IS xTIIE 5IORXIXG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1919. FOR SALE ArTOMOBII.ES. irt otnobilr. for llirv. NSW CARS FOR KENT ITHOI'T DRIVERS O N. SMITH. llll AND W.lbA.'M Si!l .iois. ALTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. EKLANHS HI'USONd U.HVNSDALE liARAOt. :VT ISTIt AU BASaj AITOS W ITHOI'T I.RIVERS. ew ears, rea-cnablr rm -. City Cm- rriro. a Iwth IL Uroda M ALTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L L M-LI.IVA.VS FASHION GAHAlife.- Mar. 242 10TH A.L lAMilll.l A '- FOR P'l.K TRI'f'K M TK TOK.S. PORTLAND IOTOR-CAR COMPANY. BUViNalUE STItKET. TRUCK FOR SALE THIS WEEK. A J-ton body and cb 4oo JI Ford, worm drive: thl truck dm a body and cab J V.lnl 5-Inn a real bur at 1S'W Fatkard S-ton, sxpres body 130O Fatkard S-ton. dump body: let u. t.ll you about It. Packard S-ton dump truck: a lonr j.b ilb tnla. Cum and It work. Almost now Packard, ltt ton 1S0 Standard -ton 1K, Term siren on our osd trurka. 31 R. JONES. Pnone Bdwy. S2L. .So. 12 Grand Ave. N-. Near Burnside. tXM IIMT Ford 1-ton. chain drive; bojy. car and w indnhi-l'l. $700 v Int. -tou delivery; curd equip ment. , . . JsiO Keoubllc H-ton. overhauled and guaranteed: cushion tire equip ment. Is.'.o M. C... i-mn: express body complete: cord tires. J12H- :eublic 1-ton: overhauled and guaranteed: slake b"ly. S1500 ZWpul.lle l-ii.n: overhauled and guaranteed; cab and wlntlnhiei.L lo White l'--t"n. good tires, cab and wtnilshield. tlSoo repugn.- -'-ton; overhauled and guarantee.l. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. INC. Hdwy. I lia. Park and Everett. FORD 1-ton truck 19IS: worm drive, cab. windacd rack body; wiih low end gate. Terms given. 4-1 Burasida. Sea Jones. TWO-TON. Ued as demonstrator, cannot be told from a new truck. This is an excep tional bargain. BARTLETT. S- Alder St. Bdw y. 2CC 1919 FORD, one-ton. worm drive truck, with cattle bo.!v: liheral lrn. Miunvu T TRI CKS SALK! A'.ENCY, eJ-ul North tb st. Bdwy. 47. ONE-TON Bt'H'K. In At mechanical condition, top. ex press botly and windshield, pneumatic """" BARTLETT. 522 Aider St. Bdwy. 2402. 1 -TON Fulton tru.-k. almost as eood nl new : 'can be bought reasonable At Ains-worth-Avenue girige. corner Ainsworth and Union avenue. St.!. Main Sl- Pbunes Woodlawn MAXWELL Truck: 1-lon. used very lilr e; In best of condition: a bareain at $.'7.Y with rerma. 30 Grand ave. N.. near HurnSfie. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. 3-ton tru.-k. good condition: $1250. Will take light car. MURPHY. 32Q TUI.imook rt- I WILL exchanee my -ton Stildhaker covered truck for any kind of small pas sen-r rar. 22S Alder st. ONE 2-ton Seldon truck, all standard parts. In good snap, good terms. States Auto Sae Co.. 43Q fclurnsltle. t ONE-TN commerce truck, run only short distance: go-l shape. States Auto Sales Co.. 43"i Bumslde. gXON Packard dump truck: best buy In town. rhone evenings. Woodlawn 3G37. day E. MIS. CooD 1IH two-ton Ienhv truck In firsl c ass running order. ltHsr cash. I'hone East 7727. REPUBLIC Danrty 1-ton pecl.-l motor, glioo phone -'L Bog 255. i;reham. Or TRICKS. -II sues, for general hauling. Call Hroadway 4M. Ft.H SALE On 1-ton and one V-ton 3 wbeel trailers Call Bdwy 454. A I TO RL PA IKING, FORD OWNERS. ford errerbanled 2 Rear axle overhauled... - a ves ground, carbon removed. ... .. a u..ftto recharged Me hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc.. which Insures a perfect running mo tor. Genuine Ford parts only used. a.u Surk guaranteed- . tll'AKA.VTEtU AUTO REPAIR CK. 2M Front sc. corner Jerferson. DIVISION OARAGE. JJ72 Lilision SL Phone Tabor $91$. We cavil for and deliver. Ear - - AUTO - - AttPAJRlNO. SAVB money, autoa overhauled garage, guarantee to save you co-l ou pay elsewhere. I' 4. I to f P. M. L. R. Pfeifer. t home le-tniru iiiumbta WANTKD Mis ELLtXHH si. s &o VP TO 12. OOI.psTEiN -THE TAILOR PATS W'JHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN? CITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. FTC. HKOAHWAT 3M1 245S BURNSIDB. BETWEEN 2I AND 3L. W CALL ANYWHERE IN TUB CITY DAY OR EVENING. CALL MB BEFORE ANYBODY Kl.SK. CP TO $23. rOR MEN'S UITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price for men's clothea OREGON CLEANERS TAILORS. 311 Ud St.. Ii. W. cor. Wash. Alain le$44. ANTED 10 OR 12-INCH. SCREW-CUT-TI.Mi I. A rii E- STATE PRICE. L , OREGON IAN. CUR SPECIALTY la buying men's emt-ff clothing: highest caeh price paid: will call iay or night. PEOPLE'S stCO.NO-HAND STORE. Marshai! 3223. 2U Madlaoa. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set: very old sets are moat valuable: crown, bridges bought: brine or malt The American Brokerage. 4ud Spalding b.dc. 4th flour. I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up for men's need suits and overcoats. Ca.l us and yon will get l..e right cash price lor your good. 17 let St.. near Morrison. Main ilia. CARPENTER TOOLS WANTED. PAY CASH OR EUUAL VALUE TRAL'E. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 12 F:rt st.. near asnmglon LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO. IN wilN do yous repair and alterations et my aficei Main V'4-1 372 4 Morrison St. W ANTi. Ls Good second-hand top buggy, must bA -te ftrst-ctass condition and pr.,-e,l riifht: gl uescription ana lowest pri.'e In eins' A E 4 oregonian. VU.VK WANTED. af1 vaLle paid for all kinds of rags ard old c.-vnes. furniture, too, a machia- -T. e-.c t : Main 7a4 2U1 S 1st st. V iNTSD (f! for a tent, size 13xll. 12 ti o- durkt must be in condition. .I5 yt'ti rji. U. E. Phone Tabor 3..;. PAT" H'HSST CASH PRO'ES Ft R KI R COAT i, M R SCARFS AND i'ELTS A LL MAIN I'M.. WANTED frlvste tutorship in English f iinJ bust English. P urtco- nia IVAVTED Tti rent good Lnde-wnod type writer, for r bom um. AM v04. Or go eta n. y s' T V pool tr;e and equip- rneet. GW description and price. K 6.2. Oregon .a Sft I Hf?TFK Rerrington automatic anf Puni? 1'iotfunt. H-x-ftf:d.5$4st. HIHE-T iiPOT CASH prtc-s paid for dia mnila Dan Mar, -jj Washington, tv 15 will buy your oM typwrue--s and pti you cajh. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 4 tea WANTED fXud d!er. In g.oJ Condition, p- w Trg:er. !' arnrlijch bids. W N rCD A chep fK fwvl e1 fur. must . Oregonian WA.NTGO row cr biihard tab:. 444 jrrn f e fAN TED Small raiii register. 22 Ev erett mt. W' .N rtvi Lacd L..ifuua. Vj9 Lewis MIM'KLUNEOl'a. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. Ot what your diamond are worth. Don't sell for any old price. We pay full market value, any amount: busiasaa con fidential. This la the otare where you can dis pose of any Jewelry, pawn tickets, old Jewelry. wntrh.'S. piatinum, silverware, anything of lalu. We hny your war stamps, liberty bonds at a bais of latest quotations, wmj or mail: private office for ladles. AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 4' Sp 'iin Blilg . 4th Floor. Oorn-r WastnnKlon and Third Sts. DIAMONDS WANTED. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. Pll ynur diamonds to diamond ex perts. We positively Py the highest iai.ii market values for dismonds. plat inum go:rl. silver, watches, old Jowe.ry. crowns, bridges and falsa teeth, tsea us before e!.!nr e.sewhere. NATIONAL JKWLI.RT CO, 447 Morgan Bl'ig.. 4lh Floor. Hours U A. M. to 8 P. M. $12.60 UP TO 125. METER THE TAII.OR PATS HIGH EST CASH TRICE FOR MEN 3 bLITS AND OVERCOATS. SHoES. ETJF; ,, ,cio THE MADISON CLKANEKS TAILORS 153 MADISON ST. NEAR THIRD. CALL MARSHALL 1228. 1AI OK LVtMNG. ec-VT rr -r .nnna WANTED. W pay the"highet price for cast-off clothing, shoes, rurnlture. jun. ua end convince yourselves Broadway 24i 12t N. oth St. I WANTED pool table and equip menu give description ana price. v i t 'r.'gonlan. Fnrnltnre Wanted. HOrFEMOLD GOODS. ' W. went rnnr need ItnVML f UTTi 1 tO r. raroets and ail household goods and will nav hie heat rash Drlcea. Oor three large stores enable us to dis pose o these goods at once ana tnere fore we can nav the ton market prices. We also buy and sell hardware, tools. tents, blcycl-s. sporting goods, type writers, adding machines and all olllcs furniture. CALL MAIN 0071 LEVIN HDWE rTJRNITTJRB CO. 221-3-6 Front St. BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR FURNITURE Sh.E ITS. We are In need of all kinds of used furniture, rues, carpets, stoves and ranges: ail kinds of gas stoves and office furniture, and we wlii pay absolutely the top prices for same, call MARSHALL 587. and our buyer will call at once with the cash. liEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 205 and 207 First st.. Between Taylor and Salmon sts. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAC THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN lHE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR PI-: TS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BTUNQ TUB BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 F1KT ST.. NEAR TAYLOR, main sua BE SURE AND LET CS EES trior furniture and huusehold goods be fore you sell. We are in ttie market for same and will pay highest prtces. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 2o First St. Main 7728. CALL MAIN 887$. We pay the highest price for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 878. 1 WANT used furniture: cash will be paid for stoves and range and all kinds of household goods Call us for one article or a housefuil. ana a competent, courte ous buyer will calL 3aranaU 2tl3. Crown. i WANT used furniture: will pay as much as any dealer ran pay. East S417. 14. H. Caief. dealer. 540 Williams ave. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description: hae the ready easb 1'hone today. Main J27or 16oFlrst sc HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN XZSX SEOOND-H AND furniture wanted to ship to eastern Oregon: no aea.ers. alain t4iu. HELP WANTED MALE. THE MEIER FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of sn experienced stove salesman. Apply Emplovment Manager, Sixth floor, Meier e Frank Company. WANTEi Two energetic young single mm. over 21. to travel In crew with manager an.t solicit, the work in easy, good pay and Jermanant. we advance all necee.-ary Call at Hotel regnn9 lu to 2 today, ask for Mr. i ray . SIUNGI.5 mill, north, one taleman. $5.30: two shingle sawyers, 2'lc a thousand, and s mill yardmen. $4. 5o. room ami board $S hotel. tregon Labor Agency. 47 N. 2ii. OFFICE clerk, thoroughly capable c.erk In iarge corporation, good penman. Stats af e. salary expected and qualifications, li Mo. oregoman. WANTED Names men. 1S-45. withlng be come government mail carriers. flOuo $K00 year. Answer Immediately. AV 715. Oregonian. WANTED A draftsman, one of experi ence, particularly In the drafting of resi dences ; references required. AE 376, Orepnnian. WANTED 2 young men with sales ability for foliWtlng ; permanent positions, with good pay f.r right party. 8 to 10, 300 Slock Ex. bldg. WANTED By ocaliM. experienced vocal coach with knowledge of Italian opera and modern French composers. AM 523, Oregonian. , ACCOUNTANT, expert in estate work. 40 attend to monthly business; must be able lo typewrite, t all evenings. 331 12th hL WANTED Boys over 10; also high school boys for short hours. Oregon Alleys. s;-a Hdwy. CARPENTER wanted. Apply E. 41st and Alixter st.. Hawthorne car. Also 1 or 2 laborers. WANTED, at once First-class open-shop, experienced wood patternmaker. Apply 52u Oregon bldg.. Fifth and Oak sts. WANTED, at once First-class open-shop, experienced boringmill machinists. Oregon bldg.. Fifth and Oak sts. MEN wanted to work on river boats: $70. rm. and board. Apply at Washington-sc dock. WANTED Newapaner artist for layouts, lettering, etc. Answer, giving phone ad ri res A F 136. Oregonian. .SLAUGHTERHOUSE bu inner. $40 per week and board if (lrst-ciaaa, Frank L. Smith. 228 Aider at. "IRST-CLASS iron roolder wanted; open hop: week; $7 per day. D 738. Oregonian. WANTED Strong boy. stesdy work, good waxes. Apply Simmons Glove Co., 83 Kitth t corner oak. Phoenix bldg. WANTED Kitchen porter, must under" viand firing furnace and must be clean, at 741 Wash. st. G-K 'D a. i -a round cook. Apply In person oetore 2 P. i., 41 Washington st. $125 per montn. WANTED Young men a news agents on rat. road trams. Colo News Co., 146 N. T-nth. WANTED experienced city circulator for iniJli city tiaiiy. Address AV 720, Ore ronton EXPERIENCED man for dishwashing ma chine. Appy S wetlands. THREE union coat makers wanted, drew Bros.. La Grande. Or. WANTED Marker and sorter. Modern Laundry. La Grande. Or. LEARN t?e vul-anlzrng business. Ci r:e E. Hroailmv. LAl'i LS jailor. M. Patt, Bush L Lane M-ig.. Brcaday at Aider. EXPERIENCED young man to drive Ford. ." 1 Morrison WANTED Experienced houe man. Apply Norton! notel, 1 1th anil Stark. WANTED Sheet metal worker, steady Job. Appl at our-. Boa S3i. Sheridan. Or. W ANTED A midd-aged man to work on m farm close to cliv. I'hone Ernst 11 11. WANTED M4.tion-plcure operator, out of lown. -' a "ft- Apply 2'N Strand bldg. WANTED Ford drtter. Apply ready for WANTED HoUcarrWr. Call Uool 462, HELP WANTED MALE. BUSINESS MEN AND EMPLOYERS. Every man in the service of our coun try gave the beet ho had in our cause. It la our duty to give our best In his cause. We are ready to furnish hundreds of soldiers and sailors, as many men aa ou can possibly employ In your ousi- ni" or factory. KM'iHTS OK COLUMBUS SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' EMPLOYMENT SKKVICK. .14 Taylor Street. . Main 3WV 43 Couch Street. Broadway 1841. T. M. C. A. ADVISORT AND E MPLOYM KVT FIKPARTMENT Is not an employment agency, but a de- I pariment of the Y. M. C. A. which aldsl ambitious young men In prying open the I uuurs or opportunity. In the pssi leo i years we have ssslsted 17.530 men in finding position and at the present time the demand for men exceeds the supply. The standing this department has with employers is due to the discriminating rvice rendered them over a period of years, ana they turn to the T. t. v. lor men to fill the better sort of Jobs. All men seeking employment are cor invited to consult with one of ths employment secretaries, room 3Q7. WANTED GRADUATE CHEMICAL EN GINEER; STATE TOUR COLLEGE. AGE. MARRIED OR SINGLE. SALARY EXPECTED TO START. K 671. ORE- GONIAX. WANT Japanese or Chinese boy for valet, one with experience preferred: must be neat in appearance and habits, hours every evening from 7:30 to 11 and 3 afternoons a week, 1 :lin to 5; give phone number in letter. Write Bl 5SU. Ore gonian. Al CREDIT MAN who knows the game tnorougliiy; no amateurs need apply: must be a big man for a big job; salary open: If you think you are the man I for Ihe Job see Mr. Gibbons at Mill Rail way Exchange bldg., or phone Main 453 ior appointment. WE NEED several bright, keen, aggressive young men: only tnose w-no wish to suc ceed in a big way and willing to make the effort need apply; experience not necessary. Call after 12 M, S34-5 Northwestern Bank bldg. NT a you nff man to handle country books and trneral led per for wholesale urocery : icood opportunity for the Tijtht man. Answer, tttatlnt? ape. experience, references, education and salary expect ed. L Jiti. Oregonian. Al'TO accessories salesmen attention, we warn Kaiefinen to carry a good Hiueiine that mill pay Mr commissions and will not conflict with your present line. Call Brite Products Co.. 507 Pettyerove st. jsroaaway TRUCKMAN WANTED. Munt fill order for truck on contract hauling today; man must have no me money on this proposition and be ready to work Wed. A. M. ; big pay. See Barnen, 71 Broadway. WANTED. TIE MAKERS New camp on reen river. Blase irom Opal. Wyoming. '24 miles from Grander. Good timber. steady work. For information write I 8tandrrd Timber company. Evan fi ton. yo., mton Pacific K. R. contractors. AUTOMOBILE and tractor school: new Duiidinfc; modern equipment; bent in strut tion: practical work laboratories and shop repair. For information ad dress or inquire at room 4 IB Y. M. C. A- , bldg. Phone Main 8700. branch 2. SALESMEN wanted: fine chance to make big money selling a nccesry household artlcte direct to users. We want good salesmen and will pay the money for mem. .time Jt'roauct Co., &07 Petty- grove BU , ELEVATOR operators, window cleaners. janitors. chambermaids. porters and watchmen. Ume to union headquarters, rooms 2urt-7 Goodnough bldg., 5th and YamoilL i.m ploy meat bureau for mem- oers. WEAVERS WANTED. Oregon City Woolen All lis. Oregon City. MAN and wife, cooks, small logging camp. up river, f l.tu ana board; machinist for U. S. government dredge, $loi a month, room and board. Portland Labor Agency. WANTED Boys for delivery department. Apply miter i A. Al. Roberta Bros. Third and Aiorrison streets. COM HI NATION shoe and clothing man. out oi town, one who can trim windows preferred. Apply C I., Alanheimer. Pnrlalnd hotel. 11 A. Al. to 1 P. AL Tuesday and Wednesday. WANT man with two years or more ex perience to oo norse shoeing and outer work In general shop. H. K Krahmer. Guaton. Or A MAN for steady employment, collecting ami writing Insurance: salary and com minion: excellent opportunity for rapid srtvan'-ement. Al oregonian. F YOU are a $50rt-a-week salesman, an ik er this: wonderful automoblld propo sltion wants your ability, not money, IMG. Oregonian. Si WOODCUTTERS with dragyaw for large contract. $2.5o per cord. Phone Sellwood 18 before lo A. Al. or Alain 5225 alter 7 P. Al. HUNDREDS railway mall clerks wanted; average $lli month: lst positions free; write Immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. 37 T. Rochester. N. 1. MILLWRIGHTS and carpenters for saw mill construction work; long job. Apply upt. of construction. AluCloud River Lumber Co.. AlcCloud. Cal. WANTED Logger with truck to log and naui ten minion leei limner, or naul only, prefer former. We have logging I equipment complete, av Oregonian. EXPERIENCED elevator boy. Kits hotel. Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTED By a local firm, one salesman . for solid truck tires and one for automo bile tires who have enough confidence in their ability to sell to work on a straight commission basis. Aauress B 647, Ore gonian. IF YOU are a $500-a-week salesman, an swer this: wonderful automobile propo sition wants your ability, not money. S. 24H, Oregonian. SALESA1 AX, city, good opportunity for "live wire, only ex-service men need apply. :u-t Lumber Exchange bldg. STOCK Mieimcn wanted; representing large iregon corporation. 4U1 w ncox uiag. WANTED AGENTS. PORTRAIT MEN. We have a message lor you. Sizzling hot with latest news of the portrait world. If you are a LIVE producer. waste no time, w rite or wire at once lor prices. LEACH ART CO.. 2100 Grand ave.. Kansas City. AIo. P. S. : Express originate today Don't worry about prices. CANDY Earn $25 to $.r0 weekly; ADVER TISE.. MEN. WOMEN: start one of our Soecialty Candy Factories In your borne, small room, anywhere; grand opportun ity; wr tell how and furnish everything. CANDYAKERS HOUSE, 181 Ran stead St.. Philadelphia. I'a. PORTLAND wholesale produce house wants to be represented in Astoria, salesman calling regularly at Astoria, or local man communicate with house. E 430, Oregonian. - AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month bos pla: tickets. 206 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ONE GIRL to run power sewing machine. 32 cents an hour. 8 hours a day. Crys tal Laundry. 21st and Sandy. Rose C 1 1 y car. GIRLS wanteo on light factory work, steady work, good wages. Apply Ameri can Can Co.. 14th and Front sts. WANTED A chambermaid: reference re quired. Apply tie Helens Hall, 13th and Hall. WOMAN or girl as nursemaid for young baby ; some experience required. 340 lUtn.Main jlubW. WANTED Waitress. Apply Multnomah Athletic club dining room. 581 Sal mon st. WANTED Office girl for dye works, one who can sew preferred. Chief Cleaners A- Dyers. 12" 10th. - CHAMBERMAID wtnted V work 4 hours a d. $7 a week. Mediord Hotel, 5th and Glisan. WANT EI work ff -Woman to do dining-room work for board an ft room for herself and h ubn nd WANTED An experienced chambermaid, 115 p" r week. FTtster h ot el. WANTED A chambermaid. Hotel Ram apo. 475 Washington sfL WANTED LADIES TO WORK ON FURS. 3721 MORH1 SON. GIRL for general housework, three in lamiiy. Aiain 6070. HELP WANTED FEMALE. PERMANENT . POSITONS FOR YOUNG WOMEN. ADDITIONAL TELEPHONE OPER ATORS ARE NEEDED DUE TO CON STANTLY INCREASING REQUIRE MENTS OF SERVICE. PREVIOUS NECESSARY. EXPERIENCE NOT FIRST TEAR'S EARNINGS APPROX IMATELY $800.00. $52.00 EARNED DURING FIRST MONTH WHILE LEARNING TO OPER ATE AND FROM $63.00 TO $72.00 PER MONTH AT THE END OF SEVEN MONTHS- FURTHER INCREASE GIVEN UN TIL OPERATORS EARN FROM $S5.D0 TO $04.50 PER MONTH. SUPERVISING OPERATORS EARN FROM $88.00 TO $106.00 PER MONTH. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT TO STILL HIGHER SALARIED FOSITIGN& APPLY AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM 601. 6TH FLOOR, TELEPHONE BUILDING. PARK AND OAK STREETS. THE Meier & Frank Co. requires the services of: 25 girls between the ages of 16 and 20 for positions In the marking, wrap ping and dairy lunch departments. 2 exi-vrienced saleswomen, for the ie welrv seef ion. 2 experienced saleswomen for the hosiery department. 4 txnerifneed draDerv sewers. In addition to the above there are several vacancies In our emergency de partment for experienced salespeople. Permanent wok is assured to those who annlv them-jfivp.t Apply Employment Manager, Sixth Floor. Meier & Frank Co. GOOD PRICES PAID. LIBERAL BONUS IN ADDITION. Half Holiday Every Saturday. Learn a business that gives you steady Employment. Experienced operators on pants, over alls, coats, piay-suits. etc. We will teach a limited number of bright girls and will pay you while learning. Call at office of ML Hood Factory. 3t.3 Couch street, and we will explain our bonus system to you. WE REQUIRE the services of several glrla for light factory work: steady winter's worn, ifooa pay and chance ior aavancs- men i. Apply ready for worn. AMERICAN CAN CO 14th and Front sts. AT STANDARD FACTO RT NO. X GRAND AVE AND EAST TAYLOR ST9 EXPERIENCED POWER MACHINE OPERATORS TO LEARN ON OVER ALLS. PANTS. MACK IN A WS AND SHJRTS: 112 PER WEEK GUARAN TEED. ALSO A LIMITED NUMBER Ur I-NEXPEKIENCEU TO LEAii.N AX iu run MIDDLE-AG ED WOMEN WHO DESIRE A STEADY POSITION WANTED; WORK IS EASY TO LEARN. NO EX PERIENCE NECESSARY, GOOD WAGES TO START WITH. APPLY IN PERSON; TAKE ROSE OITY PARK OR Al ON TA VILLA CAR TO EAST 10TH STREET. WALK 2 BLOCKS SOUTH. TROY LAUNDRY CO.. EAST 10TH AND PINE STKJSETS. THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING CO., STORE requires the services of experi enced cashiers and transfer girls. Apply superintendents office U to 10:30 A. AL BOOKKEEPERS, stenographers. typists. dictaphone operators, bill clerks, ac countants, etc., register with us for em ployment. We can place you promptly. Registration fee $2. Wm. E. Gibbons, 53U-531 Hallway Exchange bldg. Main 455. ELEVATOR operators, window cleaners. janitors. chambermaids, porters and watchmen. Come to ujnon headquarters, rooms 206-7 Goodnough bldg.. 5th and la rum 11. Employment bureau ior mem bers. WEAVERS WANTED. Oregon City Woolen Mills. Oregon City. STENOGRAPHERS and secretaries. $100. $ 1 2.i ; bookkeepers and stenographers, 123; lumber stenographer. $80; typist nd clerical, $85; bright beginner. $70. 3U1 N. W. Bank bldg. YOUNG single woman; must live with par ents, nave some knowledge oi DooKkeep lng. also quick and accurate at figures; permanent position; give phone number, age and experience. B 858, Oregonian. LADIES, if you are interested in pleas ant outsme work, iuii or part time, that will materially add to your income, call 1 to 4 P. M.. 602 Corbett bldg. WANTED Girls to work In woodworking factory, .wages s.a, with aavancement after first two weeks; give age and phon number. AE 283, Oregonian. BURSELL BUSINESS SCHOOL. Individual Instruction, enroll any time. Day-r.ight school. Lumbermen bldg.. Fifth and Stark. Broadway 3464. WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR LAUNDRY AND KITCHEN. ALSO TRAY GIRLS. GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL, 23D AND MARSHALL. WANTED Names women. 18 to 50. wish ing government office positions; $1140- a ry 11131. J real . A II B V CI. A I1U, Sl C&U- nlan. WANTED Housekeeper for family of 2: no wasnmg; wages $J5 per montn. oo East 10th N. WANTED Girl to dip chocolates and waif on trace in store, uooa wages and steady work. Sexton's, Wallace, Ida. GIRL for cooking and general housework. no hashing or ironing. Alar, -a 00, 540 Chapman at. ELDERLY lady wanted to work in cigar store lew nours in aiternoons. call at No. 1 North Oth at. WANTED Teachers for mission school. Apply 170 First st.. l o clock P. M. W A NT a woman to work in pa n try at Ca m pbe II Hill hotel. WANTED-T-Woman to help with cooking. Alain 7ftSt. WANTED A woman cook. Woodlawn 3727. WANT ED Experienced chambermaid.' Ap ply MorrMon. WANTED Dining girl. Wdln. 2915. OFFICE girl and saleswomen. C. E. Hoili- day Co.. s.St wasningion st. GIRL for vaudeville, amateur considered; give phone numoer. av i:, urego n I a n. GIRL wanted for dining room work. Ap- piy awetianua. WANTED Experienced film inspector. Call Broadway 6. EXPER1 ENCED child's nurse; one who will assist with upstairs work. East 30OO. GIRLS wanted. 92 Front st. Portland Paper Box Co., WOMAN living at home for assistant pantry. Alexandra Court. 53 Siia Bl. WANTED Woman to keep house and cart for children. S 258, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED telephone operstors may b obtained by calling Main 102, A 2687. WAITRESS wanted. 149 2d sL JV-ANTED A chambermaid, Wdin. 2015. HELP WANTED FEMALE. f THfS ADVERTISEMENT IS WORTH $5 IN PART PAYMENT OF YOUR TUI TION IN OUR MULTIGRAPH SCHOOL, IF YOU ENROLL, ON TL'EMOAY. OCT. 14. COURSE FROM 4 TO 6 WEEKS. TUITION $50. ENROLL TODAY. WE GUARANTEE YOU A POSITION. THERE IS A BIG DEMAND FOR OP ERATORS. AND WE ARE UNABLE TO FI LL THE POSITIONS WE HAVE OPEN. WILLIAM E. GTBBONS, R30 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. MALN 455. GIRLS WANTED TO WORK IN PAPER BOX FACTORY: STEADY POSITION. GOOD PAY. APPLY AT F. C. STETT LER MFG. CO.. EAST END OF STEEL BRIDGE, EXPERIENCED needleworkers. Twenty Eirls between the ages of 1H and 18 for work in marking room. All ap plicants under 18 must famish a permit from child labor Inspectors. Apply superintendent's office, between 9:15 and Hi::t0 Tuesday morning. LIPilAN. WOLFE & CO. WOMEN AND GIRLS. DO TOU WANT INSIDE WORK THIS WINTEK.' w & HAVE PERMANENT POSITIONS WITH GOOD PAY. WORK CLEAN AND EASY TO LEARN. APPLY AT 504 SPALDING BUILDING, AFTER 8 A. 11. OR FROM 6 TO 7 P. M. WANTED Six girls for high-class road show, top salary, transportation, no ex perience necessary. Apply before 10:30 A. M. today. Holland & Lewis Amuse ment agencv, suite 201-2 Strand theater building, 103 Park street. SALESWOMAN wanted: fine chance to make big money sewing a necessary hrtnephnM article direct to users. V e want good saleswomen and will pay the money for them. Brite Products Co., f07 Pettygrove st. WANTED Lady entertainers and dancers for cabaret with carnival company. uiB pay: all winter work; traveling through California. Call before 1:30 P. M.. lrn- nprial hotel, room OS. JVirs. u. o Meggs. WANTED Pupils, stage and fancy danc ing, chorus work a specialty, poai awaiting capable girls. Call pet. ana 4:30 Alondavs ana weanesuays bibbc en trance Lyric theater. Misses Alullally and Alathewr. " $10 PER MONTH and free rent, basement room, furnished. nouseKeeping ior o or 4 hoursN work daily: married or single woman; dolls, invalids, cripples, etc.. do not call; I want you to work. 387 12th st. BRIGHT high school girl (Lincoln high preferred) to assist in our aoniun ut. fice after school and Saturdays. Call be tween 2 and 3 P. M. Enke s City Dye works, 105 Broadway. t WANTED Young lady for office work in wholesale sample room. Knowieuge ui dry goods will help, but .pot entirely necessary. State salary. L 64, Orego nian. WANTED Young lady ticket seller, re lief work: middle agea, maie uoomtri-ci, also first-class janitor. Portland s lead ing theater. Apply cox xl ijd. ore gonian. WANTED Experienced dining room girl. Would make good oiler to ma men wom an and would board husband. ui inn street, between lamnm ana layior. EXPERIENCED Elliot Fisher bookkeeping machine operator, salary imi per monm, state experience and references. BD 669. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced seamstress In al teration department. iau at onc. City Dye works. East3dandAsh. WEST COAST INSTITUTE OF MUSIC. 5th floor Eilers music diuk. leu uvw melody; no drudgery. THE Florence Crittenton Home 1b ready to help any g"l oisiresa. uneau, "MV car, casr. m. YOUNG lady for doctor's office; high school education at ifwu " Journal bldg., 5-6 P. AL rvcirniFATED waitress: good pay with room ana ooaru. Aiciauu10 street. GIRL to cut mattress iicks. tarmen Aianufactunng coiupauj, a-j. uttLtmini road. r.TRLS WANTED, between ages of 1H to 30. Aon y supennten ndent Albers Bros. Milling Co.. Front and Broadway. STENOGRAPHER, good beginner- with business college training cumiuou. 855. Oregonian. ANY GIRL in need of a friend, apply to E. 15th st. N.. or phone East 123. WOAIAN to help cook in camp, state age nn cnnaren n .a.. AAI 502, Oregonian. ntRT frtP rooking and general housewo .. Xr- irnnin 540-Chanman work st. J""" V -W Marshall 2866. ELDERLY lady of refinement wants posi tion as mother's helper or companion to travel. Br 11.J, uregoniau EXPERIENCED nurse girl to assist with "ir5 of three children. Willamette Heights. Alar. 137. o.At-m c Amn,niari in need of a house wr,er. have girl age 5. call before 8 mornings, mmiivi r-n-r'a wafIc in nrintlnsr office, expert ence not necessary. Inquire third floor 306 Davis st. WANTED Woman to iron ladies clothes, i;iov rmsition. strike condition. Union Laundry Co.. 2d and Columbia sts. WANTED Lady for housework and care htiaren: kuuu North. WOMEN for morning and evening, janl . '.. nri(. AoDly Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak. EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted. 113 N. Oth st. camp -ewi iewm - WANTED Chambermaid. 2015. Phone Bdwy. WANTED Dining Wdln. 2015 girl. Wanted Domestics. A COMPETENT woman, general house work ; no laundry : good wages ; nice room. Sellwood 2212. . WANTED An experienced girl for cook ing and down-stairs work, no laundry. Alain 6339. . WOMAN to assist with general house work part of day; may stay home nights. Alain 5388. ELDERLY lady to take care of invalid lady and light housekeeping. Elderly lady preferred. 091Hoytst. GIRL to assist with upstairs work and care of children. $35 to $40. Main B38S. GIRL for housework; Lovejoy. Main 247. no cooking. . 704 $55 FOR cook who will assist with gen eral housework. Alain 5550. COMPETENT cook in a small family; wages $65 to $70. Apply S3 North 23d st. WORKINGMAN with 2 children wishes a housekeeper. Milwaukie,30th Sellwood. WOAlAN for general housework, small Tamuy, goou was- s. 'v SCHOOL girl to assist with housework. room, poara, suian sco. WANTED A girl to assist with general housework. 810 Overton. Main 5517. GIRL or woman wanted, general house work. 725 Kearney st. - EXPERIENCED girl to care for three children. Alarshall 30B5: GIRL wanted for light housekeeping, no w ash i n g, no cooking. 88 N. Oth. WANTED Willing, experienced house keeper. Tabor 4043. GIRL for general housework, small family, apply 370 Park street, GIRL for general housework ana cooking; HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Dome tics. WANTED WOMAN COOK AND DO GEN ERAL HOUSEWORK. FOR TH REE ADULTS AND SMALL BABY IN MOD ERN FLAT. CENTRALLY LOCATED: GOOD SALARY TO RIGHT PARTY. CALL IN PERSON C. S. JENSEN, LIBERTY THEATER. BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 12 AND 3 P. M. COMPETENT girl tor general housework; must be a good cook. Airs. A. Ar. Aya. 765 Halse st. Phone mornings. East 46U2. WANTED A good reliable woman, not over 40, to care for 2 children and do housework, ol&in home, family of 4 : must be neat housekeeper, wages $40 per month, reference required. Call ."Jo Weidier or phone Ease 777 COMPETENT glr! for general housework; must be good cook. Mrs. C. C. Hindman, 738 Glisan street. Phone mornings, Alain 852. WANTED Experienced young woman for general housework and cooking; one who is well and who can sleep at home; 3 adults In family; city references re- . quired. Permanent place for right per n. East h3M. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, no washing; every other Sun day free; $50. Alar. ."iOoO. 500 Eiiza beth street, Portland Heights. WANTED Middle-aged woman for gen eral housework. Alodern 7-room house: good home and wages to right party. Phone Broadway 3443 after O P. Al. GIRL wanted for second work, no expe rience necessary, $35 per month; private bedroom, sitting room and bath. Phone Sellwood 1008. WANTED Woman or gin fo assist in general housework and care of child ; family of 3. No washing, good wages. Phone Main 5002.' GiRL for general housework: must be a grtoa cook; no rurnac Tires; no iaun . dry work; wages $60. 1U7 N. 25th sL Marshall 4107. WANTED Girl for light housework and care of baby in a steam-heated apt., good position to the right party. Call Alar. 4182. WANTED An experienced nurse maid to assist with care ot haoy ana ao some second work. Phone E. 37SS. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework ; permanent position. 704 Irving, cor. 4th. Phone Pacific A 11S2. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Alust be good cook, 2 in family; good wages. 1126 Thurman st. Alain 788, SCHOOL girl to assist with house worU for room and board and some wages, in small family. East 5441! WANTED Girl or woman for general housework, no washing, small lamiiy, good wages. Ma in 3137. 800 Savier ASSISTANT IN NEW SMALL BUNGA LOW, THREE IN FA Al I LY, WAGKS Jot. CALL EAST 3547, OR 065 E. 18TH N. JAPANESE woman for housework: will teach her English; husband may room with her. S56 Northrup. Phone Main 8444. WANTED Girl for housework, smal. house; three in family; J 10 per week; board and room. Phone Tabor 2570. WANTED Girl or woman to do house work and take care of 2 children, can Main 3240. GIRL to assist with general housework; no cooking and no washing. OirJ Love joy. Apply mornings. YOUNG girl to assist with general house work; no washing; good nome, gooa wages; must like children. East 7G14. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking. downstairs work ana ironing. itiain 610. WOAIAN to do housework. Alonroe st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANT Japanese 'woman for housework; no objection to husband living in house if employed elsewhere; might take Japan ese man and wife if man good cook; good room and private bath and good wages. W. B. Roberson, 1212 Gasco bldg. Mar. 240. EDUCATIONAL. ARfa SOU MECHANICALLY INCLINED? If so, learn the auto and tractor business and earn $100 to $300 a month. Southern California offers exceptional opportuni ties while and after learning, high sal aries, ideal working conditions, fine year 'round climate; no previous experi ence necessary. Learn in short time the National Way. Expert instructors, new, complete mechanical and electrical equipment including Packard Twin 6, Cadillac 8. Willys-Knight, etc. No age limiu Earn board and room while learn ing. toou successful graduates GUARAN TEE YOUR success. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL, 15 Years in Los Angeles at 81.4 S. Figueroa. Write today for FREE catalog. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. THE SCHOOL THAT'S DIFFERENT. ONE WEEK FREE. To investigate our system of teaching sutos, tractors, gas engines, auto elec trical and battery work. SPECIAL ELECTRICAL COURSE FOR AUTO MECHANICS. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. CALL OR WRITE FOR 1"0 PAGE CATALOGUE FREE. .ASK FOK BOOK NO. IB. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 462 Hawthorne Ave. Automobiles, trucks, tractors. Ignition and starter work. Vulcanizing and re treading. Special summer rates. Day and evening classes. THE S.CHUOL THAT TEACHES TOO TO BOSS THE JOB. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Will teach you the trade in 8 wks.; give you a set of tools and some pay while learning, positions secured; scholarship and transfer cards issued; 32 schools in U-, S. and Canada. end for cat&iogua, 234 Burnside st. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll an time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON BaRBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and lace massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted. Call 433-4 Railway Ex. bldg. Opportunity to learn a well-paid profession. Free book let. Railway Telegraph Institute. DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Type writing, bookkeeping, comptometer, all other mod. business courses. Day, night school. Alisky Plug., 3d & Alor., Malr 324. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGCY. Frank K. Welles, ex-assu State SupL, mgr. N. Bank bldg. Teachers placed HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE, WASH, at 10th; enter now; day, evening; ail commercial branches. Broadway 182L PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you set oi tools free, position secured. 38 N. 2d st. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Buckel's private school; individ ual instruction. 122" Grand ave. E. 427. MJ8S Mattingly's Shorthand. Typewriting School; o mo. ow lita. warn .s&ud. F1SK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Mn. 4S35. Teaching positions; iree registration THE Ovens method In Vancouver Busi ness college. Wash., assures you success." OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Alisky bldg.. 3d and Alor. w. m. rticnarason. pec. aiainii. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. ivx uroadway. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Mam ost. aroaaway mag. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ELDERLY man, experienced baker and kitchen helper, wants work. AJ 738. Oregonian. BRICK contractor; estimates given on all kinds of brick worK. is. . L.esher. Ph. GOOD all-round carpenter 'wants to get steady work in city. Af i!t, oregonian. YOUNG man wants .lanltor work. perience. aeiiwooa paiu. YOUNG man wishes situation with de tective agency. am oregonian. JAPANESE wants position, housework. BD 73, Oregonian. PAINTING KALSOMINING by contract, reliable man. Alain 5851. HOUSE CLEANING work a specialty. Al workers rurnisnea. rnone Jiarsnaii sjvit. WANTED Land .clearing to do by con- tract. Address C 301, Oregonian. ' JAPANESE First-class shoemaker, wants job in tne snop. anenaan st. MAN with I-ton Republic truck wants work, steady, zi lain si. EXPERIENCED young man wants work in dairy inncn. aam iavis. Aiaer notei. WANTED Position 3 days a week by man ttendmg college, z. qui. JAPANESE wants position; has experience in janitor worn, ij osx, oregonian. ROOFS repaired an tarred ; all work guaranteed. East m GENERAL Ford repairman wishes position in garage, u oua, oregonian. ELDERLY man wants position as janitor or houseman, akj -4z, oregonian. YOUNG man wishes employment in even ings. AH 600, Oregonian. GOOD painter and decorator.. Can run j men iOod. " SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ALL-ROUND printer, 20 years' experience, wishes steady position, Oregon or Wash.; good machinist- operator; capable of as suming charge ; married ; best of ref erences: state w tices nald. Max Boeh mer, 233 Harrison ave.. Astoria, Oregon. POSITION wanted by an energetic young man. aee 2i. onssessins executive anility, knowledge of bookkeeping, general office work, timekeeping, etc. To an employer desiring such services I will give undi vided attention and make his business interests my own. 60 N. 15th St., city. ninne a PRINTER-OPERATOR, with thorough all- around experience, wishes situation. O &, Oregonian. WANTED Work from 3:30 p. M. until 10 P. M.. younc man coin.? to school : a good cook, would take any kind of work in restaurant or cafeteria where there is chance for advancement. L 71. Oregonian. HAVE your automobile overhauled in your own garage by two expert repairmen; starting, lighting and ignition a spe cialty. AM work guaranteed. Phone Woodlawn 220. ask for Mr. Work. YOUNG A1AN wants work in a garage as helper, where six months work is guar anteed; have had some experience. What have you? Leave name and address. Phone East 8218, or Al. 3414, will call. WANTED By elderly bachelor, position on chicken ranch, or other light employ ment, for board and slight additional compensation; gilt-edge references. Ad dress RO. Box 453, Forest Grove, Or. MAN with six years experience in gen eral merchandise, 3 years material and shipping clerk. 3 years as salesman, wants position. A. Lauterbach, Broad way 19NG. CHE?1 - STEWARD WITH EXECUTIVE ABILITY WANTS ENTIRE SUPERVI SION OF HIGH-CLASS KITCHEN; RE SULTS GUARANTEED. O 48, ORE GONIAN MAN wishes position at some work which will pay expenses: some experience in plumbing, electricity, carpentering. AC ItO, Oregonian. CARPENTRY and roof repairing, garages and cement work done at reasonable prices. AH work guaranteed. Phone Woodlawn 4020. YOUNG MA N wants work with wholesale firm in shipping or stock rooms or with tx press or transfer company. Divis, room 3"f, Aider hotel. WANTED Position as chauffeur or truck driver, by young man, 10 years old. have had plenty of experience and know city. Call Tabor 834. STEAAI engineer, steady, experienced me chanic, can install and repair, desires position. Address Box 172, Free water, Oreson YOUNG man wants inside work; good worker ; ca n give references. Phqne Woodiawn 2017 Sunday, after 6 on Alon day. YOUNG man wishes position with ma chinery house, understands tractors and farm implements, can furnish good references. AF 100, Oregonian. AIASSEUR. experienced, would like posi tion, baths, sanitarium in or out of town. AAI 513, Oregonian. CHEF, Economical and competent, wants position as such or manager in camp or hotel. BD 572, Oregonian. CARPENTER wants anfj kind of repair work, house raising, concrete, roofs, get my figures. A 1670. WANTED--By man and wife a position as manager or" janitor in an apartment house. BC 154, Oregonian. CLOTHING, shoe salesman, employed, de sires change; no objection small town. AE 400, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT wants small set of books to keep evenings; charges reasonable. Address L 74, Oregonian. NOTICE. House painting. kalsomining, good work, quick. Belew, Woodlawn 6200. HOUSE PAINTING, and kalsomining; experienced workmen; moderate prices; call us up. Main 3383. YOUNG man with 12 years' experience wants job driving truck in or out of town. P 702 Oregoniaru HAULING WANTED fhave a good truck, can commence work at once. What have you? Phone East 5977. EXPERIENCED house man wishes posi tion as houseman or porter. Phone Bdwy. 1770. Room 18. ELDERLY man ' clean in house work, doing chores, wants work. AJ 730, Oregonain. HAULING wanted for four-ton truck; any thing, anywhere. Call C 1221. PAINTING, tinting, etc., get my figures. 1070. Bookkeepers. Sienogmpliers. Office. OPPORTUNITY SEEKER24 possessed by natural inclination tor office work, progressive, good education, industrious, active, steady and trustworthy, just completed bookkeeping course, desires position as bookkeeper or office assist ant with a large Portland concern with future of advancement; beginner; good penman: willing to begin with moderate . salary to learn the business and be with you permanently; interview; bent of ref erences. L 72, Oregonian. YOUNG married man with knowledge of bookkeeping, three years' experience In office work, wishes to connect with re- liable firm. L57,Oregonian. WANTED Position as paymaster, ac countant or storekeeper, steam or elec trical material. I'hone East 7510. R. L. C r es se, 805 East Alder. Soldiers and Hilnrs. EX-SERVICE man, 2 years high school graduate, one year college, desires posi tion with firm where intelligence and sense of duty are required; references, BD 591, Oregonian. EX-SERVICE man, age 28. efficient clerk and cashier, with knowledge of book keeping and typewriting, 7 years office experience in Portland, desires position. East 0376. or East 5571. EX-SERVICE man. self-dependent, work ing his way through college, desires work nights and Sunday : can furnish best of references. BF 10S, Oregonian. EX-SERVICE man wants work after nchool and Saturdays, collecting or what have you? AC 130, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by discharged soldier: general clerical work or anything. R 45, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Hand washing and ironing. around Clinton and Lauds addition, by piece, good work, reasonable price. Call mornings. Sellwood 2182. A DEPENDABLE nurse will care for your children evenings, capable and tactful with the aged and the yick. Terms, 25c per hr. up to fiOc. Alarshall 340. WANTED A position by lady thoroughly experienced in double entry bookkeep ing and use of Burrough's calculating machine. N 30. Oregonian. RELIABLE experienced woman would like management of first-class apart ment houst Can give city references. Phone Tabor 1082 after 6 P. M. MARRIED woman with girl 6 years; ex perienced housekeeper wishes position in apartment or hotel. Broadway 3869. Mrs. Alollna. REFINED girl wishes position assisting with housework, and care of children, treated as one of family. R 00, Ore gonian. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother is away; references. Woodlawn 1611. EXPERIENCED laboratory girl wants po sition with doctors; references. AO 605, Oregonian. CAPABLE Lincoln high school girl. 18 years old, would like employment sfter school hours; good references. Main 2175. LADY wants housecleaning. other work; hours, day; good work done. Wood lawn 630o. LA DY wants to operate elevator in small building or apartment house. Room 10. Main 2387. GOOD salad-maker, any kind of dressings, fancy desserts; references. M 716, Ore gonian. CLEANING or ironing today: good work; no washing. , Woodlawn 0378. WOMAN wants work by day for Wednes day. Phone after 6 P. Al. Wdln. 700. REFINED woman will work evenings from 6 to 12 o'clock. BC 178, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl will do silk pieces and waists. Phone E. i49. CROCHETED tarns made Alain 7230. to order, $1. A1IDDLE-AGED lady will care for chil dren. 30c an hour. Alain 7230. LACE, scrim, marquisette curtains, hand laundered. Called for. East 6196. 1ADY wishes position as second cook in hotel or restaurant. 885 E. 37th street. LACE curtains laundered by expert. Ta bor 5033. DAY work wanted. East 4093. Bookkeepers. Stenographers, Office. EXPERIENCED mutigraph operator wishes position; state salary willing to pay. AC Oregonian. WANTED -Small set of books to keep; can give part of each day; best of reference. Alain 6383. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog;. rapner; weoi vi icicjoub. uam SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAT.K. Bookkeepers, Striiograi.hers. Office. POSITION as stenographer desired; gradu ate of business college, some experience in law and timber offices, good in letter writing and tabulating, can operate dlc taphone. references. Phone E. 8031. BOOKKEEPER, accountant, 12 years' ex perience; can audit, clone and . open books; bfst of city references; half riav work or by the hour. Broadway 27-2, afternoons. POSITION wanted by beRlnner In stenog raphy, light work, would accept half dav office work and hair day some olhcr line. AJ 740. Oregonian. BY stenographer, 7 years experience in law work; reliable and accurate. Alias A I o o re , Broadway 3085. STENOGRAPHER, assistant bookkeeper and general office worker: 15 years ex perlence. Phone Main 5123. t)rerriiiHkei, FOR BEST results In dressmaking and re modeling see Airs. Kinder at Emporium Dye Works, MP Morrison st. Bdwy. 4250. WANTED Engagements by day, up-to-date dressmaking; do remodeling, reason able. Phone Bdwy. 1507. PLAIN sewing and dressmaking; prices reasonable. 500 Davis st. LADY will do plain sewing bv the day. Sellwood 778. Nuies. GENTLE WOAIAN desires post as nurse, companion or housekeeper; experienced, nerve and mental cases; excellent ref erences. BD 507. Oregonian. UNDERGRA DUATK nurse. 2 V3 years of training,, will take all kinds of cases: $21 and $25 per week. East 849 or P. O. box 088. POSITION as nurse or companion; prefer going soutn : waxes small it people are congenial. Phone East 1027. Address 528 E. Everett st. EXPERIENCED nurse, another case or companion; can go to California. Alar. 200. UNDERGRADUATE nurse wishes institu tional position. C 300. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED nurse girl desires position in gooa nome. k :'. uregonian. GRADUATE nurse will lake patients at her private residence. Tabor 200. Ilnufrekrepem. YOUNG woman desires clean, romforia :,le position as housekeeper in homo of fam ily only. Apply Airs. Sarah Anderson. Phone East 0o:;o. 400 Vancouver ave LADY housekeeper, can take full charge, responsible position, exceptional refer ences. Phone East 0485. MIDDLE AGE lady would like housekeep ing in widower's home. Cull at 732 N. Smith ave., St. Johns. REFINED lady wishes position as house keeper, any locality. AV 732, Oregonian. Domestics. NEAT, competent girl wants cooking and light housework In refined gentile fam ily where nice cooking and serving is appreciated; will rio small wash: wages $05. Please call Sisters of Mercy home, 2tia 14th Bt., near Jefferson ; references. EXPERIENCED woman wishes housework by the day. East 6838. W A NT ED General housework 4 hours day; good cook. BJ 34, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. Ho uses. HANDSOMELY furnished, 5 rooms, in tho moNt modern duplex house in city, with garage, best view went side, walking distance; $100 per month for the winter to adults, references. Owner, Main 1528. WANTED to rent, 5-room house conven ient to grade school by responsible party. References furnished. Rose City Park preferred. Will rent for 6 mo. or year. Alain 5281. WANTED to rent, nicely furnished small house or bungalow ; close to car line. Call East 1115 between 1 and 5 P. M., or write Airs. Brabbe, 352 Hawthorne ave. WANTED To rent, beginning Nov. 7. by responsible party, furnished B or K-room house, Woodlawn district, adults, reler ences. L 70. Oregonian. BY OCTOBEH 15, 5-room furnished or un furnished flat or bungalow, close In ; 3 adults; permanent. References. K 085, Oregonian, or Tabor 3440. SAI ALL furnished house and garage wanted to rent by careful, responsible couple ; no children. Wrrite 47 North nth st. G-ROOM unfurnished bungalow, In good neighborhood by careful und reliable ten ant, best references; no children. Phone Main 4303. . WANTED An up-to-date 6-room modem bungalow direct froi.i owner. Main 0072 evening. Sunday, Marshall 3454. WANTED An up-to-date 6-room modern bungalow direct from owner. Main 0072 evenings. Sunday, Marshall 3454. WANT 8-room or larger house, close In, east or west side; references; adults. Main 0451. WANTED to rent a 4-room house. Sunny side district preferred. Phone Wood lawn 4078. HOUSE of 4 rooms in the Sunuyaide dis trict. Address R 46, Oregonian. Apartments. WANTED Nov. 1, by quiet coupls em ployed. 2 - or 3 rm. furn h.k. apt. or f lat ; close in pref. ; must be modern, clean and rent reasonable; best refs. R 36. Oregonian. WANTED Unfurnished three or four-room apartment or five-room heated flat; adults; close in preferred; references. Alain 2349. WANTED by two business people, a 2 or 3 room apt. by Nov. 1. west aide, per manent renters. Sellwood 553, call after 7 P. M. SAI ALL furnished flat or two large H. K. rooms with bath, close In. Oct- 17 ; 2 ladies. E 60u, Oregonian. SMA LL, modern apartment, furnished or unfurnished. AAI 522, Oregonian. Room. WANTED Room, breakfast, private fam ily, business woman, near 25th and Nor thrup or Westover Terrace ; references exchanged. BJ 36, Oregonian. WANTED Small furnished room with private family, south of Allll st. J. M. Hopper, 627 Hood St. Rooms With Board. WANTED By girl, employed, room and board with private family In warm, comfortable home: walking distance ; $s,50 per week. AM 514, Oregonian. YOUNG couple with child 2V desire room and board in centrally located home. Will pay liberally. Address AV 801. Oregonian. WANTED Board and room in o family by two gentlemen; muHt be rej onable. Ask for Mr. Badger betw tii 7 and 8 A. M. East 5P00. LADY employed wishes board and room in private family or small boarding house, west side. AF 193, Oregonian. YOUNG girl In need of a friend wishes board and room in a private family with out children. Mar. 4779. YOUNG MAN wants room and board in private family, close in. R 63, Oregonian. WANT someone to care for baby boy. Alar. 1050. Apt 2. Call after 10 A. M. Housekeeping Rooms. YOUNG woman desires clean comfonuole light housekeeping room in proteMHtit family; rent must be cheap. Reply, stating price. Addresa B 852, Oregomnn. WANTED One large H. K. room by sin gle man, steadily employed ; give pt r ijculnrs. AE 403, Oregonian. ONE or two H. K. rooms by single man In private family; must be reasonable. BJ 35, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL NAVARRE. 427 Alder St.. Corner 11th. Elegantly furnished, central location, clean and orderly. Rates by day or week. HOTEL CONRADiKE, Tenth end Burniide streets, 2 blocks north of Washington at. All outside rooms, strictly modern and fireproof; rates by day, week or inonih. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st. at Tenth Rates $1 per day up; weekly, $4 up; run ning water, free phone and bath. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash. St.; down town location, respectable and strictly modern; steam heat: rooms large, clean. ANSONIA HOTEL 14th and Washington, clean, respectable, modern, transients $1 up. permanent $4 up. Private bath $8. SITTING room, bedroom. Nob Hill district, suitable for 2 gentlemen or man and wife. Call Mai n 263 .V COA1FORTABLE steam-heated room, walk ing distance, west side. Call Bdwy. 1327 before 0 or after 6. ONE or 2 pleasant sleeping rooms, furnace heat, close in; gentlemen preferred. Call Bdwy 2266. i5c. $1 DAY; $2.60 week up; outside rooms. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near J e f t e rson. SARGENT HOTEL. 271 H Grand ave.. h. a. apt. and sleeping rooms. East 291. HILLCREST HOTEL Bath, phone, $25 mo. up; without bath. $18 up. 733 Wash. COSY small furnished room, 2 blocks Central library, $18 per month. 215 12ih. NICELY furnished room, all conveniences. close in. E 8303. 500 East Salmon. LARGE front room, large clone is. running water; also single rooms. 475 Morrison. CLEAN, single outside rooms, ubtf d U