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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1919)
TIIE -MOKNIXG- OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER- 14, 1919. " PRESIDENT SI TO IE bin LESION Partial Paralysis of Face Is Reported. BULLETINS ARE MEAGER Senator Mostrs Inscribes Condition of Prrsldrnt. bat Draws Anger of Medical Men. fCnnlinn F"rm Flrnt Pare. The president's condition is about the same. GKAYSO.N. t'fcaaa-ea Are Mlicht. The daily changes in the president's condition. Dr. Grayson said tonight, while encouraging;, were slight and could not always be clearly indicated In a formal brief bulletin. For this reason be departed from his usua custom and supplemented the formal bulletin with an oral statement of the patient's condition. Dr. Grayson said that the presi dent's mind was active and that while rest was desired, yet any important matters demanding the president's Attention might be attended to should (he occasion demand it. Many of the current reports as to the president's condition were re ferred to by Dr. Grayson during the conference, but in all cases he stated that he would stand on his bulletins. It was intimated, however, that the formal announcements might be sup plemented from time to' time by oral statements. After seeing the news naoermen. Dr. Grayson Issued the regular night bulletin. Qalet Be Kafareed. Dr. Grayson also said that if some such eventuality arose he would give a "reluctant consent" for the presi dent to take the needed action. As far as possible, however, the physi cians attending Mr. Wilson will con tinue to insist that he remain quiet and not give his attention to govern mental matters. The day bulletin signed by Dr. Grayson and Drs. Ruftin and Stttt, the other physicians attending the president, said: -White house. Oct. 13. 11J, 12:15 P. M. The president's condition re mains mucn the same as for the past several days. His temperature, with the exception of one day. pulse and respiration rate, heart action and blood pressure are normal and have been so since the onset of his Illness. His kidneys are functioning normally. Grayson, Ruffin, Stitt." Rvaaora ot Denied. This was the most Informative statement issued since the president became ill more than two weeks ago. and the impression prevailed that the details concerning bis condition were given In lieu or specitic denials 01 the rumors current in Washington that bis physical condition was such that ha would be incapacitated from attending to his official duties for some time. The attending physicians. It was Indicated, will maintain their adopted policy of not denying rumors or get ting into any discussion concerning them. Whether the president is well enough to perform his duties was re ferred to briefly during an executive session today of the senate foreign relations committee In connection with an effort to get action on resolution by Senator Poindexter. re publican. Washington, asking for a re port regarding Chinese-Japanese rela tions, but at the suggestion of Senator Williams, democrat, of Mississippi, consideration of thla resolution and several others was postponed. Aar Change W ill Be Reported. Dr. Grayson announced that the president's mind is clear and that he is perfectly capable of forming In stant Judgment on any matter that might come up. Dr. Grayson gave assurances that If any material change occurred In the president's condition the fact would be made known. Cool weaher is aiding President Wilson's recovery. It Was said today at the White House. The president's physicians are Insistent, however, that danger of a setback in his condition can be averted only by complete rest for an Indefinite period. White House officials resented pub lication of reports that the president's condition was such that he could not attend to his official duties should matters of importance arise. "The president could sign bills to day if they were placed before him. but we are not putting them before hire." one official said. Those close to the president said they had every confidence that be would regain his health, although he must continue to obey his physicians' orders to remain in bed for "an exten sive period" and resign himself to the utmost quietude and relaxation. Cablaiet Meets Today. Bills now ready for executive action Include the prohibition enforcement measure and the amendments to the food control act punishing profiteer ing and hoarding. The usual weekly meeting of the president's cabinet will be held at the White House tomorrow, with Sec retary Lansing of the state depart ment presiding. A discussion of whether President Wilson is well enough to perform properly the duties of the presidency developed at an executive session of the senate foreign relations commit tee today, when action was sought on a resolution requesting certain in formation regarding Chinese-Japanese relations. A vote on the resolution and several other measures relating to foreign Wilson's disability under the leg-Ii Iation. Besides the Poindexter resolution the committee majority had expected to act on a resolution by Senator King, democrat, Utah, expressing it as th sense of the senate that Thrace should be awarded to Greece and one by Chairman Lodge requesting the presi dent to call an International confer ence to consider questions relating to telegraph and wireless cnysunicaUon PHILADELPHIA, Oct. II. D Francis X. Dercum of t is city today assailed Senator George H. Moses of New Hampshire for hisastatement that President Wilson had suffered a cere brtl lesion and that concentration of mind might reopen the lesion, with fatal .esults. "I will not disensa that report." said Dr. Dercum. "It is one of the silly rumors of which there are entirely too many In circulation. It is nonsensical beyond discussion. We cannot listen to the opinions, predictions and guesses of everyone ' who volunteers some expression relative to the presi dent s condition. "I have my opinion," he. continued, "of an-one who uses backstairs gos sip or porch-climbing methods. Dr. J. Chalmers d'Acosta of this city, the surgeon whose sudden trip to Paris waa linked with the president's reported Illness at the peace confer- ence. made It plain today that he would not comment on the president's condition or-his visit to France. "I will not discuss It In any way, he said. "I know nothing about it. Leave me out of it. LEPROSY CUBE IS F KALI HI HOSPITAL PAROLES CASES XOXE RECUR. Island Professor Succeeds in Ro fining Chanlmoogra Oil, Long Known as Specific. HONOLULU, T. H., Oct. 4. (Corre spondence of the Associated Press.) Announcement has been made here that complete cures of leprosy are being made at the Kalihl territorial hospital in thia city and that within the past few months 20 patients have been paroled without one recurrence of the disease. Blood tests of the discharged pa tients have revealed no trace of the leprosy germ. Patients under treat ment are showing marked improve ment. Chaulmoogra oil, obtained from the seeds of the taraxogenes kurzil, for 50 years known as the specific for leprosy, was the only medicine used in effecting the cures, the oil having been perfected by a refining process discovered by Dr. A. L. Dean, pro fessor of chemistry and president of he University of Hawaii. Dr. Harry T. Hollman. formerly In charge of the leprosy investigation station, became convinced that chaul moogra was of great value In treat- ng leprosy, but to obtain results it was necessary to administer large doses for a period of many months. Dr. Hollman decided that If the oil could be reduced to its essential prop erties, it would be much more ef fective. He took bis problem to Dr. Dean. The laboratories of the University of Hawaii are refining ail the oil given to the patients in capsule form used at Kalihl hospital. The oil is and also administered once each week by intra-muscular Injections. The work at Kalihl hospital Is supported Jointly by the federal and territorial governments. MINERS HEAD FOR VALDEZ New Platinum and Gold Deposits "Reported Found. SEWARD, Alaska. Oct. 13. (Spe cial.) The recent discovery of plat inum and the Incidental uncovering of a number of promising new gold pros pects in the vicinity of Valdes have turned adventurous eyes in that di rectlon. The unsuccessful efforts of the prospectors to conceal the fact of their recent finds, combined with the attempt of Valdex people to prevent outsiders from securing any interest therein have given the matter more notice than it 'would otherwise have received. From the best information available at present it seems that somo valu able properties have been discovered. but they have all been taken up by local people. Anything in the nature of a stampede would not be Justified by present knowledge of conditions. BIG SUGAR CROP IS SEEN SHANK PH SI OF TREATY DEBATED Senate May Reach Vote on Amendment Tomorrow. PRESIDENT IS CORRECTED Senators Norris and Borah Charge Mis-statements Are Made on . Western Tour. Hawaiian Surveys Indicate 12 0 Output of 630,000 Tons. HONOLULU. T. H.. Oct. 1. (By Mail.) General surveys of the sugar cane situation on the four units of the Hawaiian group indicate that the sugar outturn next year will be be tween C30.000 and C40.009 tons, as against S01.000 tons this year. None of the plantations have advanced def inite estimates, but the casual esti mates sent in this period glow with the promise of bumper crops for the coming harvest. The island of Hawaii Is figured for a crop of 20.000 tons more than usual. Maul expects between .15,000 and 19.000 tons more, Oahu will break even and perhaps a little more, while Kauai is still doubtful of the likely amount of gain. WASHINGTON, Oct. 13. Another three-hour attack on the Shantung provision by Senator Norris, repub lican, of Nebraska, and a ten-minute speech of the same character by Sen ator Borah, republican, of Idaho, con stituted the sum of the senate's prog ress today In its consideration of the peace treaty. Tomorrow the speech-making will continue, and although some of the leaders think a vote on the Shantung amendment may be. reached Wednes day, others are not so optimistic. senator Norris. who had occupied most of two previous sessions with his Shantung speech, concluded today after again assailing the accuracy of statements made by President Wilson in his western addresses and declar ing that after the president had acknowledged he was wrong, he had gone on misstating the facts about Shantung. . ' Errr Are Noted. 1 had assumed that although that president had not made a Dublin cor rection of the error, he would not re peat it." said Senator N Just a few moments ago I was given an official copy of his speeches and was dumbfounded to see that In four other Instances after sending his tele gram to me he repeated what he said at St. Louis as to the reasons whv Japan went into the war. It is not with any comfort that T call the attention of the senate to tnese facts. I had assumed that after the president had telegraphed me of his error he would not make It again. It Is hardly conceivable that he could ave made the mistake at St. Louis. et. after acknowledging to me that he was wrong, he went on repeating over ana over again. The truth ill never overtake the He." Senator Borah also declared Mr. Wilson had been mistaken in his statement that John Hay was secre tary of state when the German rights n Shantung were acquired. wuotmg from the reports of mls- lonarles in regard to conditions in Oorea, Senator Norris declared It was the purpose of the Japanese govern- ent to drive Christianity out of Asia and that the United States would be aiding In that attempt if it acqui esced in the treaty proposal to extend Japanese rule over Shantung. Lodge Speeek Delayed. "I cannot see how Christian people can read of conditions in Corea," he said, "and then ask us to ratify this treaty and not protest against a na tion that carries on such work. It brings us face to face with the fact that we cannot afford to turn over Shantung to tbe heathen country of Japan. "I am not a member of any church or religious organization, but may my lips be sealed with eternal silence before I give official approval of an act to stamp out the religion of Jesus Christ and put paganism in its stead." Chairman Lodge of the foreign rela tions committee planned to speak during the day on the Shantung amendment, but he decided not to do so because. of the time required by Senator Norris to finish his address. Mr. Lodge probably - will speak to morrow and the leaders hope also to make some progress in the reading of the treaty text. ffioufte of ualftp Dobbs Hats . , .. f M . N 0 PROFITEERS A well-selected, well-fitted Dobbs Hat easily assumes its proper place in the apparel of the well dressed man as the most important item of his outfit. Priced from $6 to $18 Exclusive Representative Our machinery has arrived and will be installed within the next week, and until we finish the alterations to our store front these sale prices will prevail. Watch for our specials every week! SEE WINDOWS! lilt f ' I BIk Girls Tan Mahoprany Lotaa Calf, Goodyear welt, 9-inch top, very low heel, just as cut, beau tiful college boot, regular $10.00. Boys' Regulation Tan Army Shoe, soft toe. heavy sole, bellows tongue a pood, solid school shoe 9 to 13V. S3.70; 1 to 2, $3 93; 2 ',4 to . $4.45. 1,arllr' Rnnmrlnl Calf or Vict Kid, Goodyear welt, 9-inch top, military or French leather heel, regular price $9.50. MEN'S WEAR Corbett Bldg., Fifth and Morrison FRENCH REDS ARE BITTER SOCIALIST PARTY AXXOtJXCES ITS PLATFORM. truth becoming known, of having fal sified facts, of having poisoned the public mind in order that the working classes might fight against their own cause. "We accuse the international con sortium of imperialists of having turned the socialist regime in Russia into disorder. "We accuse the allies of having falsified the truth concerning Russia's attitude at the time of the Brest-Ll tovsk treaty. The Russians proposed a purely democratic peace. The allies refused to sanction It. They should then have made 'known their war aims, which were for annexations. "Not Russia, but the dictators of France and England betrayed the people's cause. It was they who pro longed the war and decimated the na tional armies. It was they who, by their ferocious interested opposition to the Russian revolution steeped the country in blood. It was they, who. by systematically organizing massa cres, brought ruin and famine to Rus sia and the era of catastrophes which they- Immediately denounced as the conseauence of the soviet regime. After calling attention to what it terms is France's "compromised econ omic future," and remarking that the country has . terrific burdens of all descriptions to carry, the article con cludes by saying: "We accuse them (the bourgeois government of the entente) of precip itating the ruin of France, at the same time dishonoring her. in the United States district attorney's quarters in the federal building. Close co-operation between the committee and the district attorney's office is promised with the aim of preventing profiteering. Praise of Soviet Russia Features Article in Party Organ; Falsification Charged. Whether It Is .of the Nose, Throat, or Other Organs, Get Rid of It. Catarrh of the nose or throat when t becomes chronic weakens the deli cate lung tissues, deranges the diges tive organs and may lead to con- al fairs was postponed indefinitely on1 sumption. It impairs the taste, smell the objection of Senator Williams, democrat. Mississippi, who was said to have argued that in his present state of health the president should not be called upon for information or action in such matters. Pvladexter Draaaad Opavsed. The resolution had been Introduced by Senator Poindexter. republican, Washington, and would call upon the president for a copy of a dispatch said to have been sent to the state department last January by the Amer ican minister at I'ekln. going Into Japanese-Chinese relations. Senator Williams was said by com mittee membera to have made a vig orous protest against such a request to the White House in the present circumstances. It waa understood the case of President Mc Kin ley's Illness was cited, the senators objecting de claring that In that instance tbe sen ate refrained as a matter of courtesy from raising points requiring action In foreign relatione. To this some members of the com mittee were said to have replied that the critical condition of Mr. McKin ley was known to everyone, while the exact situation regarding President Wilson's health now waa the subject of wide speculation. i It was said there was no effort for- j mai'y to rie tbe question of Mr. and hearing and affects the voice. It Is a constitutional disease and re quires a constitutional remedy. Take Hood's Saraaparilla, which by purifying the blood removes the cause of the disease and gives permanent relief. This alterative and tonic med icine has proved entirely satisfactory to thousands of families in three gen erations If there is biliousness or constipa tion, take Hood's Pills they are a thorough cathartic, a gentle laxative. Adv. (Copyright by the New Tork World. Pub- il.n.a oy Arrangement.) PARIS. Oct. II. (Special cable.) As the time approaches for the gen eral elections In France, the political parties are framing their platforms. The only one made public so far Is that of tbe socialists. They publish today in their party organ, the Hu manite. a fierce attack on the allied governments and fulsome praise of soviet Russia In an article entitled "We Accuse," which is spread across columns of the front page. The most striking passages deal with the help offered the anti-bolshevikt by the allies, and in part, say: "We accuse the governments of France. England and America of hav ing waged an abominable war against bolshevism. of having prevented the MISSION IN ARGENTINA Japanese Plan to Establish Strong Trade Connections. BUENOS AIRES. Oct. 13. A Japan ese mission, headed by a secretary of the Japanese ministry of agriculture and commerce, arrived here today on board the steamer Vestris from New York for the purpose of studying Argentine commercial, industrial and agricultural conditions with a view of increasing commerce between Argentina and Japan. The commis sion said it was probable that there i soon would be established in Argen tina strong Japanese commercial en terprises, some of which already were in the process of formation. The Vestris was 30 days on the voyage from New York on account of a fire discovered in her hold which necessitated putting in. at St. Lucia, B. W. I. A large, new and prosperous soda fountain is reported to have opened in Piccadilly, London. $7.85 Every shoe we sell has a guar antee not to wear a lifetime, ' but to give satisfaction. Out-of-town Orders Filled Same Day ' Received $13;45 Men'n Lota Tan llahoaany Calf, two full soles, brns.s evelels, two hooks. Regular $10-50. Why you need Resinol Ointment The same soothing, healing, antisep tic properties that make Resinol Oint ment so effective for skin eruptions, also - make it the ideal household remedy for Bnms Scalds Cut! Scratches Wounds Bruises Sores Boils Ulcers Felon Pimples Cold-i Chaftng-a Stings Piles Irritations And a score of other troubles which constantly arise in every home, espe cially where there are children. That is why Resinol Ointment should be oa your medicine shelf, ready for imme diate use. Sample free: IZfcSZSl sample and a miniature cake of Resinol Soap, write to Dept. 18N, Reaaoi 1 Co., Baltiaune, 14 d. Ladies' All Kid Field Monae and Apple Cray, 9-incli tops, blind eye lets, covered French and leather military heels. Latest things for fall. Regular J17.00. Seattle to Fight Profiteers. SEATTLE. Wash.. Oct. 13. Seattle consumers who believe they have been overcharged by the grocer, or by the dealer In clothing, may hereafter telephone their complaints direct to the secretary of the fair-price com mittee, which today opened an office What Doctors Use for Eczema A toothing combination of oil ef Win tercraea. Glycerine and other healing ingredients called D. D. D. Prescription is aew a favorite remedy ef skin special. arts for ali skin diasasea. It penetrates the paras, gives intrant rtlicf. Try D. D. O. today. Uc.iecaadtl.oa. Men's Tan or Mahogany Calf, Good year welt, blind eyelets. Same shoe in colored tops. Regular J10.00. Misses' and Children' Dark Tan or Blark, button or lace, heavy sole, all solid leather shoe 8 toll, 84-70: 11 to 2, 95.15. Same shoe in growing girls 24 to 8. $7.45. Widths A to D. We Give Greater Portland Stamps BOYS' (nraetal Blocker sole leather toe cap a good solid leather school shoe and every t a i r guaran teed. See them in the window. $2.85 to $3.85 i mm C-": ,'t "J I Msi7 $7.45 Mm Ladies' Pony Coltakin. - nut brown, military heel. Uoodyear welt a beautiful Walking boot will wear like iron, not heavy, very light. P .aanWHBBv jOBBsafaav mvoobbbbv . n HOE CO. IML lotion for Shin Disease Sold by. The Owl Drug Co. and Skid more Drug Co. Found! The Girl From Outside Pumpkins Are Ripe! Their golden roundness brings visions of the rows of jelly-firm "punkin pies" that used to line the pantry shelf when "comp'ny" was expected. Their goodness is repeated in . Hazelwood Pumpkin Pies Or, if you like the more substantial richness Mince Pies With their flavory filling of raisins, currants, citron, nuts and Oregon-grown apples. Delicious for dessert or luncheon. 388 Washington 127 Broadway THET3zelcDood Qj yCON FECTIONETOf & RESTAURANT r . . . aaawfcWlisl a-ol 149 FOURTH STREET 149 " Xext to Honeyman Hardware Company Open Saturday Until 8 o'Clock UNION HOUSE UNION SHOP In re! both (one. thank you! a- .tv.'w ull miss Typewriter Noise as you miss a Headache A tit for Booklet and Imprusvct List of Utm ' The Nbiseless Typewriter permits you to enjoy the full use of the telephone. Before, your ear was in competi tion with the neighboring din: or else, speaking very briskly, you commanded quiet Now you need not interrupt the labors of your secretary even during a loner-distance conversation. NOISELESS TYPEWRITER 81 Fourth st. Main 6344. RHEUMATISM No remedy haa relieved so many of Rheumatism, Gout and Lum bago as Munyon's Rheumatism Remedy. Try it and then bid Koori bye to crutches, canes and pains. It does not put the disease to sleep, but'drives it from the system. Re lieves pain in from one to three, hours. Price 3c a bottle. Send for Diet and Care Chart. Mun yon's Laboratories, 54th and Co lumbia Ave., Phila. BLISS NATIVE HERB TABLETS Don't be a hoalth-elackf r and allow younelf to yield to the danger whi-h are a aura result of nKict. As soon as you feel the first pangs of rheum atism, or suffer from Constipation, Sh-k Headache, or Biliousness, take Blins Native Herb Tablets and you will find a marked improvement la health and vifior. Bliss Native Herb Tablets arrt recognised as the standard hrt remedy for cleansing the system, regulating tho action of liver and kidneys, purifytng the blood, And warding off disease. A dollar box contains 200 tablets and lantn the average family six months. Money back guarantee In every box. None genuine without the trade1 mark. Put up in two sizes. ItOc and ll.Oii Sold by leading: drugglatw every where. Mad by Alonzo iX 31Ua Co.. i