1G TIIE- 3IORXING OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1919. WAXTTO-REAL ESTATK. THIXIf TMIQ OVER. Tcm know tht 1Z real iitm n1ma llh tatomobi.M workint la a well-or- ralse4 office, which nd thousands ad thousands of dollars annua I. y ad wrtUins ooaeea xcltMlvelv must vt raauiia. ara tn touch ltn tna ma jority of buyers. This oriranlxatkoa has old VT houses so (ar this year and caa s It roura. Coma a and list ll with ua aiib FRANK I. McOriRB. TO SKUL, IOLH HOME. b1nnon bids. Main 10a. Otiicm Opa Even In its and Sundays. Established 18SX X WANT HOUSE What bava yoa T hav cash buyer waiting-: your n will ba rt n proper attention; Ust no while selling; la food. "WATCH OUR ADS: Wg GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE CO.. lOl-J-s-7 Board of Trad Bid. Farms H anted. THAPFER would rent or buy cablo la mountains of Washington or Oregon. O 2, Oregon la a. Wanted to Rest Karsna. WAXTKD To rent dairy or stock ranch; good references: owners only need an swer. Bigelow Bros.. Mo tall a. Or.. R. 1. TTMBKB L'PS. WANTED Party to take a S10.00 In terest, either silent or active, in one of tho best saw ml ! I propositions In Ore goo; will stand close Investigation. Ap p.y AO 2W. oregoman. WANTED In twpo. 17 and 1H. S. rang 1 E. and 1 W. UWt reliable estimate and lowest price. E. A. Lindjreo, Savon Land Co.. 35 N. W. Bank bldg. IftO ACRES with 3. 004.000 feet of fir. In Lincoln county. Or. Want to trade; any thing considered. AO 2'-K Oregonlan. FOR SALE Drag saw, with clutch A I condition: blade. IISO takes all. T 210. Oregonlan. FILING wanted: rtv scat, prtc aad whea cut. V. UmDi. touen aiog. FOR RENT FARMS. 170-AC RE. well stocked farm, for rent, stock and farming Implements for sa'.e; a good road a cloea to school and town; g-ood Improvements, running water. If vou ara looking for a farm It will pay you to see owner at 334 San Rafael St., Portland, or. JO ACRES. 1H miles from Estacada. Sr John uno, a.a Railway Mcoaogt bldg. tO ACRE dairy farm: good location. Fred Bon. Castle Rock, Wah. R. F. D. 3. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE. TMVacr stock farm In XcKenxfa river alley, Lan county, Oregon; bw acres seeded to tarn crass, clover, timothy and orchard grass; all fenced and crosa fenced with Page wire and barbed wire on top. will exchange ror rortiana im proved propertv. See Herman Peper, 507 Buchanan bldg.. 2 Washington. ITTRACTIVE A-room horn with sarage, furnace, full cement basement, finished attic, hard surfs ce paid, io minutes r. iv f Broadway bridge. Income $45 per month; 9MOO; will exchange for 6-room modern in lrvingtoa and assume small amount. East 7l4. Tk lt.l. trarf aioo houM MUltr on Will Hams a., near Skldmor. now rented yS a month, for grocery store or meat market. wlU sell and take automobile as part trad. Owner. J. W. Byrd. 142 E. 3Jth. Call before t A. M.. Tabor 273. B Tt. Oregonlan. WILL TRADE AO acres fruit land partly Improved, good springs and creak. In White Salmon dlMrlct, six miles north f Lrle. for property In St. Faul or Mln Deapohs. Carl F. Leveraatx. 3 Williams ave. . c. siinneapoiia. TO SELL, or trad for Portland horn. 15 acre farm. miles north of Vancouver, 4-roora house, barn and outbuildings. family orchard, berries. acres la cuitl vatloo; price 9?ooo. John Hook, Van couver. wash.. Routs a. HAVE beautiful ft-room modern bungalow and garag, lot 150x100, value 0O0. and SlftOo automobile, will trade for farm mot over T mtlea from court bouse. Phoa Sell wood lt SJ0 ACRES. Eastern Oregon, pries l-T.Nxi wane rarm: win pay dtxrerence n suited consider acreage, close In: will assume. Phone Main 1444. 724 Chamber of Com- XXCHANGE for Portland property, lot 104 x 1 70. la apricots and prunes, situated Los Gatoa. CaL. Santa Clara valley; no incumbrance. B 1824. EN ION AVE. property for farm: consider c l os-in acreage ; can use aotomooii. Phone Main 14J4. 724 Cham, of Com. bldg. FOR TRADE 40 acres of fin Hood River land for bouse and lot near Fort land unincumbered. 14 Grand ave. N. Phone East 3JY CORNER lot near Thomaa school, full im provements: will sell or trade for Spo kane property or lata model car. Write Room ill. Hotel tsic. city. fO Ai'RES In Jackson Co. Oregon; 9SOO worth of timber. Will trade for auto mobile In Al condition. AV 677. Ore gon la n. SALE er trade for small house. 3 fln buiidlng lots facing Ivon and Clinton sta. iMrwiik. sewer, water. 1 J -3 Ivon C TO F.XCHANGE MISCELLAXFOr, HIGH-GRADE mandolin with leather case to exchange for shotgun, or what have you? AC &. Oregonlan. IV ANTED Dental work, will painting. P 643. Oregonlan. exchange FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Livestock, 1 HAVH purchased the cows of the Klger dairy, formerly the Red Cross dairy. These cows are all high-class dairy stork: among these are four legist ere J Hoist eina. They are on sale at the Union stockyard barns. O. K. Howl it. North Portland. Or. FUH SALE. RAMS I am offering extra good big Llncoin rams at ii to 430 each, Romney rarae at 50 each, pure bred Llncoin ewes, $iQ to 2X Above In car. or part car lota We are in the market for yearling ewes and ewe lambs. H. Stanley Coffin, Taklma, Wash. FOR SALE 50 head of reg. ewes, 1 ram. registered ; prices good ; we also have about 110O head of goats for sale, 14 had of dairy cows. Campbell-Phelaa Land A CattJe Co.. 301 Couch bldg. Phone Main ftOS. Portland. Or. TEAM of marcs. T and 8, weight 200 lbs., good set of double work harness; must sell as I hav moved to town and have bo place to keep them. East Side Horse Market. 35 Union ave., cor. Stevens st. TW'O fresh 5-gaL cows, young and big, and ons small Jersey cow. 70: also 2 coming fresh soon. Phone 2WJ. Mllwau kie. near 8. P. depot. Mllwaukle, H. A. Smith. SPORTSMEN For hire, good pack and addle horses, with guide, for mountains: reasonable charges, wire or write Lee Brown, care Oregon hotel. Cottage Grove, Or. lOO GOOD grada coarse-wooied and b lack faced bucks. Want good fall and win ter pasture for 5O0 sheep. E. U. Myers, 19 E. 01st st. N. Tabor S924. FOR SALE. CHEAP Heavy team, harness, wagoa. single cultivator, saddle, young sow. Glenn Harmon, Boring. Or. Phone Greshara 677. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cows, nice and gentle; gtv good rich milk. 510 Kerby st. Mississippi car to Russell st. 313 TEAM. 2400 lbs., with harness snd wagon; guaranteed with 30 days trial. "Woooyard. 327 Front st. WILL sell black team. wt 3000, with harness. C M. Olsea Transfer A S tor are Co. FORCED to sell good Jersey cow. given away for 965. Come, investigate. Call Mam !. GOOD TEAM, welch 300. 7 and 9 years old. John Studer, 1312 C sU. Vancouver. Wash. WANTED Team, harness and wagon, a large single horse and rig. must be gen tle and cheap. AE 474. Oregonlan. LARGE Jersey cow. good milker, 3100. Fred Spar. 65th ave. and 67th st. S. E. Tshor jss7. FOR SALE Registered Holstein bull, age 3 mosL. at bra E. 6th and Ivoa sta. Portland. Hoiman Fuel Co. XEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid for Jead cows and crippled horses. Phone Mllwaukle 6-J for results. IF YOU want any fresh dairy cows or any breed at any tml. see Mr. Bruce, at the stockyards. North Portland. Oregon. CHEAP, good young Jersey cow. Call sec ond hous south of McCoy on 72d st. Mount Scott car. WELL-MATCHED team, weight 24no iba Apply 226 Runell St. Phone E. 404. XEA horses, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co. Woodiawn 20. 4)7 EWE sheep to leas, on share. E. C. Sp.ncr. Oregon City. Or.. Rt. 2. Bos 54. S COW8 for sale. 2 fresh cowa, 1 with calf 1 wok old. Call Tabor 6679 TOUNO full-grown cow, J.rsey-Holsteln, $100. Marshall 2640. PEAD koroes taken quick!y. Cash for dead Tabor 42U3. FOR SALE Man's blcjcl. cheap, at &S21 7th sc FOUND Ray mare. Call Woodlawn 3343. COW Xor sai. 629 48th ara. S.X. FOR 9AI.R. rtano. Orgaaa and Musical Instrument. Pcurftr Ptorare Co.. closing out: $7.o Stelnway Sona upright piano $29 175 Bnrgs small upright I33 M'-ff J. P. Hale Co., upright ....1 $7. Ml Weber, French model -'! $17 Steger. 1014 model :'' $;: gtark plarer piano t-V0 Thompson, large upright 2 uprights, small ' $ and $7., Parlor organs $2. S3.1 and $43 f iano bought and sold for rain ooiy. Pianos stored for Ml cents monthly. XOtf 4th St.. at Washington. CRT one of our new Paths samples, pav I 5 down. F"or advertising purposes onlv ws ar delivering AO new Pathe machines on a payment of S3; you pay balance weekly or monihlv Sea or telephone stain i ana nave one or tns mwninn sent out. Foley Van Dyke, licensed fr-atne retail distributors. SKK ITS for nhnnnmnhi and records! Vic tor, rathe and a lot or otner maaes an old on emxy terms; all October records ar now selling Jn our record dpartmnt. Foley Van Dyke, across from First national name. li TO 125 CASH. IS or S10 monthly, buys gnou new or discontinued moaeis; sii to i lfO in saving on pianos during fac tory clearance sals at bchwaa nano -o.. Ill Fourth st. SCHIEDMETER (.malt) . .$1.10 Davennort A Trrcev flare, modern) -'OOItvr ran now deliver new machine and I. S. Johnson, mahogany 225 Oecker Bros,, ebony hakuld uILdlKT, aw xamniu. PIANO WANTED Will pay caah for good Dtno or trade Edlaon. Columbia or Vic tor phonograph. Reed -French Plans Mfg. Cow 4.16 Washington st-. corner 1 2th. Broadway 750. TRA DB TOUR PIANO or organ on a new Vlctrola and records; our propositions will please you. Seiner-ltnr-Lucaa Music Co 12 a 4th sL Main ana. ANOTHER elegant Kimball player to be sold at about half price. Sea It at Foley t van uyaes, io ixin il, near waau- infton. FOR SALE 1 Cheney phonograph ma hogany finish, used very llttls; cost $150; will sell at big reduction. Cash or terms. Call Tabor 303S. FINS C G. Conn baritone low pitch aaxoDhon. once I1.V has fine caae and all extras: terms 325 cash and 310 per month. Foley A Van Dyke, luo Fifth st. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used piano and player pianos; get our price Selberllng Lucas Piano Co., 125 4th iL Main 3586. ; $500 EMERSON, pretty walnut case, fine) condition; only SJuo: wonderful tone: terms. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester! bldg. PIANO wanted. Will store oiano In my home. SW Flanders street, for use of same; no children. Main 6296. $luo TO 3150 CASH paid for your upright piano by Security Storage Co.. 19 4th I St.. at wasningion st. can Alain oisz.i. PIANOS tuned and repaired: talklna ma chine repairing. Foley A Van Dyke, 106 I Fifth street. $550 KIMBALL only $200. another fine one! at $l.o. terms to suit: also a Rnab I and Bush A Lane, aiz Worcester bldg. $190 CASH buys $550 large Wheelock up right piano at Security Storage Co., lu9 4itt il, at vsasnmgion. PIANO wanted, will store piano In my home. 609 Flanders, for use of same; no children. Main C-'tto. PLATER ROLLS you are tired of ex changed at 10c per roll. Harold S. Gilbert 3M lamniu il EMERSON, oak case, almost at Just tout half price; terms made. Selberllng-Lucas music to., i.j etn st. PRIVATE party has -Chickerlng grand piano ior saie, usea iour years, in excel j lent co no it ion. l ij( oregonian. FISHER piano, small six. In the best of condition, bee tnis Bargain, belberllng Lucas Music Co., 123 4th St. WILLARD. plain walnut case, almost new; some baraain. beioeriing -Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. I PAT CASH FOR USED PIANOa HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Tamhill SL 1 BRUNSWICK phonographs, demonstrated In your own home, isate rdey. seiL 3155 FOR RENT Good pianos at the right 1 prices, aicvormica music lo., eu wasn. GRAFONOLA with records for rent, $4 montn. xoe o- nroaaway. uawy jaa. FuR SALE Good oak upright Cramer piano, can navy. FOR SALE Fine new piano; best make. I L 1H, Oregonlan. Fnrniture for Sale. DON'T MISS THIS. BED-ROCK PRICES OV SOME REAL GOO D FU RN ITU RE. In good as new condition. One A lea ser range, gas and wood, or coal, latest and best design. $5; one Ruud bath heater. $5: one 3-burner gas plate. $2.50; One handsome set of blrdaeye maple bedroom furniture. o.v wnich is one- third cost: one white enamel porch bed. spring and mattress. $20; one set Loba quarter-sawed oaa dining room furni ture, leather upholstered, with large sitl e board, complete. $0. Any part sold separately; spot cash. Apply 1 0."5 E. Irving st., corner Haselfern. Phone Ta bor 221. On view Sat, Sunday and Monday. FURNITURE for sale; 73 yards Lowell axmlnster carpet. 1 coal heater, 1 wood heater. 1 electric sewing mschlns mo- 1 tor. 1 buffet, fumed oak, large, and other household furniture. 647 E. 62d st. N. FIVB rooms furniture, tn splendid Al con dition: Axmlnster nigs, sona oak ana mahogany ruxnlture; new rirunswtrit In eluded: house may b rented If de sired. Call at 628 E. Stark, cor. 17th. FOR SALE Carpets, library table, kitchen tabla. chairs, couches, hall seat, bed, gas range. Kuud neater, stove, rockers, en cyclopedia., baby bed and buggy, wash- stands, call Tabor 2fls. DON'T sacrifice your furniture- Ir golns east or to California v e can aav. you money on your freight tn our through eara Flreproor Storage. a. M. Olsea Transfer A storage Co.. 248 Fine st- NEW Her key and Gay chlffonniere with brown mahogany. Adams style, with sep arate mirror; also new pair large or large heavy hammered brass Jardenlera. call East 444t. AMERICAN walnut sideboard and serving! table. William and Mary design. $75: or will sell separate; also wicker baby car nage. $10. 750 E. 7th St. North. FURNITURE. Fumed oak dining room set, golden oak dresser and dressing table, bed, gas range, etc ei c .vtn St. n. FURNITURE for sale tn five-room house: all or part of It; also house for rent. E. Whlston. 556 IS. 23d St. ONE overstuffed davenport. 1 mahogany library table, l axmlnster rug. Tabor 7558. DRESSER, bed and buffet, all quarter- sawea oak. cneap. ll luos. 944 Glad stone. FOR SALE Part of furniture modern 8- room house for rent to buyer. AO 279, Oregonlan. FURNITURE for sale: leavln K for east; house for rent. 580 Front st. BEAUTIFUL tapestry davenport, prac tically new. call at 570 E. 39th st. N. A. B. GAS range, fine condition. Stewart Groc Co.. 2.sth and sandy blvd. I.IRRARY table, solid oak. 3x5 ft- d.rk Iinisn. ouitaoie ior an omce. siar. 6113. I NEW Axmlnster rug $35. Peter Larsen, uonie, r.. near Arcnionio. FURNITURE for pale, close In; also house to rent. Main isos. 5-PTKCE Ivory bedroom set for sale. East 7821. Pooltry. ULLETS We offer you Barred Roeka. ntte w yanamtes, isiaca itrptngton and Rhode island Kea pullets. 1 1.23 to $2.50, according to age and strain. Northwest fouitry corp.. 02a si., im to 74th ave. Southeast- WE WILL pay you highest caah price for April, jaay natcnea puiiet. any breed. Northwest Poultry Corp., Lents. Or. PURE bred White Lerhorn hens: through molting: si vp. i.ne jsast otn st N.. near Woodlawn school. WANT white Leghorn pullets. Bdwy. 3311. Sunday. Call weekdays after t P. M. i DECOY ducks $2.50 esch. Northwest comer or 4q ana Kiuingsworth. Dogs, Rabbits, Birds, ret Stock. FOR SALE Beautiful roai. Persian kit ten. 82.1 Pacific St. FOR SALE, cheap Young male bird dog. 4730 Mtth St. 8. E. 2-YEAR-OLD Airedale dog for sale. $10, Marshall It TO. RABBITS and rabbit houses cheap. 1687 East 23d St. Machinery. SPECIAL. 1 78-H. p. Atlas tubular boiler. 160 1b. working pressure. 1 12x18 Rase.ll automatic angina, com plete plant. Including brick. Immedlata delivery. THI J. B. MARTIN CO., 8$ First St.. Portland. Or. WANTED Four-foot steel brake. Mfg. Co. Ontario, Or. U. & FOR SALE. Launches and Boats. MOTOR BOATS. flsh boats, pleasure launcnfts, row boats. Da r ires overnauiei snd repaired: also knockdown frames, Phone and our representative will call. lit ED ENGINEERING COMPANY. 9th and Llnco.n feSti., Vancouver. Wash. Phono Wood lawn 1430. Vancouver 245. OR SALE or rent. 3-room furnished house boat, first-class condition, good moor age; west side, five-cent car fare; 1400 lumisnea. "" unrurnisnea, or rent 1-0 per month. Mr. Baldwin. Bake Right uo aery, .ji jamntii. EVTNRUDE motor and row boat In Al con anion; a fine auck-huntmg or flshln outfit. Wood lawn 4661 or call 7US Montana ave. r ua oa icj. rv. nana v-oottom motor boat, six cylinder Sterling enalne. 6T h d oeuwooa Aioorage, nouseDoat io. l 1. WILL accept good furnished or unfurniahe houseboat as first payment on new five room ounraiow. m qi, oregonlan. HOUSEBOAT NO. 2. OREGON YACHT ILl'M; aUDEKN, FIRST-CLASS COX IMTION. pKLLWOOU 3548. Type writers. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. Al.L jd a k fc.s, soia on monthly pay menu: send for price list. The Whole sale Typewriter Co.. 321 Washington st. I rentals; student rate 1 7. SO for three I months. L. C. Smith 4 Bros. Typewriter i Co.. Hun Spalding bldg. Main 674. RENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now, immediate delivery, reasonable terms. Remington Typewriter company. L. C. SMITH typewriter. almost new, model 8. M9 Chamber of Com roe res bldg. Main 33.,3. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rstes. P. JX Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. REBUILT typrlten and "PP" Corona ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co., 34 Firth. Main 3Ut3. Miscellaneous. EEWTNO machines, new and second-hand, iu ior less; no agents empioyeu; com Plete Una of n.pt. ii tnukea: ma chines repaired and rented. Main 943L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 3d. near Taylor St. for sale: 8 13-montbs-old White Leghorn hens, $:.75 each. Wedgewood gas stove, five burners and oven, first-class condition. $15. 4fii E. 13th No. Phone E. 8531. SEWIXO machines, guaranteed to tew, to Ki. ijitit rtrnnheta sinners. Whites, Homes and other makes. $15 to -- Machines rented and repaired. FOURTH ST. SINGER STORE. 193 Fourth at. Main 6833. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC! Buv von r i-n Inrn, t motor-coat leather coat direct from maker and save tna retailers profit at the UNITED RUBBER CO., 726 MORGAN BLDG. SA FES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought. aoia ana exchanged. NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO.. 1C3 Second St. Phooa Main 2043. FOR SALE. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. All metal last lifetime. The Galnadav. i-'u cash; one only; not unpacked. L 7. Oregonlan, AM LEAVING the citv and will sell my new u? national sewing machine for u. aee tnis berore buying xrom a dealer. Call bet. 10:if0 and 12 o clock. I'.hi W. Park st. DENTAL instruments and equipment; as so a s new; a good chance lot any student entering 1st or 2d year of col lege, uan at t. oath st., near Maai son. after 7 P. M. MADE to your measure: double service stylish raincoats ror ladles, men and -boys; two coats for the price of one. 653 Alberta St., cor. 17th st. Woodlawn 131S. PRINTING FOR LESS Smith, non-trust printers, moved to 216 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. Good printing at reaaonaoie prices. . Phone ttdwy. ZitMi. FOR SALE Pure chicken manure; best fertiliser In the world; ViC per lb.; spe cial quantity price. The Savinar Co., 100 Front st. FULL CASH VALUE PAID FOR RIFLES, SHOTGUNS. REVOLVERS WANTED. 128 First, Main 4495, Tabor 6798. t-JSAKT roof, eh? Very aggravating, indeed. why note permanent and comfortable root 7 We repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 7776. FOR SALE CHEAP DRY WOOD AND I'SED LUMBER. Arrange your own de livery. U E. Kerns Brick Co.. East 34th and Tillamook. Phone East 4474. PIANO, living and dining room suite, two beds, bicycle, chickens and rabbits at 151 Forest street. Take Mississippi car north and transfer west on Shaver. APPAREL EXCHANGE Ladles' coats. suits, dresses, evening gowns; also furs, hats: slightly used, distinctive styles; reasonable. Tabor 2825. HOT-WATER tanks, new and second-hand. $12 to $20 Installed ; expert boiler re pairing, plumbing supplies cheap. 2U3 Adams SL East 8516. K.EUS Hard and soft wood kegs and bar rels, new and second-hand ; no country orders less than three. Panama Cooper age Co., 228 Front. SAFES New and second-hand: some with burglar chests, at reasonable price. PACIFIC SCALt SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 19B6. 48 Front St BILLIARD table. 5x10. first-class, with set of balls, six legs, must sell: also colt box. five spigots, for beer. 302 Russell. FINE hand-carved music bag: never been used; worth $20. sell tor $7.50. 1068 East Main st. Taoor 41t. APPLE CROP on trees. Inquire Saturday or Sunday.. 5th house in Clackamas county, toster road. FOR SALE A beautiful blue velour coat. size 38, worn very little. Phone Tabor 673. FOR SALE Woman's heavy. fur-lined automobile coat, big fur collar, worth $150. will sell for less. Phone M. 2951. FOR SALE 1000 shares Universal Nut Lock stock, sacrifice; make offer; owner needs cash. O 15, Oregonlan. WE take measures for Ed. V. Prioe clothes; good clothing, reasonable price. 409 East Morrison. 1 PAIR rolling doors for opening 6 ft. wide 7 ft. high; complete with lock and rollers; $10. V 736, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Phonograph crates. Call at our music store, iob nrtn at., near Washington. Foley & Van Dyke. DRY wood. 16-ln.: ties and bridge timbers. $12.50 3-ton truck load; bridge timbers for sale. Call Woodlawn 1165. TWO roll-top desks, 1 T. W. desk, 1 table. 1 flat-top desk, H cnalrs. 8 filing cabi nets. Bushong at Co.. 91 Park at. REG IN" A music box. 30 records. $10; new alligator bag $12; Charier Oak healing stove and pipe, $15. Tabor 9545. NEARLY new 4-burner and oven gas stove; price, cneap. .23; xor sale by owner at 746 Michigan ave. APPLES Bell Flower King, Rhode Island Greening, from toc to $1.25; bring boxea D. G. Stephens, 711 Columbia blvd. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables. snowcases. wan cases, nxiures; terms. W. J. Hutgley. 227 First. Main 8399. WA.i l uiuumnu men to buv slightly used U. S. army raincoats and ponchos at salvage prices. 247 Davis st. FINE VIOLIN FOR SALE CHEAP. CLEVKL.AINU A J.. UH 241V-. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding macnine. .uw....g. - n su. near Ash. FOR SALE Wayne filling station pump. Mail pnee auuvi agoi. woo a. .1st N. LADIES' sulta and gowns, slightly worn. FOR SALE One second-hand fireproof sale, cneap. 1 ji-, -rcoman. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, 24-hour day DUCK club wants 2 members on fine lake near t-ortlanq. v .IK).,. Oregonlan. NOW la the time to get those rooms tinted. S3 per room ana up. iei. bast 6171. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, exchanged, bought. Bentley Co. Mn. 4907. VACUUM cleaner, like new, suitable for ho tel. cost $200; will sell cheap. 215 12tb. ALMOST new sulky for sale cheap. Mar shall 5362. NEW and used scales meat sllcer: also scale repairing. 53 2d st. Bdwy. 596. GENUINE ASTRAKHAN COAT, worth $400. for half price. Sellwood 765. FOR SALE One good second-hand heater. 1229 East Lincoln. RUG. first-class condition; oriole, or crib on wheels. Tabor 31 10. FOR SALE 2 pairs dancing pumps, 8Vi and W. East 2KQ2. FOR SALE 1 double-barreled gun, 10 gauge Packer make. Phone Mar. 2535. DOUBLE copper coll gas water heater, like new. $17. Call East 4S52. FOR SALE Black mink scarf and muff, bargain. Call Main C641. BABY'S draped bassinet on wheels. East 1740. - FOR SALE. Miscellaneous, HIGH-GRADE PLLTrtBIWQ FIXTURE& HOLSE-HEATING MATERIALS. PEERLESS uin'u-noilil! TOII.ET3 ANU "SILENT KNIGHT" COMBINA TION. , AGENTS FOR WM. POWELL. HIGH-GRADS VALVE AND STEAM SPECIALTIES. BOSTON BELTING COMPANY'S MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS. Showroom and salesroom. 68-70-72 ""t . i-none Marshall 1B01. rortian". WRECKING Elerath Steel A Iron Wrecking Co. Inc.. now dismantling the Albina Engine de Machine Shiuvard: 40O.- uou ft. Sxl-'-in. 14 and 16 ft. long: 200,0(10 It. -xl.'-ln., to 2-1 ft. long; so.ouu it. 4x6-ln.. 32 ft. long; 30,000 ft. xH-in., 8 to 24 ft. long: 3(i,ooo ft. 8x8-ln.. 8 to -"6 it. long: 30.000 ft. x6-ln.. 16 ft. long; u.- 0OO ft. 6x-ln.. 8 to 16 ft. long: 6.000 ft. 10xl2-ln., 8 ft. long; 20.000 ft. Uxl2-ln.. 1 o to 24 it. long; loo.ooo ft. x2u-in.. -v to 40 ft. long. All ii lis out. 116 ner m.. f. o. b. cars or yard; 4-ft. wood and 16-ln. cut wood. East 8100, wood department; 9 A. Al. to 4:3U f. M. "PAT" DUNN. 1652 E. 13th St. Sellwood 1393. DIAMONDS WANTED. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. We pay full market value for dla- . monds. platinum, gold, silver, old jew-I elry. watches and false teeth. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 447 Morgan Bldg., Fourth Floor. EITHER WAT if VA.t h.v. a diamond iiu want tne cash, or If you ntvo vmoa ana wane the diamond, can w .uu i talk It over. MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR 855 Wash, st.. next door Majestic theater. CLOSED out b.Iow cost, 50 new ladies' Hats, velvet and beavers. 564 GFlsan st.. near l&tn. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. A BRAND new 1919 Franklin, cord tires, bumper, front and rear, for sale at a sacrifice; reasonable terms to responsible party. AR 723. Oregonlan. 1018 CHEVROLET baby;' if you want the best 4-cyllnder car under fjooo in price, see this one we have for S900. Call us up for a demonstration. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Used car department. 1919 VELIE, light six, 5-passengef, by owner; absolutely like new; a bargain. Mr. bmeau. Main 7ob4. WILLYS SIX, In fin. shape, good paint ana tires, mecnsnlcal condition guar anteed; will sacrifice st SHOO and give I terms; would consider Ford touring in I trade. 30 Grand ave North, near Burn- I side. STUTZ ROADSTER. Some car, look It over, ride in It; must sell at once; terms. Air. Atyan or Jones, 421 .ttumsiue. FOR SALE 1919 Lexington six, used in city only; motor, body, upnoistertng ana tires same as new; has spotlight, bump ers front and rear, side glass windshields and mototneter. A sacrifice at $1400. Main 646, ask Mr. Davis. '18 MAXWELL TOURING. This one is 90 per cent new and it runs and looks just like It were new. Low J price of. $6S5 snd some extras on It, Terms and bonds at face value. Electric garage, llth at Hoyt. 1918 VELIE SIX. Looks and demonstrates like new; cord tires. $1300 terms or $1250 cash. Call Automatic B 7110 Sunday, or Broadway 8334 week days. CHEVROLET roadster, 1918. good paint and tires, must -sell: a bargain at $6o0. with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. 490 CHEVROLET. 1917 In fine condition, $550, terms.. -PAT" DUNN. 16.12 E. 13th t. Sellwood 1393. MAXWELL 1919. touring. Just like new; must sa l: a bargain at X1000. with terms; consider smaller car In trade. 30 I Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. OWNER must sell quick, account leaving cltv. Saxon six, three passenger roaa- ster. Al condition, looks like new; make me an offer. Tabor 1512. FORD ROADSTER. Looks like a new one. $400, terms. "PAT" DUNN. 1652 E. 13th St. Sellwood 1393. WINTON SIX, late model. Is Just like new; win take a small car in traae. tan Broadway 323L Eenings, Woodlawn 352. MITCHELL car for sale or trade: newly painted and looks like new; thoroughly overhauled and new cord tires. East 2866. NEW OVERLANDS. Buy from P. H. (Pat) Dunn at his own salesrooms. 16.2 E. 13th st. Sellwood 1393. Easy terms. Better service. OTORS. gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck sll makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodea I Co.. North Broadway and Flanders. 150 CASH will buy a Franklin delivery. 3 splendid cord tires, car needs but little mechanical work: it s a snap. 029 Wash ington St., rlroaaway 239J. FORD touring. 1916. used privately, in best of condition, good tires; a bargain at $450, with terras. 30 urana ave. .North, near nurnsiqc. 1918 OVERLAND Country Club. wire wheels; fine condition: $320 down; guar-I antee and free service. Portland Car I Sales Co.. fith and Taylor. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. In fine con dition, good tires; a bargain at $625, with I terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn- I side. WHY not buy that Hudson speedster where I you will get the best value lor your I money 1 404 Davis, near 10th. $1150 That's all for my Elgin Six. prac tically like new. complete equipment. wire wheels. 1264 Division st- Tabor 1231. 7-PASSENGER Harmon, Just overhauled, 2 bodies, sedan and touring: looks and runs like new; no dealers. Call Sellwood 2913. 1918 CHEVROLET touring, a real bargain. $600, easy Installment plan. Chevrolet agency, 14th and Alder. FORD touring. 1915, In fine condition. good tires; win sell at SJid.-with terma 30 urana ave. r.ortn. near 5umsiae. WHAT do you think of a Chevrolet tour- . Ing car for s;ido .' 00 mast .Broadway, either pnone u iw.3. 1918 MAXWELL touring, new tires all around; real buy at $735. Call Broad way 3231. fjvenings. vvooaiawn 652. DO you want a 1918 Ford touring car at a big bargain 7 404 Davis, near 10th. STUDEBAKER panel delisery. Just like new, a real snap at iiuu, terms. Chev rolet Agency. 14th and Alder. FORD touring car. late model. $400. extras. Fields Motor Cat Co. Terms to sult- 14th and Alder. STUDEBAKER 4, good mechanical condi tion. $40u. uaii uroaaway 4241. even ings, Woodlawn 352. . 1918 MODEL 00 OVERLAND - Sold under guarantee; price $775; easy) terma ' WHO wil be the first here to get this good buy In arKOoaklana roaasterr 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. 1917 COLE 8 roadster. $540 down and will take smaller car in traae; iree service. Portland Car Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. 1918 OLDSMOBILE roadster. 5 new tires. Al shape; look it over. 404 DAVIS. NEAR 10TH. STUDEBAKER three-fourths ton top truck for srnajl passenger car. 228 Alder st. WHAT do you think of a Ford roadster for 3S5T 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. 1617 CHEVROLET, completely overhauled and guaranteed, $525. Chevrolet Agcy., Alder and 14th sts. 1918 BUICK 6-pass., $500 down: guaran tee and free service; enough said. Port land Car Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. 1918 FORD touring car for sale by owner; fine condition; terma Call Main 7457. BUG for sale, electric lights, good condl tlon; good buy for cash. Broadway 1173. 1919 FORD touring, less than 90 davs old; good condition. Call Tabor 9352. 1916 DODGE, completely overhauled; must I sell at once, can t-oiumoia 00s. NEARLY new 1920 Ford with starter. cheap; going away, m. uuoa. BARGAIN in 1918 Hudson speedster; A-l condition: gooa tires., j an. oregonlan. IF YOU want to sell your Ford bring it to I 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. I FOR SALE 1917 Briscoe: Al mechanical I condition: casn or wrrat. .uo Hall St. I DO YOU want a Hupmobile bug for $2507 I 6 4U4 UAfia, . i.ah 1 r. . 1 M . 1 ORDER that new Briscoe now Cruikshank today. Bdwy. 2492. Call FOR SALE A PTOMOPILES. TERMS ON USED CARS. FORD ROADSTER, with delivery body, deck, shock absorb ers and other extras. FORD TOURING. Demountable rims, foot throtle, spot light and other extras. Chevrolet' touring. About new; a bargain. BUICK LIGHT SIX. Five tires, clutch lock, new top. looks like new. MAXWELL TOURING. Repainted, seat sovers, good tires; a sacrifice. MAXWELL ROADSTER. 4 new tires, shock absorbers; this Is a Dargain. FRANKLIN TOURING. This is a high-class car at a remark' ably low price. OVERLAND 85-4. Five tires, spotlight and bumper, good appearance and very dependable. CHALMERS. Late model, mechanically perfect, good tires, owner leaving city, must sen. '19 STUTZ. 6-passenger, wire wheels, run only ojuo miles. 25 OTHER GOOD BUTS From $250 up. SEE THESE CARS BEFORE PLACING YOUR DEPOSIT. TERMS. C. G. BLEASDALE. 530 Alder Street. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. DEPENDABLE USED CARS. 191T Studebaker. 4-cyl.. 5 tires. 11117 Saxon Six: many extras. 1317 Velie; overhauled; 5 tires, mis Velle. new tires. A-l condition. 1!17 Overland, model 75; 5 tires. 191S Peerless 8. 7-pass. and guaranteed. 1119 Peerless 8. 7-pass.; guaranteed. Open Evenings and Sundays. VELIE ALLEN PEERLESS DIS TRIBUTORS. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO 58 N. 23d SL Main 780. PACKARD TWIN SIX. Run about 7000 miles, new paint, good rubber, this is a perfect car. Look it over. We will take a good used car as part payment ana give UDerai terms. 421 BURNSIDE ST., Ask for Jones. CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES. TOU BUT OR SELL A CAR. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BUILDING. REO ROADSTER. Car Is ' In perfect shape. Terms. 421 BURNSIDE ST., Ask for Jones. MY nearly new Franklin touring car. equipped with Kudge wnitworth wire wheels and five cord tires, front and rear bumpers, spotlight, etc, for sale; living out of town on bad muddy roads, cannot, use this fine car which has re cently cost me $3250, so -will sell at big sacrifice. Car can b inspected at 215 loth street. AS I AM leaving the city Saturday, must sell my 1916 Ford roadster at once; it is in perfect mech. condition, new tires all around, shock absorbers and other ex tras: for quick sale, $385. can arrange for terms- Can be seen at 109 llth St.. bet. Stark and Wash. MAROON MARMON TOURING CAR. late model, a beauty of a car; has been thor oughly overnauiea ana is guaranieeu am to condition; -this can be bought at the price of an ordinary car and on very reasonable terms. Autorest Motor Sales Co.. 10th and Salmon HAVE so ire Maxwells and Chevrolet w. can make good prices on. GARY, 522 Alder ct. Broadway 249Z TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE. ODen evenings and Sundays. Goodyear cord tires for Fords. $24.55. Authorized WIMard sales station. UNION AVE. TIRE & BATTERY SHOP 4SS Union ave. N.. cor bacramento. Phone East 1393. 1918 HAINES Light Six for sale; tn ap pearance car Is most attractive; ilnlshea in beaver brown, special upholstery and top; mechanically perfect, extra equip ment; priced very low at easy terms. Autorest Motor Sales Co., 10th at Sal mon. 1918 FORD 1918. FIRST-CLASS. T must have some money at once: will accept first reasonable offer and give guarantee and some terms. HOD MAKtibl M. FORD DELIVERY CAR. $400. CARY, 522 Alder st. Broadway 2492. LATE model Oakland roadster. Just out of the paint shop and In guaranteed me chanical condition, for sale at price way below value. Salesman can have good terms on this. Autorest Motor Sales Co., 10th at Salmon. Big Stock. USED CARS Prices Right. No misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. MUST SELL TODAY. I need some money and must sell my car today. - It is in fine shape and looks like new. rnone ;asi suit Deiween SAM. and 2 P. M. Open Sunday. BABY GRAND CHEVROLET. Almost new. CARY, 522 Alder st. Bdwy. 2492. FOR SALE One 7-passenger 8-cyllnder Cole. 1919 model: one 5-passenger. 6- cyllnder Nash, 1919 model; will sacri fice for casn, enner one. inquire -sou E. 27th st. N.; Portland. Or. 1916 DODGE. 5-pass.. fine shape, $675; a snap for a gooa .uoage; smaii payment down. A-l AUTO WORKS AND PAINTING CO.. 525 Alder St. '19 BUICK SIX. like new. going to sell this week; extras, anven less than 5000 miles; new tires: have offer of $1465, want as much more as I can get. Phone owner. 61R. Mllwaukle, Or. BUICK 1917 light six runabout, in good condition, five tires, snap at $950. See D. M. Smith. Howard Auto Co., 14th and Davis, uroadway lldu. MAXWELL, 1919. touring, used very little. Just like new, a bargain at xuou, with terma 3U urana ave. orm, near burn slde. 1918 BUICK. 6-passenger, 6-cyIlnder; fine mechanical condition; a gooa tires, spot light; can be seen at 1200 E. Morrison st. Call Tabor 7274: Price $1350. LATE model Ford, with special body; one- man top; demountaoie rims. win take cheap car or chassis in trade. East 5932. ' LEAVING for east and must dispose of my almost new mng o tnis weea. casn or terms. For demonstration can vvooaiawn 1319. maxwell. 1917. touring, overhauled and repainted, gooa tires; a real oargam at $650, wltn terma ov uniuu ave. nurm. near Burnslde. FREE $1 in trade with $20 sale until w get acquainted; Dest gooas, popular prices. Laurelhurst Service Station. East GHsan at 47th st- OVERLAND, 1919, touring, used private ly, only, run a lew tnousana miles; must sell at a bargain, $975, with terma 30 Grsnd ave. North, near Burnslde. $400 WILL buy 5-passenger 1914 Stude baker; gooa running condition. raons before noon Main 7094. Mrs. Curtia 1916 FORD with 1919 body. Al condition; cheap; easy terms. bee lorn. Oregon Auto Top Co., I4tn ana couch. FOR SALE Three-quarter ton Studebaker delivery with panel body; must be sold at once. Bdwy 93. 490 Burnslde st. ARE you looking for an Overland chummy bug? ,iectnc ngnis ana starter. 404 11AV1S, l.Art ld.Mll, LATE 1917 Grant 6. used very little; $320 down; guarantee ana iree service, port land Car Sales Co- 5th- and Taylor. ARE you in the market for a 1917 Dodge touring car r 404 DAVIS. i f . A M. i 111. 1918 MITCHELL, $440 down: guarantee and full service; enough said. Portland Car Sales Co- 5th and Taylor. LATE 1917 Ford, in Al condition, $425 cash. 248 Yamhill St.. room 411. FOR SALE; 1918 Studebaker. reasonable terma v-a.11 oeiiwuuu iioa - 48 1911 PIERCE ARROW for sale, cheap ior casn. ox nuuu at., evenings. 1917 FORD touring; am leaving city; will sacriiice. iau aauor .axox. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. WILLYS OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPAN11 700 MODEL 90. This is a light five-passenger car, five good tires, good mechanical condition; terms. $1000 MODEL 85-4. This 85-4 Is medium weight car. Just been reflnlshed, five good tires. Just been overhauled ; easy terms. $1350 MODEL 89-6. A car that has been used a short time as a demonstrator, fine mechanical con dition, five Al tires; terms if desired. $1400 MODEL 88-4. Willys Knight, seven-passenger car, just been thoroughly overhauled and re finished, four cord tires witli good spare. See us for terms. OVERLAND SEDAN. 1B00. Run a very short -time,, five excellent tires ; easy terms. OVERLAND ROADSTER. 850. Model 85-4, three-passenger, newly paintqd, overhauled; terms. CHEVROLET. $600. 1918 touring, good mechanical condi tion. STUDEBAKER, $475. Five-passenger, five good tires, newly painted, fine condition; easy terms. DELIVERY, $475. Overland light delivery, excellent tires, good mechanical condition ; easy terms. WILLYS OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY Broadway 3535. Broadway at Davis St. USED BUT NOT ABUSED CARS. Bulck Light Six. Oakland Eight Cole Eight Chummy. Kissel Roadster with two tops. Studebaker Six. Maxwell Touring. , Dodge Touring. Dodge Roadster. Open Evenings and Sundays. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington. TERMS GIVEN on our dependable used cars. Such cars to select trom as '. Packard twin six. Nash sedan, a car for milady. Cadillac 8, Victoria top. Cole Aero 8. new paint. Bulck roadster, good tires. Saxon six, new paint. Reo roadster, six tires. Stutz roadster, some car. Willys six. new paint Overland 4, model 85, new paint. Your car taken as part, payment on any oi our cars. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., 421 Burnside. Broadway 521. SEE JONES. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. JORDAN. MITCHELL. CADILLAC. OVER LANDS. CHEVROLETS. SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. WEST SIDE SALESROOM, MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO., BROADWAY AT OAK ST. Phones, Broadway 515, A 3343, USED CAR SALE. BUICK LIGHT 6. A BARGAIN . GRANT SIX. LOOKS LIKE NEW. FORD TRUCKS. SEVERAL OF THEM. WINTON LIGHT SIX. WIRE WHEELS, LATE MODEL, v FORDS AND OTHER CARS. ALL . CARS IN FINE CONDITION AND GUARANTEED. JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT. TERMS. BEST IN CITY. SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND USED CARS. 355 BURNSIDE ST. PHONE BROAD WAY 3085. MR. REED. SALESMAN AtiExt. READY TO RUN. 1917 Studebaker, 7-pass., $850. 1917 Overland 90, spare tire, $650. 1917 Overland 85. lots of pep. $750, 1917 Elgin, all overhauled. $950. 1919 Elgin, run short 5000 miles; this Is a good buy at $1500. We also have a few new Elglns for lmmeaiate aeuvery. 529 WASHINGTON ST., At 16th Street. Broadway 2393. $375 CHEVROLET $375. This car cannot be beat at this price any wnere. PAIGE. Perfect condition, lots of extras; only 1919 FORD 1919. Over $200 worth of extras on thli car, and price, complete, $1100. MILL-STREET GARAGE. 366 2d St. COLE AERO 8. New paint, good rubber, seat covers. spot light, bumper. This is a perfect car; con&iaer email car as part payment also terms. 421 Burnslde. Mr. Jones. A 1917 HUP. 5 tires, upholstering and paint like new; will give a written guar antee as to the mechanical part of the car; will consider small car as part payment- Act quick as I must sell. East HHXl. 1918 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET, three to pick irom, snou to soiiu. various extras. terms if desired. Chevrolet Agency. Our reputation is your protection. Alder ana i4tn sts. FCRD delivery express car. 1914 model. tires an universal tire liner, motor over hauled ana in A-l shape, $275 takes 1L terms. Chevrolet Agency, 14th and Aiaer. 1918 OAKLAND with winter top; like new. CARY, 522 Alder St. Broadway 2492. CHANDLER 1917 touring, used verv Mtl. looks and runs like new: a real barcain at $1350. with terms: consider smaller car in trade. 30 Grand ave. North, near uurnsine. HUDSON. 640, completely overhauled, good paint, sport top. good tires, a real bar gain at $975, with terma 30 Grand ave. North, near tturnslae. 1919 MAXWELL, Just like new; $850, easy terms, or will take your car in trade. See Tom, Oregon Auto Top Co., 14th and Couch. Easy terms. O-PASSEMGER. late model. Overland; new tires ail around; Al condition; $650; terms. See owner, 325 Salmon St., cor. 6th. SUPER SIX Hudson at a bargain: can be bought at price 01 cheap car. See Tom. Oregon Auto lop Co., I4tn and Couch. Easy terms. OAKLAND 6. touring car: a bargain con siderlng condition, extra equipment and tires; driven only Dy owner; price $1100, part cash, bal. easy terms. Call East 4746. FORD $100 worth extras, Al shape, $170 down, S28.0U per montn. 42o. see Tom, Oregon Auto Top Co., 14th and Couch; easy terma FOR SALE 1919 Chevrolet hi perfect condition; run 5000 miles; a real buy Ask for Mr. Smith at Bdwy 93 or see car at 490 Burnslde. STUDEBAKER, $225. Some snap. You will have to hurry to get this one. See Tom. Oregon Auto Top Co., 14th and Couch. Easy terms. PHONE US at C 1943. either phone, for a demonstration of our 1919 Premier tour ing car, or stop at 354 East Broadway and see It. 1917 FORD TOURING. Ilka new, best Ford buy in city for $475; $100 down, balanc. easy. Al Auto Works & Painting Co. 1917 MAXWELL in good condition, new paint Job and 5 good tires; will give terma East 6681. FOR SALE Chevrolet. Bargain, cash or terma Worth investigation. Address AE 470, Oregonlan. FRANKLIN car, new tires; sedan Ford, looks new; traae ior lana or cneap for cash. 474 East Ash st. East 7187. FORD touring, $150 down, balance $22.50 per montn. urulksnank, 022 Alder st. .Bdwy. 2492. 5-PASS. 1911 Cadillac, good condition; will make truck or service car; $375 cash. Phone Main 5256. DODGE sedan, looks like new, run 4000 miles; gooa tires. uary, i22 Aider st Broadway 2492. 1919 LIBERTY SIX, sport model. If you want a ciassy sport car, can isroaaway 8231. Evenings, Woodlawn 852. IF YOU can use a 1917 Oakland touring car xor stou. come 10 404 DAVIS, NEAR 10TH. 1914 FORD touring car. good running con- -dition: must sell: cash bargain. Bdwy. 25UY FOR SALE 1917 Oakland 6, good shape; tires wuyc new; cneap. aaoor 4110. WILL sell or trade my 5-passenger Stude baker car. von nia-at i.aru.aera- FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. EXCHANGE OR SALE. EXCEPTIONAL USED CAR VALUES. PRICES AND TERMS TO SUIT YOU. 1917 Hupmobile. 5-pass.. 8500 miles, 8 extra tires; special paint Job, extra good condition. 1916 Lozler, 5-pass., extra good tires. In first-class condition throughout. 1914 Overland, 5-pass., has had little use for a car of its age. 1917 KisselKar, 4-cyl., 6-passenger; a bargain. Hupmobile bug; a snap. Cars of such class and prices sell rap idly; don't delay your visit. 1917 Paige, 5-pass. AUTO SALES CO.. Auburn .Distributors. 9th and Couch. liroadway 564. 1917 PAIGE, 7-PASSENGER, FULLY EQUIPPED, BRAND NEW UOKU TIRES. 2 EXTRA; IN BEST OF CON DITION; USED PRIVATELY. 054 SCHUYLER ST. I WILL sell one of the best looking roadsters In town; it Is a three-passenger Studebaker 6. late model: has only been driven a short time; cord tires, with two extras, also lots of extras; 1 will guar antee tihe car to be In perfect mechanical condition; yjijO caah or terms, is i, ore' gonlitp. , 1950 WILLYS SIX. $950: new ton. new paint, good rubber. See it at 421 Burn- side; terms. Ask lor Jones. WILLYS SIX. New top, new paint, new tires, a per fect car for $050. Terms. 421 BURNSIDE ST., Ask for .Jones. 1018 CHEVROLET baby grand; take our word for it, it is the best car for the money and mechanically is in best con dition. Call up for demonstration. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Used car department. SAX DN SIX. Good shape, -seat covers, new paint, $800. CARY. 622 Alder st. Broadway 2492. HUDSON, 1917 super six. in mighty good mechanical condition, looking almost like new, with extra tire; a real automobile for less than the price of an ordinary one; be sure to see this car before you buy; price $1500. C. J. McPherson, 19th and Wilson sts. FOR SALE1 I have reliable good paying one-year contract for 2 14 -ton truck; a chance to make some real money. This can be handled with reasonable capital and contract will pay balance. Contract goes with truck. Purchaser ask for Mr. Smith at 490 Burnslde or call Bdwy 93. 1918 CHEVROLET baby grand, has to be sold at IS..0. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder.. Open Sundays. FOR SALE One-ton worm drive Ford truck-In. perfect condition; a real snap also one-ton Maxwell truck used less . than two months: both equipped wit body and cab tops; terms. Bdwy. 93. 490 Burnslde fit. LATE model Ford touring, lowest price good Ford In town, 54uu. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Open Sundaya SMALL 7-passenger Chandler, in A-l con dltlon throughout, two tires, practical! new. 15 to 20 miles on gasoline: looks fine and rides like a cradle: attractlv price for cash. For particulars and demonstration call Broadway 3304. 1918 FORD touring car; starts with first turn of the crank; extras. $400. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder. Open Sundaya SPECIAL make Ford, 5-parpenger. not one alike In cltv. cost noo to ouna, will sell $775 if cash; or $1950 Oakland sedan, 1 extra new tire, $1375 cash; both of these cars have been used little, like new. 605 Union ave. N. 191S CHEVROLET roadster, $100 under market value, $600, terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder. Used car department. DODGE, LATE MODEL. WIRE WHEELS, FINE CONDITION : MUST HE SOL.D REAL BARGAIN. $1250. MR. REED. TABOR 7494. 428 EAST 42D NORTH. 1918 CHEVROLET touring car. $600, must be sold, terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Open Sundays. HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD RTTV IN A HUDSON SUPKK SI.V. Z1HIIU. TERMS IF DESIRED; WELL WORTH LOOKING INTO IF INTERESTED. SEE MANVILLE, 915 WASH. ST. MAR SHALL 867. two FOTtn touring cars. CARY. 522 Alder st. uroaaway 2ua. THE HUPMOBILE BIG CAR. All the latest finish; seat covers, new paint, new top; fine family car. See Mr. Ireland. Broadway 211. 17 TilTIOK ROADSTER. Has cord tires and one extra and we will give you liberal terms or take light car in exchange. Garage at llth and Hoyt: ask for Lloyd. BUICK bug: think of It, only $225. FIELDS MOTOn oar tju., 14th and Alder. . Bdwy. 240. FRANKLIN, dirt cheap, lots extras, small car In trade, easy terms, see 10m. ui e gon Auto Top Co., 14th and Couch. Easy terms. vi ; tv 1 ; : I touring. 1917. in best of con dition; good tires ana paint; win sac rifice at S'.loO ana give terms. ov viiaiiu ave. North, near Burnslde. ion WIIPMOBILE ROADSTER. Newly painted, new tires; best buy In Portland; all ready to go: cash or terma See Mr.l Ireland. Broadway 217. a 1 r. T.-t:riR of ears at all prices. Come In, look Take vour pica, uirs arm in.c right. See Tom. Oregon Auto Top Co., 14th and Coucn. r.aaj COLE 8 chummy roadster, wire wheels. ,nnA tires, i n a 18 a li'll 11" mm ill very good condition. Call Mr. Ireland. Broadway 21 (. rmniiti ft 5 dandv cord tires, special top and side curtains, a cr ju vo.u u. Pr 404 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH. - MAXWELL touring. 1918. In best of con. HI. Ion ernort tires. a uar.aiu .v .iuw, with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. ' MAXWELL late model roaaster, Sj.'S 11 AUTO' WORKS A PAINTING CO.. B25 Alder St. HUDSON Super Six roadster; good tires and guaranteed in al mniit.i tion; a bargain; terms. Care L 1, Ore- gontan. 1918 DODGE, spare tire, bumper, etc , pri vate owner, uou. nciium "fi-i Main 1612. 916 CHALMERS, b-pass., good condition. $775. Jrurtiana tar omvu . Taylor. 191!) STUDEBAKER 5-pass. sedan, $680 down; guarantee " land Car Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. 1918 FORD roadster, $210 down; guaran tee and iree service. 1 ui .i"u to.iCB Co.. 5th and Taylor. 1918 MAXWELL roadster, $320 down; guarantee anu. nc -'"'"" Portland Car Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. WHAT kind of a car have you to trade in on a 1 - passe 11 si- r ......i . 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. AT 354 East Broadway there is a Hudson Super which is worth investigating. Call C 1943 on either pnone. 1915 LITTLE Buick C-25 touring, 6 tires; well worm an we i ..... Call Broadway 1130. ask for Markworth. 1919 CHEVROLET. looks like new, runs perfect. -o casn mr.-:. ... "ci-c-u 9 and 6. 2S1 Front, corner Jefferson. CHEVROLET roadster, fine condition; $6 "5 terms. See this quickly. Portland Car Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. 1919 MAXWELL, runs and looks like new; a fine buy, $900 cash or terma Call Tabor 630. BARGAIN IN 1918 CHALMERS SIX: RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR 630 FORD touring. $150 down, free service; Ford touring, $160 down, free service. Portland Car Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. 1918 FORD roadster In perfect condition, for cash or easy terms. C 1392. WHO wants a 1916 Maxwell cheap? 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $15 each; vul canized, 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. FOR SAI.F AUTOMOBILES. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. WE WILL ACCEPT YOUR LIBERTY ISUUS AT r ACE VALUE ON ANY USED CAR. HERE ARE A FEW WE OFFER FOR IOUK .APPROVAL 1917 MAXWELL. 11112 CADILLAC. 1918 JORDAN. IBIS MITCHELL. 1017 SAXON. 11I1S STUDEBAKER. 11)16 CHEVROLET. SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROJL, USED CAR DEPARTMENT. MITCHELL. LEWIS- k STAVER CO., EAST SECOND AND MORRISON STS., PHONES: EAST 7272; ii 1216. 1U17 FORD roadster, fixed fine for de livery. 6 tires; car In the best of con- riiHnn- a snnn. lltlfl Chevrolet baby grand roadster. electrically equipped. 101.-1 Miteheil. five tires, new $65 bat tery; classy-looktng car at the price of a flfvvpr. 1917 Hudson super-six. speedster; soma car: don't fall to see tins. 1917 Hupmobile. the stepping out car; terms to suit you. ;.! -Aitier. THE RKST runninir Hunt six In Port land. Tho General Motors Co. makes the Cadillac. Oldsmobile. Hulck. Scrlpps Kooth and Chevrolet. This is a 101!) Scripps. otfce of the best machines the General Motors ever produced; 6-cyllnder valve-in-head engine, developing 4S horse power; five passoncer touring body; cost $14!)5; driven only flooo mill's; price with extra equipment, $13o0. Owner buying laruer car. Owner, Main 914 or Tabor 2S00. 1919 FORD SEDAN. i. h. owner; 5 wire wheels. 5 good oversize tires, electric starter and it.i.Hn. .nedometer. other extras; will stand rigid Inspection; $1150 worth for $'.).'i0. Write lor appointment, x ui. 1.- gonlan. 6-CYL1NDER "chummy" roadster, late ion u-ui... fnllv enulnned. good cord tires all around, one spare. This car has not been abused and is in excellent con if ...... n innUlnff for a real car under $1200 you will not he able to beat this sacrifice. ASK ior y tween 10 A. M. and 6 1 . M. Sunday. Phone Broadway 4009. i sacrifice. Six-cylinder. 7 passencer. Chalmers sedan. In first-class condition, convert ible top. to a touring top; guaranteed 18 miles per eallon gas. $700 If taken be fore Monday. Three new tires. 4;;i3. Tabor MAXWELL roadster, needs a new fender. runs exreMent. s.t.10. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14lh and Alder. Bdwy. 240. -rx.'r- ai rndir. touring cars; Al Reo ,..- 101s overland 85 touring car; one hotel bus body, carries 14 passengers. $30. 44.1 llawtnorne ave: ..1 x'nT I.--j 7.nn..pnirpr. Al condition. must sell at once. See Windolpb.. Bak er's shoe store, corner west rara anu Washington. $l(.-,0 BUYS new 1919 ELGIN 6. only drlv en 3 months; It cost $1770. Owner needs money, will make terms. bell. 209 loth t. $1"50 BUYS 1918 Oldsmobile 8. new paint, and In perfect condition; make terms. Mr. Campbell. I'm i"tn ' 1919 ELGIN 6. new. $500 less thnn new nrlce; owner neens mimcy iiu.irv.j. land Car Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. n-xin inSTS a first-class 1917 model "N" Hunmoldle touring, with accessories, at a low price? Tabor 64. iiiYu-i.M.1. touring, fine condition; 1625. cash or terms. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. CHEVROLET, royal mail roadster, cost $lir0 new; one new tire, sacrifice for $500. Tabor 41.110. or 11m c layior. MY 1919 Bulck Six at a price I'm ashamed to state In this ad. Box 24, Mllwaukle. Or. bct. .-.Msientrer. must sell. A-l condition. electric equipped, $450. 9 West Simpson st. woodlawn uis. 7-PASSENGER Willys-Knight, like new. Owner. 45S E. 5lst st. N. Phone Tabor 530. 1918 NASH, guarantee like a new car. 404 DAVIS. NEAR 10TH. 1020 MAXWELL, soon ready for delivery, contract for sale. Phone Bdwy. 3085. LATE 1917 Dodge car. fire condition: will sell for sou. -aii at .11 wain si. ARE YOU looking for a roadster we have one, call o itiu. enner pnone. FORD touring car; see it at 354 E. Broad way. Either phone C 1943. WE CAN SELL ANY KIND OF A FORD. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. 1917 LIGHT six Bulck. 5-passenger. Gary, 522 Alder st. Bdwy. 2492. WHY don't you Saxon buyers com to 404 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH 1 Automobiles anted. LONG & SILVA. auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save you 50 per cent on parta Send In th. parts you need and we win dupilcat. them. Autos bought regardless of condi tion. East 6S40. 462 Hawthorne ave. CASH FOR YOUR CARS. We are always In the market to buy and pay cash for light cars, roadsters or touring or bugs; bring your car to Elec tric garage, llth and Hoyt sis., opposits North Bank depot. WILL trade 191S electrically equipped In dian, dream lannem, ampnumeier, cl. first payment on Ford or other light car. Leave your address at East 3217. LATE-MODEL CAR WANTED. For my $1000 equity In modern 7-room bungalow. L 26. Oregonlan. WANT either Dodge or Chevrolet roadster for cash. B. Enyart. venapie ppici. Motorcycles. EXCELSIOR motorcycle, fine condition, at a bargain, so taaea it. o ov-n-u, "'71 Rose Garage. 834 East Burnslde st. Phone E. 4096. Studebaker S-cyl.. first-class condition, fine car ior stage work; $050 takes It Come and see a bargain. See owner 834 Laurel Rose Garage. Phone E. 4096. 1919 INDIAN motorcycle, side car, luny equipped, $Jou casn. 0.00 .-.n. .... S. E. FOR MOTORCYCLES AINU TRY US. 204-J00 oti oi. -i."". , 3-SPEED llarley-Davldson motorcycle, two seats, electric llgnt. nnn inumi.ii. MOTORCYCLE. A-l condition. fully equipped, dream lanoem. cwot WANTED Bosch magneto for 4-cyllnder motorcycle. AU ;-i, oresimi.m. 1919 INDIAN motorcycle ana siue car. almost new. r.aai .j-m. Auto Tires and Accessories. A FEW of our bargains In used ''r: 30x3 S.I to . ni,i.w "i f 1 " 30x3 W $4 to $ 8133x4 $to $12 32x3 $6 to $1234x4 $5 to $20 31x4.. $5 to $10136x4 H $to $20 We also have a line of New Tires. 8 New 32x4's at a discount. The Finch Vulcanizing Co., 3S9 Stark St.. Between 9th and 10th. UNITED STATES tires, royal cords, 34x4, 32x4, fanner, an ei.e. m uni.o n. price. Eleventh Street Tire & Service shop, 109 llth st. Vulcanizing and re treading. Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND G LI SAN STS. A 26-TJ. BROADWAY 2629. CARS FOR HIRE. WITHOUT DRIVERS. NORTH BANK GARAGE 11TH AND FLANDERS, BDWY. 5l. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER. OVERLANDS HUDSON . ............. 1.-. 1'- u . , : t. ' IjV , .i.juni,.. ........ .... BDWY. 2408 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Gsy. rage. 86 loth st. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HTRtS! L. L SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1230. ALTHOF & BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRH WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. 3D AND TAYLOR. Main 1687. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 8547. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. A GOOD hauling contract, good roads all winter, near Portland, for purchaser of good 3Vj-ton truck at a bargain. Call Wdln. 5752. FORD 1-ton chain drive truck, big value at $340, terms to suit. Fields Motor Co., Alder and 14th LOGGERS, ATTENTION. Log hauling contract wanted. Oregonlan. L 20, 1-TON FORD, WORM DRIVE. Used four months. In fine shape. Bdwy. 24112. BARTLETT. 522 Alder St. DENBY TRUCK. In good condition; will sell cheap, with terms. 30 Gland ave. North, near Burnslde.