TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1919. 11 PLUiViB PLAN VOTE STARTS FORUM ROW Resolution Deferred in Re spect to Visiting Speaker. C. C. DILL EXPLAINS PLAN men and should not be classed with common laborers and If any county commissioner doubts this statement "let him try tending; the gates for Just one day" say the gatemen In a peti tion presented to the commissioners yesterday asking; an Increase In sal ary from $100 a month to J120. The petitioners, headed by Sanfleld Macdonald. refer the commissioners to published statistics on the In creased cost of living; and point out that their wages come under the class of wages paid common laborers. whereas they should be paid "because of their heavy responsibilities" as skilled workmen. The Job of gate man is not without frequent personal danger as well as responsibility for fir and accidents, they declare, re ferrlng to two tenders killed on the bridges In 1518. The petition was taken under advisement. Bolshevistic Tendency' of Profit Sharing Proposal Denied Be cause Violence Mot Intended. Consideration of the Plumb plan of railway control and operation, pre sented before members of the Port land Chamber of Commerce at the members' forum, nearly precipitated a riot in that staid bod yesterday noon, when at the close of the address a member arose and moved that It be the sense of the gathering that the Plumb plan and any other "social istic" plans be condemned utterly. Amid considerable excitement it was voted to lay the matter upon the table for consideration and to vote at some future date. Clarence C Dill, former representa tive of Spokane, now touring the country under the auspices of the Plumb plan league of Washington had concluded his address upon the Plumb plan, and about half of those present had risen to their feet pre paratory to adjournment, when C. W Hodson raised his voice above the scraping of chairs to introduce a reso lution couched In the following words: Cewdemaattom Is Asked. Resolved. That this assemblage recommend to the board of directors of the Portland Chamber of Commerce that the board place the chamber on record as condemning the Plumb plan or any other plan of railway opera tion based upon socialistic theories. The voicing of the motion brought sounds of violent approval and dis approval from all corners of the room. Those who were half wsy out of the room hesitated to watch the out come. In the general confusion A. F. Fle gel gained the floor and expressed himself as unalterably opposed to taking a vote at that time. "To vote at this time." he said, "would be an insult to the speaker, and it would be an insult to this body for us to vote now when we have nof had an opportunity to consider the problem thoughtfully. If we wish to take a vote on the matter we should do so after we have had an oppor tunity of hearing both sides and studying the matter in our own minds." Asseadaseat Is I trod era. A motion was introduced amending the original motion and providing that the matter be laid on the table, and this was cavricd by a large ma 4 i W J 117. "The meeting stands adjourned roared John Dougal. who was presid ing, and he brought hM gavel down on the table with a thud that made the dishes rattle. Mr. Dill, who was elected on the democratic ticket from the Fifth dis trict of Washington, arrived in Port land yesterday from Spokane. He was met at the station by an enter talnment committee composed of mem bers of the Portland railway council Frank Hoffman chairman. After the luncheon Mr. Dill was taken for a tour of the highway. The main fea ture of his visit here wava the public address given last night at the mu nicipal auditorium. Mr. Dill in his address to the league explained the provisions of the Plumb plan, and answered all questions pre sen ted to him. HERO BROTHERS UNITED PIULLIPS BOYS, SEPARATED IX BATTLE, MEET IX ALBANY. One Leaves Leg - Chateau Thierry and Is Taking Vocational Training at O. A. C. ALBANY. Or.. Oct. 6. (Special.) Clifton E. Phillips and Harrison N. PhlMlps, brothers, who separated when the latter lost a leg at Chateau Thierry, were in Albany together bat- urday. That they might transact some business together, Clifton came here from his home at Gooch, while Har rison came from Corvallls. where he Is taking a vocational training course In the Oregon Agricultural college. Clifton has been out of the service less than two months. Lucky enough to get Into the same company, the brothers went through many experiences together. The two boys, who are sons of Mrs. St. L. Phillips, postmistress at Gooch, enlisted early in the war in company A of the 4th engineers. They went to France in April. 1911, and within a week were up behind the front lines. Side by side they went into their first big offensive on July IS In the second battle of the Marne. Working with the infantry and part of the time as infantry, their company had reached third-line German trench when piece of shrapnel struck Harrison in the left leg. Clifton Phillips stopped with his wounded brother, and he and a med ical sergeant bandaged the injured limb, when another shell exploded close beside them. By a peculiar freak, the flying shrapnel missed the two kneeling over the man they were bandaging, except that it knocked off the sergeant's canteen and struck the soldier already wounded. To make the circumstance more remarkable, the piece of shell which hit the wounded man struck the leg already Injured. It inflicted a terrible wound and amputation of the limb was nec essary the next day. He now walks well on an artificial limb. ELKS TP BE ENTERT1E0 BAXI CONCERT TO BE GIVEN AT 8:S0 TONIGHT. Programme Announced Is First of Series to Be Presented at Local Lodge Rooms. Catastrophe Is Foresee. "Business should exist primarily to serve and not to profit." declared the speaker. "As combinations and mo nopoly have grown, the gulf between the proprietor and the worker has widened and widened until now the country is on the brink of catastro pne. me American business man should cease to call everyone a bol- sneviet who Introduces a new plan for settling the difficulties which the country is facing. "As a matter of fact there is noth ing whatever bolshevistic about the numb plan. We contemplate no vio irm-c w a propose to achieve our ends by law and to pay the present owners. If sufficient voters do not ravor th Plumb plan to put it into effect, there need be no danger of men trying to force the plan by bol ahevtstic methods. -The war was fought to overthrow autocracy and to establish dtmocr.rv and the same democracy which was s.anusned in nations we hope to see esiaoiisnea in industry. We hope the Plumb plsn will lead the way. and that It will not only be adopted but jouowca in private Industry." Elks and their families will be en tertained tonight with a musical pro gramme and band concert in the lodge rooms -beginning ata:30 A'clock. It will be the first of a series of. band concerts in which the All-Elks band will appear. George C. Graham, known as the "Harry Lauder of Port- I land, will furnish some entertain ment of Scotch variety, and Miss Madeline Stone will be the soloist of the evening. The programme follows: March. Victor Herbert Overture. "Orpheus." Concert waits. "Danseuse." Spanish suite, "Don Quixote." Comic opera selection, "Katinka." Ballet from "Faust." Descriptive. "Visions of Salome." March, "Fame and Fortune." 11. M. Stoudenmeyer, director. ROTARY PLOW INVENTED Chehalis Man Says Machine Will i Be Put on Market Soon. CHEHALIS. Wash.. Oct. . (Spe cial.) F. T. Harashaw. well known li Seattle and Tacoma aa an inventor of rotary plow that promises to revo lutionise farming, has returned to his home west of Chehalis alter some weeks spent In New York, Chicago, Philadelphia. Montreal and Toronto. and other places were visited. Mr. Hamshaw declares that he succeeded in financing his invention and that I'acific coast factory to manufacture his tractor will be built at once in San Francisco. He expects to have the tractor on the market by February. The ma- S. 'Wiley I chine combines both the plow and tractor. 10 complete tne work by one trip a seeder can be attached. In one day a stretch of land as long as 24 miles can be plowed and seeded to any width from 6 to 15 feet. DISTRICT DEPUTIES NAMED Dr. II. L. Toney and W Chosen to Represent Elks. Tr. Herbert L. Toney or McMinn ville has been appointed deputy grand exalted ruler for Oregon, north, and Wilson S. Wiley of Klamath t.ntVsition in the southern1 JurTsdI MURDERER LOSES APPEAL i uii mil. i ne appointments lla&kan Who Shot Husband of His Divorced Wife Gets No Leniency. SA.N FRANCISCO. Oct. 6. Convic tion of John Sbea of Cordova. Alaska. for second degree murder for shoot ing and killing Ranee W. Book at that place November 14. 1917. was up held by the United States cirdult court of appeals here today. Book had married Shea's divorced wife, which, according to the evi dence, was" an incident In a feud between the men. made by Grand Exalted Ruler Rain of the Benevolent and Protective Order ot -.iks became known yesterday wnen an ouiciai circular reached fort la no. Dr. Toney held the Sam Mtlllnn last year under Grand Exalted Ruler Campbell and Mr. Wiley succeeds Charles Burgraff of Albany. The two appointees win represent the grand exalted ruler in all lodge matters wnica arise in the state of Oregon. DRYAD MILL IN NEW HANDS! Luedinghaas Interests Said to Harci Been Sold for $600,000. CHEHALIS. Wash.. Oct. .?.- Ial.) The new organization todav took charge of the Luedinghaus Lum per company at Dryad. G. M. Duncan of Portland, one of the best known lumbermen of the Pacific northwest, I dropped dead of heart disease in the t-ongaon warenouse today. Cox came here three weeks ago for his health. He had been connected with the schools of Tierce county and Tacoma for 24 years, much of the time as county superintendent. Beginning October 13th Our Store Will Open at 9:15 A. M. and Close at 5:5 P. M. We Give S & H Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Stamps Given on All Charge Accounts if Paid in Full by 10th of Each Month. Portland Agency for Home Journal Patterns Hoover and Sweeper-Vac Electric Suction Cleaners Lackawanna Twins and Carter's Knit Underwear. Take Lunch In Our Tea Room a delightful place to meet your friends. Only the best of foods served. Plan your shopping- to include luncheon at our store. -J TRUNKS SUITCASES AND BAGS 3D FLOOR RELIABLE MAKES AND PRICES The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Wortman & Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods King OUR AUTOS MAKE DELIVERY TRIPS TO VANCOUVER EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Orders Taken for Engraving Now is the time to place your order for Engraved Greeting Cards for the holiday season. See Samples at Stationery Counter, Double Trading Stamps Given Today With Cash Purchases All Over the Store Add to Your Income By Saving S. & H. Trading Stamps! We give these little Green Stamps as a token of our appreciation of your continued patronage. They cost you absolutely nothing and are therefore, direct cash saving. If you are not a stamp-saver, start a book at once and get your share of the thousands of dollars in cash distributed by this store every year. Double S. &H. Green Trading Stamps with all cash purchases made today. .iiilii Women's Dresses $23.75 to $98.50 Second Floor Not in many seasons have dresses shown such striking individuality and such a wide range of styles. Within the above prices you may choose from literally scores of beautiful mod els from the smart tailored effects to the pretty ruffle trimmed styles. There are dresses of Serge, Tricotine, Velour, Velvet, Geor ette Crepe, Satin, Tricolette and Taffeta. Embroidered, beaded or fringe, button and braid trimmed. All the newest fall shades. Dresses as Sketched MODEL A Beautiful Dresses developed in Georgette crepe. Embroidered design of soutache braid. This model is shown in navy blue. Sizes (Pjr Art 38, 40, 42. Priced at DUJeUU MODEL B Smart Frocks of Silk Tricolette in black, navy and brown. Especially designed for the full figure. Excel. ;nt range of sizes up (PPr ( to 44. Priced at dOO.VV Bargain Circle, Main Floor Lingerie Waists Special $1.00 At this special price today only. You will want a couple of them when you see how attractive they are. Made up in striped voiles, dotted Swisses and plain white materials. Many differ ent styles in the assortment. Some have dainty embroidered fronts, others have plaited collars and fancy vests or are trimmed with laces. Various styles in collars V, square or Art round. Practically all sizes in the sale. Priced special DAUU 4f 7 'Z:.' Nestle Hair Waving The Improved Nestle Process gives a permanent wave to the hair that will withstand damp, foggy weather. Our expert operators thoroughly understand this work. Beauty Parlors, on Second Floor. Make Your Own Comforters! Pure Wool Batts, 2-lb. A Art size, priced special, at D"eUl Pure Wool Batts, 3-lb. J A A size, priced special, at Dv"U Wool Finish Batts, the flJO FA large size rolls, at only 0WeU Comforter Sateens in new Kfr patterns. Special, the yard tlvfl ton Union Suits 1 QQ on sale today at A - Your New Hat can best be selected at this store. All the newest soft shapes in felts, velours and cloths. Priced $4 to $10 Men's Caps $2.50-$3 i ft - Dutchess Knickers For Boys For fit, comfort and serv ice Dutchess Trousers have no equal. Mothers are find ing out what a great saving it means to put Dutchess Knickers on their boys Roomy cut, easy-fitting and neat in appearance. Prices range from $3.00 to $3.00 Boys' Fall Caps in the new season's smartest styles, materials and color ings. Priced $3 to $3.50 Men's New Fall Clothes Dependable Makes Reasonable Prices Our new Fall and Winter stock of Men's Suits and Overcoats offers splendid choosing.. Particular dressers who seek style and quality will find these gar ments come up to their highest expectations. We are Portland agents for sev eral well-known makes in men's clothing lines that never fail to please. Suits and Overcoats in a wide range of styles and fabrics priced $30.00 to $50.00 Men's Winter Underwear Carter and Vassar Union Suits our fall and winter lines are now ready. Cart er's Union Suits in all weights and yarns. Prices range $2.00 to $10.50 Vassar Wool Union Suits $4 to .$11 Cotton Union Suits $2 to $6.50 Silk Union Suits at $16.00 SPECIAL Odd lines of Men's Heavy Ribbed Cot- Model Grocery Fourth Floor Experienced telephone clerks at your service 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. SHOP EARLY IN THE DAY! Royal Baking Powder 35c This is the 12-oz. size, usually selling at 40c. On sale to- OK, today at the' special price of OeJU FRENCH PEAS; regular OQ 35c size priced special, at Fall Coatings And Suitings The cost of your new Winter Coat or Suit can be materially reduced by having it made to your order. We have a splendid stock of the most desirable fabrics Silvertone, Bolivia, Broadcloth, Tweed, Tricotines, Serge, Peach Bloom, Wool Jersey, Velangora and many oth er weaves and colors. Your inspection invited. Velvets and Plushes Chiffon Velvets in black and the favored col ors Costume Velvets in. wanted colors new Plushes of dependable qualities for coats and trimmings. Department on the Main Floor. Stamped Crash Scarfs 79c Center Circle, Main Floor An extra special offering. These Scarfs are stamped in attrac tive designs on good heavy quality crash, and make very acceptable gifts. Stamped Pin Cushion to match goes with each Scarf. FJCin These are well worth $1.00. On sale today both articles for Ju Hand Crocheted Doilies, 20c, 35c Needlework Models, y2 Price Center Circle, First Floor An other special lot of dainty hand embroidered Doilies offered at low prices. These have linen cen ters and well-worked edges. Buy them today, each 20 and 3."3 Center Circle, First floor Chil dren's Dresses and many other articles that have served as mod els in the Art Needlework Dept. Hand-embroidered and finished. On sale at ONE-HALF PRICE. -DOUBLE S. & H. STAMPS GIVEN WITH CASH PURCHASES. s ome Craft Week October 6th-11th Though your guests may be charmed by your home while they are in it, they will always carry in their minds the FIRST impression, gained as they came up the walk looking for the number. The windows make that first impression. Come to our Drapery Section and see the many beautiful new designs in curtains and draperies, and let us show you the newest ways of using them. Double Stamps with cash purchases today. Quaker Craft Lace Curtains In Beautiful New Designs Rug Sale! 3rd Floor $5.50 $3.48 $2.95 $3.85 L Velvet Rugs, size 36x72 inches. Special Velvet Rugs, size 27x54 inches. Special Axminster Rugs, size 27x54 inches; at Axminster Rugs, size 27x54 inches; at These Rugs are shown in a good assortment of patterns and colors and are extra good values. Get your Trading Stamps. Third F 1 o o r Quaker Craft Lace Curtains are made of best grade dou ble thread net with fancy figured or plain centers and lace borders. Are shown in white, cream and Arabian, Prices range $3.00 to $.00 pair. Marquisette Curtains $4.48 Pair Net Curtains $6 to $8 Pair Third Floor High-grade Marquis ette Curtains in many dainty pat terns with lace insertion and edges. Priced special $4.48 Third Floor Filet Net Curtains with wide lace insertion and edging. Also plain Nets with lace borders. Priced $6, $6.50, $7, $8 a pair. j DOUBLE STAMPS TODAY WITH ALL CASH PURCHASES. 1 ARMENIA RELIEF SIGNAL NOT SEEN BY SOME DRIVERS. H. R. COX DROPS DEAD Ex - Superintendent of Pierce County Schools Succumbs. YAKIMA. Reese Cox Wash.. Oct. 6. Harvey of Tacoma, axed 65. is president of tha new corporation which Is cspitalised at J 1.000.000. Ceorga L. Mar.h of Ostranrier Is secretary, and W. F. Downs of Mes kilU manager, tha three being the Incorporators. The purchase Includes the sawmill ana timber noldiers of the Luedlns hus Brothers, located at Dryad. George and Frank Luedlna-haua. how ever, retain their personal timber holdings. The consideration Is re ported at J600.000. GATErdEN ASK WAGE LIFT Bridge Tenders W ish to Be Classi fied as Skilled Workmen. Gate-tenders on the bridges span- x-Lcx tha WUlaxnette ar. skilled work- J Cow litx Cow Testing to Start. KELSO. Wash.. Oct. . (Special.) H. C. Burfress, county irrnl. and W. S. Murdock. of the state and fed eral service, who has been assistlns; Mr. Burgess with the organization of a cow-testing association for Cowlitz county, have signed up enough herds to aasure organization of the Cow litz cow-testing association. They now have 50 cows listed. The asso ciation work will be started as soon as a tester can be obtained. Read The Qregonlan dassifled ads. Contributions to Clothing Gift Will Still Be Received and Further Donations Asked. So great was the rush of business for those who were gathering In the garments for the Armenians yester day that some who wanted to give were overlooked and these are asked to call up and notify the relief com mittee at Main 2178 or Main 6912 or, better still, to take their gifts to the Phoenix building. Fifth and Oak streets, where the clothing is to be sorted and packed. Ben Selling, state manager of the Armenian relief committee, and J. J. Handsaker, director, were greatly pleased with the general response yesterday, but as several called up the committee and said their signal the towel In the window had been overlooked by the grocery wagon drivers, it was found necessary, to make the appeal that the committee be notified, so that articles may be called for, or to ask that donors take them to the central receiving station in the Phoenix building-. Several special offerings were taken up In the churches Sunday for the benefit of the Armenian relief. Among them were the Laurelwood Congregational church, Kenllwortb Presbyterian church and the Men's Resort. Boxes and barrels of clothing are beginning to arrive from different parts of the state. From Dallas six boxes of clothing have been received and the city has promised two or there more before the drive Is over. Heppner sent six sacks and one box. Yesterday one of Ben Selling's friends called up and told him to go to the government store and buy as much clothing as he liked for the Ar menians and send the When this friend found out that more money was needed to ship the cloth ing he sent his personal check to Mr. Helling to help pay the freight to New York. Mrs. E. J. Collins of Dufur sent in a box of good new garments, nearly all donated by the general merchan dise store of Dufur. GRANGEV1LLE MAN DIES Wallace Scott, Well-Known Busi ness Man, Succumbs. GRANGEVILLE, Idaho, Oct. C. (Special.) Wallace Scott, 88, North Idaho banker and business man, died at his home here at an early hour this morning. Heart disease super induced by old age was the direct cause of his death. Mr. Scott has been associated-with the late John P. Vollmer of Lewlston in business relations for a long term of years and the firm of Vollmer & Scott was one of the pioneer mer cantile firms of the state. Messrs. Scott and Vollmer also were heavily Interested In banks at Lewiston and Grangeville and at other points in the inland empire. Mr. Scott was president of the First National bank of Grangeville at the time of his death. He first came to this county about 1875, establishing a store at Mount Idaho. SKingie company for many years and his son also was with that company as well as with companies at Belling-ham. MILL SITE IS PURCHASED Cedar Near Sandy Bend, Wash., to Be Used for Shingles. KELSO, Wash., Oct. 6. (Special.) A tract of cedar timber near Sandy Bend, on tne west Bide of the Cowlitz river, between Kelso and Castle Rock, has been purchased from J. H. Mallory by P. S. Dykeman and son. Grant Dykeman, of Castle Rock. A mill equipped with one upright ma chine will be built as soon as possible. Timber sufficient for several years' operation is available. P. S. Dyke- bill to him. man was associated with the Met calf Nez Perce Hearing Is On. LEWISTON. Idaho, Oct. 6. (Spe cial.) A federal commission compris ing D. E. Smith or the department of the interior, Charles E. Coe of the In dian field service, and Dr. Jacob Breid of the Lapwai Indian agency, is now conducting hearings to determine whether the Nez Perce Indians will be competent to manage their own af fairs upon the expiration of the gov ernment trust period next summer. The commission will meet with repre sentatives of the tribe at Lapwai, Kamiah, Ahsaka and Kooskia. The 25-year trust period began at the time of the allotment of Indian lands in 1895. 2 0 Cars of Beef Shipped. PRIXEVILLE. Or., Oct. 6. (Spe cial.) Heavy cattle shipments were made over the City of PrineviHe rail road Saturday and Sunday. Twenty cars of beef were consigned to the North Portland yards by a number of central Orego'n stockmen.. Auto Upsets; 0- Killed. SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. 6. George W. Whltty, aged 18. was killed and Harold G. Dwyer, aged 19, suffered THE ANGELS CONTINUE THE GUARD "VOU BEGAN Better Babies The expectant mother owes it noC only to herself to prepare for an easier birth, but to her child who should be stronger, healthier and more robust through her careful and intelligent use of Mothers Iriend Used by 3 Generations At till Druggists. Special Booklet on Motherhood and Baby free, BradfieldRsguUtarCai Dept. f -?. Atlanta. G. MOTHERS When you phone for your daily order of groceriesbe sure to include Its wholesome, nutritious and delicious properties will foster J iffr:&e 'llfa.. the growth of the children's ' saruytninas ana Domes as no other -71' -WW.: A Baked by New York Bakery perhaps fatal injuries, at 1 o'clock this morning when an automobile, in which ' they were riding, turned turtle. Read The Oreonlan claiind ad.. Fine tea costs only li of a cent per cup. "Then common, tea must cost less." No, indeedl common tea costs more. "Why, how can it be?" A pound of Schilling Tea makes so many more cups than a pound of common tea, that it is really cheaper per cup. There are four flavors of Schilling Tea Japan, Ceylon . India, Oolong, English Breakfast. All one quality. In parch myn-lined moisture-proof packages. At grocers everywhere. A Schilling' & Co San Francisco