THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1919. 19 STOCK IS THRIVING its Pasturage Has Improved Most Sections. in IDAHO GROWERS SELLING third and Fourth Crops of Alfalfa Being; Cut In Oregon; Fall Shear ins Starts In California. Pastures In Orrioa have brn revived ay the rains and ravaeea la Utah, Ne vada. Arizona and California have been benefited. la Idaho rinse feed -and pae- turare are so short that Hvest-H-s; is being sacrificed, as th cost of feed Is prac ti-:i nrohlbltlva. Sheep shearlns ha b.zun In California, but only In a few !ir.r Tha third and fourth crop of a'falfa are belnr cut In Oreron. Excellent yields of icrain hay are belns secured In the dry land lection of Arizona, and the third crop of aifalfa la producing hay locally In Utah. The ' weather bureau-! renort of hay. range and stock conditions ia the Pacific coaat district says: Oregon Livestock Is doinc fairly well and pastures have revived. The third crop of a:f:fa Is being cut in soma localities and the fourth In others. . wuhinnnn Practically no rain fell and weather has been coo I. rd and pastures are short and soma livestock Is being mar keted on account of tha high price of feed. California Stock la dolnc well- Sheep aheanne has begun. Utah Moderate to good rains, fairly a-eneral, have Improved pastures and ranges. Tha third crop of alfalfa la mostly harvested. The fourth crop la making hay locally and there Is eonalderablo feed aenerallv. Nevada General rains hare greatly benefited pastures and ranges. aninm Moderate to heavy rains fell In truim sections with beneficial effect. Grass Is not sufficiently mature to be In lured by moisture. COARSE GRALN MARKET 13 tJCIXT rrtces Are Generally Steady at Merchants Exchange. The coarse grain market was generally Steady jesterday. Old corn was 30 cent higher at the Merchants Exchange, and new corn ranged from 30 centa lower to Si centa higher on b.d. Oata averaged SO cents lower. North--stern barley bids were one hanged but offers for eastern bulk bar ley were raised 1 1 V Weather conditions In the middle west aa wired from Chicago: "Illinois, clear, cool. Chicago, fair, with moderate tem peratures; Missouri, part cloudy to clear, cool. 60 to 61; Topeka. clear. 60: llutchl soa. clear, cool: Iowa, clear, cool; Omaha, part cloudy: Kentucky, Tennessee, part cloudy, cool, rain yesterday at Hopklns Tlile and Nashwtlle; Ohio valley, clear, cool; Minneapolis, clear, cool; Duiuth. clear, cool: Winnipeg, cloudy, cool. 4S. Forecast Fair and cooler all over (rain Taelt.- Termtnal receipts In ear were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Portland, alu. Tear ago S2 Seas'n to date Year ago..... 3ol Tacoma. caU. Cti Year ago 11 Seas'n to date lTl'J Y ear ago. . . .. 17v3 Seattle. Sat... Year ago 1-Tl Keaa'n to date 1T4T a ear ago 2"7 11 50 lit 3 37 11 o7 1 3 5Ca K 17 204 Ml 77 6! 4 l!t 2U3 10 It 5."S 6 1 SI 4i4 8 59 47tf S.Vc: filberts. SOc; almonds, S40c; pea nuts, inb'joc. SALT Half ground. 100a. 117 per ton SOe. ils.ii per ton; -dairy, S.0tj28 per ion. RICE Blue Rose. 1440 per pound. BKANS Pink. Hc: Urns, linje per pound: bayous. 7c; Mexican red. 7c CUf'FEE Hoasted, In drums. JUfciOc. Dnlry and Country Prod ore. BL'TTEK Cubes, extras. 61c lb., prime firsts, atv-: prints, parrhment wrappers. dox lots, 60c: cartona sac: bait boxes. more: less than half boxes, lc more; but' terfut. No. 1, CofeOoc per pound. CIIEEMB Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook. triplets. Sue: Vouna Americas, tic; long home, 31c: Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point, triplets. I'Wc; Young Americas. 30o. KUUB Oregon ranch, candled, set? sic ael--t, ,0c; eastern, aoe.tsc. POCL.TRT Hens, 24 0 30c: broilers, 2SQ 2Sc: ducks, EOtjSic; geese. Sue; turkeys. nominal. VKAL Fancy. 2 tjf 28 H e per pound. PORK Fancy, 2Cc per pound. Provisions. I.oeal Jobblnsr auotatlona: HAM.S All sixes. Choice. Sff37c standard. tt&Ssc; skinned. iSftMc; pic nic. 24c: cottage roll. 28c. LARD Tierce basis, 34c: compound. c per Dound. DKV SALT Short, clear backs. 28 33c: plates. 20 '4 29c: exports. 28rl2c UACON Fancy, 43tJlc; atanuara, tig 42c; choice, 87c. Hope. Hides, Wool, Etc HOPS lillfl croD. 73c orr pound. HIDK.S Green. 2Sc; salted. 32c: calf skins. .:; kips, 55c; dry hides. 42c; dry calfskins. Sue. Wool Territory staple. 4S35Sc. cording to shrinkage; clothing or French combing. 4.'frl4c; half-blood combing and clothing. 450 00c: three-eighths clothing snd combing. 45(r65c: quarter-blood cloth' ing and combing, 40v37c; common and braid. 3$fr50c MOHAIR 1918 clip. 45c per pound. TALLOW No. 1. 10c per pound. CASCAKA BARK New, 11c per pound. Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels, 12.26. raw. cases. 2.3e; boiled, barrels, 2.26; boiled. cases. $2. 3S. TURPENTINE Tanks. 11.91; cases, 2.01. COAL OIL Iron barrels. 13 HO 16c; tank wagon. 13Hc: cases. 249S1C. (iAtOLINE Iron barrels, 23 He: tank aagon. 23 '.c; cases. 34c; engine distillate. Iron barrels, 16c; tank wagon, lttc; cases. Cabs Butter Market Higher. The cube butter market was firm for the better grades, but the lower qualities dragged. bales of extras were reported up to 61 cents. Prints were unchanged. A car of eastern eggs was received and another la due today. Prices on eastern ranged from 50 to 68 cents according to quail. y. Oregona were firm at last week's prices. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET EASTERN APPLE MARKETS STEADY Supplies Moderate and Demand Coed la Paat W eek. Oregon apple shipments Saturday were al cars. Market conditlone at Chicago sad New York for the past week are summarized aa follows: dupplles moderate; demand and move ment good: market steady. New York K. V. greenings A 2S. 507 opening prices: closing I7.SO; Wealthy A 2H. 170 T &. closed 89; Mcintosh steady at tv. arioua statea Jonathans, medium sizes, (7j8. Chicago N. V. greenings A 2V around $7. .'Ml; Mcintosh J-.tJS.50. Michigan WealUiys 87BS. mostly 87 50. Illlnola-Mis-aouri Jonathans mostly $; Grimes mostly 8s a S..VX. Conditions at shipping points are wired as follows: Spokane, Wash. Taklma Jonathans, ex tra fancy, 82.25 6 2.50. fancy 12.1002 IS: Pellcloua, extra fancy. 83.00, fancy 83.25; Wlnesaps. extra fancy, 82.75; fancy 82.30 If 2.6. choice 82.40. Martinsburg. W. Va Moderate wire in quiry. Demand moderate, market steady. Carloads, f. o. b.. usual terms. Y'ork Im perials A S t2."f.50: Staymana mostly 87: Ben Pa vis 85 8 85.25. Quotations all an barrel stock. Rochester. N. T. Haullnga moderate. Moderate wire inquiry. Demand good market firm. Carloads, f. o. b., ususl term a Ilarrels Greenings. Baldwins, 860 S.50. few fancy Greenings. S6.73. trand Junction. Colo. Demand moder ate, market steady. Carloads, f. o. b.. usual terma Jonathans, extra fancy, 82.25. fancy 82. choice 81.73 per box. Del ta district, wagonloads cash to growers. Canos 81.7rtr2; Jonathana $-25682.50 bulk per 100 I be. PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grains, Floor. Fred. Etc Merchants Exchange, noon session: 0t. Nov. Dec. Oats Bid Bid Bid Kn. 3 white feed... .152.50 154.00 853.00 Barley Standard feed 62 SO MOO S3. SO No 3 blue 63.00 63.80 64.00 Corn Kn 3 yellow 60 CO Maatero oats sna corn in ouia: Oats l-pound dipped 50.00 51 50 8-pound clipped..... 52.00 52.30 o 3 yellow 58.00 57.28 83.00 Barley No. 2 8200 63.00 62.J0 WHEAT Government basis. 820 per bushel. . FLOUR New crop patents, 811. 15; bak ers' hard wheat. 8 1 1. 1 .1 1 1 75: whole w neat. 810.30; graham. 81U.25; atraighta. 8 I 5o. lilLLFEED Mill run. f. o. b. mill, car lota, ton lota or mixed cars. 8-U440; ton lots or over, delivered, 3t.3ov2 extra: rolled barley. 8'V: rolled oata 860: ground barley. 86: scratch feed. 8S. -U.N Whole. 879: cracked. 872. HAT Buying prices. L b. Portland; Alfalfa. 8J.'U-0; cheat. IT W lt: clover, 821a22: oats and vetch. 8211822: valley timothy. I-'O b-'.IS. 5 JO 53.00 5? on 52.50 Frsits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges, 86.23t7; lemona 86(8 80 box: bananaa. 8tt8!ee per pound; apples, 81-2303.30 per box; cantaloupes, 81253 per crate; grapes, 8202.50 pet box. ?& He per pound; casabaa, 2 Vi e per pound. VKJETABI.E5 Cabbage. 21 02HC pe' r-ound. I.ttuce. 82.50t 2.75 per crate; beets, 32 34)Tf2.75 per sack: cucumbers. "5111 a box: tomatoes. Sic ft SI per box: beans. 8ej9c: green corn, 30r40c dozen: egg plant. mtj9c pound: turnips. 873 per aek: rarrfta. 824r2 23 per sack. POTATOES Oregon. 82 0 2.2J sack, gweet. IfeSe per pound. ON IONS Oregon. J"t3He per pound. Rank (lestringa. Bank clearings of the northwestern Cities yesterday were as follows t'leannr. Port la n d ............ 8 -'2. 1 20 "Seattle 1 a oma ............. 722.114 tpokane 8.I2S.710 Balances. 82.511. 0 3.351 IM5 175.2D7 1.117t33 Staple Groceries. T-al jobbing quotations: KI'UAR ta'k basis: Fruit or berry. 85; beet, 89 33; golden C. 19.13; pow dered, la barrels, 310.25; cubes. In barrels, 810 40. NUTS Walnuta, 26 936c; Brazil sola, Prices Current en Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc. at zlay City. SAN FRANCISCO, OcL 6. Butter, solid cubes, 6c Eggs Fresh extras, 75c; extra pullets. 61 Sc. Cheese Firsts unquoted. Toung Amer icas unquoted. Vegetables Egg plant, 5OC081 lug box: bell peppers. 5o075c per box; summer squaeh, 50085c large lug box; cream, 75c 0 II box: tomatoes, 7je9uc. large lug; pota toes, rivers, white, 12 0 2.30 cental; sweet. 3 0 4c lb.: onions, yellow and white, 12.25 cental: Australian brown, 12.50 0 2.75 cen- ; cucumbers, 600 73o lug: green corn, 02.25 sack; garlic, 20 25c lb.; beans. string, 4titic lb.; wax. 305c; Umax, svic; celery. 8303.50 crate. Fruit orangea, $406.60 box: lemons. 15 06; grapefruit, 150 6: bananas. 808Hc lb.: pineapples. 12.50 0 4.50: Bartlett pears, nominal; apples. 3-tier. King, 12; Belie fleur. 1.231.73 box: quinces, 8101. 24 lug box; peaches. lt1.2U small box: melons, crate, caaabas. 800 KOc; honey dew. 75cO II: watermelon, lliUe lb.; cantaloupes. standards nominal; figs, black, 75c6!l sin gle layer box; white. Oc0ll single layer; raspberries. 113 Hi w 15 chest; strawberries. I14M13: b lack berries. IIUO 12: nucKieoer- rlea. 14 017c lb.: nluma. 110 1.50: grapes. J Malaga. 11.2501.50 crate: seedless, large lug box; Tokay, 11.2501.75 crate; pomegranates, 1202.25 box; persimmons. 81.3001.73 box; cranberries. 84.2504.50 box. Reeelnta Flour. Z4.SOO quarters: nariey. 2300 centals; beans, 3600 sacks; potatoes. uDt sacks: onions, goo sacks; nay, in tons; hides, 541; wine. 26.0OO gallons. (harp Advance) In Coffee Futures. NEW YORK. Oct, 6. There was a very aharp advance In the market lor cottee futures today, owing to nigner xraiu cables and tha more favorable vlewa of conditions abroad, aa reflected In the end ing of the British railroad atrike. The market opened at an advance of 20 to 35 potnta and sold 33 to 60 points net higher during the middle of the day with Decem ber touching 513.U5, or the highest price reached since the break to 813.70 for that position during the middle of last month. There were moderate reactions later under realizing, but the market closed at a net advance of 30 to 33 points. October 15.S5c; December and January 15.7oc; March, yiv. July and September 15.63c spot coffee quiet but generally firmer Rio 7s loc; Samoa s -o0-qc Naval Stores. fay ANN AH. Ga.. Oct, 6. Turpentln steady. 31.44: sales 100 barrels; recelpti 392 barrels: shipments 31S barrels; stock 14 M barrels. Rosin firm: sales 027 barrels: receipts 1020 barrels; shipments 620 barrels; atock 41,tt4 barrels. Ounta: B 113.10: D 115.13: E 15.25 815 30: G 81 3. 50: H 115.60; I 817.35: K 8IH.50: M 119.23: N 820; WO 820.50; WW 821. Eastern Dairy Produce. ICEW YORK. Oct, 6 Butter easier creamery higher than extras 650654 creamery, extras, 92 score, 64Vic; firsts 54 ir 61 Vic, Kggs unsettled; fresh gathered extras 6R0 7uc: extra firsts 660 BSo; firsts t 'ii 65c Cheese steady: receipts 7236. State. whole milk, flats, current make specials SOHeSlfcc; do., average run, 30e304c CHICAGO, Oct. 6. Butter, steady. Creamery 49 0 62KC Egga. steady. Receipts 4667 eaaea; firsts 34H056Hc: ordinary firsts 46 0 47; at mark, cases Included 47955c storage packed firata 580 5ac Poultry, alive higher. Springs 23ac fowls la0 24bc Metal Market. NEW TORK. Oct. 6. Copper quiet. Electrolytic, spot 23023Uc: last quarter, 2:'Sc; small lots, second-hand spot 20 14 O GAINS M SUBSTANTIAL FAVORABLE SEWS OVER WEEK END LIFTS STOCKS. Motors' and High Priced Oils Fea- . ture Day's Trading Firm Market for Bonds. KBff TORK". Oct. 6. Developments over the week end and those which followed contributed measurably to the expansive trading and many substantial gains regis tered In the course of today's active atock market. Reassurlnr advices rerardlnr President Wilson's condition, settlement of the Brit ish railroad strike and reports from the principal centers were viewed with favor by professional Interests and others com mitted to the long sccount. The one discordant note was sounded bv the money market, call loans advancing from the opening rate of 6 per cent to 12 per cent In the last hour and falling back again before belated requirements had been met. Motors and oils of the high-priced va rieties featured the session. General Motors ascending to a new record on its advance of 25 points to 2SSH. equipments were led by worthlnrton Pump at 13 points gain to the new record of 107 1. Crucible Steel assumed some of its re cent prominence for a further recovery of 13 points, half of which was later for feited and other ateele yielded part of their extreme gains of 2 to 3 4 points. leatners. textiles. tobacco and food sharea offered better resistance to pressure. Sales smounted to 1. 300.000 shares. onds were firm on further demand for peculatlve rails, the liberty division hold ng steady and internationals reacting lightly. Total sales, par value. 313. 250,000 Old United Statea registered 2s gained 14 on call, otbera unchanged. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. bid. Am Beet Sug. 3.5U0 Uti K .H Am Can B.uuO 654s 65l Am c sc Fdy 13.4uo l:iu liiith 1344 Am HAL pld 4.MHJ l.lULa 129 1J0 Am Loco 41.0'K) 117 113 115 Am Sm at p.ef l,ioo 74 "4 74 74 Vm Sugar Kef i.ifwf 14:l 141 'i 142 Am Sum Tob. 5.700 110 lus4 110 Am Tel 4 Tel. 2.21)0 1)9 s"4 l)S Am Z., L S. 100 23 23 23 Anaconda Cop 3. loo 684 67 67 Atchison S.6O0 U.tSj U'Ja 92 AG&W1SS 2,3IN 178 175H 326 Baldwin Loco. 50.500 141 Ills' 139 Bait Ohio.. 1.900 42-4 404 42 Beth Steel B. 2S.5O0 10P, lo.V. 1054 B A S Cop.. 1.2UO 2.S4 23 23 Calif Pet .... 2.4DO 52 52 52 Can Pao 2.200 1531a 152 152 Cent Leather 12.400 ltA lu5 105 Ches A Ohio.. 2.200 00 60 611 C. M A St P.. 14. Mno 46 43 45 CAN W.... 1.KOO U3 01 112 C. R I A P. . 93.700 211 2ST4 211 Chlno Copper. lino 424 42 42 Colo F A I... 3.6DO 47 H 4 47 Com Products 7.4O0 fcs i 87 87 Crucible Steel. 10.HO0 245 233 240 Cuba Cane Sug 22.6O0 45 4 1 44 DIs Sec Corp.. 3.5O0 87 66 86 V S Fd Prod. 3.5H0 87 86 86 Erie 1,400 17 16 17 Gen Electric. 2K 165 105 1B3 Gen Motors... 33.SO0 2S 274 2!3 G N pfd 3.500 87 86 87 " O X Ore Ctfs 2.4O0 46 45 46 Illinois Cent.. .'loo 04 1)4 94 Insp Copper.. 1,700 61 61 61 Int M M pfd 11!) Int Nickel.... 6.300 2S 27 27 Int Paper.... 3. loo 6:1 62 62 K C S 3IH) 2o 1 2"0 Ken Copper.. 1.400 35 34 35 L A N " loHb Mex Pet 46.S0O 2:in 230 2:12 Miami Cop ... Too . 26 26 Mid vale t-teel. S.OOO 52 52 r2 .Missouri Pac. 12.100 ;P, S 30 N T Central.. 3.000 75 76 74 N T. N H A H S0,4iM) 35 34 34 N A W 4O0 104 104 104 Northern Pac. 2.DOO 83 87 87 Pacific Mail.. .'too 3S 33 3314 Pac T A T... 300 3.1 Vi 3:4 :l Pan-Am Pet . lS.soo 121 119 120 Pennsylvania 2.80O 43 4:! 4:1 Pitts A W Va. IOO 34 34 4 Pitts Coal ... 3.50O 64 6:1 64 Ray Cons Cop l.Sno 2:1 23 2:1 Reading 1.70O 8514 8.1 8:1 Rep 1 A S S.100 117 05 i)6 Shat Ariz Cop 300 14 14 14 Sin Oil A Ref 4S.5O0 61 60 61 So Pacific ... 53.700 1S 106 1011 Southern Ry.. 10.400 2i 26 20 Stud Corp .. 23.000 I20S4 113 113 Texas Co .... 19.7O0 2S6 274 234 . Tob Prod .... 7.00O 106 I04 104 Union Pac ... 2,oon ii-o 15 ij United R 8... 22.200 113 111 113 U S I Alcohol 3.100 142 1119 1.11) U S Steel 113,2(10 10S 106 107 U 8 Steel pfd. .too 114 114 114 Utah Copper. 2. TOO 8.1 S2 . 83 West Electric 2.100 55 45 45 Willys-Over .. 7.300 3.1 3:114 33 Net Lead 3.SO0 86 84 Pa Ohio Clt Ga-l. 3.SOO '53 r.3 53 Royal D N 1'. 43.400 104 102 103 BONDS. 8 Lib 8a...l00.06'A T A T cv 6s. 101 do 1st 4s ... .95.20 Atch gen 4s 79 do 2d 4s ....94.2l)iL A R O ref 5s. 58 do 1st 4s.. .95.421V T C deb 6s.. 95 2 northern 830; No. 2 aouthern 82S. Iron steady. No. northern 829: No, Antimony S-uOc. Lead quiet. Spot 05c bid: Oct bid. 6.20c aaked. Spelter strong; El Louis delivery, spot 7.05c bid. Ofie t lit. rVattle Grain Market. SEATTLE. Wssh.. Oct. 6- city delivery Feed. mill. 145 per ton: scratch feed. 830 feed wheat, S2; all grain chops. 74; oats. 164; sprouting oats, Ii3; roiled oats, too corn. 874: cracked com. 876; rolled bar ley. 172: clipped barley. 81 1. Hay Eastern Washington timothy, mixed. 8s6ef37: double compressed. 140; alfalfa. 131 0 32; straw, 111016; Puget sound, 131. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Oct. . Evaporated -ap ples, dull; state 20 trine. Prunes eaay; Calif ornlas 10029c: Ore sons I'T 0 53c. Peaches neglected, standard 23 v; abates 24c; fancy 20c Hop at New York. NEW TORK, Oct. . Hope firm; stats medium to choice. 1919. 75082c: 1918. Ko.Toc; Pacific coast. 1919. 709T3c; 1918, eu0 65c $60,000 Saved for Farmers. PASCO, "Wash- Oct, 8. (Special.) As the result of experiments made by T. S. Brown, county a-rent. the dam awe resulting from smut has been re duced from about 20 per cent to 8 per cent by special treatment of tha seed by a solution with which Mr. Brown has been experimenting. On an aver age of 190,000 acres usually sown In this county this will mean a sarins; of about 33.000 bushels of wheat, or mora than $60,000 in money. ' Investors read Tk Wall Street JcidmI Short Term School Bonds to yield QV4 2Y2 to 4V2 years Due Miy i, 19J2. at 99.45 " " 1923, " 99.25 " " 192-,. " 99.05 Calgary School District Population 65,000 Assessed Talue $76,443,118 Bonded debt 2,417,749 Offsets' au-ietly subject to prior sals. Call sr phone for details. Exempt From All Dominion Government Taxation. $114,800.00 ' City of Edmonton Gold Bonds Denominations: $100, $500, $1000 Datedi September 1, 1919. Daei September 1, 1030. The City of Edmonton is the capital of the Province of Alberta, which has an area of about 265. DUO square miles and a population (estimated) of 61)0,000. It exceeds in area any state in the United States excepting Texas, being five times greater than New York State and as large as the combined areas of Montana, North Dakota and Minnesota. It is one of the most productive of all the Provinces of Canada, . Edmonton is situated about midway between Winnipeg and the Pacific coast. It Is on the main line of the Grand Trunk Pacific and Canadian Northern Railways, which extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and is the center of a complete system of competing rail way lines radiating in every direction throughout the Province. There are now located in Edmonton approximately 100 wholesale houses, in addition to a number of important "diversified industries, including- three meat-packing establishments, flour mills, creameries, shoe factories, elevators, brick works, car repairing shops, as well as the general shops of the Edmonton, Dunvegan and British Columbia Railway. Edmonton is surrounded by an excellent agricultural country, the soil being a rich black ! vegetable loam, practically unexcelled for grain growing. In addition cattle and sheep raising and dairying are very extensively carried on. The grain crop last year had an estimated value of 8118,000,000 and other agricultural products apart from grain of 810,610.000. . Rich deposits of coal, which are being steadily developed, underlie a large section of the country surrounding Edmonton, so that the city is not only in a position to get very cheap power and fiiel, but also derives a substantial benefit from this industry. Be a coupon clipper. Prices 97.1 7 to yield 6.S5fa MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. 1 The Premier Municipal Bond House Capital One Million Dollars Morris Building, 309-11 Stark Street, Between Fifth and Sixth Telephone Broadway 2151 Established Over a Quarter Century do 2d 44s ...04.40IM P 4s do 3d 4 Via. . .85.00V P 3s do 4th 44S...84.34 Pac T & T 5s. Victory Sa . ..I'tU'-'Pa con iia ... HO 4S IIU1HIS f CV OS U S ret as reg.'lOOfc no coupon .."luu U S cv s ...! do coupon . . . 8l) U S 4s reg "10614 do coupon ..'loft1-; So Ry 5s u P 4s U S Steel 5s . . . 80 . 68 . 89 . D2 .107H . Si) . '87)4 Anglo-Fr 5s .07 5-16 Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, Oct. 6. Closing quotations: Allouez Ariz Corn Calu A Ariz., Talu ft Hecla. . Centennial Cop Range . . . East Butte . . . Franklin Isle Royalle . . LAke Cop 40 IMohawk . . . 14HiVorth Butte . . 73fci01d Dom .405 Osceola . l.lH Qulncy 50'iSup & Boston. . 164 Shannon 44 1 Utah Con ... . 34 jWlnona . 54 Wolverine ... 65 15 41 B 66 2 ? 25 Money, Exchange, Etc NEtV TORK, Oct. 6. Mercantile paper, 56-5H per cent. Time loans, firm; 60 days, SO days and six months. 6 per cent bid. Call money, steady. High, 12 per cent; low, 7 per cent; ruling rate", 7 per cent; closing bid, 7 per cent; offered at 8 per cent; last loan S per cent; bank accept ances, 4 i per cent. Bar silver. 1.20i. alexican dollars, 92 Sc. IXJNDON. Oct. . Bar silver, 64d per ounce. Money, 3a per cent. Discount rates, short bills, 3 7-16i3t4 per cent; three months bills. 3 0-166'35, per cent. MOKE LIBERAL MOVEMENT IS PREDICTED. Effect of Settlement of British Rail way Strike Is Offset Export Demand for Oats Slackens. CHICAGO. Oct. 6. Predictions of a more liberal movement In com than haa been the rule of late counterbalanced in the corn market today tha buliiah effect of the set tlement of the British railway strike. Prices closed weak at the same aa Satur day's finish to Wc lower, with December $1.234 ( 1.24 and May fl. 22 iff 1.22 hi,. Oats LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS If you must SELL your Liberty or Victory Bonds, SELL to us. ii ou can Ht j; more Liberty and Victory Bonds, BUT from us. On Monday. October 6, llfll, the closing market prices were as given below. They are the governing prices for Liberty and Victory bonds all over tha world, and the highest. We advertise these prices daily In order that you may always know the New York market and the exact value of your Liberty and Victory Bonds. . 1st 2d 1st 2d 3d 4th Victory Victory 34s 4s 4s 4 Us 4Mb 4Hs 4s Ss 4is Market 100.06 93.22 04.16 U5.50 U4.40 05.00 94.28 90.86 90.80 Interest 1.09 1.24 1.68 1.32 1.63 .26 2.03 1.43 1.81 Total 101.15 96.46 95.74 06.82 96.08 96.16 06.31 101.29 101.67 When buying we deduct 37c on a o0 bond and $2.50 on a -11000 bond. We sell at the New York market, plus the accrued interest. Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for Kent. Open Until 8 1. M. on Saturdays. MORRIS BRO iHERS, Inc. The Premie Municipal Bond House. Capital One Million Dollars. Morris Building. 309-311 Stark Street. Between Fifth and Sixth Telephone. Broadway a 151. Established Over 35 Years. Care Free Investments BONDS sold by this Hous have brought safety of principal and surety of interest to all our clients since 1882. During- these. 37 years no investor has had to wait even a single day for payment of principal or interest when due. We offer for sale only such bonds as we have ourselves first thoroughly investigated and purchased outright with our own funds. For full particulars relative to these care-free investments, write or call for our booklet Safety and 6 together with our list of current offerings.. Ask for Circular No. PO102 S. W. Straus & Co. Established 1882 FRANK R. COOK Orego. State Representative 208 STARK STREET, Portland. 5an Francisco Ckteaaro New York nerrolt Mlaaeanolle Boston Indiaaapolla St. Lals Was kin at on to. Aairele. Philadelphia. Thirty-Seven Tears Without Loss to Any Investor. SS.ROWS.OS; corn, nominal; barley, feed, I Mlnneapolia Grain Market. t-isaes. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 6. Barley, 1.039 Hay Wheat or wheat and oats. J15KJ I 1.33. IS: tame oats. .) IS; barley, 12ti lH: I 'lax $4 1 SIM IS. alfalfa, 17(e22; barley straw, 8US8O0 - bale. ! Read The Oreajonian claasinerl ads. Nov. 27.30 closed unchanged to He down. In pro visions there were net gains varying from 32c to $1.43. It was nut until after mid-day that the bulla lost their advantage In the corn market. Previous to that time they showed great tenacity and put chief stress on the beneficial results to be looked for from the strike settlement In Great Britain. Higher quotations on hogs counted, too. as a strengthening factor and so likewise did the heavy rains of Saturday and Sun day. Absence' of seaboard demand weakened oats. It was said the vessels which have recently been available for 'taking oats to continental Europe would now carry wheat to England. Packers were active buyers of provisions and kept the market strong. Leading futures ranged as follows: CORN. Open. High. Low. Clos.e Dec fl.27,M l.2d $1.2:1 $1.2:14 May 1.2.! 1.24 1.22 1.22 Oct. .... 1.434 144 1.414 1.414 OATS. Oct. Dec. May Oct. Jan. .714 .73 4 .71 .73 MESS PORK. 33.. 13 LARD. 21. SS .70 4 .70 .7"S .724 37.00 33.33 23.82 19.25 .13.23 Jan 23.90 23.90 23.80 SHORT RIBS. Oct. Jan Cash prices were: Corn No. 2 mixed, $1.4301.47; No. 2 yellow, $1.481.30 4. Oata No. 2 white, 72473c; No. 3 white. 60 72c. Rye No. 2. $1.42 1.434. Barley $1.27 1. 32. Timothy .30 11.23. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $28.33. Ribs $18.73 19.50. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 6 Flour, 8-8s, $11.90. Grain Wheat, $2.20; oats, red feed. TY TtTk 0 ar-Maf- Mzf . l.iYtraiuia icau The Wall Street Jounial & u 1 -jfy Fifty-six Securities For your October funds the 56 securities on our October list have been carefully gathered from among: the world's best investment offerings. To the property values, earnings and sound financial records back of each of these securities is added our recommendation. At prices to yield about 3.49 to 7.63 Offering sheet on request for OR-252 The National City Company , Correspondent Offices in Over 50 Cities. Portland Yeon Building. Telephone Main 6072 Bonds Acceptances Preferred Stock Investors read Y Tke Wall Street Journal L'rTSSVZr mm mi ai eucai miisBeaiiaaai sVuex zTaaaa. taUaa (41 Freeman Smith Camp Co. HALL & COMPANY BUT AND SELL. Railroad Public Utility Industrial Municipal BONDS YIELDING 5 to 7 Foreign Government Loans Local Securities . Preferred Stocks Lewis BIdg., Portland, Or. Dependable O ecurities TrV Investors read Y The TVH Street Jgurnal "Your Bond House Like Your Bank Must Be Safe and Serviceable" Another 7 Opportunity WE HAVE been fortunate in securing another small block of the Pacific Power & Light Company's new issue of Preferred Stock. Tar Talue $100. Price $100 and accrued interest to yield full 7. Dividends payable Feb. 1, May 1, Aug. 1, and Nov. 1. Dividends free from individual normal Federal . Income Tax. Redeemable on any dividend date at 115r and accrued dividend. - WRITE OR CALL FOR FULL DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR Clark. Kendall & Co., Inc. Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds Fifth and Stark Sts. Portland, Oregon ervice It is just as much the duty, and the function of the modern investment banking institution to render cour teous and conscientious service after selling an issue of bonds as it is to place every reasonable safeguard around the preliminary investigation and proceedings. After satisfying himself that an issue of bonds is safe and desirable, the investor has the right to inquire: Will the company handling the bonds ex tend me service from the day the money is invested until final payments of interest and principal have been made ? Will it keep in touch with the affairs of the obligors? Is the company faithful to its promises and representations, or is it extravagant and, boastful in its claims and guaranties ? We offer dependable securities and render conscientious service. Lumbermens Trust Company Bonds Lumbermens Building Trusts Acceptances Fifth and Stark SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN CAPITAL AND SURPLUS fr "First Choose Your Bond House and Then the Bond" Sinclair Consolidated Comprehensive Description of the Sinclair Merger Its position in the World's Market and its relation to the transition now occurring: in the Petroleum Trade, Circular L-8 with much new information, balance sheet, geologist's report, double page map of oil prop erties, pipe lines, refineries, etc., sent upon request. Lyman D. Smith' Company. Members New York Stock Exchange 34 PINE STREET NEW. YORK BRANCH OFFICE: 527 FIFTH AVENUE We advise the purchase and are making a Specialty of U. S. Government Bonds and are prepared, at any time, to buy or sell large or small lots Ve hdv prtpared A circular on investment tecuntiet which we shall be gltfd to send you en rqut Ki d d e a. Pe ah o dy & C o. Bolton Mitchell, Hntchins & Co., Inc. TIm KooKery, CUcg9 Wilson-Heilbronner Co. Announce their acquisition of tha E. F. HTJTT0ST CO. WIRES AND SEB.T1CE and tha offices at 201-202-203 Hallway Exehans; Bmlldlnc . TTaey have direct wire conneetlnna with every exchange la tha eoaaitry, and will bur eel I any Railroad. Industrial, Steel, Copper, Crala or Cotton Stocks or Bond traded in. V0CB BCSIXESS IS COURTEOUSLY SOLICITED. Wilson-Heilbronner Go. TUB HEILBRONNER CO. Butte, Mont. roRTLAjrn. oreco. I'honeai Mala 2S3-334 Correspondent!! K. F. TrTTJTTO A CO, New York. CLEMRKTi CURTIS CO, Chiracs, HA DEN, STONE at CO, Boa Ion. Anglo-French Bonds To Net 7.50 Government and Municipal Bonds Bought and Sold 5 1 pevereaux Rgmpany 87 Sixth Street Broadway 1042 Ground Floor Wells-Fargo Building i.- ROBERTSON & EWING LIBERTY BONDS FEDERAL TAX EXEMPT New York Quotations r rt Interest Included O K,r.t 81:::::::12 BONDS vX 4vA:::. Local Securities tK5 4vA.:::: 207-8 Northwestern Bank Fourth 4him M.37 Ylctory 101.67 Building WeB'Xmoint'IA"r PORTLAND, OR. t