Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 17, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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Roosevelt Association Chair
men Enthusiastic.
Newspapers ol State Generally Are
Co-operating in Campaign. and
Success Held Certain.
Reports from the county chairmen
of the Roosevelt Memorial association
to Edgar K. Piper, state campaign
director, show that great interest is
being taken in the campaign all over
the state and that those in charge of
the campaign are having no difficulty
in securing the assistance of enthus
iastic workers.
The newspapers of the state are
griving active co-operation in public
ity and are running coupons which
friends and admirers of the late ex
president are filling in with the
amounts they desire to contribute to
the memorial and sending in to ' the
county chairmen.
Charles W. Robison of Astoria is
organizing the county campaign to
raise Clatsop's quota of $1080 and is
appointing active workers in the
various precincts.
C. E. Ingalls, chairman for Benton
county, has opened a public subscrip
tion in the Corvallis Times to raise
the county quota of $360. On October
11 he had already received $92 in
email subscriptions.
Washington county will hold a rally
under the leadership of County Chair
man Thomas H. Tongue tomorrow
night at Hillsboro, when Thomas J.
Cleeton of Portland will be the prin
cipal speaker.
Birthday Observance Urged.
State Superintendent Churchill has
sent letters to all county school su
perintendents in the state urging the
observance of the birthday of Theo
dore Roosevelt, October 27, which
will also be observed by memorial
meetings in many cities and towns
of the state.
Judge R. R. Butler, chairman for
"Wasco county, has adopted the slo
gan "A Flower for Roosevelt," para
phrasing the slogan, "A Flower for
Siirabeau," so popular in the French
revolution. Judge Butler announces
that Wasco county will go over the
top on the first day of the campaign.
Roy Rittner, Umatilla county chair
man', is busy organizing his county
campaign and has secured the full
co-operation of the county press.
Umatilla county's quota is $1750.
The Coos county campaign, under
the direction of L. J. Simpson, is well
organized. Local chairmen have been
appointed and Mr. Simpson announces
that Coos county will go well over
the top. Speakers will appear at all
public gatherings in Coos county and
will speak upon Roosevelt's ideals of
Columbia Workers IlopefnI.
S. C. Morton, chairman for Colum
bia county, predicts that hit! county
will oversubscribe its county quota of
$230, as it has done in all the previ
ous patriotic campaigns.
George Aiken of Ontario, chairman
for Malheur county, has divided the
county quota of $750 among the vari
ous districts and appointed local
chairmen to conduct the campaign.
Dr. W. Carlton Smith, Marlon
county chairman, says that county is
completely organized and that work
is already under way on Marion's
quota of $1760. Local chairmen have
been appointed for the various districts.
E. C. Smith, Hood River county
chairman, has opened voluntary sub
scription lists for the purpose of
raising the county quota of $285.
H. J. Overturf, chairman for De
schutes county, announces that the
campaign to raise Deschutes' quota
of $245 Is well under way.
Lane county is well organized un
der the direction of Mrs. W. W. Cal
kins. Voluntary donations are being
received. Coupons have been printed
in the county newspapers and cam
paign boxes placed in the rural
Clackamas F"orce Named.
M. D. Latourette, chairman for
Clackamas county, has appointed dis
trict chairmen to assist him in receiv
ing gifts toward the county quota
of $570.
Lester Martin, chairman for Lincoln
county, writes that he is receiving
voluntary subscriptions toward Lin
coln's quota of $100. He expects to
raise that sum in small amounts and
to have an oversubscription.
J. W. Biggs, chairman for Harney,
has appointed district chairmen to as
sist him in the campaign.
Jay H. Upton, chairman for Crook
county, expects to report his county
quota subscribed on the opening day
of the campaign.
C. W. Eberlin, Klamath county
chairman, has appointed district chair
men to assist him in receiving con
tributions toward Klamath's quota
of $480.
Bruce Dennis, chairman for Union
county, has secured the co-operation
of the Union County Ad club in rais
ing the county quota of $480 and ex
pects to go over the top on the first
day of the campaign.
Ira C. Powell of Monmouth, chair
man for Polk county, is organizing
his county campaign. The Polk Coun
ty Observer has opened a subscrip
tion list.
Grant Ready for Drive.
To raise Grant county's quota of
enry lk a.uhi or Canyon City,
county chairman, has appointed- sub
committees throughout the county.
State Senator B. L. Eddy of Rose-
Durg is organizing the camnnie-Ti
among Douglas county citizens for
iiooert vv. tunl, chairman for
Jackson county, expects to report his
county over the top in the early days
or tne campaign.
Favorable reports have been re
ceived as to interest in their various
counties from J. W. Donnelly of Ar
lington, chairman for Gilliam county
Thomas M. Stott of Grants Pass,
chairman for Josephine county; L. F.
Conn of Lakeview, chairman for
Lake county; John L. Rand of Baker,
chairman for Baker county; Vine W.
Pearce of Madras, chairman for Jef
ferson county; Judge Percy R. Kelly
of Albany, chairman for Linn county;
F. J. McMenamin of Heppner. chair
man for Morrow county; George P.
Winslow of Tillamook, chairman for
Tillamook county; Danle Boyd of
Enterprise, chairman for Wallowa
county; W. G. Trill of Fossil, chair
man for Wheeler county, and Walter
. L. Tooze Jr. of McMinnvllle, chairman
for Yamhill county.
Members of Company C Form Vet
erans' Society.
Members of the old Companv c.
116tli engineers, au oi'eani4u.Uoii made
up largely of Oregon men, formed a
permanent veteran organization Tues
day evening following a banquet at
the Multnomah hotel. About 40 were
present, a nucleus of the 100 who left
Portland in September, 1917, -landed
at Saint Nazal re, France, in Decem
ber, 1917, and served nearly two
years in France.
The following officers were elected:
Crl F. Freilinger, president; Lincoln
w. Wheeler, secretary and treasurer;
entertainment committee, Leonard
Mahon, R. H. Prideaux. W. J. Lyons.
The ladies' auxiliary of the organi
zation handed over $180 to the men
which they had left from contribu
tions taken in during the war and
this sum will be used for entertainment.
Executive Body Defines Policy at
Meeting- Held Last Xight; Stand
ing Committees Are Named.
American Legion posts of the state
of Oregon must submit to the state
committee of their organization all
questions of policy involving class
controversies before taking any ac
tion or giving any publicity to the
posts' attitudes, decided the executive
committee of the legion in a meeting
held Wednesday night at the Hotel
"It is the policy of the American
Legion to take no side in any class
controversy," reads a letter which will
be sent to every post in the state to
day by State Secretary Eivers. "You
are therefore directed to refrain from
taking any action or giving publicity
to your post's attitude on any such
matters until the same has been re
ferred to the state committee and you
have received directions from them,
excepting where the American Le
gion is directly attacked."
W. B. Follett of Eugene, president
of the state organization, was au
thorized to assemble any two mem
bers of the executive committee for
decision in such matters where im
mediate action was necessary.
Standing committees for the state
organization appointed last night
Publicity Jerrold Owen, Portland, chair
man; E. J. Elvers, Portland; J. H. Tabor,
St. Helens; Lynn Mowat. Ashland; I. B.
Brown, Baker;. Ben F. Fisher, Marshf ield ;
Fred Woelfen, Bend; Tuttle, Eugene; Fred
Westerfeld, Klamath Falls.
Employment James O. Convill, Port
land: Wilfred E.- Smith. Portland; Jack
Connelly, Portland; Hal Fancher, The
Dalles; Albert Rousseau, Albany; Henry
Alexander, Eugene; J. A. Buchanan, As
toria; Willard Bond, Pendleton; J. F.
Doyle. Marshfield.
' Benevolence Ben L. Norden,' Portland;
John J. Sellwood. Portland; Thompson
Cobertum, The Dalles; J. C. Booth, Leba
non;' Carlton Smith, Salem: B. F. Scalfe,
Eugene: H. H.- Hushes, Gresham: J. H.
Rosenberg, Prinevilie; J. L. Ingle, I&
Memorial William S. Gilbert, Astoria;
Father Murphy, Portland; Asa W. Battles,
Grievance Thomas Sweeney, Creed C.
Hammond and Arthur A. Murphy, Port
land; Eugene S. Shea, Albany; George
Gore, St. Helens; Don Yantis, The Dalles;
Carl Wimberley. Roseburg; Charles W.
Ersklne, Bend; S. Burke Massey, The
War-risk Insurance William C. Kava
naugh, Portland; Hugh Hammersiey, Al
bany; James Bowler, Pendleton.
Laundry Driver Arrested.
Robert E. McClellan, driver for the
National Laundry company, was ar
rested at East Seventeenth and Ne
halem streets Wednesday by Patrol
men Van Atta. Ingle and Norene and
charged with driving his delivery au
tomobile while intoxicated. The ar
rest followed a collision between the
delivery auto and ah automobile
driven by R. L. Thiesen of Milwaukie,
AntNSoviet Troops Close In
on Baltic Ports.
Radicals In Moscow Region Thrown
Into Panic by Successes of
Anti-Red Campaign.
LONDON. Oct. 15. The military sit
uation in Russia is developing re
markable activity.
Today's news, although Its comes
largely from anti-bolshevik sources,
seems to bring the capture of Petro
grad, and. perhaps, Moscow also,
within measurable distance and the
fall of Petrograd Is expected the be
ginning of November.
General Yudenitch's forces have
been stirred into activity by the Ger
man attack on Riga and. working in
close co-operation with Admiral Kol
chak and General Denikine, have made
a meritorious advance and reached
the big railway junction of Gatchina,
25 miles south of Petrograd.
General Yudenltch. who is in com
mand of the Russian northwest army,
is repotted as finding bolshevik re
sistance continually weakening as he
advances. General Denikine also has
made a great stride and has reached
Orel, a point nearer Moscow than
ever reached before.
This news is confirmed by the Brit
ish war office, which characterizes
Orel as a great prize. Orel is an im
portant railway junction where the
main line between Moscow and Khar
kov crosses the line between Riga,
Smolensk and Tsaritzin.
According to advices from Helsing
fors, General Denikine's advance has
caused such apprehension that the
whole population of Tula, 100 miles
from Moscow, has been mobilized for
the defense of the city and precau
tions have been taken against possible
air raids.
General Denlkine's communique re
porting the capture of Orel reads:
"Orel was entered after many days
of fierce fighting in which several
regular divisions were defeated. The
townspeople welcomed the troops,
falling on their knees and calling out
Christ is risen.' East of Orel our
troops debouched on the line Preob-razhenskoe-Turemef
The communique further reports a
series of successes at various points
along the front, in which some 6000
prisoners and a number of guns were
captured and in one instance an entire
division was broken up. North of
Pavlosk, on the Don, 225 miles south
east of Orel, the enem was flung
across the river Osereco, and 1500
prisoners and eight machine guns
Cossack troops in the upper Don
region forced a' crossing to -the left
"FREE 25-cent bottle'of our wonder
ful A - o-Mor, for Asthma, sent abso
lutely free. Gives Instant relief. Has
cured thousands. Will cure you. Guar
anteed. Four months' treatment.
A-No.Mor handled by all - leadins
druggists. Send today.
As-.VO-noR CO
Tept. 41 rfn Moines. Te-wra.
Dominant Values
In Hart Schaffner
& Marx Clothes
WE WERE very fortunate in our
purchases this season, getting
our order in ahead of some big" ad
vances in costs. We're passing this
advantage right on to you as long as
our present stocks last, but it'll be to
your interest to make your selection
The Newest Styles
No war restrictions now; coats are
longer, lapels wider, skirts fuller;
light fall coats or heavy ulsters. All
wool, guaranteed quality.
Come in and let us show
you these fine coats. Un
usual values in suits and high
est quality furnishings, too.
Copyright 1919,11 art Sc&affner&Marx.
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
The Men's Store for
Quality and Service
Gasco Bldgr.
Fifth and Alder
286 Morrison St.. Between Fourth and Fifth
Next to the Corbett Building
Beware of imitators and imitation
sample shops. Look for Big Signi
With the Hand Pointing at 286
Morrison St. Factory Sample Shop
-aspM T
The lowest prices in the history of the Factory
i Sample Shop. Just think! You can buy the most t
beautiful, up-to-date garments at the lowest sale
prices that will save you from $10 to $30 on your
bank of the river on a wide front and
captured 1100 prisoners and a battery.
The staff of one of the Cossack bri
gades took 300 prisoners. Cossack
troops in the Krivutehy region dis
persed a division of enemy troops and
captured 3000 prisoners, five suns and
a number of machine gu.s.
of "The Star-Span pled Banner. played
in the clouds above the flagstaff by
a bandmaster In an airplane, and hun
dreds of soldiers came to salute as the
clear, familiar notes floated earthward.
The flag at Camp Diz was dropped
at sundown the other day to the notes j
Coughed So He Couldn't Sleep.
Bronchial coughs, tickling in throat
and asthmatic spasms break one's rest
and weaken one so that the system is
run down and serious sickness may
result. Enos Halbert, Paoll, Ind.,
writes: "I had a severe cold this fall
and coughed continually at night;
could hardly sleep. The first bottle
of Foley's Honey and Tar relieved me,
entirely curing my cough. "It covers
irritated membranes with a healing
and soothing coating, loosens phlegm
and clears air passages. Sold every
where. Adv.
4c Bar
OXE PACKAGE TO CUSTOMER Delivered With Other Goods Only
Flour Market Very Strong
Birr Torn winter's scprtr of flock row
at the Same Low Prices
Remember, these price are 40e aider the WHOLESALE prices.
(Read your papers for market quotations.)
White Rose Flour
White Rose Flour Is a fine fam
ily flour as good in quality as
well-known brands sold here
wholesale at 40c above this price.
White Rose Flour 4Ss, per bbl.,
$10,731 per sack S2.SO
White Hose Flour 98s, per bbl.,
10.83 1 per sack S5.40
ocr price:
Superior Flour
Remember our reputation. We exchange all
sale garments and refund money if not satis
fied within three days of purchase.
Long Velour Coats $Q (QjE!
Just Half Price ft3
Fur Trimmed Long Velour Coats
Values to $45, at only
Crx We Sell
All the best cake makers in this
city use Superior Flour in prefer
ence to all other brands. Why?
We have not raised our pr'ce on
Superior Flour as yet. Better
lay in a supply.
Superior Flour 49s, per bbl..
S11.SOI per sack S2.90
SUPERIOR GRAHAM 49u, fine or coarse, per bbl., H.OO per
sack 82.75
WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR 48s, per bbl., ll.O0 per sack. . .S2.75
Libby'a Milk, 48 large tins In case, per doz. 91.751 per case. . . .8 T.OO
Libby's Milk. 72 small tins in case, per doz. 83ci per case. . . . KB.tiO
Federal Milk, 48 large tins in case, doz., 91.75; per case . . . . X6.DO
Carnation Milk, 48 large tins in case, special, doz. 91.75 case.ft7.00
We have Installed a HOBART COFFEE REFINER In order that
we may remove, by the vacuum process, the CHAFF from Coffee
after it is ground, and insure to our patrons better cup value than
can possibly be had by putting- Into the pot this undesirable chaffy
substance, or by buying: coffee previously refined and put up in cans,
which has necessarily lost in strength and quality.
At Wholesale Prices
46C Per PoUnd A Coffee WIH Cmrnee Satisfaction
or Your Money Dark.
We will deliver free of r ha rare to your Bearcat nfalpplnar point or by
parrel pont. Jane Coffee at 4c per poand, wHh the auarantee that
If thla Coffee Is not aatlaf aetory, we will refund the full amount
of .the purchase price.
A real tea wonder Ceylon. India so (rood that those who buy once
. never fail to order again that's our story. It tells you all the facts:
It possesses a-ood looks It poueaan flue cap quality
It possesses a taste Inviting;.
PEARL SHORTKMNO No. 10 Tins 8 lbs. lO OS. art), each. 2 SO
PKABI. SHOKTEMJiU No. S Tina 4 Iks. net), each. 1.25
APPLES Kaaty Klnar Apples, per box 1 so
I'lltli SWEET CIDER, per a-lion SO
ROSE OF CKYI.OV TEA Black). 50 lb., or 5 lbs. for.
AJ1 mall orders will be filled rare.
fullr and prompt la- at tneoe low
price". Send us your Grocery lint a
of liroceriot wanted. We will
quote you our lonrest wholesale
Place yonr orders now for
11 pack canned fruit ana
We" wilt be triad submit
yon prices for October and
November deliveries.
Special MslI Order Scr
Greater Port Ian
Service Write for Mont hi v Price 1. 1st Member
d Asaoelstlon Wholesalers to Private
lllea. Hotels and Restaurants
I 'none Mala 6 IS. A-162S
Up to $63, COfi QC
$18.95 to.. yOXj.UO
Serge and Silk
Worth a great deal more.
Sample Coats
Sample Suits
Sample Dresses
Many in this lot run up to $S5, i
tn rt carrifirPfl at rt JS t T f , . .J
only $26.95 to pftD.yJ
Beautiful Sample Tricolette
at -only.
J aaaVBas
r"J v v." -.
Silk, Crepe and
Georgette Waists
Children's Coats
Wool Sweater Slipovers
at about
Half -Price