Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 23, 1919, Page 15, Image 15

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Husband Complains Living
Costs More This Time.
Portland Fireman Says Spouse
Would Not Go Out With Him,
Swore When He Took Another.
"I tried to make up with him and
live happily, but it can't be done,
judge," complained Mrs. Ella James
in her divorce suit before Presiding
Judsc Gatens yesterday. Her first at
tempt to live peaceably with C. J. W.
James began 30 years ago and lasted
for 25 years, -she said. She was di
vorced about five years ago, but re
married April 2. 1919.
After his second marriage to the
same wife the husband bitterly com
plained because it cost so much more
to live than it had when he had been
married to her before, she said. He
became disgusted with her because
she was often sick, and abused her.
"I took a girl friend of wife's cousin
to a show and when my wife saw
me she called me vile names," ex
plained W. A. Nessler in his divorce
action against Verda Nessler. "She
refused to go out with me herself."
The plaintiff, who is a Portland fire
man, received his decree.
Several days after the marriage of
Kverett T. Miller last March his wife,
Jeanette, handed him his ring and
told him he was "nothing but a little
cur" and that she would have nothing
more to do with him, he testified In
his divorce suit before Presiding
Judge Gatens yesterday.
"And what effect did this treatment
have upon you?" inquired his attor
ney. "A very bad effect; I didn't like it
at all," responded Miller, seriously.
"I found she had another husband
at. Marshfield, so I left her," explained
Cash R. Lane, who askedthat his
tnarriage to Margaret M. Lane be an
nulled. It was.
"He said I was too good for him,
but he couldn't help leaving me for a
'ounger woman." complained Pheba
C Willard about Willis Willard.
When our 18-year-old son got up in
the morning about 6 o'clock to go to
irork in the shipyards my wife re
fused to get him a warm breakfast,"
Tomplained Charles E. Jones. He fur
ther declared that Caroline Jones had
ot cooked him a meal in a year and
half and kept late hours, refusing
to tell her husband her whereabouts.
He described his married life as
Other divorce suits granted Were:
Esther L. from R. E. Dundas, Ivy
from James E. Bilby, Margaret from
Ralph W. McKie, Emma from C.
Shaw, A. from Campbell Thurkelson,
Hazel T. from William Dodson, Jo
sephine from Charles H. Gilson, Mary
from George H. Deone, Elizabeth C.
From Oscar Duncan. Helen from F. M.
McXamara, Herman from N. M. Kal
burg, Alice from Ed Lewen, T. E. from
Charles J. Grimm, Mamie from G. L.
Perdue, Chester C. from Mary Joslin,
Ventla D. from Jess H. Gardner, Rose
from John Dunnegan. T. from W. T.
Deaton, M. from G. O. Strachan, Julia
J. from Alfred E. Thorpe, Tracy W.
from Mable Layne, Charles E. from
Caroline Jones, Mabel from Elmer
Wandling, Rosa T. from Calvin Swaf
ford, Lillian L. from William S. Teed.
Carrie H. from Van A. Perrini, Rnfus
E. from Mary M. Lemaster. Claude C.
from Lillian L. Medley, Clara from
James S. Tartar, Rachel E. from Hen
ry Rynberger and Una M. from Will
iam E. Stuchell.
Rally and Pajama Parade to Be
Features of Programme at
Agricultural College.
LEGE, Corvallis, Or., Oct. 22. (Spe
cial.) Beginning with a rally and
pajama parade Friday evening, the
programme for the home-coming
week here will continue until Sunday
night. Between 900 and 2000 alumni
and old students are expected back
on the campus of their alma mater
to see the Stanford-Oregon Agri
cultural college football game.
The annual sophomore-freshman
bag rush will take place Saturday
morning and the large number of
husky rooks in college promises to
make the event interesting for the
determined sophomores. Tentative
plans have been made for an alumni
luncheon at noon Saturday.
A dance will be given Saturday eve
ning under the supervision of the
Varsity O association. Three dance
floors will be used at the same time.
Open house will be observed by all
fraternities, sororities, clubs and
dormitories Sunday afternoon.
Freshmen in the college are decorat
ing the city and the grandstand for
the football game and other week-end
The greater Oregon Agricultural
college committee, of which Lloyd
Carter of Portland is chairman, is
in charge of the home-coming week
programme. Other members of the
committee are Otto L. Cantrall, Ruch,
Or., and Florence Holmes. Portland.
Officials Explain Woman Holds
Two Paid and One Non-Lucrative
Position Under State.
SALEM, Or., Oct. 22. (Special.)
Complaint filed with Secretary of State
Olcott by Mrs. G. 1. Williams of Port
land in which it is charged that Mrs.
Millie Trumbull Is holding the po
sition of secretary of the child wel
fare commission. In addition to serv
ing as secretary to the board of In
spectors of child labor and assistant
secretary of the industrial welfare
commission, was today referred to
Attorney-General Brown with request
for a written opinion as to Mrs. Trum
bull's legal status.
When complaint was first made a
few days ago that Mrs. Trumbull was
holding two lucrative offices in con
nection with serving as secretary of
the board of inspectors of child labor
at a salary of 125 a month, and as
sistant secretary of the industrial
welfare commission at a salary of $30
a month. Secretary of State Olcott
replied to Mrs. Williams that the for
mer employments did not constitute
two lucrative offices under the legal
interpretation of the term. Attorney
General Brown, it is said, concurred
in this statement.
It is shown by the records here, ac
cording to the assistant secretary of
state, that while the legislature of
1919 provided for a secretary to serve
as executive officer of the child wel
fare commission at a salarv not to
exceed J2000 a year, Mrs. Trumbull
is acting in that capacity without
Investigation has also brought out
the fact that Mrs. Trumbull is serv
ing in her two positions as a result
of a consolidation, but the combined
salaries of the two employments are
approximately the same amount as
received in the one position prior to
the consolidation.
In connection with Mrs. Williams'
complaint it is also pointed out that
neither of the positions held by Mrs.
Trumbull can be termed "lucrative"
offices for the reason -that under ths
Oregon laws "every person elected or
appointed to any office under the con
stitution shall, before entering on the
duties thereof, take an oath or af
firmation to support the constitution
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of the United States and of the state
and also an oath of office."
None of these obligations are in
cumbent upn Mrs. Trumbull, who, in
the language of the officials, holds
two paid jobs and one non-lucrative
job, rather than two lucrative offices.
S. Coe of Canby Has Excellent
Return From Small Farm.
Berries Still Fresh.
OREGON CITY, Or., Oct. 22. (Spe
cial.) That Clackamas county has a
bountiful crop of apples the largest
known in its history can be proved
by visiting the orchard of R. S. Coe
of Canby, where the harvesting is
now in progress.
Mr. Coe, compelled to seek the out-of-door
life on account of his health,
decided to come to Oregon and settled
at Canby about 26 years ago. He
set to work immediately to make
necessary improvements to the land
and to plant fruit trees. Determined
to. try his luck as an orchardist, he
selected the best varieties of apples.
It is a sight worth seeing to visit
this tenacre farm, where apples of
all sizes, flavor and color are being
picked and packed.. Many have come
to the farm from Portland as well as
other sections to purchase the apples.
Mr. Coe believes he will have at least
2000 boxes when all are harvested.
There is one tree alone, of the Bald
win variety, heavily laden with fruit,
and it is estimated the crop from this
tree will be over 30 boxes.
Besides the apples ripening on the
place. Mr. and Mrs. Coe are still en
joying strawberries and raspberries
from their garden.
Although the farm of Mr. and Mrs
Coe contains but 10 acres, most of
which is planted to fruit trees, they
have set aside a spot for gardening,
having two acres in corn, most of
which has been harvested early in the
season, and from half an acre of land
they secured eight and one-half tons
of hay this fall.
Ike Gingrich Falls 3 0 Feet at St.
Johns Docks.
Ike Gingrich. 6303 Eighty-eighth
street Southeast, an employe at the
Port of Portland drydock at St. Johns,
was killed yesterday morning when
he fell from the edge of the dock
down a flight of stairs into the water.
striking upon some timbers. He fell
a distance of about 30 feet.
An effort was made to save the
man's life by means of a pulmotor,
but this was unsuccessful. Engineer
Austed of the harbor patrol and
Patrolman Hewes were taken to the
scene. with a pulmotor.
Gingrich was said to have just
been going off shift when his foot
slipped and he fell. He was working
on the night shift. ,
- The man was 45 years of age.
9133,000 Is Voted for Sewers, and
t Road Estimates Ordered.
BEND. Or., Oct. 22. (Special.)
Preparations for the biggest series of
city improvements ever undertaken
here were made last night when the
Bend council approved plans for
$133,000 extension of the sewer system
and ordered engineers' estimates on
grading and surfacing of several
miles of streets.
It Is nlanned to have the necessary
preliminaries disposed of in time to j
start construction work early in the
H. B. Van Duzer Succeeds
H. L. Corbett, Resigned.
Private Business of Retiring Exec
utive Requires Absence From. City.
Successor Is Well Known.
H. B. Van Duzen, one of the best
known lumbermen of the Pacific
northwest and manager of the Inman
Poulsen Lumber company, was elected
president of the Portland Chamber of
Commerce yesterday to succeed Henry
L. Corbett. The resignation of Mr.
Corbett was tendered to the board un
der date of October 9, when he de
parted on an eastern trip. Private
business that will necessitate his ab
sence from tbe city is assigned as the
reason for Mr. Corbett's resignation.
The election of Mr. Van Duzen. here
tofore vice-president and a diligent
worker in activities of the chamber,
was unanimous. The board had de
ferred action until a full meeting of
the directors could be held, four be
ing away from the city last week on
the southern Oregon excursion.
Henry Brooks Van Duzer is a na
tive of .New York state and is 45
years of age. He came to Oregon in
the late '90s and has been Identified
with the lumber trade and manufac
turing most of the time When
the war came Mr. Van Duzer was
appointed a member of the Douglas
fir committee and later became a
director. In the initial stages of fed
eral direction of lumber and timber
Industries the mills were unable to
meet requirements, but through the
executive ability of Mr. Van Duzer
facilities were co-ordinated. and
from that time until the end of the
conflict the northwestern mills met
every demand. He has been active in
all public movements.
Mr. Corbett's Work Cited.
Mr. Corbett retires from the presi
dency after, two and one-half years
as executive head, serving through a
period fraught with exceptional de
mands upon officials. He first be
came active in the organization as a
member of the Oregon development
bureau and succeeded C. C. Chapman
as representative of that bureau on
the board of directors. -In 1915 he
was elected vice-president and in
April, 1917, succeeded to the presi
dency. Under his administration the
membership has Increased from 2100
to 3000 and at present is steadily
During the period of the war Mr.
Corbett gave practically all of his
time to public affairs connected with
the business of the chamber, and as
a private in the Multnomah Guard did
sertinel duty at the waterfront indus
trial plants with his comrades. In
submitting his resignation to the
board of directors Mr. Corbett said:
"In April, 1917, I had the honor
of being elected to the presidency of
the Portland Chamber of Commerce.
I have held this position continuously
since that date and have given to the
organization the fullest measure of
whatever ability I may possess and
for two years and a half have given
up lo per cent of my time to the work
of the organization.
Business Requires Time.
"In justice to myself and my own
business affairs I cannot longer con
tinue to give to the chamber the time
which I believe it deserves. I feel,
furthermore, that I cannot consent
to give less time to the chamber's
work than I have in the past and
still continue to hold office as presi
dent of the organization.
"I am leaving tonight for the east
to be gone for a considerable period
of time. On my return my private
business will necessitate frequent ab
sences from the city, which will put
me out of touch with the work of our
organization. In Justice to the cham
ber I cannot continue to remain as
president while unable to actively
direct its affairs, and in justice to
myself, I cannot continue to hold of
fice as a figurehead.
"With the greatest regrets that
other duties make it imperatively
necessary, I therefore respectfully
submit my resignation as president
of the Portland Chamber of Com
merce, to take effect at your earliest
possible convenience. In doing so I
wish to express to pie board of di
rectors the very great, pleasure that
I have had in being actively asso
ciated with them and to express fur
ther my thanks and appreciation for
the active and unselfish co-operation
which I have always received from
I. . T. Hunt, vice-president of the
I Ladd & Tllton bank, was elected a
I vice-president of the chamber to sue-
ceed Mr. Van Duzer. A. J. Bale be- I
comes senior vice-president as a con
sequence of the change.
Vancouver Interests Strongly in
Favor of Improvement.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Oct. 22.
(Special.) Petitions requesting the
city council to hold a special election
at the earliest possible time to bond
the city for a sum sufficient to build
a dock and warehouse for ocean going
vessels were signed by many voters.
At the weekly luncheon of the Royal
Prunarians, resolutions favoring the
building of a dock and warehouse
were unanimously favored. James E.
Blackwell, resident engineer of the
United States shipping board of Se
attle, addressed the Prunarians and
pointed out the urgent need of a dock
and warehouse for Vancouver now..
Gust Bapp, Arrested in East on An-
other Charge, Is Sought.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Oct. 22.
(Special.) Gust Bapp. recently ar
rested in Indiana, 'on a charge of
violating the prohibition law. Is
wanted in this state to serve a-en-tence
from six months to seven years.
On July 27. 1916, Bapp was arrested
for breaking into the store of
Shanedling Bros., and was convicted
of attempted robbery. While in the
county jail waiting for the guards to
take him to the state penitentiary,
Bapp escaped. Local authorities
recently saw that he had been- ar
rested in Indiana, and so have started
extradition papers to bring him back
to .Washington to serve his term in
Total or $34,566.2 2 Received in
407 Contributions.
Business firms, organizations, clubs
and individuals all united in a spirit
of co-operation to subscribe' the
money for the annual rose festival
and make the Victory festival here
last June possible, according to the
detailed report of subscriptions, sub
mitted yesterday by the finance com
mittee, of which William Cornfoot
was chairman, Charles Rudeen vice
chairman and H. W. Kent secretary.
The report shows that a total of
$34,666.22 was received through con
tributions from 497 separate sources,
The festival is strictly a municipal
affair of benefit to all the people of
Portland, and should therefore be paid
for by taxation as one of the regular
.expenses of the city government, is
the declaration of Secretary Kent of
the finance committee.
T. E. Phipps, Engineer, Expects to
Leave Hospital Tomorrow.
T. E. Phipps. consulting engineer,
with offices in the American Bank
building, Seattle, who was found un
conscious in the office of the Port
land Gas company late, Monday night
and taken to the Good Samaritan hos
pital, was recovering rapidly yester
day and expected to leave the hos
pital tomorrow. He was working on
a rate schedule for the company here
and was alone at his desk when he
fainted and fell, receiving some
brusies about the. head and knees.
A. E. Boyles, 1364 Alameda drive
who knew Mr. Phipps in Seattle, no
tified Mrs. Phipps at 905 Boylston
street. Seattle. She came to this city
at once and will take her husband
home as soon as he is, able to travel.
Centralia Man Dies Overseas.
CENTRALIA. Wash.. Oct. 22. Spe
cial.) Word was received here yes
terday -of the death overseas of
pneumonia of John Laraway, a grand
son of Mrs. Emily 'Lara way and
nephew of Mrs. T. P. Francis, both
of this city. Mr. Laraway was in
Germany with the army of occupa
tion. Before entering military serv
ice he was well known throughout
the northwest as a vaudeville enter
tainer. Bend School Bonds Awarded.
BEND. Or., Oct. 22. (Special.)
Bids on the $10,000 bond issue to cover
additional building expenses for the
new grade school here, were opened
this noon by the local school board
and the contract for purchase of the
district's securities let to E. L. Dever
eaux & Co., of Portland, for $10,152.20.
The bonds will draw S'i per cent
interest and will run for 15 years, be
ing retired serially after the end of
the first five years.
Schools Minus Teachers.
ROSEBURG. Or.. Oct. 22. (Special.)
Eight school districts in Douglas
county are still without teachers, ac
cording to Superintendent Brown. In
some instances, he said, teachers had
been enraged but failed to appear for
work. To provide for these districts,
Mr. Brown said that under the law
girls who have finished high school
will be accepted upon passing satis
factory examination for teachers to
fill vacancies.
Much Legislation Tends
Cut Down Revenues.
Tax Limit Is- Reached and Commis
sioner Says Election Is
Only Solution."
The general run of legislation tend
ing to decrease the revenue of the
city and increasing the cost of the
operation is largely the reason for
the present financial plight of the
city of Portland, according to City
Commissioner Barbur, who for many
year prior to being elected commis
sioner served as city auditor. In the
former position Mr. Barbur had op
portunity of keeping a careful check
on the city's income and expenses.
"The tendency of recent legislation
enacted by the voters has been mate
rially to reduce the . city's revenue
from sources other than taxation and
to increase the expenses of conduct
ing the city," said Commissioner Bar
bur. ' "This is responsible to a large
degree for the present financial stress
of the city. The mounting cost of
everything and the decreased revene
has brought the city up to a point
where revenue received does not
equal the expense of service. It is
to relieve this situation that the spe
cial election has been called for No
vember 12."-
. Liquor Loss $400,000.
To explain just what the city has
lost. Commissioner Barbur cites the
fact that prohibition haa eliminated
$400,000 a year revenue, which was
paid into the city treasury by saloons
and kindred interests. The voters,
he explains, recently adopted R meas
ure eliminating the usual charge- of
5 per cent for engineering, advertis
ing, etc., on street improvements
This 5 per cent netted the city from
$125,000 to $296,000 a year, which rev
enue. Commissioner Barbur said, is
now lost to the city. In addition to
this loss, the amount . necessary to
care for this work has- had to be
raised through taxation, thus adding
materially to the upward trend of the
tax levy which now has reached the
limit allowed by law.
This 5 per cent charge, which for
merly was allowed in the assessment
against improvements, presents even
a more serious problem for next year
than in the present year, as the city
faces the largest improvement pro
gramme that has been undertaken
since 1910.
Tax Limit Too Small.
The aggregate loss of revenue in
recent years to the city amounts to
about $800,000 a year, according to
Commissioner Barbur, due in a large
part, he said, to laws enacted by the
people. The money which previously
was used to run the city had to be
made up by taxation, and, with vastly
increased cost of everything, the limit
of taxation was reachtd more than
a year ago and now is so small that
the city cannot continue to operate on
what it receives.
Commissioner Barbur also points
out that in addition to the elimination
of revenue the voters have adopted
numerous measures jvhich have added
to the expense of running the city.
By voting for additional parks the
co6t of park operation and main
tenance has been increased by a very
large amount and much more Is to
come next year with the recent adop
tion of a bond issue for l ire parks
and playgrounds.
"I am not arguing against the parks
and playgrounds, because- it is my
firm belief that parks are necessary
for old and young, and that play
grounds are a wonderful asset for the
growing children. Playgrounds not
alone furnish play for the youngsters
but in addition they furnish valuable
educational features. But we have
the parks and playgrounds and have
voted . for additional facilities. As
yet we have not any too many far a
city- the size of Portland, but we are
obligated to maintain those which
now are in operation and those which
will be acquired through the pas
sage of the recent bond measure."
Fire Bureau Costa More.
The adoption by the voters of the
two-platoon system in the fire bureau
has increased the cost of labor, Mr.
Barbur maintains. According to fig
ures which he quotes, the adoption of
this measure has added more than
$26,000 a rear to the cost of labor In
the fire bureau. Pension systems
voted by the people for the fire and
police bureaus have involved outlays
from the city treasury which were not
called for in former years, when the
revenue was far greater Can at the
present time.
"During recent years, as these
sources of revenue have been elim
inated and the expense has been in
creased the city has made up the dif
ference by increasing the levy. The
point has now been reached where
the limit of tax levy that may be im
posed has been reached and the
amount allowed is far too small to
permit the city to continue to give
the service it has been giving," con-
:luded Mr. Barbur.
Mrs. Etbel McGowun Says She
Never Saw Missive Before.
SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Oct. 22. After
ten character witnessed had testi
fied in her behalf, Mrs. Ethel Mc
Gowan. charged with attempting to
extort money from Governor Steph
ens, took the stand in her own de
fense late today and denied she had
written a letter threatening to blow
up the capitol unless a payment of
$500 was made.
Sirs. Mcuowan said she had not
written the letter, had never seen It
until it was placed in evidence at
this trial and had no knowledge as
to its authorship.
"Baron. of Vlmy" Conferred on Gen
eral; Beatty Is Honored, Too.
LONDON, via Montreal. Oct. 22.
General Sir Julian Byng, on his eleva
tion to the peerage, takes the title
of Baron Byng of Vlmy.
Vice-Admiral Sir David Beatty be
comes Baron Beatty of the North Sea
and of Brooksby.
Governmental Help to Armenia and
Turkey Held Inadvisable.
th Asscelatd Press.) The majority
of the members of the Harbord Mis
sion, wlilch has been Investigating
conditions In Armenia and trans
Caucasia, have indicated to the Asso
ciated Press correspondent their opin
ion that it would be inadvisable for
the United States to accept a mandate
for either Armenia or Turkey. Their
view Is that If the United States does
accept a mandate It should do so only
after the interested European powers
havo fully agreed to pursue a "hands
off" policy.
Major-General James G. Harbord.
head of the mission, expressed no
The civilian members of the mission
are the ones who take a different
view, at least so far as Armenia is
concerned. Their feeling was indi
cated that Amei'ic-t should accept the
mandate for Armenia as a duty to
ward Europe and toward helpless
people s.
Improvement of Citizenship by Ed
ucation Declared to Be Biggest
Thing State Has Done.
Sam A. Kozer, assistant secretarj
of state, who was in Portland yes
terday on business, characterized the
appropriation made for the aid of re
turned soldiers wishing to go to
school as one of the biggest things
the state of Oregon had ever done.
"We now have 2000 applications
for assistance from returned soldiers
desiring to go to school." said Mr.
Kozer, and from indications the num
ber will be much greater before the
first of the year.
Mr. Kozer said that the number
asking for aid had greatly surpassed
anticipations and tof that reason it
would be necessary to make provision
for augmenting the fund from other
money available.
"The boys returned from France
have a greater vision and many of
them, satisfied with their lot before,
are .not now content to continue in
the same old groove. Consequently
many of them have gone back to
school with newer and bigger ideals
and the state is doing its part in
bringing about Jthe realization of
Dozen Cases Rounded Up In Week
and Eron Possession of Mash
Is Held to Be Violation.
In the drive against moonshiner.
one of the infant Industries of Ore
gon, federal officials have rounded up
a dozen cases this week. . In making
a raid yesterday, J. H. Beeman and
Edward Wolf, agents of the internal
tevenue department, were bitten by
rn irate Italian woman. The cases
ere piling up so rppldly that Elton
Watkins, asslittant United States at
torney, is having difficulty keeping
up with them.
"The attorney-general," says Mr.
Watkins, "has instructed us to pros
ecute vigorously all violations of the
act of November 21, 1S18. Under this
1j?w, the food conservation act, no one
can use cereals, grain, fruit, sugar
or any other food products in the
manufacture of wu;e, beer or other
intoxicating liquors. It is under this
statute tfcat most of the arrests are
teing made and charges filed. In
addition, of course, there are the vio
lations against the internal revenue
act, for the moonshiners are not pay
ing tne tax required. -
In some Instances the arresting of
ficers have found stills in operation
and in others they have captured only
the mash of raisins, prunes or soma
other fruit. Under the act of No
vember 21. 191S. the making of the
mash !s an offense, for the mash la
"liquid fit for distillation" under the
Charles Marq-iette, who discovered
seme liquor In California and brought
it Into Oregon, was sentenced to ix
months in jail yesterday In the fed
eral court. This morning a Chinese
charged with moonshining will be
placed on trial.
Proposed Changes n National Af
fairs Strongly Supported.
ROSEBURG, Or., Oct. 22. (Special.)
At a session of Umpqna post, Amer
ican Legion, In this city last night.
votes were taken on the several is
sues now coming before posts of the
legion throughout the country and
every proposition carried, with the
exception of that calling for a smaller
Universal military training. re
serve corps, civlliain training, Asiatic
exclusion, strict naturalization laws,
abolition of foreign language news
papers in. the United States and im
mediate deportation of objectionable
aliens were among the proposals ap
proved by the ex-service men.
Metolins Stockmen. Eradicating
Hemlock on Lake Creek.
BEND, Or., Oct. 22. (Special.) Co
operating with the Deschutes national
forest service, the Sisters-Metolius
Livestock association is working to
eradicate a rank growth of poison
hemlock found along the banks of
Lake creek, between Suttle's lake and
the Metolius river. It Is believed thet
the deadlv weeds can be cleaned out
In this section before the coming of
The hemlock, one of the most pois
onous plants known to science, has
caused considerable losses to cattle
men during the past summer.
Army Supplies, Ordered 2 Months
Ago, Arrive.
NORTH BEND, Or.. Oct. 22. (Spe
cial.) More than $1500 of army food
supplies, ordered by Postmaster J. T.
McGulre for residents of this city two
months aco. arrived yesterday. The
shipment consists of bacon in cans,
beans in sacks, canned corn. peas, to
matoes and other varieties of food
The consignment Is being- parceled
out and delivered by the postoffice
force. Persons receiving the first of
the supplies said they were well
pleased with the price and quality.
Koeburg Contractor Dead.
ROSEBURRG. Or., Oct. 22. (Spe
cial.) C. A. McReynoIds. well-known
contractor of this city, died here to
day following" complications which set
in after an illness. Three weeks ago
he underwent an operation. He cam?
here from Nebraska ten years ago
and was 40 years of asre. His widow
and two children survive.
Warm Weather
Breeds Disease Germs
Deadly disease germs breed, thrive, and spread
by the thousands in warm weather.
A serious epidemic spreading throughout your
entire organization could easily 6 tart from a
cuspidor, toilet-room, or some dark corner not
properly disinfected.
Take precautions against this constant, in
visible menace now, and continue to do so all
through the summer.
Prevent a big sick-list. Protect yourself and
your associates from serious contagious illness.
Lysol Disinfectant at the moment of applica
tion kills all germ life, or prevents its creation.
At the office: Order Lysol Disinfectant used
regularly in cuspidors, toilet -rooms, dark cor
ners, on floors, rugs, and all surfaces.
In the home: Hare a solution of Lysol Disin
fectant sprinkled regularly in sinks, drains,
toilets, garbage cans, and wherever flies gather.
A 50c bottle makes five gallons of powerful dis
infectant; a 25c bottle makes two gallons.
For large institutions use Lysol F. & F. Disin
fectant. Remember, there is but one genuine Lysol Dis
infectant made, bottled, signed, and sealed
by Lehn & Fink.
Lysot Toilet Soap
2Sc a Cake
Contains the neerasary proportion
of the antiseptic lnfrr-dfltx of Lyool
Disinfoctant to protoec til. skin
from serm iafoction. It is refresh
ingly soothinf and hrmhac and help
ful (or im pro Tine tha skin. Ask
your dealer. If oe hssn't it, ask
kiss to ardor It for you.
Buy W.
I ya sioj
Exposition Pavilion Inspected by
Men About to Make Drive to
Place $100,000 in Stock.
An incident of happy portent yes
terday gladdened the hearts of the
75 crack salesmen from the allied
civic clubs who will take the field
next Tuesday for an intensive three
day drive through which they expect
to place $100,000 worth of stock to
finance the completion of the Pacific
International Livestock exposition's
new pavilion at North Portland.
The salesforces mobilised by Cam
plagrn Manager Milton R. Klepper and
Financial Director John L. Etheridge
had completed an excursion through
all departments of the big 7 '4 -acre
pavilion and emerged from the front
entrance of the building about 1:30
P. M., just as the sunshine burst
through the clouds and a brilliant
rainbow appeared through the misty
rain. The beautiful bow hung over
the big pavilion, where 200 workmen
and a noisy donkey engine were
clamorously at work speeding up the
completion of the structure. A shout
went up from Klepper and his enthu
siastic army of salesmen as the rain
bow was discovered and announced
by O. M. Plummer. general manager
of the Pacific International.
"Look, fellows." shouted Plummer,
'that's a symbol for our drive. You
will note that the end of the rainbow
dips right down Into Portland's busi
ness district, and there's where the
big pot of gold is. Now all we have
got to do is to go out and get it."
The s-mbol was accepted in a
happy spirit as the clubmen piled into
their automobiles and started back
for the city. All were greatly en
thusiastic over the fine appearance of
the building, now about 85 per cent
completed. They unanimously ex
pressed confidence In the success of
the drive to enlist all of the city's
business and professional men as
partners in the Pacific International
and its extensive educational and de
velopmental plans.
Oregon City Delegation to Attend
Portland Ceremony.
OREGON CITY. Or., Oct. 22. (Spe
cial.) The Neighbors of Woodcraft
will go to Portland by special car
leaving here Thursday evening at 6:30
o'clock, as there are to be about 300
candidates initiated Into the mysteries
Revitalize your blood and put your
system in condition to resist
the hardships of winter.
It is the strong-bodied men and
women who are vigorous and healthy
in winter, and who are not incon
venienced by the cold, wet days.
Wet feet don't bother them, sudden
changes cause no inconvenience, and
even when a cold is "caught," be
cause of contact, in a close, stuffy
room with some one already in
fected, the trouble seldom lasts over
a day or two. This highly desired
state of health is brought about by
having rich, pure blood, uncontam
inated by Impurities of any kind.
You may possibly think your blood
is all right you are not troubled by
outward signs. Yet you have felt
tired and languid, you have lost some
sleep or had some minor ailments at
times, but you regard yourself as in
"fairly good condition physically."
This may be true, but you should
take nothing for granted, you should
not "guess" that you are all right.
The thing to do is to make yourself
right by taking a good blood tonic
and lnvigorator, such as S. S. S. It
is the best known blood tonic on the
market today. There is hardly a man
or woman in this state who haa not
Lysol Shaving Cream
In Tubes
Contains the necessary pro porta on
of the antiseptic in8rvdnta of Lyaol
rHainfectant to kill ffertna on rasor
and havine-brush (where germi
abound) and to guard, the tiny rata
from infection, and giv an anti
ptie share. If your dealer haan't
it, k him to order a supply for yoa.
S. S.
is cm RcvVn
of the order and 30 will be from the
local organization.
The lodge has a campaign on. hav
ing started in April, and will finish
about January 1.
Plans are being made by the Neigh
bors of Woodcraft of this city to en
tertain the grand officers, who are to
attend a session of the grand lodge
to e held in Portland in November,
when a banquet will be served. The
committee in charge of the affair are
to spare no pains to make this a most
elaborate affair.
Emanual Hospital to Hold Ifvor
cises Tonight.
Eight nurses have completed the
prescribed course at Emanuel hospital
and will be graduated tonight with
fitting exercises. The young women
have also passed the nurses' exam
ination provided by the laws of the
state of Oregon. Those wh have won
their diplomas are: Agda T. Pearson,
Anna M. Dahlback. Gertrude K.
Deutsch, Hanna A. Olson. Minnie G.
Johnson, Edla C. Pearson, Magdalena
Lund and lona Johnson.
Major Charles Swenson, recently
returned from France, a member of
the hospital staff, and Rev. W. Fet
terson will give addresses at the ex
ercises at the hospital tonight. There
will also be a musical programme.
Great Blast Goes Today.
BEND. Or., Oct. 22. (Special.)
Half a carload of T. N. T. will be
exploded under Windy Point on the
Mackenzie Pass highway tomorrow,
lifting hundreds of tons of rock, ac
cording to the plans of the contrac
tors, announced here today. The rock
to be removed is 200 feet in length. 30
feet high, and has a minimum width
of 12 feet. The pass road will be
closed for the remainder of the sea
son, it is believed.
Veteran Killed by Train.
ROSEBURG, Or., Oct. 22. (Special.)
Judson Bowman, 75 years of age.
a veteran of the Oregon Indian wars,
was instantly killed by a southbound
passenger train near Leland. yester
day. He was walking on the track
and failed to hear the approaching
train. Bowman was a native of Iowa.
He served in company A, 1st Oregon
infantry. A brother, C. O. Bowman,
resides at Forest Grove.
Car Crushes Brakeman's Foot.
t END. Or., Oct. 22. (Special.)
Thrown from a freight car by a sud
den lurch of the train. C. H. Smitti.
brakeman, sustained a badly crushed
foot this morning in the local yards.
I After one set of wheels had passed
over the foot, he rolled clear of the
track preventing further injuries. He
will recover.
heard of it- It has helped to restore
many people to health. It has
brought relief in thousands of cares
of blood disorders during the past
fifty years.
S. S. S. is a standard treatment
for all blood disorders. It is a true
blood tonic, that purifies and brings
new vigor and new life to the blood
stream. It Is guaranteed to be purely
vegetable, to contain no mercury or
other mineral drugs, but to be made
from herbs and roots carefully se
lected for their known medicinal
properties. For chronic sores, ulcers,
catarrh, rheumatism, eczema, psoria
sis, salt rheum, tetter, acne and other
such diseases as are due to impover
ished blood. S. S. S. acts promptly
and satisfactorily. It counteracts the
germs and poisons, cleanses the sys
tem of unhealthy accumulations, lit
erally washes all foreign matter from
the blood and renews its life-giving
Be sure to take S. S. S. this winter.
The renewal of vigor that it will
Mve you will be well worth while.
One thing you can be sure of and
that is if you take S. S. S. you will
be benefited. Get it today at your
drug store refuse any substitute.
For medical advice address Swift
Specific Co., 416 Swift Laboratory,
Atlanta. Ga.
V X yyy