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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1919)
TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1919. 1(1 Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for tvsHv rpfprpnee. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian. Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCorjiTANTS. JLLILS It. BLACK, ccountinl. auditor. .Derialia: on lnvoved account. -Modern yntrnii Instated, maintained. 72S-M. Fit' tw block. Tufphnn, Hroa.lay 1. AviUKKS AND AS A LISTS. JIOSTANA ASSAY OKKICE. 143 Second. Uold. silver and platinum bought. f ANC KK TREATED. 1 M. JO.VKS. M. l. 312 Morgan bide. -CANCER TREATED. Marshall Ol-iJ. CARPET HEAVING. pilfJP The kind that wear the best are JlUUd mad from your worn-out carpets bv th Northwest Kuc Co. (Kormtr ad dress lia Union ave.. Kil rues woven ail sizes. Carpet cleaning, refilling arid rralxitir. slali orders solicited. I'M th st. PHOXE EAST 3.iO. B IIS. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Rugs, all sixes Mall orders prompt. Send for Booklet till rugs steam or dry cleaned. S1.50. I LL r F HUU CO. K4-S4 rnlnn m N. Eaat SolS. B 14 c 5. CKLLILOID BITTONS. THE lnirtv.unninv COMPANY. SST Wasmr.cton. Broadway 434. A 12M. CHIROPRACTOR. aoo.000 KNOW McMahon. loO'fc Chtroprac for. Thmnn rrnr.niTii a treatments CaSr est. best, permanent. 31 "treats" US. TeL CHIROPODIST ARCH (SPEC'I.U-ISTS. UIIJ.I t F.t.lle anri Floretta De Veny, th only scientific chiropodists and area soeclallsts In the cltv. 1'arlors 30- tier- linger b:dg.. S. W. corner and Alder. Phone Main 1S0L. CHIROPODIST. X.R. GARTNER, foot specialist: corns, bun- tons, foot arches made to order. an Cwetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. Main lost. CIRCILAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1010-11-12 Royal bldg. Marshall SS-'i. Multigraphlng. mimeographing and mall advertising. CONTRACTORS AND Bl'ILDERS. CLIMAXSKT at LEIN. contractors and builders, store and office fittings, gen eral Jobbing. 211 Curry sU city. Tele phone Marshall 2744. COLLECTIONS. KtTH CO, Worcester bldg. Main ITS. No collections, no charge. Established ltfoO DANCING. W ANTED Pupils, stage or fancy danc Jig. chorus wi.rk a specialty: positions awaiting capable girls. Call bet. 4 and 4::t Mundava and Wednesdays, stage en trance. Lyric Theater. Messers iluilally A Mrifhews. JaISS ELNOKA FLECK will give up ber dancing academy the 10th. to teacb clasairal dancing at Berkeley dancing academy. 1j Fourth at. Elnora a'laca. JUK3. BATH'S DANCING academy. 3d floor Liekum bldg.. private lessons day and eve.: csa Tuea. eve. Main l:.43. DOO AND CAT HOSPITAL. 2tOSE CITY veterinary hospital. 413 Eaat 7th. East 147. B 196i MR. EYE. NOSE AND THROAT. DR. F. F. CASSEDAT. Specialist. GU fitted. 70O E. Burnslde. cor. 20th. E. 4734. HEMSTITCHING. K- STEPHAN. hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordlan aide pleat, buttons covered: mail orders. 219 Pillock blk. Broadway 10S. HARDWOOD FLOORING. GET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co 17 W. Park aC WHOLESALERS AND At'TO TOPS. I l IlKl'lLLE T"P CO. th and Oak sta DRY GOOD AND NOTIONS. I niliCI CDICI Pfl Stockroom and of- La UliirXLLOriLL. UUi rices 47 N. Sth at. CHAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg II ATS AND CAPS. THANHACTKR HAT CO.. 53-5 Front sL Hll:s. WOOL AND CASCARA BARK. KHN HR"S. 1!V5 Front St. Mil L SI PPLIKS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY". as-7i-7J Front s'. Portland. PAINtS. OIL. AND GLASS. W. P. FCLLER A CO.. Front and Morrison. II A S VI'S-' K N aj CO . Secon-1 and Taylor. NEW TODAY. MODERN CONSTRUCTION CO. GARAGE BUILDERS S13 E. Uth SC East 5114 TRACKAGE FOR SALE BY OWNERS 0 SOrTHERX PACIFIC R. C O K N K R 300 X SO. M ANt FACT! RING U I S-TKII-T. STRKKT IM P H O V K M K NT ALL, IV AND PAID FOR, PHICK $3000 TERMS. S 23 Oreiomlam. Imp roved Busi iness Corner 16TH STREET, NORTH OF LOVEJOY. GOOD INCOME. OWNERS CANT AGREE. 3IUST SELL, TERMS. BD 593, OREGONIAN JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOAKS. General Insurance Surety Bonds 1007 mm S Mllcez BI.C. Mala IMO. BFJL ESTATE. TOD AT. In Rrv Cur I'ark. 1 block to car; rornfr fui I lot : jvi tret; Al t in )hM heme with hardwood f..wkita. laric buffrt. h4MtkrtuMt, Dutch kitchen, full cement h-.mtnt, laundry trays, furnace, etc. About IliMMi down. You err It you tail to lnveitate thlii. Mr. Rock wllb SKOTHKIM HROWV COM PANT Ul-aJ-W Rallwar Kxchmnf Bids. Main M'Ji. IKVI.Vt;TtN New vn-room bunralow, located b!tii Klickitat and Fremont, on tvt 2 ! st at. north: Juat comptettd. with two fireplace, larce roomi and a fmrmm; very attractive and conenient lor I ha price. 1U. R, Bai:yCo.. conu arch.. ownem. SNAP Own 2 acres In heart of Portland. Powell valley and 76th St.. ood invest meat sji Ion ft ma Portland stand.; mut goinB t IOO. Ownir, 4047 Jth SL. 8. fc- Flat and Apwrtmeot Property. yj s E rornsr. c)os In. wwt alda. contafn ioc (I- rented for $275; pr.o 1,UW aU CwiiU dbwl AoatiW ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO.. 31 N. 1' Portland. Or. Rewinding and electrical repairing a specialty. See us about new or used motors. Hdwy. llf4o, A 1046. Ml SIC. run t ii 1 1 i mirv .ulin vtnla teacher pupil Sevcik. 207 Viledner bldg. Bdy. imtf. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS i t icGIU AT a V 1.1U, sC-VsT?- I solicit your patronage on the sands of saualied customers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. ood man. nnlninMrli.L IUl Morrison. M. iTTPVTIflV KTES KlUil l 1 Dr. linrn Hubenslcin. veteran op tician i. nt-hr in the lob of tilting the beat e'yeglaasea at reasonable prices. Morrlon St.. near Second- PATENT ATTORNEYS. j c uuil-ut ... . -o exnerlence U. 3. and foreign patents, out ieaum . . . I hHl'ur: a-.o ll'nmt.l.r bldC M. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway Dunning. Uh.iitn.l . .li.,.ionh Iwiwei. i,, .!... Ki..i.'i.r .....I nrostatic. female disorders, skin -riectinns.t.lood pressure. PL I'M BING BCPPLIES. I'LLMBLSU SUPPLIES 'al rhol. M. prices. Slarke-Davla Co.. -fii- 3d. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS. J. E. Gantenoein. Mgr. Printing and linotypina. -V?-,? Front st.. corner Stark. Main or A 1-tla. UDiklTllUr '. W. BALTES & colli''"' I lll.l INlUlst 1st and Oak sts. M. 165. A 1165. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. 221 front ut- , wa kn. anrl aeil everything In tin hardware and furniture line. Main 70. A 7174. Pbone OSTEOPATHIC rUYSICIAN. DR. W. ARNOLD LIN DS E I . jprciaiui goitre. Main booo. jqorgan . PAINTING. JOHN CONLISK. painting ana Pi'"- hanglng. 133 mm. i nou p""u- SHINGLERS. SHINGLES, Berkey Broa. Mar. 1768: roofs resningieo. inn i1"" TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO. DESPATCH . -The Service With a Reputation." MOVING-PACK'G-STORAGE-BAGGAC.B. 13tta and Kearney. Branch fis'j Bdwy. PHONE BOWY. 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 GL1SAN St. corner ox uin. rwuuu or 1169. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal track. Lowest Insurance rates In the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. 2 C. M. 4 Pine. ilADISON-ST. DOCK Ac WAKEHOLah Or - F1CE, l&w Maaiaon su ueui mcitu-..-dise and forwarding agents. Main ltiKL PACKING, MOVING. STORAGE. BECLR1TY STORAGE & TRANSFER "S!: 105 PARK ST. MAIN Bias. A 1051. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANS. CO. General transfer and forwarding agents. 124 North Fifth st- Broadway 454. CLAY S. MORSE, Inc. TRACKAGE. STORAGE. TRANSFER, 448-454 G LIS AN ST. WATCH REPAIRING. Highest prices paid, old watches and Jew elry: condition no ooject, repair-. "l''' ty. Reiner Jewelry Co.. 44tVWaan. st- 1MANUFACTURERS PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 6-7o-72 Front St.. Portland. M. L. KLINE. M-S6 Front St. Pl.l'MBING AND STEAM Sl'PPLIES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 6S-70-7 J Front at.. Portlsnd. II. L. KLINE, 4- Front St. PROni'CE COMMISSION MERCHANT. KVKKLING FARREl.L, 140 Front sL ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. l'ortiand Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. IMMKS AND GLASS. W. P. Ft l.LF.R A Co.. "Front and Morrison. WALL PAPER. M"K'iAN WALL PAPER CO.. 2lr) 2d st. FF.AL FST ATK. ror Safe LoU. jLAVHKL.nvnr tot block i lnrluUin aaaesamenta, ovtr $lttu. Prlc Slif.u, Ina Park (A Iberia district), lot 6. bio k 4 graded street, cciuent -walk worth $h. Pric Bonauair outti Mt. Tabor), lot S, block 2, near car; worth $&ju. Prict S-M. W tU rtva terms, accept noma liberty bonda and Help flaaa: bulidiof cn tliesa lota . r. W. HATHfRS T. Owner. 240 Ptark at. WR bava a client offering to guarantee oo 10 per cent on a S100O Investment In 12 months if you will rive htm all over that. unet Realty Co.. 22S Henry bldg. 60x104) LOT on list, near Giisan, cement sidewalks, eaat front, owner must eac rifice below market pri-. make offer Boehro. Broadway lgT8. 209 Oregon bldg. lOslOL, KAST front, comer. 37 th and Tillamook aLa., S1SO0. Owner, C. D. lc Conahy. 917 merlcan Bank bide at tie. Wash. LOOK at third and fourth lota aouth of Tillamook. lOOxluO, on 38th street, fac ing east; quick sale for ll&OO. Tabor 49. FOR SALE Three lots on corner of Bry ant and Know lew ave., lots 16, 17 and 18, block 15. AV 659. Oregonian. CHOICE building lots on Council Crest at a real bargain. Write owner. F. Flem ing. R. D. No. 5. Buhl. Idaho. For Pale has! wens Property. EXCFLLENT apartment or garage site, Hawthorne at Ladd aven ie and 12th st ; over 11,000 square feet, over 3 00 fee street frontage; also alley. A bargain ar $11,000. Ter ns at 6 per cent. Will help finance building. C. W. UAYUUKST. Owner, 240 Stark st. $750 will buy a 3-story building ort the west side, corner Sox 10O, it pays 12 4 per cent on the Investment, would consider a small home a part of purchase price. OTTO H Alt K SON REALTY CO. 413 Chamber of Commerce. HE best bargain on Union ave.; Income producing: small amount of cash Will lam M. Gregory 321 Washington bldg" cor. 4th and U hinpinn ... . : - am iuS. CORNER 21st and Division, best corner 77,Z 1 -L 7 J r . , mDC- houi flww (.aau, ci ma iw suit. 710 Division st. Call at owner. QLARTER block on trackage. East Water street, between Morrison and Hawtho-n bridges; sacrifice; easy terms. Owner x &3, uregqnian. FACTORY site, west side waterfront, with trackage; bargain. Owner. 1421 North western Bank bldg. For Kale .iAK Jefferson iigh school; on paved street; IS -story; 7 rooms: lot 5oxlo; 1 bedroom downstairs; owner anxious to aeh : price $:.2.m: $?5ft4 cash JOHNSON-DODSON CO 6r.2-;3-G:t4 N. W. Bank Bldg. $H50 TAKES this 2-room house Just painted, lot ftOxiM: house number 6420 at. 8. E.. three blocks from Mount S-ott car; $25 down, 20 pr month. The place Is vacant. Simma, 431 Ch. of Com. bldg. Main 6127. $500 LETS YOU IN -ROOM MODERN houe near Divi sion, on 57th; price I35O0. Ask Mr. St or berg. A. J. De FOR EST CO., SCO 321 Henry Bldg. Main 20. $50 CASH; 3-room house on 40x100 lot; 2 bitM-ks to car. east front. JuHNSON-D 'DSON fO.. 632-n:i:.-;:n N. W. Bank Bldg. IMMEDIATE POgS ESSIO N. 555 K. sth st.. cor. Woodward ave., Brooklyn car line, 6-room modern house; $24i. cash $5ort. like rent. East 2n71. I W ILL pay a reasonable price for a 5 or S-room bungalow in Rose City Park, Laurelhurst. Irvington or Alameda; no arents. AE 351. Oregonian. For SALE In Rose city park. 5-room bungalow; also sun room and sleeping porch. $5600. with terms. Y 75, Ore gon tan. FOU R-room house. 1 1 6x100 ft lot, f ru ! t, out but Mine. University park; bargain ; AWoA iwrn.fc -UaI-2 .Flake eu Portland. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House I R V I NGTON, - ROOM COLONIAL S14.00O. IRVINOTON S CHOH'KST LOCATION, KNOTT STREET. We cannot nay too much, to Impress upon you the- real worth of this splen did home. You never would expect to buy such a quality house in the very choicest part of irvington for so little money. You will be -more than pleased with the Interior arrangement; excep tionally large rooms, bright and cheer ful; very large living room; first floor: forge reception hall, living room ex tending the width of the house, sun porch, dining room and kitchen : sec ond floor, four large bedrooms and sleeping porch and bath: third floor, maid's room and bath: hardwood floors on first and second floors; ftntHhed In rich old ivory and white throughout. Bear in mind. too. that thin la an Mix UK) comer on Knott street with all asHens- menta Paid. Yes. there in rurara t'AWtO c-uth will handle and balance at 6 per cent interest. Probably never again will you have an oWrtunity like this one. It'll be a downright pleas ure for us to show you and you'll be under no obligations. This is the first time advertised. In our hands exclusive ly for sale. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 24 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3o:2 Main 3516. Branch office 50th and Sandy. Kvening. Phone Tabor 8721. FOR THE NEWLY WEDS OR CLIFF D WELLE RiS. A brand new, attractively built bun fralow, built on a plan of apartment house; large living- room, 14x22, with a flrepiace and window aeat. built-in Mur phy disappearing bed with dressing room In connection, large bedroom, buf fet, kitchen with all built-in cupboards and conveniences and a nifty little breakfast room, with built-in seats and table, attractive pergola entrance and numerous window flower boxes; located on paved street and rarllne on 87th and Giisan sta.; price $2!tr.O. $250 cash. $50 monthly. Have colored painting of this place at office. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sunday and Evenings. $2tf3o IN Irving ton Park, 4 rooms, but very large. It buyer desires, owner will Immediately build extra bedroom for $30. 43x1 OO lot, reception hall, living room, dining; room, kitchen, pantry, bedroom and bath, gas and electricity, screens and shades go with the place, four fruit trees and shrubbery. There is an alley here. One block to Alberta car. $100 to swing; It. This Is in first-class con dition with no mortgages or liens against it. BTHR-CAREY CO., 219 RY. EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 16S6. NEATLY FURNISHED BUN'OA LOW. New. neat and clean; ready to welcome you right in ; 5 rooms, full basement. Dutch kitchen, buffet, built-in dining room, fine east front lot, city sewer, sidewalk and curbing; 3 blka. to car: handy to school, stores and churches ; fine location in Mont a villa; one of the healthiest spots around Portland; only $3000 for complete outfit, Vi cash, bal ance like rent ; Immediate possession. See E. W. Hughes, 607 Journal bldg.. Main m2fH. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOWS. $3500 for a fine 6-room with hard wood floors, fireplace buffet, S1000 cash. $3750 for a fine ft-room, very classy. In the finest of shape. One-half cash, bal ance terms. $4.0O for one of the finest 8-room t-ungalows with fireplace, built-in buf fet, hardwood floors, lot 50x100; a snap. $1000 cash, balance monthly. Mar. 829. F. L. RLANCHARD. 519-20 Railway Exchange. 6-ROOM bungalow, $3500; corner lot. garage, full cement basement: con r.ected with sewer; wash trays; hot water furnace; built-in buffet; cosy comer and bookcase in hall; bathroom with large mirror; nice yard; gas; elec tric lights; taxt-,s. street Improvements all paid. 12000 will turn deal. Call at 1127 E, Grant, corner E. 38th and E. Grant. GO LOOK $500 CASH Brand new. 4 rooms, white enamel bath, fireplace, cement basement, din ing alcove, Dutch kitchen. Paving, sewer all paid free from mortgage. Bal ance of $2450 payable $35 monthly, in eluding tt per cent interest. 789 Kelly at., near Uibbs. LATHROP, 516 ABINOTON BLDG, IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. $5700 for a fine 6-room with, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace. 2 toi lets, garage: facing east between Thomp son and uraxce, out-oz-town owners Must k-IL Immediate possession. Mar aha 11 629. F L. BLANCH ARD, M9-20 Railway Exchange. ::oo CASH, baL as we can agree: 6 rooms, almost mod. In Sunny side; this Is a splendid piece of property: as I am re tiring and don t need the money will sell on very easy terms. Price $3250. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont and 39th. Ta bor 8413. Sunnyide car. EMI-COLONIAL bungalow. 764 E. 24th st. N. Laving room, dining room, large kitchen with built-in oreaicrast nooK. 2 bedrooms, large bath, built-in buffets, bookcases and cooler; enclosed rear porch, hardwood floors, white enamel; garage. Owner, 440 E. 21st st. N. SUNN YS IDE BARGAIN. Five-room modem bungalow on cor ner lot in Sunnyside; three blocks to car, near school; only $1000 down, bal ance to suit. M. BILLINGS A J. E, MUSGRAVE. 509 McKay. Main 1390. $350 CASH, $25 month, secures lovely home close In. paved street (paint; xruit, roses; 6 fine rooms, bath; near W. A. or Union ave. car: SOxlOO lot. Price only $250. 916 Rodney, corner Skid more. Please call after 2 P. M. FOR SALE By owner, attractive 6-room Rope City bungalow. Just completed; fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet. 2 dressing tables and other features; $4500; terms. Call Tabor 7216 Sunday or eve nings after 6:30 o'clock. S50 BUYS a little 4 -room house on a all planted to gar house and yard on good residence sec- choice lot 50x100. den. fine chicken the property : in tion ; call i some furniture, t 4W Piatt bldg. For particulars 127 Park BARGAIN 6-room house, good re pal-, good-sized barn, suitable for garage, 7Sxl00 ft., mortgage foreclosure. Monta vl! la. 76th St.. rear Giisan. $2000. $250 rash, easy payments. Tel. East 6693. OR SALE by owir. 1524 Omaha ave.. good 6-room modern house, lot 50x100, with a full alley, lots of bearing fruit. St. Johns. Kenton and stockyards cars. A bargain at t'J-'H) ROOM modern house. lot 90x100. located on west slope Mount Tabor, furnace, fire place, newly renovated, lota of fruit and berries, $2000 down. THOMPSON. 620-21 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, one of Irving ton's fnost attractive homes, homey and ideal or entertaining. 8 rooms, brick con struction, two lots. Prlco $13,000. L 58, Oregonian. WILL SELL my strictly modern 9-room residence In best section of Portland Heights at a bargain, terms. O. M. Hankln. phone Bdwy. 4280 or Marshall 724 evenings or Sunday. LN IRVINGTON Several fine modem homes or will, furnish lots, finance and build to suit. Built 10O homes In Port land. Rice Construction Co., R. B. Rice, agent, 690 Wasco st. Eaat 2432. FOR SALE by non-resident owner A 7 room house and lot 48x100 at 5111 41st st. S. E-, on WW carline and macadam ized street. Bargain price. B. B. Har ger, Moore, Idaho. FOL'R-ROOM bouse and Jot! Peninsula addition: bath, gas and water; part fur niture if desired. $1100. terms. Write owner. 1026 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 6-ROOM modern house, lot 50x100, close In. lots of fruit and berries, full base ment. J Hon down, balance like rent. THOMPSON, 620-21 Henry Bldg. 2 HOUSES on good lot. west side, good Investment: price $4750, clear of debt, $inno down. THOMPSON. 620-21 Henry Bldg. BY OWNER Strictly modern house In Irv ington; oak floors, full cemer.t basement. 50-foot lot. $4500. East 2377. or 722 Selling bldg IN HAWTHORNE, by owner, modern 5 room bungalow: all bulk-ins, hard-sug-face street; J 3000. terms. Room 910 Oregonian. $500 CASH 5-room cottage, 50x100 lot, near Belmont. Price $2500; will make someone a good home. See J. p. Mc Knna. Belmont and 39th. Tabor 6493. $20"O CASH will buy modem 7-room Mt. Tabor home, value $6000. For detail and Inspection see owner. 362 East 60th st, Hawthorne car. MODERN 7-room house and garage, close In. fine home, bargain : will sell fur nished. Owner. East 1922. BUT of owner, nice lot. 50x116, with shack with cltv water, on 52d near Hawthorne ave. T. M. W.. 393 Guild Bt. L.N'P 100x100, 8-ROOM HOUSE. HOT WATER H FAT. FOR ONLY $3500 WITH TERMS. EAST 5438. 6-ROOM cotfage. comer lot. 75x100. fruit trees, chicken house. $15O0, terms. 208 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. IR VINO TON HOME. DELAHUNT. EAST 1847. IN HAWTHORNE Modem 6-room bun galow; all bullt-lns; $3450, cash $150 Owner, 246 B. 68d. BARGAIN 5-room bungalow, $2650. GIB SON. 268 Stark. Marshall 12. IRVINGTON HOUSES. EAST et4. R. T. STREET. IRV. AGT. TWO HOUSES, one lot, clpae In; $300. icrma. JC MO, Oregonian, BE A L ESTATE. For Sale House. ROSE CITY PARK, BUNGALOW ON ALAMEDA DRIVE, Folkn we want ihe nleasure of show Inar you this nifty bungalow; splendidlv located rieht on Alameda Drive; near car; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, furnace, etc; let us show you. This is the first time we have advertised this houpe. It will not l main unsold very long. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 2B4 Stark SL, near Third. Main 30i2. Main Solo. Branch office flOth and Sandy. Evenings. Phone Tabor 825. or 9321. S3ri00 FOR a very fine modern 7-room hnn.ra.low. ' saved streets, garage, fire place, buffet,, concrete basement, all in first-class condition, only 2 blks from Irvington car. $1200 cash, balance terms. This I.? a snap. $2700 for a new 4-room bungalow on corner KiUtngvworth: a fine buy and easy terms. :oftrt tnr m. new ft-room. on comer. hardwood floors and easy terms. Phone Marshall A2U. F. L. BLANCH ARD, 519-20 Railway Exchange. ffiOO DOWN. $3200 SUBURBAN HOME. In Parkrose, 1 block to carline: comer tract: 4 nice rooms ana Datn; gas ana jtlsaftrlfitv: sidewalks: sr round all cleared good chicken houses and cow barn. J. L. HARTMAN CO., 7 Chamber of Commerce. Main 20S. IRVINfiTON. An exceptionally desirable residence of nine rooms and very large sleeping porch; thoroughly modern In every de- rree: almost new and in perfect condl tion; ideaily located with east and south frontage; on lUOxlOU corner. This property cost about $20,000, but will name an attractive price for sale, or would accept WELL-LOCATED vacant or improved Portland property for the equity. SAM NORTON, HENRT BUILDING. $3000 WITH 100x100 lot, or $3200 with nOxlOO lot- Brand new o-room Dungaiow living room, dining room, kitchen, one bedroom with bath down ; 2 bedrooms up; full cement basement, hardwood floors. fireDlace. laundry trays, gas. elec tricity, screens and shades; 2 blocks to Alberta car. on Killingsworth. Interior finish white enamel. This place is just being completed. Hurry!! It won't last long. BTHR-CARBT CO., 219 RY. EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 1686. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW SNAP. Fine bungalow, 6 rooms downstairs. 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs, 6 bedrooms, furnace, fireplace, buffet, china closet, bookcases, cabinet kitchen. full cement basement, laundry trays, garage, corner lot, 43xl00. paved street, liens all paid, corner East Salmon and 88th, close in, 8 blocks to 2 car lines. 4 blocks to school; price $4500, some terms. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 818 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. HIGH-CLASS IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. Modern 12-room residence, finished In selected mahogany and oak, hardwood ' floors- throughout, spacious rooms, three artistic tile fireplaces, tile baths, latest sanitary plumbing, sun room, sleeping porch, full cement basement, large un tuned attic, stationery, vacuum cleaner, . rooms beautifully finished, ground plant ed with rare shrubbery; absolutely one or tne oest constructed nomes in fort land. Terms. By owner, X 62, Orego nian. $2800 5-ROOM bungalow. 6 years old and in A-l condition ; on Huron, near Lom bard, in Peninsula; full lot, garage, liv ing room, dining room, Dutch kitchen. 2 neu rooms ana Datn ; cement basement fireplace, gaa, electricity, screens, shades and linoleum. 10 fruit trees, very best of fruit, some shrubbery, berries of all kinds, 'a block to car. Should sell quick. BIHR-CARBI CO., 219 RY. EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 16S6 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A very desirable 7-room house. In PERFECT CONDITION and thoroughly modem: hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, full cement basement, level lot, two blocks car. Price for immediate sale $5750. Only $1000 cash, balance $40 per month, including interest at o per cent. Main 4099 Sunday only, week days Main 2326. 42D STREET bungalow; this is one of the kind of tromei you seldom see for sale. Many people have said it is tne pretti eat place in Portland. If you are looking for a real place at a bargain, see this St room bungalow with hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen and all built-in effects, fine garage, fruit trees, berries, shrobs and flowers of all kinds: lot 150x100. Phone Sellwood 1696. SMALL FARM IN TOWN. 100x200 corner with modern 5-room bungalow; place completely arranged for chicken raising, gardening, etc only 3 blocks to street car line and in fine locality; this will surprise you; it Is a dandy. Price only $4200; terms $1000 ca?-h. balance 69 mortgage. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 696' EMERSON ST. HOUSE SNAP. Good 6-room house, cement basement, electric lights and good bath, 3 bed rooms, full lot 50x100, city liens all paid; price a snap, $2000, $500 cash and $20 per month; on Emerson near 10th, Look at it. It's a big snap. GRUSSI & BENNETT. SIR Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452 ONE of Portland's best Heights homes, close In, full unobstructible mountain view, four bedrooms, with two baths. dressing rooms, sleeping porches, two maids' rooms with one bath, hot water heat; mahogany wooaworK, aiu ofK floors; price $30,000. Residence ptLde. Main 8369 THAT VACANT LOT Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, gar ages, residences, anything: funish plan and finance. Established ten years. Wa offer SECURITY. SERVICE, SATISFAC TION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc. contract ing architects. 924 N W. Bank bldg. FINE new English cottage. 6 rooms, din ing and sleeping porches, hardwood floors, open fireplace, all modern con veniences, with large wooded lot, at Mount Zlon. the most beautiful view suburb of Port 1 in d. Price 1 65.(0, easy terms. John Bain (owner), 507 Spald ing bldg. Telephone A. 7442. FOR SALE. MY NEW HOME IN LAURELHURST. Built by owner at a cost of $12,000; will sacrifice for leas, including big cor ner lot In the most exclusive section of Laurelhurst; terms. Tabor 7369. IRVINGTON New seven-room bungalow. located between Klickitat and Fremont, on East 21st st. north; Just completed, with two fireplaces, large rooms and a garage: very attractive and convenient for the price. L. R. Bailey Co.. cont. archs.. owners. IRVINGTON. California mission bungalow of singu lar charm and beauty; hall, living, din ing, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, hard wood floors: now vacant. 555 Thomp son st.. 75x100 corner. $6750. East 1347. IRVINGTON HOME. If you have looked io vain for a home to suit you in Irvington. let me show you the Bradshaw residence, 483 23d st. N.; shown by appointment, M. E. THOMPSON. Sole Agent. Phone Woodlawn 1733. 848 Miss. ave. LARGE, modem house In first-class con dition, hardwood floors, etc. 590 E. Mad !on; best car service and within walking distnee, $7500. half cash and will con sider bungalow on balance. Call Main 1289. 14200 Swell up-to-date 5-rm. bungalow. large attic. lot mixiuu, iruit ana berries; If you want a nice home and splendid location see this. J. P. McKenna. Bel mont and 39tb. Tabor 6493. Sunny side car. $3500 B A RG A I N $3500. 5-room bungalow with oak furniture, house in fine condition, garage with ce ment driveway, fine location, 1031 E. Caruthers St.. near -34th; $1000 cash. bal. terms, by owner. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot. we will furnish the money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO. Main 2035. 621 Morgan Bldg. 8-ROOM house. East Couch st.. modern. In splendid conoiuon. newiy painted, in side and out, bargain price, $5500. SL H. Collls, East 8660. GOING to build or repair? Get my Ideas and estimates. B. T. Allyn. 243 Stark at. Office hours 8 to 6 P. M. Phone Main 83L Res. phone Tabor 194. $2150 BUYS a modern cottage with 3 large lots two blocks from Multnomah station. For particulars call on Ben Riesland. 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. ONE block Laurelhurst park. 6 rooms, modern. Price $3000. Easy terms, 6 per cent on baL, A good home, close in. H. F. Cover, E. 243. FOR SALE Ten-room house and large comer lot in Sunnyside. garage, fruit, big lawn, everything complete; $5500. 133 E. 34th St., owner. CHOICE. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 large rooms, attic, strictly modern. See McFadden, owner, Marshall 12. 6-ROOM house. 961 Glenn ave., Alameda Park. Inquire fc41 Washington st. ALBERTA DISTRICT 5-room bungalow. $2 T50. uioson, Biarx. jiarsnau 12. T-ROOM house for rent or sale, ton at. Phone East 1223. 948 Chn- 545 E, 8TH ST., near Brooklyn carline, 5 xoom. modern house. $2. Eut REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. LAURELHURST HOME. TWO FIREPLACES. White enameled throughout. 6 large rooms, oak floors in entrance hall, living and dining rooms; maple floors in kitchen and bathroom; finishednarrow fir floors in bedrooms; beautiful ma hogany buffet In dining room; massive mouldings around entrance hall, living and dining room ceilings; two fireplaces cut stone, one fireplace in bedroom) ; very wide stairway to second floor; gen erous clothes closets; full and deep cement basement. Admiral furnace. Price $6250. Bond assessments only $150. Located 1221 E. Giisan street, between 4lst 'and 43d. May be seen today. Win ter fuel In basement at invoice. IRVINGTON $7000. This Is a handsome 8-room home, with large living room, with fireplace, dining room with fireplace, den, Dutch kitchen, on lower floor and 3 bedrooms, glassed in sleeping porch and bath on upper floor and two finished rooms on top floor ; hardwood floors, all rooms are beautifully finished in old ivory and enamel. The lighting fixtures are very fine; terms $15oo cash, balance to suit; immediate possession. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Main 6871. Main 4522. . 82 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. RIVERA HOME. Close to Pacific highway, electric cars and fine school; one of the most beauti ful views of river and mountains in this district; seven large rooms, full cement basement with laundry and fruit room; living room 16x32 feet; sunshine on three sides; fireplace takes In 4-foot logs; beamed ceilings and paneling of fir; French doors from living room and din ing room on to broad covered porch; 4 bedrooms, plenty of closet room and din arate bath and toilet; one acre of well planned grounds, wide sloping lawn in front, set out to trees and ornamental shrubs; driveway: sunny south terrace for croquet ground; pergola; flowers and .bearing fruit trees, and a fine group of native ferns; a real home for outdoor and beauty-loving people. Main 3751. TURNER. Majn 866. Residence: Palatine Road, RiVera. IRVINGTON. 7 Rooms and Sleeping Porch Garage J8500. If you are in the market for a real good home, a real quality house, we do want ' the pleasure of showing you this splen did home. Now vacant and ready for occupancy; and, too, it's in perfect con dition. It Is modern to the last detail; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, ce ment basement, etc. Finished in old ivory and white thrdughout. Let us show you. A. G. jl CO.. 264 Stark o.., near Third. Main 3092. Main 3516. Branch office 50th and Sandy. Evenings, Phone Tabor 3721. MOUNT TABOR $5500. This handsome 7-room. 2-story home Is in the finest possible condition. There are 3 rooms and den down and 3 bed rooms and glassed-in sleeping porch on upper floor; hardwood floors In living rooms, fireplace. All built-ins, full cement basement, hot-air heating system, garage, 50x100 lot street paving paid. Located block to car among fine homes. This is one of our very best listings. W want you to see It. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Main 6871. Main 4522. 82 4th tsu. Board of Trade bldg. . $2750 FURNISHED.$S00 CASH. Say, Mr. Bargain-hunter, here is your chance to buy a 6-room furnished home. One block to Alberta car, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath and 3 bed rooms. Good basement, built-ins. All furniture, gas range, gas heater and heating stove, rugs, kitchen utensils. everything goes for $2750. Pay $800 cttsn, oaiance mommy. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth st. Main 4522. NORTH PIEDMONT. $650 cash will handle a good modern bungalow close to Peninsula park; large porcn on iront ana side, o rooms, firt place, good lawn; this will make- you beautiful home and is a fine buy $2700. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632-633-634 N. W. Bank Bldg. $250 CASH BALANCE TO SUIT. Very modern 5-room bungalow at 289 E. 73d st. North, nice fireplace, Dutc kitchen, elegant bathroom fixtures ever v thine first class, for J4o0: iinme diate possession. Take M V car to E 73d st.. and go north to house. Ope for Inspection today 3 to 5 P. M. $4800 ROSE CITY 1 Vz -story bungalow, best part of the district ; 3 large bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, rood earaee; ownar going east Inov. Furniture if desired. Call at Laurel hurst office, or phone Main 1700. Tabor 8433. - 2-STORY S-room modern house, hard wood floors, beautiful bullet, paved street, sewer, full cement basemen t, laundry trays, bookcase, fireplace, den aUXlUU lot; I"U can, piite fuwvv. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632-6:13-634 N, W. Bank Bldg. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. $8200 for a very fine 7-room with sleemnc Dorch. 2 fireplaces. 2 toilets. hardwt.od floors; a fine home and in first-class condition. Marshall 829. F. L. BLANCH ARD, 519-20 Railway Exchange. ROSE CITY, 6-room bungalow, 50x100 lot. sewer, water. HKht. gas, iuii cemen hamnr furnace, fireplace, oak firs fruit room: everything modern; $5850 $2000 cash. See this before you buy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-633-634 N. W. Bank Bldg. 13000. 5-room bungalow, not far from Laurel-Knf-ar and u block to car: improve ments all paid; must have at least $1700 cf jh. This is a aanoy time pi ace. au at Laurelhurst office, B. 39 th and Giisan, or phone Main 1700. Tabor 3433. HAWTHORNE $1900. $500 CASH. 4-room bungalow, rooms well ar ranged: ns. bath and electricity. Con venient to both Hawthorne and Sunny side cars. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-633-634 N. W. Bank Bldg. "" VAPAVT FURNISHED. Beautiful 5-room bungalow; fireplace, buffet, etc.; on pavea street, near xan thome ave. and 39th; completely fur nished, including piano and sewing mat chine; price joou. owu -aa. Feemster, 309 Abington bldg. R. F. WRAIITTFUL ENGLISH COLONIAL. 8 rooms and fine sleeping porch, built 2 vears ago on a much lower market. T will sell for $2000 under actual cost ahnw the bills. Key at office. E. 89th and Giisan. or phone Tabor 3433 evenings. East 2ao! PTKDMONT DISTRICT. Seven-room house and lot 70x100: large shade trees and number of full bearing fruit trees; street paved and paid; to close estate will sell ror casn. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. TDVTvnTHV "PARK" 11750: SSOO cash hath KieemnBT Dorcu uu ibi floor; 2 rooms on second; concrete foun dation; full basement; oiui iw vc. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-633-634 N. W. Bank Bldg. i too tjttvr a modern j-room house on -. -.ftvinil ft nf ground. Small payment down, $20 a mnnth and interest on the balance. Hawtnorae i v c, " "'-" .... - This is a snap. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. STORY house, 30x100 lot; pered. sewer, gas. water walking distance, cherry newly pa and bath; trees; price $2750; half cash inHKsnx.DODSON CO.. 632-633-634 N. W. Bank Bldg. v. x st 29TH- ST. bungalow, 5 rooms, full in, monern inrouKiiuui. uwniicre uo.bc ment, $2800. This is a bargain. Now vacant. You can move into it any time. For particulars call on Ben Riesland, 404 Plat t bldg., rarit su inn iino CASH. $20 per month; o-rm. k,.u onH hath: lots of trees and flow r.- .rood earden. east front, 2 b blocks to car and paving. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-633-634 N. W. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE By owner, 5-room bugalow jr r .nnriitinn- eround 100x100: 1 blk " t . To hf r near E. 80th St. Price $2500; mortgage $1000: cash $800. Balance terms; no agents. S 241, ore- gonlan. 'KCroSm on M.I00; near Jefferson , hlrt School. 1 DIOCK IO car. aim . sula park: now vacant. JOHNSON-DODSON CO :l2-a:i-6S4 S. W. Bank Bldg. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. ff,lAli ftARAGE: CLOSE TO CAR AND SCHOOL. OWNER TA BOR 2002. "LAURELHURST HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER. 8 rooms, all modern, garage, hardwood floors down stairs. Close to park and clubhouseCall Tabor 7690 or Bdwy. 3295. $300 CASH 7-room cottage, large lot, plenty -ot fruit, near the Catholic church. Price $2300; this is a splendid piece of property. See J- P. McKenna, Belmont and 39th. Sunnyside car. Tabor 6493. FOR SALE By owner, bungalow in excel lent condition. 3403 55th. one block north of Powell Valley road, near Frank lin high school, terms. Phone D 1139. $350 BUYS 4-room cabin In St. Johns; nicely furnished and quantity of living. Can be seen after 5 P. M. N 81, Orego nian. NOW VACANT $2900. 6-room house, newly painted, in fine shape. E. 30th and Burnaide. E. 2S71. VERY FINE MODERN 8-ROOM BUNGA LOW SLEEPING PORCH. GARAGE, 100x100; GOOD UEHaVL3. E-AST 133. REAL ESTATF- For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK, NIFTY MODERN BUNGALOW, 5 ROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH, t- a t iiir. t.Mnn. One of Rose City Park's very choicest Wutinnu corner with soutn and east exposure, located on Alamed; Drive. Police there is lots of class am distinction to this splendid home; ex rntinn9ii .-Ail hi.ilt- finished in whit) tHr-nneViniif - hai-HonnH f loiirs. fireplace buffet (it's a work of art), completa Dutch kitchen with breakfast nooK, hp(lmnm and elass enclosed sleepin Tioi-r.h- fa...- homfint. furnace, etc. hnruM rnnutriiMurl to conform tO Styl of house. This place is In perfect con Httion Thia ia ttn far above the ordi nary so much better than the ordinary run of hondos that txa ran not impress upon you too strongly the necessity for speedy action. You Know tnere i wt.- lno rlica nnni nfa on A Rn much as when they learn the very place they wanted has Just been sold. to see mia P'"" ertw rnilH nothing. Reallv. It's a QOWIl' right pleasure for us to show it. Again let us repeat that this place is down right modern Juat as new and modern as tomorrows sunrise. Its your move, A. G. TEErB CO.. 264 Stark St., near Third. Main 3092. Main 3516. Branch office 50th and Sandy STOP. LOOK AND LISTEN! Stop at every one of the Bihr-Carey ads. look them over thoroughly and listen to what they say, for every one is a good one. LET'S GO. $4000 5-room bungalow in Rose Cltv Park, and a beauty; 3 blocks from the car. strictly modern, hard wood noors living room, dining room, with built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen. 2 nice bedrooms furnace, fireplace, bath and tcilet; full cement basement; on a 50x100 lot; this Is a rattling good buy; tie your hat on if you want to ride with us to see this bungalow, because the chances are it will be gone tonight. BIHR-CARET CO., 219 RY. EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 1686. ROSE CITY PARK, SPLENDID BUNGALOW $4500. Folks, do put this down on vour list Here Js a new house new completed and reaoy ior occupancy. This one is thor ougly double constructed. Exceptionally large living room; hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, cement basement, wash trays; beautiful kitchen with breakfast alcove; large attic in which 2 more rooms could be finished; living and din Ing rooms beautifully papered. Come iet us snow ycu. A. G. TEEPE CO., 2fi4 Stark St., near Third. Main 3092. Main 3516. Branch office 50th and Sandy. Evenings, Phone Tabor S255 or 9321. $2500 FOR 4 room, with bath, toilet and uasement, on lot o0x28. on E. 39th St. lots of fruit: onlv $300 cash. $2500 for fine 3-room with bath, toilet and concrete basement, with garage; lot xo- auo ; on Jii. ay tn. $300 cash. bal. terms. 54800 for 1 acre and fine 5-room gen uine modem bungalow; all in bearing fruit ; $ 1 000 cash, balance terms. On Ei. 4th. $5500 for an acre on Powell Valley with fine 5-room bungalow; lots of bear ing fruit trees on this. Phone Mar. 829 F. L. BLANCH ARD, 519-20 Railway Exchange. $1550 COTTAGE. $300 DOWN, $25 MONTH. A yard full of fruit trees and berries cottage in A-l condition; only two blocks to Alberta carline; to party purchasing place will sell gas heater, linoleum and several pieces ot furniture for $100 ad ditional. See this at once; place now vacant J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 2U8. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. SPLENDID 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3800. Folks, here is one of those real good looking bungalows, light and cheerful hardwood floors, fireplace, book-cases, massive buffet, cement basement, wash trays, etc.; beautiful corner with south and east exposure; you'll be delighted. us snow you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., near Third. Main 3092. Main 3516. Branch office 50th and Sandy. Evenings, Phone Tabor 8255 or 9321. LAURELHURST $1250 CASH. This is a handsome home of two stones and finished attic, reception room, big beautiful living room, dining room and den, Dutch kitchen and pantry, 3 very attractive bedrooms and glassed-in sleeping porch on upper floor and two maid s rooms on top floor, fireplace; hot air neat; all built-in effects, garage. This is a wonderfully attractive home and the price. $7500, is absolutely right. COE A. MCKENNA & CO.. Main 0871. Main 4522. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. $2600 WOW ! HERE'S A BEAR! 5-room bungalow, on 41st, near Division: 40xlOC Jot, paved street, cement walk and sewer, living room, dining room, kitchen. 2 bed rooms and bath, full basement. Get thjs: jiui waier neaung piam, launary trays, gas and electricity; 1 blocks from car. $800 will handle, rest easy. Don't put mis on until tomorrow; get it today. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 219 RY. EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 1686. ADAMEDA PARK. SWISS CHALET. Rare architecture, beautiful gothlc winaow. i-renen doors between main rooms, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, nu merous built-in conveniences. 6 rooms and sleeping porches, double garage; balconies command panoramic view of city; e wonderfully attractive home. rnce .iuu. on terms. COE A. WcKENNA A CO.. Main 6871. Main 4522. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. PENINSULA BUNGALOW. $2800 EASY TERMS $2800. 5 rooms, full semi-cement basement, fireplace, bookcases, - Dutch kitchen ir good shape, full lot, garage. 1 short block to paved streets and carline. clear of all encumbrance; $500 cash will handle; balance easy monthly payments. WATCH ULK ADS; WE UKT K1.SIL1, O. A. WARRINER, BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON sacrifice, move In tomorrow, strictly modem, hardwood floors upstairs and down, white enamel finish upstairs. solid oak imisn down: very large livm room, library and dining room; 5 large airy bedrooms and sleeping porch, solid tile bath; extra toilet and lavatory down stiilrs; every room elegantly papered; all street Improvements in and paid An ex ceptionally well-t.uilt house at a rare bar gain to clos estate. S. E. cor. 16th and Hnlaey. D. G. Wilson. Main 5692. Mar. DO 15. EAST YAMHILL STREET. $5250. 6-room house, with hot water heating system; good garage and cement run way, nice lawn and shrubery. Owner has purchased another house and is anxfoui to sell. Close in and 1 blk. from Sunny side car. Don't fail to see this. Liberal terms. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Main 6871. Main 4522. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, including living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen and 3 bedrooms, also nice reception hall and sewing room, French doors between living and dining room, bedrooms and kitchen white enamel, hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace and every con veinence; don't fail to see this, it Is something different; price $5000, terms. LUDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. LOOK AT THIS NICE HAWTHORNE CORNER. Ground 87x137 and 7-room house, abundance of fruit trees, all street im provements paid; this ground alone is worth more than we are asking. Finest building site on Hawthorne ave. Price $6000. Terms. 3Kth street. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. DO YOU PAY RENT? Don't do it any more. We have a good 6-room house on a lot 50x100; house modern with concrete basement. 1 yj blocks to carline, school near by. Fronts north, on an Improved street, has a garage. Price $S400. $."00 down and balance monthly if desired. SEE SPERLINO & HANNA. 204 Corbett bldg. SEE THIS TODAY. VACANT AND FURNISHED. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, full cement basement, furnace, paved sts. in and paid, 2 short blks. to Sandy blvd. All good furniture. This is a real sacri fice. Price $4000. Easy terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $2300 PIEDMONT $2300. If you are looking for a modern 6 room house, 2 bedrooms, bath, elec tricity and gas, all clear, 5 blocks from school, can be handled with $1200 down. Ask Mr. Storberg.' - A. J. De FOREST & CO., 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. $2600 HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. Very nice 4-room bungalow, large rooms, unusually fine lot. cherry trees; vacant. 1036 E. Lincoln. Tabor 5798. FOR SALE Vacant 8-room house and garage, foxiiu corner lot; j large cnerry trees. Sewer and paved street paid; $3500. easy terms. Sellwood 178. ROOM modern home; lot 35x100; 8 years old; clear of debt; paved streets, sewer:, price $4100: $1500 down, balance ikj rent. TjLomeon. iienry bld. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses, FRANK L McGUIRE COLUMN OF HOME BARGAINS. The following homes have been per sonally inspected, appraised and a pho tograph of each is in its respective dis trict in our display room with 600 other photographs of homes for sale. 12 AUTOMOBILES AT TOUR SERVICE. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. $2525 VACANT HOME BARGAIN. On a large corner lot on Francis ave nut is a 6-room attractive home; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, large living room with fireplace. 3 light, airy bedrooms; on a paved street; very easy torms, close to car. $2325 ADJOINING IRVINGTON. On a paved street, with all liens paid and across the street from Irvington proper, is a neat 4-room bungalow -cottage; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; $400 down, balance eaay terms. $3500 HOLLADAY-IRVI NGTON HOME. On Clackamas street, on a full lot, is a 7-room, very modern home ; living room with fireplace, solid paneled din ing room, ieaded glass buffet, cove ceil . ing, full white Dutch kitchen, 3 light, airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, sleeping porch, full cement basement, furnace and laun dry trays; can arrange terms. $3675 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. Here is a very modern, attractive, typi cal bungalow, on a full lot, on a paved street, with all liens paid. Has many built-in conveniences, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, white enamel plumb ing, electric lights and gas. sleeping porch. On Ivon street, close to car; terms. $3800 HAWTHORNE HOME BARGAIN. A non-resident authorizes us to offer at a reduced price a very attractive 7 room home on E. 42d street, in the Haw thorne district. Living room with fire place, very pretty dining room, conven ient kitchen, fiill cement basement, fur nace and laundry trays, 3 light, airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, elec tric lights and gas; paved street. Hens paid in full; $500 down, $15 per month and interest, $3825 ARTISTIC BUNGALOW. On E. Clay street, near 45th, 1 block from the Hawthorne car, is an unusually attractive typical bungalow, with low, rambling lines; large living room with fireplace and built-in bookcases, pan eled dining room with buffet, Dutch kitchen, 2 light, airy bedrooms; good cement basement. Can arrange terms. Very distinctive bungalow. $3950 REAL HAWTHORNE SNAP. 6-room attractive bungalow-type home, large living room, solid paneled dining room, leaded glass buffet, convenient kitchen, 3 light, airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; full cement basement, furnace and laun dry trays; extra large lot. 60xloo. This price includes paved street, sewer and sidewalk. Can arrange terms. $4000 JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. Here is a real bungalow home on a full lot on a paved street, 1 block north of Killingsworth, close to the Jefferson high school, public library and city park; close to 3 car lines; house is practically new ; built-in conveniences, best plumb ing fixtures, good cement basement, laundry trays: house is equipped with Rector gas radiator system. This is an unusual buy. Can arrange terms. $4750 REAL ROSE CITY HOME. On E. (i-d street, close to the car, is a very attractive 6-room modern home, very pleasing lines; reception hail, living room .with fireplace and leaded glass bookcases, very pretty dining room with built-in leaded glass buffet, cove ceil ings, hardwood floors, white Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace and laundry trays; 3 light, airy bed rooms and sleeping porch; white enamel plumbing. Can arrange terms. $5750 EASTMORELAND HOME. In Eastmoreland, one of Portland's most beautiful home districts, just south of the Reed college and adjoining the municipal golf links, is a very distinc tive 7-room home with very pleasing lines, ota a large corner lot. Unusually large living room with fireplace, very artistic paneled dining room, hardwood floors, white Dutch kitchen, screened-in back porch, 3 light, airy bedrooms, sleep ing porch, full cement basement, furnace and laundry trays; very pretty lawn, abundance of flowers and shrubbery. This Is an unusual bargain. $5800 DISTINCTIVE IRVINGTON HOME. On E. 12th street, near Stanton, on a paved street, with all liens paid, ia a very modern 8-room house; living room with fireplace, paneled dining room, built-in buffet, convenient kitchen, four light, airy bedrooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors; full cement basement, furnace and -laundry trays; attractive , lawn, abundance of flowers and shrubs; garage. Can arrange terms. $7375 DISTINCTIVE ALAMEDA HOME This very modern, beautifully finished o-room nome oi best material and work manship is offered for sale for the first time, owner is going east. Every mod ern convenience. A real home. Total price $7375. $3500 HAWTHORNE HOME. 7-room attractive bungalow-type home, built-in conveniences, white enamel plumbing, good cement basement, fur nace and laundry trays; 3 light, airy bedrooms; paved street, liens paid in i.u... arrange terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Office Open Sundays and Evenings. Successor to H. D. McGuire Co. Established 1880. 39 Years of Service. ROSE CITT PARK. PK1CB ONLY J47S0. A fine, strictly modern 5-room bunga low, with dandy double garage; full 50x 100 corner Jot. hard surface t.. close to car and in lovely location. If you want something very neat and cosy, and in every way a desirable home. In the heart of Rose City Park, call and see us. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak at. Broadway 4133. BEST BUT IN LAURELHURST. FINE 8-ROOM HOUSE. Here Is one of the best-built homes In Laurelhurst; strictly modern tn every detail: exceptionally large living room. 2 fireplaces, den. breakfast room. 4 bed rooms and sleeping porch: this price Is ONLY $7000. and will sell on easy terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. Broadway 4133. NEW, NIFTY BUNGALOW. E. 1ITH ST. N. (3025. If you want a real bungalow, real modern, with all the new features so much desired, including hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, trays, etc.. then let me show you this beautiful bungalow home. I want to sell this at once. Phone Tabor 8255 and I will be glad to show you the property. f2325 5-room bungalow, on East 28th and Alberta, near car, 40x100 lot. Living room, dining room, kitchen, one bedroom on first floor, with bath; one bedroom up; full cement basement; $400 will handle, revt easy at 6 per cent. BIHR-CAREY CO., Tie up with us. We're al've. 219 RY. EXCH. BLDG. MAIN IBS. 4-ROOM HOUSE. PRICE I200; 1604) CASH. Good 4-room house and two full lots, located in good suburban district and handy to good car service. Just the place to have garden and chickens. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., .;05 OAK ST., BROADWAY 4113 ONLY $3.-0 CASH OO LOOK. Cute little gray bungalow, all in Ivory white, living room and bedroom tinted; best plumbing, laundry tray In kitchen, dining alcove, electric lights; balance $1500 at $25 monthly including Interest. 407 Ashley, corner Grand ave., one blk. north A ins worth. LATHROP. 516 AffTNOTON BLDO. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. Going east, I will sacrifice my garage at 27th and Burnside streets; place full of storage; complete machine shop, ma chinery, stock room supplies, oil storage, office fixtures, safe, cash register, type writer and adding machine. Deal d i rect with owner. $1300 handles it. Call Est 400H. LAURELHURST. I have 4 brand new bungalows for sale, prices range from $5800 to $7000; Rood g-arage wi th each ; construction guar anteed the best. If you are looking for something good come out to Laurel hurst office today, B. 3ftth and Giisan, or phone for auto. Tabor 3433 evenings. East 2086. $H750 LADD ADDITION . Fine large home; walking distance; suitable for large family of workers; lot 50x125; paved street and alley; good garage. Tabor 3433 evenings. East 2086. A NINE-ROOM house, Richmond dfst. Full basement, wash trays, furnace; on first floor. fireplace, all built-ins, parlor, living, dining rooms, kitchen and den, 3 bedrooms, sewing room and store room. $3750. $1000 down. bal. easy. Upper now rented for $32 per month. H. F. Cover, E. 243. . IRVINGTON Immediate possession. $5500; terms; strictly modern; hardwood floors; white enamel finish, 5 bedrooms and sleeping porch; all built-in features: fur nace, fireplace, garage; lots of fruit and berries. 630 E. 20th st. N. Broadway car. D. G. Wilsoo. - ALaiu 5G92, AUr. REAL ESTATE. For bale Houses. $5800. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $5t" III health com nelM thn owner of tin thoroughly modern five-room bungalu . to sen at a sacrifice. This cost th owner $6000 five years ago when bulla ing was cheap. It is well built and at tractlvely arranged. Hardwood floor best of hardware and fixtures, abun. ance of bevel plate glass, shower bat! garage. Ready io move into. Wit hard -surf ace m and twin! for. You wi agree that this is a bargain. See Mi Everson. Main OM.O. H A W TH OR XK D I ST R 1 CT $3500. 5-room bungalow, 2 blocks from Haw thorne ave.. on large lot. 67x100 ; ha fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitrhen. cemei basement, all street and sewer asteb: merits paid. You have been looking i"' a modern place on larg lot where yo are not cramped in. This is your op portunity. J. A. HUBBELL. 107S Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8892. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH. and then some if you buy that 6-roon home, on full lot. 6 bearing fruit tree;- good basement, line piumoing. gas an electricity; two car lines convenient.1 near; sewer, sidewalks and curha I' and paid at $2750; $-00 cah will bandl U A. H. BIRR ELL CO. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 4114. PENINSULA BUNGALOW. NEAT AND COZY. 4 rooms, fireplace, good basemen close to paved si a., car, stores and sehoo Price $1500, $500 cash, balance Ilk rent. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Bonrd of Trade bldg. $1S0Q $ 1 im CASH", balance $. per mo a good 5-room house in good repai with water, gss and electricity ; on fine 40xluo lota; 15 bearing fruit tree? gooseberries, blackberries. Ingans an raspberries; house has just been palnte Only 2 blocks to car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 6.12-633-634 N. W. Bank Bldg. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. strictly modern bunpalow fitsvinn it. nnff block to ear cloae ic price $47i: some terms. ...mi-modern bunRalow; COT ner lot. 1 block to Hon iMiy . .nan at S UU . Kitiims. Chamber of Commerc Main iirji. BEAUTIKl'I. KNfJI.ISH COLONIAL,. 8 rooms and fine sleeplnn porch. kul o ........ .n on a much lower marke 7 frtr s-.'nnn under actual Co and show the bills. Key '""'' 3Sith and Ollsan. or phone Tabor 4 evenlnc. Eas-t 20HH. ....... i t"rw vol I IX. ...n ntcu I"... H-rnrtm house In R jh". balance eaxy payment- at pe cent: modern In every respeci, i from car. A.-k Mr Stoi.erK. bloc- A. .1. uer' ivco RS0-S21 Henry BldK Main 21WI). i-ITY COLONIAL HOMH i.l.sno will buy this dream home ' five rooms on hard-surfaee 'rert,. ' Rose City Park. Hurdwood floors, fir. Place Dutcn Kltcnen. .-.-...r... . EtrWtry paper, thoroughly modern. Cal Kverson. flu.ii. I WILL SKI.L my Interest In a rnodcr ' 7-room house. V -", ., Uroai1 way 2t7:, betw een 0 and J - A. M. 877 TlliHIOTTS rl T. 5-room modern. "l today. f:l00(l; easy ternm. Iv'at (M)0 5-ROOM bunnalow. 5!0J Rlth st . . . ...ill Vi.nrtle fn.M S. K. u.. casu in ii." Suburban Homes. "WHITE ENAMKI.F.D THROUGHOUT 1IKAI. SUBURBAN HOME. UKUl'XD lOOxoOu FKliT. ElEht beautiful rooms and Urcn sleep Ins porch; excellent hard wood floors I' HvInK and tuning- rouinn. v.roi..... In fixtures; attractive fireplaces; Krenc doors between mHln rooms; there Is :;,. and the grounds are Improve w"th"br"nV fruit tree, (all kinds. 100 1R0 feet adjoining may be had Loca'e only 2 hlocks to Sandy blvd. l'rlre ..00' J L. Hartman Company. 7 Chamber o Commerce bldg. Main 208. ....... . i nn i. acres of choir gardening land, some fruit and hsrrle good barn. One of the most sight knolls adjacent to Multnomah statin! Beautiful view of the Cascade range an- Mt. Hood, the Tuaiunn vanoj and coast range; only one block irom in Capital highway. House IS now '"'i' and must be sold Immediately. 1 am su thorlzed by non-resident owner to tak JJ.-.00. of which IK.UU may hu mortgage. It win ia the property Is easily worth lmn mor than . are asking. For Ben Riesland at 4U4 Piatt bldg.. 1-. Par ml., on week days or him or his agent at Multnoman on djuj ON HARD-SURKACKU iji i inn HIGHWAY. One-half mile from Tlgardrllle the. are 7 acres, about 700 ft. facing hlgl way. lies beautifully, finest kind of He soil; can be subdivided nicely, all I cult all fenced and cross-fenced, goo barn, chicken house. 5-room house wli .i.etrleliv. land alone worth 10O0 pe ..,. we are authorized by owner .n,l. for I."iOOO. Itrtlll. Se Geo P. Henry, with Frank L. McCulr Abington bldg. Open Sundays. CLOSE-IN SUBURBAN HOM1-, Suburban home of five acres, eight room house, barn, chicken runs an sheds, lots of fruit and water: a ..i.ur.H fine so : w-ltnin me --".. circle from the court nous the laiv gently m a sunny exposure an commands a fine view, tnis pa . ... many desirable .eatures ana you w o well to invcimic r(,u(rlh. elsewhere. of Commerce. Alain ioo, iwiun- Marshall virio tt'Ml STREET. acre, good, new ;om PlMter- 1 house. cemeni uttaciti. r " . -,. finivnrs. iruii. sit.. minute? walk to Kendall Station; prl. ".YOU "so" cash. bal. reasonable term. See Geo P. Henry, with Frank U M. Ouire. Abington mag- 4-room bungalow at Maplewoo, , with cltv water, gas ami ele chts for 11400. Terms 121.0 caf DANDY stat ion trie IB"" -., n n, in, est ' If yPou know "a" good buy you w, mok into this at, once. See ATCHISON 204 Henry bldg r?U-.ll Xt .V ACRE. MULTNOMAH STATION. Good 5-room house. barn chlcke houses and yards, etc.; lot. of hearln,. and herries: price nmr 2000. RFIIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. I Oak St Broadway 4133. 305 "OSWEGO LAKE HOMESITE, Beautiful tract overlooking lake: water 11 Th ts good road; fine native trees, ex c.lVen't view: $30 down. 10 per month Owner, 60oConcord bldg. "....tit RITRITRBAN HOME. .... well located, near car line from 1MM up. Inquire third house Dort of Risley station, on uriw. line, sign "Alder Brook. City cai 1-ROOM bungalow on 6e commutation west side, with city water, gas and Ion fare elec .-in lights lor i-'..ui'. on i" ATCHISON, 204 Henry hlilg. For Sale! Acreage. SOOn ACRES In southwestern Washington for ..I. to ..ttler. only: ... term, lew ScceMed at par. Writ, for map sho Tacoma Biug.. 'i acorn. " LOGOED-OFF LANDS. - k r nn located Within miles of Portland, on railroud ; good soil no rock, plenty or wuie. . buy on your own "...,. fl!3 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Tiw. hulldlnz corner at Multnomah tion, on auto road, planted ! tosyoung or I. A he bought for $100(1 on reasonable term S?.J Jtii.. cas and electric lights i? front of the place. See ATCHISON, Henry building. ' 20- vnilR CHANCE. Suburban tracts just being put on th market; each tract anoui j v4 nrin, rHvnd highway; electric railway, j i .wtriritv. Every tract f:.imr in- road. Terms If wanted. Address No. 209 14th s4.. Portland. Or. 15 ACRES on county road. 8 minutea V hrrl aiirfare. 15 minutes' walk t Gresham carlin. 30 minutes by auto loi rrtnMhoiiii. i'oriiana. rine view, cmw n- school. $225 per acre, part cleared, be' sol!. F. W. Hill, owner, ma uaico pi OREGON CITY line home; 4-room hou. chicken house, 1 acre all under culti vation. 30 fruit trees, hard surface road close to school. $5ti0 cah. balance lik rent. See John Brown, 3114 Railway Ex change bldg. . ONLY 6V4 MILES OUT. T acres very best soil, lien fine, o, rood toad; 5-room i house, family or ehnrri- nil fn cultivation: only $2V nn terms. B. F. Keliy, 715 Swetland building. 2hi ACRES 3 blocks to station. 40 minutes from pOS I O I l ll-O, K "vj i on !, vr-ry iiw. of soil. $675. terms. Broadway 1658, 200 Oregon bldg. ONE. two and five-acre tracts. cIoma electric nn some cleared, some partly cleared, fine soil, no gravel, terms. 20K Oregon bldg. Hroartway mrm. SNAP IN IMPROVED ACREAGE. 30 acre near Portland, 26 tn cult. : cost me $000; must sell, $4500. Snap Half caffh. Mar. 355. irnn Orea-on City line acreage, improved or unimproveu, ouuu diuw ii, at Railroad Exchange oiag. aiar. 8331. ACREAGE 13 miles from Portland, mftil UU OWILuEt X UUUO awaaBW .UfeJU A