VOL. LVIII. XO. 18,374 Entered at Portland (Oregon) Poptoffic as Second-Class Matter. PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1G, 1919. TRICE FIVE CENTS E WILSON BETTER AND FOLLOWING UP NEWS OREL FULLS UNDER FREAK ARCTIC THAW FREES DAWSON SKIPS CLEMENCEAU'S FOES AGAIN ARE DOWNED CONFEREPJG PALMER POINTS OUT NEWCOMERS' ERRORS INTELLIGENCE MUST BE USED, FORCE LEFT BEHIND. BABY HOME RAGES KNOTTY PROBLEM E'S AT CL.XDCLAR TROUBLE LEAVES; COXVALESCEXCE INDICATED. ICE BREAK-CP GIVES CHANCE TO ESCAPE TRAP. POL1CV OF PREMIER SUS TAINED BY DEPUTIES. MAMRD REACHES SIDNEY, NEBRASKA Parson-Aviator Half Way Across Continent. DENKN BLOWS CLOSING ORDER Collective Bargaining Is Uppermost Question. STEEL STRIKE IS SET ASIDE President Watches Work of Labor Meeting. GREAT RESULTS EXPECTED Acad of Central Committee Says Both Employers and Workers Are Making Concessions. WASHINGTON, Oct. ID. Despite repeated declarations by employers' delegates that they never would ap prove intervention in the steel strike, and insistent demand from the same gro.up that the labor arbitration pro posal be disposed of definitely, the rational industrial conference, voting as an assembly, today deferred action on the labor plan pending an effort by the central committee of 15 to agree on the question of collective bargaining. The motion to defer, made by Ber nard M. Baruch, chairman of the pub lic delegation, was defeated under the group voting plan, the employers' group voting against it and the pub lic and labor group supporting post ponement. Consent of all three groups is required under the confer ence rules to validate action. On a point of order, however. Secretary Lane, presiding officer, ruled that the motion involved a question of pro cedure and not a policy, and there fore should be settled by a simple majority vote of individual delegates. Gary Opposes Move. Judge Elbert H. Gary, chairman of the United States Steel corporation board, and Ward M. Bargess, of Omaha, Neb., were the only members of the public group opposing post ponement, and C. S. Barrett and T. C. Atkeson, farmers' representatives, alone of the employers' group, fa vored the motion. The labor group was solid for postponement. . . The central committee was direct ed to have a report ready when the conference reconvenes at 2:30 P. M. tomorrow, but it struck a snag late today In attempting to define "col lective bargaining" and made but lit tle headway during its three-hour ses sion. The right of employes to organ ize was generally recognized, it was said, but no agreement could be reached on the question of dealing with non-employes of a company act ing as spokesmen for the workers. The committee will meet again to morrow morning, but it appeared practically certain tonight that no agreement would be reached and that the labor and public delegates in the committee would ask for more time. Such action would mean a further de lay in obtaining a vote on the steel strike arbitration resolution. Labor Seeks Acceptance. Labor delegates said today they would be willing to drop the steel strike resolution in case they can ob tain a clean-cut acceptance of the principle of "collective bargaining," with the right of employes to select representatives, "just as the compa nies hire counsel.- Failure of the conference to arbitrate the strike or to accept their view of collective bar gaining would mean disruption of the conference, some labor representa tives went so far as to say. Employers objected to consideration "under pressure" of such a fundamen tal principle as collective bargaining. Herbert F. Perkins of Chicago said "we cannot be forced or hurried into arriving at any decision in such an important matter as collective bar gaining," while J. W. O'Leary of Chi cago declared that "clear thinking" on the issue was impossible with "other disturbing influences." After the meeting, employers' dele gates said that the labor steel strike at titration resolution was never in tended for other purposes than to force recognition of the unions and their spokesmen, inasmuch as an agreement to arbitration of the strike 6y a committee containing union officials and company officers would have amounted to absolute ac ceptanee of the things for which labor is fighting. . Great Results Seen. Charles Edward Russell of New York, spokesman for the central com mittee, told press representatives after the committee meeting that both capital and labor were disposed to make concessions and that nothing had transpired to shake his convic tion that the conference would ac complish "great and constructive re sults." He admitted, however, that eerious differences of opinion exist which must be harmonized before the committee could report. A tentative agreement was reached whereby the labor group, it was un derstood, agreed that the eteel strike arbitration resolution should be re ferred back to the committee, to be brought up later on the floor of the conference for action. Meantime, the various groups wil work on the preparation of an ex haustive analysis of the causes of all strikes, Chairman Lane said, and prepare a programme calculated to ameliorate conditions. This pro- (Cuuuluued uu Page 2, Column 2.) Good Night's Rest and Satisfactory Day Reported Wife Keeps President Posted. WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. Absence of any new complication in President Wilson's illness brought from his bed side late today thj assurance that he is "getting better." Elimination of the recent annoyance cuused by a slight enlarged gland has removed the only outstanding obstacle to his convalescence. With the exception of the news furnished him by Mrs. Wilson, the president hr.s learned 'ery little of national and international develop ments, although he is given daily a general summary of events. Rear Admiral Grayson, his personal physi cian, always has succeeded in keep ing away from his patient informa tion that might prove trying to his nerves. The president's appetite is reported to be as good as could be expected and a recurrence of the glandular trouble is not anticipated. Only a moderate rate of recovery is looked for and indications, official and other wise, are that the improvement an nounced today may be continued. Only the following brief statement was issued by Rear-Admiral Grayson at 10:30 o'clock tonight: "The pre-iuent has hawa satis factory day." The headache from which he was suffering early in the day, it was learned, had disappeared. A bulletin issued earlier today by his physicians read as follows: "The White House. Oct. 15, 1919, 11:55 A. M. The president had a good night's rest, enjoyed his break fast and aside from a slight headache, continues to mate improvement. The condition which caused the restless ness of Monday night and about which rr. Fowler was consulted, gave no trouble durin - the night. "GRAYSON", RUFFIN, STITT." President Wilson, despite his ill ness, remembered that today was Mrs. Wilson's birthday. In fact he made preparations for it several days ago. for it was learned tonight that he then sent out a member of the White House staff to purchase a gift. To day he presented the remembrance to her. SHOE PRICES TO STAY UP Wholesalers' Head Takes Back Pre diction of Lower Costs. NEW YORK, Oct. 15. There is no indication of an immediate drop In footwear prices, J. Frank McElwain, president of the National Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' association, said tonight in a statement in which he as serted that his remarks at the Middle State3 Shoe Wholesalers' association convention here yesterday had been misquoted. Mr. McElwain had been quoted as predicting that shoe prices were due .r a tumble after Christ mas ' McElwain in his statement said that "shoe prices have never reached the high peak represented by the August price of hides." Although hides have declined 20 per cent in price since the August high point, shoe costs have been based on still lower figures, it was stated. Desirable leather is also extremely scarce, he said. "It is my opinion that shoe prices for spring will be no lower than at present," the statement concluded. FOE WAR COURT TO SIT i Inquiry to Be Begun. Soon as to Re-' sponsibility for War. ! BERLIN, Oct. 15. (Via Copen-1 hagen.) The tribunal of state, set up by the government at general re quest to investigate the question of responsibility for the war and charges against leading statesmen and mili tary leaders alleged to have been criminally culpable for bringing it on or continuing it unnecessarily, will open its sittings this week. (The direct occasion of the institu tion of the investigation was a de mand by General Ludendorff for a court of inquiry upon the charges made against him by former Chancel lor Scheidemann and a resolution of the national assembly demanding a general investigation.) General Ludendorff, ex-Ambassador Bernstorff and ex-Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg will be among the first witnesses to be heard. LAVA WIPES OUT RANCH Cowboys Patrol Flow From Mauna Lou to Protect Residents. HILO, T. H.. Oct. 15. (By the As sociated Press.) A new flow of lava from Mauna Loa already has wiped out one ranch and damaged another. Cowboys are patrolling the wide but slow flow of the stream to warn dwellers in the lower districts at the base of the volcano if the lava ap proaches them. Reports were received yesterday that the movement of lava into the ocean had stopped. CLERKS INJ3ERLIN STRIKE 15,0 0 0 Workers in Municipal Of fices Demand Pay Lift. BERLIN. Oct. 15. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Berlin experienced a new brand of strike yesterday when 15,000 clerical workers in the munic ipal offices walked out, demanding higher pay. The movement is said to have orig inated in the ranks of the auxiliary workers, who are dominated by the i radical element. 3 Key toZcscow Taken FK Bolsheviks. 6t,d PRISONERS CAPTURED People of City Welcome Army as Deliverer. SOVIET FACES CRISIS Two Armies Advuuclm Ranidlv Toward Petrograd and Radical Government Is Tottering. LONDON. Oct. 15. Gneral Dent kine's anti-bolshevik army has cap tured the important city of Orel, to gether with thousands of prisoners and enormous quantities of material, it was announced in advices received here today. Two batteries of bolshevik artil lery fell into General Denlklnes hands. General Denikine's communique re porting the capture of Orel reads: "Orel was entered after many days of fierce fighting in which several regular divisions 'were defeated. The townspeople welcomed the troops, falling on their knees and calling out Christ is risen." East of Orel our troops debouched on the line Preob-razhenskoe-Turemeff." SOOO Prisoners Takea. The communique further reports series of successes at various points along the fron. in which some 6000 prisoners and a number of guns were captured and in one instance an entire division was' broken up. North of Pavlosk, on the Don, 225 miles south east of Orel, the enemj was flung across the river Osereclo, and 1500 prisoners and eight machine guns taken. Cossack troops in the upper Don region forced a crossing to the left bank of the river on a wide front and captured 1100 prisoners and a battery. The staff of one of the Cossack bri gades took 300 p-'soners. Cossack troops in the Kri vutchy. region dis persed a division of enemy troops and captured 3000 prisoners, five guns and a number of machine gus. "Vhiie Orel is 25S miles south of Moscow, possession of the city will give General Denikine a secure hold on vast stretches of territory in old Russia, as the place is one of - the most important railway centers south of the present Russian capitol. A Russian soviet official statement received today by wireless admitted (Concluded on Page 3. Column 1.) Steamboats Plow Upstream With Steel-Plated Bows and Wood Fires, to Make Dawson. DAWSON. Y. T., Oct. 15. (By the Associated Press.) Freak Arctic weather, with the temperature jump ing from zero to 40 degrees above today, was breaking the early ice in the Yukon river and was giving four marooned passenger steamboats a fighting chance to escape their winter trap and reach Dawson before the final freeze. Two are expected here tonight. The two boats, the Seattle and Alas ka, which were marooned by the early freeze about 60 miles below Dawson today were reported ploughing up stream through the running Ice. They had steel plates on their bows and were burning wood cut by their pas sengers and crews yesterday. The steamboats Yukon and Wash burn, caught on the Yukon flats be low Circle City. Alaska, may also be able to reach Dawson, it was believed. If the warm spell lasts a few days they will make Dawson without any trouble. PASTOR ADVOCATES ADS Common Sense Directs Church to Use Newspaper Publicity. HOOD RIVER. Or.. Oct. 15. (Spe cial.) The Riverside Congregational church is the first local religious in stitution to make an appropriation for newspaper advertising. W. H. Boddy, formerly pastor of the Upper Valley Union church, who was re cently elected to take charge of the local congregation, says: "The advertising columns of the newspaper offer the most effective means of publicity. If the church has an announcement for or invitation to the public, common sense directs that the best means of reaching the people be used. I should prefer that my advertising attract people to all churches rather than simply call at tention to my own." HUNGARY FACES FAMINE Serious Crisis Threatened by Short age of Food. VIENNA, Tuesday, Oct. 14. (By the Associated Press.) The food reserves of Hungary, depleted by Roumanian seizures, have been reduced to the danger point and a most serious crisis is threatened, according to Budapest advices. . The Roumanians today, the advices state, attempted to seize some of Pre mier Friendrich's immediate follow lowing and did arrest two government officials. The inter-allied mission protested against this and other ac tions by the Roumanians which were objected to. Reports from the trans- Danube region declare the Rouma nians as their evacuation proceeded have systematically released the sup porters of the bolshevik regime, who had been Imprisoned. HE EVIDENTLY THOUGHT UNCLE SAM i . t a Head of French Government Emerges' Victor in Bitterest As sault Ever Made on Ministry. PARIS, Oct. 13, (By the Associated Press.) The Clemenceau ministry was sustained In the chamber of deputies this afternoon by a vote of J24 to 132. The premier thus vic toriously emerged from the bitterest and best organized assault the min istry has ever faced. The chamber adopted the cabinet's policy on the chronolorlcal order of the elections, placing the legislative elections first, on November 1. and the senatorial and municipal elec tions In that order. . For the first time Arlstldes Brland. the former premier, came out openly In leading the opposition forces, but M. Clemenceau's majority was the largest he had ever received when the qaestlon of confidence was pre sented. Preparations had been going on for months for this test of strength, the opposition awaiting the ratification of the peace treaty to make a definite onslaught on the ministry. Premier Clemenceau had a bitter oratorical duel with M. Brland. The result of the vote makes it positive that Clemenceau's platform will go before the people, his opponent's avowed Intention of forcing a post ponement of the mandate of the chamber having failed. 11 GIRLS STUDYING LAW Washington Co-Eds Would Change AII-Mcn's Law Mixer to Tea. UNIVERSITY" OF WASHINGTON. Seattle, Oct. 15. (Special.) Eleven members of the fair, sex have enrolled in the law college at the university this year, which surpasses all pre vious records. Not only have they been accepted as members in good standing into a course generally supposed to be for men. but they are already proclaim ing their rights and state that the usual allmen's law mixer will be re placed this year by some form of milder entertainment, such as a tea or a knitting bee. BULL CALF BRINGS $23,261 i World Record in Cattle Prices Is Set in England. (Copyright by the-New York World. Pub- lished by Arrangement. LONDON, Oct. 15. (Special Cable.) A world record in prices for cattle was established at a sale of short horns at the Aberdeenshire show to day. The first bull calf to enter the ring was knocked down for $13,261. The calf was bred by the famous shorthorn king, William Duthle of Collynle. This figure is the highest price ever paid for a bull calf. Another world record was estab lished by James Durno, of Uppermill, who obtained $S778 for a 7 months old heifer calf. WAS ASLEEP. . TWO FLIERS MEET DEATH Lieutenants Kirby and Miller Crash in Utah. WESTERNERS START HOME Major Spits and Captain Smith Leave Mincola on Last Lap; Smith's Plane Burns. CHICAGO. Oct 15. Lieutenant B. W. Maynard. the "flying parson." continued his rush through the west ern skies today on the return trip from San Francisco to New York, and between sunrise and sunset had cov ered 742 miles of the second lap of the army's aerial derby over the transcontinental course, spending the night at Sydney. Neb. While he was hurrying toward the eastern goal, two flyers met death in a 200-foot fall at Castle Rock. Utah. They were Lieutenant French Kirby, pilot, and Lieutenant Stanley C. Mil ler, observer. Their deaths make a total of seven fatalities since the start of the race October 8. Major Carl Spatz and Captain Low ell H. Smith started from Mlneola to day at 2:28:18 and 2:31:56. respect ively, on the return journey to San Francisco. Captain Smith reached Buffalo at 6:33:20 P. M., but his ma chine was destroyed by fire after he had landed. lOO Miles Covered. Lieutenant Maynard, who left San Francisco Tuesday at 1:22 P. M., cov ered 356 miles on the first day of his return flight and 742 miles today, landing at Sidney, Neb., at 5:45 P. M., mountain time. He has 1503 miles ahead of him. He expects to reach Chicago Thursday night and hopes to be la New York before sundown Fri day. "Lieutenant-Colonel J. N. Reynolds and Lieutenant H. W. Sheridan landed at San Francisco at 10:55 and 10:56, respectively, and Major J. C. P. Bar tholf landed at New York at 5:28 P. M. Six flyers have now landed at New York and nine at San Francisco. Twenty-four aviators are still out on the first lap. Lieutenant Alexander Pearson took off from San Francisco at 2:35 today and began a chase after Maynard, hoping to overtake him before he reaches the eastern terminus. MLNEOLA, N. Y., Oct. 15. Major Carl .Spats, flying a De Haviland "Bluebird" airplane, started on the re turn trip to San Francisco at 2:28:18 o'clock this afternoon. Captain Lowell H. Smith, in the same kind of a ma chine, started on the return trip a few minutes later. Weather Delays Start. Captain Smith's- official starting time was 2:31:56. Major Spatz had been on the field since 10 o'clock this morning, but unfavorable weather reports from up state bad delayed his getaway. While he was considering whether to "hop off" Captain Smith flew over the field, having ascended from a neigh boring field. Major Spatz. thinking that Captain Smith was preparing to start his return journey, summoned his observer. Sergeant Emmett Tan ner, to bid his parents "goodbye," and started for Binghamton on the first leg of the return Journey. ' Captain Smith alighted on Roose velt field, learned that Major Spatz had started, and immediately "checked out" and "taxied" across the starting line three minutes after Major Spatz. Lieutenant Francis W. Ruggles is ths pathfinder in Captain Smith's ma chine. Lieutenant E. C. Kiel, the third San Francisco entrant who completed the first half of the journey here, is hav ing his machine overhauled and is not expected to get away until to morrow. SALT' LAKE CITY. Oct. 15. Lieu tenant French Kirby, pilot, and Lieu tenant Stanley C. Miller, observer of airplane No. 4 4, In their transconti nental air derby, were killed at Cas tle Rock, Utah, late today when their plane, traveling westward, fell a dis tance of approximately 200 feet. Kirby Instantly Killed. Lieutenant Kirby was killed In stantly, according to the manager of the Rigby ranch at Castle Rock, where the acldent happened. Lieuten ant Miller died about 6:40 tonight. According to the manager of the Rigby ranch, the machine was flying high when the engine was heard to stop and Kirby was seen to float downward. Suddenly, when about 200 feet In the air, the machine banked sharply and dived straight for the ground. Lieutenant Kirby was dead when ranch hands' reached the machine. Lieutenant Miller was alive and medical assistance was Bent for but he expired before physicians could arrive from either Castle Rock or Evanston, Wyo. Arrangements were being made to night to ship the bodies to Eranston, Wyo., there to await directions from relatives as to further disposal. Lleu tCouciuded, ou Page 2. Column 2. Attorney-General Deplores Radical Use or Old World Methods in New World's. Progress. K ASTON, ra.. Oct. 15. Law and or der must be preserved in America, and immigrants coming here must realize that when they reach these shores the time for the use of force Is behind them. Attorney-General Pal mer declared tonight in an address at Founders day exercises at Lafay ette college. "The mistake which seems to have been made by many who have corns hers recently from other rarts of the world." said Mr. Palmer, "is this: They affect to believe that the gen eral movement for better conditions of life In other parts of the world must have its counterpart in method In this newer world. They refuse to see the stupendous advance which has been made In that movement here during, the last century by men of larger minds and broader visions who preceded them to this land for the very purpose. "It is difficult for us to give credit for sincerity to many of the ultra radical class-war agitators, who seek the ohort and rough road built by force, when they have at hand the smoother, though possibly longer route. It is perfectly clear that some of them are honestly mistaken; it is equally clear that many of them are mere selfseekers who would exploit some of their unthinking fellows for their own benefit. "The ingenuity of man has made the Atlantic ocean a mere ditch be tween the continents. New inven tions will make it narrower "still. But it must always be wide enough to permit the immigrant, as he crosses it, to rid himself, for all time, of all the misconceptions of government with which the old conditions filled his mind. He must realize that his revolution has been fought and won when he set his foot on American soil.. "His time for the use of force is then behind him; his time for the use of intelligence has come. "Law and order are essential to Im provement; the law must be respected and order must be maintained if progress is expected. I would not ha.i for a single moment any movement designed by its promoters to bring better conditions to any portion of our people, but I would use all the power of the people's government to make certain that such a movement shall be conducted in the peaceful and orderly way provided by the peo ple for the accomplishment of all re form." SANTIAM HAS BUZZARDS Reforestation Crews Are to Be Called Out Today. ALBANY, Or., Oct. 15. (Special.) Snow and minature blizzards have hit the Santlam National forest. Only 50 of the 100 acres of burned-over timber land on south Breitenbush creek can be planted this fall on account of the inclement weather. Supervisor Hall has instructed the planting crew to finish up half of the tract and come out tomorrow. The crew is working within three miles of the Cascade divide and reports that snow and wind storms have been whistling through the forest for the past three days. Portland People to Wed. SEATTLE. Wash., Oct. 13. (Spe cial.) Marriage licenses issued here today included: Frank Maxwell Ruth man, legal, and Carrie L. Kessler, legal; Charles W. Fuller, legal, and Mary C. McNlcol. legal, all of Port land. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTKR DAY'S Maximum temperature, C3 degrees; minimum. -16 degrees. TODAY'S Fair; gentle winds, bccomlm southerly. Foreign. Orel fslls before Denikine. Page 1. Flume citizen arrow more defiant to Pre mier Nittl. Page 2. Rescue of Christian girls from Moslem harems big .task. Page 7. France is worried by president's Illness. Page 4. NstJonaL Burleson's alibi Is finally given. Page S. President Is better and follows news. Page 1. Senate has field day on Shantung. Page 4. Domestic. Miners set strike but mill mediate. Page 6. Belgian royalty views wonders of Tosern- Its valley. Page 1. Palmer shows error made by Immigrants. Page 1. Industrial crisis In America near, says Ackerman. Page S. Great Arctic thsw aids Dawson ships. l'age 1. Washington conference has knotty prob lem. Page 1. Lieutenant reaches Sidney, Neb., on return flight in air derby. Page 1. Pacific Northwest. Politics absorbing topic at club federation convention. -Page 1.'. Postmortem examination to determine cause of Mrs. Miller's death. Page 3. Keen Interest manifested in coming high school debates. Page 10. Sports. Joe Benjamin makes good record among eastern boxers. Page 14. Wsshington high beats Benson, 24 to 0. Page 14. Commercial and Marine. Eighty-five cents paid by English buyers for Oregon hops. Page lil. Moderate advance in corn options at Chi cago. Page 21. Tight money and industrial situation un settle stock market. Page 21. New dorks tariff sends charges up Page 20. Portland and Vicinity. Waverley baby home furious at closing order wuicn 11 unaoie to help widowed mothers and babes. Page 1. Stock show promises to tax big exposi tion building. Page IS. Wife. 18. says husband. 64, had young Ideas. Page 10. Two bridge spans may be closed. Page 11. Shrine invasion to break record. Page 15. Hose creation cliriyt t-ne-l l:i auuor of Port land woman. 1 be 11. Widows and Babes Made to Suffer, Is Charge. YOUNG MOTHER SHUT OUT Officials at Waverly Say They Are Unable to Help. FACILITIES ARE AMPLE Ulterior Motives Are Charged to Sonic Who Would Not Allow 3Iorc Babes to Enter Home. Hardship to mother and babies de serving of aid is being cau.-ed by the ruling of the child welfare commis sion forbidding the Waverly baby home to receive any further charges, according to statements issued yes terday. by officials cf the int,ll;utl.n. who bitterly attack tHe commission for its attitude and who intimate Jat the prohibitory order Is one of rtr secution. The order originated early last summer, when an Investigation of conditions at Waverly home was un der way. Wldonrd Mother Knt Taken. The case which caused the wrath of Waverly home to break into open flame arose yesterday, when a young v.'idowed mother, j At,t arrived fr.m Pendleton, applied to tno offices or the baby home in the Broadway buildir.p. askln; that the officials care for her three-weeks-old boy while she recovered her strength and found work in this city. Owing to the adverse ruling of the commis sion, the trustees of the home were obliged to find quarters for the mother and her infant at the Barr hotel, though adequate facilities for the care of the child are waiting at Waverley home. "When I called the offices of the commission," said Mrs. L. M. Shep pard, field secretary of the home, "I was told that Millie K. Trumbull, who runs the commission, was out of the city. Her husband, Bernard IL Trumbull, an attache of the office, answered the telephone. He told me that nothing could be done until evening, when Mrs. Trumbull would reach Corvallis and a telephone mes sage could ,be sent. Itrply Fans Flame. "Meantime, we had been advised by Clarence H. Gilbert, our attorney and vice-president of the Waverly home, not to admit the, baby unless the child welfare commission sanctioned it. ' Reluctantly we told the mother to take her baby to the offices of the commission, and she was there when I phoned Mr. Trumbull. "I told him that the case was ur gent, that the mother was weakened from child-birth and that she had had nothing to eat since arriving in Port land. The answer he gave mo made me furious with anger. How could she wait, that poor, tired girl, with her baby in her arms? 'Does that mean that she roust walk the streets of Portland, hungry and tired, until word reaches Mrs. Trumbull, your wife? I asked him. -why don't she go out and pawn her diamond ring and her silk um brella, and why didn't she Btay In Pendleton 7 was the question he fired back at me." No Conrtesy Is Shows, L. E. Kern, member of the board of trustees of Waverly home, inter posed here to testify to th; vigor with which Mr. Trumbull made his sug gestion that the mother was able to aid herself. "He roared like the bull of Bashan," asserted Mr. Kern. "Though he was talking over the telephone, when he answered Mr. Sheppard. I could hear every word he said, as clearly as if I had the receiver to my own ear." Angered by the apparent rebuff and perturbed by the plight of the young mother. Mrs. Sheppard and Mr. Kern again sent for the Tendleton woman and made arrangements whereby she is to be cared for at the Barr hotel until the merits of the case are pre sented to the public or some action is taken to relieve a situation which they declare to be intolerable. Mother Still III. "Pawn her diamond ring!" ex claimed Mrs, Sheppard. "A pitiful, glassy little affair. Tawn her silk umbrella old and shoddy. What sort of suggestions are these to make to a girl who is widowed, who is still ill from childbirth and who carries her little boy baby in her arms? They make my blood boil!" The order forbidding the Waverly home to receive any more babies un til permission is given by the com mission arose during the investiga tion early this summer of conditions at the home an inquiry occasioned by a fatal epidemic of dysentery among the small wards of the insti tution. Both Mrs. Sheppard and Mr. Kern declare that every recommendation made by the commission for improve ments at the home have been fol lowed out. They point to the fact that Dr. David N. Roberg, state health officer, had fully approved the pres ent management and sanitation of the home as evidence that the ban should have been lifted long ago. Scores of Babies Not Taken. "We have turned away scores of babies, deserving - cases," said Mr. tCouuiudwl on Pa&e 3 Cuiuiun i- CT 102.2