THE 3IORXLW OR EG ONI AX, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1919. DIED. TVARXER !n this cur. lnt r"1- 1 dear. 1CI i'.rrC October 1. Dora 1 K. Warner, ac.d 43 year 7 month, M dy. Ic-i(;i .ai. a daurht-r of the: Ut, 01fer perry, nnd Is ,urvl.a oy n.r . . h'uiund. j. w. warn-r: m"ihr. ir. i a directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas h, ron.Mrh'i'na'j"r.". j?hn n,V"b ; sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other nj f.mi!. Hiii.ho i ma ' .nformation, telephone The Oregonian. Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. r. t u virw ihe bo-ly mar do frm ..-,11 OA f Sundal. Cfl.I.EX-At br r-jlncf. Himaul'. .ct..i-er 1. Lv.!,a K. Culn. aard ara. IW.a.-d 19 sunivd by her hua- . . c i.- .-..ii. ...... Itraat.r: her fither. Godfrr .rosa or The Lia'I... Or. her mother. Mrs. rauiln. Hatko of AMl.i ( a!., and 1 ALTL KA TIGNS and refitting of lH thr.. Wi.llam liron of The! rmnis. work auaraiiteed. t r.aaon lMlia, nr., Kmll and Karl of Los An-: able pncea. L Ktumn. La !'' Tu.w. Item. and a auter. Amanoi itsuo of I.ia An-. Iterr..l!n ar at t.le, parlors of the Sk.w-a I. ndrtakinc com pany, corner Th.rd and Clay. C 'I'l-SON In thta citv. October 1. Emma l'ou:aon. ased -ars. wife ut Noah 1'i.u ..n. The rerriina are at F!ny's. M ntaomery at lilth. Notice of funeral heremlter. CRKF.X-At her late r. f lilence. 5H M.rrl n atreet Mrs. K. J Orrrn. mother of Mr,. A. K. Usvi. stst-r "f Hvrin and L. i Cou.ter of thia cay. Kuntril notice later. HA V WOKTH In th!a cltr. October 1. i:.ii.-n Hay.orth. 4 yeara. Kunera.; twlir. later. Kn..i:ns are at the resi dential parlors of Alucr at Tracey. WK furman ilmouin-s for funera. service. Junes Automool e l.ivery Marina 1 11 I I NF.KAL NOTICES. ItHIEi;sKN At her .ate residence. T!5 f'rt -i jur: b vr a je o'juihii. Chri t.t.a A nr. Hn-i-r n-f n. Uf of C. K. ,r,--r!i-ii, moth-T J Christlaa ior na Kn lH.n.. liro-ters-n of ta.s mr and tster t Mr. Y . H Tray t-i Ci. Thf fur.erai will be heii At ...; t-CAjr akritiayi at ta ft-a-rai hamt. f Iining' Wc N rn-r. a:c--r t- Wtl-.n 4 Ro. K: and Vuitnoman strrrts. in- i::-.' i.. n at the i'ort and cremJtortum. F.-iencs to !(:. J the survlies. C A H L4H N Spt. late f Ke!fo. Wajh.. ir. Anna iary t'arun. ie .?.- months - U. bi ri wile of Victor tarin. dauic.tttr of Mrs. Harjr Snuul son of, '., one siMcr. Mr. iaa A Dii' rn ot In?ffo. Cat., tfc o brnther, Harvey Smaul'n of iiU lul fa... Fe.ta ot Ocean w, Kuttrrtl prni. mill bo held at Umnlnc ilrfe:m---s luneral parlor. Krioay. O t. a. at 2 P. L Intrrmrnt AI iltnomao Park timeterj ' Friend itx- viteU. CENTER la this cltr, al her late resl iiac. 414 T-nti crtrt. October 1. lUa H. voter. aau 6- eers. la f Sjn.ui inrr, motarr if N. 1. Center nJ iir f .;:: ii.a m. The Iunri avrv es t hd t-.:.y i Friday . at o:.l0 0 c.ock P. M. at F.n ley's. l.nimT) at f ifih. Frien'ts invited. IncineraUoa at lount t?;ott lurlt frematonura. M.WKIRK At the residence. 1427 Oiym piA trttt. St. Johns, Ovioter . liau!e M. Newairk. a ars. beloved a :te 01 Harry Nk;rlt. daughter of lr. and ra. OeorA W inkier. Funr aervlct s b fai.d tooiorrosr taturday. Of t "r 4. a: lu A. M. at tn vnapel of Miiier M Tracf '. interment at Muit nomab Para, imc:tiy. THOMPSON The fun-r! services of the late Adilie Toomon, b-lovU ife t 34. C. ToompKii, ril be held at the rrsulenc nar ililatukte station tody 4r. , fttobtrr H at I'. M. lntti mnt al th Kivervl-w cemetery. Ar ici eiacots m wir of at Trait y. FERNANDEZ The remains of baby Fer OAiiCrx. br..v--d infant cautltt?r f Mr. and Mrs. Thomas t emaadx. 1 tur- art.d today Friday . October J. at 7:4' A. M.. undr uir.ilon of Miller Tracey to Norton, . a here scrvict-s ana intennen: tata p:au. rl.tpRITH. LCBL1NEK. FLoKlaT. Morrison sc. t'ortlana noteu Mar. Morrison bvU Bdy and Park. Mar. Jut. Port. anu s Leadinf F uw" tsnups. 41 A KT I.N ruKbttS CO.. florists. 34 WsAbiDXton. aWau JW. a .owt lor al occasluaa artinca.y arrana.a. Cl.AKcvE BROS., florists, -T Morrison il Main ITuu. Fine l.owelS ana Ilotal Ue- i,sni. No Drach siures. PEOPLE FLORAL SHOP, 25 Al-l-r. r lowers, deoitfu , reasottbie. Mar. iTviNOTON PARK FLORAL CO.. 4th and Ikinbili. Funciai desiifuers, lyweat prices MAX M. bMlTH. Mam IJH. A 311. tnc o-df.. bixth and Aider ata TONaETII FLORAL CO., -bt Washlngtoa at, b-t- 4lo and itn. Main alu A lioL HMtt.lL DIKIXTORS. UOLaMAN UND-lHiAKLNG CO. Funeral Directors Jtwstabii9hed 1977 Third tua aiuoo btraeta. . Mam 0., A lilL iuady Aaalaiant. AllLLEli & TiiACEY pe;te.-t unral Service lor Less. Independent Fuu-.ral Directors. Wau-t. bet. Jtl: and Jl!t.. wet side, oiam Lady AMtauut A Tftrti J.KF1NLEY&S0N KKtw.htS.HlVE FUNERAL I1H(T(KS Xio t. Mtyi.LI.omcr at ittl. A lSHil. "McENTEE'&" E1LERS S uuerai parlors witn an cue pri.acy of a botif. litn and fc.crrit ku. rbjnm Jbrvivd ay iioi. A 13X ' F. S DUNNING. INC. 41 E. Alder. t hour Eat 52. eriM't wrKC peratwual direction, free at. qi iioiaici.aet anu auioqaipmnc. DOWNING & McNEIAR rrs to Viiod Kos.. aiuitno- at a 7t-'i- East &4, irvlngton Uist. L-LN.Nl.Nii sj MitNTtE. lunerai directors. Uroadwal and t ine ia. pnona sroaway 4o A lotdy atlendaut. rl Cii"' 'l'n 1 lay ata. tiilCaiON 1 eitt h and Morrison sts. Broadway 2dk A. I. KEN WORTH T CO.. Sn2-04 :.iL. Lentoik TaOox 527. LREtZE & SNOOK A. R. ZELLAR CO. 5a; Williams Ave. East 1IIM. C 1US. bkEWES L'NL-ERTAKl.N'i COMPANY. JJ aid C-a.- M. 41 A --JI. IjkJ, aaistaJii. VATI.TS AMI CREM TION. initniermeais law ninrr. cvii. w MOM MFNTH. TCRTLAKO MARBLE WORKS raw 4tk ., , Opa. Cltr Nail. Kesi It res. BE BLAE.SING GRANITE CO. THIRD AT MADSOM STREET j NKW TODAY. SEND US YGUR OLD CARPETS Old R asra mm Uoelra riotklas. Ue Mali, Kr-seralalr. Haad Woven FLUFF RUGS Tkry Wear Like lra. Mall Orelerak Se-sisl tor lloeikl.t. Hast Has. Wsie,. All Mara. Carpet Cleaning .i 1 2 Haara. Mrara ( leaned. l-.0. UkKII.HV ILIIK Ulll CO 4 ( BloB A,e. N. t-aal B.Md. II I47S tall for Illustrated Priee tint 1JI Aokeay St. Phooe Itroadway 149 Sam Coanell Lumber Co. MORTGAGE LOANS liaprxre elty mm4 faras property, laaiallmral repayment privilricr If preferred I prwoipt, rrllablc aerlc. A. H. UIRRELL CO. SIT-Sl rta.estrra) Haas. Hulldlaa. Mara.all 4114. A 41 IH. JOHN B. COFFEY 1IORH. -K !. General Insurance Surety Bonds IOUZ 4 If MUefi BNc. Mais hi) 2. Garages i$SM" m Portland Business Bulletin I . , . . ,. Aff Ol'MiNTS. ,,,'i,sR- BLACK, accountant. iTllat involved lecranlt W'" !;L"l; ,n,tl!'d. maintained ra blCKk T.l.nh..n. Kroadway ALTKKATlONS. ou d in. btjg a-Vi....' ajsaveks and analysts. My.VTA.VA ASSAY OFFICE. 12 Second .old. stiver and r'"""""1 ""hL CANttK TREAT tU, AXCEi: TREATED. CAKPtT WEAVING. Df The Kir. J that "wear the best are ilUUJ mad from your worn-out carpets by the .Northwest Kui Co. Former ad dress 103 L'aion ava. Raff ru woven ail mizrm. fi-pet cleaning. rtiiinj tralZtiia Alail orders vo.icited. IBS em si, Pliu.K KaoT B l-u- fLUff flUGS FROM OLD CARPETS K Hnaja, a. I alaea Mall order, prompt bend for Bouk.ot all! rue atm or to t-.eaned, fl.aa fLCKF RLIJ CO. e4 t l-nlon ave. N. Kast till BMli tLLLll.UIU HIT-TONS. IHE IHHl.N-llonsuX COMPANY. 3s. .aihington. Uroadway A 1 - C IHKOI'KACTOK. 0."i0 KNOW l citation. ID"' Chirop-c-tor. Thrnnra proi.auncmc treatment easi ear. tK-st. Permanent. S treaia" .1 LJ (IIIKOl-UUIM AKlll brECIALIsTS. WIl.l.IAil. Ktelle ond Florello Dr Veny. the on.y scientlf.c cnlrop.ull.Hts and arch soeoiul.ats in the cll. 1'arioii. oUJ Oer l.nkcr iilfiic.. S. VV. turner d and Aluar. 1'tioi.e jluin laUl. CIIIIll'IIIIT. IjH OAKT.VKH. toot eperlallstl corns, bunlona foot arcne, o-.utie to order. 311 twelland bid,-., oin and Wash. Aiaip ltibl. (IKtlLAR I.F.TTKKH. CKAXS LKTTEH CO.. Iilu-Il-1K Boial bids;.. ilr.rhal Ju: Muit.Krapaiol. wimeoura p.'.ln, and mall aaverttatn,. THE LETTERIIOF Main S. ui Cen;. apeed, aerv ice (OM KACT)K.-T7.M) Bl II.KKKS. UU.MAX.SKV LK1N. conlmctora and butiuers. store and ofrico flttinica. scl eral i'li Curry it., city. ei'hone irshail "7-;t. COLI.r.CTIONSI. NF.TH CO.. Worremer bldg Wain 17PB No co. lections, no charge. Established ItftlO DANCING. K T.HEiiIN-E M. MOWN aiiaranttra to tea..-h all latent dances In ". - privat. less.n; 111 l!sons. 4 les sens. $J. KlU-rs bldK.. Iet. 4ili and th on Washington st. M:iln 0tM4. IMNCrN'ii We cordially invite the patrons bf dam-ma; to attend our open ns; of Saturday nirhli at W. O. W. ll.ill No. 3-11. between Wuh. and Alder. Hrcard At I ,o e. ilHS. .-L'MMKKS wlh-s to announre t h of her C:ns d.intts on Tus(ii and Thurs'?:ty, at the Rtrkelt-y Dancina aradrnv. K' 4lh st. -Main 3.U8. MRS H4T1F8 DANCING academy. 3d floor I ekum bldK ; private lensons day and eve.; clasn Tu8. eve. Main 1345 MHS. FLECK'S ACADEMY. 10 2d at. Ball room and slace dancing. Main 1UV. IMMi AMI CAT HOSPITAL. Ko.E City Veterinary hospital, 413 Eaal 7th. E.i.t 17. B in." IIE.MSTITCIIIN'ti. K. STEPHAN. hematltrhlna. cordian side pleat, button, covered, mill orders Jltf Plttock blk. Broadway ll8 EMU. TMIEr.IIORN. violin, viola teacher: pupil Sevclk. iu7 Fliedner bldg Broad way l'l'-N KAR. KVE, NOE AMI THKOAT. RO. F. F. CAfSEDAT. Specialist. " (iia-"ea fitted. 7I0 E. Rurnslde. cor. 2"th. E. 4734. WHOLESALERS AND Alio TOPS. DL'BRUILLE TOP CO.. th and Oak sts. IIKV ;Otl)S. NOTIONS. L. UiNhLSrlELCG.,t: Stockroom and o(- ; x. i.o st. 4, RAIN Ml IU 11 AN I S. PACIFIC URAlN CO.. Hoard of Trade b.da. H.11S ANII TAPS. THANH UHKK HT CO., ij-'ij Front St. IIIDI-S. U1IIIL AN I i t A SCAKA II.1KK. K-tllNliKt'S.. Il'j Front st. Mil. I M I I I IKS. THE PEEI1I.ES.- PACIFIC COM PAN' V. s-;u-7'-' rront St.. Portland. PAINTS. OILS AND t.l.tsH. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. NEW TODAY. M0DKRN CONSTRrCTION CO. GARAGE BLILDKRS 313 E. Uth St. . East 5111 MortgageLoans 5.S? arJ E. Coudey Co. . Uaik Huildiau KF.Af, KSTATK. 1.1 ACRES. ONLY $15' POWN. Goost dark soil, part la eultixatlon, nrir highway and S. P. el-rtrlc station; price $13J ll-Vi down. Lr:pi A Cal way. 521 Cuaniber of Commerce. For Sale Iaita. TQ CLOSE ESTATE. 100xfrt on Eat Hurnsldr. near Thor burn avinue, side of M t. Tatmr, wonder ful vl-w. all Jniprovement iatd . fOOO taW U: a-t inii' kly if nu want it. KASER RAINEY,. H23-6 Gasco bldg., Marnhall 312-V IRVINGltN. IKVIMJTO.V 7."ntno on K. 17:b st.. .O ft. paved st., sewrr. all Improvement in and paid. mmt front, close to car. fine hunM all around, price only $ 1 7. 1 500 down. baL 3 T ucr irnf. PalTTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-R-7 l.oard of Tratle Bldg. LISTEN. For sa'e A real bargai Must sell or will trade for Chhao North Shore proper iv, m v choice 1 feet, corner at 2Sd and Hawthorne avenue; will sac rifice for cash. E. K. Stone, Wilmetie. 111. GRAB IT SACRIFICE. East front lot in Belie t 'resit. 1 H btka north of Saidy, street paved, price $4-5. Phone C 1 12. Home or Pacific phone. eeitmsa 1 OOx lol FAST front, corner. 37 1 h and T.l-amook -ita.. $!. Owner. C. D. Mc Cunahy. tI7 American Bank bldg., srttp. W!h. BY OWNER Beautiful TidxliM) lot, near ;iHin ar.d Braze.-, Iioo b.-low value: all mi!. in and paid ;terma. Tabor 2125, WILL sll rti lot at East T3d and Flan ders streets r'Jim ble. Charles W. Olaen, 24H pine street LOT on htn. Wy gunt ; a snap. Owner, M. Norb. Kt. A. -.x 27. G res ham. Or. ROSE CITY PARK Fine lot. east front age; easy terms. East S. Flat and Apartment Property. FOR SALE By owner, modern -G-room eaatt kitlf apt. hoof., rlt aring $4"0 per month; 3okj handlet. M (Go. Oregonian. FLVE corntr, cIot In, wet able, conlitin Ing 6 f ti. rented for S273; price $lb.0dO. E. H. i'oilis. Eat h'kj. For iSale Houra. MODERN HOME. WEST SIDE. 5 room, full hanmcnt. fine lot, well located, lioo, terms. .Uain 6231. ' r 1 j j cg.i Baal ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. 1UUI.ELECTRIC CO. 31 N. 1st at.. Portland, Or. Re winding and electrical repairing -a specialty, Sea us auout taw or uH.a inotora uaw. 1U45. A lo- liAHOVVOUU t LOOKING. GET estimates for new or old House. Port land iardoou h'ioor Co.. oi-TOrKTltT!jT ASU OPTICIAN 6. " GLASSES AT A SAVING eax"- I aoitvit your paironae lh" basis of capable ervie. Thou saads ot sauaued cuitomers. A trial will convince you. Charles VV. -man, optometrist, zva aiorriaoa. Aa4, ATTENTION! EVES' RIGHT! lr. o3im Kubenstein, veteran op tician, la riut on tue joo ot ntuiis tne be 1 rj mmm al reasonable prices. " Aion tteon kireet, near becona. I'ATENT ATTORNEYS. B. C. WK1UHT 22 years' eiperlenc, U. 8. and loremn patents. . ul lwum bia. ool-LmtUKO. izO Worcester bide. M. 2ii'5. .'H1S1C1A.NS. OfiC increased efficiency iruglesi 0U :C treatment, goitre, headache, appen- dteilia. tonsililia, wiltiout wriui. Kaymond K. Matters, auo Sweliand bid. Jiataiian 4SX . UK R A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bulldlnt Itheumatism. stomach, bowel. lun( liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, iiroaiallc lamais a.M,rilcr, sain altecuona. bloodjpessure. .LlMUINtJ BflTIJES at wholesale 2ii 8i. u. '"J: prices. Co.. rKLNTINU. , KKVSTONE PKtSS. jT E. Gantenbeln. mar. l-rintlna and llnotypinaj. 1UO J riuul at., comer a lark. Alain mAhii DEI tJTIWfl w- BALTES Ai L-UJii "-' rrillll l.ib 1st and oak ata. M. I.aU3. 8KCOM-IIAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO.. i'l Front at. .... Wc buy and sell every thin, in tne hardware and lurulture line. PHone Lain UU70. A 7174. TAINTING. JOHN CONL1SK. palntma; anu v-v" hariKlna;. l.'.J turn. rnonn - TIN'TINli. C II. TERRII-L. noue ana aign painii. tli.tliiK and paper nangii'a- si rl. : phone T.lbor 2011. . ROOMS tinted 5.5U and up. Hawthorns Cons-trm tioi Co. Phone East 33a. TKANSFER ANDSTORAtiE. ; "TREGON AUfo DESPATCH The Service With a Reputation." MOVING-PACKO-STORAlie-HAOOACB 111th and Kearney. Branch IM, Bdwy. PH3NE BDWY. 3309 OHKi'.ON TRANSFER CO.. 474 GI.ISAN St Corner or 13th. Phone Broadway 12.11 or I1U9. Ws own and operate two large Clas "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insuignce rate, in city. FIREFROOF STORAGE r. M. OI.SEN TRANSFER CO.. 24S Pine MAlHSoN-ST. DOCK a WAREHOUSE OF FICE, 1S Madison st. General mercban di and forwarding agents Main 101 PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE SECURITY STORAGE A TR NSFER CO. 1'5 PARK ST MAIN 61(5. A t5l. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANsTC General tra nsfer and forwarding a gents IJ4 N. fth sU Broadway 454. CUT S MORSE, Inc. TRACKAGE STOKAG K, TRANSFER. 448-454 ULISAN ST. TRANSFER. EATON A MAXWELL TRANSFER CO. Piano and furniture moving. Long d iMa rice halttig a specialty. 222 Pine st Phoney: of fire M 7si2; res. Wdln. 12tt3 MATCH REPAIRING. HIGHEST prl.-es paid, old watches and j.weiry. Condition nn object. Repairs a specialty. nmnier Jewelry Co. 44114 AVii-jhiugton st. MANUFACTURERS PIPE. PIPE HTTIN(.S AND VALVES. THE I EEKLESS PACIFIC COM PAN y "-'"-i- Front at.. Port. and. KLINE. 81-oa Front street. PLl MB1N O AN D SI F.AM SI PPI.1 ES. THE PEERLESS P ACI FIO COM PAN T Ms-u-'- rront St., Portland. L. KLINE. S4-9 F-ont strceL PKODH K CmiMISeilON M EKCII ANTS. EV ElOJINti FARRELL. 140 Fronr r" RIPE AND BINDER TWINE. rnrunn i oirtag. Co.. 14th and Xurthrup. SJLDO(IRS AND .I.AS. P. FCLLEft CO.. Front and Morrison. VAI.I. J-AI'EK. M i. pa i-i:h o -':lo ?d REA L ESTATE. For SaJe Houses." ROSE CITY HINV.AI.OW. COM ?.l:rfTM!. Ft I'iNIS H EI, FIVE ROOMS. iiArc.ivtOori FLiOitS. BUILT-IN EF f E TS. FtriNA-E. HAUAtiR- I T M F IHATE POSSESSION; Ummm, CASH WILL ll HANDLE IU lLIHNtJ, i 'ji.MJtiA l ciit. SELLING MAIN isoo. RESIUE.NCE, A GENTLEMAN'S HOME. Ehven ruoffarf, stiictly modern, hard wwd floors iu All rooms, steam heat, fireplace, two sleeping lurches, garage, Jl.o'Hi so,, ft., ground, paved St.. walking to he.,rt of city. Price $12 000 good tcrius. Thia home would cost to reproduce $2'.iio. R- M. GATE WOOD A CO., 1654 4th st. $ 4500. a-..CAL,FORNIA rH"N'OAT-nw. ROSE 1!T I'.AHK- fl NOOaVS. HARDWOOD r LOOKS. BUILT-IN EKFKTS FUR NAf;. OA RA JE: IMM EDI ATE POS-iir-JlM ASH WILL HANDLE. MAIN IMM). RESIDENCE, B 7120. SUNNVSIDE SNAP ' S ROOMS PRICE S3trn Here Is a REAL SNAP in a modem S room hunpalow In the heart of the district. Close to 2 of the best car lines In the city. JlbiLIA BLE INVESTMENT CO o-O.'. OAK .T. BROADWAY 41.13. ' FOR SALE. Houses and Income property in the city of Portland. CAMPBELL-PHELAV LAND A CATTLE COMPANY. HOI Couch HI dir. Phone Main Sos4. 3ol rotirh Bldr ONE At RE cloe In, 12.100, unfinished house, 10 b.-aiing cherry trees, apples pears, plums and berries, three blocks from good tar service, close to sohool. also Franklin high school, a real bar pair, terms. 2-J14 07th St. S. E. IOOxUmi. 8-ROOM bungalow and bath, t-hlc-kcn houwe. fruit, strawberry bod fine soil.; Il.ion, cash, $15 per month. Se Peterson. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY IiU Fifth Street. Main ftsflii B U NG A I ,n V V E R Y ARTISTIC: ROSE CITY PARK. H-rooms, hardwood floors throughout, old Ivory finish, fireplace, fine butrt furna-e. Owner 477 East otith st. k! near Thompson, Phone Tabor 5ll4 ATTRACTIVE R-room home with garage furnace, full cement basement, flnishr-d' attic, hard-surface paid, 10 minutes N. E. of Broadway bridge. Income $45 per month; price ..imo, half cash. East 7104 HAWTHORNE bungalow, IS rooms, fire place, paved streets, furnished If de sired, owner going away. Immediate possession ; $3100. $fto cash including furniture. Il2 Caruthera sL BARGAIN Close-In 6 -room house, modern, garage, fine view. See this at once; 1 block Woodstock car; $2100, tmall pay ment down, rest like reuu 7U0 Brook lyn st., near 24th. j.-.OO LIKE FINDING IT. Bf 1 1 -room. Income house, full lot. E. Tavlor. near 3'th. J. D. KENNEDY. 32H Salmon. ii a i n 4 7 NO. For SALE By owner, IS -room modern bungalow, full cement Lavement, large attic with space enough for 3 rooms; a bargain. lo:t E. 23d X., Alberta, block to car line. PORTLAND HEIGHTS" Nice 5-room mod em cottage; hdw; floors, fireplace, fun heatinr aval em ; fine view; 2 blocks to enr: $ :.V 0. Terms. Main 1106. MODERN Irvlngton home, must sell In 30 i1hvh, 0 rooms, attic, full basement, fire place. Fox furnace, best of condition; only ftnnn. Phone East 741. lMo VACANT. R. C. PARK CAR. electricity, gas. fine lo;; terou.' Tabor OOOtf. 1 KE1L ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. PIEDMONT. PRICE ONLY $4500. Fine, modern home, double constructed, triple floors, 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, full basement, fine furnace, all buHt-In features, hardwood fioora, etc.; oOjcIOM Jot. alley In ihe rear. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 30SOAK ST. BKOAUWAT 4133. OWNER OFFERS CASH BARGAIN. Jl'oOU Model 5-room. 1 '4 -story house, beautiful lawn, fruit trees and flowers; $toi0 below present building costs; near Holy Redeemer church and school; Pe ninsula playgrounds near; Wood lawn car to Dekum ave. then west to 14.40 Van couver ave; $!2o0 cash, balance 3-vear mortgage. FINE new English cottage, 6 rooms, din ing and porches, . narawooa floors, open f .replace, all modern con veniences, with large wooded lot, st Mount Zlon. the most beautiful view suburb of Portl ind. Price tS."(0. easy terms. John Ba:n (owner). 0O1 Spald tng bldg. Telephone A. 744. IKV1NGTOX: BEAUTIFUL BUXGALOtV Near Brazee and 19th. IUOxIOU. double garage, $!utM, i?rms. Also 7-room new bungatow. all old ivory. 2 baths, full lot, garage. $$J')0. Una 7-room house on Broadway, 4:?00. Another 7-room house on L'uth, Itiv.'iO; all on easy terms. -Mcuonneii. East 411. ON PAVED STREET $2300. Zoarge 8-room plastered house; modern plumbing; concrete foundation and base ment; nea. Twohy Bros. ; future busl nets property; house newly painted; $300 cash. bal. to suit. Fred YV. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays and evenings. A SURE BARGAIN". 4 ROOMS. PRICE 14.V). 100x100 ground, 4 -room bungalow, sev eral bearir.g fruit trees and small fruits, h cash. This Is only 20 minutes' car ride from center of city. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 8"5 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. ONE of Portland's b st Heigh tr home.1, clone In : full unobstructlbie mountain view; tour bedrooms, with two baths; drcM.sinr rroa.s, alw-p'ns porches; I o maids' rooms, with one hath; hot-wat?r heiit ; mahogany woodwork, all uflfc floors; price 0.000 Hesidence Dbue, Main 7i3ii. I R V I N'G TON, HEAL HOME $0700. Pertect throughout, large living room, 2 fireplaces, four It. D. and S. P.. garage, fine lot, natural trees, ail draperies, stair runner and Kuud heater Included ; will tajte liberty bonds or cash up to $4oo0 for first payment. And two other beauties at J12.50U; exclusive. East 411. LA DD ADDITION. BIG BARGAIN, fi-room house, lot oixl2.. walking dis tance. This is a mighty good buy;-idea, for large family of workers; good garage, paved alley ; good terms. Phone IK. DELAHUNTY, Tabor 34J3; Res.. Eaat 2oM$. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE; FIREPLACE. HL1 LT-1N U U K K E T AND BOOIV CASEjt; GARAGE; CORNER, CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE: BEST CAR LINE IN CITY; $42 jO. TERMS. PHONE EAST iOOO. SPECIAL bargain In Alameda Park, cosy ti-room strictly uiudcrr., oeautitui new decorations; price. Including ail st. as n'Fmcms paid. ItiOOO; it would cott ITTtUO to duplicate It today; located at JSlU E. 30th ist. N.. Broadway car. Owner at 417 Chamber of Com. Main 52.6. 14500 $5500 HAWTHORNE. New, modern, ft -U-7-room bungalow, fireplace, oak fioora, bullt-ins, sleeping porcn, finlt-tied In old Ivory; papered wails, furnace, carafe; Improvement paid. Owner, GEO. A. ROSS, 404 Oer linger bldg., Marshall SNAP $24O0 home for I'-'OO, some cash, some trade, balance $-" monthly; cash discount; ti rooms, modern, closets, attic, basement, furnace. porches. concrete, fruit, garden. Call after 3 P. .M Owner. 4047 O.'ith st. S. E. $Ji0. $J700. Br-autlful 4-room bungalow, strictly No. 1; basement, corner lot, sewer, pave ment. 2 blocks to 2 car lines; house .va cant; terms. Key at XJO Hallway Ex chanfce. Marshall '033. HANDSOME HOME. $50. noO cash. Five nice rooms, built-jns, bath, iaundry trays, basement, nice yard with fruit, cement walks, close to car. MUTUAL REALTY CO., Main 1043. 1H1U N. W. Bank bldg. IX ALAMEDA PARK Nifty brand new ti-roora modern bungaiow and breakfast room. Buy direct from owner and cave commission. If interested call Woodlawn -!17 or 171 Eat innh street N. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS J1500. Large ti-room pla.stered cottage on paved street in Pulton; an assortment of btaring fruit trees; at reasonable term. Fred W. German Co., 73L' Cham, of Com. Open Sundays and evenings. BUILD NOW. ' If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you. Call and see ""'WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO., Main 035. 621 Morgan Bldg. Portland" heights home. I retty ti-room housf, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, beautiful unobstructed view; finely Improved lot. Price $i4U0. With furniture $ti40U; terms. Mar. 4bU7. BROOKE. A 3839 MR. YOUNG DOCTOR, LOOK. Am retiring and Jeavlng city, so am offering my beautiful modern 10-room home, with office and practice ; corner lot, heart of business location ; 1 0,000, some terms. Invettifcate. Sell- 2700. AM LEAVING city, come ex .i mine my fine 7-room houwe, situated 624 East flth North, Koe City Park, corner lot, gar ag fireplace heater; a bargain at $4MM. terms. No agents. V 573, Oregonian. IN IRVINGTON Several fine modern homes or win rurnisn lots, xinance and build to suit. Built luO homes in Port land. Rice Construction Co., R. B. Rice, agent. oi'O Wasco st. East 2432. M;AK Jefferson high, good G-room house, fu.l lot, pavement anu sewer, full base ment; this must be sold this week; owner go.'ng east; $2200 cash, bal. on time. 1004 Commercial su A HOME In Piedmont for sale, 8 rooms. hardwood floors, garage, J'J fine bearing fruit trees, flowers, five blocks from Jef ferson high. Inquire 1107 Cleveland ave. or phone C 2411. TWO BUNGALOWS; BIG BARGAIN. one 7-room, one 4-room. on fuli lot, paved street, close in. block to car; worth $.". -All goes for $3000. half cash. Main 94.-. 1. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Large bungalow, modern convenience, 2 lots, level, with paved fts., on corner, 2 blocks 'from car, 4 4 blocks from Aina woriti schooL . Alain 7214. FOR quick SrileTacount leaving the city. . will eeil mjr home. Rose City Park, 6 rooms. full- basement, furnace. fine lawn, fruit tYee. new garage; good lo cution; $3700. J'abor 13 IS. Rfflv CITY PARK. !i-room. thorough iy modern bungalow. Ivory finish, hardwood floors. 3i)I E 4Mb N. F W. TORGLKR, 100 Sherlock Bblir OWNER leaving, will sell 5 -room Sunny side house; nice lot. fruit trees, garage, rleeplng porch; $3UU0. Call Alain 4U07 or Tabor ?77S. 8-ROOM house. Ea-t Couch st . modern, in splendid condition, newly painted. In side and out, barguln price, $5300. E. H. Collin, East bto1 FOR SALE 6-room house, bath and toi let, electricity and gaf. on M V 'car line, lot 50x100, terms. 47 E. 80th X. See owner. $27 no Good rt-room house, excellent con dition, except pnlntins. w inter's wood, walking distance; half cash, terms. 203 Hancock. f tatoo MODERN 0-room house, with sleep ing porch, all bullt-lns. fireplace, kitch en; lot 30x141, large garage, paved street. 4.11 Marguerite ave. Tabor 7410. FOR SA LE by owner, 5-rooni bunKtUov. , in excellent condition: 3405 E. flftih at., 1 block north of Powell Valloy road. Phono D 1139. BY OWNER Strictly modern house in Irv lngton; oak floors, full cement oasement, 00-loot lot. $4000. East 2377. or 722 Selling bids. $200 FIRST payment, bnlance like rent, buys 6-room house, close in, walking distance. See Joan Brown. 324 Raii- w a y Exchange bldg. Mar. 333 1 . GOING to build or repair? Get my Ideas and istimatea. B T. Allya. 243 stark at. Office hour 8 to 5 P. M. Phone Main S3L Res, phone Tabor 194. MODERN, artistic Richmond bungalow, best material, paved district, vacant; Im mediate sale, $3ino; cash $1000. Owner, evenings. Tabor 705. r INE home, overlooking Willamette river view best in the city; splendid buy. A W Davis Phone Columbia 624. NEW" COUNTRY home. 30 minutes out on . the electric on paved highway. $270o term. V Jensen, 720 Board of Trade. ' MODERN bungalow, sleeping porch and garage. 330 Hth st. S. E., near Powell road; $1700. $300 down, balancejike rent. rjT x A BO R. 7 rooms, entirely modem", garage, beautiful home, bargain. Owner. Tabor bS24 LOVELY mission bungalow. 7.ix 100 "corn t onlv $C750. Irvlngton home to cell. East 134JL IRVJ NG TON " HOME. D E LAHUNT. EAST 1347. TtoOM house, bath and toilet, gas range included, for $1700: $.100 cash, balance on terms, low East Jhth, North. Owner. ut-i T.WOOD R-room house, modern; fire- , -a ero r,a V d Stref Am laie. ..I place, irarase: payd street. Am leaving Portland, Take $350. terma. SeiL -!70d. REAaCESTATi:. For Sale Houses. vacant vacant beautiful alberta bungalow. 13450, terms if desired. $3450. terms ip desired, house elegantly carpeted (in CLUDED) 1079 RAST 2.VTH ST. NORTH. 1079 EAST 2.YTH ST. NORTH. Modern ft-ronm huniralow: full base ment, furnace, cement floor, electric fixtures, shad fa. Rrreens? naneled din Ing room, Dutch kitchen, plumbing com plete,' built-in effects, east front lot, 10 ft. fliinv ii to p-ra hii.riAi ltiwrr. 5 fruit trees; only block to Alberta car. Deal uirect wun owner open ior iimjict-nuu 1 to 5 daily. See it today. Take a car to 25th. then kg block north. Phone C 11S2 Home or Pacific phone evenings, or East 0M6 during day. REST KPV TV PORTLAND. PRETTIEST BUNGALOW IN ALBERTA TAk'K Y PI 17 ft fHOlCE. I have 2 beautiful co.onial bouses for sale in Laureihurst and if you are look ing for a real colonial, true to name, al a very moderate price, don't fail ro In spect these. No. 1 locattd on a choice tMxIOO corner, close to car,-8 extra lrge rooms, hot-water heat; finished in solid manogany downstairs, old ivory . bathroom: good gaiage. -o. s, Enirlish coioniai stvle. Inside lot 65x100, park section, hoi-water heat, 9 large rooms. 5 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, maids quarters; owner moved to New York and must sell this place at any reason- aoie price, .now it s up to you. uei w today at Laureihurst Tract office, E. 3tfth and GiUan, or phon Tabor 343U. Res., East 2uS6. MR. DELAHUNTY. IRVINGTON REAL BUYS. $550U 020 Halsey, bungalow. J44UU bl4 Tillamook. $4ijU0 S44 Brazee. $4000 606 Multnomah. i,;.-,40 4.0 E. 17th North. $500 740 E. 2Sth N., bungalow. - $3.'oo-r-7i0 E. iJUth N., bungalow. $o6iU 7 1 1 Thompson. $10,000 Great colonial buy. $10.500 Costly hare wood finish. $0000 Colonial, corner. If it's a good one in Irvlngton I have it ot course, at Irvlngton headquarters. Let us know your needs, we cannot ad vertise them all. R. T. Street, lrvington agent, ous jE. Broadway. Eaat 604 GROVELAND PARK. 5-room bungalow, with breakfast nook, large Living room with fireplace, very at tractive dining room, oak floors in both living and dining rooms, numerous buLt ln conveniences, full basement, furnace, all improvements in and paid; you will find this dlfierent from the general clas of bungalowa; $4500; $2000 cash,, bal. to suit buyer. Let us show you this today; will not have it next week. COE A. McKENNA & CO. Main 4522. 82 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. $5150. BUILT BY OWNER FOR A HOME, IN THE HEART OF ALAMEDA PARK, BRAND-NEW DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED BUNGALOW, 6 LOVELY ROOMS AND A BREAKFAST ROoM; HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT LOWER FLOORS; BASK PLUGS IX EVERY BOOM; FINISHED IN OLD IVORY; LINEN SHADES, DOUBLE RODS, AND INLAID LINOLEUM; IMMEDIATE POS SESSION: BUSINESS CALLS OWNER TO ANOTHER CiTY. POIN DEXTER, SELLING BUILDING. MA IX 1800. .RES IDENCE, B 7120. $3250 TERMS. CLOSE IN. NEAR RODNEY AXD BEECH. 5 COMPLETE BED CHAMBERS. 8-ROOM, MODEKN, CoK. 50x100. Paving and sewer all in and paid. full basement, porcelain plumbing. Get the lot for noth ing at this price. Don't be fooled. See it at once if in market for large home. G. C. GOLDEN BERG. Ablngton Bldg. "35 Years in Portland." Main 4S03. ROSE CITY PARK. One of the niftiest little bungalows in Hose City Park, 1 block from Sandy road and not tar out; 50x100 corner lot with garage This little home has 5 rooms. with 2 bedrooms, finished Ln fancy smoked oak and fine stain, hardwood floors; located at 4U0 E. 40th st. N., 1 block from car. 4 block from school ; fireplace, furnace, large living room and all modern conveniences. 111 be open for inspection from I to o P. M. today. Telephone Tabor 1040. HIGH -CLASS IRVINGTON RESSIDEXCE. Modern 12-room residence, finished in selected mahogany and oak, hardwood floors throughout, spacious rooms, three artistic tile fire jtaces, tile baths, latest sanitary plumbing, suT room, sleeping porch, full cement basement, large fin ished attic, stationery, vacuum cleaner, rooms bcautlfu'ly fini.shed, ground plant- ' ed with rare shrubbery ; absolutely one of the best cuns true ted homes in Port land. Terma. By owner, X 52, Orego nian. a. " ROSE CITY BUNGALOW! Six rooms, including living room, din ing room, Dutch kitchen and 3 bedrooms; alo nice reception hall and sewing room , French doors between living and dining rooms, bedrooms and kitchen white eriamel, hardwood floors, full ce ment basement, furnace, etc. Don't fail to see this, It is something different; price $5ooo, terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 61)67. $2750 ALBERTA $2750. 6-room, completely furnished, 144 -story, 4 rooms first floor. 2 large bedrooms 2d floor. houe in good condition and fur niture Is also and of better grade than you would expect at th pric ; owner anxious to sell: make good terms. See us at once, stop high rent. COi; A. McKENNA V CO. Main 4522. S2 4th St., Board of Trade Biug. EAST 11TH, NEAR ALBERTA. NIFTY BUNGALOW $3025. Here hi a real nitty, up-to-the-minute bungalow. It's truly just as modern as one could make it. Hardwood floors, fireplace, burfet, cement basement, etc. Finished in old ivory and white through out. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., near 3d. .Main 3516, Main 3002. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. MISSISSIPPI AVE. SACRIFICE. 50x100 ft. fronting on Mississippi ave. has fair 5-room house; can be put in nice snape at small expense. The street, city liens and taxes are all paid. Owner lives in east and has instructed us to sell at approximately cost of lot and improve ments, namely, $2200; $500 cash. Th number In 103 Mississippi ave. Go, see it. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 60LV NEAR 21ST AND PRESCOTT. BUN G A 1 ,0 W $ 2 750. Folks. If you ever expected to get real value for your monty you will find it herer 5 nice large rooms, Dutch 4Gtchtn, fireplace, etc. Very liberal terms. You wlil have to hurry. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3516, Main 3002. Branch office, 5oth and Sandy. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Nice 5-rdorn bungalow, furnace, fire place; oak floors; built-ins: fuii cement basement ; gas range and water neater; lot 50xP0; paved street, liens all paid; on K. 5Hth st.. near Thompson. Price $3700; $1200 cash and $35 per month, including Interest. Act quick. GRUSS1 & BENNETT. 31 Board of Trade Bldg. .Main 7452. IRVINGTON PARK-First-class, beautiful 6-room bungalow, complete and modern In every respect; hardwood floors throughout, enamel fin ish, papered walls, furnace, fireplace, brand new, linoleum in kitchen and bath. 1242 Glenn ave.. near Kennedy school. If Interested in something good will be glad to show you. Owner, Robert B Beat, East 535. 4 BRAND NEW BUNGALOWS. IN LA U RE. HUH ST. OPEN FOR INSPECTION TODAY. Keys at Laureihurst Tract office, E 30th and Gllsan sts. Prices range from $5&o0 up to $7000. If you have a mod erate amount of cash and a good Job you can move right Into one of them. Phone for auto. Tabor 333; Res.. East 2086. MR. DELAHUNTY. $3500. ALAMEDA PARK. HARD SURFACE STREETS; BUNGALOW, SIX- ROOMS, BATH, ELECTRIC LIGHTS, GAS. FULL- SIZE BASEMENT; 12.VI0 CASH. BAL ANCE $25 MONTH. WITH INTEREST. POiXDEXTER, SELLING BUILDING. MAIX 1600. RESIDENCE, B 7120. A BARGAIN. 6-room 2-story house, cement floor in basement, wash trays, lot 50x50, close in, eat side, price $2700, terms. J. J. OEDER, Grand Ave. at East Ankeny St. THAT VACANT LOT - Why not turn a burden into Income? We design ar.d build apartments, gar ages, residences, anything: funish plana and finance. Established ten vcarg. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFAC TION. L. R Bailey Co., Inc., ontrnct ing architects. 024 N W. Hank bldg. FOR SALE. Brand-new 6-room house, garage, 878 Colonial ave. Owner, 555 Ma son. $1500 LESS than the actual value will buy a 7-room up-to-date, modern house, must sacrifice to get money; easy terms. 404 Ry. Exchange. Phone Main 3100. Owner. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A SNAP. 555 K.- Sth st., cor. Woodward ave., Brooklyn car line, 6-room modern house, $24ot); cash $500, bal. like rent. E. 2S7L FURNISHED HOME BARGAIN. 5 rooms, bath, etc., electricity and gas, close to car; $2000, terms. Main 5231. IRVINCTOX HOUSES. EAST BJ4. B. T. STREET. IRV, AGT. "REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. CLOSE-IX bargain on 30th and East Mor rison ; 7-room house, good barn on the property, suitable to make a small cot tage; large lot 83 feet by 100; lot alone worth the price asked, only $3600; $1000 cash, balance long time; place is gooa for a loan of $2000; walking distance. On East ith and Holman, just north of Alnsworth, 3 rooms, plastered and finished In basement; four good rooms on main floor, 2 finished rooms in attic, two lots 100x106, lots of fruit and ber ries; this is a good corner; price $2050; terms. CorneT of Alnsworth and 14th street, fine modern 5-room bungalow with a lot 100x100. fruit and berries; this bun galow has full basement, fine bathroom, two toilets, finished attic. THE THOS. VIGARS CO., 270 Stark. .Main 3052. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS RESIDENCE. Splendid high-class home, on 70x125 foot lot, overlooking river, city and mountain snow peaks, at east and north; 7 large, airy rooms and maid s raoiri, ln finished attic; 2 sleeping porches. 2 fireplaces, furnace heat, fine basement, etc . architecture and plumbing unsur passed ; neighborhood and general sur roundings finest In. the city; hundreds of prize rose bushes; a concrete garage, paved streets, wide porches for sight seeing; electricity, gas, etc., add to the home comforts. Survey and make your own appraise ment and you will agree that the jjrlca of $10,000 is quite below the actual value. Shown only by personal appointment with Frank McFarland, agent for the owner, 002 Yeon bldg. Mam 3372. IRVINGTON Model home, situated In a nook, massed with flower beds, arched per gola, draped with vines; sun room, liv ing, dining and breakfast room can be thrown Into one as a whole, by large French doors; all in ivory, rubbed to a satin finish; 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch and garage; only $7500. ' No agents, please. s EAST 1347. SUBURBAN HOME. 6-room 'bungalow, sleeping porch, large front porch, full basement, city water, electric lights, gas, telephone ; 1 acre highly improved, all kinds of fruits, grapes, strawberries, etc. Nice lot of rosea and shrubbery, good garage, chick en house and yard; located on rock road near station and school, S miles from Portland. Owner ln business in- another town, has told us to sell this desirable home at once. The price la very re a sonable. TUCKER & SCHRECK. 502 Spalding bldg. HOMESEEKERS. LOOK! YOUR RENT AND LIVING PRACTIC ALLY FREE. MODERN 4-FLAT BUILDING AT 1035 RODNEY AVE. ONE FLAT COM PLETELY FURNISHED INCLUDED IN PRICE OK $S500. SPLENDID LOCA TION, PAVED STREETS, SEWERS. ETC INCOME $100 PER MONTH. $3f 00 CASH REQUIRED. BALANCE 6 PER CENT. OWNER. C 11S2. HOME OR PA CIFIC PHO.N'E. EVENINGS. GOING TO CALIFORNIA, MUST SELL. ROE CITY PARK CAR. 6 Rooms and Den $4700. We do know that you will appreciate tne spiennia value in this more than modern heme : hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, cement basement, furnace. etc.; exceptionally large and airy rooms. Let us show you. A: G. TEEPE CO., 204 Stark St.. near . 3d. Main 3516. Main 3002. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. $.1.500 HOMES EEKER. Must sell, owner leit city, orders me to sen at any price nis magniuceni, large, commodious residence situated at 030 E. Ankeny ; carpets on floor, win ter wood in basement. If you want a home at a bargain, away below what was offered lor it 4 years ago, look th.s up. Make appointment to see house. Terms. Auto at your disposal. TAYLOR. 330 Ry. Exch. Marshall 2633. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 Rooms and Sleeping Porch $5500. Folks, here is a splendid home; mod ern to the minute; splendid location ; 1 block tttirth of Sandy; hardwood Louis, fireplace, massive buffet, f u: nace. etc. All large rooms. You will appreciate the real value. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St., near 3d. .Main 3536, Main 3012. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. MODEL BUNGALOW ROSE CITY PARK. This exceedingly attractive bungalow was built 3 years asro under supervision of owner, the very best of materials, east ern oak floors, French doors and plate glass throughout ; large living room 25x 14 ',3, dining room. Dutch kitchen, 2 bed rooms, sun room, Inglenook fireplace, furnace, garage: a delightful home. Price $6000, half cash. AlacIXXES & PRATT. Main 3S0H. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. ACRE. 6-room modern bungalow, sleeping porch, , fireplace, basement, grounds all in cultivation, nice lawn, plenty fruit, garage, chicken house and 50 laying hens; Just across street from city limits. Owner leaving for California. Sacrifice for $310(; bungalow worth more ; one half cash. See Peterson. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth Street, Main 0869. SUNXYSIDE COTTAGE, 6 ROOMS. Located on E. 3!th st., oetween Haw thorne and Sunnyside car lines, the best through street In this district; has good plumbing. Dutch kitchen, electricity and gas. Why pay rent when you can buy this neat cottage for $2300? One-halt cash. J. A. HUBBELL, . J078 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8S02. ROSE CITY 'PARK CAR. 5 ROOMS. BREAKFAST XOoK $3750. Folks, here is a new, nifty, modern bungalow with exceptionally large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cerhent basement, wash trays, etc. All built-in features, thoroughly double con structed; real value: reasonable terms. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3516, Main 3002. Branch otfice 50ih and Sandy. RICHMOND BUNGALOW. j;t50 We challenge you to find a better buy In an S-room modern bungalow: rinse In, all Improvements. We want to prove this, bausmau anu auto at your service. iuoo casti. K. F. FEEMSTER, 309 Abington bldg. ACRE. Good 2-room house, chicken house and runs, all fenced with chicken tight fence, fruit, fine garden, 10 minutes" walk from car line; easy terms; $750. See Peterson, THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 1Q4 Fifth Street. Main 6860. A SNAP Smail papered 3-room house 5 blocks from Peninsula school, water. gas, cement waiK in and paid, ot 50x100; $50 down. $15 a month and Interest. Also trade small ranch near Wi-ilamtna, Or., See owner 4030 70th st. S. E. Alt. Scott car, no agents; price IRVINGTON. Colonial English type, 6 rooms, living room iuxza, oeuroom ana Dam first floor, two bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath second floor; garage; $6250. East 1S47. Deia Hunt. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. . A modern up-to-date five-room bungalow with garage, located in the best part of Rose City Park, on sightly DanK, corner lot. ftoxiuo: price S4750. terms. C. A. Wagner Co.. 230 Stark Btreet, between f irst and Second ets. "COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOME." 6 splendid rooms, well furnished, very neat, ready to step rignt in; good aur round Ings: terms ; $3650. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. SfiTH AND HAWTHORNE. KOSE CITY Spacious bungalow, east front. corner, 50x100, 9-ft. parking, 520 E. 48th st. N., 2 blocks from Sandy; five rooms. attic, hardwood floors, furnace, fireo ace. fruit trees, chicken coop; $2000 cash, bal ance terms to suit. $4750 ONE acre, seven-room house, garage, chicken house, cherries, peaches prunes, apples, grapes and berries; close to school, also Franklin high school and car service, terms. 2614 67th st. S. E. $2500 LEAVING, QUICK POSSESSION. Five rooms and bath, lot 50x135, fruit, garden space, flowers, poultry houses and yards, near car, fine mountain view, east front. Owner, Tabor 3426. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 4-room cottage on Hljoic Bi-i acw iic, "aim lIIKLrUClS us to sell at the extremely low price of $3500 on reasonable terms. See ATCHISON. 204 Henry b'dg. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 3C E. 46th st. N.. 1 blocks sou'h of Sandy blvd., 5 rooms, modern, flnUhed In old Ivory; fireplace, furnace, cement basement; porch, garage. East 2S71. NEWLY PAINTED VACANT. $200 cash: 5-rm. modern plumbing, full basement, paved sts. and sewer; onlv $2375. Go look! 027 Williams ave., then phone Main 4803. NOW VACANT $2000. 6-room house, newly painted; in fine shape. E. 30th and Burnside. East 2S71. FOR SALE Dandy 4-room home and two lots, Imps., 2 bJocks car; $1800. 404 McKay bldg. FOR SALE. Five-room home, new, 62d avenue S. E. Phone Main 474, Mr. Palmer. HAWTHORNE AVE. BARGAIN. 6 rooms, finished attic, close to car, swell location; $35J)0, terms. Main 5231. $6500 FOR $5000 7-room modern, Belmont mt ' ral fart' Inniti-a Main -Bill REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. 6-ROOM furnished bungalow, Wilton car pets, inlaid linoleum, first-class furni ture and hangings, fireplace, gas ranjie and water heater, furnace, a bumlance coal and wood : screens nil doors and windows, fruit trees, rosebushes, shrub bery; !ot 50x10: 60-foot improved street: room for garage: price $5500; would consider improved corner lot, bulnnee cash, for equity $3200. Owner 102'J East Broadway. ALAMEDA PARK. Swiss chalet; rare architecture, beauti ful gorhic window giving panoramic view of city; interior finished in splendid good taste, hardwood floors, two fireplaces, bullt-ln conveniences, double garage, bal cony commands view unsurpassed; photo at our office; an attractive, refined home. Price $S5"0; $3000 cash. COE A. McKENNA CO.. S2 4th St. MT. TABOR SWELL HOME. Fine, modern It-room house, 4 fireplaces, furnace, built-ins. 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, library; attic; on fine corner loox 100, with elegfint view : liens all paid ; worth $14,001), will sacrifice for $0000, on easy terms. N. W. corner 53d and Morri son. GRUPPI & BENNETT. 31S Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. ONE of Portland's best Heights homes, close In, full unobstruct Ible mountain view, four bedrooms, with two baths, dressing rooms, pleeping porches, two maids' rooms with one bath, hot water heat; mahogany woodwork. all oak fioora: price $30,000. lietiidcnce phone. Main 3300 Suburban Domett. 2 ACRES $2650 TERMS. WITH MODERN BUNGALOW. A great big snap. Built 4 years ago, -very attractive, 0 rooms, fireplace, big porch, wood shed, garape, chicken fenc ing, etc.; fruit trees, all kinds of berries, pretty grove, fine well ; near Powell A'alley road, only 2.1-minute drive. KASER & RAINEY. R23-6 Gasco Bldg. Marshall 3125. A GENTLEMAN'S SUBURBAN HOME. 8.34 acres on paved highway, 7 miles out; auto stage by the door. city, tele phone. 6-room plastered bungalow with spleudld fireplace 2-story barn 20x32. and 2-story chicken house 10x32: 6 acres in the highest state of cultivation; as sorted orchard of approximately 100 treps bearing; price $ii:00; $1500 cash, bal. as you like it. Photos at office of Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays and evening. OX CAPITAL HIGHWAY. Fine .suburban homo on the pave ment, close to electric transportation lots of fruit trees, in A-l shape. 5-room cottage, with good plumbing, fruit base ment; lce lawn, garage and large chick en house. Price $3Soo. $1600 cash. Per snnHlly inspected, photo at office. John f rTgusnn, Lieringer Plug. ATTRACTIVE T-ROOM BUNGALOW. Located convenient to car, 12c com mutation fare; acre In apples, prunes, pears, plum, peaches and grape arbor, county road; fireplace and plumbing' a verv fine place ; personally Inpectd. Photo at office. Price $2SoO, $1400 cash. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. O.VLY FIVE MILES FROM PORTLAND. 23 acres, located close to 82d street, nice attractive building site; creek and shade trees. 18 acres under cultivation; all can be cultivated: orchard: price $45t0, $1000 cash. Personally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlingpr bldg. FOR SALE by owner, ten acres, adjoins the city of Portland, well improved, two large barns, garage, 5-room bungalow, looo prune and apple trees, runs for looo chickens. Bull Run water and gas. Will make terms at room 725 Imperial hntol. Peal estate agents need not call. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME, and acreage, well located, near car line, from $Us00 up. Inquire third house north of Risley station, on Oregon Cit car line, sign "Alder Brook.'; 1 ACRE and 7-room house; fruit, berric-: city water and macadam road. If you want something real good for only $3150 let me show you this. 015 C. of C. bids TWO ACRES near car, magnificent view. house, gas. electricity: close in; i?i.o easy terms. Dubois, S04 Spalding Jbldt. For Sale Business Property. FACTORY site, 2 acres. 3-story building, water power $0 per horsepower yearly ; location. Willamette valley; suitable for furniture factory or fruit cannery; one half value. G 5 IS. Oregonian. QUARTER block on trackage. East Water .---!..-, nnl llu vtt Vim HM street, oeiwc-u bridges, sacrifice, easy terms. Owner, X F.3. Oregonian. VACANT lot In South Portland; desirable business corner, .Main jju.i. Fruit und Nut Lands. REAP EVERY WORD. WALNUT AND FRUIT FARM. 32 acres, 5 miles from Ne wberg. Or. : hard surtace road right to door. There are 14 acres set to walnuts 300 trees), 12 vears old; estimated yield this crop 12 000 pounds; 750 trees finest commer cial apples, 10 years old; estimated yield this crop 3000 boxes; 12 filbert nuts, 12 years old; 00 cherry trees, 10 years; 150 prunes, 2 years; balance ln futility fruit trees, cherries and grapes. Large, fair house, bath and toilet; hot and cold water; a grand barn; 2 good wells of finest water : gas engine and pump, 1000-gal. tank; chicken houses and run for 300 chickens. This orchard is sit uated right in center of the famous New berg and Dundee fruit and nut district, and from an honest productive stand point is readily worth $025 per acre, but owner Is Retting old and wishes to move away and has instructed us to sell at $525 per acre, including crop, or $42.'. per acre without crop. One-half cash, balance long time on mtg. This Is with out question the most staple buy ever offered. Aliow us the opportunity of proving every word of the above. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. EXCEPT ION A L bargain ; productive 10 acres, near Eugene: commercial orchard, good buildings. $3500; terms. Owner, 141 East 0!th North. For Sale Acreage. FIXE CHICKEN RANCH. Five acres- located close to electric depot. 12c commutation fare. 30 minutes out. county road, all the land can be cul tivated, t 2 acres under cull i vat ion. acre pasture, bah.n.-e standing timber; 5-room house, large new barn, chicken house, good well, price $1700 with 2 horses, chickens, harness, hack, farming tools brooder and other equipment; $5o0 cash. Personally inspected. Photo at office. Anderson, witn John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 4 ACRES. CLOSE IN. $100 DOWN. East side, near S2d st. ; paving ; less than miles from 4th and Washington; sightly ; good soil ; no rock or gravel ; light clearing.. Price $10; terms. Will divide or put in more land. Unexcelled opportunity for Investment or country home. Work in town, live in the country. J C. COKBIN CO.. 305-6-7-8 Lewia bldg. BIG BARGAIN. 10 acres fronting on Capital highway, mile south of Tigard, $225 per acre; no trade. GIBSON, 208 Stark. Marshall 12. LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Tracts, 5 acres up. loca ted within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby; buy on your own terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. $50 DOWN. $12.50 MONTHLY. Fine. level. 20-acre tract of logged-off, unimproved land, vicinity of Hilisboro. $87.50 per acre; fine soil, running stream. Wo have three of these tracts left. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays and evenings. 6000 ACRES In southwestern Washington for sale to settlers oniy: eusy terms, low price. $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map show ing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. REAL BARGAIN WEST SIDE. 27 acres ; 0 miles frofn center Port land: 7 acres have been tilled; 2-room house; chicken house ; abundance of water; wood ; $75 per acre. Mure land if desired. Near school. Terms. A I soil. J. C. COKBIN CO., 305-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. 15 ACRES on county road. 5 minutes to hjrd surface, j. minutes- want to Gresham carline, 30 minutes by auto to courthouse. Portland,, Fine view, close to school, $225 per acre, pa rt cleared, bent soil. F. VV. Hill, owner. 1112 Gasco bldg. ONLY $150 DOWN. One acre, located two block.- from car and d;pot, Oregon City line; nice shade trees, fine building place ; price $650; long-time easy payments on bal ance. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. TWO acres ,on Base Line road. 2 1 miles east 01 Aiontavi.ia, uiocks rrom ai t. Hood car; Bui I Run water, fruit trees, loganberries and grapes; good wire fence; shack SxlO. Owner at 585 E. 25th Bt. S., or call Main 5471. NICE 8-acre tract, convenient to two car lines; may ne reniea oy tne year; chick ens and incubators for sale. P 634, Ore gonian. CLOSE-IN acreage, extra good soli; car service, improvements. owner, Broad way 4iS3. FOR Oregon City line acreage, improved or unim proved, see Jonn Brown, 324 Railroad Exchange bldg. Mar. 3331. FOR SALE acre, under cultivation; terms and price call Main 8305. WE want acreage homes, buyers waiting; supply is running low. 404 McKay bldg. OUR 5. 10. 15, 20 and 40-acre homes will aatlsiy you. u Aicivay uiug. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. LOOK AT THIS. BEST buy in the country, 10 acres near Oresham, on good count y road and car line, all in cultivation, best of soil, and In truck garden this year; 3 acres of this land raised over 50 tons of cucumbers this scai-ou, that will give an Idea of what the land is ; good family oi chard, good buildings and fences; only $45UO, terms. C. J. CULLISOX II EAL ESTATE CO., 205 "a Morrison Street. ABOUT looo chickens, P beautiful pigs, 10 gese, 10 ducks, 3-venr-old Jersey year ling steer, $050 worth of real eslat, fenced and cross-fenced, city water Piped to each corral und barn. This stuff will invoice, at a modest figure, at $370o. Will be sold at modest iigure of $2250. Am forced to move. AV 610, Oregonian. For Sale Farm-. VALLEY FARMS. 113 acres, extra choice, rolling, high land; SO acres high state of cultivation, bal. timber; creek, spring, well, orchard, walnuts, etc.. hopyaid. hophouse, 7-room dwelling. bath, toilet, hot and cold water, 2 barns; 21 mlh8 Portland, 8 miles New berg. 1 1i miles Ry. sta. This farm Is one of the very best in the valley. Price $140 per acde, $15,S20; terms. 320 acres; 220 acres In cultivation, bal. timber and pasture; running water, new bungalow, barn and out un I idlugs ; 4d hi lies Portlnad, 2 miles Yamhill; 73 per acre, and worth It; terms. SO acres : 35 acres in cultivation, bal. pasture and timber: rolling land ; creek, springs. 5-room house, .barn, outbuild ings; 10 miles to Portland, I mile paved highway, Ry. Fta. 1 lt miles, 2 "4 miles Sherwood; price $5250. half cash. This Is an exceptionally good buy 50 minutes out of Portland. 30 acre.', 20 acrps In cultivation, 8 acres pasture. 2 acres timber; 7-room house, 2 barns, root house; level, choire land; 1 miles Kecdville, 15 miles Port land; $0"ou, $20O0 cash, bat. mortgage. 10 acres, near B averton. Or. ; hal f clear, hal. pasture ; 4-room house, barn, chicken houte, creek, wed. Price $2000, half cash. It. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 4th st. Open Sunday. Main 821U. ON EM I LEO F RIVER FRONTAGE. 2o 6 acres of practical ly level land, first-class soil; thousands of acres of outrange: M-room bungalow, plastered, w it h complete modern plumbing; hugo cobblestone fireplace; another larne house ond two largo barns, splendid orchard; a well-built vehicle ferryboat on cables affords considerable Income from this place and Is Included in the price, namely XI 1,000; $iiooo cash. bal. us you will. This is positively one of the best stock propositions we have ever heard of .photos at office. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sunduys and evenings. . HiO-ACRE Minnesota farm. $71)04; with .1 horses and 4 cows, hogs, poultry, wag ons, buggies. harness. complete line implements, on Jefferson highway, 1 miles K R. town. High cultivation til lage, heavy producing haylots. pasture, wood, fruit. Good ll-room house, stock barn, granary, corn, hog. Ice, poultry houses. Owner made his money here, wishing to retire. males low price $7004 for everything, easy terms. Details page S5 fall cut a log farm bur gains, Maine to Florida and west to Nebraska, copy free. Strout Farm Agency. 20S BK Plymouth bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. DO YOU KNOW That 20 or 40 ncres nt San Joaquin will make you Independent? Fine city start ed. S. P. rutii through property, lo the man who knows the full value of soil and water will say; Get In now. Term easy : $ 17.50 per acre cash, balance ten years. Soli certificate for your protec tion. This add. Is exactly as represented. Free trip by auto; make reservations. SEEING IS BELIEVING. Free booklet on request. VALLEY GARDEN FARMS AGCY. Exclusive representatives. 220 14th st., Oakland. Cal. FOR" PALE ii Y0 W NIC lt-I0u acres. 10 In cultivation. balance in timber and stumps; about $:'.onO worth of timber, several fine springs nnd creek; this la-id Is ideal for walnuts, filberts, all kl:n! of berrios and fruit or will make sn A-l dairy cr sheep ranch, all fenced and s.'eileJ to grass, on macadam road. 1 li miles from paved road, 1 1 to ichool, 21. to It. R.. 12 to Portland. Will sob divide; price $15,000. G. N. Suger, Giesham. Or. Phone Farmer S3. " FOR QUICK SALE. My beautiful farm. H mi lea from court house on the Powell valley road, consist ing of 10 acres of hlnhly cultivated soil; 6-room modern bungalow with city conveniences ; large barn and other out buf;dlnR. all farm Implements, chickens and cow ; Im me 1 Into poss-'-ion : price $ 1 2.500, terms 4.501m cash, bal. 8 year. Applv 777 Sandy blvd., apt. 12. Phone B 7112. IRRIGATED SO ACRES. PAID-UP WATER RIGHT. SO acres, nil under fence, oo-aera paid up water right, good s.-t of buildings; on good auto road 1 "r miles to R. R. sta tion, can plant the whole place In al falfa if desired; price only $5000, $25oo cash. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK St. BROADWAY 4133 FOR SALE 3 large wheat farms in eastern Ore gon; wh improved und abundance of water; from 2 to 5 miles of a Rood town. If you want farms, stock ram lies, tim ber land, cattle, sheep or goats, seo us. If you want to sell your farm or city property, list it with us. Campbell Phe lan Land & Cattle Co., 3dl -2 Couch bldg., Portland, Or. Phone Main 8osU. NO W I y T fl E T I M IC A N I HERE LS A GOOD PLACE FOR YoU. 52-at re farm, 5-room house, barn, good family orchard of all kinds of fruit, some good pasture, enough wood for family use. less than 20 miles of Port land; all good soli; one of the best places fur the nionev. Price $5500. STEWART & BUCK, ;i7 N W. Jtatijt bldg. 42 ACRES NEAR TIGARD. ONLY 11 MILES OUT. 42 acres, 32 acres In cultivation, 5 rnnm house, large barn, good family or chard, first-class soil; if you want a farm at half price don't pass this up; price $t500, half cash. Draper & Cal way. 521 Chamber of Commerce. FOR S A LE. Some very fine cattle ranches, wfth or without cattle; prices from $30,000 to $4"O.0'MV CAM PBELL-PH ELAN LAND & CATTLE COMPANY, Phnn Main ROM. Portland. Or. CRANBERRY marsh, 12 acres, two henr ing. remainder unimproved ; also 2S acres, mostly woodland, four-room house, cran berry house, other bulldinns. If taken at once crop included; located on railroad nenr Coos Bay. Or. For particulars, ad dreys T. S. Small, Hansen, Or. THE PIKED lands of southwest Washing ton are unexcelled In fertility; have sev eral choice farms for bale, some outsido of dikes; also stock ranches, all sizes; cut-over, logged-oi f and timber lands. See or write Uwronce Perry, P. O. Box 841, Kelso, Wash. 40-ACRE farm In the Washougal country. 5 acres In full bearing pruno orchard. 23 acres In other cultivation, house, barn and other buildings, all fenced, good neighborhood, close to school ; price $4000. terms If desired. Write AH 576, tregonlan. FOR SALE A fine l0-acre farm In high state of cultivation, running water 3 acres of fine bearing orchard; buildings are large and in good condition; 1 mile from town nnd highway. It's a fine horns, $265 an acre. W. It. Putnam, Woodburn. Oregon. A 74 -AC RE farm, well Improved, good buildings, worth $200 per acre. If sold this month goes at $150 per acre; If you are looking for a farm this one Is worth looking at. W. U. Putnam. Woodburn, Oregon. CANADIAN farm for sale. 175 acres. 1 GO acres in cultivation and under Irrigation. Vroom house, barn, granary, fen cod and cross fenced; $2500 cash, balance 17 yra. Owner registered at Builevuo hotel. S. C, Frayer. , -, IIAVE 20 acres land. 20 miles from Port land, some timber, partly furnished house, 2 acres cleared: want 10-hoie motor or small car or small truck; will give or take difference; morlgago $400. O 7, oregonian. $if2 PER acre. 320 seres. $1500 will handle It, Ulliy lineu .ot"- f"i t"4 n. i. town; 80 ucres improved, 120 fi-nred; hnnsH and well. 2U acres can be irri gated. Have water right. Address Ernest lien re ns. owner. Roberts, Idaho. ICO-ACRES, all river bottom, good house, barns, silt, well fenced, family, orchard, on highway. Will sell one-half or nil al $100 per acre; half down; no trade. .1. L. Clark, Independence, Or. cliTcKlTN7"FTlUlT, GARDEN KAlNCHI.S. near Portland, $75 to $2 Ml per acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for sate, ad slues. McFarland, 602 Yeon bldg., Port land. OWNER MUST SELL QUICK m,, acre, half mile from ML Tabor, city limit, berry, fruit ranch, with houtse. borne, auto truck, implements. Phone A 1431. SACRIFICE Willamette foot hi II sy. im proved, excellent soil ; tin media te sa ie. S1050: terms. Owner, evenings only. 141 East 00th North. 5Vj ACRES near Willamina; level, cleared, fenced ; good 3-rm. houso; $ 1 85u, 1 50 cash, $13 month. Jesse It. Sharp, fcj 3d st. LOG0KD-0KK lands, $10 acre up: running water ; good soil, tillable; em ploy meat , easy terms. J. R. Shaip, 83 1 3d st. CRANBF.RRY LAND Come and Join us lit this paying Industry; 5 lo 40-acrc tract-. 404 SicKay bldg. 40 ACRES, 12 cultivated, orchard, spring; $1250, $250 down. fcUi Spalding bldg. V