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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1919)
THE 3IORMXG OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1919. 5 RIGA REPORTED IN F HANDS OF RUSSIANS ;j .MINISTER AVIATOR. WHO LEADS IN EAST-TO-WEST FLIGHT IN AIR DERBY. 7 British and French Prepare to Take Hand in Affair. VON DER GOLTZ IN ATTACK LABOR COillFEREIlGE QUITS 111 DEADLOCK Ruian Commander Said to Have Made Arrangement With Hans to Allow Gradual Withdrawal. IjONPOS. Oct. 11. The advance guard of Colonel Ayaloff-BVrmondt entered and occupied Rica Wednes day evening or Thursday morning, according to the Daily Mail's Helslng fors. Finland, correspondent. COPENHAGEN. Oct. 10. German troops under Oeneral von der lloltx. together with Russians under Colonel Avaloff-Uermonrit. attacked the Letts 3D kilometers from Kiga and occupied Schlotsk. which is outside the de marcation line, according .to a report issued by the Lettish bureau at Riga. The report adds that the attack was repulsed with sanguinary losses. The forces of tleneral von der Golts Include Imperial German troops with tanks and airplanes, says the report, which adds that the Germans at-:-npted to bomb Riga, but were re pulsed. Warships Clear for Aetlosi. British and French warships in the harbor of Kiga have cleared for ac tion on account of the attack by Ger man iroooi under the command of General von der Golta upon the Le tKh armv defending Rica. A state of siege has been proclaimed t Rig.t. as a precautionary measure Reserves are being; formea amon thnii who are unable to CO to th front. Soldiers who were startin toward the front were pelted wit flowers. The Lettish bureau says the Ger mans and Kn.ian attacked on tn front of St. Olai. 30 kilometers from Rica, and the shore of the guir t and occupied the coastal tow of .Khlotok and also attacked th coas tal town of Uubbelm. 30 kilo meters from Rica. The Letts, in addition to claiming to have inflicted sanguinary losses on the enemy and to have destrvye an armored train at the St. U'.al sta tion. declare they cu: up two compa nies of Germans with their machine cun ftre. The fighting continues on the whole front. Rashes' t Frost. " Meters Another dispatcn from Rica say the tiermtns attacked repeatedly dur ing the night in overwhelming num bers and with all modern weapons, but that the Letts successfully coun ter-attacked. The dispatch adds that both soldiers and civilians are tilled wun en thusiasm and that volunteers are joining the ranks day and night. Lettish soldiers who have been fighting with the British and French at Art-hansel have Just arrived at Riga by eleamship and rushed to the front. While the allied battleships at Riga are preparing, according to this dispatch, to open fire on the German forces attacking Riga. Berlin advices from Jlitau. 17 miles south of Riga, declare that the Russian and German forces In that vicinity have reached an agreement in regard to the grad ual evacuation of the country. The representatives of the entente at alilau have been advised to this effect. Deal Made W Its II A Berlin telegram from Mitau states that Colonel Avalof f-Bermondt on October 8 handed to the entente rep resentative a note addressed "to the representatives of the allied powers In Russia" and reading: "In order to combat bolshevlsm store order and secure the safety o( my base of action. 1 have, as head of the Russian army in the western prov inces, concluded an agreement with the commanders of the German army corps occupying the country, under which 1 guarantee the gradual with drawal of their troops and the safety of their transportation to Germany "In order to help remedy the chaotic state of the administration of the provinces occupied by my troops, I appointed a central committee charged to draft and organize a temporary administration and also to prepare foundations for liberal administrative measures on a democratic basis In accordance with the wishes of the population. Attack laprovoked. He Wars. ' "The present Lettish government tegan to send a number of Lettish troops against the boundaries of my military base, which violated the neu tral sone. This evoked a number of minor collisions while my troops were replacing German posts. "I had given my posts orders, de spite the continued provocation, not to let themselves become Involved with the Letts and Ksthonians. The latter interpreted my action as weak ness and attacked my positions. "1 was compelled to take measures for my military safety and occupy a new line, making it possible to march acainst and effectively com bat the enemies of my country and bolshevlsm. I hope that the powers allied with my country will support my endeavors in accordance w-ith treaties and grant me all facilities to take requisite measures." Available records do not contain the name of Colonel Avaloff-Ber-mondt. Previous advices from the Jiallic region have failed to mention the commander of the Russian army In the western provinces. STOCKHOLM. Oct. 1. The news paper Folkets Dasblad learns that lle bolshevlsts have retaken the city of Kiev. No intimation of the possibility of an Impending recapture of the great south Russian center has been re ceived from other sources, although it was recently stated that bolshevist bands were roaming in this region in the rear of the lines of the Poles and General Ienikine. These two armies are well advanced beyond the vicinity of Kiev, but are not yet in touch with one another. : ! r "-v - f J i . iv -' it : - x j- - !j ) - f I It :L, , - ... X 4 --VI. i . , nA.Jk. .. .-. - - V 1 Adjournment Is Taken Until Tuesday by Delegates. OPEN SHOP CHAMPIONED Photo Copyright by Underwood. LIKUTKXAXT B. W. MAVVAKI). although injured, walked several miles through the storm to get aid. The third cay of the air racing was one of adverse weather, possibly the worst since the start Wednesday. Kain flooded landing fields at Chi cago and Byran and made lanaings and take-offs difficult at other mid- dl i states points. Weather More Favorable. Clearing- wether prevailed in the mountain regions, with the rubsid- ence of tne snowstorms of yesterday. but cold followed with discomfiture for the flyers. In the far west the weather ws clear. Stiong winds were blowing in some sections, ess pecially in the mountain territory and against the westbound flyers. The fatal accident at Buffalo elimi nated plane No. 24 and Major Sneed. It was announced today thut Lieuten ant Itoberts, whose machine No. 34, fell into Lake Krle yesterday and sunk, would not be permitted to re enter the race with another machine. Lieutenant Wales' death ended the race for him and his plane. No. 63. An official report to Rawlins. Wyo., oday said Lieutenant Spencer Hall's machine No. 55. was down near Bit ter Creek, damaged and out of the race. Reports from Suit Lake were hat two other machines, unidentl led, were out of the contest, one west of Green River and the other at Car ter, Wyo. A broken propeller held Cadet I. I. Cardiff's Fokker No. 64 at Salduro. tah. today and Lieutenant D. B. Glsh, No. 10, who was forced down at Ithaca. N. Y., made temporary re pairs of a broken oil lead and made Rochester, N. Y., where he was held throughout the day. BUFFALO, N. T., Oct. 10. The fifth fatality in the transcontinental air race occurred here this afternoon when plane No. 24, piloted by Major A. L. Sneed, crashed on Curtiss field nd his observer. Worth D. McClure. was killed. Major Sneed suffered lightly from shock, but was other wise unhurt. McClure's death was attributed by fficials at the field to the fact that had unfastened his life belt and was sitting out on the fuselage when Major Sneed made a bad landing. All of the 13 westbound planes held P by yesterday a storm were sent way today. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. Oct. 10. Lieutenant B. W. Maynard, No. 31, ho left Buena Vista field here at :0S o'clock. Mountain time, arrived Salduro, 100 miles westward. :03 P. M.. Pacific time. He will put p at Salduro for the night, depart ing for San Francisco at sunrise. transcontinental air derby in which aviators are dashing across the coun try west to east and east to west. Two pilots in the race are well known here, one being a Portland man. Lieutenant Alexander Pearson Jr., son of Alexander Pearson, 734 East Main the Portland aviator In the race. He is driving plane No. 8. Lieutenant E. C. Kiel is well known here, having been in charge of the airplane partol in this state when it was first organized last summer. Lieutenant Kiel was reported leading the flock of west-to-east fliers yes terday. Lieutenant Pearson Is making the east-to-west flight and was yesterday reponea leaving Chicago. Reports Wednesday told of a narrow escape from Injury he had when landing at Kinson, Ohio. His machine skidded on a slippery field, but was controlled after a moment of uncertainty. Lieutenant Pearson is a graduate of the Lniversity of Oregon and learned to fly In the aviation service during tne war. As a member of the class of 1917 at the university, he left school be fore the close of the term t enter the first officers' training camp at the Presidio, Cal. There, at th age of 21, he won a commission as second lieutenant of infantry and later was transferred to the aviation, where he became a flyer. During the latter part of the war he served as in structor In flying at Payne field, Mis sissippi. He is still in the service and in the present race he Is repre senting the Scott aviation field, Illinois. CLEVELAND. Oct. 10. Captain L. H. Smith, leading the east-bound fliers in the transcontinental air race, landed safely at Bryan, O., at 4:50 M. Lieutenant Kiel also reached Bryan, landing at d::.1,. Both will remain at Bryan over ight. L'p to 5:30 P. M.. Major Spatz. also east-bound from Chicago, had not rrived. WASHINGTON", Oct. 10. Lieutenant Belvin W. Maynard. west-bound and Captain Lowell H. Smith, east-bound ill not be disqualified in the trans- ontinental air race, or penalized be cause they were in flight after sun- own. The rule forbidding night flying applies only where the pilots ndertake flights tnat tney Know will carry them welt into me nigni to comDlete. Lieutenant Maynard flew 1 12 miles vesterday In two minutes less than nothing, according" to the official time made public today at tne war depart ment. Maynard left North Platte, Neb., at 5:03 P. M., and arrived at Sid ney at 5:01 P. M. The explanation is that the point where the change be tween central and mountain time is miH. lies between the two towns. 3 FLIERS REACH BRYAN frnrt'tmi'd Krom Flr-t Pr. anoinr occurring yi'Mer.lay. was re ported In bclited dispatches, bringing the total deaths In three days of air racing to five. Master Electrician Worth E. McClure was the fifth vic tim when No. 24. westbound, piloted by Mator A. ! Sr.eed. crashed down at Buffalo. Major Sneed was only slightly hu-t. A ' n.inor ac cidents occurred. The regretable death yesterday of Lieutenant Edward V. Wales. who drove his mirhine. No. 2. against K!k mountain. Wyoming, in a driving snowstorm. wa reported today by army officials. Ha died a short time after being taken to a ranch house. His observer, William Goldsborou&h, CLEVELAND. Oct. 10. Fifteen westbound airplanes In thetranscon tinental derby arrived here today and there were 14 departures. Nine are in the Glen Martin hangar tonight, ready to take off for Bryan, O.. to morrow at daybreak, weatner permit ting. All machines leaving Buffalo today reached here. Six of the departures were yester day's arrivals and two. Lieutenant Colonel T. S. Bowen and Lieutenant Colonel H. E. Hartney, landed here Wednesday. Colonel Bowen waa the first to take off for Bryan at 8:15 A. M., being followed by Colonel Hart ney six minutes later. Arrivals from Buffalo were led by Lieutenant S. W. Torney. who landed at 9:32. Others Included Captain Roy N. Francis, who piloted a Martin bomber, carrying four passengers, and Lieutenant J. B. Machle. POUTLAXD AVIATOR IX RACE Lieutenant Pearson Reported Out of Chicago on Flight. Portland ia represented In Lbo Xirst i GOLDSBOROUG1I FROM PATROL Hyer In LIk Mountain Accident Known in Oregon. EUGENE, Or., Oct. 10. (Special.) Lieutenant Goldsborough, who was a passenger on plane No. 63. which crashed into Elk mountain in Wyo ming, was stationed In Eugene from the time the forest patrol base was moved to this city in August until October 3, when he left for San Fran cisco to prepare for the transconti nental flight, being the only one chosen from the eight officers of the forest service located here who made application to enter the race. He was at first located at Roseburg, but was sent here when the fliers' base was moved to this city. He has many friends in Eugene and in the other parts of the state where he visited who have been watching ac counts of the flight with more than ordinary interest because of the fact that he is one of the participants. The Oregon Parent-Teacher associ ation Is to be congratulated in elect ing to the presidency Mrs. C. W. Hay hurst of Portland. Mrs. Hayhurst has long been a devoted member of the board and is widely popular and most efficient. S. A H- green stamps for cash. Hol man Fue! company. Main 353. A 3353. Block wood. 4 ft. or short slabwood. Utah and Rock Spiinga coal; sawdust. Adv. Capitalists Present Declaration of Principles That Embody Judge Gary's Views. WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. Deadlock In the committee or 15 or the "steer. Ing committee" over labor's proposal to arbitrate the steel strike, brought about adjournment today of the na tional industrial conference until Tuesday. In the meantime the "steer lng committee" will meet in an at tempt to agree on a report to lay before the conference when it reas sembles. Adjournment came after the con ference had received the proposals of the employers' group declaring for the principle of the open shop and af firming that "no employer shall be required to deal with men or groups of men who are not his employes or chosen by and from among them." The latter principle created quite a stir and was considered by some of the delegates as approval of the stand taken by Judge Elbert H. Gary, chair man of the United States steel cor poration, in refusing to meet the steel strikers. Sympathetic Strikes Opposed. Other principles enunciated in the declaration of the employers include: Acceptance of the right of strike or lockout, excepting in the case of government employes: opposition to sympathtic strikes and lockouts; In sistence on the function of the man agement in directing industry; em phasis of shop unions as opposed to the industrial councils proposed by organized labor; and a declaration that co-operative relations betwee capital and labor should be worke out in individual establishments with due regard to local factors, instead of along the lines of entire Industrie as suggested by labor. 'High industrial efficiency was stated by the employers as the touch stone of sound industrial relations. After receiving the proposals of th employers, an hour's recess was take to permit the committee of 15 to bnn in a report on the one resolution which, it was announced, was unde consideration. On reconvening, how ever, the committee informed the con ference that it was unable to agree on a report and after objections ha been registered by Samuel Gompers, of the labor group, and Thomas L. Chadbourne. of the public representa tives, adjournment was taken. Capitalists Are Gratified. With the fundamental proposals by the "right' 'and "left" groups before the conference, as well as a number of important proposals by representa tives of the public, members of the conference tonight expressed their satisfaction with the result of the first week's deliberations. In ex planation of the employers' attitude, M. W. Alexander, managing director of the national industrial conference board, in a statement tonight said: "The statement of principles which should govern the employment rela tion in industry presented to the con ference today was originally prepared by the delegates appointed by th national industrial conference board and assented to after discussion by the employers' group, including the delegates of the United States Cham ber of Commerce, the farmer associa tions, the investment bankers and the railroad executives. "This document will become historic because it is the first concerted dec laration by industrial leaders of these fundamental principles, under the op eration of which alone American in dustry must live and move and have its being if it is to achieve its high est destiny. It is a constructive, rea sonable statement of economic laws, phrased in language sympathetic and humane. "The employers' group was grati fied at the many expressions of ap proval from representatives of the public in various walks of life which followed the presenting of the state ment to the conference." Anderson, occurred yesterday after noon at about 4 o'clock. Anderson, who lives at Fifteenth and Savier streets, tells an unusual story. He was engaged at the Eastern & Western lumber plant, he says, when he was approached by the two men who claimed to be officers. The men told Anderson that he was under ar rest and took him to a waiting auto mobile. They then drove him out the Germahtown road, handcuffing him and searching his pockets for valua bles. Stopping the car along a desert ed stretch of the road, they took Anderson out, handcuffed his hands behind a tree, and drove away. Anderson, after considerable effort, he says, finally succeeded in getting free by climbing the tree, which was only a sapling, and reaching his hands over the top. . With the handcuffs still fastened to his wrists, he rushed to the St. Johns police station to tell his story. At the time of the robbery Anderson had but little of value upon him. but is said to have left a con siderable sum of money and some liberty bonds at his rooms. Anderson's theory is that the men knew of the securities at his rooms and took him out of town, hand cuffing him to a tree in order to be able to return to town and rob his quarters. Police officers began an investigation at once, but up to a late hour last night had not reported as to the extent of the robbery at the man's rooms, in case any robbery oc curred, nor had they secured a clew as to the identity of the men, nor confirmed Anderson's story, except his appearance with the handcuffs still on his wrists. W. 0. TO CIE WAGE RISE SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE WILL BEGIN" J.VXCARY, 192 0. Company Representative Soon to Announce Terms of Profit-Sharing Plan for All Employes; EDWARD ANDERSON SAYS ROB BER IMPERSONATED POLICE Alleged Victim Asserts He Was Handcuffed to Tree While Room Was Searched. Police officers are looking for two men who, claiming to be police of ficers, yesterday afternoon "arrested Edward Anderson, an employe of the Eastern & Western Lumber company took him out on the Germantown road beyond the limits of the city, robbed him and handcuffed him to a tree. The unusual robbery, as reported by Don't Experiment With Catarrh; It Often Leads to Serious Trouble You Will Never Be Cured by Local Treatment With Sprays. Catarrh Is a condition of the blood and can not be cured by local appli cations of sprays and douches; this has been proven by the thousands who have vainly resorted to this method of treatment. Catarrh should not be neglected or experimented with. The wrong treat ment is Valuable time lost, during which the disease Is getting a firmer hold upon its victim, and making it more difficult for even the proper treatment to accomplish results. Though Catarrh makes Ms first ap pearance In the nostrils, throat and air passages, - the disease becomes more and more aggravated and finallv reaches down into the lungs,' and everyone recognizes the alarming conditions that result when the lungs are affected. Thus Catarrh may be the forerunner of that most dreaded and hopeless of all diseases, consump tion. No local treatment affords per manent relief. Experience has taught that S. S. S. Is the one remedy which attacks the disease at its source, the blood, and produces satisfactory re sults in even the worst cases. Catarrh sufferers are urged to give S. S. S. a thorough trial. Jt is sold by all drug gists. You are invited to write to the Medical Department for eioert aavice as to now to treat your own case. Address Swift Specific Co., 254 swift laboratory. Atlanta. Ga. Adv Substantial increase have just been promised by the Western Union com pany to all its employes, effective January 1, 1920, according to tele graphic announcement reaching J. W. Holt, president of the Association of Western Union Employes, in Portland. The decision to give all employes drawing less than 3250 a month in creases has just been reached in New York, where a committee from the employes' association has been in con ference with officials of the com pany. The telegram informing the Port land employes of the promised salary rise came from a Pacific coast rep resentative of the employes' associa tion at Los Angeles. The telegram, which explains the new wage scale, reads: "Conference committee in New York wires me as follows: The company has agreed with our conference com mittee that, effective January 1, 1920, the pay of employes receiving less than S250 per month on that date and who are otherwise qualified to receive additional compensation will be as follows: All in the service more than one year prior to January 1, 1920, 15 per cent; those in service less than one year but more than six months prior to January 1, 1920, 10 per cent. Such increases are to be figured on the regular monthly rat ing or wage paid in December, 1919. 'The conference committee is now in conference with the company's representatives on a profit-sharing plan, the result of which will be an nounced in tha near future. The ex isting schedule of maximums of the traffic department have been abol ished." Your Boy's Clothes You want them smart looking, in good taste and, above all, WEARABLE ! I use the same care in selecting boys' clothes that I do in men's ; you will find only good boys' clothes at my store. Boys' Fall Suits $10 to $30 All nobby styles in tweed, cheviot, cassi mere and novelty mixtures; mostly furnished with two pairs of knickers. These are the suits for boyish boys. Children's Overcoats $7.50 to $20 Boys' Overcoats $10 to $30 Garments with abundant warmth; styles that please the eye. Shown here in great va riety. Boys' Shop, Second Floor enSelltrw to PORTLAND W ARRESTED E. J. MAIIOXEY CHARGED WITH WIFE DESERTIOX. BIG TRIP DELAYS STUDENT Berkeley Youth, 35 Days on Way From Alaska, Readies Eugene. OREGON" AGRICULTURAL, COL LEGE, Corvallis, Oct. 11. (Special.) A" trip of 35 days on a sailing ship returning from Alaska made James A. Parcel of Berkeley, Cal.. late In registering in the college and he was enrolled as student number 2800, es tablishing a new high mark in regis tration of regular students. Mr. Parcel graduated from the Cor vallis high school in 1910 and com pleted his sophomore year in the school of pharmacy at O. A. C. He eft for California in 1914 with his father, James I. Parcel, printer and ditor. At the beginning of the war Mr. Parcel joined the 40th engineers and was en route to New York when the armistice was signed. He was dis- harged January 10 and went to Alas- a to take charge of the dispensary and dressing room for the Alaska Packing association. Phone your want ads to The Ore- gonian. Main 7070, A 6095. Mrs. W. W. Hygarth Leaves Hus band to Flee With Man and Pair Are Arrested in Xew Orleans. Arrested yesterday at New Orleans on a Portland warrant charging wife desertion, and with a tentative white- slavery charge over him, E. J. Ma- honey of this city will be returned to Portland for prosecution. Mrs. W. w. Hygarth, with whom Mahoney is alleged to have eloped from Portland, was arrested with him and also will be returned. Tele graphic information received last night from New Orleans said the cou ple had been arrested by federal au thorities. Mahoney and Mrs. Hygarth are said to have left Portland together more than two weeks ago. Mahoney has a wife and family living here, while Mrs. Hygarth deserted her husband to flee with him. Mrs. Mahoney and Mr. Hygarth signed complaints against the erring man and woman. Following their arrest yesterday at New Orleans the couple admitted elop ing and said they were deeply in love with each other, according to word received here. Mahoney is alleged to have taken J6000 with him when he left the city. His wife asserts he left an $800 mort gage on their home, where she is now living. Officers will probably be sent to New Orleans to return the couple to Portland as soon as the needed requi sition papers can be procured. -Tin SOLDIER 3y TEMPLE BAILEY 60th THOUSANU All Boom Stores-!.60 Penn Publishino Co. Philadelphia WHO IS I THE GIRL I FROM : OUTSIDE?: UIIIBIIBIIIHIIIBIII IT'S UNWISE to put off today's duty until tomorrow. If your stomach is acid disturbed take the new aid to digestion comfort today. A pleasant, relief from 1 the discomfort of acid dyspepsia. MADE BT SCOn k B0WNE '-'-'' j-,J'Ut'"m'."i.VB"'JI"l"-l'"ll"",1' J"""'"" " " " 11 1,111 ' J fl;"- s lnvk ypwrer cwwrSk wwi STARTING TODAY A PICTURE OF RUGGED HILLS AND OF RUGGED HEARTS FILLED WITH THE TANG OF BOUNDLESS FOR ESTS. RICH WITH THE BLOOD OF UNTAMED NAME. Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and effectual. Only 35 cents per bottle MAKERS Or SCOTT S EMUmOB g 1 jj' V - ittCXff'-. -' WkJliLJLJ ( ill! & fj I j 1 y fev. I t M :Ai: 1 i fin . r IB jar yilld X5J.iil IB Another Big Special A LLOYD COMEDY 1 a e t., r. , . SS 2 MURTAGH CONCERT The story or a petite rollies dancer who H .,-, , . I j i e u- u . lg At 12:30 Sunday KINOGRAMS had a passal or high-brow relatives. H II Coming Next Saturday Bnggs Boy comedy schooi B j Mary Pickford in "The Hoodlum" ;