THE MORNING OREGOXIAN", FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1919. STEEL COIf ROM SE LEADERS AND COUNSEL FOR STEEL STRIKERS, AND HEAD OF U. S. STEEL CORPORATION. REFUSED BY GARY Official Tells Senators Closed Shop Is Issue. TESTIMONY IS COMPLETE Charge That Corporation Employed Foreigners to Prevent Vnion izatlon Is Denied. WASHINGTON. Oct. 1. After stand ing uarrly on Ms assertion that the : Issue in the pending strike through out the steel Industry Is the open shop. Judge Elbert H. Gary, chairman of the board of the United States Heel corporation, completed his testl mony today before the senate labo committee Investigating; the stee controversy. Purine collonuoy with members. : particularly with Senator Walsh democrat. Massachusetts. Judge Gary flatly declared that he could not now ' consider compromise or arbitration. or meet with strikers" representatives. Chara-es of anion labor leaders tha ' the L'nlted States Steel corporation employed many foreigners In orde to prevent the unionizing of its men were denied by Mr. Oary. "But you think foreigners are re sponsible largely for precipitating this striker asked Chairman Kenyon. Tes, but If we had known there was a substantial number of the kind of forelcners who are resorting; to . violence and who. I believe, are unde the leadership of outsiders, we would not have employed them." Senator Phlpps, republican. ColO' rado. asked if it was possible before the war to secure necessary labor without employing foreigners and Mr. Gary replied in tbe negative, add- inr: At no time would we employ man we believed disloyal to this . country, even if it would have been necessary to close down our manu factures." Qaesttoaa rtre4 at Gary. Mr. Gary said that before the con tract labor law became effective It was possible, but not probable, that foreign labor bad been imported. "If you have no unionism." Senator Kenyon asked, "who is going to speak for the men? How can Individuals without unions present their views?" Judge Gary replied that, as has been ' frequently done. Individuals or com mltlees of workmen could present grievances to foremen, superintend ents, managers, or even higher offi cials. "I'd Ilka to know what the differ ence Is between you and the labor unions." Senator. Jones, democrat, New Mexico, said. "Unions are endeavoring to compel employers to contract with them, Judge Gary answered, "and when that is done non-union men cannot be employed." Ceafereare Is Declined. "What good is It for men to belong to unions." said Senator Walsh, dem ocrat. Massachusetts, "if. when they join you refuse to discuss anything with their representatives? "Let's settle this point right here, Senator Walsh said. "Will you confer with any representative of organized labor today to help settle this strike?" "I will not." Judge Gary returned. Asked if he had any suggestion for settlement of the strike. Judge Gary said if peace were maintained, the law upheld and Individuals left free, the employes would settle it them selves. "If you were convinced that 50 per cent of your men were organised and represented would you confer with them?" asked Senator Walsh. "No." said Mr. Gary. "I'm sorry If I differ with you. or with others." "I'm sorry for hundreds of thou sands of suffering families," Senator Walsh retorted. Closed Shop Held lane. Mr. Gary protested that his position bad not been fatrly explained, and added, with careful choice of words: "We put ourselves squarely upon the Issue that this is a question of the open or closed shop. Now as to what will bring about the closed shop we must decide, from time to time, de pending upon the facts presented. - "At the present time the union lead ers have brought about this strike, which is no more nor less than an attempt of a minority to secure con trol of the interests of the large ma jority, including not only tbe em ployers, but the employes." "That's what you aay; they say they represent a majority," Senator Walsh interrupted. "Is there any reason why we should not leave that to arbitration?" Judge Gary protested that he had not been allowed to complete his statement, but Senator Walsh broke . In: Mlaerity Ceatral Charged. "I want to know, yea or no, . . whether you will see any- represents. '.. tives of organised labor. Please an swer that yes or no." "With all due respect." said Judge Gary, with flushed face, "I cannot , . answer yes or no." "If the minority could succeed in securing control." said the witness, "that would bring about the closed shop. Therefore at this particular t time the circumstances are different than ever existed before in this coun . try: . I doubt If you realise the danger of the minority securing control." "I appreciate that," Senator Walsh rejoined, "but I also appreciate the danger of employers refusing to see their workmen." "I havn't." Judge Gary protested vigorously. "I have refused, only to meet outsiders who are trying to or ganise the steel Industry." "If the union leaders should dis claim any intention to establish what you call the closed shop, would you discuss the situation with them now? asked Senator Jones, democrat, New Mexico. Cesaprssalae Flatly Os-Maei. "If they should make such a dis claimer, in good faith even, it would rot aatlsfy me." Judge Gary said, "be--cause I know that leaders who prom ised that would be shortly displaced, and their positions taken over by men who would continue progress toward the closed shop. "I can't discuss the situation from the viewpoint which members of this committee take. I can't talk about arbitration or compromise at this time.".. ."If your policy now Is to refuse to " accept any compromise, we might as well quit now," said Senator Jones. Senator Jones asked for his views regarding'leglslatlon on the general question of corporation control. The witness suggested a federal com mission to charter and reguite cor porations with the commission's ac tion subject to final review by tbe federal courts. Coaeeatratloa Haras Seem. "I recognize." Gary said, "that the power of concentrated capital necea nrl'y involves lbs power to more or if' - " - V 1 iv- " f -,l v t1 I i. -"it v Vv- .': J - jrv : ) it vy:" ' 'I 15. ra 5roi? r undersells uiiiiiiiimiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiid r SELLS FOR CASH" liiimiiiiiiiiiiiMiiuttiiiiiiim'j: Photo copyright by Underwood. Top Joha J. FKspatrle-k. cbalraaaa of the aatlonal committee of organised steel worker, (left) and AVIIIIam B. Rabla, conaael for the strikers, leavlas; the nenale office building arter a grilling by the senate labor committee, which la Investigating the steel strike. Below kludge K. If. Uary, chairman of the Vnlted States Steel cor poration, who ref uaed to accept Leader . Fltspatrick'a offer of arbitration. less harm. I recognise the fact, per sonally, that concentrated capital Is n the hands of dishonest or unfair men. Therefore. I think concentrated capital should be under control and supervision against wrong. I think at the same time that cap ital is subjected to supervision nnd control that concentrated. labor also should be subjected to trontrol of tbe government and of the law."" Senator Walsh asked If Mr. wary would agree that capital' and labor both have "made mistakes," and wnen Mr. Gary answered affirmatively Sen ator Walsh asked: Then Isn't that a reason for arol- tration?" That depends on the circum- tances." Mr. Gary replied. Is the unrest In the country an evil of Itself or the symptoms of a need for a cure of evils?" asked Chairman Kenyon. Both." replied Judge Gary, mere have been evils and wrongs. The war also bas inflamed the minds of men all over the world." England's Example Cited. , Judge Gary said unions In England controlled industry "to the great dam age of the country and she is com pelled to do things that are not good examples for us. "If thev cret control here, ne saia, it will mean the establishment of methods and practices tending to In crease costs and lower production greatly all at the expense of the con aumera. If you leave this situation aione. It will settle Itself." "Do vou think that would go any distance towards settling other strikes In the country?" Senator Kenyon iked. "I certainly do" was the reply. "II certain vicious element is defeated in this country. If it gets no encour agement in its action It will be help ful everywhere In stopping other strikes." . CORVALLIS HAS ROBBERY Western Union Office and Meat Market Entered. CORVALLIS. Or.. Oct. 2. (Special.) The Western Union office of this city was broken into last night and robbed of 1230. The money was In a cash drawer under the counter. The thieves forced the lock on the door and evidently picked the cash drawer lock with a Jong, flat needle, such as threshers use for .sewing sacks of grain. A butcher shop on Second street also was broken Into, the thieves cut ting tbe wire screen doors, tight dol lars and two slabs of bacon were taken. The sheriff Is working on the case tn conjunction with city police, but they bave no clew to the, robbery. 36 AMENDMENTS DOWNED (Continued From Klrst Psire.) - the day's work and the opposition leaders also were claiming a victory on the showing made for their amend ments. They mustered a maximum strength of 11, which, with absentees, would be sufficient, they declared, to Insure the treaty's defeat unless satisfactory qualifications are accepted. Thirty three negative votes on the final roll call .they pointed out, would make Im possible the two-thirds majority necessary for ratification. Morth Dakota Cheered. Under a special agreement speeches on the amendments were limited to five minutes and nearly half the sen ate membership got into the running debate, which occupied most of the day. Only a few senators were ab sent. Once during the debate the rule against applause was broken when a wave of handclapplng followed a speech by Senator McCumber of North Dakota, a republican member of the committee. who pleaded against amendment of the treaty and conclud ed by declaring that no harm could come of America's doing its full duty to the very end. There were only lour rollcalls, all the other amendments being voted down by acclamation. The first rec ord vote stood 30 to 68 against an amendment to eliminate the United States from representation on the commission to adjust the German Belgian boundary. The senate went on record, 31 to 56, against withdraw ing from the Saar basin commission, 28 to 53 against refusing to be a party to the agreements affecting Czecho slovaks, and 31 to 46 against pre cluding this country from the upper Silesia settlement. Two Senators Shift. On the Saar basin amendment Sen ators Jones, republican, Washington, and Thomas, democrat, Colorado, changed to the negative column. There were no other changes except as a result of absence of some sen ators. Senator Thomas again voted in the negative on the Czecho-Slovak amendment and on the upper Silesia amendment Senators Cummins, Iowa Jones, Washington: Kenyon, Iowa Sterling, South Dakota, and Townsend Michigan, swung over to the negative side. The debate developed considerable bitterness. Chairman Lodge of the foreign relations committee drawing fire from the treaty advocates with a speech supporting the general pur pose of the Fall amendments. Wrhlle the world could not doubt America's willingness to come to the aid of civilization whenever it was threat ened, he said. It was not necessary to take part in "every boundary dia pute" of Europe. The Monroe doctrine, declared the committe chairman, would be en forced to prevent the Luropean na tions from interfering with boun daries in this hemisphere, and it was because the United States had not followed that same rule in Europe that the nation now was "disliked and distrusted." Lodge Statements Recalled. To this Senators McCumber, Pom erene, Ohio; Williams, Mississippi and Fletcher, Florida, replied, all of them quoting previous declarations of Senator Lodge and declaring he had faced about after the peace treaty was negotiated. The Saar basin amendment devel oped a lively discussion, during which Senator McCormick, republican, Illi nois, declared the Saar coal fields were to be delivered to France in ful raiment of a secret treaty between that country and Russia, and Senator Borah, republican, Idaho, asserted that while a plebiscite was to be conducted there, the result would have no effect and the leaguewouncil would decide the ultimate sovereignty of the territory. Senator Underwood, democrat, Ala bama, replied that so far as he could see. there could De no oojeccion. even If the Saar basin were to be given to France outright. He reminded sena tors that "France and not Germany was our ally in the war," and said that' for the senate to interfere with the Saar settlement would be to countenance the effort of the Ger man armies to ireeze to aeaw me people of France." Senator rail rejoinea mat wniie this plea for France was "very touch ing." it must be remembered that in addition to the Saar, the coal fields of East Prussia and upper Silesia likewise had been taken away from Germany. - XO SURPRISE, SAYS JOHXSOX CHAMBER RATIFIES PACT FREXCH SEX ATE SOOX TO VOTE OX PEACE DOCUMENT. California Senator Expected Fall Proposals to Fall. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 2. United States Senator Hiram Johnson, In commenting' here on the voting down of Senator Fall's amendments to the peace treaty by the senate today, said: "It was a foregone conclusion that the Fall amendments would be re jected. I expected their defeat by a two to one vote." S. ft H. green stamps for cash, Hol man Fuel company. Main 353, A 3353. Block wood. 4 ft. or short slab wood. Utah and Rock Springs coal; sawdust. tended to provide additional security Adv. . . . , to France from German aggression in Franco-American and Franco-British Treaties Are Unanimous- ly Adopted. PARIS, Oct. 2. The chamber of deputies today ratified the German peace treaty by a vote of 372 to 53. Seventy-three members did not vote. The chamber then took up the treaties between France and the United States and France and Great Britain. The Franco-American and Franco-British treaties were unanimously ratified. A total of 501 votes was cast for the two treaties. November 9 is the date unofficially fixed for the holding of elections. Complete ratification of the Ver sailles peace treaty with Germany by both houses of the French parliament is expected very shortly, possibly within four days. Following today's 'ratification by the chamber of dep uties, the senate will immediately take up the discussion.' The peace committee of that body has already completed its study of the document The debate In the senate is expected in parliamentary circles to be quite short, possibly not exceeding four days. , Discussion Not Lively. The last day's discussion of the treaty in the chamber was without incident or even interest Sixteen speakers occupied two hours in giv ing reasons for the votes they were about to cast. The reasons Inter ested the speakers far more than they did the house, which paid scant at tention to the debate. The majority of the speakers were socialists and their reasons were much the same. Premier Clemenceau was present throughout the session. He showed signs of interest only during the in terlude while the votes .were being counted. He then stood up and was surrounded by deputies, with whom he carried on an active conversation. Ratification of the German peace treaty by the French chamber of dep uties by the decisive vote of 372 to 53 may be considered as assuring the ap proval of tile ersailles peace by the second of the great powers which has voted upon it. Great Britain has al ready, by act of parliament, ratified the treaty and the tormal announce ment of ratification Is only- awaiting the receipt of advices that Australia, the last, of Great Britain's dominions to act upon it, has registered its ap proval.- Japan Awaits IT. S. Aetlen. The approval of three of the great powers, in addition to that of Ger many, Is needed to put the treaty Into effect. There seems likely to be a halt in the process of making the treaty effective, however, for, aside from Great Britain and France, none of the powers whose assent would furnlsh the necessary third ratifica tion appears to be in the way of sup plying it speedily. The United States senate is still debating the treaty with no date set for the vote. Japan, i It has been indicated, will await American action before passing upon the treaty herself, and the dissolution of the Italian parliament. It seems probable, will defer Italian ratifica tion until December at least. Big Majority Notable. A notable feature of the vote by the French chamber was the ma jority of 313 for ratification. The opposition to various clauses of the document which was voiced in the parliamentary debate largely melted away wnen tne time ior a vote ar rived and Premier Clemenceau scored the biggest majority of his career. The Franco-American treaty rati fied by the chamber Is the convention negotiated by President Wilson short ly before he left ranee, tt. is tn Mrs. Sarah -E. Parker Feels Like a New Person Since Taking Tanlac. "I've never seen or heard of any medicine that's as good as this Tan lac," said Mrs. Sarah E. Parker of 141 Fargutt street, Portland, . Oregon, when seen the other day. "Two years ago I began suffering from attacks of acute Indigestion and my condition kept getting worse," continued Mrs. Parker. "Everything I would eat distressed me terribly. Finally my appetite left me complete ly and I could hardly stand even the sight of food on the table. My circu lation was in awful condition and I would feel cold and chilly nearly all the time.' At night my legs would often get cramped and I would bave to sit up in bed for an hour or more and rub them to get the circulation going. Lots of times I would have to use a hot application or some sort of liniment before I could straighten them out. My skin had a yellowish color, which showed that I was in a weak, - run-down condition. I had terrible aches and pains in my back. I suffered badly from constipation and that caused me to have awful headaches and dizzy spells. I had pains between my shoulder 'blades that were frightful. I felt weak all over and at times I could hardly drag myself about the house. I took cold easily; just the slightest change in the weather would make me feel mis erable.. "I read of Tanlac In the paper and thought perhaps it might help me. So I got a bottle and, sir, be fare I had finished a third of the bottle I could tell I was on the road to recov ery. I took four bottles in all and can now say I'm a well woman. My Indigestion and stomach trouble left me right away and I began to get back my strength. I eat anything I want now and have already gained about fifteen pounds. My blood has been purified and my circulation has improved. I don't suffer from consti pation or from headaches or dizzy spells any more. That yellowish cast has left my skin and it has a good color now. The pains In my back and between my shoulder blades have all gone. I've got more energy about me than I've had In years and I just tell you I feel like a new woman. I'm very grateful to Tanlac and I've told all my friends the wonderful good It has done me." Tanlao is sold in Portland by the Owl Drug Company. Adv. case the stipulations for the Ver sailles should not at first provide ade- S quate safety and protection to France. The treaty stipulates that the United States "shall be bound to come tame- iZ diately to her (France's) assistance in the event of any unprovoked move- ment of aggression against her being maae oy oermawy. I Unmatchable Underpriced Offerings In Seasonable Merchandise of Thoroughly 5 Dependable Quality Especially Arranged for Our , 1 986th Bargain Friday This Great Store (fWith its spacious Aisles and . Selling Sections, away from the more crowded and higher rent districts, is an efficient business plant whose expenses are extremely low. OThis house, with its high standing in the markets, is able to secure many price ad vantages which are passed on to our patrons and we are especial ly favored in matters of quality and style. Our large volume of business permits, indeed, of a very reasonable margin of profits, maintaining always a high standard of quality and endur ing worth. "WE UNDERSELL BECAUSE WE SELL FOR CASH" CBe a Regular Attendant at Our Weekly Bargain Friday Sale. IT PAYS Here Is an Out-of-the-Ordinary Showing and Sale of . Women's Fall Suits I at $34.50 , 1 1$ An admirable selection, of splendid fall and winter models which makes provision for every seasonable pur- pose. The fashionable woman will be delighted to find here so fine an assortment of garments of fabrics in high favor 5 POPLINS TRICOTINES SERGES CHECK VELOURS AND MIXTURES 1 J Smart, clever styles in all sizes from 16 to 44 ; also a few E fashionable stouts in sizes to 50 a sale that gives con- vincing proof that fashion and economy can be closely allied. E Popular Styles In House Dresses, Qft Ginghams and Chambrays at 4'0 I Thoroughly dependable and correct in style House E Dresses of fine ginghams and chambrays in neat patterns in blues, reds and grays underpriced for Friday's sale E at $2.98. FOCH'S APPEAL EFFECTIVE Address to British Soldiers Dictated by Frenchman AVing. PARIS. (Correspondence of the As sociated Press.) An appeal to the British soldiers dictated by the then General Foch asking: them to remerrf ber .their forefathers' "victory over Napoleon Inspired them to attack the Germans and recover the ground they had lost before the ras wave at the second battle of Ypres, writes Colonel Feyler in the Journal De Geneve. Before the asphyxiating: gas both British and French had been obliged to give ground. The then General Foch Intended to recover the former positions at.: all costs, according- to Colonel Feyler. .He asked General Sir John French-: to co-operate with him. "Impossible," replied French, "my m-:n 'are ready ro hold here, but I do not feel that I can demand of them in their present condition fur ther sacrifices in attacking:." Foch expressed, surprise. 'Their morale is low," he said, "why don't you launch a proclamation? Some thing: like this: 'British soldiers for ward. You who have vanquished the great Napoleon, shall it coma to pass that you will permit the lowly Ger man to drive you from your positions and retain them." "How Is that?" asked French great- ly interested. "Please repeat it." 3 And at the dictation- of Foch, French wrote out the proclomation which was given out to the troops the next day. The next morning- the British sol- diers hit the line and recovered all the E lost ground. MEN! Profit by This Sale of Coat-Style Negligee Shirts at $1.39 Black and White Stripe Patterns. In All Sizes 14 to 17 Yz I Another great money saving opportunity brought to you by our Bargain Friday Sale a special underpricing of a fine line of Negligee Shirts in coat, style, with attached starch cuffs they come in assorted black and white stripe pat terns and in all sizes, 14 to 17V, and the price for this sale will be $1.39 each or 2 for $2.75. Here's a Great Special Purchase and Sale of Women's Fashionable Neckwear I About Three Hundred Sample Pieces and Sets in Up-to-the. $ Minute Styles and Materials Vestees, Sets and Collars, AH in One Great Lot at One Price tj Our window displays will give you a good idea of the unusual beauty of E 1 mis assortment ana a personal inspection at our counters will disclose the unusual saving that will accrue to you. REGULAR SELLING FIGURES ARE FOURTH TO HALF MORE THAN FRIDAY'S SALE PRICE $ Feminine charm and daintiness are expressed in a never-ending assort ment of clever styles included are Beautiful Vestees in fine Satin, Bengaline and Silk Poplins in plain colors and "rich novelties. Vestees, Sets and Collars in endless array clever styles in Georgette Crepes, Nets, Laces and many other dainty materials. J Neckwear that you can wear for many days to come, and they are certainly a prime investment at the price quoted for Bargain Friday's Sale $1 FOR CHOICE Come early. .00 FOR dJk CHOICE -i In the Domestic Section 25 c A Great Bargain Sale "ITCHING PALMS" FOUND Rome Vendors, 'Gidcs," Beggars "Work" Pershing Staff. ROME, Sept. 1. (Correspondence of the Associated Press. "Itching palms" were extended to the enlist ed personnel attached to General Pershing's staff during: the American commander-in-chief s visit to Rome. Cab drivers, professional guides, pro fessional beggars, novelty vendors and guide book sellers preyed upon the American doughboys with avid ity. One soldier paid. $5 to be driven from the station to St. Peter's, a trip ordinarUy costing 40 cents or, by trolley, 4 cents. Professional guides reaped vest at the Coliseum and at St. Peter's, where they played the part of "con fidence" men by offering to take the soldiers to parts of these monuments not ordinarily open to the public. A guide at the Coliseum exacted J4 for taking three privates and a sergeant through the upper tiers, while an other guide at St. Peter's demanded IT for taking two boys through the Vatican museum, both of which are free to the public. A cab drived agreed to take three privates over the ancient Appian Way for tt. He took the mon a trip of the city of Rome for about an hour, told them they had seen all and de manded hia fare, which they paid. BELGIAN ROYALTIES LAND Continued From First Pare ) Has Been Arranged One of Unlimited -Saving Possibilities to Thrifty Women At This Special Price You Have Choice From Special Lots and Broken Assortments in Percales sSgdFlannels 1 - 1- r - o Popular Color Combinations for KXTRA! Special For Friday! 300 Household Brooms at 69c I In our Basement A sale of Household Brooms of good size and quality. The "Roberts Special" priced as a trade win ner at 0J. - 4 . Both Light and Dark Colored Patterns A Good Durable Quality In Light and Dark Colors Plaid Dress l!Muslins s and Children's Garments Of Standard Finish and Fine Wearing Quality 1CXTRA! i Special For Friday! 16-oz Bottle Cedar Polish 25c JTIIn our Basement -A sale of a limited number of 16-oz. bottles of Ce d a r P o 1 i s h f or cleaning and polishing wood work, floors and autos. 4 15 EXTRA! $4 For Wool Finish Plaid Blankets hi Full Double Bed Size T I Here is a splendid opportunity to purchase at less than real worth rLlI fine Pair of Wol Finisn Blankets, either in plaid style or plain gray or tan they are extra heavy and come full size for double beds. 4 Si I! American soil, the king of the Bel gians desires to express to the people of the United States the great pleas ure with which the queen and him self are coming to its shores at the invitation of President Wilson. "The king brings to this nation of friends the testimony of the profound sentiment and gratitude of his coun trymen for the powerful aid. moral and material, which America gave them in the course of the war. The name pf the commission for the relief of Belgium will live eternally in the memory of the Belgians. "The king rejoices at the prospect of visiting the cities whose hearts fought with ' the cities of Belgium, and whose continual sacrifices knew no measure. He happily will be able to meet the eminent citizens who. animated by the highest thoughts, placed themselves at the head of or ganisations for relieving the suffer ings of the war. - "The American people, their splen did army and their courageous navy powerfully served a great ideal." Store Opens at 8 :30 A.M. Saturday at 9 A. M. The Most in Value The Best in Quality Store Closes at 5:30 P.M. Saturday at 6 P.M. SmiMiMiuimimimiiimiiHiiiitimiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimmimimmiiMmiium British May Recognize Lithuania. WASHINGTON. Oct. 2. Cable grams from Paris, the Lithuanian executive committee in Washington announced today, report mat me British government has promised provisional recognition to Lithuania. Recognition, il - sional on convocation i ni..w..i assembly. t s r.nke of Nevada, Tex., recently celebrated his 82d birthday and now he is a bridegroom. His bride is Mrs. Morgan. 73. mother of Jack Morgan, city marshal of Nevada. The two were sweethearts in Mississippi in their youth. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Resident Manager j. J To Handle This Territory VV anted With Headquarters in his Town ARGE Manufacturing company wants an ambi tious, determined man with a little capital who is able to promote sales and direct salesmen. A permanent profitable business. Address THE NU-EX CO., Columbus, Ohio