VTOL. L.VIII. 0 18 fiSO Entered at Portland tOreg L" W1 X 0,.OV p.toffice Second-da. Mai en PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENTS tter. ORGANIZED LABOR DUiTS CONFERENCE "'tosknSVPTUND choice WOMEN ARE RESCUED AIR RACE TIME PRIZE GOES TO DONALDSON LIEUTENANT MAYXARD TEX HOURS BEHIND VICTOR. PORTLAND TO HELP FINANCE NEW LIE OPERA RIOT AGAIN WORLD PROSPERITY FROM FIRE AT DUFUR DISTURBS NEW YORK OF EPISCOPALIANS 'S PATIENT GIVES ATTENTION TO PUBLIC BUSINESS. EX-SERVICE 3IEX HEROES AT PERFORMANCE IX GERMAN IS MET BY EGG THROWING. EARLY MORNING BLAZE. CONVENTION 1 Collective Bargaining Resolution Defeated. EOLT IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWS Parting Shot Delivered Gompers on Retiring. by AID PLEDGED TO STRIKE "We'll Meet In Conference Again,' Says Labor Leader, "And Then Tou'll Be Glad to Talk." WASHINGTON. Oct. 22. Labor withdrew from the national industrial conference tonight after its final ef fort to obtain adoption of a col lective bargaining resolution had been defeated by the vote of a njajority of the capital group. Although the representatives of both the public and capital announced their intention of remaining in the conference, the next movement in the effort to restore industrial peace to the country evidently rested with President Wilson. Secretary Lane will make a per sonal report of the situation to the president, but neither leaders in the conference nor officials generally would venture a prediction as to what course Mr. Wilson would take. Conference to Sleet Today. The conference will be called to gether tomorrow as usual. Withdrawal of the labor group was announced by President Gompers of the American Federation of Labor, a;ter a dramatic speech. It came only a few hours after Secretary Lane had read a letter in which President Wilson, dictating from his sickbed, appealed for harmony in the confer ence and for the final working out of av programme of industrial peace. Representatives of labor did not Join In the applause which greeted the letter and Mr. Gompers character lied as "most unfortunate" a motion by John Spargoof the' public group, that each group pledge the president it would make every effort to ac complish the work for which the con ference was called. The motion was withdrawn and the conference re cessed so the labor group could meet to determine its future course. Resolution Is Presented. When the conference convened In the afternoon, the labor group pro posed the : following resolution: "Tlje right of wage earners to or Krtnize without discrimination, to bar-, gain collectively, to be represented by representatives of their own choosing In negotiations and adjust ments with employers in respect to wages, hours of labor, and relations and conditions of employment is recognized." In introducing the resolution, Gom pers declared President Wilson's let ter to the conference demonstrated that "the mind of the president is as clear as it ever was during his entire life and indicates to us that he will soon be restored to the nation and to the world In the full power of his wonderful mind." One Vote Defeats Measure. The resolution immediately was brought to discussion and vote, the labor and public groups uniting in its support on the roll-call. The major ity against the resolution in the capi tal group was one vote, but under the conference rules this majority was sufficient to defeat the resolution. Mr. Gompers told the conference the resolution has been rejected "without right or reason, rejected on grounds go flimsy that the men sit ting in the employers' group will have difficulty in explaining their action to their fellows in the world." "You have defeated the labor group in its declaration," he declared, "but we will meet you again in conference and when we do meet you there you will be glad to talk collective bar gaining. Legislated Oat," Snyn Chief. "I have sung my swan song in this conference. You have by your action legislated us out of the gathering. We have nothing further to say and it is with a feeling of regret that we are not able to remain longer. Our chief regret is the defeat of every fair proposition on our part. The die Is cast. We cannot remain longer." Addressing the conference after defeat of the resolution, Mr. Gompers declared that the executive council of the American Federation of Labor In a meeting last night voted to devote all the moral and financial support of the federation to aid the steel strikers in enforcing their de mand for collective bargaining:. Representatives of the four railroad brotherhoods remained in the. confer ence until the session adjourned, but they announced that they did so "out of courtesy to the other delegates and that they were in accord with the main body of the labor group. Conference Rales Criticised. Mr. Spargo asked the labor dele gates not to make their decision irre vocable, but to remain with the un derstanding that the conference would "proceed to develop and formu late a general programme which will clearly define and establish the right of collective bargaining." Calling attention mat only a "verv Bulletins Issued by Physicians Say Night Rest Is Best Since Illness Began. WASHINGTON, Oct. 22. President Wilson was permitted again today to transact, public business. After what his physicians described as one of the best nights he has had since his ill ness began, he signed the amend ments to the food control act provid ing penalties for hoarding and profiteering in food and clothing and three other measures of minor impor tance. Tomorrow the proh'bition enforce ment bill will be returned to the White House by the department of justice with an opinion as to its con stitutionality and it is expected th'at if the president shows no 111 eTfects from his work yesterday and today he will be allowed to study the opin ion and pass on the bill. The president's physicians an nounced today that his temperature, pulse and respiration continued nor mal and that his digestion was more satisfactory. The bulletin Issued to day follows: "White House, October 22, 1-919, 11:10 A. M. The president had one of the best nights since his illness be gan. His temperature, pulse and res piration rates continue normal. His digestion is more satisfactory. Gray son, Rufrin, Stitt." The bulletin issued by Dr. Grayson from the White House tonight said: "The president has had a comforta ble day." Drs. Young and Fowler, It was said tonight at the White House, were well satisfied with the prostatic condition of the president. Dr. Grayson supplemented his night bulletin with the information that the patient's condition was as good as could fee expected. The increased ac tivity of the prestdftat w-as not indic ative of any decided improvement 1" his condition, Dr. Grayson Mid, -adding that it was thought that permit ting the president to sign bills would perhaps be better for him than to withhold the bills and allow the con sequent anxiety, to take action on such matters. Immediately after breakfast this morning, the president turned his at tention to the national industrial con ference, to which he addressed a letter yesterday. . Later in the day some additional executive business was laid before the president. SQUATTER HALTS TRAFFIC Covered Bridge Little Used Pre empted by Family. EUGENE, Or., Oct. 22. (Special.) A man and his family have pre empted the newly-built covered oriage inai spans LaKe creek, near Swisshome, on the main road between nugene ana itiapieton, according to information received by county of nciais yesieraay, ana nave set up housekeeping on the ',' structure, ef fectually blocking traffic Constable J. J. Harbaugh was sent out there yesterday to order the squatters to move out. There i never much team or auto traffic along that road and the man evident ly thought the bridge was not in use. PUBLISHERS' SCHEME UP Proposal to Print Magazine Outride of New York City Made. NEW YORK, Oct. 22. Publishers who suspended operations as the. re suit of the lockout and strike in the local printing industry were invited to consider plans for the publication of their periodicals outside New York City in a statement Issued tonight by John Adams Thayer, secretary of tin New York Publishers' committee. Such action was indorsed yesterday by a committee representing publish ers of periodicals and trade papers. PARLIAMENT IN SESSION First. Lord of Admiralty Tells of Baltic Situation. LONDON, Oct. 22. Parliament re sumed its sessions today, the house of commons meteing at 2:45 o'clock, when Walter Hume Long, first lord of the admiralty, was called upon to answer series of questions concerning the Baltic situation. Mr. Long replied with considerable force. British ships were in the Bal tic, he said, but he was without in formation aa to the reports that they had been in action. PARIS SHORT OF SILVER Prosecution of Traffickers in Mon ey Is Ordered. PARIS, Oct. 22. The gradual dis appearance of silver coin from circu. lation has caused the minister of Jus tice to circularize his department, or- aering iramcicers in money prose cuted with the full force of the law. A law promulgated last week made it an offense, punishable with fine and imprisonment, to hoard, melt, re coin or withdraw from circulation any of the legal currency of the country. CZECHS PLAN PROHIBITION American Law Would Be Copied If Liquor Is Banished by Slavs. PRAGUE. Oct. 22. The Czecho- Slovakian government is considering the enactment of a law declaring total prohibition. The law would be similar to the Aoicrii.au law. Convention of 1922 to Be Held in West. 3 RADICAL CHANGES MADE Executive Board Created Have General Charge. to CHURCH UNITY APPROVED Greater Power Vested In Eight Pro vincial Synods; Three-Year Budget Is Presented. DETROIT, Mich.. Oct. 22. (Spe cial.) The invitation extended by Bishop W. T. Sumner of Oregon, the Portland Chamber of Commerce, and the mayor and city council of Port land, was accepted by unanimous vote today when the house of bishops of the triennial general convention of the Protestant Episcopal church con curred in the resolution of the house of deputies to that effect. The con vention in 1922 will be held in that city. Only once before in more than 100 years has the convention Deen neia on the Pacific coast, that having been 20 years ago, when San Francisco was the convention city. The Port land auditorium as a meeting place. together with other unusual attrac tions, were advanced in support of that city's invitation and no dissent ing vote was cast against its accept ance. DETROIT, Mien., Oct. 22. Three radical departures from the old church order that obtained for more than a century were - accomplished by the general convention of the Protestant Episcopal church today. The house of bishops concurred in action of the house of deputies creating an execu tive board to have general charge of the work of the church, virtual ap proval was given the plan for greater unity between church bodies, ap proached - through the concordat be ing worked out with the Congrega tional church, and greater powers were granted the eight provincial synods. Bishop Given Power. The church's business organization may now be -likened to that of the United States government. The pre siding bishop and executive council virtually are a president and a cab inet, the presiding bishop being given executive power under the new canon creating the board. The two bodies of the general convention, really the congress of the church, lose none of (Concluded on Page 2, Coiumn 4.) T... ............................................................. ............. J THE CORNER GROCERY CLUB. J ! wf H0VlF.-&rY WITH A JONt ccox ?2WX v'Sl, I i iiw ; Living Quarters' Destroyed When Oil Stove Explodes In Plant of Orchard Company. THE DALLES, Or.. Oct. 22. (Spe cial.) Fire, starting from the explo sion of an oil stove, completely de stroyed the women' -ng quarters at the plant of tr .fur Orchard company this mor at 5 o'clock. The long building ay 20 feet, was immediately wra C1 - in flames fol lowing the exp ;? .. The fire was fought heroical plant employes and volunteers Dufur. Wet sacks were used. A v 1 wind fanned the flames and-, i difficulty was the blaze confin-. the sleeping and liv ing quarter he mesa hall in the Immediate v'lcinlty caught fire, but was saved by prompt work. Sixty women and children, scantily clad, some in their night clothes, es caped from the burning building with out Injury. Practically all of the per sonal effects of the women and chil dren were lost, the value of which la expected to run Into several thou sands of dollars. The building de stroyed was new, having been erected only last summer. It was valued at $2500 and is covered by Insurance. After rescuing his wife and child from the burning building. Timekeep er Dudley Nickson, recently dis charged from the Canadian army, rushed back into the flames and made a sensational rescue of a woman over come by smoke and heat. N. A. Broe- ren also displayed heroism when he ran, half clad, into the burning bond ing and carried out a woman employe who had been trapped by the rapid advance of the fire. Foreman Earl Scott, ex-army man. and other ex-service men were re sponsible for prompt control of tho blaze. Had the wind been blowiny from the east, instead of from tha west, the entire plant would hat a been destroyed. CROSS WINNER PAROLED Washington Governor Gets Release for Jail Breaker. ABERDEEN. Wash., Oct. 22. (Spe cial.) D. M. Delmas, Victoria cross winner, who was on Monday sentenced to nine months In state prison by Judge Ben Sheeks on a charge of Jail breaking, has been paroled by Gov ernor Hart, and has been placed In charge of Alex Poison, wbo will pro vide him with employment. Delmas was released from the "court ty jail this afternoon. . AUSTRIA MADE "REPUBLIC" Xational Assembly Abolishes Xamc of "German-Austria." VIENNA, Oct. 22. (By the Asso ciated Press.) The national assembly today adopted an act abolishing the name of "German-Austria" for the nation and substituting the title "re public of Austria." The Pan-German party offered vlo lent opposition to the change. Official Figures Show "Flying Par son" Spent Longer Period in Flight In Cross-Country Race. WASHINGTON. Oct. 22. Although Lieutenant B. W. Maynard was the first to complete the transcontinental air race. Captain J. O. Donaldson made the flight in about ten hours less fly ing time, according to the latest cal culation, the war department today announced. , The war department's comparison of the two aviators' fly ing time follows: Donaldson, from New York to San Francisco. 31 hours 37 minutes 11 seconds: San Francisco to New York, 25 hours 56 minutes 3S seconds; total, 57 hours 33 minutes 57 seconds. Maynard, from New York to San Francisco, 25 hours 11 minutes 8 seconds; San Francisco to New York, 41 hours 52 minutes 32 seconds; total, 67 hours 3 minutes 40 'i seconds. CHICAGO, Oct. 22. Captain Alex ander Pearson and Lieutenant Earl H. Manzelman landed today at Mine ola, N Y., being the fourth and fifth aviators to complete the second lap of the army's double transcontinental air race, 6402 miles. Eight other flyers made varying progress across the country in their efforts to com plete the race. Pearson completed the flight at 1:55:30 and Minzelman at 2:12:50. Captain F. Stelnle and Lieutenant D. B. Gish started from San Francis co, tho latter making the best flight if the day, landing this evening at Green River, Wyo., 755 miles from an Francisco Captain Stelnle leached Sacramento, Cal., only 75 miles from his starting point. Lieutenant H. W. Sheridan is near er to a finish than the other contes tants tonight. He is at Mendota, 111., approximately 900 miles from Mine- ola. He landed there today after fly ing 100 miles from Rock Island on ac count of engine trouble, but expects tc resume the flight tomorrow. Lieutenant-Colonel H. E. Hartney, following Lieutenant Sheridan, rest ed for the night at North Platte, Nob., with 1491 miles ahead of him. Lieu tenant K M. Bagby, eastbound, was at Cheyenne, Wyo., 1696 miles from Mlr.eola. Lieutenant R. S. Worthington, the only fiyer now traveling from east to west, was detained at Rock Island throughout the day, having arrived Tuesday. , lie was making repairs to his engine and expected to get away afaln tomorrow. Lnutenant W.' Ti-T: Brown, who left San Francisco yesterday, made only alight progress during the day. Under the rules of the contest no more flyers will start the second lap from San Francisco after today. Of the 62 starters, 27 made the first crcssing and . 17 started the second lap. Of the 17, five have finished and four have dropped out. Foch Finds Freight Cars. BRUSSELS, Oct. 21. Marshal Foch has informed the Belgian government by telegraph that 40,000 Belgian freight cars have been found on the left bank of tne Rhine. Bend-Klamath Falls Road Committee Approved. CHAMBER DIRECTORS ACT Promotion of Bond Sale for Construction Favored. EXCURSION REPORT HEARD Nathan Strauss, Chairman of South ern Oregon Trade Party, Pre sents Recommendations. Portland, through yie Chamber of Commerce, will endeavor to finance a section of the Strahorn railroad from Bend to Klamath Falls. The actual financing will not be done by the chamber as an organization, but a committee will be named to promote the sale of bonds for the railroad construction. This action was decided on yester day when the board of directors of the chamber adopted recommendations made In the report of Nathan Strauss, chairman of the Oregon trade excur sion committee, following the south ern Oregon trip. A committee will be named to take up the project, the committee to be nominated at the next meeting of the board by A. J. Bale, vice-president. D. T. Honeyman, T. H. Edwards and Mr. Strauss, all of whom were members of the excursion party. As outlined by Robert E. Strahorn In conferences with officials of the cnainuer ana as presented to the ex cursionists at Klamath Falls, con struction or the line from the end of the first unit at Dairy to Silver Lake has been arranged for by the builder. From Bend to Silver Lake, a distance of 75 miles, Mr. Strahorn has asked that Portland and Bend assume the financing by sale of bonds to cover the cost of construction, est! mated at $1,250,000, nich Territory A4jacmt. The " construction of the line be tween Klamath Falls and Bend will open a large district now remote from railroad transportation. embracing ricn resources of timber, agricultural and grazing lands, and Includes irri gation projects that will bring -under cultivation considerable areas that are now unproductive. i..icr i t-um mentations In the re port include lending every possible asfistance to secure adequate hotel i . facilities at Crater lake and expedit ing construction of roads that will en ane tourists to reach tb ntf,-oi park with ease and comfort. It Is alyo the intention to give support to the movement to induce the forest service to build a highway to the marble caves of Josephine county. Approval Is given to the ambition of Ashland residents to restore the state normal school there, and at the same time th recommendation is made that a normal school also be provided for eastern Oregon. Klnntath Trade Wanted. Important among the recommenda tions made to business men of Port land is the one In reference to going after trade In the Klamath section diligently, and that wherever possible freight rates be equalized. It Is the avowed purpose of the chamber to make frequent excursions into trade territory in order that closer co-operation may be estab lished and maintained with different districts. The report of Mr. Strauss is as follows: I desire to present to you a report of the southern Oregon trade exrnrsiou which lert Here bunday evening, October 12, turning the morning- of Oi-tober 19. r- We visited Medford. Klamath Falls.' Ashland, lirants Pass and Roseburg. In ! all of these cities we received m most I cordial reception and entertainment, and I feel confident In stating thnt the ex cursion was eminently successful in every I particular and should be productive of great benefits not only to Portland busl- ' ness Interests but to the cities visited as '. welt After leaving Roseburg. a meeting was held on board tho special train to dis- cuss our visits to the various southern I Oregon cities and conclude upon what recommendations we wished to make to you as to the manner in which Portland can be helpful to the various communi ties in solving problems they are bat tling with. Iterommrndations Are Made. I began to present the following recom mendations decided upon at this meeting, taking up each city in the order In which we visited them: Medford The Medford people requested that Portland assist In securing largtf appropriations from the national govern ment for Crater lake, m-hlch will enable this national park to have adequate hotel facilities and for the building of a road attention to tho very large appropriations i that have been made for other national parks. Our recommendation Is that the chamber of commerce appoint a special committee to give attention to this request from Medford: that this committee secure co operation from other rts of the state In order to bring proper pressure to bear upon our congressional delegation. Klamath Kails Th important factor In connection with Klamath Kalis is hte securing of better railroad connections be tween that city and Portland. Our con ferences were held with Mr. Strahorn and Mr. raly of Lakeview with reference to this matter, Inasmuch as the problem is equally Important to both Klamath and Lake counties. It was tho sense of our meeting that the "delegation of Portland excursionist should use every to assist In the financing of bonds Issued for the building of the Strahorn road from Bend south and that the matter be referred to tho committee, of which A. Lu Mills Is chairman, which committee was appointed by tho chamber several years ago. It was stated at our meeting that thers was some talk of taking up the O-.-w. R. R. & N. railroad tracks along tne ue- .chutes river, and If such be tho case tho case tho tracks of tho Oregon trunk rail. " tciutlua4 oa f a 2, Culumu 4.) "Booing" Demonstration Is Made in Guarded Playhouse 'While Out'side Fight Rages. NEW YORK, Oct. 22. (Special.) Battles between mounted and foot police and organized mobs raged out side the Lexington opera-house to night, where the second German opera of the season was sung under the temporary injunction granted by Su preme Court Justice Bljur on Tuesday Mounted police rode down the raid ers in the roadways and on the side walks. Footmen swung their night sticks freely. Raiders retaliated with sticks and stones and bottles and, in one instance, with a revolved bullet that went wild. " . Two casualties were reported early. They were of a civilian and a sailor who were knocked unconscious dur ing a fierce skirmish at Park avenue and 51st street shortly after 10 P. M., when the raiders tried to break thruogh the cordon of blue-jackets there in a commandeered army truck. Inside the theater about 1500 per sons half the capacity listened to the opera unaware of the wild scenes in the streets. They had been treated. however, to an egg-throwing act di rectly after the curtain arose that was not on the programme. After the fifth egg. Detective James Donovan, one of more than a score of detectives ad a dozen uniformed patrolmen who had started for the box, seized the egg tosser. While Donovan was taking his prisoner from the box numbers of persons arose from their seats and started to walk toward the exits. There was a babel of voices. The theater was not half filled downstairs, but plenty of police, de tectives and opera officials were scat tered about prepared to quell any disturbance. There was a slight flurry at the close of the first act when Otto Gorltz, general director of the com pany, on whom the light of publicity has been centered because of his slighting reference in a popular song to the Lusltania sinking, was called before the curtain by the applause. From one corner of the audience came loud "boos" nitermingled with cheers, and immediately a group of Goritz sympathizers were on their feet and shaking fists at the '"booers." It was over in a few seconds. TRUCK DRIVER CLUBS LION Animal Jumps Upon Carrier on Road to Fossil. FOSSIL, Or.. Oct. 22. (Special.) J. H. Tilley, a resident of Service Creek. 20 miles southeast of Fossil, had a thrilling experience last week with a mountain lion. He was driving his truck to Fossil about 4 A. M., when he saw the lion in the road ahead of him. The lights from the truck con fused the animal, which started for the truck and Jumped upon the radia tor. Mr. Tilley was unarmed and had only a large club. He struck the animal with this, knocking it over He immediately drove as fast as pos sible. The lion jumped to its feet and followed the truck some distance, and when last seen was standing watch ing the truck. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 53 degrees; minimum. 46 degrees. TODAY'S Rain; moderate southwesterly winds. Foreign. Reds give battle outside Petrograd. Page S. National. President Wilson gives attention to public business. Page 1. Foreign relations committee approves ten treaty reservations. Page 4. ' Railroad employes announce fight to fin- in for higher wages. Page 3. Packers accused of trying to subvert jus tice. Pago 2. Labor quits Industrial conference. Fage 1. lometlc.. Coal miners threaten to bolt conference. Pago 10. Time record In cross-country air race Is awarded to Captain J. O. ronaldsoo. Pago '1. International trade conference opens at Atlantic City. Page 1. Representative McArthur named to lead fight for lower freight rate on stocl. Page 8. Episcopalians choose Portland for 1922 convention. Page 1. Pacific Northwest. Amendment to Increase rood fund will bo subject of state camoaicn. Page . i L,ving quarters at Dufur Orchard com I pany destroyed by fire. Tsge 1. Woman is arrested In Byran murder case. Page - Sports. Jefferson high defeats Benson football. 16 to 0. Pago 12. Tech at leaves for gams at Berkeley, Cal. Page 12. Two members of Oregon Agricultural col lego team disabled. Page 12. Commercial and Marine. Apple shipments from northwest heavier than In recent years. Page 21. Corn rallies at Chicago with lighter country offerings. Page 2V Stock market closes strong with wide gains. Page 21. A. O. Anderson & Co. buy Albina dock. Page IB. Portland 'and Vicinity. Bold daylight Jewelry store raid nets rob bers 12200. Page IS. J. D. Swank, really dealer, found guilty of forgery. Page IJ. . Portland leaders Join In Roosevelt me morial drive. Page 4. Retailers of city to raise I50OO of Roosevelt memorial u . , h W. It- Crawford, forger, sentenced to prison for larceny. Page 16. County passes buck on bridge regulation. Page 11. ( portland will assist In financing Bend- Klainath Kails railroad line. Page 1. L.(r, Jlinson, sentnttd ' ua oauda. Tago . to lUtt Ivrui, International Trade Con ference Is Opened. 2500 DELEGATES IN SESSIQH U. S. Government Welcome Extended to Visitors. OPTIMISTIC NOTE SOUNDED Meeting at Atlantic City Symbolic and Prophetic, Says Assistant Secretary of Stale. ATLANTIC CITT, N. J., Oct. 22. Maintenance of stable government and suppression of enemies of social ordei- these were the notes sounded tonight at the first public session of the international trade conference. Upon these factors depends the prosperity of the world, speakers told 2500 delegates who represent the largest business organizations and Dossess the avmnathetln Interent at I th rnvprnmprts of thlr riKnArllv. countries. A. C Bedford, chairman of the board of the Standard OH company of New Jersey, referred to the present social and industrial unrest as fol lows: The nations of the world face a common foe an enemy within, a parasite of the war, the destruction of which depends upon our prompt resuscitation from the devastation of war." Initrd Statea Welcomes Delemtea. The delegates were welcomed in the name of the United States govern ment by Breckenriage Long, third as sistant secretary of state. who characterized the conference as both "symbolic and prophetic" t After asserting that "trade is basrd cn credit, credit on confidence, and that confidence can exist only where law is settled and supreme," Mr. Long declared that, th conference "sym bolizes the sound business experience of two continents come together to clear the wreckage, to estimate the ccst. and to form a determination to superimpose on the ruins of the war a girat and modern structure." "It prophesies," he continued, "that the close co-operation which existed during the war between our country and the lands from which come these delegates will continue in peace and that the ties of friendship which wea sealed in blood will grow and develop in that friendly trade and commerce which are so necessary to the proper development of the peoples of our na tion." ForelgB Delreates Respond. The delegates also were welconr. xi by Hi-mer L. Ferguson, president of the Chamber of Commerce of t, Inited States. Responses, expressing appreciation for American aid in the problerqs of reconstruction. were made by the chairmen of the Britieh, French. Bclg'.an and Italian missions. The first official act of the confer ence was adoption .of a resolution ex pressing disappointment that Presi dent Wilson was unable to attend and hope that he might soon "be restored to complete health and comfort, equipped with renewed vigor to pro mote the cause of international good wllL" Latest information available to night Indicated that King Albert of Belgium, who was invited to attend a session, would be unable to be pres ent. The conference closes Friday night, after which the foreign dele gates will Inspect the country's com mercial and industrial centers. What action the conference will take toward stabilizing foreign ex change has not been disclosed In the official reports of the finance commit tee meetings. British Loan Forecast. British delegates, at meetings with American financial men. declared they sought no special credit arrangements, but simply asked that business trans actions go on aa before. This fol lowed the announcement from New York that the British government, through J. P. Morgan & Co, had ar ranged to raise a $250,000,000 loan in this country. French financial experts estimated thta their commodity purchases dur ing 1920 would total between $600i 000.000 and $700,000,000. Belgium's financial representatives failed to give specific figures on their country's credit requirements, but in formed the American committee that Belgium's financial situation was so good and reconstruction was proceed ing so rapidly that credits of only two and one-half years' maturity would be required. OLD CLOTHES GLORIFIED Chicago Clerks Organize to "Wear Patches and Cut High Costs. CHICAGO, Oct. 22. The Chicago Old Clothes society was organized by clerks in the city hall here today with "chapters" in each of the principal de partments of the municipal govern ment. The object is to glorify the wearing of patches, frayed or shiny suits, soft collars, re-soled shoes and revivified neckties as a means of combatting the jAigh cost of living.