserted they had the votes pledged to carry all of ' their proposals through the senate. . This feature of the majority plan aroused particular opposition among the democrats, who have stood de terminedly against any qualification that would require reopening of ne gotiations. The administration forces also object strenuously to the article 10 reservation and to the one permit ting trade between the nationals of the United States and the nationals of a covenant-breaking state. Johnson -Amendment Doomed- Action on three reservations on the majority programme was deferred, and it was said more would be added to the list before the next meeting of the committee. The three passed over would provide that congress ap point the American delegates to the league and delegates to such other International bodies as it chose; that steps should be taken by the league to prevent the white slave traffic; and that the section validating the acts of the alien property custodian should not be binding in any case where the laws of this country are violated. Among those to be added Is one regarding the voting power, of the British dominions in the league, it now being generally conceded that the Johnson amandment will be de feated in the senate. During the day debate on this amendment was begun, I Senator Borah, republican, Idaho, speaking in its support and Senator ICellogg, republican, Minnesota, against it. Leaders do not expect a vote on it before Friday. Others Must Appear. The preamble and the reservations as approved by the committee follow; Preamble The committee also re port the following reservations and understandings to be made a part and a condition of the resolution of ratifi cation, which ratification is not to take effect or bind the United States, until the following resolutions and understandings have been accepted. . . . by at least .... Great Britain, France, Italy and Japan. First The United States under stands and construes article 1. that In case of notice of withdrawal from the league of nations . . . the United States shall be sole the judge as to whether all its . . . obligations undeV the said covenant have been fulfilled and notice of withdrawal by the United States may be given by a concurrent resolution of the con gress of the United states. Second The United States assumes no obligation to preserve the terrt torial Integrity or political independ ence of any other eouqtry or to inter fere in controversies between nations . . under the provisions of article 1, or to employ the military or naval forces of the United States under any article of the treaty for any purpose unless in any particular case the con gress . . . shall by act or joint resolution so provide. 3. No mandate shall be accepted by the United States . . . except by action of the congress of the United States. 4. The United States reserves to itself exclusively the right to decide what questions are within Its domes tic jurisdiction and declares that all domestic and political questions relat ing wholly or in part to its internal affairs, including immigration, labor, coast'wise traffic, the tariff, com merce and all other domestic ques tions are solely within the jurisdic tion of the United States and are not under this treaty to be submitted In any way ... to the considera tion of . . . the league of nations or any agency thereof. . . . 5. The United States will not sub mit to arbitration or inquiry by the assembly or by tbe council 'of tbe league of nations ... any ques tion which in the 'judgment or tne United States depends upon or re lates to its long-established policy I commonly known as the Monroe doc-. trine: said doctrine is to Be inter preted by the United States alone and is hereby declared to be wholly out side the Jurisdiction of said league of nations and entirely unaffected by ny provision contained in the said treaty of peace with Germany. Shantanic Assent Withheld. 6- The United States withholds Its assent to articles 156, 157 and las (Shantung) and reserves full liberty of action with respect to any contro versy which may arise under said articles between the republic of China and the empire of Japan. (No. 7 in the committee list was passed over without action.) 8. Tbe United States understands that the reparations commission will regulate or interfere with exports from the United States to Germany or from Germany to the United States only when the United States approves such regulation or Interference. 9. The United States shall not be obligated to contribute to any ex penses of the league of nations or of the secretariat or of any commission or committee or conference or other agency, organised under the league of nations or under the treaty, or for the purpose of carrying out the treaty provisions, unless and until an appropriation of funds available for such expenses shall have been made by the congress of the United States. Forces May Be Increased. 10. If the United States shall at any time adopt any plan for the lim itation of armaments proposed by the council of the league of nations under the provisions of article 8. it reserves the right to increase such armament without the consent of the council whenever the United States is threat ened with invasion or engaged in war. No. 11 also was passed over. 12. The United States reserves the right to permit, in its discretion, the nationals of a covenant-breaking state, as defined in article 16 of the covenant of the league of nations, to continue their commercial, financial and personal relations with the na tionals of the United States. The final reservation on the list also was passed over. The administration members made a stubborn fight to modify the ma jority's reservations, proposing change after change and offering numerous substitutes, without avail. In the withdrawal reservation. Sen ator Hitchcock proposed that "joint resolution" be substituted for "con current resolution" because the for mer requires the president's signa ture and the latter does not. Monroe Doctrine Preserved. For the Monroe doctrine reserva tion, senator Hitchcock presented a substitute providing that no question depending upon or relating to the doc trine should be submitted for arbi tration or inquiry by the league, and that the doctrine should be preserved entirely unariected." Regarding domestic questions, sub stitutes were offered by both Senator Hitchcock and Senator Pittman, demo crat, Nevada. The former proposed that the league be excluded from any Jurisdiction , over "purely domestic quetsions," which should remain "solely within the jurisdiction of each member nation." In Senator Pittman's draft the same provision would be made "regarding ail questions now or heretofore recogtiized under Inter national law as domestic." In both proposals immigration, coastwise traffic and the tariff were mentioned specifically. Three proposals were made for sub stitutes to the article 10 reservation that was presented by Senator Hitch cock, reading ns follows: "The United States understands th the advice which may be given by the council of the league with regard to the employment of the military and naval forces by member nations under article 10 is to be regarded only as advice and leaves each member na tion free to exercise its own judgment as to whether It Is wise or practica ble to act upon that advice; that the congress must determine for the United States its course." Hughes Reservation Adopted. After that was voted down. Sena tor Williams, democrat. Mississippi, moved substitution of the article 10 reservation drafted by Charles E. Hughe and Senator Smith, democrat. Arizona, proposed one under which congress would be left free to "act upon its own Judgment," in raising military forces "to meet any of the conditions which may arise" in the article. PARIS, Oct. 22. Formal ratifica tion of the German peace treaty prob ably will be accomplished October 30 and a call will be Issued that day for the first meeting of the council of the league of nations, to take place within 10 days. The French foreign office explains that tne delay, as had previously been stated, was due entirely to the great amount of preliminary work before the convention could be put into ef feet, such as creation of commissions and the preparations by the military missions for the tasks provided them in the terms of the treaty. Taft Sees Long Fight Ahead. NEW YORK, Oct. 22. A letter from Former President Taft expressing the belief that it will be "a long, hard struggle'' for the league of nations to acquire sufficient prestige to pro tect abused people in central Europe was received today by Louis r ried man, a local merchant. Mr. Taft ex 1 .,"'"-.11 ,ii- 1H1'" i i-w? &y . -s m aii- .i-nw h??sw,i ' t " v'lT' H .hT;tt1 . Perfect Hearing fpr the isTTfs-sl The Little Gem Ear Phone received the GOLD MEDAL, highest award for Ear Phones in competition with all hearing instrument at Panama Pacific Exposition, in 1915. Look at it and you SEE the simplest and smallest device in the world; use it and you FEEL that you have the most wonderful piece of mechanism yet devised for suffering mankind. Let us prove we have conquered your affliction- Free Demonstration At Our Store Today (Thursday), October 23 From 9 o'Clock A. M. to 6 o'Clock P. M. THE LITTLE GEM EAR PHONE, the latest patented perfect hearing device, enables you to hear under all conditions, in the church, theater and general conversation. The Auto Ear Massage Stops Head Noises And Makes the Cure of Deafness Possible Remember, we would not allow swh a demonstration in our store unless we had tnvestisrated the instrument thoroughly. An expert from New York City will be with us on the. above days. We most earnestly request you to call, make a test privately and receive expert advice without charge. Every instrument guar anteed. Ask or write for booklet, "Cause Thine Lar to Hear." Tell your deaf friends. Woodard, Clarke & Co. Wood-Lark BIdg., Alder at West Park HEM wee" 1 Roast Beef 25f Roast Veal ..' 25 Soups o Stewed Beef Hamburger Steak ...15 Chicken Pie 15 Veal Stew 15 Baked Beans 100 Fish 200 Pastries 50-100 Coffee, Tea 50 'o Charge for Bread fTiKee Appebi-zTnqt Places I&liSikd tlii kmii. pressed his conviction, however, that the league eventually would have this power. BULGARIANS BLAME KING rea&ants Demand Trial or Ferdi nand for Starting War. GENEVA, Oct. 22. A dispatch re ceived here from Belgrade, Serbia, says the powerful peasant party in Rulgaria demands the arrest and trial of King Ferdinand, and also of former Premiers Radoslavoff and Malinoff as being responsible for the war and leading Bulgaria into misery and the loss of provinces. According to the dispatch, confisca tion of all the royal possessions Is de manded. GERMANY GETS WARNING Bolbliivlkl Say Participation in Illookade Hostile Act. - LONDON, Oct. 22. A wireless dis patch received from Moscow says that the bolshevik! foreign minister Tchl tcherin has notified the German gov ernment that participation by Ger many In a blockade against Russia, as has been requested by the entente, will be regarded as a deliberate act of hostility. The foreign minister expresses the hope that Germany will reply to the allied request by an emphatic refusal to acquiesce. -a (-. i s-i;r&9 svMks a AF mm Sins ' ?j Cold reak Get instant relief with Tape's Cold Compound Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blow ing and snuffling! A dose of "rape's Cold Compound " taken every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks pp a cold and ends all grippe misery. The very first dose opens your clogged-up nostrils and the air pas sages of your head; stops nose run nii.g: relieves the headache, dullness, feverisliness, sneezing, soreness, stiff ness. "Pape's Cold Compound" Is the quickest, surest relief known nnd costs only a few cents at drug etores. It acts without assistance. Tastes nice. Contains no quinine. Insist on Pape's! Adv. Mobilizing An "Army of Savers WITH more than 13,000 Savings Accounts al ready representing so many thoughtful thrifters the Northwestern National Bank is determined to help offset the high cost of living by increasing that number to 15,000 by January 1st. If YOU seriously con sider the future you'll enlist today. THE Northwestern National Bank Northwestern Bank Building Portland, Oregon J V