IS TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1919. RML K9TATK. Far Me -li llOVK.SCRKRR!!. LOOK! IOCR R&XT AND LIVING P RACTIC- I ALLY FREE. I VODERV 4-FLAT BUILDING ATI 103.- RODNEY AVE. ONE FLAT COM- FI.ETEL.V FURNISHED INCLUDED I.V I PKH E OF $50O. SPLENDID I.OCA-I THX. PAVED STREETS. SEWER". ETC income iino pen month. 13"oo CASH RKQLRED. BALANCE PER CENT. OWNER- C 11S2 HOME OR PA CIFIC PHONE. EVENINGS. GOING TO I tALIfUKNIA. MIST SELL. VERT ATTRACTIVE. Tf looking for m nice home It will pay! you to thla: .New o-room bungalow. iorL Dercoia nlco btthnom. fireplace. I boo,cafj. hardwood floor. baemnt I remMUd. trvm. lawn and rarx; bloc a to car; near Peninsula school: good district: price f 4o. i cash. Call I btwfn 1 and 5 P. M. 105.1 Vtliard ave.! IKVINGTON BEAUTIFUL. KNGUSU HOME. SoOO for thla artistic -room, perfect home. larae livlna room. fireplace, dinlnir room, two bedrooms, bath. Dutch kitchen, first floor; two bedrooms, bath second floor. All In old ivory, grounds have natural trees; fine garage; near Siskiyou and Twentieth. Eust 413. TINE new English cottar. rooms. din- Ins; and iltenir porches. hardwood I floors open fireplace, all modern con venience, with large wooded lot. at I Mount Ziou, thA most beautiful view I vubarb of Fort! inL Price f 6,'miO, easy I terms. John Ba:n (owner). uo upaid ing pin g. 1 eiepnone A. " THAT VACANT LOT Why not turn a burden Into Income? We design and build apartments, gar- ares, residences, anythin: fu nish jtlanj I and flnanre. Established ten years. We I : offer SECURITY. SEKViCK, SAT1SFAC-I TIU. X K. bailey Co.. inc. contract ing architects. VJ4 IV w. Hank bids;. IRVINGTON. 520 East 24th st. N:. cor. lot 5.1x100, modern bouse. rooms and sleep) ns porch, hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, fur- I race, laundry, etc; garage. For snle I ty cwnera F, K. Bowman ft Co 213 1 c or u. oiog. aiain j.p. liODERN residences being constructed on I Sandy boulevard and East 2Sth st.. 7 and I rooms each, tor prices, terms and a a . other particulars see us. ee the houses I today. PARRISH. WATKIX3 A CO.. log Second st. TOR SALE; 6-room house and 50x100-ft. I lot. next to corner; house in good condi tion; has electric lights, ga. bath, sta-1 tlonary tuo: 3 oetirooms. living room. dining room, kitchen; situated on paved I street ana car line; want cash. I Phone owner, nood.awn 2426. JfOPPTRV 6-ROOM HOCSB; FTREPLACS, BCILT-LN BUFFET AND BOOK CASKS; GARAGE: CORNER. CLOSE ' IN ON EAST SIDE; BEST CAR LINE IS CITY; TERM A FHONtf bAST SOfB. WEST SIDE 5-room home, walking die- I tance. close to car. with larze Kara re: ran be bought for $2650 on terms. This I broberty was taken over by our bank and the property is being; sold for about I what lots are worth in this same dia- trlct. Pee ATCHISON. 204 Henry bldg. (NAf C2400 home for S2Z0O. torn cash, some trade, balance $-5 monthly; cash discount; rooms, modern, closets, attic, basement. furnace, porches. concrete waiks. fruit, garden. Call after 3 P. M. I Owner. 4047 60th St. S. E. fcOSE CITT Spacious bungalow, east front. I comer, 5Oxl0. -ft. parkins. 529 E. 4Mth st. N 2 blocks from andy; five rooms, I attic, narowooa noora, furnace, fireplace. fruit trees, cnicaen coop; auou cash, bal- ance terms to suit. $J150 BL'Td a tract of rround. 150x105 ft., with new modern bungalow and food, new barn. In choice residence sec tion close to Multnomah station; non resident owner wis nee to make a aulck snle. hence the price. For particulars I rail at riatt bias;., it 'arjt sc. near v asnmgton. 1RVIXGTON. ENGLISH BCNQALOW. 9 roomj Barn woou tioors ana garage; very line; oou. tut inoa $2700. Iiautlfnl 4-room bannlov. strictlv No. 1; basement, corner lot. sewer, pare- I ment. z biotas to z car lines: nous va cant; terms, vey at itau way SkX- CPsnge. jsarsnaii autj. BUILD NOW! If yoo own a lot we will furnish the xnoney and build for you. Terms like I rent, call and see us, WESTERN CONSTRUCTTOX CO.. slam 2Q35. 6-1 M one an bldg. ROSE CITY. HERE IS A GOOD ONE. -room. IS -story house: 2 fireplaces, full basement. 3 good bedrooms, good I garage, fine location. Tabor 343, lain I I ( .l rv. LC UAil l . 1 x . LADD ADDITION. 8-room house, lot 5oxl25. paved alley. This is an exceptionally good buy; waik- I lng distance; suitable for a large, family I of workers; easy terms. Phone Tabor I 333. Main Ii'HI. WK. UKLAHIXTY. FOR SALE By owner, 5-room modern bunraiow witn zuii cement basement and large attic with space enough for 3 rooms; a bargain. 103-H E. 23d X. Half block xrom canine, rnone Wood lawn b-ios. COOD 7-room residence. 4V2 Kenllwortb I ave. near mvision st. : lot Ox50 feet; easy terms. trice s.j.o. PARRISH. W ATKINS & CO.. Second IN IR VINGTON Several fine modern Borneo or will furnish lota finance and build to suit, isuui low homes In Port land. Rico Construction Co., R. B, Bice, agent, ww vtasco k. aasc mz. HAWTHORNE bungalow; fireplace, paved streets, furnished if desired; owner go- ins; away; unmeaiate possession: $3I0O; $.0 cash. Induing furniture, 1162 f'aruthers st. $3250 GLADSTONE AVE. Bungalow, 6 rooms, modern ex cent fnr- ; mace, fireplace, built-lns; Immediate pos sessions; terms. KCKES, 60S Chamber or commerce, stain w-ia. LOOK THIS UP TODAY. . A HOME MAGNIFICENT. I Rtiictly modern, now and classy; R C. I Park home. Owner. J230 Sandy blvd. Ta- nor 3 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Large bungalow, modern conveniences, I 9 mis, iwei wun pwvea street on cor ner 2 blocks from car; 4 blocks A Ins- wort n sen oof. Main a-ROOM house. East Couch st- modern. In splendid condition, newly painted, ln- siae ana oai. u'iu price, adowu, J. rt. eoiiis. r,asT owxi. OWNER'S sacrifice, vacant. 1179 I von sL, Richmond. bungalow. $3O0; terms. Owner, evenings. Tabor 7u05, 141 East ft9th st. ortn. JVOR SALE -room house, bath and tol- lei. Ctmntiij nu Sjas, on mi v car Jlne. lot 60x100. terms. 47 E 80th N. be owner. $4MH MODERN ft-room house, with sleep- I 1 rvpiace, a itc ri- an : lot 50x141. large garage, paved street. eA airsutni w- a iuor ,41a. GOING to build or repair? Get my Ideas And ewtlmatea B. T. Allyn, 243 Stark st. Office hours S to p. M. Phono Siaiq Mi. xcw ypont 1 aoor 194. 2EW modern' 5-room bunraiow, Ivory I Xi man mrousjnoui. met $3750 195 E. 52d st. N. MontavUia car to &3d. L A U R E LHX'RS t. rooms. 2 bathrooms, corner lot. Just rvmyicifu. ivrua. . rioa ana i ' lan- rterw. .mW 4-room modem cottage, 2 lota electric gas, furnace, laundry trays, fmtt trees, berries, garage, terms. Mam 372. Mc Far: and. Yeon bids;. IRVINGTON. 7-room home, lara-e llvlns room. dining room, with built-in. all in Ivory; two fireplaces, full lot. garasre $.vt. terms. Kast 41T. XbW, strictly modern 6-room anri 177777 ' lng porch: price $3750; terms. 1404 Ore- J . -mf 10 o. a blocks north. 1 west. $20 HAWTHORNE BARGAIN Very nice 4 -room bungalow. larre room, unusually fine lot. cherry trees vacant. l"3e E. Lincoln. Tabor &?uh iY OW NER Strictly modern bouse In Irv Inrton; ok floor, full cement basement fro-foot lot. $40OO. East 2377. t"m felling bldg. IN HAWTHORNE, from owner, modern 5-room bungalow, built-lns. attic full cement basement, hard-surfaced street! .soop : twm. Phone Wd 1 n. 36-5 $uO FIRST payment, balance like rent. outs 4-room house, closo In, walkins distance. See Jona Brown. 324 n. " way Exchange bldg. Mar. 333L uh SALE 7-room bouse, corner lot. all Improvements paid; $500 down. bal. itk rent. Phone Tabor 4!2. BEAUTIFUL modern furnished hous-bt bathroom and shower. See this. No. 11 (u;iooi Moorsce. JbT- TABoK, T rooms, entirely modern, garage, beautiful boms, bargaia. Owner Tabor 8-824. IRVINGTON HUM E. PELAHl'NT. EAST 1347. gjort CASH 5-room modern bunraiow $."373; vacant; paved street; close in. 827 VS tiiiams ave. Mam 403. IRVINGTON HOUSES. EAST S94. R- T. STREET. IRV. AGT. -ROOM house and 2 lots. Sunny aid car. close rn. Phone Tabor 52MX. ROSE CITY PARK. $3600: modem 5-room and 4ea; term. 49 . 54th at. BML ESTATE. For 8ede - Hoawt. A. J. DeFOREST 4 CO. 320-321 Henry Building. Main 2690. $350O BROADWAY $3.VM). 7-room hoUM narf I v fiirnUhMl blocks liom school, 1 blocks from ca; oo n, balance, $.5 per month. $7000 WALNUT PARK $7000. .Beautiful I -room hou, must be seen to oe appreciated. 3 bedrooms on secon iioor, naa t rencn windows, steam hea Iirepiace, built-lna, Dutch kitchen mcuy modern. HIGHLAND PARK. B-room bungalow, full cement base ment, 2 bedrooms. hath, electricity, gas awv uo u, eajy terms. ASK II R, STORBERO. $140 f.ioo CASH: 4 -room buna;., 11 Franklin. Go look! Snap. Now vacan $J4vo $300 cash: 6-room modern: A berta car; vacant. No mtg.; bat. monthly. ti5u $450 cash : ft-room mod.: Ver son ave.. blk. car; fiOxloo; paved ats. ciear. iUOO $700 cash: 8 rooms: 5 bed chambers; modern; 50x100 cor.; paving, etc.. paid: .ii'O ralllne; st. $270O $0oo cash; 5-room mod. bung;. Duiit-ms : cor. : paved sts. : close in I'titH) $3MJ cash: 5-room: floored at tic. baxt., enam. plumbing; blk. car; 5ux lw: auj. L-auremurt. $3Jm) $nmo cafh; 5-room nifty bunr. floored attic, firepl., bui It-ins, enam. plumbing;, cement bast.: paved sta.; Haw, diet.; blk. car. Main 4bl3. G. C GOLD ENB ERG, At.inptoa bldff, "35 Yrs. in Portland." NOT SOLD. X am going; to California to live before tne 1st of .November, i own one 01 in choicest corner lots in Laurel hurst. block from car. verv alchtlv and lm proved with an 8 -room house; hot-water heat; 2 fireplaces, Siberian oak f ioors downstairs, birds ye maple above. built this place for my home 6 years ao by day labor and there is hardly a scratch on It. Cost me $1000. I wii: sac rlfice. See my asent. MR. DELA HL'XTT. at Laurei hurst Tract office, ast 30th and C.iaah, or phone Tabor a-tJ.t. Main lioo. $ 29 SO S NAP ! $ 25I. jlMjiU SNAP! JlTHSO. ALltERTA BUNGALOW. RIi! H T OFF ALBERTA Paved sts. Daid: 50x100: G larre. llrht, alrv rooms, full basement, standard plumbing, some bullt-lns, choice electric xixtures. Tnts nnufe is a reat oarnain located among beautiful homes, conv. to car, school, church ana Dimness center. LOCATION, E. 15TH N. NO MORTGAGE. NO LIENS $450 CASH, BALANCE MONTHLY. G. C. GOLD EN BE KG Ablngton bldg. 3o Yrs. in Portland.' ROSE CITY DISTRICT. ATTRACTIVE BL'XGALOW. Here is a neat, strictly modern 5-room bungalow, with enclosed back porch. could easily be made into sleeping porch hardwood floors. Iirepiace. Duiit-in dook caxea and buffet, furnace and full ce ment bftsement: only 1 diks. irom Sandy blvd.; quick possession can be naa. rrice -isoo. ai.ou casn win nanuie, baL like rent. C. A. WAKKINKK. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. g.000 ROSE CITY ."iO00. We have within one-half block of Sandy, below the hill, well Just a well built homev home of 7 rooms and sleep Ing pvrch, four rooms, large reception hail and lavatory down, three rooms and sleeping porch and bath up; oak floors throughout, a full cement bane ment end hot water hent In all room; the finish Is best selected fir. Call us up and w will be pleased to tell you aoout tnin attractive home, j.hj casn, William C. Murphy Co.. Tabor 4'Ji. 1314 Sandy blvd. ' I R VINGTON. An exceptionally desirable residence of Bine rooms and very large sleeping porch; thoroughly modern in every de gree; almost new and In perfect condi tion: Ideally located with e&st and south frontage; on louxlOO corner. This property cost about $20,000. but will name an attractive price lor sale, or vould accept WELL-LOCATED vacant or Improved Portland property for the SAM NORTON, HENRY BUILDING. HANDSOME HOME, $2250. Large front room. 2 large bedrooms. sun breakfast room, kitchen with pan try, double laundry trays, bath, lights, gas, basement, nice yard with fruit, ce ment walks; close to stores, library and car. This is not an old run-down house out at the end of car line, but a nice little home worth the price asked. $150 discount for half or all cash. MUTUAL REALTY CO.. Main 1643. 121 N. W. Bank Bldg. NOW VACANT. 5 ROOMS AND GARAGE. ROSE CITY PARK district: 30th St.. near Brmzee; extra large lot 60x100 ft., east front, level with sidewalk. A real home location ; full basement. $12'i0 cash will handle it. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 209. 42D-ST. BUNGALOW This Is one of the kind of homes you seldom see for sale; many people have said it's the prettiest place In Portland; It wonH be on the market long. If you are looking for a real place at a snap this 5-room bun raiow with its hardwood floors, furnace. fireplace. Dutch kitchen and built-in ef fects, fine garage, fruit trees, berries, shrubs and flowers; lot 15vxloO. Phone I'wooo. !!. HAWTHORNE. 8-ROOM HOUSE SNAP. Nice 8-room house, furnace, fireplace. 1 bedroom down. 3 upstairs: cement basement, laundry trays, 5 bearing fruit trees, small fruits, lot 4fixl00. paved street and all city Hens paid, 1 block to : E. 31st st.- between Hawthorne ana Main; fine location. Price a snap. $4000; about $1-VH cah, balance to suit. ORL Sol A BEN N t i l . 818 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. CANNOT BE DUPLICATED. An up-to-the-minute 8-room-and-sleep- l (r.nnn-h.hnm in I rvin et on district. with every modern convenience, such as furnace, frieplace, hardwood floors, built in buffet. Dutch kitchen, in white enam el, fine fixtures throughout: choice lot, at $5000. Can handle with $10O0 cash. A, H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 411 $1M0 CASH $2f0. BALANCE LIKE RENT. V moms, nart basement, elect., gas. good bearing fruit trees: about 2 blks. Xrom car. Wood lawn: $1500. WATCH Ot k aijw. w a RESULTS. C. A. W ARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $2aOv. . $2900. ALrJCn 1 A P.Ar, 1400 cash and $25 per month will buy this dandy 6-room house, near Prescott St.. In Alberta. This is a weii-uuut nouse vlth larre rooms, tnree oearooms. rilnine and llvinr room, kitchen, large closets, fine lot, garden and fruit trees. This is a genuine good buy. Phone Main asH. ask for Mr. Abraham. BEAUTIFUL 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. TTTTS SPLENDID NEW HOME JI'ST COMPLETED, CORNER B. 4fiTH AND BROADWAT: MUST UK trjfc. TO PE APPRECIATED: NOTHING HAS BEEN SLIGHTED IN ITS CONSTRUC TION. PRICE $5750. IK INTERESTED SEE OWNER. HOl-Z M'ALUI.NU bLUO ONE of Portland's best Heights homes. close In. full unobstructibie mountain view, four bedrooms, with two baths. dressing rooms, sleeping porches, two maids rooms wun one nam, not water heat; mahogany woodwork, all oak floors: price $3O,0O0. Residence phone, Main 336 ROSE CITY PARK. This dandy 5-room house on 4Sth st., near the Sand v. la now for sale at $3500. There is real value in this place and this Is the least amount It can be bought for. If you want a comfortable, attractive home and willing to pay within $500 of Its real value. se Abraham. Main tMtn. $1500 TERMS TO SUIT $1500. S rooms and bath. large screened-ln back porch ; elect., gas. good basement, fruit trees; 2 short blks. to car. Al berta district. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A rO., 2Q1-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $2350. On 3?d near Division, exceptionally well-built 5-room cottage, full basement, beautiful lot. 45x110; lots of fruit. You must see this if you want a real home rnd a bargain. FEEMSTER, Ablngotn bldg. Mar. 413. UNUSUALLY attractive, modern bunga low. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, built in features, garage, beautifully located. Rose City Park. Owner will show by appointiient. Phone Wheeler, Tabor fi.'HiS or Marshall 1234. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room modern house, bungalow type, splendid location. Just off Sandy; large living room. Dutch kitchen, garage, lot well Improved with small fruit; $4-"oo, one-ha.f cash. Call owner. Tabor 5907. A SNAP $1650, 7 rooms, gas. electricity, bath, etc; lot 50x125; 2 blocks from car line and from Montavilla school ; $350 down and balance like rent. Owner, 60 E 76th st. N. FOR SALE 5-room modem house, partly furnished, 54 cords wood In basement, garage: a snap for cash. 8604 65th ave. S. E. Tabor 3670. EXTRA! HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Large lot, 1 block to car, 6 rooms, first floor; .nod era. excellent; $500. Terms, BF 37, CsegonUa. REAL ESTATE. For Hale Houses. NEAR ARLETA SCHOOL. $2000 Nest 5-room bungalow; good lo cality, liht rooms, dandy kitch en, Lascment; dandy lot, 47xll-, facing east; cement sidewalks; 3 blocks school, 4 blks. Mt. Scott cr. Only $."oq t.ikts possession. INVESTIGATE THESE. SUNNYSIDE. $3150 Very attractive 5-rm. bungalow, first-class condition. large rms., white enaiieled kitchen, full base ment, fine furnace, beautiful lot. located close-in. between Sunny side and Hawthorne cars; paved sts. ; immediate pon session. NEAR S. P. SHOPS, $3500 6-rm., dbl. const'd bnngalow, extra Ions: living rrru. fireplace. bookenws. built-in buffet,"! beemed ceilings, white erameled Dutch kitcht-n, 3 bod rms., 1 down, 2 up. full cement basement, lnundry trays, nice lot and shrub bery, close car and school, 10 m!n. walk to 8. P. shops; you will have to step lively for this one. only hwj casn.. HAWTHORNE. $3500 Dandy 5-rTiA bungalow, garage. ri replace. oooKcases. Deamea ceu Ings, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full basement, laundry trays, 50x100 lot. pa-zed sts.. sewer; a blks. car. ; owner will take auto as part of $1125 first payment. WAV'ERLY-RICHMOND. $390 G-rm. bungalow, sleeping porch b rms. on 1st iioor. narawooi floors, fireplace, bookcases, buf fet, Dutch kitchen, full cement baaement, laundry tsays, large garagi, very pretty locality, on paved st.; close to car; a dandy bungalow ; $1300 cash baL, only 9.0 per mo. Autos always at your convenience. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. FOR PALE. THIS MAGNIFICENT LATTRE LH U KS T COLONIAL HOME. (On Choice Cor. 1 THs lovely new home has a lanre en trance hll opening into an extremely large living room with attractive lire place and connecting music room; all or tne woou work downstairs is solic mahogany; an ornamental solid man ok any stair leads to tho second floor, where you 11 find 3 sreat bis;, re bed cham bers with one of the most complete ana expensive uie bams in city; maid room in attic. There Is a fine garage xo ma ten notise. ah this ror less than the cost of building the house alone C"an laoor joa. ONLY $300 DOWN. 7 ROOMS. ONLY $3250. Fine 7-room house wit h fireplace. Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, etc. Here is a REAL BARGAIN and there Is no hot air about this. If you want a dandy buy, do sure to see tnis. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133, ioox:oo. $3000. V. CASH. J'irft abbut 4 blocks from Mt. Tabor car, 2 good full lots, fruit, berries, etc., and a good 5-room house and bath, iarge floored attic and good aouble ga rage, only 100 ft. from hard-surface road. JOHNSON-DC DSON CO, 6S3 N. W. Bank bldg k" YOU'VE listed your home with others witnout results, try us. we win eifect a sale for you within ten days If your property Is priced right and located in a restricted district. We list homes from $3oOO to $35.0O0. COE A. McKENNA A CO., P2 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. $9700 TERMS. Irvington real home, aoth and Thomp son. This has large living room extending across entire rront; dining room large with French doors opening on enclosed porch; 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout, all drapes. stair carpet ana tuei. tast $3.'i00. HAWTHORNE $3300. On 32d st., near Grant, la a beauti ful 6 -room buntralow. with fireplace, hardwood t'oors, buffet, Dutch kitchen. lull cement basement, fractional lot. close ic. A real, downright bargain. R, F. FEEMSTER. Ablngton bldg. Marshall 4138. $s:,0. A snap: move in now: 3-room papered nouse. pantry, extra store rooms, sina. water, gas, cement walk in and paid, 5 blocks Peninsula school and car line, lot 50x100: $200 down. $12 a month and interest; no agents. Owner, 4H30 70th st. v K. Ma car. Kirland station. $U.OO0 TERMS. -Laurelhurst. old English house, just four years old; hot-water heat, five bed rooms, two toilets, bath, velour drape. W ilton stair carpet and all stoves In eluded; grounds t&xlOO; artistic shrubs; garage. fe.ast 41H. McDonell. Y owner. 5-room house, sleeping tent, lot 100x100. lots of fruit trees, all kinds of berries, line sn rubbery, roses ana per renntal plants, lily pond, ess and elec tricity; on block of car; $2500; $1000, down. I'hone w oodlawn 2J0. commis sion to agent. $3500. Alameda bungalow. 025 East 26th N. six rooms, full size basement, terms $2500 cash, balance $25 month and Inter est. Do not disturb tenants. Polndex- ter. Selling building; Main 1800. Resi dence B-7120. tWK) 100x100, H block from Union ave., 2 full lots, lots of fruit, berries, etc.. and good 7-room house, can be bad on easy terms; only 20 minutes to center of city. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE By owner. 6-room, modem. double constructed house. 2 lots, on paved street; housing for 250 chickens; price $250O; $750 handles, bal. $20 per month. Including interest at H per cent. B41S X2d st. S. E. Phone Tabor 2ASD. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $3200 buys a dandy 5-room bungalow. wjtn attic, iirepiace. nuiti-ins. street improvements all paid. Let 'us show vou. J. A. WICK MAN COMPANY. 204 Ry. Kxchg. bldg. Main 1004. 400 CASH $20 month $3500 home, for $2850; Posivltely a splendidly construct ed 5-room residence, fireplace, full ce ment basement, laundrv trays, corner. Call after 2 P. M. 282 E. 72d st. N. (MV cars.) IRVINGTON Well built, compact 6-room house, furnished or unfurnished ; fine furnace, full length screens, concrete garage ; corner lot .Vx 1 00; choice loca tion. 1 block from Broadway car. For sale by owner on premises, 674 Schuyler street. $1050 $15V CASH, BALANCE EASY. 4-room horse, cIoko to Peninsular Park. 1U block to carline. JOHNS 3N-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. TWO Laka Grove -modern bungalows, with beautiful evergreen trees, flowers, etc. ; scenic, lake attractive; $500 cash, bal. terms. Acre tracts. Main 3672. Mc Farland. 02 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE By owner. 5-room bungalow, in excellent condition. 3405 E. 55th st.. located bet. Powell Valley road and Franklin High School. Phone D 1139. Terms. r $1050 SNAP This will save your rent. 2-room plastered house, 80x100 lot, 3 blocks to car: would consider $25 down and $20 month. Simms, 431 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6127. $4150 MODERN 7-room home, hardwood floors, furnace ana iirepiace, paneiiea dining room, beamed celling, a wonder ful home; $1000 less than market price for building alone. FOR SALE by non-resident owner A 7- room house and lot 4Hxioo at 5111 41st st. S. E., on WW carline and macadam ised etreet. Bargain price. B. B. Har- ger, Moore, Idaho. A. PER FECTLY good little home of 3 rooms; move right in: take It for $1200: all improvements in ; right down town. 2Mn near fine. bee owner, on Mer chants Trust tldg Main 1353. MODERN 5-room bunraiow. hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, paved street: ail improvements in and Paid : $3SOO. 344 E. 40th St.. 2 blocks south of Hawthorne ave. Call Tabor 3287. A GOOD. weU-bulIt. newly-painted and oa pered 5-roon house. A splendid buy; $21HM). Terms If desired. Improvements all in. z i-.n nesr rine. nee o ner. all Merchants trust oiag. Mam J3i3. KENTON dlst.. several places near cor. Miss. are. and Winchell; prices $000 to $25hj. u. i. uatnricK. at 10s k. Win cbell or 515 Ch. of Com. Main 1S55. IRVINGTON 7-room bungalow, east front. furnace, fireplace, built-ins: three blocks from I rvin r ton school. Owner. Marshall 23S4, evenings after 7:30. No agents. IRVINGTON Beautiful comer, Knott, near 20th. 100x100. south and east face, artistic 9-room house, central hall, fine garage. Last 41i. McDonell. $200 DOWN 5-room. newly painted, close in. Snap, $2375. Bast., plumbing, paved sts: vacant. 927 Williams ave. Main 4 MS. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Five rooms, modern ; f uM-sized lot; close to school and car. $2500. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. 5-ROOM strictly modern bungalow. 37 Hx lou lot. one diock 10 nawtnorne car; price $4400, some terms. Simms, 431 Chamber of Commerce, Main 6127. IDEAL FOR KIDDIES. Modern bungalow, 8 rooms, garage, corner lot, SVs blocks to Alameda school; price $4750. Terms Owner, East 59S0. A BARGAIN. 6-room bungalow, gas and electricity, paved street, east front, full lot. For a few days only. Terms. Phone East 3645. FOR SALE by owner, best 6-room house In Alberta for the money; paved street, east front, full lot. Phone East 3645. VVESTMORELAND--8-room bungalow, re decorated: ideal condition; snap at $4300. Marshall 1 REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. WAVERLEY HEIGHTS, SWELL HOM E. Fine strictly modern 8 -room bouse, furnace, fireplace, all latest built-in effects, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, full floored attic, fine porch on 3 sides of house, doubly constructed and built for a home, exceptionally well finished, full cement basement, trays, fruit room, laundry room; corner lot. 90x100. liens all paidt fine view of city and surround ings, on East 31st and Tibbetts; price $no00, $2500 cash and $50 per month, 6 per cent. If you axe looking for a fine, large, airy home it will pay you to look this one over, owners live there and can only be seen by appointment. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. $5800 DISTINCTIVE IRVINGTON HOME On E. 12th st.. near Stanton, on a paved street with all liens paid. Is a very modern S-room house; living room with Iirepiace, paneled dining room, built-in buffet, convenient kitchen, four light. airy bedrooms and sleeping porch, hard wood floors, full cement basement, fur nace and laundry trays; attractive lawn. apunaance ox I lowers and shrubs, raraere, Can arranre terms. We have over 000 photographs of inspected homes In our 01 rice lor sale. 12 experienced sales men with autos at your service. SEE FRANK. L. McGUlRE, . TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton bldg. Main IOCS. Office open evenings and Sundays. GROVELAND PARK. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. "We want you to see this pretty 5-room bungalow. It has a big living room with I iirepiace and bookcases, dining room with built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, 2 lovely bedrooms fin ished in white, hardwood floors in alt rooms, full basement, furnace heat, wash trays, street paving paid. This is a real classy bunraiow. we know you 11 like it. The price is $4500, $2000 cash, balance aju mommy. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. Main 6S71. Main 4522. aa fir, st.. jjoara or Trade bldg. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM makesf home buying easy. You can come I xo mis oriice ana see over 700 photo graphs of homes for sale, arranged in their respective districts with full de scription. Every home has been ap praised by an expert appraiser, some remarkable bargains. That is why we sold over 700 homes since January 1 this year; 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE, TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton bldg. Main 106a ortice open evenings and Sundays. HEIGHTS BARGAIN. $6500 will buy this classy little 8-room house with a superb view of city and mountains. This is a complete home and modern in every detail. Large, light living room across front of house, good sized dining room, kitchen and break fast room, hardwood fldcrs and fine fireplace. Upstairs are three bedrooms. den with fireplace and larre rlassed-ln sleeping porch which may also serve as I upstairs veranda and sun porch. Garage. This is on corner, with all street im provements in and paid for. Y'ou can't I beat this lor value. Call Mr. Hi verso n. Main 6SH9. $2800 ADJOINING PIEDMONT. Very attractive 6-room colonial type I bungalow home on a full lot. very con veniently arranged, house like new; va cant, move in; $500 down, entire balance I at $25 per month. No mortrage or street liens. See this today. We have over I 600 photographs of Inspected homes in I our office for sale; 12 experienced I salesmen with autos at your service. I BEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton bldg. Main 1063. Office open evenings and Sundays. $3150 $650 cash. $25 monthly. About H acre and good o-roora house witntn block of Columbia Park. This is a well- built house, having 4 good rooms, hall. pantry on main floor and 3 sleeping I rooms, hall and bath ud. concrete base ment, lots of fruit and berries of all I kinds; woou shed, bam. etc., all fenced; 4 blocks to car. If you want a place to rrow rarden. keen chickens or cow and still be within a few minutes of I center of cftv, this is it. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW-r$5S00. This Is really beautiful, 6-room bunga low home: we believe you ll like it. lne living room is unusually large. There are 2 large bedrooms and 1 smaller. There are hardwood floors In main rooms. There is an artistic fireplace, a handsome I buffet, large Dutch kitchen ; full base ment, hot-air heating system, garage. The terms are $1500 cash, balance to suit purchaser. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. MAIN 4322. 82 4th St., Board of Trade bldg. HIGH-CLASS IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. Modern 12-room residence, finished in selected mahorany and oak. hardwood floors throughout, spacious rooms, three artistic tne nrepiaces, tne oaths, latest sanitary plumbing, sun room, sleeping porch, full cement basement, large fin ished attic, stationery, vacuum cleaner. rooms beautifully finished, ground plant- 1 ed with rare shrubbery; absolutely one or tne nest constructed homes in Port land. Terms. By owner, X 52, Orego- nian. ROSE CITY PARK. NEW. BUILT FOR A HOME. Dandy new 6-room bungalow, all on one floor, 100x100 lot. This was built for a home and exceptionally well built. having the very best of hardware; veran da has cement floor; has all bullt-ins I and in every way a desirable home; price $4000, $1000 will handle. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. BUNGALOWS, BUNGALOWS, BUNGALOWS. WHAT WE NEED IS 15 OR 20 BUNGALOWS. We want good homes arid bungalows now, as we are having calls every day lor tnem at ngnt prices ana terms. Lome in ana 11st your homes with us. either lor sale or rent. STEWART & BUCK. SIS NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK. On East 38th street Is a 6-room house I on a corner lot with concrete rarare: I reception hall, large living room with fireplace, beamed ceiling, solid paneled d In ing room and den ; inlaid hardwood floors: three large bedrooms, bath and, huge sleeping porch upstairs; full cement basement, steam heat and laundry trays. Paved street. Hens paid In full. Price $6000. Telephone Tabor 1040. $7500. $7500. A FINK VIEW nUMii, Sacrifice for quick sale. Two-story 8-room house, oak woodwork, hardwood floors, full cement basement, steam heat, garage. If you are looking for a nice home with an excellent view, at a sac rifice price, you can't beat this. Let me I show It to you. Call Stockton, with THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th St. Main 660. $5750 R. C. P. BRAND NEW Equal to 7-room bungalow, attic, hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, all the usual built-lns, cement basement, stand ard plumbing, imported decorations: cor. fiirxioo, choicest part 01 nose i.ity; ciear. terms. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Ablngton Bldg., "35 Years in Portland." Main 4803. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW $3800. GARAGE. Move fast, folks. Here Is a new listing and we think there is wonderful value. too. Requires $1500 cash. 6 rooms; , splendid garage, too. Let us show you. 1 A. G. TEErE t:0.. . 264 Stark, near 3d. Main 3092; Main 3516. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. HAWTHORNE. 5-room bungvlow with two additional! nlatered rooms in attic, fireplace, built- in features, full cement basement, facial each; lot ooxiitt; street nara-surfaced, I Included in price $3600; $1000 cash bal ance. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 63i N. W. Bank bldg. SPECIAL BARGAIN. $4000 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. BEAUMONT 7-room artistic bungalow, sleeping porch, attic, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, Dunt-ins gaiore; ouxiou, paving. etc., paia; terms. .Mam iwj. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Ablngton Bldg., '35 Years in Portland." . $6800. Bungalow with living room, dining room, kitchen, one bedroom and bath first floor, two bedrooms and sleeping porch secona iioor, narowooa iioors, lull 1 size concrete basement, furnace, garage. Half cash, balance monthly. Immediate possession. Poindexter, Selling building. Main 18IW, nesiaence a-iizv. $4200 FURNISHED. $3050 UNFURNISHED. 6 rooms and bath, large lot, 50x105; sleeping porch, good plumbing; street work in and paid for; can be seen by tppulflimenu See Mr. Wattson with the J. C. CORBIN CO., 805-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. Marshall 809. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN; 6-ROOM MODERN MUUSIJ; JKAJST 3IST, NEAR HAWTHORNE CAR; $3200, EASY TERMS. MR. DUBOIS. 803 SPALDING BLDG. $2200 A REAL bargain, 6 rooms and bath. close to car on uoing st- ask tor Mr. Wattson With the J. C. Corbin Co.. 305-6. I T O t a arte TW,,M OQQ ' BY OWNER. 1 4-room apartment houm clearing $100 per month, good furniture I and clean; close in. idi Lownsdale st. HAWTHORNE district 6-room house, lot 43X1U0, paveo streets; saoou. Terms. E. J. GE13ER, 417 Chamber of Com. MONTAVILLA, 78th near Pine, 5-room house, on terms like rent. See D. D. uUxrick, 13 Cham, ot Com, Main 1055, REAL ESTATE, For Sale Houses. $14,500. $14,500. LAURELHURST HOME. . This is a well built house and' worth every cent we are askinr for it. It the English type of architecture and lo cated in the best Part of Laurelhurs overlooking the park. The living room extenas across the entire east siae the house: dining room, kitchen, brea fast nook and den are all good sized and beautifully papered and decorated in ol Ivory and mahogany; on second floor are lour light, airy bedrooms, with map floor and beautiful tiled bath; in the attic is a very larre billiard room servant's quarters with bath. The garage is in Keeping with tne general pian 01 architecture. The grounds are 75x100. This will anneal to one who has app elation for the artistic and vet substa tial features of a home. Phone Mr. Abraham, Main 6Si0. $4750 REAL ROSE CITY HOME. On East 62d street, close to the car a very attractive 6-rooin modern home very Dleasfnr lines: reception hall, living room, with fireplace and leaded glass DooKcases; very pretty aining room, with built-in leaded rlass buffet; cove ceilings, hardwood floors, white Dutch kitchen, full- cement basement, furnace and laundry trays. 3 light, airy bea rooms and sleeping porch, white ename nlum bine. Can arranre terms. W( have over 600 photographs of Inspected homes in our office for saie; u ex perienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO RIIV YOUR HOA1E. Ablngton bldg. Main 106S. Office open evenings and Sundays, ROSE CITY PARK $5S00. See a picture of this handsome 8-room home in our window. There are three large rooms and breakfast room on low er and 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath on upper, and iioorea attic on 101 floor; every built-in convenience imag inable: oak floors, full basement, fur nace heat, fine rarage. We forgot to mention the unusually handsome built-1 buffpt. beamed ceilines. fireplace an bookcases. This is a mighty fine home and a good buy. Terms. COE A. McKENNA CO., Main 6871. Main 4522. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. S3ft?!S ARTISTIC RUNGALOW. On E. Clay street, near 45th, 1 block from the Hawthorne car, is an unusuauy attractive typical bungalow with low rambling lines; large living room with fireplace and built-in bookcases; paneled dining room with buffet; Dutch kitchen: 2 lirht, airy bedrooms; good cement basement. Can arranre terms. Very, di tinctive bungalow. We have over 600 photographs of inapectea nomes in ou, of f ic for sale : 12 experienced sales men with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO H1IV YOUR HOME. Ablngton bldg. Main 106S. Office open evenings and Sundays. LAURELHURST COLONIAL, VACANT. Folks, here is a nifty Dutch colonial of six rooms ana very large 101 iacinpi on two streets with all assessments paid a beautiful living room with fireplace and bookcases in ivory, nice ainin room and Dutch kitchen down, three nice bedrooms and bath up ; all rooma are nicely papered, full cement basement and hot. air heat, garage and lots fruit and berries of course. Now if there is a better buy in Laurelhurst for $6300. 1 do not know where it is. sioou win handle it. William C. Murphy Co. Tabor 499. 1314 Sandy Blvd. $2525 VACANT HOME BARGAIN. On a larre corner lot on Francis ave. is a 6-room attractive home, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, large living room witn iirepiace, light alrmy bedrooms; on a paved street, Verv easv terms. Close to car. We have over 600 photographs of inspected homes in our nice ror sine. 'iweive exper enced salesmen with autos at you service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton bldg. Main 106S. Office open evenings and Sundays. A LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. This attractive home is well located near the park on a large lot finely land scaped. 7 cheerful rooms on one floor ving room, dining room, a real kitchen breakfast room. den. two bedrooms an bath, den may be used as extra bed room. It is modern in every detail; full cement basement with hot water hea and storare fruit room. This bunraiow i built of choice material with very pleas lag lines; low priced at $7500, half cash ror appointment call MacINNES & PRATT. Main 3S68 or Tabor 8619 eve n 1 n gs. $2500 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $2500. on 3ith st.. in the Hawthorne dis trict, on a corner lot on paved streets, is a neat o-room rray bunraiow cot tage, white enamel plumbing, electric lights ana gas; -oo will handle. KKAl. bargain. We have over 600 photo graphs of inspected homes in our office for sale ; 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service, ski-j FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton bldg. Main 106S. Office open evenings and Sundays. HERE IS A DANDY SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. 4 large rooms down and nice larre screened-in back porch, used as an open air living room, a dandy; also large re ception ball, large hall up stairs and 2 bedrooms and a sleepinr porch. This Is one of the best buys in Mt. Scott dis trict, lot 50x100; sidewalks in and streets graded with petitions in to pave street all this for $2600, on liberal terms. 315 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. ALAMEDA PaRK. SAV1SS CHALET. Rare architecture. beautiful gothic window. French doors between main rooms, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, nu merous built-in conveniences, 6 rooms and sleeping porches, double garage baiconies command panoramic view of city; a wonaeriuiiy attractive no me. Price $8500, on terms. COfci A. MCKK.NNA & CO., S2 4th St.. Board of Trade bldg. COMFORTABLE BUNGALOW COTTAGE It has a combination llvinr and dining room, convenient kitchen, sleepinr porch, patent toilet, elect, and gas and sink; in good nehborhood ; the fir trees, the vines over the iront porcn give it a comiort able. Inviting homelike atmosphere that will appeal to you. Why pay rent? Price $6uU. lour own terms, see FRANK L. MCOUIKH;. TO BUY" YOUR HOME. Ablngton Bldg. Main 106S. $6500 HOMESEEKER. Must sell, owner left city, orders me to sell at any price his magnificent, large, commodious residence situated at 630 E. Ankeny; carpets on iioor, win ter wood In hxpmont If vou Want 1 home at a barrain. away below what was ottered for it 4 years ago, too, this up. Make appointment to see house. ierms. Auto at your disposal. TAYLOR. 830 Ry. Exch. Marshall 2633. BIG BARGAIN. HOUSE AND STORE $3700. 6-room house. sleeping porch, ft:U basemeMt and furnace, corner lot 50x 100; alto good store building in same lot. excellent trocerv or bakery buino can be established. This property changed hands three years ago for $bo00. Uffiw: must leave town immediately; price a )W only $3700. LU ED DEM ANN COMPANX, 913 Chamber of Commerce. WHY WORRY OVER INCREASED RENT? $2500 buys two-flat building, with 5 rooms and bath first iioor; o rooms and bath second floor. Building in good condition ; now rented at $17.50 lower flat and $14 upper flat. Y'ou can buy this with $500 cash, easy monthly payments. J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY. 204 Ry. Exchg. bldg. Main 1094. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, FURNISHED, $300 CASH. 5 rooms and reception hall, fireplace. cabinet kitchen, cement basement, wash travs, all , street Improvements in and paid; price including furniture, $3100. $500 cash, balance $30 month, including interest; immediate possession. riiKVELAN U-ri CiN ULKSO. tJU. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752. "WE HAVE THEM." LARGE LIST OF FINE HOMES. LAURELHURST. IRVINGTON. NOB HI LL, WESTOVER TERRACES AND PORTLAND HEIGHTS. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. RBL1AKL1S IVKM MfilNT UKj.t 305 OAK ST BROADWAY 4133. MT. TABOR. $2500. Five rooms, bath, electricity, gas. Jot 50x135. fruit, garden, chicken house: Tabor 3426. 107 E. 70th. Immediate possession. Suburban Homes. 70xll0-FT. choice corner, with large bear ing frflt trees, grapes ana oemea, chicken house -md yard, small baru. lo cated in a district where you can kep a cow; 6-room house neatly finished on the inside but needs to be completed In several details on tne ouisiae. irice xifioo. For sale by owner who will sell on reasonable terms to responsible pur chaser. For particulars, call at my of fice, 404 Plait bidg.v izi -ar st. PARKROSE HOME h acre, hard-surface road, small house. chicken house, garage, 25 asst. bearing fruit trees, grapes and berries, gas, elec. and water; a bargain; $S00 will han dle. Nord-Hampton Co., 401 Stock Ex change. Main 8243. imniDW d.mnm hur?nlow on 9 athtl 1VWVW, ' ' . . , .2 -V ' !: ' J lot near Multnomah station for $2250. This is a bargain, it you want a prttty little home In a fine district, do not fail to investigate. For particulars call at 404 Piatt biag., rzi 'arK st., near Washington. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME. and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire third house north of . Risley station, on Oregon City car Une, Misa. "Aider Prook." REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. SUBURBAN HOME FOR EXCHANGE. LEBANON. OREGON. 28 acres all In cultivation, modern 6 room house, bath and toilet, closets and pantry, electric lirhts and electric mo tor and tank; good barn, chicken house; gooa orcnara, apples, prunes, cnerries, etc. This is just out of the city limits, on fine graveled road. R. F. D.. tele phone; one of the good improved places at Lebanon; price, $7000. Will take Portland residence worth the money up to $3000, and will take mortgage back on property at 6. Now, if you want a gooa improvea rtome ana gooa iana( come and see this. M. L. SOUTHARD, Lebanon, Oregon. 3-ROOM bungalow, modern, 100x100, fine grounds, fruit trees, straw berries, city water, gas, 3 blocks to car; $1400. See Peterson. THE FRED A, JACOBS COMPANY, 104 5th St. Main 6860. ACRE City water, electric light and gas available; $500; easy terms. See Peterson. $1800. . $1800. 3-ROOM HOUSE BARGAIN. This nlace Is on Council Crest, with fine view of the Tualatin valley. Three rooms with fine basement, over one-half acre of ground and chicken yard. 14 fruit trees, berries. lino garaen. inia 10 Call Everson. Main bS09. BRYANT ACRES. 114x100 on county road ; fine view, nice trees, water and light available. Price $300, $30 down. $5 per month. Owner 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. For Sale Business Property. CORNER 21st and Division, best corner on east side for garage or apt. nouse, $1500 cash, terms to suit. Call at owner, 710 Division st. QUARTER block on trackage. East Water street, between Morrison anu. nw mui bridges; sacrifice; easy terms. Owner, X 53, oregonian. For Sale Acreage. HERE YOU ARE 15 ACRES IN HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION. 8 acres in pears, 2 acres in cherries, 8 acres between tree rows planted to Cuth bert red raspberries, 2 acres in timber and 2 acres in pasture; an ideal place for a home; all fine black sandy loan soil; 4& miles from Olympla, the capi tal of Washington, paved road nearly all the way. Will exchange for modern 6 or 6-room bungalow; must be good; no Junk. I want a home In Portland. STEWART & BUCK, 315 N( W. Bank bldg. 40 ACRES fine land, 13 miles from Port land and oniy 2 y miics on tne isew berg paved highway; 33 acres cleared, 3 acres beaverdam land, some timber on tract, near road ; a small stream runs through the place making It an easy matter to irrigate the whole tract at very little expense; fair house and barn; only $175 per acre and terms to right party. W. L. ROBB. WHITMER-KELLY CO.. 414 Pittock Blk. ONLY $300 CASH. Three acres, located close to city limits, on good macadamized road; 7c commutation fare; easy walking distance from station. All under cultivation. Garden land. Water piped to house, sraa main beinr extended to this dis trict. Price $2100, balance on easy terms. Personally inspected. Anoto ai omue. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. V, ACRES, near Clackamas river and station; all In cultivation, road on two sides; no buildings; very fine tract, bar gain price. Q a s.r.Ao naa nKWPtm fine soil. 21 acres cultivated : house, barn and fine grove of trees; desire to sell this month. I. G. DAVIDSON, 810 Chamber of Commerce. CHEAP LANDS, POOR MAN'S nPPnWTTTNITY. Several thousand acres, 20 to 35 miles of Vancouver, Wash., burned over, easy cleared, water, natural feed for stock, elevation 650 to 1000 feet, $4.50 to $6.50 per acre; terms. Tracts with improve ments correspondingly higher. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. FOUR MILES FROM CITY. ON GOOD ROAD. 10 acres, located southeast: good sou, 3 acres under cultivation, balance very easv clearing. Half mile to school. Sunnyside district. Small orchard. Price $2100, $1000 cash. Will consider small house in. or -near Oregon City. AM the owner of a tract of ground, 30x125 ft. covered with bearing young orchard, wit h 4-room house, chicken house and chicken yard. I will lease this for a year to responsible party or sell on easy trms. For particulars see me at my office. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. CLOSE TO DEPOT. IN TIOARD. Over 3 acres, all under cultivation, ex ceptionally fine soil: creek, well. 5-room plastered house, with bath room, chicken house and barn. Close to pavement. Price $2liS0. J1190 cash, balance long time at e'r Personalv inspected. Photo at office. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. ONLY $400 DOWN. One acre, located close to electric depot. All under cultivation; 11 fruit trees, some berries and garden; 6-room lath and plastered house, chicken house and garage. Close in; personally infipected. Photo at office. Price $1700. 40u cash. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. WEST SIDE, 20 ACRES, EASY i&njwa. Near Capital nignway, mtt , T. IV. miles Durham station; near all semt-beaverdam land; grow anything 6 acres cultivation; timber and brush 13500. 500 down. . J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. 410 ACRES in Kings valley. S miles from Wren on main co. roan. i ur- tuiw ... fa n h. one of the bes h. 'in Ore for 110.000. Terms. See 11. for Eood buys .in farm lands and stock ranches. M. Billings & J. E. Mus grave, 600 McKay. M. ljiiu. 5000 ACRES In southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only: e?y " '" price, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonoi accented at par. Writa for map show ing location, terms, etc WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma mug., lacoma. .jh. nici'.nv CTTY LINE HOME. Mi.h haljinr. like rent. 14 acres, lots of fruit, hard surface road, close to school, 5-min. waiK to siu" . . , U house. cnicKen noue, eievuii. us,'" a real bargain. See John Brown, 824 Railway Exchange bldg. 15 ACRES on county road. S minutes to hard surrace. 10 minuic. Gresham carline. 30 minutes Dy auio in courthouse. Portland. Fine view, close to ichool. -'a per acre, pari cicaicu. ml' F w. rllll. owner, iiu .-oe- 2. irDES Sin MONTH. On Simpson street, near 42d N. E. No fifi .oil. cltv water, city school; no city assessments: will take good cheap car on one tract. Mr. Cary, 121!) I. W. Bank bldg. Main 1642; 40 ACRES FOR J950. house, about 3 blocks to .cnooi. near Wlllamlna. Yamhill county; price uu; $150 down. . DRAPER & CALWAY, 526 Ch. of Com. ou. ACRES. ONLY 2"0. em Hnvn nnd S5 per month: located on county road in the beautiful Tualatin valley, accessible to electric line; partly fenced. line tor chicmh. or . 500 Concord Diag., m a"" tm PER ACRE. 320 acres, eastern Oregon; house, barn. 4 cult., all lencea, levn lanniiiK i.iiu. Great bargain at J3200. Part earth. Near store, school. neighbors. Alain 3672. McFarland, 602 Yeon bldg. BEFORE you buy come to Gresham. We have a gooa nsi oi wen-uniJiwTcu .am, acreage and small homes for sale; some exceptionally gooa oargim. BARGAIN NEAR TIGARD 250 DOWN id bi-os i i nnrr cuilivhiiuii. uann of river, fenced, seml-beaverdam, $1500. .Balance to sun. C. CORBIN CO., aoo-O-l-Q ijewia omg. SACRIFICE Willamette foothill. 0 acres, improved, stream, excellent son, immeui- ate sale $1950, terms. Owner, evenings. 141 East 60th St. North. ACRES, near Vancouver, Wash., some cleared, fenced, small nouse; reasonaoie; by owner, can or pnone nu, w. Sell. 070 Alnsworth ave., cor. 32d. city. ACRES $2750. Short distance east of Montavilla. $125 per acre; below any thing in vicinity. Owner 910 Ch. of Com. Tel. Mar. 1585. ACRES adjoining station; cleared; house almost new; fine soil, no gravel; $3000, terms. 200 Oregon bldg. Broad way 1658. OWNER 5 acres, 5-room house, fruit. onion ground, near car line, close to Port and: on pavement; terms. Phone Woodlawn 5335. 6H ACRES. Tigard, paved road. $2250; fine. . Main 3672. McFarland, 602 Yeon bldg 2 ACRES, two Mocks to station; cleared, fine soil, no gravel; $700. terms. Broad way 1058. 200 Oregon bldg. FOR Oregon City line acreage. Improved or unimproved, see John Brown. 324 Railroad Exchange bldg. Mar. 3331. 5 ACRES, very best of soil, one block to station; $1700. terms; all cleared. Broad way 1658. 209 Oregon bldg. FOR SALE Small, profitable dairy, six acres, with cows; $1600. good terms. O E. CARMAN, Vale. Or. 10 ACRES level land, near Tualatin, cov ered with light timber, $1250; easy terms E. J. GEISER. 417 Chamber of Com TWO choice acres, Metsger, all cult., $1200 MxFarland. 602 Yeon bid.. REAL ESTATE. For 6a J e Acreage. See Mr. Wattson fc with the J. C. Corbin Co., Phone Mars. 309. 305-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. A GOOD BUY. ESPECIALLY FOR INVESTORS DOWN EUGENE WAY. 400 acres, 320 acres in sec. 30 and 80 acres adjoining In sec. 29, tp. 18 S., range 3 W. W. M.; 80 acres has been cultivated, all fenced and cross-fenced; estimated 4000 cords oak timber and 2,000,000 ft. virgin fir. Located 4 miles south of Eugene; price $50 per acre. Will con sider Portland or Eugene property in trade if good and priced right. E. A. LINDGREN, Savon Land Co., 035 N. W'. Bank bldg. CREEK BOTTOM LAND. Located on the pavement, 3 blocks from Electric depot ; 2 miles east of city; 12c commutation fare. Frontage on electric line. 6 and a fraction acres. All under cultivation, creek bottom land, not subject to overflow. All can be irrigated. Over 100 bearing fruit trees, apples, pears, prunes, peaches, logan berries, currants, -acre fine garden; 4 room house, barn, garage. 2 chicken houses, also small 2 -room house. Fine loganberry soil. Price, $4700, $2ooo uu. i-ersonaiiy inspected. Photo a1 office. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg IHRIP.ATK Tt I A Vl Eastern Oregon, on main "line Union Pacific railroad; altitude 600 feet; lots v. BuiiBiiine, pienty or water, mild win ters, bumper crops of alfalfa, corn and iruit. vegetables; idoal conditions for nome, grade and run-course high school; best of opportunities fur dairying and raising hogs and cattle. Price and terms reasonable and attractive. Call or write to P. G. RODGER5, 24S Stark St.. Portland, For Sale Fruit Lands. "WALNUTS WALNUTS WALNUTS. APPLES APPLES APPLES. -32 acres of finest, pliable rich loam soil, 14 acres walnuts. 300 trees. 12 years old; 750 trees comercial apples, 10 years old: 90 cherries. 10 vears: 11 filbert nuts, 12 years old; of the above. neavy Bearing iau prunes, a years oiu; family trees, berries and grapes ; large fair 7-room house, hot and cold water, bath and toilet; fine large barn. 2 wells of finest water, gas engine and pump, 1000-gallon tank; hen house and run for 300 chickens; this property is lo cated on hard-surface road, 5 miles northwest of Newberg, in the famous nut and apple district; trees have been all pruned and sprayed and nuts and apples now on trees show the productive ness of this exceptionally fine property. On account of old age the owner has put tne price much below actual value, namely $525 with crop or $425 per acre without crop. We consider this the best buy ofered in Oregon. "It is just what we say it is. THE LAWRENCE CO. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915, FOR SALE. BARGAIN 80 acres orchard land pear Lyle, Wash., 20 acres bearing trees, nrst-ciass condition ; owner now lives in east. AE 4b2, Oregonian. For Sale Farms. 200 ACRES. VERY CHOICE. 120 in cultivation, 20 stump pasture, 60 oaK and fir timber, good fences, splendid family orchard, 69 walnut trees pro- oucea ouo last year, more tnis year, splendid 9-room house with hot and cold water, bath, basement. 2 large barns, wood house and other outbuildings, in cluding 2 horses, 2 colts, 17 sheep. 2 fine brood sows and farm implements; near three good towns, on Salem-Mc-Minnville road; 36 miles south from Portland; price $25,000, terms. MITCHELL & R1PPEY. 326-320 Henry Building. VERY DESIRABLE HOME. 33 acres in high state of cultivation, 40 minutes south of Portland, on paved highway, 35 acres in cultivation. 3 acres stump, few standing trees, splendid buildings with spring water piped( to house, nice fountain In front yard, splendid family orchard and 3 acres 3-year-old prunes, fine garden with variety of berries, not a foot of waste land, very sightly, 4 acres potatoes, 1 acre kale, heavy farm team, 5 good cows, -year-old heifer,. 0 large shoats. 1 brood sow with 8 pigs, 46 tons hay in barn, house hold furniture, beds and bedding. Owner crippled, cannot do farm work and offers to sell at great sacrifice if taken quick ; price $10,5o0, easj tei ms. MITCHELL & RIPPEY, 328-329 Henry Building. 80 ACRES STOCK EQUIPMENT. 7 miles from Albany, 1 mile from R. R. station, gravel road, 2 miles off paved highway, 6-room house with hot and cold water, bath, windmill anJ tank. 30x 64 barn, stanchons for 20 cows, stalls for 6 horses, good wells, 80-ton silo, chicken house, garage, other out buildings, 2 straw sheds, 30 tons hay in barn, $200 worth of grain, 3 mares, 6 good jersey cows. Holstein bull, 3 1-year-old heifers. 1 Poland China boar. 1 brood sow, 8 shoats, 12 dozen chickens, incubator, brooder, cream seperator, cream and mail route. Price $12,500, take city residence to $.isoo. MITCHELL & ItlPPEY, 328-320 Henry Building. WE HAVE OTHER PLACES ALL SIZES AND PRICKS. WELL LOCATED. IM PROVED. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED OR JUST THE BAKE FARMS. J CST AS YOU WISH, LET t'S SHOW YOU OUR LARGE LIST BEFORE YOU MAKE A CHOICE. WE SPECIALIZE Ii OKU. GON FARMS. MITCHELL & RIPPEY, 328-329 Henry Building, Fourth and Oak, Main 2534. HERE" YOU ARE A GOOD STOCK RANCH. 60 acres, 40 cleared, 20 pasture; some fir and cedar; 55 acres can be culti vated, family orchard, with lots of ber ries; 2-story, o-room nouse, goou nam, Hnfit tn accommodate 50 head of cattle; 2 chicken houses, machine shed, wood shed, stream and springs on piace; spring piped to house and barn; 34 head of cattle, team, harness and wagon, sad dle, all tools and implements. 3 stands of bees. dozen chickens and 7UOO acres of outrange with lots of fresh water; all for $7000. half Cash; less than 6 miles from Kelpo, Wash. STEWART & BUCK, 315 N. W. Bank Bldg. 52 ACRES FOR $5200. A M1I.RS FROM CAN BY. 52 acres. V In cultivation, about 20 acres In pasture, about 5 or 6 acres in timber; good 5-room house, fair barn and other outbuildings and one of the best young orchards in full bearing of about hk acres; this is a dandy place and a bargain, all good soil, no rock, no white land, Willamette vaney ianu,. in mia from school. 1 mile from R. R. sta tion. Come in and let us Bhow you a real farm. STEWART & BUCK, 315 N. W. Bank Bldg. GRESHAM DISTRICT FARM. 50 acres on the Powell Valley road east of Gresham, 32 acres cultivated; ii.-ir.o- cfrpam S-room nlastered house; new ham 40x66; outbuildings, family nrr-hnni rich, deep loam soil; fine auto road to Portland. A great buy at $0000, easy terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752, 40-ACRE ORCHARD, ALL TN BEARING. Fine 40-acre orchard, all In heavy bearing and close to tne town; can sen this at the extremely low price of $500 per acre. This Is surely a big bargain, let us hear from you and we will tell you HiuSlJ INVESTMENT CO . . . t,m nun 1 1 iw A V BROADWAY 4133. 3U UA1V O 1. FOR SALE! t .rn iviiRRRY LAND. To develop remaining property will sell 44 acres of the best loganberry lana, 5 miles from Salem, near electric sta tion; about 35 acres of this are In cul tivation, remainder valuable timber; sell in one or two tracts at $150 per acre. Address owner, 025 Haight ave., city. W oodlawn 5606. a rR v. STOCK RANCH. LARGE AMOUNT IIP KtVJU .lL,t.vt i. urn. ELK HEAD. DOUGLAS CO.. OR.; 12 MILES FROM YONCALLA; ONLY 32 PER ACRE. THIS IS FINE LAND AND ENOUGH TIMBER TO PAY FOR THE COOPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 329 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG., OR WRITE LOCK BOX 86S. PORTLAND, OR. 160 ACRES, 38 miles southeast of Port land; 40 cieareu, u.iaii--: ...... , and spring on the place; houses not much good; 8 miles from two railroads, i mile off county road; an Ideal place for stock ranch; lots of outrange; $250. balance 4 years at 6 per cent. J. Cougan, 46 N. 20th St., Portland. 100-ACRE farm near Sherwood, 22 miles ance long time 6 per' cent. See It and you will know itagain. 819 Chamber of Commerce. 2000-ACRE wheat ranch. 11100 cultivated. UOO in line Buwi..... '' " seeded good well, fair buildings, full and comple'te farming outfit; (35 per acre, one half cash, balance to suit. L. h.. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near lromaiiu, fci acre, easy terms: best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg., Port land. 5V4 ACRES near Willamlna; level, cleared. lencea. t,uw -... .i.,, uo cash. $15 month. Jesse R. Sharp, 83 hi 3d st. ' $3500 FARM, 16 a., nice house, barn, poul try bldgs.. orchard, 12 a. cult.; near elec. mp.iu. out. iuuEBijnua, fcu:: YeonMbldg; 40 ACRES. $4500. Mt. Hood highway; house, oarn, j- a. coil., j., coras wood. Main 3672. McFarland, 602 Yeon bldg. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water: gooa bum. uiluw, employment; easy terms. J. R. Sharp, 83 y, 3d st. IMPROVED farm, 800 acres, $20 George, .vtrigut, iauaav, uiegoo REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. ALFALFA FARM. DAIRY, HOGS. STOCK, HAY. 88 acres on main highway to Trout Lake. Wash., 60 acres level, volcanic ash soil, 38 hillside pasture, 80 acres now in cultivation, largely in alfaMa. 20 more may be added; abundant free water from White Salmon river to ir rigate, 60 acres deeded with land; has been In use 16 years; alfalfa cuts from 5 to 6 tons to the acre; selling now for $28 per ton at barn; Improvements high class; 6-room houpe. built llrt, 2 barns, one for surplus feed, one with stanchion for 17 head of cows; spring water piped to all buildings; garage, poultrv houses, other buildings: price including all equipment, 3 head ot hordes and 10 head f stock, $7500, $4000 cash. A mighty homelike place. MacINNES PRATT. 413 Board pf Trade Bldg. Alain &SGS. 100-ACRE MID-WEST FARM, STOCK A.N D TOOLS, $N00. On state road, milo creamery, 24 miles R. K, town, near largo city: huh cultivation tillage reporting yields 4o0 bu. potatoes the acre, 0u bu. wheat, etc; creek- wal red. wire-fenced pasture, woodiano; fruit, good 9-room house, good barn, machine, wagon houses. Owner with 2 farms, cannot run both, makes low price $ssoo, easy terms, and for quick sale throws in 6 cows, 3 heifers, 2 steers, 3 calves, poultry, gas engine, wagons, plows, long list tools. Details page 84. new fall catalogue farm bar gains. Maine to Florida and wei.1 to Nebraska; copy free. 8TKOUT FA It M AGENCY. 20SRK Plymouth bldg., Minneapolis. WOULD YOU BUY a good farm of 121 acres, rolling but not hilly, about 20 acres In clover. h0 acres in cultivation, good springs in pasture, a well at the house and barn, a good house and barn and other out buildings, some family orchard, apples and cherries, all fenced, on a good gravel road, 3t milo to west side high way, 2 miles to west side electric sta tion ; this place can be lought for $11 per acre. It Is the best buy in the valley, about 2 h miles to Amity. See any one at SPERLING & HANNAS, Office, 2o4 Corbett Bldg. 80 ACRES TRADE. 60 acres in cultivation, 8 acres in tim ber, balance all open land, easily cleared. Fine living water on place. 5-room house, barn, family fruit. This place is located In one of the best farm ing dtstruts in Clackamas county. Adjoining lunds are selling at $150 an acre. We will take $9500 for this place. Will take $4500 house and lot in Portland as first pay ment; must be strictly modern, free from encumbrance. This place is 0 miles from Oregon City. E. P. Elliot & Son, 7th and Main sts., Oregon City, Or. LOGANBERRY LAND. Will st? 11 44 acrui of the very best river bottom berry land, close to Salem and electric station; most of this can be Irri gated at small cost; there are no build ings but considerable fruit; about 30 acres are In cultivation, the remainder has valuable timber on It: will sell this in one or two pieces at $150 per acre; would contract to plant and bring to bearing for purchaser who has other in terests. Address owner, 825 llaight ave., city, or call Woodlawn 564 Mi, evenings. YAMHILL COUNTY RANCH. 108 acres, located 5 miles from Gaston. Or.. 36 miles from Portland ; 53 acres under cultivation. 55 acres good pasture, well seeded; good fences; watered by spring and well- Good 10-room house, barn, chicken house ; water piped to buildings; R. F. D.. telephone, school on place, county road. Price $70oo, with 3 good horses, wngnn, harness, hack, buggy. 5 hogs, chickens, hay, etc.; $3.oo cash. Personally Inspected. Photo at office. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. ONLY 4 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE. 10 acres, nice bungalow, full cement basement, hot and cold water, spring water pumped to house by gas engine, small barn, garage, chicken house. 1 acres young orchard, all in cultivation ; fine view; can see Hlllsboro and Oregon City. If you are looking for a nifty Utile home close to the city this will suit you to a "T." but you will have to hurry, for It will go quirk. MITCHELL & RIPPEY. 32S-29Henrybldg.. 4th and Oak. BENTON COUNTY RANCH. 114 acres. located five miles from Philomath, 0 miles from Corvallis; 3 acres under cultivation, 30 acres pas ture, that can be plowed ; balance in timber, which can be cultivated. No was'e land. Watered by fine spring. Nearly new 5-room bungalow, barn, chicken house, large orchard, of all kinds of fruit. Price, $2300, $looo cash. Bal ance long time at 0.; . Personally In spected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. ONLY FOUR MILES KUOM COUKTHOl'SE. 10 acres all in cultivation, nice young family orchard, 100 holly trees, nice bungalow, full cement bawement, hath, hot and cold water, spring water pumped to house by gas engine, barn, garage, chicken house, rocked road, 4 mile to school; price $.VM10, term. MITCHELL & RIPPEY, 82H-3'J Henry Building, 4th and Oak. Main 2534. I HAVE a hundred-acre farm mile west of Monroe. Oregon, of first-class land. Will produce anything. Most all under fence. Creek and good spring water. Price 100 per acre. Pay I'J.MPU down, balance on easy terms; also have a farm of over 400 acres within ten miles of Eugene, most all under cultivation. If this suits you 1 will give you full par ticulars in regard to price, etc. Ad dress i(. T. Dow, room 10, over Bank of Commerce. Eu g ene, O r. WHEAT RANCH. 640 ACRES, 3 MILES IONK, MOn RUW CO.. OK. ALL IN CULT.. WKI.L IMPROVED, GOOD WATER, WIND MILL AND PL'M1J. FENCED AND CROSS-FENCED. POSSESSION GIVEN IF SOLD SOON. PRICE ONLY 40 PER ACRE. TERMS. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 329 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG.. PORTLAND. OR. PHONE APPLIED FOR, LOCh. BOX 868. ON HARD-SURFACED ROAD. CLOSE TO ELECTRIC DEPOT. :to acres, all under cultivation, locate 25 miles from Portland. Nice level Ian4 Exceptionally fine soil. Good 4-rooa huuse, barn, garage, orchard, wntot piped to house. Close to school. Per sonally Inspected. Price 14250. wll about ten tons hay, some grain and potatoes. Terms ou part. John Fergu son, Gerlinger bldg. 19 ACRES, Ideal berry and fruit land, all level and under high state of cultiva tion; dandy good 7-room houae, large barn and outbktgs., fine water; orchard of assorted fruits In full bearing; fenced and cross-fenced; close to school, church, high school, store, railroad and boat transportation, and 8 miles out on good level road. A bargain at .V00, good terms. Thompson ft Swan, 3d and Main sts.. Vancouvpr. Wash. 80-ACRE VALLEY FARM. All cleared and cultivated; well drained and good soli. 6-room plastered house. 2 years old, 40x60 barn; new and in fine condition. Other, out-bulldlnga, fair fences. IS mile to small town. Tim is a good farm with modern improve ments and a good buy at $125 per ar. KINNEY & CO., FARM LANDS. Corvallis, Oregon, Home of O. A. C. BEST 1!UY IN COUNTY. 25 acres, all tn high state of cultiva tion; no rock or gravel, black loam soil; only 2 miles from electric car and 10 miles from Vancouver, on good mac adamized road, in a thickly-settled c. im munity, with all rural advantages. Price S2600, hHlf cash. THOMPSON ft SWAN, 3d and Main sis., Vancouver, Wash. HALF MILE FROM SHERWOOD. 'i 30 acres, on good macadamized road, close to Capital highway. All can be cultivated. 27 acres under cultivation: 4 acres commercial orchard. In good shape. Water system: small house, good ham. chicken house. Nice grounds. Con venient to electric depot. Price .V,IH. $15011 cash. Personally inspected. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. FIVE MILES FROM OREGON CITY. 80 acres, located on hard-surfaced road, close to school. All can be cultl vated, 43 acres under cultivation, l.'l acres grass pasture, balance heavy tim ber. Good well. Large barn. Very de sirable location. Price mo per acre: $:!.00 cash, balance long time at 6Vc. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. 40 ACRES, 9 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 40 acres, 32 acres In a high state of cultivation, 6-room house, large barn, land all lies level. Think, only about 9 miles out, for only $6.ri00, half cash. DRAPER & CALWAY. 526 Ch. of Com. TWO good stock farms 26 miles from Port land, one oil acres aim ,iv acres cieareu, $10,500, modern buildings; and a 200-acre farm. 60 acres cleared, good buildings: are both on good roads on prnpost-u. ret. Hood loop. Write George Beers, Sandy, Oregon. 18 MAGNIFICENT acres on banks of Will amette river, 20 miles Portland. K. R. station on farm, large house, barn, or chard, bench bottom land, best soil. Does not overfliw; $1000 cash, long time. Price only $4000. BEST 150 acres of land In Willamette val ley, must be sold at once, 125 clear; fine home, good outbuildings. Box 129, vvooduurn. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT residence Immediately; give choice acreage, desirable lots, Improved farm. Owner. 141 East 60th St. North. Even. Ings. Tabor 7055. WANTED To buy 4 or 5-room bungalow on west side, suitable for chicken yard and garden; must be reasonable. Mar- shall 2678. WANT cheap rental lease on R. R. in Portland, St. Johns. Kenton or Van couver with or without builuingj. Uala S.oO, 103 Sherlock biag, r.