20 THE MORNING OREG ONIAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17. 1919. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian. Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, accountant, auditor, specialist on involved accounts. Modern systems Installed, maintained. 728-0. fit tock block. Telephone Broadway 1. ASSAYER8 AXP ANALYSTS. UO.NTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. . CANCER TREATED. L. M. JONES. M. D. 312 Morgan bldg. -CANCER TREATED. Marshall 6143. CARPET WEAVING. PfiO The kind that wear the best are flUUO made from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. (Former ad dress 15a Union ave.). Rag rugs woven all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. 1S8 E. 8th St. PHONE EAST 30S0. B 1280. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Rugs, all sizes Mail orders prompt. Send, for Booklet. x!2 rugs steam or dry cleaned, $1.50. FLUFF RUG CO. C4-58 Union ave. N. East 6518. B 1475. CmtfLOlU BUTTONS. 1 Htl IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. . 387 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. CHUtOPRACTOR. r.000 KNOW McMahon, 100 Chiropractor- Throngs pronounce treatments easi- IWUtOPOUlST ARCH SPECIALISTS. 4'CILAAM- Estoll nnri Vlnr.ttn i)f VenV. only sclentitio chiropodists and arch rv1alists in the city. Parlors 02 Ger er bldg.. s. W. corner 2d. and Alder, ytone Main 1301. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist; corns, bun ions, foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash. Main 1081. . CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal bldg. Marshall 5822. Multlgraphing, mimeographing and mail advertising. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. OI.I.MAXSKY & LEI.V, contractors and builders, store and office fittings, gen eral jobbing. 211 Curry St., city. Tele phone Main S303. COLLECTIONS. NBTH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collections, no charge. Established 1900 DANCING. MISS ELNORA FLECK will give up her dancing academy the 10th. to teach classical dancing at Berkeley dancing academy. 129 Fourth st. Elnora Flack. BERKELEY Dancing Academy, 129 4th stT. 3d floor. First-class instructors; lessons day and eve. Main 3318. Thursday - classes. futs. BAYH'S DANCING academy, 3d . floor Dekum bldg., private lessons day and eve.; class Tueo. eve. Mam 1345. DANCING Sat. eve., W. O. W. hall No. 3; good floor, music and time; 8:30 sharp. '. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY veterinary hospital, 415 East 7th. East 1847. B 1902. EAR. H YE, NOSE AND THROAT. DH. F. F. CASSEDAY. Specialist. Glasses fitted. 700 E. Burnside. cor. 20th. E. 4734. HEMSTITCHING. K. STEPHAN. hemstitching, scalloping, ac- cordian side pleat, buttons covered; mail orders. 219 Pittock blk. Broadway 1099. HARDWOOD FLOORING. GET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co.. 187 W. Park at. WHOLESALERS AND A 1JTO TOI'8. DUERUILLE TOP CO.. 0th and Oak sts. 1)KY ;OOtS AI NOTIONS, L. DINKELSPIEL CO. TZ."t tiRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bids HATS AND CAPS. THANHAU-VER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front St. 1I11IKS, WOOL AN1 CASCAKA BAKR. KAHN BKOS.. 105 Front St. MILL SfPPLlKH. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 88-70-72 Front St.. Portland. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Second and Taylor. NEW TODAY. JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS. General Insurance Surety Bonds 1007 and 8 Wllco Bids. Main fcoSO. REAL ESTATE. C-ROOM houso. 5,44 East S6th St.. $3750. terms; 2 choice lots. Benedictine heights. . $1500 each; 2 acres on Oregon City car line near Naef station, $15,000; choice river front and other acreage near Ris- ley station. H. G. STARKWEATHER, 602 Broadway building. " For Sale Ixts. IRVINGTON. 2 LOTS. 2400. 100 ft. east frontage, on E. 17th St.. 80 it. paved street, sewer, all improvements In and paid for: fine homes all around; price only $2400; $000 down. bal. 3 yrs. at bo. RITTER Ii0WE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. . ROSE CITY PARK BIG SNAP. Am leaving city, must sell: southwest corner, 4:ld and Tillamook. 1 block north of Sandy; basement already taken out. ready to build. By owner. 124 N. ' tith St. Phone Bdy. 124. WOODSTOCK V4 BLOCK. 100x100 on 49th ave., near 5Rth St., cut-of-town owner will take $600. R1TTER, I.OWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board ot Trade Bldg. 12 50x100 LOTS. 52d ave.; sidewalks and streets graded, ready to build on. Will make low price for bunch. Claude Hale, Main 3517. FOR SALE Three lots on corner of Bry ant and Knowles ave., lots 16, 17 and 18, . block 15. AV 659. Oregonian. 2-3- CRE, on car line. Bell station, lust outsida city limits. $450; terms. Phone Main 4112. CHOICE building lots on Council Crest at a real bargain. Write owner. F. Flem ing R. 1. No. 5. Buhl. Idaho. $4200. 30 LOTS in Rose City Park: settling an estate; no agent. Call Sellwood 1942. LOT FOR SALE Good buy. Mollie Olson, 3"i N. 14th St. Flat and Apartment rroporty. $55.000 IRVINGTON APT. $55,000. This is a money-maker; 15 apartments; all hardwood floors; each apt. has one snd some have two sleeping porches: no dark rooms; best heating plant; electric service elevator to each apt.; beautiful court entrance. Netting present owner over $9000 a year. East 419. BY OWNER, four modern flats, centrally . located on west side; $20,000 investment. 8 per cent net income. Will consider trade for two desirable residences; Laurelhurst preferred. Will take mort gage for balance. Bex B 892, Oregonian. FINE corner, close in. west side, contain ing 6 flats, rented for $275; price $18,000. - K. H. Collis. East 8600. For Sale Business Property, Jl REAL bargain and money-maker: this is a business location and residence com bined; must be sold; the owner is leav ing the city; come and investigate for yourself; price for a few days. $3500: take $100 cash down, balance $35 per . month, including interest. Union ave. south of Alberta. Phone Tabor 2719. CENTRALLY LOCATED WAREHOUSE. 100x200; 13th street North, good 4-story brick building on trackage, covers one half, finest location. 3 biocks North Bank depot: low valuation on land; building at nan present cost oi construction. COE A. McKENNA & CO. 82 Fourth street. QUARTER block East 82d and Stark sts. good garage site or business location Owner. Tabor 3137, between 9 A. M and a r. M. FACTORY site, west side waterfront, with trackage: bargain. Owner. 1421 North western Bank bldg. For Sale Houses, $47.10. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. K ROOMS FURNACE. FULL SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT. ATTI. GARAGE: IM, .llhiUIATK PUSSKSIO.N: BUILT-INS. POINDEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S0U. KESIUE.NUE. B 7120. $1950 BUYS an 8-room home. newly painted and decorated throughout; bath, pas, electric lights; vacant. uitiva nKUl in. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 By. Exca. bids. Main 1094, ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO.. 31 N. 1st St.. Portland, Or. Rewinding and electrical repairing a specialty. See us about new or used motors. Bdwy. 1045. A 1046. MUSIC. EM1L THIELHOKN. violin, viola teacher; pupil Sevcik. 2Q7 Flledner bid g. Bdy. 16-'J. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. ,3n. GLASSES AT A SAVING. . 'EicaiS? I solicit your patronage on the "gy" basis of capable service. Thou sands of satisfied customers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good man, optometrist, 209 Morrison. M. 2124. ATTENTION! EYES RIGHT 1 Dr. George Rubensteln. veteran op tician, is right on the Job of fitting the best eyeglasses at reasonable prices. 226 Morrison St., near Second- PATENT ATTORNEYS. R- C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bldg. M. 2525. PUYSICLANS. DR. R A. PHILLIPS. Broadway building. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, lectal, prostatic, female disorders, skin affections, biood pressure. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Starke-Davis Co.. 212 3d. M. 797. PRINTING. KEYSTONE. PRESS, J. E. Gantenbeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 1 Front st., corner Stark. Main or A 1418. PRINTING F. W. BAL.TES & COMPANY, iniri MflUlst and Oak sts. M. 165, A 1165. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURN1TURB CO., 221 Front St. We buy and sell everything In the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main 0070, A 7174. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. DR. W. ARNOLD LINDSEY, specialist on goitre. Main 6960. Morgan bldg. PAINTING. C. H. TERRILL, house, sign painting, pa perlng. tinting. Tabor 2011. 310 E. 44th. JOHN CONLISK, painting and piper hanging. 133 16th. Phone Broadway 2945. SHJNGLERSI " SHINGLES. Berkey Bros. Mar. roofs reshingled and repaired. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH "The Service With a Reputation." MOVING-PACK'G-STORAGE-BAGGAGB. 13th and Kearney. Branch 8 Vi Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 GLISAN 8t corner of 13th. Phone Broadway 1281 or 1169. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSEN TKANSKBK CO., 243 Pine. PACKING, MOVING, STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 105 PARK ST. MAIN 5115, A 1051. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANS. CO. General transfer and forwarding agents. 124 North Fifth sL Broadway 454. " CLAY S. MORSE, Inc. ' TRACKAGE. STORAGE. TKANSFER. 44b-454 GLISAN ST. WATCH REPAIRING. Highest prices paid, old watches and Jew elry; condition no object; repairs special ty. Reiner Jewelry Co., 44U y Wash. sC MANUFACTURERS PIPE. PIPE I'lTTINCiS AND VALVKS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY, 68-7U-72 Front St., Portland. M. L. KLINE. S4-8B Front st. PLlilBlNG AND STEAM SUPPLIES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPAM 68-70-72 Front St., Portland. M. L. KLINE. 84-8B Front St. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ' EVEKD1NG & FARHELL, 140 Front t. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOOKS AND CLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. 'WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d st. BEAL KSTATE. For Sal -House,. LADD ADDITION. Splendid modern residence, close In, beautiful surroundings, adjoining park, has hardwood floors, beamed ceilings, furnace. First floor has living room 28 xl5. with fireplace, dining room 18x15 with fine built-in buffet and cove cell ing, library 12x10. large Dutch kitchen and large pleasant breakfast room. Sec ond floor has 4 very large bedrooms with large clothes closet in each room, very large glass-enclosed sleeping porch and large bath room. The attic in larze and floored, the basement under the whole house and very light; price $9000. but well worth over $12,000. Owner. 613 Laaa ave. phone E. 3309 or Main 4928. -odo j.n ALBERTA. 4 rooms. but i X uuyer aesires, owner will V.iS . """" "lira room tor $30. 4.1x100 lot, reception hall, living room. oining room, kitchen, pantry, bedroom and bath, gas nnri plnf.tH..ii.. and shades go with the place, four fruit trees and shrubbery. There is an alley here. One block to Alberta car. $1000 to swine it. This i in f,r.i.. dition. with no mortgages or liens , BIHR-CAREY CO.. 19 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 16S6. ALAMEDA PARK. v Tii T. j owiss t-naiet; facade em- ro.ii.iieu wnn gracetully ornamenta leaded window, and minature balconies interior Dlends in good taste; French doors between main rooms: 2 fireplaces. rooms in all, sleeping porch gives view for miles in all directions; double garage; picture in our window; pries COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th street. Main 4522. NEW IRVINGTON bungalow, jvst finished. uio uam, sleeping porch, fire place, furnace. including everything Imaginable built in; breakfast nook; garage; old ivory and mahogany finish throughout; inspect this place first; in a class by itself; cor. 17th and Klickitat; on ground 4 to 7 week davs, all day Sun day, or call Ned Burke, Main 1903 any time for appointment. $2100. ' BROOKLYN. Close In on two car lines, neat 5 room cottage, gas. electricity, sleeping porch. located in business district bf i-rooklyn. Our cars are at your dis posal. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., 85 Fourth Street. OWN YOUR HOME. "aonable payment down and good monthly payments buys a good 6-room house, sleeping porch, cement basement. i Diock from car. sewer and streets all paid; price for immediate sale. $2900. Mr. Christenson, Interstate Invest ment Co., 410 Henry bldg. Main 1743. $500 CASH, and easy payments buys a good 4-roora house with floored attic, full basement, paved street, sewer, etc.; half block from car; price $2600. See Mr. Christen son, Interstate Investment Co.. 410 Henry bldg. Main 1743 .oo JUST EAST OF IRVINGTON. $.800 buys a 5-room bungalow with full cement basement, wash trays, fire place, paved street in and paid; re . quires half cash. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094. SOUTH MOUNT TABOR. Good six-room house, furnace full basement, fruit and shade trees, garage fine view of Mt. Hood: lot 100x100 See this bargain. S3000. $700 down Tabor 1811. w. H. SAWTELL $600 DOWN. ' ' Balance like rent, for this 7-room house on corner lot In Hawthorne. Full cement basement: close to car. Price $3000. You will have to hurry. Call Mr 5. home of i rooms finished in white enamel: good basement; fine lot' $1700. $500 will handle: 1 block to car 623. 633. 634 ' N. wBank bldg FOR SALE By owner, excellent 6-room house, lot 50x140. with plenty of fruit In: exceptionally good neighborhood: block from Hawthorne car; terms. in. ouire Tabor 1951. MT. TABOR FINE VIEW $25'o5 Lot 50x135, five rooms, bath base ment, electricity, gas. fruit. flowers garden, chicken houses: near car- uuick possession. Tabor 3426. $100 CASH. $10 MONTHLY. $450 ' 1-room house, lot 75x100. all in culti vation. STRICKLAND. . 202 . WILCOX BLDG. BEAL ESTATE. $3700 $600 CASH 7-room. modern, with Al fur nace, fireplace, etc.: 4 bed cham bers, liv. room, din. room and kitchen, full cement bast., high grade standard plumbing, choice elect, fix. ; 46x100: paving and sewer pd. ; roses, shrubbery; blk. car, close In. G. C. GOLDEXBERG Abington bldg. Main 4S03. "to Yrs. in Portland." LACRBLHUBST. I have 4 brand new bungalows for sale, prices range from $5800 to $7000; good garage with each; construction guar anteed the best. If you are looking for something good come out to Laurel hurst office today, E. 30th and Glisan. or phone for auto. Tabor 3433 evenings. East 2086. J4S00 ROSE CITY 1 V -story bungalow, best part of the district ; 3 large bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, good garage; ownir going east Nov. 1. Furniture if desired. Call at Laurel hurst office, or phone Main 1700, Tabor 3433. $2250 LARGE FRONT ROOM $2250. 2 extra large bedrooms, sun break fast room, kitchen with pantry,' bath, laundry trays, -lights, gas. basement, ce ment walk; close to car and stores; con sider Ford machine part payment. Main J 643. Mutual Realty Co.. 121t X. W. Bank bldg. $350 CASH, $20 month, secures lovely home, $2S30; beautiful corner lot with great abundance of fine fruit, berries, rotes; paved street, all paid; only two blocks to MA or St. J. car; 5 rooms and bath, electric lights, gas, bath, base ment. Be sure to see this snap. &16 Rodney ave. W. V. Glasscock. IRVING TON HOME. If you have looked s in vain for a home to suit you in lrvington. let me show you the Bradahaw residence, 483 23d st. N. ; shown by appointment. M. E. THOMPSON. Sole Agent. Phone Woodlawn 1733, 848 Miss. ave. $3000. 6-room bungalow, not far from Laurel hurst, and block to car; improve ments all paid; must have at least $1700 cash. This is a dandy little place. Call pt Laurelhurst office, E. 39th and Olisan, or phone Main 1700. Tabor 8433. BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH COLONIAL. S rooms and fine sleeping porch, buHt 2 years ago on a much lower market. I will sell for $2000 under actual cost and show the bills. Key at office, E. 39th and Glisan. or phone Tabor 8433 evenings. East 2080. IRVINGTON Well-built, compact 6-room house, furnished or unfurnished ; fine furnace, full-length screens, concrete garage; corner lot 60x100 ; choice loca tion ; 1 block from Broadway car. For sale by owner on premises, 674 Schuy ler street. LA RGE. modern house in first-class con dition, hardwood floors, etc. 5U0 E. Mad Iron; best car eervice and within walking d 1st nee. $7500, half cash and will con sider bungalow on balance. Call Main 12S9. BY OWNER, 6-room hardwood floor, built In effects; plate glass, beveled mirrors, fireplace, furnace, automatic Ruud heaterr all modern. A home. Comer lot, garage; $7500. Terras. 1047 Han cock. $6750 LADD ADDITION Fine large home; walking distance; suitable for large family of workers; lot 50x125; paved street and alley; good garage. Tabor 3433 evenings. East 2086. $3500 NEW 5-room bungalow, full base ment, wasn trays. Hutch kitchen, all built Ins. No. 4328 Clinton, near 43d St., Richmond car.- Small down payment. Owner. J. H. Mahon, 2U0ti Bast 43d. Phone Tabor 5361. IRINGTON. California mission bungalow of singu lar charm and beauty: hall, living, kiln ing. 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, hard wood floors; now vacant. 555 Thompson St.. 75x100 corner. $075. East 1347. $2750 1V4-3TORY house, large living rm., fine built-in kitchen, two bedrooms, bath, 100x108 Lot. plenty of fruit, fine garden soil, up-to-date chicken house. Owner, 1170 Schiller st., W. S. car to 48th ave. Seilwood 1925. . BUILD NOW. ' If you own a lot. we will furnish the money and build Cor you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO. Main 2035. 621 Morgan Bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow, modern improvements, three blocks from Gllsan-street car line, lot 75x100, good bearing orchard: for quick sale $2500. $500 cash, balance $25 month. Call Main 7324. (JOZY home in Alberta district; S rooms. Iutch pantry, hall, bath, cement base ment, laundry trays; some fruit, garden, pice lawn. Must sell Quick; leaving city. Call Woodlawn 2354. " IRVINGTON IDEAL HOME. On corner in bank of flowers, 9 rooms; 2 baths, 3 lavatories. 2 sleeping porches: built at cost of $15,000. For short time. $11,500. East 419. IRVINGTON, '$5800, 6-room bungalow. 2 blocks to school, 4 years old, Just painted, hardwood floors, French doors, built-ins, Dutch kitchen in while. 50x 100 lot. garage; half cash. East 419. 12750 THREES HOUSES $2750. 20 per cent net Income, clone in, close to car, pavea street, assessments paid Bargain. Main 1643. Mutual Realty i-o.. 1 19 r. vv . nanK Diag. WILL SELL my strictly modern 9-room residence in bejtt section of Portland Heights at a bargain, terms. O. M. Rankin, phone Bdwy. 4280 or Marshall 724 evenings or Sunday. PRETTY. NEW BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, fireplace, oak floors, built- ins. good plumbing, $.1800. easy terms. Owner's office. 1230 bandy blvd. Tabor FOR attractive buys in Hawthorne dis trict see Griff King. 1369 Hawthorne ave., north side of street, adjoining pic ture show; off car at 4Sth st- Tabor 718. IRVINGTON COLONIAL BUNGALOW. A beauty in old ivory, art paper, oak floors, French doors, garage. $7500. Main or. FOR SALE Double house, rent $50: uouca h (i 1 1 -, east xace; corner lot ouxloo, clear deed; snap; terms. T 79. Ore gonian.' FOR SALE By owner, modern lrvington 6-room home, hardwood floors through. out; fresh and ready to live in without renovating; garage. I'all 692 E--Bdwy. BUNGALOW 5 rooms and sleeping porch, no basement; Sunnyside district; $2200; terms, half down, balance in monthly Installments. 233 East 39th st. FOR SALE or rent. 4-room cottage. 4 lots with 15 bearing fruit trees. Lents sta tion: house number 9104. Mr. I. E. Davis. Sell. 1715. FOR SALE By owner, bungalow In exrel- lent condition. 3405 55th. one block north of Powell Valley road, near Frank lin high school, terms. Phone D 1139. 5-ROOM modern bungalow In Laurelhurst; 1 minute from Rose City car line; very desirable property; no agents. T 280 Oregonian. ' 6-ROOM house. East Couch St., modern in splendid condition, newly painted, in side and out, bargain price, $5500. &. H. Collis. East 8660. GOING to build or repair? Get my Ideas and estimates. B. T. Allyn. 243 Stark L Office hours 3 to 6 P. M. Phone Main 831. Res. phone Tabor 194. BY OWNER Strictly modern house In lrv ington; oak floors, full cement basement. 60-loot lot, $4500. East 377. or 722 Selling bldg. . IN HAWTHORNE, by owner, modern 5 room bungalow: all buiit-ins, hard-surface street; $3000, terms. Room 910 Oregonian. $2000 CASH will buy modern 7-room MT Tabor home, value $6000. For detail and inspection see owner. 362 East 60th st. Hawthorne car. IRVINGTON PERFECT ENGLISH HOME. $8500, erms. 8 artistic rooms, 2 baths art paper, all Ivory finish. East 419. ' HANDSOME 5-ROOM HOME. $2250. will take Ford car as part ui. m , Main 1't77 . i THREE houses. Income $45 per month $1300 cash. Edward A. Webb. 131 West D street. Coalings, Cal. a-BOOM house and 12 large lots, culti vated, outside city limits. Call house across from harness shop. Lents. IF you want lrvington home, see owner save commission; terms to right party" 546 Bast 15th St. North. $'-400 5-ROOM house at 1058 E. 7th North, near Alberta street: key at No 1060 E. 7th N. ; terms. Phone Main 212oi MODERN 7-room house and garage, close in. fine home, bargain; will Beli fur nished. Owner. East 1922. FOR SALE or trade at a big bargain by owner, my equity in a beautiful Irvlng ton home. Call Marshall 3718. IRVINGTON ! " HOME. ' DELAHUNT. EAST 1847. IRVINGTON HOUSES. EAST 894. R- T. STREET. IRV. AGT. TWO HOUSES, one lot. close In; $3500. terms. K 690, oregonian. $2O00 5-ROOM bungalow, 590.1 R4th at. S. E. $.8oo cash will handle this. FOR SALE Nice 4-room house by owner. Phone Tabor 1116. 3-ROOM plastered cottage. $lo.-,0: full lot: (100 cash. C. Marsters, 202 Wilcox bids. REAL ESTATE. For Sal -Houses. IRVINGTON. 7 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH GARAGE $S500. If you are in the market for a real good home, a real quality house, we do want the pleasure of showing you this splendid home. Now vacant and ready for occupancy: and. too, it's in perfect condition. It Is modern to the last de tail; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, etc.; finished in old ivory and white throughout. Let ui show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark, near 3d. Main 309,'. Main 3518. Evenings. Phone Tabor 3721. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. S5000 flDRNKR lOOvlAn A handsome 2-story home, with 10-ft. porcn. nan, large living room, dining room with fireplace, white enameled kit chen and pantry, 3 large bedrooms, sew ing room and sleeping porch; fine light ing fixtures, both gas and electricity: full cement bacemem with furnace and laundry trays; 7 pear, 4 apple, 3 cherries. 1 walnut and small fruit; fine lawn, all kinds of roses; 6 blocks from Woodlawn school. 2 blocks from Piedmont Catholic church and school; $1500 cash, balance to suit. 265 E. Bryant, phone Woodlawn HAWTHORNE. East 40th St.; an attractive semi bungalow with living room, dining room, large kitchen, bedroom and bath down and 2 bedrooms on upper floor: fire place, built-in bookcases and buffeti beamed celling; full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, paved street: owner leaving town, will sacrifice: let us show you this today: price $3750, $1100 cash, balance $25 mo, COE A. McKENNA A. CO.. 82 4th street. Main 4522. $3100 $1000 CASH. IVA.NHOE. 4 BLKS. CAR. 6-room bungalow, hardwood firs., choice built-ins; '50x100; near school. G. C. GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Trs. in Portland." Main 4803. IRVINGTON. $2200 cash and automobile buyi this fine lrvington residence; buyer assum ing $2800 mortgage; the entrance hall, living room and dining room are all spacious and cheerful; 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch: full 'cement basement and good furnace; hardwood floors up stairs and down: a splendid home at a very low figure. MacINNES t PRATT. Main 3R08. 413 Board of Trade bldg. $4500. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. IRVING TON PARK. TWO BLOCKS KENNEDY SCHOOL: FIVE ROOMS AND BREAK FAST ROOM. VERY LARGE LIVING ROOM: HARDWOOD FLOORS AND "WHITE ENAMEL THROUGHOUT: FIREPLACE. FURNACE. MANY BUILT IN EFFECTS. TERMS $1000 CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY. POINDEXTER. SELLING BUILDING. MAIN 1800. RES IDENCE. B 7120. NEW LAURELHURST HOME One of the choicest in this section, built by owner at a cost of $12,000; everything complete: will sacrifice for much less. Including large lot winter fuel In basement, elegant drapes, etc.; terms. Call Tabor 7309. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. On a nice corner in the very heart of the Hawthorne district, hard surface street. Included in price: this Is a modern up-to-date bungalow and a real bargain: if you see this you will buy it; price J400O. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 305 Oak st., Broadway 4133. ALAMEDA PARK. Colonial, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, oak flooring, tastefully finished Inter ior In mahogany and ivory; corner lot, garage, full concrete basement, splen did home. Just listed; price $8060, $4000 cash. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 4th street. Main 4522. $5300 IRVINGTON $5300. 11th and Braxee, Will vacate at once. 8-room modern residence, hwd. floors: fireplace and furnace; double construc tion; best finish; built 4 years; nice lawn and grounds; view lot. Price $5300; terms. HOAGLIN BIRD. East 3595. 535 Williams. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 494 E. 56th St. N. 5 rooms and recp. hall, hardwood floors, fireplace. Fox furnace, full ce ment basement, corner lot. 1 block to school, a; I street imp. in and paid; price $45o0. terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 6752. $3000 $750 CASH, balance like rent: mod ern 5-room bungaiow wltn nulit-im Kit chen finished in W. E. : built-in buffet: good bath and lavatory in each bed room: furnace heat; lull cement case ment: 50x100 east front lot; will sell furnished if wanted. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 623. 633. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. $1500. $1500 down on a strictly modern 8 room house, lot 150x2i0: 4 bedrooms, full cement basement, fruit trees, berries, roses, all clear; price $5OO0. Ask Mr. Storberg, A. .1. DeFOREST &. CO. 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. $6000. BRAND NEW ALAMEDA BUNGA T.OYV R ROOMS. ALL ON ONE FLOOR: HARDWOOD FLOORS AND WHITE ENAMEL THROUGHOUT: FURNACE AND GARAGE: IMMEDIATE 1'USSK.S SION. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BUILDING. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. B 7120. 4-ROOM HOUSE. PRICE. S1000 $600 CASH. Good 4-room house and two full lots, located in good suburban district and handy to good car service. Just the place to have garden and chickens. RELIAHLK 1 V bal.M r; IN 1 .o.. 305 OAK ST.. BROADWAY 4113. .-2S0. STRICTLY MODERN. UP-TO-DATE BUNGALOW. 5 ROOMS: HAKD-SUK-FACE STREET: BLOCK CAR: IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. POINDEX TER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. B 7120. IHVINSTON home of 10 rooms, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, paneled dining room, beamed ceiling, beautiful lot: a refined home, an exclusive district; $9450; let us show this home. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 623. 633, 634 N. W. Bank bldg ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Modern 5-room house, pleasantly lo cated near 60th and Sandy. Large llgit looms. Garage with cement floor. Beau tiful lot with choice variety ef small fruit. Price $450(1; one-half cash. Call owner. Tabor 5907. FOR SALE by owner 7-room house, gas. water, lights, improved streets, cenient walks, barn, chicken house; near high school in Milwaukie: buildings on the place couldn't be built for $3500; price $3950. terms. Call Sell. 644. FOR SALE by owner, beautiful 5-room .bungalow, on corner 1 blk. from car. Rose City park, all modern, garage, ready to move in. $4950, $1500 down, small monthly payments. If you mean business. X 154. Oregonian. 7-ROOM bungalow, 100x100 lot: fumeless gas heating installed In all rooms: music room, front and rear porch: lots of fruit: 3 blocks to car: $360O; ask to see this. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 623. 033. 634 N. W. Bank bldg , ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room modern bungalow. Inlaid h. w. floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms and bath, roses, lawn and garage; only $3590. Main 11TO. Old ot U. DlUg. 4-ROOM house! Montavllla ; 0x100 lot; cherry and apple trees; $800; loos; into this. lOHVSftV.nnncnw 623. 633. 634" N. W. Bank bj d g. $2750 BUYS a G-room home. 4 rooms first floor, two bedrooms and bath second floor: full corner lot. garage. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094. $2050 $700 WILL HANDLE; 8-room house, dne block to car; the lot Is box .TfiPV!;nv.nnncAv rr 623. 633. 634 N. W. Bank bidg. $2850 BEAUTIFUL 5-room bungalow on Willamette blvd.. overlooking river; paved street; lots of fruit; part cash bal. like rent. Owner. 557 V4 Williams ave.. room 10. HAVE lo.000.000 feet of very fine timber well located and a good logger who will buy It. will you furnish the mill? 322 Yeon bldg. The Birch company THREE-ROOM house, good condition elec tricity gas. fine lot. $1200. call between 11 and 2 P. M., Alberta car. 1074 Vernon A WELL-BUILT 7-room house 1 block from Sellwood car. Phone Sell l-s7 12 to 4 o'clock. " 3-ROOM tent-house, garage and woodshed' close to ail-year work, north of Assocl ated Oil t o.. I.lnnton. Or. C. A. Roberts. 418 ROSELAWN AVE. Modern 5-room house, paved street garage: splendid buy. W'oodlawn 5605'. $250 CASH. $25 PER MONTH. 1650. A rnnni a vatur -- in ini.-m., STHICKLAND. -.'02 W1XCOX BLOC. 4-ROOM house. morirn, close n $1UOO 407 K. BuaU Ml.; phon Sell. Siio. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON. 9-ROOM COLOXIAI $14,000. IR INUTO.N'S CHOICEST LOCATION. KNOTT STREET, cannot say too much to Impress "pon you the real worth of this splen did home. You never would expect w buy such a quality bouse In the very choicest part of lrvington for so little money. You will be more than pleased with the Interior arrangement; excep tionally large living rooms, bright and cheerful; very large living room. First floor: Large reception hall, living room extending the width of the house, sun porch, dining room and kitchen; second floor, four large bedrooms and sleeping porch and bath; third floor, maid's room and bath; hardwood floors on first and second floors; finished In rich old ivory and white throughout. Bear in mind, too, that this Is an boxlOO corner on Knott street with all assessments paid. Yes. there is a garage. $.louo cash will ban die and balance at 6 per cent interest. Probably never again will you have an opportunity like this one. It'll be a downright pleasure for us to show you and you'll be under no obligations. This is the first time advertised. In our hands exclusively for sale. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark, near 3d. Main 392. Main 3516. Evenings. Phone Tabor 3721. Branch Oiflce. 5oth and Sandy. IDEAL HOME. SPLENDIDLY LOCATED. PRICE VERY LOW. Here is really a splendid home of fered away below actual worth. On East 42d street, two blocks north of Sandy, surrounded by good homes; has every modern convenience which any good high grade home should have. Lower floor has fine reception hall, liv ing room 18x30, good dining room and Dutch kitchen: toilet on back porch. Second floor has three lovely large light bedrooms with large closets and beautiful bath. Attic Is floored. Beat of hardwood floors on first floor. Very fine and attractive tapeslrv ,apr In every room. Old Ivory fmish through out. A good furnace. Full sized lot. Several homes within a block of this one have sold very recently for $05O0 to $7500. and they are not worth as much as this. Owner wants a quick sale, offers It for $5250. The wise ones will investigate. Call Mr. Cleaveland. with THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th st. Main 6869. ROSE CITY PARK. SPLENDID BUNGALOW $4500. Folks, do put this down on your list. Here is a new house. This one is thor oughly double constructed. Exception ally large living room, hardwood Iloors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, wash trays, beautiful kitchen w-th breakfast alcove, large attic In which two more rooms could be finished; street and sew er assts. paid; 2 blocks from Sandy on 42d St. Come, let us show you. A. ti. TEEPE CO., 284 Stark, near 3d. Main :in:i2. Main 3316. Evenings. Phone Tabor 9321. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. $2635 IN lrvington Park, four rooms, but very large. If buyer desires, owner will Immediately build extra room for $30. 43x100 lot. reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen. Dantrv. bedroom and bath, gas and electricity, screens and shades go with the place, four fruit trees and shrubbery. There Is an alley here. One block to Alberta car. $looo to swing it. This is in first-class ion--dition. with no mortgages or liens against it. BIHR-CAREY CO., 219 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 166. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. SPLENDID 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $3800. rolks. here is one of those real good looking bungalows, light and cheerfui; hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, massive buffet, cement basement, wash trays, etc.; beautiful corner with south and east exposure. You'll be delighted. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark, near 3d. Main 3092. Main 3516. Evenings. Phone Tabor 9321. Branch Office. 5oth and Sandy. $341)0 A REAL BARGAIN l'i-story bun galow, in Alberta, 1 block from car: 50 xlOO lot with garage, 7 rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, 1 bedroom down with bath, 3 bedrooms up with sleeping porch: fireplace, laundry trays, etc. Piped for furnace. This home is located on a beautiful corner lot and is a splendid buy for the money. BIHR-CAREY CO.. A Live Firm. 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 16S6. I6S0O. BUNGALOW. WITH LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM. KITCHEN. ONE BED- ROOM AND BATH FIRST FLOOR. TWO BEDROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH SECOND KLR. HARDWOOD FLOORS. FULL SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT. FURNACE. GARAGE. HALF CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. POINDEXTER. SELL ING BUILDING. MAIN 1S00. KES1 HENCE. B 7120. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. $3150 buys a 5-room bungalow with full Dasement. wasn trays, electric lights, gas, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full lot. attic large enough for 3 ad ditional rooms if desired, floored with first-class flooring. This is wonderfully good buy. Let us show you. I erms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094 SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW SNAP $2500, Nice bungalow with 3 bedrooms, all on on floor and in t h pink of con dition: cement basement, bath, elec. trlcity. large airy rooms, lot 50x86; no liens to assume: chicken house and run some nice small fruit, on Roselawn ave., near 13th. Price $2500. $500 down and $20 per month. GRUSSI A. BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452, $4S0tl IN PIEDMONT, on Cleveland ave nue. This property has been held for $5500. The client has given it to us to sell for $4800. for a quick sale. 8 rooms, 4 up and 4 down, with bath up; paved street, cement sidewalk and sewer, full cement basement, furnace, etc. This property is in a very nice location and should sell quickly. BIHR-CAREY CO . 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. '.Main 1686. $500 1 05x1 00 $3250. Splendid colonial houe. modern lines. excellent repair, on loth st.. AlDerta. Has hall, living room, dining room. Kitchen and bedroom down. & nice bed rooms and enclosed sleeping porch up stairs: full basement, spacious grounds, with abundant fruit, grapes, berries and garden. A real .sacrifice by non-resident. it. V . t tit; -i a it. jua ADington Diag. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Nice 5-room bungalow, furnace, fire place, oak floors, built-ins. full cement basement, gas range and water heater lot 50x100: paved street: liens all paid on East 56th st.. near Thompson; price $3700: $1260 cash and -$35 per month. Including Interest- Act quick. GRUSSI BENNETT. 31 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. OOSr SMALL BUNGALOW. WIDE STKKET SO. HAW. AVE. Onter hall, living, dining room and kltrhn- bath and one Dfrtroora down ntAiru 1 bedroom ud : f irepl.. Karaite. large lot and fine location. $2050; $1000 cash. SCHAEFER. BROADWAY MOT. $3000 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, VACANT. In Hawthorne, on nara-surrace aireei, sewer in, reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, with bath, full cement basement, laundry trays, gas, electricity; screens and shades go with the place; block to car; 11500 will handle. Move rifcht in. BIHR-CAREY CO., 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1686. $;f,00 ROSE CITY PARK $5500. Beautiful ft-room house, 3 bedroom, sleeping porch, hardwood floors. fur nace, fireplace, bath, bui It-Ins, Dutch kitchen, corner lot; $500 down, balance terms to suit. Auk Mr. Storberg, Al J. DeFOREST Sc. CO. 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2600. WHY PAY RENT? 6-room house, just tinted, full cement basement with wash trays; lot JOOx 11 5. ' with 10 or 15 fruit trees; good barn In back corner of lot; chicken house ; it blocks to car; will sacrifice for $2500; $250 cash, baL '-' month. SIMMS. 431 Chamber of Com. Main 6127. $3000 BUYS a practically new house near St. Johns car and Willamette blvd.; ft rooms and attic large enough for 3 additional rooms; look It over or phone us and we'll call for you. 1382 Burrage at. ; terms; vacant, move right in. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bidg. Main 1094. J 3 500. ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. 025 EAST 26TH N.. G ROOMS. FULL SIZE BASE MENT: TERMS J2500 CASH. BALANCE 25 MONTH AND INTEREST. DO NOT DISTURB TENANTS. POINDEXTER. SELLING BUILDING. MAIN lhUt). RES IDENCE. B 7120. . $200 DOWN. $200 first payment on a nice 6-room modern hout in St. J ohns. balance terms to suit at 6 per cent; price $4000. Ask Mr. Storberg, A. J. DeFOREST & CO. 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. ALBERTA BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $1700 buys a 5-room bungalow with bath, electric lights, gas if desired; 50x100 lot with alley; only 1 block to Al berta car. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Kxch. bidg. Main 1094. 5-ROOM modern house, lot 50x1 OO. close in, east side; fruit and berries; $SoO down. bat. like rent. THOMSON, 6 20-21 Henry bid g. MODERN lrvington home, must sell in 2 weeks; 6 rooms, attic, basement, fire place. Fox furnace, best condition, only 14000. Phone Laat.74bl. . REAL ESTATE. For 81 e -House. ROSE CITY PARK. NIFTY, MODERN BtNtiALOW. 5 ROOMS, si-eepinh; POKCU. GARAGE $."100. One of Rose City Park's choicest loca tions. Beautiful corner, with sjuth and east exposure; located on Alameda drive. Folks, there is lots of class and distinc tion to this splendid home; exceptionally well built, finished In white throughout, hardwood floors, fireplace, buf tet (it's a w ork of art I. complete Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, two bedrooms and S lass-enclosed sleeping porch, cement basement, furnace, etc. Oarage con structed to conform to style ot bouse. This place Is in perfect condition. This Is so far above tm ordinary, so much bet ter than ordinary run of houses, that e cannot impress upon you too rronaly the necessity of speedy action. Yoa know there is nothing disappoints one so much as when they learn the very place they ant-d has Just been sold. To see this property costs nothing. Really, it's a down right pleasure for us to show it. Again, let us repeat, that this place is downright modern just as new and modern as tomorrow's sunrise, it's your move. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark, near 3d. Main 3m J. Main 3 5 19. Evenings. Phone Tabor S7-t. Branch otfice. oOth and Sandy. GRANT ST. EAST OF LADD'S ADDITION ONLY jrioOO. Large 2-story house, lot 4 ft. above st, concrete wall, fine iawn, splendid porchs, view very good; reception room, living room and dining .room large and weii lighted, up-to-date kitchen, good base ment. 3 bedrooms, lare closets, splen did bathroom. A-l plumbing ; owner leaving city : 0i to $7o0 cash, balance $25 monthly and Interest. See A. C Galbraith. GEO. E. E.NGLEHART CO.,' Main 72tH. 64 Henry bldff. IRVINGTON. An exceptionally desirable residence ef nine rooms and very large sleeping !orch ; thoroughly modern in every de gree; almost new and in perfect condi tion; Ideaily lot-fated with east and south frontage: on 100x100 corner. This property cost about $20,000. but will name an attractive price for sale, or would accept WELL-LOCATED vacant or improved Portland property for the equity. SAM NORTON. HENRY BUTI-DINO LAURELHURST BUNGALOW; GARAGE VACANT. MOVE IN. A modern 7-room and sleeping porch bungalow; 2 bedrooms, bath and toilet on t trst floor, beveled plate-glass win dows, hardwood floors, beautiful buffet, fireplace, bookcases, furnace and full cement basement, garage and runwav; oOxlOO lot; all st. Imps, in and paid; 3!(h st. Price only .'oKi: 1500 cash. This house should bring S6.VK). CLE V ELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 21- Railway Exch. bldg. Main 6i52. THIS wonderful little home Is for sale. Nothing like it in the city; In a class by Itself. Has 5 rooms and large attic, cement basement, wash trays, furnace, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, hardwood floois, linen cloi-e, Dutch kitchen, fine new combination I'nfversal range and winter's w ood supply In basement goes with house; fruit ot all kinds, beautiful shrubbery and flowers. Oh, yes. there Is a garage. This is being sold at a bar gain. Phono Sellwood lttJfJ. $-ou(i WOW! HERE'S A BEAR! 5-room bungalow, on 41st. near Division: 4xlo lot. paved street, cement walk and sewer, living room, dining room, kitchen. 2 bed rooms and bath, full basement. Get this. Hot water healing plant, laundry trays, gas and electricity; ju blocks from car. S-MH) will handle, rest easy. Lon't put this off until tomorrow; get it today. BIHR-CAREY CO., 210 Hallway Exchange bldg. Main 16S6. KoSE CITY BCNGALOW MUST GO. Owner Moving to Ashland Nov. 1. Price $8500; $looo cash, bal. $25 per mo. 5 large rooms and den; large floored attic with dormer windows; fireplace, buf fet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen ; f ul I ce ment basement, wash trays ; lot 5oxloo; east front; 34 blocks to Sandy; tbis side of hill. This will go quick; se Mr. King. o04 ,a Oak st. Broadway 200. $500 CASH 7-room house In excellent con dition; sewer, water, lights, gas. laun dry trays, cement walks around house, lawn and shrubbery, sidewalks and hard surface street in and paid for; 2ou fu to car; 2 blocks to school; Union ave. car; price $:;imo. $500 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 623. 6.13, 634 N. W. Bank bldg. $2325 5-ROOM bungalow on East 2Hth and Alberta, near car. 4xl00 lot; living room, dining room, kitchen, one bedroom on first f loor, with bat h : one bedroom up; full cement basement ; $ 400 will handle, rest easy at 0 per cent. Tie un with us; we're alive. BIHR-CARE Y CO. , 219 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 16S6. BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER. SAVE COMMISSION. Modern residence, well located, close In, rooms, nicely finished, all built-ins, large closets, fireplace, fine hot water heating plant, full cement basement: lot 50x1 M, all assessments paid : excellent cement garage. Bst buy In the city for MhU; terms. Phone Broadway 3J2. $4250 BUYS a strictly modern home of 6 rooms and bath; nicely finished with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wah trays, furnace; full 50x100 lot, w ith paved st. and sewer in and paid. Let us show you. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094. $23O0 NEAR PARK ROSE $2500. A newly finished 4-room bungalow. 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, bath, closets, electricity, gas and large steel ranse; $200 flown, balance easy terms. Ask Mr. Storberg, A. J. DeFOREST Sc. CO. . 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 26frt. A GOOD BUY. Modern 6-room bungalow, fireplace, built-in effects, on car line. Price $M250; terms. ECKES. 608 CHAMBER OF COM. MAIN 8043. We have several good values In mod erate priced homes. THAT VACANT LOT Why not turn a burden Into Income? . We design and build apartments, gar ages, residences, anything: fu nlsh pl:r,4 and fir.ame. Established ten years. W4 offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFAC TION. L. R. Bstley Co., Inc., contract ing architects. 924 N W. Bank bldg. FIVE new English cdttage. 6 rooms, din ing and aleep'.ng porches, hardwood floors, open fireplace, all modern con veniences, with large wooded lot, at Mount Zlon. the most beautiful view suburb, of Portl ind. Price $A50, easy terms John Bain (owner), 507 Spald ing brUg. Telephone A. 7442. $0700 TERMS, lrvington real home, 20th and Thomp son. This has large living room ex tending across entire front: dining room large with French doors opening on in closed rorch; 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch ; ha rd wood floors t hroughout ; a 1 'drapes, stair carpet and fuel. East 419. $:;oOO BUYS a dandy home of 5 rooms and bath, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace. Imp. all In and paid; convenient to Miss, and Wms. ave icare; terms. Let us show you. Near Jefferson high. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094. $lsOO ONE-HALF cash, balance easy or assume- mortgaga; 4 rooms and bath, full basement; on 40x100 lot. east front; 1 block 10 car; good chicken coop and run. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 62n. VCt, 634 N. W. Bank bldg. Suburban Homes. A CliOICJS COUNTRY HOME. 4 acres. Improved. 5-room house, barn, chicken hous., fruit, berries, good soil, close to car, on Oregon City line; $4750, , $30O0 cash. bai. mort. See this. R. M GATE WOOD Sc. CO. 1 165 4th St. WEST SIDE suburban 5-room bungalow on 5c commutation fare. Can be bought on terms of $20O- down and $20 per month. This Is the best buy you have seen in some time at $2150. See ATCH ISON. 2Q4 Henry bldg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME, and acreage, well located, near car 11ns, from $l!ou up. Inquire third house norta of Rtsley station, on Oregon City car line, sign -Alder Brook.' $2200 ACHE blo-k. Lake Grove bungalow, bath, 'leet ricitv, water, flower? : near depot; $500 cash. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg - For bale Acreage. OREGON CITY line home; 4-room house, chicken house, 1 acre all under culti vation. 30 fruit trees, hard surtace road, close to school. $500 cash, balance like rent. See John Brown, 324 Railway Ex ch a n gq bldg. BARGAIN, NEAR TIGARD; $250 DOWN. 10 acres. 7 under plow, on bank of Tualatin river; semi-beaverdam ; 2 miles from Tigard station; $15K). J. C. CORBIN CO., 3UO-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. fl, 10 or 15 ACRES, part cleared, no rocks. IO minutes to Sycamore station. Gresham car line; $225 per acre with terms, work in Portland. F. AV. Hill, owner,, 1112 Gasco b 1 d g. BY OWNER S, acres at Tualatin. Tn fruit and bearing walnuts: pays good In come; leaving city, must be sals at once. B road w a y 3741 or Se 1 1. 955. 0 ACRES near Tigard ; creek through place ; small clearing; rich soil ; valu able timber; $1775; easy terms. Owner, Main4122. apt.24. 4-ACRE chicken ranch. $1830: fine garT den land, all cleared ; Bull Run water; will take Ford car as first payment Main H43. Main 1377. THREE acre?, near Oatfield road. $450 fos 1 acre: $1000 for the 3; terms. Claude Hale. Main 351 T. FOR Oregon City line acreage. Improved or unimproved, see John Brown. 324, Railroad Exchange bldg. alar. 3331. REAL ESTATE. For 8a le Acreage. IRRIGATED LANDS. Eastern Oregon, on main line Union Pacific railroad, altitude titto feel, plentv of sunshine and plenty of water, mild v Inter., bumper crops of alfalfa, fruit and vegetables: Ideal conditions for homes, grade and full course high school, best of opportunities for dairying and stockrnising. Price reasonable, terms attractive. Call or write D. G. Rogers. MS Stark at.. PcrtTfcr.d. Or. 5 ACRES. ALL IN CULTIVATION. BEING LOT 10. CKESTVIEW TRACT. NEAR OREN-- ON T H E O RWON E LECTKIC frLCE ISo. 4ALF CASH. BALANCE TERMS. OR v"lLL CONSIDER GOOD ALTO OR LOT FOR PART. AND BALANCE CASH. POINDEXTER." 2iS thilWP BUILDING. MAIN 1S0O; RESIDENCE. B 7120. LOGO ED-OFF LANDS. Tracts. C acres up. located within 30 miles of Portland, on rait road; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby: buy on your own terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 8000 ACRES In southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low price. $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map show ing location, terms, etc WEYERHAELSER TIMBER COMPANY Tacoma Bidg., Tacoma. Wash. 5 ACRES, all in cult. Mce level land; small shack; on paved highway, oniv S miles from court house: gas and waier there S2..O0 and terms, which is not more than about half value. TALI-MADGE REALTY CO., 611) Henry building. BEFORE you buy. come to Gresham. We have a good list of well-improved farms, acreage and small homes for sale KKIUER A: E LK I XUTO.V. Oresham Or ALDER CREST acre. partly improved, new 2-rooni house. 4."tt; will trade for Ford, some rash. J. R. Jones. Oak Grove. Homesteads, Relinquishments. 120-ACRK homestead relinouishment to 50 acres practically cieared. IO acres cult, this year, 15 acres fenced, but litt:e waste land; new 4-room house, water piped from spring ; located on county road, less than 30 miles from Portland; TALL MADGE REALTY CO.. 619 Henry building. Irrigated lanfls. HALF-SECTION of irrigated wheat iand ail t iilab'.e. fine land, in A lberta. c.os to good town. An elegant investment: per acre; gooa terms. L. K. Moore, .M7 Board of Trade. For Sal Fruit Lands. 34-ACRE tract of cranberry marsh, about half of It in bearing, for sale at a bargain bv owner. AMERICAN CAFETERIA, 150 FIFTH STREET. For ale -Farms. 10O ACRES. STOCK AND EQUIPMENT All under high state of cultivation located IO miles from Vancouver on good auto road. U mile front church, stores, graded school, et-. ; 3 acres in full bear ing assorted orchard. 9-room plastered nouse. oarn woxyo, good chicKen house nog nouse. ana lot. worssnop. etc.. 2 good wells, windmill and tanks. 4s-ion silo, personal property consists of 17 head of cattle, 7 head of horses. 22 head of hogs. 100 hie kens. 2f tons of hay. 4 tons of ensilage, binder, mower, rake, plows, disc, 2 harrows, manure spread er, good wagon. 2 sets of harness, buggy, and single harness. hay fork, ropes, cream separator and all kinds of smalt tools, and nearly all household furni ture. This is the very best of soiK lies ideal for drainage and must be seen to oe appreciated. Price. Including all personal property. onl $18,000, ? cash, balance 6 per cent. THOMPSON SWAN. 3d and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash. $2..Ooo US- ACRES, fine dairy and gen eral-purpose farm, on paved highwav only 2 miles, city limits. Vancouver; one of the best places offered for the mou ey on t he market ; 110 acr- t-ult ivated. 2S pasture. 7-room, 1 13-story house and elegant barn and all other necessary niiiliJlngs to make a xirst-clsfis eouip ment; orchard of 240 prunes. 1'Ki apples. j nil pear trees; 4t tons ha ytn nam. I milk'rowa. 1 Holstein bull, other young klne. 3 horses, all machinery with the place, all cram In Din and 20 acres seed ed to fall wheat. If you w ant a good thing and great buy. come, and go out in auto today. B. S. Cook, 601 Stock Kxrhanga bldg. A St R E BARGAIN. 20 ACRES Fl NK LAND. 20 acres 5 miles from H illsboro: good 6-room house, good barn. woodshed. chicken houe mil other out-nuiimng.-all farm machiierv. H tons of hay. tons oais. 40 rhickens. 9 turkeys, good team, harnesses, 6 cow s. 2 sow s and 6 pigs. etc. All goes at t he price 01 $5750. $2500 cash. This place is right on the Tualatin river, and the best buy in that district. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. ONLY 4 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE 10 acrea. nice bungalow, full ceme-nt basement, hot and cold water, spring water pumpe! to house by gas engine, small barn, garage, chicken house. 1H acres young orchard, all In cultivation ; fine view; can s-e Hi'lboro and Oregon Cltv. If you are looking for a nift tit t 1m home close to the city this will suit you to a "T." but you will have to hurry, for It will go quick. MITCHELL & RIPPEY. 32 S-2'. He nry bl d g.. 4t h and Oak. FOR SALE Stock farm of 240 acres, 165 acres in alfalfa, all fenced, cross-fenced level, paid water for irrigation. - room house, deep well soft water, piped into house, bath, hot and cold water, shade, large barn, granary, garage, celler. bunk house, stone root house, cement watering troughs, engines to pump water ; hay sells for $ 10, Otto every year; located si x miles from "ale. on county road, R. F. D. and telephone : price $1 25 per acre, terms. John Hardwick Realty Co., Vale, Oregon. ONLY FOUR MILES FROM COURTHOUSE. IO acres al) In cultivation, nice young family orchard, 100 holly trees, nice bungalow, full cement basement, bath, hot and cold water, spring water pumped to house by gas engine, barn, garage, chicken house, rocked road. mile to school; price $5 500, terms. M ITCHEI-L & RIPPEY. 32S-32U Henry Building, 4th and Oak. . Main 2534. 40 CRES all cleared. 14 miles from Port land ; hard surfaced gravel road ; big house and barn: outbuildings: close to school and church, w here values are much higher. This place ha never been offered for snle before. A great bargain at $6750. T-rms. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. B2 4th st. Board of Trade Bldg. M. 4522. M. 671. FRUIT RANCH IN COVE FOR SALE Containing 41 acres, about 30 acres In bearing fruit, about 25 acres In cher ries. 2 acres In Bartlett pears, 3 acres In apples and w-inter pears and 11 acres In pasture. Owner spetting too old to handle It. For price address Samuel G. White, C o v e. Or. Lock box 150. 10 ACRES, Yakima valley, improved, close to town, school and railroad, good house and outbuildings. H In bearing orchard: government irrigation; sacrifice this week, easy terms or part trade for lot or auto. Central Yakiina Ranches Co.. Inc.. 512 Selling Bldg, Main 4U'J3. FOR SALE or trade for Portland resi dence, 20-acre improved farm ; plenty fruit; good well; productive soil; all un der cultivation, 10 miles from Vancouver. Wash., one mile from Brush Prairie. Wash.. $5500. Address 605 Carmelita apts.. phone Main &;U4. 40 ACRES! 6 miles east of Oresham; all cultivated; family orchard 9-room house, hot and cold -vater. bath, cement base ment; good barn. garage, macadam road: $12,000, terms. KCKES. Main 8043. 60S Cham, of Com. WASHINGTON COUNTY bargains 35 acres; little cleared; house; spring: near Forest Grove; f 00O; terms. 40 acres. 12 cultivated; buildings, orchard, spring: near Buxton: $1250; terms. Du bois. S03 Spalding bldg. 400 ACRES on Columbia river side of Sauvies island ; house, barn snd ware house: steamboat landing; one-third less than value; excellent location for clear ing finishing stock for market. Owner. Y 110. Oregonian. 100 ACRES, house and other buildings, some cultivated. $6000: 40 acres, uncul tivated. $60; 0 or 120 acres, unculti vated, $54; three miles from Molalla : some beaverdam; favorable terms. F 626. Oregonian. STOP, LISTEN. 24 acres prunes, pears, cherries, mile of town. Salem district. $4000 crop last year. price $5500. $1000 cash down. Claude Cole. 215 Lumbermen's bldg. 130 ACRES, 125 cultivated; fine Improve ments, close to good town and schools; price $22,500. Will take $3000 or S6OO0 in Portland dwelling. Box 199, Wood burn, Or. FOR SALE, exchange or rent, very choice well Improved GO-acre farm at R. R depot, school, R. F. D., phone.; Molalla river bottom. Clackamasyjounty. Owner, 554 K. Salmon bt. East 6933. 20-ACRE farm, new buildings, running water, 1 miles from postoffice on p;ved road; stock, machinery and feed; $0000. Wolfstein, 406 McKay bldg. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $73 to $200 per acre, easy terms: best soil. Farms for sale, ail sSzcs. McFarland. 6Q2 Yeon bldg. ft1 ACRES near Willamlna: level, cleared, fenced ; good 8-rm. house; $1350. $i50 cash, $13 month. Jesse R. Sharp, fej U 3d st. -OGGED-Ot" K lands, 10 acre up; running water; good soil, tillable: employment; easy terms. J. R. Sharp, S3 4 3d at. REAL ESTATE. For Sale TILLAMOOK DAIRY FARM a ln, heart of the TiJla- KV-alley; -"m- fro" Paved road. 8a a. in cultivation, ba.snce pasture; all good land; 25 fine dairy cows. team. 15 hogs, wagon, harness. 2 gas engines, f-d cutter complete. 1 new auto truck, cost xi.iOO; a. I farm imp.ements neces sary to run farm: tio tons of oat hay In barn; 2 large silos. 1 full or ensilage: running water, fair house and barn and all outbMgs ; wll fenced and cross fenced; the w-ner made over $5Mto off of Place thrs year. This is one of 1 Ulamook's fine dairy ranches fui.y equipped and ready to com mence making monev; personal property worth $1000. Price $2500. terms; will take small farm near torvallis or Albauv in part pay ment. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. 400 ACRES. $4tHa. Not rough, no rocks, sma'l spring creek; fertile red-shot loam soil; 2 miles to a town on the lower Columbia river. 60 mites from Portland. -miie from a school of ten grades; good county high -w ay. macadamized : for 1 V miles ail -.loins a large stock farm, 2 or 3 mure large farms clone by; can drive onto it from Port 'and with a machine; can gl some terms ; an op port unit y f or a stock ranch not often found ; a splend id m -estment. Will be giad to have u call us up or call and see us, 24 acres. highly Improved. S.Vum; across the road from a factory and saw mill, adjoining a smart village on Ui railroad to Seattle. S3 acres. 3 miles from McMinnvi -All improved, good buildings; crossed b a creek ; some bottom land; w ell w orth $45O0. J. B. ATKINSON. MA TV 44T. 422 Chamber of Com., Port'and. 112 West :h St.. Vancouver. W BUlLDlNOt. EQUIPMENT. $6000. 40-AC RE SNAP. Owner will facriflce 40 acres .lust e'f paved Capitol highway, only If miles from renter of Portland; over half In cultivation. 1 ', cres bearing orchard, mostly prunes: fine spring, fenced and cross-fenced: dwelling with hot anil coid water: poultry runs; over $.on personal property. Remember $tw0 takes every thing, on easy terms. Call 5O0 Concord bldg.. 2d snd Stark. WANTED REAL KSTATE. YOU WANT RESULTS. 727 HOMES SOl.T SINCE JAN. I. 1P1P. 50 homes in January. 52 homes in February. '. homes in March. 70 homes In April. I04 homes in May. 72 homes In June. M honfes in July. 114 homes In August. S7 homes In September. You know that 12 real estate af men. with automobiles, working- in a we! 1 -organized office, which spends thousands and thousands ot dollars an nually advertising houses exclusively. must get results. We arc in touch with the majority of buyers. This organiza tion has sold 727 houses so far this rar- and can sell yours. Come in and list it with us. SEE FRANK I MeG V I R K. TO SELL YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main lOrtd Office open evenings and Sundays. DON'T FOR (JET that I have the buers for houses. I can sell yours; what have you ? Your house w ill be given proper attention. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS C. A. WARRINER. R1TTER. LOWE A- CO.. 2Q1-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldt;. WE have 5 competent experienced sales men with autos and ar ab'.e to get you quick action should you desire to sell your home. We need more houses to sell. Have scores of prospects waiting. Phone us, we will call. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Bidg. Main IF YOU have a farm or acreage property for sa lo hotw een Port land and H 1 1 Isboro we will sell It for you within 2 weeks if your price is right. O'K A. McKENNA CO., S2-i4 Board of Trade. M. 4-122. M. 6ST1. BUNGALOW. IRVINGTON, HOSE CITY. LAUREL Hl'KST. A LA M ED A OR PIEDMONT. $4000 TO JTooo. M Y CL1 KM CAN MAKE GOOD FIRST PAYMENT. POiN DKX.TER. SELLING BUILDING. MAIN lMo. RESIDENCE, B 7120. MODERN bungalow; prefer Hawthorne or Groveland Park, vicinity high school; not over $45to. Want home In good "district, modern, 3 sleeping rooms; about $40O. JOHN W. PAYNE C O . . Main 0012. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot, we will furnish the money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO. Main 2033. 621 Morgan Bldg. W A N TE D H Ol S ES. We sell OO per cent of our contract h o use s. W e ca n se 1 1 yours. Give us a t rial now. R. F. FEEMSTER. ABINGTON BLDG. Marshall 4L5S. WE HAVE THE BUTERS. Phone us the location of your not' and we will do the rest. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, ft 1 3 Ch am. of Co mmerce. Main C!67. WANT 10 TO l! ACRES. Running water, walking distance from Mat ion. buildiugs not necessary In your t offering. J. C. CORBIN1 CO.. r03-fi-7-S Lewis bids. V A NT ED Houses of all sixes. We get the buyers, and sell without d'. what ever is put up at t he right price and terms. Come and tell u what you have B. S. Cook. 6Q1 Stock Exchange bldg. WANTED to buy a 5-room modern bunga low in good district, about $2500; i-an pay $30 down, balance $.XO per month. Cart give best of references, Ow ners only. Y 82, Oregonian. OWNER I am looking for a real buy in a real home, not over $10.0OO; down: Laurel hurst or lrvington preferred ; full particulars In letter. G tiot?. Oregonian. LIST your lrvington house with us for quick sale. We are boosting this section. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WISH to buy modern G-room bungaluw. east side, for my own home ; will pav each: will buy some furniture. Address AV 734, Oregonian. WANT 5 or 6-room modern bungalow with garage. Main M0. THOMSON. t2i21 Henry bldg. 1U1S 7-PASSENGER Studebaker 6: will exchange for real estate. F GST, Orego nian. WANTED. Lot In Eastmoreland. 100x100; must be bargain. Call Main 4S. Farms Wanted. WE are in correspondence with prospective buyers for medium -sized farms, stocked and equipped. Mail us a description of yours and we will submit it to them. We reach our buyers through corre spondence: when they come hero t hey are in earnest and should know u here your farm ts and what It 'Z. J. B. ATKINSON. MAIN 4479. 422 Chamber of Commerce. WE HAVE sold several farms rer?r.tly and have buyers waiting. Send in first let ter detailed description of your farm, lowest price and terms cf payments. If well located and worth the price asked we can sell It. E. A. LTNDGREN. Savon T,and Co.. P35 N. W. Bank bid- IMPROVED FARMS WANTTD. With or without stock and equipment. We re selling them, when priced right We pay over $500 per month for advertis ing and are pleased to r-dvertise H'.d show you property. John Ferguson, Gcr hngr bldg - WANTED Rent farm, good barn and near city. 30 to "'0 a. X 150. Oregonian. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED TO LEASE FARM LAND Suit a ble for vegetables, fruit, general produce; good money. Inquire R. M. Sato, GO N. Broadway. Phono Bdwy. 321. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE Fine 20-M Russell mill; also 9x10 Sea Ml e donkey, full logging equipment, bargain price and terms. F. E. Bow 111 an c Co.. 213 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A tract of flt-ciaa timber, good log ging. 3 miles from K. R., S-mile from county road; cioe to Portland. C 2b 4, Oregonian. WANTED Timber, well located, for im mediate operation; any amount. AP 3iM. Oregonian. FOR SALE 15M sawmill, running condt tlon; good terms. AP ;92. Oresonian. WA NTED Rough fir lumber, an sie or amount : quote price. T 154. Oregon Inn. WANTED To lease or buv a sawmill wUh or without timber. L 477. Oregonian. HALF SECTION timber two miles to S. P. siding. K 612. Oregonian. MAN to log 2 M all winter; no,vssw v.ires wanted. 714 Couch bids. f