6 TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1019. JAPANESE OFFICIAL VISITS IN PORTLAND Baron Shimpel Goto on Way to Homeland. ORIENT ESCAPES- UNREST Roscoo C. Nelson, attorney for the owners, was presented to W. S. URen, attorneys for the workers Wednesday which U'Ken took up with his clients. At a late hour Thursday night the laundry workers had not announced a decision. There is basis for the be lief, however, that they will ratify the agreement. Though there are many provisions in the agreement, the stipulation In effect provides that neither side of the controversy shall abuse the other side, verbally or otherwise. Picket ing will be permitted, but only with banners and with riot more than two pickets on duty at any one laundry. Every effort is being made to expe dite the jewelers' appeal, for numer ous picketing cases in the state de pend on its outcome. Head of Department of Home and Foreign Affairs Reports Little Bolshevism. Baron Shimpel Goto, reputed to be the wealthiest man In Japan and ac tive in the Japanese government for 20 years as director of railroads and head of the departments of home and foreign affairs, arrived in Portlamd Wednesday for a brief stay on his way to San Francisco, where he will board a vessel for Japan. He left last evening for California. When the baron stepped from the train he was greeted by an imposing group of local Japanese, on hand to pay their respects to the distin guished visitor. He was conducted to the Multnomah hotel and later was the guest of local Japanese at dinner. The Japanese consul, T. Sugimura, of ficials of the consular office and prominent Japanese business men here are entertaining the baron. Yesterday morning he was taken to various points of interest over the city and at noon was the guest of W. D. Wheelwright at a., luncheon at the Arlington club, to which a, group of p.itv officials and business men have been Invited. In the afternoon, under' the guidance of the local Japanese, he visited the Columbia highway and was the guest of the Japanese conBul at dinner. Baron Goto's career has been close ly interwoven with affairs of the gov ernment for 20 years past, and today he is enjoying a long-looked-for peri od of rest and sightseeing, his tour of the United States and Europe be ing of a private nature and not of ficial. He arrived in San Fran cisco seven months ago, spent two months in this country in the east and then went to Europe to spend several months at Paris. Baron Goto was educated as a doc tor and studied medicine in Germany and elsewhere, returning to his home land to become director of the health bureau of the home department. Twenty-five years ago, following the Chino-Japanese war. he was appoint ed director-general of Formosa, and so successful was his administration of that country's affairs that he was later given charge of the southern Manchurian railroad. Railroad Lines Directed. His next position was that of min ister of communication, directing the railroad lines, postal system and tele srraph system of Japan. This position he occupied throughout the life of two cabinets. Later he occupied the post of minister of home affairs and then became minister of foreign af fairs, occupying the latter position just before the present Incumbent. He is now a member of the Japanese dip lomatic council, an important post in itself, but not demanding the activity md constant attention of the other federal positions and giving time for tie pleasure that the baron feels that more than 20 years of continuous Krrvli-K for Janan warrants. "The American railroad problem Is one that I am frequently questioned about, In view of my experience in ad ministering the railroads of Japan,' said Baron Goto yesterday. "The railroads of Japan went under federal control ten years ago, and I can say unqualifiedly the system has been a erreat success. Tne general proposi tion of government ownership and operation is the same everywhere, and I see no reason wny a system wnicn is successful in one place should not be successful in another. However, in considering your own railroad prob ; lem, conditions in America are vastly different from those In Japan, so far as distances and topography are con cerned, and these differences would have to be taken into consideration carefully in any scheme of railroad administration. Japan Escapes Unrest Baron Goto was not a member of the peace delegation, as had been re ported, and could throw no light on the reception of the leagua of nations covenant by the Japanese people. He declared that unrest, which he found rampant in. Europe, and even In this country, had not as yet touched Ja pan, and he had little fear that the red flag would get a following there. "No, I am not a bolshevlst?" said the baron, with a laugh, misun derstanding a question as to whether there was any bolshevism In his coun try. "There are very few bolshevlsts in Japan and little labor difficulty. Baron Goto is an excellent example of the fine class of Japanese. He is 63 years of age, but looks a dozen years younger, being straight and alert, with just a trace of iron in his hair. He does not talk English, but was ably assisted yesterday by lo cal Japanese who were anxious to have the honor of being interpreter for him. Although of high family, the "baron is of the type of self-made man, as he has added immeasurably to his wealth and his family position and influence during his life. The baron is accompanied by his secretary, Michiji Tojima, who is graduate of the University of Tokio and during his tour of this part of the country he is also being accompanied by a prominent Japanese writer of San Francisco, Kryoshi Kawakami, graduate of the University of Wis consin and author of "Japan and World Peace" and other authoritative ' books on American-Japanese relation- ; ships. SPIRITUALISM STIHS INGE PRELATES DEBATE WARMLY OVER LIFE AFTER DEATH. 'Gloomy Dean" Inge Sees in Re turn of Spiritistic Beliefs Re vival of ecromancy. LEICESTER, England, Oct. .16. (By the Associated Press.) The con gress of the cnurch of England yes terday held a warm debate over spiri tualism which started through an at tack from Very Rev. William Inge, dean of St. Paul, London, who is known to the newspapers as the gloomy dean" because of his some times despondent views on present- day life. The Right Rev. James E. C. Weldon. dean of Durham, and one or two other prominent clergymen made a partial defense of spiritualism and the arch bishop of Canterbury said the entire subject would be considered by the bishops when the Lambeth confer ence meets next year. "If," said Dean Inge, "this kind oi after life were true, that portrayed in the pitiable revival of necromancy. in which so many desolate .hearts have sought spurious satisfaction, it would indeed be a melancholy post ponement or negation of all we hcpa and believe about our dead." Replying, Dean Weldon said: "If is too late to dismiss spiritual ism as a fraud as some say, a nause ous fraud." The dean added that the- spiritual istic phenomena had won the assent of men of science like Crooks, Lodge, Flammarion and Lombroso. Spiritualism is undergoing a re markable revival in England; appar ently partly through the hopes of many war-bereaved persons to com municate with lost relatives. The re vival is said to be due largely to the writing of Sir Oliver Lodge and pop ular discussions in which Sir Conan Doyle figures as the chief champion of the cult. Robbery Is Reported. John M. Davis. 592 East Sixty seventh street north, reported to the police Wednesday that burglars, had entered his . home and had stolen jewelry, silverware and clothing worth several hundred dollars. Inspectors Tichenor and Mallett investigated. Portland People to Wed. SEATTLE, - Wash., Oct. 16. (Spe cial.) Marriage licenses issued yes terday included: Frank Maxwell Ruth man, legal, and Carrie L. Kessler, legal; Charles W. Fuller, legal, and Mary C. McNicol, legal, all of Portland. BUILDING MATERIAL MEN GIVE BANQUET Preliminary Report on City Zoning Expected Soon. C. H. CHENEY IS'SPEAKER Architect Discusses Problems of City Building for Benefit of Portland Exchange. Within two or three weeks the pre liminary report, of the city zoning commission will be ready and public hearings will begin to ".id the city government in providing a thorough and modern zoning plan for Portland, according to the statement of C H. Cheney Wednesday in addressing the Builders exchange of Portland, the occasion being' a banquet tendered to the builders by a group of material men of the city; "We have Just completed the first preliminary round of the city after an exhaustive study covering a period of nine months." said Mr. Cheney, "and are now working on the report, which should be ready to submit to the public soon. "In times past suspicion frequently has attached to real estate invest ments and lack of proper building laws frequently has brought losses to Investors. Buildings erected at con siderable cost often have been all but ruined when unsightly and undesira ble structures were put up beside them, or smothered by taller struc tures on all sides. Aim of System Stated. "The purpose of the city zoning system will be to protect investors by insuring their buildings against damage in this way, and by provid ing regulations to govern each part of the city, to determine the charac ter of buildings and promote uni formity." Mr. Cheney, who is the architect in charge of the studies and research of the zoning commission, cautions the people against being carried away by booms and permitting buildings to be erected where they would be out of place. He cited the instance of the L C. Smith building in Seattle. That structure, he said, had-sucked all the tenants out of neighboring buildings, ruined smaller structures, and had still remained a "white elephant" on the hands of the owners, never hav ing paid, he declared. "Investors cannot stand the unnec essary losses which are inevitable if proper zoning laws are lacking," he said. "Other cities are coming to it New York, with more buildings in its limits than are contained in all the cities west of the Rocky mountains, has perfected a zoning law and pro vided the limits of the business dis trict the industrial district and the residence district and has provided building laws for each district. Port land should take such steps while there is time." The banquet and meeting at the Benson hotel was attended by about 100 men of the building and building material industry. J. A. Currey, chairman of the committee on ar rangements, presided, and called upon Mr. Cheney. Rev. E. H. Pence and Lieutenant-Colonel George H. Kelley, formerly of the Booth-Kelley Lum ber company, who had charge of lum ber production in France, for ad dresses. Mayor Baker, who was to have been a guest at the dinner and give an address, was unable to attend, hav ing been taken ill. HUNT FOR REDS GOES ON Military Authorities Continue Search In Gary District. GARY. Ind.. Oct. 16. Military au thorities, aided by local officers, con tinued their search for radical agi tators who have aligned them selves with tha striking steel work ers. Rumors of plots by those radi cals against the lives of public offi cials and steel mill officials gained wide circuatlon throughout the city, but authorities refused to confirm re ports that the principal characters in the plot were under arrest. Picketing by the strikers increased during the day and Colonel W. S. Mapes. commander of the federal troops, said reports of attempts to Intimidate workmen had reached him. A number of troops who have been on duty here were returned to their station at Camp Grant yesterday. GIRL HURT IN COLLISION Ada Scott, 10, Injured When Bi cycle Strikes Truck. , Ada Scott, 10 year old. was injured slightly Wednesday in collision be tween her bicycle and a motor truck driven by Abe Brueger, 1024 Mallory avenue, at Twenty-fourth and John son streets. Mr. Bruger, who is a driver for the Willamette dairy, took the child to her home at 229 Cornell street. Chinese Are Arrested. Sergeant Van Overn and Patrolmen Martin and Klopfenstein Wednesday raided an alleged gambling game at 86 Second street, arresting Ah Wong, Chinese, on a charge of conducting the resort, and six other Chinamen on charges of visiting the place. The po lice seized $124 as evidence. Ah Wong was released on $100 bail and the oth ers on $50 ball. Ymr earningpower when it rains is made sure '22 .REFLEZ V SLICKER ,Look for the, Reflex Edi AJLTowebCql Established 1836 m : iy Buying Instead of Baking This woman has saved the time to devote to a course in Domestic Science SHE has learned to conserve food and to prepare it properly, to use substitutes effectively, and to cut down the growing: "high cost of living." She has become, in fact, a business woman, doing her share toward the building of the family fortune. She is neither a pet nor a drudge, but a partner. WEIGHf LIQUOR SEIZED ON BOAT Twenty-One Hair Pints Are Found Z Aboard Steamer Rose City. Twenty-one half-pints of whisky were seized in a raid on the steamer Rose City Wednesday by Patrolmen Huntington, Abbott, Drake, Russell Z and Powell. The liquor was found in a compartment in the wall of a state- room. The police arrested Ernest Schultz, German, as he got off the steamer with a bottle of liquor in his pocket. Z' It is said Schultz offered to sell 20 cases of liquor to Patrolman Abbott about a month ago, but failed to de "Z liver the shipment when the police- man kept an appointment to buy it. . I ARMISTICE LIKELY TODAY . ; Laundry Workers and Owners Are Expected to Sign Stipulation. Armistlc between the laundry own m ers and laundry workers of Portland probably will be signed formely in a stipulation between attorneys of opposing interests holding good until a decision can be reached in the supreme court on the appeal io the jewelers' picketing case. A tentative agreement drawn up by JMEMCAM-MiMB BEiIQ helps her win. this proper position, because it saves her time, energy and vitality. .It comes crisp and dainty, ready to be placed beside the other dishes she has prepared. . Sealed at the oven in dustproof wrappers, it js clean, pure and wholesome. A bone -building, muscle -developing, appetizing food. At Your Nearest Good Grocer's Log Cabin Baking Co. Portland, Ore. .... ' " mi r mi - ii iiimiimiiimimiummimimimmimiiMitiiiimmH MaiiiniiinLSs New ITainnilhiill- itreet (Coffee Store OPENS TODAY 285 Yamhill St., Bet. 4th and 5th A Beautiful New Specialty Tea and Coffee Store, Espe cially Designed for Quick, Economical Retail Service Roasting and retailing every grade of Coffee, from the lowest priced good coffees to the very finest coffees grown. ' Fresh Daily. Prices 40c, 45c, 50c, 55c, 60c Teas of all grades and varieties, from tho lowest price'd good teas to the rarest, choicest, most flavory teas grown. Imported from all parts of the world. Prices 50c, 60c, 75c Hot Coffee Department, where we will serve the most delicious hot coffee and light luncheon. The high quality standard of our food will be on a par with our Hot Coffee. Customers for Hot .Coffee are at all times welcome to bring their own lunch. Jones' Market Fourth and Alder MANNING & CO. 3 STORES Vista Market 271 Yamhill aiiummmmimiimmiiiiiiiminiiiimtiiinitmiiimitiiiiiim 1 .-.rv r jtJ;..ii""'V-i"- Zrp..: -" By a self-imposed obligation, this store will demonstrate TOBAY its claim to general consideration as A Store of Public Service through the presentation of 176 Public Service Sales throughout the various departments of the store. Offering' Most Desirable MercKenciise at extremely special prices that cannot fail to convince the shopping public of our sincerity of purpose. martoiSc & (So. '"Merchandise of cJ Merit Oitiy Ml New Store 285 Yamhill I I I j '''' i M 4