THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1919. OR 8ALB-ACTOHUBILK8. COVET MOTOR CAR CO.. GOOD USED CARS. CADILLACS. 1916 model 5-pa5senser, special Cii'ng. All-Weather top, cord tires, with extra , J2500 1915 model 7-passenger. good me chanical condition, cord tires with two extras 1450 1915 1913 1918 1918 1918 1918 1917 1916 1917 modei Roadster., good me chanical condition, good tires, newly painted 1350 model 5-pasaenser, good me chanical condition, sood Urea 500 DODGES. Sedan $1400 Touring, first-class 1000 Wlnton, like new SOOO HUDSONS. Speedster, line condition $1800 7-passenger, fine condition.... 1500 s 7-passenger, 6-40 model 950 model Oldsmoblle, 6-cyl. Sedan 1400 model Chandler, good condition 1350 Cole. 8-cylinder, 7-passenger, good condition 1200 Oakland Six 650 Grant Six 600 Bulck 6-25 600 MAXWELLS Roadster, sood condition $ 650 Touring, good condition ...... 475 CHEVROLETS. 1918 1916 1016 1916 1915 1918 1917 1918 Model touring, good condition. 625 1917 Model touring, good condition. 75 FORDS. 1018 Touring .'. t 623 3917 Roadster COO 1916 Touring 400 1916 Touring S50 The above ears are ready for delivery and reasonable terms can be arranged IX desired. COVET MOTOR CAT. CO.. Open Sunday. Washington su at -list. Main 6244. BUT 'WHILE PRICES ARE LOW. ALL MAKES. niSED, BUT NOT ABUSED CARS." Bulck light six, only $1100 Cole chummy, special at $1200 Maxwell touring, big buy at 473 Hupmobilo here's a real snap, only 700 Overland touring, built to serve, at 500 Hupmobilo roadster, only S."0 Dodge roadster. 1918, at 000 Many others all priced low. OPEN' EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. THE TJSK D CAR EXCHANGE. 127 Lownsdale. 10th and Washington. "Used but not abused cars." k mvapTTa Willva Kniarht. This is a A late model and is really belter than I new; beautiful paint, goou " ! In first-class condition mechanically. You may have this car at your own jincu and terms within reason. Call Main M43 or tv'oodlawn 2a5. BEST BUV IN PORTLAND. A Keo S-passenger, 4-cyl., absolutely a first-class car, with lots of extras. In cluding a spare tire and tire cover, spot ltKht, etc Special price. ri75. D. C. Warren Motor Car Co.. 68 North Sad at. Main 780. ki20 FORD sedan, usftd one month by private party; gooa as new; nus uuiu-iu self-starter, extra tire, bumper, accel ator, - dash, light, etc.: owner forced to sell because Iwaving town. Phone Woodlawn 5241. . "FORD CHUMMY ROADSTER. Late model Ford; 4-passenger; Bris coe body, one-man top. all available extras; cost over $700 to build; going for $450 with terms. 404 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH. OLE 8, 7-pass.; seat covers, spotlight, bumpers, motometer, Gabriel EUUbbers. new paint. This is a perfect car. See it at 421 Burnside, MARMON TOURING. This car is in fine shape and the low price will surprise you, especially when you see our terms. Would consider trade. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTIL MITCHELL SPECIAL fIX. T-passenger touring, completely over hauled and repainted: perlect mechani cal condition; 5 good cord tires; $400 will handle, balance to suit. Phone Marshall 8410. '18 BU1CK TOURING. $1150. this Is a real car and will please you it you want the latest in Buicks. Take Ford in trade or bonds. Garage, lltt. at Hoyt st. ;U5 SOME BUY Must sell today, 1018 .-passenger car. fine condition, good paint, cord tires, spare tire and tpot light. See it and you will buy. 153 Va Grand avenue at Belmont. Bl.'ICK TOURING. $!50. With $250 down. bal. long easy terms and car Is first-class. Bonds at full val ue. Garage. 11th at Hoyt st. CHEVROLET TOURING. Good mechanical shape; good tires; terms. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. iVERLAND touring and is in wonderful shape, and the price is $480; with $175 down, bal. long easy terms, or bonds at full value. Garage. 11th at Hoyt st. .EO truck. Just overhauled and in perfect running order; must sell; a bargain at Jliiod, with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside HUPP TOURING. $'IS5. fV.I- 1- V. 1 - .. n.4 will nl---- , U, 1- ......... "... t' you if you want power ana class. Garage. I 11th at Hoyt st. STUDE BAKER BUG. . A dandy bug. bright green and lota of speed: your own terms. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. WELL-KEPT Cartercar. new top. good tires, with extra rim ana tire: excellent running order. Portland or beach lots. fto4 Gasco bltlg. 1018 OLDS ROADSTER. Mechanically perfect; good tires; terms to suit. 40 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. AUTO TOWING. Day and night. Reliable Auto Shop. 2R7 lath at. Main 250 days, Marshall 321 nights. FORDS. ALL KINDS. If It's a Ford you want we have it with the right kind of terms. 4U4 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH. U.918 FORD roadster, fine condition: shock apsoroer. speeuoinvter. etc.; guarantee and free service; enough said: $210 down Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. PAIGE ROADSTER. This one will not latt long as it goes for $4S0. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. HUP MO BILE BUG. A going hound and as red as they make them; terms if desired. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. TERMS OF COURSE. Oakland Six. touring, good shape. 354 EL Bdwy. C 1043. STUDEBAKER SIX. this Is a .splendid uuisn, .".. k.wM. r. leaver. C 1943. 354 E. Bdwy. a,Br' 1918 CHEVROLET touring. $260 down' s vl. ...... w . -7' - vuougn said. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor FORD delivery, pew top and body, good 414 Gllsan. cor. 10th. once. CHALMERS late touring; a family car for people who appreciate comfort and ease in motoring: priced low, terms. 213 loth LATE Oakland roadster, one of those "light on gas" cars so hard to buy; six good tires. Terms. 215 Tenth. 1918 MAXWELL. A pood car, very reasonable: terms. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. FO H D. light delivery, fine shape, $205. 414 Uilsaa L. curcer luiu. SALE A PTOMOB1XES. 1916 CHALMERS; first-class condition; a dandy car at a real bargain: with terms. . 404 DAVIS. NEARTENTH. lyil) COLE SPORT MODElI Run only a few months. A-l condition. At 3.;4 E. P.dwy. Mr. Beaver. C 1043. Automobile anlea. . . v , at OlUV A, auto wreckers. ",Ve wreck cars and save you 50 per cent on parts. Send In the parts you need and we win duplicate them. Autos bought regardless of condi tion. Runt AQjn Aill I 1 L. I WIT. I. i.v v. . -7-z . . -" ' "i iiKiit cars, oia ana new, and all you have to do to get money " 7, ....... vi.wwi m my garage, ma VAiSlEU rord or Rr.mK ofhot. litrn. roadster preferred; private party. East k j ' va'ue $oo (unincum- mi. gooq car. laDor a-ijn. BEST BUY TO $3U0 CASH. gonlan. T 329, Ore- Motorrycles. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 613? Anto Tires and Accessories. FOR SALE New and used tires and ac cessories. STUDENTS, beginning Oct. 20. 1010. we will teach you the vul canizing business in all its branches with our latest Ackron-Wiliiams Return Sys Patent. Call at 514-514 hi Union ave N.. Portland. Or. Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH THIRD AND GL1SAN ST& A 2629.' BROADWAY 2G29. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS OVERLANDS HUDSONsI LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BDWY. 24Q3 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Ga rage. 86 10th st. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. 1 L SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232 lOTIi AND YAMHILL. A 1230. ALTHOF & BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRB WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGH. 3D AND TAYLOR. Main 1687. 6-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling! shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. FOR BALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. A REAL TRUCK SALE. "We are putting on sale at cut prices a number of motor trucks that you can depend on and this company will stand back of. There is no bunk about these machines or our claims for them. Tlier have been overhauled, repaired and many repainted. They will give more hard service for the money invested than any used truck you can buy anywhere. Here are a few, come look them over: lU-ton Menominee: fine shape. l-ton Wilcox; economical; completely rebuilt. Hi-ton Federal, chain drive; rebuilt in our shop. 1 hi-toa Federal, worm drive; Al me chine In Al shape. Two Panhards, 1'4-ton; both have elec tric light and factxry built cabs -and bodies. f S-ton White: new chains, new tires, new radiator; fine truck. Two Ford 1-ton trucks In Al condi tion; snap prices. Also G. M. C Reliance and others. We can save you big money. Easy Terms if "Wanted. WILLIAM L. HUOHSON CO., 6n N. Broadway at Davis st. Bdwv. "21. FEDERAL TRUCK DISTRIBUTORS. PARTS SERVICE. AUTHORIZED FoRD DEALER. TRUCKS. , Several good used trucks on hand. J 01 7 Ford 1-ton truck $4".0 Bulck 1-ton " jrurlt 405 Federal 1-ton truck ................ 3.".o "White delivery 4u0 Ford 1-ton truck 475 THE OLDSMOBI1.B COMPANY OF OREGON. Broadway and Couch st. REPUBLIC TRUCKS. SEE OUR STOCK OF USED REPUB LIC TRUCKS, TAKEN IN ON LARGER SIZES. OVERHAULED AND GUARAN TEED AT PRICES THAT RE RIGHT. WILL FURNISH JOBS FOR SOME OF THEM. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. INC. PARK. & EVERETT STS. BDWY. 1369. FORD ONE-TON TRUCK WORM DRIVE. Ford one-ton truck, worm drive, pneu matic tires all around, finest condition. Price $525: terms If desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. B. 3770. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. TRUCK BARGAINS. 5-ton Saurer, in good condition and has good tires. it-tun White, just overhauled. KOEHRING MACHINE CO., 254 Hawthorne Avenue. PACKARD 4-ton dump body. $1000 to handle this; local contract goes with this truck. See it at 421 Burnside st. Jones. J0.10 FORD truck, worm drive, 1918 model, cab, windshield and a good body, good tires; $200 cash, bal. terms. Sue this at 421 Burnside. "TRUC1C" 4-ton delivery, sale or trade for tour ing car. Phone Mllwaukie 10, or ad dress Mllwaukie Garage. LEAVING cily. have 3-ton truck will sacri fice for $b.0 If taken this week; good condition, new tires. Murphy, 320 Tilla mook st. WANT hauling contracts from one to three ton truck, will contract your hauling any place. Phone or write Mr. Haner. Arthur hotel. I WILL exchange my 6-ton Studebaker covered truck for any kind of small pas senger car. 228 Alder St. 2H-TON G. M. C. truck, fine condition. witn wooa-nauiing contract- .a.sL 03i0 evenings. TRUCKS, all sizes, for general hauling. Call Broadway 454. FOR SALE One 1-ton and one 94. ton 2 wheel trailers. Call Bdwy 454. AUTO REPAIRING. DIVISION ... GARAGE. 1372 Division St. Phone Tabor 6918. We call for and deliver. EXPERT - AUTO REPAIRINO. ALL kinds of blacksmithlng and machine work, general auto and truck repair ing. Portland Blacksmith & Machine works. 22d and Reed sts. Bdwy. 38U5. ARMATURE and electric works, 17th and Alder; auto repairing $1.25 per hour; storage $0 per mo; union shop. Try us. GARAGES. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. Going east. 1 will sacrifice my garage at 27th and Burnside streets; place full of storage; complete machine shop, ma chinery, stock room supplies, oil storage, office fixtures, safe, cash tegLster, type writer and adding machine. Deal di rect with owner. $1300 handles it. Call KhsI 40VIH. GARAGE FOR SALE. 50x70, concrete, two stories, good lease, repair, accessories, oils, sua storage: deal with owner; 754 E. Morrison. Phone East 8053. FOR RENT Private garage. 424 Laurel st-. Portland Heights. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up for men's need suits and overcoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price for your gooda lo7 1st St., near Morrison. Main 738. WE BUY War Stamps Liberty Bonds. Spot Cash Any Amount. AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 406 Spalding bldg., 4th floor. JUNK WANTED. Full value paid for all kinds of rags and old clotnes. lurniture. tools, macbis ery. etc Call Main 734. 201 V, 1st st. WANTED Bear and cat dogs; must be good cold trailer and tree dog. Fred Holt. Maple Valley, Wash- care of S. & P. -o. GENTILE clothes buyers, pay cash for gents used suits, overcoats, trunks, hand bags, etc. 115 Grand ave. East 1070. COUNTER, about - 16 feet, for office. wanted; with grille preferred. 408 Spalding bldg. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for d)a mnnoa. Dan jqarx. aj waamngton. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co.. U4 5th. SAKE Want a f Ire-proof teafe; what have you? Air uz, oregoman. WINCHESTER. Remington automatic an 4 pump aaotsuns. awutia. ei 3d lVA.VTKD- MISCELLANEOUS. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. Get what Tour diamonds are worth. Don't sell for any old Drice. We nav full market value, any amount; business con- xioenilaf. This Is the place where ran can dla pose of any Jewelry, pawn tickets, old Jewelry, watches, platinum silverware. aujrining os value. We buy your war stamps, liberty bends at a basis of latest quotations; bring or man; private oitica tor lauiea AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 406 Spalding Bldg.. 4th Floor Corner Washington and Third Sta. DIAMONDS WANTED. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. Sell your diamonds to diamond ex perts. We positively pay the highest cash market values for diamonds, plat inum gold, silver, watches, old Joweiry, crowns, bridges and false teeth. See us before selling eisewhere. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 447 Morgan Bldg.. 4th Floor. Hours U A- M, to 6 P. M. $12-50 UP TO $23. MEYER THE TAILOR PATS HIGH EST CASH PRICE. FOR MEN S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC THE MADISON CLEANERS & TAILORS 253 MADISON ST.. NEAR THIRD, CALL MARSHALL 1228. DAY OR HYE-NINO. SECOND-HAND GOODS WANTED. We pay the highest price for cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture. Junk, etc Cali us and convince yourselves Broadway 2845. 120 N. 6th St. $8. B0 UP TO $28. GOLDSTEIN THE TAILOR . PATS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC BROADWAY 31132. 245 V, BURNSIDK. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. WB CALL ANYWHERE IN THE CITY, DAY OR EVENING. CALL ME BEFORE 'ANYBODY KL3B. TJP TO $25. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price for men's clothes, OREGON CLEANERS TAILORS. 317 2d u, N. W. cor. Wash. Main U844. EXCLUSIVE HAT STYLES. Buckram, net and wire frames made to order; all the latest styles to select from. Indies' and gents' felt and beaver hats cleaned and blocked. LA FRANCE HATTERS. Main 1043. 372 H Morrison. OUR SPECIALTY Is buying men's east-eff clothing; highest each price paid; will call day or night- PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND 6TORR. Marshall 3225. 208 Madisoa. FURS! FURS! FURS! I make them look like new, cleaning and alterations of any description at reasonable prices. Pee the LA FRANCE FUR M KG. CO.. Main 1043. UTihi Morrlron. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay - up to $25 per set; very old sets are most valuable: crowns, bridges bought; bring or mall. The Americas Broaerage. 41)6 Spalding bldg., 4th floor. WANTED Showcases, floor or wallcases. Brown Mercantile Co., Main 1652. 171 1st Ft. GOOD elk tooth for manufacturing pur poses; must bo priced right. AG 102, Oregonlan. Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. We want your used stoves, furniture, carpets and all household goods and will pay highest cash pricea. Our three large stores enabla us to dis pose of these goods at once and there fore we can pay the top market prices. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, tents, bicycles, sporting goods, type writers, adding machines and all office furniture. CALL MAIN 9072. LEVIN HDWE. A FURNITURH CO. 221-3-6 Front St, GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. Marshall 508 L OLDEST RELIABLE HOUSE- IN PORTLAND BU Y a HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SPOT CASH. NOTHING TOO BIO OR TOO SMALT, FROM A BIG HOTEL TO ONE PIECE. PUONE US. Marshall 59SL GEVURTZ FURNITURE GO. ' 183 First st., near Yamhill. BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR FURNITURE Sets US. We are In need of all kinds of used furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges; all kinds of gas stoves and office furniture, and we will pay absolutely the top prices lor same. Call MARSHALL 587. and our buyer will call al once with the cash. GEVURTZ FURNITURE" STORE 205 and 207 First St., Between Taylor and Salmon sts. CALL MAIN 303 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID B ANYONE IN 'l'HE CITY FOR s'URNITURE. CAR, PETS, ETC YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRaT ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 300. BE SURE AND LET US SEB your furniture and household goods be fore you seii. We are in the roaiaet for same and will pay highest pricea PORTLAND i'liKNTIUHJ. ivXLllANO B, 20t First St. Main 7728. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED rUUNlTUKS CTORR. MAIN 8878. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us tor one artlcie or a liouaefull. and a competent, count' ous buyer will call. Marshall 2UW3. Crown. WANTED Furniture of 8-room house or apt.; must be in goou condition, reason able; pay cash. Broadway 1717. ruom 4U0. I WANT used furniture; will pay as muotl as any dealer can pay. East tf417. M. ii Calif, aeaier, 540 Williams ave. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main t2T or liitt First c WANTED Used furniture. Wlli pay best prices. Main 5004. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3212. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN wanted to work on river boats; $70. rm. and board. Apply at Wasniugton-si, dock. WANTED Draftsman, one with experl- ence uu (iucw;c wurtw. J jl( Orego man. WANTED Permanent carpet cleaner, Multnomah Hotel. Apply Ash-euen- trance. WANTED A first-class bushelman on gents' clothing. 611 E. Moruaun St.. r . 11 w 1 diuj. COoK wanted in small restaurant. Free- man Adams. ShaniKo. Or. WANTED Experienced counter man. Call HCiUvU' A INTERS call Sellwood 1239. or igjfeeUtfOod 2223. ' WANTiB An all-around cook. Phono Waod. .201.1. FALLERSand buckers wanted; piece work. YJ 4 Couch bldg. WA S'TED Laborer for work in city; good wases. Apply 510 Oregon bldg. WINDOW washer. Multnoniah liotel; Ash st. entrance. WANTED Elderly man to assist on farm. Rt. 1. box 87. lllllsboro. Or. WANTED Burber, $20; sixty over $30. Lemon O Shop, Eugene. Or. BOY over 18 to run an elevator. Alder hotel. WANTED Cook's helper for family hotel. Tenth andHoyt streets. FIRST-CLASS auto mechanic wanted. Na tional Aulo Co.. 308 E. Oak. COLORED PORTER Union avenue. wanted. Call 537 EXPERIENCED 5.5 East Stark. baker's helper wanted. I.AUxj.j' luilvr wetted at 610 biaxa. u HELP WANTED MALE. Y- M. C. A. ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT is not an employment agency, but a De partment of the Y M. C A. which aids ambition 1 -. 1 .. v .nen the doors of ODDortunltv In the past ten "inano lor men exceeds tne upi"'; The standing this department has with employers Is due to the discriminating service rendered them over a period of J years, snd they turn to the Y. U. C, A. lor men ta em ,. k..,. mrt of lobs. WANT MAN with SU-ton truck and dump body ror gravel haul of four months or more duration in eastern Oregon, out of tne rain. Truck for sale; terms reason able.. Phono Furdy, Tabor 1344, 8 to 10 1 . M. PALACE GARAGE CO.. 12 th and Stark ata. ACCOUNTANTS. Students of the La Salle Higher Ac countancy course and others Interested In accountancy are Invited to call at the local registrar's office. E. C. RUSSELL. Representative. 1015 Wilcox Bldg. Phone Main 7406. WANTED. TIE MAKERS New camp os Green river, etage from Opal, Wyoming. 24 miles from Grsnger. Good timber, steady work. For Information writs Standard Timber company, Evanston. Wyo.. Union Pacific R. R. eontractora AUTOMOBILE and factor school; new building: modern equipment: beet In struction; practical work, laboratories and shop repair. For information ad dress or inquire at room 410 Y. M, C A, bldg. Phone Main 6700. branch 2. ELEVATOR operators, window cleanera Janitors. chambermaids, porters and watchmen. Come to union headauarters, rooms 2UG-7 Goodnough bldg.. 6th- and YamhllL Employment oureau for mem bers. WEAVERS WANTED. Oregon City Woolen Mills. Oregon City. WANTED Man with sales ability, who knows a good proposition when pre sented, to handle sales In Portland and tributary towns; a .good contract if Qualified will be given. See Mr. Hubcr, 5Qo .Multnomah Hotel. Wjfl HAVE a place for several bright, keen, aggressive young men who are looking for the top round In the ladder; no other ned apply. Experience not neces sary. 834-5 Northwestern Bank bldg. CARPENTERS for out of town, rough work. $4.76, $4.94. $5.24. 8 hours. Free fare from Portland: must have tools; good hotel to live in; steady work for good men. C10 Oregon bldg. 6T1CKEHMAN, also window framing ma chine man. for oui Newberg factory; good wages, eight hourr. Apply Chan. K. Spauldlng Logging Company, 805 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED First-class auto mechanic, none other need apply; seeady work and best wages to right man. Write or phone for particulars, Henderson Garage, Sheri dan. Oo. LARGE CORPORATION wants reliable. wen taurated young man for permanent position; good chance for energetic fel low to make rapid advancement. Phone E. 8250. ask for Mr. Lansdon. LARGE corporation, a young man ex perienced in costs and general office work. Answer stating age, experience, education, references and salary expected. BC 204. Oregonlan. WILL pay good tailor to teach me how to make men's clothes In-his ppare time after working hours. Write AJ 733, Qre gonian. Please give phone number. WANTED Cylinder pressman, compositor and Job pressman; top wages, steady work. Open shop. Montgomery Printing company. 73 Columbia St.. Seattle. Wash. WANTED A RASH AND DOOR MA CHINE OPERATOR FOR DETAIL XII LI. WORK- TACOMA MILL WORK. SUPPLY CO.. TACOM A. EXPERIENCED solicitor, steady position and advancement to hustler: references required; liberal salary. Grand Union Tea Co. C. D. Morrison. WANTED Men wishing position firemen. nraaemen, colored train porters: si.,o to $200 month: no experience necessary. Address AV 750, Oregonlan. HUNDREDS railway mall clerks wanted; average $117 month; list positions free; write Immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. 876 T. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Experienced all-round man for cafeteria: must be familiar with counter fry plate bnd making of coffee; state age. references, AJ 752, Oregonlan. LARGE manufacturer wants experienced carton window trimmer; traveling posi tion. Call between 12 and 1 at 1212 Gasco bldg.. ask for Mr. Haddox. DEMONSTRATOR for new household motor, also take orders; must have ref erences, experience. Call after 6:30 P. M. at l')5 Broadway. THE Equitable Savings & Loan Associa tion, 240 Stark street, requires the serv ices of a bright boy to run errands, etc A good chance for advancemenL LINOTYPE operator for morning dally. good pay and living conditions, machin ist knowledge not necessary. AV 607, Oregonian. PRESSER wanted, one who can press la dies and gentlemen s clothing ,500.1. Portland Cleaning Works, 41st and San dy road. WANTED Names men. 18-45, wishing be come government mall carriers. $1000 $1500 year. Answer immediately. AV 715. Oregonlan. AT ONCE Young man- for soliciting; per manent position; good pay for right party. HI to 12 A. M., 300 Stock Ex change bldg. A BO Y for lumper on delivery car. Ap ply at once, hee Mr. Long, Jones liar. ket. 4th and hler. j WANTED Engineer for family hotel, who understands oil burner and can make minor rtpalrs. T 32S, Oregonlan. BARBER Steady Job; two Saturday men. Apply warn n. Howard, eeo. Master Bar bers Assn., 110 rourtn st. W A NTED Bookkeeper with experience: prerer one with knowledge o lumber business. M 755. Oregonian. WANTED Young men familiar with hnrdware business to fill orders. Marshall-Wells Co.. 15th and Lovejoy. EXPERIENCED married grocery clerk, .steady position. H, Stuillberg A boa, Vancouver. Wash. WANTED AT ONCE First-class open-shop all-around lathe machinists. Apply 520 Orofton bldg., 5th and Oak sts. BOY wanted for night work; mut know how to drive car. Call East 4006 or 834 E. Burnside st. WANTED Newspaper artist for layouts !oti,rinir etc. Answer. SMvlnr nhnn. - t as iaa iir...ri. . bLAUGHTERHOUSH butcher. $40 per week and board if flrst-clasa. Frank L. Kmiih. -2:2a Alder St- ISO Y for help around farm; 2 cows, no u.nAnllviv: room, board, uooi! u.- u ...... . dress Y 109. Oregonlan. CLEANER wanted. Portland cleaning Works. 41at and Sandy road. Help Waftited Salesmen. WANTED AT ON'CE Several first-class salesmen to present a dlglnlfed propo sition before business and professional people, all or part time; excellent oppor tunity to earn liberal compensation. For Interview call at 613 Couch bldg., be tween 11 and 12 A. M. and 4 to 6 P. M. WANTED Salesman calling on accessory dealers In Oregon, California and Wash ington to sell proven success entirely out et the ordinary; good repeater at big money; manufactured In I'wrtlnnd. See Mr. Simmons, sales manager. 633 Wash Phone Main 100S. TWO live-wire salesmen to sell oil lands . and leases, liberal commission. big money for hustlers. 002 Northwestern Bank bldg.. 10 to 12 A. M. COMPETENT salesman with auto to show houses on commtsston basla G, C. GOLD EN BERG. Ablngton bldg. "35 Years in Portland." WANT Two high-class salesmen at ance. 62 1 Morgan bldg. STOCK salesmen wanted; representing targe Oregon corporation. 401 Wilcox bldg. WANTED A CENTS. CANliY-Birn $25 to $T0 weekly; ADVER TISE. MEN. WOMEN; start one of our Specialty Cuady Factories In your home, small room, anywhere; grand opportun ity; we tell how and furnish everything. CANDYMAKKRS HOUSE. lSHt RaS' stead St.. Philadelphia, Pa. CANVASSERS wanted for several counties In Oregon and Washington; steady work, good commission; some of our p.en are Belling over $500 weekly; we want work ers who desire to make money. Oregon Nursery Co.. Orenco. Or. WANT 'CD Experienced canvassera men and women, to sell high-clase household utility an excellent opportunity for ilve wlre salesmen. See Mr. Stewart. Hoyt hotel. 0th and Hoyt streets, Saturday morning. AGENTS to sell Rogers Violet Ray; high frequency generator. Call 633 Wash. st. AGENTS st once. Sell KOe per mania be Jilutl tickets. -00 CorUelt bids. All men seeking employment are cor aiailjr Invited to consult with one of the employment secretaries, teom 307. WANTED AGENTS. PORTRAIT MEN. ARE TOU TIED UP 7 DELIVERIES BEHIND? LET US GET YOU OUT OF THE HOLE. WE KNOW HOW AND WE DO IT QUICK (10 YEARS). EX PRESS ORIGINALS TODAY. DON'T WORRY ABOUT PRICES. WELL SEND 'EM BACK -TOOT-SWEET." LEACH ART COMPANY. 2109 GRAND AVENUE. KANSAS CITY. MO. LET US start you In the automobile busi ness, representatives wanted In all parts of the U. s. A. Best selling article ever made: (15 per day. Demonstration. 203 is 4th st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG LADY, with railroad experience preferred, for stenographic and clerical position with large wholesale concern; applicant must have speed in taking dic tation and transcription and be able to operate an adding machine and cal culator. In answering this ad give age. experience and references; state ability in shorthand and typewriting, giving number -of words per minute; salary $110. BJ 62. Oregonlan. Experienced elevator operators. Apply superintendent's office between 9:15 and 10:30. Thursday morning. UfMAN" WOU'l. fc CO. WE have positions for 5 girls. 16 to 23 years of age. to operate power sewing machine. The work Is easy to learn, pleasant; good wages paid. My girls also secure a large bonus In addition. Apply Ames, Harris, Neville Bag Co., 15th and Hoyt. WANTED Nurse to take over my six-bed hospital, is psying good. Will rent very reasonable to capable nurse. S. D. A. nurse or one able to give hydrotherapy preferred. Give full particulars as to uge, experience, etc Phone number Dr. Wendt, Cottage Grove, Or. WANTED One experienced folder, one ex perienced slscker; steady positions, good wages. Apply in person; strike con ditions. Oregon Laundry company. . AT STANDARD Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor, 20 experienced power machine operators, to work on overalls and shirw, 44-hour week, half holiday . Saturday; good operators are making $18 to $24 weekly. WEAVERS WANTED. Oregon City Woolen Mills, Oregon City. ELEVATOR operators, window cleanera Janitors, chambermalda porters and watchmen. Come to uuion headquarters, rooms 206-7 Goodnough bldg.. Mb and YamhllL Employment bureau for bera , W A NTED Neat, reliable woman to do plain ' cooking In private boarding house. 2 meals; would consider mother and daughter, school girl. Phone East 6300. EXPERIENCED operators on both two needle and single-needle machines on shirts, overalls, macklnaws and water proof clothing; best wages In city. Apply Hlrsch-Weis Mfg. Co.. 20. Burnalde st. WANTED Two educated women for per manent positions; excellent opportunity for promotion. Phone Ida V. Jonts, Broadway 3846, for appointment for in terview. WANTED A young girl lo assist with housework and care of child, no wash ing or will consider high school girl. Phone Woodlawn 6413. Call 803 Mason. WANTED Experienced girl or marking and sorting, $25 per week, also exper ienced wash man. $35 per week. Dayton Steam Laundry, Dayton, Wash. Box 183. WANTED Girl to work In starch room, must be steady and willing to work, per manent position: strike conditions. Union Laundry Co.. Second and Columbia. WANTED Reliable middle-aged woman, one living on west side preferred, to care for baby evenings. Call Malory hotel, room 42. WANTED Girls to work In woedworklng factory, wages $2.23, with advancement after first two weeks; give ago and phone number. AE 283. Ore g onlan. BURSELL BUSINESS SCHOOL. Individual Instruction, enroll any ttme Day-right uchool. Lumbermena bldg,. Fifth snd Stark. Broadway 3404. WANTED Names women, 1H to 60, wish ing government office positions; $1140- $12ti0 first year. Answer. AV 716. Orego nian. STENOGRAPHERS and secretaries, $100, $125; bookkeepers and stenographers. $125; lumber stenographer, $N0; typist and clerical. $85. 3ul N. W. Hank bldg. NEAT, elderly woman can have fine home, right treatment and moderate wages as housekeeper for 2 employed people. Ap ply 1005 Yeon bldg. WANTED 3 dictaphone operators, also 1 with knowledge of bookkeeping; perma nent positlun. moderate salary. Apply 420 Spalding bldgJ ! SEVERAL experienced Jewelry salesladies; references required: good surroundings, permanent positions; commensurate a,l ary. T 273. Oregonlan. WANTED A middle-aged woman to care for elderly woman in a smull town near Portland; a good borne for right woman. Cali Main 7210. ' HIGH SCHOOL GIRL can find a good home. and be treated as one of the fam ily by assisting part of her time. Phone Tabor 1071. WANTED Five power machine operators, for ladies' neckwear and silk under wear. The McCrecry Mfg. Co., Royal bids. WANTED Woman to make her home here and take care of Invalid lady, easy work: wages. Woodlawn 4u33. WANTED Girls for factory work. Apply broom factory. North Slat and York ata, Zan Bros. WANTED First-class waitress, good pay with room and board. Alexandra Court, 53 Ella st. DISHWASHER and general helper for sawmill boarding house. , Apply 1117 Yeon bldg. ANY GIRL in need of a friend, apply t the Salvation Army Rescue Home. 383 hi. 15th st. N., or phone East IZJ. WESTCOAST iNSTITUTifFnuUSlC. 6th floor Eilers'Musio bldg. We teac from melody; no drudgery. THE Florence Crittenton Home Is ready to help any girl In distress. 053 E. Gilsaa. "MV" car. East 310. WANTED Unencumbered competent woman as housekeeper for small room ing house. 201 H Grand ave. S. WANTED A chambermaid; references re quired. Apply eL Henry's ball 13th and Hall sts. Al't'KKNTlCE for making buttons. Apply f.ull Royal bldg-, 8 A M. lira. Pa vis & Son. WANTED laily cashier bookkeeper for front office la large hotel. U S2, Ore gonlan. OiKL for general housework and cooking, must be good cook; good wages. Room 624 Multnomah Hotel. WANTED Kitchen helper. also floor maid; good wages, room and board- Phone u at is. EXPERIENCED maid wanted. Apply a housekeeper. Clyde Hotel, 10th and Stark WAITRESS and general helper for saw mill boarding house; Job near Purtland. Apply 1117 Yeon bldg. EXPERIENCED DEMONSTRATOR AND SALESLADY. Apply Henry Weinhard plant. ELDERLY lady wants woman, age 45 to 6U for light work and company; fair compensation. 7o8 Cleveland ava, MISS MATTINGLY' 3 Short han dTTypewrlt ing school. $6 mo. 20V 14th. Main 3t!8, WANTED Waist and. skirt finishers. 4.7 Alder st. Mrs. H. L. Ferrey. COMPETENT girl for real estate office. Apply 215 Ablngton bldg. WANTED Dining-room girl. Kenwood Hotel. Woodlawn 2700. WAITRESS for dining room at Bradford hotel. Tenth and Hoyt streets. LADY BARBER wanted at once. Everett and Third. 253 WANTED Lady registered pharmacist for smsll town. Call Marshall M7i. WOMAN lo help with cooking from 5:30 A. M. to 1:30 P. M. Campbell Hill hoteL WANTED Thoroughly experienced mlU linery maker. Wilton's. 130 loth St. WANTED Experienced waitress. Call Main 6220. WANTED Experienced chambermaid; REFINED girl as nurse maid, some sec ond work. East 801)0. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be obtained by calling Main 102. A SOaT. WANTED Telephone operator. Carlton l . -1 ,,.K U...Ll,.... Hold, mil ,M ,'aaniiiBivn. MRS. HANjUM'S shorthand school, day and evening. 230 Tillamook st. East Sstii). WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Apply Hotel Eaton- 5Trls wanted. "Portland Paper Box Co. 02 Front at. WANTED A high-school girl, west side for light house work. Broadway 792. G1KL3 to help make plea 66 Grand ave. LA-Ui," ALUUU.U wauled, ai La vis v " HELP WANTED FEMALE. PERMANENT POSITONS FOR TOUNO WOMEN. ADDITIONAL TELEFBONS OPER ATORS ARE NEEDED DUE TO CON STANTLY INCREASING REQUIRE MENTS OF SERVICE. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY FIRST TEAR'S EARNINGS APPROX IMATELT $ SO 0.00, $52.00 EARNED DURINO FIRST MONTH WHILE LEARNING TO OPER ATE AND FROM $63.00 TO $72.00 PER , MONTH AT THE END OF SEVEN MONTHS. FURTHER INCREASE GIVEN' UN TIL OPERATORS EARN FROM $35.50 TO $94.50 PER MONTH SUPERVISING OPERATORS EARN FROM WS.60 TO $106.00 PER MONTH EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT TO STILL HIGHER SALARIED POSITIONS. APPLT AT TELEPHONE COMPANT, ROOM 601. 6TH FLOOR. TELEPHONE BUILDING. PARK AND OAK STREETS. MEIER & FRANK CO. Reojnle the services) of girls between the ages of 16 end CO for wrapping snd marking departments, for dairy lunch and as apprentices In selling depart ments. Apply to Employment Manager, alxth floor, MEIER A FRANK CO. CHOCOLATE DIPPER. MEIER FRANK CO, require the services of an experienced chocolate dip per for the Ninth Floor Daylight Candy Kitchen- Permanent work assured for the one who can qualify. Apply Hmploymcnt Bureau, Sixth Floor. Meier & Frank Co. EXPERIENCED operator on fnlon Spe cial for Inseaming ad outaeaming on overalls; good prices snd liberal bonus paid In addition, ilu Huod Factory, 233 Couuh at. ATTENTION. WOMEN. If you are out of employment, regis ter with the Industrial Association of Oregon; we are called upon constantly for all classes of women workers; free employment office 50U-510 Oregon blug. WANTED Several ladies for outdoor sell ing. Easily make $1K for full time. $12 for mornings only. Oulck advancement for those who are competent and good workers. AE 47, Oregonian. Wanted Uoiueatica. I OFFER a cheerful home, cosy room, ex cellent board and good wages in ex change fur light housekeeping work; young girl preferred. Call afternoon In person at 229 Narttlla St., facing en trance to Multnomah club. Just off Washington and Chapman sts. WANTED Woman cook and to do gen eral housework for three adults and small baby In small modern flat, cen trally located: good salary to right party. Call in person, manager of Liberty The ater, between the huurs of 12, and 3 P. M. COMPETENT girl for genera) housework; must be good cook. Mrs. C C. Hindman, 738 Olasan street. Phoue mornings, Maia b52 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, must be good eook. family 3 adults; good wages, call mornings. Main 2957. 381 Jackson sL. Portland Heights. GIRL to assist with housework; no wash- ui wuauiK; goou. noma Willi pleas ant surrounumss If capable- 832 Ka l.l,h -. l.-.,,.,ll , 1 WANTED Competent woman for genoral housework, small famiiy; no washing; comfortable room; $4U. Call Main U3U0. 775 Flanders, between 11 and 1. WANTED A woman, middle-aged pre ferred, for general housrwure; email family. Address Mrs. H. T. Lester. 645 Main St.. Pendleton. Or. GOOD girl to assist In the care of chi. dreu, where other help Is kept; ons with soma experience preferred- 401 K. I6th st. North. East 2032. WANTED Woman fur general house work, small house. 2 adults and child; good wanes. Ketcreucea reuulred- Phone Sellwood 2500. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL can find a good home and be treated ats one of the fam ily by assisting part of her time. Phoue Tabor 1071. WANTED Girl for cooking and down stairs work, small family; no washing. Phone Marshall 1010. Call 1108 West over road. WANTED Elderly lady for housekeeper, 4 adults, a good home and wages; ref erences, 1034 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Woman or girl for general housework; no cooking, good salary. Ap ply 131 Laddlngton Court. GIRL wanted for general housework, small family, good wages. Main 2ets- 715 Fianders, corner 22d. COMPETENT girl for general housework, 6-room house, family of 3, good wages and home offered. Phone Tabor 1341. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework: small family, no laundry; hlgn wages; Willamette hts. M. 314B. GIRL for general housework and cooking, ro laundry. 704 Irving au, cor. 24tu. Both phones A IKi. WANTED Girl for general housework In family of two. no furnace, no w&siilng. Phone Sellwood 11B0. GIRL for general housework in Trvlngton district; no children; no washing; guod wages. East 10s4. MIDDLE-AGED woman for light home work: no washing; good pay; 2 In iaiu l!y. Call 221 First m., cur. Salmon. WANTED Girl to assist with general housework; no cooking. 771 Tillamook St. East 305. WANTED, Experienced cook lo assist with housework; no washing; best wagea Main 1W28. - GIRL wanted to assist general houacwork; experlence not necessary. Call East 205. GIRL for general housework, family of 3; good wagea Phone Main 3025. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; good room; wages $3Q. Main 759. WANTED Girl for housework: noTook"- liig or washing. 520 E. 47th N. WANTED Cook and maid. The DalTes. - private home; good wagja. East 2004. WANTED Nurse maid who speaks French ; 'good wagea O 619. Oregonlan. GIRL for housework; no cooking. 794 Lovejoy- Main 247. WANTED Girl for general housework no aaBiuna. none caet 11.K1. GIRL WANTED to assist with housework; . W . TKa Ma-tall UIHL. for cooklnc an f Irat-f.nor work, family 4: wmittM $oQ. Ph ort M ain 1478. WOMAN for gn. houkepine work; ituam frgaf d apt. Main til 4. WANTED Pleasant glrj to aiit with hoi.Fywork; no waihiny. Tabor 7374. GlKLs wanted, v-nral l.oua work, good wa g. E. 4.7. FIU'CATIONAbU DECKER'S BrsIVKSS COLLKOB. COMPLKTE BI S1NE.SS COUIii. AlUky bldg., 3d and Murrlion. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays yo whlla .earning , you sat of tooia fr-a, position secured. 54 N. 2d st. ATka-KISHk-K Tea chars' Aamcy r EDCCATIONAIa, AK& rOU MECHANIC A .LsJLT INCLINED T If so, learn the auto an tractor busiaaas and cam $100 to S-"W0 a moat a- Southern California offer exceptional opportuni ties while and aftor learmnr. hiKtx al ariea. Ideal working conditions. fina year 'round camata; no previous experi ence neceary. Learn In abort time the National Way. Expert Instructors, new. complete mechanical and electrical equipment including Packard Twin 6, Cadillac 8, Willy. Knight, etc No axe limit. Earn board and room while learn ing. 6w successful graduates GUIKAN TEE YOLK success. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOU 16 Tears tn Los Angeles at 614 8. Flguerca, Write today lor KRES catalog. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, 462 Hawthorn Are. Automobiles, trucks, tractors. Ignition and starter work. Vulcan txmar and re treading. Special euixuner rates. Paj and evening ciaase. TUia bCHuOL THAT TEACHES TOO TO BOSS THE JOB. HOLER BARBER COLLEGE Will teach you the tiada la s wka.; glT you a set of too.i and soma pay while learning; positions secured ; scholarship and transfer carda issued; S3 scboo-S la U. S. and Canada, .bead tor catogua, ..34 Burnside st. POSITIONS ASSURED IVERt GKADUATB O BEUNKE-WALKER Buslners College, Portland. Enroll any tuna. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, .secretarial, t ree catalogue. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Toung men and women wanted. Call 4S3-4 Kail way Ex. bldg. Opportunity to learn a well-paid profession. Kree booklet- Hallway Telegraph Institute. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeka; scalp and face ma-eeage specialty ; tools free; positions guaranteed ; pay while learning; tcuuon led need this term. -33 Madison, HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Wash, at 10th. Ent--r now. da,y, evening, all com tnerciai orancnea. uroaaway laJL. ROCK T MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGCT. Prank K Wellee, ex-tusu btata tiupt.. mgr. N. W. bank bldg. Teachers pieced ekAsT.lilDB COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Buckel'i private school; Individ ual instruction, l-'1 Gran J , ave. E. 4'J7. SPANISH instructor and translator. For appointments call Marshall 37-jo. F1SK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Mo. 4t35. Teaching positions; free registration "THE Ovens method. In Vancouver Busi ness college. Waah., isures you success, OREGON LAW SCHOOL, AUsky bldg., 8d and M or. W. E. Richardson. Bee. Aiam 977. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 191 Broadway. SITUATIONS WANTED MAI E. WHAT have you to offer young man seeking outside work ; experienced sell ing; would consider anything where ability and pep wen seeded. AO til 8. Oregonian. ABILITY painter and carpenter, 15 years experience, wants position; buildings fac tories or ot h-r houses, new or repair work. Woodlawn 60S4. WANTED Cart-enter contracting and re pair work; plans and estin ates fur nished. garaguT, both cement and wood. P. D. Ha nee Cel. fo71. KX-ARMY officer, lawyer, good education, deairee position w ith responsible busi ness iirm; ee.-Titive and st .retaxlal ex perience. All 74, Oregonlan IF your books require only a few hourV you at a reasunable charge. K 004. Ore- EX-SERVICE man want? position os truck driver, 3 J ears ex perienre, thorough ly competent and reliable, phone Sel-vt ood WANTED Position by man and wife as caretaker and hnunekeej'er, i-teadv and reliable 171 17 lU street N- Broad- FIRST-CLASH all around print-r-opf rator wants steady situation on country week ly. Can coma on receipt of wire. L eltf. Oregonian. lUl'NO married man. good buaineas edu cation and experiene-. dcir-(i position at onco. Call or wrte Gallop. -04 I'orter. M.tin 7302 for inierview MARRIED MAN. experienced trurk driver. ania position, wMl HeqiiHinied with city and can give bust of rvXt-rencca. BJ tL Oregonian. W A NTED Work as engineer, fireman, ele vator man; expenem-ed ui all, c-mu-r lor light ft mres. electric motor, etc. iiull- ood . YOUNG man wants position tiriv ins car ; private family preferred. R. K. Brownoll, l-'O E. olst st. N. ELDERLY A I hakt-r. all-around, wants steady post Ion ; state watft: in x.r&i letter. H.I .", Oregoniatu YOTNU man itirhanicaliy inclined wishes start in electric or machine shop. 1uj S. Jersey St. Phone Columhla WANTED, POSITION H ave bakery and grocery business experience, Jr'huiie Tabor :.0. v x PKKI ENl'KD. nat. white man It h good ref. wants housework by the day f.i-c an hour. P 7..H. urtnonun. YoUeNG man would like positron driving private car; experienced cnaurfeur and f urniih referencua. Phone Main t312. YOUNG MAN with automnbil- would like to work Z or 3 hours a day. X 1 '--, Ore gonian. W OD-Sl'I.ITTI Ml contrsct wanted ; Rl e full particulars first letter. V tita, Ore gonian. PORTO RICA N chauffeur wants position in private family. Manuel C. FIuk. SuD North lath au . EXPERIENCED grocery clrk wuiitH :o tiMion. firet-clasa. Robert .Mitchell. PMne Main 101. PRINTER All-around Jot and newbpapor man; competent, steady. W tiC7, or gonian. WANTEI Steady employment for my Stftf and -tou truck. W holesaie house preferred. Box 272 Newport, or. EXPERIENCED fireman, job for winur; oil. wood or coal. Alarhan 52 1U, or D h.Vt, oregonian. TRUCKS FOR H I RE. 1 to 5-ion capacity will contract by the month or day. Bdwy. Kl.t. BENSON POLYTEC atudnnt dewlrfS steady work to 9 P M. Harold AlcDoruiott. 4722 7"-tth at. j AN ITOR. mlddie-aged, experienced, best of reference; maul or day. AP 4Ja, Oreuonian. blilNGLKR. u.d work a specialty, patch work. work guaranteed; gravel roofs re paired. East 417 J. WANTED- Cord wood to cut on contract ; Mate amount and Vocation. G oJ4. ora- Konian. A-l CHAUFFEUR, truck driver or me chanic, wants steady position. Woodlawn ;iti4ti . YOUNG MAN wishes position driving truck: can furntMi eood refereneea. Col. 17.-. before ti:3U P. M. YOUNG married man needs work of any kind; can drive machine and repair lome, Melior. phone Marshall SJUI w a'TK T-x J oh as night or Any watc.i man; can give best ot references. 388 E.tist Pine. 1 BY MARRIED MAN in.stde work around store; best of references. 3bS East 1'ine street. GARDEN WORK. PRUNING TREES. EX PERIENCED MEN. G1LROY. BROAD WAY iKH. YOUNG MARRIED MAN wishes position as truck driver, experienced. East 1072, nk for ?mith. FI RST-CLASS Ford mechanic and ex perienced and stt-nm trartor man wants steady position. Phone Main 4;mu. NIGH Tw o r k as fireman or othrr work by handy man: in city, references. .Eat 8273, ajmrtment Bl- STUDENT wUhes work In exchange for board. BJ 03, Owgonian. WANTED Carpenter repair work by day or contract. Phone Tabor 300. 4-TON truck for hire or contract, any distance, -.ny time. P 718. Qregunion. WANTE.I Position s night watchman. John Felemm. 3221 SOth st. S. E. A MAN, 4". wants inside Jr rr the winter In town. Phone Columbia 172. MAN wants lieht work Call East 0SSS. lew hours a day. GLAZIER, also experienced hardware and paint, wants position. AC 164. Oregonian. W'ANTF.D By student, work spare time. Saturday and Sunday. V 671. Oresonian. YOUNG MAN wishes tmp'iymrnt; garage work preferred- Phone K. SOTS. WANTED I-and clearing to do by con tract. E tiO-t. Ore y( ALL ARoUND mechanic wishes work. AG 324, oregonlan. POSITION of responsibility bv youna; man, married. No soliciting. 12U3 I von st. &CHOOLBOY with wheel wishes employ ment. Tabor 843. A GOOD truck driver wan la work. AG 32 Oregonian. BRICK contractor, estimates given on all kinds of brick work. Phone 33."T. CARP ENTER. A 1 mech anic; rmodeI fng or new work. Phone Tabor 904M. HANDY MAN wants poUlon. ing. etc. Address W 625. Oregonia.n. BO Y. 13. wants Job for room and board ana go to school. Ksst sivto. CARPENTKK wurn gad rti)ai.ia4. Piiwue PITTATION9 WANTED MALK. POSITION as city M.ewiu.n of artlaat territory, by clean-cut. energeUc txpr fenced yoQug married an a a. AO y.-jiv a : now caillng on locking trade, retaru Portland Saturday; any rood metres. bif line with esuablisned house. 1R 71. Oregon. an. EXPERIENCED GROCER! CLERK, AT PRESENT EMPLOYED. DES1RLS PO SITION IN OR NEAR CJTT: GOOD K iCAt N FOR CHANGE: THOROUGH LY RELIABLE AND STEADY: A-l REFERENCES. AG SCS. O REG ONTAi. NIGHT work wanted by responsible man., not afraid to work; can drive any kind of car or truck; experienced in Jani tor and porter work. What have youf Satisfaction guaranteed; give ma . trlai; arri 82. AE fU Oregonian. tXFKHT dynamiter and miner for Umber clearing, stumps, rocks blasted, wells, dug, orchard eubsoiling. highway grad ing, mining and prosprcttng. Marlon &. Crops, general delivery, Portland. Or. BOY affecj is desires employment before, and after school for room and board, preferably private family; or outside un der suitable arrangements. Alain 7.46 daytime, or Tabor -1H0. 13 Y EARS EXPERIENCED PAINTER AND CARPENTER WANTS POSITION, Bl'ILDINT.S OR FACTORIES OR OTH KR HOUSES, NEW OR KET AIR. WORK. WOODLAWN 08 4. WOOD cutttnft contract wanted, any num ber ot cords, by Industrious crew wTno have own dragsaw and tools: roust b first growth and no oak. 7b4 Halvey at-, city, or BJ 6.., Oregonlan. EXPERT dynamiter and miner for Umber clearing, stumps, rocks blasted. weUa dug. highway grading, mining and pros reeling. Marion S. Cross, general del.. Portland. Or. LINOTYPE operator (two-thirder) wants position with good out-of-town news paper in good town; can take care of own machine and work on floor. AO 616. Oregonian. Bookkeepers. Stenographer. Office. FIRST-CLAFS MECHANIC At. DRAFTS MAN WITH GOOD EXPERTENCE OX GENERAL AND CONVEYING MA CHINERY DESIRES PERMANENT PO tolXiON. AO 613. OBJCGON1A-N, EFFICIENT .bookkeeper, cashier end thor ough accountant wishes position; ten years' experience. Including cost ac countancy; sood typlsu L 126, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, tailorinc. 43 pfr day. Sett wood 3..32. tioidlem and tailnra. AMBITIOUS ex-service man. 36 years ot a ce, winhM to con nect with a concert w here initiative and reliability will pro cure advancement. Have a working working knowledge of bookkeeping aaid clerical work; nothing but a permanent proposition considered. If it's pep and aggressiveness you are looking for. give) me an Interview. K 6.S6, Oregonian. DRUGGIST Canadian graduate with ! years' experience wants position ; ex service man, 3 years overseas; age 2&, single, good salesman ; will take state board next sitting; can start work at once. Phone Tabor 224. R. E Slnip son. 1401 E. Broadway. EX-OVERSEA 3 SOLDIER wants work evenings and Saturdays while attending; trade school. Elmer turtevatit. Hemp hill's Auto School, anv day except Sat urday and Sunday, from 9 A. M. to 4 TWO oung men attending trade school would work evenings in exchange for room and board; experienced In steam and gaa engine and automobiles and thfir appliances. BJ 55. oregonian. YOUNG MAN 23 desires position with re sponsibility; can handle office detail and not afraid of work; can f urn Is a best of references. AO bl2. Oregonian. EXPERT auto repnir man wants private w ork overhauling ; sa Usf action guars teed: work done by the job or hour. Cali East Mriti. bERVICE man wants work as truck driver or chauffeur, also has three years' etem engineering experience. Phone Wood 1km n 3741. EX-SfcHtVICK MAN of Mng offire experi ence In Portland desire position. Call East ,VT1. U. S. MARINE with honorable excellent discharge w lubes steady Inside job ia cit y. Phone Woodlawn SSl. BOOKKEEPER would like small set of booka requiring about 3 hours eacu day. AO e2i. orvgonlAii. POSITION wan ted by .ex-field artillery officer with touring car; state nature ot work and salary. V t-73, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN with Ford desires a deliverr route. What have ou to offer? 1474 Macadam street. CHAUFFEUR will drive party to Loa Aa Bflea for passage. BF 170, Oregonian. EX-PeT.vioe man wants work .Saturdays. G 01 S, Ortitoniat). SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALlt. NWNDOW cleaning, floor waxing, build ings and general housecleaning by firat c1m workeia Phone Marshall 32DU, or call at room 2Ki Goodnough bldg.. &th and Yamhill sts; otfio hours t to (0 A. M-. 12:30 to 2 and 4 to l M. WINDOW cleaning, floor waxing, buildings and general houaeclt-aning by firat-ciass w ork err. Phone Mars ha 1 S-!H. or ca.l at room 2ud Gocdnoun bldg., 5th and Yamhill tin., olilce huurs, y lo 10 A. M., i. .ui io . ana to u t'. At. DA 1 LY governe-vs, experienced, weil edu cated Englishwoman. "Normal piano t'ahr. excellent lYencb, conversation. EDUCATED couple wish employment tow hours day, private, care of bond. BJ o2. ortsoman. EX PERI ENCED cannier desires position ; can use typtwritt-r and familiar with general office work; all or call day. Bdwy. 613. YOUNG WOMAN experienced in office . , work w ishes position in due tor's of lice; best of rcf ereucea. Marshall 14, mora li:s. MARRIED WOMAN would Uke to ex change few hours' work fur furnished housekeeping rouma D t5l. Oresouian, WAN TED A piace to take care of clr drn ev-mnfes whiia mot her is awasx references. Woodlawn 1011. LADY wants house cleaning, other work. hours, day. Good work guarantee. oodlaw n tioOo. YOUNG LADY employed during day wislirs work evenings. East 4732; ask for Miss Crosby. RESPECTABLE young lady wants posit. on in studio ; experienced. Address 120ii Haw t borne ave. MoTBER and son want house cleaning, washing, iron in, lawn work. Apt. 2, Main 23i4. EXPERIENCED demonstrator wishes pe t-Hioii. AG 323. oregonian. Phoue kVaat 2.33. DISABLED oversea nurse wishes position as elevator operator. T 324, Precoma a. ELDERLY LADY wants the care of rhil dren. aea 4 to 8 years. Call East ti322. EXPERIIisN'CED girl desires position gen f ral houaaw ork. W ti'J Oregonian. LALNDRESjj whiles day work after T' P. M. Phone Main t.27tf. WOMAN would like wotk few hours e-:h evening. Address P 737. Oregonian. WiaH 7 to u his.' work, washing and ron- ui r preferred. W oodlawn 3Utf. HkI'SK LINENS made, infants' hand-mad-s Rarmei.13. Sellwood 2151. Book Wee per,, btenogrsaphers Office). VoUNG lndy wishes permanent position as book Keeper ; opportunities for ad vancement are most desirable; experi ence. Phoue .Marshall 4400. Ask for apt. 503. GooD experienced comptometer operaior. 2 years in lumber office; aso understand bookkeeping; best of references, AV tiltj-i.oregoniam EXPERIENCED typist, some bookkeeping, general office assistant; refereneea; part time preferred. X 14S. Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer, now employed, will be open for new position Monday. Call M iaa Henderson, Main 1U27. WANTED Light stenographic position; experienced meeting public; good refer ences. Bdwy. 34U4. Y'OUNG girl wants position ausweraic Phone; knowledge of typing Phone Tabor 63 So. STENOGRAPHER with 9 montha" expert, ence deeirea position; good refemucea Kant 82. Y OUNO lady, experienced, wishes position as oifice clerk, not a typlsu Main T3i2, apt. 2-V EXPERIENCED girl wants position typing, filing or clerlca.1 work. BF 171, Orego nian. STENOGRAPHER wanting steady position, capable uf meeting public. Phoue Max snail 07. EXPERIENCED office r. paint ant and typ Ut, some knowledge of bookkeeping;. Mar. a i . EX PERIENCED boonkt-cr and atenog b-t of ref erenc. Main 21 7. YOUNG lady, ex perienced typist, w ihs p-.alt ion in off ic. Call Wdln. 3041. IlrrMtinakerti. HIGH -CLASS: dreasmMkr froi.i tb eat deairea work by the day. O 143, Ore gon in. I UKESSM AKING al oi2 Aiorriuua sU p4&oe I