Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 03, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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Disappearance of "Fond
Hopes" in League Observed.
1000 San Francisco Women Hear
Senator Plead for Change In
- Peace Treaty.
SAX FRANCISCO, Oct. 2. President
aehool here. Company A la composed
of students who had military drill
lstf season. Company B Includes
those who are drilling" for. the first
time. Competition between the two
companies for prises which are of
fered is expected to be keen.'
State Capitol Xotes.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. I. (Special.)
Governor Olcott today received a copy
of a western magazine containing- a
lengthy article by Torn Marshall tell
ing of his observations while on a
recent visit to Crater Lake National
park. Mr. Marshall, who is widely
known throughout the United States
as authority on trapshooting, la a
cousin of Mrs. Olcott and was a vis
itor in Salem last week. He is a
weekly, contributor to the sporting
pages of The Oregonian. -
Volney Richmond, superintendent
of the Northern Commercial company,
at Fairbanks, Alaska, and Robert O.
Menxie, also a resident of the far
north, were callers at the governor's
office today. Governor Olcott, while
in Alaska in 1894, 1895 and 1896. be
came well acquainted with Mr. Menzie
nd during their chat here today they
recalled manv interesting Incidents of
Wilson- idealism statements and I the long ago. The governor also
work -credited to the president at knew Mr. Richmond, althouo-h their
Negroes Fire Upon Governor
of Arkansas.
Helena Councilman, at Head of
Posse, Killed; 5 00 Troops Pa
trol Densely Wooded Areas.
Paris and Washington and quotations
from the president's sileches in San
Francisco. Salt Lake City and else
where on his recent tour of the coun
try In behalf of the league of nations
covenant were used as topics by
United States Senator Hiram W.
Johnson in an address here today to
combat the peace treaty and league in
their present form.
The address was made to an au
dience of . more than 1000 of San
Francisco's most prominent women.
delivered at a luncheon of San t ran
Cisco center, a woman's club, before
which the president appeared in be
half of the league two weeks ago. It
was an enthusiastic audience, judged
from applause, which frequently com
pelled Senator Johnson to pause in
his address.
Senator Johnson concluded his visit
here tonight. Tomorrow he will ap
pear before a luncheon audience and a
night mass meeting at Los Angeles
to continue his fight against the
treaty and league. These, It was said,
will constitute his only addresses in
Southern California. He la scheduled
to speak at Portland. Or.. Tuesday
next: at Tacoma. Wa.ih, Wednesday
afternoon, and at Seattle, ash
Wednesday night. His itinerary fol
lowing Seattle has not been decided.
Ideallsaa Declare la Valsu
T have looked forward with the
fondest hope to the accomplishment
in the great world arena of the
Idealism announced by our president
In the principles of his peace, and
which with burning words he had
told us must be written into the
treaty." Senator Johnson said. "With
sinking heart. I observed his initial
surrender and as the days passed and
we observed, one by .one. every ideal
lstlc principle abandoned, every al
truistic purpose surrendered. our
fondest desires for a new world order
destroyed, we held a sad intellectual
Inquest over a dead hope.
The president, he said, had declared
the Shantung decision "shameful"; In
Washington "abominable and detest
able," and in San Francisco had Justi
fied the decision.
Tros la Rams La Opposed.
The California senator also con
tinued before the women his fight
against article 10. He attacked the
atand taken by President Wilson on
amendment to the article in speeches
at Salt Lake City and Pueblo.
Use of American troops in Russia
and at Trau. Dalmatia. also were at
tacked by the speaker as being or
dered used by foreign leaders. He
said that use of American troops
wherever the council of the league
designated could become a common
occurrence without action by the
American congress or people. . (
"Today the league of nations ex
ists," he declared. "It Is sitting in
Paris now. Just exactly as the same
men, or representatives of the same
men. will sit in secret at Geneva here
after. . , . And the president
when he says to you that khaki-clad
boys will no longer be sent beyond
the sea, speaks apparently with a lack
of knowledge of the facts that now
confront us. Tou don't want boys
sent across the sea. I. in my narrow
view of Americanism, do not want
American boys to police the world.
And the struggle we are maintaining
in this country today Is whether
American boys shall police the world."
acquaintanceship was not of an inti
mate nature. Mr. Richmond and Mr.
Menzie recently arrived In Seattl
from Alaska and are now en route to
San Francisco by automobile. They
do not expect to return to Fairbanks
until next spring.
Miss Cornelia Marvin, state librar
lan, passed yesterday in Portland vis
iting with friends.
O. P. Hoff. state treasurer, left here
today for Marshfleld and other Coos
Bay points, where he will look after
business matters connected with his
official duties.
Wallace Benson, son of the late
Governor Frank W. Benson, was
visitor in Salem yesterday. He called
at the capltol and enjoyed .a brief
chat with a number of the state of
Mrs. Maud McPherson, until re
cently in charge of the Seattle branch
library at the University of Wash
Ington. will arrive in Salem later in
the week to relieve Miss Cornelia
Marvin, who will depart next Tuesday
or Wednesday for a tour of Japan
and the orient. Miss Marvin is state
iiDrarian. Tne tour win cover a
period of several monfhs and Miss
Marvin expects to assemble consider
able information which will provV
valuable in her work here.
v iiiard Marks, Albany newspaper
man. passed the day in Salem attend
ing to builness matters. He called
at the capltol during the afternoon
and spent a few minutes visiting with
U&vernor Olcott and other officials.
Frank K. Welles of Portland, as-
sistant state superintendent of
schools, stopped over in Salem yes
terday while en route to Roseburg,
where be is attending the annual
teachers' Institute for Douglas coun
ty. During his stay at the capltol
he was entertained by F. E. Carlton
of the state superintendent's office.
J. A. Churchill, state superintendent
of schools, haa gone to Roseburg,
where he is attending the teachers'
Institute there.
A. L. Carlton of Portland arrived
here last night to pass a few days.
F. W. Connor, deputy state fire
warden for Wheeler. Grant, Morrow
and Umatilla counties, arrived in Sa
lem today and will pass a few days
conferring with State Forester El
liott. Although there were a number
of fires in the eastern Oregon for
ests during the past summer, the ag
gregate loss was nominal, according
to Mr. Connor.
Herbert Nunn, state highway engi
neer. - returned to the cahitol this
morning from Astoria and other Co
lumbia river points. Mr. Nunn drove
his automobile from Astoria to Port
land in six hours, despite the many
improvements In progress on the
highway at '.his time.
The government of Formosa is
planing the establishment of one of
the greatest hydroelectric plants in
the far east, capable of supplying
130,000 horse-power and serving the
entire island.
KLAINE. Ark Oct. 2. Governor C.
H. Brough and Colonel Isaac Jenks,
commanding the troops here, were
fired upon but neither was hit; O. L.
Johnson, a white real estate dealer
at Helena, was shot three times and
probably fatally wounded; Dr. D. A.
Johnson, a negro druggist- of Helen
and his three brothers were all killed
and one corporal was killed and an
other seriously wounded in the re
newal of race trouble here shortly
before noon.
O. R. Lilly, member of the city
council of Helena, was killed at Hoop
Spur this morning.
Governor Brough, accompanied by
Colonel Jenks. was on a road nea
Elaine when they "flushed" four ne
groes. The negroes fired at them an
then ran: Neither was struck. The
corporal killed was a nrember of the
4th infantry.
Four Negro Brothers Slain.
A posse headed by Mr. Lilly caught
a band of negroes led by the Helen
negro druggist. They started to tak
the four negroes, all brothers, to
Helena. They had gone but a shor
distance when Johnson Jerked a re
volver out of Mr. Lilly's pocket an
shot the Helena real estate man
through the body, three times.
Others in the posse turned thei
guns on Johnson and his three broth
ers and killed them all. Two negroes
unidentified were killed on the streets
of Mell Wood, near Elaine, last night.
The two negroes, both armed.
paraded the streets making remark
about what they expected to do to
residents of Elaine. Officers and rest
dents who had organized, shot them
to death. The two had been in the
negro section of the town endeavor
ing to organize the negroes.
Governor Accompanies Troops.
Five hundred regular army troops
from Camp Pike, most of them over
seas veterans, accompanied by Gov
ernor C II. Brough. arrived here at
8 o'clock today and immediately
threw a cordon around a densely
wooded area in which 150 armed ne
groes are hiding. The troops have
been ordered- to kill any negro who
refuses to surrender.
One negro who. surrendered this
morning, said the negroes organized
at a meeting last Sunday to "battle
for our race. He said some of the
leaders, most of them ex-soldiers,
would fight to the last.
The race trouble started with an
attack Tuesday evening upon W. A.
Adkins, a special railroad officer,
Charles Pratt, a deputy sheriff, and
negro trusty who had gone by au
tomobile to Elaine to arrest a sus
pected bootlegger and who were
fired upon by unidentified persons.
Adkins fell dead and Deputy Pratt
was wounded. The negro escaped
and advised the sheriff's office here
by telephone. .
i Prisoner Taken to Elaine.
A posse was Immediately sent to
Elaine, where it was fired upon, it is
said, by negroes. The riot followed.
Meanwhile the posse men sent appeals
for reinforcements, which were soon
forthcoming. When the situation be
came dangerous the governor was
asked to send troops. As there is no
national guard in the state Governor
Brough communicated by telephone
with the war department at Wash
ington and obtained permission for
troops to be sent from Camp Pike.
A large number of negroes were
Assistant Chief Taylor Loses Liquor
and Fears Wife.
BEND, Or., Oct. 2. (Special.) Ad
mitting that three quarts of whisky
found under his house in Bend were I
his own personal property. Assistant!
Fire Chief J. H. Taylor pleaded guilty
in police court to the charge of hav
ing liquor In tils, possession, ana was
fined J5 by City Judge Peoples to-1
day. The money will go into the
municipal fire fund.
Taylor declared that he had ob
tained the whisky four months ago)
and was saving it for medicinal use
in case an influenza epidemic should
break out. He had hidden it under I
the house to keep it from his wife,
he said.
"What I get .in police court won't
be in a circumstance to m-hat I'll
get at home." he assured the Judge.
Deschutes Grazing Examiner Re
turns From McKenzie.
BEND. Or, Oct. (Special.) Un
usually heavy storms for the early
fall are reported in the mountains
by Grazing Examiner Jack Horton of
the Deschutes national forest, who
K returned today irom a mree-day trip I
(7 to the headwaters of the McKenzie I
i Whitened 'peaks visible from Bend
I testified this morning to the extent!
A of the storm.
My store will be closed on Saturday, October
4, until 6 o'clock in the evening, in observance
of a Jewish holiday. Kindly arrange to shop
here after that hour.
Fall Suits
. Clothes. That Will Serve
Through Wind and Weather
You will find the good styles here Norfolks, seamed
waist and belted models ; most of them with an extra
pair of knickers.
Put your boys in these and they , will be well and
warmly clad. My label is on every garment; it is a
guaranty of service for every dollar you pay.
Ten Dollars
to Thirty
. Overcoats for Boys
and Children
I show here a great array of smart overcoats for every age
and size of boy, big or little. Good coats coats that will
keep cold out and warmth in. Fit your boys in these
Boys' Overcoats $15 to $30
Children's Overcoats $10 to $20
Boys' Shop, Second Floor
taken prisoner by the posse yesterday
and most of them brought here. One
white man a'lso was captured. He has
been identified as U. & Bratton Jr. of
Little Rock, Ark. He has been charged
with 'murder in connection with the
killing of Adkins. .
Men Charged With Burglary Have
Missing Securities.
ASTORIA. Or.. Oct. 2. (Special.)
Any doubt which might have existed
in the mind3 of police that Frank
Barnett, Albert Meadors and James
Tait were the men who blew open the
safe in Walter Kallunkis' store on the
night of August 15 has been removed
by a telegram received by Sheriff
Nelson from the chief of police at St. I
Joseph, Mo. . . ' ...,. .
At the time of the robbery several
thousands of dollars in liberty bonds
were stolen. The telegram savs that
when the men were arrested $1050 In
liberty bonds were found on them and
numbers on seven of those bonds cor
respond with the serial numbers of
the ones stolen.
10,000 Signatures Needed to Place
Measure on Ballot.
SALEM. Or.. Oct 2. (Special.) Attorney-General
Brown today complet
ed the ballot title for the so-called
cigarette measure which will go be
fore voters of Oregon at the general
election, to be held in November, 1920.
The bill was initiated by D. E. Frost
of Oregon City and was filed recently
with the secretary of state. It will
be necessary to obtain about 10,000
signatures to the petitions before the
measure can be formally placed on
the- ballot.
The essential part of the ballot title
Ahn1lhng cigarette by prohibiting the
sale, use or possession thereof; also pro
hibitlng soliciting, receiving orders for or
making contracts for the sale of cigarettes;
prohibiting the advertisement of cigar
ettes; providing that the words "cigarette
or "cigarettes" as used in the act shall be
held to include cigarette, cigarettes, cigar
ette paper, cigarette wrapper, or any sub
stitute therefor, or any paper or form pre
pared to be filled with tobacco lor cigar
ette use; defining the duties of officers in
enforcing this act, and providing penaltj
for its violation. -
Bend Board Asks Bids.
Or., Oct. 2. (Special.) To
BEND, Or., Oct.
finance the completion
grade school building
this summer,
today issued
of the new
started here
the Bend school board
a call for bids for a
$10,000 5 per cent bond to run for
15 years and serially at the end of
five years.
,iRoCd Imi-iairoas r StitoSC4aftoo
O 1919 Knox Hat Company, Inc.
Martin Machine Forced to Wait
Another Pay in Spokane.
SrOKAXK. Wash.. Oct. 2. The
Martin bombing airplane making the
flight "around the rim" of the
United States was unable to leave
Spokane for Seattle today.
Inability to obtain in time a sup
ply of high-test gasoline caused post
ponement of the flight until prob-1
ably tomorrow.
Bend Woman to ct Reward.
BENP. Or.. Oct. I. (Special.) Be
cause of her part in effecting the
rapture on August 27 of David Bri-
rhoux. escaped convict. Mrs. M.
Keeney of this city will receive the
$70 reward offered by the state, it I
w as learned today. Brichoux was I
taken after he had been hiding out
for two weeks near Bend. Ha had
gone to keep an appointment with
Mrs. Keener, believing that he might
receive. a?istance. but instead find
ing himself surrounded by a posse.
Aberdeen Students Drill.
ABERDEEN". Wash.. Oct. 2. Spr-
clal.) Two companies, ono known as I
A company, with a roster of 110. and I
B company, with a roll of 114. have!
ten formed by Military Instructor!
EL B, Ebort at the noUtrvu bighj
Wa lb rook
every man can find just the hat
he wants in the knox line and
still keep well within the lines
of correct style.
take for example the Vwalbrook"
curled-up brim of rather an English
type made in either smooth or
rough finish.
shades for autumn bottle green,
artichoke green, dark brown and
knox mixture an aristocrat among
eight dollars
HHHo Sichei
men's furnisher and hatter
exclusive but not expensive
331 Washington st., near broadway
Stops .
TT nrriT73TTicrTO77
f Two
11AM Days
jrrv Left
l An Eight-Part Special
286 Morrison St, Between Fourth and Fifth Sts.
Next to the Cofbett Building
Beware of imitators and imitation
'sample shops. Look for Big Sign.
With the Hand Pointing at 286 J
Morrison St. Factory Sample Shop
Store Closed Saturday
on account of Jewish Holiday. OPEN SATURDAY
EVENING from 5 to 9.
The most important sale of
the season. This tremen
dous stock of Women's
Suits, Coats, Dresses,
Skirts, Sweaters and
Waists to be thrown to the
public in the greatest sale
of the season. Most up-to-date
samples arriving by
the dozens. Just think!
You can buy the best up-to-date
garments at the height
of the season at sale prices.
We are overstocked; we
want to unload, and are
glad to sell some without
To Do This Just Look
The 151,892
Portland women
who are crazy
will be given
an opportunity
of seeing his
newest success,
Values up to $55, at only
$23.95, $36.95 and
We Sell
REMEMBER During this sale the Factory
Sample Shop will exchange all sale garments and
your money back if not satisfied within three days
of purchase.
1 1 Is
I bl
11 ' -"VPE
Silk and Serge Dresses!
Values to $30, at (I10 QC
only tpL&fXD
Beautiful Fur Trimmed Coats!
Beautiful Fur Trimmed Coats; greatest bar
gains in Portland. Values to Q QC
$45, at only $26.95 and tPlO0
Good Wool Sweater Slipovers
Beautiful Wool Slipover Sweat- dJO QC
ers, many samples, to close out . . tp O JJ
We must un
load this big
stock and to do
this, the prices
rf will do the rest.
I Hundreds
of Silk
to be unloaded
at the most as
tonishingly low
prices. Crepe
de Chine and