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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1919)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1919. rog RENT. 1-araiahed Kaon Modern Priced Hotel or MrlL HOTEL. CUKKORD. Ea t Morrison and Stih. Hoti Oiftord la th principal et ld Boe ailo u a hll of dicnlty and refinement. 11.25 per day; two la room. 1 "5; f pr a It, $22. &0 por month. HOTEL ARTHUR. 10 11th si.; tak depot car to 11th nd 34 or r i mo n. w) half block south; clean, modern, reapectabl. transient, I -"P. with private bath, fi I NICK mo!frn sleeping rooms on car Unas; I aftiralh-d Boon fclNti LK and en suite, verv desirabi for nouetceeping; over drug store, .First and , r units tn-d Koooss is Private aamily. NOB HILL. Attractively furnished room In modem home; central heat, deslrab! location; men only ; ref. required. Alain 4711. TWO large front furnished rooms, sunny arid airy : hot and cold wttor. rurnace bat. 7 .'3 K. Midiauo. Phono Kt 6J4. BKORf M. sfttin room, private home, all convenience. clo In west side: 'i st able s busineae men: referencea. East 7 .;. I A rt m ET front sleeDinc mom: wan el ventilated; e Km trie llicht. furnace heat; bath and phone: suitable for 1 2 : .no car ur; et ride. 415 Brosdwav BKAUTIFL'l.I.Y furnished room adjoining bath, suitable for 2 business men. West pl-it. walking distance. Call Main 45 4. HOTEL. 533 S Aider Clean, mod- "n, outsiue room, s-t wrfR up; wun bath ti; walking distance. Come and see. Al' Kl.Y furnished room, suitable for gen tleman; j. preferred. 64 Ulisan St. rnn Hroalay ;...iu. I NiCfcl.T furnished, clean rooms; walklnr distance, steam hst and bath; reason- aote. Hroalway J 1 4 It OR RENT shricl room, modern, heat. lirht. phone, bath, for man. $10 per ma e union ire. near beeco. LE(:t'f N'O mom, rlore In. west side. In I a modem house, $3.50 a week. 434 3Aill street. Phone Main 4013. I as ITT I NO room and bedroom to rent. $ jV."o; adapted for two or three young ?yrties. t4s Taylor st. 12 VERY desirable room- for rent, private family, gentlemen preferred. 5VL Oak. I LA RGR modern. walking distance, $20, M. 1721. I LARGE front room suitable for 2. West side. I-'O. Main 4749. ICLOSE-IN single room, bath, $2.25 week. quit pome. 4-v-t Taysar. PLEASANT room, third floor, reasonable. r.3 Irving "t., near ISth. 1 3 OR 4 unfurnished rooms. Call 448 Hail Room With Board. NORTONIA HOTEL Portland's downtown nign-ciasa xamiiy notei; rooms en suit or single, with or without hoard, for rsmllie and business ma and women. vv e give you all the comlorta of a fcoma. Reasonable rate. THE MIGNON nursery will board and care for children by the .day. week month : reasonable. Tabor 127L 1224 K. Main mi. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. SaO 19th st. For business girls an 4 students; reasonable rate. Mar. I HARRISON' HuTKL Outside rooms. $2.50 table bard. $6 per week. Front and Harrison eta. I40J MORRISON, cor. 13th. Choir rooms I and board. Modern conveniences. Waik- Ins; dUtanre. KOuM and board for business grils; all modern conveniences: waiking distance: $4 pr week. East 4732. 12 E. 7th st. PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooms with board: excellent table; cioee In. $ Moot gomery. pear West Park. WUh Board la Private Family. BEAUTIFUL furnished room with fire- plai-e. suitable for young people em- ploved. ue of laundry, west side. Mar phail 1., a A. M. to 6:30 P. M. : Main l.! ffmn ga. ROOM AND BOARD. TJght. airy room suilah. for S, hot and cotd water, steam hat. good Labi. 3-i itn it, comer 3iarsu Ko M with sloping porrb. breakfast and dinner, in private rnmtlr. by young Ken- tie man. Address 516 Lumbermen blig. ROOM and board suitable for gentleman employed ntKht or day. 612 Spruca st. cor. of E, Harrison. Sell. 17 JO. I NICELY furnished rooms. large sleeping porch: board if desired, st. Main 314. o Johnson WANTED Child to board, between 3 and 7 years, best of mothers care. Phone Eat 5l!?Q. CHILDREN to board in a private horn :;- HaUey st. Phone East 2446. t.2 VA-ry nice front room for two ' excellent board. 143 N. Utb St. LARGE front room. with er without board for gntlrman. Kttf Flanders L Fi KaraUbd Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Flva minutes' walk to Metr A Frank's tore: good surroundings, strictly mod ern, - and 3-room furnished apt.; all Hi ilde witn French doors ana balcony. W ll.L rent to 2 employed ladle or married couple suite of room with kitchen privi leges, d-sirable home, west side, walking distance to buainess center; reference exchanged. Marshall 341. UN FURNISHED 3 and 4 -room apartments. now avatiab.e; modern; walking dis tance. Tne Muncey. 3M Clay su Main 4070. ONE. two and three rooms, steam heat. mooVrn conveniences. rva.onable. 16 Sherman st . phone Marshall 31 S3. LUG11T. attractive J-room front apt., thor- ougniy rcnovatco ; very aesirabie; als on side apt. J47' 5th st. FURNISHED apt.. 2 large rooms and kitchenette, steam heat, clean. 443 Co lumbia st. MAY APT.. 3-room front apt., furniture tor sae, $250. ive janitor or call Broad wav 4"H. l K.MSHKU apartments. I. Z or 3-room. .ianione apartment. 71 orand avenue rt h. COMPLETE apartment, $19: concrete bldg. I nion ave. and KHiingsworth. BAGGAGE and furniture moving; Broad wa y 4Q1. Alert Transfer. 411 Stark. 5 ROOM. prlval K4UL, e hath, steam Mississippi ave. . adults. NICELY furnished apartment. Mi tn rooms, also furnished 4. GARFIELD, 4 rooms. $1 one block west Union. 3til L. Failing. 1 MODERN 3-roora furnished apt. Call Unfurn Kbfd a part mea ts. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS 16 Vista ave. One 5- room unfurnished apartment with two disappearing beds and outside balcony. Price 5 55. Call Main 3SS3. TWQ-ROM corner apartment, unfur nisiied. with bath and large dressing room: modern brick building: west side; walking distance. Chapman apartments, 355 Chapman st. FURNITURE of 6-room flat for sale; flat for reuU - North 10th U TeU Bdwy Flats. CLEAN 3. 4 or 5-room furnished and un furnished fiat, sloping porch, garage, M'i 1st st. S. Main 463. Fwrw fat heel Flat. STRICTLY modern 5-room flat, fully fur Msned. hardwood floors. firplare piano. lar slpl"g porih. rrnt $65. East 2553. 1 5-ROOM f':. mdrn. completely fur- nihI: piano. sing machine: garage, I 42 .v month; alu.t. . K. Stark. FURNISHED f'at for rent; 4 rooms and b.:h. $.'5 month. Enquire 584 S Broad way Drive, ror. nf Grant. UPPER and lower furnished flat Ksst Ash. Call between 12 and 4. 6-Rimm furnished flat 4523 E. Market. Housekeeping Room. TRUNKS. BAGGAGE, delivered tn down town district for 25c; checks called for. Auto Serv.ce. Phon EAST 6434. FURNISHED I or 3 housekeeping rooms; ream h"r; modern conveniences; cheap. 6 Sherman at. Marshal' tl3. THE BEAVER. 12th and Mara&.L $15 up per month: clean h- a. rooms, including electric lights, hot water, gas. rang. Ri MVMS, furnished for housekeeping, private bath, steam heat, adults. &h Kusi- NH'ELY furnished h. k. rooms, also slnsle h. k. room, modern, furnace heat, walking distance. M7 Cllsan st. $4 WEKK Steam-heated rooms for cou ple with own kitchen outfit. W3 S Aider. aVAGGAGE and furnltur movmg. Bdwy. 4'U Alert Transfer, 411 Stark. T 1 K 0 M ED H. K mfln'lt Running i apt.. SIH and 520 ter. 4! CTy. 9. Iar eoop'e. . stem-headed. 2-room suit close In. .VJJS Alder. Ft RVfFHKD housekeeping room. Washington .. corner 3d. l KNlsUEf b ouj see nin m rooms, KumU e. reue aa4 DU FOR KENT.; Boonu. CLEAN', bright store building. 14x24 (St. John car), 147 KlU.nsworth ; would make good living rooms; rnt $15, in cluding water. Open for inspection. Phono Woodlawn 613. HOl'SEKEEPINO rooms completely fur nished; hot water, close In. C-H Main st. 1 ROOM and kitchenette, 2 blocks off Vah. ftott Davis st. Ilonsekevpixig' Kooois in P rivals Family. Z ROOMS and kitchenette: clean, cheerful, furnished, convenient to modern oath room; light, heat, hot and cold water, linen and towels; walking distance; men only. 546 . Alder sU, bet. 12th and 13th sts, TWO lovely clean rooms with S large win dows In each room. I-rge fireplaco with ras ranrA and running water re- Hdvr. Call afternoons; walkin; distance, KLR.VISHED 2 rooms, neat, light, use of bulb and nhnn west side, walking (lis tance. etn cloved adults. Phone Mar. 4.1. " TWO 'J-Mnm fui-nlatheri h. k. rooms, cl cosy, to people employed, near carllne, nice home. Tabor -743. r.KVTI.PMKV preferred. 1 alncle. 1 h. k room, furnished. close in. 364 Grand v cor Broadway E. LARGE front furnished housekeeping room and kitchenette, everything turnisneo- 666 E. Wash. 4 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, in cluding a modern kitchen; adults only, Tabor W1. FOL'R nice clean housekeeping rooms. $21 per month. 1010 Belmont, i'none laoor HAQ. tuhfc ftirnihfd hnuaekeeoina rootiu, cor ner 13th and Ivon. $17 a montn. ae.i- wood 1222. HOl'HEKEEI'INO room, kitchenette, run ning water, electric light, ltu ltn mi. LARi'.E front housekeeping 4.vt Taylor st. rooms, $ 16 month. TWO clean, furnished housekeeping roomi 640 East Stark. Houses. EAST DAVIS STREET. $S0, 6 rooms, modern, close In, base ment, electricity, ras. bath ana tonei. nice lot right on hard surfare. "SEE THE YELLOW H1GN. PMITH-WAOUXER CO., STOCK EX. PORTSMOUTH MODERN HOUSE. lt.1 rt.RfM"M HOI'.MK S35. "Ox125. house has oak flninh. beamed ceilinas. hardwood floors, brand new furnace heat: evervthlng modern. SM iTH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. FOR RENT. In heart of Nob Hill, modern lfl-room hous; 3 baths; 7 lirep;aces; Turnace. AppIv 701 Corbett bldg. Main bl3. A 672.. A FEW CHICKENS YOUR RENT FREE. STANLEY STATION. (iKf.MIA i tAK. $13; 5uk3K), 4 rooms, has gas rang and watr heater: lots or fruit. SMITH-WAGONER 0.,STOCKEX. 572-32D NEAR FRANKLIN: best part Wil lamette Hghts ; reasonable paymeni down, balance like rent. See owner, J. T. Pters. 516 Lumbermen bldg. WHEN YOU MOVE Us NORTHWESTERN EUEtTRW n serlc Broadway 580, A 74T. SMALL hous. S"7 Hallork. St. Johns. 112 a month. S house, then inquire owner. 4!30 7rtth st. S. E. Ml Scott car. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-dls- tanc hauling a specialty. O. A w. iruci Fervic Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 512L I LOCAL end long distance moving and haul ing; rirst-class equipment, ureen ran. Co., 202 Alder L Main 1261. A T26L KENT Modern 5-room bungalow, paved street; block from Richmond car. mv Ivore st. Not for tale. Adults only. MODERN home. 9 rooms, easy walking I distance, west' side, fine garage nic erotmds: rent $75. Tabor 7"i!. SMALL hoUM, 37 HoJIey st.. 2 blocks west of Peninsula ave.. tit. Jonns car. oee nwnor, 430 76th st. S. E. . 7-ROoM modern bungalow. large rooms, 1 block from car: references requireu adults. Sellwood 175. FOR RENT 3-room basement apartment, heateo. 525. Apply janitor, King-Hill Apartment. west side, 5c canare. Call SIS Board of Trade. Main 7452. 5-ROOM house. 756 Wilson, corner of 23d inquire 4-'f . or pnone main ottou. 1 1 a per montn. ATTRACTIVE 8-room colonial house, two sleeping porches, for rent. Tabor 8I4. HOUSE for rent. Furniture for sale. Wil liams ave. car. off at Halsey. HH9 Halsey. 6-R'OM house. 20th and Halsey. Inquire 673 1 larkamss. Phone East 141. C3 E. 21 ST ST.. 5 rooms, modern, clean, garage. Phone East i 6. FOR RENT -roowi house. 528 Taylor st. Famished Iloosew. LOWER floor of home, modern. 4 rooms and reception room, furnished, fireplace, ptano: $35. Overlook addition. 59 Castle avenue, Woodlawn 1870. adults only. 1 7-ROOM furnished house, hardwood floors. hot -water furnace and large fireplace. $tl3. Including piano and sewing machine. west side. Alain 77W7. 10 A. .M. to 4 P.M. 5-RK.M furnished house for rent, electric lights, gas and bath: no small children: reler-nce required. 4l'i Ross st. FOR RENT, 5-room furnished house, larse mt, cnicxen no use, rruit trees. iota lenn avenue Alberta car. COMPLETELY furnished nine rooms and billiard room, wit h table; 5100 per month. Phone fcast 41S7. 5-ROOM modern furnished house for rent with garage, $45. Woodlawn 51i6 and Broadway 432ft. NICELY furnished H-room house, good lo cation. Main 4551. A 7-ROOM house, 721 Glis in. Main 4318. 570. GROCERY building, fixtures, $JH: 4 liv ing rooms, garage: rent fl'5; 3-year lease, irood location. 1440 &u oitsan. FOR RENT Good location for butcher shop. App y s is. itn st. Broadway 3X06. t STORES 1st st.. 94 ft. long; 520 each. Tabor 1114. DESIRABLE offices, modern convenience btark street, between 3d and 4th. Apply room 512 Railway Exchange. DESK room for rent. 5 P. M. Call Marshall 3476; 3 to BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WILL SELI a working interest buyer must be able 62, Oregonian. in large to take cafeteria: charge. L FOR 8ALI: Restaurant. good steady trade, profits --5 per mo.: orice isu. 462 Gllfan su UP-TO-DATE vulcanizing business, some new and used tire included. Call or write 544 Wah. st. FOR SALE Restaurant, cigars and soft drinks, doing good business. 2b6 E. Mor- neon. A GARAGE on a highway, good trade in repairing, cas. accessories, etc. : orice only $2750. Room 401 Dekum bldg. FOR SA LB Confectionery and card room. good business. Write 820 N. Syracuse it, RESTAURANT for sale; good location. 245 Couth . BlSfNESS OPPORTUNITIES. CASH GROCERY. Right down town, doing about $75 a day, rent $40 month. 2 years' lea; will Invoice stock and fixtures about 2MM). GROCERY. Good location; 4 modern, up-to-date rooms and bath; good stock and fixtures; doing $o0 a day; rent $35. Price $1750. BILLIARD ROOM A SNAP. 10 tables: downtown location In heart of city: good lease, and reasonable rent. race jjftoo. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Kast-sfd location, stock and fixtures. will invoice about $20u0; will take $1500 for quick sale. ATLAS BlrSINESS AGCY. A REALTY CO., 716 Board of Trade BIdg. Main osio. DIAMONDS WANTED. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. Sell Vfttir ilinmnnrii to diamond X perta. We positively pay th highest cash market values for diamonds, plat inum, gold, silver, watches, old jowelry. crowns, bridges and false teetn. ssee before selling elsewhere. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 447 Morgan Bldg.. 4th Floor. Corner Washington and . Broadway. Hours l A. M. to 6 P. M. WE BUY DIAMONDS. Get what your dia monds are worth ; we pay full market value In cash. Old Jewelry, pawn tickets, old gold, silver and platinum bought. Full value paid War Stamps. Liberty Bonds Bought. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 4o Spalding Bldg., Fourth Floor. Corner Washington and Third Sts. GtaOD BUYS IN GROCERY STORES. A good location, new building, rent $25: electricity, fixtures; $275 stock; in voice $12O0. DANDY grocery, confectionery. tc. four living room; rent $30; price $1350. East side store, a good one, 2 living rooms, lunch counter In connection. $6o0 for fixture and furniture, stock at in- Crnrerv eonfectlnnerv. notion. S llvln rooms; rent $30; cash business; all for 12750. THOMSON. 620-21 HE.NRY BLDG. ON ACCOUNT of the owner leaving the city we can sell you one ot tne dosi navlns- restaurants in Portland: In fine location: cheap rent, good fixtures and doing a good business. It a real money-maker. Culllson Co., 205M Mor rison st. WE WANT BUYERS FOR Grocery Store Cigars and Confectionery. Restaurs! ta. Garages. Hotel and Rooming Houses. Anything In the Business Lin. If v mi with ta suv or sell call ATLAS BUSINESS AGCY. RLTT. CO. Tl 6 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 5315 HAHRKR SHOP AND POOL HALL. 4 up-to-date chairs, 4 fine pool tables. nice stocK ot cigars; tins piace is uom a fine business, will show books: ren $30. 5-year lease: clearing 5400 per month; price $200ii, some term. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. AUTO GARAGE. Authorised Ford service. concret bldg., lease, good storage and repal: bumneKM. and being located on a well traveled street, has bis; ras. oil. tire and accessory trade: net profits easily $500 month. Room 401 Deitum mag. IF YOU wish to buy or sell your business we have buyers for any kind of business you want to sen. Head our aas. we get prompt results. OREGON BUSINESS ft FINANCNAL AGENCY. 4 48 Morgan Bldg OLE LARS EX 3 cigar and confectionery store, with stock, furniture and fixtures at North Third street; bid will be received until October 20. 1019. For In form At Inn sonlv A. O. Bielland, ad mmlstrator. out Henry bldg., Portland, Or. POOL HALL AND CIGARS. A thlea dnlnr a fine business: rent $30. 5-year lease; 500 terms, takes this P'KELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 806 Oak St. CONCRETE OARAGE. On busy street, employs 3 men and has good accessory trade; owner obliged to leave city cause of sale; can clear 3f)0 month : only $1600 required. Call oil Railway Exchange. 25 M SAW MILL, comolete. In operation; railroad at mill; 16.000.000 timber handy under contract, stum page Dasis; unlim ited supply available: 35 miles from Portland. Address 122 E. 10th sL N, Telephone East 5538. RI'RI'RRiK GARAOR. Fireproof building, 6Oxl0, has large steady storage and repair trade, has tire agency and sells accessories, eic. ; can clear $400 month; only $1750 required. Room 611 Railway Exchange. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before dosing deal of so-called Inter est in established real estate business get advice or Portland Realty Board. J. W CROSSLEY. Secretary. GARAGE. 50x100 brick, on busy street, has big ren air trade and full of steady storage. Slls tires, oils and accessories. Price $4500. Call room 5H Railway Exchange. PARTNER WANTED. $1000 required to take half Interest In a well-established going business; one who understands office work or willing to learn preferred. AH 095, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY STORE. West side location, rent $25, a clean place, doing $30 day: stand full Investi gation: only $1300 required. Call room Mt Hallway Exchange. PARTNER WANTED For auto garage, 25 cars storage, do re pairing, sell gas, accessories, etc.; handy man with $13o0 can buy half Interest with a mechanic. Room 401 Dekum bldg. RESTAURANT for sale, right in heart of city, neat and clean; good location, ao ing good buainess; all in good condition, ready to take posjiession of at a reason able price. Call Tabor 799 PARTNER WANTED For auto repair business; also sell used cars, etc.: handy man with $450 can buy equal half Interest: can make good profits. Room 401 Dekum bldg. GENE R AL merchandise store at invoice. less 10 per cent; also fixtures: invoice aboue $o500; doing $4000. per month; In country town; only store. AV 710, Ore gonian POOL HALL. S tables, good shape; rent 320; only $300. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak Su FOR SALE: Paying garage, best lit t is town in Oregon, on Columbia highway; A I location: plenty of work. $1700 ca sh. AV 712. Oregonian. RESTAURANT for sale. Good location. Can be handled by man and wife. On account of sickness will sacrifice. Res. 253 2d St., cor. Madison. STEADY man, willing to learn, can buy half Interest In tire vulcanising store; profits $250 month for each partner. Room 401 Dekum bldg. BARBER SHOP for sale. 2 chairs com plete. A snap if taken at once. Apply at Portland Electric Grind Shop. Ill ad at., between Washington and Stark. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. IP YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Your business, hotel, rooming or apart ment house of any kind, anywhere, list with us. We have buyer for Grocery stores from $1000 to $6000. Dry goods store from 4000 to $20,000. Shoe btores from $5000 to $25,000. Clothing stores from 55000 to $20,000. Confectronery store from 5100 to 530io. Garage from 500 to $15,000. ' Hotels and rooming house from $2000 to $25,000. Read our ads. We give prompt results. OREGON BUSINESS &. FINANCIAL AGENCY. 448 Morgan Bldg. NOTICE, GROCERY STORE BUYERS Grocery store well located. doln $77.50 a day: fixtures rented with build ing; rent $30; will sell at invoice; stock win run about $2500. $1300 or Invoice, close In west side grocery with 3 furnished rooms; doing $00 a day; rent $50. RESTAURANT If you are considering the restaurant Business 1 nave some extra-good buys a rrom S4u to 32O0. SIMMS, 431 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 6127. A. J. De FOREST & 320-821 Henry Bldg. CO.. Main : GARAGE. $2200, Including service car, corner location; profits $400 a good chance for Increase. west side a month GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Profits $300 a month, fine east side location, clone to school: price $2000. AWiv MR. FISH $350 BUYS light grocery and lunch coun- ter; jo ouys casn ana carry grocery ; $1050 buys notion store, 4 good living rooms, terms: io buy good grocery. or win invoice. 4 Hvinr rooms, rent o, 5-year lease; $550 buys restaurant. Have otners up to S5uoo; 3550 buys confection ery, 2 iiv'ng rooms; $50 buys tf-room apt. house. See John Brown, 324 Rail way Exchange bldg. ATTENTION TRUCK DEALERS Nationally known truck, manufac tured in Chicago, 1 to 5-ton. desires permament Portland d Istributor. Ex 'cellent proposition. Liberal discounts and immediate deliveries. Correspond' ence confidential. BD-532 Oregonian. CASH GROCERY Good West side "location; rent $15 month; doing $40 a day; living room. stock, fixtures and furniture all go for 51250. ATLAS BUSINESS AGY. A RTY. CO. 716 Board of Trade. WASHINGTON-ST. restaurant, a busy place, chance for active man to get fine place for little money. Call 611 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE interest in combination auto signal flashlight patent glove. Can be seen at residence. 1105 East Wash. St., eves, or phone Tabor 436. BOX and mfg. company, out of city, who can Invest $1000 to $2000 with services or without; this will stand tnorougn in vestigation. Main 3052. 270 Stark st. rOR SALE A ulcanixing shop; will con sider Ford car as part payment: very cheap ir taken Immediately. Call Bdwy. 3584 or 511 Morrison st. GOOD country store; land and bulldinxs; fine location and good business ; live one for cash or good farm. AV 713, Oregonian. GEN. MDSE. store, $5000 stock, good coun try location, z miles rrom saiem and McMinnville; other business reason for selling. AV 689, Oregonian. BARBER shop for sale; good location; 3 years lease; price 51 i0. Owner leav ing country and barber business. AF 102. Oregonian. FOR SALE Cigars, soft drinks and candy store. it. otn st. FOR SALE Confectionery store, bargain. 145 N. Hth st. Business Opportunities Wanted. I WANT good grocery or confectionery and light lunch room.. Have $1000 rash to pay down. What have you ? Main 8245. Mr. Nord, 401 Stock Ex change. WANTED Location for dairy lunch. Morri son or Alder, between Broadway ana 11th street. AM 516. Oregonian. WOULD like delivering to do with my new 1-ton truck. Am A-l hustler with best of references. M 758. Oregonian. NEWSPAPERS Practical man wants to buy or lease paying plant. AC 121, Ore gonian. A CRACKERJACK sawmill man will buy an operating sawmill or interest therein. S 249. Oregonian. WANT small pool hall or confectionery In country town, v ba, uregonia n. WANTED Location for 4 or 5-chalr bar ber shop. O 42, Oregonian. Hotels and Rooming Houses. A. J. DeFOREST 820-321 Henry Bldg. CO.. Main 2090. 70-ROOM HOTEL. Well located, at the extremely low price of $2800. $2000 down: this Is snap for somebody; come quick If you want It. ASK MR. MISNER. VANCOUVER. WASHINGTON. HOTEL. 39 rooms, rent 1100 with 4 stores, rent for $78, leaving rent of hotel $22 per month. Steam heat and well located; furniture is nearly new and good qui Ity ; clears $375 over expenses. Price $2500; $1500 cafh. SCOTT-BOWDEN CO., 481 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business, Hotel, Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. RIERDON. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MODERN apartment house. 23 apts.. 3 and 4 -room apts., best location in th city, never on the market before, 3 years lease, rent $475; price $SO0O cash. Atlas Business Agency & Realty Co.. 710 Board of Trade bldg. MODERN brick hotel, heart of city, best of good furniture. 3i private baths. In come $19o0. lease at reasonable rent. This first-class listing exclusive to this office. Thomson. 620-21 Henry bldg. HAVE THEM ALL REASONABLY PRICED 6-ROOM FLAT. 10. 12. 20. 22 H. K. ROOM HOUSES. CENTRAL LO CATION. CLEAN. GOOD FURNISH INGS. ETC. CALL AT 201 10TH ST. WE HAVE a good 14-room hotel, brick bldg., good location, clearing $75 a mo.; rent $45: ' price $850. Atlas Business A gey A Realty Co., 716 Board of Trade bldg. HOTEL, 50 rooms. Industrial district, 45 regular boarders Turning people away every day. $1900 cash, baL terms. Owner. AN 822. Oregonian. HAVE BUYERS for rooming and apart ment houses, also hotels; some all cash. Phone your listing for quick sale. Main 8I8O. Mrs. Thompson, 620-21 Henry. 20 ROOMS. H. K.. very best location; clears $150 per month; good furniture. Price $2000, $1500 down. Thomson, 620 21 Henry bldg. ROOMING house, 76 rooms with furniture besides reading room, many closets, fine location. Inquire at 61 & 3d at., corner Davis. FOR beat bargains In rooming or apart ment houses see members of th Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 249 4th st ATk. ROOMS, reasonabie. Marshall 8216. POLLY AND ' Copyiikt, 1919. by MR. PECAN IS TEX CENTS REMOVED FROM BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. S20-S21 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. 100-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Modern brick building, in easy walking distance. 34 apartments, 2s and 3s, each with private bath and phone; rent only $350, good lease; price $10,000; will ac cept modern residence as part payment. 72-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. 24 modern apartments, will take in Portland home as part payment: wish to retire from business; price $8500. 40 ROOMS, TRANSIENT. Right downtown, big money-maker; price $3500, part time. 75-ROOM TtOTET.. 11500 DOWN. If you know how to feed workingmen here's a chance of a lifetime; place Js j oca tea m the north end. In tne very center of the Industrial district; rent only $75 a month: clearing $300 to $400 month; price $3000, $1500 down, balance easy terms. 72 ROOMS. Near the Willamette Steel A Iron Works, caters to men only, rent only $40 a month; $1250 down, balance to suit. SMALL APARTMENT HOUSE. 24 rooms, all on one floor, brick build ing, rent $70, income $225; price $1850, part time. WE BUY CHATTEL MORTGAGES. BEST BUY IN CITY. CLEARS $250 PER MONTH. 48 rooms, all two and three-room apartments; nice and clean, and all filled with good tenants; completely furnished. Good lease. Just the thing for man and wife. Price $3200. Let us show you this. No shoppers. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. BDWY. 4133. DOWNTOWN hotel, 60 rooms, fully fur nished; furniture nearly new and in Al condition; rent $300 per month; a good money-maker. Price $10,000. Call on us. H. H. Urdahl Co., Inc. Main 6252, 322 Abington Bldg. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNTY WARRANTS Notice is hereby given that Multnomah county warrants, classes "J1' and "K," the same having been drawn upon the road fund, and that were presented and indorsed "Not paid for want of funds,' from August 14. 1919. to October 9. 1919. both dates Inclusive, will, if properly indorsed, be paid on presentation at the office of the county treasurer. Interest thereon ceases on and after the date of this notice. Portland. Oregon. October 13. 1919. John M. Lewis, county treasurer. Proposal Invite. CREDITORS SALE OF PROPERTY. To whom it may concern: 1 will re ceive bids till October 16, 1919, for any of the following nronertv: TILLAMOOK COUNTY SE of NE Sec. 35. T. 3 N.. R. 9 W. ttimber) : NE of NEK Sec. 7, T. 3 S., R, 10 W. (heavy timber); lot 17 (5a, Stress Acres; lot 7, blk. 40, Rockaway. T. 5 S., R. 4 E. (40-a. farm); lots 3 and 4, blk. 34, 1st Add. to Estacada (house and barn; SW of SWfc Sec. 30, T. 2 S., R. 3 E. (easy to clear, good road); foreclosure cert. SWk or N w sec. 20, T. 2 S., R. 2 E. (farm); foreclosure cert. 8' a Hathawav D. L. C fine home): SKW Sec. 14, T. 4 S , R. 5 E. (sawmill and timber); 15 acres sandy loam at Camplne station, Oregon City, 2000 cords fir. aider, fir: 10 acres, lots o and Milter D. L. C. (farm); lot 8 and parts 01 lots 1, 'Z. 7, dik. iu. .ttoiton (-room .house); SH of SWtt Sec. 8, T. 5 S., R. 3 E. (Co I ton.); block 104; lot 16, blk. 84; lots 15, 16. blk. 7; lots 1, X, blk. 75 (Gladstone); lots 1, 2, blk. 6, W. Glad stone; lota 17, 18, 19. blk. 2, Schooley Add.; lots 22. 23, Apperson's Add.; lots 6. 7, blk. 6, Edgewood Add.; lot 8, blk. 20; lots 3, 4. blk. 1; lots 9. 10, 11, 12, blk. 2, Windsor; 12 acres, Sec. 27, T. 2 S., R. 2. E. ; N of Sfc of SW of Sec 8, T. 6 S., R. 2 E. (farm); 10 acres Wm. Arthur D. L, C, T. 2 S., R. 2 IT". (Clack amas river frontage); 3 a. Sec. 12, T. 5 S., R. 1 W. (Wootfburn Orchards); 84 ft lot 20. blk. 3, Harlass Add. to Molalla; lot 6, blk. 38, Clackamas Hgts. ; 33x100, blk. 88, Oak Grove; 8 a., house, barn, Courtney. MULTNOMAH COUNTY SB Sec. 4, T. 1 8., R. 5 ., south of Trapper creek (stock farm); lot 3, blk. 4. Linda Vista; lots 7, 8, blk. 6; lot 10, block 5, Mosely Add. ; lot 7, blk. 2, Cooper's Add. 7 room house); lots 3 to 10, 17. 10, 20, blk. 1, and lots 3 to 8, blk. 6, Floral Park Add ( Portland ). LINN COUNTY Lot 21, blk. 2, Ideal Fruit Colony (5 a. apples); 78x132, Ral ston Add. to Lebanon ( 7 -room house). LANE COUNTY 22 a., J. H. Short ridge D. L. C. (farm); NWfc Sec. 8, T. 30 N., R. 9 W. (timber), California. LINCOLN COUNTY NE Sec 27, T. S.. R. 11 W. (timber). Bids may be cash or otherwise; if not cash, state terms. No reasonable bid J rejected. Warranty deed and abstract. E. L. POPE, Trustee for Creditors, Tel. 79, Oregon City, Oregon. NOTICE OF BOND SALE. Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. the 15th day of November, 1919, and immediately there after publicly opened by the Board of oupervisor or Multnomah County Drainage District No. 1 at the office or said board. No. 517 Corbett building. Portland, Oregon, for the purchase of any or all of the bonds of said district in the sum or 5400,000, said bonds t bear date of Issue and to mature ser tally as follows: 316.000 5 year from date of Issue; 17,000 6 year from date of issue; 18.000 7 years from date of issue; 19,000 8 years from date of issue; 20,000 9 years from date of issue; 21.000 10 year from date of Issue; 22,000 11 years from date of issue; 23,000 12 years from date of Issue; 25,000 13 years from date of issue; 26,000 14 years from date of issue; 2S.000 15 years from date of issue; 29,000 16 year from date of issue; 31.000 17 years from date of issue; 33,000 18 years from date of issue; 35.000 19 years from date of issue;' 37,000 20 years from date of issue; said bonds to bear interest at not ta exceed 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, principal and interest to be payable in United States gold coin at the fiscal agency of the State of Oregon in New York City. Said bids must be accompanied by certified chck for 5 per cnt of the face value of the bonds bid for and mtst be unconditional. f The approving legal opinion of Messrs. Teal, Minor & Winfree of Portland. Ore gon, will be furnished the successful bidder. The above -sale fs conditional upon the prior validation of the proceedings for the organization of said district and the authorization of said bonds by the circuit court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah county. In which court spe cial proceedings for said purpose are now pending. The board reserve the right to re ject any or all bids. D. C. POWELL. Secretary. NOTICE. Examinations for ' the degree of certified public accountant of Oregon will be held on the third floor of the Central library, Portland, Or., on Wednesday and Thursday, November 19 and 20, 1919, from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Questions will be asked In theory of accounts, practical accounting, auditing and commercial law. Candidates are requested to file their applications with the secretary as soon as possible, and not later than November 10, accompanied by the statutory fee of $25. OREGON STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTANCY. By Arthur Berrldge, secretary. 619 Worcester block, Portland. Or. HER PALS ' Nawspaper Feature Service . Inc. Great Britain REitegJKeaerred. BEING PENNILESS. BY CLIFF STERRETT. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. OFFICE of the Quartermaster-General. Clothing and Equipage Division. Muni tions Building, Washington, D, C. Sealed proposals in duplicate will be re ceived here until 10 A. M., Oct. 28. 1011. for furnishing all or any part of lOo.OOO mattresses. Proposals must be accom panied by guaranty of 100i of bid. Pro posal blanks and information furnished on request. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS OF BOURNE GOLD MINING COMPANY. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bourne Gold Mining Company (an Ore gon corporation) will be held on Monday, the 20th day of October. 1910. at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of the company, in the city of Portland. Oregon, No. 705 Chamber of Commerce Building, for the purpose of electing a board of directors: to receive and act upon the reports ot the officers of the company, and for the purpose of considering, ratifying and approving the actions, contracts, reso lutions, proceedings and elections of the officers and board of directors of the company since the last annual meeting of the stockholders of the company, and for the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the said meet ing. This -notice by publication is given by order of the board of directors of said Bourne Gold Mining Company and as provided by the by-laws of said com pany. IDA M. ARNESON. Secretary Bourne Gold Mining Company. Dated October 9. 1019. IN THE district court of the United States for the district of Oregon. In the mat ter of A. D. Davidson and A. T. Frankel, as co-partners under the firm name and style of Harold System, and as indi viduals, bankrupts. Proposals invited: Sealed bids will be received by the un dersigned for the stock of woolens and trimmings of the inventory value of $528. 18 ; furniture and office fixtures of the inventory value of $203.18, up to 12 o'clock noon, Thursday, October 16. 1919, at the office of A. M. Cannon, referee in bankruptcy. Title A Trust building, Portland, Or. Inventory on file at 511 Fenton building or 316 Pittock block. where property may be inspected. Terms cash, and a cash deposit or certified check or iu 01 tne amount oriered must accompany each offer submitted. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids submitted. Bids will be ceived separately on "woolens and trim mings" and on "furniture and office fix tures." Dated at Portland, Or., this loth aay 01 October, a. u. iuiy. 1. vv. sitton Trustee. Phone Broadway 1449, phon itroaaway auz. WILL not be responsible for any bill contracted by Mrs. Larson. Alec Larson. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been foun on cars of the Portland Railway, Light row er o. : Oct. 11: 2 purses, bunch keys. 3 pr. gioves, 11 pucKages, oroom, Z blankets, 4 lunch boxes, pipe. 4 sui teases, 3 urn brellas. Oct. 12: 2 purses, $1 bill, key, pr. 1 gioves, o dooks, 2 packages, box or rec ords, overcoat, 5 suitcases. 6 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder sts. LOST In Vancouver, Saturday evening, large telescope leather suit case, con taining besides clothing, photograph and mementos collected in service in France. Liberal reward offered. Captain Granam toteel, ciatskame, or., or l ou, Oregonian. LQIST Sunday night in Hippodrome thea ter, lady's blue leather pocket book, Name inslda on card. Miss Lillian G. Carpenter. Suitable reward; return to 972 E. Stark st. FOUND Sunday on Hawthorne ave.. necklace. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this ad. Mr. Stasker. phone ii road way 3(91 between 9 and 4:30 week days. LOST Gold bar pin Saturday afternoon on uroaaway or in urpneum tneater, or in front of Ormonde apartments, 658 Flan ders; valued as heirloom. Reward. Call Marshall 4371. LOST Black bill book containing six $2 bills, one $20 gold piece, one $5 bill, hunt ing and fishing license, one gold nugget chain, b inder can sen. -. Kewara. SOME TIME during summer, round old- fashioned breast pin; pearl in center, gold and onyx; keepsake. East 604: Reward. LOST Purse containing about $27; also receipts and other papers. Kindly re turn to 681 Glisan and receive reward. O. A. Blomgren. LOST A string of black and white beads between iaureinurst ciud nouse, ast 49 th and Taylor. Finder please call Tabor 5252 and receive reward. PARTY finding money order of, J. L. Ran- son. lost between 446 ta. uaK ana Aiorn son street on Grand avenue, please call East 1196. LOST On Washington st., near Strand theater, black purse with gio and small change. Return to Oregonian office and receive reward. SMALL black purse, between 4th and 10th sts., containing $40 in bills, by working girl. Kewara. fnone Main ob-iu. LOST A package containing 13 pictures. in government store, .Fourth and Pine, this afternoon. Wdln. 5427. LOST Bank book and $40 in cash on 23d and Love joy street. Reward. Marshall 2670. LOST Pair of light amber glasses in aluminum case, name Velma engraved on case. Call Tabor eoiH, reward. LOST Ladies' i scribed; gift Bdwy 4407. Tist from atch ; Minnie In mother; reward, FOUND Bicycle. Owner can have same by describing and paying for this ad. 1284 Betlard ave. IF THE party finding fox fur Sunday even ing, lost rrom auto, win Kinaiy return same to 452 East Clay, reward. LOST Pay envelope containing $17.50; ward. Miss Hansen. Bdwy 196. LOST Lady's handbag at E. 82d and Gli san sts. East 5853. 266 Clackamas. LOST Sunday, man's gold watch fob. in itials V. O. H. Reward. Phone Main 4438. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues Bought and Sold. Before Buying or Selling Get Our Quotations. S. L. DEVEREAUX A COMPANY, Government and Municipal Bonds. 87 Sixtn street. etween Stark and Oak. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. MARKET PRICE. - CASH for RECEIPTS. We will LOAN you money on BONDS, W. S. S.. or to make PAYMENTS on BONDS, 7 per cent. 725 Gasco Bldg.. Fifth and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. CASH paid for undivided Interest In real ?roperty and estates. Frank T. Berry, -15 Railway Exchange bldg. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If you must sell your Liberty or ,f,e tory bonds, sell- to us. If you can buy more Liberty or Victory bonds, buy from us. We buy and sell Liberty and Vic tory bonds at the market. YOU CAN NOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE. On Monday, Oct. 13, 1919, we paid the following prices ( plus the accrued in terest ) for United States government Liberty and Victory bonds, which were the closing New York market prices on Saturday, Oct. 11 Monday being a holi day: N. 1 . Mkt. . .100.12 . . 95.20 . . 94.10 . . 05.40 . . 94.26 . . 95.86 . . 94.20 .. 90.82 Int. 1.16 1.82 1.66 1.40 1.76 .34 2.11 1.50' Total. 101.28 86.52 95.76 06.80 96.02 96.20 96.31 101.32 101.70 34s 1st 4s 2d 4 1st 4Mb 2d 4its 3d 48 4th 4s Victory 8s. victory 4s 99.80 1.90 In purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds we deduct from the above price 37c on a $50 bond and $2.50 on a $1000 bond. In selllnar Libertv and Victor bonds we charge the New York market price plus the accrued Interest, ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN. Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. Open until 8 P. M. on Saturdays. MORRIS BROTHERS. INC., The Premier Municipal Bond House. Capital One Million Dollars. Morris Bldg., 300-311 Stark sL Bet. 5th and 6th. Telephone Broadway 2151. Established Over 25 Years. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS; FULL MARKET PRICE LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS OR TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. SEE E. BURKITT, PRESIDENT OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELLING BLDG. (2ND FLOOR.) MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. TITLE AND TRUST BLDG. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate In Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermens bldg. Money to Loan on ReaJ Estate. OUR installment plan Is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.36 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 80 months, or $15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 loan and In terest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property. No conimi&sion cnarged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS. From 6H to 7 per cent for five years. YOU MAY PAY $100 or any amount on principal and reduce interest. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE TO APPLICANT. Also see us for lowest lntei est rates on business property. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY, Phone Main 2541. 1524-29 Veon Bldg. MORTGAGE LOAN'S Lowest Ratett We loan our own money on improved city property. Quick service and liberal loans. F. E. BOWMAN A CO. 213 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Main 3026. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette valley farms. No commission. No delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 6th St., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rales, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. B1KUELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. AM LENDING money at 6 and up to I responsible borrowers on real estate se- I curity in amounts ranging irom sjuo to $5000. I give you quick service at rea- I sonable cost. For particulars call at 404 I Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY REAL ESTATE. Homes, apartments, business proper ties, quick service, low rates, repayment privileges. ti. r. rarnnart. mur. ui it. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city property and also Im proved farm property. Current rates. WM. MacMASTEK, 331 U S. National Bans. Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Loans made on improved city property. Prompt service; no aeiay. Call and iee us lor terms. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, Northwestern Bank Bldjj, PRIVATE MONEY. $0500 for immeaiate loans; will divide. City, Acreage or Farma, OTIS C. BECK. 523 Henry bldg; Marshall 5S58. SEE US TODAY We loan money on real estate. O ana 170. ions ume, saori time. monthly payments as you can, sums to I sulu 725 Gasco Diag., Dtn and Alder. ChiLLAKS-MLHTON CO., MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, 5H PER UNION ABSTRACT CO., Corbett Bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm and city proper., iuiun repaying 1 privileges ; ao commission or ae:ay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., Ll'D. 5U6 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. MORTGAGE LOANS. OUR OWN MONEY. LOWEST RATES. I WE STERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 80 rounil su, x-uruauu. jr. $15,000 TO loan on Improved real estate at I F. E. BOWMAN A CO.. 213 Cnamber of Commerce. Main 3026. I MONEY TO LOAN on real estate security at going rate of interest. Otto & Harkson RUy Co., 413 Chamber 01 Lomiiiti. U 000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; build ing loans, lowest rates. W. C. Beck, ZlA 216 Failing piag. rnona Aiain o4U7. louo AND up to loan on improved city property ana mnu. aimuia, iui taaoi- ber Com. Main ui27. $500, $1000 AND upward on improved real estate; ivuiuu fcBW4i, u uony; no brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. $300, $400. $500. 750. 1U00 AND UP; low rates; quic huuim. x-icu . uermau Co., 32 Cham. 01 com. .Main 6445. $300. $400, $500. $650. $750, $1000 AND UP; lowest rates, quick action. Gordon Mort- gage Co., 631 Cham, ot Com, Main 1370. MORTGAGE LOANS, and 7. Louis Sol omon to., vo oeuniK mug. MONEY on farm and Improved city prop erty. Jtv. J., waxier, ut opaming Diag. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber of Commoyce, 4th and Stark. MuuTGAGE loans, lowest rates. Harding. 312 Railway Exchange. J1U00 AND UP; no commission or delay. F. H. DESHON, 615 Cham, of Com, bldg. $3000. 3 TO 5 YEARS. EAST 5438. MONEY on improved real estate, 6 and 7 per cent. 002 Oehum Plug. LOANS on city and farm property. 5 per cent up. f. r ucna. 4-u tnam. or com. Registered in U. S. rmtaat Office. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Krai Estate. WE CHARGE NO BROKERAGE ON RESIDENCE LOANS. and positively the lowest rates of inter est; also make business property and farm loans; liberal repayment privilege. Brokers and borrowers place your loans where you can secure the best terms. COMMERCE MORTGAGK SECURITIES COMPANY. 91 Third street. Phone Main 3067. Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce Building. F YOU want to borrow money to build or buy a home, or pay off a mortgage, you should compare the total amount of Interest paid on a straight loan with our monthly repayment plin. lioaiu made in every town in the state. PsWfio Bldg. & Loan Aw 11., 1333-5 N. W. Bank bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phone Broadway 010. 394 Stark Street. Near Tenth. Loans on diamonds, watches, victrolaa, pianos, kodaks, shotguns. furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OP EP.TlANI TO PROTECT THE BOR ROWER. City and county warrants cashed for face value. CARRIE MYERS-HERRMAN. . Manager. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We alto loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND- INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED. 218 Falling bldg. DO YOU NEED MONEY f We make a specialty of loans on auto mobiles, furniture, victrolas. etc Se curity Uft in your possession. Small weekly or monthly payment. ALSO Loans made to salaried people. Rates reasonable. Private ofllce. All busi ness confidential. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed) Third and Washington sts., 300-307 Dekum bldg. Marshall 3286. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry; su articles nuiQ a year; etab liahed since 1888. Dan Marx. 283 Wash, HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furnl- ture; leg;.! rates. 208 Washington bldg. GEO. HARVEY loan money on household guods. Legal rates. Tabor 3806. I-puns IV sj tired. I WANT the following amounts: $2000 7 Rofe City Park. $2500 7 Rose City Park. $2750 7 Alameda Park. $2800 7c IrvlngUin. C. J. Johnson, 813 Henry Bldg. FIRST MORTGAGES ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY FOR SALE F. H. PES HON. 615 Cham, of Com. bldg bh.h OREGON 1NV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of Commerce, 4th and Stark. 1'KRHONAL. ENGAGED. A man proposed to his best girl And found it some hard task; For there were other questions He felt that he should ask. He said, "W soon will marry For better or for worse. And if you really love me How will you guard the purse?" She said to him she realized That times were of the best: That she would prove her saving. As she had made the test. She said to him, "In buying clothes, I uy where I save more ; I'll buy each SUIT, COAT. DRESS and HAT At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE." 2d floor. Plttork blk. W 1 BUY DIAMONDS. Get what your dia monds are worth ; we pay full market value In cash. Old Jowelry, pawn tickets, old gold, silver and platinum bought. Full value paid War Stamps, Liberty Bonds Bought. THE AMERICAN 400 Spalding Bldg., Corner Washing ton BROKERAGE, Fourth Floor, and Third Sts. DIAMONDS WANTED. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. 1 Sell your diamonds to diamond ex perts. We positively pay the highest cash market values for diamonds, plat inum, gold, silver, watches, old jowelry, crowns, bridges and false teeth. Su us before selling elsewhere. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 447 Morgan Bldtf., 4th Floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. Hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Dandruff and fulling hair is THE SCALPS CALL FOR THE EKDEE HAIR CERATE. $2.00 PER JAR. Get it at your druggist or THE EKDEE CO., 800 Union ave. North. PORTLAND. OR. PRIVATE WEBSTER, formerly with 24S'.h aero squadron, stationed at ls-sur- rule and Llbourne, France, please communicate- with C. A. Adams, Hotel Rainier. Portland. TA KARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER is a cleansing, healing, germicidal and Invig orating douche. A great aid in lucor rhea and female disoruers. 50c and SI per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 .per set; very old sets are most valuable ; crowns, brMfis bougnt : bring or mail. The American Brokerage. 4nQ Spalding bldg.. 4th floor. - VAT. I CAN REDUCE YOUR FAT AND CURE RHEUMATISM FOR A SMALL COST. PHONE MAST 1577. DR. RUTH OLSON, 552 Washington blag. Dru glens Swedish system, steam oath, electricity. Rheumatism, constipation, rundown conditlon: Main 634. A LASK AFUR& Finest Quality, ready-to-wear and to- order at upstairs prices. The Fur Shop 606 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash. DR. MATH I LD 15 ARNESEN. Naturopath and medical xvmna-st: graduate from Norway; give treatment; hours by appointment. Main 2839. 1 WILL, gut both feet fixed up good Kt Dr. Katon h in uninuruuioi, wno auean hurt you; A yrn. here; ex.m. free. Olob. theater bldg.. 11th t: Wash. Udwy. FEB VET & H ANN K BUT. leading wig and Loupe maKera. (irei siock numan hair goods, halrdreastnir. manicuring, face and acalp treatment. 341 Alder. Malu 54tt. MYRTLE CLARK'S famous oil ahampon, racial, st-'ai" ireaimeuia, mauicurluii. 7.ta Morgan bldg. RHEUMATISM apecialUed: It can be cured: one weea iree treatment If your case docs not Improve. Kaat 1077. GKADUATli nurae treat, lumbago, etc Hour, z to o. or oy appointment. Phon. Main 104U. Office 30S-C, Third it. SLPEKKLUOUS hair, molea. warn removed bv 1U neeaiee muLiiou: trial tree. . ni. Flnley. 14 Bush c Lane bldg. Mam ejus. SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever by multiple iie.'uie muuiou. indorsed by physicians. oll4 Swetland bldg., 6 th -Wat, it. DH, ELNA SOKENSEN. 50" Panama bidg. Drugless methods. Stomach, kldnrva. rheumatism, constipation, etc M. oOSfc BEST sLeam bath, chiropractic, vlbratloa and electric In city. Dr. Margaret llay nie, 213 Swetland bldg.. Main lTSS. , LEARN beauty culture work; we give you practical experience. January Beauty Parlors. 4IJO-4I J DeKum bldg. DR. WILKINSON removes cornn in 3 m'.a- utea. Limp In. ili x lander, at., near 611 GERTRo'DE DANIELS, superfluous hnlr. manicuring, tace. scaip. ft-uouner bldir DOESN'T Torn, Dick or Harry pay you? collections. Dekum bidg. See VIerecK. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an operation, r Tee booklet. P. o. box llO.V PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm ot e iga. B44 b.. hen, Jl.l. morniryps. AKIlRK.SS of Sam Millw. Notify 714 9th st., Hood River, very ImporlanL MLES CAN BE CURED without opera tion, f ree booklet. P. u. box 1105. LADY barbers: Bhave 'Juc. haircut 35c. far. 1'53 Everett, coiner 3d st. massage Joe. GOITRE, enlarged giaaas: cure yourself. A. ii. bu.vh4B. ioule S, Ulliauuiu. jf.