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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1919)
THE MORNING OREOOXIAX, TUESPAT. OCTOBER 14, 1919. 17 r inuo Actt. THREE icrtt IB cut limits of Vuroonr, 3 blocks lo sir-.! car. S-rooro . ra, I chicken housa. H "' w. t, pu.lets. 1 com. 1 heifer, a, at od. A. I furniture vahosTany anu oak. A snap for $.;7. Write M a. ijiruieni to t unovtr. Vub. 8ta tion A. BA-S LINE ROAD. un!n Mm re. or Kockwood Sta. on M l.tne rood rt 3 acres with iii.l set o.djrs.. Inc.udlns t-room house. oarn. tc. fruit, flowers, etc.; w f rr author-tied lo sell tn.s property for casn. Dai. to suit. e u.o. - n-nry. h rrsnk U McGulre. AO. iiroBMHf. ra hunc'aya CLnsr iN xrr.F.xr.r. H ml: rrom Tirird and 3" feet off Captt..; Bic!iway; there ara 1 acres, i ac es is cult.. excellent bottom land, no ar intfnn; Lr ! la tha best buy In tn:e vicinity for IJToo. Invi Sea Goo, P. Henry, srlta frank I McGulra. Id- SO-AKE SNAP, OKI.Y IIOO PER ACRE. Juat orr paed hlsh.ray. Ill mllea from Courthouse. In cultivation, bal. open Paatar.. fma spring, no roc nor (ravel. lu i;i not at a iup Ilka ihla often, 'ail Conrord bids, d and '.ark tf si.., ,.ir THiARD. SJ.'0 DOWN. lo arm. 7 under plow on bank of Tualatin river. KJI bv(r dam, 2fe mi.a frjm Tyfard station; fl.VM. J. OjKBI.V i'O.. .lo.V-0-T-a on bM. For Hale I15M DOWX SECURES 1 acr-. 3 bnrai and V row a. 3 helfera. lull. nor. chickens, wagone, buggy, plow, ru.ttvators. harrotke, disc, moatiig machine, rake, grain drill. harness, lone lit loo.a. 1.HI buahela oats, large auan tur bay. corn. potat'ea, near K. K. towo. eioftric car. htsh school, fear steps tni:k e.'atmn. ll mil, world -f araoua resort, 12 fr.i ee large city; o trrpi In blah cut tlvailon. field wire fenced; crl row pasture. home-us wood: -O0 appl trea. 4) pears, 2 cherries, abundance other fruit. tK-rrUa, I-i-room house, good ror.duloa. running wator. air pressure vatem: sood. painted barna. aianie. rnnirr corn amnke. Ic. Duo. try houses. Fe-trtnj owner aarrirlce all too!), only l0 down needed. Detalla pair 32 new fall catalo farm barsalna Maine to and weal to NUMk: copy f-ea. Htrout Farm Aency. -.'WO H. P'vfynnih RTda.. Mlnneapolla. 3llnn. KA L'Tl FL'LI.T located farm of 3' acres, anout T west of the town of W Ilia. mina on macadamised county road, about one-half bottom, the rear easy sloping kill lnd covered with fir and oak tim ber; an Ideal stock ranch, as there is sufficient upland for graunf and plenty ef low ground for fodder. A dandy creek rows throurh the center of the land and a copious supply of spring water can be carried by gravity to the bulldlnga. Own- era anxious to sen. win consiurr a i" tifum and reasonable amount of caah. 1-rma ran bo arranged. For further I particulars sea Ben Kieaiand, 404 Plait I bing.. l,'T rark at. 1LT MLLE3 FROM COl'RTBOUSE 1 acraa, ntca bungalow, full cement basement, hot and cold water, spring water pumped to bouse by gaa engine, email bam. garage, chicken house. 1V a- res young orchard, all In cultivation; line view; can are HUlsboro and Oregon "ity. If you are looking for a nifty little home close to tha city this will suit you to m "T." but you will ruave to hurrr. for It will go quirk. MITCHELL, RIPPET. 3;-23 Henry bldg- 4th and Oak. TM-i voir WANT a fully equipped farm of 1M acres. 170 in cultivation, with good buildings, water piped to houseT This place Is rioa to R R. station and school, is 34 miles from Monmouth Normal I arftool. has all necessary machinery, can K onevhased either wltn or wnnoui n... pv.. a L'l WO for every- thlna: easy terms can be given II de- 'r"i" SEE J. I. H ANNA or anyone at :"4 Corbett bldg.' NEAR HIM-SHORO. at I. K ITLTIVATIOS. one of the flneet farma around HIIIs v .h all of the very best land: this Is all In cultivation and has a final tikirrs bnpvard: tine sei oi ounuia family orchard, etc.; this Is a real snap . nn will miss it If you fall to tv..tita lhla: price 114.000: ens-half tmJ,u"t.-i 1 m s! IVVCSTMENT CO.. rw ok fL Broadway 413S. ONLI FOl'R MILES FROM r-oi-RTHorse. 1 acrea all In cultivation, nlc young family orchard, loo holly treea. nice full cement basement, bath. hot and co'd water, spring water pumped to hoax by gas engine, bam. garage, chicken bouse, rocked road. mile to school . price I ..I"". tcrTTi- MITCHELL RIPPET. i:-3:3 Henry Building. 4" and Oak. Main 2534. 40-ACKr: -ORCHARD. ALL IN BEARING. In Hood River district, close to town. and all la bearing, this orchard has been w. cared tor and la the rheapeat buy In Oregon at the price of iSOO per acre: rfon't oiione. but come In and see us. nH let US tell VOO ISOT SbOUt It: owner ta a Bon-raaldenU hence this low p-lce. r.KI.IARLB INVESTMENT CO.. 3n ok St. Broadway 4133. A I.OW-PRICKD FARM. -ott SAI.K OR TRAPK. sa ..r.. -K..M r 'ii .cree under cultlva- i-u . uri of balance easv lo clear and .... ,...r.J with umber, fair nous, out buildings and good well. Located IS inllee rrom Manor on good road, about 12 miles nortn f Vancouver; price only $1000. good terms. B. A. 1.1VPGREN. svrn 1-and Co.. 933 N. W. Bank bldg. noun HOMES. SO small farma near corvallla with (tcarlne- orchards, some nave buildings: nrires ranee from $75 to $250 per acre. in 5, 10. 20-arra tracts; only one mile railroad and tows and paved highway: f 1 no cash down or more r" lovely tract: no better SOU in Oregon; Willi how anv time: call at office. M 72 VcKARI-AND 02 Toon bldg. 2. A'-RK3 NEAR GRESHAK. rein: toooo snooo CASH. 9A acrea of the flneet kind of land r;ht on tha edge of tha city limits of I Gresham: 8-room house, three acres rine bearing orchard, good barn and other I outbuildings: this la all In cultivation and the cheapest place around Gresnaro, RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. SOS Oak St. Broadway 413S. t:.. PER ACRE. 1X3 acres. 34 miles from Monmouth: C acres In cultivation, bal. in pasture I with grub oak timber: house not In good I or.ler. barn fair: good water and good fercee one mile to scnooi ano 10 stare normal. $13UO to $2000 down. bal. at Pr cent. " st-K t A. MILLS. W'th Stirling Hanna. 24 Corbett bldg. crvTLEMAVS FARM. Finest Ss A. landscape In Clackamas aoontT. 4 mllee macadam and paved ...o to market: 85 A. natural drainage, A eeariv to SOW to B n T croDI wood, creek. 3 wells, orchard, good fa-orea. electric car 1 ml.; $.VhJ bulld- flng Insurance: only an a-ro. lerma. XSl.V V. " 23 A- COUNTRY HOME. $1600. Kr 5-room house and other outbuild- I tngs good fences. 14 A. clear. 1100 prune I trees: balance pasture: no rock: spring I nioel Into house: school H mile: auto I road 8 ml. to Cottage Grove. Terms. BOX 243. OKKGO.V CITY. i-n hai.E or trade for Portland resi dence, 20-acre Improved farm; plenty fruit: good wen: proaucnw aou; an un .r riiiuvatlon: 10 mllea from Vancouver. Wash., one mile from Brush Prairie. Wash- $vvw. Adocss 60 Carmellta art-, phone Main 5314. " vTarioV COUNTY FARM. 4 acres In Marion county. I mile from station, all in cultivation. Including 12 acres in bops; stock and tools; $200 per C' GOPDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St- .0 intm g mllea east of Gresham: all i-oiav.ted: family orchard 9-room house. hot and cold vater. Datn. cement baae- ment; rood barn, garage, macadam road; $12.U00. - 'n n4T 6" Cham, of Com. lort ACRF.S. house and other bulldlnga. some rultlvated. $r4MlO: 40 acrea uncul tivated. o: -mi or acres, unculti vated. S: three miles from Molalla: so -rie beaveMam: favorable terms. F S'.'o. Oregonlan. S3 ACRES of land at $100 per acre. Ss or 4 mllee Kwin ot o m r . ihhi . i caah. balance oa time at per eent: whenever purchaser has $50 to pay. aan do so if he wlshea t an on owner. Mrs. Clara Kelso. K. pox so. onerwooq, or. l.'ilV BEARING. ACRES, so Iv BBKIV'J WALNUTS. APPLES. Lo. 1 r. ANBKRRIKS. G K A PES. RUNNINol W ITt.t.. rt " ' f L ' .r.AS STATION: INVESTIGATE. EA NFTAR PORTLAND. 175 A"RF:s IN ct'L. T1VATI"V. 17 ACRES YOUNG BEAR roMVURHAl. ORCHARD WAT. K K PIPED TO HOUSE. EAST 543. CHI. KEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. near UO--11- - ' '- ' ' r. aa terms: "e1 r irrns ror saia a.i I . , rs yicrananq, wj 1 eon otflg. s ACRES near Willamlna: level, cleared, fenced good S-rm. house: $1350. $3d cash. Via monin. J su onarp, a$4s 3d at. tOGGFD-OFF landa. $10 aero up: running water: rwi svn. employment, easy terms. J. R. Sharp. Sd st. ltfH ACRES. 10 clear, small houea. barn and '.arse chicken noose: I - miles out oa tiM O K. Inquire 24.1 Yamhill st. A EA1. ESTATE. "For Hale Farmer HALF PRICE. U Acraa 20 Acres Beavarda Prlco tln .VK) dui tf r. T1 of ""verd.nv that pro oicelleSl T tTam ""'ona. Set of Ik. 2 .ou' dnaa Family orchard. er ' acraa tilled, balance paatura Set ood building, alio, ram- ,001 r"d nH. mall and telephone rostra mio caah. balanca per cent, Prico f.11uu. k !!!.. naif cul titrated : Kood aet bulldlnn. famllr orchard, all neigh borhood conveniences: golden opportun ity: l.'iNMi caah, balance per cant: price liJuO. . 1W acres, choice general purpose ) farm. Hi acres under plow. S acres I tim ter. balance pasture. Running water, family orcbard. good aet buildings. ns, maw and tel. routea. Kara bar gain. (iu4o cash, balance per cent. rnce au.uu. OTIS C. BECK. Henry Pldg. Mar. B8.-.S. A DIVERSIFIED FARM OF " acre, all under cultivation, level, dark loam soil. In the White Salmon valley. Washington. 25 acres of bearing orchard yielding 2SO0 boxes of applea this Till. 35 acres for general farming, growing alfalfa, clover, timothy, train and garden; finely watered by well at bouse and aurlnrs and mIc In fiei.i A. strongly constructed ranch house of T rooms, needs tome renaira: .Tir. urn ,7 - nay earn, otner buildings; It la located on a main traveled road, dally PlentV Of rnnfl n -1 . Kn - n o" i a graded school. This i5I?rt?JS """''"y "' for fruit, ?f,lr,- mt"T nd ". nd an axceptlon- eaah VV . T 5Si,0: ,arm"- W h.,, - ""r. mv Be bad ror the need t 7 ,"",-ner; you will 7 mu" sly. ai ."r'JAEti PRATT. o, lr.d, Har M)n S8)(. Ik F1 if 1 .V i- , . ..... v ' rjKM. .. - acrea. 1K0 acres i,r.H.. ...i.i.... ""dlnn I"" nd. "".lanital farm SrJloIIS. ..m- rv' or white land; good berr'o,"e'n?"E.i?-?!.H.A''".- ... , , , r - ' . u y. 1 miles from Corvallis; (all nJ.i.r'ch oea with place, to- "'komery and small crop In. g'ther tools, ror iioo per acre: J.iibm) cash bal ance on long time, or will accept as rirMff Haw... ii ,, , . . ' . mki: J T ou-iocaiea unln- J. K. KHREt'K. 502 Bnnldlnr Vm. BOITHBHH OHL-orer KTOCK RANCH" .u acres, all tillable, of rich dark i"Vr S"" 'r rrrtlle valley. Med- ford distrlrt with Itrr n,ne.. -.4 Joining. 200 acres been cultivated. 00 acres more practically cleared, balance aome small timber. Large creek through place, from which 75 acrea can easily 'i6iru, soou large oaro, small bouse, half mile to school, on county vwn-r a non-resiaent oners al- u-sciivs price and terms. A. H. B1RRELL, CO.. 217 N. W, Bank bldg. Mar. 4114. WANTED REAL ESTATE. THINK THIS OVER 7J7 HOMES SOLD SINCE JAN. 1. 11H9. 50 homrs In January. 52 nomcl In February. :l homes In March. 70 homea in April. 104 homes In Msy. 72 homes In Juno; R4 homes In July. 114 homes in August. H7 homes in September. Tou know- that 12 real eatate sales men, with automobllea. working in well-organised office. which spends thousanda and thousands ot dollars nualiy advertising bouses exclusively. must get results, we are in toucn wnn the maloritv of buvera. Thla organi sation haa Bold 727 houses so far this year and can sell yours. Come in and list It with us She. FRANK L, McGrTRE. TO SELL fOlR HOME. Ar.lne.ton Building. Msin 10fl. Office open evenings and Sundays. HAVE cash customer for good Income I property up to .vw. . w .-.,-. . . - - - Shone or see R. F. Brysn. Main 1003. uy Chamber of Commerce bldg. BUNGALOWS. BUNGALOWS, BUNGALOWS WHAT WE NEED IS 13 OR 20 n t - v: 1 1 4 1iaB We want good homea and bongalows new. aa we are having calle -very day tor -them at right prices and " Coma In and list your homea with us. either for sale or rent. STEWART BUCK. Sl. NORTH WESTERN BANK. BLDO. i..wT ruRiiKT that I have the buyers ror hauiM. 1 can sn ioui. " " 1 - 1 yen? Tour house) will be given proper attention. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS C A. WARR1NER. RITTER. LOWE sr CO.. rni-3-S-T Hoard of Trade Bldg. Isonn CASH far a modern IV- room bungalow, with garage. In Piedmont. Alameda Park or Irvtngtnn. Valuation should be fair and rea.-onahle for prompt action. SKOTHEIM BROWN lOJirA.1I 931-332-33J Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 3199. WANT IRV1XGTON HOUSES. In handling Irvington homeslles we naturally ara In toucn wltn buyers tor homes already built. List your Irvlngtoe house with us. Ws ar boosting this district. RITTER. LOWS A CO, 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WE have 5 competent experienced sales men with autos ana ara able to get you quick action should you, desire to sell vour home. We need mora houses to selL Have scores or prospects wsiung. s-noue a .. . 1 us. wa win can. J. a. w iCKsan wu.. 204 Ry. Exch, Bldg. Main ln4. BUNGALOW IRVINOTON. ROSE CITT. LAUREL- HIRST, ALAMEDA OK PIKIiauNT, I4IXKI TO ITOOO. MT CLIENT CAN MAKE GOOD FIRST PAYMENT. POl.N DEXTKK. HELLING BUILDING. MAIN 18"0. RESIDENCE. B 7120. $5000 CASH for each of two modern bungalows In close-in and good district. SKOTHEIM KKUW.X LUMrAM 331-332-333 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main oivv. BUILD NOW. ve 1 . iti , U . V , 11 Jul vwh iu, "111 11 ... u . .. money snd build for you. Terras like rent, tan ana aee us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO. Main 2035. " 621 Morgan Bldg. WE HAVE THE BUYERS. Phone ua the location oi your house and wa will do the rest. r LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 13 Cham, of Commerce. Mala 0967. WANT 10 TO 13 ACRES. Runnlnr water, walking distance from stlon. DUIiaings not necessary in your offering. J. C Corbtn Co.. $05-6-7-6 f Teon bldg. WISH to buy modern 4-room bungalow. east Bide, for my own home; win pay cash: will buy soma furniture. Address AV' 734. Oregonlan. Farma Wanted. WANTED. We are unable to keep up with our demand ror-rarm lands tr tney sre priced right. We would like to list yours and will go and look It over before trying to sell. SEE SI'EKLINU at H ANNA. 2l4 Corbett bldg. WE HAVE sold several farms recently snd have buyers waiting, bend In tlrst let ter detailed description of your fsrm. lowest price and terma of payments. if 1 well located and worth the price ssked we can sell It. E. A. LINIXJREN. Savon Land Co, 933 N. W. Bank bldg. HAVE you a small Improved place with I in 20 miles of Portland that yon want to sell? If so. try ua We have several parties waiting, with money enough to make a good substantial payment down. tfTKWAKr E Hl-JV. 313 Northwestern Bank Bids;. IMPROVEn farms' WANTTD. Wltn or without stock and equipment We are selling them, when priced right We pay over $500 per month for advertia. ing una are pieaaa 10 savertise and ahow you property. John Ferguson, Ger- linger bide SERVICE; NOT BUNK! Cash for improved valley farm bargains. Ill ItKH W AITING. Send full details first latter. OTIS C. BECK. Suite 51'5. Henry bldg. WANT from 10 to 20 acrea with got I buildings, suitable for berries, fruit and chickens. Any good location near soma cannery or Jules factory. Have $1000 cash to pay down. What have you. Nord. 4S1 stock Fvchsn ge. W eted le Rent farma. WANT to rent or leasa smjll ranch of 2 to a acres, close to ctor on S. P. or K. lines. AM 621. Oregonlan. JAPANESE, good farmer, wishes to reat ONE (arm near xiiy. at lav orsgonlaa. cneap ir aoia at once. Mar. lava. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE BT OWNER. A tract of first-class timber, good log ring. V miles from R. R.. H-mlle from county road; close to Portland. C 284. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Adklns circular sawa. one M-lnch. one 3tMnch; Inserted teeth, almost new; ha.f price, c. N. Braaach, SI 4 Central sve.. Pt. Johns. WANTED Experienced and reliable horse loggera to put logs in by thousand; Ions Job, near the city. V 619, Oregonlan. HALF SECTION timber two miles to 8. P. siding. R. fill Oregonlan. PJLINt wanted: give scale, price and wnen cuf, I, v. utmnii. loucn oiag. FOR RENT FARMS. WILL, rent 2.10 acrea. only 21 miles from Portland, two seta of bldrs. Owner. b34 Tibbets at. Phone Sell. 2007. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. TO EXCHANGE. My strictly modern, beautiful residence, garage, in growing town or a. w. wasn Ington. on Pacific highway. H acre tract on Mount Tabor, four lota White City Park, value ISOOO. Address Av 73.T, Oregonlan. 140 ACRES, no improvements., timber worth siuuu atanding; land rolling, no rock, good grazing, creek runs through. 61 miles from Portland, value $2500; con sider nnuse and lot in trade. THOMPSON. M0-21 Henry Bldg. 4o ACRES to trade for home in city. acres cleared, 23 acres In pasture; new nouse. barn and all renced well, and running water, near school; 21 miles from Portland. Call today. 1112 wash st. 7.BnAU Kn... In Kn.liui 1 V. 1 I fruit trees, berries, located near B. 23d IN., price f.MMl; will consider auto in trade, or linoo down, balance like rent. Thompson. Ci20-2iHenry Bid I HAVE three lots with 3-room house. chicken house, fruit trees, good ground. close to paved road ; for sale or as first payment on 5-room bungalow. Phone Tabor ROHft. LOT 50x100. all alreet improvements paid clear or debt. I rice ltHMi: good llrst payment. Will consider smaller lot and house In trade and pay cash difference. Thomson. 6JO-21 Henry bldg. llO.oilO. SAN FRANCISCO residence, well located, cssn or part ana assume, w ui consider small Portland home for equity. Owner here this week. R 53, Oregonlan. SW-ACKE tract. 1 mile from city limits all cleared; 4ifo rt. rrom rowen valley rd. : will exchanre for house or small farm. Phone Tabor 5513. 7-P.OOM modern house, good lot. near 21st and Preacott. price $4600; will con alder clear lot In trade. THOMPSON, 620-21 Henry Bldg. MAKE your own. living. 6 acres, cleared fine soil. 60 rrutt trees, small house, near car: price reasonable; take some trade. 720 E. Pa vie. EvL:ITY In 4-room bouse, lot 100x100, for auto, balance like rent, jonn xsrown. s4 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE or exchange for smaller house. equity jn thoroughly modern 8 -room Laurelhurst house. C 282. Oregonlan. lS.OOO-FOOT capacity sawmill with timber: win trade ror I arm, A. j. iaia. atoiaua, Oregon. SMALL APT. HOUSE, well paying, for larm, about ooou. nan, 211 nun. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WANTS I Wood or potatoes in exchange for house or sign painting, paperhang Ing or painting. Tabor 2611. 310 E. 44th at. WILL exchange No. 7 Oliver typewriter. In fine condition, for Corona, Call Burtch. Tabor 2308. after 6 P. M. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Livestock. 60 HEAD OF MILCH COWS AND TOWO STOCK. 20 HEAD OF REGISTERED JERSEY'S. SO head of high-grade Jersey and Hoi steins, 10 head cross-bred Jersey and Holstelns sr public auction at J. H. Sanguinet farm. 2 miles east of Hubbard Thursday. October lo. laid: sale begins at 11 o'clock. All high producing ani mate. For catalogue, address C. D. Min- ton. sa es manager. 72 Spalding Didg. Phone Main llltl. John Yonder. J. H. Exon and J. H. Sangulnet. owners. 20 HEAD OF JERSEYS REGISTER OF MERIT COWS and young stock st public suction. Fri day, October 17. at my farm, two miles eaat of Gresham. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. Tske any car to Gresham and auto will meet all trains. I will also sell sll my farm machinery and some Chester White brood sows and shoats. For cata logue address C. D. Mlnton. ssles man ager. 702 Spalding bldg. Phone Main lllfl, Sam Weias. owner. REGISTERED JERSEYS AT PUBLIC AUCTION. I will sell 30 head of high-producing registered of merit Jersey cattle and their offspring; 7 miles east of Oregon City. Wednesday, October 15. In thla of fering Is a gold medal cow and four of her daughters: all the offerings are reg istered of merit or the offspring of reg istered of merit for catalogue. Address C. D. Mlnton. salca manager. 702 Spald- lng bldg. Main tl- N. O. Smith, owner. POLAND CHINA sow and S Pigs for sale or exchange for a good milk cow; also 40 head of shoats. 40 to 7ft lbs. escb. for sale or trade for beef cattle. Bob Lowe ranch, Buckley ave., south of Foster rd. MILCH GOATS Two mature 3-quart milkers. 3 well-grown nannle kids, all bred; 1 yearling buck; all Toggenborg strain. Ih72 Fiske St.. University park. TWO fine saddle horses and some good. cheap farm horses at your owr. pries, as we have bought auto trurlfe. Gary trans fer barn. 34lh and Yamhill sta. ONE COW. fresh. $100; also rne family row. rich milker. Hft. Phone 2-J Mtlwatinie. 1 block south of 8. P. depot. henry Smith. FARM Implements and wagon for sale; only used two seasons, good condition. Call 12h2 Belmont St. Phone Tabor 147. A GOOD reliable horse, also two de livery wagons, cheap. Apply Ideal Tea Co.. 74 Union ave. Is. . FRESH cows, ror sale or trade for beef cattle. Take Vancouver car to Columbia b!vd., 1 block north. WILL aell black teamT wt 3000. with C. M. Cisco. Transfer ac Slor- harnesa aire Co. FOR SALE One Shetland pony. 3 years old. a beauty. Address 1101 Marguerite ave. North. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid ror jeaa cows ana cnppiea norsee. roone Mllweukle i'-J lor results IF YOU wsnt any fresh dairy cows of any Dreed at any tmte, see nr. uruce. at the stockyards. North Portland. Oregon. DEAD horses, animals hauled away free. portiana nenaering uo. wooqiawn zo. DEAD horses taken quickly. Cash for dead cows Tabor 4-U3. HORSE, buggy and harnesa for sale, $85. Inquire 114 lain st.. Oregon city. $110, SMALL team, harness and wagon. wpoq yarq. ai rrom st. 3 MILK goats for sale. A 2498. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. $135 COLUMBIA CABINET GRAFA- ! OLA. SELL FOR $0 WITH 40 SELECTIONS. NEWMAN. 128 FIRST, near Washington. $100 COLUMBIA Grafanola. clrcasaian walnut case; looks and runs Ilks new; with 3 dosen records; all for $76. Tabor 8830. PIANO WANTED. Highest caah paid for used nlanos and player pianos; get our price, selberling Lucas Piano Co.. 125 4th st. Main 586. $100 TO $150 CASH paid for your upright piano oy security oiorage to.. 109 4ta at Washington st. van Mam 3323. PIANOS tuned and repaired; talking ma chine repairing, rotey at van Ajyke. iUf rirtn street. $190 CASH buya $550 large Wheelock up- right piano at security storage Co., 1U9 4th at., at Washington, SINGER piano, mahogany case; a real piano. Seiuerling-Lucas Music Co., 123 Fourth st. EMERSON pisno. nearly new, fine oak caaa: some bargain; terms given. 6ai-berilng-Lucas Music Co.. 126 Fourth St. PLAYER ROLLS you are tired of ex changed at 100 per roll. Harold 8. Gilbert 384 Yamhill at. WANTED Knabe, Steinway. Chlrkerlng or weooer, am in town until riaay, spot cash or bond. M 717 viregonlon. PAY CASH for piano, good make, can be old. Mam aoo. oeiore o:au p. u. WANTED Piano, give liberty bonds or cash. Marshall 3709. fPAT CASH FOR USED PIANOS HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill 8t- BRUNSWICK phonographs, demonstrated in your own home. Nate a.rdey. SelL 3163 GRAFONOLA with records for rent. 254 Broadway. Broadway 135. WILL trade for light csr, two pianos and two Vlctrolas. Main 651T. WE1SER Broa cabinet grand, cheap for caah. Olson Transfer. 24$ Ptna. WILL aacriflce my No. 11 Victrola; aimoat new; cash. L 69, Oregonlan. PIANO. Stodart. oak case, almost new, owner leaving. 310 Blackslons hotel. upright piano. In good condition. FOR SALE. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. Security - Storage Co., closing out: $7.".o Steinway 4t Sons upright piano 295 51175 Bnvgs small upright 135 3.'.0 J. p. Hale Co., upright 100 $7.".o Weber, French model 210 n75 Steger. IBIS model -5 750 Stark player piano i 3.".0 Thompson, large upright ;i?? 2 uprights, small 3 and .5 Parlor organs I2S. 3o sna s fianoa bought and sold ror casn ouijr. flanos stored ror 50 cents mommy. 109 4th St.. st Washington. PIANO BARGAINS. rid vou see our used Diano bargains If VOU did vou bousrht one. if not. you should see them and you will buy. as eacn piano la a real bargain ana in condition. Terms given. Bonds ac cented. Prices from 1123 and up. Sel- berilng-Lucas Music Co., 125 Fourth st- 115 TO $23 CASH. Ss or 10 monthly, buy. gooa new or discontinued moaeia, ua iu S555 In savings on pianos during xsc tory clearance sale at Schwan Piano Co., Ill Fourth St. SrWIEnURTFP .mailt Sl50 Davenport at Trrcey (large, modern) 200 u. o. Johnson, mahogany............ Decker Rros.. tbonr 238 HAROLD GILBERT. 384 Yamhill. PIANO WANTED Will pay cash for good ptxno or trade Edison. Columbia or Vlo tor DhonorraDh. Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co.. 433 Washington SL. corner 12th. Broadway 750. I cisTrp ui.avkr PIANOS. This player Is almost new and can be bought at about half. See for yourself. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co.. 125 Fourth street. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records; our propositions will please Vou, Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co, 12a 4th st- Main S5S6, UPRIGHT PIANO Ernest Gabler & Sor.3, wainut case, in good condition, usea only in private home; price $200. Mar shall 1215. or call 724 Sherwood drive. Furniture for Sale. A SENSATIONAL OFFER. FOLLOW THE CROWD TO 188 1ST ST. We place on sale, beginning this morning, a carload of 40-pound felt mattresses in fine roll edge art ticks at the unheard-of low price of S10.K5 each: to protect ourselves against deal ers buving them, we limit each custo mer to" two. You are welcome to easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-11)0 First St, DON'T sacrifice your furniture If going east or to iurornia. we can aave j money on your irelght in our through cars. ureproo. storage. u. . uiw Transfer A Storage Co.. 248 Pine at. THE FURNITURE of a 9-room house for sals. $850; winter fuel in; rooma an rented. Call Main 4841. 708 Everett St. CHEST of drawers In beautiful brown ma hogany, made by uerkey iay, prac tically new. io. a.apy yt-o. uo massivr oak dresser, like new. $50. Call at apt. 406 Tudor Arms, 10m ana Couch. nrTirirp'.T ft" like new. golden oak fin ish. 3921 4tn at- S. Hi. aoutn 01 reaion school. MAYTAG cabinet electric washing ma chine, sua. f none x i-o. 9x12 AXMINSTER rug. cheap, lltu . 15th st. xs. AiDerta car to 10m. FURNITURE for sale. 5-room house for rent: a bargain, mo it, aaimon. ROOMS, furniture for sale; price $350. S90 Broadway FURNITURE of a nine-room rooming house for sale, -wiijaa ti. URNITURE for sale, leaving citx. E. Bad st. Poultry. PULLETS We ofler you Barred Rocks, White wyanaones, uiihiiiwu " Rhode Island Red pullets, $1.25 to $2.50, according to age and strain. Northwest poultry Corp.. Alia St.. iw to j-tui sv. Southeast- votTvii white Leahorn hena. guaranteed high quality; Hoganixed stock, $1.50 each. xjarrea xiocm. auu mmuo iu. .11 v. Reds, pullets, ti.M up. J, i. aieuuire, 787 Oregon street, WE WILL pay you highest cash price for April, May natched pullet, any breed Northwest Poultry Corp., Lenta. Or. POULTRY for sale: thoroughbred of dif ferent varieties. Apply to John Hofman, Tillamook. FOR SALE Chlcken and portable house. East 3967. Dogs. Rabbits. Birds, I'et Stocky THE PADEREWSKI CATTERY. For sale, beautiful Persian kittens. Phone East 3967. AIREDALES Select male puppies. $40 up. The Bush f arms, oox 011, t. 0. rui unim. A GOOD hunting dog for sale, good ra- trlever. pnone 1 apor win. ENGLISH setter, registered, fins bird doc. 14.. Liu powy nun. Machinery. SALE OF $.-78.000 STEEL SHIPYARD OF THE ALBINA ENGINE MACHINE WORKS CONSISTING OF - Lathes. Punches. Boring machines. Hammers. Planers and shapsrs. Bolls, Sbeara Compound suspension scales. Bending rolls. Pipe machines. Bending slabs and blocks. Torches. 1 Bolt and nut machines. Riveting machine. ' Pumps. 9 Pyrometers. Compressors. V Motors. Tool steel. Leather belting. Belting. Pipe and fittings. Shelf hardware.. Wire rope. Copper wire and conduit plpa, Pulleys and shafting. Steam bollerr and engines, etc Plant now being dismantled. All material now for sale. No reservations. ALBINA ENGINE A MACHINE WORKS SALES CO, Robert G. Blake. Manager of Sales. Lewis A Loring Sts. East 8100. AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Asir hose, check valves, safety valves, couplings and automatic switches, every thing for tha air line. AIR COMPRESSOR A EQUIPMENT CO.. Broadway 3300. 329 Couch St. SPECIAL. We make a specialty of rebuilt second-hand sawmill machinery, boilers, engines, etc.; also do welding. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 83 First st.. Portland. Or. X NOTICE, farmers, for sale, 5-bottom John Deara GANG PLOW. , One plow detachable; undamaged; price reasonable. See or writs to Dean Tycer. Brownaville, Or. Launches and Boats. BOATS and barges oullt and repaired, es timates and expert advice freely fur nished. Yard and ways at Alblna sve. Phone Eaat 2162. Marina Repair A Const. Cty HOUSEBOAT NO. 2. OREGON YACHT CLUB; MODERN, FIRST-CLASS CON DITION. SELLWOOD 3546. BEAUTIFUL modern furnished houseboAt; bathroom and showsr. See thla No. 11 Sellwood Moorage. STEAM tug for sale, trade or lease. 691. Oregonlan. . Typewriters. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 Fifth. Main 2668. RENT Underwood or Remington. $3.50 a month. 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. USED No. 5 Royal typewriter: flrst-claa $45. 9 to 5. at 728 Flttock blk. TYPEWRITER, Underwood. No. S. almost aew, cheap. 310 Blackslons hotel. FOB SALE. Type writers. FOR SALE Office equipment ss follows all practically nw- S Underwood type writers No. 5; 1 Underwood typewriter sa 3. 14-lnch carriage; 1 jsatlonal check writer. 1 Todd check writer. 1 Bur- . roughs adding machine, 1 Burroughs calculator. George F. Hodgcrs A Co.. Astoria, or. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, ALL MAKES, sold on monthly pay ments: send for price list. The Whole sale Typewriter Co.. 321 Washington st. KENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington' now, immediate delivery, reasonable terms. Remington Typewriter Company. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. P. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth st Miscellaneous, W B BUT DIAMONDS. Get what your dia monds are worth; we pay full market value in cash. Old Jewelry, pawn tickets, old gold, silver and platinum bought. Full value paid War Stamps. Liberty Bonds Bought. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 406 Spalding Bldg., Fourth Floor. Corner Washington and Third Sta. Dt A MONDS WANTED. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. Sell your diamonds to diamond ex perts. We positively pay the highest caah market values for diamonds, platinum, gold, silver, watches, old Jewelry, crowns, bridges and falsa teeth, bee us before selling elsewhere, NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 447 Morgan Bldg.. 4th Floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. Hours U A- M. to 6 P. M. HTTVTG'RC VOTTPP lft.9A ...kin. fir-tit - class condition. 4 3-10 boxes shells and belt, $21: 22 caliber Winchester, repeater. improved front sight, good condition. S7.!i0- hunting Uoifo l o.x iutHU Con- ley Plate camera, trlnod. zenulne leather case, four plate holders, rapid restilinear lens, portrait lens and hood. $1S. Call Wednesday and Thursday. 8 East 72d st. Aiontaviiia car. FOR SALE Good size white, potatoes. Grown on high land. $2.50 per hundred lb. sack: $2.40 In 5-sack lota Delivered Irvington. Piedmont. Alberta districts. Good time to buy and buy right. Call wain. 26U2 WOOD LUMBER. 1.000,000 feet cut to order, 16 Inches long of 4 feet long; lumber all sixes and iengtns. ALBINA SHIPYARD. East 8100 Wood Dept. 1 POTATO peeler, capacity 20 lbs. per minute; 1 hotel mixing bowl: 1 largo steamer; 1 gas range: 1 small Hobart mixer, bowls, spoons, sink and gas plate. All day Sunday or after 5 P. M. weei oays. oo East Gllsan st,, near. zstn. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC! Buy your raincoat. motor-coat leather coat direct frum maker and save tne retailer's profit at tha UNITED RUBBER CO 726 MORGAN BLDG. SEWING machines, new and second-hand. sold for less; no agents employed;, com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 943L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Sd, near Taylor St. FOR SALE At sacrifice, two small ra tional C. R.. two large ones: one penny machine; cigar cases and floor cases; ice box; cheese cutter; desk; counter cases; 1 bed, springs and mattress. 248 Vi sec ond st. Main 842. LAW LIBRARY. Complete working law library or any portion thereor. includes Pacific report. eye and encyclopedia of evidence, codes. session laws and many reports, and text uook. stain 4.11. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safea new ana second-hand, at light prices, bought. sola ana exenangea. NORRIS SAFE et LOCK CO.. 1C3 Second St. Phone Main 204$. FOR SALE Hand crocheted bed spread. Also an klnns or crocneltng aone reasonable. Give me your Xmaa or der now. Phone E. 383. 865 E. Irvine st. iake Kose city car. PLUMBING. Try Ansteys shop, it will pay you In cash to stop for your baths, toilets, basins. etc. i'-'s Washington st. 6 BOXES winter apples. $4.75: pick them yoursen; flings, tiennowers. ttnoae Island Greeninas. from 50c to $1.25: bring boxes. D. G. Stephens, 711 Columbia blvd. Woodlawn 769. SMALL diamond rine. $10: solid aold beads, sa; electric toaster. 1:; vacuum washer. 75c; oak dresser. $50. Call at J apt. 406, Tudor Arms. lHth and Couch NEW, 2 beautiful furs: gray squirrel, cost 1 $175, sell $60; fox, cost $75. sell $30: no phone, block and half south Woodlawn car. 1300 E. 23d St. N. LADY'S BLUE serge suit, slightly used $25: cost $75; and one brown check suit good aa new, $20: cost $40; both also 36. Phone Marshall 5031. LBAKY roof, eh? Very aggravating. Indeed. w hv not a oermanent and comrortable root 7 We repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roots; work guaranteeq. main 1 110. HOT-WATER tanks, new and second-hand. Z12 to sll instanea: expert Doner re pairing, plumbing supplies cheap. 203 Adams st. East 8516. BEAUTIFUL white French serge dress, trimmed with mink fur: size 38-40; also white satin fur-trimmed hat; ootp new. $55. 302 Multnomah hotel. BARGAIN Plumbing tools, dies, pipe cut ter, ranges, etc., for sale cheap. Call M. 1442 or A 5237 Sunday, or Monday evening after 6. BOX couch. $8; Reglns musice box (30 records). $10;' plate glass desk pad. $5; Jager vacuum cleaner. $5. Phone Tabor 9545. I APPAREL EXCHANGE Ladles' coats. suits, dresses, evening gowns; also furs, hats; slightly used, distinctive styles; reasonable. Tabor 2826. PRINTING FOR LESS Smith, non-trust printers, moved to 216 Commonwealth bldg.. 6th and Anlteny. Good printing at reasonable prices, mono cawy. zhop. HONEY WARRANTED UNADULTERATED. Strained, light, mild. 2c lb.. 5-gaL cans; less 26c, deiiversa. mi nn. if F.rss-lHsrd and soft wood kea-s and bar rels, new and second-hand; no-country orders less man tnree. miwuii cooper age Co.. 228 Front, SAFES New and second-hand: some with burglar chests, at reasonsoie prices. PACIFIC SCALE A SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1966. 48 Front St. BEAUTIFUL sea shell portiere, must be seen tO DO appreciaieu, f.uw; science and health. $1.50. 329 Main at, ABOUT 150.000 feet 8x16x40 sound bridge timbers. In city. nnguimn xaoo. alter 6 o'clock. WE take measures for Ed. V. Price clothes; good clothing, rcaaooauia price, tw cast M orrlson. TWO roll-top desks, 1 T. W. desk, 1 table. 1 Hastop aeaa, o tnn n, o ,iuug woe nets. Bushong A Co.. 91 Park st. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables. Showcases, wail 1. n-mi , icriuK W. J. Wuigley. 227 First, Main 5399. FOR SALE A gentleman's diamond ring. 1 karat, almost wmw, van Aiain 1941. FOR SALE Universal heater, bureau and couch, practically now. a. l. South. tPOLDIER trousers, blouse, hat, leggings, shelter nan, gooo aa new, . lerst- ladies' ' alishtly usehd cloaks, dresses. suits, nata ana snocs. miuih yie bxenange. w r im".. mm... CHICKEN manure for sale, H-cent a pound, special price ou ton iota. oavi- , .. . 11 no? 11. r w., oi"." ww. I OR SALE- Diamond blacelet, cluster ring. 3-stoue ring, earrings ann solitaire. i Cramer. ?13 Oregonian bldg. ST. AND RE AS BERG Roller singer, la full song: aleo young aingera. Woodlawn 8632. ' el. IT-. I nrlirt! st. .Marshall M1I4. I NEW National cash register, coat $140. Sell for $100. Broadway 1024. FOR SALE Books, good condition. 624 Morgan bldg. Call LADIES' suits and gowns, slightly worn. Main 9567. FOR SALE or trade for cow, nearly new 1 Vulcan range, t-all labor 7294. I $325 DIAMOND, must sell: will sacrifice I for $250. A L, 00 1 , oregonlan. i FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine; snowcase. 44 1st st.. near Ash. I FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. 24-hour day SI, qenvereq an j w iici q. yt ouuiawn lzotf. I VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented. I exchanged, bought. Bentley Co. Mn. 4907. NEW vtilcJinlzlng and retreading molds for sale. 15h East Broadway. FOR SALE One set of Alaska prime m Ink, 40 bust. $700. BC 163. Oregonian. FOR SALE White enamel rfasainet. price $4.75. B. G. McCoy. 1045 E. Grant st. FOR SALE Whsat'and atrawrTabor 1237. " FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. PEERLESS PLUMBING FIXTURES. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. HOUSE-HEATING MATERIALS. IRON PIPE. WM. POWEI.T. VAI.VK AND STEAM SPECIALTIES. BOSTON BELTING COMPANY'S MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO.. 68-70-72 Front St,, Portland. EITHER WAY If you have a diamond ana want tne casn. or u you nave mo cash and want a diamond, call in and talk It over. MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS, 355 Wash, st. next door Majestic theater. GOOD second-hand doors. 50c; also young appie trees. Bdwy. 2479. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. BUICK ROADSTER, LATE MODEL. This light six has been refinished and Is like new one in every way; some ex tras and will please you if you are look ing for one of these popular cars at low price; take Ford in trade, or bonds at face value. See car and owner at Port land Electric Garage, 11th at Hoyt st, Q 1917 HUPMOBILE. A classy one. special made top, wings, bumper, special Claxton horn, motor meter, spotlight, cigar lighter, 5 new cord tires, guaranteed, with 6 months' serv ice; price S1150, easy terms. Y 76, Ore gonian. , 1918 CHEVROLET FOR $375 Chevrolet touring car in first-class running order, spotlight and other ex tras. $575; good terms. 526 Cham, of Com. Marshall S40. 1919 COLE AERO 8, sport model, run less than 1500 miles, cord tires, 1 extra; spot light; wonderful bargain. Mr. Beaver, B 1943, either phone. 354 Broad way. OAcur io. imi omiweii, ,iru; ini. I a snap; 1 neeu me casn; stoou meci .111- cal condition, new battery, spotiigni. bumper. Call today; must sell. 3i31 49th st, S. E. .near Creston school. 1917 DODGE touring, in fine mechanical condition: looks like new. five tires. condition; some new. motorraeter and spot light; must sell at once, $900. Phone owner. L. R. Centra. Main 118. 1919 FRANKLIN, equipped with Budge Whitworth wire wheels, run only short time, willing to sacrifice for quick cash sale. 215 10th St. FOR SALE Seven-passenger 1917 Stude baker 4, In excellent condition: all extras and good tires. Has had best of care: very reasonable. Sellwood 211. C 55 BUICK 6 touring, price $850 for quick sale, terms; guarantee ana tree service, enough raid. Portland Car Sales Co. 5th and Taylor. HUDSON SIX $150 down. bal. easy terms. See Jones at 4-u iurnstae. MAXWELL Touring, 1820, almost new; only run a lew weeks; owner must sell; a bargain at $1150. with terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnalde. SPLENDID 7-pass. Chandler light 6 In excellent condition in every way. Price low tor quick sale. For particulars, call Bdwy. 3304 FORD Coupelet. like new, with electric starter, and lots or extras; will sacri fice at $830, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnstde. FREE $1 in trade with $20 sale until we get acquaintea; nest gooas. popular prices. Laurelhurst Service Station. East Gllsan at 47th St. MAXWELL touring, must be sold by to morrow, gooa condition; sola lor quick sale. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. DODGE Touring, 1917; good top and paint; mechanical conailion guaranteed; owner must sell; a real bargain at $775. with terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. UETZ 1917 Touring, in fine condition: owner leaving town ana must sen; ror quick sale, $325: terms can be arranged. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. MAXWELL Touring, 1917. in fine condi tion; gooa tires; win sacririce at suio, with terma 30 Grand ave, N., near Burn sitle. FORD Delivery, 1915; In good condition; must sen: a real oargain at sjzo. witn terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burn side. 1-TON. worm-drive Ford body cab. 1918 model: sou, terma. ai nurmiaa FOR SALE at a bargain, a 1917 Chal mers Six, privately used and in rirst class running condition: 5 . good tires. Inquire at 106 Mason st. rUK ranw . sedan weather you will find our Elgin most comfortable car: glad to demonstrate it: ask for Mr. Beaver, B 1943, either phone. 354 E. Broadway. YOU CAN SAVE $25 on a car by finding one special offer appearing In the clas. sifted ads today. Oregon Auto Top Co. 14th and Couch. READ the sds, cut out our special offer and save $25. Oregon Auto Top Co., 14th nd coucn. 1918 BUICK SIX roadster, like new; only $1250. Mr. Jones. -1. uusnsiae. 1918 DODGE touring, new top, over-size cord tires rear, driven leas than ouoo miles; terma to responsible parties. Call owner. East 5603. WILLYS SIX at $900. Sea It at 421 Burn side. DODGE TOURING CAR. Will sacrifice Dodge car. good condi tion, good tires, for $730. Call today at S4 E. Alder st. $200 DOWN, balance to suit, buys a dandy uouge touring car. t. xx. o. -o.. .10. -ou i. " DODGE roadster for sale. $690; terms if desired. Write or call luz soum Leon ard, St. Johns. A CHEVROLET that will make a dandy bug; easy terms. Mr. Beaver, a a-j, either phone. 854 E. Broadway CHEVROLET touring car, run about 4000 miles, stwo: terms, atates auto aaies vo.. 430 Burnside. 1917 CHEVROLET, fine condition, mechan ically: no reasonable orrer reiuseo. Owner. 635 Eaat Morrison st. OAKLAND roadster, can hardly be told from a new car, $(95, easy terms, zio Tenth St. - CHEVROLET, excellent condition, all new t res. for quick sale, soou casn. ioYi Grand avenue, room 19. IF YOU can use a 1917 Oakland touring car for $7no, come to 404 PAVia, N IS Alt TBIMTrt. CHALMERS five-passenger, late model, $1100, terms; an exceptional car in ap pearance. -15 Tenth. FORD chassis. Just overhauled and in fine condition, uouisier. gov Juverett, Mon day BARGAIN IN 1918 CHALMERS SIX; RUNS AWO liUVlU) L.IA.X, NJUW. CALL TABOR 630, HUDSON speedster, A-l shape: must sell; leaving -town, t-an itnor euun. Air. Ed wards. LIGHT 4-cylinder Hudson 6-paaa. car 'n line condition, wun two extra tires; at very reasonable price. Phone Bdwy. 8304 LATE 1917 Ford touring. $425 for quick saie. rorusou -a.r Bales io., atn and Taylor. CHANDLER Good tires. Has had good care. A bargain at $1100. terms. Phone Main 184. 1918 MAXWELL roadster, $320 down, guarantee and free service, enough said. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. FORD Touring. 1914. in good condition, will sell at $350: give terma 30 Grand sve. N-, near Burnelde. FOR SALE Good 5-passenger car In good shape, good tires; cheap, $300. 500 Union avenue North. HUDSON super six, new paint, let us show it to you. Mr. Beaver, a l3, either phone. 854 E. Broad way. LOOK for the Oregon Auto Top Co.'s spe cial otter in tnis section. dltlon; terms. -: 430 Burnside. HAVE late model Jeffery. exceptional bar gain, several others, easy terms on all. Phone Col. 665. 1918 FORD touring car. good condition. shock aosoroers ana extras, gooa- tires, $500, terms. Phone Tabor 8645. 1915 FORD touring, cheap. Wood yard 327 Front st FORD touring, $425. Mr. Beaver, B 1943, either pnone. 004 a. Broadway. 1912 PACKARD, Jbi5; terms. States Auto sales 00.. ou Burnsiae. DANDY Dodge touring car. $710, for cash ante, .n ivaeiiinaiun at. WHO WANTS a 1016 Maxwell -cheap? 1 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. MUST sell my 1918 Ford tourinsr. perfect shape, speedometer, etc. Tabor 35. FOR SALE 1918 Overland Country Club I DO ' 286 11th St.. apt. No. 21. Ph. Main 2286. FOR BALE Light delivery Ford, 540 Washington or call Broadway 26S9. VELIE 5-pass. 1919, has not run over 200 ' miles; price is right. Wdln. 3669. I FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES, USED CARS. KROIfTHB CHEVROLET AGENTS We make the profit on the new sale, so we can, consequently, sell you the used car, which is traded In on the new one, below the market value. A LIST OF TRADE-INS. NEVER SHOWN BEFORE: 1919 Chevrolet touring car, with bump er and g-ood tires. $o75. 1817 Ford touring car, Yale lock and many extras, $1175. 1917 Oakland 6 touring, good tires, with extras, 7."0. Small Hup 20, roadster, never quits running, souu. Many others to pick from. Tjco Baby Grand tourings, 1918 models at S775 and S 100. Two 490 touring cars, 1918 models, at $au and IU25. Two 490 touring cars, 1919 models, $675 and $700. One Ford roadster, mechanically per fect, Jliuu. Several delivery cars and trucks. 14th and Alder Sta. Bdwy. 240. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. PORTLAND MOTOR-CAR COMPANY. 421 BURNSIDE STREET. GUARANTEED USED CARS. Nash sedan, a car for milady $2000 Cole Aero 8. new paint. 1900 191S Buick roadster 1250 Reo roadster, six tires 850 Saxon Six. new paint 500 1 Willys Six. new top and paint 900 Overland, model 85-4. new paint... 850 2 Nash Sixes, some buy. Packard twin six. Franklin Six 1100 Terms given on any of our used cars. MR. JONES. Phone Bdwy. 521. DEPENDABLE USED CARS. EASY TERMS. Dodge 5-pa.Ks new tires, new top. 1917 Studebaker, 4-cyl., g tirea 1917 Saxon six: many extras. 1917 Velie; overhauled, 5 tirea 1918 Velie, new tires, Al condition. 1917 Overland, model 75; 5 tires. 1918 Peeress 8, 7-pass. and guaranteed. 1919 Peerless 8. 7-pass.; guaranteed. 1914 Velie 5-pass., good tires. 1916 Reo the 5th; wonderful car for money. Open Evenings' and Sundays. VELIE ALLEN PEERLESS DISTRIBUTORS. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 68 North 23d St- Phone Main 780. STUTZ MODEL DE LUXE. Standard factory chassis. Special roya sedan body built, by the leading coacb maker of America. Interior in chase velour. Unique parcels lorry, very lat est. Extra wheels, carried on either side. Hand-hammered fenders, most modern type. Numerous elaborate accessories. The "SMARTEST CLOSED CAR" ever shown in Portland and can be bought at a moderate price. Special showing all week at our salesroom, 10th at Salmon. AUTOREST .MOTOR SALES CO. STUTZ DISTRIBUTORS FOR OREGON. NASH SIX. 6 good tires, good paint. This car Is in perfect condition. Owner has new car on the road. Ws will give terms on this. 431 Burnside. See Jones. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays. Goodyear cord tires for Fords, $24.55. Authorized Wlllard sajes station. UNION AVE. TIRE f, BATTERY SHOP 488 Union ave. N., cor Sacramento. Phone East 1333. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. 6 cord tires, perfect mechanically, a humdinger of a car; priced right. 404 Davis st., near Tenth. A BARGAIN If taken at once, my 191S Ford, oversize new tires all around: rut-out. accelerator, shock absorbers, etc. 329 Fourth st. CADILLAC 8, 5 dandy cord tires, special top and side curtains. A car you can be proud to drive. 404 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH. CHEVROLET 1919 Touring In very bes condition: only run a rew weeks: own must sell: will sacrifice for $795. wi terms. 30 Grand ave. N-, near Burnald FORD Bug, torpedo body; in very best of condition; some extras: win sacrl fice at $4.i0, with terms. 30 Grand av N.. near Burnside. 1918 FORD roadster, fine condition, shoe absorbers, bpeedometer, etc., guarantee ana free service, -enough saia; sl'IU down, , Portiana car Kales Co., otn ana Taylo CHEVROLET Touring. 1918; In fine con dltlon; good tires; will sacrifice at $6' with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. , VELIE 6. just overhauled, fine condition a bargain; 5 good tires; can use small car us part payment. Room 208 Wash Ington bldg. CHEVROLET Roadster, 1918; In best of condition: good tires .and paint; mtist sell; a real bargain at $o-u, witn terma 30 Grand ave. near Burnsiae. 1918 MITCHELL 6 touring, 5-pass., good as new, for liovu, terms; guarantee ana free service; enough said. Portland Car Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. POKD Roadster: new paint and tires; i aood mechanical condition: must sell a bargain at $350, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. MOTORS, e-ears. bearings, wheela axles we wreck all makes or cars ana sen their parts at half price. David Hodes Co.. North Broadway and Flanders. MAXWELL Touring. 1918: in very fin condition; good tires: will sacrifice ai S775. wltn terms, ou trana ave. n near Burnside. CHANDLER chummy, 1918, fine condition, S1350. terms: guarantee and free serv ice; enough raid. Portland Car Sales Co., 6th and Taylor. MAXWELL Tourlnc. l'.UO: in best of con dition: used very tittle; looks like new will sell at $973. with terms. 30 Gran ave. N.. near Burnside. BIG STOCK USED CARS. RIGHT PRICES. NO MISREPRESENTATION. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO vjitchell 1917 Touring. In best of con dltlon; good tires and paint: a bargain at $10O0. wltn terms, nu orana ave. ., near riurnsiae. WHAT kind of a car have you to trade in on a 7-passenger siarmon 1 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. FORD sedan in good condition; electrlo lights and starter; terms. Phone Mar- WHO will be the first here to get this good buy in an Oakland roaaeier r 404 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH. -lam mRVROLRf roadster. $425 cash, Owner. 361 Glenn ave., 2 blocks south of Hawthorne. DO you want a 1918 Ford touring car at a big bargain t 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. LATE 1917 Grant 6. used very little; $320 down, guarantee ana tree service. Port land car sales t-o., otn ana layior. ARE you in the market for a 1917 Dodge touring car? 404 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH. 1918 CHEVROLET touring. $260 down; guarantee ana rree service: enough said. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. WHAT do you think of a Ford roadster for $1185 7 404 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH. 1917 COLE 8 roadster, $540 down, or will take smaller car in trade: free service. Portland Car Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. ARE you looking for an Overland chummy bug? Electric lights and starter. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. 1919 MAXWELL, runs and looks liks new; a fine buy. $900 cash or terzna Call Tabor 630. CHEVROLET sedan, late model, condition; a good buy. 404 DAVIS. perfect 1917 DODGE touring car. in fine condi tion, looks like new: $850. Call at 211 Wash, st. 1918 CHEVROLET 490 touring, like new; five new tires; a real buy. Belmont Ga rage. 754 E. Morrison. Tel. East 8653. IF YOU want to sell your Ford Tiring It to 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $13 each; vul canized. 25c: tire repairing. 207 Madison. WB CAN SELL ANY KIND OF A FORD. 404 UAVIS. i.Alt 1 I-..N 1 1 1 . BEST-LOOKING Essex In town. Call Bdwy. 3448. ask for Frank. cheap you want a Hupmoblle bug for $230? 404 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH. VELIE four, continental motor. Bosch magneto, five tires, cheap. C 2639. 1918 NASH, guarantee like a new "car 404 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH- FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS 0IVF. WE WILL ACCEPT YOUR LIBERTY Al .FACE VALUE. Jordan, 7-pass., 6-cyl. Jordan, 4-pass., 6-cyl. Mitchell, 7-rass., 6-cyl. Mitchell, 5-pass., 6-cyl. Overiand. 5-pass., 6-cvl. Overland, 5-pass., 4-cyl. Overland, 5-pans., 4-cyl. Chevrolet. 5-pass., 4-cyl. Maxwell, 5-pahs., 4-cyl. Maxwell, 5-pass., 4-vcyl. Velie, 5-pass., 6-cyl. Studebaker, 7-pass., 6-cyl. Mitchell, 2-pasa., 6-cyl. LATE MODELS. WB CAN SAVE YOU MONET. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO., USED CAR DEPARTMENT, EAST FIRST AT MORRISON STS. WEST SIDE SALESROOM. BROADWAY AT OAK STS. PHONES: East 7272 B 1216. Bdwy. 615 A 8S43. PORTLAND ELECTRIC GARAGE. 11th and Hoyt sts. We have a large, choice selection of used cars, all late models and ready for delivery: all have been gone over and are in first-class oonditlon. 1918 Buick touring, refinished. like new and has lot' of extras. This csr al the low price of $1230 will appeal to you. Can take Ford in trade an part payment and balance long, cany terms, or bonds at full value. 101S Maxwell touring. This car has only been run 38U0 miles and we will say It is as new as possible; low price of $650, with $250 down, balance easy. PORTLAND ELECTRIC GARAGE, lllh and Hoyt sts. USED CAR BARGAINS. Now is the time to savs money on buy ing your auto. 1 White steamer t 60 OOl lKfO roadster a.: 1 t orbln touring l.'.cl in 1 Buick touring 17.V0I I 1 Cadillac "R 175. 1 Sluilebukei touring 175.00 1 1 Studebaker touring 2110. Ill) 1 Studebaker todring 1.... 2-r".00 1 Kord touring IMmi.oo 1 Kord touring 225.00 - 1 Ford touring 3'J.VOO 1 Overland touring S.Ml.Otl 1 Overland touring 373. IHI 1 Overland tuuring 4011 Oil 1 Chevrolet roadster R.'iO.Oil 1 Chevrolet 'rosdster 400.00 1 Chevrolet touring 42.Vimi 1 Dodge 7110.110 1 Oakland sedan 900.00 LONG A SILVA, 4ti2 Hawthorne. WE HAVE several good used cars at low prices. Saxon, 5-pa:senger. . Allen, roadster. Chalmers bug. Cadillac, roadster. 1917 Ford, touring SEE THEM. DIAMOND T TRUCK CO., 89-91 North 9th St. Bdwy. 476. CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES. TOU BUY OR SELL A OR, WE FURNINSH THE MONEY. IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BUILDING. (SECOND FLOOR.) ROADSTER. THREE-PASSENGER. This Is tine light roadster, will go 22 miles on a gallon gas and 12,00 miles on tires; low price, $460, with $130 down, balance 10 months. This car is riKht up-to-date, self-starter, electric Uglits and extra tire, wire wheels. Portland electric garage, 11th, at Hoyt st. HUDSON 6-54. 6 psssenger. starter and l.ghts, good top, good leather cushions, good tires. $150 duwn, balauce terma 421 Burn sida. See Jonea BUY that car now and save $25. Read our classified ailvs. Cut out this adver tisement and bring it with you and we will allow you $25 on the purchase price of any of our used car haritalns. Do this today, as this advertisement may not appear again. Oregon Auto Top Co., 14th at Couch, Portland, Or. ' LIBERTY SIX. 1918. Al mechanically; driven Icsb than 8000 miles: five white wire wheels; Kood tires; one brand-new spare; spotlight; bumper; lenses; tire cover; price $1273. If you art. interested phone owner at Marshall 1878 for dem onstration. HUDSON. 191T super six, in mighty good mechanical condition, looking almost like new. with extra tire; a real automobile for less than the price of an ordinary one; be sure to see this car before you buy; price $1500. C. J. McPherson, 19th and Wilson sts. Nash Six, 6 tires: this in a perfect car. Lt pie demonstrate for you. Mil. JONK8 at 421 Burnald. " ' BUICK 6,. late 1918, rum and Jooke like new; will guarantee car haa been prop erly lubricated and well cared for. Two new Goodvfar cords, some extra. My price lw IMQO. 1'hone Woodlawn 5007. 1918 OAKLAND touring car. Al mechan ical condition; five Urea, pair new; front and rear bumper, apoiltRht; car looka Ilk new; muat aell. Phone owner. Ta bor 8572. FORD sedan. S wire wheels with 81x3 ?i nobby tires, eeii-atarter, spotlight, motor meter, mountain K lax ton, cut-out, Yale lock; cot ma tSu cash lake, it. 39UVit Jefferson, basement, after 10. EXCEPTIONAL FORD" 1017 model, spe cial De-Istix body, pantasote lop, de tachable rims, elec. lights, new paint, overhauled, beauty, Ridea Ilk Packard. Bargain. -07 Ky. Exchange. WIN TON SIX. For aa!e cheap or will trade, take smaller car: car in fine condition ; runs nice; seat covers and curt "int; alt la good ahupc. Tel. Woodlawn b$T2. SNAP Ford roadster, equipped with camp ing outfit, cneap. ior saie ; extras too many to mention- Call M. 1442 or A 62.17 Sunday, or Monday eve. after 6. BARGAIN In U18 Hudson fpeedater; A-l condition: gooa tires, j Z114. oregonlan. Automobiles Wanted. CASH FOR CARS. We are In the market for any kind of used cars, touring or roadster, or we will lend you money on your car; ae ua before aelllng. Portland Electrlo garage, nthat Hoyt et. LONG & SILVA. auto wreckers. Wa wreck car and av you 50 per cent on parts. Send in the parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autoa bought regardlesa of condi tion. East 6840. 462 Hawthorn av. WANTED Automobile, late model S-pas senger or roadster, in exchange lor Laurelhurst lot; will pay difference in cash.Phone A. M.. Mar. 21181. FOR SALE OR TRADE for an auto, 18 acres land hv miles rrom carbon, wash. House on place. Write J. C. Meyer, Car son. Wash. t TWO lota, 25x100. In Kenton for rtle, or will trade for automomie. wrlde or see G. Anderson, ll'lb Ha Heck at. Kenton, Portland. Or. - EXCHANGE lot In WeMmorelaipd for lati model automobile; win pay j diiierence Kant 3376. ' HAVE you light car to swap lor big work team? Call &VJ. Knott, neat; union ave. ILL pay cash and 30a month for good used car; no Ford. O Orego nian. WANTED A Ford car, late model, on terms, reliable party. Phon Kat ClHl. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLE with light nnd tandem. gooa as new, & bargain. 7,uu auin ave, S. E. ' FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6138. MOTORCYCLE A-l condition : fully equipped. Dream tandem. ast Si'.io. Auto Tires and Accessor'. A FEW ot out bargains in used '.'res: 30x3 :i to s e.vjx4 tl to $X at0x3V $4 to t 8ia:ix4 S6 to 112 :-'x3fe 4 to $12 34x4 to $J0 31x4. $j to $10lo6x4Vh $S to $0 We also have a line of New Tires. 8 New 32x4s at a discount. Have your tires repaired for tha winter. We re tread. THE FINCH VULCANIZING CO., 389 Stark at., between Uth and 10th. Antrnnohlles for Hire. LTHOF & BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, 8D AND TAYLOR. Main 1687. PASS. Dodge tor hire, touring, calling hopping, highway. Broadway 8547. I